#Blind Guy Ice Cream Prank
prankvids · 1 year
Blaine man prank 🤣 Ice Cream Prank 😝 || #pranks #shorts
https://PrankVids.com prank,blaine,man,amuku dumuku damal dumal prank shorts,Ice Cream,Ice Cream Prank,Blind Girl Prank,Blind Guy Ice Cream Prank,Blind Guy Prank,Funny,Funny Videos,Funny Pranks,Pranksters,Hilarious Videos,Eating Ice Cream,Blind Man,Prank,Pranks,Hilarious Prank,Laugh Out Loud,Pakistani Prank,Funny Video,best pranks,Prank videos,Pakistani Prankster,Pranks in Pakistan,Blind Man…
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vroooom2 · 1 year
The links to the two profiles aren't part of a FB cryptic political network, but they could be the perfect targets for the kind of network that I discovered when Trump was president.
The cryptic network was monitored by Jewish American Liberals against Trump. They targeted those kind of stupid guys, with fake accounts of Jewish American Princesses, the JAP - a stereotype of Jewish woman with very high standards, who only wears luxury brands, and who looks for a Jewish rich husband.
The fake accounts aimed at disrupting the Jewish American community, mainly orthodox, or conservative, to vote for the Democrats. The group which monitored the fake accounts, targeted Jewish males who were actively looking for a Jewish wife.
The patterns of the fake accounts:
• pictures of "Jewish" pretty sexy women, 25-35 years old. Pictures were taken from image banks (Getty, iStock, etc.). For every fake FB account, they chose one female model, always with long hair, who also had pictures with other people in the image banks, and invented a family narrative when they posted the pictures on FB.
• they were graduates of prestigious American universities: accountant, business administration
• they worked for food companies, such as Kosher ice cream companies, or Kosher fish restaurants, that sold crustaceans (🫤 very fishy, and a great way to see if the targets could be easily manipulated, so blinded by their lust, they could fall in the thirst traps - the sexy pictures, and not see the obvious prank. For those who are unfamiliar with Jewish religious beliefs, the orthodox and conservatives don't eat crustaceans).
Their posts and pictures were honeypots to attract the guys and to deliver political messages mixed with religious beliefs.
At the same time, the people behind the fake accounts were exchanging cryptic messages hidden in the comments of the targeted stupid guys FB profiles (posts and pictures).
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cryptidmads · 4 years
good evening nsr community, i went through the ama from today and came back with an armful or two of lore. there’s a bunch more than last time, and i included bbj as well as the npcs. cozy up, check under the cut, and prepare for a long read. enjoy!
today's ama featured wan hazmer and daim dziauddin again, as well as concept artist ellie and animator ben fong.
- mayday and zuke live in the sewers because they're an underground band. it's a pun - there were originally two variations of bbj leaving the sewers - one with mayday hi-fiving gigi (which had a 95% chance of happening), and one with zuke awkwardly fumbling and attempting to hi-five gigi (which had a 5% chance) - one of the inspirations for mayday and zuke were the two main characters of samurai champloo (zuke was jin, mayday was mugen) - someone asked about if the rest of the cast had their own shadow puppets. ben suggested a lemur for mayday, while ellie suggested a zucchini for zuke. she may have been joking. - mayday's guitar solos were done by different people, but zuke's drum solos were all done by bruno valverde. - zuke was the one who implemented the canister thing into mayday's guitar. - someone asked who of the cast are the introverts and who are the extroverts. mayday is an extrovert, zuke is an introvert. - the team does have a bit of lore for mayday and zuke and how they met, but they want to save it in case of a future project. - mayday was inspired by both genevieve from company of thieves and the unbreakable kimmy schmidt. - ben did the animation for mayday swinging the hammer in the workshop. - haz recalls seeing some fanart of mayday being brought up as a rich girl. he doesn't remember the artist, but he does like the idea. - the japanese version has zuke say he has a phd rather than a master's degree. this is apparently a mistake. - the pattern on zuke's pants was inspired by jolyne cujoh and prosciutto from jojo's bizarre adventure. - zuke's toilet seat collection came partially from a story from one of the environmental artists where one of their high school friends pranked another friend with a toilet seat. - zuke does a lot of reading and is naturally inquisitive about things like tech and mechanics. - dk west's shadow puppet abilities might run in the family, and zuke may have it as well. - both zuke and dk west are connected by percussion (zuke with the drums, west with the hand claps) - zuke and west weren't always designed to be related -- west was originally designed as "some guy who comes and goes," but was made into zuke's brother later on in production - dk west is an extrovert.
- djss' dj name is obviously a stage name, but the team didn't have a real name for him in the script or anything. - haz joked that his name is bob salad. that's not canon but from what i seen the chat loved it lol - haz brings up the symbolism of djss spinning the planets around himself and how it represents that he thinks of himself as the center of the universe. - ellie helped design the districts, and something she noted about dj's is that it's supposed to look the "slummiest" because he cares more about himself and less about things like blackouts. - dj had some lines cut from his boss fight. those lines? mini lectures towards bbj during every phase. they were cut because the team felt like they were too much for the game, but they want to share them one day. - daim says that dj could be either introverted or extroverted becuase of how much time he spends alone looking at the stars. - dj was never planned to have an approach segment, but funk fiction wasn't told that, so he made him an approach theme anyway. - dodo ice pops are traffic light flavoured, which is a popular ice cream in malaysia. it's strawberry, pineapple, and lime flavored.
- three of sayu's creators were based on staff members at metronomik. remi (voiced by ben) was based on one of the programmers and one of the environmental artists (ellie calls him "the lovechild of two dudes"), tila was based on (and voiced by) ellie herself, and dodo was based on danish mak (another environmental artist who also voices him). - sofa wasn't based on anyone in particular, he was more of a "general otaku guy" according to ellie (though haz joked that ellie could just say he was based on him). - dodo is daim's favorite npc -- he also designed him! - sayu was ellie's favorite character to design. she loves drawing mermaids. - the progression in sayu's fight where you go deeper into the "ocean" is supposed to be a metaphor for going deeper into the internet/the deep web. - ellie suggested that if sayu were to have a shadow puppet, it would be a cat. - as for the introvert/extrovert debate, daim says sayu is technically comprised of 4 introverts. sayu herself is the extrovert mask they wear. - sayu's ahoge is a submarine periscope. remi looks through it in one of the cutscenes. - sayu's not a mech. she's remotely controlled by her creators from their computer room. - the backstory between remi and tila is meant to show that artists can come from all sorts of backgrounds.
- yinu's promotional video was one of the first ones done before they brought in lzbros, so it originally looked different from how it looks in the game now. - yinu's mother's eyes are yellow because she spends most of the fight focusing on yinu (who is mainly yellow). when her eyes go blank white, it represents that she's momentarily forgotten what she loves the most. when her eyes become yellow again after the fight, it means she's remembered yinu and her piano playing. - the way ellie describes natura is that yinu is a plant and her mother is very protective of her, and one of the distinctive features is that there are a lot of domes with plants inside, particularly on the roofs of the houses. - yinu's commercial was not intended to reference little miss fortune. the commercial was shown in 2018, while LMF came out a year later. - yinu's mom turning into a giant tree monster isn't exclusive to her just being angry at bbj. apparently the whole plant thing runs in the yinu family.
- 1010's concept as a boy band had been around since before the team started production, but they were the last to be fully designed -- their designs weren't finalized until way later on. - 1010 were ellie’s least favorite characters to design. she doesn't like drawing guys OR robots. - 1010's early designs had them wearing tuxedos. - 1010 do have memories. - the inspiration for the butt plates came from one of ben's gundam figures from his collection in the metronomik office. thanks ben. - ellie's favorite member of 1010 is purl-hew/blue. - eloni/green is apparently the rapper of the group. - the jingle you hear from the carousel in metro division is a carnival remix of 1010's boss theme. - the numbers underneath 1010's names on the autographs are completely random.
- neon j is a dancer. daim explains that in addition to being in the navy, dance has always been his true passion. - in the final phase of 1010's fight, he was originally supposed to control the dance moves of the factory as he was fighting you, but it was cut due to limited resources. - daim designed neon j based on ellie's designs for 1010. - neon j's factory's dance moves were all animated by ben -- no mocap needed. the factory was also his favorite thing to animate. - daim says that "neon j is to tatiana as soundwave is to megatron." basically he is extremely loyal to tatiana. - neon j was one of earliest members of nsr. - neon j seeing 1010 as his sons wasn't planned, but daim loves the concept so much that he could see it being canon. - daim says neon j's brain is "probably" still inside the monitor head. somehow. - neon j is an extrovert. - haz likes the idea of neon j being blind and using his sonar to "see" things. ben joked that the screen worked like giant glasses. - neon j originally had red dots that would pop up on his face when the sonar moved by that were meant to represent acne, and that would've been the reason why he's mostly behind the scenes.
- in mayday's side of the room when eve splits up bbj, the hands all over the walls are meant to be there to show how eve is angrier at mayday than she is at zuke. - the time signature for the music in mayday's room during the fight is 6/8, whereas in zuke's room it's 4/4. - ellie suggested a platypus shadow puppet for eve. the rest of the team seems to be on board. - eve was ben's least favorite character to animate. he said he struggled with animating her dance moves because it was something he'd never done before, and he still doesn't think he did a good enough job. - eve was born with her split skin tone. - apparently eve's near scrapping had something to do with costs. haz was the one who stopped it from happening. - eve's outfit was partly inspired by beyonce, while her jacket was partly inspired by ariana grande. the team took some inspiration from bjork, as well. - the sleeves on eve's jacket were apparently limbs at one point. - eve is an introvert.
- part of tatiana's symbolism is how she used to be a rock star, but her flame/passion slowly burned away, and now she's just a rock, referencing how she was literally on fire as the rock star kul fyra, but now looks burnt out. - daim thinks kliff is older than tatiana, probably over 50. - in addition to the neon j dance lore mentioned above, kayane rambling about neon j after the 1010 fight was supposed to be connected to her watching neon j dance. - ben and haz's favorite npc is mia, and ellie's is dj zam. - dj zam was inspired by one of ellie's college friends, who she says "makes you feel comfortable to be around". - ellie thinks dj zam's neck tattoo says "i love mom". - amal the unicorn was inspired by lady amalthea from the 80's animated film "the last unicorn". he was originally written to be a real talking unicorn, but it was changed partially because his horn wasn't in the right spot on his head. - zed was based on game designer dzaid and has hyperacusis, a hearing disorder that makes it difficult to deal with everyday sounds. - yiruk's name is an anagram of kiryu, the protagonist of the yakuza games. - chef sunshine's design is a homage to julia child. she originally had a bigger physique, but was changed to match lylia's bubbly performance.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
Are you still taking prompt? If you do, I have a request. Hange lives beside Mikasa's house. Levi saw her when he was forced to babysit Mikasa, his cousin, for a day. After that, Levi is really attracted to Hange, he even offered to babysit Mikasa (which he never did before) to see Hange. Levi is that tsundere guy who tends to do stupid things to get his crush attention. He even told Mikasa to accidentally get lost to Hange house so that he has an alibi to talk to her. The rest is up to you 😂
"Mikasa, please."
"Mikasa, I'm-" he was well above begging, but- "I'm asking you."
Mikasa's dark eyes peered into his. Levi didn't like the look inside them. The annoying brat lifted the corners of her lips, and Levi bit down a curse. If he ever dared to curse in front of his cousin, she'd rat him out in no time. She would tell her mother, or worse, his mother. He still hadn’t forgotten the previous lecture about proper behavior in the presence of children.
"If I help you..." Mikasa twirled a lock of her hair, looking far too innocent for Levi's taste. With Mikasa, innocuous face always meant trouble. "What will I get out of it?"
Kenny's influence in action, Levi thought grimly. Maybe, he should talk with Mikasa's parents about him. Obviously, the fucker wasn't good for their daughter.
Looking at Mikasa, Levi sighed. "I'll buy you an ice-cream."
"Mm," Mikasa raised her gaze to the celling, pressing a finger to her mouth. For a moment, she appeared to be deep in thought. Levi was already starting to celebrate his victory. But then-
"No," she declared. "Ice cream is not enough."
Levi swallowed down a "greedy brat" and offered, "I'll take you to the cinema."
Mikasa grimaced. "I don't want to go to the cinema with you."
Levi closed his eyes, counting to ten. He was going to refrain from calling his cousin a fucking nuisance. Otherwise, his mother would have his head.
"Fine," he grunted, glaring at her. Mikasa met his eyes with an equally dark expression. "What do you want?"
Mikasa smiled, as though she was waiting for this question since the very beginning of their negotiation. 
"You're going to let me stay at your place. And you're going to let me invite Eren and Armin for a sleepover. And you're going to buy us as many snacks as we want."
"Oi-" Levi started only to be interrupted by Mikasa.
"Do you want me to bring Hange-san here or not?"
Mikasa outstretched her little hand to him. "Do we have a deal then?"
Levi accepted his defeat with a long sigh. "We do," he answered, shaking her hand.
His plan was simple - stupid, Mikasa had called it, but what could that brat know - and Levi was confident in its success.
"That's all I have to do?" Mikasa asked. "Just go to Hange-san's house?"
"And tell her that you're lost." Levi reminded.
"You know that Hange-san is smart, right? She would never believe in this."
"Convince her then."
"I'll let you pick any movie you want. And you can stay up all night."
Mikasa narrowed her eyes. "This is manipulation."
Levi shrugged. He was not above exploiting his cousin. And he wasn’t ashamed of it. 
"Just do your job,” he instructed.
"Fine!" Mikasa stomped her feet, giving him a look so dark Levi was actually impressed. "I'll do it. But you have to promise that you won't bother us during the sleepover."
Levi rolled his eyes, for the thousandth times cursing his cousin. Why in the world she was so goddamn difficult, girls her age should be polite and timid, not so disrespectful and greedy. "Cross my heart and hope to die," he gritted through teeth. "Now go."
Glued to the window, Levi intently watched the street, waiting to see Mikasa's gloomy face and - hopefully - the pretty face of her neighbour, Hange Zoe.
Levi had met her a month ago, during the weekend that he was once again forced to spend babysitting his annoying cousin. He was trying to teach Mikasa how to ride a bike, when he saw her for the first time - Hange Zoe was tending to the small garden on her front lawn. Wearing denim overalls and a straw hat, with a soft smile on her pretty, round face, she was a sight Levi couldn't tear his gaze off.
He spent an embarrassingly long moment, staring at her, until Hange finally took notice of him and Mikasa. She greeted his cousin with a wave of a hand, beckoning her to come closer. Reluctantly - Levi wasn't sure if the invitation included him too - he followed after Mikasa.
And that's when he learnt her name. And found out that Hange wasn't tending to a garden, but was actually picking insects for her pet tarantulas. That's when all hope was lost for him.
Hange Zoe was weird. She was messy. She was wild.
And Levi didn't believe in love at first glance, but- ever since that day he couldn't stop thinking about her.
He came to babysit Mikasa next week, and then a week after that. And soon what wasn't love at first sight quickly turned into an insufferable crush that left Levi feeling like he was turning into pathetic, lovesick fool. 
He was thinking about Hange at work and at home. He was thinking about her during breakfast, lunch and dinner. He couldn’t get away from her even in his dreams. Hange took residence in his mind, stubbornly refusing to leave.
Every time they talked - Levi felt like the biggest idiot in the world. When Hange looked at him, his face burned. When she smiled, his heart was racing and his thoughts were turning into a mash. 
Once Hange touched his hand, and Levi thought he was going to faint.
Being close with her was awful, being apart - felt even worse. That's why he had to request the help of his cousin. As annoying as she was, Mikasa was Levi's only link to his crush.
Staring at the empty lawn, Levi tapped his foot impatiently. What was taking Mikasa so long? Hange lived just across the street.
Levi swept his eyes across the road again and- hurriedly backed away from the window, closing the curtain.
Mikasa was almost next to the door. And with her was Hange.
Levi desperately tried to calm his wildly beating heart. It refused to listen to his order. He took a shuddering breath and the doorbell rang. He rushed to answer it.
"Hello!" Hange chirped, as he opened the door.
Their eyes met, and Levi felt his knees turn to jelly. 
"Hi," he echoed quietly.
"This is kinda awkward," Hange chuckled, the sound like a music to Levi's ears. "But I found your cousin sitting on my doorstep? Mikasa said she was lost?" she laughed again, rubbing her neck. "We've been neighbours for years, don't know how that's possible..."
"He made me do it," Mikasa pointed at Levi, a wicked glint in her eyes. "He wanted to talk to you, Hange-san, but couldn't find a reason."
Mikasa was gone as soon as she finished. She ran past Levi and rushed upstairs. He watched her disappear, a thousand curses at the tip of his tongue. Cousin or not, he was going to murder the brat.
"Um, Levi?" Hange's voice distracted him from thinking where he could hide the body. "Did Mikasa-"
"She's an idiot." Levi glowered.
"So that was..."
This was it, Levi decided. Hange gave him a perfect opening. He was either going to confess his feelings or he was going to live out his days as a lonely, pathetic coward. The time has come, now he had to gather all of his courage and-
"Mikasa is very bad at pranks."
...And he was going to die as a coward.
"Oh, alright," Hange nodded, shuffling her feet awkwardly. "I'll go then... If Mikasa was lying and you don't wish to hang out together..."
Oh what a sympathetic, kind person. She was giving him a second chance. Would he be able to use it?
Levi pictured Mikasa's wicked smile and all of the mocking he would have to go through if she finds out that he wasted a perfect opportunity to confess. It gave Levi the strength and resolve he so badly needed.
He took a deep breath, looked Hange in the eyes and-
"Mikasa wasn't actually lying," he whispered.
Instantly, maintaining eye contact became too arduous of a task, and Levi shamefully lowered his gaze.
He thought of closing the door in her face and then changing his name to move to another country, but then- Hange gingerly touched his arm. Her hand was warm and her skin was soft. Levi was dangerously close to swooning.
“Wanna go to my place?” she offered, and Levi thought that if Hange asked, he’d follow her to the ends of Earth. “I can introduce you to Sawney and Bean?” 
“Sawney and Bean?”
“My pet tarantulas!” Hange proudly answered. 
Levi hated spiders. Just the thought of their small hairy legs made him shudder and squirm. But- it was Hange who was asking, and he was sick of being a coward. 
Besides, what was a spider compared to speaking about his feelings? A walk in a park...
“Just let me grab my jacket,” he told Hange. 
The smile she gave him as an answer was bright enough to blind him. 
Maybe, he’ll put off Mikasa’s murder for a while. 
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cheri-translates · 4 years
desserts - translated comics (a - j)
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complete your dining experience on a lovely note with these assorted treats.
artist names beginning with k - l / m - v / w - z
💝 = all / special l  🎐 = gavin l 🌟 = kiro
🦋 = lucien l 🦈 = shaw l 🌹 = victor
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76 pai ma zi da / -76牌马自达RX7-
🦋 winter
🦈 doodles of shaw
🦈 thunderbolt
a pei ge / 啊呸咯
💝 me, my girlfriend, and...
💝 no bro left behind
💝 miss nox
🎐 pirate gavin
🦈 when she’s mad at you
🦈🌹 two types
a yue dian dong che / 阿玥电动车
🎐 my boyfriend thought i committed a crime
🌹 gift
🌹 scold me
🌹 reason for liking him
阿芷naive (a zhi naive)
🎐 kiss
🎐 surrounded
🎐 his wish
🎐 shy gavin
🎐 cute wolfvin cub
🎐 pose
🎐 lying down
🎐 a kiss of love and youth
🎐 chained
🎐 endless longing
💝 mc’s evol is actually...?
💝 how they love (discipline) their sons
💝 how they love their daughters
💝 the men doing chores
🦋 my deskmate lucien
🦋 lucien’s thoughts
🦋 jealous of himself
🎐 sub-masterlist
bai ri qiu / 白日秋
🎐 pet him!
🎐 different gavins
bei zha guo de lin zi /被炸锅的林子
🎐 wolf gavin
🎐 wolf gavin part two
💝 fatherhood series
gavin l kiro l lucien l victor
💝 five person date
💝 four men trapped in a house
🎐 private photoshoot date (suggestive)
🌟 unwrap the gift date (suggestive)
bo bo nai / 波波奈
🌟 sub-masterlist
bo si teng hu / 博斯藤壶
🎐 the youth
🦋 friends
🦋 a secret relationship
🦋 together
🦋 the livestream
bu hu / 吥唬
💝 swimming
💝 fairytales
🎐 under arrest
🎐 gavin compilation
🎐 during a storm
🌟 bolster
🦋 ares and lucien
🦋 lucien and hair
🦈 after a battle
🦈 punishment date - zoo
🦈 happy birthday
🌹 captain victor
chi bu chi ya she / 吃不吃鸭舌
💝 when they turn into children
🎐 eli
🎐 highschool au where mc is the troublemaker
🎐 winter world
🎐 their children
🎐 pearly
🎐 yo-yo
🎐 too much
🎐 galaxy
🎐 puppet
chun ri mao mao xia / 春日猫猫侠
🌹 panda
🌹 snack store
🌹 little vic is here
di kong / 滴空dikong
🎐 private photoshoot date (slightly nsfw)
🎐 lipstick
🎐 naked in front of your boyfriend challenge
🎐 interacting with a deity
part one l part two l part three
🎐 gavin and cat
🎐 different reactions
🎐 happy mid-autumn
🎐 christmas
🎐 his journey...
