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milesdickpic · 1 year
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P. 75
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Hey babes. We are back with another chapter! I hope you are all doing well and are enjoying the story! Thank you for all the feedback and love! I love you all so much! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: You have your ultrasound to see the boys. There's a lot that goes on in this chapter, but the best is yet to come! 🫶🏼
Word Count: 3.8k (I think. I've added so much to it while editing lol)
Warnings: cursing, mentions injuries, blood, crying, but so much DAMN love (sorry if I make you cry.)
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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(I always forget where I save these pictures from. Forgive me. 💀)
Today, you were finally going to the OB/GYN to see your boys. Phoenix was due back to work today. She and Phantom were working on improvements for the flying arrangements. Hangman was away on the boat. Mav stayed with Bradley at the hospital. Evelyn had the girls over at her house. You and Austin were on your way to your ultrasound. 
“I’m getting a case of deja vu, darlin.” Austin laughed as he parked Hangman’s truck into a parking stall. He looked over at you and smiled, “You ready for this?” He rubbed your belly. 
You smiled, “Let’s do this.” 
Austin came around to your side and opened your door. He helped you down and into the office. He took your ID and checked you in at the front desk. He came back and plopped down next to you. “I’m really excited to see how much they’ve grown since I first saw them.”
You chuckled, “I can just feel how big they are. My back and tired swollen feet remind me everyday.” You leaned back in the chair and rubbed your belly. 
“If they take after the Lieutenant. They’ll definitely be some big boys.” He chuckled. 
“Lieutenant Commander.” You raised your brows to Austin.
He looked at you shocked. “No way. Bradley promoted!?” He placed his fingers over his open mouth.
You nodded, “Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw.” 
“Wow! Did he tell Maverick?” 
You shook your head, “No he hasn’t. The day after he was promoted he was back on the boat.”
He nodded his head, “Hmm, well I know that Maverick is going to be so proud of him.” He smiled at you and nudged your shoulder. 
The nurse called you and Austin back. Austin helped you onto the bed. You lifted Bradley’s sweater up and over your belly. You caught how big Austin’s eyes got. You chuckled and he looked at you. “I am an advertisement blimp now, Aus.” 
He shook his head, “God, you are right. They have grown so much.” He rested his hand by your head and laid the other on your arm. 
You grabbed Austin’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Ready to see the boys again?” You gave him an excited smile. He nodded and looked back to the monitor. The doctor squirted some of the jelly onto your belly. They took the transducer and started to rub it around. The boys appeared quickly onto the screen. 
Austin gasped, “Oh my gosh, darlin. They’re huge! Look at them!” He cover his mouth as his eyes went wide. 
“They look like they are on track. I believe your boys will be ready to come out of the oven soon.” The doctor smiled at you. “Did you and Lieutenant Bradshaw pick a date yet?”
“Lieutenant Commander.” Austin winked at you and chucked. 
The doctor laughed, “My apologies Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw. Did you and him pick a date yet to possibly be induced?”
You bit your lip and look up at Austin. You shook your head, “No we haven’t. He’s been in the hospital.”
The doctor looked at you sadly, “I am sorry to hear that Mrs. Bradshaw. Well we still have some time. I want to see you every two weeks as time is getting closer and closer. So you and Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw, can discuss dates.” They went back to scanning your belly. They measured the twins and snapped a couple of pictures. “Are there any questions you have?” The shot you a smile as they started to clean you up. 
“Is there anything I should start doing different? To prepare myself for the boys?”
The doctor laughed, “Get as much sleep as possible. You’re going to miss it.” You and Austin started to laugh, “In all seriousness, just take it easy. I know you can feel that it is getting harder to do things. So don’t push yourself.” They finished cleaning you up and handed you and Austin the pictures. “Enjoy the rest of your day! I send my well wishes to the new LCDR.” They waved goodbye to you and Austin. 
You pulled your shirt back down and Austin held your hands to help you up. You felt like you were out of breath, “Oh my gosh. That doesn’t get easier at all.” You started to laugh as Austin helped you down from the bed.
“Now let’s go see your husband, darlin. I know he will want these new pictures of the boys there with him.” Austin winked at you and helped you to the car. 
The end of the week finally rolled in. Today was the day that the doctors were going to start weaning Bradley off of the sedation medication. You were excited to see his beautiful eyes. You knew it would probably take a day or two before you saw him and heard his voice, but you were more than ready to kiss his lips over and over again. You just prayed he wasn’t in too much pain. 
