#Blind gudinne
motionpicturelover · 11 months
"Blind gudinne" (1997) - Carl Jørgen Kiønig
(Transl.: "Blind goddess")
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Films and series I've watched in 2023 (95/119)
One of the best Norwegian crime series I've seen, with a truly stellar cast, down to the smallest role.
Full episodes on YouTube, though it is in Norwegian and without subtitles: 1, 2, 3, 4.
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omniishambles · 3 years
        FRIGGA || @gyllen-gudinne​         continued from here !
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The Allmother rests a hand on her son’s shoulder, eyes full of understanding.
“Hate is a powerful emotion, Loki. One that touches us all from time to time. If we fuel its fire, it will overtake us, and be all we ever see. Life has such beauty, as long as we are allowing ourselves to see it.”
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 Whether it was a Mother’s intuition or her heritage as a witch, Frigga had always seen right through him, straight to the scared little boy underneath. Loki supposed it was no different now, despite all the years, despite everything. Odd how something as simple as a hand on his shoulder could bring so much comfort.
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   “I’m afraid I lack your optimism.” He responded wryly, meeting her gaze with a brief smile. “Though I will admit that rage is blinding. Especially mine.”
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Hey ! Your Tumblr is great ! I have one question, though : do you know about scandinavian lesbian books ? I've done some research but it wasn't very conclusive... Thanks a lot !
Here are some Norwegian ones I was able to find:
The Four Winds by Gerd Brantenberg
What Comes Naturally? by Gerd Brantenberg
Nothing Happened by Ebba Haslund
The Hanne Wilhelmsen series, starting with Blind gudinne (Blind Goddess) by Anne Holt
Sofias hemmelighet (Hemmeligheter Book 1) by Kitty Summers
Tittel La meg male deg by Marilene De Oliveira
The Engelsfors Trilogy by Sara B. Elfgren and‎ Mats Strandberg
Fair Play by Tove Jansson
Som eld by Sara Lövestam
Det händer nu by Sofia Nordin
Also check out the Swedish LGBT Fiction Goodreads list.
Brud by Bente Clod
 I hope that helps!
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naeriels · 8 years
Bungou Stray Dogs: European Ability Users HC Part 1
|| Credits go to @deyanirasan​ for having me write this because otherwise it would have remained in a state of internal musings that made me crack up in laughter out of the blue and scare people around me shitless. I recently fell into the BSD world courtesy of my friend mentioned above and after finishing season 2, I started thinking about the European ability users and how they would work together in whatever organizations they’d be part of. After I started writing, it kind of escalated quickly :)) So here’s my HCs about the whole affair. ||
Europe is big, full of countries that throw shade on one another and have grudge lists that last for miles without end. Therefore, it makes sense that although the members in European organizations would be of different nationalities, they'd probably hate each other just on principle. But even so, their leaders have to make them work together somehow, right? So what better way to do so than by pairing them together not just by abilities, but also by sheer grudge levels.
So you've got the French and the German. There’s Dumas on one side being all flamboyant and charming, using a god damn real sword from the 1600s cuz why the heck not - Alexandre what effing museum did you pilfer it from again? His ability, Les inséparables, makes good use of said sword. He's paired up with Goethe who's all sour faced and grim and his ability looks like it is allowing him to summon the effing devil itself. Everyone's sort of scared shitless of Goethe, but it doesn't faze Dumas at all because he saw the guy fall in a bloody river when he stumbled over a tree root.
But then the French and the English also God damn hate each other and haven't been able to let bygones be bygones for bloody centuries...  the rest of Europe is annoyed. Guys it's been centuries get over yourself. 
So it goes like this...  there's Jane Austen who's all prim and proper and always carries a book with herself wherever she goes and she's fine by herself really, she has no need for a partner why ever would she need one? Her ability, Pride and Prejudice, is a little bit of offense and a little bit of defense and a lot of high level sarcasm aimed like a scalpel at her enemies leaving them blubbering fools spilling all their secrets just because of her words alone. So she says heck no when she's paired with Charles Baudelaire because the man is dourer than an English rainy season and she does not need a partner, thank you very much. But it works in a way, because they understand each other's space and convey what they need in a few words. There's no excess to them, no surplus of simpering pleasantries and if she's honest to herself his Fleurs du Mal ability is a thing of beauty. 
Greece and Italy sort of migrate together while trying to escape the lunacy of the others. A low maintenance team that actually works, the two are as different as it comes, but when things get real their dynamic leaves their enemies running for cover.  Nikos Kazantzakis’s ability is Zorba, a dance based defensive ability, that makes everyone and their mother mock its use, but nobody know better than his partner how it can definitely save lives in a pinch. He's lazy but he'll search the whole city he currently finds himself in for the perfect Greek restaurant to serve him gyros. He always brings some for the others as well so no matter what he does, they can't stand mad at him for long ( although he always borrows money from them and never pays them back despite saying he will simply because her forgets ). He loves sitting under the sun and simply relaxing whenever he can. 
His partner is Giovanni Boccaccio whose ability is The Decameron, a curious ability that changes every time he uses it ( rumors have it that it can change up to 100 times). He's always buying gelato even if they're in mother fucking Russia in winter if he can find the place to do so and he can cook the most divine pizza in the world.  Unlike some of the others he was actually happy when he was assigned a partner, because working alone is boring and anyway he needs someone whose ear he can talk off. He's over the top and eccentric and utterly ridiculous at times, but he'll go to hell and back to protect his partner. He and Dumas get in fashion contest together and the Brits and the German just leave altogether when it happens because it's too damn childish for them. He has the most amazing collection of shoes in the world, but never uses them, preferring to go for Roman sandals.  
Sweden and Norway. There's not much question when it comes to pairing these two, it's natural and everyone expects it to work. However they never imagined how well it will actually work. Black and white, dark and light, the two wield abilities that are as opposed as they are similar, but the sheer sight of the Swedish-Norwegian duo strikes fear in anyone who crosses their path. Selma Lagerlöf comes as serious and quiet, reserved and a bit shy, with an odd little smile on her face whenever she sees flocks of birds going towards the warm countries. She dresses in demure garb and never stands out. It's easy to dismiss her and she counts on it. By the time you realize the danger she possesses already you are swarmed, pearly white, knife sharp feathers hitting every vital point in your body, the shriek of birds making you go deaf.  
The one that stands out of the duo is Anne Holt, a charismatic and confident woman always dressed in a policewoman's garb ( whether it is real or not remains up to debate ). There's a chill in the woman's eyes, a sharp glint to her smile and by the time she makes her appearance any chance of escape is out. Her ability, Blind Gudinne, submerges everything in pitch black night, not a single ray of light piercing the oppressing darkness. The only ones able to see remain herself and her partner. Offense and defense in a deadly duo, the reason the most unassuming of the partnerships is the one with the most successful hits under their belt.
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motionpicturelover · 11 months
The post for "Blind gudinne" took me ages to arrange and post...
I now have quite a backlog that I'll post going forward, I'll try not to spam too hard.
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Hallo! do you know any norwegian LGBT books, in norwegian or english but set in norway? I don’t mind :3
I wasn’t able to find a lot, but I hope these help!
The Four Winds by Gerd Brantenberg
Nothing Happened by Ebba Haslund
The Hanne Wilhelmsen series, starting with Blind gudinne (Blind Goddess) by Anne Holt 
Sofias hemmelighet (Hemmeligheter Book 1) by Kitty Summers
Tittel La meg male deg by Marilene De Oliveira
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