💝 if their hearts were a room
🌟 massage chair
🌟🦋 no effect
🦋 my lucien
🦋 dress
🦋 family
🦋 my butterfly
🦋 morning
🦋 lucien’s skincare routine
🦋 measurement
🦋 iridescent
🦈 envious of shaw
🦈 shaw’s ‘date’
🦈 archaeology studies
🦈 the only graduate
🌹 sweet dreams
🌹 sneaky shots
🌹 goodnight
🌹 thaw date
🌹 replacement
fan jun marcia / 饭君Marcia
💝 pinch
fan tuan xiao pao pao / -饭团小泡泡-
🎐 accompany you asmr
gua gua gu_a / 瓜瓜Gu_A
🎐 the boy who fights in school
🌟 the long-haired prince
🦋 lucien’s birthday
🌹 tennis
guang che bu xiang qiang qu / 光澈不想强娶
🌟 photo
🌟 the couple
🌟 kiro’s fears
🌟 before the performance
🌟 apple box and cello
🌟 cuties
hai lao niu bang juan / 海老牛蒡卷
💝 living together
💝 teacher mc
💝 when they hit their heads
🎐 valentine’s rose
🌟 witch mc x kiro
🦈 taste
🌹 tying a tie
🌹 friends
🌹 omelette
🌹 when mc turns into a cat
🌹 valentine’s day
🌹 witch mc x victor
hei xiu hei ei / 嘿咻嘿ei
🎐 the brilliant years
🎐 bubble tea
hua qi shan / 花契扇
🎐 flying squirrel gavin
🌹 time
jian zhu / -箭竹-
💝 the guys as maids
💝 claw machine
💝 blind boxes
🎐 gavin’s use in every season
🎐 i’ve decided on you
🎐🦈 airport date
jiang ke li / 姜可离-
🎐 birthday
🎐 photo
jie mu ye / 结木耶
🌟 honest
🌟 one year
🦈 one-day date
🦈 reuniting
🦈 inexperienced
🦈 rivets
🦈 prank
🦈 pirate
🦈 the scent of honey peaches
🎐🌹 mlqc x tears of themis
jing ji / 京极
🦈 the second prince
🦈 big sis
🦈 bottle cap
🦈 supper
🦈 winter
🎐🦈 drunk
🎐🦈 group photo
🎐🦈 little guardian
🎐🦈 sleeping
🎐🦈 pose
jiu luo illu / 汣络illu
💝 if he was your classmate
💝 eating ice-cream
💝 post lockdown plans
🎐 school legend
🎐 among the falling petals
🎐 summer selections
🎐 happy birthday
🌟 secrets of a onesie
🌟 replenishing sugar
🌟 flowers
🌟 when little kiro can’t eat snacks
🦋 together with lucien
🦋 traces
🦈 smear
🦈 dessert
🦈 happy birthday
🌹 victor and his puddings
jiu zhi qiu / 九只球
🦈 charger
🌹 done
🌹 hang up
ju zhi shi / 橘芝士
🎐 wind chime
🌹 how to obtain a victor
🌹 a mature ceo
🌹 parenthood
🌹 victor the cat
🌹 ulcer
🌹 confessing your love in university
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🍒 return to the menu 🍒
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loving-daisy · 3 years
Cry For Me | George Weasley x Reader
Masterlist | Cry For Me Masterlist 
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Chapter 8 - I Can’t Seem To Hate You
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: angst, bullying
“Why in Salazar Slytherin, is someone like you doing outside of here?!” The blonde 4th year Slytherin demanded after the sight of a Gryffindor loitering around the dungeons made him stop in his tracks. 
But like a true Gryffindor, and a true Weasley, the ginger paid him no attention causing Draco to get annoyed. “I’m talking to you!” He added, crossing his arms. 
The tall 6th year merely gave Draco a glance, shaking his head. “You really should learn how to mind your own business, Malfoy.” 
Draco Malfoy being...Draco Malfoy, wasn’t going to let his guard down just like that. As much as he despised Gryffindors, Weasleys, and what-his-family-calls-”blood-traitors”, he knew the reason why one half of the Weasley twins were around the place where Slytherins gather. He knew the reason why George Weasley was standing outside his house’s common room. And after forming a new bond with the Slytherin queen, he wanted nothing more but to protect her. 
The blonde Slytherin stood tall, his face displayed into a sour scowl, getting close to the ginger before voicing out his threat. “You listen here, Weasley. If you don’t want me to call Professor Snape, you best be on your way out of this place and never come back. Ever.” 
George took a step back, scoffing, before his eyes landed on Y/N Icestone’s best friend who was making her way towards the common room entrance. “Greengrass!” The ginger called, waving his hand. 
The girl stopped in her tracks, her eyes landing on the Gryffindor then to Malfoy then to the Gryffindor again. Daphne and Draco made a brief eye contact, the girl almost immediately understanding the blonde’s intentions. The girl cleared her throat, brows raised as she pointed to herself. “Me?” 
George nodded as an answer. “Yes, you. Can you call Y/N for me? Please?” He pleaded, his eyes soft as if he was desperate to get out of Draco Malfoy’s presence and get into the arms of the girl he loved. 
Daphne shook her head. “No-”
“I’m here. What do you want?” A voice, her tone as cold as ice, monotonously said. Three heads turned towards Y/N Icestone who had a blank expression on her face. Three faces were shocked to see her make her presence known, in those three, the two Slytherins were on the verge of pulling her away from the one who was on the verge of pulling her away to demand an explanation. 
Icestone pierced her cold eyes to the brown warm ones. “You have no right to address me with my first name, Weasley.” 
George Weasley was speechless. He didn’t know what to do, he didn’t know what to say. Millions of thoughts started to run in his head, trying his best to put them all together like a puzzle piece, to know why Y/N Icestone suddenly had a change of demeanor towards him. 
The girl scoffed, rolling her eyes. “You know, if you’re going to waste my time-”
“What does this mean?” The ginger blurted out. Suddenly, his hand was going through his robe pockets to fish out the note the girl had sent to him this morning. 
Y/N’s lips curled. “Are you suddenly blind that you can’t even read anymore?” She questioned, giving a brief look at the letter, seeing remnants of cream in it. 
George was starting to lose his patience. Honestly, George didn’t know what he was feeling at this moment. He didn’t know if he was happy because Y/N Icestone was still talking to him or if he was mad because none of the words coming out of her were giving him the satisfaction. “I’m serious.” 
“Hi Serious, it’s really not a pleasure to meet you. Now if you would please get out of my face and go back to whatever nasty place you belong to, I would be delighted.” The girl remarked before making her way towards Daphne, linking her arms with her to pull her towards the common room. 
“Listen, Y/N-” George was once again cut off by Y/N.
“One more thing, Weasley. Do not ever talk to me again. Ever.” She quipped, finally walking away from the ginger. 
Before Draco was able to give another threat, he too, was cut off by the girl. “Draco, let it go. Come now.” 
And there George was, alone and defeated, his last sight being Draco Malfoy’s threatening glare. 
“She won’t talk to me! She doesn’t want me to explain. At all!” The younger Weasley twin complained, arms crossed as he took a seat beside his sister at the Gryffindor common room. 
“I actually wouldn’t blame her though.” Fred expressed, shrugging, earning a glare from his brother.
“I mean, imagine finding out that your boyfriend was actually just pretending to like you to make you fall in love with him...I’d throw a fit too, honestly. Wouldn’t you, Ginny?” He mumbled to not draw attention. Although most students of Hogwarts have heard the news of Y/N Icestone dumping George Weasley. Some say that she dumped her for someone younger, someone like Draco Malfoy perhaps, seeing as the two Slytherins suddenly got so close. Some say that the Icestones gave the Weasleys a huge amount of gold in exchange for George staying away from Y/N, seeing that the Weasley’s reputation isn't good enough for the Icestones. Some even say that they knew that the two would never last. Gryffindors and Slytherins don’t really match afterall. 
“But I was just wondering how…” Fred paused in thought, careful with his words. “She wouldn't have confronted you about it earlier if she already knew about it…” He trailed off, giving off a confused facial expression.
Ginny sighed, rolling her eyes. “It’s obvious, Fred. She wanted George to feel what she felt.” She advertised, earning a nod from Fred in agreement. “She’s smarter than I thought.”
“Yeah, and mean!” George grunted, shaking his head from left to right. “I can’t believe that I actually fell for her! I should have known.”
“Oh think about it, Georgie. It was basically you who started it.” The older ginger gloated. 
“Me?!” George challenged. “It was you! You were the one who schemed all this! You were the mastermind behind this!” He exclaimed. 
The sudden outburst coming from the group of Weasleys seated together caught the attention of everyone in the common room. Those gossiping started to gossip even more, their topic diverting into the Weasley twins. Those studying paused to watch the exchange. I mean, who doesn’t want to stick their noses up to family drama? 
“You’re actually blaming this on me? Well, you were the one who agreed to do it! I was only suggesting it!” Fred affirmed. 
“Suggesting?! Are you hearing yourself right now, you dimwit?! You practically forced me to do it! Saying that we’re gonna get revenge and prank the shit out of Slytherin’s stupid pride!” 
“Merlin’s beard, will you two dimwits please shut up!” The female Weasley grumbled, standing up from her seat after slapping the backs of her brother’s heads. “It was both of you! The both of you were to blame! Now please, if you want to fix this, you guys make up and actually apologize to Y/N.” 
The common room erupted into murmurs after hearing the Slytherin's name. Good information for a good morning gossip for tomorrow’s breakfast at the Great hall. 
“Boys are so annoying.” Muttered Ginny, before stepping away from the scene. 
“Salazar! Did you see the look on bloody Weasley’s face? He looked like he was about to cry!” Daphne giggled, earning a smirk from Y/N and Draco. 
“Well, he deserved it!” Y/N smiled. She turned to face Draco, placing a hand on his arm. “Thank you, by the way.” 
The blonde Slytherin offered a small smile. “It was nothing.” 
“Oh but it was! You really are scary aren’t you? If I was him, I would have peed my pants.” Daphne crooned, Y/N nodding in agreement. Draco’s smile grew wider. 
The next morning at the Great hall, as expected, the controversial relationship between the famous Gryffindor mischief maker and Slytherin’s royal ice queen was once again the talk of the castle. 
The moment George entered the hall, all attention was diverted to him. It’s not like he didn’t want attention. I mean, Fred and George liked the attention, the applause and compliments that they heard when people liked their prank or their very useful product that gets you out of class when you don’t feel like attending it. However, the attention George was receiving right now was not pleasant at all. All eyes were on him, yes, but almost all of those eyes were glaring at him. 
Students seated at the Hufflepuff table were giving him sad and disappointed looks. Fred and George’s pranks were a good laugh but playing with a girl’s heart is just too much. 
Those in the Ravenclaw had raised brows. How dare him play with Y/N Icestone’s heart? Does he have no respect for himself and his family? 
Those in Gryffindor were ashamed. At first, they felt bad for their housemate but after hearing the conversation between the twins and Ginny, they sent their sympathies towards the Slytherin more. 
Students sorted in Slytherin were the worst. They were glaring at him, mocking him, and even giving him some snide remarks. “You just earned yourself a lot of enemies, Weasley. Watch your back.” Threatened Adrian Pucey. 
As the ginger sat on his usual spot at the Gryffindor table, his eyes studied the Slytherin table, trying to locate the girl who had been occupying his mind while trying not to make eye contact with those who were glaring at him. When his eyes planted at a mop of blonde hair, Malfoy’s hair, his eyes squinted. 
“Merlin, am I seeing this right or is Malfoy sitting with Icestone and Greengrass?” Ron, who was seated on his right, said what’s exactly on George’s mind. 
Hermione, seated in front of Ron, gave a glance before shaking her head. “That’s none of your business, Ronald.” 
The 4th year Weasley grunted. “It is if it’s true that bloody Icestone actually left my brother for stupid Malfoy!” 
“Enough, Ron!” Exclaimed Ginny. “You know nothing about George and Y/N’s relationship.” 
George took a sip of pumpkin juice from his goblet, shaking his head. “Maybe it’s true.” He said quietly, turning his attention away from a smiling Y/N and towards the plate of food in front of him. 
“What is?” Asked Fred. 
George merely shrugged. “Maybe she did leave me for Malfoy. I mean, what if she found out that I was playing with her so she and Malfoy conspired against me and they actually fell in love with each other. Something like that.” He suggested. 
Silence enveloped their space as all eyes gave George a dumbfounded look. “That sounds like the muggle love story book Hermione lent me.” Harry muttered, shaking his head before digging in his breakfast. 
Honestly, George wasn’t as calm as he was showing in his exterior. He was just good at controlling his anger. I mean, people really didn’t like him right now so if he made a scene right there, right now, people would hate him even more. But if people hated him, he hated someone more. He hated Draco Malfoy for being mean, for being nosy, and for being close to Icestone. He hated Daphne Greengrass because she was the haughty best friend of the girl he loved and hated the most, Y/N Icestone. He hated her for what happened between them. He hated her for not talking to him, for not letting him explain, and for playing with him. 
George didn’t care if he was being a hypocrite but Y/N Icestone played with him too. He had to get that straight. And so, after the girl’s Arithmancy class, he decided to corner her in that small alcove he pulled her in when they were in 5th year. 
“Didn’t I tell you to not talk to me ever again?” Icestone signed, shaking her head in frustration. Which in turn, earned a smirk from the ginger.
“Like I said, Icestone. If you ever paid any attention to me, you’ll know that I simply don’t follow what people tell me to do.” George asserted. Y/N once again sighed. 
“What do you want, Weasley? I have an essay to finish.” She asked, bored. 
“I wanted to get things straight with you, Icestone.”
“Then hurry up!” The Slytherin demanded, her patience long gone ever since she became face to face with the Gryffindor.  
The ginger was once again, speechless. Where is the Y/N Icestone that I loved? Why did she change so quickly?
He shook his head in disbelief. “You were right, Icestone. You’re not as evil as people describe you to be because you’re worse. Way, way worse.” He remarked with a disappointment present in his tone, earning himself an annoyed grunt,
“You betrayed me, George! All this time, you were only playing with me!” The girl fumed, her index finger pointed at the boy’s chest. 
George too, started to lose his patience. “But I stopped, didn’t I? I stopped! But then you’re here accusing me of playing you when YOU were the one who was playing with me!” 
“Why are you acting as if I’m the one who started this mess? Weren’t you and your twin the one who thought that it was such a great idea to make me fall for you?! To make me give you my heart and throw it away like it's some piece of garbage!” Y/N snarled, her icy eyes starting to melt with tears threatening to fall down. 
When the ginger took notice of her melting orbs, he felt his heart sink down his stomach. He hated Y/N Icestone and he hated how she cries. He hated it even more if he was the reason for it. So he let his guard down and surrendered. 
She’s right. George thought. I have no reason to blame her when it was me who started this mess. At Least he got that straight. 
“Why didn’t you talk to me, Y/N?” George quietly muttered, staring at his over worn shoes.
The girl shook her head, furiously blinking away the tears. “It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done because whatever we used to be, we’ll never be again.” She trembled, masking her shaking voice with faux confidence. 
“Besides, you were one of the people who believed that I have a stone cold heart. You wanted an ice queen? I’ll show you an ice queen.” 
Things didn’t get easier for George Weasley. From being the prankster, it seems like he was the victim of all the pranks students of Slytherin were pulling on him. 
In one of this week’s potion’s class, Professor Snape just had to conveniently break down everyone’s partnership. He knew it was the influence of Y/N Icestone. If not her, then Malfoy, but he knew that Icestone will still be involved in all of this. 
Snape demanded all of his students to brew a draught of living death. But he won’t tell you how. All you had to do was follow the instructions in your book. 
It’s not like George wasn’t good at potions. He is better at Fred afterall, seeing as Fred doesn’t even take this class anymore. But in the past potions classes, George never prepared the ingredients. He was more of the one who conveniently just pours all the ingredients in the cauldron, having Y/N prepare everything for him. The thought just made him miss her even more. But life sucks and he has to deal with it. And so, he dealt with a scowling Professor Snape after an unknown student from the house of Slytherin tampered with his cauldron and made it explode. 
In his charms class, a class in which he conveniently shares with Slytherins, they had to learn about non-verbal spells. And guess what? Some haughty bloke performed a non-verbal hex towards him, causing the majority of the class to laugh in his face before professor Flitwick made them stop. He was sent to the Hospital wing. 
Some time during the week, on his way to meet his twin brother, he suddenly tripped and a bucket of ice cold water was spilled into his uniform. He wouldn’t know who the culprit was if he didn’t see Blaise Zabini, Malfoy’s right hand man, snicker and shake his head in the corner of his eye. 
But despite everything, George Weasley let it slip. He never lashed out on them, choosing to keep his frustration bottled up before releasing it in a piece of parchment at night and throwing it into the fireplace inside the common room. Fred even suggested pranking them back, but George thought that he needed a break from mischief, seeing that the last didn’t really go well. 
Meanwhile, Y/N Icestone was back to her previous form. Back to herself when she never opened the stupid envelope the Weasley twins were planning to send to Malfoy. She was reserved, but not as reserved as before. She only showed her true form to her friends but other than them, her features continued to demand respect from everyone that goes past her. 
Honestly, she knew what her housemates were doing. They were messing with George Weasley for messing with her and at first, she wasn’t really fond of the idea until she remembered what the ginger did to her. So she convinced herself otherwise. 
And she observed. She observed how her housemates would either glare at the ginger or send him snide remarks whenever they’d cross paths with him. She observed how her housemate sneaked a foreign ingredient in George’s cauldron that caused it to explode. She observed how George saw who it was but didn’t act on it. She observed the way he was assisted by a kind Hufflepuff to the hospital wing. She observed how regardless of all the bullying he was receiving, he wasn’t fighting back. Which was unlikely of George Weasley. So she decided to make a bold move and ask why. 
“Honestly, what’s the matter with you?” Y/N mumbled with uncertainty, eyes piercing the ginger’s. 
George was shocked and confused. “What do you mean?” He breathed. The effect Y/N Icestone had on him remained. Seeing her up close still made his heart flip, heart ache, and heart break to pieces at the same time. 
The girl shrugged, tilting her head as if taking a better look at George, trying to comprehend his feelings. “Well, I’m mean to you, to your friends, my friends and housemates make fun of you, and you let it slip. You do nothing about it. Honestly, is this your way of letting me see how much of a bad person I am?” 
The Gryffindor offered a small smile, shaking his head. “You look happier.” He acknowledged.
“Y/N Icestone, I wish you happiness. So if all this makes you happy, then fine. It’s my fault anyways.” 
The Slytherin didn’t take it well after that conversation. She was having a conflict with herself. The walls she built were tearing themselves apart as the thought of George Weasley came running around in her mind as if he owned the place. And so, she tried her best to distract herself. 
She attended almost all of Slytherin’s parties, something that she didn’t really bother going to before. She drank whatever Daphne would hand her, living her life like it was the last, getting intoxicated every night and then. Then she studied like her life depended on it. She was smart, but she needed a pastime. And so, she spent most of her time at the library, studying materials that a mere 6th year shouldn’t have knowledge of. She’d do anything to keep George Weasley out of her mind. 
She thought she moved on. But she realized that moving on will take a bit longer after waking up in the hospital wing with the ginger by her side. 
“George?” She called, her voice hoarse. 
The ginger stood, looking down at her with eyes of concern and worry. “Icestone. Glad you’re finally awake.” 
After attempting to sit up, the girl groaned, feeling her body ache as if fire was burning all over. “What are you doing here? What am I doing here? What the bloody hell happened?” She asked, clueless of the recent events.  
The Gryffindor raised both his brows in disbelief. “It seems like you’re overworking yourself, Icestone. Me and Fred saw you walking in the halls on the way to potions class but then suddenly you were on the floor, no response!” 
“Fred too?” Y/N pondered, earning a nod from the boy. “Yeah...Fred too. He went to class since Madame Pomfrey didn’t allow the both of us here. So I stayed.” 
“Why? Don’t you hate me? You could have attended potions class like your twin.” 
George offered a small smile, shaking his head. “Because if I attended Snape’s class, I would have worked on the cauldron alone and lost my house some points.” 
“Oh.” The girl murmured, nodding, 
The boy mirrored her actions. “Yeah.” 
Silence enveloped the atmosphere and it wasn’t comfortable. So, the Slytherin decided to call for Madame Pomfrey before facing the Gryffindor and offering a small smile. “Thank you, George. Really. But I’m fine now. You can leave.” 
The boy nodded. “Alright.” 
After the ginger left, the girl laid back down, closing her eyes. Why can’t I hate him? How can I hate him?
