#Blood Screening Market Trends
The report "Blood Screening Market by Product (Reagent & Kits, Instrument, Software), Technology (NAT, (Real-Time PCR), ELISA (Chemiluminescence Immunoassay), Rapid Test, Western Blot), End User (Blood Bank, Hospital), & Region - Global Forecast to 2028", is projected to reach USD 3.4 billion by 2028 from USD 2.4 billion in 2023, at a CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period. Growth in this market is mainly driven by the growing requirement for donated blood, the rising number of blood donations around the world, and the ever-increasing infectious diseases. However, operational barriers and the high cost of Blood screening instruments is likely to hamper the growth of blood screening market.
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marketresearchdataigr · 9 months
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back2bluesidex · 2 months
To Be Popular - JJK (18+) [Prologue Preview]
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↪ Patreon Membership Exclusive Series
↪ Pairing: Social Media Influencer! Jungkook X Marketing Manager! Reader ft. Yoongi
↪ Summary: You love everything about social media - apart from the ever-growing number of social media influencers. You don't understand how these people gain followers and admirers just by installing a camera and doing very basic things in front of it. And you despise how some of them can do anything to gain fame, to be popular - even if it includes uploading their bedroom scene in pornsites aka people like Jeon Jungkook.
But when your company launches a new product and your department head tasks you with signing Jeon Jungkook up as an endorsement partner - you have no choice but to chase him like the corporate slave that you are. However, things turn worse when you embroil in a dating rumor with him and have to keep the game going for the sake of everything.
is it really for the worse or things will turn in a way you never expected?  
↪ Theme: Strangers to lovers au, fake dating au, kind of enemies to lover au, angst, smut, fluff.
↪ A/N: This series will have 2k words per chapter and will be updated weekly. Hence, you can expect the first chapter sometime next week. Hope that you enjoy this one <3
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Your jaw hangs ajar, threatening to touch the floor as Min Yoongi, aka the manager you have a fat crush on, presents the campaign plan of your company’s new product’s marketing. Everything was fine until Yoongi suggested influencer endorsement and if this is not a joke of the universe then you don’t know what it is because you can see Jeon Jungkook’s picture gracing the screen.   
“Jeon Jungkook? Why?” you utter these words without so much of a thought. 
Yoongi looks at you with his narrowed eyes, “why not? You know, he is really famous. He is trending currently.” 
“Yeah but the reason he is trending- well. I don’t think he is suitable for our brand image.” you press on. 
Yoongi chuckles at your constipated expression, “Y/N-ah” he calls you softly and a tiny part of your heart melts, “I am sure our brand image can go up with a few charitable works here and there. But the company wants a return of what they are investing in marketing. I bet signing up Jeon Jungkook will help.” 
“Y/N, you know we are already at a tight spot right? Our last campaign wasn’t as successful as we expected. The company may take steps if we don’t do this right this time.” calls Mrs. Lee from the other side of the table. 
“And before you ask me why him, why not the other influencers…” Yoongi chimes in again, “We are selling gaming laptops and this guy is addicted to games. He has more followers than the actual streamers. He is young, hot, and talented in many areas. In one word, he is perfect.” 
“You awfully sound like you want to date him.” You scoff at the man. He only chuckles. 
Yoongi tries to say something but a knock rings on the door. One of the staff opens the door only a little and says, “Sir, he is here.” 
Yoongi nods and says, “send him inside.” 
“Who is coming?” you place the question. Only for Yoongi to smirk as a response. 
When you are about to press more, the door swings open revealing the man who-should-not-be-named, Jeon Jungkook. 
Your eyes go wide as you take him in - all baggy clothes and a cute bucket hat perched on the top of his head. Bambi eyes scanning the room like a puppy brought to his very new home. As if he is not the guy who is going viral for fucking on camera and selling it to an adult site. 
He bows deeply and opens his mouth to greet, “Hello, I am Jeon Jungkook.” 
You feel your blood pressure raising at the thought of working with him. You will survive it right? 
You will have to. 
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Read full prologue on Patreon
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solver002 · 27 days
Eventually, all walls meet demolition So Wall Street had to keep the tradition Their financial systems resigned to ignition And out of the ashes, we have arisen
An empire is forged in the fire of ambition In business, there isn't the time for attrition Invest to suppress then ingest competition Then each acquisition is new ammunition
When governments crumble and fall to the floor That was paved with the graves of a corporate war A fundament funded in blood just to shore A foundation for founding our covenant
Born of a need for control of societal entropy Enterprise at the price of your indemnity Chart out the course and of course you were meant to be Bent to the will of a corporate entity
Arasaka Security. You're in safe hands
We're the light in your screens, we're the lead in your veins Then you wake from your dreams, so we can sell them again In the light we distract with the shiny and new So you're blind to the fact that the product is you So let your brain dance and replay the dream But don't drown in the data stream 'Cause we see where you are and we see where you go 'Cause we know what you own and we own what you know
From the top of all our towers, the corridors of power clearly need rewiring Arasaka saw the spark and then embarked upon the path to turn that spark to lightning There's no autonomous megalopolis so populous or prosperous you could reside in And every citizen that's living in this city is a digit on the charts we're climbing
Political systems are too inefficient They split like the atom and burned in the fission Now every department and every decision Defer to the herds of our corporate divisions
If you don't remember the ballot you cast It's printed on every receipt you were passed Each time you selected our products and services We were elected in each of your purchases
What's left to do when you've got the monopoly? Turn the consumer into the commodity It isn't hard where you've hardware neurology Honestly, do read the company policy
Take information and trade it for wealth You pay it in each augmentation we sell It's easy to cut out the middleman When he's cut out most of himself
Arasaka Finance. Investing in your future
We're the light in your screens, we're the lead in your veins Then you wake from your dreams, so we can sell them again In the light we distract with the shiny and new So you're blind to the fact that the product is you So let your brain dance and replay the dream But don't drown in the data stream 'Cause we see where you are and we see where you go 'Cause we know what you own and we own what you know
All that you say on the net we composite To maps that go straight from your head to your pocket Complain if you want, you're still making deposits Of data — each day you log on is a profit
Society currently lists electronic So isn't conducting resistance ironic? We've plenty of skeletons locked in our closets But yours are assembled from old-stock hydraulics
So lucky we know just the pieces you need All plucked from your social media feeds The places you go and the posts that you read All snatched for a new algorithm to feed
Now, holding our gold isn't par for the brand Our silver is sat in the palm of your hand Quit whining and sign on the line in the sand The supply does not get to make the demands
Arasaka Manufacturing. Building a better tomorrow
Name, age, qualifications Race, faith, career aspirations Political leaning, daily commute Marital status, favourite fruit
Family, browser, medical history Hobbies, interests, brand affinity Fashion, style, your occupation Gender identity, orientation
Lifestyle choices, dietary needs The marketing contact you choose to receive Posts, likes, employers, friends Social bias, exploitable trends
Tastes, culture, phone of choice Facial structure, the tone of your voice If it's inside your head, we know You can't escape the ebb and flow
We're the light in your screens, we're the lead in your veins Then you wake from your dreams, so we can sell them again In the light we distract with the shiny and new So you're blind to the fact that the product is you So let your brain dance and replay the dream But don't drown in the data stream 'Cause we see where you are and we see where you go 'Cause we know what you own and we own what you know
When guiding the hand of the market If it's holding a cheque or a gun The fingers go deep in your pockets And you can live under the thumb
You seem so surprised, what did you expect? We're thinking outside of that box that you checked The terms were presented in full to inspect You scrolled to the end just to get to "Accept"
Arasaka would like to know your location (In the light we distract with the shiny and new) Arasaka would like to know your location Arasaka would like to know your location (So you're blind to the fact that the product is you) Arasaka would like to know your location
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wealmostaneckbeard · 2 years
Seeds of Salvation and Heresy
3 Intersections of technology and culture within the Human Imperium:
Occasionally the Adeptus Mechanicus will give large, easy-to-use, industrial paper printers to Ecclesiarchy cults and Administratum bureaus.  The cults use the printers to make pamphlets promoting their faith. The bureaus use the machines to generate large quantities of printed records that get sealed up in a vault where they are rarely consulted. When the cults and bureaus collapse due to internal corruption or incompetent leadership, the mechanicus isn’t eager to reclaim the printers. The tech-priests rely on the noosphere, hardline data-cables, and vox transmissions to share information, so print media is beneath them. Thus the printers are sold off on the open market and purchased by aspiring publishers. This is how most newspapers within the Imperium start. 
