#Bless the Nonna who left it for me I hope she is resting well
under--pluto · 2 years
I made an online purchase and they've not given me a delivery estimate, and to be quite honest I think that should be classified as a hate crime :/
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rhetoricalrogue · 4 years
31 Days of Wayhaven, Day 13
Prompt: Apology Rating: PG for Nicky and Tony’s foul mouths. Like grandfather, like grandson. Words: 1,482 Characters: Nicolo Morelli, Anthony Morelli Summary: Meeting his grandson did not go quite as Nicky planned.
For the @31daysofwayhaven event.
It had taken Nicky some time to gather enough courage to ask Farah to get back in contact with Detective Miller so she wouldn’t be surprised when he dropped by the police station, literal hat in hand, to explain his circumstances.  The detective - Aubrey, please just call me Aubrey - was surprisingly easygoing when it came to speaking with him.  She’d met him at a little bakery cafe for coffee and an exceptionally good apple crostata during a lull in the business day.  He’d been a little surprised that she had come alone, the way that the rumor mill around the Facility ran, he would have thought any one of the members of Unit Bravo would have accompanied her.  He’d almost hoped that they would have, seeing that it would add a little bit more weight to his story.
Aubrey had been quiet as he explained his past and how a chance meeting with Farah had clued him into the fact that he may have possibly fathered a child and the woman who had cursed him was an immortal witch.  She’d listened, quietly eating her dessert while sipping on coffee, before nodding.
“I’m doing this because I love Tony,” she said slowly.  “He’s the brother that I never had and my dearest of friends.  I also know his mom and I’ve been in contact with his grandmother.”  She thumbed through her phone before sliding it over to show a picture she had taken with an older woman and Nicky’s breath caught in his throat.  There was a faint shimmer around her that to the human eye would have been mistaken for reflection of light hitting her just so, though someone trained in spotting supernatural talents, such as he was, could tell that she was using a glamour to make herself look older.  Yet magic or no, there was no mistaking Isabela.  Over three hundred years apart and he could still have easily picked her out of a crowd if someone told him she was ten feet away from him.
“Thank you.”
She nodded before taking her phone back and chewing on her lip as she composed a lengthy text to her best friend before giving up and just dialing him directly.  “But if you even think about hurting him or his family, I swear I’ll kill you, curse or no curse.”
In the end, Aubrey wound up telling Tony that she had met a distant relative of his and wanted to see if he would be interested in meeting him.  Nicky guessed it had been a good idea, seeing that according to Farah, Aubrey still didn’t know that her dearest friend in the world was half-fey himself and it would be easier to explain face to face since both men were well aware of the supernatural.  
The meeting between himself and Tony had gone...differently than he expected.  He hadn’t been expecting much either, but for a man a little older than his age - and how hilarious was it that he was younger than his own grandson! - to walk up to him and say “So, you’re the one who knocked up my nonna and then hightailed it out of town.  What the fuck, man?” was definitely not on the list.
“What? You don’t get to be indignant, stronzo.  You’re supposed to be dead.”
Nick glared at the finger Tony was pressing against his chest.  “I fucking am, you little punk.  Your grandmother -”
Tony let out a snarl that would have done Penny proud. “My grandmother spent centuries mourning your loss, you prick!”
He narrowed his eyes.  “Why would she do that? She flat out cursed me to never die.”
“Nonna Isabela would never do such a thing!”
“May you never know the peace of the grave doesn’t quite sound like she was giving me a damn blessing!”
“She doesn’t deal in -” He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb.  “Fuck. You want to know where she is, don’t you?”
“I do.”
“And even if I refuse to tell you, you have Agency resources to help you find her?”
He stood up straighter.  “I do.” Okay, so that was a lie, there were rules in place to not misuse Agency property for personal gain, but what his grandson didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
Tony stubbornly lifted his chin and oh. It was like looking in a mirror.  “And what about my mother, huh?  You going to ask about her, or were you just going to walk away again like you did nearly four hundred years ago?  She grew up without a father, you know.  Her mother never married, just told everyone who asked that her husband had died and she’d never love another.”
