#Blenio Valley
Best Artisan Food Producers in Switzerland
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Are you planning your next culinary trip to Switzerland? You’re surely about to experience one of the best trips of your life. But are you aware of the popularity of Swiss food throughout the world? Indeed, Switzerland is known as having the best artisan food producers in the world! If this breathtaking place is on your itinerary or you are a resident of the majestic country, then be sure to read this article to know about a reliable quality gourmet food store from which you can purchase the best artisanal products online.
Larix Food is a trusted platform to purchase artisanal food and drinks online. They offer local drinks such as wine, beer, liquors, syrups, coffee, tea, soft drinks, and other alcoholic beverages, along with local cured meat, sausages, cheese, and confectioneries, all of them of the best quality.
Larix Food is not only the best gourmet food store online, but it also offers fun activities such as hike and dine experience in the Blenio valley of Ticino and many more. Find Larix boxes that are also a great way to gift friends or family or to keep as a memento of your Swiss experience. From the savory delights of fondue and raclette to the tantalizing exquisiteness of Swiss wine and beers, Larix Boxes have something to offer for all.
Larix Food offers a wealth of delectable recipes through newsletters, all curated by Swiss food experts who have a deep understanding of the country's culinary heritage. With Larix Food newsletters, you will gain valuable insights into the origins of Swiss drinks and foods, their cultural significance, the stories of their local producers partners and even great recommendations for food and wine pairings.
For the uninitiated, Swiss food is a delightful combination of flavors and traditions that reflects the country's cultural diversity and alpine heritage. From world-renowned Swiss cheeses such as Gruyère and Emmental to the unique taste of Swiss Schnitzel, the country's culinary offerings are a treat for the taste buds. Swiss cuisine also features hearty dishes like Zürcher Geschnetzeltes (sliced veal in a creamy sauce) and rösti (grated potato dish), providing comforting flavors that warm the soul. With an emphasis on fresh and high-quality ingredients, Swiss food showcases the country's commitment to culinary excellence. Whether you're savoring a traditional fondue from Larix Food or exploring regional specialties, Swiss cuisine is sure to leave a lasting impression.
So, whether you're planning a trip to Switzerland or simply want to explore the wonders of Swiss cuisine from the comfort of your home, Larix Food is your go-to resource as one of the most reliable artisanal foods from producers in Switzerland. Get ready to embark on a tantalizing culinary adventure and let Larix Food be your trusted companion in discovering the flavors that make Swiss food truly unforgettable. Enjoy your trip to Switzerland with the best gourmet food order online, buy drinks online, and delicious, single origin coffee with Larix Food. For more details, visit https://larix.ch/en/
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mix-shots · 1 year
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Blenio valley.
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bygonely · 2 years
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Life in the Blenio Valley, Switzerland in the early 1900s Through these Spectacular Historical Photos
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wetagconsulting · 2 years
Sunny classic style villa with rustico for sale in Acquarossa-Castro, Ticino, Switzerland from Wetag Consulting on Vimeo.
In the heart of the beautiful Blenio Valley, this stately villa in Castro-Acquarossa is for sale. The house has been restored with great attention to its historical character, such as the beautiful frescoes and antique furniture, without neglecting modern technology. The spacious and bright rooms on 4 floors are easily accessible by lift and make this villa the ideal place for holidays with family or friends, surrounded by the beautiful and peaceful nature of this wide valley.
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seekesotsibteadmist · 2 years
"where've you been wandering lately?" artemis asks, curious and eager. "i've been stuck for a few days and i'm bored. let me live vicariously through you."
"Sorry for the boredom that has to be pretty frustrating to have to deal with." Saima pauses for a moment to think about where they have been.
"Although I've been staying a little closer to home with the autumn coming in, I have been going out my way to visit a few different forests to enjoy the varying changes. Went across the Baltic to Finland for a while, that was good place to spend time.
And then the next larger trip, I actually hadn't been near Switzerland in a while so I spent some time in Blenio Valley. That was a really wonderful place to see how the foliage changes and the season changes really kind plays out in a place with stunning views.
