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According to 2016 U.S. data bladder cancer mostly affects older people. About 90% of people with bladder cancer are older than 55. The average age people are diagnosed with bladder cancer is 73.
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beautikinieeboy · 1 year
Pelvic Floor Exercises for Bladder Control
What are the Pelvic Floor Muscles and Their Importance for Both Men and Women?
The pelvic floor muscles are a vital group of ligaments found in both men and women, supporting the pelvic region. In women, these muscles, nerves, and ligaments provide essential support for the bladder, rectum, and reproductive organs. Meanwhile, in men, the pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in protecting the bladder, rectum, and other organs within the pelvic region. It is important to note that pelvic floor weakness can occur in both men and women and is equally prevalent in both genders.
Signs of Pelvic Floor Muscle Weakness in Women
Indications of pelvic floor muscle weakness in women may encompass various symptoms such as:
Increased frequency of urination: Women with weakened pelvic floor muscles may experience a more frequent urge to urinate, even when the bladder is not full.
Painful urination unrelated to urinary tract infections: Discomfort or pain during urination can be a sign of pelvic floor muscle weakness.
Painful intercourse: Weakened pelvic floor muscles may contribute to discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse, known as dyspareunia.
Bowel difficulties: Pelvic floor muscle weakness can affect bowel movements, leading to difficulties such as constipation or incomplete bowel emptying.
Pelvic muscle spasms: Spasms or involuntary contractions in the pelvic area may occur as a result of weakened pelvic floor muscles.
Lower back pain: Weakness in the pelvic floor muscles can contribute to lower back pain, as the muscles play a role in stabilizing the pelvic region.
It is important to note that these symptoms can vary in severity and may also be indicative of other underlying conditions. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and guidance on appropriate treatment options.
What Contributes to Pelvic Floor Weakness in Women?
Pelvic floor weakness in women can occur due to a variety of factors. These include:
Childbirth: The process of giving birth, especially through vaginal delivery, can put significant strain on the pelvic floor muscles, potentially causing weakness or damage.
Menopause and Aging: Hormonal changes during menopause and the natural aging process can contribute to a decline in muscle tone and strength, including the pelvic floor muscles.
Weight-related Factors: Being overweight or obese can exert excessive pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, potentially leading to weakness over time.
Heavy Lifting: Engaging in frequent and excessive heavy lifting activities, such as weightlifting at the gym, can strain the pelvic floor muscles, contributing to weakness.
Pelvic Region Injury: Trauma or injury to the pelvic area, such as from accidents or surgeries, can weaken the pelvic floor muscles.
Bowel Issues: Chronic constipation or straining during bowel movements can place undue stress on the pelvic floor muscles, potentially resulting in weakness.
Nerve Damage: Certain conditions or injuries that affect the nerves controlling the pelvic floor muscles can lead to weakness or dysfunction.
Genetic Factors: While not as common, some women may have an inherent predisposition to pelvic floor weakness due to genetic factors.
It is important to note that individual experiences may vary, and multiple factors can contribute to pelvic floor weakness. Consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine the specific causes and provide appropriate management strategies.
Benefits of Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women
Having a weakened pelvic floor can lead to inconvenience and discomfort, and if left unaddressed, it may contribute to various health issues, including bowel incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. However, there are several benefits to strengthening your pelvic floor through exercises. These exercises are relatively simple and can be incorporated into your daily routine, even while engaging in other activities such as driving or watching television.
Here are some exercises that can help strengthen your pelvic floor:
Kegel Exercises: Kegels involve contracting and releasing the muscles around the vagina and anus, similar to the action of stopping urination mid-stream or holding in gas. By regularly performing kegel exercises, you can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Start by contracting the muscles for a few seconds, then releasing for a few seconds, and repeat. Gradually increase the number of repetitions. Remember that kegel exercises should never cause extreme discomfort or pain, and if they do, it's important to consult your healthcare professional.
Healthy Diet and Exercise: Maintaining a healthy diet and weight is crucial for pelvic floor strength. Extra weight can increase pressure on the pelvic floor muscles. Additionally, regular exercise, including activities that engage the abdominal muscles, can contribute to a stronger pelvic floor. However, it's important to be cautious when lifting heavy weights, as this can potentially strain the pelvic floor.
Yoga: Yoga not only stretches and strengthens the entire body but also targets the pelvic floor muscles. Specific yoga poses, such as child's pose, can be beneficial for pelvic floor strength. Numerous studies have demonstrated that practicing yoga can improve pelvic floor weakness and reduce the symptoms of bowel incontinence.
By incorporating pelvic floor exercises into your routine, you can experience several benefits, including improved muscle strength, better bladder and bowel control, reduced risk of pelvic organ prolapse, and enhanced overall pelvic health. Remember to consult with your healthcare professional for guidance on the appropriate exercises and techniques tailored to your specific needs.