“I didn’t know about -” 
The anger was back, and there was something not quite human that flashed in Tony’s eyes.  “Doesn’t matter, you would have still left.  You look the type that fucks and runs.”  He threw his hands up and turned away, but then pivoted and pointed his finger at Nicky again.  “She loves you, you know.  When I was a kid, I would ask her about you, but then I stopped because she always got so sad.  She goes to Sicily every year to tend to graveyards because she’s hoping that maybe, maybe one year she’ll find your plot and she could get some closure.”  He narrowed his eyes.  “She called you her true love, someone she would have gladly bound herself to for all eternity.  She even took your last name and gave it to my mother.”
Nicky ran his hands through his hair.  “We only knew the other for a week!”
“Soulmates, jackass!  They exist, you know!”
It was Nicky’s turn to jab a finger into Tony’s chest. “And for your information, I wouldn’t have left, had I known about your mother.” He jabbed again.  “You don’t know a damned thing about me.”
“And whose fault is that?”
“I was excommunicated, for Christ’s sake!  My own sister thought I was a demon and disowned me when I showed up at her doorstep, still bloody from where some asshole had knifed me and left me to rot in a ditch!  I spent years looking for Isabela and nothing!”  He narrowed his eyes.  “Don’t you tell me that she was the only one living through pain.  Do you have any idea what it’s like to know that you’re dead, but never getting the chance to die?  I have tried poisons, explosives, knives, guns, everything and all that happens is that for the briefest window of time, I black out and experience the smallest amount of peace before I’m back, my body whole as if nothing had ever happened to it.”
Tony looked at him and while the anger was still there, it was as if someone had taken a boiling over pot off the stove to let it sit for a moment.  “So, what do you want?  For her to break her curse and let you rest?”
“Had you asked me that a decade or so ago, I would have answered yes.  I wanted to die for good for a very long time.”
“What changed?”
“Finding something to live for.”  He sighed. “Look, tell me where Isabela is or keep it to yourself, I don’t care.  Just...tell her and your mother that I’m sorry.  For everything.”  Nicky gave a faint smile.  “Gianna was my grandmother’s name.  She raised me and my sister when our parents died; she would have been happy to know that her name outlived her.”  With that, Nicky turned and walked away, belatedly realizing that two men shouting at the other in rapid Italian in a public area had gathered a bit of attention.
“She’s not here,” Tony called out.  “My mother.”
Nicky turned around.  “And if she were?”  He tried to keep the hope in his voice carefully hidden, but he knew that Tony had heard it anyway.
“She’s…” Tony also seemed to be aware of the few eyes that had drifted their way. “At home, with my dad.  She’ll be back in a week though, which may give her enough time to wrap her head around her father wanting to make contact.”
He swallowed and nodded.  “Thank you.”
Tony snorted.  “Don’t thank me yet, old man. I don’t know how she’s going to react, or even if she’ll want to see you.”
“Still, thank you.”
“What makes you think that my grandmother would want to speak with you after so long?”
Nicky tensed, but then decided to hide his nerves behind his usual charm.  “Because, nipote, how could she not?  Like you said, I am the love of her life.”
Tony groaned.  “Okay, now I want to see how this plays out. There’s no way that Nonna Isabela actually fell for that line.”
“Only time will tell if she falls for it a second time.”
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worldcakecakecake · 4 years
The Red Mask
In 18th century Valencia, Spain, thrives the legend of the Red Mask, a character with stories of bravery and heroism that have enchanted Lovino Valenti since he was a young child. On a new business deal, his family moves from Naples and Lovino finds himself wishing for adventure and action away from his duties in this new Spanish city. He is given that chance when he joins a group of masked heroes that fall under the command of the famed Red Mask. He grows a close and fiery relationship with the masked man of his tales and dreams, and without knowing his identity, he lets himself be swayed by his seduction, trust and daringness, to passions surely forbidden when he doesn’t even know his actual name or who he really is.
So, yes, I know I said that The Red Mask will be in hiatus, but after thinking about it, I decided that instead I’m just going to post whatever amount is good for a chapter instead of filling a full draft page. Either way you guys were gonna be kept waiting, but I think this is the option that makes you guys wait less. I hope you enjoy!
                                                              Chapter 2
Lovino had awakened early, unusual for him, but in all honesty, he was excited to be in a new place, a new city, a new country and wanted to enjoy well from his first morning, adjusting and getting to know how the sun shone.