Was thinking about going even further for my next spot but hadn't made up my mind yet about where I would go. "
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mmbs · 4 years
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I had very poor network connection for the last two days and only come back today with an update of our hike. On Monday we hiked down from the high alpine landscape into the valley, paused there before going up to the next pass. At Passo del Sole, we pitched our tent for the night. (hier: Blenio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDNtHThg4Nb/?igshid=1h9e473xl9hft
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hematitehearts · 7 years
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Locality: Greina Pass, Blenio Valley, Ticino, Switzerland
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primitivefilms · 8 years
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#primitivefilms #bonneville #blenio #valley #krraceteam
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The fortification of Serravalle in the Blenio valley, now located in modern day Ticino, was built during the investiture controversy between the pope and the kaiser. The Blenio valley was part of the territory of the milanese canons, which were on the side of the pope. The fortification was build to protect the troops of the kaiser and was then later destroyed by the troops of the pope
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swissforextrading · 7 years
Mysterious pagan house restored
The 'case dei pagani' houses were built into the steep cliffs of the Blenio Valley, the northern-most point of canton Ticino, 1,000 years ago. To this day, it is not known who exactly built them. Now the old structures have been restored. (SRF/swissinfo.ch) --- swissinfo.ch is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit swissinfo.ch or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: http://www.swissinfo.ch Channel: http://www.youtube.com/swissinfovideos Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=swissinfovideos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p42kE0cavD0 (Source of the original content)
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lhenerycop2-blog · 7 years
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Pinacoteca di Brera 
The Pinacoteca di Brera was officially established in 1809, even though a first heterogeneous collection with educational purpose existed already from 1776. It increased in the following years to offer the students the opportunity to study lofty masterpieces of art close up. Brera became a museum to host the most important works of art from all of the areas conquered by the French armies. Thus, unlike other museums in Italy such as Gallerie D’Italia, Brera did not start life as the private collection of a prince or noblemen but as the product of a deliberate policy decision.
This museum is much smaller than Gallerie D’Italia and features mostly religious paintings confiscated from churches and convents throughout Lombardy during the early years of the nineteenth century. This collection was later joined by artworks of similar provenance from other areas of Italy. 
There were only four paintings of figures wearing hats in Pinacoteca di Brera as the artwork on display was mostly religious. The two portraits of ‘young men’ by Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio are both very similar in style suggesting that the men are either both similar in status or that this is the artist’s style of painting. Judging by the way that these young men are dressed wearing hats and both very smart in style, it is likely that they are both wealthy scholars and have commissioned the artist to paint them. Generally, only the wealthy have their portraits painted by artists as they can afford to pay the artist and have the time to pose for a painting. Furthermore, usually individuals of high status and nobility have their portraits painted by artists as they use art to assert their social ranking and dominance. Therefore it can be assumed that all four of the figures in these four portraits are wealthy individuals with status of some sort that they want to communicate. 
The portrait of the warlord Ludovico Vistarini by Callisto Piazza supports this view as he is of very high ranking as a captain and this power of his is communicated through this painting of him with his helmet. Historians believe Vistarini was most brilliant leader in Milan at the time; here he is depicted looking very serious and scholarly dressed in smart clothes and a hat. 
In Giovan Paolo Lomazzo’s self portrait as the Abbot of the Blenio Valley Academy, he is very well dressed with a large black opulent hat decorated with black feathers and a large gold brooch to contrast. He looks very fashionable and serious, portrayed as if he is deep in critical thought. This is an appropriate depiction of Lomazzo; although he was born into a family of moderate social status, he was very well educated and became an independent master as well as the Abbot of the Blenio Valley Academy. He was a conspicuous figure in artistic and intellectual circles in northern Italy and his contemporary reputation was as much as a painter as theorist, reaching beyond his native Milan. 
All of these portraits of male figures wearing hats are portraits of scholarly and high ranking men. They are all men of status and most likely all wealthy. This possibly implies that only those of high status wear hats and raises the question as to whether the wearing of hats is an indicator of class and social position. 
