#Blizzcon 2021
autolenaphilia · 4 months
I kinda cursed myself by getting into Diablo, which I've written about before. Because Activision-Blizzard is a terrible company. They are horrible towards their employees first and foremost, and have been for decades. Especially their women workers, who have made credible allegations of a culture of misogyny. They have had a massive lawsuit about this in the 2020s but even Diablo II was made using horrible crunch back in the late 1990s.
Their treatment of their customers is of course a far lesser evil, they have just been assholes to them. Still just looking at the Diablo series, there are examples of pretty much all the bad practices triple-a game studios towards customers have made in the last 20 years.
Diablo III is infamously one of the first notable examples of always-online DRM, despite the game having a single-player campaign. Now the game servers have stayed up a remarkably long time for Diablo III, because it was widely succesful (the fourth best-selling pc game of all time according to wikipedia with 20 million copies sold). But requiring a central server to play will mean the game will eventually die when the server is shut down. And not “die” in the sense that you can’t buy it anymore or can’t play multiplayer, it will die in the sense that you can’t ever play it at all anymore. This is despite the game having a substantial single-player campaign. This is a terrible practice for game preservation and I encourage you to join this campaign against it.
And Diablo III also had a foretaste of the predatory monetization to come, with the infamous real money auction house, that was so bad that it got shut down by Blizzard after a few years. But it was just a prologue to what would come with the next major installment: Diablo Immortal.
Immortal is a mobile game that became a meme right from its announcement. That was because the announcement that it would be mobile-only was greeted with boos at Blizzcon. And we should keep in mind that Blizzcon is a convention just for Blizzard games that cost 199 dollars to attend at the time (now it costs 299 dollars), so a very receptive audience to Blizzard’s bullshit, and Blizzard still got deservedly booed.
And then the actual game released, and it had such predatory monetization that it got nicknamed Diablo Immoral. I use the site macrotransactions.org, which grades games according to the presence of predatory monetization and they gave Diablo: Immortal a well-deserved F.
And this trend has only continued with the recent Diablo IV, which is again always-online and has predatory microtransactions.
Not that Diablo II is free from Blizzard bullshit. Both the original and remastered versions of Diablo II can only be bought from Blizzard’s own website, which I wouldn’t begrudge them if they didn’t also have DRM.
The installer for the original Diablo II only requires a key code you either got from the CD or e-mailed to you when you purchased it digitally. So not so bad. The original Diablo II however kinda shows its age and has always been a janky game, despite patches it still has serious bugs like the lying character screen. And the game shows its ages otherwise, despite the excellent art design, the game is also resolution locked to 800 x 600, and that’s only after you install the expansion. And the base game plus expansion still costs 20 dollars, despite being more than 20 years old and not properly patched.
It’s the kind of game that deserves a remaster. And Blizzard thought the same and released a remastered version in 2021, Diablo II: Resurrected that attempts to fix these issues. But the catch is that it also upped the DRM, this time the game requires you to “check in” online at least every 30 days, so the remastered game is just as doomed as III and IV when the servers shut down.
You just can’t win with Activision-Blizzard. The only Diablo game that actually feels worth getting legitimately is the first Diablo, which you can buy drm-free on GOG, and reasonably cheap too when there is a sale.
And it’s not that the games are bad either. They have very talented programmers, writers and artists working for them (which they treat horribly). Diablo II despite the jankyness is a great game, a very good sequel to the excellent first game that massively expands the scope of the series in interesting ways while remaining true to the first game.
I recently watched Noah Caldwell-Gervais’s excellent franchise retrospective video on the series, and he has played all the games, and finds much to praise about even the most reviled entries of the series. Even Diablo: Immortal, despite being a mobile game with predatory monetization, is a full-fledged entry into the series, a proper meaty action RPG with lots of story content. We will actually lose something valuable when the servers are shutdown.
The problem with Blizzard is not that they make bad games. It’s just that they are an evil company, which mistreats its workers (especially the women), ruthlessly monetizes their artistic efforts, and DRMs so badly that it will eventually destroy the games entirely once they are no longer profitable.
