#Royal Affairs just came out so if I go crazy with it for a while please wishme well
bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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They’re Back
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The Words "Best Friends" Become Redefined. Part 2
Regulus Black AU
Summary: You had been Regulus’ friend since childhood and now his mistress. The war had changed many things, Regulus among them. Now its time to decide if you should put your self-worth over missing someone who was gone.  
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: M- smut
Song in Chapter: King of Wishful Thinking by Go West 
Link to Part 1 
I'll get over you, I know I will. I'll pretend my ship's not sinking and I'll tell myself I'm over you. 'Cause I'm the king of wishful thinking.
Your eyes snapped open as the song on the radio began to register in your sleep-deprived mind. Groaning, you sat up and threw a shoe at the radio knocking it off of your chest of drawers. Anything about being “the queen of wishful thinking” made you want to barf.
It had been several weeks since the night at the pub and you were no closer to getting over Regulus than you were on day one. Every day seemed to be the same, emotionally. You would wake up, cry a little, get mad at yourself for being sad (because you were right and he was wrong), then get up and force yourself to put on a happy face.
Regulus wasn’t helping any matters by sending you letters every single day. He had sent you the emerald bracelet that you returned several times before you finally gave up and just kept it. When it came to the letters, you just gave them to Sirius to do whatever he wanted with them.
You were more thankful than ever for your friendship with the elder Black brother. He was always a willing ear when you needed to rant. Sirius also took extra care to not tell Remus anything about the true nature of your relationship with Regulus. For all that Remus knew, in your mind, was your friendship with Regulus had ended and you were being a royal grouch about it.
Sighing, your mind went to the previous night when you were once again raging about Regulus to Sirius.
“I’m a real idiot, Sirius. I go around throwing away perfectly good boyfriends. Well, I don’t know if he considered himself my boyfriend but god damn it…Regulus is such a freaking jerk!”
Sirius sat on the couch watching.
“You’re still wearing his ring.”
You looked down at your hand. The ring that Regulus had given you years ago was still sitting proudly on your finger.
“I know that I am! I am a mess, Sirius. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. All I want to do is cry. You know me, I’m not a crier! I can handle a crisis!”
Sirius smirked.
“A trait that you share with your brother so well…look, love, just because you love him doesn’t mean he’s good for you…hey look at me being the responsible one. Normally that’s your brother's job”
You groaned dramatically before sitting down.
“I know you are right but I don’t want to accept it. I am having a shit time at just throwing away a ten-year friendship and slight love affair. Why wasn’t I good enough for Regulus to fight for? Why couldn’t he say no to your family’s psycho ways and fight for me? Am I not…”
Sirius held a hand up.
“I’m just going to stop you right there, Y/n. You are more than good enough! You have always been good enough! Personally, I think that you are too good for the bum. Now come with me, we are going to do something. I want no complaining.”
You reluctantly followed Sirius into your bedroom. He led you to your full-sized mirror and put you in front of it.
“Now I want you to stand here, look at yourself, and tell me some of your best qualities.”
You gave your friend a frown only to earn a slap to the behind.
“I’m your best friend. I can do that…now get going, sugar bean.”
You sighed and looked at your reflection for a moment before meeting Sirius’ waiting eyes.
“I’m smart. I’m a good friend. I’ll fight for those I care about no matter the cost. I have a giving heart…I may be a sass queen…”
Sirius snorted.
“May be?”
You chuckled before turning around and hugging Sirius.
‘“Thank you, Sirius.”
Getting out of bed, you felt somewhat better. While Sirius could drive you crazy, he also knew how to make you feel a lot better.
He really does remind me of Regulus.
A truer thought couldn’t have been said about that one. Whether they argued and swore that they were totally different. Regulus and Sirius’ friendship styles were extremely similar. Standing in you in front of the mirror and making you list off good qualities about yourself was definitely something that Regulus would have done.
Stepping into the shower, you sighed in relief as the hot water washed over your aching muscles. In addition to your poor state of mental health, you had been pulling extra duties for The Order. This meant nightly patrols, tons of research, and spying on unsuspecting death eaters with Sirius and Remus.
“Hi sugar, I know that you miss me.”
You froze. This had been the first time that you had heard Regulus’ voice in your mind. Legilimency. Of course, Regulus could do this. You internally smacked yourself in the head as you “chose” to ignore him.
“Oh, you’re still not talking to me, huh? That’s too bad. I miss you, princess. Do you really expect me to go from spending every day with you for ten years to nothing so easily? I miss everything about you.”
You closed your eyes. Even though you were quite good at Occlumency, you made no move to push Regulus from your mind. Maybe you were asking for what you were getting. Maybe you were being weak…but damn it was wonderful to hear Regulus’ voice in your mind.
“Still nothing? Y/n, you really are being so stubborn. Maybe you should know what I miss. I miss seeing your beautiful face underneath me. How beautiful you look after I kiss your lips until they’re swollen and your cheeks are flushed bright pink. I miss how desperate you get when I suck on those dusty nipples. I miss how you move under me. You can’t tell me, love, that you don’t miss how your pussy trembles when I’m pushing in. Don’t forget, sweetheart, that it was I that showed you how to please a man. Now, that I know you are wet, how about a word? Anything…tell me where you are and I’ll come to you. We can fix all of these nasty little issues that we are having and get back to us…the real us.”
You bit your lip at “the real us.” Regulus didn’t remember what the real “Regulus and Y/n” was. He forgot what your friendship meant. He forgot what actual love was…
Forcing Regulus’ voice from your mind, you quickly turned off the shower.
“I have got to keep him out of my mind.”
You spent the majority of the day trying your best to avoid having your mind fall back to Regulus. Thankfully, there was enough crazy going on at the ministry to keep you busy for hours. The less that Regulus graced your mind the better. You weren’t able to sit around and think about his cocky voice in your head that morning…and how deliciously deep his voice sounded.
Merlin, I am really fucked.
You thought before putting your head down on your desk. Maybe you were more screwed than your realized?
Later that day you were more than happy to meet Remus and Sirius for dinner at a bar. Seeing your friends was just what you needed to “get out of your head.” The moment that you walked into the bar, Sirius motioned you over to the table.
Taking off your jacket, you nearly collapsed at the table. Normally, you would have kissed Remus and Sirius both on the top of their heads. Today, that wasn’t happening. Both men looked slightly offended as you held your hand up.
“Rain check. What a day! I am beat!”
You commented as Remus slid you a glass of fire whiskey. He gave you a small smile. Remus wasn’t a fool. He knew that there was more to your friendship with Regulus ending than what he was being told. Remus wanted nothing more than to question you and then go kill Regulus…but that would get him nowhere. You were depressed enough as it was. If he “offed” Regulus, you would be inconsolable. If Remus was to do anything, it would be to let you tell him in your own time.
What is it with Lupins finding the Blacks so damn interesting?
Remus looked across the table at Sirius who gave him a small smile.
Oh, that…that right there.
Remus added to his thoughts before turning to you.
“Long day?
You nodded.
“We don’t have many short ones any longer. I swear, this war needs to hurry the hell up. I don’t think that I was meant for this being careful thing. I ran into Augustus Rockwood today and had to stop myself from saying you’re next mother fucker.”
Sirius giggled.
“I’m surprised that you didn’t. Y/n, I have to say that Remus and yourself are the sassiest people that I know.”
“Does that assessment include yourself?”
Remus asked, cheekily. Sirius rolled his eyes.
“See what I mean? Sass!”
You leaned back in your chair and took a sip of your whiskey as the lights in the bar went out. Immediately, you reached for your wand as some death eaters walked into the bar.
“Boy, they sure like to make a big entrance.”
You murmured as Remus, Sirius, and yourself dropped to the floor. Remus’ eyes were wide as he turned to you.
“Get out. There is an exit in the back. Sirius and I will take the exit over there. If we all go together it will draw too much attention. If you want to go with Sirius, I’ll go the back way.”
You shook your head. The last thing that you were about to do was let them be separated. Besides, you could handle getting out on your own.
“No, just go. I’ll meet you lot back home.”
You whispered before crawling off toward the back of the pub as people in the bar started screaming. As much as you wanted to go back and fight, you knew it would be stupid. The three of you were outnumbered.
Once in the other room, you moved to stand up but someone grabbed you from behind. You quickly threw your elbow back hitting whoever it was in the ribs. When they made a painful moan, you pulled away enough to get a good look at who it was.
“Going somewhere, sugar?
You froze as Regulus took off his mask. As much as you wanted to stand and stare at him, you couldn’t. Taking out your wand you launched hex after hex at Regulus only for him to repel them away. You wanted him to hurt as much as you were hurting!
“Come on sugar is that the best you’ve got?”
Regulus said, sounding bored. You stopped and glared at him. You wanted Regulus to feel your misery. If there was anything of the man that you cared about in there…you wanted him to see your side.
“I don’t kill things. Unlike you, I don’t hurt people that I care about.”
Regulus chuckled.
“Oh, sugar. You really are mad.”
You picked up an empty bottle and threw it at Regulus. He sighed as it only hit him in the chest.
“Go away, Regulus. If you’re going to kill me then just be a man and do it.”
You snapped. Regulus was about to reply but stopped the moment that he heard Lucius Malfoy’s voice. He stood motionless for a moment before rushing forward and wrapping his arms around you.
“Don’t scream. Be silent.”
He hissed before standing his body upright. The last thing that Regulus wanted was for Malfoy to have any idea that he had “company.”
“Black, we need to go. Nothing that we came for is here. It was another piece of bloody useless information.”
You stood wrapped in Regulus’ arms clutching tightly to his death-eater robes as he gently rubbed soothing circles on your back.
Soothing…what is happening here?
You thought before taking a moment and breathing him in. Never in a million years did you think that you would ever be in Regulus’ arms like this again…yet here you were. There you were and he was holding you just as he did before turning away from you.
“I knew it was a waste of time. Go ahead, I’ll be along shortly. There is something else that I need to take care of.”
Regulus replied. He waited until he was positive that Malfoy was gone before letting go of you. When you looked back at your love’s face, he looked ready to panic. His cool calm composure was gone.
“Take the second door and get out of here. Turn into your animagus form the instant you are outside and don’t turn back into a human until you are home. Run and don’t look back…just run.”
He shook his head before pulling you into a kiss. Neither of you moved away from the other for a moment. It was savoring the moment… enjoying the closeness that both of you missed. You sighed as Regulus’ tongue caressed yours. This was the kiss that you missed…the kiss that you longed for in your dreams…
Regulus was the first to pull away.
“Go! Stop wasting time…just please…go.”
You gave him one final look before morphing into your cat animagus form and rushing out the door into the dark silence of the ally way…
______ @amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @georgeweasleydumbhoe @justfinishthis @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @ell0ra-br3kk3r @darkenwolfie @livshifts @stelleduarte @starsval @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @daddyslittlevillain @rogue-nyx88 @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @f4iryluvy @buttercup-beeee @i-love-scott-mccall @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @quinis @yousmellllikecaca @mentally-unstable-hoe @haroldpotterson @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @rubyroscoe1 @dumybitch @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @lostarc24 @marichromatic @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @un-lovesherself @melaninnbarbie @criminalyetminimal @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @knight-of-gleefulness @deanwherescas @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @shitfaceddaniel-blog @untoldshortsofthefandoms @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner
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kangmoon27 · 1 year
ROYAL AFFAIR | Jungkook ff oneshot
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Pairing: villager Jungkook x Queen Y/n
Summary: You're a married woman. You're a queen who's married to the king but you're in love with a village who eventually asked to marry your younger sister.
You're the queen and married to the king. You two were wonderful couple. Loving each other, treasuring each other.
At least that's what all they think but it wasn't like that, as a person who belong to royal families you and you husband needed to act as a perfect loving couple but that's far from what your relationship truly is.
You're the kind of woman who will treasure someone that you love alot but in your condition with your husband. There's no way you will love him the way that you would love someone in a romantic way.
Why? Because he's not only your husband but also your older brother. Yes he's your older brother and at this times they think to strengthen the kingdom you have to marry your relatives and it happened that they only planned making you because their first child needed a bride.
You're just a plan and since you're born, you're already destined to be his wife and you couldn't do anything about it. People might think it's crazy but at this certain time royal really do marry their relatives.
Your brother isn't not that bad. He's handsome, every woman and different princesses from other kingdoms bow down to him and throwing themselves just to have him and you're not gonna lie you would probably do the same if only you're in the same position as them.
But for you marrying your brother is a big mistake also because he keeps on forcing himself to you even tho it was clear that you have no interest in him.
You already have someone in your heart but sadly everything has to come to an end now mostly that you're a Nobel woman who's married to the king.
But can you actually stay away from him?
It's midnight and you're here walking alone in the dark forest while holding a lamp in your right hand.
You couldn't sleep, you miss him so much that you even sneak out just to see him even tho your husband already warned you not to go anywhere without him but right now you just couldn't stay still anymore.
It's been 3 weeks since you haven't seen him and it's k'llin' you. Soon you arrived Infront of his house. You knocked on the wooden door and waited till the door open.
You're patiently waiting for the door to open and when it finally opened you dropped the lamp from your hand and hug him tight.
"I missed you so much!!" You felt his arms around your waist while you lay down your head on his shoulder and buried your face on the croock of his neck crying.
"Y-you shouldn't be here your majesty. If the king find out we're going to be in a big trouble" He said while pulling out from the hug.
You look at him with sadness filling your eyes. You love him so much and you can't afford to lose him.
"Tell me, do you really want me to leave and never came back?" You asked him.
The man couldn't speak, he just wanted you by him side and never leave but the world is so cruel that the destiny drifted you apart from each other.
"You should leave now your highness. We should stop this, look at me I'm just a ordinary villager. I'm nothing compared to the king so don't risk your life for someone like me."
As he was about to close the door you drop your knees on the ground and grab his hand you continuesly crying Infront of him while begging.
"N-no no no Jungkook I love you so much please don't do this to me please I love you so so much."
He was stunned seeing you like that. You're royal, you should never lower yourself for someone who isn't as worthy as him.
"Please stand up don't do this please" he pulled your hand and pick you up from the ground before he could even say something, you immediately pulled him and k'ss him not wanting to break away.
Jungkook should help himself but to return the k'ss. He loves you so much and he couldn't imagine his life with you but he's also worried about your safety. If the king finds out about this affair he will surly punish you and he never wanted that to happen.
You pushed Jungkook inside the house without breaking the k'ss. You lay him down on the bed while you're hovered him. You pulled away and look at him with pleasing eyes.
"Please let me. I miss you and I love you." He slowly nod his head, surrendering himself to you.
You stood up Infront of his as you begin to str'p yourself. Start by removing your hair tie letting your soft smooth hair fall down and then you pulled the reboot behind you and as soon as it lost the tie your gown came running down of your body leaving you only in your undergarment.
His eyes follow every gestures you make. His gulp when you started making you way to him, hovered him again as you wrapped your arms around his neck before k'ss him passionately.
While your lips is on his, you took the appourtunity to grab his clothes and remove it. He didn't complain or try stopped you. He just let you do what you want as he already surrendered himself to you.
As the both of you are both n'ked you broke the kiss and look at him. He move forward with his hand around your waist trying to pull you closer for another k'ss but you removed his hand and kneel down.
He wanted to stop you but before he could even do anything hi c'ck is already in you hand and started pumping it. All he could do is to pull his head back, roll his eyes and moan out of pleasure.
Jungkook's moan gets louder after you took his tip in your warm m'uth and s'ck his b'lge. It's just the tip but he's already reaching his high. He gulp hard and whimpers after you took all him and started pumping your head front and back.
Your eyes filled with tears as he's huge that you can feel it at the bottom of your throat but you refuse to stop. You wanted to please him. You Open your eyes and stared at him. Seeing him enjoy the warmth of your mouth, you put his hand on your hand making his grip on it when you suddenly started s'cking him hard while his whole length is inside your m'uth. As you're about to pulled away he push your head back making you chock but he doesn't seem to noticed as he's lose in pleasure.
You just let him do what he wants and open you mouth freely even tho your throat is already burning in pain because of suddenly adjustment. Soon you felt a warm creamy liquid shot inside your throat. In no time you swallow it all and clean his m'mber. You s'ck his tip again and l'ck it clean.
While trying to catch his breath he still manage to keep his eyes on you. Watching you getting up from the ground as you hovered him again.
He sit up while you're sitting on his lap. He grabbed his l'ngth and point it in your little c'nt. Because of the wetness you get it is so easy for him to slide in. Even tho your tight. The wetness of your p'ssy is enough to let him all in inside you.
Your breath hitch. You close your eyes and slowly moving upward then down. You're being stretch out and it's burning in pain but you want him and no one can stop you from claiming him. You lay your head on his shoulder while both of his hand run to your hips. He started moving you up and down while you moan directly in his ears and beg him not to stop.
The news shocked you.
He's standing Infront of you and the king asking for a woman's hand but that woman isn't you. It's your little sister and they both wanted to get married and right now they're asking for the blessing of the king and queen to let them be together.
You're heartbroken. You love him so much and you're ready to put everything on risk even your own life just for him and now he wanted to marry your sister?.
You don't know if you should be happy for your sister, or be mad at Jungkook or be sad for yourself cause if the king agrees then you also lost the purpose of your life.
"Please give us the blessing and I promise to take care of Princess Ally. Your majesty." He said while bowing at the king.
It is too much for you to watch this scene. Without saying anything you get up and left. Everyone is confused by your action.
"If my sister truly loves you then I don't have any reason to not give you both the blessing." The king said making th princess cheer in happiness while the man just smiled, fake smiled.
"It's ridiculously!! How can you come here and asked for my sister's hand and now you're standing Infront of me saying you love me?!." You're shouting at him while hitting his chest repeatedly.
He grabbed both of your hand and hugged you tight. You tried pushing him but failed. Jungkook didn't let go of you until you calm down.
Soon he let go of you and grab both of hand. Kissing the back of it as he look into your eyes. Your tears roll down by just imagining of losing him. He wipe your tears and kiss your forehead before pulling you into his embrace and said.
"I'm sorry for the sudden announcement. I really don't wanna agree to this marriage cause my heart only belongs to you but at this kind of set up it will be easier for us to see each other and be closer. I'm sorry but this is the only way that I found to keep you close to me, my love."
Jungkook explained himself. He only loves the queen and he would do anything just to keep her close to him.
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artfartt · 10 months
I have news!
I made 3 new aus!
But dw I didn’t forget abt the book thingy au
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Tw: bright colors for the last one, and lots of reading
1st au (going from most recent)
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So the magic rabbit au. Max is a magician that’s in need of a assistance and Sam is a dog man in need of a job, what perfect match! Sam always wanted to be a magician, but he was horrible at it, but Max never gave up on him. Max never gotten too attached to anyone, but Sam was something different, but of course because I’m writing it Max believes that this shouldn’t be allowed, so they just go on with their acts. Since Max has a bad reputation with other magicians, they get into some “freelance trouble” like being tied up on a spinning wheel and letting little kids throw axes at them /hj. Max does rethinks his feelings, but I’m not sure if he ever confesses to him since I came up with this yesterday, but he does go over Sam’s house so much they practically live together, so yeah.
2nd au
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In The love doctor au, Max has every type trauma you can imagine (main character moment). He’s a sad, unemployed, lifeless soul. While watching tv one day, he comes across an ad about a nonprofit organization that helps cure people called ‘The love doctors’. He finally decides to go there after been told to go there by his therapist several times and was partnered with Sam. Sam worked day and night to help him. At first, Max was hesitant and uncooperative, but the more they go one the more he realizes that he likes Sam. Once he got cured, he got too attached and decided to cheat his way into staying with Sam more. In the end Sam finds out about the crush and Sam and Max now live together. Max taking care of the house, and Sam helping out patients. Every now and then, Max finds hisself sad at home, but Sam can easily cure him.