End of Chapter 8
Taglist: @abrunettefangirlnerd​ @gloryekaterina​ @lilypad-55449​ @memekingofwwiii @leovaldez37 @bellaiscool​ @sukunas-cult-leader​
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12 April 2021 Additions to Reylo Fluff
These fics have been added to the Fluff lists located in the following lists:
Fluff Part 1 Titles A-G
Fluff Part 2 Titles H-M
Fluff Part 3 Titles N-S
Fluff Part 4 Titlez T-Z
Zombie Run by OptimisticBeth (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: During a charity run, Rey is relentlessly pursued by a zombie.) The Road Taken by gogoburritos (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey pulls a prank on her housemate Ben. She doesn't expect it to turn out so well.) Loose Change by spicytofuuuu (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "I ate your pizza. It was a desperate move. I'm sorry. Not proud of myself. Here is $4." An Oh-My-God-They-Were-Roommates, They-Have-One-Single-Shared-Brain-Cell fic.) just say you love me by darthswift13 (AO3 2021  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Rey gets drunk on Saturday nights and confesses her true feelings for her roommate Ben, only to forget on Sunday mornings. Will Rey ever be able to confess her feelings when sober?) r/Relationships by elle_reads (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben's new roommate moves in just before a shelter-in-place order is issued. It's just the two of them—and Reddit, of course.) The Sublet by javajunkie (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Rose sublet their spare room to Ben Solo.) Knock Me Down by commandercrouton (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben gets a concussion thanks to Rey.) Love in the Language of Sweaters by SaintHeretical (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Corporate executive Ben Solo mocks holiday sweaters until he sees the delivery girl wear them.) You Need a Tutor by castles_and_crowns (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 28 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is an engineering student who finds herself struggling with calculus. Desperate, she goes to the math tutoring center on campus for help. Meanwhile, Ben Solo is a grad student who's required to work a certain amount of hours in the math tutoring center. When Ben reluctantly offers to help Rey with her work, a relationship forms between them that neither are expecting.) Five Times That Ben Saved Rey's Valentine's Day & How She Forever Saved His by AnneAnna (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben makes a confession in his wedding speech: He knew he was going to marry Rey when he and Rey were 4 years old and she gave him a Valentine she made and colored herself. And 21 years later, he still has that Valentine.) Newspaper Hearts by Celia_and (AO3 2021  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: “She made her Valentine’s cards. She tore hearts out of newspaper and glued them onto used envelopes and painstakingly wrote each child’s name. She probably spent days making them. And you know what she wrote on mine?” He doesn’t need to read it to know what it says, so he looks down at her instead, and the hand on her heart and the tears in her eyes. “Ben: You are OK. Rey.”) When the party ends by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey gets wasted at a frat party. Ben finds her, puts her in his room, where she's safe. Rey wakes in the morning after Ben comes out of the shower and nakedness ensues.) Fleeced by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: AU where Rey is a mechanic and Ben is her grumpy client. Ben is car shopping and asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend so the dealer won't screw him over.) My Sandwich by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Someone took Ben's turkey sandwich at work, he is infuriated and eager for revenge, until he finds out it was Rey then those feelings no longer exist.) Sleepyhead by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben, a mere himbo, tucks a stray hair behind Rey's ear in class. He knows he deserves the hot coffee in her hand to be thrown in his face and yet he gets a date. ) When You Know It by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben finds out his roommate Rey has never had someone to celebrate valentine's with, so he sends her 25 roses, one for every year she's been alone, in attempt to make her feel better.) Port in the storm by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey pretends to be afraid of thunderstorms so she has an excuse to sleep next to Ben. Ben figures it out when he races home early after seeing thunder, fearing Rey will be crying alone curled up in a ball, only to find her totally chill and eating ice cream.) Neighborly by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and her son move into a new apartment and meets her new neighbor Ben and his cute dog.) Tinder and Cinder by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey joins tinder after a long long dry spell due to her flatmate Kylo's derision, they argue about why and in a fit of jealousy Kylo screams out 'use me instead.') Traditions gotta start somewhere by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Christmas Tree vignettes of Rey and Ben over the course of their relationship.) All of my wishes came true with you by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Fantasy AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey works on a wishfarm for Plutt. One day after she's out of wishes, she catches the star of a man who wishes for an end to his loneliness. She pockets it and after a particularly rough day she grants it with herself.) Knot It by MotherofScavengers (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Omega Rey’s heat starts early, the Alpha friend who agreed to assist her is nowhere to be found. When she unexpectedly meets Ben, the delicious smelling Alpha offers his help...and his knot.) It's You by SpaceWaffleHouse (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey have been costars for years when the time comes for them to film their first kissing scene. Neither of them ever expected their soul marks to appear in the process.) Through the Years by castles_and_crowns (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 10 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo and Rey Jakkson meet on the playground as children under unusual circumstances and quickly become best friends. This fic follows them through the years, showing glimpses of their friendship as it slowly progresses into something more.) I Hate You by orphan_account (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben has been in love with Rey for two years and so when she storms into his office he finally decides he can't keep it in any longer.) In Small Packages by DyadamDriver (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: It was then that Ben realised three things. 1. He had never had a cat in his life. 2. He had no idea what these little things ate. 3. He had a crippling crush on his neighbour.) ignorance of etiquette by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Regency AU, Quick Synopsis: Lady Rey Kenobi lives a life of pristine comfort and luxury on her family's estate in Chesire with her parents Lord Obi-Wan Kenobi and Lady Satine Kenobi. When they receive word that an old family friend, Lord Benjamin Solo, is coming to visit, Lady Rey is reminded of how he tormented her as a child. She decides that she will prove herself not the same girl she once was in more ways than one.) heaven in hiding by blessedreylo (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: They say it's impossible for a guy and girl to be "just friends", but Rey and Ben had managed to discredit that throughout their decade long friendship. What they both have is special, that people would often arrive at the conclusion the two were made for each other. He's her safe haven, her rock. She gives him a sense of clarity and direction. Ben and Rey know each other more than anyone ever possibly could. Therefore on Valentine's Day, their friends decided to secretly set them up together on a blind dinner date.) a quiet storm by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey gets off to Kylo Ren, a popular audio erotica account online. She hasn’t been on a date in so long until her friend Rose sets her up on a blind date with her boyfriend's coworker, Ben. They seem to be hitting it off and finding that they have a lot in common, but she can’t help but think that he sounds so...familiar.) key to the kingdom by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 12 Chapters, Princess Diaries AU, Quick Synopsis: Most girls get a drunk weekend in Vegas for their 21st birthday, but Princess Rey Kenobi gets the chance to rule the country of Alderaan. But the only way she can become Queen is if she marries a man in 30 days, or the throne goes to the selfish (and annoyingly attractive) usurper Lord Benjamin Solo. Will Rey be able to ascend to the throne or will it all just become a royal pain in the ass?) fueled by fire by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben annoys the hell out of Rey when he tries to write passive aggressive notes about where she leaves her stuff. Rey pisses Ben off by being loud and picking a fight whenever she wants. Being neighbors for the last five months has been interesting to say the least. Their little rivalry comes to a crescendo when their hate for each other turns into another kind of passion.) 1 April Fool by Maloreiy (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "Honk! Act like you know me! My name is Ben!" Rey sees the sign on the car when she pulls up to the grocery store, and decides to play along. The giant, surly man, apparently named Ben, is not amused.) when I look to you by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 7 Chapters, Harry Potter AU, Quick Synopsis: Best friends since Year Three, Gryffindor's Ben Solo and Rey Niima navigate their final year at Hogwarts. When exposed feelings and unrequited romance get in the way of their friendship, they wonder whether they'll survive the school year.) Dreaming of Hope by adamsackleriskyloren83 (AO3 2019  Rated M Complete, 2 Chapters, Canon AU, Quick Synopsis: Kylo Ren goes to bed one night only to awaken as Rebel Pilot Ben Solo. Discovering that not only is Rey his wife, but he is also the father of a toddler(s) son/daughter.) Talk Nerdy To Me by andabatae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Grad student Rey is addicted to watching nature documentaries narrated by the mysterious Kylo Ren. In fact, listening to him recite animal facts is her favorite masturbation inspiration. One day, the poetry class she TAs for has a guest lecturer: Ben Solo, a large, cranky man with gorgeous hair, adorable glasses... and a very compelling voice.) Everything You Are by kereia (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Canon AU, Quick Synopsis: But the thing she loved most of all, the thing that she was downright addicted to, was the way Ben reacted whenever she touched him.) Eggplant Emoji by trasharama (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A desperate Rey seeks refuge in Poe and Ben's spare bedroom. Ben didn't know she was a girl when he agreed to the roommate trial period--and now she won't stop sexting him? Climb aboard the Smutty McSmuttSmutt train!)
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nautiscarader · 3 years
Nautiscarader’s Wendip Week day 3: Prank War
geez, this one took a while. I apologise, and let’s hope next one will arrive faster
Someone standing outside of The Mystery Shack might have thought that the living room contained a very predictable lighting bug, or at least that someone inside was broadcasting a rather boring Morse code message using light signals.
In reality, it was just Wendy and Dipper, slouched on the sofa, surfing TV channels, giving each of them at most three seconds to entertain their bored minds. So far, none of them stood up to the challenge.
But as Wendy continued the only physical activity she had the energy for, i.e. pressing one button, something finally caught their attention.
- "What's up everyone? It's your boy, the Prankster Prancer!"
A loud, obnoxious, blonde man in his twenties, wearing spiky, gelled hair rode into the shot on a fake unicorn, face-hugged the camera, filling the wide-angle lens and made both Dipper and Wendy jump in their seats as loud horn noise shook the air around them.
- Wait, I thought this guy was only on the internet! - Wendy raised her brow - Did he escape to the real world?! - Come on, who in the right mind would give him a show? - "So, first of all, thanks to our station, The Cheese Network, for giving me the chance to entertain you guys..."
Dipper and Wendy groaned in collective understanding.
- "...and for giving us some cheese to pay for our last week's prank!"
The screen dimmed and the camera changed to an aerial shot, containing not only fires and flood, but also several military helicopters.
- "So last time we did some EPIC prank during the gender reveal party and we've made a hole in the ozone hole!"
The man made extra effort to extend every vowel in the last word, to an equally obnoxious collection of sound effects.
- Wow. That looks... bad. Even by our standards. - Wendy watched the footage. - Yeah. Good thing this dude stays away from us. - "And now it's time to reveal the next place for our EPIC PRANK!"
The man took a baseball bat and unceremoniously smashed the unicorn doll in half, and stuck his hand in the fake guts, revealing an envelope.
- "And this one is a suggestion from my top commentator on-line, that girl leaves comments under every single one of my videos, so I could not ignore her request".
The envelope was opened, and suddenly, a girl's voice began reading it.
- "Dear Prankster Prancer. I love your videos, and how creative your calamity can be..." - Wait a minute - Dipper sat up, as his eyes widened in horror - Is that- - "My name is Mabel Pines, and I am staying in a small town called Gravity Falls, in Oregon...".
Dipper and Wendy looked at each other and understood each other at once.
- Barricade the doors!
But it was too late. As Dipper ran towards the lobby, the door were smashed to the ground, seemingly under the power of the air horns, and flooded the Shack with lights. The same blonde man walked inside, as if he owned the place, leading with him Mabel Pines.
- What's up birches? Is that how you call people living in the middle of a forest? - he shoved his face to the camera again. - More like, in the middle of nowhere! - Mabel added, high-five'ing him - Thankfully, me and my Prankster Protégé are gonna rock this place! - he shouted.
Dipper Pines stood up and cleaned himself from the dust and debris, watching as the two rock their heads to some aggressive tune.
- Hold on a minute! Mabel, why did you invite him here? If anything, there's too much going around in here! - Ugh, this is my little brother, Dipper. - Mabel rolled her eyes - I'm-I'm not little! - Dipper stomped in place - We're twins!
Somewhere behind him, Wendy snickered.
- What, you just look adorable when you're angry.
Dipper turned back and stormed towards his sister.
- Mabel, do you have amnesia or something? Gravity Falls is full of amazing things! We've been on treasure hunts, found all sorts of monsters in every lake, glade and a cave... You wanted to date a zombie on out first day here! - Yeah, sure, kid, as if I could just walk into a forest and find a dead body... - the Prankster took a sip of soda, looking somewhat nervously. - Mabel, we've seen living dinosaurs here! - Yeah, like I can see one now!
The Prankster pointed to the kitchen and very confused Grunkle Stan in his pajamas.
- What in the DMV is going on here? - Check this out, a living fossil!
The Prankster jumped towards Grunkle Stan and unceremoniously took a selfie with him.
- Oh no, my eyes! The light is coming towards me instead of the other way around!
Stan cried when flash of light blinded him, and with a sleigh of hand, the blonde man undid his belt, causing Stan to nearly trip and fall, if it wasn't for Wendy.
- Hey, you! You're not a prankster, you're a jerk!
At the sound of those words, the man stopped laughing and turned his attention, as well as cameras, towards Wendy.
- What's that? We've got ourselves a HATER!
An air horn was about to blow her hat off, but Wendy swiftly grabbed it and twisted it.
- Yeah, that's what I've said, you're a jerk. I like pranking people, but not to hurt them. - And watchu gonna do, leave a mean comment? - No, we're gonna prank you. - Wendy reached and brought Dipper towards her. - Cos we've done some pranking together ourselves! - Like what? - Like... when we've made our friend think his inflatable tube could talk!
The Prankster shot them with a dead stare.
- You know what, I don't even have time to play the "wah-wah" soundbite. But if you want to lose, your call. Tomorrow, we're gonna get an EPIC PRANK-OFF!
And he shot a pose in front of the camera.
- Right, now tell me where's someplace to eat. And they better have unlimited refills. - Lazy Susan is neat. And there's water tower nearby...
And with that, he and Mabel walked off, leaving the small destruction behind them.
- Wendy! - Dipper turned at once towards her - Are you crazy? He has entire film crew! And money! And very little empathy! He's gonna plough through us! - Chill out, man, we're gonna trick him, one way or another.
And she gently smacked the edge of his hat.
- Er, I know you guys like to babble all the time, but I still can't get up. - Grunkle Stan grumbled from the floor.
The next day, Wendy woke up at the break of dawn with unbridled optimism. Dipper less so, and he was a bit nervous when Wendy gathered him and her crew in the small lumberjack shack in the woods to explain the plan of action.
- So, any questions? - she asked
At the same time, every teenager in the small room raised hands.
- So, how does exactly the can of whipped cream is supposed to work with the rake? - Tambry asked - And what do we have to do with the rat-shaped balloons? - Thompson asked shyly. - And can't we just... punch him? - Robbie suggested, mimicking the action. - Ugh, you guys!
Wendy groaned and hid her face in her hands. hearing the murmurs of doubt across the room, Dipper quickly stood up and continued.
- Guys, this jerk is giving us, pranksters, a bad name! We gotta prank him in a way that shows we are better... Because we can do better!
He watched as faces of the older teenagers brighten with his speech. Several of them even smiled.
- Plus he could, like, sue us for millions of dollars, so we gotta stay clean.
With newly gained optimism, the gang rushed to Thompson's van and readied themselves for the prank.
- Thanks, man, for giving me a hand. - Wendy suddenly patted Dipper's back. - Oh, no-no problem. - Dipper spoke, wondering if she noticed his blush.
- Alright, we're all in places.
Wendy spoke to her phone, and observed the places, leaning from behind the wall. Her eyes moved from Robbie, hidden in the abandoned ice-cream stall, to Thompson, on top of a tree, to Tambry, pretending to read a large newspaper, and finally, to Dipper, holding a bag of provisions.
- We-Wendy, I'm not sure if this is gonna work. - Now!
She commanded, as Prankster walked nonchalantly out of the store. He thre away the half-eaten sandwich he just bought and was about to walk into the string that would have activate the whipped cream... if he didn't make a sudden jump.
He then threw something into the stall.
- Oh, crap, it's a grenade!
Robbie stormed out, tripping on the same wire he helped setting up, which resulted in his black hair covered in white goo and sprinkles.
Tambry was supposed attack next, but Prankester was already next to her. He took a bucket of soapy water and dumped it over her, destroying her diguise that covered her pruple hair.
For Thompson, he didn't even have to do much - he threw a mouse toy into the air, and listened how the boy tumbles down, shrieking.
And finally, he took something big and colourful out of his backpack and tossed it onto the street, watching as Dipper and Wendy rush towards it.
- Limited edition Giraffeoala!
They realised the two were after it when it was too late. Their heads collided with each other, just as the elusive plushie was yanked from their hands, back into his bag.
- Seriously, guys? You wanted to outsmart me? There like five of you and you couldn't do it. - Ha! That was a good one! - Mabel emerged from behind his back and did another high-five. - But I couldn't do it without you. - he pointed at her. - Me? But I didn't do anything... - Of course you did.
The Prankster lowered his sunglasses.
- Last evening at that stupid bar. You told me you were friends with everyone here. You told me how one of them likes gloomy, dark places. Like another one is afraid of mice. Like another one never looks away from her phone...
Mabel's ecstatic, radiant smile faded with each word the Prankster spoke, and her eyes, widened from excitation began to fill with tears.
- And, well, you told me what these two dorks are obsessed about... amongst other things. - Mabel! - Wendy and Dipper cried at the same time. - But-But I didn't... - Aw, really? You feel sad for them? LAME. - he pushed her aside and waved for his crew that followed him anyway.
For quite a while, all the small town could hear was Mabel Pines sobbing, until someone closed his arms around her.
- There, there, sis. - Dipper spoke quietly. - I guess you see why were so angry now. - I-I didn't know he would...
Dipper hugged her, letting her cry as much as she wants into his vest.
- It's not your fault, Mabel. - Wendy added, taking a knee and gently patting her. - But-But it is! - Well... Kinda... - Robbie added, and received a cold, piercing stare from Wendy. - Jerks like that like to... use people. And they know that the best ones are those, who are most trusting and kind.
Mabel's sniffing stopped, as Wendy continued.
- But you know what? - Dipper spoke suddenly - I think I got an idea...
He let go of his sister rushed to the Prankster, sitting on one of the toy unicorns, tossing quarter after quarter, while two children in queue began to tear up.
- Hey, you! - Ugh, you again, twerp. What, want me to reveal more secrets about you and your stupid hobbies? Or, like, who is your biggest crush after a toy plushie from the 90s?
Dipper's face reddened, but he remained unperturbed.
- We're not done yet. Tomorrow we're gonna prank you for good. Double or nothing! - Ugh, sure, fine. - the Prankster didn't even look at him - It's not like I can do anything until my lawyers clean up the whole "gender reveal party" fiasco. Like, who cares if the whole state is now inhabitable for life?
By the next morning, the battleground was set. Cameras and tons of equipment surrounded the small grassy meadow in front of the Mystery Shack, where Dipper and Wendy were sitting in their chairs with their arms crossed, both wearing much more confident smiles. And the fact that Mabel was with them added them extra layer of morale.
When the clock struck 12, a mighty roar shook the place, as monster truck drove from behind the tree line, smoking and setting nearby branches on fire. The Prankster Prancer jumped out of it, and, drowned in the flashes of cameras, walked into his place.
- So, are you twerps ready for the FINAL PRANK OF YOUR LIFE? - he roared into the microphone, rolling his tongue back and forth as if he was about to eat it. - Nah, we're not gonna prank you. - Wendy shrugged - But someone else will.
The newly reinstalled door to the Mystery Shack opened, and a new figure appeared. An elderly woman walked out, being led by Grunkle Stan that gallantly helped her, for once not sneaking his hand into her purse.
And when she looked up from behind her glasses, the confident smile on Prancer's face disappeared at once.
- Grandma?! What-What are you doing here?! - Oh, don't you know? - Grunkle Stan rushed with explanation - We, old folks, all know each other. And I simply couldn't let her miss her grandson's grand day! - I'm so glad I can see you, Archibald!
The elderly lady used her cane to hook him by his neck and brought him into his arms, despite his best efforts to avoid any interactions.
- G-Grandma, don't- don't call me that! - Why not? - she continued, seemingly ignoring her grandson efforts to escape her tight hug. - I am your grandma, and I will call you by your full name, Archibald Roderick Sebastian Eugene!
Somewhere behind them, Dipper, Wendy and Mabel were having the time of their life, trying to hide their laughter.
- So, wait, his initials literally make him an... - Grandma! Make them stop! They-they are laughing at me! - Nonsense! Those young folks told me all your fans would love to see me talk about you. So I've send them some photos via the eclectic mail!
The blonde man looked to the side at Wendy and Dipper's faces. Their wide smiles told him everything, and in the act of ultimate desperation, he gently shook his head, silently mouthing his plea. He then looked at Mabel's, but hers was filled with spite.
In response, Mabel simply pressed a button.
The enormous screen behind them lit up, showing an adorable newborn blonde boy in diaper, giggling at the baby rattle.
Several more followed, showing his equally naked body in progressively embarrassing positions.
The screen changed, and the same boy was now three-years old, wearing a strict haircut as well as a bowtie. And the worst part was, he looked happy.
The Prankster Prancer fell to his knees, as tears began rolling from his eyes, which his grandma quickly dried with her handkerchief.
- Oh, yes, I do tear up a little at this one too. Oh, but the next one makes me so proud!
Prancer's eyes widen, if possibly even more, and throwing away all the pretence, he rushed to Wendy and Dipper and began begging them for mercy. But it was for nothing. He knew they have seen the photo already.
And with another press of a button, a seven-year old Prancer was shown, wearing a blue cardigan, sitting in an armchair with a big book in his hands, smiling at the camera, proudly showing his braces.
The scanned photo displayed a title, written in crayon over it.
"I love school!"
Flocks of birds flew into the air from the nearby trees in response to the shriek that reverberated the air, full of remorse, despair, and unmistakably, defeat.
- Nooooo!
The Prancer hit the ground with his fists, for which he was quickly reprimanded by his grandma ("You're going to make them dirty!"), while Wendy and Dipper high-fived each other, before giving Mabel a warm hug.