At this rate I can at best recommend getting Diablo I from GOG when it’s cheap in a sale, anything else is too heavy with Blizzard’s nonsense to really recommend. And "gamer boycotts" are kinda worthless, so I won't call for one, but I'll admit supporting that kind of company is worth questioning.
And frankly if you want to get into action rpgs, I would recommend playing Torchlight 1 and 2 instead of getting into Diablo.The Torchlight games are very much “Diablo-clones”, spiritual successors to the older series and clearly modeled on Diablo 1 and 2. But the gameplay is so polished, with many added quality-of-life features and way less bugs than Diablo II, that they improve the player experience enough to fully justify being so derivative. And they are not made or published by Activision-Blizzard, so you can buy both of them on GOG without DRM. Torchlight deserves its own post, and there are other worthy diablo-clones out there (i’ve played a bit of Dungeon Siege and enjoyed it). The positive legacy of Diablo lives on, despite Blizzard’s best attempts to pollute it.
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I don’t know how Winston would know Jack is alive. We never saw Cassidy get the news about Jack, but it’s obvious how he knows. I presume that Winston doesn’t know, and Cassidy throws the idea of finding Jack up in the air before realizing that it wouldn’t even be worth trying.
It would explain the cutscenes we saw in Blizzcon 2021 where Winston looks shocked as Lena pouts at him, and Lena leaves the dropship looking depressed.
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Now, bear with me as I push my “Gay Dad & Lesbian Daughter” propaganda. We see time and time again that Ana has tried to convince Jack to stop his one-man army shenanigans. I believe that Lena will ask Cassidy to help her track down Jack and Ana despite the advice he gave Winston. In the Uprising comic, we see Ana tries to pull Jack in one direction.
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It isn’t until Lena talks with Jack that he’s finally convinced that he should go against the prime minister and Director Petras’ word. I want to believe that Lena will be the driving force that brings Jack back to Overwatch, as well. She is very persuasive, after all.
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Now, the only issue here is that we don’t know who Jack and Ana are going to meet in Istanbul, and that short story can really make or break this theory of mine.
We know Cassidy has been tracked down by Talon. We know Akande asked Gabriel if Jack and Ana are dead yet. Imagine if Cassidy goes to Necropolis, one of Ana’s many hideouts, with Lena and is surprised to see she’s actually there. Cassidy meets Jack face-to-face for the first time, as does Lena, and they both make fun of his new beard... along with the cot, the single dumbbell, the whiskey, and the newspaper. (”Damn, bitch, you live like this?”) Then, Talon strikes! Cassidy and Lena were followed, and the four heroes must fight their way out of that mess. The mentors and the mentees! The parents and the kids! Once all is said and done, there would be a scene where Ana says that, with another one of her hideouts compromised, she’s done running. Jack would admit he’s impressed by how Cassidy and Lena handled themselves (while also throwing in a joke about how they both have a lot to learn, his tough guy exterior slipping away as it did in Bastet) before ultimately deciding to join the new blood of Overwatch.
Now, if I stop inhaling my copium, what will probably actually happen is that Jack will continue working with Ana from the shadows. I think the Overwatch 2 Release Date Reveal trailer opening with Lena walking in front of a statue of Mondatta in the sun only to show Jack perched up in front of Maximilien’s casino at night is no coincidence. It shows what the both of them are fighting for and highlights more of their parallels... but I can dream, okay?
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Your thoughts on pve and creators retconing some lore?
Do you think they will push more pharmercy and debunk gency??
Also, these negative reviews on game
and here I thought pve would help regain OW its former glory
How wrong I was
I mean I was kind of answering questions like this all day yesterday, and it's honestly fucking exhausting, but to recap:
-This is lore that basically makes the assumption of, "Everyone getting into this PvE has the attention span and narrative intelligence of a gnat and also no one was paying attention to any of the lore prior to 2021." Sure, you did have some call-outs, like I loved that Iggy had an appearance and voice in the Underground Event Mission, but they made Rein a calloused and surprisingly anti-omnic moron when that characterization really wasn't there before. Like... this was one of his big promotional images back when the game first came out!!!