3rd (and final)
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I wanted to redraw this since it was made a whole month ago so here’s the original
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In the toy prince au they live in a society where they’re different regions that belong to certain kings and queens (and they’re all toys). Sam is the prince of “The Aces” (one of a few colonized lands) but soon has to make his choice on who will be his spouse. And because this is Sam we’re talking, he’s looking forward to marrying someone. Max is an orphan picked off the streets when he was little, and was chosen to be the royal jester. Ever since then Sam and Max has been best friends, but Max’s friendship for Sam has grown stronger over time. A bit too strong. Once the day comes for Sam to choose his wife, his mother breaks the news that he’ll be marrying princess ‘Queen Cat-toy’ (yes that’s her name) for treaty purposes with one of the regions. This marriage makes Max jealous because he’s Max, and because he’s afraid Sam won’t hang around him anymore. And that’s when he discovers his feeling for him, but he tries to reject them because “forbidden love” stuff. A few weeks later, Sam’s birthday comes around and he and Max barely talk anymore because Cat-toy needs attention and she keeps dragging Sam everywhere with her. Sam becomes sick of her but he can’t divorce her because she’s crazy and tries to threaten him by planning out a huge war. Because of this Sam realizes that he misses Max, in a way he feels like he shouldn’t. In the middle of the huge birthday party, he sneaks to go take a break from life itself, and Max follows. Max finally decides to speak his feelings and Sam and him decides they’ll be in a royal affair. Princess Queen Cat-toy soon finds out that about this affair and is trying to catch him in the act to get guillotined (I forgot to mention, Max gets sentenced to the guillotine several times because he and Sam like to go out on adventures around the village, and usually Max is the one to get in trouble even if it was Sam’s idea to go in the first place).
Fun fact: this one was inspired and made the same day as The Amazing Digital Circus
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multiverse-muse · 3 years
A Pretty Cage is Still a Cage
magic!reader x loki, not quite canon compliant, also on my ao3
“Have you enjoyed learning from the strange doctor?” You control your urge to grin wide as you turn to face Loki. You were taking a break in the compound’s library, which was barely ever occupied beyond yourself.
“It’s Doctor Strange.” You correct, shaking your head and rolling your eyes at him, but you can’t hide your smile.
“That’s what I said.” Loki said.
“I’ve actually been training with Wanda, thank you very much. Stephen’s technique was a little too...intellectual for me. Theory learning and such.”
“No wonder you left his teaching, your magic is inane and hardly helped through books.” Loki paused. “Midgardian books, anyway. I’m sure even his Sanctum does not have half the amount of material as my own library.”
“I can’t tell if you’re bragging or still trying to be mean about Stephen.” Loki simply grinned, giving an elegant shrug. You roll your eyes. “Welcome back, Loki.”
“I’m not back for long. Thor wanted to check in on something quickly and then we’re headed back. I was hoping you’d return with us.” Loki explained. You simply blinked at him for a long moment before realizing your mouth was hanging open.
“Wait, wait, me? Going to Asgard?” With you?” You sputter.
“And my brother, but yes, you’ve gotten the gist of it. You need a good teacher if you are to master your magic.”
“Oh, no way. I would stick out like a sore thumb in Asgard. A very ugly, very sore thumb.” You argue. A frown crosses Loki’s face.
“You should know, you’re quite a pretty thumb. Far and away prettier than most. Asgard can hardly prepare itself for you.” Loki retorts. You frown and squint your eyes at him.
“I still can’t tell if that’s a compliment or not.”
You had not been practicing your magic very long. Nor had you known Loki, Thor, and the other Avengers very long. You had met them only a few months ago, when a Hydra unit hit your hometown, looking for mutants to use in an army. All they found was you: you who had only had your abilities awoken during the scuffle with Hydra. After they were defeated, the Avengers offered you a place at their compound. They knew plenty of magic users who could help teach you or, if you had preferred, they had connections to Professor Xavier. You had declined that offer, preferring to learn from Loki.
Loki himself had not been with the Avengers long. After the death of his mother and his own revelation of sorts, he’d given up on conquest. He still longed for the throne, but now he planned to simply outlive Thor. Which, really, he thought wouldn’t take long, considering how many foolish things Thor gets himself involved with. His presence in the Avengers Compound made him an easy teacher to access.
This set up nicely for the two of you to become quick friends. Both on the outside of the circle, looking in and feeling out of place. Loki was better at hiding it, of course, and to an extent he did prefer to stay out of the spotlight. At least, when it came to the Avengers.
Now, you stood between the two brothers at the Bifrost, having just passed through the nauseating space tunnel thing that Thor uses to travel. Asgard loomed before you, beautiful and decadent and otherworldly. Which it was, you supposed. That and incredibly overwhelming.
“Welcome to our home.” Thor said.
“I’ve already alerted King Odin of your arrival.” You turn and spot a man who could only be Heimdall. You can’t help but appreciate his form even as the thought of Odin terrified you.
“Thank you, Heimdall.” Thor introduced the two of you officially before the two of you and Loki approached the main palace.
“What if your father doesn’t like me?” It bursts from your mouth before you can stop it and you reach out and grab onto Loki’s arm. “What if he sends me back to Earth?”
“Then he’ll only prove his own foolishness.” Loki waved away your concern easily. He took the hand on his arm and placed it in the crook of his elbow, so he was now leading you as you walked. The three of you are met at the door by a guard, joined by others as you walked, and by the time you reached the throne hall, you all had an entourage of nearly a dozen men. Someone on the other side of the door announced your presence and the door began to open. You hastily try to pull your hand from Loki’s arm, though he held tight and sent you a frowning glance.You tugged again but couldn’t budge from him.
“My sons!” Odin greeted from the throne. He was just as intimidating as you’d expected and if not for your hand still being in Loki’s grasp, you’re sure you would’ve either fainted or ran back out the door. “And our honored guest! Welcome to Asgard, milady.”
“Oh, ah, th-thank you!” You squeak out, then whisper to Thor, “Do I bow? Curtsy?”
“You may do either, if you feel the need but I do not require anyone to do so, particularly guests who may be unaware of traditions.” Odin eased your worry. He and the boys spoke for a moment before his attention turned back to you. “Now, as I understand, you are learning magic from my son. I’m curious to see where your abilities lie now, before his teaching.”
“Ah, yes, Your Majesty.” You glance at Loki and Thor with wide eyes before facing King Odin fully. You take a deep breath and raise your hands. One thing you’d learned while training with Dr. Strange and Wanda was that your powers came from feelings, not thoughts. As such, your magic tended to be temperamental. This time however, you channeled your nervousness into a solid energy and opened your eyes to see orbs of pale yellow light floating through the chamber.
“It’s not much.” You admit, lowering your hands. The orbs hang for a few moments before they start to fade, one by one. One falls to the floor and changes shape into that of a cat, which nudges Loki’s leg before disappearing. “But I’m learning.”
“I expect my son will do a good job teaching you, I am curious to see your abilities develop. Now, I allow you all to retire and clean up, for there will be a festive dinner tonight to celebrate your arrival home.” You’re all escorted from the throne room and then led to your chambers. The boys obviously knew where their own rooms were but neither seemed sure where you were meant to go. That question was answered by one of the guards stationed outside Thor’s room.
“One of the spare rooms connecting to Prince Loki’s chambers has been fitted out as a guest’s chambers. King Odin assumed she’d want to be near those she knew.” You sighed with relief even as your heart skipped a beat. You hadn’t expected to be staying so close to Loki.
“Good, good! I will meet the two of you before dinner.” Thor grinned at you and Loki before entering his room. The guards continued to escort you and Loki down the hallway.
“Where’s your room?” You ask. You feel Loki’s arm tense and realize you’ve left your hand in the crook of his elbow.
“Just another hallway or so down. Impatient to get into my private chambers?” Loki smirked and you rolled your eyes in response.
“I believe I remember someone promising me that the baths here are fantastic. I didn’t know if I should take one before dinner.” You said. You’re led down a set of stairs to another floor. Loki takes a deep, steadying breath before continuing on down the stairs. The lights seemed to be more abrasive down here, the air cooler. The guards finally stop at a door and gesture you towards it.
“Well, here we are. Home, sweet home.” Loki finally lets your hand drop free and he strolls into the room. After a moment of silence and looking at the guards, you finally follow him through. The first room is simply an antechamber and had three doors leading out. One was still closed, one leading further into a living room style chamber and the last seemed to be a bathroom of sorts. There were no windows in any of the rooms that you could see. The colors were all muted and it felt even chillier in here than in the hallway. You followed Loki into the living room.
“Why is it so…” You trailed off, not wanting to offend Loki if this was how he had meant his rooms to be.
“Bland? Oppressive?” Loki offered.
“I was going to say cold.” You mumble.
“Yes, that too.” Loki lets out a long sigh. “They don’t trust me in the royal corridor. They want me somewhere easy to watch, so they can keep an eye on me. They trust me only enough to go out with Thor. When he is gone, this is where I remain.”
“That’s...sad.” You said. Loki turned to you with a mild glare.
“I do not want your pity.” He snapped. You shake your head.
“No pity, Loki, it’s just sympathy.” You look around the room. Loki had obviously lived here a while: books littered every shelf and flat surface, a few pieces of clothing were tossed over furniture. But it still felt stifling, like there wasn’t quite room to breath. “They’re still keeping you locked up.”
“At least I’m no longer in the prison even further below, locked in a cage among those mongrels.” Loki all but snarls.
“It doesn’t matter how pretty it is, Loki, a cage is still a cage.” You regard the room again while Loki regards you. He walks over to you, looking contemplative.
“You’re the only one who sees this the way I do. My father tells me he loves me, yet there’s chains on the door at night.” Loki muses.
“Really?” You ask in disbelief.
“No, of course not, simple chains would not stop me.” Loki gives you a sly grin and you just give him a deadpan stare. “But, thank you for the...sympathy. Now, go on to your room. Make sure you look decent. If you get bored, you know where to find me.”
Dinner was not as wild an affair as you’d feared it would be. Thor explained that feasts were more festive, but a simple welcome home ‘fancy dinner’ was not enough of a cause for the Asgardians to go crazy. Not since Thor and Loki now returned home regularly, anyway. You were quiet all through dinner, mostly due to nerves and the fear that you’d open your mouth and call Odin out for how he still locked Loki away like a bird.
Dinner and the next few days melted away quickly. During morning hours, Loki trained you to use your powers. Afternoons were spent exploring Asgard, meeting people, and warrior training. You didn’t participate in the warrior training. That was specifically for Loki and Thor, occasionally with Sif, the Warriors Three, and/or Brunnhilde. Mostly you read through these sessions, enjoying the outdoors but staying far removed from the scuffles.
“She’s not looking, you can stop trying to show off.” Brunnhilde said, clipping Loki on the shoulder as they were sparring.
“I beg your pardon?” Loki asked. Brunnhilde rolled her eyes and easily ducked the strike of his dagger. There was a reason Loki preferred magic to actual combat.
“You’ve been showing off, hoping she’s watching. We’re not dumb.” She glances over to Thor and Volstagg, who were tangled in some strange wrestling. “I’m not dumb.” She replied. She disarmed him easily and then knocked him onto his ass. Without thinking, he glanced at you, though you were too absorbed in the book you held and didn’t see him looking so foolish. Loki sighed in relief and then started when Brunnhilde snorted.
“You brothers and your Midgardians.” She strut off over to Sif and Loki had to help himself up out of the dirt.
“See, you’re not terrible at this.” Loki said.
“Thanks.” You reply sarcastically, concentrating on the pale yellow shield you’d managed to form around yourself. “That sounds an awful lot like you mean I’m not good at it.”
“I didn’t say that.” Loki grins. You roll your eyes and the magic shield drops. You lower your hands and throw yourself onto the nearby couch. It was easiest for you both to train in Loki’s chambers than to go to any other space where you’d have a handful of guards watching your and Loki’s everymove.
“Can I be done? For a little while?” You grumble. Magic was hard. Magic was tiring. And spending so much time with Loki was making you worry that your heart was going to give out.
“We’ve barely begun.” Loki replies, though he joins you on the couch.
“We can just chill for a while. You’ve been training me and then training with Thor, you must be exhausted.” You say. He simply hums in reply, waving his hand and making a book appear. You grin to yourself, before settling more comfortably into the couch. Every once in a while, Loki would read a passage of the book aloud to you, if he thought it funny or clever or interesting.
The next thing you knew, you were blinking awake slowly. You panicked a moment as someone touched you before realizing it was just someone playing with your hair. It took another moment to realize who it must have been. You were draped across Loki, your head in his lap while he kept reading, his free hand running through your hair. You close your eyes to savor the moment. Loki chuckles lowly to himself and you take a breath to steel yourself.
“What’s funny?” You mumble. Loki’s hand immediately disappears from your hair.
“Just the author being an incompetent fool.” Loki answers. You finally sit up, rubbing your eyes, while Loki gives you a mildly amused look. “Did you enjoy your nap?”
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” You whine, blushing. Loki sets his book to the side and shifts slightly to face you more.
“Someone came by while you slept. My father is preparing a feast to celebrate the beginning of Jul. As an honored guest of his sons, you are required to go.” Loki’s face formed into an unhappy frown. “As a son, I am required to go.”
“So...like the welcoming feast but worse?” You ask. Loki rises, returning his book to the shelf but answering you as he goes.
“The dinner you attended on your first night was not even a true feast. This feast will last for hours, go late into the evening, requires dancing, and almost certainly will end with my brother being so drunk he does something ridiculous.”
“Oh. Wait! What am I supposed to wear?” You ask. When you’d arrived, you’d been brought a variety of garments to choose from. You preferred pants and a top over the dresses that were offered to you, though they were pretty. Simple Asgardian clothing was still fancier than anything you’d ever owned back on Earth. Even still, everything you had at your disposal was not suited for a fancy gathering.
“Clothing, probably.” Loki’s grin turned mischievous. “Or nothing, if you’d prefer, though I would suggest keeping to the chambers if you decide to run around nude.” You throw the pillow from the couch at him, which he easily waves away with a chuckle.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you? You ass.” You scoff at him, trying to hide the blush rising. You rise from the couch, checking the clock on the wall. You’d barely learned to read the Asgardian script but you could tell it was time for lunch. Your attention was dragged back to Loki as he approached you.
“Is that such a problem, if I would enjoy it?” Loki asked lowly, reaching up and tucking some hair back behind your ear. You really were blushing now, hardly able to keep eye contact with him.
“Loki-” You were cut off as a bang! came from the door.
“Brother! Y/N!” Thor called from beyond the door. You rushed away from Loki, feeling suddenly very out of breath and very disappointed. You opened the door to reveal a grinning Thor. “Volstagg and his family has invited us for lunch, if you liked to join.”
“That sounds nice.” You say without thinking. You both look towards Loki who has an unreadable expression on his face.
“I’ll stay and eat here, I’d rather not deal with the miniature Volstaggs running around.” Loki comments. You deflated a bit but Thor looked even more disappointed. So you held your tongue, still agreeing to go with Thor, and waved goodbye to Loki, promising to see him later.
The next few weeks were spent as the last few, except now most attendees of Odin were running around in a buzz, setting up for the Jul feast. You and Loki had both seemingly decided not to acknowledge whatever it was that was happening before Thor had interrupted you both. Loki had assured you that he’d take care of your attire for the feast, so you had nothing to worry about other than learning Asgardian dances so as not to make a fool of yourself.
More often than not, it was Sif or Brunnhilde who took the time to teach you. Loki and Thor were getting pulled into meetings and off-world visitations with Odin, leaving you to the girls and Warriors Three. You didn’t mind it so much. Brunnhilde was certainly becoming a fast friend and who couldn’t like Volstagg? The others were still in the acquaintance category, though that was changing too.
The morning of the feast, you woke early (though there were no windows with which to really tell the time). You were a ball of nerves and as the day went on, they simply got worse. Loki was nowhere to be found in his chambers or the common areas you two shared. The guard outside the door (only one, since Loki wasn’t present) assures you he’d return to fetch you for the feast and that lunch would be brought to you. So you spent the majority of the afternoon into evening by yourself, fretting and pacing around, while occasionally trying to concentrate on practicing your magic.
You’re startled in the early evening when the main door flies open, Loki sweeping into a room with an armful of boxes.
“I’ve got your dress here, we’d better dress quickly, as my father is an impatient man and it will do us better to arrive fashionably on time rather than late.” Loki said this as he handed you a box. “I’d much rather wait and make a dramatic entrance, but alas.”
“Thanks,” You mumble, taking the box from him. It was quite heavy.
“I’ll have your shoes set out here whenever you’re done.” Loki’s voice followed you to your room. You shut the door softly behind you and then dumped the box on the bed, carefully pulling out the dress from within. The green fabric was a heavy velvet type, but soft and you hoped it wouldn’t be too warm. It wasn’t until you’d stripped and pulled the dress on that you’d realized the type of neckline it had.
“Loki!” You screech, all but stomping out of your room and into the common room. You hands held up the very low neckline and covered the expanse of chest and cleavage it left exposed. Loki’s door was slightly ajar and he poked his head around to look at you. A slow grin worked its way across his face. “I can’t wear this!”
“Obviously you can. Give me a moment to fully dress.” Loki disappeared back behind his door, though you could swear you heard him chuckling slightly.
You went back to the mirror in your room and examined yourself in the dress. The heavy velvet helped the dress lay in a flattering way across your body, down to the floor, though the long slit in the front made you nervous to walk. The bardot neckline would’ve been nice had it been an inch or so higher, but currently it showed off a little too much of your chest for you to be comfortable, especially considering the v-shaped notch in the front that showed off a hint of the skin between your breasts. The off-the-shoulder sleeves were just a thick band of the same velvet and surprisingly didn’t restrict your movement too much.
“Alright, what was the issue?” Loki called. You slowly trudged to the shared room, moving your arms back up to cover your chest. And you stilled in the doorway. Loki has always cleaned up nicely but you’d never seen him go all out in a suit and tie. It was a very modern, very Earth style outfit, all black except for the silky green shirt beneath the jacket (a green that nearly matched the color of your dress, you noted absentmindedly). He had smoothed his hair back so it lay across his shoulders but out of his face. As you looked him up and down, he did the same to you. “You’ve not even put on the shoes.”
Loki picked up a box near the couch before approaching you, opening it to reveal dainty and strappy golden heels. When you didn’t make a move to take them, he rolled his eyes with a slight smile on his face.
“You’re meant to put them on.” Loki said.
“I-I can’t bend over to put them on.” You said distractedly, eyes still lingering on his lean form. He huffed but tugged on your arm, leading you to the couch.
“Sit.” You did. You kept your arms covering your chest but almost dropped them in surprise when Loki knelt, slipping the shoes on your feet quickly and with ease. “There, now, up.” You stood shakily, though the heels proved to be sturdier than they appeared.
“I can’t wear this to the feast, Loki.” You repeated. Loki shook his head.
“And why not? I chose this style especially for you, picked out the fabric and everything.” Loki...was he pouting? “There’s no time for a new one to be made.”
“I didn’t need a special made dress. I would’ve stood out badly enough in a regular Asgardian dress. This is....too much. For me.” You almost reach out to him but at the last minute remember what your hands are covering. The small movement catches Loki’s gaze and he frowns again, nearly unnoticeable but there. He reaches out slowly, taking both of your wrists in his hands.
His eyes seek yours, anticipating you to stop him, but you don’t. You can’t bring yourself to do so. If there’s anyone is this realm you trust, it’s Loki.He pulls your hands away from your chest, bringing them down between the two of you. His eyes sweep across your figure and you can’t stop the heat rising to your face, your ears.
“Just a moment, dear.” Loki disappears into his room for just a moment before emerging again, something cradled in his hands. He pockets it before pulling your hair up and away from your neck , though if he makes it stay with pins or magic, you aren’t sure. Then from his pocket he pulls out the necklace he’d fetched from his room. It’s all dainty gold chain, except for the large emerald colored jewel hanging in the center.
You shiver as his hands go around your neck, fastening the necklace. It sits heavily along your chest, the many loops of chains almost tickling your skin. The stone sits nicely just above the middle of your breasts, a large shimmering stone that complemented the dress nicely. When Loki didn’t remove his hands, you finally gain the courage to look up at him. His gaze lingers a moment longer on your chest before meeting your gaze. He almost looks tinged rosy himself but he offers a soft smile and steps back.
“There. Perfection in mortal form.” Loki smiles at his work and, yes, it is a beautiful outfit, but you are still distracted with the amount of skin you’re exposing. “Any more unnecessary complaints?”
“No.” You mumble. Loki was not going to let you change, you’d finally accepted that. “Loki, are you really wearing an Earth suit? To an Asgardian feast?”