- So I guess that will teach him? - Dipper asked Wendy as the two lay on the sofa, flicking through the channels again. - Pfh. I wish it did. - Wendy reached for her phone and showed Dipper a familiar blonde man waving his arms uncontrollably. - "What's up Prankster Pros? It's ya boy, and I've got this sweet book deal full of my MOST EMBARASSING photos! Look at that baby bottom! Only for $99.99..." - Geez, I guess they never learn. - Nope. But at least he's not here...
For a while the room dimmed every few seconds, as Wendy searched for anything interesting, but something else was on Dipper's mind.
- So... about those Cuddle Buddies...
The remote fell out of Wendy's hand.
- Uh, yeah, so, I just...
She shied away and mumbled her answer, until she saw a polite smile on Dipper's face.
- So, like, remember ever since you wanted to win that Duck Panda for me? I... kinda got into them, you know. Not like, obsessively collecting them, but... you know. - Yeah, I do. For cuddling.
The two looked at each other and exchanged the same, warm smiles.
- So which generation you like the most? - Well, gen 2 obviously - she rolled her eyes - What? Five is the best. - The best as sucking, perhaps. - Come on, they had changed the lead designer and everything, but they're still Cuddle Buddies...
For quite a while, the channel stayed on, as neither of them bother to change it. And when the night fell on, Wendy and Dipper realised that they might have discovered something new to talk about.
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jiminscaramel · 5 years
cream of the crop | changkyun [mx]
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[GENRE] smut, fluff
[COUNT] 4.4k+
[PAIRING] fem. reader x Changkyun (I.M)
[WARNINGS] f2l, unprotected sex, oral (f. receiving), fingering, cream pie, hair pulling, overstimulation, cockwarming, choking if you squint, multiple orgasms, edging
[AU] f2l au
[A/N] as requested by anon however I’m not too keen on how it turned out? I think maybe i crammed too much in such a short space of time and a small word count. I hope you still like it though and who knows! It might be up for a rewrite or a part 2
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Something isn’t right.
Changkyun frowns, watching you speak within yourself – your chin lowered to your chest and your eyes avoiding contact – which is highly irregular. He knows something is eating away at you but for reasons unknown, you hadn’t yet shared what it was. He leans forward to take a sip of his milkshake before settling back in the booth and nudging Jooheon beside him.
“...so yeah. Dinner was whatever.” You shrug nonchalantly, picking at a basket of fries, which had gone stone cold.
“Don’t eat those,” Jooheon slaps your hand away and flags up a waitress. “I’ll get some more.”
“So how is he? Your boyfriend? You’ve been dating for what, a few months now? When do we get to meet him?” Changkyun pries gently into the sensitive topic of dating. Being your best friend, he’s been there through pretty much every relationship you’ve had – casual, serious and one night stands – and vise-versa. But he’s also seen the grisly sides, comforting you through the worst breakups, the most recent one happening just before you’d met David.
You shrug again, stirring the melted ice cream in your glass with your straw, staring lifelessly into the chocolate concoction. “He’s not my boyfriend. David is David. And I’m sure we can arrange something soon.”
Though Changkyun remains unconvinced and the further the conversation takes you all, the more he thinks he understands. “You don’t seem so happy about the whole idea.”
“It’s a great idea.” You deadpan, staring out the window.
An awkward silence fills the space as the waitress places a fresh basket of fries to share between the three of you. Changkyun thanks her before leaning forward, trying to catch your attention. “Something’s wrong.”
“No shit,” Jooheon quips, eyes glued to his phone screen.
“You’re not helping,” Changkyun fires back, pushing the fries in front of him. “Shut up and eat your fries.”
“Fuck you.” Jooheon laughs and tosses his phone on the table, pushing the fries back to the centre. He leans in too, his attention no longer preoccupied by the device in his hand. “So... What’s on your mind?”
The answer to that is a lot more complicated than you’d like to admit. Your hesitation isn’t because you don’t trust them and isn’t because you feel uncomfortable sharing your worries. In all honesty, you have no idea why you’re so hesitant; you’ve always been able to tell them anything. Absolutely anything. So why is this so different?
You take a deep breath and eventually open your mouth to speak. “I’m frustrated.”
Changkyun and Jooheon both stare back at you blankly, silently blinking as they wait for you to elaborate.
“David... is nice. I suppose. He’s just...” you blow out your cheeks, trying to find the right word. “Boring. In every sense of the word.”
Changkyun cocks his head to the side, studying you intensely, while Jooheon slouches back in the upholstery, arms folded over his chest.
Unsatisfied with the lack of reaction, you lean in closer. “His idea of fun is sitting in and watching cheesy sitcom reruns until late, with or without me. His ideal date is always some snobby, posh restaurant on the other side of town. The other day? I set up a blanket fort in my front room for us to cosy up in for when he came round and you know what he said? ‘I’m not a kid anymore’. I felt like such a fucking idiot.” You trail off, already aware that you’d shared much more than intended. But the embers still burn, all the frustration and upset igniting the flames.
“Not to mention that on the very few occasions we’ve had sex, I’ve never– never– you know...” you clear your throat and gesture with your hands to insinuate what you can’t voice aloud.
“A little TMI, but yeah,” Jooheon nods and you notice a little pink tint across his cheekbones.
“He just... rolls off me and falls asleep. And it’s always the same, mandatory, routine, boring sex. Pull my hair or something, choke me, I don’t know–”
“Ok, that’s definitely TMI,” Jooheon picks up his phone and starts scrolling through his feeds, but you know it’s more out of embarrassment than ignorance. You know he’s still listening.
Changkyun remains silent, his jaw clenching as he listens to your complaints with an understanding ear.
“But you know what I mean, right? There’s no passion. There’s no spark, there’s nothing. There’s just David. And me. It’s like we’re not even an item. We’re just two separate people who meet up to ‘fuck’ and pretend there’s a relationship outside of that. Christ, what a fucking mess.” You slump back, deflated but feeling a lot better than you had a few minutes ago.
“You’re right,” Changkyun says, smirking. “He is boring.”
Your heart stutters as you interpret his response the wrong way, implying that Changkyun is more than capable of fulfilling everything your date lacks. But you can’t possibly think of your best friend that way. That was crossing too many lines, despite the fact that Changkyun had become the standard to which you held men up to. And David was sure not up to standard.
“He seriously turned down a blanket fort?” Jooheon questioned, peering around his phone.
You nod, a little sadly.
“You know what this calls for?” Changkyun rapidly taps his hands on the table top in a quiet drumroll.
“I can’t, I’m working.” Jooheon mutters.
“David won’t–”
“Y’all haven’t even heard what I’m gonna say!” His shoulders drop and his hands stop tapping. “And honestly, fuck that guy. Fuck his opinion and fuck what he has to say. I know he’s your boyfriend–”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You interrupt.
“–but I don’t like him. Just to be clear.”
“You and me both.” Jooheon adds.
There’s a pause before you finally voice aloud your true feelings. “Me three.”
Your phone rings and the caller ID displays his name. Plain and simple; no love hearts no emojis. No commitment. You decline but shoot him a text with the dreaded four words ‘we need to talk’.
“I need to go,” you sigh and stand up to gather your things, hugging each friend goodbye. Changkyun reaches down to embrace you and squeezes tight with affection, silently worried about how things will turn out for you. He starts to pull away but you hold onto him for a minute more, savouring his warmth and comfort.
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The week passes by, with little importance. The breakup had been easy, effortless and it had definitely affected him more than it had you. If anything, you feel liberated, no longer obliged to suppress parts of your character to please someone else. You feel good about the whole thing.
But it doesn’t help the feeling that tugs at your heart in the small hours, the loud thoughts that crash around in your head. Why is it so difficult to find someone who understands you? Why do all your dates end up less than expected or just simply incompatible?
Your phone jumps to life beside your keyboard and your hands freeze in midair. You save your work and close the window, getting up to answer the call elsewhere. “Kyun, I’m at work.”
“I know, I know,” he sounds a little out of breath. “I’m sorry. Are you free after work?”
“Well I mean, I had a date with Netflix and my ice cream tub so I don’t know...” you tease, a small smile working the corners of your mouth.
He laughs into the receiver. “Well how about Netflix and ice cream at mine?” If you’d known any better, you’d think he sounded nervous.
“Sure,” you agree, surprised. It had been a while since you’d spent time at his and a frisson of excitement courses along your skin at the thought of possibly being alone with him. “Is Jooheon coming?”
“I’ll call him but he’s been really busy these days. I’ll let you know.”
You thank him and say goodbye, wary about your unattended desk and how that might look should your boss walk through. But before you can hang up, Changkyun shouts into the phone, “Oh! And wear something comfy!”
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You arrive a lot earlier than expected, out of nerves or excitement, you can’t tell, fully kitted in sweats and a loose-fitting pullover. But Changkyun answers the door all the same, smiling broadly and sweeping you into a tight hug, before inviting you in. The place seems a bit dark, lights dimmed and blinds drawn before nightfall. You reach up to flick the light on as you slip your shoes off in the hallway, offering the bag of ice cream for Changkyun to take and freeze.
“You a vampire now? Why is it so dark in here?”
He immediately flicks it back off. “It’s a surprise.”
“You should know me by now. I hate surprises.” You mutter, following him into the kitchen. The door to the front room is closed, blocking your view and you grow more suspicious.
“I’ll freeze this for a bit before we bring it. We can dig into this instead.” He pulls out a sharing tub of chocolate fudge ice cream and places yours in the freezer.
“Sounds good,” you reply absently, heading towards the closed door. “Can I see what’s in there now. My curiosity is killing me.”
“Close your eyes.” He instructs, pulling out two spoons from the drawer and coming to stand behind you.
“No one’s gonna jump out at you, I promise.” He reassures you, thinking back to the many times he and Jooheon have pranked you.
“That’s what you said last time.” You remind him.
“I promise.”
“So Jooheon isn’t on the other side of that door, ready to pie me when I walk in?”
“He’s coming later, he’s on a late shift.” Changkyun seems genuine enough and despite his history of pranking you, you trust him.
“Fine.” You give in and close your eyes, letting his cold hand slip into yours.You try to ignore the way your heart picks up at the simple contact but he squeezes your palm reassuringly and without thinking, you squeeze back. He gently pulls you along instructing you to be careful where you place your feet, but you know the layout by heart. You hear the door open and squeeze your eyes shut tighter.
Just as promised, there was no one else here. You faintly hear the sound of trailers playing on the Netflix start screen, waiting for a movie to be selected. He closes the door behind him and lets go of your hand. You feel his presence leave and move elsewhere in the room, fabric rustling.
His voice is low and inviting as he instructs you to open your eyes. They flutter open and you blink several times to adjust to the low light – or lights. Several fairy lights are strung up around the room, glowing softly, giving the impression of lit candles. They wrap around the sofa and curl around the fort in the middle of the room–
The fort.
Changkyun lays inside, his long legs poking out from the makeshift entrance, his weight propped up on one elbow. The blankets are pulled over several pieces of arranged furniture to create a colourful canopy and countless cushions line the inside. He’d somehow moved his tv and draped more blankets across it so you could both watch movies inside, without having to cram around a small tablet screen and there was plenty of room in there for all three of you.
Your hands fly up to your chest as you take in the sight, the sheer effort he’d put in to create the perfect blanket fort... just for you. “This is... so much better than the one I made.”
He laughs, a sound so refreshing and so ebullient. You crawl in beside him, a wellspring of praise falling from your lips, complimenting each and every detail. You feel tears well up at the back of your eyes but hold them back. You don’t want to ruin the moment.
“I figured, you know... that you should... embrace the things that make you happy. And so what if it’s a childish thing? Some of my fondest memories have been in blanket and pillow forts.” He shrugs and tears the lid off the tub, tucking into the already soft ice cream, avoiding your gaze.
You nod in agreement and feel your throat tighten again. It’s only a simple thing, a simple act of kindness, yet it means so much more than he could possibly imagine. You’re lost for words as you stare at his profile, in the least subtle way. He notices and holds the tub towards you in offering.
But instead you lean in and plant a tender kiss to the corner of his mouth.
It’s tentative, yet daring, a toe over the line to test the waters. Though you don’t know what it is you’re supposedly testing. Your friendship? Your boundaries?
“Thank you,” you breathe, pulling away to sit up but his hand slowly threads itself in your hair, behind your head. He holds you there for what feels like forever, finally meeting your eyes and boring into them. They sparkle with questions, the reflections of the fairy lights masking the raw emotion behind them.
And so to answer the first of his many silent questions you lean in again, kissing him for the first time.
He’s hesitant but gentle, his lips soft and secure. You press deeper into the kiss, eager and sure, ready to speed things up. Your mind races a million miles per hour, your heart struggling to keep up. You feel light headed but his grip tightens in your hair, the sharp pull grounding you.
A little whimper escapes your mouth in response and Changkyun takes the opportunity to pry your mouth open wider, his tongue tracing along the swell of your bottom lip. You lightly nip at his own, your teeth grazing the pillowy flesh.
When you pull away this time, your chests heave in unison, deep and laboured breaths. You stare at each other, the air thick with something indescribable, static and heavy.
“I-I’m sorry,” he stutters and yanks his hand away, clenching it into a tight fist.
Your head spins and your eyes droop, your voice luculent and confident as you reply, “I’m not.”
“I want you.” And you surprise yourself with how easy it is to admit it, to say those exact words.
Things happen so fast, it all becomes a blur. Your lips had locked again and somewhere in the sinful chaos, your pullover had been shed, your sweats well on the way to joining it in a haphazard pile. Your hair splays all over the pillows behind you, framing your face like a halo and all Changkyun can do is marvel at how perfect you look.
“Safe word.” He says, almost breaking the mood.
“Huh?” You pant, trying to sort through the muddle of things in your head to make sense of what he’s saying.
“A safe word. You know, something you say if I do something that’s too much, or vise versa. I don’t want to hurt you... or make you uncomfortable.”
You think of all the possible things Changkyun could do to you, most of them probably requiring a safe word, and blush beneath him. “Uh– vanilla?”
He laughs breathlessly overhead at the irony which draws a shy smile from you. “Vanilla it is.” He groans before diving in and tenderly kissing a trail from your neck all the way down to your panties, his tongue swiping delicious circles on your skin. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
Those words, uttered in the most sincere way, have your whole body quivering in delight and wanton anticipation. Another whimper sounds at the back of your throat, your eyes transfixed on his head between your legs.
He doesn’t even bother taking them off, but pushes them to the side and dives right in. His tongue is warm, experienced as he licks a stripe between your folds, his plush lips suckling at your nub. You cry out at the direct contact, sparks of electric running up and down your spine. His thumb rubs little circles on your clit as his tongue dips into your entrance, the salacious sensations driving you wild.
“Oh god,” you whisper, your eyes squeezed shut as the familiar warmth gathers in the pit of your stomach. Your hands find themselves tangled in his chestnut brown locks, your back arching off the floor as you press him deeper into your core.
His tongue replaces his thumb on your clit and before you realise what’s happening, he plunges a finger inside you. He pumps in time to his mouth working wonders in between your folds and his groans against your pussy send you tumbling into oblivion.
Your hips buck up into his mouth, your cries rising in a steady crescendo. “Changkyun, I-I’m gonna cum–” your voice breaks on the last syllable, much like your self-control.
But he pulls out and away so suddenly, leaving you empty and cold and teetering on the edge of your peak.
“No,” you gasp, a sob escaping your chest in protest. “No.”
“Turn around.” His voice is dark, laden with authority you don’t dare disobey. You scramble on all fours, still dizzy with your denied climax. “You’re so beautiful. So perfect and all for me.”
You feel his hungry gaze crawl all over your body, head to toe, lingering on how pretty your pussy looks from this angle. He pulls his shirt over his head and shimmies out of his own sweats, but what you’re expecting doesn’t quite follow. Changkyun repositions himself on his knees and reaches forward to grab a fistful of your hair, tugging with a lot more force than before. His other hand snakes back into your core from behind, his fingers sinking deeper and deeper with every stroke.
Endless compliments and groans fall past his lips, watching as you fall apart with each passing second. His erection presses against the confines of his boxers, eager to spring free but not yet wanting to move on. He wants to explore you, devour you and savour every last part of you. He knows exactly which buttons to press and from the look in your eyes rolled back to look at him, he’s hitting every single one.
Your walls flutter dangerously around his fingers as his grip in your hair tightens, on the brink of your first orgasm. But you’re denied it a second time, tears pooling and threatening to spill over as you cry out loud again. “Changkyun, please!”
“Hm?” He pulls your head all the way back so your body is flush with his, his cock pressing into the back of your thigh. Had it not been for the cushions and blankets lining the floor, your knees would’ve given in. His lips graze your ear, a cold shiver rippling across your skin. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
His fingers pry your lips apart, the pads pressing onto your tongue, letting you taste your essence. You bite down gently on his fingers and he hisses again in your ear. “I can’t let you cum, baby. Not yet. Not like this.”
His hands fall from your hair and your mouth, finally freeing himself from his underwear. His fingers rush, almost clumsily, to pull your panties down, leaving them around your knees. He slips his member between your legs, sliding back and forth between your folds, coating his cock in your arousal.
“You feel so fucking good, y/n,” he groans deep in your ear, nibbling at your lobe. “So fucking good for me.” He gently lowers you back down to all fours, his hand pressing your head into the pillows, before slipping inside you.
You both sigh in content as he pulls out and thrusts back in, fully sheathing himself within you. The pace begins torturously slow before he begins to speed up, his hips eventually pistoning in and out of you relentlessly.
Your cries of pleasure make his head spin with fulfilled desire but only eggs him on to pleasure you further, not stopping until you’re a whimpering, shaking wreck beneath him. The sound of skin against skin sounds terribly out of place in a setting as sweet as this but you’re incapable of feeling any sort of shame or remorse when Changkyun is buried this deep inside you.
He twists one of your arms behind your back, the other hand tightly gripping your waist, pulling you back to meet every thrust. “You’re so tight, baby. I can feel every inch of you.”
He leans forward slightly and rolls a pebbled nipple between his thumb and finger, the sensation directly arousing your clit. The head of his cock finds the little magic spot within, and with every hit, you climb closer and closer to your previously denied release. “I can’t– I need to cum!”
Changkyun grunts, in acknowledgement or effort, you don’t know, and pulls out, flipping you over onto your back in one swift motion. “Not yet,” he rips the panties off and around your ankles before plunging back into you, one leg thrown over his shoulder.
He leans forward on his forearms, his nose inches away from yours, the soft light illuminating his striking features. His lips find yours again and this time it’s frantic and frenzied, completely lustful and and crazed, needing to feel and taste each other.
You gaze with glassy eyes into his and never before had you felt so at home. Your throat constricts with emotion as you grasp his face between your palms and savour every thrust, every touch and caress. And in the moment, with pent up feelings and a desperate need to to cum directing your thoughts, you utter those forbidden three words. “I love you.”
It wasn’t a complete sex-crazed confession. You do love him and had done for many years, though not in this way. It was a deep fondness that extended the realms of friendship, a fondness you had misinterpreted. Because Changkyun, was in every way, perfect for you.
“Fuck,” his jaw clenches as he holds himself back. “Say it again.”
“I love you, Changkyun,” you gasp as his rhythm changes, sharp and intermittent. “Please, I–”
He cuts you off, crashing his lips down on yours and lets your leg fall to wrap around his waist. The final sprint, you cant your hips up into him to meet in the middle, blubbering and babbling, a sobbing mess. You feel a mixture of your essence and his spit from before seep into the blankets below as he glides in and out of your sopping heat.
“I-I’m cumming,” you cry, loud enough for the whole street to hear. “God, Kyun, I’m cumming–”
He buries his head into the crook of your neck, suckling bruises into your skin, his sweat mixing with your own. Finally, the heat in your stomach unfurls and explodes, your core furiously clenching around his cock. After so many denials, your first orgasm is so strong it’s almost painful, blissful sobs wracking your frame.
You hold onto him for dear life as he grunts at the feeling, his pace relentless and unforgiving, the tip of his cock hitting your sensitive spot within. The overstimulation is almost too much to bear but beneath the slight discomfort and pain, you feel the promise of a second, continuous orgasm.
“Kyun, please–!” His hand comes up and quickly wraps around your throat, gently squeezing as you ride out your second climax.
“Baby, I’m– oh god, baby, I’m gonna cum for you,” his voice in your ear rises several octaves, his whines and whimpers getting you off even more. “You ready for me, baby?”
He feels your hair brush against his cheek as you nod and bites down on your neck as he thrusts  sharply once, twice into your core, sighing loudly and letting go of a breath he didn’t even know he’d been holding, as he releases inside you, his cock twitching. He whimpers sweet nothings into your ear, your name falling from his lips like a blessing as he tries to catch his breath back.
He starts to pull away before you feel uncomfortable but you hold him in place, not wanting to be apart for now. Even holding still inside you proves to be too much, your fluttering and clenching walls overstimulating his softening member.
Changkyun knocks his forehead against yours, closing his eyes and inhaling your scent. He smooths your hair back away from your face and pulls back a little to look you in the eyes. “I love you too.”
The two of you stay as one, staring into each other’s souls, connecting on another level. This must be heaven, you think, the soft lights glowing around you in your little sanctuary. Your legs wrap around his waist and pull him deeper into you, afraid of letting go.