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He's literally protecting an omnic!!
The Rio mission was spectacular, and honestly makes the Toronto and Gothenburg missions look noticeably less polished by comparison, but if memory serves, the Rio mission was the only one they were allowing players to play at Blizzcon way back so... >.>
-I think they'll push PM more and more because they recognize that's the bigger ship and they don't want to risk alienating whatever players they have left, but they'll likely take their sweet time actually confirming it to drag out in-fandom arguments and by extension keep word-of-mouth up.
-As far as the Steam negative reviews go, I mean, I think that was kind of a given, especially since that's literally TF2's turf and a lot of the fandom for that has been pretty hostile to Overwatch's general existence for years, and now it's crawling onto Steam with all of its ridiculous in-app purchases. It's doubtful that a lot, if not most of the reviewers have even played it, but honestly, given all of Blizzard's practices and broken promises, it's not undeserved.
-Like, again, I have to emphasize that because what we have for a PvE is clearly such a stepped down dialed back version of what was initially promised, what was initially pitched as the reason for OW2's relaunch, and because we had to pay for it in a game that billed itself (ha) as "Free to Play" I don't think even John Cena could have brought the hype up after years of disappointment and breadcrumbs. Especially when they're charging money for the very thing--or what would have been the very thing--that called for all this overhaul to the game. I never really had any notions of Overwatch regaining its former glory. Also there's the fact that what little PvE there is was introduced nearly a year after OW2's launch! Like! You're literally doing an anniversary event in the same season as the PvE!!
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oldgodlover · 1 year
(If you're on desktop, you'll find links to my tags for fanfic, art and rambling on the left side. Click on the 4 small squares and you'll get the links.)
I'm OldGodLover (or OGL) and I'm a writer in the World of Warcraft fandom.
Big fan of the Old Gods, I think I've been corrupted and I don't plan on changing that any time soon. You'll quickly notice that I'm in denial about the end of Ny'alotha...
You can find me on AO3 with the same pseud.
I currently have five fics on it.
A small, small God, in a big, big world
On-going fic. Rated M for violence, murders, sexual theme.
N'zoth took over a dead body before his death in Ny'alotha and is stuck playing the mortal until he can find a better way to leave. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as he thought. Being a mortal when you were a God is an entirely different world.
(50 chapters +)
N'zoth Whumptober 2021
N'zoth Whumptober 2022
N'zoth Whumptober 2023
Complete works. Rated M for whump.
Just me completing the Whumptober challenge of each years by using the characters of Small God.
"The Old Gods are dead"
One-shot. Rated T.
Inspired by the announcement of "The War Within" from the Blizzcon 2023. It's a story where N'zoth (who had survived by taking over a mortal body) meets with Xal'atath at the beginning of TWW.
Thanks for reading, I hope to see you soon and don't hesitate to come ramble about the Old Gods in my ask box!
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diverbots · 1 year
did you watch the blizzcon 2021 bts stream by any chance. and how averse to spoilers are you. no reason or anything 😼
Yeah I’ve seen it!! I have no problem with spoilers either so 😈
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alecbicheno · 7 months
Live brief treatment
We decided on our idea for the brief, that being my proposed idea of the fantasy dungeon betrayal. From there we had to create a treatment document for the week 1 deadline for David Pumpa to review our ideas. This document entailed going over various different aspects of the project. Some of these are a summary, an asset list, some concepts, some style references and story articulation. I handled the style reference and story articulation. The story articulation was simply just fleshing out the story and what the characters do, comparing it to Hansel and Gretel. The style references I showed what had in mind for the overall look and setting for the cinematic. I was mainly inspired by the Diablo 4 announcement trailer and a sequence from the show WandaVision, but also from the movie Spy Kids 2, as it features both treasure and skeleton enemies that the protagonists encounter.