How long does it take to strengthen the pelvic floor with exercise?
Regularly practicing Kegel exercises can lead to a reduction in pelvic floor weakness within a few weeks. However, the timeframe for noticeable results may vary depending on the severity of the weakness. In some cases, it may take a few months of consistent exercise to observe significant improvements. It's important to remember that it's never too early or too late to incorporate Kegels and other pelvic floor exercises into your daily routine. By making them a regular part of your exercise regimen, you can proactively strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and promote better pelvic health.
Can pelvic floor exercises cure incontinence?
Pelvic floor weakness can be effectively treated through exercise, eliminating the need for surgical intervention in many cases. The majority of exercises targeting the pelvic floor can be performed conveniently at home. However, some individuals may benefit from seeking the guidance of a physical therapist to complement their at-home exercises. Physical therapists can offer specialized treatments such as biofeedback, which has proven successful in strengthening and retraining pelvic muscles for over 75% of individuals.
By actively engaging in targeted exercises and potentially incorporating biofeedback techniques, individuals with pelvic floor weakness can experience significant improvements in muscle strength and function. These non-surgical approaches empower individuals to take control of their pelvic health and overcome the challenges associated with weakened pelvic floor muscles. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist to receive personalized guidance and recommendations tailored to your specific needs.
Leak proof underwear
When dealing with pelvic floor weakness, one of the most significant concerns is keeping your underwear dry throughout the day. While panty liners may provide a temporary solution, they often require frequent changes and can become uncomfortable or shift with movement. Additionally, the limited options for leak-proof panty liners can be frustrating.
Leakproof underwear, on the other hand, offers all-day protection without the need for constant changes or worries about leaks. They are designed to be comfortable and discreet under clothing, providing a seamless experience.
The benefits of leakproof underwear include:
Protection from urine leakage caused by coughing, sneezing, or laughing, commonly associated with pelvic floor weakness.
Odor-fighting properties that help you feel fresh and dry throughout the day.
Lightweight construction, allowing for comfortable wear during extended periods.
Prevention of breakthrough and leakage onto other clothing, ensuring peace of mind and avoiding embarrassing situations.
Breathable materials that promote airflow and ventilation, maintaining a comfortable and hygienic environment.
With leakproof underwear, you can confidently go about your day without the worry of leaks or discomfort. Embrace the convenience and reliability of leakproof underwear as a practical and reliable solution for managing pelvic floor weakness.
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birdinskyblr · 1 day
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यूटीआई केयर सिरप -
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यूटीआई केयर सिरप - प्रमुख लाभ -इसमें एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी गुण होते हैं -स्वस्थ मूत्राशय कार्य का समर्थन कर सकता है -बादलयुक्त मूत्र का इलाज करता है -असुविधा से राहत -गुर्दा समारोह का समर्थन करता है -पेशाब करते समय जलन/सूजन की अनुभूति को कम करता है -मूत्र में रंग परिवर्तन का इलाज करता है
ऑनलाइन ऑर्डर के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाएँ- https://www.shrichyawanayurved.com/products/uti-care-syrup 📞📞 95162 64444
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kalyanierode · 4 months
"Tackling Persistent UTIs: Strategies for Relief and Prevention"
Introduction: Dealing with persistent urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be uncomfortable and concerning, significantly impacting quality of life and potentially indicating underlying health issues. However, proactive steps can help manage and prevent these infections.
Seek Professional Guidance: Consulting a urologist, such as those at Kalyani Kidney Care Centre, is crucial. These experts can perform thorough evaluations to identify the specific organism causing the infection and prescribe appropriate medications.
Complete Antibiotic Treatment: It's essential to complete the entire course of prescribed medications, even if symptoms improve before finishing the medication. This ensures the infection is fully eradicated, reducing the likelihood of recurrence.
Hydration is Key: Drinking plenty of water helps flush out organism from the urinary tract. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day.
Practice Good Hygiene: Always wipe from front to back after using the toilet to prevent organism spread. Urinating after sexual intercourse can also help flush out organism.
Consider Cranberry Products and Probiotics: While evidence is mixed, some studies suggest these may help prevent UTIs. Consult your healthcare provider before incorporating these supplements.
Avoid Irritants and Tight Clothing: Avoid perfumed soaps, powders, and sprays that can irritate the genital area. Opt for loose-fitting, breathable cotton underwear instead of tight clothing.
Prioritize Regular Urination: Regular urination helps flush out organism and maintain urinary tract health.
Consider Further Evaluation: If UTIs persist despite preventive measures, further evaluation at Kalyani Kidney Care Centre may be necessary to identify underlying issues.
Conclusion: Persistent UTIs can be challenging, but with the right approach and professional guidance, relief and prevention are within reach, promoting better urinary tract health and overall well-being.