“I–” Changkyun is cut off by his phone ringing, shattering the delicate world the two of you had so arduously built. “Shit. I’m sorry.” He glances at you sheepishly.
“It’s ok,” you blush and almost wince as he slowly pulls out, his cum seeping out and soiling the blankets even further.
He scrambles for his phone and answers breathlessly, “Hello?”
You hear Jooheon on the other end, catching a word here and there.
“Uh– no, I– don’t think so. Rain check?” Changkyun glances at you again, this time with a glint of mischief. “Sure, I’ll let her know. Ok... bye.”
You open your mouth to ask about the conversation but something else occupies the forefront of your mind. “Kyun?”
He lays behind you, holding you flush to his chest. “Yeah?”
“How did you know...” you cover your face in embarrassment, but continue nevertheless. “How did you know... what things I like?”
You feel his heart thud in response before he answers. “I, uh–” he clears his throat. “I may have seen a certain page of your diary.”
“Kyun!” You turn around, your mouth agape with a mortified expression plastered all over your features.
“It was an accident, I swear!” He laces his hand through yours and apologises, kissing your nose. “It was a long time ago. I made sure to forget... until now...” his cheeks light up again and you giggle, high on euphoria.
“I should’ve added ice cream to that list.” You quip with an impish smirk.
He hoists your leg over his waist, his large hand squeezing your thigh. “Well, you know, it’s never too late to amend it.”
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choco-mark · 4 years
Dreamies reaction to being your roommate or how they would be your roommate? idk if that makes sense..tyyy💖
scenario: nct dream as your roommate
concerned roommate
was really shy when he first met you + when you moved in he was all like making sure to give you space and gave you a little tour of the apartment and even told you a little bit about himself which you found really cute
you thought it would be IMPOSSIBLE to break him out of his barrier but he eventually did but damn can this boy be WILD
you don’t let him cook because the last time you left your water boiling and asked him to watch it while you went to the bathroom, it ended up on him, yeah you had to tend to his burned skin even though he insisted HE WAS FINE
gets along well with your friends, though they find him kinda hot and ask you why you haven’t gotten laid yet and orders food for them when they’re over (generous bby 🥺)
and at school??? y’all both go to the same uni so bUs riDes but y’all don’t really see each other THAT much but when it does happen, all the dreamies tease him like you’re his girlfriend and you get all flustered as if y’all are actually dating
y’all know well as hell when y’all go out, y’all be sharing the little crappy earbuds on the bus and listening to some r&b + he loves it when you fall asleep on his shoulder but makes fun of you later
falls asleep everywhere and i mean EVERYWHERE, you name it, the horrible excuse of a kitchen, the bathroom, and you even found him in your own room once which led to some TALKS
does the dishes whenever you want him to and doesn’t really care for chores (?) like he doesn’t want to bother you so like he just does them for the sake of the apartment
y’all are mutually afraid of your landlord, who once came banging at y’alls door at 5 in the morning on a monday and you thought you were gonna be robbed but it was just your feisty landlord who had returned from their trip to australia
breaks things A LOT, and i feel like he would try and cover them up if it’s not that big of a deal like ‘mark, why’s there glass in the garbage’ ‘i, um, broke it’ but you know he breaks shit all the time bc that’s the fifth glass
hangs out with you in the living room even if y’all are doing your own thing but you both feel comfortable just feeling the presence of each other
goes shopping for groceries without you, forgets what y’all actually need, and calls you like fifty times (you make him come with you now)
i don’t think mark would really do pranks on you but he might like try and scare you randomly and you being the paranoid babe you are get all jumpy and ‘MARK!!’
has a crush on you but doesn’t know it himself until you get sick one day since you walked home in the rain and he takes care of you and gets all worried (uwu) and then is like ‘OH SHIT’
you fall asleep on the couch while having (rare) movie nights with him, and kinda wants to carry you to your room after the movie’s over but also doesn’t know if he should and has a mental break but you wake up and leave yourself
realizes that he’s falling for you more and more everyday and seems to like your lips a lot more too
you don’t realize that you’re slowly starting to like him too but every time your friends talk about guys and dating you immediately think of mark (uwu bc y’all are besties)
mark finally asks you out on a day in the summer but he’s super nervous and fidgety that you kinda thought he was gonna break some big bad news to you like ‘i’m moving out’
but he actually asks you to date him and you’re like shocked for a bit just sitting there with your ice cream tub in front of the tv watching tom and jerry and he thinks you’re about to reject him before you nod rapidly
literally no one is fazed when y’all announce it to your friends, and they all saw it coming (hyuck and chenle had a bet on who would ask who out and hyuck won a whole 45 dollars)
responsible roommate
let’s be real, y’all did not get along when y’all first moved in together
renjun was literally the polar opposite of you, liking his space and reading and painting an awful lot, well he’s a fine arts major so, while you’re a little more on the extroverted side, inviting your loud friends over often
y’all had a fight like two days after he moved in about you always having friends over and then being loud and you try defending yourself but you kinda make a fool out of yourself because sweetie is right
a week of so after that you actually think about moving out because you think he like HATES YOUR GUTS and you kinda don’t talk to him at all for a bit
he feels bad after a while seeing you come home and just lock yourself in your room for like…the entire day before you get up early in the morning and leave + wants to make amends but his ego’s too big
ends up just cutting fresh fruit for you around like 2am since you were up doing work (with a frustrated brain) but accidentally walks in on you changing and drops the fruit all on the ground
you swear you’ve never seen a boy so RED before (or have you seen him apologize before) and he literally just STANDS THERE before closing the door
rethinks his entire life on what the HELL he just saw, and why he liked it so much but comes in after you tell him too (you’re kinda embarrassed too, you know, seeing the pretty pink undies hehe)
you apologize first about your friends and stuff though he feels bad for just yelling at you about it rather than like, talking like a normal person and he just is like ‘fancy some fruit?’
yeah, y’all kinda get closer after that, and he even lets you into his room (which was OFF LIMITS before), and you get to see his artwork which is wow phenomenal
y’all cook together and make it like it’s some kind of vlog (though y’all suck at that shit, so it’s just fake youtube), and the food ends up like pretty decent at the end
he doesn’t go to the same uni as you, but since you don’t leave early in the morning anymore, y’all walk together until you have to part ways
renjun has the dreamies over VERY RARELY but he goes out to their apartments often, he won’t admit it but he doesn’t want donghyuck to meet you because you might fall in love with him like everyone else seemed to
donghyuck does meet you though, and it’s safe to say that his flirting did not work on you! which was surprisingly relieving to renjun, and he didn’t even realize he was so relieved that you didn’t give a shit
you now only have your friends over whenever renjun’s not there just for the sake of him, but you usually go out instead too so…sometimes there’s an empty house bc y’all are way too considerate for each other
once you met him on your way back from your friend’s and it was like the spider-man meme like ‘boy, i left because of you’ and vice versa
there isn’t really a big hassle on chores in your apartment unless either of your families are coming for a visit because then it is..like renovating time
‘just take the couch out of the living room, it looks ugly’ + “bitch, where tf are they gonna sit then??’
he once got clothing stuck in the bottom of the washing machine and it was WALKING (i’m not kidding guys, this shit happens) + y’all had to call your landlord who wasn’t too happy
and talk about escalating the relationship..y’all are practically best friends by now even though you both are literal opposites
he doesn’t really ask you out like at all but gets all emotionally defensive when you’re about to go on a blind date that one of your friends set up for you
‘just go with me’
and you’re like…babe that’s not how it works but eventually you get the message (after a while) and you’re like ‘oh, you mean you actually want to go with me’
ends up taking you to the same cafe you were supposed to meet the other guy at and buys you food for the first time but kisses you with a spontaneous burst of confidence
but then it’s all flustered renjun™
feisty roommate
moved in with you bc you both are best friends and thought that y’all had ENOUGH time living in dorms on campus at uni
you literally don’t know how to deal with him at first because this boy is a messy mf and leaves everything everywhere which gets you all riled up
eventually you just threaten to throw his computer out the window if he doesn’t do the goddamn dishes once this semester and does them in fear
it worked the first few times but he saw it coming after a while and just threatened to throw you out the window, while holding half your body out of the fifth floor window
let’s just say the neighbors probably thought you were being abused from your screams, and it was proven when cops showed up at your doorstep about an hour later
that was probably the most terrifying and awkward conversation you had ever had with someone, even though it was mostly jeno talking to them while you were standing slightly behind him with your hand on the sleeve of his jacket
they eventually left and you almost cried because you were so scared you were gonna get arrested for no reason, and because you were too broke to bail yourself out of a jail and jeno was like ‘yeah it happens’
well, he didn’t hold you out of a window again, that was for sure but he made sure to take his time out of playing games and doing work to do some chores so you wouldn’t be doing all of them
jeno doesn’t mind your friends over, though he hates it when one of them try to hit on him even as a joke, and the last time that happened, you ended up just kicking her out because you were so fed up
dreamies come over pretty often actually, and raid your kitchen too which is sad because your stock of cheap alcohol is gone is less than a few minutes
they once all ended up drunk and on the floor of your living room except for jisung, who had been forbidden to drink, and you ended playing cards with him for like two hours before jeno dragged him out of your room
he didn’t invite them over for a month after that because he thought jisung hit on you (the literal high schooler, smh) but didn’t tell you that so you just thought he was mad at them
takes you clothing shopping with him because he has no fashion sense and doesn’t want to admit it to jaemin but you both usually end up at a fast food restaurant eating fries
you both are allergic to cats, but he has three and they’ve grown on you
cooking is usually rare in your apartment, but there always seem to be so many FUCKING DISHES, jeno usually just orders food for the both of you over weekends and breaks while slowly realizing he’s gonna go into debt if he keeps buying sm food
you start playing overwatch because him (which actually just started out as you being curious on how to play) and now you’re hooked, and he’s jealous because you’re actually good
ends up fighting for his computer back because you kept using it, but let you for a while bc he kinda found it cute seeing you sitting in his huge gaming chair wearing oversized clothing and battling like a boss
he doesn’t regret ever moving in with you bc it’s earned him some very interesting experiences that he couldn’t really trade for the world
his heart does a thing when he finds you asleep at his desk past midnight, and isn’t really sure if he should wake you up or not but ends up tucking you into his bed and he takes home on the couch
anyway the couch was fucking COLD but you woke up literally in his scent, and damn were you confused but you found him in the living room under a thin blanket
yeah, you scold him for that because he catches a cold and he’s a whole baby when he’s sick
okay, he’s like barely sick but he’d be like ‘y/n help me, i can’t get up’ and you get all worried bc he looks so tired but he just wants the care (evil jeno hehe)
you feel bad bc it was kinda your fault that he had to sleep on the couch and you apologize while bringing him food and stuff and his heart does a thing again and he’s like..this is my best friend, i’m a fucking idiot
yeah but he’s in love with you, it’s just a matter of time before one of you confessed
bratty roommate
hyper king who was the pretty but loud boy in one of your classes + he asked you to move in with him when he overheard you talking to a friend about needed to move out of the dorm
he didn’t actually think you’d take him seriously, but is glad because he has a bit of a crush on you and is planning on making you fall for him
you know the drill already though, he’s the guy that everyone falls for, so you’re determined not to!!
donghyuck is the definition of a brat, and pulls pranks on you constantly which you always innocently fall for, marking his happiness
you get him back though, filling his shampoo bottle with hair dye that he actually falls for (and you know it from the screech that comes from the bathroom around 3am)
but you’re back in class and he looks like a hot mf with this silver hair, making you regret the fact that you bought silver instead of red
donghyuck actually falls harder and harder for you though, though he’s trying to keep up his whole playboy fanatic and it’s getting hard for you
he sucks at basic things though, and runs away when you tell him it’s his turn to do the dishes (like, he runs out of the apartment)
dreamies are over, but not that much, you kinda think chenle and renjun hate your guts from the way they always eye you (also since you don’t hesitate to kick their asses out)
donghyuck prefers going out too, and planning very intricately how to make your life more miserable!!
is good at cooking but he’s too flirty to actually get anything done without you threatening to stab his eyes out
overheard you complaining to your friend one day over the phone about how hyuck is such a nuisance and basically you’re thinking about moving out because he’s so fucking HARD to live with
gets a little sad knowing that you just see him as annoying and tones down his bratty behavior to a record breaking low (i swear, it’s almost impossible) and you think he’s possessed
comes home one day to you watching a horror movie in the living room with the lights off and you get frightened out of your wits and even start crying
he’s like ‘fuck’ and thinks you’re hurt or something and gets all cuddly and is like ‘babe, what’s wrong??? who hurt you??’
ends up finding out you’re drunk, because you kept sobbing loudly about the guy that stood you up for a date and from the half empty vodka bottle
gets kinda pissed that someone really stood you up which caused you to drink away your feelings (well, you had other issues as well, but the date was a main component) and he’s actually genuinely worried
tries to get you water when you start coughing but you just cling onto him and tell him not to go away and he swears his heart stopped from the way you looked at him with pleading eyes and a pout
‘i’ll never leave you’
pretty sure he’s in love with you by the next day, and doesn’t fail to let you know by trying to flirt very successfully but you just think it’s hyuck back with his antics again
yeah, it’s not, sweetie’s in love with you and you finally get it!! after a really long time because you have trust issues and hyuck seemed to flirt with everyone before, though now…it happened only with you..wow??
he doesn’t ask you out, and kinda thinks that’s overrated so he just kisses you and well you like it
sweetheart roommate
jaemin is the bestest boy on this planet, no one can tell me otherwise
though you guys moved in together because of a roommate switch up with your landlord, you two didn’t really mind it all that much bc y’all got along well!!
the two of you have a pretty calm and very ‘roommate’ kind of relationship because it takes both you a little while to break out of your shells a little bit
it took you a both a month, but the respectfulness of ‘no, i’ll do the dishes’ turned to a more of a friendship at first, though jaemin would admit he saw you as a little more than that, a best friend!!
has a daily order of coffee to your apartment three times a day and offered you a sip once and you could’ve sworn it was the liquified version of the souls in hell
he cooks for you 🥺 mainly because he trusted you next to a stove and ended up regretting it so
y’all go to the same uni too, so the walks there aren’t silent anymore!! before, it was just a side-by-side walk while you both had earbuds in
now that the two of you were closer, he basically treated you like you were his girlfriend and the dreamies didn’t fail to notice that
has a habit of pecking your cheek as a goodbye, which hyuck sees and is like ‘friends don’t do that!!!’ and jaemin’s like ‘we aren’t friends, we’re more than that.’
he meant y’all were BEST FRIENDS but hyuck now thought you two were fucking behind closed doors and made sure to mention it to all the dreamies too
yeah, jaemin doesn’t have hyuck over anymore, if anyone, it’s usually jeno or jisung who are usually more considerate on the fact that you live there and don’t bother you
your parents came to visit one day and fell in love with jaemin, especially your mom, who told you that he is husband material, well she’s not wrong.
bought you colored pencils after you lost all of them at uni, and got really hyped seeing how happy you were because of that and bought you a lotta stuff after that
like it wouldn’t even be planned, like he’d see something while shopping and would be like…’yes this is SO y/n’ and ends up buying it for you 
people at uni probably think y’all are married from the way y’all argue about socks being left all over the apartment, which usually leads to one of you feeling bad and apologizing to the other
helps you with homework and even offers to write your essays when your sick or not in the mood, though he refuses your help like it’s second nature because he doesn’t want to ‘bother you’
doesn’t even realize he’s in love with you until jeno jokingly says he wants to ask you out and he gets all stiff and is straight up like ‘no, bro, that’s not cool’
ends up asking you out because he’s scared one of the dreamies would do it before him and you say no at first because you think he’s high or some shit but he’s being real
yeah and then the fucking behind closed doors becomes a reality
dumbass roommate
i’m not kidding, he blasts music at 4am thinking that you’re asleep and you ARE until you hear the music
the apartment is HUGE, it belongs to him, but put out the second room for low rent because he was lonely and tbh it was a pretty good size for the price
you thought he was a little annoying at first because the dreamies would literally be over all the fucking time because they were in love with the apartment, and both of y’all just didn’t along with each other’s friends
well, you just avoided them interacting with him because he was kinda a lil embarrassing at first, and you thought he was immature (he’s only a year younger though…)
he’s really passionate about music though, and has a wholeass piano in the corner of the living room that you’re not allowed to touch, but you’re so fucking tempted to
can’t do any chores for shit, and doesn’t really try until he sees you washing the dishes and is like ‘this is no good’ and hires a cleaning lady, he doesn’t make you pay extra though, which makes you happy
accidentally used your perfume instead of his own for about a week and smelled like vanilla all day everyday until you noticed that he was the reason why the bottle was disappearing liquid by the day
took you to an arcade when you were really stressed one day and this boy is competitive, so that was a whole RIDE but it was fun to actually hang out with him without arguing or starting a roommate war
yeah, y’all had a whole roommate war, if he was gonna blast music, you were gonna do it too and no one could complain to the landlord because the place literally belongs to him
watches movies with you, even the weird cheesy ones which he usually just makes stupid comments on, or even horror movies where he’s like…‘this bitch asked for death, so she’s gonna get it’
pranks you but not really badly, knows you’re scared of spiders and buys a bunch of plastic ones and puts them in the cupboards to hear you scream in fear in the morning 
the cops showed up at your door too because the neighbors complained about noise, but you both had fallen asleep in the living room before they nearly threatened to break down the door and chenle woke up
dreamies tease him about you as well (like their bitchasses will), but they don’t really think anything’s gonna happen because you’re older but that is WRONG
y’all both have different tastes when it comes to food, but he still manages to take everything you buy for yourself even though he’s the rich one
teaches you how to play the piano one day and his heart does a thing when you lean your head on his shoulder for a brief second, babe thinks he’s falling for you
which is right, and he’s pretty obvious about it like you’d be just cooking wearing some sweats and he’d be creepily watching from the living room thinking you’re gorgeous and you’re like ‘tf is wrong with you, headass’
yeah, it takes him a while to confess because he’s nervous and doesn’t really have much experience in this kinda field (asks jisung too, but that boy literally knows less than him so)
tries to be all romantic with food and shit but he makes a mess and you find it frustratingly cute and judging from the way he was looking at you, you thought he was about to pull out a million dollar ring and propose to you
cutie roommate
you both moved out of your parent’s houses senior year even though y’all hadn’t even graduated yet, but you didn’t think you could deal living with your four silblings and parents for another year
y’all are best friends, and probably do everything together too unless one of you are under a lot of stress because of school work (which might lead to a soft night of like, building forts or movies)
jisung is a mESSY PERSON but y’all clean together, like if it’s time to do the dishes, y’all are doing that together, one person washes while the other ones dries or even cleaning the living room, like y’all have designated cleaning days
you both have your friends over pretty rarely since it’s y’alls dorm uwu, not theirs and you know hell as well all they gonna be doing is stealing food
wears your clothes but by accident, like you might’ve mixed in a shirt or two along with his laundry and he’s wondering why tf it’s so fucking tight on him but still wears it until you’re like…jisung what the fuck
gives it back to you but it’s all stretched out now so :( but he lets you wear his sweatshirts!! 
there’s a nice lil rooftop to the dorm that no one really seems to use other than you two, but y’all usually go up there to escape from the real world, like you come home and sungie isn’t there, check the roof! he’s probably crying his eyes out!!
just kidding, jisung doesn’t cry, he’s a tough baby
all jokes aside, you both stress over exams and classes together, and drink a hell of a lot of coffee too (the machine broke one week, and y’all were too broke to buy another one immediately so y’all saved up while dying inside)
cooking…doesn’t really happen though there is a kitchen, maybe if the dreamies are over and renjun’s in charge, but other than that, y’alls parents send you food or you order stuff
you get a part-time job after a while bc you don’t wanna bother your parents and you come home at like 10pm and babe is already so worried since you didn’t pick up the whole and begs you to quit
you don’t, but he starts working too and you both suffer together!!
y’all have a surprisingly clean apartment, but jisung’s room is another dimension that you cleaned one day he was out for work
he came back and walked into his room, and almost walked out because he genuinely thought he walked into the wrong dorm until he sees you
this boy sleeps everywhere too, but everywhere he’s not supposed to sleep, under the carpet in the living room, in the bathtub, even out on the balcony in the summer once and you thought he died in the morning
you both take walks in the neighborhood together on the weekends, like scheduled regularly occurring walks that even the old lady next to the chinese place says hi to you on saturdays
y’all aren’t even sure when it turned from a friendship to a relationship, though you’re pretty sure it was because of a petty fight over school or something that just lead to him confessing very loudly
it was kinda scary hearing him shout but y’all both realize what he just said and…damn
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ve1vetyoongi · 5 years
Operation: Love Letters | 06
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♡ ⇢ pairing: ot7 x reader.
♡ ⇢ chapter word count: 4k
♡ ⇢ genre: mystery, college!au, romance, fluff, eventual smut.
♡ ⇢ warnings/rating: none, PG.
♡ ⇢ summary: When every student on campus is going crazy about a survey that claims to make true love bloom, your best friend manages to convince you to join in on the fun — except you’re disappointed to find out that your results just seem to be lost causes. That is until a love letter from a mysterious secret admirer turns up and you find yourself on a mission to find the person behind the pen — but you quickly realise it’s going to be a lot harder than you initially thought when you have 7 possible bachelors to investigate, right? Operation: Love Letters a-go!