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‘Breaking the Fourth Wall’ (2021) WandaVision, Series 1, episode 7. Available at Disney+ (Accessed 19 February 2024)
IGN, 2019. Diablo 4 - Official Announcement Cinematic Trailer | Blizzcon 2019. [Online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SSYzl9fXOQ [Accessed 19 February 2024].
Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams. 2002. [Film] Directed by Robert Rodriguez. United States: Troublemaker Studios.
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gamerbulten · 8 months
Diablo 2 Resurrected, Blizzcon 2021'de duyurulabilir ...
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gameforestdach · 11 months
Zusammenfassung: Nach einer zweijährigen Pause kehrt die BlizzCon zu Live-Events zurück! Geplant für den 3. bis 4. November, hat Blizzard Entertainment einen detaillierten Sendeplan veröffentlicht. Das Event folgt auf die gewaltige 69-Milliarden-Dollar-Übernahme von Activision Blizzard durch Microsoft und verspricht spannende Panels, darunter mehrere „Was kommt als Nächstes“-Streams für World of Warcraft, Hearthstone und Overwatch 2. BlizzCon 2023 markiert die Rückkehr zu Live-Events. Die Veranstaltung findet vom 3. bis 4. November im Anaheim Convention Center in Kalifornien statt. Elf Panels werden in voller Länge über YouTube und Twitch gestreamt. Große Panels bieten tiefe Einblicke in World of Warcraft, Hearthstone und Overwatch 2. Einführung Die Wartezeit ist fast vorbei! Die BlizzCon, eines der am meisten erwarteten Gaming-Events des Jahres, kehrt erstmals seit 2019 zu Live-Veranstaltungen zurück. Geplant vom Samstag, dem 3. November, bis Sonntag, dem 4. November, verspricht dieses Jahr ein besonderes Event zu werden. Elf Panels werden für Fans gestreamt, die nicht persönlich teilnehmen können. Lasst uns eintauchen, was uns auf der legendären Konvention erwartet! Sendeplan Tag 1: 3. November Zeit (PDT) Event 11:00 Uhr Eröffnungszeremonie 13:30 Uhr World of Warcraft: Was kommt als Nächstes 14:30 Uhr Overwatch 2: Tiefgehende Analyse 15:30 Uhr World of Warcraft Classic: Was kommt als Nächstes 16:30 Uhr Hearthstone: Was kommt als Nächstes 17:30 Uhr Warcraft Rumblings Tag 2: 4. November Zeit (PDT) Event 12:00 Uhr World of Warcraft: Tiefgehende Analyse 13:30 Uhr Overwatch 2: Was kommt als Nächstes 14:30 Uhr Diablo 4 Lagerfeuer-Gespräch 16:45 Uhr Gemeinschaftsabend 18:15 Uhr Auftritt von LE SSERAFIM Die Bedeutung der Rückkehr Die diesjährige BlizzCon hat aus mehreren Gründen eine besondere Bedeutung. Nicht nur ist es die erste Live-Veranstaltung seit 2019, sondern sie folgt auch auf die monumentale 69-Milliarden-Dollar-Übernahme von Activision Blizzard durch Microsoft. Zusätzlich, nach schwerwiegenden Vorwürfen und einer Klage des Bundesstaates Kalifornien im Jahr 2021, könnte dieses Event ein Wendepunkt für das Unternehmen sein. Quelle Was erwartet uns Zu den am meisten erwarteten Panels gehören die „Was kommt als Nächstes“-Streams für World of Warcraft, Hearthstone und Overwatch 2. Diese Panels werden den Fans wahrscheinlich einen Vorgeschmack auf kommende Updates, Erweiterungspakete und vielleicht sogar neue Spiele geben. Hat Blizzard letztes Jahr ein „brandneues Survival-Spiel“ angeteasert, könnte dies die große Enthüllung sein? Nur die Zeit wird es zeigen. So schaut man zu Alle Panels werden live über YouTube und Twitch gestreamt, sodass es für Fans weltweit zugänglich ist. Also, markiert euch den Kalender, denn ihr werdet keinen Moment dieses ikonischen Events verpassen wollen! Schlussbemerkungen Die BlizzCon 2023 deutet darauf hin, dass sie ein Event voller Enthüllungen, Aufregungen und vielleicht sogar einiger Wiedergutmachungen sein wird. Ob ihr persönlich dabei seid oder von zu Hause aus zuschaut – es verspricht spannend zu werden!