Reporters will cover the news in the local area, with an emphasis on whatever is important to locals and reinforces the legitimacy of Imperial authority. By catering to those two interests, the paper will avoid censure and acquire a large subscription base. Newspapers supported by aristocracy have the false freedom to question those in positions of power without severe repercussion, as long as the target isn’t their own patron. When reporters are attached to Imperial Guard regiments in a battlefield, they will be closely supervised by members of the Commissariat. 
Desperate journalists with connections to warp dabblers might seek aid from Slaanesh or Tzeentch. The Dark Prince can give one the charisma and reputation to interview any subject they desire. And the Changer of Ways can give an investigator the inside scoop on anything or anyone in the past present or future. By invoking the warp, these investigators make themselves a target for the Ordo Malleus and other Ruinous Powers.
Blood Ballots
On planets where imperial society is too young to have an established hereditary ruling class, democracy is implemented. These elections, run by the Adeptus Arbites and Administratum, are loaded with faux candidates and propositions to bait insurrectionists into exposing themselves. A citizen of the imperium has nothing to fear as long as they vote correctly with their signed ballot. When the society gets old enough it will usually abandon the voting process and governance will flow along lines of succession. But some societies don’t do that and instead scale the process up with help from the Mechanicus. This aid comes in the form of cogitators and other mass survey-taking devices. When the Biologis branch of the Mechanicus get involved, that is when blood-ballots start being used.
Obviously, the blood ballot requires the voter to prick their finger and mark their votes with their own blood. Afterwards the voter gets an “I voted!” bandage wrap. The ballot is then sent off to a tallying station to be counted. And after that, Tech-priests take the blood stained pieces of paper and run them through genetic screening devices. This is how the Mechanicus, and the other authorities they communicate with, are able to detect disturbing genetic trends in the general populace. Mutant uprisings, psyker flare-ups, and xenos corruption can all be anticipated and pre-emptively crushed before they threaten society. Thus blood ballots are high priority targets for those same subversives who wish to remain hidden. Chaos blood sorcerers will also seek these ballots to use in their dark rituals. Given all this it’s no wonder that the Mechanicus will deploy heavily armed forces to defend blood ballot collection centers.
A hab-block is a cubic housing unit containing a kitchen (ration storage), bathroom (low flow toilet and shower), bedroom (bunkbeds), and living room (byo/dyi furniture). They are produced by an STC  and slot together to form unending apartment rows in hive cities.  
In an Isoburb, the hab-block serves as the core for a single family-of-five residence. Each block is placed equidistant from each other along paved roads and cul-de-sacs. Homeowners build onto the block and expand their homes using available construction materials. Typical additions are a garage and a second floor accessible by a staircase. More eccentric individuals could add other features such as perimeter fencing, a third floor, pool, garden, and more. These expansions are regulated by ad-hoc governing bodies known as Homeowners Associations. 
Isoburbs are typically found on frontier and garden worlds. This housing arrangement is used for workers at information/tactically sensitive facilities:  Astropathic relays, archeological archives, anti-orbital weapons platforms, and outer void detection towers. Thanks to the isoburbs layout, workers cannot easily spread diseases, dangerous ideas, or unauthorized information beyond their shift-mates and immediate family. Some spaces are set aside for public (schools, parks) and commercial use (shopping, restaraunts), access to them can be restricted for the same reasons listed previously. This isolation focused design has been documented to have a detrimental effect on residents psyches but the trade off is considered acceptable.
The roads connecting the housing developments to a facility are designed to be labyrinthine to limit civilian riots and impede an invading ground-based army. Soldiers have to deal with long wide-open roads while on foot or in light vehicles. They must also prepare for close quarters combat while clearing out every individual residence along those roads. These problems almost disappear if an army is using heavy, super-heavy, or flying vehicles. The former can simply drive over structures while the latter can soar above them.
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The Carcinoembryonic Antigen Market is projected to grow from USD 1235 million in 2024 to an estimated USD 3522.944 million by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14% from 2024 to 2032.The global Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) market has been experiencing significant growth, driven by advancements in cancer diagnostics, increased prevalence of cancer worldwide, and the growing awareness of the role of biomarkers in early cancer detection. CEA is a glycoprotein involved in cell adhesion and is commonly used as a tumor marker in cancer diagnostics, particularly for colorectal cancer. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the CEA market, exploring key drivers, restraints, opportunities, and trends shaping its future trajectory.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/carcinoembryonic-antigen-cea-market
Market Definition and Scope
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) is a biomarker that is frequently measured in blood samples to monitor cancer progression, especially in patients with colorectal, breast, pancreatic, and lung cancers. CEA levels can provide essential insights into cancer recurrence, response to therapy, and prognosis. It plays a crucial role in detecting cancer at an early stage, allowing for timely intervention and personalized treatment plans. The global CEA market encompasses various diagnostic tests, including CEA assays, kits, reagents, and instrumentation.