 Perhaps only two servants were working. He left his brother asleep in the bed and he hadn’t heard of nonno yet.  The house was in a delightful silence, his steps adding to this melodious morning, letting himself breathe it all in, trying to control himself from skipping to the breakfast room. He was proud to admit he was happy.
 “Buenos dias!” It had broken the moment he was met with the other, already taking sitting in the table and enjoying from a drink. Lovino froze at the entrance, nervous, fretting, forgetting his words or how to even react.
 “How do you feel?” Antonio smiled in utter calm.
 “What are you doing here?” Lovino found himself asking, his eyes suspicious, locking into the Spanish man as if it could give him some sort of truth.
 “Um…” Antonio gazed about, wondering truly what the problem could be. He looked over himself, to his drink, even patted his hair to make sure he presented himself as he intended. “…having breakfast,” he shrugged.
 Lovino rolled his eyes, then remembering he was to live there and thus it was obvious he would want to have breakfast with them. “Never mind,” he simply uttered, taking seating, blessing that there was already bread and fruits on the table, filling a small presented plate. Lovino continued with his food like he was the only one there, not sparring a word and Antonio would just sit there…staring, taking occasional sips from his drinks, as if waiting for some kind of show.
 “What?” Lovino easily tired of it.
 Antonio shrugged, “was kind of hoping you would give me your good morning as well.”
 “I don’t feel like it.”
 “It’s simple courtesy.”
 “I don’t feel like giving it to you right now,” he took a harsh bite of his bread, loud and messy as to keep it sole in the room.
 Antonio still kept his smile and continued his watch, switching from the other to the decorations on the walls, on the plates, on the table, letting that silence reign. “Maybe tomorrow you’ll give me a good morning,” he hoped.
 Lovino shrugged, “let’s see if I’m in the mood.” He was done, he could pretty much stand and leave by now, but he was used to always spending his mornings with his grandfather and brother, chatting and being granted his duties for the day. It didn’t seem like he should go clean anything, or go to the marketplace, or help his brother with something he couldn’t carry…but he had to be given something. He refused to give another word to this stranger or to stand without having spent the morning with his family, so he joined him on the non-impressive staring, on the same details, colors, admiring, one pretending the other wasn’t there. Graciously they heard other sounds, footsteps, some rushed, stumbling, surely a fall, the other prepared, sure and with clear direction. Lovino could easily tell who with a roll of his eyes.
 Feliciano was the first to reach, still in his night clothes, legs bare but as excited as if he was properly dressed for a party. “Good morning!” He shouted well for the entire house surely.
 “Good morning!” Antonio returned just in earnest, with a glance to Lovino surely hinting at how it should be done. Lovino scuffed and completely turned away.
 “It’s so nice to have someone new for breakfast. Is it all right? Do you like it? If anything I can go make you something!” Feliciano excited.
 “Feli, amore, calm down, no need, we now have cooks that can do just that,” and so Augusto introduced himself to the day, dressed poised and well to deal with business surely.
 “I would still like to make something from time to time,” the younger pouted.
 “And you will have that chance! But for now, let us relax and enjoy our fist morning here, properly.” He sat down and Feliciano followed along, starting instant conversation with all in the table. Antonio joined simply to have a chat, while Lovino remained mostly silent, glaring whenever Feliciano mentioned something too over the top.
 “-and now I am sure that this mansion is in fact, not haunted,” he declared with a deep smile, flowing his knife around as he spread butter on his bread.
 “I told you so,” Augusto commented with his own smile, enjoying his younger grandson’s childness.
 “Honestly, Nonno just mentioned the couple and you suddenly made up this tale and you actually believed it,” Lovino rolled his eyes.
 Feliciano shrugged, “you never know.”
 “I told you they died in Morocco.”
 “Maybe they were really attached to this place.”
 “It is a gorgeous house, I can see why someone would want their spirit to continue on here,” Antonio seemed to defend Feliciano’s absurdity.
 “Well, last night gave you enough proof that not.”
 “I hope you actually go back to your own bed tonight.”
 “Don’t you like sharing the bed with me?” Feliciano pouted.
 “It’s not that I mind, I just think we should enjoy from our chance to have our own space and privacy.”