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drnareshkrgarg · 4 months
Types of Urinary diseases
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Before you can locate a successful urinary issue treatment, the condition must be thoroughly identified. These are the most prevalent types of urological issues.
Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic hyperplasia, often known as prostate enlargement, is quite frequent in elderly men. When this disease develops, the enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urethra, causing a frequent need to pee and the persistent sensation that the bladder is not empty.
Kidney stones : Kidney stones arise when tiny particles bind to crystals in urine and grow until they can significantly affect urinary function. These stones can also move from the kidneys into the ureter. Kidney/ureter stones are one of the most prevalent causes of urinary obstruction. Acute discomfort when passing pee is one of the most obvious urine obstruction symptoms caused by kidney stones.
Urinary incontinence: is defined as a loss of bladder control that leads to urine leaking. This is a fairly frequent condition that can have a negative impact on your lifestyle and daily routine. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including weak bladder muscles, overactive bladder, weak sphincter muscles, infections, and illnesses such as Parkinson's, among others. Some urine incontinence reasons can be managed with lifestyle modifications, while others may necessitate surgery
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by a bacterial or viral infection of the urinary system. UTIs, while more common in women, cannot be completely eradicated in men. One of the most obvious signs of a UTI is a burning feeling when urinating. You may also feel unable to properly empty your bladder, even after passing pee, and you may experience repeated urges to urinate throughout the day. When it comes to disorders that affect the urinary system, the last two are far and away the most frequent.
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phoenix-ultrasound · 6 months
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medicalservicesind · 10 months
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Breaking the Silence on Urinary Incontinence in India
Join the conversation on urinary incontinence, a challenge faced by millions in India. Discover the impact, find hope in treatment, and let's stand together to #BeBladderBrave for a better quality of life.
Click here to know more about this: https://www.medtronic.com/in-en/patients/treatments-therapies/bladder-control.html
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scsacostamesa · 11 months
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It seems there is nothing cannabis can’t do. It is recognized as an all-natural remedy for stress, insomnia, and some serious diseases. A new study shows cannabis can benefit gut and bladder health. But too much can have detrimental effects.
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One prevalent form of cancer that starts in the bladder's cells is bladder cancer.
According to The American Cancer Society's estimates for bladder cancer in the United States for 2023 are: About 82,290 new cases of bladder cancer (about 62,420 in men and 19,870 in women) About 16,710 deaths from bladder cancer (about 12,160 in men and 4,550 in women)
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ahjay-ram402 · 1 year
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Ready to improve your bladder health? Our 'Mastering Bladder Health' infographic has all the tips you need. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to wellness!
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roshni99 · 1 year
Why dysuria, the painful urination sensation? #dysuria#urination#urinepain
Rapha cureDysuria is the painful or uncomfortable sensation during urination, but it's important to know it's not a diagnosis—it's a symptom. 🚑 This discomfort, often described as burning, stinging, or itching, can be indicative of various underlying health issues, such as urinary tract infections, bladder infections, and more. It's a common concern, especially among women. 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ Proper diagnosis by a healthcare provider, including medical history review and tests like urine analysis, is crucial. Identifying the cause, whether it's an infection, inflammation, or another condition, is the first step toward effective treatment. 💊💉 Remember, early intervention can alleviate discomfort and prevent potential complications. So, if you or someone you know experiences dysuria, don't hesitate to seek medical attention. Your health matters! 🌟 For professional help and access to essential tools, download our mobile app: 📲 Android: [Link: http://bit.ly/3JACQOb] 🍏 Apple: [Link: https://apple.co/3I0QKbe] Explore more at https://www.raphacure.com/Virtual-Con... or write to [email protected]. #MedicalInsights#Dysuria#healthawareness#SymptomsMatter#HealthcareFirstResponder#DysuriaAwareness#PainfulUrination#HealthSymptoms#MedicalInsights#UTIProblems#BladderHealth#WomensHealth#MensHealthIssues#HealthcareFirst#SymptomEducation#MedicalDiagnosis#HealthcareAwareness#PreventComplications#UrinaryHealth#WellnessJourney#HealthMatters#EarlyIntervention#MedicalKnowledge#StayInformed#SeekMedicalAdvice dysuria dysuria treatment dysuria symptoms in hindi dysuria kya hota hai dysuria symptoms dysuria in hindi dysuria in tamil dysuria homeopathic medicine dysuria symptoms in telugu dysuria malayalam dysuria meaning dysuria pronunciation dysuria treatment in hindi dysuria gaan
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kalyanierode · 4 months
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For expert care, visit Kalyani Kidney Care Centre in Sampath Nagar, Erode.
Call us: 73050 36126 Website: kidneystoneindia.com
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drnareshkrgarg · 5 months
5 Power Foods For Better Urinary Health
Bananas and other high-fiber foods can helps to improve urinary tract health and prevent infections by encouraging regular bowel movements and reducing strain on urine flow. Here are five strong foods that you should get into your diet to aid with UTIs and improve urinary health.