Key Drivers of the CEA Market
1. Rising Prevalence of Cancer: The increasing incidence of cancer globally is one of the primary factors driving the CEA market. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for approximately 10 million deaths in 2020. Colorectal cancer, in particular, is among the most common cancers, and CEA is widely used in its diagnosis and management.
2. Advancements in Diagnostic Technologies: Technological advancements in diagnostic tools and techniques have improved the accuracy and efficiency of CEA testing. The introduction of highly sensitive immunoassays, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and chemiluminescence immunoassays (CLIAs), has enhanced the ability to detect CEA levels in patients, contributing to better cancer management.
3. Growing Demand for Personalized Medicine: As the healthcare industry shifts towards personalized medicine, the demand for biomarkers like CEA is increasing. CEA testing helps in tailoring treatment strategies based on an individual’s tumor biology and response to therapy, improving treatment outcomes and reducing adverse effects.
4. Increasing Awareness and Government Initiatives: Governments and healthcare organizations worldwide are raising awareness about cancer prevention and early detection. In many countries, cancer screening programs that include CEA testing are being implemented to identify high-risk populations. This has further propelled the demand for CEA diagnostic tests.
Challenges and Restraints
1. Limited Specificity of CEA Testing: One of the primary limitations of CEA as a biomarker is its lack of specificity. Elevated CEA levels can also be observed in non-cancerous conditions such as smoking, liver disease, and inflammatory conditions. This can lead to false-positive results, complicating the diagnostic process. Consequently, CEA testing is often used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools to improve accuracy.
2. High Cost of Advanced Diagnostic Tools: The cost associated with advanced diagnostic technologies, including CEA assays, can be prohibitive for healthcare providers, especially in low- and middle-income countries. This limits the accessibility of CEA testing in certain regions, thereby restricting market growth.
3. Regulatory and Reimbursement Challenges: Regulatory approval processes and reimbursement policies for diagnostic tests vary significantly across regions. Stringent regulations and the absence of uniform reimbursement policies can hinder market growth, particularly for new entrants.
Opportunities in the CEA Market
1. Emerging Markets: Developing countries, particularly in Asia-Pacific, are witnessing a surge in healthcare infrastructure development and cancer awareness programs. These regions present significant opportunities for market expansion as healthcare providers invest in advanced diagnostic tools, including CEA testing.
2. Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI): The integration of AI and machine learning in diagnostic tools offers promising opportunities for the CEA market. AI-powered algorithms can enhance the interpretation of CEA test results, leading to more accurate and timely diagnoses.
3. Collaboration Between Key Players: Collaborations between pharmaceutical companies, diagnostic laboratories, and research institutions can accelerate the development of innovative CEA tests and assays. Such partnerships can also help in overcoming challenges related to regulatory approvals and market penetration.
Market Segmentation
The CEA market can be segmented based on product type, application, and end-user. Product types include CEA assays, kits, reagents, and instruments. Applications of CEA testing are primarily in colorectal cancer, followed by breast, pancreatic, and lung cancers. Key end-users of CEA testing products are hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, and research institutions.
Competitive Landscape
Several key players dominate the CEA market, including Abbott Laboratories, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Siemens Healthineers, and Thermo Fisher Scientific. These companies focus on product innovation, partnerships, and geographic expansion to maintain a competitive edge. For instance, Roche’s Elecsys CEA assay is a popular product in cancer diagnostics, offering high precision and reliability.
Key Player Analysis:
Abbott (U.S.)
Aviva Systems Biology Corporation
Boster Biological Technology (U.S.)
Cigna (U.S.)
Correlogic Systems, Inc. (Hong Kong)
Creative Diagnostics (U.S.)
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (Switzerland)
Genway Biotech, LLC. (U.S.)
Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings (U.S.)
Lee BioSolutions (U.S.)
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER) (U.S.)
Merck KGaA (Germany)
Omega Diagnostics Group PLC (U.K.)
Prospec-Tany Technogene Ltd (Israel)
Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (U.S.)
RayBiotech Life, Inc (U.S.)
By Type,
Serum CEA
Tissue CEA.
By Gender,
By Product,
By Test,
Clinical testing
Research testing.
By End-Use,
Diagnostic laboratories,
Research institutes.
By  Region
North America
The U.S
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/carcinoembryonic-antigen-cea-market
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Credence Research is committed to employee well-being and productivity. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented a permanent work-from-home policy for all employees.
Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
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tamanna31 · 10 days
Blood Screening Market 2023- Business Planning Research and Resources, Revenue, and Forecasts 2030
Blood Screening Market Size & Trends
The global blood screening market size was valued at USD 2.76 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7% from 2023 to 2030. 
Blood screening is a process in which donated blood is screened for infectious diseases such as HBV, HCV, HIV1, and HIV2. The high growth of this market is attributed to rising blood donations, an increase in the incidence of infectious diseases, and government initiatives. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 118.54 million blood donations are collected yearly. In the U.S., 6.8 million individuals donate blood annually, and 13.6 million units of red blood cells and whole blood are collected annually.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Blood Screening Market
The market is primarily driven by the rise in the rate of disorders such as HIV, diphtheria, measles and chronic diseases such as hemophilia, cancer, and other blood-related disorders. Blood-based diagnostics are used to diagnose a wide range of diseases, including infectious diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Serology tests detect the presence of antibodies to a specific disease-causing organism. These tests diagnose various infectious diseases, including HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis. Molecular tests detect the presence of DNA or RNA from a specific disease-causing organism. These tests are more sensitive than serology tests and can be used to diagnose diseases at an earlier stage. Biochemical tests measure the levels of certain substances in the blood. These tests can diagnose a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, kidney disease, and liver disease.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the market. Although respiratory droplets are the primary means of COVID-19 virus transmission, research has shown that viral RNA may be discovered in blood samples, supporting blood screening for COVID-19 identification, hence driving the market significantly. 
Blood Screening Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global blood screening market based on technology, product, and region:
Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAT)
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) and Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
Next Generation Sequencing
Western Blotting
Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Browse through Grand View Research's Medical Devices Industry Research Reports.
The global embolic protection devices market size was valued at USD 612.9 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global covered stent market size was estimated at USD 1.13 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Product launches, approvals, strategic acquisitions, and innovations are just a few of the important business strategies used by market participants to maintain and grow their global reach.
For instance, in March 2023, Abbott received U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for a laboratory traumatic brain injury blood test, the first commercially available lab-based test for the assessment of mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), commonly referred to as concussions, which will be made widely available to hospitals across the U.S. This test, which is powered by Abbott’s Alinity i laboratory tool, will enable clinicians to evaluate individuals with mild traumatic brain injuries in a timely manner.
Furthermore, in May 2023, Siemens Healthcare introduced Atellica HEMA 570 and 580 next-generation hematology analyzers, which have user-friendly interfaces and can be connected to multiple analyzers to remove workflow barriers and provide high throughput time.
