ask-mirage-mews · 1 month
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Zeus: “Why should I be jealous? She’s had a body longer than I have, of course she would be more skilled with it. That, and I see no purpose in competing with a child. I’m not so insecure that I feel the need to stoop that low. If I were to compete with anyone it would be Fuji, at least then it’s fair.”
@badertincoming / @blueespeon
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(blueespeon) Toshi @ Canela
What exactly is this magic of yours anyway? I saw the whole thing, the poster's eyes moving, the weird ditto eyes on Charade, a meowscarada who I have met before and who I know is definitely not a ditto, and that chicken tail thing on your back.
Do you have illusion magic or is what I am seeing completely real?
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"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude. Rumors and gossip run through this town like a Rapidash late for work, and I don't have the energy to be dealing with that right now."
Canela notices the books she had dropped earlier, and picks them up in a hurry. She sighs and holds the books close to her chest, then looks back at the espeon. The young braixen's eyes linger for a moment on Toshi's forehead gem, before she quickly shakes her head to clear her mind again.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, you just seem like a very powerful psychic types. And, you remind me of someone I knew once." She adjusts her grip on her books and starts to move towards the bookshelves again.
For a moment she pauses and looks back at the espeon with a small smile. "Maybe one day I could explain myself better to you, Ma'am."
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pkmn-monochrome · 21 days
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[ @blueespeon ]
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poniquest · 8 months
"A-alola?" They couldn't believe their eyes, the tall and what they assumed to be powerful pokemon. With the darkness of the storm pouring down overhead and battering against the litten's fur, it was hard to actually see what the other pokemon looked like as they stared up at them. "I guess I-I'm a little lost... definitely not feeling the b-best in this weather for my type...uh, um what is your name? You seem like quite an important pokemon..."
@badertincoming asked:
(blueespeon) Toshi @ ??? [The white espeon chuckles] You will have to forgive this old hag, I have simply never been here before nor do I know of what you are saying. It is the first time I have been here and exploring this place. That part though... Ruins of Hope? What exactly is that, if you do not mind telling? Do you have a name I can call you by?
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The Ruins of Hope are where the residents of this Island come to ask for succor and blessings. It is also where they can attempt to contact passed loved ones -- the ruins are also known as The Ruins of the Other Side.
Also, my given name is none of y --
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MAKAIO!! There you are!
You made this storm, didn't you? It made the Wi-Fi crap out! I was just about to finish the last episode of -- oh?
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You two friends of Makaio's? Nah, couldn't be ... never seen you around.
Well, I'm Perseus. But, you can just call me Percy!
I hope he didn't give you too much of a hard time. He's still kinda new at this.
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Hrrrrgghghghghhgghhhhgghhh ,,,,
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He'll be ok.
< the storm has cleared! >
[ @curce | @blueespeon ]
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Hey there, you're quite a cool looking pokemon! Are you travelling through these mountain by yourself? And what kind of pokemon are you if you don't mind me asking?
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“I hail from Celestica Town, and am the child of Isolde. I am a Glaceon/Togekiss, hence I am fully evolved.”
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“I’ve traveled through these mountains alone many times, and I’ve never even spotted one myself. Well unless this Meowstic intends to steal metal from here.” They give a look to Cyclone, “Which they better not.”
@curce / @redolentgrove / @blueespeon
@ask-the-lywelles / @cyclone-the-meowstic
[Gwyn’s profile has been unlocked]
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askmewntwo · 7 months
(blueespeon) Nahi @ Joey
[The yellow mew seems concerned] Joey, I REALLY have to ask you, do you actually know what you are doing?
I have questions on how you are able to understand how these machines work simply by watching, namely, how do you know that they might be released with no issues? Have you seen them release experiments before?
Are you doing this by instincts, or do you truly know what to do?
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Oh, look! Another Mew! What’s with all of you coming here? It’s been nonstop. Are you all like on the same wavelength or something?
Joey turns his attention away from the Mew as he begins to work at the computer again, tiny paws furiously tapping the keyboard.
Anyways, if you MUST know. YES. I totally know what I’m doing. My cage has been parked right behind this desk my ENTIRE LIFE. I have seen the scientists utilize this machine multiple times, all day, every day. I’ve even been part of the experiments the computer runs so, yeah. I could probably do this with my eyes closed.
As if he was showing off, Joey closes his eyes briefly as he continues to tap away at the keyboard.
It’s not like anyone who’s come by could do any better.