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wetagconsulting · 3 years
Panoramaschaukeln by Pamela Pintus
Wenn ich jeden, der gerne schaukelt, bitten würde, die Hand zu heben, bin ich überzeugt, dass ich viele von ihnen in der Luft sehen würde. Wenn ich als Kind in den Park ging, war ich von der mythischen Schaukel fasziniert und wollte unbedingt auf sie steigen. Sie können sich also vorstellen, wie froh ich war, als ich entdeckte, dass im Tessin im Rahmen des Programms Swing the World Panoramaschaukeln installiert wurden, die von einem jungen Tessiner Ehepaar mit Spezialisierung auf Fotografie und Videoproduktion entwickelt wurden: Elisa Cappelletti und Fabio Balassi. Diese Wanderungen ermöglichen nicht nur die Entdeckung oder Wiederentdeckung versteckter und aussichtsreicher Winkel unseres Territoriums, sondern auch das Eintauchen in die Natur und das Geniessen ihrer Ruhe und ihrer Düfte in völliger Gelassenheit.
Könnte ich also das Schaukeln aufgeben? Auf keinen Fall! Auch wenn ich nicht alle ausprobiert habe, haben die, die ich persönlich anfassen konnte, ein unbeschreibliches Gefühl in mir ausgelöst, und ich kann nur raten, sich die Gelegenheit nicht entgehen zu lassen, wieder ein Kind zu werden. Gehen Sie hin und probieren Sie sie auch!
Hier ist mein Abenteuer...
Pizzo Zucchero, Onsernonetal
Die erste Schaukel, die ich vorschlage, befindet sich im Onsernone-Tal, in der Nähe des Zentrums von Vergeletto; von dort habe ich die Seilbahn nach Zott genommen und war nach nur sieben Minuten auf der Alpe Salei. Ich war so aufgeregt und neugierig, dass ich sofort den Weg nach Pilone zum Aussichtspunkt nahm, wo sich die Schaukel befindet, die höchste im Kanton Tessin. Ich war beeindruckt von ihrer Grösse - sie bietet Platz für zwei Personen - und von ihrer Schönheit. Man hatte das Gefühl, im Nichts zu schwingen, mit einer atemberaubenden Aussicht, die das Onsernone- und das Vergeletto-Tal, den Pizzo Zucchero bis zum Lago Maggiore vereinte. An einem klaren Tag kann man auch die beiden äussersten Punkte der Schweiz gleichzeitig bewundern, den höchsten (Monte Rosa) und den niedrigsten (Lago Maggiore).
Nara, Bleniotal
Die zweite Schaukel auf meiner Route liegt im Blenio-Tal in der Region Nara. Es handelt sich um zwei Schaukeln, die zehn Minuten Fussweg voneinander entfernt sind. Um sie zu erreichen, brauchte ich keine Seilbahn zu nehmen, sondern zog einfach ein Paar bequeme Schuhe an und parkte an der berühmten Pela-Bar, die als Ausgangspunkt des Weges bekannt ist. Die erste Schaukel (Swing 1) befindet sich etwa vierzig Minuten Fussweg von der Bar entfernt, in einer kleinen Waldlichtung und beim Schaukeln kann man den höchsten Gipfel des Tessins aus einer anderen Perspektive als sonst sehen. Die zweite Variante (Swing 2) hingegen bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, die Alpen als Kulisse zu nutzen. Das Besondere an diesen beiden Schaukeln ist, dass der Höhenunterschied, um sie zu erreichen, sehr gering ist (ca. 225 m) und daher auch für Kinder ein idealer Weg ist.
Cardada oberhalb Locarno
Die dritte Schaukel befindet sich auf Cardada, etwas oberhalb von Locarno, die ich bequem mit der Seilbahn erreicht habe, die Aussicht auf den Lago Maggiore ist wirklich schön. Wir befinden uns auf 1340 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel, von wo aus Sie Locarno, den Lago Maggiore und die italienische Grenze sehen können. Gegenüber liegt der Monte Tamaro. Für mich war das Schwingen auf dieser Schaukel sehr aufregend: in der Nähe von Locarno, aber gleichzeitig buchstäblich mitten in der Natur.
Shaka Beach, Vira-Gambarogno
Die vierte Schaukel hat mich sehr überrascht, vor allem wegen ihrer Lage. Bisher habe ich mich immer von hoch gelegenen Plätzen geschwungen, von denen aus man natürlich eine aussergewöhnliche Aussicht hatte. Diese ist jedoch im Wasser. Wenige Zentimeter über der Oberfläche des Lago Maggiore, an der Shaka Beach in Vira-Gambarogno. Abgesehen von der ersten Schwierigkeit, da man mit den Beinen im Wasser steht (es wird empfohlen, zu stehen), ist die Aussicht fantastisch. Vor mir lag das Verzascatal, hinter mir Vira-Gambarogno, ein Dorf, das sich mit seinen engen Gassen und alten Arkaden sowie den 1970 anlässlich der "Festa dell'affresco" mit Fresken bemalten Fassaden seine Eigenart bewahrt hat.
