#Blaise Marechal
hpowellsmith · 3 months
Everybody moved on but yet here i am still impossibly craving Blaise content 😔🍸 I miss my wife Tails..
I have a cute head-cannon that keeps me sane in my nostalgic nights which is that Creme de la Creme Teacher MC’s is teased a lot by their students because of their tsundere Husband/Wife. Who comes every now and then to deliver them lunchboxes or pick them up for a date/to go home, and gets super fluster whenever MC kisses them in public, almost throwing whatever is close to their reach, usually the lunchbox, in MC’s face. 🥰
I love that so much 😭
You may have seen it already, but if not, I invite you to play the interactive short story from Blaise's perspective, 73 Stretfield Park. In it, Blaise has a lot of feelings as their house is packed up.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Devastating Burn - Childhood Friends
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violet-stormbringer · 5 months
The Princess and The Thorne, Chapter Fourteen: The Princess and The Thorne.
A week had passed since the Gallatin graduation, and in all the chaos Ras barely had any time to speak with anybody properly, even her closest friends. 
She was whisked away to the Thorne Family estate, riding in a carriage alone through the districts of Fenburg. Despite her protestations, she didn’t really have anywhere else to go, and Inspector Burgin was insistent that Ras remain in Westerlind until things came to a close.
The air was full of pollen and was unpleasantly muggy compared to the clean air of the mountains. Ras despised how heavy it felt.
She hauled her luggage up the drive and let herself in. Matilda wasn’t here; she had business to deal with on the coast, and after a fortnight or so she’d travel to a summer home in the Hanwells, awaiting Ras if she wished to go. The only person on estate grounds was Ras, with a note to lock up if she decided to spend the summer holidays elsewhere.
The manor was clean and neat, and in the dining room a vase of flowers on the table. Bellflowers, tucked neatly into the vase and in various shades of blue and purple.
Beside the vase, letters were stacked neatly. One was in an official, embossed envelope from the Inspection Board. Ras grabbed it and tore it open, peeking at the contents inside.
Inside was a beautifully-handwritten letter from Inspector Burgin;
‘Master Thorne, First off, I would like to personally thank you for your part in bringing Lady Renaldt’s misdeeds to light. Her passing remains an unfortunate byproduct of her sins, and criminal though she was, she will be missed by a few.  The criminal known as Schroeder has been apprehended and jailed, to serve a sentence for many years. In addition, you will be pleased to know that Blaise Marechal and Cezara Dalca are safe as well, thanks to your timely intervention. I would like to formally apologize to you on Gallatin’s behalf for the trouble you have been caused. As you already have plans to teach at Gallatin, I would like to invite you to speak with me personally at your earliest convenience in regards to your input on what happens to Gallatin next. Should you accept, do not hesitate to find me at the Westerlind Educational Inspection Board headquarters, address below. Beyond that, rest assured that the investigation is nearing it’s conclusion, and barring any hiccups, you are free to leave Westerlind for the Summer Holidays. Respectfully, Inspector Kathrili Burgin, Westerlind Educational Inspection Board. PS. Give my regards to Mistress Thorne, would you?’
Ras looked at the clock. It was only mid-afternoon. Perhaps a talk with Inspector Burgin wouldn’t be a bad idea before she let loose for the festival.
She tucked the letter into her pocket, and made her way outside. She hailed a taxi, and as she got in she gave the address to the driver. With a nod in response, the cab lurched forward and Ras was on her way.
In a matter of minutes, she reached her destination. Exiting the cab with a thank you, she made her way inside. When the secretary stopped her, she showed the letter from Inspector Burgin, and she was directed where to go.
Inspector Burgin’s office wasn’t nearly as lavish as Lady Renaldt’s, somehow a surprise to Ras in the moment, but after a bit of thinking she realized it fit the rather simple woman.
A few chairs, some bookshelves, and a desk stacked with paperwork and a large book opened with both pages facing upwards. Inspector Burgin was in her chair, and when she saw Ras, she stood up, offering a hand to her.
“Master Thorne. I wasn’t expecting you so soon.”
Ras took Inspector Burgin’s hand, shaking it before she sat down. “I had some time to kill, figured I might as well get this out of the way, you know? And, please, you can call me Ras.”
Inspector Burgin nodded, sitting back down in her chair. “Of course, of course. Regardless, thank you for accepting the invitation, Ras. As you know, I wanted to talk to you about Gallatin’s future.”
A pause, as if she waited for Ras to respond.
“Me, personally, I wouldn’t want anything more to do with the place, teaching job or otherwise. But seeing as you haven’t put in a resignation before even beginning, I can tell you’re still interested in working there, no?”
“That’s right. It wasn’t Gallatin that wronged me, it was Lady Renaldt. Now that she’s gone, I have no doubts the college will retain it’s repute with more savory means available to them.”
Inspector Burgin nodded again, steepling her fingers. “It’s that sort of attitude that interests me, Ras. You seem particularly invested in the place, despite everything.”
“Gallatin is where I got my second chance, Inspector Burgin. If it weren’t for the college taking me in…well, I try not to think too much about it.”
“Right, well, that brings me to my offer, then. As the one who ousted Lady Renaldt, and one invested heavily in it’s future, I feel you’d be a perfect fit. That said, I’m only going to make this offer once, so if you refuse now, you cannot go back on it.”
“Well, I can hardly refuse or accept with such cryptic statements, now can I? Care to tell me exactly what you’re offering?”
Inspector Burgin’s eyes gleamed, and she offered a smile. “Of course. Ras Thorne, I would like you to take over as Headmistress of Gallatin College, provided you remain interested in the affairs and well-being of the college after two years of teaching.”
There was no hesitation for Ras. “Absolutely.”
Inspector Burgin nodded, as if she’d expected this answer. “Good. After two years of teaching, you shall be reviewed by the Inspection Board. Provided you pass that, I shall reach out to you to confirm whether or not you still hold interest in the position.”
A pause.
“Until then, Mr. Griffith shall take over as Headmaster, and he shall oversee your progress both as a teacher and as a potential successor. A written agreement and contract will be drafted after the Summer Holidays, to be signed by all parties.”
“Sounds good to me. I look forward to it.”
Inspector Burgin nodded again, this time putting on another smile. “Well! With that out of the way, is there anything else you’d like to discuss?”
Ras took a moment to think. “...As it happens, yes. I would like Gallatin to make official reparations to the families of Blaise Marechal, Cezara Dalca, Emily Karson, and Gaspard Breiner.”
“Certainly. The Inspection Board, as well as the Renaldt Estate, will offer monetary recompense to the families of those who suffered. I’m sure they appreciate your concern.”
Ras nodded at that, standing up with a sigh. “Right, well, that’s everything. I shall see you again later.”
“Enjoy your Summer Holidays, Master Thorne.”
With that, Ras exited the building and made her way back home. Back in her dining room, she decided to write to Rosario, requesting to spend the holidays together, as well as the prospect of moving in.
After receiving a return letter that evening, with Rosario declaring that she’d love to see Ras again, she made plans to go to The Hanwells, to meet Rosario.
On the train that next morning, Ras had gathered the letters left by the vase and began to sift through them, reading one-by-one.
The first was a letter from her Uncle Gerald. He spent the first paragraph delighting about Ras’ romantic connection to Princess Rosario, expressing a desire to attend her wedding if she would have him. As if she’d exclude him. 
He went on to congratulate her for her teaching post at Gallatin, as well as her role in exposing Lady Renaldt. He mourned her death, recalling one summer he and Irwin had spent with her before suddenly she cut contact with them. 
In addition to all that, he excitedly told of how Matilda was seeking help to improve herself, and how wonderful it was to see glimpses of the lovely woman she once was yet again. He was far more forgiving than Ras was.
Ras smiled, tucking the letter into her bag. At least he was happy. With that, she turned her attention to the next letter. It was from Gonzalez.
She sounded cheerful enough, if a little bored about summer. She requested Ras write back soon, as she needed to know everything about what happened at Graduation.
Her next letter was from Hartmann and Freddie both. They were having a wonderful time spending the summer with Freddie’s family, with Hartmann declaring that she’s cut her family off until they accepted that she was capable of her own decisions and could learn to be happy for her. They ended it with a desire to meet up again, and demanded Ras tell the whole story to them.
Next, a letter from Max and Delacroix. They were enjoying themselves at the beach, with Max declaring that Ras make Gallatin a fun place in case any of her children ever attended. Like the others, they asked Ras to write back.
A letter from Karson. She didn’t mention the events of graduation, but she did offer many thanks to Ras, the situation clearly on her mind.