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1)Nuts: Nuts are an excellent heart-healthy snack that supplies you with essential protein and healthy lipids. While most nuts are good for the bladder, others might irritate it. For the greatest results, stick to almonds, cashews, and peanuts.
2) Berries: Cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, and other berries boost urinary system health and infection resistance by containing an essential component that fights bacteria and prevents it from Obeys to the urinary tract lining. Smoothies are an easy way to get a lot of berries into your diet. Whether fresh or frozen, berries are a delicious option regardless of the season.
3)Yogurt: Eating yogurt and other cultured dairy products (fermented with "good" bacteria) on a daily basis can reduce the chances of urinary tract infections by up to 80%. When choosing yogurt, check for a statement on the label that reads "contains live and active cultures."
4) Fiber: A lack of regular bowel movements can increase pressure in the urinary system and impede urine flow, allowing germs to increase. A high-fiber diet combined with enough water intake supports good digestion and regular bowel movements. Fiber is ineffective unless there is adequate water in the diet. Whole-grain breads, apples, bananas, and legumes are excellent sources of fiber.
5)Bananas: Bananas are abundant in potassium and fiber, which can help promote regular bowel motions and cleanse the urinary system. If you don't have regular bowel motions, your intestines may grow and put pressure on your urinary system. This increased pressure restricts urine flow, which can cause urinary difficulties throughout the day. Furthermore, because bananas are a non-acidic fruit, they will not irritate your bladder while providing nutrients that are essential for a healthy diet.
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Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Treatment Approaches and Healthcare Provider Perspectives
Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) poses a significant challenge in oncology due to its recurrent nature and potential progression to more advanced stages. The treatment landscape for NMIBC is evolving, guided by the International Bladder Cancer Group (IBCG) recommendations, which have sparked reactions among healthcare professionals. Additionally, the demand for innovative products that align with these guidelines has surged, paving the way for improved patient outcomes.
Read full blog here: https://www.grgonline.com/post/non-muscle-invasive-bladder-cancer-treatment-approaches-and-healthcare-provider-perspectives
The Landscape of NMIBC Treatment:
NMIBC is characterized by the absence of muscle invasion within the bladder wall, making it a distinct category with its own set of treatment protocols. Over the years, the management of NMIBC has evolved, emphasizing the importance of personalized treatment plans that account for individual patient factors and risk profiles.
IBCG Recommendations: A Guiding Light:
The IBCG recommendations serve as a beacon for healthcare professionals navigating the complexities of NMIBC treatment. These guidelines are grounded in rigorous research and clinical expertise, offering evidence-based insights that shape the best practices for managing NMIBC. They provide a framework for risk stratification, appropriate staging, and tailored treatment strategies.
Healthcare Professional Reactions:
Healthcare professionals have welcomed the IBCG recommendations as they streamline decision-making processes and enhance patient care. These guidelines provide a common language for oncologists, urologists, and other specialists, ensuring that treatment approaches are consistent and well-informed.
However, implementing new guidelines also prompts discussions and debates among professionals. Different interpretations and opinions can arise based on individual patient cases and the evolving nature of medical research. These discussions are healthy, fostering collaborative thinking and encouraging continuous learning in the medical community.
Product Demand: Addressing Unmet Needs:
The emergence of IBCG recommendations has fueled a growing demand for innovative products that align with the evolving treatment paradigms for NMIBC. Healthcare professionals seek solutions that effectively manage NMIBC while minimizing side effects and maximizing patient quality of life.
Pharmaceutical and medical technology companies have responded to this demand by investing in research and development. New diagnostic tools, imaging techniques, and therapeutic options are being developed to cater to the diverse needs of NMIBC patients. The goal is to provide professionals with the tools to make informed decisions and optimize patient outcomes.
Conclusion: Strides Towards Personalized NMIBC Care:
The landscape of NMIBC treatment is transforming, fueled by the IBCG recommendations and the ensuing reactions from healthcare professionals. The push for evidence-based approaches and personalized treatment plans reshapes how NMIBC is managed. As professionals adapt to these evolving guidelines, they raise questions and spark discussions that drive innovation and collaboration.
The increasing demand for products that align with the IBCG recommendations reflects a commitment to improving patient outcomes. By offering innovative solutions that enhance diagnosis, staging, and treatment of NMIBC, these products contribute to a more comprehensive and effective approach to patient care.
Ultimately, the focus on IBCG recommendations and product demand in NMIBC treatment underscores the dedication of the medical community to providing the best possible care for patients. As research continues and guidelines evolve, healthcare professionals and product developers work hand in hand to advance the field, aiming to improve the lives of individuals battling non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer.
Visit our website now: https://www.grgonline.com/
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