Mav was at the house getting things set up for Bradley. You sat in the room alone with him. You held his hand and rubbed your thumb over his hand.
“Hi, baby. They started to wean you off the medication. We will see each other soon. I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” You kissed his hand. His thumb twitched against your hand. “There you go, baby.” You brought your lips to his ear, “Come back to me, my love.” You kissed his temple gently before you sat back down. “We brought you pictures of the boys. I had my appointment last week. They’re so big now. They definitely take after you.” You smiled and placed the back of his hand to your lips. “I can’t wait to have you back, honey. I can’t wait to kiss you over and over again. To hear your voice.” You smiled goofily at him. His eyes were still closed. He was still hooked up to everything to monitor him as he rests. 
“I love you, Bradley, Always.” 
A couple of more days rolled around and you were home. You spent a lot of your time at the hospital with Bradley as he slowly started to come out of his sedative state. But he hadn't opened his eyes or anything yet. You were getting worried because the doctors at most, two days after, he would at least open his eyes.
today, you were packing a bag for Bradley. You packed him some comfortable clothes he could change into. You packed all his toiletries you knew he’d want. Leia came into the room and laid on your back as you packed Bradley’s bag.
“Momma, do I get to come with you today to see daddy?” She nestled her face into your back.
You reached your hand back and scratched her head, “You do baby. You’ll get to see your daddy today.”
Leia hugged you, “Finally! I miss him so much, momma. Do you think he will wake up from his nap today?” Leia started to rub your back. 
You laid your head back onto hers. “I hope so, baby. I miss your daddy too.” 
Leia kissed your back and came around to the front of you. “Can I help you pack daddy’s stuff?” 
You caressed Leia’s cheek. “Of course, you can, baby. How about you go and get something you know your daddy would want and put it in here?” You kissed her cheek. 
She sprang up, “I know exactly what daddy would want!” She ran out of the closet. 
You chuckled and continued to fold clothes and place them into the bag. Leia came running back into the room. Before you looked up to see her she was dropping at least 10 uncrustables into Bradley’s duffle. You stopped placing clothes into his bag. You started to laugh and looked up at Leia. You picked up an uncrustable and held it up to Leia. 
“PB&Js baby?” You raised your brows and began to laugh. 
She nodded, “Yes, momma! I know daddy will be super hungry and what is better than a PB&J!? Our favorite snack!” She smiled and picked one up. “I actually want one of these right now.” She ripped one open. “I’ll be back momma! I’m gonna go put it in the toaster!” She started to skip out of the room. 
“Please make sure you ask your Papa Mav or Austin to help you with the toaster!” You chuckled and took the PB&Js out of the bag. You stacked them next to the duffle as you continued to pack clothes. 
When you finished, you brought all the sandwiches down stairs to put into a lunch bag to take with you. Leia was propped up on the counter sharing her PB&J with Austin. 
“Hey! That bite was WAY too big, Austin!” Leia frowned at Austin and placed her forehead to his. She started to growl at him and Austin chuckled and did it back. Then he started to tickle her as he snuck another big bite out of her uncrustable. “AUSTIN!” 
Austin laughed as Leia was clearly annoyed with him. Mav saw you coming down the stairs with Bradley’s duffle. “Here, sweetheart. Let me help you.” He smiled and grabbed the heavy bag from your grasp. You made it downstairs and placed all the sandwiches on the counter. You went into the pantry to grab an insulated lunch bag. You started to pack all the sandwiches into the bag. 
“That’s quite a bit of PB&Js, darlin.” Austin chuckled as he let Leia down from the counter. 
“They’re for daddy, Austin! I know he’ll be hungry!” Leia smiled at Austin.
Austin knelt down to her and cupped her cheeks. He pulled her in and kissed her forehead, “Gosh, you are so smart, Leia Rey.” He smiled. “Well, we should get goin. Let’s go and let Phantom go home to get some sleep."
Austin grabbed the duffle from Mav and grabbed Leia’s hand. He brought them out to the car. You gave Mav a kiss on the cheek before you left. 
“I’ll be there in a bit, sweetheart! Just going to get cleaned up. I’ll be there within the hour.” 
When you, Austin, and Leia arrived at the hospital Austin grabbed the duffle and lunch bag. You let Leia down from her booster seat and held her hand. When you got into the hospital you all headed over to Bradley’s room. Phantom was laying on the couch by the window sill. You went over and patted his shoulder. 