Key Blood Screening Companies:
Danaher Corporation (Beckman Coulter)
Becton Dickinson and Company
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Hoffman-La Roche Ltd.
Grifols, S.A.
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
SOFINA s.a (Biomerieux)
Order a free sample PDF of the Blood Screening Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research. 
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creativeera · 14 days
DNA and RNA Sample Preparation Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Increasing Adoption
The DNA and RNA sample preparation market involves processes associated with isolation, extraction, purification and quantification of nucleic acids DNA and RNA from various sources like tissues, blood, sperm, cells etc. for downstream applications in genomics, molecular diagnostics, personalized medicine and others. The sample preparation is a critical and initial step before conducting various genomic tests including Next Generation Sequencing, polymerase chain reaction and other assays. Growing awareness and adoption of precision medicine and genetic/molecular testing is driving demand for efficient nucleic acid isolation and downstream analysis.
The Global DNA and RNA Sample Preparation Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 2262.46 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.8% over the forecast period 2024 To 2031. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the DNA and RNA sample preparation are Agilent Technologies, Inc., Becton, Dickinson and Company, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., DiaSorin S.p.A, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Miroculus, Inc., Illumina, Inc., PerkinElmer, Inc., QIAGEN, Sigma Aldrich Corp., Tecan Group AG, and Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. Growing prominence of personalized medicine is creating opportunities for development of new sample preparation methods and kits which can extract nucleic acids from various types of samples. Rising incidence of chronic and infectious diseases worldwide is increasing diagnostic testing which will propel sample preparation market growth. Global expansion of key market players through acquisitions and partnerships with regional diagnostic labs and research institutes will further augment market revenues. Market Drivers Increasing funding for Genomic and genetic research from government bodies as well as private sector is one of the key factors driving the DNA and RNA Sample Preparation Market Size. Government initiatives aimed at large scale population screening and clinical testing for various genetic disorders, infectious diseases and cancers are also creating demand for high throughput nucleic acid preparation. Growing geriatric population and rising healthcare spending in developing nations also provides growth opportunities for market players in the forecast period.
PEST Analysis Political: Laws and regulations imposed by governments for research using DNA and RNA samples could impact the market. Changes in healthcare policies will also have effects. Economic: Factors like GDP growth, income levels, healthcare spending will drive demand. Rise in research activities and focus on precision medicine boost the market. Social: Growing awareness about personalized medicine and importance of genetic testing are important. Social trends also promote preventive healthcare and wellness. Technological: Advancements in fields like next generation sequencing, lab automation, bioinformatics are key for market growth. Miniaturization and portability of equipment expand applications. Developments in sample collection and storage methods improve efficiency. Geographical regions where the market in terms of value is concentrated include North America and Europe. North America accounts for the largest share in the global market due to presence of well-established healthcare industry and research institutes. Europe also captures notable share due to growing biotech sector and research funding. The Asia Pacific region is projected to be the fastest growing market during the forecast period. This is attributed to factors such as increasing healthcare expenditure, growing awareness, expanding biotech industry and rising government investments in research. Countries like China, India offer growth opportunities as they focus on healthcare infrastructure development.
Get more insights on DNA And RNA Sample Preparation Market
Also read related article on Surgical Robots Market
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Vaagisha brings over three years of expertise as a content editor in the market research domain. Originally a creative writer, she discovered her passion for editing, combining her flair for writing with a meticulous eye for detail. Her ability to craft and refine compelling content makes her an invaluable asset in delivering polished and engaging write-ups.
(LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaagisha-singh-8080b91)
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colinwilson11 · 15 days
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market To Grow Significantly Due To Increasing R&D Investment By Key Players
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The soft tissue sarcoma market is a rapidly emerging field owing to increasing R&D investment by key players. Soft tissue sarcomas are rare cancers that develop in supporting or connective tissues like fat, muscle, blood vessels, deep skin tissues, and nerves. Some of the common types include gastrointestinal stromal tumors, uterine sarcomas, and rhabdomyosarcoma.
Soft tissue sarcomas account for about 1% of all adult cancers. While surgery is the mainstay for treatment of localized disease, advanced cases often require chemotherapy and targeted drug therapy.
The Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 315 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.2% over the forecast period 2024-2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the soft tissue sarcoma market are Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, GSK (GlaxoSmithKline), and Roche.
The growing incidence of soft tissue sarcoma cases globally is a major factor driving market growth. Soft tissue sarcomas affected over 13,000 individuals in the United States in 2020 according to statistics.
Technological advancements like targeted drug therapy and development of biomarker assays are expanding treatment options and improving clinical outcomes for soft tissue sarcoma patients.
Market Trends
Increased focus on personalized medicine - Researchers are investigating molecular diagnostic tests and targeted therapies customized to a patient's tumor genetics which may improve response rates.
Combination therapy gaining traction - Combining drugs that work through different mechanisms is a promising approach and ongoing studies are evaluating combinations of chemotherapy with immunotherapies.
Market Opportunities
Immunotherapy emerging as a viable treatment option - Drugs that activate the immune system like checkpoint inhibitors have shown survival benefits in certain sarcoma subtypes creating new opportunities.
Companion diagnostics can guide therapy selection - Development of reliable biomarkers can help identify patients likely to respond to specific therapies and avoid treatment toxicity.
Impact Of COVID-19 On Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market Growth
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the soft tissue sarcoma market. During the initial phases of the pandemic in 2020, most hospitals and clinics shifted their focus towards COVID care, which led to postponement of non-emergency surgeries and treatments. This impacted the diagnosis and treatment rates of soft tissue sarcomas. Patients also delayed their appointments and screenings fearing exposure to the virus in healthcare settings. This interrupted the continuity of care and follow-ups, posing challenges to sarcoma management. However, with increased availability of COVID vaccines and resumption of healthcare services from 2021, the market is slowly recovering. There is pent-up demand for diagnostic tests and treatments that were delayed during the peak pandemic phases. Hospitals have implemented strict safety protocols to reassure patients and ensure continuity of sarcoma management. Telehealth and home care services also aided in reducing disruption during lockdowns. Still, workforce shortages in the healthcare sector continue to pose operational difficulties. The long-term impact of delayed diagnoses and treatments remains to be seen. Market players are focusing on improving access to therapies through innovative drug delivery mechanisms and digital solutions.
Geographical Regions With Highest Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market Value
In terms of value, North America dominated the soft tissue sarcoma market as of 2021, owing to established healthcare infrastructure, high adoption of advanced diagnostic tools and therapies, and presence of key market players in the US and Canada. Within the region, the United States accounted for the major share. Europe is another prominent regional market, led by countries like Germany, United Kingdom, France, and others. Growing research on targeted therapies and partnerships between drug makers and cancer institutes are driving market growth across Europe. The Asia Pacific region is poised to be the fastest growing soft tissue sarcoma market over the forecast period due to rising healthcare expenditure, large patient population, and increasing awareness.