“I thought it looked quite fetching, and judging by your staring earlier, I would assume you did as well.” You shot him an unamused and slightly blushing look. “Besides, I am one of the royals Princes, and Gods know Thor never looks the part.” You snort at that, shaking your head.
“They’re gonna stare, so much.” You whine. Loki smiles.
“That’s what I’m counting on.”
“You look ready to die.” Brunnhilde says as she sidles up to you. You nearly jump out of your skin, your drink sloshing almost out of the glass.
“No one is talking to me, no one has asked me to dance.” You hiss at her. You’d watched as the evening wore on and many people had approached the other women for dances. Loki and Thor had been swept into the political meet-and-greets so you’d been sitting mostly alone, save for the few times Brunnhilde or Sif had stopped to check on you. “I shouldn’t be here.”
“Well, you can blame Loki for no one trying to dance with you, you know.” Brunnhilde said. At your confused look she sighed and pointed at your necklace. It glimmered even in the dim room and seemed to swirl with magic. “That necklace is like a land claim. He’s using it to warn other men to stay away from you.”
“What?” You reach up to handle the stone, which was warm to the touch. You frown at the idea of Loki’s possessiveness and try to unhook it from your neck. Your fingers scramble against the back of the necklace but find no purchase: there was no way to remove it.
“To be fair,” Brunnhilde continues, sipping her drink, “You do look incredible in that dress. I can’t blame him for wanting to keep you to himself.” You clumsily excuse yourself from her company, heading straight for an empty balcony. You needed the fresh air, to breath. You stood out there for who knows how long before you sensed a presence behind you.
“Are you out here hiding?” Loki asked, joining you at the railing. You turn to him with a furrowed brow.
“No, not that it matters. No one in there would speak with me anyway.” You say and a confused look crosses his face, before you jab your finger towards the necklace around your neck. The confused look fades into almost a sheepish look but that too quickly disappears.
“I suppose Brunnhilde told you what it implies? I saw the two of you speaking.”
“Yes, she did tell me. Unlike you.” You cross your arms. The movement causes Loki to glance down and his eyes linger on your gilded chest. Realizing this, you quickly uncross your arms. You poke him in the chest. “Quit, just- Stop staring!”
“My apologies, it can be hard to look away from an image so tantalizing.” Loki curls his hand around the one you’d used to poke him. He didn’t let it go, simply held on to it, connecting the two of you.
“Stop teasing me.” You huff.
“How am I teasing? I am stating the truth.” He says it simply.
“Loki,” You start but nearly choke on the feeling of your heart in your throat. Why is it that Loki, that liking Loki, can make you so nervous?
“Yes, ástin mín?” You pause, taken aback by the use of the Asgardian language.
“What? What does that mean?” You ask. Loki sighs, not out of impatience or annoyance but as if to steel himself.
“I recognize I have perhaps been unfair to you, Y/N.” Loki says, his thumb lightly rubbing the one of yours that he is holding. “I had you wear the necklace for myself, not for you. I reasoned that it would protect you from untoward advances, thought it didn’t cross my mind you might would have wanted the attention.”
“I’m-what? No, no, I wouldn’t have wanted to deal with other people in there.” You shake your head. “I just felt like no one wanted to have anything to do with me because I’m an outsider.”
“I’m sorry that I am the cause of you feeling such a way. Might you forgive me?” Loki asks. You smile but smile meekly up at him.
“Only if you tell me what you called me a minute ago.” You say. Loki stills.
“Ask of me anything else and I’ll oblige.” Loki says. He keeps his eyes down, away from you. He tries to pull his hand from you but you hold on tighter to him.
“Nothing you could say could make me leave, Loki.” You say, sounding confident despite your nerves. “You could call me an old hag and I’d still...You’d still be my favorite person.”
“You would still?” Curse Loki and his unwavering attentiveness. You shake your head, unable to say the words. Loki’s expression lifts, a slight smile curling across his features. He takes one step towards you, then another, until there is barely any space between you.
“If you would stop me,” Loki says, his voice almost a whisper as he leans closer to you, “Do so now, before I cannot stop myself.” You say nothing.
The kiss is soft at first, a tentative touch. Loki was waiting for you to stop him, you realize. To refuse him. You reach up with your free hand and grasp his lapel lightly. It’s a light touch but it's enough for him to feel and understand. He drops the hand of yours he had been holding so he could bring both of his hands to your face, cradling your face between his hands as he pulls away just slightly from you.
The look on Loki’s face is an extraordinary one. All of his armor had fallen away and you were finally seeing him as he wanted to be. He was unguarded and looking at you as if you were the only source of warmth he’d found in decades.
“Ástin mín. It means my love.” You can’t help but stare at Loki at those words, heart pounding in your chest. Even as your heart stutters, you tug on his jacket, tugging him back to you.
This kiss is more heated, less slow. Loki’s hands still curl around your face, sliding into your hair and pulling you ever closer. You loop your arms around his neck, thankful for the heels that boost your height just enough to do so without stretching terribly far. The kiss is needy, as Loki pulls you impossibly close to him.
“Excuse me, sire.” The two of you part at the words, Loki barely tilting his head to look towards the guard.
“What is it?” Loki asks, bitingly. He hands dropped from your face to your hips, still holding you near him.
“Your father says that your presence is being missed.” The guard speaks uneasily, obviously unnerved by Loki’s glare.
“My father can wait. Now, leave us.” Loki orders. The guard does not hesitate to scramble back inside. Loki looks back to you, with an amused look on his face. “Do you even see what you’re doing?”
“What?” You look around and see magic orbs of yellow floating around the two of you, swirls of the same magic wrapping around the two of you. “Oh, my god.”
“Feeling-based magic is a bit of a giveaway, is it not?” Loki teases softly and you bury your head into his chest, groaning in embarrassment. He laughs lightly, a laugh you’ve so rarely heard. “I cannot complain, I suppose. It is gratifying to see the reaction I cause within you.”
“You are going to be so insufferable.” You mumble into his chest. You sense the smile on his face and end up smiling yourself when you feel him plant a quick kiss to the top of your head.
“I suppose we’d better head back to the feast, before my father sends Thor after us. That’s not a conversation I feel particularly up to. And if we’re lucky, we’ll sneak away early.”
68 notes · View notes
wisehq · 4 years
Mission Debrief: Chapter 43
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Alright, before we get into it- full disclosure; the hivemind is in full swing at the Operation Strix discord server, so pretty much anything I write here is going to be an amalgamation of all the conspiracy theories and reactions we vomited out as soon as the chapter dropped. On that same note, I think writing these the day after will start to be the norm. Just so I have the chance to calm myself before going on a twenty-page tangent about everything Endo may or may not be planning.
Okay [deep breath] let’s get into it.
First, let’s start off with Franky, before we get into the juicy stuff.
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When the chapter first started, I thought we were going to get backstory on Franky. Endo seemed to be alluding to this on his twitter page, and I was actually interested in possibly seeing more about his and Twilight’s relationship. Of course that didn’t end up happening; instead we got another side story about Franky trying to get some action by finding a lady’s lost cat, but seeing as how it’s Franky we’re talking about it seemed appropriate. Also, how can I be upset when-
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The princess herself arrives! I gotta say, I loved the lightheartedness of most of this chapter. Yor’s always a delight, and pairing her together with Franky was a smart move on Endo’s part. They built off each other’s wackiness and I love this moment with the two of them. Just like with Twilight, we see that Franky genuinely wants to make the world a better place (and also get rich along the way) and Yor’s so impressed with him. I also liked that moment where Franky is surprised to find Yor still playing Loid’s wife even when he isn’t there- much like how he was with Anya while he was babysitting her. Just another little nod to the fact that he sees the Forger girls as being more than players in a game of elaborate house.
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Then- just a quick thing before we get into what I know we all want to talk about- it’s interesting to me that Franky isn’t a one-man operation. He has a whole network of informants that he works with, and it makes sense that someone in his line of work has a many ears on the wall as possible. It’s a surefire way to stay plugged into the goings-on of the Ostanian underworld, unless of course...
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...They get taken out by Garden.
Garden. We finally have a name for Yor’s group now; we thought it was The Shop for the longest time, but apparently that’s only part of it. Yor alluded to this briefly back in ch. 29 when she described The Shop was being in charge of information gathering, and once their job was done it was Yor’s turn to come in and do the actual assassination. In this sense we see The Shop was being more of a support role in the same way that Franky is, though it’s still safe to assume the Shopkeeper is still in charge of both The Shop and Garden. At least for now- until we get more information to say otherwise, anyway.
Of course, the interesting thing is our silhouetted figures standing in this panel- not to mention the fact that Franky states that all the members are capable of taking on a whole troop of soldiers (for reference, a troop ranges between 9 and 100 men, though it usually hovers around 50). We know Yor is capable of doing this, but now that we also know the other assassins of Garden are as well, it begs the question; is Yor’s strength truly a unique thing in this world? And if it isn’t, what could be the source of it?
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OSO-R, the drug used during the Tennis arc, was described as being in its trial stages. I originally chalked up it’s fast development time as just being part of manga logic, although I’m now starting to question that theory. It’s possible the roadmap for OSO-R has been around for much longer than first thought, and may find its traces back to when the war had just ended. Loid describes Garden as having been around for some time. We also know that Yor was just a child when she started up her assassination gig, so it’s possible that she and others like her may be have been exposed to a serum similar to OSO-R a decade or so before. Given Ostania’s track record of human experimentation, the scenario is possible.
Also going back to what Franky describes as “the shadow government”; it’s interesting that we’re hearing rumblings of a government operating outside the public’s view literally one chapter after we were just introduced to the concept of a royal class at some point in Ostania’s past. There’s a lot of things that cab be construed from this (such as Garden serving an authority that doesn’t necessarily align with Donovan and the government) but listing everything would just turn this review into one long-winded mess. So instead, we’re gonna entertain a fun theory- one that may or may not be true, but if it *does* end up being confirmed later on down that road, you heard it here first.
Mr. Green is a part of Garden.
Allow me to state my case.
When ch. 39 came out, I found it very unusual that a brand new character we haven’t seen before got a majority of the panel-time alongside Damian and the boys. It wasn’t very suspicious at the time, given that we’d just been introduced to Becky’s maid Martha, so we all just assumed Endo was building up his side characters a bit. For all intents and purposes, that may very well be the case.
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I know one person in particular who latched onto this panel right here, and for good reason; why would a security guard stationed at a school nowhere close to the border know about code words being used by people trying to cross over illegally? Yes, he was supposedly in the navy, but the way he phrases it here heavily implies that these code words are a recent affair, or at the very least are still being used currently. Why would he know that? Even if he was in the military, it’s information that has absolutely nothing to do with being in the navy.
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Mr. Green is also very strong; strong enough to make the boys think they were going down rapids when in actuality it was just him rowing so fast. Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever paddled a boat before, but it’s hard work- and it’s certainly difficult to the get that boat going at cruising speed, let alone fast enough to cause rapids. Yor’s the only one we’ve seen with strength like that and- yes, Green was supposedly in the navy, but at this point in time we don’t know anything else about him. We don’t know what he did after the war, nor do we know how he wound up in Eden Academy in the first place.
This is where we start going deep down the rabbit hole. Hang on.
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This gentleman who we’ve never seen before is clearly aware that Garden exists, or at the very least is privy to Yor’s actual job. Much like how WISE has plants within Loid’s hospital, this man likely works to support Yor in some way. If such is the case, we can likely assume that- because the shadow government is supporting Garden- they would have their assassins posted in key areas for various reasons, likely to keep an eye out for traitors or to keep them spread out to cover a wide area should the need ever arise to deploy them.
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We’ve only ever see Yor target traitorous politicians and outright terrorists (I realize this one is just a daydream, but you get my point). It would make sense, seeing as how she works at city hall and it would likely put her in an advantageous position when hunting them down. Of course, politicians aren’t the only people who might catch Garden’s attention. Given the amount of political and economic unrest that is currently going on in the country, there likely would be some people who would be fed up with the state of things. Such people may not be like Franklin Perkin- someone who would take direct action against the government- but instead would rather try to steer others towards a mindset that stands in opposition to Ostania. Such a person may try to target more impressionable people- people who are likely to listen and learn from an authority figure in their lives. People like...small children.
Eden students.
Garden. Eden. I see what you’re doing there, Endo.
Traitorous professors? Renegade academics? It would make sense to have a Garden assassin stationed at the most prestigious school in the country; the amount of information and contacts that are positioned around there are second to none, and what better way to suppress insurrection than at the source, at the very foundations of knowledge itself? Also, for kicks and giggles, let’s not forget that the name Mr. Green certainly fits with the plant motif Endo is going for with his assassin group (Garden. Thorn Princess. Briar. You catch my drift?)
Am I grasping at straws? Probably lol. I’d also like to reiterate that this is in no way all my thinking- a lot of crazy people put their brains together for this one, good or bad. But hey, it’s about all we can do until the next chapter! And at the very least, it’s a lot of fun to wonder what-if!
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...She’s coming.
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Deep in Euphoria: Insights and Origins
When Dr. Bjarnason woke up coming to the realization that he was impregnated by an extraterrestrial and an ex royal no less. He saw Junno sleeping sitting up and leaning on the doctor's immense stomach and the huge lab coat draped on him.
Admiral Einarsson walks in and shocked enough that her unlit cigarette falls out of her mouth.
Dr. Bjarnason broke the silence by saying,"Hey, Admiral how's your wife."
Admiral Einarsson quickly adjusts her hijab and picks her smoke off the ground in perplexed frustration, " She's doing well, explain to me what on this ice cube happened in here?!"
"I know that an in intergalactic species having an intimate relationship with a member of the staff is not what anyone is used to. Let alone a staff member getting impregnated by an intergalactic species. But the upside is that we are learning about the mating habits of extraterrestrials.", Dr. Bjarnason explained to try to put the admiral at ease.
"I'll adjust and see what I can do to maintain the funding and get you compensation. I'll make arrangements to have Junno and some personnel go to the commissary during after hours.", The Admiral responded.
"You're surprisingly taking this well." Dr. Bjarnason replied.
"You two are in a similar situation to how my wife and I met." The Admiral responded with a very somber tone.
"She was stationed in Iran and back then I was serving coffee in a café near the base she was at. We had a secret affair and it escalated to where my brother almost found out. We were smart enough to get me to the embassy as soon as possible, especially since my family tried to pair me off with a man that I had no interest in. She did not want to leave the country without me and wanted me to have a better future. So I became Selah Moharam- Einarsson, wife to Captain Isolde Einarsson-Moharam. I enlisted into the military, outranked my wife, and completed 2 engineering degrees in the process." Admiral Einarsson disclosed.
Junno woke up and massaged Dr. Bjarnason's stomach. "How are you feeling?" Junno asked.
Dr. Bjarnason replied,"I'm okay just having very strong food cravings."
"Where can I find my hungry human and our clutch food?" Junno asked.
"No need to panic, can you pass me my radio on the desk?" The doctor asked while pointing
Junno grabbed the cold, black, plastic box looking device and handed it to Dr. Bjarnason.
Dr. Bjarnason contacted the mess hall with a big list of food not just to satiate himself and the incubating brood within his blubber but to also see what Junno could eat since he had been away from his planet for some time.
Dr. Bjarnason received a big spread of burritos, a variety of mac and cheese, meatballs, cinnamon rolls, and sausage. For Junno it was a variety of lean meats, seeds, fruits, fish, herbs, dairy, natural oils, sweeteners, and veggies to see how he responded to each of the items.
As Dr. Bjarnason dug into each decadent item, he observed how Junno would sample each item to see how he responded.
But Junno was getting sexually aroused by the sight of the Dr. gorging himself on the food he ordered for himself.
"Can I mount your moobs while you're filling up for our clutch?" Junno asked.
Dr. Bjarnason nodded with a burrito in his mouth.
Junno put his ovipositor in between Dr. Bjarnason's massive tits and thrusted very hard while the doctor's huge nipples became so red and hard they looked like cherries that were as big as golf balls. The doctor was eating the jumbo cinnamon rolls like crazy that the icing was dripping down his chins. As Junno was so close to cumming he put his ovipositor in the doctor's mouth and came. The doctor slurped up the cum and blimped out to 2,000 pounds and moaned while grabbing his sides.
To be continued...
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thestarkerisobvious · 3 years
The Secret History
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(the book Mobius is reading from is The Secret History by Procopius, which is a fantastic story of the Emporer Justinian the First.)
for @lordloki​
The Secret History
Chapter 1
“The Secret History of the Court of Justinian by Procopius… 565 AD… wait is that even the right year? Shouldn’t we be looking for…” Mobius attempted to sound causal about it, but his voice trembled.  Loki noticed.
“That’s the one.  Now read.  If you stop, I stop.  That was the deal.  Unless of course you would like me to leave…”
“Nonono… no… a deal’s a deal…” Mobius was stuttering.  Sweating. Loki noticed.
“Then read.”
Mobius cleared his throat and began.
“Men have been born in every age who, either by circumstances or their own character, have shown themselves terrible beings, who became the ruin of cities, countries, and whatever else fell into their hands… oh honey this sounds like you…”
“Keep reading.”  
“… thus it was not by mere human power, but by something greater that they were enabled to work their evil will. …” Mobius willing raised his hips as Loki eased him out of his trousers.  He managed to read in a steady voice, even when Loki’s nimble fingers managed to take off his shoes and socks and massage the instep of his foot all at the same time.  He tried not to look at the door.  He tried over and over and over again.  He tried, and failed.  He tried to keep his mind off of what would happen if anyone walked in now… but there was no one walking in.  He had nothing to worry about.  He tried to lean back on the leather couch, tried to keep reading.  Tried to keep up his end of the bargain.
“It is said that Justinian's mother told some of her intimates that Justinian was not the son of Sabbatius, her husband, or of any human being…”
Loki didn’t have to put two iron hands on Mobius’ knees to move them apart – oh no – they were parted already.
“…but that, at the time when she became with child, an unseen demon companied with her… oh god…”
He groaned when Loki forced his knees apart, then lost his breath completely when those iron hands dragged his legs forward.  He did his best to cover…
“an unseen… an unseen demon companied with her whom she only felt as when a man enters a woman… honey is this you?  Wait are YOU really the father of Justinian the First??”
“Do you want this, little one?” Loki asked very quietly, letting his sharp chin trail brush against the man’s thigh.
“Nonono don’t stop…” Mobius tried to brush it off, as casually as he could.  But he couldn’t keep his hands from trembling.  He was glad the unwieldy manuscript was between him and Loki’s face. He didn’t want the god to see his face right now.
“It’s just… it isn’t exactly a turnon to read about your affair with Vigilantia or any other Byzantium royalty… I’m just saying…”
“Vigilantia was a peasant and you’re not reading…”
“…an unseen demon companied with her,”    Mobius read quickly, making Loki grin.  “… whom she only felt as when a man enters a woman, and who then vanished away as in a dream...”  He had given up ALL pretense of casual now.  His grip on the manuscript was tight and trembling.  
“…Some who have been in Justinian's company in the palace very late at night, men with a clear conscience, have thought that in his place they have beheld a strange and devilish form..”
He couldn’t see Loki, whose head was hidden under the book.  Couldn’t tell what the god was doing… he was undressed from the waist down, sitting bare-assed on a leather couch in a dim and deserted branch of the library where a dangerous Asgardian god waited, unseen.  
What was he thinking?
“Do you want this, little one?”  came Loki’s whispered voice.  Mobius jumped when he felt Loki stroking his sharp chin across his thigh again. Suddenly, thinking was no longer an option.  
“Have you been thinking about me?”
Mobius’ eyes went wide… Loki had not just read his mind, no, that wasn’t one of this Variant’s powers.. and yet
“Have you been thinking about this?  While you were at work?  While you were filling out your reports?”
Mobius swallowed hard, and nodded.
“What have you been thinking about?”
Was it a trick question?  The deal was that he would keep reading… Loki’s specifically said 'you cant stop reading no matter what.'  Was this the trick?  
Swallowing hard, Mobius answered in a tiny voice.
“I was thinking… I was thinking… I was thinking…they have beheld a strange and devilish form. One of them said that Justinian suddenly arose from his royal throne and walked about (although, indeed, he never could sit still for long), and that at that moment his head oh my…”
Loki’s hand had snuck up and taken one of Mobius’ hands… and now was slyly sucking on two of his fingers.  His entire body was aching in anticipation… how the hell was he going to keep reading when his cock was actually in Loki’s expert mouth?