 “This is really your first time having a home like this?” Antonio wondered.
 Lovino wished that they didn’t inform so openly to a stranger.
 “My boys, yes.”
 “Nonno belonged to a noble family of merchants in Rome, but after he met our Nonna, he eloped and ran away!” Feliciano eyes always glowed this way whenever he told the tale.
 “I confess, yes. She was Greek and from very poor standings. My family heavily disagreed with the match as they didn’t think it would be fruitful for our business. But my love for her was stronger than whatever scorn my family held. So we ran away and settled in Naples where I started building my own trade. We also spent some years in Florence and Venice.”
 “And he had Mamma, then Mamma had us! And we were really happy…even though we never got to meet our Nonna,” Feliciano saddened, Lovino giving in but only slightly, while Augusto seemed like he had been heavily pierced.
 “If…I may ask…what happened?” Antonio wanted to dare.
 “Died in childbirth…” Augusto drank to try and swallow whatever despair, “I had to raise our daughter by myself.”
 “And…where is your daughter?”
 The air became tense, frowning instantly when it had been so joyous.
 “She was killed,” Lovino made the instant blow, wanting to get over it and let it pass before it lingered and made them think about it longer.
 “Oh…that’s…that’s…awful, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have intruded-”
 “If you are to live here, you were bound to find out at some point and I’m sure you will learn more.”
 Antonio still held deep questions but preferred to leave it for a time they could be more comfortable with his presence, perhaps considering him a friend by then. “She must have been a good soul. I am sure it is resting well in heaven with our lord.”
 “Lovino and I think she’s an angel up there,” Feliciano admitted such childish notion, making Lovino want to sink beneath the table. Antonio found it endearing, smiling at Lovino to show how sweet he thought it.
 “But now,” Augusto dropped his cutlery on his plate to signify he was done, “I want my boys to get to know their surroundings and discover everything this city has to offer,” he smiled to them, expectant and excited. “I was hoping you could perhaps offer them some sort of tour, if you do not mind that is, Antonio.”
 “I’ll be glad to!” He sounded truly delighted.
 Feliciano clapped, ready to jump that instant and head off.
 “Nonno, I really think I should help you with-”
 “Oh, Lovino, there is no need! I’m sure your time will come, but for now, enjoy yourself, learn about your new city and then you can properly focus on business… all right?” His grandfather cradled his head sweetly, a gesture that hadn’t changed since his childhood and he hoped shall forever remain, for it did well to calm, remind of love no matter the harsh circumstances…even his age and their partnership in business now.
 “…sì, Nonno.”
 “I leave you to enjoy the day,” he smiled in farewell and left them to their plans.
 Feliciano hurriedly went to change, while Lovino sighed, moving over to wait for Antonio and Feliciano by the main door. He preferred not to spend more silent alone time with the cleric.
  It was a weekday, yet the Italian boys found the city to be as plentiful as if a festival was occurring. It was hard to move themselves between when they walked down small gorgeous streets with sellers offering the most fantastic wares, but when they reached open squares, they could breathe and admire buildings formed with arm and unique craftsmanship. Antonio did well to tell countless of stories, explaining and bringing more knowing to the boys’ mind of the city. Feliciano was already enamored, while Lovino constantly craved for either something to eat or to head back home.
 “And he went alone…to Thailand?!” Feliciano was incredulous.
 “Not completely alone…he did bring Miss Luna Odalis Gutiérrez Martirio!”
 Lovino thought it would have been more exciting if Antonio had not dramatized and sung the name so well, but it had Feliciano clapping.
 “Oh! So, they did runaway together! I hope they’re happy over there!”
 “There’s a rumor that the last message that was sent to the Ibarras spoke of a coming child.”
 Feliciano got even more excited and Lovino rolled his eyes, in its change noticing a stand with gorgeous artistry of stone, in wondrous colors, some shinning with precious jewels. He didn’t care if he stood back alone as he gazed at a particular one, depicting a splendorous harbor. In his distraction, he was unaware of an approaching carriage, running widely and ignorant to the calls of guards. By the time Lovino heard and noticed, he was well on the way, cowered for a coming hit surely. He was pulled to an alluring scent, feeling a strong chest and a comfort he didn’t think he could feel in such crowded streets. In this sudden fear, he lounged and wrapped his arm well around this body, practically cuddling into it as he breathed heavily, watching the carriage continue its rampage throughout the city unaware of what it had almost done.