Apparently her family’s house in Fenburg was ridiculously busy at the moment; she was staying with her fathers, her grandfathers, and her sisters. It was a tight squeeze indeed. “But I got a letter saying I’ve come into a substantial amount of money,” her letter stated. “That’s interesting. It means I can move back to Fenburg permanently, though—where I was suddenly offered a job by a Mister Gerald. I guess that means, if you ever go back home, you’ll not be rid of me anytime soon.”
Karson finished her letter off promising to write Ras, as well as offering her more thanks.
A letter from Auguste caught Ras’ eye next, and she raised an eyebrow. Certainly unexpected.
The letter opened with a harried tone and ramblings about how the reports of her mother were surely lies and that this was all slander on Ras’ part, but even her accusations were baseless and filled with uncertainty. 
Eventually, she ended it with an apology, and asked Ras to write back with the hope that they could possibly be friends.
Another letter caught her eye, and this one was from Florin of all people. She opened it with a declaration of love for Ras, followed by a ‘just kidding!’ and a heart drawn in the ink. 
She detailed about her trip in the Hanwells, and then went on to say that she was being sent away to the military by her Fathers. She was afraid, and told Ras that much, ending the letter off with a request to keep in contact.
Next, a letter from Blaise. The writing was messy and rushed. She explained that she was catching up with her parents. “They were able to buy a place in Fenburg,” she wrote. “Apparently it was an unexpected windfall. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you? Anyway, I’m going to be doing my final year back at Gallatin. If you end up being my teacher…go easy on me?”
At the end of it, she demanded that Ras keep in touch with her, and Ras had a feeling that she was a bit lonelier than she’d care to admit.
Letters from her teachers, Miss Dalca, Mr. Griffith, and Mr. Blanchard all wrote in to thank Ras for her efforts in exposing Lady Renaldt, as well as her assistance in bringing the three of them together. They expressed joy at Ras’ decision to become a teacher at Gallatin, and looked forward to working with her in the future.
And finally, an official letter from Mr. Griffith on behalf of Gallatin College. He confirmed her placement as a teacher, as well as a reminder that she is to succeed him in taking over the college in two years time, should she still be interested in the position.
He ended the letter with a heartfelt thank you.
The train slowed to a halt, and the whistle blew. “All change for South Hanwell!” a guard bellowed. Doors slammed open, luggage carts were hauled, and Ras made to disembarked.
A cluster of people stood on the wide, spacious platform; in the center was Rosario, her hand up against the glare of the sunshine. She was wearing a pale blue tea dress, and she looked entirely at ease.
One of Rosario’s entourage whisked Ras’ luggage away, and Rosario kissed her girlfriend on both cheeks before leading her away to a private cab. “You arrived just at the right time,” she said. “There was a thunderstorm last night, but it’s lovely now!”
She beamed at Ras the entire ride. 
The royals’ summer estate sat a little way inland, amidst woods and farmland. Rosario explained that her immediate family weren’t there yet—they were due in a couple of days—but her cousin was eager to meet Ras. As the cab drew up the long drive, Ras spotted the cousin sitting beneath a parasol on an immaculately-kept lawn. He looked older than Ras, and when Rosario called out to him, he hurried over with a pinprick-frown between his brows.
“The Honorable Leandro del Quiros,” he said, shaking Ras’ hand. He spoke Westerlind with the same faint Zaledoan accent as Rosario, and the same cut-glass pronunciation.
He turned to Rosario straightaway, blocking Ras with his shoulder, speaking to her in Zaledoan too quickly for Ras to grasp. Not that she spoke it anyway. Rosario rolled her eyes, punched Leandro lightly on the shoulder, and said, “Come on, Ras, I’ll show you where you’ll sleep.”
As Ras was led into the towering main house, Rosario let out a ‘tsk’.
“Ignore him,” she said, “He’s just worried about people gossipping.”
“Ah, please,” Ras grinned. “If he’s anything like Ibarra, he’ll warm up to me in time.”
Rosario giggled. “He’s like that with everyone, don’t worry about him.”
Inside, the mansion was palatial. The ceilings soared, sculptures stood beside every door, and portraits of former Zaledoan monarchs and aristocracy were everywhere. The bright, colorful tiles making up the floor were exquisitely patterned; it almost felt wrong for Ras to walk across them.
Rosario strolled through the luxury without heed, leading Ras upstairs to a suite filled with expensive ornaments and lush plants. The four-poster bed was set above the floor, and was larger than anything Ras had seen. “Here’s your room,” she said. “But we can meet up and talk in the night, if you want. I’m only in the next suite.”
She glanced at the wall beside the window, where a haphazard, but bright, mural of swirling colors had been painted. She laughed ruefully.
“I did that when I was fourteen,” she said. “I said that to my father that he should paint over it, but he said he likes it. Sorry.”
Ras shook her head, smiling. “Naw. I think it’s sweet.”
Rosario ran a hand over her hair. “You’re adorable. Thank you, Ras.”
Rosario went to the window-seat and beckoned Ras to sit beside her. The view out was gorgeous: the garden was in full bloom, and the ocean sparkled in the distance.
“I wanted to say,” she said, “that it was incredibly brave of you to confront Lady Renaldt the way you did…”
Ras shook her head. “Nah, it wasn’t anything like that. I just did what any woman would do in my position.”
Rosario smiled. “You’re just like a fairytale Hero. It’s kind of cute, the way you go on as you do.”
A pause, and then she shifted her seat, looking to change the topic. “...I haven’t walked out with someone long-distance before,” she said. “Do you…think we can stay in touch?”
Ras took a seat next to Rosario, wrapping her arm around her shoulder and smiling. “Course we will, my love. Have no worries, yeah?”
Rosario sighed, leaning against Ras. “It’s going to be so different when I go home,” she said, “More ceremony. More formality. Much less freedom.” She looked embarrassed. “Sorry. I know how lucky I am.”
“It does sound difficult. But don’t worry, yeah? We’ll figure something out.”
Rosario nodded. “Thank you, Ras,” she said. “Some would say I should shut up ‘cause of what I have. Many of the Archambault people would have, anyway…”
Ras rolled her eyes. “Yeah and those people are losers. You know what you are?”
Rosario raised an eyebrow as Ras turned her head to look down at her. “What am I?”
“You’re a Thorne now,” she whispered, tilting Rosario’s head upwards so that she could kiss her. Rosario made a pleased noise against Ras’ mouth, her fingers pulling through Ras’ hair and sending tingles down the back of her neck.
Leandro’s voice called up from the garden. “Rosario! Master Thorne! We’re serving afternoon tea.”
Rosario drew back, giving Ras a smile. “We could…wait a bit longer,” she murmured.
After a moment, Leandro called down, as if he’d heard her. “Rosario! Come down!”
Rosario groaned, nudging the window open with a comical roll of her eyes. “Coming!” She shouted.
Ras chuckled at the display, taking a moment to think as Rosario gathered herself. It was dizzying to think how much had happened. Could it have gone differently? If she’d known everything from the start, would she have made the same choices she did?
She liked to think she would.
For now, however, she had to disregard the past. She had Rosario’s company, and a packed calendar. Talking to do, and a wedding to plan; formal dinners, royal parties, and dancing until dawn. So much to look forward to, so much to do.
Rosario rose, taking Ras’ hand, and the pair walked downstairs for tea.
Outside, the birds trilled in the trees, and the summer flowers made the warm air heavy with scent. A faint smell of salt drifted in on the breeze.
Ras pulled something from her pocket, presenting it to Rosario with a smile.
She held out a flower. It was a dark blue color with curved petals to form the shape of a small bell. Inside, a pistil long and slender, with a nub at the end, mimicking the clapper of the bell.
She tucked it into Rosario’s hair, still smiling. “...my favorite flower.”
With that little show of affection out of the way, Ras and Rosario sat down for tea, and their summer holiday had officially begun.
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zencaia · 2 years
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So I just learned that Blaise is actually just as short as Amber
Thank you @hpowellsmith for the adorable angry gremlin <3
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Créme de la Créme
I got two looks & that's it
Romances Delacroix & Max in a cute af poly: :D
Romances Blaise in enemies-to-lovers: :D
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jellyfishstarthings · 3 years
Can you make a creme de la creme of Blaise ww
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Blaise Marechal from Crème de la Crème
here you go anon, i hope this is what you meant ♡
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Blaise is not my original character; they are from Crème de la Crème by @hpowellsmith
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walnutmylk · 4 years
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ah yes, the head prefect and the almost head prefect........ i love them (characters by @hpowellsmith !!)
