#Blackkklansman Film
blkinfilm · 8 months
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
Instagram: blkinfilm
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zacksnydered · 6 months
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BlacKkKlansman 2018 ‧ Dir. Spike Lee
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emprcaesar · 5 months
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rewatched blackkklansman and i forget how beautiful this movie is. it’s funny and celebrates black culture while still being serious and telling the honest truth of the black experience in america. but i expect nothing less from spike lee. also the costume design is great even though it’s very simple. love the soundtrack. AND laura harrier looks incredible.
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i love the scene between ron and flip when they get the klan membership card and flip talks about how he never thought about being Jewish but now it’s all he can think about. about rituals and heritage. that is such a well known experience for people who never experienced out right racism until later in their life. i am ethnic and grew up with people who looked and sounded like me with the same culture as me which made me not think of my culture and heritage really. and then i went to a high school in a different town and i experienced racism and all i could think about is how different i was and how i looked and was raised different.
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of course the man the myth who it’s all based on!!!
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BlacKkKlansman (2018)
Director: Spike Lee
Cinematographer: Chayse Irvin
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adamdforever · 1 year
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Friday mood 😎
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velveys · 19 days
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Blackkklansman (2018)
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nellarw95 · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Spike 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
March 20,1957
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
20 Marzo 1957
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b-oovies · 1 year
Infiltrado na Klan, 2018.
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aqui apenas legendado.
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dweemeister · 4 months
“Blut Und Boden (Blood and Soil)” from BlacKkKlansman (2018) – composed by Terence Blanchard
Jazz trumpeter/composer Terence Blanchard has been a frequent collaborator with Spike Lee down the years, with his score to BlacKkKlansman perhaps the work garnering him the most notice outside of jazz and classical music circles. Blanchard has since gone on to become the first African American composer to debut an opera at the Metropolitan Opera.
In the film, Ron Stallworth (John David Washington) and fellow Detective "Flip" Zimmerman (Adam Driver) attempt to infiltrate a local branch of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in order to prevent a planned terrorist attack. In this cue played just before the closing moments of BlacKkKlansman, Blanchard provides the clearest, emotionally moving statement of his motif for protagonist Detective Ron Stallworth (listen for the line shared between strings and electric guitar) and has shorn the motif for white supremacist/KKK Grand Wizard David Duke (Topher Grace) to a snare drum line.
The title of this cue is derived from a nineteenth century German slogan that became popular in Nazi Germany. But the true reason for the cue's title is because the film ends with footage from the 2017 United the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The footage shows white supremacists and neo-Nazis chanting “Blut Und Boden” in promotion of their horrific ideology and the attack on counterprotesters which resulted in the murder of Heather Heyer (there is a tribute to Heyer in the penultimate frame before the end credits).
BlacKkKlansman was nominated for six Academy Awards, and won once, for Best Adapted Screenplay (Spike Lee's first competitive Oscar win, shared with Charlie Wachtel, David Rabinowitz, and Kevin Willmot). The film was also nominated for Best Film Editing, Supporting Actor (Driver), Director (Lee), Original Score (Blanchard), and Best Picture.
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zacksnydered · 6 months
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BlacKkKlansman 2018 ‧ Dir. Spike Lee
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movie--posters · 1 year
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mydarkapron · 7 months
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╳ Spike Lee
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cinematitlecards · 1 year
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"BlacKkKlansman" (2018) Directed by Spike Lee (Biography/Comedy/Crime)
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imalloutofgin · 11 months
Uni went back and my life fell apart again... (more mini reviews because I suck at this).
Lord of War (2005): I liked this a lot. It really had me hooked. The characters were interesting and I liked the surreal elements. Also, guns, haha. 4/5 stars.
One Night In Soho (2021): Fun film, but I felt like it kind of lost it's way at the end. Maybe it tried to go a bit too big with it? Things really escalated. But I loved the story and the way the two worlds wound together. The music and the fashion had me gripped. 3.5/5 stars.
BlacKkKlansman (2018): This movie was very clever, funny, and a really good time to watch. It was also hard hitting when it needed to be and had something to say. It loses one point for potentially being copaganda. 4/5 stars.
Sorry to Bother You (2018): The lighting though! And beyond that, an interesting story told well that really gripped me. Completely off the wall in parts. An enjoyable film to watch. 4.5/5 stars.
Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991): How Not to Make a Film - The Movie. I really enjoyed this as someone who is trying to work in the industry. 4/5 stars.
Madoka Magica Movie 1 (2012): I am pretty sure this is the one I watched. I watched the series and then the film back to back and was a big fan. This anime has an art style like no other, and is an interesting critique of the magical girl genre - whether or not it was intended in that way I'll leave up to you to decide. 3.5/5 stars.
Perfect Blue (1997): People absolutely rave about this film and I did like it, but I think maybe it was over hyped. I love the surrealism and the animation style, and I love the visual elements and the darkness to it. A scathing view of idoldom that I feel is still relevant today. However, it ends in a way that kind of undoes some of that work and that was a bit of a let down. 3/5 stars.
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014): Yeah, no, perhaps I've been spoiled for fight choreography recently but this didn't really do it for me. It was also very... conservative? The main guy is deffs a Torrie. Absolutely not for me. I did like the fight scene in a church though. 1.5/5 stars.
Tár (2022): I need to watch this film again to properly develop my thoughts so perhaps I'll write a long review about this later... I liked some of it, and felt like it was at least attempting to be a critique of people in positions of power... bur then it also kind of seemed to not do that. The music was really interesting and the main character unraveling was quite compelling. I'll watch it again and see what I think as we watched this at an outdoor cinema and I feel like we missed most of the movie. 3/5 stars.
You Were Never Really Here (2017): That was a lot. I loved how colourful this film was, I don't feel like you see enough of that in these kidnap/abduction movies. Brutal, visceral, intense. I cried a little bit. It's been a while since I saw it so I can't remember why I only gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars... but I do think it's not quite a 5 star film from memory, but very close. 4.5/5 stars.
John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023): This is my least favourite John Wick film. I feel like after the last one they were trying to go even bigger, but they couldn't really find a way to do that. Some things just felt a bit silly... there was too many bad guys waiting to take their turn fighting Mr. Wick instead of running in to kill him. The fight choreography of 3 outshone this one, in my opinion, and they re-used some old character types and just changed them slightly. Donnie Yen did a kick ass job though, and I loved some of the gags they used with this character - like the doorbells. Still, a fun film I enjoyed watching. 3/5 stars.
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