Fastest Growing Region For The Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market
The Asia Pacific region holds immense growth potential for the soft tissue sarcoma market and is expected to be the fastest growing region between 2024- 2031. This is attributed to factors like increasing healthcare access and spending in populous countries like China and India, rising incidence of sarcomas accompanying aging demographics, and improving diagnostic infrastructure. Furthermore, growing collaborations between global pharmaceutical companies and regional market players are boosting availability of advanced treatment options. Initiatives to spread awareness about rare cancers are also propelling regional growth. With economic expansion and growing focus on non-communicable diseases, the soft tissue sarcoma market is poised for strong growth across Asia Pacific.
Get more insights on this topic:  https://www.trendingwebwire.com/soft-tissue-sarcoma-market-is-estimated-to-witness-high-growth-owing-to-rising-rd-investments-in-immunotherapy/
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
What Are The Key Data Covered In This Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market Report?
:- Market CAGR throughout the predicted period
:- Comprehensive information on the aspects that will drive the Soft Tissue Sarcoma's growth between 2024 and 2031.
:- Accurate calculation of the size of the Soft Tissue Sarcoma and its contribution to the market, with emphasis on the parent market
:- Realistic forecasts of future trends and changes in consumer behaviour
:- Soft Tissue Sarcoma Industry Growth in North America, APAC, Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Africa
:- A complete examination of the market's competitive landscape, as well as extensive information on vendors
:- Detailed examination of the factors that will impede the expansion of Soft Tissue Sarcoma vendors
Q.1 What are the main factors influencing the Soft Tissue Sarcoma?
Q.2 Which companies are the major sources in this industry?
Q.3 What are the market’s opportunities, risks, and general structure?
Q.4 Which of the top Soft Tissue Sarcoma companies compare in terms of sales, revenue, and prices?
Q.5 Which businesses serve as the Soft Tissue Sarcoma’s distributors, traders, and dealers?
Q.6 How are market types and applications and deals, revenue, and value explored?
Q.7 What does a business area’s assessment of agreements, income, and value implicate?
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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Blood Screening Market worth $3.4 billion by 2028
Blood Screening Market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $2.4 billion in 2023 and is poised to reach $3.4 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 7.2% from 2023 to 2028 according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™. Growth in this market is mainly driven by the growing requirement for donated blood, the rising number of blood donations around the world, and the ever-increasing infectious diseases. However, operational barriers and the high cost of Blood screening instruments is likely to hamper the growth of blood screening market.
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The Reagents & Kits segment is expected to account for the largest share in 2022.
Based on product, the blood screening market is segmented into reagents & kits, instruments, and software & services. Increase in demand and continuous use of the reagents and kits during blood transfusion processes, post blood donations is responsible for the large segment of this segment.
Nucleic Acid Test segment aimed the highest share during the forecast period
The blood screening market is segmented into nucleic acid tests (NAT), serology/immunoassay, rapid tests, western blot assays, and next-generation sequencing (NGS). In 2022, the nucleic acid test (NAT) segment accounted for the largest share of the blood screening market. From all the other technologies, NAT provides high precision, sensitivity and accuracy for blood screening and therefore, holds the largest share.
North America has the upper hand in the global Blood screening market
By regional segmentation, the blood screening market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East Africa. North America has the largest share and is continuing to dominate the blood screening market. The factors responsible for the large share of North America in this market are the increasing prevalence of infectious diseases, rising awareness in blood donations, and the growing healthcare system that is highly developed in the US and Canada.
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Blood Screening Market Dynamics:
Increasing number of blood donations worldwide
Alternative technologies
Emerging markets
High cost of blood screening technologies
Key Market Players:
The major players operating in this market are F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Switzerland), Grifols (Spain), Abbott Laboratories, Inc. (US), Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. (US), Danaher (Beckman Coulter, Inc.) (US), bioMérieux (France),  Hologic (US), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (US), Becton, Dickinson and Company (US), DiaSorin (Italy), Siemens Healthineers (Germany), QuidelOrtho Corporation (US), Merck KGaA (Germany), Revvity (Earlier known as PerkinElmer Inc.) (US), Bio-Techne Corporation (US), GFE (Germany), Trinity Biotech (Ireland), Mindray (China), Maccura Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China), Immucor, Inc. (US), Cellabs (Australia), Abnova Corporation (Taiwan), Enzo Biochem, Inc. (US), J. Mitra & Co. Pvt. Ltd. (India) and Tulip Diagnostics (India).
Recent Developments:
In February 2023, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (US) acquired TIB Molbiol (Germany), to expand its PCR test portfolio with a wide range of assays for infectious diseases.
In December 2021, Hologic, Inc. (US) launched Panther Trax for high-volume molecular testing.
In May 2021, Beckmann Coulter (US) launched SARS-CoV-2 IgG.
In September 2021, Roche Diagnostics (Switzerland) acquired TIB Molbiol Group (Germany). This acquisition will enhance Roche's broad portfolio of molecular diagnostics solutions with a wide range of assays for infectious diseases, such as identifying SARS-CoV-2 variants.
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Blood Screening Market Advantages:
Early Disease Detection: Blood screening allows for the early detection of various diseases, including infections, cancers, and chronic conditions. Early diagnosis often leads to more effective treatment and improved patient outcomes.
Preventative Medicine: It enables preventative measures by identifying risk factors and potential health issues before they become serious. This proactive approach can lead to better health management and reduced healthcare costs.
Transfusion Safety: Blood screening is vital in ensuring the safety of blood transfusions. It screens for infectious agents like HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis, minimizing the risk of transmitting diseases through donated blood.
Population Health Management: Blood screening data can be analyzed on a population level, helping healthcare systems identify trends, allocate resources more effectively, and develop targeted public health interventions.
Personalized Medicine: Advances in blood screening techniques, such as genetic testing, allow for personalized treatment plans tailored to an individual's genetic makeup, improving the effectiveness of therapies and reducing adverse reactions.
Research and Drug Development: Blood screening plays a pivotal role in clinical trials and drug development, providing insights into treatment efficacy, patient response, and biomarker identification.
Point-of-Care Testing: Point-of-care blood screening devices enable rapid diagnostics in diverse settings, from clinics to remote areas, facilitating timely medical interventions and reducing the burden on healthcare facilities.
Healthcare Efficiency: Automating blood screening processes increases efficiency, reduces human error, and speeds up results, allowing healthcare providers to make quicker and more informed decisions.
Global Health: Blood screening contributes to global health efforts by identifying and controlling infectious diseases, making it an essential tool in disease surveillance and outbreak management.
