#Blokdh sobbing over a tiktok trend
gaiussleechtank · 2 years
I've seen the 'Poet, King and Solider' test been going around on tiktok lately and I have so much to say about it.
If Arthur were to take the test he would outwardly say that he'd obviously be king, or if not, then Solider. But deep down, he wants to get poet, he wants the freedom and the creativity. It's bloody canonical that he wants to run away from his duties sometimes.
I have so many headcannons that Arthur, if given the chance, would have so many little and fun hobbies to indulge in, he would paint and draw, learn how to play the lute or lyre, have a passion of bird keeping, or write ridiculously soppy poetry.
Deep down he just wants to be free from the burdens of responsibility that he's been forced to have since a child. He wants to read the fairy tales he was never allowed to read as a kid. He wants to play hide and seek. Get caught doing silly things. Make mistakes.
But he couldn't, not as heir to the throne, not as Uther's son. Arthur was dealt with one of the worst hands in the entire series. If there wasn't the war against magic, if his father had never been a selfish prick, Arthur would have truly flourished and been a better person all around. But no, he was forced to grow up too young, see and understand death from the beginning, bear the responsibility of a kingdom he never asked for.
Arthur would get king and dream of being a poet.
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