Seepromenade Ascona
Die fünfte Schaukel befindet sich in Ascona, einem hübschen Städtchen mit einer sehr romantischen Altstadt und unzähligen Cafés, an einer der berühmtesten Seepromenaden, der Piazza Giuseppe Motta, unweit der Altstadt. Hier ist der Blick ganz anders als bei den anderen Schaukeln, denn der See steht im Vordergrund und die typischen bunten Häuser von Ascona sind im Hintergrund zu sehen. Es ist ein einzigartiger, magischer Ort, der einen zum Träumen bringt. Ich hatte das Gefühl, glücklich zu schwingen, mich von der Luft wiegen zu lassen und mich um nichts in der Welt kümmern zu müssen.
Die sechste Schaukel ist die jüngste, denn sie wurde erst in den letzten Wochen in der Gemeinde Morcote gebaut. 2016 wurde das Dorf mit dem Preis für das schönste Schweizer Dorf des Jahres ausgezeichnet, weil es seine Ursprünge bewahrt hat, die mit der Welt der Fischer verbunden sind, die ihre Häuser mit Blick auf den See hatten und die die Laubengänge seit dem frühen Mittelalter als Lagerplatz für ihre Boote nutzten. Die Schaukel wurde direkt vor einem der Wahrzeichen von Morcote aufgestellt, dem Glockenturm der Kirche Santa Maria del Sasso, welcher Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts erbaut wurde. Diesen kann man sowohl vom Seeufer als auch von der Altstadt aus über eine Treppe erreichen. Beim Schwingen tauchen Sie in die Seelandschaft des Luganersees ein.
San Grato Park, Carona
Die siebte und letzte Schaukel, die ich ausprobiert habe, befindet sich nur zehn Kilometer von Lugano entfernt, im San Grato Park in Carona. Dieser Park ist etwas ganz Besonderes und das merkt man sofort, wenn man den "Blumenweg" entlanggeht, der schon viel früher - auf dem Gipfel des Monte San Salvatore - beginnt und in den Park hineinführt. Im Inneren gibt es verschiedene Arten von Pfaden: Panorama-, Sinnes-, botanische oder künstlerische Pfade, die jeweils eine der charakteristischen Eigenschaften des Ortes hervorheben. Ich ging den Sinnespfad und den Panoramapfad entlang, wo auf einer kleinen Terrasse, die an zwei starken Bäumen hängt, eine Panoramaschaukel steht. Der Blick reicht vom Monte San Salvatore bis zum Luganersee, umfasst einen Teil des Parks und vermittelt ein echtes Gefühl von Freiheit und Leichtigkeit.
Jetzt bleibt mir nur noch, Ihnen viel Spass beim Schaukeln zu wünschen! By Pamela
Für weitere Informationen: www.swingtheworld.ch www.ticino.ch
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swizzlybiker · 3 years
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🇨🇭 🇩🇪 Zwischendurch darf's auf E-Motorradtouren auch mal ein wenig Geschichte sein: Der Ponte Romano in Aquila TI im Bleniotal ist eine 1461 erbaute Steinbogenbrücke. Sie gehört zu den ältesten erhaltenen Steinbogenbrücken der Schweiz. Die Brücke wurde 1965 und 1975 restauriert. Die Brücke diente früher der Hauptstrasse durch das Bleniotal und überquerte den Brenno. Sowohl der Fluss wie die Hauptstrasse wurden verlegt, so dass die Brücke heute keine Funktion mehr hat. Heute führt eine Fahrstrasse unter der Brücke durch, die einige Weiler erschliesst und nicht durchgehend ist. 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 In between, a little history is allowed on e-motorbike tours: The Ponte Romano in Aquila TI in the Blenio Valley is a stone arch bridge built in 1461. It is one of the oldest preserved stone arch bridges in Switzerland. The bridge was restored in 1965 and 1975. The bridge used to serve the main road through the Blenio Valley and crossed the Brenno River. Both the river and the main road were relocated, so that the bridge no longer has any function today. Today, a road passes under the bridge, which provides access to some hamlets and is not continuous.