♡ ⇢ schedule: updated every day at 5pm GMT in the run up to Valentine’s Day 2020!
💌 A/N: so here it is! the finale of OLL :,( i’m immensely sad to see it come to an end but also so so proud of it! just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone who screamed with me in my inbox/replies over the mystery and everyone who theorized and discussed the clues, it made me SO FREAKING HAPPY you’ll never understand <3 i love you and i hope you guys have an amazing valentines day!! let this be my gift to you! p.s i hope the reveal is satisfying...lemme know! 
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"Yoongi?" You splutter, mouth dry when you turn and find him leaning against the door frame with a confused expression. "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you guys the same thing." He gestures between yourself and Jimin. "I saw you guys come in here earlier and wanted to see what was up. Now answer my question." He points to the laptop. "What is my name doing on the screen?"
"Is it true?"
"What? That my name is Min Yoongi, yeah—"
"Don't be an asshole right now, Yoongi." He jolts when you slam a hand down against the desk, swallowing hard to force the sour words to leave your lips. "Is it true that you knew we got matched in the Love Calculator?"
He sucks in a sharp breath and it's like the whole room has been drained of oxygen. "How did you find out?"
His admission makes your stomach drop and you're suddenly overcome with a sorrowful concoction of humiliation and heartbreak. "Because it was you who sent me all those letters, right? It was you all along."
"Y/N let me explain—"
"How could you?" Your voice wavers and you have to bite back the tears welling in your eyes. "Was it just some big joke to you? A prank?"
"That's not how it is." Yoongi rushes forward to reach for you, but his hands fall to his side helplessly when you step back. "It was never like that."
"What? So I'm supposed to believe that you meant what you said in these stupid letters? You're always so cold around me Yoongi, you treat me like shit at the best of times. Why should I believe you?"
"I'm sorry." Yoongi's own lip trembles now, and his eyes are wide. "I...I don't know what else to say."
"Sorry because I'm so undateable you had to lead me on so you could laugh at me while I searched for my fucking non-existent secret admirer this whole time?" He looks pained when you stare at him with cold eyes. "Not cool, Yoongi."
"Y/N wait! Let's talk about this at least—"
"Don't bother." Hot tears spill down your cheeks but you're already rushing out into the hall before anyone can see them. "We're never talking ever again."
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"Tell me why I should listen to what you have to say?" Jimin says as he slides into a seat opposite Yoongi at the local coffee shop, turning his nose up at the matcha-soy-latte-no-ice he had already ordered for him. "My best friend is locked in my apartment eating ice cream and crying to re-runs of Friends after you just dropped the bomb of the century on her and you've dragged me out here to get coffee why?"
"Please." Yoongi sighs, jerking forward in his seat and spilling coffee on the table in his attempt to stop Jimin from getting up and leaving as quick as he arrived. "Just hear me out!"
"Fine." Jimin leans back into his seat with narrowed eyes, crossing his legs and gesturing for Yoongi to talk as he eyes up the latte after all. "I'm listening."
"The letters weren't a joke." Yoongi says simply. "I meant what I said."
Jimin chokes mid sip. "Come again?"
"I said, the love letters were real. I really have feelings for Y/N." He rakes a hand through his hair, cheeks burning when he sees Jimin's disbelieving eyes.
"Well damn," Jimin shakes his head woefully, finally understanding Yoongi's true predicament. "You royally fucked up, huh?"
"I know." Yoongi's shoulders drop and his head falls into his hands pitifully. "I didn't mean for things to turn out like this, Jimin. She was never meant to find out this way. Or at all, actually."
Jimin let's out a sigh, protective best friend guard softening as he leans in closer. "Why didn't you just tell her they were from you in the first place?"
Yoongi shakes his head, bottom lip tugged between his teeth, self loathing evident in his voice. "I don't know. It was dumb and I see that now and she'll probably never want to speak to me again so that's it I guess."
"Hey." Jimin extends a hand to pat Yoongi's arm reassuringly. "There's still time to make things right. You both did things you didn't mean. You just have to clear up the misunderstanding."
Yoongi looks up hopefully. "You really think she'll hear me out?"
"Absolutely." Jimin smiles. "Besides, I've always thought you two would be a good match. A girl needs a man who can tolerate her best friend, too."
"Who says I tolerate you?" Yoongi grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest and averting his eyes.
"Me, because I'm about to save your ass." He grabs his phone from his back pocket and dials up your number, lifting the device to his ear as he points to the exit. "Now go! You have a relationship to save!"
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There's no answer from your roommate when you throw off your shoes and rush up the stairs of your apartment without even bothering to shut the door behind you, out of breath and desperate to confront him before you go crazy with the concoction of shock and realisation buzzing through your veins, as the puzzle pieces of Operation Love Letters finally fit together and you let the truth sink in.
Min Yoongi is your secret admirer. And deep down, you think a part of you knew it all along.
Jimin had called you from the car after his talk with Yoongi to fill you in, practically yelling at you to go make things right immediately, so that's how you find yourself searching your apartment high and low for Min Yoongi.
You've lived together for so long that you're used to hearing the sound of him throwing beats around on his computer in the lounge or cooking up a storm in the kitchen when you get home, but the couch is absent of his usual pyjama clad presence and the abnormal silence that shrouds your shared apartment makes your chest tighten with nerves.
Maybe he was just asleep? Nothing would surprise you. The guy needed at least 13 hours to function, so you check his room first.
"Are you in here?" You knock his door three times, but end up barging inside of your own accord when you hear no groan of protest from the other side. Much to your disappointment, Yoongi's bedspread is neatly made, with no human-shaped lump starfished in the centre like usual. His laptop is switched off on his desk, music equipment abandoned beside it and defeat feels like a blow to the stomach when you finally accept that Yoongi is no where to be found.
You perch on the end of his bed and let your eyes drift around the room, from the pile of laundry in the corner to the Polaroid pictures of the two of you pinned to his wall. Could Yoongi really have been your secret admirer this whole time?
Now that you think about it, Yoongi has always been there. Whether it was comforting you after Hoseok blew you off, taking care of you at Seokjin's party or saving you from Taehyung's clumsy ass at the kissing booth, Yoongi was always the one person who stuck by your side no matter what.
You think of all the times Yoongi was there to hold your hair back when you drank yourself sick or how he picked up Chinese food on his way home when he heard you had a bad day or how he never complained when he had to take cold showers because you used up all the hot water.
Yoongi always loved you, in his own way; through quiet late night words of reassurance and small actions of kindness that you ignorantly put down to obligation, rather than a spark that ran deeper for Yoongi than you ever realised before. Whenever you needed him he was there, despite the half assed protests and the grumpy facade he pretends to uphold.
Even while you were too busy pursuing a stupid fairytale to see that the person who cared for you most was right in front of you, Yoongi loved you. And It didn't matter how many clues you followed. You were just too blind to see the truth all along.
Guilt suddenly wracks your conscience. The Yoongi who wrote those letters was so gentle, so sincere in his confession. You can't imagine how much it must have hurt him to watch you write him off so easily, see you run around searching for the author when he was in plain sight the whole time.
God, how could you have been so dumb?
You get up from the bed, ready to head out, but something catches your eye on his nightstand. It's another enveloped letter and you're unsurprised to see your name on the front in Yoongi's stupid pink pen when you take a deep breath and break the seal with your thumb.
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A tear slides down your cheek as you re-read the same three words Yoongi wrote in his messy scrawl over and over again. I love you.
Could it be true? That all this time you've been blind to what was right in front of you?
You know where to find me...
You wipe your cheeks with the back of your hand and wrack your brains for an answer. What could he mean by that? Where was he waiting for you?
Squeezing your eyes shut in thought, you flop onto the bed, only to hear a quiet crunch where your butt collides with the mattress. A memory flashes across your mind and with shaky hands you retrieve the screwed up sticky note from your back pocket that your secret admirer — Yoongi — pressed into your hand at the kissing booth.
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You check your watch. 11:55. If you left now, you could just make it in time to stop Yoongi from giving up on you. To open your eyes and see the real him for the first time.
But not before you flip the page and rip the cap off a pen with your teeth, letting your heart pour out through your fingertips in a string of words that were ready to be written now you finally knew who your heart had been addressed to all along.
Without a second thought, you grab your keys and head towards the roof with a belly full of butterflies to see the one person you should have suspected all along.
Min Yoongi.
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"Shit, shit, shit!" You breathe as you grip the stitch in your side and bound up another flight of stairs towards the rooftop garden.
As if in slow motion, you crash through the door and squint through the orange glow of the setting sun for the familiar face you hadn't realised just how much you cherished until you were faced with losing it forever.
Your hands grip the metal balcony rail, glancing around at the hanging baskets of fragrant wild flowers that sway in the afternoon breeze and the sun's golden reflection in the water fountains where tiny birds splash their wings. The garden is like a fairytale, an almost enchanted escape from the bustling city below.
But there's no sign of your prince. No sign of Yoongi to be found. Are you too late?
You're about to give up when a wind chime rings out nearby, and you follow its song beneath an arch obscured by leafy rose plants and sweet smelling jasmine to a hidden wooden swing that rocks gently back and forth to a stand still, occupied only moments ago by the boy who rakes a hand through his blonde hair with a sigh and heads towards the steps with a pained expression of defeat.
Yoongi. Your Yoongi.
"I came!" You call out breathlessly, hair whipping around your face in the wind. "Please don't go. I'm here."
Yoongi freezes when he hears your voice, head slowly turning until his eyes land on where you stand watching him. There's a bouquet of vibrant sunflowers in his hands, his knuckles white he clutches them so hard, a sigh of simultaneous relief and elation leaving him when he realises he isn't seeing things. You're really here. All for him this time.
"I waited for ages." He swallows hard, voice a tender whisper. "I thought you weren't coming."
Hesitantly, you take a few steps towards him. He seems so fragile now as he looks at you with wide eyes, no trace of the tough guy you were used in their stare. "I'm late because I'm an asshole. And I don't just mean late to meet you here, I mean late to seeing that...it was you all along. You were my secret admirer."
"Don't be an idiot." Yoongi laughs pitifully and shakes his head, scuffing his shoe against the tarmac. "I'm the asshole. It's just like you said. I couldn't confess to you in person so I hid behind letters like a coward."
You reach out to gently take his face in your hands, a small smile tugging at your lips. "It's okay, Yoongi. We both messed up, but we're here now. We're both here. And that's all that matters."
Yoongi's eyes light up with a mixture of relief and elation, glinting in the soft amber light. "Really?"
"Really." You nod, and Yoongi pulls you tight to his chest, your cheek right above where his heart beats uncontrollably just like yours, chin pressed to the top of your head like he never wants to let you go. His embrace feels comforting, like home, and in that moment you realise just how right it feels.
"There were just all these things I wanted to say and I...I couldn't." He whispers into your hair. "I'm so sorry I couldn't."
"Like what?" Your arms curl around his waist and you feel him smile. "Tell me now."
Yoongi pulls back to search your eyes for any sign of hesitation, then wets his lips before words spill out of him on the wave of a harmonious laugh of relief, like he can't hold them inside any longer.
"I wanted to tell you how much I love it when you steal my hoodies from the laundry basket. And when I come downstairs to find you dancing around the kitchen and microwaving spaghetti at 3am. Or when you make me soup when I'm sick or how you drag me along to all your dumb operation thingy-ma-bobby missions — what was it, again?"
"Love letters," You giggle, dizzy on the emotion swelling in your chest at his sincerity. "Operation love letters."
"Know what? It doesn't matter because I even love when you correct me about every damn thing." He rolls his eyes but you can tell there's no malice behind it as he shares your elated laughter now, smile growing bigger and bigger as he finally releases the feelings he's been bottling up for so long. "I love how you cry when you laugh and how you always forget to water the house plants and how your hair sticks up in the morning and how you never ever give up on anything. How you never gave up on me." Yoongi pauses, reaches for your hand and links your fingers together. He uses his knuckle to wipe away the stray tear that has slid down your cheek. "But most of all? I love you, Y/N. And I know it's taken me a long time to say it but...I mean it. I love you."
There's a moment of brief silence, just Yoongi taking heaving breaths and your heart thumping in your ears as you let his words sink in.
Yoongi is your secret admirer. Yoongi your annoyingly-smart-effortlessly-handsome-grumpy-but-thoughtful roommate. Yoongi loves you.
"I...I don't know what to say." You manage to stammer. "I had no idea. This whole time it was really you?"
The hopeful look on Yoongi's face disappears in a flash, his posture wilting. He takes a step back, head bowed, cheeks burning even as he tries to keep his cool. "Are you disappointed?"
"What? No—"
"You don't have to say anything I...I don't expect you to feel the same way, I know I'm not like those other guys it's just — God," Yoongi's voice cracks and he looks down, hands wringing around the bouquet. "I know you'll never love me back but...if you knew how hard it's been not being able to say I love you out loud like that until now..."
He staggers back, flustered and nervous. You take a step forward and grab his hand before he can get away. You feel how the callouses on his hand fit perfectly with your own when you squeeze it lightly, reaching up to brush the hair out of his eyes with a smile. "Then tell me. I want to hear about it all."
"Really?" His own eyes get glassy when you nod harder than you ever have in your life and although he tugs his bottom lip between his teeth to stop the tears spilling over, you can still see the traces of a smile in his eyes. "Where do you want me to start?"
You throw your arms around his neck, smushing your chin into the place between his shoulder with a contented sigh. You can't help it. You're overwhelmed with a funny fuzzy feeling and all you want to do is hold him close. It just feels right.
Yoongi must feel the same because his arms curl around your waist like they've done it a hundred times before, lifting your feet off the ground to spin you around elatedly.
"From the beginning," You whisper, dizzy with a promising bliss. "Tell me everything."
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"So," Yoongi starts. You're both curled up on the swing beneath his jacket, him at one end and you at the other, alternating between gazing out over the view of the city which is bathed in the rose tinted glow of sunset and the permanent flush atop of Yoongi's cheeks that burns just as bright. "You're not mad at me any more for not telling you?"
You avert your gaze, embarrassed at your earlier leap to conclusions. "No. And I never should have doubted you, when you said that you meant what you said in the letters. I see that now." Yoongi's hand is still tenderly linked with yours and he runs his thumb over your knuckles reassuringly, telling you to go on. "I just couldn't understand why me. I still don't. You usually act so grouchy around me that I thought the letters were too good to be true."
Yoongi looks away wistfully before he sits up seriously, tugging your hands into his lap. He swallows hard, like he's had this speech prepared for a long time. "Listen, I know that I've been kind of weird around you in the past. But the truth is, I've liked you ever since I found out we were going to be roommates." There's a sincerity in his eyes that makes your heart skip a beat, and you nod breathlessly at his confession, filled with emotion all over again at hearing the words leave his lips instead of reading them on paper. "But the feelings were so strong — stronger than I've ever felt for anyone — and I guess I just got...scared. So I thought it would be easier if I acted cold around you so you'd leave like everyone else, but you never did. And I couldn't make myself ask you to go, so I just bottled up my feelings instead."
You tilt your head, gently nudging him. "Until?"
"Until I did that stupid Love Calculator thing. Honestly I only filled out the survey because I thought it might help me get over you." He shrugs. "But then I got your name. 100% compatible. And it just felt like some big joke from the universe telling me that no matter how hard I tried, I'd never have a chance with you and all the feelings I repressed came rushing back and I kinda spiraled I guess."
"So why didn't you just tell me?"
"Taehyung convinced me it was better to write you a letter. Ya know, to get out all my feelings so I could let them go for good. I was never going to send it to you." He suddenly exclaims. "But Taehyung must have found it in one of his notebooks and I guess he thought he was being a good friend by sending it to you...but then you started looking for the secret admirer behind it and I just panicked! I didn't know how to tell you it was from me, or how you'd react, so it was easier to just go along with your plan."
You run your fingers over a flower petal from the pretty bouquet that sits in your lap. "What made you change your mind?" You ask. "You could have gotten away with it. I never would have suspected it was from you."
Yoongi sucks in a deep breath. "That day at the kissing booth. I guess someone told Seokjin the truth and he rigged the raffle so I would win the grand prize and...I couldn't resist. I kissed you. And kissing someone has never felt like that before. Not like you. And I just knew...I knew I wasn't over you. And I owed it to myself to tell you. So that's why I slipped you the note to meet me here. That's why I decided to reveal my identity."
"Speaking of secret admirers," You fumble around in your jacket pocket, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper that you jerk towards him. "There's one thing I need to ask you, actually."
"What is it?" There's a curious glint in his eyes as he unfolds the note and reads the message inside while you hug your torso and anxiously swing your feet back and forth.
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You feel his eyes on you again before he says anything else. There's a small smile on his face when he finishes reading and you can't help the way your own lips curve upwards. "I know it's a few years late, but better late than never right?"
Yoongi lets out a deep chuckle, eyes soft and crinkled at the edges like he's looking at the whole world when they take in the light blush caressing your cheeks. "I think you know what my answer is."
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in cheekily so that the tips of your noses brush lightly. "I want to hear you say it anyway."
"Of course I'll be your Valentine Y/N." The brightest smile you've ever seen appears on his face and he links your fingers together before connecting your lips in a tender kiss that makes your heart soar. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Mi-Crack-ulous Crackdown: Robodrien
Possible trigger warning. No one actually gets hurt (technically), but implications are still made.
Adrien’s mistake was that he had listened to Plagg. But Plagg insisted he had an “amazing idea” that would totally be worth the hassle. Which right away should have been his first indicator that things were going to go horribly wrong.
Well, that’s not quite true. The real first indicator was when his father informed him that he would be dating Lila to help promote the company brand. And that was indicator enough that things were already going horribly wrong.
At that point, Adrien reasoned that there was really nothing Plagg could suggest that could possibly make things worse.
“You just have to fake your death.“
“Sounds perfectly reasonable.“
In Adrien’s defense, he was a teenage boy. And teenage boys were prone to doing stupid and overly dramatic things.
Given his status as a model and “perfect”, as well as his overwhelming need to please, Adrien had been foregoing this rite of teendom. So really, it was a long time coming.
The plan was simple. They would arrange a “prank“ where Adrien would appear to become deceased through some over the top fashion. His overly dramatic death would be attributed to the multitude of reasons outlined in the 14 page long note that Adrien left behind. Not that it NEEDED to be 14 pages but Adrien apparently had more grievances than expected.
With the note set on his bed where it would surely be found soon enough, Adrien and Plagg headed off to the school with the necessary equipment to give the illusion of his false demise. Rope. Some electronic equipment with a pulley and remote. And of course, the wax statue of Adrien to serve as his body double.
How they managed to actually get to the school with his wax statue without anyone stopping him or even noticing him remains open for debate. But it could, perhaps, be attributed to Adrien’s good luck. Mostly because that’s the point that said luck ran out and everything started to go horribly wrong.
Or right, if you’re Plagg.
In short order, the rope wasn’t fully tied and pulley wasn’t fully in place when Adrien tripped and knocked into everything, causing his carefully collected tools to fall off the edge of the school roof. The remote, the equipment, the wax statue, everything went falling over the ledge and landing in a clatter, utterly breaking apart. Pieces of metal and wax body parts scattered across the ground.
Right in front of a crowd of shocked (and possibly soon to be traumatized) onlookers.
“Well, that’s unfortunate.” Plagg mused.
“Plagg!” Adrien hissed. “Now everyone’s going to know something’s up and I’m not going to get another chance! Then I’ll have to date Lila and Ladybug won’t want to date me and we’ll never get married or run away to our own island and have a hamster named—”
“Come on, it’s a mess of parts and pieces. It’s not like they’d figure out what happened or that you were involved.”
Adrien sent Plagg a withering look.
The kwami just shrugged.
It was over. It was over before it’d even gotten a chance to begin. Everyone would know how Adrien stupidly tried to fake his death with a wax mannequin of himself. Then it would get back to his father who would be annoyed but otherwise unconcerned and he would be confined to his room unless he was on a “date” with Lila and honestly, he wasn’t sure which was worse at this point.
“Wait...what’s with all the sparking bits?”
“And why did Adrien fall apart when he hit the ground?”
There was nothing left to do but face the music and admit to what he had done. He could only hope they would be lenient. After all, with all the proof right in front of them, the conclusion everyone would come to was obvious.
Of course, “obvious” doesn’t amount to much in Paris, where limited braincells had to be spread out between a populous that includes but is in no way limited to a man akumatized 24 times because of his pigeon obsession, a principal who moonlights as a furry, a guy who believed ice cream was actual magic, a wannabe supervillain who less than cleverly stole his evil plans from old comic books and designed his monsters after off brand 90′s reject toys, and an old man whose bright idea of dealing with said supervillain was to pick out two random teenagers to hand off the exact magical items the supervillain was after.
Really, it was no wonder everyone kept falling for Lila Rossi’s lies without even thinking to check. Clearly there was something in the water.
Adrien and Plagg merely decided to take advantage of the confusion of the growing conspiracy theory to vacate the premises and hope that by tomorrow, the whole thing blows over.
...Naturally, by the next day, the whole thing had not blown over. In fact, not only had it NOT blown over, but if anything, this crazy claim had somehow only grown in the meantime and soon become rooted as fact.
As was clear when Adrien entered the classroom.
“Wow, they got a backup Robot Adrien already?” Rose asked in surprise.