“…although, indeed, he never could sit still for long), and that at that moment his head disappeared, while the rest of his body still seemed to move to and fro. The man who beheld this stood trembling and troubled in mind…”
Now Loki had taken his hand and threaded it through his own unruly hair.  For a full moment, Mobius closed his eyes… that he did not expect. To be able to play with that beautiful hair?  It was almost too good to be true…
…which meant it might be a trick.  He swallowed hard, opened his eyes, and forced himself to keep reading.
“…troubled in mind not knowing how to believe his eyes. Afterwards the head joined the body again, and united itself to the parts from which it had so strangely been severed...”
Dear god, the anticipation was making him crazy.  He was so hard now he was dizzy.  The moment he actually felt Loki’s mouth on him he was going to come like an adolescent.
“…Another declared that he stood beside Justinian as he sat, and of a sudden his face turned into a shapeless mass of flesh, without either eyebrows or eyes in their proper places…
“I want to taste you on my tongue.”
The words were quiet in the quiet room.  Mobius gave a breathless whimper.
Then he kept reading.
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angel-princess-anna · 3 years
Speculation Sunday
Or Monday, depending on your time zone. I’m never gonna get these things out on time, am I? I still like the alliteration the title so I’m sticking with it, haha. Anyway, we got some actual decent sized crumbs these last two weeks!!
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I held off on posting another one of these for a bit because I had concocted a fairly out there theory that I just kept waiting to get disproved. And I think it did, haha (and thus I redid the draft a times this week).
Anyway, spoilers from the last few weeks:
IMDB says that Jonathan Coy is back as George Murray. IMDB isn’t always reliable, so I cannot be 100% sure, buuuuut... I do think if this is real, he’ll be around is for things other than... arrests/prison/trials, etc. We were first introduced to Murray in the TV show at the memorial for Patrick and James, who perished on the Titanic. So... perhaps his appearance has to do with wills, or something (... if you get my drift).
We also got some tidbits from Phyllis. Mrs Hughes is still housekeeper, and Carson is still retired but will get involved in the plot regards. Makes sense that Fellowes is trying to maintain the status quo still, and that we’ll do this again like DA 2019. “Excitement at the castle” could be anything, but I figure it’s a large event of sorts. Christmas or otherwise, who knows at this point.
Now, “Phyllis says there will be some filming in another ‘slightly exotic’ location”. This is where my crazy theory came into play (It was a trip to France. And I doubted it 100% lol). Anyway I am pretty sure that the ‘exotic’ locale is in fact Harwich, Essex. Because DA has never taken place there before!
Who Hugh Dancy is playing is still a mystery, but given what pics we got of him and Michelle, safe to say he’s upstairs. 
Also while still waiting for confirmation of who all is actually back, Hugh (Bonneville) tweeted a charity auction for a 3D Downton Puzzle (which is a newer piece of merch) that’s been signed by him, Phyllis, Allen, and Michael Fox. So I think this confirms Andy is back, as it’s probably freshly signed from the set (like I said last time, not that I thought that that was in any doubt, but with DA 2019, he wasn’t listed in the ‘original principle cast’).
The Essex filming is also gave us timeline clues, based on the poster of The Terror, which was released in September 1928.
I've been thinking of how in S5CS the family go on a trip, but the episode also covers Christmas. Christmas isn't confirmed, for DA 2021 but I can still see this, perhaps. I don't think it will be like S3CS where the upstairs and downstairs are mostly divided for the length of it (although see below), and we know there's a "excitement at the the castle" which implies an event at Downton Abbey itself. S5CS did contain a timeskip as well, so currently I’m gonna let my mind go with my “September 1928 and then Xmas 1928″ theory until I’m proven wrong lol.
Regardless, we are looking at more than likely a timeskip of a year from DA 2019. This skips over Edith giving birth, and perhaps Violet’s health has declined...
We got further pics in Sudbury of what appears to be a wedding, which imo has to be Tom x Lucy. Traditionally, weddings are held where the bride is from, so that would mean a new locale (perhaps ‘slightly exotic’). I wonder if the whole cast of characters will be in attendance (is Tom inviting all of downstairs?), but then again, Fellowes will probably make it happen, haha.
Also as a sidebar, I really don’t dig the title just being Downton Abbey 2. Like Downton Abbey (2019) is supposed to be a sequel to Downton Abbey (2010-2015). Like I get that it’s the second movie, but I’d rather these have subtitles. I mean the Christmas Specials do? So what’s the TV show, Downton Abbey Zero? I mean the first film could have been “Downton Abbey: A Royal Affair” or somethin’. Me being nitpicky, per usual lol.
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just2bubbly · 4 years
What was she thinking?!
Rumors and Affairs
“Why was Torin looking at her as if he was questioning her sanity?!“
While conducting a meeting, Cinder says something that makes the matters worse for the royal couple. What did she say that brought immense amount of trouble to Kai and Cinder ? Will they solve the problem or Will that be the end for our favorite couple?  Read out to find out!!
Cinder’s Perspective-
“You are absolutely correct.” She said.
“Your Majesty?” Torin asked, looking as if he was questioning her sanity.
“Yes Torin?”
“Do you want to reconsider what you just said, Your Majesty?”
What the hell did she say that Torin wanted her to reconsider her choice of words?  She surely was not paying much attention to the meeting that was taking place around her. Indeed it was she who had called for this meeting.  She just zoned from the very beginning of the meeting until now. Plus she had learned this trick from Kai that said “I agree with you but give me some time to think about it.” or “Yeah sure”. Maybe the trick screwed things for Cinder today. Kai was not there and she was dreading whatever she had said already.
She was continuously zoning out on an hourly basis for the whole day today. She was also missing Kai. Kai-he had gone to England for his meeting with Queen Camilla and the other world leaders. Why couldn’t he just stay back and attend all those meetings through his port screen from Eastern Commonwealth? Dang! She missed Kai. Torin was eyeing her as if he could read her mind and tell that it was Kai on her mind, that’s when she realized that she had zoned out again in the middle of the meeting. The palace head staff was staring at her as if she had told them that Luna will be attacking Earth tomorrow. Well, she did not have the right to lead an invasion against Earth, not to mention her present state did not allow her to even ride on an airplane leading an invasion against Earth was somewhat next to impossible for her.
It was her mistake that she decided to call the head of each department working in the palace for a meeting to check on their work. Hell she was not even in a condition to keep track of her own work. Kai was so much better at this at least he did not zone out in important meetings like her. She wanted to see Kai and just stare into his brown eyes and run her hand through his black messy hair-
Cinder! Get yourself together; you are the Empress of the Eastern Commonwealth not just a crazy, hormonal pregnant woman.
Putting on her pleasant apologetic smile and resting her hand on her belly, she asked,” I am so sorry Torin but could you please repeat what was asked.”
“Well, your majesty, Mr.Hiroshi, the Head of the Telecommunication Department asked you a question related to Mr. Thorne…” He said.
It was not quite rare that Thorne was mentioned here and there in international politics. He had indeed been the integral part of the lunar revolution not only that but he previously was known as and this is what he calls himself as -the criminal mastermind. He had also helped her to maintain her calm while she was the Queen of Luna along with distributing antidotes of Letumosis on Earth. He was becoming quite a noble man thanks to her friend Cress. No one would have believed that innocent Cress would have Thorne under her control.
She really hoped that she did not agree to anyone of Thorne’s dumb ideas or requests. Last time he had asked Cinder to give him land to rule and she had thought that he meant it casually until Torin had approached Kai about a certain letter from Cadet Thorne about his request to acquire lands in the far east part of Eastern Commonwealth as a symbol of his loyalty to the Emperor. She had really not expected that.
“Well! What about him?”
“According to the management of press taking place under the palace security, some magazines and fan sites have published articles that your majesty, you and Mr. Thorne are having an affair without The Emperor knowing--”
She was sipping water from her glass while Torin was talking and stars above if not for all the manners and etiquette classes she had taken in order to be a pristine Queen of Luna and Empress of Commonwealth she would have definitely spit the water on somebody.
She was coughing to save herself from embarrassment and that’s not the worst part she had said ‘it’s absolutely correct’ to whatever Hiroshi had asked.
Once her coughing fit was over, Torin continued, “In addition to this they have posted a picture of you and Mr. Thorne from the Annual Peace Ball claiming that the royal heir to the throne is Mr. Thorne’s child and they seek to have an official statement regarding these rumors. The Commonwealth wants to know about the true parentage of the royal heir-”
“That would be enough Torin.”
Well now she knew why everyone was staring at her like she had grown a second head. She had just confirmed that the rumors regarding her and Thorne were true in front of the entire palace head staff. They were not true. She had definitely screwed up and Kai and Cress would definitely be distraught after hearing this news.
“Well the Palace shall surely prepare to give the official statement once Emperor Kaito returns. And for my previous statement I would like to apologize as I claimed the rumors to be true without hearing the question properly. I hope you know that my current state is continuously interfering with my work schedule and I get easily distracted. I would apologize for the same. I would also like to confirm that all the rumors of Mr. Thorne and me courting are false and we are nothing but good friends and the parentage of the royal heir should not be questioned. ” She said with as much authority as possible. She had to make them believe that she was telling the truth.
“Thank you for attending the meeting. You all may leave.” She wanted to ask Torin to wait back but she had already guessed that he might have questions of his own like checking her sanity. Experience has taught her how Torin behaves in situations like these. Everyone left after bowing. She could see a few eying each other suspiciously.
The newsfeed in her eye had already started looking for such articles.
“Are you fine Cinder-daren?” Torin dropped all sorts of formalities while talking to her and Kai if they were not in front of a crowd. He was practically like a father to both of them.
“Does Kai know about this?”
He nodded his head. Well now Kai will be more disappointed to know that his wife and mother of their unborn child just accidentally confirmed that she had been having an affair with a dear friend Thorne. Why do all the bad things happen to her in his absence?
Torin was not shouting at her to have paid attention which made it worse.
“What if someone tells about this incident to the press, Torin? They would definitely believe that I have an affair going on with Thorne and had been manipulating Kai all along and Torin, they went as far as to question the parentage of my-our child!?!” She was having a headache. Her throat had gone dry and her retina scanner showed names of so many bodily symptoms but it was all haste for her.
“Cinder, it's fine. This is the very reason Kai did not want you to know about these articles but the rumors are being wide spread so the issue had to be addressed. '' Torin was beside her side and patting her on her back which was equivalent to a hug in any normally affectionate person.
“But Torin-”
“Don’t worry Cinder I will personally look into the matter and make sure that no false rumors are spread outside the palace. I hope that you have some rest. You did not look good in the meeting and Kai would be worried sick to know that the empress had not been well cared about. ”
It’s more like Kai would be panicked to death after he came to know what she had done and kick her out.
After saying this Torin left the room. She obviously could not rest. How could sleep come to her after she had screwed up big time?
A/N: There is more, Fret not!!  I will post the next chapter soon!!
( I also have an another Kaider fic named ‘ Nightmares’, if you like Kaider fluff and angst you can check it out!!  🖤 )
Likes, Reblogs and Comments will be much appreciated! 🖤
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granvarones · 4 years
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Sometimes we are late to the BBQ right? Well in the case of Ultra Naté (pronounced Na-Tay), I didn’t arrive at the BBQ til 1998. I was 15 years old and my teenage icon Filipinx Freestyle/Dance Diva Jocelyn Enriquez was sprinkled with Disco fairy dust along with dance divas Amber and Ultra Naté under the moniker Stars On 54. They revamped the 1971 folk classic “If You Could Read My Mind” by Gordon Lightfoot into one the most fascinating covers I’ve ever heard (just listen back to back and gag). This collaboration introduced me to Ms. Naté and piqued my curiosity.
Eight years into her career, Ultra Naté had landed five singles into Top 10 on the Billboard Dance Chart by the time I bought the single to her hit single “Free” at Tower Records (I miss you so much). As soon as I heard that guitar riff in the intro followed by those chords and 4/4 I was hooketh. I immediately grabbed a copy of the Situation: Critical album. I stared at the artwork fascinated by its silvery gloss and the acupuncture needles in her face. It was futuristic as fuck! The album’s photography was shot by the legendary Eric Johson who is known for iconic photos of Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, Aaliyah, and Biggie. I wasn’t totally sold on the album at first because as a teenager I was infatuated with Freestyle music and this was out of my teenage comfort. However, the album grew on me and eventually I connected to each song on a personal level. At the time I was struggling with my budding sexuality, lack of interest in education, and a toxic-ass family dynamic. This album would eventually become my personal teenage bible.
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“Somehow things must change, and it’s got to be for the better” the lyrics from the albums intro track “Situation: Critical” pierced my young gay soul. When my being sexually molested was brought to the light my parents were so wounded by life; none of them had the capacity to support me. My father was strung out on drugs, my mother’s mental health was dwindling, and my step mother struggled to keep a roof over our heads. I felt so fucking hurt by their neglect that all I thought of was escaping at 18. My then therapist Judy had a huge black and white picture of New York City and one day I declared “I’m going to live there!” Until then I endlessly played this album on my discman throughout my teens to keep my ass sane.
There was a rage building inside me and “Found A Cure” was that song that embodied what I felt. Lines like “Feels like I’m going crazy, feels like I’m going insane” were my everyday life and I wanted out but I was still underaged. “How many times have you been left alone and you feel confused?” solidified my connection to Ultra. This was the second single from the album which hit #1 on Billboard Club Songs. The music video was directed by Charles Stone III who would years later direct the epic CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story. Larry Flick of Billboard wrote “Naté fearlessly faces the challenge with a jam that smartly doesn’t aim to duplicate the tone of her now-classic hit…The diva is in fine voice here and is matched by a muscular bassline and keyboard/guitar interplay that oozes with funk flavor…Miss Nate proves there’s more than Free in her locker with a pure floorfiller. A Gloria Gaynor for the Millennium.” Mic drop.
“A New Kind of Medicine,” the album’s second track, and third single, lightened the mood after the dark yet realist ‘Situation’. During this era in House music Disco samples were a huge commodity. While this was purely an original song the Disco influence is prevalent. The single had some heavy hitters on the remixes and the first two being producers in Freestyle: Albert Cabrera, David Morales, and Danny Tenaglia. The Morales mix is quite festive especially at the 5:20 mark when you get that tidbit of Inner City’s “Big Fun” followed by a lyric not in the original: “Stop taking me down.”
My favorite track on the album was the last single released from the album, the Al Mack produced “Release The Pressure.” How can you not feel like you’re transpired into a film where the woman is struggling, breaking shit, cursing bitches out, lights a joint, a sip of wine, puts on her favorite 12” and gets her damn life. The production on this track has so many beautiful layers from the piano, to the horns, and guitars. It always felt like time froze whenever this track came on. The song was also featured on the soundtrack The 24 Hour Woman starring Rosie Perez. This is one of my forever tracks because it always remains true to this day: “You get up, It knocks you back down, Release the pressure, Let it out.”
The album itself pays homage to the 70’s and 80’s influence of staples in Disco, Funk and House which are very evident in: “Any Ole Love” (Indeep’s “Last Night A DJ Saved My Life”) and “Love You Can’t Deny” (Royal House “Can You Party”). The mellower affairs “It’s Crying Time” and “Every Now and Then” were so damn pretty that they seduced my young self who was anti anything slow.  The last original track on the album “Divine Love,” produced by the duo Masters At Work, transports you to Sunday mass everytime. That 5 minute mark is pure gospel ear candy with those luscious rhodes and ab libs take you on a journey to the ether. This felt like the sequel to “Rejoicing (I’ll Never Forget)” from her first album Blue Notes In The Basement. At this point in time I was severely struggling with my belief in God however this song just anoints you, especially the 9 minute MAW Version.
This album took me on a musical journey. It became my bible, my salvation, my healing. In the spring of 2001 my life took a huge turn. I had fallen in the love with a man in NYC whom I thought I’d be with forever. After a huge argument with my parents I finally said “fuck this shit I’m out!” Ultra’s lyrics rang in my head “Now I know you’re no good for me, Now I got to find a remedy,” my remedy: move to NYC. After settling into my then boyfriend’s apartment I would blast this album on volume 5000 and the whole damn planet would shake. I didn’t give a fuck about the neighbor downstairs because I was ‘Free’ and living my damn best gay life. I didn’t leave my heart in San Francisco that’s for damn sure!
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In 2012, I had a full circle moment when I was hired by Naté’s management, Peace Bisquit. It was completely surreal to be in direct communication with her, and an honor working under the brilliance of Bill Coleman (remember Deee-Lite? “Groove Is In The Heart”? Nuff said.). I was bestowed the task of managing the execution of the Hero Worship album to digital platforms. Miss Naté was the most humble artist I ever worked with. A memory I will always hold dear is a tender moment we shared at  the Paradise Garage Reunion Party in 2014. The DJ began to play “The Whistle Song” in honor of the iconic Frankie Knuckles who had passed just months earlier. As the song played, Ultra began to cry. I put my arm around her and consoled her. The same way her music had done for me in all the years before.
Thank you for never giving up on your music Ultra because this album saved me!
“You might save someone’s life.” – Ultra Naté “Situation: Critical”
If you are experiencing or have experienced sexual abuse please call the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline 800.656.HOPE (4673)
Giorgio Alxndr (He/Him) is into music, modeling, activism, and plant fathering. He creates beats and playlists in his free time. Loves deep conversations and therapy sessions. Professionally he’s always in the mix between music and technology.
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coreastories · 4 years
A Royal Twin! Meet the Most Honorable Lady Seo-gyeong
As if there isn’t enough mystery and revelations about the Queen of Corea, we’re suddenly seeing double! 
In a stunning media packet, the Royal Public Affairs Office released never-before-seen photos and reveals the reason behind the king and queen’s trip to New Zealand
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What difference is even there?!  Right, the queen in her law enforcement days. Left, the Lady Seo-gyeong, Interpol agent of Corea in New Zealand
Koo Seo-gyeong was adopted at age 8 by the Koo family
She’s 8 years the junior of the current prime minister of Corea
As revealed by a DNA test, she’s the biological twin of the Jeong Tae-eul, now the Queen of Corea
Their separation at birth is anyone’s guess. The statements from the Royal Court and the Office of the Prime Minister only focus on “God’s blessing, HM The Queen’s present joy.”
No wonder the Queen and the Prime Minister are now BFFs. This author would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the Prime Minister told the queen that she (the queen) is practically the doppelganger of her sister!  
Who is Lady Seo-gyeong? 
Lady Seo-gyeong, 30, is a policewoman, like the queen. She has been working with the Corean and Kiwi Interpol since 2016, with annual visits to her home country. Her connections to the prime minister, elected in 2015, no doubt helped her application to the elite agents of Interpol. 
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Not that she doesn’t have talent and skill in her own right-- the Haeundae Station was sad to see her go. 
In the photo: The Lady Seo-gyeong with the Violent Crimes Squad of Haeundae Station
True to Corean tradition of humility (and privacy), this author was told we can’t dig up her accomplishments and publish them. We see the sense in that-- we don’t want the Interpol’s targets to know what’s coming! 
She and the queen never met before? 
Apparently not. The queen reportedly worked in Jongno, three to five hours away from Haeundae. 
Nothing more was revealed about this. 
This author suspects undercover work and/or top secret status, which would explain why the police higher ups never uttered a peep that they had TWO policewomen of the same face. 
Her title
Her title was personally conferred by the king-- no ceremonies in this case, apparently-- and now announced by the Royal Court. 
It’s a courtesy title, similar to the lordships and ladyships we use for children of the nobility, used to address her or in reference to her in all documents within and in connection with the Kingdom of Corea. 
In New Zealand and elsewhere, she is Koo Seo-gyeong (Westernized: Seo-gyeong Koo). 
Upon marriage, she retains the title: Lady Seo-gyeong -Husband’s Surname-
Is she married? 
The police are just as tight-lipped about the Lady Seo-gyeong as with the queen, but in this case we did find some juicy tidbits: the Lady Seo-gyeong is in a relationship with Kang Hyeon-min, who was with her in Haeundae and also with her now in New Zealand. 
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Twins are auspicious 
From interviews with Coreans, this author has gathered that the citizens are shocked but happy. 
This country pioneers technology in science and health, but they have deep ties with tradition and folklore, and according to that tradition, twins are lucky, so that’s another point toward their beloved queen and her new sister. 