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hisuian-goodra · 4 years
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Character aesthetic: Blaise Marechal
Book: Crème de la Crème
"Are you serious?" He says. "You know what-all right. Yes. I'll marry you. It's ridiculous, and I'll probably regret it, but I can't imagine you not being around to annoy me"
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hpowellsmith · 10 months
this is a Blaise appreciation post. not a day goes by when i do not think of this cranky easily flustered nasty man who secretly just wants to be held and respected. about to replay creme de la creme for like the fourth time so i can rescue him from the mines again. are any of the love interests in your WIPs going to have enemies to lovers vibes? i love it when someone starts out terrible but turns out to be a sweetheart once they learn they can trust the main character! he/she/they is genuinely the best
O Blaise. Blaise! It's been a while since someone messaged me about Creme characters so this was lovely to see! I love to see Blaise appreciated. What a grouch they are. Did you play 73 Stretfield Park, my free Blaise point-of-view prologue?
Royal Affairs has Javi, a catty royal grouch, and Trevelyan, a passionate anti-monarchy firebrand, so they may catch your interest! Honor Bound has Denario: he's a guy who's a former friend/frenemy, now in a rough spot, no one wants him around (that's a lie, a couple of people want him around) and maybe you can kindle or rekindle something if you want...? But that's maybe not the smartest of ideas...?
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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They’re Back
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olivershen · 4 years
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violet-stormbringer · 5 months
The Princess and The Thorne, Chapter Thirteen: A Thorne in her side.
Around her, dinner continued. The crumpled notepaper crackled underneath her glass. Whatever she’d been expecting from the engagement announcement party, it was definitely not Blaise Marechal contacting her in distress.
She had to figure out what was happening, she didn’t like the thought of Blaise or Karson being in trouble. The idea of sitting idly while they begged for her help…it made her sick. As she considered; the noise of talking rippled around her, mingling into unintelligible chatter, and after what felt like forever, Lady Renaldt rose with a serene smile.
“We will make our formal farewells,” she said, “as is customary. Gallatin students, please line up along the entrance hall.”
With a shuffle of chairs and murmured conversation, everyone rose and filed towards the hall. It was slow and measured, and Ras knew that if she went along with this farce, she’d never reach Karson in time.
She had to get out of there, now. Problem being, even amongst the crowd of students, the teachers were sharp-eyed enough that her absence would be noted. She had to slip away discreetly to ensure she had the best chance at this.
Ras caught Max by the arm, leaning against her and whispering conspiratorially. “Max, I need to get out of here. Can you rally the Starlings? Ask Freddie, too, she can convince the Birchmeier Society…”
Max didn’t really need convincing, noting the wild eye in Ras’ eyes. She nodded, and soon enough a wall of bodies formed to hide Ras as she made her exit, slipping out the door and darting between Gallatin and Archambault students alike, losing herself in the crowd. As she passed Rosario, she assured her with a quick kiss on her cheek.
“Emergency came up, I’ll be back before you know it.”
Rosario nodded, smiling. “Stay safe, my love.”
Ras made her way from the hall, and headed into the warm, flower-scented summer air. Karson was waiting in the quad, ushering Ras into the shadows of the Hope Building gardens. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “This is all my fault.”
She drew a shaky breath.
“Lady Renaldt…she has this scheme. People pay her to have students disappear, then they take their inheritance. She used to send them overseas, but now she’s got them in her goldmines, all for extra income. Gaspard Breiner, he was one of them. His uncle paid for Gaspard to be put away. It also happened to Blaise. A-And she needed extra hands, so she put Miss Dalca down there after she was fired.”
It all came out in a rush. Then, her face crumpled. 
“I’ve been doing this since last year,” she said. “Helping her cover it up. She said if I didn’t, I’d be out a job and she’d…she’d hurt my family. But it can’t go on, I don’t care about the consequences anymore.”
Ras stared at Karson, her face a mixture of pity, confusion, and rage. After getting herself under control, she spoke. “...So what changed?”
Karson hunched her shoulders, avoiding Ras’ eye. “There…there was an accident in the mine two nights ago,” she said, her voice cracking. “Gaspard Breiner didn’t know what he was doing, and he was killed.”
She cleared her throat. When she spoke again, Ras could barely hear her.
“Miss Marechal gave me the note to give you,” she said, “but what can we do? What can anyone do?”
Ras took a deep breath.
“...I have an idea, Karson. But I need you to trust me, okay?”
Karson stared at Ras, and after a moment, she nodded. “O-Of course, Ras.”
“Right then,” Ras began, “I need to get taken to the mines. To do that…tell Lady Renaldt that I suspect something. I’m sure she’ll tell you what to do next.”
Karson nodded. “W-What are you going to do in the mines?”
Ras whipped around, stalking back off towards Clemency Building. “What I do best. Cause trouble.”
With that, Ras got ready for bed. She wasn’t going to sleep well, she knew that much. She’d be surprised if she got any sleep, as uneasy as she was. But she laid down regardless, and soon enough, sleep took her.
Eventually, though, she awoke. She swore she heard a noise. She got up, making her way to her window. Outside, the moonlight spilled onto the ground below, unimpeded by the clouds.
She felt like she was being watched. When Ras turned, she was face to face with a figure who’d made it into her room. They dove for her, wrenching her arm behind her back. A cloth clamped over Ras’ mouth; it smelled foul and chemical, and her vision began to speckle.
As they struggled, the moonlight caught the figures face. She was a heavily-built woman in rugged, practical clothing. It was horrible evident that she was a professional, and Ras—well, Ras was simply a student. Anything she did would only delay the inevitable.
And so she ceased her struggling, and let unconsciousness take her. This was part of her plan, after all…
She vaguely recalled waking up now and again, being dragged through the darkness. Doors, doors, so many doors, then a slam. The overpowering scent of lavender.
Lady Renaldt’s office…?
The office was lit with a single low lamp. Lady Renaldt sat at her desk, still wearing her dark silver evening gown and pearl earrings. Ras was suddenly aware of her own state of dress: she was stuck in her smallclothes—though a blanket had been wrapped around her. Her assailant had decency, then, at least. Speaking of her assailant, she dumped Ras into one of the armchairs, then pushed a glass of water into her hand.
With each sip, Ras’ head cleared. Lady Renaldt watched levelly. “Thank you, Schroeder,” she said.
Ras recognized the name: Lady Renaldt’s employee. But that’s…why did she bundle Ras into her office?
“Karson was right. Not only did she suspect something was up,” Schroeder said flatly. She slapped Blaise’s letter on the desk. “But Blaise Marechal sent a letter out to this one.”
Lady Renaldt’s breath trembled, just a little, but otherwise she kept her composure. “...Then we need a conversation. As you are likely aware, Master Thorne, I have an arrangement. People pay for a student to go missing, and they stay in my goldmine until their inheritance matters are resolved. Blaise Marechal was one of said students. Her Aunt Violette was a friend of mine.”
“And,” Lady Renaldt said, more than happy to spill everything to Ras despite her assumption that Ras knew it all, “since Miss Dalca was bringing the college into disrepute, it was the best place for her to work after she was removed from her post.”
Her tone was cool and calm, as though she were speaking about an upcoming mountain trip.
“If I thought you posed any manner of threat, I’d have had Schroeder take you to the mines already. But I didn’t. You have, after all, proven loyal. Perhaps, if you’re discreet, we could make an arrangement.”
Ras flinched as Lady Renaldt brought up her “loyalty”. More like blackmail…
She had to do this carefully. She needed to make sure everybody made it out of this cleanly, save for Lady Renaldt and her lackey. 
Ras offered a forced smile. “Thank you for your understanding, Lady Renaldt.”
Lady Renaldt gave a cool smile. “This is the perfect way to refine the college,” she said. “Gallatin graduates shape our society: I can ensure that theirs are the greatest minds possible.”
Fervor sparked in her gaze. She clearly believed what she was saying.
“I require assistance that Schroeder cannot provide,” she said. “Can I trust you to act with sense and discretion?”
Her guard was down, slightly, but it was more than enough for Ras. Lady Renaldt fully believed Ras was on her side.
Lady Renaldt fixed Ras with her gaze, dark and cool. She had seen her calculating. “Well?” she said, not giving Ras enough time to think properly.
Not that she needed much more to think about. Ras got to her feet and threw her cup at Lady Renaldt, the glass missing and shattering against the wall behind her as water splashed messily all over the headmistress.
With that, Ras lifted a paperweight and threw it at Renaldt as well, and this one caught her against the cheek, cutting open her flesh and causing a small trickle of blood down her usually flawless features.
“I suppose we have our answer. Schroeder, take her.”