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wetagconsulting · 3 years
Panoramic swings by Pamela Pintus
If I asked everyone who liked to go on the swing to raise their hand, I am sure that many would do that. When I went to the park as a child, I was fascinated by the legendary swing, and I wanted at all costs to climb it. Therefore, you can imagine my happiness in discovering that they had installed panoramic swings in Ticino as part of the Swing the World program, made by a young Ticino couple specializing in photography and video productions: Elisa Cappelletti and Fabio Balassi. These swings allow us to discover or rediscover hidden and panoramic corners of our territory and immerse ourselves in nature and appreciate its tranquility and scents with serenity.
Could I give up swinging? No! Even if I haven't tried them all, the ones tried gave me a big emotion, and my advice is not to miss the opportunity to be like a child again. Go and try them too!
Here is my adventure…
Pizzo Zucchero, Onsernone Valley
The first swing that I propose is located in the Onsernone Valley, near the Vergeletto center; from there, I took the cable car in Zott, and after just seven minutes, I went down to Alpe Salei. I was so excited and curious that I immediately headed – taking the path that leads to the Pylon – to the viewpoint where the swing is installed, the highest in the Canton Ticino. Its size and its beauty stuck with me; you can sit in two. The sensation was that of swinging in the void, with a breathtaking view like of uniting the Onsernone and Vergeletto valleys, Pizzo Zucchero down to Lake Maggiore. On clear days it is also possible to admire the two extreme points of Switzerland simultaneously, the highest (Monte Rosa) and the lowest (Lake Maggiore).
Nara, Blenio Valley
The second swing of my journey is in the Blenio Valley, in the Nara region. It is a double installation, and the two swings are a ten-minute walk away. I didn't have to take any cable car to reach them, but I just wore a pair of comfortable shoes and parked at the famous Pela bar, known for the trail's starting point. The first swing (Swing 1) is located about forty minutes' walk from the bar, inside a small clearing in the woods and by swinging, it is possible to see the highest peak in Ticino from a different perspective. The second (Swing 2) instead allows you to have the Alps as a background. The characteristic of these two swings is that the height difference to reach them is very low (about 225 meters) and is, therefore, an ideal walk for children.
Cardada above Locarno
The third swing is located in Cardada, just above Locarno. I quickly reached it by cable car, and the view over Lake Maggiore is genuinely stunning. We are at 1340 meters above sea level, from where you can see Locarno, Lake Maggiore up to the Italian border. Opposite, on the other hand, stands Monte Tamaro. It was fascinating for me to swing on this swing. It was fascinating for me swinging on this swing: close to Locarno, but at the same time immersed in nature.
Shaka Beach, Vira Gambarogno
The fourth swing surprised me a lot, first of all, for its position. Until now, I have always swung from high points from which, of course, one enjoyed extraordinary views. This one is found in the water – a few centimeters above the Lake Maggiore surface, at the Shaka Beach in Vira-Gambarogno. Apart from the first difficulty, since the legs are immersed in water – the advice is to stand up – the view is fantastic. I was able to appreciate the Verzasca Valley in front of me, while behind me was Vira-Gambarogno. This village has maintained all characteristics, with narrow alleys and ancient arcades, and the facades frescoed in 1970 on the occasion of the "Festa dell'affresco".
Lungolago Ascona
The fifth swing is in Ascona, a pretty town characterized by a romantic old town and countless cafes, on one of the most famous lakesides, Piazza Giuseppe Motta, not far from the historic center. Here the view is entirely different from the other swings because, in the foreground, there is the lake and, in the background, the typical colored houses of Ascona. It is a unique, magical place that leads to daydreaming. My feeling was that of swinging lulled by the air and without any thought.
The sixth swing is the youngest, as it was only built in recent weeks in the Municipality of Morcote. In 2016 the village was awarded as the most beautiful Swiss village of the year. It managed to keep intact its origin linked to the world of anglers, who had their homes overlooking the lake and used the arcades as a storage point for their boats since the early Middle Ages. The swing is right in front of one of the symbolic places of Morcote; the bell tower of the Santa Maria del Sasso Church (reachable both from the lakefront and from the historic center, via a staircase) built in the mid-16th century. By swinging, you can immerse yourself in the Lugano Lake landscape.