Which seemed to be the catalyst that set off everyone else.
“Robro! Welcome back!” Kim exclaimed, cheerfully.
“Thank you?”
“We were worried yesterday, Adrien. We didn’t know you had replacement bodies.”
“How many of those things do  you have, anyway?” Alix asked, curious.
“How many of what?”
“I should have seen it!” Max insisted, looking over his phone with an almost crazy light in his eyes. “Clearly Agreste Industries was a front for a high tech robotics factory in the guise of a fashion company! How could I have been so blind?”
“Wait—no. That’s not—”
“Hey Adrien.” Nino said, placing his hand on Adrien’s shoulder consolingly. “I just want you to know that I don’t think anything different about you. No matter what, you’re still real to me.”
“But I am real?”
“Yeah! You didn’t have to hide that you were a robot.” Mylene reassured him.
“Because I’m not?”
“Yeah, you have heart. That makes you real enough.” Ivan said with a resolute nod.
“But...I really...”
Markov of all people flew up to Adrien. “I’m so glad to know I’m not the only non-human in class anymore.”
No. Markov, no. You’re gonna break his heart...
“Ridiculous! Utterly RIDICULOUS!” Came the shout as Chloe stormed into the room, a harried-looking Sabrina following after.
Adrien blinked. “Chloe?”
His childhood friend gave him a speculative look. “I was sure you were real. But if you are a robot, there’s got to be a whole line, right?”
She flipped her hair. “You peasants can keep the used ‘public’ version. I am going to order a NEW Adrien Robot. No—a dozen!”
He balked. “Chloe?”
Wow. He’d known she could be mean sometimes, but...wow. Wow.
He wasn’t sure he even wanted to know how Lila was going to react if this was any indication...
Or Kagami.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know what to bring so I just brought one of everything and I hope it’s okay!”
Adrien blinked at the sudden appearance of a box.
A familiar box with the logo of the Dupain-Cheng Bakery.
A box that seemed to be overflowing to the point where the lid was nearly coming off due to the bulk of what was inside.
From behind the box of delightfulness, Marinette looked up at Adrien in worry and he felt something in him clench.
“I just...I heard what happened and I felt so bad so I thought I would bring something to help and...” She wilted.
Okay, that was IT.
His little “prank” made his friends think he was a robot! They were cool with it, which was great and all, but it wasn’t true! He was human and they needed to know that!
There was no way he could let this continue!
“Wait...do robot boys eat sweets?” Marinette asked, surprised.
Screw it.
“Yes.” Adrien said, brightly. “Yes, we do. We have internalized distributors that break it down and convert it to fuel. It keeps up my energy levels, so the more the better.”
The brightness of Marinette’s smile was only outshone by the delightful smell of the rich buttery pastries she put in his hands.
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teazensstuff · 4 years
MASTERLIST *updated on August 7, 2020, during quarantine*
A/N: not every scenario I’ve written over the years is on the list yet. I am trying to edit them and slowly add them to the list xoxo. 
Prompts for Requests
Lucas as a boyfriend
Lucas - having a crush on you 
Lucas - developing a crush on a fan 
Lucas - having a crush on a foreign singer
Lucas - having a crush on Ten’s sister
Dating Lucas
Lucas - fuck boy Au!
Lucas - long distance relationship
Lucas - living with him
Mornings with Lucas
Lucas - as your neighbor 
Lucas - dating a foreigner
Lucas - talking in his sleep
Lucas  - bad argument! (kinda angst)
Lucas - he’s out of your league
Lucas - picking up his drunk s/o 
Lucas - having a short gf 
Lucas - having a tall gf 
Lucas - him and his classmate have the same crush
Lucas - having a crush on Jaemin’s best friend
Lucas - a guy is attacking you 
Lucas - protective
Lucas - his gf telling him she's pregnant
Lucas - you’re childhood friends
Lucas - he’s the bad boy tattoo artist and you’re the florist who works across him
Lucas - you’re insecure about you small breast 
Lucas - his gf being insecure
Lucas - jealous
Lucas - his gf and him having hickeys and drama (you’re idols)
Lucas - saying he hates his s/o even though he doesn’t mean it
Lucas - cuddling
Lucas - when he sees you're crying
Lucas - watching Zootopia with you
Lucas dating 02′ liner
Lucas in a relationship with a 00′liner who’s a foreigner
Lucas dating someone older than him (his gf being a 90-98′ liner)
Lucas - you’re afraid of losing him 
Lucas - you’re sick
Lucas - being in love with your lips
Lucas - his gf being clumsy
Lucas - how he’d express his attraction
Lucas - dating a chubby girl 
Lucas - dating a curvy girl
Sleeping with Lucas
Domestic Lucas
Lucas - Cinema date
Lucas - comforting his gf bc she’s afraid of lightning
Lucas - Karaoke ft Mark 
Lucas - it’s you first time
Lucas - you’re on your period
Lucas - Dad Au!
Lucas - his s/o is asexual
Lucas - you’re adopting a puppy
Lucas - his s/o falling asleep on his chest
Lucas - finds out his s/o is bisexual
Lucas the good-looking high schooler with his motorcycle
Lucas - high school student Au ft jungwoo
Lucas - him being a transfer student at your HS
Lucas - you’re BFF’s and sm idols
Lucas - Stargazing
Lucas - your parents are separating you and Lucas
Lucas - his parents don’t like you 
Lucas - you’re having 3 months old child
Lucas - his gf has a nightmare
Lucas - you’re on a date on an amusement park
Lucas - his partner has freckles
Lucas -your Tattoo is his name
Lucas - You’re cooking together
How skin ship would be with Lucas
when you’re about to do your driving test 
Lucas - you’re an artist under YG
Lucas - his partner getting into an accident and now being in a critical condition
Lucas - He’s the popular High School student
Lucas - dating a 99′liner (he’s still older tho)
Lucas - strangers (angsty) 
Lucas - his gf misses him 
Lucas - you’re taking a shower together
Lucas - helps you to get rid of your Stalker
Lucas - you’re scared to show your feelings 
Lucas - you’re under lots of stress
Lucas - ice cream date
Lucas - his gf flinches during an argument
Lucas - you & him supporting NCT @ BBMA’s
Lucas - you’re strangers and you want to get to know him
Lucas - bad boy AU!
Lucas - his gf pranking him 
Lucas - tsundere AU!
Lucas - Paint Workshop AU!
Meeting Lucas at the Airport
Lucas - Beach Date
Lucas - you found out you’re pregnant while you
Lucas - dating a famous model (you) 
Lucas - you’re both the crazy, funny ppl in the group
Lucas - you got a ticket for speeding
Lucas - his gf doing a solo dance cover to“BOSS”
Lucas - long ass request with (G)-idle’s Soyeon, Park Jihoon, Mark and Kuanlin appearing
NCT : 
NCT - reaction to their crush wanting to sleep with them in just shorts 
NCT - as people I know part-1 (94-96 liners)
You’re on a road-trip with nct boss & ten
You’re close to Mark & Lucas
NCT 2018 mtl to date a 00'liner
NCT 2018 mtl to get pulled over for speeding
other members scenarios:
Renjun - Internet friends
Jaemin - Flower Shop worker AU!
Jaemin - Sunset
Haechan - High School AU!
Jaehyun - Unknown Crush
Jaehyun - Best Friends
Jaehyun - falling in love with Marks sister
Doyoung - Lawyer AU!
Johnny - Blind Date 
Johnny - Poetry Slam
Lucas - Sugar daddy
Lucas - a-z nsfw
Lucas -  Sex with him
Lucas making out - end up with sex
Lucas - Stalker AU! Part 1
Lucas - Stalker AU! Part 2
Lucas - Stalker AU! Part 3 
Lucas - Stalker AU! Part 4 
Lucas - Stalker AU! Part 5 
Lucas - finding out that his partner has self harm scars
Astrology content:
NCT/WAYV Mars signs that would be compatible with your Venus
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dat-town · 4 years
7 ways to fall in love | yangyang
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~accidentally, playfully
You were out bowling with your friends when you first met Yangyang.
He played next to you and they were impossible not to notice because those guys were super loud and definitely way too competitive, choosing a good deal of punishment for the loser of each round. Then there was this guy in particular calling out everyone on their mistakes, laughing when the ball went to gutter and to be honest, he wasn't that much better, so you couldn't help but mumble under your nose:
"As if he was that good," you snorted and you swore you were quiet enough but then this guy with the weird half blonde half brown hair looked straight at you, eyebrows raised challengingly and you weren't so sure anymore. You didn't become flustered under his stare though, instead you took in his youthful features under the neon lights and tilted your head when it was his turn to roll a ball and that was when it started: he hit strike and grinned at you afterwards, so of course you had to keep up and after a while it felt like you weren't even competing with your friends but instead with this stranger who looked more amused than anything.
An hour into bowling your friends decided to play one last round, so before that, you visited the buffet to get some drinks. However, when you finished ordering someone appeared on your side and waved at the cashier.
"Put it on my tab, Renjun, she won after all," he spoke up and turning your head, you saw the guy with a wide grin as if he didn't lose a competition you didn't even agree to. He was one of a kind for sure.
"I don't need you to pay for my drink," you pointed out because you didn't want to owe him anything, nor you wanted this to turn out as some kind of a prank, or a dare he did as a punishment because of his friends.
"I thought so, but I was wondering whether I could get a rematch sometime," he remarked, still joyful as all day, brown eyes hinting a bit of playfulness but there didn't seem to be any malintent behind the question.
"Maybe," you shrugged. "Next week, same time," you said and bowed your head a bit as a thanks when you got your drink and walked back to your friends.
Next week, the guy was indeed there, alone this time, and so were you. He smiled at you beamingly when you arrived and introduced himself as Yangyang while you were putting on your bowling shoes. You had to realize that he was quite chatty and he liked to tell stories about the most random things but he was a very imaginative storyteller, so his stories were intriguing to listen to. He showered you pictures of his dog, taught you random words in German in-between rounds and soon, the two of you became bowling buddies, finally finding a challenge in each other since both of you were unquestionably the best players among your friend group.
However, it didn't take long for your friend groups to meet again and you learned from the other guys that Yangyang had always been unapologetic about his opinion and they labelled him as savage because of that but everyone knew he didn't mean anything bad or actually hurtful by it. And they could be just as teasing as him when they hollered at every interaction you had with the boy. It was a bit childish but they weren't hurting anyone, so you shrugged it off.
At least, until one day listening to his friends' nagging, Yangyang walked up to you after one of your almost ritual-like bowling sessions.
"Wanna get ice cream? There's a Baskin Robbins on the way to the metro,"  he suggested, which made you purse your lips. You could have easily told him off since you were there with your own friends this time and you were supposed to go home with them but actually you had gotten to like hanging out with the boy. He was a very easily approachable and open-minded guy, so you could talk to him about everything. Although getting ice cream together was a new setting among your usually bantering convos. This time you refused to let him pay and he let you be, happily munching on his own cold dessert nevertheless.
Sitting at your table, you asked about his dog and his smile was blinding as he fished his phone out to show you new pictures and videos of the puppy. You talked a whole lot after that, just the usual stuff about movies, families, hobbies and the most random stuff like YouTube videos, but still it felt a bit different. Though you couldn't be sure it was the same for him because he was always so casual.
"We could do it again sometime," he said absentmindedly when the door of the store closed behind you and you grinned at him.
"Yeah, we could," you agreed quickly because spending time with him came easy and you found yourself anticipating it every single time but it was the first time of him not suggesting something that involved bowling. But it was still Yangyang with all his teasing and competitiveness when he smiled back at you mischievously.
"Race you to the metro entrance!" he hollered and being just as playful as him, you didn't even hesitate but bolted from your place, chuckling as you ran through the refreshing summer rain.
7 ways to fall in love masterlist
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soranihimawari · 4 years
West Coast kind of Love
 Summary: There were certain things you know off the top of your head. One, the fact that popcorn and M&Ms should not be sold separately at the local movies is a crime; two, every other Monday of the month, the neighborhood film club would host dollar monster movies (where one of your neighbors in your apartment complex would frequently attend); and three, you might have to pinch yourself when he asks you to take a photo with you as a proof of “how things are going abroad” to his friend in Argentina...
Word count: 4.685K
Taglist: @m0nstergeneration20xx 📷 (google docs proof reader), @oitoorus​, @tkags & her ⛅ (anon fam) , @oikawalovely [open still]
“Do what you love and the rest will follow”-proverb
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--September XX--Thursday, 23:13 (11:23pm)
“Oh come on Yukihira,” you knocked on the closed bathroom door of your apartment.”You know I called dibs to the bathroom after we ditched those jerks at the dancehall.”
Every month you and your roommate took turns in choosing public places to go out for a night on the town. With midterms coming up for what would be the junior year of your undergrad studies, your roommate decided giving a double date a try. Unfortunately for her, those jerks were thinking of doing the deed way too early for either of your liking. You decide that spilling your peach Bellini on your friend’s outfit during the middle of the date was the perfect excuse to end the night early. More often than not, you mostly came along these dates with her as an enforcer. You two might be as different as night and day (yukihira studies medicine all hours of the day whereas your focus was the visual arts). Tonight was just one of those nights where you being there was beneficial.
“Ugh, fine,” she said opening the door revealing her freshly brushed grin. “I can’t believe you had the gall to ruin that outfit y/n.”
“Hey, whatever helps you throw it out like you did your ex then I was doing the Lord’s work for you, Yuks.” You rolled your eyes at her when she stuck out her tongue when you slithered into the ivory tiled washroom. This earned a laugh from the other member of your household.
“But because this was a bad date and I didn’t think things through this time again, that means I get to set you up on a blind date.” Her singsong voice reached your ears as you turned on the faucet to drown out her mocking tone. You paused for a brief moment while waiting for the make up remover serium to bubble up on your face before wiping it off effectively.
“With who?” you asked after you patted your skin dry post-makeup removal ritual complete. Your hair was undone from the hair elastic you pulled out of your inherited islander curls.
“I don’t know. Hmm...Maybe the guy in unit 23C? He’s awfully cute,” Yukihira mused as you leaned in her doorway. Her brows wiggled in delight when she noticed how you stared at your neighbor on move in day during your freshman move in day three years prior.
“Iwazumi? You can’t be serious,” you said. Your voice betrayed you because your eyes shined like the gods of furtune finally found their way to you.
“Do you want to or not? He’s focused, witty, determined; I have my physiology study group with him tomorrow. Why don’t you come with, best friend of mine?”
You really hated when she pulled the puppy eyes on you, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to refuse (not by a long shot).
“Ask him if he prefers coffee or tea.”
A few days later, you came home from your department’s masters class with your portfolio sling over your shoulder. Your hands were covered in literal ink stains from your latest mural macro-micro project.
“Hey, Yukihira! Have you seen where I kept my lacquer thinner?” You raise your voice slightly as you kick off your shoes by the entrance hallway. It was only then you realize there were a couple of other pairs of shoes that did not belong to either of you. That’s when you remembered your friend’s warning about her study group coming over. All color drained from your face when you rounded the corner to your living room area converted into a mini lecture hall. You clear your throat to announce your presence which went unnoticed (with the exception of your roommate). Without even looking at the board, you chose to mess with the med students’ practice case.
“And I’m telling you this is a bilateral cut to the optic nerve, Josefina.”
“The microabraisons on the left thoracic cavity allowed the victim to bleed out on the table due to the elevated use of blood thinners, ” your voice quiets the pre-med students and you smile in a nonchalant manner. You have read this problem with Yukihira so many times prior at the start of the semester that you were able to recall the prognosis off the top of you head. Being friends with a pre-med major does have its redeeming qualities although you were seen mostly honing your crafts in the art department and this was just the prime time of their study week. 
“Oh! You’re back early,” Yukihira says in a warm tone. She stands at the end of the table in between you Her eyes glazed over as if to communicate that you were about to be formally introduced. You bite your tongue prior to allowing your roommate to clap her hands together as she went naming every member starting with the person on her left who was the aforementioned Josefina. When she had come full circle, her voice trailed off with a small apologetic smile.
“Aaaand this here is my roommate, y/n. To answer your question about the lacquer thinner, I put the bottle on your desk when it arrived last time,” Yukihira made sure to watch everyone’s response. She was more interested in seeing how the third member of her study group (the aforementioned neighbor in 23C) would react. His minuscule smirk was doubly noted, prompting you to fill the few seconds of silence with your own voice. After a brief trip down memory lane, spear headed by your best friend as they took a break from studying for a moment, Yukihira explained after years of being friends you learned about the medical cases for exams via osmosis. You were an unofficial member of the study group since the medical arts building was located near the visual arts department offices on campus. You chose to not let them be pushed back any further especially since their content exam was coming up later that month, so you bid them good luck.
“Don’t mind me,” your brass tone conveyed an even temper at the time. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to head to my room. You guys aren’t the only ones with an exam this week.” You raised your portfolio canister so they could see the poster sized dyed cylinder. Reams of paper filled with sketches made from ink and graphite poked through under the flourescent lights of the kitchen dining room table. The med students along with Yukihira waved and said it was lovely to meet your acquaintance.
With that you made a beeline route to your room, opened the door, and promptly shut the door. You dropped your portfolio canister next to your desk, turned up the volume of the lo-fi radio station playlist on your sound system, grabbed the nearest pillow and let out a muffled shriek to expel the remaining bits of embarrassment your friend threw you in. You were good at smaller group studies, but to be fair, given the fact that your friend was a social butterfly, you mostly seemed to rub off the “talented-artsy, yet focused,” type of woman. That night you cleaned up your outline for your stencil art piece of a fox and a hound for your take on minimalism class which had its peer critique at the end of the week.
You didn’t physically speak to Yukihira for the rest of the week. With both of you burning the midnight oil within the last few days before the exam, you noticed that the number of study group being held in your apartment had become the norm every other day (causing you focus more on a certain individual). Funny thing was he was also doing the same thing...
『from Yukihira: how many times do i have to apologize? You know I didn’t plan on having an emergency study session with iwazumi. He just showed up & wanted to chat. Besides the TA & professor chose to move up the exam date...』
『from y/n: you should of told me earlier before I came home. You know I forgive you... only if you buy me the latest ice cream along with the new Jun Ito novel. I’ll be out there in a minute till make some coffee for us.』
『from Yukihira: Mmkay & thanks. Coffee sounds good right about now anyways.』
--October XX-- Friday, 15:55 (3:55p.m.)
The weekend came through soon enough and on a Friday afternoon with no where to go, you were chilling at the comfort of your own living room. You were quick to thank the test gods for the exam being moved up once you had a proper conversation with Yukihira that morning. She mentioned she was going be out all day making sure she was able to finesse her study guide with her fellow medical study group. Since it was the end of the week, Josefina opted to have a free for all study day at the book store for those who wanted to go over last minute things according to the note yukihira left on your door that morning.
At the time of the day, you were expecting to be alone, curled up with your favorite cup of English Earl Grey Tea and a Lovecraft radio program you downloaded via the student Spotify network. Your phone vibrated and pinged with a notification from the bookstore where Yukihira placed the order for your horror novel to arrive sooner than the estimated timeframe. Because life finds it funny to pull another prank on your clown assery with your little cynical attitude, you were startled when the formal knocker was used.
“Shit!” you said when you clutched your heart as you placed your cup of tea down on the coffee table. As your put two fingers on your neck’s pulse point, you waited a few minutes for your heart rate to calm back down; you stood up and began to make your way down the hallway. Lo and behold, you were greeted by a casually dressed man who was clutching your new novel in his sunkissed hands. 
It takes your brain a few synapses to register that it was Iwazumi who has been taking a liking to coming over for extra study hours with your roommate, but if anyone asked him to reply honestly, he wanted to know more about you. The human body has more than 240 bones, yet the more frequent his visits become, the more he felt himself become accustomed to befriending you both. There were instances where you joined them at the kitchen table glancing at their open notebooks and case studies; you often made tea or coffee depending on the hour of the day. On the days you had come home from the art department, Yukihira was quick to notice how Iwazumi’s usually tense face seemed to visibly relax when you came to prepare your favorite snack (m&ms and buttered popcorn). Your friend was quick to relay a text to his phone, which caused her study partner at the table to become more flustered than he already was. 
Regardless of the various near misses over the next couple of weeks between you and Iwazumi (sometimes it was Yukihira’s fault other times, it was coincidental juxtopostional humour: it has happened twice on Iwazumi’s side when his friends back home noticed he was not at his usual place. [Yukihira called for a mini-study break] However, that didn’t stop you from asking him if he preferred sugar or honey for his tea & all hell broke loose (Hanamaki & Mattsun were cheering him on while Oikawa.exe has dropped the call).
All this back and forth for the past five weeks caused this moment to occur:
“I-Iwa-chan?” your voice went up several octaves before clearing your throat with a cough. “If you’re looking for Yukihira, she’s actually not here at the moment...” 
“To the scientist there is the joy in pursuing truth which nearly counteracts the depressing revelations of truth.”
The audio from your radio program was keeping you company. The disembodied voice coming from the main sound system you helped set up when you first moved into the building with Yukihira quoted Lovecraft as the program continued to serve in the role of filling the silence between you and Iwazumi. The gods really did that, didn’t they? your thoughts were running away with you again, chasing a reality that would be yours--or so you think. 