Before Ras could move again, Schroeder struck, clamping a hand over her mouth, the acrid chemical filling her nose once more.
Everything went dark.
Her muscles ached. When she moved, no matter how gingerly, cramps seized her abdomen. Even blinking ached.
She laid on a pallet in a barred cell. Ras had never seen prison, of course, but this had to be something similar. The blanket she’d been covered with earlier was caked in dust; so was her skin. Folded at the end of her bed was a plain brown miner’s uniform.
Ras grit her teeth and clenched her fist as she sat up, ignoring the aching, searing pain in her body. She stared through the bars of the cell, eyes narrowed. Lady Renaldt was going to pay, that much was certain.
“Ras?” A voice hissed, and Ras peered over towards the source.
Through the bars of the cell beside her, Ras noticed a face. Blaise, dirty and bedraggled.
“Good, you’re alive,” she said disagreeably. “I hoped Lady Renaldt would be soft on you, considering how she protected you over that stupid necklace. You were supposed to rescue me, not get thrown in here as well!”
Ras let out a huff, though she couldn’t resist grinning. “Gods, how I’ve missed your shrill tone, Blaise.”
Blaise looked as though she tried to be annoyed, but she managed to crack a smile. “I cannot believe that I’m pleased to see you too,” she said. “That is the worst part of all this.”
She ran her nails along the metal bars, the sound sending a shiver down Ras’ spine.
“Aunt Violette was meant to take me as her ward,” Blaise growled, “but apparently she paid off Lady Renaldt to have me disappear so she could get her hands on my trust fund. Ridiculous. Surely everyone’s been looking into where I am!”
There was a note of uncertainty in her voice. It’d been almost a year since she was expelled, and yet the only person who showed any interest, however slightly, in her disappearance…was Ras. Even Blaise’s own parents had been sitting idly by, imagining that Violette had everything under control.
“Honestly, Blaise? Nobody gave a damn about where you went.” Ras laid it out bluntly for her. “Besides me, that is.”
“You? Why would you care?”
“Gee, I don’t know. How could I not worry about someone I genuinely wanted to be friends with? You tell me, Marechal!”
Blaise’s shoulders slumped. “...You wanted to be friends?”
“Oh, sure, you know, up until you tried to have me expelled! If you had succeeded, I probably would’ve been thrown down here too.”
“...I’m sorry.”
Ras shook her head. “It’s too late to apologize. But you know what we can do?”
“We can stop feeling sorry for ourselves, get the hell out of here, and shove our boots down Lady Renaldt’s smug face.”
Blaise chuckled at that. “Thanks, Ras…”
A bell clanged. “Lights out!” A voice bellowed from nearby. With no other warning, the lights blinked out and gave way to darkness.
The next day, Ras dressed in her new uniform, and after she tied the left sleeve into a knot to prevent it from flailing about everywhere or getting stuck in something, she was ready. Her placement was far from Blaise’s, and she was overseen by Schroeder.
“For the purposes of this job, your name is Eve. Blaise is Alex. Deviate from this, and I will personally see to it that you do not walk out of here.”
Ras really wished she could bury the pickaxe into her head, but she just grit her teeth and nodded. She was determined to finish this, whatever it took.
Schroeder smirked, and Ras set to work. It was claustrophobic, overheated, and exhausting. Nobody gave Ras much in the ways of instructions, and the rest of her assigned group was reluctant to work with someone so inexperienced, and so she was left chipping away vaguely at parts of the wall and hoping for the best.
It was hard enough to swing a pickaxe with only one hand, but it got even harder as said hand began to blister. This was not going to be comfortable in the slightest. But she grit her teeth, planted her feet, and worked through it.
She kept her head down and worked. It was more physical labor than she’d done before, but she made decent progress—and more than her companions expected.
When breaktime rolled around, one of the miners actually had to take the pick from Ras’ hand, shaking his head as he passed her some strips of bandages to protect her skin. “No need to work yourself to death, Eve,” he said, not unkindly. “You’re one of those prison kids, right? Won’t be more’n a year or two, at most. Might even start enjoying it.”
Ras scowled at “prison kids”, a phrase that suggested they believed Ras was some sort of criminal, working off her sentence. She couldn’t help but wonder what crime they thought her capable of, but the way they only spoke to her when necessary gave the impression that if they chattered with her too much, Schroeder would have their hides.
Just as Ras was applying the bandages to her hand, she spotted a figure hunched at a bench, nursing a cup of water. It was Miss Dalca. She lifted her head and beckoned Ras over, taking over bandaging her hand as she neared.
“Ras, the is awful,” she said, voice low. She had a deep cut across her temple that hadn’t healed yet, and her thick hair had matted along another cut on her scalp. “I…I wish I knew how to help you. But I’ll try.”
As she finished wrapping Ras’ hand, she let go, and Ras shook her head, giving her best grin. “Please! You, me, Blaise? We’re a Dream Team! We’ll get out of here with time to spare for dinner.”
Miss Dalca snorted at that. “When you put it that way, and with such passion…almost sounds believable.”
“Well, better change that almost to ‘totally’, because I mean it.” 
Miss Dalca gave a small smile, a glimmer of her usual energy returning. Faint, but it was there. “You’re a decent kid, Ras,” she said. “Thank you. I only hope Raphael listens to us—and Sinclair, too. After we’d all decided—” She swallowed the rest of her sentence with a pained frowned.
Unfortunately, the bell clang once more, and it was time to shuffle back to work. The days melded together, sliding onwards. Or so Ras figured. Underground, it was hard to keep track of time. Her, Blaise, and Miss Dalca were kept in cells rather than the boarding-houses, so Ras didn’t get many chances to talk to them or the miners. She did, however, begin to recognize the faces of her fellow miners, and they would greet her occasionally. But they mostly stuck to work talk.
The worst part of the work was the exhaustion, it was so hard to think when she was tired. Never before had she been so tired. After one particularly grueling evening shift, Ras had almost fallen asleep in the canteen, only for a nearby scuffle to jolt her awake.
It was Karson, struggling with Blaise. “This is all. Your. Fault!” Blaise yelled, shoving Karson backward and sending her sprawling across the bench.
Ras stood up, despite her tiredness, and she shuffled over to stand in between Karson and Blaise.
“You’re protecting her!?” Blaise scowled. “She put you in here, too!”
Ras simply stared at Blaise with a tired expression. Despite her enthusiasm the previous days, it was all she could do not to keel over at that moment. 
“Listen,” Ras said, slowly, carefully, trying not to slur her words in her exhausted state. “Karson here…is helping us.”
“Yeah, after she threw us down here!”
Ras groaned, and expended energy to roll her eyes, doing so slowly and deliberately, as if to show off to Blaise just how not in the mood she was. “Shut up, will you. Go…bully a toddler or whatever it is you do when you’re bored.”
Blaise huffed, and she met Ras’ gaze. Something in that tired expression must have convinced her, because she just turned away, groaning in anger.
Ras turned to Karson. “Speak, or I’m going to throw you over a table.”
“Schroeder’s going to be out tomorrow, for graduation,” she said, “so if you have a move to make, do it then.”
Ras blinked. Graduation. It felt so far away, even though she could not have been here that long. Not nearly as long as Blaise, who looked furious and mistrustful. Karson did not look at her; she was focused on Ras.
“Miss Marechal is right to strike me,” Karson said. “I…I knew all about this. Lady Renaldt made me take her here…I had no choice. I couldn’t stand up to her. Then, Gapsard—”
“Don’t you dare say his name,” Blaise snarled.
Karson swallowed, nodded, then looked away.
“...I don’t know if you still trust me, Ras,” she said, “but I’ll do what I can to help. If you want me to.”
Ras knew what it was like, being in such an impossible position. It’s what got her involved in Gallatin in the first place, and it was what landed Miss Dalca in here, too. Hells, it’s what got Annick Leuzinger fired…Ras’ sins were just as plentiful.
Ras took a deep breath, and she held a hand out to Karson.
“You were faced with an impossible choice,” she said, “but now you can do something about it. Get up, and I’ll tell y’all my plan.”
Karson took Ras’ hand, and stood up with her help. The three of them stood there, huddled, as Ras spoke her plan to them.
It wasn’t anything concrete, mostly a review of information and possible routes, but it was a start. Soon, though, Karson had to make an exit, darting away as she muttered something about Lady Renaldt getting suspicious of her.
Blaise folded her arms as she watched her go. “Funny how she suddenly develops a conscience. I should’ve punched harder back in spring. Put me in solitary, but it was satisfying.”
Ras shook her head. “Karson regrets it. She’ll have our backs when the time comes, I know it.”