Improved Quality of Life: Ultimately, the blood screening market's advantages contribute to an overall improvement in the quality of life for individuals and communities, promoting better health and well-being.
In summary, the blood screening market's advantages encompass early detection, preventative care, safety, personalized medicine, research, and healthcare efficiency, all of which have a profound impact on healthcare outcomes and public health.
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marketresearchdataigr · 9 months
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Future Trends in X-Ray Technology: What’s Next? - An Article by Prognosys Medical System
X-ray technology has undergone remarkable advancements since its discovery in the late 19th century, transforming from rudimentary imaging systems to highly sophisticated diagnostic tools. As we move further into the digital age, the field of radiology continues to evolve, driven by emerging technologies and a growing demand for more precise, efficient, and patient-centered care. This article explores the future trends in X-ray technology, highlighting innovations that are shaping the future of medical imaging.
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration: AI is set to revolutionize X-ray imaging by enhancing the diagnostic capabilities of radiologists. AI algorithms are increasingly being integrated into imaging systems to assist in reading X-rays, detecting abnormalities, and providing more accurate diagnoses. Machine learning models trained on vast datasets can identify patterns and anomalies that may be missed by the human eye, leading to earlier detection of conditions such as cancer, fractures, or lung diseases.
For instance, AI-driven software can analyze chest X-rays to screen for signs of COVID-19, tuberculosis, or pneumonia with high accuracy. In addition to improving diagnostic precision, AI can also help reduce the workload on radiologists by automating routine tasks, enabling faster image interpretation and reporting.
According to recent Study done by Straits Research shows that the global AI-enabled X-Ray imaging solutions market size was valued at USD 387.4 million in 2023. It is estimated to reach USD 2,218.11 million by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 21.60% during 2024-2032.
2. 3D and 4D X-Ray Imaging: Traditional 2D X-rays provide valuable information, but they often lack the depth required for complex diagnoses. Enter 3D and 4D imaging, which offer a more detailed view of anatomical structures. 3D X-ray technology, such as Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), is already being used in dental and orthopedic applications. This allows for more precise visualization of bones and teeth, facilitating accurate surgical planning and treatment.
4D X-ray imaging takes this a step further by incorporating the dimension of time, allowing for real-time visualization of moving body parts. This is particularly useful in dynamic studies such as cardiac imaging, where the movement of the heart and blood vessels can be observed and analyzed in detail.
According to recent Study done by Future Market Insights, Inc. shows that the global advanced (3D/4D) visualization systems market is anticipated to witness an increase in revenue from US$ 731.7 million in 2023 to US$ 1,139.9 million by 2028 which indicates the 3D and 4D X-Ray Imaging systems growth in coming years.
3. Low-Dose and Ultra-Low Dose Imaging: As concerns about radiation exposure continue to grow, the development of low-dose and ultra-low dose X-ray systems is a top priority. Advanced image processing techniques and detector technologies are enabling manufacturers to significantly reduce radiation doses without compromising image quality.
The advent of low-dose systems is especially important in pediatric imaging and for patients requiring multiple scans over time, such as those undergoing cancer treatment. These systems ensure patient safety while maintaining diagnostic accuracy, addressing a key challenge in the widespread use of X-rays in healthcare.
4. Portable and Point-of-Care X-Ray Systems: Portability is a critical trend in medical technology, and X-ray systems are no exception. Mobile and handheld X-ray units are becoming more compact, lightweight, and efficient, allowing for greater flexibility in imaging patients in various settings. Portable X-rays are especially useful in emergency rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), and for bedside imaging in hospitals.
Point-of-care X-ray systems enable immediate diagnosis and treatment, minimizing delays in patient care. In disaster zones or rural areas where access to medical facilities is limited, portable X-ray units can play a vital role in delivering life-saving care.
 In July 2022, MIOT hospital, based in Chennai, India, acquired mobile full-body CT scan equipment to allow real-time imaging during surgeries. Thus, the increase in the adoption of point-of-care imaging technology by end-users. Which shows the Portable and Point-of-Care X-Ray Systems adoption trends.
5. Spectral Imaging and Photon-Counting Detectors: Spectral imaging, also known as dual-energy X-ray imaging, is a rapidly emerging technology that provides enhanced image contrast by capturing multiple energy levels of X-rays. This technique allows for better differentiation of tissues and materials, offering more detailed insights into soft tissue, bone, and even foreign objects.
Photon-counting detectors, another innovation in X-ray technology, improve image resolution and contrast by counting individual photons rather than measuring the overall energy absorbed. This leads to clearer, more detailed images while further reducing radiation exposure. These detectors are expected to become integral components of next-generation CT scanners and X-ray systems.
6. Teleradiology and Cloud-Based Imaging: As healthcare becomes more connected, the need for efficient image sharing and collaboration has grown. Teleradiology, the practice of transmitting radiological images from one location to another for diagnosis and consultation, is already widely used. However, advancements in cloud-based imaging platforms are set to take this to the next level.
Cloud technology allows radiologists and clinicians to access and interpret images remotely in real time, improving workflow efficiency and enabling faster decision-making. These systems also offer secure storage, easy retrieval, and seamless sharing of images across multiple healthcare facilities, ensuring better coordination of care.
7. Hybrid Imaging Systems: Hybrid imaging, which combines two or more imaging modalities into a single system, is gaining traction in the medical field. X-ray/CT hybrid systems, for example, provide the benefits of both conventional X-rays and computed tomography, delivering high-resolution images with the added detail of cross-sectional views.
Such systems are particularly valuable in complex cases where a more comprehensive view of the anatomy is needed. Hybrid imaging enhances diagnostic accuracy, reduces the need for multiple scans, and minimizes patient exposure to radiation by consolidating procedures.
Conclusion The future of X-ray technology is poised for significant transformation, driven by advances in AI, 3D and 4D imaging, portable systems, and spectral imaging. These trends are not only enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of diagnostic imaging but also improving patient safety and care. As these technologies continue to evolve, X-ray systems will become even more integral to healthcare, offering unprecedented opportunities for early detection, precision treatment, and better patient outcomes.
The fusion of innovation and medical imaging holds the promise of a brighter future for radiology and diagnostics.
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govindhtech · 17 days
Series 10 Apple Watch’s Design And Technology Advancements
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Apple Watch Series 10 news
Since its 2015 introduction, the Apple Watch has led wearable technology, becoming more powerful and indispensable. With each update, Apple has enhanced health-tracking, app integrations, and performance. Apple has set a new standard in the wearables market with the Series 10 Apple Watch, which offers cutting-edge technologies, improved design, and more intuitive functionality for fitness and tech fans.
Apple Watch Series 10 2024
Apple Watch Series 10 design
Series 10 Apple Watch design has improved. While Apple’s square face design remains, the Series 10’s narrower bezel and larger display improve looks and usefulness. This edge-to-edge display has 20% more screen space than the Series 9.