 “Are you all right?” And Lovino met enchanting green eyes, with a smile and a frame that exhilarated his heart in a way he rather it wasn’t in.
 “I-I..I’m fine!” And he pushed him away, rubbing his suit off as if it could remove the gesture.
 “We’ll be done in a short while, I just want you to see this amazing view, so I’ll need you to stay close.”
 “Fine…fine,” and Lovino followed, keeping his head on the ground now, on Antonio and Feliciano’s footsteps, hoping for no more distractions.
 The walk took a couple of more minutes, elevating high walls and roads until they stood at a good height, the city well-presented around them, close, gorgeous and with a wonderful warming sky to complement. Lovino awed as Feliciano, both coming to the edge, to the hold of the railing as if with it they could take the city into their hands.
 “Oh…it’s spectacular, Antonio!” Feliciano worded the compliments surely Lovino thought as well.
 “I’m very glad you like it,” he smiled, taking Lovino’s side in the leaning.
 “Have you lived here your whole life, Antonio?” It seemed like Feliciano was going to do most of the talking and questioning.
 “I only moved when I was sixteen, so…I’ve lived about fourteen years here.”
 “With you family?”
 “The church is my family.”
 Lovino finally raised with a questioning gaze, half open mouthed that Antonio was eager to hear words from.
 “Oh, that’s very nice! Antonio, you’ve told us many great things about the city and it was all wonderful, but, is there something I can ask about that I hope won’t be too much?”
 “Go ahead.”
 Lovino was terrified he would mention it.
 “I, and I know Lovino too, want to know if you’ve ever seen the Red Mask!” At the famed hero, he came close and whispered.
 “The Red Mask? …You know about him?” Antonio tried to contain large amount of surprise.
 “Of course, we do! We’ve been hearing all the news ever since they started with a sword fighting contest in Salamanca! The Spanish sailors and merchants that visited Nonno would sit me and Lovino down and tell us the stories. We still love those tales dearly!”
 “You do?” Antonio directed it with a smirk to Lovino.
 “Used to…”
 “Don’t lie, Lovi. Just last night you told me one of them.”
 Lovino cringed and tried to sustain himself from shutting Feliciano with a hurting grasp of his ear.
 Antonio chuckled, a heavenly ring to get Lovino smoothed. “No shame! I myself tell the stories to some of the kids in the church and I get as excited with them as if the first time I was seeing him.” Or as he wasn’t him.
 “So you have!” Feliciano raised and Lovino had to grip to contain his own.
 “Well, this is his city, everyone has taken a glimpse at all kinds of actions.”
 “Like which one?” They begged wanting a tale, and Antonio could see that Lovino held that same openness of his ear. Antonio smirked and began one of his most recent adventures.
 “-and thus the ladies were saved. The Red Mask prevented that cart from reaching and dealt with the culprits. I was waiting for the shipment actually and met with the Red Mask himself telling me what happened, along with one of his companions, Neblina, the Mist Mask.” And the two smiled, a story well told. Antonio felt successful.
 “Does he really wear the Red Mask? All in red? Is it true that his eyes are as green as they say?”
 “How about we wait?”
 “For what?” Lovino questioned, showing disappointment for not being able to hear.
 “For you yourselves to meet him.”
 Feliciano glowed and clapped at such a coming chance.
 “Will we…really?” The was the most excitement Antonio could get out of Lovino that moment.
 “Like I said, this is his city, and from what I’ve heard, he’s working on a big rescue right now.” He grew serious, leaning more so to the views, looking, finding the dark palace nestled well, one Feliciano and Lovino could spot with his intense stare.
 “Do you know what about?” Feliciano asked.
 Lovino left his gaze on that palace, imagining it had something to do with it. To prove him so, Antonio pointed at the very place.
 “Keron Montaje.”
 Feliciano instantly gasped and whimpered, moving aside, shaking and tears quickly reaching his eyes. Lovino came to him, embraced, soothed and hummed words of comfort. Antonio hated that he could only but watch, only an extension of his hand ready to help in what the brothers needed.