Blaise sighed. “You’re far too trusting, Thorne.”
“It’s what I do.” 
Then, the bells for the next shift clanged out, and the clusters of miners filed towards the exit. The foreman called out: “Alex, Eve, to your posts.”
Seeing no sense in dawdling, Ras joined the rest of the miners with Blaise, and the drudgery began once more. This time, however, a glimmer of hope. If Schroeder would be out of the picture tomorrow, there’d be a chance to escape.
Not everyone worked underground the way Ras, Blaise, and Miss Dalca did. Out of Schroeder’s scrutiny, Ras figured she could get a topside shift tomorrow. Maybe a word from Miss Dalca could help with that. Of course, she could also start a fight, Blaise would be good at doing that, if nothing else. She could also go spelunking, looking for a tunnel that led outside.
The promise of the Gallatin graduation and Schroeder’s absence tomorrow brought focus, and Ras found her earlier exhaustion to have melted away. Despite the isolation, Ras knew the names of some miners; they would be able to help if she asked. While she toiled, her mind was racing.
The idea came to her as she grit her teeth and got to work. It was grueling, but with an edge of satisfaction; the chance of getting out of there made it bearable. She hoisted her pickaxe and swung it against the rock, breaking it off bit by bit. By the time break arrived, and all the others had filed away, Ras kept at it.
The foreman approached; despite his gruff backing, he clapped Ras on the shoulder.
“You can take a break, Eve,” he said. “You don’t need to run yourself into the ground for a measly few things of gold.”
Ras shrugged. “If you really wanted me to look after myself…there’s worse a girl could do than some fresh air.”
He frowned, hesitated, then glanced over his shoulder, as if worried that Schroeder would appear behind him at any moment. “...All right,” he said. “You can go topside tomorrow. With your pals, if it’ll help you feel better.”
Suddenly, Ras was more amenable to the idea of a break, joining the other miners until it was time to work again.
That evening, Ras went to bed filled with nervous excitement. At first, she swore she’d be unable to settle, but her aching muscles and aching limbs made it all too easy to drift off to sleep. The last thing she remembered thinking was just how sweet it was going to be when she tore Lady Renaldt to shreds.
Lady Renaldt would get what was coming to her.
It wasn’t long before Ras was dragged into dreamless sleep.
The atmosphere was heavy with tension; the air reeked of sweat. At least Miss Dalca and Blaise were with her; that was one less thing to worry about.
While the foreman was distracted talking to another miner, Miss Dalca edged to Ras’ side, along with Blaise. As they followed the rest of the group, a light breeze played across their face. They were nearing the surface: they just needed to wait for the right moment. Slowing her pace, Ras allowed the other miners to pass her, then ducked down a side tunnel, Blaise and Miss Dalca right behind her. The trio raced into the darkness. The light from their mining helmets cast jagged shaddows along the walls and roof, shadows that grew sharper as the tunnel narrowed.
Ras skidded to a halt as she they came across a sinkhole, taking up most of the path. 
“What? What is it?” Blaise snapped, grabbing the back of Ras’ shirt, and Ras moved her head to the side to allow Blaise to get a look.
Ras tested the edge of the sinkhole, and part of the floor crumbled beneath her weight. Somewhere nearby, people were drawing closer. It would be difficult for her to traverse alone, much less with Blaise and Miss Dalca in tow.
Miss Dalca stared at the path, swallowing. “You two get out of here,” she whispered. “I’m heavier than either of you. I don’t know if the edge will hold me. Go.”
Beside her, Blaise’s breathing was ragged. Ras wasn’t sure whether it’d hold her, either.
Ras shook her head. “Nope. Nuh-uh. Didn’t get this far just to lose one, or even both of you. If you think I’m leaving either of you, you’re both as ridiculous as each other.”
Miss Dalca huffed a sharp sigh. “Fine, fine, be a hero,” she said. “Let’s do this.” They inched their way along the edge, and Ras kept her gaze fixed on the other side. It was as though she was detached from any fear, with an iron focus on promised safety. Part of the edge crumbled behind her.
Blaise caught Ras’ sleeve, and together, the two shuffled towards stable ground. Miss Dalca followed, painfully slowly, and when she was near, she took Blaise’s free hand. Eventually, the three of them were all across.
With that, they ran. The air was growing fresher, and light began to filter down the tunnel roof. When they took a breather, and had time to listen, they caught the murmur of voices above. They emerged into bright, warm sunshine, the first natural light they’d seen in a long time.
Blaise doubled over coughing, spitting dust onto the ground, and Miss Dalca looked wan and sickly, but Ras had other concerns. A cluster of miners, and a forewoman, were staring at them. They immediately started to talk, demanding to know what was going on. Blaise and Miss Dalca tried to talk over them, explaining themselves. This would’ve been delicate even if it was just Ras, but Blaise and Miss Dalca? It’d be troublesome if they kept running their mouths.
Ras took a deep breath and stepped forward. “Hey!” She called out, getting the attention of everyone around her. “Shut the hells up and think about it a moment. I’ve been working hard as hell to restore glory to my name, making friends in and out of the college. Why would I throw it away, eh? Lady Renaldt is using you. None of this should be happening.”
The forewoman stared at Ras, her jaw clenching. “...Go.” She jerked her head in the direction of town. “Go,” she snapped. “Before I change my mind.”
With that, the trio made their escape toward what passed for home: Gallatin College.
The open air made it easier to walk; finding a stream and splashing water on their faces made each of them feel that much more human. Along with Miss Dalca, Blaise paused to cough and wash. She sighed as she leaned against a birch tree. “I can’t believe we’re out of there,” she rasped. “You’re—actually not so bad, Ras.”
“Not so bad?” Miss Dalca said, incredulously. “Don’t be ridiculous, Blaise. She was magnificent. Like she’d stepped out of the Myth of Erdrick itself.”
Blaise hesitated. She picked at the tree bark, peeling off a strip. “Y-yeah, I guess she was pretty cool out there, huh?” A pause.
“And—I know I said it before, but I’m sorry, Ras. Sorry for trying to get you expelled.”
Ras splashed more water on her face, washing the dirt away, and offered Blaise a grin. “It’s all right, Blaise. We all make mistakes.”
Blaise blinked. “Oh,” she said, sounding as if she wasn’t expecting that. She had no idea how to respond.
“And for what it’s worth?” Ras reached out, hand balled into a fist. “I’m just glad you’re safe.”
Blaise put her fist against Ras’, giving her a small smile in return; it was lopsided, with a touch of her former self.
A light drizzle began to fall. Miss Dalca held out a hand, and made a face. “Time to get moving, you two,” she said. “Getting caught in this would just add insult to injury.”
They pressed on. Walking in the open air felt so much better than toiling underground; the thought of their goal keeping them going. The sun was growing low, and the light in the sky was fading by the time the familiar lights of Gallatin shone ahead of them.
Carriages lined the drive, private and Archambault-owned alike. The banquet hall doors stood closed, and forbiddingly tall. From inside came applause and muffled cheering.
“Ras!” It was Karson. She raced across the quad, smiling so widely it looked like it ached. “I’m so glad you’re safe!”
Ras nodded. “Any news?”
“I tried to talk to Inspector Burgin about this, but I’m not sure if it worked. But what are you going to do now?”
For the first time, Blaise looked uncertain, looking between Ras, Karson, and Miss Dalca. “I won’t lie. I never thought this far ahead,” she said. “I just wanted to walk up and punch Lady Renaldt. And, I mean, we could still do that…”
“Tempting,” Miss Dalca said.
Ras shook her head. “Karson, do me a favor? Bring Lady Renaldt out here.”
Karson nodded, and with that, she made her way to the banquet hall. Ras turned to Miss Dalca and Blaise.
“Alright you two, I hope you’re ready for this.”
They nodded, and the banquet doors opened. Lady Renaldt emerged, dressed in a flowing silver gown. Diamonds gleamed at her throat. As soon as she saw the trio, her eyes lit up with surprise. 
Then, she made a move neither of them expected. She lifted the hem of her dress and made a dash forward, rushing past the trio as they were caught off guard. Blaise made to grab at her, as did Miss Dalca, but they only succeeded in tripping over each other.
“Well?” Blaise scowled, staring up at Ras from her position on the slick gravel of the drive. “Go after her!”
Ras nodded, and whipped around. She took a deep breath, and then dashed forward as well, her feet kicking up wet dirt and gravel as she ran after Lady Renaldt, chasing her across the Gallatin campus.
Lady Renaldt was every bit as skilled at running as Ras was, and she lead her the entire way through the campus until they made it to the lake, where Ras had Lady Renaldt cornered on the dock, a paddle canoe tied to it.