Aluminum, stainless steel, and the new titanium pro case deliver strength and a lightweight wrist feel. The Series 10 is stylish and durable due to its design. The high-end variant has a glossy ceramic model for luxury.
After redesigning the Digital Crown for greater tactile feedback, menu scrolling is more precise and smooth. To improve accessibility, the Series 10 adds a double-tap gesture that lets users conduct actions with a rapid tap of their index finger and thumb.
Processor and Performance: S10 Chip
The new S10 chip, Apple’s latest wearable silicon, powers the Series 10 Apple Watch. App launches are faster and smoother with the S10 chip’s 30% enhancement over the S9. Apple claims 18 hours of continuous use and 36 hours in low-power mode due to more efficient battery life.
AI-driven algorithms powering numerous health-monitoring functions are improved by the S10 processor. The new blood oxygen sensor and heart rate monitor are more accurate, allowing for more reliable tracking under diverse settings. Health data processing for seamless monitoring without exhausting the battery is the S10’s greatest efficiency.
Fitness Features: Pushing Limits
Apple has led the way in health-monitoring smartwatches, and the Series 10 continues this trend. This model’s sensors track a variety of health metrics, and it has several new functions.
Apple Watch Series 10 blood pressure
Blood pressure monitoring is a Series 10 highlight. Previous models tracked heart rate and ECG, whereas Series 10 tracks non-invasive blood pressure. Photoplethysmography (PPG) and advanced machine learning algorithms deliver precise blood pressure measurements without a cuff.
Advanced Sleep Tracking
Series 10 Apple Watch improves sleep tracking. Advanced Sleep Monitoring measures sleep duration and stages such REM, light, and deep sleep. It now tracks your respiratory rate throughout sleep to detect sleep apnea.
Heart Health Innovations
For heart health monitoring, the Series 10 Apple Watch improves on existing ECG capabilities. Atrial fibrillation (AFib) detection has been improved to provide longer-term monitoring and heart health information. Heart rate variability (HRV) tracking now provides more stress and recovery data.
Mental Health Monitoring
In the Series 10, Apple added mental health tracking to improve mental wellness. The watch now tracks stress levels and provides feedback through Mindful Moments using sophisticated sensors. This integration provides stress notifications, breathing exercises, and mindfulness to reduce anxiety.
Environmental Health Monitors
To promote environmental awareness, the Series 10 Apple Watch monitors UV radiation, air quality, and water consumption. These sensors track physical activity and environmental variables in real time to help users stay in balance.
WatchOS 11: More Customized
WatchOS 11, which powers the Apple Watch Series 10, has many user-friendly features. One of the greatest improvements is the Smart Stack, a dynamic set of widgets on the watch face based on user habits. If you check the weather every morning, the weather widget will display at the top of your Smart Stack.
In addition to the Smart Stack, watchOS 11’s Siri can handle more complicated inquiries and integrate better with Apple’s apps. Improved cellular capabilities let the watch to stream music, make calls, and access apps without the iPhone.
Connectivity and UWB
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology improves Series 10 Apple Watch connectivity. The Find My ecosystem’s UWB location tracking makes it easy to find your watch or other Apple products. This technique speeds up and simplifies AirDrop file sharing between Apple devices.
Cellular features on the Series 10 are speedier and more dependable thanks to 5G connectivity. Video calls, music streaming, and other data-intensive operations are faster and smoother than before.
Apple Watch Series10 Battery Life
With a more effective power management mechanism, the Apple Watch Series 10 improves smartwatch battery life. The S10 chip and watchOS 11 enhancements allow Apple to offer 18 hours of normal use on a single charge. Although some capabilities are disabled, the watch may last 36 hours in Low Power Mode. Our extended battery life lets consumers go about their day without worrying about recharging.
Watches may achieve 80% battery in 45 minutes with rapid charging in the Series 10. This helps users who wear their watch overnight for sleep tracking but require a short charge before leaving.
Sustainability: Environmental Commitment
Apple’s Series 10 emphasizes sustainability. Recycled aluminum and rare earth components make up the watch, and sustainable band alternatives have been included. The packaging is 100% recyclable, supporting Apple’s 2030 carbon neutrality objective.
Apple also allows users to trade in their Apple Watches for recycling or refurbishment, fostering a more sustainable product lifespan.
Apple Watch Series 10 release date and price
Apple Watch Series 10 Price
The base aluminium Apple Watch Series 10 with GPS costs $399. The cellular devices cost $499, while the titanium and ceramic models cost over $1,200. For different wrist sizes, the watch comes in 41mm and 45mm sizes.
Apple Watch Series 10 release date
Although Apple has not yet made an official announcement regarding the release date of the Series 10 Apple Watch, given the company’s usual release schedule, which sees new iPhone models and Apple Watch models being unveiled simultaneously during annual September events, it is anticipated that the Apple Watch Series 10 will be released in September 2024.
New band styles from Apple allow consumers to upgrade their watch while using their old accessories.
10 Years of Innovation
The Apple Watch Series 10 is the result of a decade of wearable technology progress. With additional health features, greater performance, and a slimmer appearance, it redefines smartwatches. The Series 10 brings fitness tracking and daily companionship to one device.
With the Series 10, Apple continues to lead the way in making smartwatches crucial to our digital lives.
Read more on govindhech.com
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poonamcmi · 28 days
Colorectal Cancer Screening Market Primed for Growth due to Rising Disease Prevalence
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The colorectal cancer screening market involves various procedures and diagnostic tests for early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer. Some common screening methods include fecal occult blood tests, flexible sigmoidoscopy, double-contrast barium enema, and colonoscopy. Colorectal cancer screening helps detect precancerous polyps or early stage cancer that can often be treated successfully. It also aids in lowering the incidence and mortality of this preventable disease.
The global colorectal cancer screening market is estimated to be valued at US$ 15.44 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.1% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the colorectal cancer screening market are Polymedco Inc., Eiken Chemical Co. Ltd., Sysmex Corporation, Siemens Healthineers AG, Quidel Corporation, Novigenix SA, Hemosure Inc., Exact Sciences Corp., Epigenomics Inc., Olympus Corporation, Clinical Genomics Technologies Pty Ltd., Exact Sciences Corporation, Clinical Genomics, Guardant Health, Inc., Hemosure Inc., and Geneoscopy, Inc. These players are focused on launching advanced and easy-to-use screening tests to expand their presence.
The Colorectal Cancer Screening Market Size for players to leverage the growing awareness about early detection and increase screening rates in developing countries. Companies are engaging in partnerships and collaborations to penetrate developing markets and make screening accessible to a wider population.