During that thought hurricane you conjured up, you decided to pause the train of thought for a few minutes. You released your hold on your front door knob as you pulled the door a little wider in order for you to lean against the frame of the front door. Your hair was pulled up in a messy bun (on your days off, you were typically clad in tapered mint green pants and a spare white button down blouse due to laundry day), but it was enough to see the usual semi-talkative and stoic demi-god of a neighbor wear such an embarrassed expression. You pretended to not hear the barely audible, “woah,” that escaped his mouth prior to him holding up the book to you. 
“Did the mail carrier drop it off to your box again?” you ask taking the book in your hands. “Sorry about that. You can come in if you want.” 
You were quick to notice that something caught your arm in an attempt to stop you from walking. When you chose to not try to pry yourself away from Iwazumi’s hold, he took it as a sign to bend himself to your ear and say the following in a powerfully low tone: “Would you believe me if I said I wasn’t looking for her?” 
“Yes,” you say in a timid manner, yet it was paired with a curt nod. You both had the tenacity to swat away any lingering negative thoughts.
Iwazumi took this moment to turn you around to face him by the arm he held you with. His smile disappeared when he let your arm go and instead moved his hand to hold yours with his opposite hand, he pulled the door shut behind him. You were probably too proud to admit this aloud, nonetheless, you liked the way Iwazumi’s firm grip felt in your hand; his were rough and calloused as much as yours were from years of honing your independent crafts. You gave him a kind smile before your neighbor decided to take advantage of the fact that the other person in your apartment wasn’t home; you squeezed his hand slightly and he let your hand go. 
You placed the Jun Ito novel on the kitchen counter motioning for Iwazumi to meet you there. Your kettle was still warm, however you made a cheeky joke to your newly acquired friend. (Perhaps this was Yukihira’s plan, you think). You reached into the dishwasher and was about to pour him a cup of tea, yet you couldn’t help but make a small joke at his expense for holding your hand so intently. 
“For the record, if you wanted to hold my hand, you could have done so earlier,” you mention stifling a laugh, pouring the steaming water into the mug. Iwazumi mumbled something about how he liked the way your hand fit, yet you chose to throw caution to the wind and quickly planted short kiss on his cheek when you extended the cup toward him after placing the tea strainer in it. 
With one hand on yours and the other was wrapped around the ceramic mug,. Your kindness was always something Iwazumi found alluring. You might not have been in the same course of study as him or Yukinira, yet you were good finding the beauty in the mundane. A few of your pieces of work were hung around the apartment and from his line of sight, your dedication to your craft was something to be admired.With every sip he took a sip to deflect from the way his thoughts were heading into uncharted territories; OIkawa, Mattsun, and even Makki were the ones more verbose on love & conquest during the days of their you:
“You’re always over at your neighbors’ place, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa teased. 
“I wonder what his reason is,” Makki muses. “Mattsun thinks it’s a girl. Typical.”
Makki also noticed one of your sophomore symposium art pieces hanging behind the place where Iwazumi was sitting at the time of their weekly video call. Your avant-garde view of  viewing the world was enough to set the sky amethyst hues. California does have it’s moments of striking beauty and somehow Iwazumi found it hard to keep to a straight face around his friends. His expression was usually hardened or bold, but today you sat across from him at the beginning of the call, reading up on the use of gold leaf detail work for your art restoration classes. Across the myriad of scattered medical books and various notes that were pertaining to another medical case were a tell that their friend was clearly not alone. You glance up at him quietly, a minute smile formed between you two; you write on a spare piece of paper the word, “friends” to which he nodded. 
“Aww, is our little ace growing soft on us?” Oikawa’s whining was something you often heard Yukihira describe after nights like these.(She usually hung out in your room as you were placing the final touches of your latest art assignment. This month was dedicated to historic downtown with a twist of horror: modern mania & the ruiner of man. Right now, you didn’t mind the shared space of the dining room while Yukihira was out on a grocery run at the time the call was initiated.)
“Shut your mouth Shittykawa,” Iwazumi barks. His dark eyes hardened like stone and that was when Makki let out a wicked grin. 
“I owe Mattsun 500 yen,” Makki chuckled. 
“Holy shit,” Oikawa’s eyes bounced between his best friends and let out a low whistle. “if this woman is capable of such an amazing feat, ask her if she has a friend [for me].”
Iwazumi ended the call right then and there. He didn’t expect his heart to be beating so irratically when you walked room in your house attire for a moment to make yourself a cup of the same Earl Grey Tea. The hazy lights emitting from your room blended effortlessly with the flourescent ones in the kitchen; each beam clung to your body in such away Iwazumi was glad neither of his friends witnessed the moment he fell in love with California and all that came with it. 
This afternoon was a different story as you liked the way Iwazumi allowed his natural blush to bubble to the surface of his cheeks and you could swear you saw a fraction of the high school volleyball ace shine through. The sunlight danced around the stainless steel details of the kitchen where you shared secrets, recipes, and drinks with your best friend. His free hand chose to move away from the counter finding its resting place under your chin. The cup of tea Iwazumi held earlier was placed next to the stove on the coaster by the sink. 
You steady your breathing right before you felt Iwazumi’s breath on your cupid’s bow; his lips pressed against yours gingerly as though he felt his brain light up and catch a fire he needed to not run away from; everything he wanted to know about you was answered as soon as your hands cup his face. I think I like this, your conscience is egging you on to pursue his touch for a while longer. It was a silent acknowledgement of the other’s presence in the present moment. 
“Hm,” you hear him hum in mutual amusement when you return his kiss. The pads of his fingers trace the highest points of your face teasingly. He wanted answers to the questions your lips asked. When you two separate for a moment, you realize you might have been too forward, but when you move your hands away from his face only to hug him in a loose embrace, you couldn’t help the next words from posing a question.
“Do you want to kiss me again?” your coquettish tone made Iwazumi’s answer very apparent as you suddenly took into account the last couple of weeks and the way both of you came to enjoy each other’s company during study group hours at either your place as the primary location or the cafe down the road from the apartment complex. (Iwazumi’s frequent visits weren’t for tutoring necessarily, about a majority of the time it was to see you as an added bonus). 
Iwazumi did not have to be told twice; he enveloped you in his strong arms, he hoisted you up from under your knees and placed you a top the counter with gentle assertive force. Your legs wrapped around his fit waist as you gripped his biceps for leverage prior to letting the old ace prove his strength by placing you on top of the graphite counter like a doll. 
“Comfortable?” Iwazumi’s expression was more seductive than profound.
“Very,” you reply as you unwind your legs from his body. “Where were we?”
Your hands wrapped around his neck before pulling him close to you again. A smug smile cut across both of your faces for a brief moment until your lips hovered over his for the second time. This time, you let him kiss you the way you knew he had been meaning to since he showed up at your door less than fifteen minutes prior book in hand. When Iwazumi kissed you at the current moment, the world crumbled and fell away; it was somehow comforting in a way that words would not compare to. His actions listened to the way you were setting the pace with the same tenacity as he showed you. The scent of his sandalwood conditioner mixed well with your ocean scented dry shampoo. 
Your eyes were still closed when you felt your hands card through his ever-present spiky hair. His right hand rested below your ear, using the pad of his thumb and forefinger to caress your cheek and jawline again. You feel him smile against your own lips when you nipped the corner of his mouth playfully. You break apart long enough for your partner in the kitchen to began to sneakily undoing your top two buttons of your blouse to press his lips against your exposed skin. You let out a whimper in the heat of the moment the second his lips began to leave a trail of reverberating echoes in the simplest of ways securing his hold on your soul that very day.
“Beautiful girl,” Iwazumi murmurs as his eyes met yours when he was done having his fun. His voice was cautious, but when his arms began to hover over your own, you felt your heart rate speed up right as he told you this: “Tell me, what other sounds can you make for me?” 
“Is that a challenge?” you retort, your hands disappearing under his hoodie to feel the fabric of his undershirt. Your hand stopped roaming atop of his chest; he was liking this. You could tell by the way he was taunting you with his smirk. “Because I was wondering the same thing. Do you want me to remove my hand?”
Your hands could have been made of branding tools and Iwazumi wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference. He chuckled at your question before you brought him down to your level and your lips met again. The sound he made upon impact was as though you broke him yet healed him at the same time; time was on your side for this one and you proved he wasn’t the only monster in the kitchen. There was a hunger there behind every kiss you let him have; you were smiling in the between long enough to feel his heart beat faster through the fabric of his undershirt.
Your hands automatically removed themselves from his shirt and were found holding on to the aglet of the drawstrings from the hoodie he was wearing. Iwazumi kissed your fingers before proceeding with posing a question to you.
“Just so we’re clear,” your voice was bold and daring. It was one of the many things he liked about you both in and out of campus grounds. The small details was what Iwazumi liked the most and the subtle tells of how you, Yukihira, and even the other members of the study group didn’t make him feel so alone like when he first arrived to California to study.
“Whatever this is between you and I, does it mean we’re...together?” 
You make a sign in the air with your palms up and point between you and him. Iwazumi clears his throat as he taps his lips to tease you and that was when he saw it: a younger version of you covered in sidewalk chalk in your neighborhood (much the same as you saw reflections of the former ace/vice captain).
“If you’ll let me take you to the Monster Movie marathon on Monday,” he answered when he linked his right hand digits with your left and you capture his lips again on your own volition. Your ears perked up at this, you drop the string you played with and patted his chest with a light rapt. 
“Eager to make me your girlfriend aren’t you?” You laugh and Iwazumi furrowed his brows, but you silence his worries in one swift and simple move: you kiss him with the intent of either being his salvation or his torment, either way Iwazumi was not complaining. The girl who loves to read about Lovecraftian monsters and the boy who was a monster chaser shared a love as unique as themselves: like a secret they each wanted to keep  behind closed doors.
His only vice was the fact that his social call was coming to an end and every ounce of his well being was fighting to stay here with you. You back down for a moment only to showcase your best attempt at a flattering smile to match his own. Iwazumi would never let you know this at the time, but seeing that smile on your face made his list of top three things he found most precious in the world. This wasn’t a crush anymore was the proper conclusion you both concluded. 
“Meet at your place at 7:30,” you suggest. Iwazumi released your hand from his to step back as you hopped down from the kitchen counter you made a seat of. 
“I’ll see you then ‘Ms. Lovecraft’.” The nickname he bestowed upon you was one that made the butterflies come back in a flurry; this was the start of something special, but you didn’t know it at this point in time that the name will be used to describe your affinity for Iwazumi’s unyielding devotion to you (the seeds were planted in both of your hearts and the two of you waited for them to bloom).
Iwazumi made his way back toward the hallway and faced your apartment’s front door again. You refastened both buttons he undid prior to reaching for the door knob. 
“For what it’s worth,” your not-so-innocent tone in your voice begins to come through. His darkened eyes observe you undo your top knot and shook your shoulder-length hair to reveal the fullness of your wavy locks. You place your hand on his wrist and the other was on the door knob. He stopped you from opening the door with a softened glance; pressing his lips lightly on your brow bone. 
“I really like it when you come over Iwazumi. Thank you for dropping off the book.” You tap your fingers thoughtfully on your lips as a silent form of thanking him for the other part outside of the tangible order.
“Hajime, y/n,” he whispers his given name in your ear in order to get one last rile out of you before kissing your temple, and you could swear you could hear your heart beat in your ears. “Call me that from now on, ok?”
“Ok,” you swiftly reply. “Only if you continue to call me Lovecraft, haha.”
Iwazumi takes his leave when he thinksof how the next time he sees you, it’ll be filled with magic, mayhem, and the movie playing in his heart was one he would like to share with you for as long as it takes.
You rush to your room to retrieve your cell phone and immediately text Yukihira who was in the middle of her break between classes:
『from y/n: i have a date on monday night. the book came btw. thanks yukihira』
『from Yukihira: iwazumi asked you to go out with him, didn’t he? have fun and remember to not do anything i wouldn’t do. ;) 』
『from y/n: of course. and even if we did, i wouldn’t even hear the end of it from you. you’d might have an easier time talking to iwazumi than me, let’s be honest.』
『from Yukihira: (n˘v˘•)¬ oh you know me so well. see you later tonight.』
—November XX, 14:43 (2:43pm): 
First dates & a glimpse into their social medias (ft. Iwazumi, Babs (y/n), & Yukihira)
Iwazumi credit
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Suffice to say that Mondays became your favorite day after this kiss...😌
Instagram posts from our UCIrvine trio ft. Iwazumi, Yukihira, & Y/N-san
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olivenight17 · 5 years
Fluffvember Day 13 Part 2- Soulmate
Hello! I’m here to bring fluff and a wonderful sunshine boi! It uh... it got sad, I’m not gonna lie. It’s not total angst, everyone’s okay in the end. It’s just a little bit sad lol, I’m sorry! My mind ran before I could stop it. And hey @literally-just-mirio-headcanons I know you love Mirio, so have this! I’m sorry I made him sad lol
And, I’m not sure if this soulmate au actually exists, but I thought this up in my own head. This is my original soulmate au, where you can see the emotions your soulmate is feeling and it changes as their emotions at that point in time do. It affects how you see the world as you can only see the world in the various tones of whatever emotion your soulmate is feeling. You can tell when you’ve met them because they’re the only ones not affected by it, they’ll be the only ones who look normal and not in the same colors as the emotions. Also, if the soulmate is dead or unconscious, the world reverts back to how human sight and colors usually work. Hopefully that makes sense 😅
Also, I should probably put this here WARNING: This contains some manga spoilers about Mirio, so if you’d like to stay manga spoiled free, I’m afraid this won’t be quite for you.
Well, have fun you guys! Gotta say I like how this turned out, hopefully you do too.
Mirio x Reader “Soulmate”
For a majority of your life, you had always seen the world in yellow hues. It was as if someone had put a filter over your eyes and the color was everywhere you looked. There was an occasion or two where the world turned blue or red, sometimes even gray, but it always seemed to leave as quickly as it came. In those moments, you created your own happiness, hoping to put some yellow back into your soulmate’s life.
It was comforting, having that sign of happiness in your life. However silent it was, it encouraged you to push through tough times and even helped you figure out your goal to help people. That goal started with UA. You took a deep breath as you walked through the school. The world around you was practically glowing with golden colors, and you couldn’t help but grin, apparently both you and your soulmate were having a good day. Peering down at your schedule, you checked one last time which classroom you were headed to first, looking up in confusion when the yellow was so bright you could barely read the words on the paper. Then, warm hands clasped around your shoulders.
Before you stood a blond haired boy with bright blue eyes and an even brighter smile. You felt your jaw drop in shock. You could see him in full colors, his figure not being filtered in yellow like your surroundings.
“Hey there! You’re my soulmate! Wow, you’re way prettier than I imagined. Not to say that I didn’t think you wouldn’t be pretty, because I did! You’re just more beautiful actually seeing you…” He started to ramble, but you weren’t quite getting everything, still coming to grips with the fact you had finally met him. This was the person giving you so much energy and support these past few years without even knowing it. Eventually, he paused and tilted his head with a smile. “Well, everything around you is starting to go white, so your mind’s either going blank because this is kinda surprising or you’re showing me how much of an angel you really are.” He gave you a lopsided grin as you felt heat spread across your cheeks like a wildfire.
On top of being energetic and happy, he was apparently also charming.
Trying to clear your head, you stuck out your hand. “Well, I don’t give out answers like that until I know your name. I’m (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you.”
He took your hand, shaking it gently but eagerly. “The name’s Mirio, it’s nice to meet you too.” His eyes trailed down to the schedule you still had in your other hand and he was quick to take out his own. “Hey, which classes do you have, maybe we have some together!” You switched schedules, only to find you had just about every class together, save for homeroom and math. “Darn, I was hoping to get to know you more on the way to homeroom, but I’m in the opposite direction. Oh well, I’ll see you in English though!”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his enthusiasm as you both began splitting off. “Don’t keep me waiting!” You called out, waving as he turned to face you.
“I can’t make you wait more than I already have.” He joked with a wink before disappearing around the corner.
The days seemed to fly the more time you spent with Mirio, only three years had passed and yet it felt like you had known him your whole life. Hanging out with him and the rest of the big three, goofing off with him, it all felt right. It was like everything finally clicked into place being with him, knowing you treasured him as much as he treasured you.
You hummed quietly as you thought about it, dropping some ramen noodles into your cart. Mirio had been on a lot of patrols lately and he said something about a secret mission he was handling. Though you were curious, you didn’t want to get him in trouble talking about something he shouldn’t be, which resulted in the surprise dinner you were making him when he got back tonight. It was a small reward for working so hard. Just as you dropped the last item in your cart, the world switched from yellow to a somber red. Mirio was probably getting ready to fight or save someone.
Thinking nothing of the change in his emotions, you went to the checkout area and began pulling out your money to pay.
“That’ll be $36.78, ma’am.”
“Alright, here it all-” Your body froze as the world changed color once again. Everything around you flashed a bright white before black overtook your surroundings, it was so dark you were sure you had gone blind. You dropped the cash you were holding, something was wrong. Something had gone horribly, horribly wrong.
“Ma’am, are you alright?” The cashier leaned towards you cautiously as you blinked.
Quickly, you collected yourself and managed to find the money, putting it on the counter. “I’m fine, I’m sorry. I just remembered something.” You told her briskly.
She nodded at you and the second she handed you the bags, you were out of the store, fishing around in your pocket for your phone. You pressed call at least five times and each time you were left with no answer. Panic was already bubbling inside of you, twisting and churning your gut. Nejire and Tamaki said they hadn’t seen him and you were at your ropes end when you saw a tv through a store window. There was a bunch of rubble where the reporter was standing, then you saw the headline. “Young Hero in Training ‘Lemillion’ Injured.”
Your blood turned to ice, and you were forgetting how to breathe. Glancing over the subtitles, you caught the name of the hospital and took off running. You pushed the doors open, frantically looking around to see if you could find him, fighting against the nurses urging you to sit down. “No, my boyfriend, he’s here, he got injured. His name’s Mirio Togata, his hero name is Lemillion, where did you put him? I need to see him!” You shouted at them, desperately trying to wrench your arms out of their grasp. “Get off of me, I need to see him! He has to be alive, I...I can’t see his emotions.” The realization all but slapped you in the face as you looked around. The world looked...normal. There wasn’t a strong color presence, it all looked ordinary. Bile began to rise in your throat.
The strength in your body left you and you all but collapsed into the nurses arms as they dragged you to a chair. You gripped onto one of them. “Can you at least tell me he’s alive?” You rasped, blinking back the tears that were trying to fall.
The nurse gave you a pitying look. “The last I saw, he was in surgery. We’ll tell you if anything happens.” After that, the nurse was gone.
There was a cold emptiness that stayed with you as you waited, sitting in that chair for hours as you hoped and prayed that he would be alright, that he’d be alive. Scenarios circled in your mind to save you from the despair that was threatening to crash over your head to drown you. Walking in the park with Mirio, going to get ice cream, laughing at all of the ridiculous faces he made to get you to smile. You were so lost in your own head, you barely registered the nurse in front of you, or the gray tones that were overtaking your vision. Slowly, you looked up at her. She had a smile on her face. “Mr. Togata is out of surgery, he’s resting well in room 203, you can visit him if you’d like.” Practically jumping out of your seat, you thanked her as you began to look for the room, but she caught your arm. “There’s one more thing you should know… he got hit with a bullet, this bullet had special properties and he no longer has his quirk.” She explained, letting go of you.
Stiffly, you nodded, before going to find him. When you found the room you were looking for, you stepped in, finding Mirio’s figure facing away from you, hunched over in a sitting position on the bed. “Mirio…?”
He turned to you, face almost completely covered in bandages, as well as the rest of his body, but he still had a smile on his face. “Hey, Sunshine.” He chuckled weakly, barely getting the words out before you rushed towards him, hugging him as tightly as you could. “Woah, it’s okay. I’m okay.” His arms wrapped around you, finally settling your frazzled nerves.
“I was so scared, you were passed out, I couldn’t see your emotions. I-I thought you were…” You trailed off, sniffling as you buried your head into his shoulder.
“I know, but I’m not. Everything’s fine, I’ll be in tip top shape in no time.” He tried to reassure you, but you could hear the emptiness in his words and the heavy gray that surrounded you suddenly became more prominent.
Taking a deep breath, you started thinking of happy things. Puppies playing in the park, the prank Nejire had pulled on Mirio last week, every good memory you could think of flooded into your head all at once. You were almost starting to giggle about it. “Sunshine, what are you doing?” Mirio asked and you pulled back to look at him with a smile.
You took his hands and you squeezed them, rubbing your thumbs along the skin in a comforting manner. “Mirio, before I even met you, you made me happy. Even on my darkest days, when I wanted to curl up into my bed and stop existing, your feelings of happiness kept me going. Even though all you could do was give me the color yellow, you gave me hope that things could be better and encouraged me. You gave me happiness when I couldn’t even muster any for myself.” Your eyes met his as you continued. “So, I think it’s only fair that I repay the favor. I know what happened, and I know it’s going to take some time to come to terms with this. I’ll be your support until then. You won’t go through this alone.”
You leaned your forehead against his, and kissed the tip of his nose. There was still a shaky smile on his lips and his eyes looked misty before he leaned in, capturing your lips with his. You happily complied, placing your hands on either side of his face. Eventually, he pulled back and brought you into a tight hug, clutching onto you like a lifeline and burying his head in the crook of your neck. You rubbed his back gently.
“You’re going to be okay. You’re going to be okay…”
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