As Ras approached her from behind, Lady Renaldt turned around, staring at her with her head inclined.
“Well, Master Thorne. Here we are.” She said, defiance in her voice. Lightning crashed overhead, casting a temporary and ominous glow between the two.
Ras took a step forward, and Lady Renaldt took a step backwards. 
“You can’t honestly expect me to believe this was for the good of the college?” Ras asked, her mint green hair sticking to her face as a result of the rain from above.
“I don’t expect you to believe anything.” Lady Renaldt snapped. “I expect you to put an end to this farce.”
“The only one keeping this farce going is you, Lady Renaldt.” Ras countered. “Schroeder isn’t here to help you now, and I’ve done well for myself here. I’ve got Zaledoan royalty on my side, the word of the Birchmeier Society at my back, plenty of friends who’d be willing to scour an entire continent for me…The list goes on.”
Lady Renaldt’s glare was thunderous. “It’s true, you’ve got…connections.”
“That’s nothing to say of how you feel about me.”
“What would you know of my feelings?”
“You asked me for help twice, and one of those times you could’ve just had me thrown into your mines. Instead, you waited for me to decline. I daresay you think of me more favorably than anybody else here.”
Lady Renaldt bit her lip. “...I would, maybe, regret it, if something happened to you. Possibly.”
“So come on,” Ras took another step forward, holding her hand out even as Lady Renaldt took another step back. “Put a stop to this.”
Lady Renaldt stared. Then, she shook her head. “I can’t, Master Thorne. I won’t. I’m not going to risk imprisonment! I’ll imprison a thousand more children before I let anybody take this away from me!”
Ras frowned as Lady Renaldt retreated back yet again, as though she were afraid of Ras. Unfortunately, she ran out of room on the dock, and she slipped on the slick wood, falling backwards with widened eyes.
Ras rushed forward, reaching out to Lady Renaldt. Lady Renaldt reached back toward Ras, only for their fingertips to brush against each other in futility. Ras was too late, and she watched as Lady Renaldt crashed into the water below.
Unlike when Ras had saved Gonzalez from drowning, Lady Renaldt was already beginning to sink underneath the weight of her dress and accessories, the lavish adornments weighing her down significantly. 
Ras, throwing caution to the wind, leapt over the side of the dock, diving into the lake after Lady Renaldt.
As she neared, her eyes locked with Lady Renaldt’s through the crystal clear water of the lake, and as Ras made to reach for her, the other woman struggled, shaking her head in vehement denial.
Defiant to the end, Lady Renaldt grabbed Ras and shoved her away, forcing the other to watch as she sank to the bottom of the lake and awaited her demise.
Unable to stand being underneath the water anymore, Ras swam to the surface, breaking through with a gasp just as the others arrived.
Rosario’s voice. Ras turned to see a group of people all having converged on the dock of the lake. Blaise, Miss Dalca, Rosario…all of Ras’ friends, as well, led by Inspector Burgin.
Ras swam over to the dock, and with the help of the others, she was pulled upwards. When she stumbled onto the slick wood, gasping, she nearly collapsed, only to be stabilized by Karson and Gonzalez as they kept her upright.
They led her out of the rain and into the Clemency Building, pushing her into a chair and covering her with a blanket.
“Master Thorne, are you okay?” Miss Dalca asked, eyes widened with surprise at the state she’d found the other in.
Ras took a shaky breath, then offered a smile. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Honest.”
Inspector Burgin cleared her throat.
“Master Thorne, the others have told me everything.” A pause.
“...There is still the graduation ceremony, to be completed by Lord Haberlin.  When you have recuperated, I would hear the story from you, as well as what happened on the dock between you and Lady Renaldt. Until then, go.”
Ras nodded. She didn’t attend Gallatin for this long just to throw it away now. With the rest of her friends in tow, she returned to the Banquet Hall.
A commotion, as Ras entered, followed by everybody else, but then Lord Haberlin strolled onto the stage. “Now, now, everyone,” he said. Slowly, the noise began to die down. “We still have the ceremony to conduct. Our traditions must be maintained, even in the face of adversity. Without further ado, Prime Minister Lady Edith Belke will kindly donate the next foal to be born from her most famous thoroughbred, Sapphires Amidst the Ocean Breeze, to the winner. Prime Minister, would you be good enough to present the prize?”
Lady Edith Belke, a middle-aged woman in a flowing lilac gown, rose smoothly from her seat, stepping onto the stage and picking up the cup.
A ripple of anticipation spread throughout the hall. 
“I am pleased to announce,” said Lord Haberlin, “that Gallatin College has won the competition by a tremendous margin. Congratulations, Gallatin!”
Hartmann, shocked but distractedly smiling, walked up the stage and shook Lady Belke’s hand, lifting the cup aloft. A roar of Gallatin cheering rose, and continued for several minutes.
Lord Haberlin read out the list of graduating Archambault students; after a moment of hesitation, he did the same for the Gallatin graduates. Eventually, the students and guests filed out into the gardens beneath Lady Renaldt’s windows, where marquees and food tables had been set up. Everyone was talking about what had happened, why Lady Renaldt had gone missing, and with others joking about something being in the water. Auguste had been mobbed by a group of Archambault students, demanding to know if she knew something. Clusters of people kept talking at Ras, but it was such an overload that all she could do was smile and nod, let alone hold real conversation. Blaise had returned and was standing tentatively to one side, looking as dazed as Ras; students and teachers alike were eager to speak with her as they were with Ras.
Rosario ducked through guests and approached Ras, giving her a warm hug. “I have no idea what actually happened,” she said, “but I’m glad you’re all right! You’ll explain, won’t you?”
Ras took a deep breath and looked at Rosario. “...In time. But for now, could we just…?”
Rosario nodded. She drew Ras towards the quad, away from the lake and away from the bustling, hectic crowd. Her arm was warm, linked with Ras; the breeze played along their skin as the pair found a bench to sit on, with Ras laying down, head nestled neatly atop Rosario’s lap as the other played with her hair.
There was too much to explain right now; Ras hadn’t even decided if there would be explanations at all. The party continued as the shadows lengthened; despite everything, the guests, teachers, and students alike were determined to at least pretend as though nothing were amiss. The chamber musicians struck up with the Archambault college song, and couple began to move toward the lawn for dancing.
Many passed by Ras and Rosario, and they all made remarks about how peaceful the pair looked, and how adorable they were together. Even Max, with her constant teasing, merely offered the pair well wishes as she passed by with Delacroix in tow.
The dramatics were over—at least for now.
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zencaia · 3 years
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Sketches of @hpowellsmith‘s character Blaise Marechal.
I wanted to see my take on how much Blaise changes in the book. Also he's very expressive so that’s fun to draw ^-^
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I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you I don't need you to search for the proof that I should You don't have to convince me You don't have to be scared you're not enough 'Cause what we've got going is good
      — Zoe Murphy [Dear Evan Hansen], Only Us
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shadowcatgirl09 · 4 years
Oh I-wow I think I might have to do a second playthrough of Creme de la Creme and get with Blaise
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edithblake · 2 years
— characters
an updated list of my current ocs including basic info and links to the respective tags. [wip]
oc posts || oc content
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02. IF OCS
atalanta daenys.
verse(s): a mage reborn. ♡ she/her (nb). specialty: spiritism + alchemy. fc: misc. 5′7/170cm. ROs: elias revelois. tag.
ersa altalune peg’asi.
verse(s): andromeda six ♡ she/her (agender). species: kitalphan. fc: emily browning. 5′1/154cm. ROs: vexx serif, bash ilahaj. tag.
lawrence roux.
verse(s): apartment 502 ♡ he/they (m). nickname: lawrie. job: editor for ashton publishers. fc: misc. 5′10/178cm. ROs: atlas. tag.
nefta gil.
verse(s): attollo. ♡ she/they (f). august 15th. fc: misc. 5′1/156cm. ROs: sysba, dreamwalker. tag.
nehal nightbloom.
verse(s): blades of light & shadow. ♡ she/all (genderfluid). species: elf/drow. fc: misc. 6′3/191cm. ROs: tyril starfury. tag.
starling baluyot.
verse(s): blood moon. ♡ she/they (gnc f). alpha. fc: beatrice laus. 5′3/161cm. ROs: marco. tag.
anya petrova.
verse(s): blooming panic. ♡ she/they (nb). username: gothitax. fc: florzoye on ig. 5′1/155cm. ROs: nakedtoaster, toastyx. tag.
kimberly ‘kim’ ngo.