As if that wasn’t enough, 8-8 is also an auspicious number (next only to 9-9, which is dedicated to their Day of Queens). 
This is only this author’s opinion, but this approval from the kingdom and the royal connection might prove advantageous for PM Koo if she pursues another term. 
The people love their king and queen, and in Corea, the voice of the people is valued to an extent that an official can keep running for term and keep getting reelected if the people wish it and the king sanctions it. 
And while we would want a fresh leadership for Corea, it just happens that Koo Seo-ryeong is an effective leader recognized worldwide.  
(Think of the good mayors and presidents we could have kept in power!)
(And this author is tickled at the queen and the prime minister at the helm together for more years to come!)
Is Lady Seo-gyeong staying in New Zealand or coming home? 
Unfortunately, it seems like we won’t be treated to the sight of a queen and her double walking around Corea. 
The Lady Seo-gyeong will stay in New Zealand. According the Royal Public Affairs Office, she has permanent residency and has an established career with the Wellington Interpol. 
In this author’s opinion, I would choose New Zealand, too. Isn’t it a bit much if you come home where one sister is prime minister and the other is queen?! 
But from her statement, the Lady Seo-gyeong is simply dedicated to her work. 
Statement from the Lady Seo-gyeong
“Honestly, I’m still digesting it all. But the queen and my sister-- both my sisters-- are helping me take it in. I hope we can spend more time together soon. I wish we didn’t all have demanding work.
“I was really stunned but also really touched that the king and queen came to me rather than summoning me. I’m really happy to have met Their Majesties, and I think the queen is a lovely person.
“She would be, if we shared genes! I wish Their Majesties the best.”
She sounds lovely. This author is charmed. And I bet all the men are bemoaning the fact that both twins are taken! 
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In full disclosure, this author has been warned about not disturbing the peace of the Lady Seo-gyeong’s workplace and residence. 
As a member of the royal family, Lady Seo-gyeong has the protection of the Royal Guard, although she won’t be aware of it herself. 
Let this serve as this author passing the warning to her fellow members of the media. 
Statement from the palace
The Royal Court is pleased to announce the conferment of most honorable title to Lady Seo-gyeong, Koo Seo-gyeong, with all the grace and protection of the Majesty of the Reigning House and the Royal Court of Corea. 
The Lady Seo-gyeong is God’s blessing, Her Majesty The Queen’s present joy. 
The Royal Court wishes the honorable lady a million blessings and a thousand good fortunes.  
This is translated from the Corean formal language. The packet already came to us in English, so this author doesn’t know how “Lady” translates in their beautiful tongue. 
According to Coreans, this is usually not done. Historically, the parents of queens get a courtesy title, but not their siblings. This is probably the king protecting the queen and her sister. 
With “all the grace and protection of the Majesty of the Reigning House” turns out to be a subtle warning that this lady is untouchable.  
Does the king still have enemies? 
The mystery of the coup is still just that, a closely guarded mystery. Lee Lim’s followers have been decimated, but the king is not leaving them any avenues to use his loved ones against him. 
Statement from the Office of the Prime Minister of Corea
To Her Majesty the Queen, the Reigning House and the Royal Court, Her Excellency the Prime Minister is happy to assure her unwavering support where it applies to the ties of the blood between Her Majesty the Queen and the Lady Seo-gyeong, and the conferment of honorable title and royal grace to the Lady Seo-gyeong.  
A DNA test confirmed the gene match between Her Majesty The Queen and the Lady Seo-gyeong.  
To Her Majesty the Queen and the Lady Seo-gyeong, Her Excellency humbly offers a thousand felicitations on their newfound sisterhood. 
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The Lady Seo-gyeong at her most casual. She and the queen apparently have that in common, among others. 
All this family drama aside, this author was struck by “present joy.” 
So is there future joy? 
My instincts are right: according to Coreans, one can’t claim the joy of a baby until the baby is actually wailing in your arms with a healthy pair of lungs! 
So much to look forward to. Queens Day-- and perhaps another joyful announcement?
I had to crop Jangmi from the police group pic because he belongs to Tae-eul lolol
“God’s blessing” means so much more, as you guys probably suspect. 
The plot thickens! But not really. I’m keeping it all simple. 
This Corea News piece is a direct companion to a fan fic that will tie up all this: Tae-eul staying in Corea, the police being on her side, and PM Koo being a noona instead of a rival. Coming soon! 
I hope you guys are still there with the crazy! :) 
#CoreaNews #CoreaFiction #KooSistersYassss
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sol-tinyrayofsun · 4 years
Zutara Week Day 4 - Celestial: Under The Southern Lights
We’re in the middle of Zutara Week and I’m sure you’ve all realized I’m incredibly soft for these two. I just had to make a proposal one-shot, I had to. This took me forever to write because I kept going all over the nitty-gritty details. So I really hope you enjoy this. Also on AO3.
Title: Under The Southern Lights
Rating: G
Summary:  Zuko had it all planned. The location, the time of the day, the - sort of- speech, the jewel… He had been waiting for months to do it. Now, he only had to round up the courage to ask the big question.
Fire Lord Zuko had it all planned. The nerve-racking question was soon to be asked. His strategy excited him, made him feel like a jittery child waiting for their birthday present. Only this time, he was the one gifting something. Proposing something. 
He had been wanting to ask her for quite a while already, but the need to make it just perfect had gotten the best of him. Katara was the love of his life, he wasn’t about to propose to her without making sure every part of the moment was flawless. 
That’s why as soon as the invitation to the opening ceremony of the Southern Water Tribe Waterbending Academy had come along, an idea started to take shape into his mind. Their first kiss had been at the South Pole, during one of his conveniently frequent diplomatic trips down there. So it only seemed fitting to pop the question on that same spot.
Even more, he had done the math, and they would be just in time to catch a perfect view of the Southern Lights. He could already imagine the two of them under the color painted sky. Yes, it would be perfect. It had to be. 
Choosing what to propose with hadn’t been all that difficult as well. He wouldn’t get her a necklace, he knew how much she loved her mother’s one. No, instead, a bracelet would do the trick. He had already taken care of that too. 
The betrothal bracelet would have a velvet ribbon with an intricate burgundy and royal blue pattern that interlaced the two colors into each other - Zuko was very proud of that symbolic detail. It would also feature a blue smelt quartz to which he had carved the emblem of the Fire Nation. Carving hadn’t been easy but, with enough practice and a lot of critique from Uncle Iroh, he had managed to get it right. 
A set date for the proposal, a wonderful bracelet, the most breathtaking scenario possible… The plan was foolproof, right? 
The only detail was, Zuko felt terrified of not knowing what to say when it came to it. What if his speech wasn’t romantic enough or he mumbled too much? Because he knew, he had seen it in action, Katara had the magnific ability to take his breath away. And being out of breath when you’re trying to ask someone to marry you it’s not the most ideal of situations. 
But Zuko had practiced what to say. He had taken note of every worthy romantic thought that came to his mind, marking his love in more than one piece of paper. It looked kind of funny though, all those words, all those potential sentences, all those truths written down. Still, it took him forever to figure out what the best speech would be. 
Something about destiny, a run-through of just how well they worked together, a brief mention of how they had started from scratch - literal scratch feelings wise, after all, they had actually been enemies for months - all about how they understood each other better than anyone, and, of course, how much he had grown to love her. 
Slowly but surely, it had hit him alongside that fatal lightning bolt - yes, as ironic as it sounded like - just how much she meant to him. Feeling the electricity running through him, fighting for his life, Zuko had realized he loved her. Their love had flourished during the following year, being all about baby steps and timid demonstrations of affection, until that first kiss. That incredibly sweet first kiss at the South Pole, where he had finally rounded up the courage to confess his feelings. Luckily for him, she felt the same way. And so their story had begun. 
Now, it was crazy to think that, five years later, he was about to ask Katara to be his wife - his companion, his lifelong partner, his heart living in another body somehow. He had been planning it for months, wanting it for years. Agni, he had always known she was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. 
Needless to say, the possibility of Katara declining his proposal haunted him. It consumed every bit of his soul, giving him a headache whenever the thought crossed his mind. He had even asked his Uncle for advice, in fear of all that planning being in vain. Of course, the old man had reassured him he had nothing to worry about. 
“Zuko, I’ve seen you two together. I’ve noticed your connection before you even realized it yourselves. She won’t say ‘no’. I know it, you know it, everyone who’s familiar with you two knows it,” he had said, a reassuring smile spread across his face. “I’m happy for you, nephew. Your plan seems like a solid one, Katara will love it.”
And with his Uncle words serving almost as a mantra to him, Zuko had eased into the moment. He had the place, the time, the bracelet, his speech all planned out, and a hell of a lot of love for the woman he was proposing to. 
As soon as he left for the South Pole, his plan would be set into motion.
Arriving at the Southern Water Tribe had been easy enough, with Katara waiting for him at the harbor. Seeing her always put a smile on his face. The way her eyes widened as they met his gaze, the warm embrace he would dive right into, her soft giggling as he told her - for the millionth time - just how much he had missed her. It was those moments he longed for. Those little fragments of time when nothing else mattered but the two of them. He wanted them to last forever.
She had told him all about the Waterbending Academy, explaining to him how Master Pakku had taken up the task to become director of the school. She had also remarked her efforts to ensure complete gender neutrality in the teaching. The ceremony wouldn’t be taking place until the next couple of days, allowing them some extra time to spend together before craziness strikes. 
She looks happy, Zuko thought as he listened to her. Agni, I can only hope the same happiness is reflected in her eyes after I ask her. 
Her family had also been welcoming, as usual. They had gotten used to his visits to the tribe, though he was sure Kanna wasn’t a big fan of how much Ambassador Katara had been traveling since they became a couple. Hakoda was never out of political affairs to discuss with him, clearly glad to have the Fire Lord so eager to help all the time. And Sokka… His best friend always threw a little fest when he visited. Constantly busy running the tribe alongside his dad and traveling to see Suki, he still made time for him. Being in a relationship with Katara had only brought them closer. And it had given Sokka some good opportunities to make fun of him. Which, of course, he loved. 
Still, Zuko felt uneasy, eager to carry on with his plan. During lunch, he had zoned out almost completely, making Katara wonder if something had happened back home. He had managed to blame it on the tiredness from his trip down there, claiming everything was perfectly fine. 
And things were fine, but not normal. Not normal at all. How could they be? He was about to ask the most crucial question of his life. Agni, he crossed his heart and hoped for the best. 
Holding onto the little box that contained the bracelet, he knew. He was ready. It was time to carry on with his plan. Tonight is the night. It will be perfect. 
The quietness of the night had taken over the Southern Water Tribe. All that echoed was the sound of ocean waves crashing into the shore. Everyone else had probably been asleep for hours. But Zuko was awake. Wide awake. 
He had waited for hours. Alone in his hut - because Agni forbids Chief Hakoda would be onboard with him staying with Katara at that stage of their relationship - he had gone over every single detail a million times. His heart pounded in his chest, racing even faster than the first time he had said ‘I love you’ to her. With each beat, Zuko mentally repeated his lines. Yes, he had lines. Well thought and kind of poetic lines. He had everything planned. He only hoped he would be able to remember what to say once he was moments away from pleading her to spend the rest of their lives together. 
Alright, I think it’s time, he thought as he unwrapped his body from a pile of blankets. Considering his firebending prevented him from getting cold, he must’ve been on the verge of a nervous breakdown to be longing for the heat that badly. It didn’t matter though, as soon as put on his coat an unexpected rush of confidence took over him. 
Yes, this is it. I’m finally going to ask her. A tender smile spread across his face as he made sure the little burgundy box with the bracelet was safely secured in his right pocket. 
He opened the door of his hut, stepping into the darkness of the night. The coldness of the outside took him by surprise. 
Good thing he had grabbed a pair of heavy-duty blankets. He wouldn’t want Katara to be freezing during such a special moment. No, it was alright, she was used to the cold, and the blankets would help. If anything failed, he could always tug her under his arms - firebending had proven to have its perks down there at the Pole - and keep her warm. Yeah, that sounded romantic, it would work. 
Luckily for him, the walk to Katara’s hut wasn’t a long one at all. It was more of a two-step kinda deal. Pretty convenient if you asked him. 
Zuko stood at the entrance, with a racing heart and all the lovely doodle jitters. He couldn’t believe he was finally doing this. After months of rehearsing in his room back home, brainstorming with Iroh, and stressing over the tiniest details, the time had come.
He knocked on the door, a part of him hoping she wouldn’t be too tired. No, she wouldn’t. She was a moon riser after all. Why was he doubting everything he had planned, all of the sudden? No, he couldn’t let his nerves get the best of him. “Katara,” he whispered. “It’s me.” 
A response didn’t take long to come from inside the hut. 
“Zuko?” Her voice showed a strain of sleepiness, but she sounded attentive enough. “Come in, dork.”
Thank Agni, she’s awake. 
As soon as he went through the door, he was met with the tenderest of blue eyes. 
Katara was sitting cross-legged, still wrapped into her covers. Messy hair, amused expression, and a raised brow. 
“What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” she asked. “Not even here for a day and already wanting to sneak around?” A playful smirk framed her face. 
Oh, she’s very awake then. One second and she’s already making fun of me. Spirits, I love this woman. 
He showed off the pair of blankets to her, trying to conceal the nervous grin that threatened to take over his face. 
“Um, actually,” he mumbled. “I had something else in mind. How do you feel about coming outside with me for a while?”
And off they went, with a nervous Zuko leading the way. Katara had rapidly been onboard with the little nighttime excursion. After all, it had always been their thing to go on nocturnal walks or rush to catch every sunset at the South Pole. But most importantly… The plan was working! 
Walking for a few minutes, he finally stopped at the top of a little hill. Right in the middle of the snow valley. The Southern Lights were already visible up in the sky. 
“I see what you’re doing, someone’s nostalgic of our first kiss,” Katara teased, twirling around the snowy ground. 
“Um, yeah, I mean, it was pretty amazing.” Great, the mumbling had already started and he wasn’t even saying his speech. 
“So, are you going to tell me what’s up with you today? You’ve been acting weird all day.”
Darn it. He had tried so hard not to let his jitters show. But there they were. It was time to make his move. 
“I’m fine, I promise,” he managed to say. “Why don’t we sit down?”
Once they were cuddled up amidst the blankets and the snow, Zuko allowed himself to breathe. To soak into the moment. 
Above them was a dazzling dance of green, blue, white, purple, and red light in the night sky. Exactly as he had pictured it. Perfect scenery, checked. If only asking the big question could be as easy as staring at the celestial lights. 
“You know,” Katara finally said, nestling her head at the creek of his neck, her fingers interlaced into his. “I’m glad you brought me here. It’s pretty romantic.”
Yes! That’s the stuff! If she considered it romantic, that meant he had done something right. 
Now, it’s time. 
“That’s what I was aiming for,” he mumbled. “Do you mind if I move over to face you for a second?”
Her blue eyes showed a bit of confusion, still, she complied. “Not at all.”
He straightened up, still holding onto her hand. She was smiling, silently waiting for whatever he had in store for her. Agni, she was beautiful. No offense to the aurora above them, but Katara was definitely a million times more mesmerizing than any dancing light in the sky. 
Zuko cleared his throat, feeling his heart pounding inside his chest - every single beat - and his pulse racing like never before. He squeezed her hand, taking a deep breath before speaking. 
“Katara,” Oh Agni, this is actually happening. “I think it’s safe to say that we were meant to be together. Considering all that we went through, fate kept bringing us into each other. We started as enemies, and look at us now. We make all the sense in the world, even if we are kind of opposites. We are two sides of the same coin, we complement each other perfectly. You’re a part of me I never knew was missing, until I almost lost you. You mean everything to me.”
He blinked, nervously battling his eyelashes. A lump of his throat threatened to mess with his speech at the memory of how the light of his life had almost dimmed the day of the Agni Kai. No, it was not the time to feel sorry for the past. This night was all about moving forward. Next to her. 
“I’ve spent all my life,” he continued. “Chasing after things that were never going to make me happy, never going to bring me peace. But you, Katara, you brought all the light in the world into my life. You make me happy, you bring out the best in me. I think we were always meant to cross paths, nothing that happened between us was accidental. It was all for a reason, I’m sure of it know. Despite all my mistakes, all those times I’ve stumbled along the way, all of that led me to you. And you to me. That is something I would never want to undo.”
Her eyes had become watery, her fingers were brushing his skin as she smiled at him. It seemed like his speech had taken her by surprise. 
“Zuko,” Katara said. “That’s… I love you.” 
“And I love you too,” he replied, eager to blurt out the question once and for all. “That’s why I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You’ve become the voice in my head, leading every step of the way, advising me what to do all day long. I can’t shut it up, and I don’t ever want to. In fact, I’m hoping to have forever to spend with you.” 
Zuko reached into his pocket with his free hand - luckily for him, it was his right one - and grasped the burgundy box he had been clinging onto for months. With a quick move, he opened the lid, revealing the betrothal bracelet he had made for her. 
His eyes met hers, glistening with the reflection of the Southern Lights above them. The skies of the night were alive with those lights, like a thrilling flame. 
“Katara, will you marry me?”
There it went. He did it, he had popped the question without having a nervous breakdown in the middle. Incredible. His plan had turned out to be perfect.
Wait. For it to be perfect, Katara had to say yes. 
Tears of happiness were streaming down her face. “Yes, Zuko.” Katara was nodding excitedly. “Spirits, of course, my answer is yes!” she giggled amidst the tears. 
And Zuko felt his eyes getting watery too, a rush of relief flooding right through him - accompanied by the sweetest of tears. Yes, she said ‘yes’. He felt like the luckiest man alive. 
She threw herself into his arms, kissing every last bit of his face. He carefully put down the burgundy box as he ran his fingers through her hair. His lips met hers into a familiar embrace, only now there was something new to it. They were going to get married. They were going to spend the rest of their lives together. And that was perfect.
For a timeless instant, they stayed there, holding onto each other. Savoring the happiness of the moment. But neither of them had forgotten about the little burgundy box. 
“You like it?” he asked, taking the delicate bracelet of its casing to show it to her. “My carving could be better, but I think it turned out alright.”
The blue quartz glittered with the celestial lights, all the different colors reflecting into its surface. The Fire Nation emblem, carved into a water blue stone. A ribbon that intertwined both of their cultures, together. Above them, a painting of amber, rose, opal, and gold hues. It swept the sky, flickering, dimming, flashing in the presence of their love. 
“I know it’s not a betrothal necklace,” he continued. “But I know how much your mother’s means to you. I wanted to give you something different, so you didn’t have to stop wearing hers... I carved the emblem of the Fire Nation onto the blue quartz, and the ribbon has our colors interlaced… Kind of like us, opposites but together. Stronger together. I wanted it to be something special. Like you.”
Tears started to form back into her eyes. “It’s perfect. This is all perfect, Zuko. I love it, I love you.” Katara planted another kiss on his lips. “Would you?” she asked, extending her left wrist up to him. 
“Of course.” He grabbed the bracelet, brushing his fingers through the stone. 
His hands were trembling, his whole body was shuddering with excitement. He placed the jewel on top of her wrist, with tremendous care. He felt her skin, soft and warm, and he realized Katara was also trembling. He noticed her eyes glued to his as he made sure the clasps were tied together. Finally, the bracelet was around her wrist, holding onto her like a promise. Their promise. 
“There,” Zuko whispered. “I’m so glad it fits,” he chuckled as he placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. 
Katara brushed her fingers against the pendant, eyes still watery and a bright smile tattooed on her face. Then her hands moved up to his face, softly cupping his cheeks. She pressed her forehead onto his, breathing heavily. 
“I love you,” she said, caressing his skin. “And you’re right, we were meant to happen. I hope to have forever to spend with you, too.”
“Forever does sound good, huh?” 
Zuko kissed her, giving away into the moment. That moment. All those months of planning, all those years of loving her. It had all led him to that exact spot - the woman he loved, his future wife, letting out tears of happiness as they kissed. His plan had been more than perfect, it had been so uniquely them that he found himself fighting back the tears once again.
That’s when he knew it. In the middle of the night, under the Southern Lights, and with Katara nestled into his arms, Zuko knew. Looking back, he knew exactly why it had all happened. It was her, it had always been her. And now, it would be them.