Snapping his eyes back open, Joey lowers his voice to a whisper.
Besides, who cares? If it doesn’t work out, I’m still free. That pink guy over there would probably be too distraught to follow through on its threats to throw me back in my cage.
Joey seems to pause before waving off his visitor.
Anyways. I’m really busy here, yeah? Almost done. Can’t have anymore distractions. You should get going. It could get… ugly here soon.
It seems Joey doesn’t wish to be bothered right now.
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ask-a-silvy · 3 months
[Inkdot @ Shauna] “So… uh, sorry if this is rude, but, what’s with the notes? Is it hard for you to talk?”
badertincoming asked: (blueespeon) Nahi @ Shauna Is there a reason why you use signs to communicate? I kind of wonder if you choose not to speak or can't. N- n- not that I think you can't! Haha... I hope that wasn't rude. [The yellow mew rubs the back of her head]
[ @blueespeon ]
She didn't appear to take offense to this at all, nodding a little before writing her response.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Shauna smiling with a ":3" face and holding the sign in question. She's shown from the shins up and directly facing the viewer. Shauna's appearance is as described here. End ID ]
Rolling up the paper and stashing it away somewhere in her tail, she'd stand before the two and utter the following:
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Shauna looking particularly silly. End ID ]
Shauna: "Goodbye!"
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Shauna cheerfully sticking out her tongue with her eye closed and holding the sign in question. End ID ]
Shauna: [Why do you ask? Do you have trouble reading these?]
It was barely a moment before she quickly added to the above note, thinking it to be rude.
Shauna: [It's ok if you do! I can wait as long as you need.]
Ask Hints have been updated.
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askadelcatty · 7 months
Toshi the white espeon from @blueespeon as a delcatty, perhaps?
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thanks for being patient!!! gave her a little circlet so she could keep her gem
Skitty-ify and Delcatty-ify requests are closed!
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blueespeon · 9 days
Vincent @ Nahi: The creature would approach them very carefully. He seemed rather nervous, as he hasn't seen such a Pokemon before. Hesitant to say the least, unsure if they are someone that he needs to keep distance or if it is alright to be in the same presence as them. Nevertheless, he attempted fate and spoke. "S-Sorry if I seem n-nosy, but I-I've wanted to ask something. Y-Your memories... Is there any more things that you r-remember? Something that is, well, now coming back to you?..."
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Nahi: No, not really. I have not remembered anything else for the moment.
If I do happen to remember more, I will try to tell. Thanks for being worried.
Kenji: You will remember more in the future, I believe so. In the meantime, let's just hope for the best.
Nahi: Yeah, you are right about that.
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sweetdreamscafe · 8 months
(blueespeon) Toshi @ Moderator
What are you, really? I am going to assume that you are a pokemon as well, but...
Are you some kind of... Eldritch pokemon? You seem to hold more power than even some of the most powerful pokemon.
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eldritch entity fails to realize it is an eldritch entity
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ask-team-donum · 6 months
✨️ Toshi @ The Fire Guildmaster
[The white espeon seems interested] Well, I have to say, to reach guildmaster status and being a leader is quite the feat to achieve, care to share how you got to being a guildmaster?
I am interested in your story in how you got this position. I too am a leader in an organization that works in keeping the peace in our home, so hearing stories about how people become leaders interests me.
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<Prev || Cover || Next>
Rules for Asking!!
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ask-mirage-mews · 6 months
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Fuji: “I am indeed mortal. The professors and I aren’t sure how long I’ll live but they do know it isn’t forever. Janus confirmed it too. To be honest with you I don’t completely mind it. Zeus and Nemo will have each other and their mittens but…The thought of outliving everyone I love isn’t a pleasant one.”
Zeus: “You’re saying that like we wouldn’t be sad upon your passing. We do care abo-OW! Careful!!”
Fuji: “Good news! Your nose isn’t broken.”
@badertincoming /@blueespeon
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(blueespeon) Toshi @ Canela
[The white espeon smiles] Hey, I hope you do not mind having an old hag like me around.
Do you come here often? The owner of this place seems to know you really well. If you do not mind as well, what kind of books do you like to read?
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"His family was actually one of the first 'mons to welcome my parents when they first came to this town, and helped them get situated with the bakery. Funnily enough, Me and him didn't actually get along at first, but…with a little help we eventually became really tight."