 “Are you all right?”
 “I-I’m fine, I…I’m fine.” Yet Feliciano’s eyes were still reddened, leaning into his brother’s neck, wanting remain in that shield for now, not at all an assurance to Antonio.
 “Sorry, we just…don’t like hearing that name,” Lovino spoke.
 “I’m very sorry I mentioned it, I didn’t know…”
 “It’s all right, we…don’t like talking about it.” He hoped those words were enough of a warning to not ask any questions.
 “You…you know the Montaje?”
 “Yes…in ways we would prefer not to.” Lovino held Feliciano tight, caressing on, continuing his hums. “…he’s here…isn’t he?”
 Antonio sighed, looking once again to the palace, still hauntingly there. “Yes…I’m afraid.” Antonio held himself well from going on, Feliciano still in his state, not at all liking the glowing person he had recently met reduced to this.
 “Let’s head back now. We need to relax.” The brothers nodded and Antonio followed behind them, his body covering whatever glimpse to the evil place.
  Feliciano’s dinner that night was short, heading straight to bed afterwards, well, Lovino’s.
 After that discovery, Lovino doubted whatever chance at getting Feliciano sleeping in his own room, but understood, and let it, caressing his hair, whispering words of love and mentioning as many times as he needed that he was there, as well as Nonno and even Antonio.
 Two weeks had passed since the event, since they moved and since they found out. Antonio did well to not question despite how highly he wanted to. He continued his work as their guest, offering help in the household, in Feliciano’s teachings, bible readings, even words of advice in the business.
 Three days and Lovino was back into papers, numbers, accords, being an apprentice to his grandfather and learning as much as he could of what would one day be his company. It was hard to concentrate when that single name repeated, raging, sometimes taking it out on papers with complains or numbers that drove him mad. There had to be something that could be done, he could get justice, revenge, finally act and save, but a look to the thrown letters, checks and bills on the ground reminded him that his mind shouldn’t go as wild, shouldn’t endanger, shouldn’t worsen.
 “Lovino…these stories are just that, stories to excite your mind and keep your hopeful. We all need this sort of escapade from our dull, but they should remain as that. Let them do their job to protect, they know well the consequences and have prepared themselves for them, but you should focus on being safe. I’m sure it’s what the great Red Mask would want,” he heard his mother’s past voice in his head, he could almost feel her caress on his shoulders, taking his hair, kissing it, with another tale, another distraction, not these tragedies…not these papers.
 He sighed, noticing the darkness the day had become, dropping everything and decreeing himself done. He was comfortable in his chair, leaning back, stretching, even giving himself space to breathe. He should probably get to bed then…Feliciano was probably waiting for him…or he could surprise and could have gone to his own room. He stood, decided on snatching some frosted cookies from the kitchen while everyone was surely asleep and he thought he had the house pretty much for himself. He took four, successful, no one to spot him, munching happily, sucking his fingers and aweing at the taste, but even that wasn’t enough to distract him from the guarded object.
 It was kept in one of the reading rooms, centered along with all the shelves filled with books of history, art, science, poetry and of course their adventure and fantasy stories. Lovino entered the room, hypnotized by the elegance of the sword that was kept well in place. It was beautiful, crafted by what Lovino used to think were merfolks, using the aquamarine of their seas and smoothened soft stones from their shores, with golds, greens and looking like it could glide well in his hands as he swung and thrusted.
 It belonged to his grandfather…from his days as a soldier back when he was Lovino’s own age. He had proved to be ferocious, powerful, earning a well named place in the ears of all Rome. Smiths had given him this as a gift for his time, shortly before he had retired and settled more on the business. He didn’t like talking about those days much, while all Lovino wanted was to hear about them, hard to not imagine himself be that very proud soldier, earning those medals and recognitions that he doubted he would stop talking about to all.
 His arms were raised, his hands neared to the glass, to the key Augusto for some reason always left there, easily turning, opening and it was there for the air of the night, for Lovino’s touch.
 It wasn’t the first time…the handle was familiar to him, the weight nothing, the length Lovino knew well to guide without hitting a single object. He took the stance he had heard and seen many times, taken for himself as well. He imagined an enemy, going at him with precision, fierce, every swung surely death for whoever was unlucky to be there that instant. It was amazing how quiet he could while doing all this, Antonio wondered by the door, loving how the moonlight shined on him, making it seem like he was an angelic entity of dreams.