“Hey we are here, how was he?” Phantom got up and smiled.
“He did great last night. We got a little more movement from him.” He stood up and stretched. “Who is here with you?” 
“I have Austin and Leia with me today.” You smiled. 
“Little Vapor is here?” He raised his brows to you. 
You nodded, “I felt it was a good time for her to finally come in and see him. He’s doing so much better.” 
“Where are they?” He looked around for Austin and Leia. 
“They’re in the family waiting room. I told Austin to keep her there until Mav could get here. We are going to clean up and change Brad before she comes in and sees him.”
He nodded and gave you a hug. “If you girls need anything. I’m just a phone call away.” He kissed your temple. “If anything changes with him, please give me a call.”
You smiled at Phantom and nodded. “I will, thank you.”
When Phantom left, you sat next to Bradley. You held his hand in yours. “Hi baby, I’m back.” You kissed the back of his hand. “If you can hear me, Bradley… Can you squeeze my hand, baby?” You stayed still as you waited for the slightest movement. You felt his fingers slightly curl to your hand and you smiled. “There you go, baby. There you go, Bradley. I’m here, honey. I love you so much. You are doing so good. I am so proud of you, Bradley.” You rubbed his hand and arm, “Our little Leia is here to finally see you baby. She’s so excited to finally see you. She’s missed you so much.” You rubbed your hand over his scruffy face. “She’s been so strong. She definitely gets that from you.” You felt his hand twitch in yours. 
You stood up and leaned over the bed railing and kissed his cheek. His prickly hair poking your lips. “Mav is going to come and help me clean you up and get you changed. Get you out of these endless hospital gowns.” You laughed, “How does that sound, honey?” You noticed he was trying to smile as the apple of his cheek bones balled up. You gasped and started to laugh, “I’ll take that as a yes please.” 
His eyes started to flutter. You were noticing the white of his eyes starting to show. You stood up, “You got it, Bradley. You got it, honey. Just keep trying. You’re doing so good.” You held his hand tight in yours and caressed his cheek with your other hand, “Good job, my baby. You are doing so good.” You started to cry happy tears.
Mav finally came into the room. “Y/n, I’m here sweetheart.”
You waved him over, “Mav hurry come over.” He jogged over with a smile on his face. “Look, Mav. He’s trying.” 
Mav chuckled, “There you go, Brad.” He rubbed his arm. “You got it, son. There you go.”
Bradley’s eyes opened slightly. He blinked a couple of times and looked at you. His eyes lit up. You could see that he was trying to smile. You started to tear up, “Oh my god, Bradley.” You cupped his face. He still had the tube in his mouth. You and Mav started to cry as he looked at the both of you. “My baby.” You whispered to him.
He shakily brought his hand up to your cheek. You grabbed it with both hands and placed it on your cheek, he caressed his thumb over it. You held his hand hard to your cheek and kissed his palm. “God, I love you so much, Bradley. I love you so fucking much, baby.” You kissed his palm over and over again. Your body became overjoyed with happiness, you felt like you were floating away on a cloud. Here he was, your husband, he was finally back. Your Bradley was home. 
You went to go and grab a nurse. They came into the room and greeted Bradley. “Hello, Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw! Welcome back! I’m so happy to see you back. How are you feeling pain-wise, sir?” The nurse came around to chest his vitals. Bradley flashed him a weak and shakey thumbs up. “That’s great! Okay now take a deep breath alright? I’m going to take the ventilator out from you. You’ll feel a lot of pressure in your neck. That’s just the tube coming up, okay?” Bradley nodded slowly and slightly as he closed his eyes to signal he agreed.
The nurse turned off the ventilator and came over to Bradley. “Breathing feel alright?” Bradley closed his eyes to signal yes. “Okay, sir. Get ready when I say 3 take a deep breath in.” Bradley closed his eyes again. 
Mav wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You held onto him tightly and excited. 
The nurse started to unsnap the mechanism that was around Bradley's mouth. He removed it and all that was left was the tube. “Okay, Lieutenant Commander. On three, deep breath, let’s get this thing out of you. One, Two, Three.” Bradley took a deep weezy breath and the nurse started to pull the tube from him. Bradley started to gag and cough as it came up. His eyes tore up as he choked slightly. The tube finally all came out and had some blood on it. Bradley gasped for air and started to cough dryly. He winced at the pain he was feeling in his torso. He held onto his chest as he coughed. 