Canela looks wistfully at the paper puppets which now swirl and sway above her pile of books. Her eyes glimmer briefly and the aura around her finger grows brighter as she continues playing with them; she stops suddenly and shakes her head, taking the two puppets in her paws and seemingly crushes them. When she opens them again her paws are empty, the pieces of paper being no where in sight.
She becomes aware again that she has company, and glances back at the older pokemon swiftly before straightening her back. She then reaches over to her books and presents it to the espeon.
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askshinyglaceon · 1 year
(blueespeon) Toshi @ Echo
[The white espeon chuckled] That was kinda funny, I like that! However, I do have to ask, why were you hiding inside a bunch of wooloos?
More importantly, where are we, anyway? Mind giving this old hag some directions?
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All directions I could give will lead to the ocean, so….!
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Y— You can’t just call someone that!
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What? Is ‘old hag’ not a type of ghost?
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ask-team-misfit · 6 months
(blueespeon) Toshi @ Lief
Why do you seems to provoke people that are more powerful than you? You could get killed at one point, you know? You get hurt when you provoke someone more powerful than you, yet you seem to keep provoking people anyway.
You really should consider if it is worth it to provoke people, Lief. You really cannot take back injuries.
[ @blueespeon ]
Lief was completely gobsmacked at such a question. He glanced at Toshi.
Lief: “Eh? What are you talking about?”
It didn’t yet click in his brain what she really meant. The only moment that made sense to him in recent memory was…
He looked at Pikavee with a pause. Then back at Toshi with a more flabbergasted face.
Lief: “Did you mean Missy? Really? Well I mean, she is pretty big.”
Another pause.
Lief: “Really big. Make that really big. But it’s kinda all she has, isn’t it?”
Speaking of Pikavee, she had since averted her gaze from Lief, or anyone else. Perhaps due to him speaking this about her within earshot, she soon sported a look similar to what she had given Vi before.
She rose on her fours right then, to the extent that it made Lief flinch backwards.
He stood there somewhat tense, fearing the worst. He expected some sort of retaliation, or horrible epiphany.
She still wasn’t looking at him. Though she stood over him for some moments, she was avoiding looking in his direction in general.
She carefully stepped around him to get to Rue.
Watching her do so, he let out a sigh. He held his breath–though he hadn’t meant to.
Lief: “Ah, geez… L-like, right there. Look at her.”
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[ ID: A grayscale bust drawing of Lief slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. He looks sad or concerned, appearing to have some troubling thoughts he's refusing to speak of. He's looking away to the right. Lief's appearance is as described here. End ID ]
Lief: “She doesn’t have a fighting bone in her body–she even said so herself. She didn’t even lash out at me just then.”
He’d face Toshi again a moment or so after saying that last part, looking the Espeon in the eyes.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief similar to the previous image. He looks puzzled, or curious. His left eyebrow is noticeably raised, while his right eyelid is lowered somewhat. At the left is an angular question mark. End ID ]
Lief: “Though there is that weird dream I had. Where something like what you said happened, and then…”
He paused just as he was about to describe the dream in question; one that had definitely shaken him up due to the subject matter alone. Aside from how it felt too real…
Lief: “W-wait, that can’t be what you meant. How the hell do you know that?”
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief similar to the previous image. He looks shocked, or fearful. A couple of sweat drops are present on his face. His smile, resembling the “:3” emoticon, looks forced. End ID ]
Lief: “You’re not reading my mind right now, are ya? Y-you’re not secretly part Absol and trying to tell me of some sorta disaster, are you??”
[ For a time, Pikavee will be less inclined to speak to Lief. ]
Unlocked; you can now ask the cast about off-blog events!
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(blueespeon) Nahi @ Begonia
Begonia, I believe she is telling the truth. When I first saw her, I did not see a zorua at all. You claimed she is a zorua, correct?
[The yellow mew projects a mental image of what she sees to Begonia] Yet what I see is an identical image of my best friend, Teiji, a blue espeon.
How could we possibly see a single person as two different people at the same time? It is impossible, by all means. Not only that, she has the same aura as a legendary pokemon, which would make her the real deal.
I do not know if her claim of meeting you before is true, but I can say for certain that she is not lying about being a legendary pokemon that controls the world of dreams.
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“Especially with the whole appearance changing thing. Not sure what she’d even get out of lying about it.”
Begonia sighs, and is quiet for a moment.
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“What the fuck is my life?”
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“Pink fluff and tail? Red spots on flank?”
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“Like a Zorua and a cotton candy machine had a baby, yeah.”
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