verse(s): body count, litg4. ♡ they/them (nb). fc: naomi roestel. 5′10/178cm. ROs: arthur campbell, sydney alexander, nyra mistry, willem kimura. tag.
cahya vinteren.
verse(s): checkmate in three moves. ♡ she/her (f). fc: brianne tju. 5′1/154cm. ROs: noir zu, jareth january. tag.
diamond emeraude vinteren.
verse(s): checkmate in three moves, spilt milk. ♡ she/they (nb). nicknames: dia. fc: savannah smith. 5′7/170cm. ROs: sailor bones, hawthorne. tag.
angel rivas.
verse(s): college tennis: origin story. ♡ they/he (nb). fc: omar rudberg. 5′9/175cm. style: all-court player. doubles partner: rayyan. ROs: rayyan afiq. tag.
charmaine de la rosa.
verse(s): crème de la crème, foreign affairs. ♡ they/them (nb). fc: melissa barrera. 5′7/170cm. ROs: max van meyer, blaise marechal, tatum mendoza. tag.
fate (eris young).
verse(s): dogs of abbadon, attollo. ♡ they/them (nb). fc: quintana cortez. 5′9/175cm. ROs: karma, pariah. tag.
freddie han.
verse(s): ear candy verse ♡ he/him (m). february 14th. fc: christian yu. 5′9/174cm. ROs: shiloh rue. connections: ryuwon han (sister). tag.
lakisha thomas.
verse(s): ear candy, infamous verse. ♡ she/they (nb). nicknames: kish. stage name: k1sh. fc: jujupeach on ig/misc. 5′/153cm. ROs: winslow montgomery, rowan hart. tag.
verse(s): fields of asphodel. ♡ she/any (agender). fc: misc/anya chalotra. 5′6/167cm. ROs: hades. tag.
gemma guerrero.
verse(s): greenwarden. ♡ she/he (gnc f). fc: michelle rodriguez. 6′1/185cm. ROs: tbd. tag.
kate hanna.
verse(s): infamous. ♡ they/them (nb). fc: nour rizk. 6′2/187cm. bday: august 23rd. full name: kateebah. stage name: arkane (prev: rickety kate). band: dance of the planets. genre(s): alt-rock, pop punk. ROs: seven lawless. tag.
sung-won kang.
verse(s): infamous. ♡ she/they (f). fc: jeon so-yeon/kang min-ah. 5′7/169cm. bday: december 15th. nicknames: sunni, lucky. stage name: lady luck. band: WBM. genre(s): pop rap, R&B, hip-hop, EDM. ROs: griffin reign + victoria valentine, orion quinn. tag.
rikke elín wallin.
verse(s): inner demons. ♡ she/they (nb). fc: misc. 5′/153cm. ROs: sam. tag.
jethro lee.
verse(s): larkin. ♡ he/they (gnc m). fc: tbd. 6′2/188cm. ROs: tbd. tag.
sienna merritt.
verse(s): love & friendship, desire & decorum. ♡ she/her (f). fc: tbd. 5′4.5/163cm. ROs: warren hind, ernest sinclaire. tag.
ramona wiseman.
verse(s): mind blind, tbd ♡ she/her (queer). nicknames: button, mona. fc: kiana madeira. 4′11.5/151cm. ROs: grayson black, kent zarneki. tag.
holden yan wu.
verse(s): ofna: birds of a feather. ♡ they/she (nb). fc: jessie mei li. 5′/153cm. ROs: elliot bhatra. tag.
lennox faulkner.
verse(s): ofna: birds of a feather. ♡ she/her (f). fc: morgan crabtree. 5′/153cm. ROs: simon(e) yi. tag.
victoria ofelia torres.
verse(s): open heart verse. ♡ she/her (f). nicknames: vic, v. fc: tashi rodriguez/giovana cordeiro. 5′1/155cm. ROs: bryce lahela. tag.
edith blake.
verse(s): original (misc verses), the wayhaven chronicles, the exile verse. ♡ she/her/any (genderqueer). november 13th. fc: laura james. 5′11/181cm. ROs: cal vamiral. adam du mortain. connections: kiara kingston (sister), morgan, jericho. tag.
raleigh murray.
verse(s): original (hockey verse) ♡ he/him (m). fc: misc. 6′1/185cm. ROs: reggie. connections: unnamed (friend). tag.
verse(s): original (magic shop verse). ♡ he/any (?). species: fox demon. 7′7/231cm. tbd. ROs: sashka, amos. connections: unnamed (employer/guardian). tag.
zoe beckett.
verse(s): original (modern gods verse), the wayhaven chronicles ♡ she/her (f). fc: misc. 6′/184cm. ROs: veera, nat sewell. connections: jada beckett-jones (cousin). tag.
aleksei morozov.
verse(s): original (crime verse) ♡ he/him (m). fc: misc. 6′/182cm. ROs: akira. connections: twice suwannarat (younger half-sister). tag.
twice dokkaew suwannarat.
verse(s): original (crime verse) ♡ she/her (f). aliases: black lady, queen of spades. fc: misc. 5′8/172cm. ROs: tbd. connections: aleksei morozov (older half-brother). tag.
verse(s): original (magic cult verse). ♡ she/they (agender). aliases: acolyte harmonia. specialty: puppetry. 5′1.5/156cm. tbd. ROs: ashe. connections: unnamed (sibling). tag.
jamie last.
verse(s): our life: beginnings & always. ♡ they/them (nb). fc: tbd. 6′/182.5cm. ROs: cove holden. tag.
cierra last.
verse(s): our life: beginnings & always. ♡ she/her (f). nicknames: cherry. fc: kendra bailey/misc. 6′/182.5cm. ROs: derek suarez. tag.
sharona west (milagros ramon).
verse(s): perfumare: amalgam. ♡ she/her (queer). fc: lizeth selene/justmelines on ig. 5′3.5/161cm. ROs: flavio esposito. tag.
naomi morren (naomi kurosawa).
verse(s): perfumare: avulsion. ♡ she/they (f). fc: rina fukushi. 5′10.5/179cm. ROs: reed esposito. tag.
sidra (yuna arai).
verse(s): project hadea. ♡ they/he/she (nb). fc: misc/takuma kujo. 5′7/169cm. ROs: nash, rohan. tag.
gienah (izzi muhammad).
verse(s): project hadea. ♡ she/they (nb). fc: bonzaimai on ig/misc. 5′9/176cm. ROs: rhaxa. tag.
deniz evrim yılmaz.
verse(s): redsugarsociety. ♡ she/they (f). fc: hande erçel. 5′9/176cm. ROs: santana vanhoudt. tag.
savannah dubois.
verse(s): redsugarsociety. ♡ she/her (f). fc: aliya will. 5′3/159cm. ROs: harlan crow + maddox la zar. tag.
alexa zhang-kearney.
verse(s): scout: an apocalypse story ♡ she/they (f). nicknames: lexa. fc: olivia munn. 5′4/163cm. ROs: ezra taylor. tag.
jamilah rose durant.
verse(s): scout: an apocalypse story ♡ she/her (f). nicknames: jam. fc: sharon alexie. 5′6/168cm. ROs: oliver shen. tag.
shanna wenrys.
verse(s): shepherds of haven. ♡ she/her (f). fc: misc. 6′2/188cm. ROs: blade bronwyn, tbd. tag.
kiran rhune.
verse(s): shepherds of haven. ♡ they/them (nb/genderfluid). fc: misc. 5′2.5/159cm. ROs: red antiqua. tag.
kassandra farhat.
verse(s): speaker. ♡ she/they (nb). nicknames: kass. fc: jamie gray-hyder. 5′11/179cm. ROs: li cowles + sebastian wynric. connections: sebille (sister), scooby boo (dog). tag.
ryuwon han.
verse(s): straight red verse. ♡ she/her (f). nicknames: ryu. fc: kim do-yeon. 5′10/179cm. ROs: jude schofield. connections: freddie han (brother). tag.
sage roe.
verse(s): superstition. ♡ she/her (f). fc: zoë kravitz. 5′2/157cm. ROs: zillah. tag.
marina howard.
verse(s): surfside, our life: beginnings & always. ♡ she/her (f). fc: yvonne logan. 5′/153cm. ROs: tbd, baxter ward. tag.
jules walsh.
verse(s): ted lasso ♡ she/her (gnc f). nicknames: beck, becks. fc: misc. 6′/183cm. ROs: jamie tartt, + dani rojas. tag.
mordred pendragon.
verse(s): the bastard of camelot. ♡ she/they/he (genderqueer). fc: misc. ROs: galahad du lac. tag.