“I’ll go and get you some medication for the pain, sir.” Bradley closed his eyes tight and raised his brows as he continued to cough. 
When the nurse left the room you bee lined for Bradley. You grabbed his face and kissed his lips over and over again. He started to laugh through his cough. You didn’t care that his lips were super dry. You just wanted to feel his lips against yours. You never thought you would get this chance again. 
When you finally broke away from his lips. Bradley gasped and wheezed for air as he gave you a little smile. You looked into his eyes and they looked so relaxed. You knew he was finally happy to see you. Bradley gestured for some water. You grabbed a water bottle from his bedside table. You held it to his lips and he began to drink it slowly. He nearly drank the whole bottle before he nodded at you that he was done. 
He swallowed the water that was in his mouth. He smiled and looked up at you. “Hi, sweetheart.” His voice was so soft and really raspy. He smiled up at you. 
You smiled and shook your head. Of course, this man was going to greet you. Even if he could barely breathe. You started to cry, “Hi, baby." You placed your hands on his cheeks, “Hi, my baby. Hi.” 
Mav came over and kissed Bradley on his forehead. Bradley looked over at Mav with wide eyes. “Holy shit, You’re here. You're actually here.” He chuckled softly and grabbed onto Mav’s hand. He kept looking at him with big eyes and disbelief that his uncle was standing here in front of him.
Mav started to laugh, “I’m here, Bradley. I’m here. It’s good to finally see you. I’ve been waiting a long time for you to finally open your eyes and hear your voice.” Mav held Bradley’s hand close to his heart. “I love you so much, Bradley.” He started to cry.
Bradley smiled and a small tear fell from his eye, “I love you, Mav.” His voice was super hoarse and shaky.
He looked back over to you. “I missed you, sweetheart. I heard you talking to me everyday. Thank you so much, baby. You were my motivation to keep pushing.” He smiled at you. 
You kissed him over and over again. “I love you, Bradley Bradshaw, always.
“And I love you, y/n Bradshaw, forever.” 
You and Mav kept Bradley waking up a little secret from Austin and Leia. You wanted to surprise them when they came into the room. You and Mav started to clean up Bradley. You were being gentle with him because he was still in pain. The nurse said that the medication he gave him would kick in shortly. You washed Bradley’s face and brushed his teeth. You applied moisturizer and exfoliated his lips. You applied some lips balm to his lips and they were soft and smooth again. You washed his hair gently and fixed it for him. His curls were really defined. Mac gave Bradley’s body a sponge bath. He cleaned him up pretty well. You helped Bradley change into some sweats from home. After he was cleaned up and clothed, the nurses came in to change his bedding before he got comfortable in bed. 
Bradley’s voice was very soft and raspy from not talking for nearly a month. “Thank you both, I feel so much better.” Bradley took a deep breath and winced slightly at his pain. You kissed his lips and smiled. “Are you ready to see your little girl?” 
Bradley’s eyes went wide and he nodded his head. “I can’t wait to give her a kiss,” he grunted and held his chest. You and Mav looked at Bradley concerned knowing he was in great amounts of pain.
"You all right, Bradley?" Mav came over and rubbed his arm gently.
Bradley breathed in and you could hear the crackling and wheezing coming from his chest. He nodded and gave him a weak smile. "I'll be okay."
Mav nodded and looked up at you. You looked back at him and at Bradley. "I'll be back, okay?"
You went to the Family waiting room to go and get Austin and Leia. He was sitting with her on a couch and reading a book to her as she cuddled into his side with her teddy. You opened the door slowly and smiled. “Are you both ready to see him? We just finished getting him ready.”
Austin nudged Leia, “You ready to see your daddy, Leia girl?”
She nodded fast, “Yes! I can’t wait to give him a kiss!” She jumped down from the couch and came over to grab your hand. When you reached Bradley’s room you looked down at Leia. You cupped her cheek as she smiled up at you. 
“I just want to warn you, baby. Daddy is hooked up to a couple of things to help monitor him. Daddy had a couple of bumps and bruises. He’s also a little fragile right now, so we have to be very gentle, okay?” 
She nodded, “I understand, momma.” You looked at Austin and smiled. “Ready?” He nodded to you. 
“Here we go, Vapor girl.” You held your hand out to Leia and she grabbed it. In her other arm she hugged her teddy tight. She took a deep breath as you opened the door. The three of you walked in and you opened the curtain. 