----- I hope you enjoyed this! I wanted to jump on this trope and give it my own little twist with the Southern Lights scenario. Thank you so much for reading! Feedback is always really appreciated <3  @zutaraweek
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Geralt x reader We're Married? Part 2
Ok here part 2! Its probably crap but anyway...
part 1
Pairing: Geralt x reader
Warnings: Blood, cursing, mentions of past sexual abuse, violence
The second you entered the hall was the second you forgot who you were supposed to be..
"HOLY SHI-" a rough hand quickly clasped your mouth shut. "If you wouldnt give us away in the first 5 seconds that would be terrific" Geralt muttered.
"Mmmph mmmph- alright alright sorry" he removed his hand. You sighed and looked around, more quietly this time. You'd been to a party like this before, well snuck into a party like this before.. but never this lavish.
The royal family spared no expense it seemed considering every inch of the great hall was exquisitely decorated. Long tables were lined with delectable looking dishes, which you would definitely visit later...
And there were many eating tables that had beautiful flower petals atop them. In between was a large area which was meant for socializing and dancing most likely. Boy did you feel out of place..
The man on your arm felt the same you guessed by the way his face contorted watching all the "fancy people" socialize. "I have a bad feeling.." he spoke quietly to himself.
Curious you turned to him "why do you say that?"
His eyes scanned the room suspiciously, "Because something's not adding up.."
"Y/n listen to me" he suddenly turned to you seriously.
"Hmm?" You eyes rose
"This thing..whatever it is..is different from what we've encountered before" he started
"Yeah I know that.." What was he getting at?
He grunted before continuing, "Promise me something" he said with earnest eyes which was incredibly rare for the witcher. It always made you soften tho.
"Sure anything.." you were worried now.
"When the monster shows up-whatever it is. You will leave with Jaskier"
"Except that" you deadpanned. "Are you crazy?? Why would I leave??" You unlinked your arms and faced him fully.
He pressed his lips tightly and led you to a corner away from people who began to notice the dispute.
Jaskier sensing the rising tension, stepped away.
"Y/n listen to me" he said firmly, "we don't know what we are dealing with, and for that reason it's not safe for you"
You threw up your arms in disbelief, "When has monster hunting ever been safe Geralt?!"
He huffed, clenching his jaw, "You will leave when it shows up and that's final" his tone leaving no room for argument.
You decided causing a scene would not be wise so you settled for giving geralt your best, "I'm angry and this isnt over face" before swiftly walking away.
"Y/n!" He caught up with you and just as he grabbed your arm an older couple blocked your path.
"Why I don't believe we've met before?" The older man dressed in blue said with bright eyes.
Geralt forced a smile and stood beside me, "I suppose we just havent had the pleasure yet"
"Well allow me to introduce myself and my dear wife count and countess Barano at your service" he bowed his head slightly and his wife followed suit.
"A pleasure" you chimed in moving slightly away from Geralt. "This is my husband, sir Bartholomew Tristan, and I'm lady Lina Tristan." You gestured lazily beside you.
The next half hour went similarly like this, a new couple introducing themselves every now and then, and talking about nonsense. You could hardly focus on anything they were saying. All you could think about was how Geralt was being an absolute arse wipe.
How dare he try to keep you away from all the action?! You're training had been relentless since the incident with the visser. And you were more than ready to fight anything that came your way. Geralt has been this way the last few missions. Although he never told you to completely leave before. Maybe a stay back or a few to many be carefuls. But run away?? What's the point of training if you couldn't even use it!
The dinging of a bell shook you from your thoughts. Dinner time..great more boring conversations with people you didnt like.
Playing the part of the ever so doting husband, Geralt pulled out a seat for you. You didnt even spare him a glance as you sat down. He sighed as he sat beside you. Throughout the evening he had tried to talk to you but it always ended badly. You were both pissed and stubborn..
"Y/n-" he began but was cutt of by lady borano.
"So tell us about yourselves, it's not often we meet new friends." She smiled sincerely.
Geralt turned with a hand in the air, "What would you like to know?"
"How long have the two of you been married?"
Geralt thought back to the extra information Yavert told him, "3 years"
" Ah still practically newlyweds" sir Borano joked.
"Any children?" A beautifully wicked idea formed in your mind,
"Unfortunately no, my dear husband here can't perform."
The sound of a feminine gasp and the whip of his head made you smirk as you took a sip of the wine before you. Its contents easing your mind, and your tongue for that matter. He forced a smile in an attempt to ease the awkwardness.
" ah I see..." she responded quietly." Well children aren't everything" she also made an effort to improve the mood.
"And thank god for that, because she'd make a terrible mother".
This time you were the one whipping your head around nearly choking on your drink. That little!! "I'm sure that's not true.."sir Barono offered with an uncomfortable smile.
"Well you can't raise children by lazing around all day and eating crumpets" he laughed while the others laughed along too, awkwardly that is..
"Well at least you know where I am, on the other hand I sit at home all day wondering what you and our servant boy could possibly be doing taking so long attending to "business". All eyes shifted to a fumbling Jaskier who stood behind us, "that's uh...not...she didn't..." he tried defending himself.
If looks could kill you would have been a goner. Geralt fists clenched beneath the table. Good, he deserves it for being a butthead.
In a few sentences you had emasculated him and implied he was having a passionate affair with the servant boy. Not bad y/n, not bad at all..
To the relief of the table, the royal family entered cutting off all conversation as everyone stood up. Curiously you peeked over the shoulders in front of you to get a closer look.
The king and queen of servia were announced along with their daughter the princess Annora. She held her head high and had an unreadable expression. She was very beautiful, long flowing hair, slim figure, beautiful blue dress. Total cliche if you ask me. But one thing stood out, the cute little fluffy puppy she held in her arms, he wore a little golden collar with a bell. Awwww litte baby pooooo.
The rest of the family was dressed obnoxiously with large puffy sleeves and glittering jewelry. No question who they were. They were led to a large table in the front center of the hall with 6 ornately decorated chairs. Makeshift thrones basically. They stood in front of them but didnt sit, which meant that you couldn't either.
A moment later another set of doors opened. In walked what you could only assume was the king, queen, and prince of Targeris. There was nothing special about them, without the fancy outfits they would've looked like any other couple. The sons attention was immediately on the princess. His eyes raked over her body without a hint of subtlety. Ew have some class dude. She on the other hand kept a straight face, not acknowledging him in the slightest.
Finally they sat down and dinner went by rather uneventfully. You and geralt hadn't said a word, although the tension was definitely still there.
Most couples had taken to dancing for the rest of the night, you however felt suffocated and decided to escape outside for a breathe of fresh air.
This was not how you wanted the night to go, you let out a sigh, watching the air turn slightly foggy. Why was Geralt acting like this? Why doesnt he trust you? What's it gonna take for him to see you as an ally instead of a weight he has to carry around?!?!
Ughhhhh you dragged your fingers across your face and through your hair. This was so frustrating! Leaning your head back you closed your eyes and let the cool air wash over your flushed face, relaxing you slightly.
When you opened your eyes again a flash of blue caught your attention. You peered downwards leaning over the balcony slightly to see. Oh it's just some couple from the party..
Wait a minute..
You leaned over more narrowing your eyes, Is that?...no way it can't be...but...you quickly walked back into the party, eyes aimed at the royal families. C'mon where are you??
You scanned every inch searching for the princess but she was no where to be found. The other members were deep in a political conversation and hardly noticed that their daughter had snuck away.
So that was her?? What was she doing? Feeling something amiss you made your way to the entrance and down the long staircase. Ugh stupid heels, you kicked them aside on the steps feeling much more free.
Oh I hope no one trips on them..oops...
You ran around to the side of the castle where the balcony was above you. Frowning when all you saw was an empty garden. Now where did she go?? You stepped further into the garden listening for any out of place sounds.
All that could be heard was the wind rustling some rose bushes and the chirping of crickets.
A girlish giggle made you spring into action. Following the sound you discreetly peeked around a column of the garden.
There stood the princess flirtatiously pressed up again one of the Servian ambassadors you were forced to socialize with earlier.
The man himself was wrinkly and balding, why was the princess interested in him when all night she seemed to detest everything?
Why did her laugh feel...wrong somehow? "Let's go somewhere more...private" she smirked pulling him by his wrist. The puppy you noticed was there as well following behind her. What a well trained dog...
Lifting up your dress again you followed the couple at a distance until you saw them stop at a hanging tapestry on the wall. What are they doing?
Annora smiled and lifted back the tapestry, it revealed a small opening only big enough for one person. She led the way and they soon dissapeared from sight.
After waiting a few moments to be safe, you stepped lightly after them. The opening they went through was pitch dark and every bone in your body was telling you to turn back.
Then you heard the giggles again, sucked it up and moved forward.
You kept walking until you ran into something soft.
What? Oh? Another tapestry? You shoved the material aside and it took your eyes a moment to adjust to the light.
You were in a candlelit hallway with several doors on either side. You heard a door click close and laughter coming from inside.
Hmm well you couldn't just barge in now.. I guess she does like him..wonder what her fiance would think of this. Well anyway it wasn't any of your business..
What a waste of time geez.. you spin around in the direction you came about to pull back the fabric.
"WAAHHHHH" you jerked around when a loud scream broke out. And not the fun kind either.
Without a second thought you kicked open the door with a bang.
"What the fu-" the princess snapped her head around with a growl. "Who the hell are you?!" She hissed.
"Better question, what the hell are you doing?!" You questioned eyes wide in disbelief at what you saw. Annora had bound and gagged the pitiful man. He was tied to the end bed post and sat whimpering on the floor. Why was he so afraid?
"Doesn't matter, you're going to die soon anyway" she smirked and her eyes flicked to something over your shoulder. It was then you realized there was another presence in the room.
Whipping your head around you came face to face with a four legged beast. Its ribs protruded crudely and its body was covered in a sickly black goo. Its eyes were red and fiery and the realization came crashing on to you when you saw the same golden collar around its neck. Fuck...
You blindly felt around for the short sword hidden under your dress. You just managed to grab it in time before the "puppy" lunged. Swinging the sword you caught its face. It hissed in pain and you took the chance to bolt through the door.
A loud growl erupted behind you. You sprinted further down the hallway and about had a heart attack when you saw Jaskier casually walking. His eyes lit up when he saw you but then widened in horror. You grabbed his arm probably giving him whiplash and the both of your were running for your lives. There was no way you could fight that beast in the tiny hallway.
"Jaskier what are you doing here?!?!" You shouted panicking.
"I-I was just following you!! I saw you leave all of the sudden and got worried!!" You both sharply turned into a corner. Thank god for these long ass hallways.
"So mind explaining WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!!" He screamed frantically.
"Princess bad, monster bad, I'll explain the rest later when we're not about to be dog food!!" Fuck you were approaching a dead end, think think think!
"GROWWWWWWWWL" the beast was gaining on you two. You did the only thing you could think of, which was shoving jaskier into an open room and spin around to face the beast head on,
"Barricade yourself in Jaskier!" You shouted.
"W-what no! I'm not leaving you" he yelled back.
Ugh idiot! Theres no point of us both getting chomped! "Then do something to help!" He looked around frantically. Something to help something to help.."GERALT!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.
Youd be lucky if he could hear that..
The beast was finally upon you, its row of razor teeth glinting in the candlelight. Fuck.. one bite and youd be literally chow.
You braced yourself as it charged forward, it leaped up and you waited until that moment to run and slide under it. You were successful but the damb beast was quick to turn around and catch your shoulder with a sharp claw.
"Aghh" you let out a welp of pain as it pinned you down.
"Y/N!" Jaskier shouted worriedly
You gripped your sword and thrust blindly upwards. It howled as the sword ripped through its flesh.
It reacted by throwing you across the hall. You rolled over in pain. Fuck, bad dog.. Its attention was on the frozen Jaskier who lamely held up a candle stick in defense.
"Jaskier run!" You winced getting up again and charging at the monster, you picked up your fallen sword and lunged onto it's back stabbing its head.
"GROOOOOOOOWL" it wildly whipped its head side to side trying to throw me off.
"JASKIER GO NOW!" he wasted no time and bolted around, "I'll go find Geralt!!" His voice faded away with his hurried footsteps.
You couldn't hold on much longer due to the stinging in your shoulder.
You fell off and rolled away nearly getting hit again by its claws.
"Y/N stay down!" A large whoosh of air shot over you as you pressed yourself flat on the ground.
"Geralt!" You exclaimed in relief. He ran over to you and helped you up. Before he could ask if you were alright the monster shrieked. God why wont it just die?!
Geralt grunted pulling out another sword and stepping in front of you.
Jaskier gently pulled you back, "Are you ok? Your shoulder-" he began but you gasped,
"Fuck!" You left him bewildered as you pushed him aside and ran back the way you came. The princess, the man, just what was going on?!?!
You flew into the room, eyes locked on the princess who stood over the unconscious man.
She tilted her head in your direction, and you narrowed your eyes noticing something that wasnt there before. Her eyes were an electric purple, and her hair was flowing around her slightly.
"You're....a mage?" You asked completely confused.
She chuckled sinisterly, "you managed to escape my dear pet, no one has been able before" she walked a couple steps in your direction.
"No matter, I'll finish you off myself" she raised a manicured hand up and the air around you seemed to get thinner.
You tried to step back but some invisible force was holding you in place. Fuck it was getting harder to breathe. Geralt I hate being the one needing to be saved but your appearance would be much appreciated.
"I-if I'm going to die anyway, tell me what's going on".you said in a hoarse whisper. The least you could do is have her distracted why you tried to find a way out of her spell.
"Hmm well I suppose it would be entertaining to watch the horrified look on your face". The side of her mouth flitted up.
"Lemme start by introducing myself, my name is Lisanna, and you're half right, I AM a mage, the princess I'm currently controlling however is nothing more that the poor dear that was too desperate to know better"
"W-what?!" You were on the floor now starting to feel lightheaded, you milked it a little so she wouldnt notice your hand creeping to the back of your head un clasping the long hair pin.
"Yes, it was some time ago I came to the princess in a dream. You see I was cursed along time ago, my soul was trapped outside my body, so I improvised. I summoned the power of the dark spirits and was able to enter whatever vessel I so choose. The only downside is they had to be dying or willing which was very annoying. If the vessel I'm in dies, I die along with it. And as you could imagine there weren't many willing people. But that's when I came across dear Annora here." She gestured to herself.
"T-the p-princess was willing??" you coughed out confused.
"Well, when I found her she was desperate you see. Her marriage had just been announced and she was willing to do anything to escape it. I very graciously, offered a solution. Let me temporarily control your body, and I'll make sure no one forces you to do anything you dont want to again."
You gripped the pin and brought it down by your side, "that still doesnt explain everything? The dissapeances the-" you coughed again.
She laughed to herself, "Oh that? That's just good old fashioned revenge, you see our poor princess has suffered at the hands of these perverted old men for years. No one cared enough to believe her, in fact they shamed her. Does that seem fair? No it doesn't" she kneeled before you and tilted your chin upwards.
"I rather enjoyed kidnapping them and torturing them till I put them out of their misery days later. It was the perfect plan, Runald, got a little excited though and killed the man right here on the floor. It was a truly gruesome sight, but dogs will be dogs" she shrugged as if it was the most casual thing in the world.
"W-why would y-you help?" You whispered shakily.
"Well you see it's all part of the bigger picture, the king is the one who needs to suffer" a look of disgust flashed across her face.
NOW! You jabbed the pin in her neck and the spell dissipated instantly. "YOU BITCH" she shrieked crawling back in pain clutching the bloody pin.
You gained your strength and stood back up running to her. "Why the king?! Answer me!" You tackled her binding her arms with the curtain tassels.
She struggled violently, her neck bleeding profusely. "If you keep moving you'll just bleed out faster.." you glared at her.
"Tell me everything and I might save you.." you stood back up allowing her some space.
"He deserves it! He fucking betrayed me!" She said angry tears beginning to fall down her flushed face. "He said he loved me! He said he'd leave her! And then she got pregnant and he threw me out like garbage! He let all those stupid men influence him! I begged him! And when I tried to kill his bitch which I had every right to do, he got a mage to put a curse on me! He has to suffer!! They all do!" She was shaking now.
You thought over her words for a moment, "So the men..the murders.." You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"Two birds with one fucking stone, the princess and me have similar interests, we deserve justice! It doesnt matter how it happens, one by one or an all out war! They all must suffer! We didnt deserve this!" You looked down quietly ,
"You're right... you both didnt deserve that, but this.." you gestured to the unconscious man, "is not justice, it makes you like them, criminals.."
"So what!? They can call us whatever we want, it doesnt mean anything! If they get what they deserve they can call us whatever the fuck they want!" The angry tears were streaming now.
"No" you shook your head softly. "It does matter, because it's not over for you yet. I won't let it be.." you crouched beside her, "I'm sorry for what they did to you... to the both of you... but there has to be a way..a way to move past the pain and move forward"
She scoffed, "What the hell would you know! You've never suffered like I have".
Memories of your master flashed through your mind and without a second thought you threw your arms around her shaking form.
"I do.." you whispered quietly.."pulling her tightly against you, "Someone came along...someone stronger, and prettier, and better than me...and he threw me aside...like everything we ever went through never happened...he was everything to me and I thought I was everything to him..I felt like the whole world was going to collapse onto me. For a long time I was lost..and so so angry. I too wanted revenge..more than anything..but then I realized I couldn't let him control me anymore..that the best revenge was to live a better life. A life where I didnt have to depend on some stupid guy to give it meaning. And I was ok thinking that I would be alone for the rest of my days. But then things changed because I made them.. I found people who are truly good. And now I thank god that I didnt let myself be consumed by my feelings of rage, because now I'm truly happy...and I promise you" you squeezed her tighter, "your story is not going to end this way.." .
Her soft sobs grew louder as she buried her head in your chest. You smiled gently and with one hand untied her bindings. She immediately wrapped her arms around you and let out all the pain and sorrow she had built up.
"Its going to be ok" you gently cupped her head, "I promise".
When she finally looked up, her tear filled eyes met yours, "It hurts so much" you gently stroked her tears away, "I know, but amazing girls like us cant spend the rest of their lives obsessing over some scumbags now can we?" You laugh softly.
She matches your smile and leans in close to you, "thank you..." she whispers kissing your cheek.
A visible purple aura formed around her before altogether gathering and leaving the princess. You smiled sadly and watched Lisannas soul dissapear through the window.
The princess's body went limp in your arms, a moment later she stirred, "where am I?" She whispered confused and exausted. "Don't worry..you're safe now, everythings going to be alright" you held her close and tied a piece of fabric from your dress on her neck wound. Luckily it wasnt too deep.
That same moment 2 very disgruntled men rushed in, "Y/n?!" Geralt came over and knelt beside the two of you.
"I'm alright..we both are.." you smiled at him. "I'm getting the feeling we missed something.." Jaskier raised his brows looking at the man rousing on the floor.
You couldn't help but let out a laugh as the both of them gave you a weird look.
After the events you had a long talk with the princess. You were proud as she stood in front of the room and told everyone of the scandalous crimes that the king didnt bat an eyelash towards. Anybody who looked as if they were going to protest were promptly shut up with one stern glare from the witcher.
Everyone agreed that a new era of peace could not begin with a foundation of crimes. The king and queen were arrested by Targeris guards and the princess was crowned queen right then and there.
There was actually alot of protest but a certain mage was able to convince everyone. Something about making the room dark and the floor quake made everyone agree that you couldn't argue with destiny. Thanks Lisanna, I hope to see you again some day. Well as long as your not possessing someone against their will...then again how will she really live without doing that? Eh whatever shes good now, its probably fine...probably..
The princess-well queen now decided that she would not marry the prince, however the peace had to continue. Everyone was too scared to "go against destiny" again so everything seemed to be ok for now.
As for the missing officials, we explained there was a monster but we swiftly took care of them. Actually, doggy poo was turned back to normal when the suffocating spell broke and he sat wagging happily by the queens side. Usually jobs didnt end this happy. Not bad y/n, not bad at all..
"Ouch.." you wince as rough hands rub a cool salve on your aching shoulder.
"Sorry.." Geralt apologized and tried his best to be gentle.