San Grato Park, Carona
The seventh and last swing I tried is located just ten kilometers from Lugano, inside the San Grato Park in Carona. This park is very particular; you can immediately see it by following the "path of flowers", which starts much earlier – on the summit of Monte San Salvatore – and leads to the park. Inside there are panoramic, sensorial, botanical, or artistic paths, each enhancing one of the characteristic place features. I went through the sensory and the panoramic ones, where on a small terrace, hanging from two strong trees, there is the panoramic swing. The view ranges from Monte San Salvatore to Lake Lugano, including part of the park and giving a natural feeling of freedom and lightness.
I wish you lots of fun on the swings! by Pamela
For more information: www.swingtheworld.ch www.ticino.ch
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wetagconsulting · 3 years
Altalene panoramiche di Pamela Pintus
Se chiedessi di alzare la mano a tutti coloro cui piaceva andare sull'altalena, sono convinta che nell’aria ne vedrei moltissime. Io stessa, quando da bambina andavo al parco, ero rapita dalla mitica altalena e volevo a tutti i costi salirci. Potete dunque immaginare la mia felicità nello scoprire che in Ticino avevano installato delle altalene panoramiche nell’ambito del programma Swing the World, realizzato da una giovane coppia ticinese specializzata in fotografia e produzioni video: Elisa Cappelletti e Fabio Balassi. Queste altalene non permettono unicamente di scoprire o riscoprire angoli nascosti e panoramici del nostro territorio, ma anche di immergerci nella natura e apprezzare la sua tranquillità, i suoi profumi, in massima serenità.
Potevo quindi rinunciare a dondolarmi? Assolutamente no! Anche se non le ho provate tutte, quelle che sono riuscita a toccare di persona mi hanno regalato un’emozione indescrivibile e il mio consiglio è quello di non perdere l’occasione di tornare bambini. Andate anche a voi a provarle!
Ecco la mia avventura…
Pizzo Zucchero, Valle Onsernone
La prima altalena che vi propongo si trova in Valle Onsernone, vicino al centro di Vergeletto; da lì ho preso la funivia, in località Zott, e dopo soli sette minuti sono scesa all'Alpe Salei. Ero così emozionata e curiosa che mi sono diretta immediatamente – prendendo il sentiero che porta al Pilone - al punto panoramico dov’è installata l’altalena, la più alta del Canton Ticino. Sono rimasta colpita dalla sua grandezza, ci si può sedere in due, e dalla sua bellezza. La sensazione è stata quella di dondolarsi nel vuoto, con una vista mozzafiato capace di unire le valli di Onsernone e di Vergeletto, il Pizzo Zucchero giù giù fino al lago Maggiore. Nelle giornate terse è possibile anche ammirare contemporaneamente i due punti estremi della Svizzera, quello più alto (il Monte Rosa) e quello più basso (il Lago Maggiore).
Nara, Valle di Blenio
La seconda altalena del mio percorso si trova nella Valle di Blenio, nella regione del Nara. Si tratta di un’installazione doppia e le due altalene distano dieci minuti di cammino. Per raggiungerle non ho dovuto prendere nessuna funivia, ma ho unicamente indossato un paio di scarpe comode e ho parcheggiato al famoso bar Pela, conosciuto per essere il punto di partenza del sentiero. La prima altalena (Swing 1) si trova a circa quaranta minuti di cammino dal bar, all’interno di una piccola radura nel bosco e dondolandosi è possibile vedere la vetta più alta del Ticino da una prospettiva diversa dal solito. La seconda (Swing 2) permette invece di avere come sfondo le Alpi. La caratteristica di queste due altalene è che il dislivello per poterle raggiungere è molto basso (circa 225 mt) ed è quindi una passeggiata ideale anche per i bambini.
Cardada, sopra Locarno
La terza altalena si trova in località Cardada, poco sopra Locarno. L'ho raggiunta facilmente con la funivia e la vista che si gode sul Lago Maggiore è veramente stupenda. Siamo a 1340 metri di altitudine, da dove si può vedere Locarno, il Lago Maggiore fino al confine italiano. Di fronte invece sorge il Monte Tamaro. Per me dondolarmi su questa altalena è stato molto emozionante: vicina a Locarno, ma allo stesso tempo letteralmente immersa nella natura.