Austin placed his hands on Leia’s shoulders. You all three walked in, Mav was sitting at Bradley’s bed side rubbing his arm. 
Leia looked at him and Bradley turned his head slowly to see her. His eyes went soft and he smirked at her. 
“Hi, my Leia Rey.” His voice was soft. 
Leia started to tear up. She held onto her teddy tighter. “Daddy…?” Her breath quickened. 
Bradley slowly waved her over. “Hi, sweetheart.”
Leia started sobbing, “DADDY!” She ran for Bradley. 
Austin placed his hand on your shoulder when he saw Bradley awake. He looked at you with wide eyes and pulled you in for a hug. “Oh my… Darlin! He’s awake! And talking!” You looked up at Austin and teared up. He kissed your forehead and walked over to Bradley. 
Leia was clinging onto her dad’s hand. “Daddy, I missed you so much! I knew you would be okay!” 
Bradley brought his hand to Leia’s cheek, “I’m not going anywhere, my Leia babe. Daddy is here.” He looked at her so lovingly, the same gaze he had on her when he first saw her. He caressed her cheek and fell relaxed in her hands. Leia held onto her dad's hand tight against her cheek.
Austin came to Bradley and Bradley gave him a shaky fist pump. “Heyyy. Aus! You’re here.” Bradley chuckled. 
“I’m so happy I am.” Austin started to tear up as he saw Bradley. 
“Where is your girl?” Bradley sounded concern for Phoenix. 
“I’m going to call her up. She has to come and see you. She’s at work right now.” Austin placed his hand on Bradley’s shoulder. “It’s great to see you up, man.” 
Bradley nodded, “It’s great to be here, man.” They shook hands and Leia snatched her daddy’s hand from Austin. 
Leia placed kisses all over Bradley hand. “I love you so much, daddy.” She cuddled into Bradley’s hand. 
“I love you, Leia Rey, forever.” 
There was a lot of skipping around in this chapter, but I hope you all loved it! I am so excited to see that Bradley is up! I just wanna cover this man in KISSES. Thank you for being here, besties! I'll see you all in the next chapter! 🫶🏼
My support group is in the comments ❤️
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huntingliving · 3 days
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tetronmarinestore · 1 month
Best Boat Outfitting Accessories in Canada
Although safety should always be the top priority, several other add-ons enhance the boating experience. Considering Canada's varied water bodies, getting the right accessories suited to operating conditions is prudent. The best boat outfitting accessories in Canada are pontoon boats with rear-mount transducer brackets for fishing finds and speakers for entertainment, which make boating much more enjoyable. To know more you can call us at +1 902-706-6949.
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marinesupplyonline · 4 months
Why People Should Need Marine Electric Supplies for Safe Sailing?
Marine electric machinery and electronic supplies are highly important for boat enthusiasts to ensure their safety while sailing. For communication and to prevent annoyance during sailing, electric systems like radios, radars, channel amplifiers, remote controls, junction boxes, powered navigation lights, and more are used.
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Reputable suppliers offer premium electrical components and other necessary boat accessories in Australia, allowing boat owners to improve their whole boating experience. These vendors have skilled marine supply specialists on staff who can advise clients on the appropriate add-ons that are vital for enjoyment, convenience, and safety.
Importance of Buying Electronics and Electrical Supplies for Sailing:
For sailors, buying dependable electronics and electrical gear and supplies from recognised suppliers such as autopilots, radios, radars, transducers, trim control, lighting, multimedia systems, electrical accessories, and more is essential. High-quality electrical components are necessary for safety systems, communication devices, and navigational equipment. Purchasing robust, marine-grade electronics from trusted suppliers guarantees operation in demanding maritime environments.
These tools support accurate navigation, dependable communication, and general maritime safety. Sailing excursions can be made more enjoyable by choosing reliable sellers for electrical and electronic equipment, whether it's for GPS systems, marine radios, or lighting solutions. Making these purchases a priority ensures a safe and equipped yacht for a variety of marine activities and improves the overall sailing experience.
Find a Reliable Vendor in the Neighbourhood Market:
Look for locally authorised stores that have received Google certification.
Visit their websites to view their price and product offerings.
To determine whether these suppliers are competitive in the market, consider their offerings and costs.
Examine the comments and feedback from their clients on social media and visit their websites to check their product range and services.