The mood was peaceful, the only thing illuminating the two of you was a few flickering candles. The two of you sat quietly on a bed in one of the guest rooms. You felt more vulnerable than usual as the dress you wore was pooled on the floor. A thin strapless slip was the only thing covering you. Geralt was gentle as he tended to your shoulder. You felt ashamed at the way you behaved earlier. He was being annoyingly protective yes but..you may have taken it too far.
"Geralt?" You said quietly turning to face him.
"Hmm?" His golden eyes like fire in the flickering light.
"I'm sorry for the things I said...and how I acted...but I'm not sorry for getting upset at you telling me to leave." I said truthfully.
He sighed and I expected a protest, "No I should be the one apologizing.." he finished wrapping your shoulder and gently stroked the bandage
"I know telling you to back off was unfair but.." he looked troubled.
"But?" You urged him on.
He looked down, "Everytime we encounter another monster, I cant help imagine that its going to end up with you almost dying" he looked back up and the look in his eyes was so raw you caught your breath. He was referring to the last time when the visser had almost killed you.
"Geralt..." you whispered leaning forward so his forehead was touching yours. "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere..." you placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned back smiling, "Besides who else are you going to engage in witty banter with? Jaskier?" You teased and a corner of his mouth lifted. "Dont think I've forgotten what you said.." he raised a brow.
"Hey it's not all my fault! Just dont leave me out of things again and we'll have no issues"
"Alright..I promise I won't do that again ok?" He offered.
You nodded your head happy now that you had finally come to an agreement.
He shook his head, "Well at least if you're by me, I can keep an eye on you......speaking of..."
Uh oh bad feeling. Geralt was shifting into scolding mode you could feel it..
You scooted off the bed slightly ready to escape if need be, "Why the hell did you go after the princess by yourself!?" He was more stern now.
"Jaskier? Is that you calling? I'm coming!" You dashed off the bed swinging open the door, "We can talk later Geralt! Jaskier needs me!"
You bolted down the hall ignoring his bark of protest behind you, "Y/N! Don't--ugh" he sighed shaking his head. That woman was gonna be the end of him...but he couldn't help the smile plastered on face. His fingers gently touched where her forehead was. She sure was a special one. He grunted and left the room, now where did she run off too...
Ok so there it is! I didn't feel very confident about this story but wanted to finish it anyway. Hope it was ok xoxo lemme know if I should write more stories, till next time!
@marvels-gurl @shane-isa-shame @waitingtobeimpressed @viking-raider @dream-alittlebiggerdarling
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blackcloverdatabase · 5 years
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English Translation of Novel 2: Chapter 2 – At the Center of the Golds
Here’s another translation from the second novel, the Order of Knights Book. This one features the Experience Enrollment where Asta joins the Golden Dawn for the day, so there’s a lot of Asta, Klaus, and Mimosa in this chapter! This takes place the day before the Black Bulls leave for the beach town of Raque in order to go to the Seabed Temple. ��
--- At the Center of the Golds: Part 1 ---
Within the Order of the Magic Knights, an army of mages under the direct supervision of the Wizard King, there is one squad known as the Golden Dawn. In the rivalry between Magic Knight squads, the Golden Dawn consistently shows the highest achievements. Thus, they are known by all to be the most powerful squad. Its members, of course, consist only of the most elite nobles and royals. Indeed, with half-baked magic power, one could not hope to be selected into this gathering of the chosen elite.
“Ice Creation Magic: Folding Fan of Thin Ice”
“If you’re going to do that, then…... Flame Magic: Footprints of Vaget!!”
Today was a day when many of those elite squad members had gathered in one place for scheduled practice. As the name implies, these scheduled practice sessions are held regularly, and any members who were not currently on duty participated in them.
“Third-Class Junior Magic Knight Lionel, your attack pattern is too predictable! Fourth-Class Junior Magic Knight Salinger, you’re aiming too hard at ending your battle in a single hit! Real battles aren’t often decided with flashy moves such as that!”
“Yes! My apologies!”  
Though it was only a practice session, the squad members participated to the fiercest extremes. Their title as the strongest squad was no mere decoration. They exerted great effort every day to retain their position at the top. Because they were the chosen elite, because they were called the strongest, they could endure such severe training before returning to their equally severe duties. No peasants or commoners could be found here. This was a world where only the strong could survive. A place where the survival of the fittest ruled.
Or at least, that’s how things were supposed to be.
This wide arena where the members of the Golden Dawn had gathered was the same one used for the Magic Knights Entrance Exam. They had been sparring in one-on-one practice matches, but…...
“Wow, as one would expect from the Golden Dawn, this is so large scale!!”
Standing in the middle of this Colosseum was a boy who didn’t look like he belonged there, the reason being that he was not wearing the white robes of the Golden Dawn. Instead, his short body was clad in black. Every member of the nine Magic Knight Squads are provided a robe associated with the squad they belong to. Moreover, every knight is required to wear them when they are on duty so that it is easy to identify which squad they belong to. The robes this boy was wearing……
“Is everyone allowed to participate in this!? Nice! I want to bring everyone else from the Black Bulls! I bet Luck would have a crazy amount of fun here!”  
Yes, those robes belonged to the worst squad of the Magic Knights, the Black Bulls. This boy who paraded about, surrounded by knights clad in white, was the only one clad in black. In addition, to his right and left were two more people clad in white, a young man and a young woman.
“U fu fu, Asta-san’s having so much fun…… he’s so cute.”
To his right was a young woman with long orange hair named Mimosa Vermillion, characterized by the gentle air around her.
“Asta, I understand that you’re very happy, but please be a little quieter! Everyone’s staring!”
To his left was a high-strung man wearing black-rimmed glasses, Klaus Lunettes. Both of them were members of the Golden Dawn.
This member of the Black Bulls strut through the Golden Dawn’s headquarters as he followed them. It was a strange sight.
“Ah, then, this is perfect! He hasn’t introduced himself yet, after all!”
Having gathered all eyes on him, Asta stopped and took a large breath.
The boy from the worst squad of the Magic Knights shouted his self-introduction at the center of this space composed of only elites. Why was such an optimistic young man from the Black Bulls, the worst squad in the Magic Knights, with the Golden Dawn, the Magic Knight’s most prominent squad? The reason is that this was one of the orders made by the Wizard King.
“Still, that’s so sudden, telling you to join the Golden Dawn for a day…… I wonder why he ordered you to do that?”
Mimosa asked as she handed some tea to Asta. Right now, they were in the rest area of the base.
“I don’t really know the details, either. Apparently, Captain Yami was told by the Wizard King, so this morning, right after I woke up, I was told by Yami to come here. I didn’t even have time to bring my wallet.”
Asta sat on the floor, answering her question nonchalantly as he accepted the tea. The place where he sat was at the very edge of the assembly hall. Because Asta had shouted at the center of the Colosseum, he attracted the eyes of every person there, so Klaus had dragged him here.
“This morning, huh? That’s around the same time we were ordered to be your guide…... it seems that this really was a sudden decision.”
Klaus rubbed his temples as if he had a migraine while he sipped his tea next to Asta. It truly was only dozens of minutes ago when Mimosa and Klaus were ordered to be Asta’s guide for the day, which was part of the Experience Enrollment. Moreover, these were direct orders from the captain of the Golden Dawn, William Vangeance. Between being visited by their captain in person and the strange task that he assigned them, this morning was bewildering in all sorts of ways for Klaus and Mimosa.
“……I wish I had a little more time to prepare my heart.”
“No, I’m alright!”
“No, I’m talking about us.”
‘Actually, I also wanted time to buy headache and stomach medicine,’ Klaus thought to himself.
“Well…… I have yet to say this because of all the confusion that has been going on, but welcome, Asta! We’re happy to have you!”
“I’m happy to see you too! After all, it’s been so long! Let’s be sure to talk  a whole lot!”
Klaus and Mimosa were telling the unmistakable truth. The last time they had seen Asta was at the Conferment Ceremony. After that, Asta fought the Eye of the Midnight Sun in a cave near Nairn town and revealed the treachery of the captain of the Purple Orcas, Gueldre Poizot, at the Magic Knights’ headquarters. His days were spent handling all sorts of unthinkable tasks. He just happened to be free today, but tomorrow, he was to start another mission in the sandy beaches of Raque. Though not as busy as Asta, Klaus and Mimosa were also busy working hard at their daily duties, so they couldn’t find much time to talk in private. Regardless of how this came about, they were honestly glad to be able to meet him again.
“Yeah! Heh heh, I’m also psyched to be able to talk with you two again!”
Asta agreed, laughing as loudly as he usually does.
“I see…… well then, speaking of things that make us happy, it would be nice if you put this on……”
Taking advantage of the congenial atmosphere between them, Klaus presented Asta with something he had been holding underneath his arm since earlier. It was the white robe of the Golden Dawn, temporarily provisioned to Asta for his Experience Enrollment. He was ordered by Vangeance to have Asta wear this since having someone in a black robe frolicking around was bound to cause the other members of the Golden Dawn to make a commotion, but……
“I already told ya I don’t want to wear that! I’m a member of the Black Bulls!”
No matter how many times Klaus asked, Asta shot him down.
“I understand, but…… if you’re dressed like that, you’re going to stick out like a sore thumb, you know? Well, even if you wear this, you’ll probably still stand out, but at least you’ll be able to mingle with the rest of the squad to some degree.”
“……You have a point, but…… hmmm. How do I put this? It just feels wrong for me to wear this squad’s robe since I just kinda got plunked here for the day.”
He gripped his own black robe as he said this. Scattered here and there were dirt splotches, scratches, and traces of it being sewn back together countless times.
“I was so happy I could die when I got this robe. Everyone here must have felt the same way when they received theirs, right? That’s why, even if I’m here today as part of the Experience Enrollment, I think the others here wouldn’t want me to wear the same robe as them, either.”
Then, Asta had his usual grin as he continued,
“That’s why, I’m fine the way I am. Even if I end up standing out, I’m going to be here as a member of the Black Bulls!”
“……I see.”
Klaus couldn’t help but smile at Asta’s words as he nodded. The Experience Enrollment is only for one day, so he didn’t need to think so deeply about a one-day affair. This robe was like a permit that signified his permission to stay here for the day. However, he is forthright with even things as trivial as that, weighing everything against his own beliefs, and, when he thinks something is wrong, he says so. Even if he finds himself in a different squad, he sticks by his own beliefs. That’s the sort of man Asta is.
Understanding this, Klaus found himself unable to say anything further.
“If that’s how you’re going to be, then do what you want. However, I’ll hand this over to you just as I was ordered to.”
“Heh heh, understood!”
Tucking the folded robe underneath his arm, Asta looked around as if he had just realized something.
“Ah, that’s right! What about Yuno!? Where is that cocky jerk!?”
Yuno was Asta’s childhood friend, and he possessed a four-leaf grimoire. Despite being from the same village, the remote village of Hage, he was a user of remarkable wind magic. With his abilities, he earned a spot in the Golden Dawn. Moreover, he was Asta’s rival, competing for the title of Wizard King. Asta was secretly looking forward to seeing him after so long, but Mimosa and Klaus looked sullen as they said,
“I wanted you two to meet as well, but Yuno is also doing the Experience Enrollment today, so he left for a different Magic Knights squad earlier today. With that timing, it’s almost as if you two are switching places today.”
“Oh, I see……”
Asta fell silent for just a moment. After such a long time, he wanted to compete with Yuno again.
“Then, which squad did he go to?”
“What, you didn’t hear me? Yuno went to-
Klaus had a teasing smile on his face as he tried to reply, but,
“……Hey, look over there. That Klaus is happily talking away to a peasant. Sheesh. As a member of the Golden Dawn, shouldn’t he be embarrassed of himself?”
The one who said this was a squad member watching Asta’s group from a distance, but Asta and the others could still hear them.
“Are you serious? I felt bad for him when I heard he was partnered up with a peasant, but…… he’s surprisingly onboard with the idea.”
“Klaus huh? He works quickly, and I thought his magic was alright, but…… I heard he went on a dungeon excursion recently, and yet he didn’t manage to bring back any relics. His career track has taken a turn for the worse.”
Asta didn’t hesitate for even a second before glaring at the duo, but the duo left the area with smirks on their faces.
“……Asta, ignore them. Guys like those will gossip no matter what you do. Once you let them get to you, you’ll never hear the end of it.”
Klaus told him. However, Asta scratched his head incredibly awkwardly as he replied,
“……No, still, I know I’m really late telling you this, but I’m sorry. Between making things more tense right now, yelling like I did earlier, selfishly refusing to wear this robe…… of course people are going to start giving us strange looks.”
Since coming here, Asta has received all sorts of strange, even detestable looks. However, some of these looks were also aimed toward Klaus and Mimosa. ‘Aren’t you embarrassed to be with a peasant like that?’ Those were the types of gazes they were receiving. Asta was used to receiving looks like that, but words couldn’t describe how terrible he felt for getting Klaus and Mimosa mixed into this…...
“What are you saying!? That’s not like you at all!”
Klaus put his arm around Asta’s shoulders as he laughed loudly.
“I told you when we were capturing that dungeon, didn’t I? You are a member of the Clover Kingdom’s prized Order of the Magic Knights. I have no reason to be embarrassed about being with a comrade from that very same order of knights!”
Asta blinked his eyes at the sudden physical contact he was getting from Klaus, a move that was very out of character from his senior. Klaus continued,
“Moreover, you are here under direct orders from the Wizard King. If anything, the people giving us strange looks are the strange ones. Let’s be bold! Bold, I say!”
Klaus said this loud enough so that the other members staring at Asta could hear him. Watching the other members click their tongues and make faces of disgust, Mimosa puffed out her cheeks and said,
“T-that’s right, Asta-san! We were personally asked by Captain Vangeance to show you around today, so anybody who insults us is also insulting the Captain!”
Accidentally activating her natural ability to air-headedly punch people in the gut with her words, the onlookers scattered away completely until no one remained.
“You two……!”
Don’t mind the looks they are giving you. Let’s just do what we want. Those were the implications behind their words of encouragement. Through their actions, Asta slowly came back to his senses.
“……You’re… right. Heh heh, you’re right! My bad! I definitely wasn’t talking like myself back there! Alright!  I’m gonna learn so much watching you guys! For the second time today, I’m in your care!”
Understanding Klaus’s and Mimosa’s feelings, Asta energetically put his arm around Klaus’s shoulders. Not wanting to put their good will to waste, Asta decided he would watch this top-ranked squad’s training to his heart’s content.
……However, just as he decided this,
“……Hey, look. Klaus has his arm wrapped around a peasant.”
“Seriously? No, even if he wasn’t a peasant…… being glued to another man like that…… I wonder if his tastes are on that side of the fence.”
“Klaus? I thought he might have been judging by his face…… but whatever floats his boat.”
Overhearing a group of three people talking from a distance. Klaus quietly moved his arm off of Asta. Having overheard them as well, Mimosa’s face turned pale, saying as she shivered,
“K-Klaus-san…… you embraced Yuno-san and Asta-san after our dungeon mission, but…... don’t tell me, you’re actually……!?”
“NO! Why is your imagination always so wild at moments like these!?”
“Wait, why did you put some space between us, Klaus! Let’s show off our friendship!”
“Why are you so bad at reading the mood!? Think about it! It’s possible people might see something other than friendship!”
Because of their yelling, a crowd of people gathered around them once more, and, in the end, the three of them had to leave.
 --- Later ---
“…..Tch. So that Klaus bastard could hear us, huh?”
The one who said this was a man named Gris, the leader of the three people who were watching Asta and the others from a distance earlier. He made his remark behind the backs of Asta and the others as they were leaving.
“It really is true. That bastard has been putting on airs ever since he was called to the Conferment Ceremony.”
“I heard he even got to talk to the Wizard King directly. I bet he was even praised by him.”
These three have never been invited to the Conferment Ceremony, and they’ve never spoken to the Wizard King, either. As knights who have served longer than Klaus and the others, these facts just served to damage their pride even further.
“Well, if we’re talkin’ people who are getting too cocky for their own good…… that damn peasant brat, Asta, takes the cake.”
As he watched Asta from behind, Gris’s eyes were filled with a mix of negative emotions: hostility, prejudice, and a terrible inferiority complex. Instead of members of the Golden Dawn such as themselves, a peasant of all people was given extraordinary praise at the Conferment Ceremony. Even though he’s a peasant, this bottom-of-the-barrel Magic Knight with no manners has stepped foot into their elite domain.
Somebody should smash his nose in. Somebody should put him back in his place.
That’s right, somebody has to do it.
“……This is just perfect. I have some free time on my hands, and this’ll teach Klaus a lesson, too, so how about we play with them for a bit?”
With a cruel smile on his face, Gris and the others followed behind Asta’s group.
“……Come to think of it, Mimosa overheard us too, didn’t she?”
Said one of Gris’s followers, which caused him to stop in his tracks for a moment.
“No, well, Mimosa is…… she’s alright, isn’t she?”
“Yeah, that’s right. Mimosa is…… right?”
“……Yeah. She’s good. I mean, she’s cute.”
After such a conversation, the two began walking once more.
 “This is the place where we do basic magic training.”
“Woah! Awesome!”
Asta’s eyes were sparkling as he shouted when he saw where Klaus and Mimosa took him. This section was far from the rest of the base, so there were no other squad members practicing their combat skills here. However, just as Klaus said, it was full of equipment for people to practice basic magic exercises, such as stones made from magic for people to try smashing and pieces of parchment hanging in the air for people to shoot down.
“Hey, don’t tell me these are……?”
Asta leaned forward a bit as he asked, having noticed a few things he had seen somewhere before. Klaus answered,
“Yeah, the exercises we do here are also used at the annual Magic Knights Recruitment Exam.”
“…… I knew it.”
Asta laughed ironically as he recalled such bitter memories. For Asta, who had no magic, that was truly a hellish time for him. If it weren’t for the final portion of the exam, the combat portion, and if Yami hadn’t been one of the judges there, he wouldn’t have been able to become a Magic Knight. Seeing Asta smile so bitterly, Mimosa raised her hand softly and said,
“Um, I’m just asking out of curiosity, but what kind of training does everyone in the Black Bulls do?”
“Us? We, uhh……”
Hearing Mimosa’s question, Asta recalled what everyone was doing yesterday.
-          They ate breakfast.
-          For some reason, they somehow managed to gather together in the same room, where they all chatted away lazily.
-          They ate lunch.
-          They gathered together in the same room again and played card games.
-          Anyone who was hungry had a mid-day snack .
-          To burn off the snacks, they went on a walk (for some reason, Noelle tagged along with Asta).
-          They found some wild squirrels on their walk, so they fed them their leftover snacks.
-          They ate dinner.
-          The older members of the group drank alcohol while the younger ones played more card games.
-          They slept.
After Asta finished remembering what had happened, he went silent for about three seconds before finally responding,
“……We do team-building exercises. Yeah…… stuff like that……”
“I see! That’s why everyone cooperates so well with each other!”
This isn’t something Asta does often, but, right now, he had a fake smile on his face.
“Team building exercises are good, but it’s also important to go back to the basics and do some basic training. How about it, Asta? Want to try one of these out?”
Klaus suggested with a smile, but Asta lightly scratched his head as he replied,
“……Well, I don’t have any magic, so…...”
‘Plus, I’ve been traumatized by this stuff,’ Asta thought to himself as he turned his head to the side.
“Would you like to have a little contest with me using one of these?”
Asta reflexively raised his head. Klaus was looking at Asta with his usual small smile.
“The loser will have to…… I know. It doesn’t matter where, but after your Experience Enrollment is complete, how about the loser treats the winner to a meal? They’d have to pay for Mimosa’s, too.”
“No, that’s not the point…… Um, why are we having a contest, anyway?”
Though Yuno and Asta shared a rivalry between them, that had nothing to do with Klaus. Even if it was just a casual game, it just felt so abrupt to Asta.
“No, well, even if you ask me that, there’s no real reason……”
Klaus seemed to be searching for the right words to say as he pushed up his black-rimmed glasses.
“Until now, I’ve only judged people by their class and social status. I never even made an attempt to appreciate someone for their personality, merit, or all their hard work…… Because of that, when we were on that dungeon capturing mission, I said so many rude things to you and Yuno.”
‘Yeah. Honestly, I hated you. You were a nasty glasses guy’……Asta couldn’t bring himself to say that out loud, though. After all, that way of thinking was considered to be common sense for those who live in this society. Not to mention, those who stand at the top of this society stratified by magic are the ones who are most fanatical about bloodlines and classes. People like Mimosa and Klaus, who don’t discriminate against others, are, by far, in the minority.