Shaka Beach, Vira-Gambarogno
La quarta altalena mi ha stupito molto, prima di tutto per la sua posizione. Fino ad ora ho sempre dondolato da punti alti da cui, ovviamente, si godevano panorami straordinari. Questa, invece, si trova nell'acqua. Pochi centimetri sopra la superficie del Lago Maggiore, presso lo Shaka Beach a Vira-Gambarogno. A parte la prima difficoltà, visto che le gambe sono immerse nell’acqua - il consiglio è quello di mettersi in piedi - la vista è fantastica. Ho potuto apprezzare la Valle Verzasca, davanti a me, mentre alle mie spalle c’era Vira-Gambarogno, un paesino che ha saputo mantenere tutte le sue caratteristiche, con i vicoli stretti e gli antichi portici, oltre alle facciate affrescate nel 1970 in occasione della “Festa dell’affresco”.
Lungolago Ascona
La quinta altalena si trova ad Ascona, una graziosa cittadina caratterizzata da un centro storico molto romantico e dai suoi innumerevoli caffè, e più precisamente su uno dei lungolaghi più rinomati, quello di Piazza Giuseppe Motta, non lontano dal centro storico. Qui la visuale è totalmente diversa dalle altre altalene, perché in primo piano c'è il lago e sullo sfondo le tipiche case colorate asconesi. È un luogo unico, magico, che porta a sognare ad occhi aperti. La mia sensazione è stata quella di dondolare felice cullata dall’aria e senza alcun tipo di pensiero.
La sesta altalena è la più giovane, in quanto è stata realizzata solamente nelle scorse settimane nel Comune di Morcote. Questo paesino nel 2016 è stato premiato come il più bel villaggio svizzero dell'anno in quanto è riuscito a mantenere intatta la propria origine legata al mondo dei pescatori, che avevano le loro abitazioni affacciate sul lago e che utilizzavano i portici come punto di rimessaggio delle proprie barche, sin dall'alto medioevo. L’altalena è stata messa proprio di fronte ad uno dei luoghi simbolo di Morcote, il campanile della Chiesa Santa Maria del Sasso (raggiungibile sia dal lungolago sia dal centro storico, mediante una scalinata), costruito a metà del ’500. Dondolandosi ci si immerge nel paesaggio lacustre del Lago di Lugano.
Parco San Grato, Carona
La settima e ultima altalena che ho provato è situata a soli dieci chilometri da Lugano, all'interno del Parco San Grato a Carona. Questo parco è molto particolare, lo si nota subito percorrendo "il sentiero dei fiori", che inizia molto prima – sulla vetta del Monte San Salvatore – e porta al parco. All'interno vi sono vari tipi di sentieri, panoramico, sensoriale, botanico o artistico, ognuno dei quali esalta uno dei tratti caratteristici del luogo. Io ho percorso quello sensoriale e quello panoramico, dove su un piccolo terrazzo, appesa a due forti alberi, si trova l’altalena panoramica. La vista spazia dal Monte San Salvatore al lago di Lugano, inglobando parte del parco e dando una vera e propria sensazione di libertà e leggerezza.
Non mi resta che augurarvi buon divertimento sulle altalene! by Pamela
Per un maggiore approfondimento: www.swingtheworld.ch www.ticino.ch
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wetagconsulting · 4 years
Having fun in the snow in Ticino with Pamela Pintus
If you like snow, mountains, large spaces, and winter sports as I do, then you should know that Ticino is one of the most exciting places that offer the opportunity to enjoy some free days, not only in nature but also having fun.
This region of Switzerland allows you to choose breathtaking adventures or to let yourself pampering in one of the various wellness centers or to spend shopping days in trendy shops.
Where to ski in Ticino The Ticino’s’ territory is astonishing as even in winter, it has not very low temperatures and allows you to enjoy sunny days. Thanks to the lakes that mitigate the climate, making towns and cities along their shores pleasantly. However, it is enough to move to the peaks to find soft blanket snow for skying or sledging across the enchanting and surreal landscapes. There are many sites in Ticino with modern and efficient ski facilities. I have personally visited some of them, and I am happy to share my experience with you.