Many trusted marine supply providers deliver top-quality products and effective repair and maintenance services to assist their customers.
Finally, buy the finest boating supplies from trusted marine suppliers for a secure and safe boating experience.
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thanu011 · 5 months
"Echoes Below: Demystifying the Fishfinder"
Gone are the days of casting a line blindly into the water and hoping for a bite. Thanks to modern technology, anglers now have a powerful tool at their disposal: the fish finder. This ingenious device utilizes sonar technology to peer beneath the surface and locate fish, revolutionizing the way we approach fishing. But how exactly does a fish finder work its magic? Join us as we dive deep into the mechanics of this essential fishing gadget.
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Understanding Sonar Technology:
At the heart of every fish finder lies sonar technology. Sonar, short for Sound Navigation and Ranging, functions by emitting sound waves into the water and analyzing the echoes that bounce back. These sound waves travel through the water, encountering various objects such as fish, vegetation, or the seabed. When they hit an object, they bounce back to the fish finder's transducer, which then interprets the data to create a visual representation of the underwater terrain.
The Transducer:
The transducer serves as the fish finder's eyes and ears beneath the surface. Typically mounted on the hull of a boat or kayak, the transducer emits high-frequency sound waves into the water column below. These waves spread out in a cone shape, covering a wide area beneath the boat. When the waves encounter objects, such as fish or structures, they bounce back to the transducer at varying speeds, depending on the density of the object.
Interpreting the Data:
Once the transducer receives the echo signals, the fish finder's onboard processor goes to work, converting this raw data into a visual display. This display, often presented on a screen in real-time, provides anglers with valuable information about the underwater environment. Users can typically customize the display to adjust settings such as sensitivity, depth range, and frequency, allowing for optimal performance in different fishing conditions.
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n the world of fishing, knowledge is power, and a fish finder provides anglers with invaluable insights into the underwater world. By harnessing the power of sonar technology, these devices have revolutionized the way we locate and catch fish. From the transducer's emission of sound waves to the interpretation of data on the screen, every component of a fish finder plays a crucial role in helping anglers unlock the depths below. So the next time you're out on the water, consider bringing along this indispensable tool and discover the hidden treasures lurking beneath the surface. Happy fishing!
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boaterstop1 · 7 months
Navigating the Depths with Precision: The Importance of a Depth Finder for Your Boat
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Setting sail on the open waters is a thrilling experience, but ensuring a safe and smooth journey requires more than just a sturdy vessel. A crucial tool for any boating enthusiast is a Depth Finder, a device that provides real-time information about water depth beneath your boat. In this article, we will explore the significance of a Depth Finder for Boat and how it enhances your boating experience.                                               
The Need for Precision:
One of the primary concerns for any captain navigating waterways is understanding the depth of the water beneath the boat. Shallow waters can pose a threat to the vessel's hull, while deeper waters may require a different approach to ensure safe navigation. This is where a depth finder comes into play, providing accurate and instant depth readings, allowing boaters to make informed decisions.
How Depth Finders Work:
Depth finders, also known as fish finders or echo sounders, utilize sonar technology to measure the distance from the boat to the seafloor. A transducer sends out sound waves, which bounce back when they encounter the seafloor. The device then calculates the time taken for the waves to return, providing an accurate measurement of the water depth.
Enhanced Safety on the Water:
One of the key benefits of a depth finder is the enhanced safety it brings to your boating adventures. Avoiding shallow areas helps prevent grounding and potential damage to the boat's propeller and hull. Additionally, it aids in steering clear of underwater obstacles, ensuring a safe and worry-free journey.
Optimizing Fishing Expeditions:
Beyond safety concerns, a depth finder is an invaluable tool for anglers. It allows them to identify underwater structures, locate schools of fish, and determine the most promising fishing spots. With real-time depth information, anglers can optimize their fishing strategies, increasing the chances of a successful catch.
Installation and Usage:
Installing a depth finder on your boat is a straightforward process, and many models are designed for user-friendly installation. Once installed, the device typically features an easy-to-read display that provides clear depth readings. Some advanced models even come with GPS integration, allowing for precise navigation and marking of favorite fishing spots.
Click here for more information :-
Boat Switch Panel
Compass for a Boat
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boatdetailing-101 · 9 months
Boat Painting - Importance of Boat Bottom Painting
Boat Painting: Importance of Bottom Painting Bottom paint provides numerous benefits to protect against marine growth such as slime, barnacles and mussels that reduce speed and performance while damaging hull material. By keeping these organisms away, bottom paint protects the boat hull longer in service life.