“However, thanks to you and Yuno, I was able to throw away my prejudices. I’ve learned how to face other people as individuals, not as members of a certain class or social status.”
With a proud smile, Klaus continued,
“That’s why I wanted to experience your personal strength once more through a contest, but…... do you not want to?”
“……I see.”
After responding in blank amazement, Asta’s usual smile returned to his face.
“Okay! Heh heh, if that’s how it is, then I’m going all out!”
“Yeah, thank you!”
Asta bumped fists with Klaus, thinking about how, even though Klaus is far too serious, he’s not a bad guy.
“……Wait, I don’t have any magic, so what kind of practice exercise could we compete in!?”
Asta felt like he realized something very important, but Klaus just tilted his head and said,
“What are you talking about? Just like at the entrance exam, you don’t have to use magic, right?”
It took a moment for Asta to realize what Klaus meant.
“……Ah, I get it now!”
Striking his hands together, Asta grinned.
 “……Hm? What are those guys doing?”
Gris tilted his head as he asked. Gris’s group, having followed Asta and others, arrived at the basic training ground.
“Are you ready!? The first person to pulverize their stone slab wins!”
“Bring it oooooooooon! Then, Mimosa, give us the signal to begin!”
“Y-yes! I’ll do my best!”
Asta and the others were conversing at a corner of the training room. The place where they stood was where people could practice smashing stone slabs by shooting magic at them, an exercise commonly known as “slate smashing”. Asta and Klaus stood side-by-side, each of them standing five meters from their respective slabs. Standing a small distance from those slabs was Mimosa, who, while raising both her hands,
“Ready…… s-start….. no, maybe I should say ‘go’?”
Practiced what she was going to say in a rather mysterious way.
‘No, that’s not important right now!’
“What’s with that guy? He doesn’t even have any mana, so how does he expect to be able to do any basic training?”
That Asta had no mana was a well-known fact. Gris had also heard that Asta produced terrible results at the Magic Knights Entrance Exam because of it. In spite of that, it seemed that Asta was about to try doing it again, which made the three of them sneer.
“I know. He can’t just do nothing since he’s doing the Experience Enrollment, so he’s gotta at least pretend he’s doing something, right?”
“That’s what it looks like…… What the hell? I was thinking about messing with him, but he’s gonna embarrass himself all on his own.”
While the three of them laughed to themselves, they walked toward Asta and the others. If he does anything even the slightest bit weird, they planned to laugh out loud at him. It may seem like petty harassment, but that was beside the point. As the three of them stood on standby, Mimosa said behind Asta and the others,
“……Uh, ummm, r-ready, sta…… um…… go!”
At her signal, the two sides swiftly opened their grimoires.
“Steel Creation Magic: Violent Rotating Lance”
As Klaus yelled out, a steel lance spawned at his feet. The lance was fired at the stone slab at tremendous speed, its tip rotating quickly like a drill.
“Woah…... What the hell, Klaus? Talk about no mercy.”
“I get it. He wants to embarrass that peasant, too…… hm?”
Gris’s eyes widened when he saw Asta. He had pulled a large, black sword from his grimoire. Forcefully gripping the hilt of his sword,
With all his strength, he threw his sword at his target.
Gris and the others exclaimed in astonishment just as the slabs in front of Asta and Klaus shattered into pieces. As they predicted, what he did was certainly weird, but……
“……H-hey, what’s wrong with you two? L-laugh at him!”
“Well, even if we laugh……”
“……Huh, other than his crappy magic, isn’t he kinda strong?”
The simple fact he could throw such a heavy sword was impressive all on its own, but it was even more amazing that he shattered the stone slab with it. Having witnessed such a spectacle, they fell silent, finding themselves not in the mood to laugh.
“Mimosa! Who broke his slab first!?”
Acting as casual as ever, Asta loudly asked Mimosa for the results. Mimosa squinted her eyes at the broken slabs of stone with a troubled look on her face for a short while before saying,
“……I’m sorry! I blinked, so I didn’t see it happen!”
Asta was the one who retorted, but everyone thought the exact same thing. Keep your eyes open for just a little longer, darn it!
“I-I’m sorry! But Asta, don’t you know!? If you don’t let your eyes blink, they’ll become dehydrated, you know!?”
“Wait, are you messing with me right now!? Of course I know that! That’s why I’m asking! Why was moisturizing your eyes a higher priority than our contest!?”
“W-well, there was certainly a tight gap between us, so how about we call it a draw?”
Klaus smiled bitterly as he waited for Mimosa and Asta to finish their exchange.
“Well then, how about we move onto the next contest?
The next practice exercise he chose for their contest was commonly known as “parchment tearing”. It’s an exercise where mages use their magic to shoot down pieces of parchment with a target drawn on them flying through the sky. Since the parchment moves around freely via manipulation magic, it’s quite difficult to hit the center of the target.
“Well then, ready, sta….. g…… umm, star…… go!”
Here, too, Asta stunned Gris’s group. Actually, he stunned everybody watching him.
He jumped up to where the pieces of parchment were flying and pierced the center of one target after another with his large sword. Everyone’s gazes landed on him again as he displayed an even greater feat of strength than before. However, as before, Asta paid no attention to the eyes that were on him.
“…… I’m sorry! I tried to keep track of how many papers you’ve knocked down, but I lost count!”
“I-I’m sorry…… but Asta-san!? Please don’t be surprised when I tell you this, but I only have ten fingers!”
“I’m surprised by the contents in your head! Why haven’t you been using your head since earlier!? Did you loan it out to someone!?
“W-well, we shot down about the same number, so let’s call it a draw……”
After Klaus mediated between them like that, they moved onto the next contest.
“……Hey, Gris. I’ve had enough. Let’s go back to our own practice exercises.”
After that, Asta continued to clear one practice exercise after another in an unconventional way. As Gris watched Asta, waiting for a chance to dig into him, one of his followers said in resignation,
“Looks like he has a lot of eyes on him now. We can’t simply mess with him now.”
With how showy Asta was, it was only natural. Although not overt, most of the people who were there doing basic exercises were now watching Asta and the others. Although, most of those gazes were filled with derision and scorn, as if they were saying ‘How barbarous…..’ or ‘That’s not the way a Magic Knight would fight’. However, whether their thoughts were positive or negative, almost all of them had one thought in common – he would be a tough opponent to beat.
This may be obvious, but Magic Knights attack exclusively with magic. However, the large sword which spawns from Asta’s grimoire negates magic, and he’s able to continuously attack with a seemingly inexhaustible amount of physical strength. For many mages, he could almost certainly be called their natural enemy. Why was this magicless peasant boy awarded the title of 3rd class Junior Magic Knight, and why has he been able to continuously make significant contributions in his missions? Though they were exceedingly reluctant to admit it, they all were beginning to understand why.
“Nothing’s gonna come out of us watching him any further. Let’s go, okay?”
“Right? Mimosa was cute, too, so I’m satisfied.”
And so, Gris’s group finally realized how much trouble Asta actually was. No matter how far they stick their noses into his business, they weren’t going to get any satisfaction out of it. This is what one of Gris’s followers believed when he put his hand on Gris’s shoulder, but,
Gris whispered in a frightfully low voice.
“Why does this brat fresh from the country, this peasant who acts like he’s never struggled a day in his life…… get to have such an amazing grimoire…… Just because he was lucky enough to get that grimoire, he gets to join the Magic Knights and receive praise from our superiors!
“……Hey, Gris?”
Seemingly unable to hear his followers’ words of worry, Gris squeezed his words out like a curse. Rather than anger or hatred, his voice seemed to be filled with sorrow.
“Why have I even bothered struggling to make it this far……!?”
Gris’s voice trembled as he spoke. At that moment,
“Emergency. Emergency. Calling all members who are currently training. The Diamond Kingdom has invaded our airspace.”
Using amplification magic, the voice of Vangeance’s close aide, Alecdora Sandler, resonated throughout the entire venue.
“Currently, several enemy platoons are flying toward the town of Kiten. Any squad members who are in the middle of training should rush toward their location immediately. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill.”
“W-what the heck!? Huh!? T-the Diamond Kingdom is attacking!?”
As Asta was freaking out over the ominous directive that was suddenly announced to them, Klaus replied,
“So it seems……”
Kiten is a town near the border of the Kingdom where countless skirmishes with the Diamond Kingdom have occurred for some time now. Judging by the size of the enemy, this did not appear to be large-scale attack, however……
“This is bad…… Everyone is already exhausted from training.”
Not much time has passed since training began. However, some of them had just completed their duties, and others exhausted their mana while they were sparring. Finally, they were doing more than simply protecting Kiten. They also needed to protect other villages near Kiten, as well as important national facilities in the area, so their strength will be greatly dispersed. There were only about ten people at most who would be heading out to fight the enemy’s main force. Of those, how many of them could fight in perfect condition?
“Then, we’ll have to do that!!”
While Klaus was worrying about such things, Asta declared this as if to cut Klaus’s anxieties off. Then, his eyes fell to the white robes of the Golden Dawn he was carrying under his arm, which he had been neglecting.
“You guys could use the help of a guy who can energetically rampage his way through a fight, right!?”
He slowly put on the robe.
Klaus couldn’t help but falter. Asta put on the robe he had refused so strongly to wear to help the very same Golden Dawn members who rejected him so severely. He was willing to bend his beliefs and put on his robe as if it were only natural.
“Right now, I’m a member of the Golden Dawn! So, there shouldn’t be any problem if I go with you guys, right!?”
Klaus started to worry again. Certainly, his spirit was excellent. However, his argument was flimsy. Experience Enrollment aside, it would defy common sense to deploy someone who was not an official member of their squad to the battlefield. Most of all, he couldn’t expect the other members of his squad to work together with a peasant. Just Asta’s presence alone was enough to elicit looks of disgust from them. Who knows what they would say if he told them Asta was coming with them on an actual mission? It would be better not to take him along.
“Are you stupid……”
That was what the old Klaus would have thought.
“……Of course we wouldn’t have a problem! Let’s move out immediately!!”
Certainly, he is not an official member of their squad. However, he doubtlessly has enough strength to play an active role on this mission. It doesn’t matter what the others might say. He’s a proud member of the pride of the Clover Kingdom, the Magic Knights. There’s nothing to be ashamed about going on a mission with a comrade. If anyone tries to make a problem out of this……
“I’ll take all responsibility! Asta! Show the Diamond Kingdom and everyone here your strength!”
Asta responded with full force, but then said just as loudly,
“But I can’t ride a broom, so please give me a ride!!”
 “Now then~ We’ve come to play today, too……”
A soldier of the Diamond Kingdom by the name of Lotus Whomalt said with a lackadaisical tone of voice. He was riding a vehicle of smoke he created with his smoke magic, “Bustling Lazy Vehicle”, and looking down on the town of Kiten from above. The city was already being protected by a barrier which was maintained by the Magic Knights of Clover Kingdom and encased the entire country. A platoon of Diamond Kingdom soldiers surrounded a portion of its perimeter and were in the middle of launching intermittent attacks on the barrier.  Naturally, this time, as well, their goal was to scout out the strength of the enemy. They just needed to engage with the enemy and obtain a general grasp on the kingdom’s overall might and the magic of some of the individuals. After that, they can find a suitable time to get out of there so that he could take a bath with his youngest daughter. That was Lotus’s plan for today.
“……Well, if we find a chance to whittle them down, then we will.”
As he said this to himself, the magic transmitter at his chest went off.
“This is a notification from correspondence to Vice General Lotus. We have confirmed that forces from the Golden Dawn are making their way here from the capital of Clover Kingdom. They are expected to arrive at Kiten in several minutes.”
“Oh, they’re coming, they’re coming. Their ace squad. Jeez, every single time they move way too fast. They’re really starting to get on this old man’s nerves.”
…Well, it doesn’t matter. If they find a chance, they’ll whittle the enemy down. What he was referring to was not Kiten’s forces, but rather……
“……Understood~ Let me know if you discover anything else, ‘kay~”
After disconnecting, Lotus returned his gaze to the battle being waged below.
“……Now, I wonder if I’ll get my turn on stage today~?”
— To be continued in Part 2 —
Jeez, the Golden Dawn needs to defend the town of Kiten so much that they might as well just move their base there. It certainly makes more sense that Yuno always seems to have a new power up whenever he shows up if he always has to fight off Diamond (and Spade) mages.
I appreciate how much members of the Golden Dawn seem to train, especially considering that practice and training hard seems to be looked down on by nobility and royalty, but it kind of defeats the purpose if you’re exhausted by the time a real mission arrives D:
Also, poor Klaus D:  And poor Asta! I guess I would be traumatized by an Entrance Exam I literally couldn’t physically complete, too.
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kaitycole · 4 years
In Love with Another Man
Summary: Luke learns the truth about who Drake is and about his parents while Jackson continues reminiscing. 
Word Count: 1500
Pairings: Constantine x Eleanor, Eleanor x Jackson, Jackson x Bianca
Warnings: Mentions of s*x, Mentions of adultery, Mentions of cheating, Betrayal, Mentions of anxiety/panic attack
A/N: This part is shorter than normal because there’s a lot I have outlined for this piece but they don’t mesh well together. So in order to not go crazy or post something I'd hate, I’m breaking it into two parts.
Song Choice: In Love with Another Man by Jazmine Sullivan
Part 15 of WP. To catch up, read here.
Tag List: @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @kingliam2019  @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways​ @bobasheebaby​  @bascmve01​  @burnsoslow​  @the-everlasting-dream​  @ao719​  @sirbeepsalot​  @janezillow​  @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​  @kimmiedoo5​  @choices97​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @lodberg​  @edgiestwinter​  @marshmallowsandfire​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @iaminlovewithtrr​  @cordonianroyalty​  @rafasgirl23415​  
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The creaking of the wooden panels brings Jackson back to reality, he sees his youngest son standing there. He and Eleanor decided that they’d keep their past hidden from Luke, but that was now impossible. In just a few days, Liam would show up and Jackson couldn’t lock Luke in his room or even force him out of the house forever. He lets out a deep sigh before patting the space next to him on the swing.
“Mom would have a fit to see you drinking at,” he pauses to look at his watch, “two-thirty.”
“Luke, I need to tell you something. Something pretty important.” Luke nods and Jackson begins to tell him about his and Eleanor’s past. Trying not to bombard him with too many details, but just enough to where things might make sense. He figures the next time Drake and Liam come, Luke should at least be there and have some knowledge to where he’s not shell-shocked.
Jackson tells him about how he and Eleanor actually met, not the watered down “we met while I was at work” reason he’s used before. He tells him about how were both married, not simply just “seeing other people” and that they had other children. Children they left in another country while they moved to the states to start a life together; a life with him. He and Eleanor never planned on telling Luke any of this. They didn’t want him to feel any of the pain that the whole thing had brought them, but he was trying his best. What were the odds that Drake would come to Montana and run into him? They thought Montana was safe.
“If Drake hadn’t have shown up, would you ever have told me?” Luke is looking at someone who looks like his father, but he has no idea who this person is.
“Luke,” he reaches out but Luke jerks away, “It’s more complicated than that.”
“No it’s really not. Were you ever going to tell me I have three older siblings out there?”
Jackson looks down, letting out a deep breath wishing more than anything that Eleanor was there, “No. We agreed before you were even born that we wouldn’t. We just wanted to protect you.”
He stands up, shaking his head, “All you did was LIE.” He storms off and feel tears fill his eyes. He’s not sad, he’s mad and the fact his body is producing tears makes him angrier. His parents had been lying to him for the last eighteen years. He walks for as long as his legs will take him before he drops to his knees and screams. Never in his life has he felt so betrayed, so lost, so alone. If he couldn’t trust the man who raised him, who could he trust?
*                      *
A couple hours pass before Jackson sees Luke return to the main part of the ranch. He helps put the cattle up, but won’t say a single word to his father. It’s not until they are sitting at the table preparing to eat that Luke finally speaks to Jackson.
“How old are my siblings?” Luke scoots his food around his plate, he didn’t have an appetite at all.
Jackson clears his throat, his fork clinks as he lays it on his plate. “The oldest is Liam, he’s 28, Drake is 27, just a few months younger than Liam and Savannah is 23.”
“Who do I share a mom with?”
“Ah, that’d be Liam. He’ll be in town in a few days.”
Luke loudly scoots the chair back and stomps his way upstairs; leaving his plate full on the table. When he gets to his room, he shuts the door and slides down it; pulling his knees to his chin. His world is shattering, everything changing at a rapid pace and he feels like he can’t catch up. He starts to hyperventilate, struggling to just catch his breath. Tears fill his eyes while his hands not only start to sweat but shake. His face gets a pins and needles sensation as he tries catching his breath, resting his forehead on his knees.
After what feels like hours, Luke finally stands up and heads towards his closet. Digging in the back, he finally drags out a blanket that his mother had made him. He pulls it around himself, even flicking it over his head before he curls up on his bed and cries himself to sleep. Trying to hold on to his happy memories before the betrayal washes them away.
Jackson pours himself another glass of bourbon, slowly pacing his way to the living room and settling down in his chair. He takes a sip before leaning his head back on the chair, thinking back to the last few happy weeks they shared in Cordonia.
*                      *
When Eleanor woke the next morning, Jackson was nowhere in her suite. She figured he would leave since a maid regularly stopped in to wake her, but part of her thought he’d stay. The night before ended with them in each other’s arms, whispering their feelings to each other. Typically, she’d have worn some Cordonian blue dress for when she arrived back to the palace, the press ate it up, but that day she decided to wear a casual outfit: jeans and a striped button up. Constantine wouldn’t be too thrilled, but she found herself not caring anymore. She felt happy with Jackson and at the end of the day, that’s what she cared most about.
It wasn’t until she walked down the hall and closer towards the main door that she saw Jackson; he was wearing his uniform and a concerned expression. She watched him talking to one of the maids before shaking his head and walking out. When they finally got into the town car, she learned that he had an early start due to press swarming the duchy. Though he told her not to worry, Timothy had arrived and escorted the man off the property.
As they rode back towards the palace, in hushed whispered tones, they discussed how important it was for everyone that they conceal their involvement. Agreeing that keeping up with appearances was more important than the jealousy they may feel from it. She already knew Jackson would have a difficult time seeing Constantine by her side and she wasn’t sure how she would feel with Bianca hanging on Jackson, but for everyone sake, they couldn’t get caught. And despite knowing they are having an affair, both refused to label it as such, simply referring to it as complicated.
The first few days back at the palace were awkward; while trying to act normal, all Eleanor and Jackson did was come off as trying too hard to get along. Their first few exchanges were severely cringey. Several palace personnel notice the weirdness, but no one will speak up; no one wants to knock over the card house that it the royal couple. Even though the royal couple seemed to have patched things up since returning from their trips, those who work in their palace wing know better.
Eleanor is chipper and her light as a feather attitude has returned, but Constantine has been spending most days and nights in his study. He keeps their family game nights mostly because he enjoys the time with the children. To his surprise Liam, while mirroring lots of his mother, when it came to critical thinking and strategy, he mirrors his father. The royal couple attempts to maintain their weekly dessert nights; though they are mostly Constantine trying to get her to hear him out while she mindlessly ignores him. Eventually those nights come to an end; Constantine has once against thrown himself into ruling a country while Eleanor’s Friday nights went back to being spent in a study on the west side of the palace with a guardsman.
*                      *
Constantine watches his wife’s attitude bounce back and forth for the next couple of days; icy when he arrives but a warmth when he leaves. As far as he knows, she doesn’t seem to notice he’s already picked it up. But what really threw him off was her aggressive attitude the days Jackson had been temporarily assigned to Applewood due to Officer Novak needing immediate leave.
During Jackson’s time away, Eleanor frequented the king’s suite; more specifically the king’s bed. While Constantine wouldn’t complain, it did cause skepticism with him because she had been cold for so long. But the little warmth she gave to him, brought him hope that they were in fact on the road to recover their relationship. Yet all his hope dissipated when Jackson returned and Eleanor returned to the queen’s suite and the icy demeanor increased.
But while the queen felt she had an upper hand, she failed at realizing that while the king may have been coined the unpredictable king; he was a very observant opponent. And once he had his target locked, it was game over.
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