 “Incredible…” he found himself uttering, a break, a noticing. Lovino gasped, for a moment dropping the sword, luckily, he caught it with just as much grace, only letting the point fall at the carpet, grimacing and hoping it wouldn’t do anything to leave a noticeable mark. And from that serene glow of beauty, came deadly glares, frozen yet, fearing that any other movement could expose him more.
 “What are you doing here?” Lovino said with just as much edge.
 Antonio only moved forward, ignorant to his question, instead gazing to his final stand and then the enchanting sword that fitted well not only on his hands, but also on his entre persona.
 “Straighten up!” Came a surprising militant voice, power enough to get Lovino to do as commanded, and to Antonio, it came out elegantly placed without a single breath lost.
 Perfect, he kept repeating to himself as he rounded, making sure that it repeated in every part of his body…and it well did.
 And Lovino did so, sword well extended, posture immaculate, ready vengeance in his eyes to fight.
 “Very well…” Antonio faced him again, with cocky ease that Lovino didn’t fail to notice. He was standing nonchalant, unafraid of the sword pointed well at him. Lovino had a rather hard temptation to continue the extend and win if a slight drop of blood. He hated that look on his face and wanted it gone with even show of violence if he had to.
 “Now…” and from a hidden scabbard Lovino had never noticed until now, he raised his own sword, thin, small, rusted, not at all like the one of jewels and purest silver he himself held. Antonio was confident, spinning and letting it fly in the air before it faced him just as dangerously.
 “…we fight,” he curtsied and welcomed.
 “Are you serious?” With that ugly thing? Yet he dared hit it against his silver, a powerful strike that got Lovino completely lost on his standing and yet Antonio continued, Lovino turning rather messy as he focused on defending, many times practically falling, his knee hitting the ground more times than he should, eyes side glancing to make sure the furniture was still intact.
 “Are you insane?” He shouted, in his try to halt finding his stance again, the hold of his sword with Antonio’s kept, doing well to not grant any more movements. Antonio was impressed at how Lovino could well force him in his place, while the other’s worried expression was more on the surroundings, looking over to the halls for any that could come.
 “Nonno can wake up!” He growled.
 “So what?”
 “He can’t-he can’t…” he couldn’t tell him either.
 “He can’t know your using his priced possessed military days sword?” Antonio dared smirk.
 “Oh god! Just stop!” And there he was with deadly slashes, Antonio now taking the defense, but how he loved this fury, this fire, knowing, powerful and- oh wait! That was almost his head gone.
 “You are amazing!”
 “Shut up!” He only reigned more, Antonio’s stances and back leans the sole thing keeping him from landing on the ground. It was becoming straining, he stood again, grinding down Lovino’s sword with his own, the spark and force getting him to level back up so their swords could properly clash in battle, high, downward.
 Yes, Lovino was skillful, admirable, promising for so much more…but like many he had weaknesses, clear ones that showed that he was indeed still learning. Antonio took advantage of it, using that breath, an instant new force on his strength, a powerful slash that had the sword flying from Lovino’s grasp. He himself felt to the ground to catch it, saving the room from the loud clang, heavily breathing, defeated, kneeling…yet with so much sun in his hazel eyes that Antonio though it a defeat unlike any he had seen.
 “May I suggest breathing exercises to help keep them more controlled in battle, as well as trying new handle hand positions to make it easier at whatever change and outcome.” His smile was as an unchanging, with no trace of battle or exhaustion, while Lovino was sweating and finding it hard to even stand again.
 Antonio offered a hand to help him up, and Lovino took it without complain, balancing well, yet needing rest, his hold on the sword trembling, but he would not switch to anything when he looked to Antonio, bearing obvious questions and…impression at how a mere cleric could best him in a sword fight. It was a wondered gaze that had Antonio fueling, smiling on and thinking himself surely an object of dreams for Lovino.
 “It’s getting pretty late,” he put his own sword back in its hidden scabbard, “how about we both head to bed. We can make another match some other time.” He turned with a wave, his usual skip and direction…while Lovino was still debating with himself if this had all happened.
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