Apart from providing protection for the hull of your boat, painting its bottom is also an aesthetic necessity. Over time, even newly applied paint may start peeling or flaking off, making the job much harder than anticipated for most individuals and necessitating professional assistance to achieve good results. While DIY might seem appealing at first, most individuals often find this challenging and would benefit more by seeking professional assistance rather than trying it themselves.
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There is an assortment of antifouling paints on the market, each offering different costs and performances. Some may be more toxic than others and most require using a respirator when applying. For optimal results and industry compliance standards adherence it's advisable that professional mariners apply your bottom paint.
Re-coating requires following the paint manufacturer's recommendations regarding overcoat times and application techniques. You should ensure any underwater metals such as transducers are coated with copper-free antifouling paint to avoid galvanic corrosion, while taking into account what biocide type or properties your boat needs in its bottom paint, such as self-polishing capabilities or single or multi-season effectiveness; all these factors will help determine which product best fits your vessel.
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mikosnissey · 1 year
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2002 Angler 220 W/A 2002 Yamaha 2-Stroke Series by MIKOS 631-862-6973 Via Flickr: 2002 Angler 220 W/A 2002 Yamaha 2-Stroke Series SX200TXRA Boat Type: Outboard Boats Engine Specifications Quantity: 1 Horse Power: 200 Type: Gasoline Hull Material: Fiberglass Beam: 8'6" Length: 22' Net Weight: 2700 The electronics include a Echo MAP DV and a Echo map CV with chirp transducer and VHF Radio. The Cuddy Cabin and Cockpit cushions are in good shape It has mooring cover canvas and Bimi-Top The two swivel helm seats Fish Boxes Dual Batteries w Switch Bait well Anchor Locker Power Inverter w/110 plug Bilge Pumps front/back Swim Plarform, 12v Plug All Gauges, Coast Guard Package 2005 Venture Tandem 32 Roller Axle Boat Trailer 631-862-6973 txt 631-838-7170
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Boat For Sale in Melbourne: Connect with Nature and Create Stunning Memories
Boats for sale in Melbourne are a sizable investment that calls for careful consideration of a number of criteria. The intended usage of the boat, the available money, as well as the boat's size, kind, condition, and safety features, must all be taken into account. Finding the ideal boat might be difficult with the wide variety of boats for sale in Australia. Let's talk about some of the most important factors to take into account while buying a boat in Australia.
Suitable for Long Journeys
Offshore boats are a great spot to be if you love to fish or are just curious to start. Additionally, an offshore boat will give you all the necessary capabilities. The offshore series of boats includes a tonne of rod participants, live wells, fishing boxes, tackle storage, and cabin rod stowage as standard equipment. Check the available specifications for each overseas model to learn more.
The overseas models have additional characteristics that make them perfect for fishing, in addition to specific features made for fishing. An anchorage system, bow thruster, and specific transducer placement are included as standard in every model. Additionally, there are built-in safety measures like grab rails and anti-slip cabin flooring that can be quite helpful when fishing.
Creating a Robust Market Approach
Everyone is aware that having excellent images to draw customers across the threshold is essential when selling a home. They will develop a marketing plan for your yacht that includes a number of services, such as expert photography. There is much more to a photo shoot than just snapping a few pictures with a smartphone.
It is crucial to have expertly taken pictures of the yacht and all of its finer details. It requires planning, patience, and talent to highlight your boat's best attributes and match them to a specific market niche. Whether used for fishing, water-related activities, or just cruising, boats offer a pleasant and peaceful way to spend time with loved ones.
Boats provide you with the chance to discover new waterways and secret coves, making for an interesting and unforgettable experience. Time spent on the water can promote calmness and serenity, assisting in stress relief and fostering a sense of connection with nature.
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boatparadise · 1 year
2019 Scout 251 XSS
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2019 Scout 251 XSS powered by Yamaha 300HP Four Stroke engine with only a total of 27 hours. Yamaha Warranty until 06/2025. Turnkey ready to fish and cruise. Scout Midnight Blue Hull. Every Available Option. Garmin 7612XSV, Garmin Transducer. Power assisted Hydraulic Steering. 