Dalpe, Leventina Valley
Dalpe, for example, I found it very suitable for families with children, who may still have to learn to ski. The place is located about 1200 m above sea level, and the facility is small but perfect for those approaching skiing for the first time. For the little ones, there is a moving walkway in addition to the carousel and a pony lift. Dalpe is well connected by motorway with the most relevant cities in Ticino. For example, from Lucerne, you can reach Dalpe in about one hour, if you exit at Quinto from the highway. www.bedrinadalpe.ch
Bosco Gurin, Maggia Valley
Bosco Gurin has impressed me in a particular way, not only for its slopes but for the beautiful landscape. It is the highest located municipality in the Canton and towering the entire Vallemaggia. The village is very picturesque and boasts a long tourist tradition. It is one of the favorite destinations for those who spend their holidays in Ticino. Moreover, even the ski facilities are lovely if you love winter sports: you can choose from 30 ski runs, a toboggan run, various snowshoe trails, a snow park, facilities for children and a ski school for beginners. Not only that, because some different hotels and clubs organize themed events and evenings to entertain and amuse tourists at any time of the day. The latest novelty to try is a 1 km long two-seater sledge, for incredible fun in both winter and summer. www.bosco-gurin.ch
Cioss Prato, Bedretto Valley
Further north, at the foot of the Gotthard Pass, there is another small and charming ski resort: Closs Prato. Also, in this case, it is a perfect place for families and, above all, for children. Here, your children can learn to ski, surrounded by a still unspoiled and wild natural environment. Or you can organize fun walks with snowshoes, using a path of about 4 km. There is a pony lift, one ski lift, a refreshment area with warm dishes and the possibility to rent skis and snowshoes. www.ticino.ch
Airolo-Pescium, Leventina Valley
Not far from Closs Prato, I also found the Airolo-Pescium station very beautiful which, among other things, is very easy to reach both by car and by train. You can reach via the motorway, exiting right at Airolo and leaving your car in one of the free parking lots or by train, taking the shuttle buses that take you directly from the station to the lifts. From Airolo you can get to Pescium by a modern ski lift, and from here you can choose between various slopes of different difficulty, different dining options and a panoramic terrace. Is one of the most popular resorts as it is ideal for experienced skiers, but also if you are learning this sport and, perhaps, you want to spend a few hours on the snow with your children, without too much effort. The slopes range from 1175 m to 2250 m, so here you can enjoy breathtaking views. www.airolo.ch
Campo Blenio-Ghirone, Blenio Valley
Other exciting areas to know are those of Campo Blenio-Ghirone, always covered with snow thanks to the presence of artificial snowmaking systems, and Cappellina in Vallemaggia, both suitable for families.
Le escursioni in Ticino: divertirsi in inverno
However, Ticino is not only ideal for skiing. There are many amusements, and you can experience unforgettable experiences in nature. If you are passionate about hiking, there are a series of trails that will lead you into the heart of the mountains, through woods and wild landscapes, and perhaps arriving in a refuge where you can enjoy a strictly Swiss hot chocolate! Do not forget to take your camera with you to share the shots on your favorite social networks.
In this regard, I would like to recommend three paths that I particularly appreciate. The first is quite simple, takes place on a mostly flat path and will lead you to the Verzasca Valley, crossing the two-arch bridge located in Lavertezzo. In about 3 hours you can cover a route of almost 7 kilometers, along the Verzasca river and admiring a peaceful and spectacular landscape.
Another itinerary is that of Campra, shorter than the previous one, but just as easy. In this case, the route is circular and about 5 km long. It is located in the Blenio Valley and crosses fir and alder woods, along the Brenno river at times. You will love it if you like to walk in a quiet and relaxed way among nature, enjoying one of the most varied and characteristic ecosystems of Ticino.
In Airolo-Pescium, as well as the ski facilities I have described to you, you will also find paths immersed in the snow at about 1800 m and well away from the slopes used by skiers. A pleasant and relaxing way to enjoy this mountain landscape without too much effort, perhaps after spending a few hours on the ski slopes. The route is simple, has no differences in height and develops in circularly for about 5 km.
I hope that my suggestions are useful and let you appreciate the Ticino and all its beauties. Pamela Pintus
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