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redrowletart · 1 year
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11 December 2021
Back to my roots... with another Kakyoin. I drew this for my Jojo rewatch and after rereading one of my favourite fics with a friend!
I'm still really happy with this art. I think comparing this to my other Jojo fanart you can see the improvement I made in such a short amount of time. I'm really happy with the colours in particular :^)
This is Kakyoin at Bl*zzC*n, based on the fanfic JoJo's Heated Gaming Moments: Dorito Dust Crusaders, which can be read here. You can also follow the author @transhitman!!
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Media description under the cut. Please do not repost or edit my art.
[Media Description:
This post features fanart for the anime and manga series, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
The image is a digital drawing of Kakyoin Noriaki. He is wearing a pale blue-green button-down shirt with short sleeves and cherries printed on it, as well as dark sunglasses covering thin scars over his eyes. On his lips he is wearing dark purple lipstick. He sits next to a microphone at a table, with the logo for BlizzCon just out of focus.
End of Media Description.]
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gerard-robson · 1 year
Why You Should Consider Buying Diablo 4: A Comprehensive Look at its Aspects
Why You Should Consider Buying Diablo 4: A Comprehensive Look at its Aspects
Diablo 4 is one of the most anticipated games of 2021. As a gamer, you have probably heard of the game and might be wondering what makes it so special. In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at the different aspects of Diablo 4 and why it is a game worth buying.
The Storyline
The storyline is one of the most important aspects of any game. In Diablo 4, the storyline is set in a world of evil where the player is tasked with saving humanity from the wrath of the dark forces. The game's storyline takes players through different levels and stages, each with its unique challenges. The storyline is engaging and keeps the player on the edge of their seat, making it hard to put the game down.
According to Gamespot, "The game story is dark, and it isn't afraid to take its time to explore its themes, with many well-written characters with personal motivations for the player to interact with."
The Graphics
The graphics in Diablo 4 are exceptional and will leave you in awe. The game's developers have taken their time to ensure that every detail is perfect. The graphics are smooth, detailed, and give a lifelike feel to the game. The game's weather effects add to its visual appeal and make it feel even more realistic.
GamesRadar says, "The game looks like a painting come to life, with intricate details and dynamic environments that are visually stunning. The game's graphics are not just impressive but add to the immersive experience of the game."
The Multiplayer Mode
The multiplayer mode in Diablo 4 is a game-changer. Players can join forces and build teams to conquer the challenges that lie ahead. The multiplayer mode makes the game more exciting and engaging as gamers can now play with their friends and other players from all over the world.
As PC Gamer puts it, "The multiplayer mode in Diablo 4 feels like a whole new game. Players can join forces and create teams, allowing players to easily share loot, skill, and strategy. The multiplayer mode makes the game more exciting and engaging than ever before."
The Game Crafting and Customization
The game now includes crafting as one of its new features. Crafting in Diablo 4 allows players to make unique items and weapons to assist them on their quests. Additionally, players can also customize their characters and equipment to suit their gameplay style.
As IGN puts it, "Crafting in Diablo 4 offers a whole new level of gaming experience. Crafting unique items adds to the fun, excitement, and uniqueness of the game. With the ability to customize your equipment and strategy, the game is vastly more immersive than its predecessors."
Diablo 4 is an exceptional game worth buying. Its storyline, graphics, multiplayer mode, and crafting add to the game's excitement, immersion, and overall experience. If you are a gamer looking for the next big thing, Diablo 4 should be at the top of your list.