Globally, there is an increasing focus on population-based screening programs to reduce the burden of colorectal cancer. Several regions have implemented organized screening programs through healthcare facilities. Meanwhile, growing pilot programs in Asian and Latin American countries indicate the potential for market expansion. Market Drivers
The rapid rise in colorectal cancer incidence worldwide due to lifestyle changes, obesity, and Colorectal Cancer Screening Market Size And Trends It is estimated that the number of new cases diagnosed each year will increase by 60% by 2030. Growing disease prevalence enhances the need for widespread screening practices to detect cancer at treatable stages. Additionally, increasing reimbursement for FDA-approved screening tests, favorable government initiatives, and rising awareness about early detection are supporting the adoption of screening worldwide. PEST Analysis Political: Government regulations and healthcare reforms impact the adoption of colorectal cancer screening tests. Favorable reimbursement policies can boost the market growth. Economic: Rising healthcare expenditures and growing disposable incomes encourage people to opt for preventive healthcare check-ups including colorectal cancer screening tests. Social: Increasing awareness about early detection benefits, changing lifestyles, and growing geriatric population drive the demand for colorectal cancer screening. Technological: Advancements in biopsy techniques, endoscopy devices, diagnostic platforms enable detection of colorectal cancer at an early stage. Novel non-invasive tests based on blood, stool and CSF analysis are gaining traction.
Colorectal cancer screening market in terms of value is highly concentrated in developed regions like North America and Western Europe due to established healthcare infrastructure and widespread awareness. The United States dominates the market owing to favorable reimbursement policies and regular screening recommendations.
Asia Pacific is recognized as the fastest growing regional market for colorectal cancer screening attributed to rising healthcare spending, growing number of screening programs, and increasing incidence of colorectal cancer cases especially in China, Japan and India. Improving diagnostic capabilities and economic development are expected to boost early detection in Asia Pacific over the forecast period. Get More Insights On, Colorectal Cancer Screening Market About Author: Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163
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Blood Cancer Diagnostics Market To Reach USD 16.04 Billion By 2030
Blood Cancer Diagnostics Market Growth & Trends
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The global blood cancer diagnostics market size is expected to reach USD 16.04 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 6.8% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is driven by the increasing incidence of blood malignancies, such as leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. The market is further expected to grow significantly due to the increasing elderly population, which is more susceptible to chronic diseases, including blood cancer. In addition, technological advancements, including NGS and other molecular diagnostic techniques, are improving the accuracy & efficiency of diagnosis, which is likely to drive the market over the forecast period.
Over the past decade, significant advancements have been made in approaches to blood cancer diagnostics, all aimed at reducing the growing incidence of diseases and their mortality. While these advancements have been well-documented to increase early cancer detection, there have been considerable advancements. For instance, NGS has enabled the analysis of the entire genome of cancer cells, providing insights into genetic mutations that guide precise diagnosis and tailored treatments. In October 2022, OGT, a Sysmex group, introduced a range of new offerings to augment its expanding NGS product suite. Notably, the SureSeq Myeloid Plus panel was designed to identify genetic mutations associated with various Myeloid disorders, enhancing the company’s capabilities in this critical area of research.
Molecular imaging techniques, such as SPECT/CT, PET, and flow cytometry, utilize molecular imaging agents to detect indicative molecular markers at different disease stages, aiding detection & monitoring. Such advancements in imaging technologies offer improved accuracy and early detection capabilities, driving the market. The global players are introducing automatic imaging tests and systems to boost their market share. For instance, in May 2023, Sysmex Corporation announced the launch of the Clinical Flow Cytometry System in Japan. The system includes Flow Cytometer XF-1600, Sample Preparation System PS-10, antibody reagents, and other related products. This system enables laboratories to automate the entire process of flow cytometry testing, from sample preparation to the reporting of measurement results, contributing to higher efficiency & testing standardization.
Governments across the world have recognized the immense healthcare burden posed by rising incidences, including hematological malignancies such as leukemia & lymphoma. In response, many countries have launched comprehensive national cancer control programs that prioritize early detection and screening efforts. For instance, the American Association of Cancer Research recently launched the Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot initiative to accelerate cancer research and make preventive screening more accessible & affordable for U.S. citizens.
Some of the key players in the market are Illumina, InVivoScribe, Ipsogen (Qiagen), Asuragen(Bio-Techne), Danaher Corporation, Abbott, SkylineDx, Adaptive Technologies, Bio-Rad Laboratories and others. These players are involved in various strategic initiatives such as product launch and approval in order to cater to a global clientele. For instance, in September 2023, Adaptive Technologies launched Epic integration for clonoSEQ, a molecular diagnostic test for MRD monitoring in blood cancers. This integration allows healthcare providers to order and review clonoSEQ test results directly within Epic's EHR system, streamlining clinical decision-making and improving patient care.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/blood-cancer-diagnostics-market-report
Blood Cancer Diagnostics Market Report Highlights
Based on product, the assay kits and reagents accounted for the largest revenue share of the blood cancer diagnostics market in 2023. This high share is attributable to assay kits & reagents being designed to detect specific biomarkers, genetic mutations, and other indicators, enabling healthcare professionals to diagnose & treat the disease more effectively
Based on tests, blood tests segment dominated the market and accounted for the largest share in 2023. This can be attributed to increasing innovation and availability of blood test kits for blood cancer detection
Based on end use, hospitals and clinics dominated the market with the largest share of blood cancer diagnostics market in 2023. This is attributable to growing demand in forensic labs and hospital medical labs for disease diagnosis, blood cell counts, blood typing. Furthermore, Developments in hospital laboratories are crucial to address the evolving needs of patients, and more hospitals aim to provide a wide range of services in their settings
North America dominated the market due to the presence of a large number of major market players, North America has a high prevalence of chronic diseases like leukemia These diseases require regular monitoring and diagnostic testing, fueling the demand for advanced diagnostic tools and technologies
Asia Pacific is expected to witness the fastest growth over the forecast period from 2024 to 2030, due to the presence of manufacturers with innovative devices manufacturing capabilities coupled with accelerated diagnostic research capabilities
Blood Cancer Diagnostics Market Segmentation 
Grand View Research has segmented the global blood cancer diagnostics market based on product, test, end use, and region:
Blood Cancer Diagnostics Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Assay Kits and Reagents
Blood Cancer Diagnostics Test Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Blood Tests
Imaging Tests
Molecular Test
Blood Cancer Diagnostics End Use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Hospitals and Clinics
Diagnostic Labs
Research Institutes
Blood Cancer Diagnostics Regional Outlook (Revenue in USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
List Of Key Players in The Blood Cancer Diagnostics Market
Ipsogen (Qiagen)
Danaher Corporation
Sequenta (Adaptive biotechnologies)
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Sophia Genetics
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/blood-cancer-diagnostics-market-report
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