farja ja’qhar.
verse(s): the exile. ♡ she/her (f). title: painted phoenix. fc: misc. tbd. ROs: syfyn javall, freedom. tag.
nathair cheronobog.
verse(s): the exile. ♡ he/him (m). title: gilded gorgon. fc: noen eubanks. 6′5/196cm. ROs: vethna mevnrael, nikke ivante. tag.
neamhain rezoth.
verse(s): the exile. ♡ they/them (nb). title: deathless demon. fc: misc. 6′1/185cm. ROs: freedom. tag.
saeha lygris.
verse(s): the exile. ♡ he/him (m). title: white wolf. fc: park seonghwa. 5′8/174cm. ROs: sabir du vaelas, +nikke ivante. tag.
lilith nakaya/helen keen.
verse(s): the fog knows your name, it lives in the woods. ♡ they/he/she (agender). fc: misc. 5′3/160cm. ROs: rex keller. andy kang. tag.
verse(s): the king’s hound. ♡ she/they (nb). nicknames: gwen. fc: miriam leone. 5′8/173cm. ROs: yniol + morien. tag.
reyna santos.
verse(s): the midnight hours. ♡ she/her (f). fc: shay mitchell. 5′4/161cm. ROs: rylan villanueva. tag.
ziv mays.
verse(s): the midnight hours. ♡ they/them (nb). fc: jaiiy d. moses. 6′/183cm. ROs: blane rekner, a deveraux. tag.
salvador soto.
verse(s): the midnight hours. ♡ he/any (gnc m). nicknames: chava. fc: poorave on ig/cristo fernández. 6′3/190.5cm. ROs: k de vries, n alves. tag.
verse(s): the nameless. ♡ she/they/he (genderfluid). fc: vanessa axente. 5′11.5/181cm . ROs: healer. tag.
verse(s): the nameless. ♡ she/they (nb). fc: jadasabrina on ig. tbd. ROs: oisein, magesmith. tag.
kshama sawhney.
verse(s): the northern passage. ♡ she/they (gnc f). fc: misc. 6′/182cm. ROs: lea chen. tag.
jiro newman.
verse(s): the passenger. ♡ he/they (agender). fc: tosaka hiroomi. 5′10.5/178cm. ROs: jonny. tag.
river newman.
verse(s): the passenger. ♡ she/they (agender). fc: misc. 5′/152cm. ROs: roach, + horizon. tag.
winona hill.
verse(s): the wayhaven chronicles ♡ she/her (f). fc: synmia rosine/jurnee smollett-bell. 5′3/160cm. ROs: agent m. tag.
hyeon lee.
verse(s): the wayhaven chronicles ♡ he/they (m). fc: lim jae-beom. 5′10.5/179cm. ROs: nate sewell, f hauville. tag.
malee chanteloup.
verse(s): the wayhaven chronicles ♡ she/they (f/nb). fc: davika hoorne. 5′9/175cm. ROs: f hauville. tag.
jada beckett-jones.
verse(s): you live and fern. ♡ she/they (genderfluid/nb). fc: cannelle/canfrgu on ig. 5′10.5/179cm. ROs: alex sancho. connections: zoe beckett (cousin). tag.
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roshanak qubadî. a tale of crowns. ♡ she/her (nb). affinity: sun’s blessing (outer). fc: misc/maryam zolghadr. 5′5/166cm. ROs: a mirza, d sîdar. tag.
hêdî teyran. a tale of crowns. ♡ they/he (nb). affinity: death of the sun (inner). fc: misc. 5′10/177cm. ROs: xelef, rêzan. tag.
cruz azevedo-morais. bad ritual. ♡ she/her (f). fc: maju trindade. 5′9/175cm. ROs: siruud. tag.
selene king. blood moon. ♡ she/her (f). beta. fc: phoebe tonkin. 5′7/172cm. ROs: farroq khan. tag.
rosa delgado. bloodbound, first bite. ♡ she/her (f). fc: adria arjona. 5′5/165cm. ROs: all. tag.
angelica vaughan. body count, litg4. ♡ she/her (f). nicknames: angie. fc: benedetta gargari. 5′8/172cm. ROs: vinh nguyen, anjana. tag.
zazie green. body count, litg4. ♡ she/they (genderfluid). fc: gabrielle richardson. 5′5/165cm. ROs: atticus cruz, griffin wood, bruno kaminski. tag.
bly keels. chop shop, evenfall. ♡ they/them (nb). aliases: valentine. fc: slick woods. ROs: tbd. tag.
arden fox. citadel. ♡ she/her (f). fc: conor leslie. 5′9/175cm. ROs: davy jackson. tag.
maria diệu hoàng. conspiracy in emerson ♡ she/they (nb). fc: nhung hong. 5′8/173cm. ROs: r da costa, ??. tag.
mai phạm. divine intervention, tbd. ♡ she/her (f). fc: tsutsumi hoang. 5′2/157cm. ROs: anubis, amaterasu, tbd. tag.
ambra luxemburg. echoes, tbd. ♡ she/they (nb). fc: emily ratajkowski. 5′7/170cm. tag.
satha caro. faith of gods. ♡ she/her (???). origin: astium. fc: aradhana buragohain. 4′11.5/151cm. ROs: tbd. tag.
minerva kwan jin. keeper series. ♡ she/they (queer). species: drakaina. fc: misc. tbd. ROs: leon dalton, tbd. tag.
ophelia. more things in heaven & earth. ♡ she/her (f). fc: caitlin stasey. 5′1.5/156cm. ROs: horatio. tag.
honey bonner. nothing left [to burn]. ♡ she/her (f). fc: madison iseman/misc. 5′2/157cm. ROs: drew (past). tbd. tag.
delilah evans. out of the blue. ♡ she/her (nb). fc: hannah kleit. 5′/153cm. ROs: max winthrope. tag.
nykima morales. speaker. ♡ she/her (f). fc: samantha logan. 5′6/167cm. ROs: rory kane. connections: ria (sister), beelzepup (dog). tag.
alice faust. summer court, tbd. ♡ she/her (f). fc: maya hawke. 5′8.5/173cm. ROs: tbd. tag.
phoenix roe. superstition. ♡ he/they (genderfluid). fc: misc. 5′11/179cm. ROs: sydero theron + amari foster. tag.
leah morrigan fay. supernatural in new york. ♡ she/they (f). fc: misc/jade taylor. 5′7/170cm. ROs: tbd. tag.
mercy hardy. the hunt trilogy. ♡ she/her (f). fc: crystal reed. 5′8/173cm. ROs: tbd. tag.
unnamed suri. the rosy ones: resurrections. ♡ she/her (f). fc: genie/bbyg6rl on ig. 5′1/155cm. ROs: matias fuentes, chai santiago, river la fontaine. tag.
willow rocha. to the whistling winds. ♡ she/her (f). fc: mariana froes. 5′5/165cm. ROs: tbd. tag.
ikarys. wayfarer. ♡ ze/he/they (genderqueer). fc: michael lockley. 6′3/190cm. ROs: tbd. tag.
asherah. wayfarer. ♡ she/all pronouns (genderqueer). fc: misc. 6′/183cm. ROs: tbd. tag.
galael lightdew. ♡ he/she/all (genderfluid). species: fae. 6′6/198cm. tag.
nazia merantis. ♡ she/they (nb). species: half-siren. affiliation: pirates. 5′7/170cm. tag.
niravez moors. ♡ they/them (agender). species: chimaera. affiliation: council of the thirty. 5′10/178cm. tag.
sila/sanna qhun. ♡ he/him, she/her (gender-selectable). species: thulsi. affiliation: dragon warriors. companion: dastal. 6′9/206cm. tag.
kamaria vessilis. ♡ she/her (gnc f). species: human-born blessed. affiliation: vala’har empire. 6′/182cm. tag.
leif dawnstar ♡ he/they (agender). species: fae. 5′10/178cm. tag.
chane smith. ♡ he/they (agender). species: earth god. 6′8/203cm. tag.
death. ♡ she/her (agender). species: ???. 10′/305cm or 6′1/186cm. tag.
eden lark. ♡ she/they (nb/genderfluid). species: water spirit. 5′/153cm. tag.
kain de la cruz. ♡ he/they (genderqueer). species: fire god. 6′4/194cm. tag.
sen fujihara. ♡ he/they, she/they (customizable). species: human. 5′10/177cm. tag.
leir sulien. ♡ he/him, she/her (gender-selectable). titles: crown heir. 6′2/188cm. tag.
odile. ♡ xe/she/he (nb). titles: faerydae. species: half-fae. 5′11/180cm. tag.
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