Gamespot: https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/diablo-iv-review-pain-waiting-to-be-felt/1900-6417662/
GamesRadar: https://www.gamesradar.com/diablo-4-preview/
PC Gamer: https://www.pcgamer.com/diablo-4-preview/
IGN: https://www.ign.com/articles/diablo-4-was-the-biggest-announcement-of-blizzcon-2019
Article by: None No break, no break, what is it buy diablo 4 aspects.
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jared-jennings · 1 year
The Latest News on Diablo 4's Release Date and Platforms
The Latest News on Diablo 4's Release Date and Platforms
Diablo 4 is one of the most highly anticipated games in the video game industry. Fans have been eagerly awaiting information on the release date and platforms for the game. In this article, we break down everything you need to know about Diablo 4's release date and platforms.
Development and Release Date
Diablo 4 was first announced at BlizzCon 2019. Since then, we have seen a few updates on the game's development. According to Blizzard, they are currently in the pre-alpha stage of development, which means the game is still in the early stages of production.
There is no official release date for Diablo 4 yet, but Blizzard has stated that the game will not be released in 2021. This means fans will have to wait a little longer before they can get their hands on the game. However, Blizzard has also emphasized that they are committed to delivering a high-quality game, so the delay is understandable.
Diablo 4 will be available on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. However, Blizzard has also confirmed that Diablo 4 will be playable on the next-gen consoles Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5. This means that players who purchase the game on current-gen consoles will be able to upgrade to the next-gen version for free.
It's worth noting that Diablo 4 will not be available on Nintendo Switch, which is a departure from the previous game in the series, Diablo 3, which was available on the Switch.
In conclusion, while we don't have an official release date for Diablo 4 yet, it's exciting to know that the game is in production and will be available on multiple platforms, including next-gen consoles.
It's clear that Blizzard is committed to delivering a high-quality game, so fans can rest assured that the wait will be worth it. Keep an eye out for more updates on Diablo 4 in the coming months.
PC Gamer - What we know about Diablo 4
Push Square - Diablo IV Won't Release in 2021, Confirms Blizzard
Games Radar - Diablo 4 is coming to PC, PS4, and the next Xbox, but not Switch
Article by: None If you're bored, try learning about it what you need to know about diablo 4.
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jessicalicari · 1 year
Darkviola (pseudonym of Jessica Licari) is a digital artist from Italy. She's inspired by anime, with a passion for themes such as philosophy, science and cyberpunk. She mainly works with digital media, but also loves to experiment with traditional media such as installation art. She's currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in Fine Arts - Painting, while also being active in the crypto community minting her NFTs on Foundation since June 2021.
2021 - Ongoing. Master’s Degree in Painting, Albertina Academy of Fine Arts, Turin (IT).
2021 Bachelor’s Degree in Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Sassari (IT).
2022 Selected winner, GENE_SIS Senshi Art Contest (online, South Korea)
2021 Finalist, Copic Award (Tokyo, Japan)
2014 Honorable Mention, BlizzCon 2014 Original Art Contest (Irvine, USA)
2023 SUMMER EXHIBITION 2023, Torino (IT)
2022 Anime Art Showcase, curated by DarrenSRS (metaverse exhibition)
2021 Anime Inspired, curated by RWX (online exhibition, Foundation)
2021 Gallery of Gold, curated by Eddie Gangland (metaverse exhibition)
2014 BlizzCon (Irvine, USA)
2018 No Man’s City: La città di tutti, Yona Friedman with Jean-Baptiste Decavèle, Yona Friedman’s site specific installation at University of Sassari, Sassari (IT).
2022 KOTH Magazine (USA)
2021 Meer (online article, IT)
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lutoogyan · 1 year
BlizzCon 2023 takes place in person in November
This BlizzCon will be the first held in person in four years. The 2020 and 2021 in-person events were canceled because of the covid pandemic, and while the company did host a 2021 virtual event, an online 2022 event was canceled after allegations came to light about sexual harassment and discrimination at the company.
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rawjust · 2 years
When does diablo 4 come out
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When does diablo 4 come out full#
When does diablo 4 come out series#
When does diablo 4 come out windows#
When Microsoft acquired Blizzard, there were some initial concerns that Diablo 4 wouldn’t be available on Sony consoles.
When does diablo 4 come out series#
Since then, the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S have launched and been added to Diablo 4’s platform list. What are the Diablo 4 platforms?īlizzard confirmed that Diablo 4 is coming to PC, as well as both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles, during its BlizzCon 2019 announcement. For now, we can watch and watch again the Blizzcon Diablo 4 trailer and hope for the best.Fan-favorite class the Necromancer returns to command the dead in Diablo 4. Blizzard hasn’t told us anything in 2021, and we still remember the unsatisfactory reactions to their mobile project Diablo Immortal. In addition, we still question the new gameplay features.
When does diablo 4 come out full#
The developers will not stand the increasing pressure and release the game unfinished and full of bugs. Conclusionsĭiablo 4 Blizzard risks being another Cyberpunk. The recommended system requirements will show the optimal configuration for supporting the maximal graphic quality.
Video memory: AMD Radeon R7 360X or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti minimally or AMD Radeon RX 580 8 GB or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 is a recommended video adapter.
Chipset: Intel Core i3-560 3.3GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 805 for minimal configuration and Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz / AMD FX-8370 for the recommended configuration.
When does diablo 4 come out windows#
Platform: Windows (7, 10, 11), PlayStation (4,5), Xbox (Series One).The system requirements can be altered in the future, but here is what is clear for now concerning the Diablo 4 system requirements: What Are The Possible System Requirements?įor an AAA project, Diablo 4 will not be a very demanding game. The video tells about combat improvements and some graphic effects (lightning, blood on characters, etc.). In the video that accompanies the developers’ report, new Diablo 4 classes were announced and shown. The other Diablo 4 news concern the new characters. The system of Physically Based Rendering models will be applied to manage the light and reflection from all surfaces. They added animations to the area attacks. As for the graphics, the developers concentrated on the fighting system.What is more, if a player gets a boost for a perk they haven’t unlocked yet, they get access to it automatically until the booster is gone. The Diablo 4 gameplay will be boosted with the perks that enforce the main talents of each character.It is a table of perks, where each character opens definite magical, physical, or rare traits. A table of improvements is available for each character, starting from level 50.Table of improvements is an answer to players’ cl aims about concentration on items. The last one came out in December 2021, It concerned the graphics and the changes in the leveling system. Developers issue a report every three months. What’s New in The Gameplay?ĭespite the bad news, we still can watch how Diablo 4 will look and feel. The same can be said about the Diablo 4 pre-order start. So, everything that is definitely clear is that the Diablo 4 release date will not be in 2022. Add here the latest collapse in the company caused by Jen O’Neal leaving the head position. Blizzard wanted to maintain both of their upcoming projects, Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2. Axios journalist Stephen Tolio tweeted that the developer postponed the release date for an undefined term. The situation with the release date is still unclear. Since Blizzcon 2019, when the Diablo 4 announcement shocked the public, three years passed. In this post, you will learn the latest news about the Diablo 4 release date, the game content you can examine right now, and the possible system requirements. Though Blizzard runs more successful game franchises, like WoW or Overwatch, Diablo remains the most iconic game for all games that started in the late 90s. A big share of the concerns, maybe, the most wanted game, Diablo 4. Despite the latest harassment scandals in Activision Blizzard company, which promoted Microsoft to buy the company, Blizzard games remain one of the most popular aims for wool-gathering and theories.
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ms-mary-macky · 4 years
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blizzcon 2021 mood
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gamerbulten · 8 months
BlizzCon 2021 gerçekleşmiyor, ancak 2022'de hibrit bir etkinlik olacak BlizzCon 2021 iptal edildi, anca...
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