➡️ Source: 2019 Scout 251 XSS
➡️ More: Scout Boats
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huntingliving · 10 days
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furneaux · 1 year
Marine Gadgets - To Improve Abilities of Boats
Capacities of the boat are similarly reliant upon the plan and establishment of various types of frameworks. Adding to it, one may likewise require establishment of various marine gadgets and electrical frameworks connected with power, route, interchanges as well as diversion.
Taking everything into account, it is on the right track to say that they assume a critical part in improving the capacities of boats by guaranteeing three characteristics including solace, security and superior execution of various estimated vessels.
AC and DC boards are useful in observing the power machines nearby. The application explicit plan, high productivity, less support and inconvenience free activity is four quality trademark elements of the air conditioner and DC boards.
Multi-capability shows are one more electronic navigational framework that assumes powerful part in the showcase of route course, climate radar, moving guide, and so forth. Data connected with boat status is seen over the multifunction show.
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VHF radios are such marine electronic frameworks which are utilized for an assortment of correspondence purposes in vessels incorporating speaking with harbors as well as gathering salvage administrations.
Through and through, appropriate working of these electronic frameworks adds solace in boats and in this manner upgrades the abilities of vessels.
Battery assumes a compelling part in satisfying power needs in boats. Furthermore, having battery banks in vessels guarantee security progressing as one battery can be securely utilized for the motor and different batteries in battery bank can be exchanged for other on-board supplies and gadgets. In the event that the battery is released, then, at that point, motor stock can stay unaffected by utilizing the battery bank where batteries are accessible for the GPS and Radar. Thus, it guarantee safe running of the vessels.
For superior execution of boats, high innovation based marine hardware and electrical frameworks can be utilized. Boss route frameworks incorporate instruments and transducers, windlasses and autopilots. Chartplotter, the gadget in marine route is helpful in showing outline information. The precise place of the vessel is additionally processed with the assistance of this gadget.
Inverters, generators and chargers are three power frameworks that guarantee superior execution of vessel. Level screen televisions and sound systems are theater setups which are tracked down in boats. A lot more frameworks are there which are expected to keep up with various capabilities in vessels.
From the above conversation, it very well may be reasoned that various marine gadgets and electrical frameworks are found which boost the security, solace and execution of boats and subsequently upgrade abilities of vessels.
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marinesupplyonline · 10 months
Purchase Boat Accessories from a Trustable Marine Shop to Assure Superior Quality
A reputable marine shop offer premium brands of boat parts, accessories, and marine products, with a dedicated aftercare centre for repairs and maintenance of fibreglass trailer boats.  They supply high quality boat anchors, winch kits, ropes and anchoring accessories.   These stores guarantee that these heavy duty premium products are extremely reliable and durable, and designed to withstand the harshest environments. They also stock premium quality brand new marine electronics for sale. Their products include all marine electronics from navigation systems, GPS radars, sounders, fish finders, battery, transducers and more, available in-store and online.
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These shops offer various models of fibreglass bait boards in Australia such as compact plus bait board with bait compartment and storage, long bait board with 2 rod holders and bait storage and Elite bait board with 2 rod holders, 2 cup holders and bait storage. Small and ergonomically intended for use in smaller boats, the Compact Plus bait board is made of both fibreglass and alloy materials. Not taking up too much valuable deck space, this board is big enough to cut up bait with ease. These design boards come with one chopping board cover, two Slim-rod holders, and other items. While out on the water, these bait boards offer a practical and designated workspace for making bait, chopping baitfish, or setting up your fishing equipment.
Importance of Buying Marine Supplies from Marine Shops:
Boat marine supplies are essential to the boating and marine industries, according to verified portals. It includes a broad spectrum of goods and services that are necessary for maintaining and using boats and other water vehicles. The safety and enjoyment of boaters and passengers are greatly enhanced by boat marine supply, which offers everything from safety gear to navigation systems, maintenance supplies, and storage and transit options. Purchasing from a reputable marine store is essential to obtaining high-quality boat supplies.
In summary, marine shops offer various marine supplies such boat parts, accessories and more. Someone looking for these products should browse their online shopping platform.
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colinf7 · 1 year
So what happened to your Dynamic Duo and the flooding boat! Jumping catfish, they were in a pickle.
I rushed below and inspected all the seacocks. We have a lot of through hull fittings, four in each heads, two under the sink in the main cabin and two supplying the engine. In addition there are various other fittings for the bilge pumps, engine exhaust, speed transducer, heater, scupper drains, vents for the various fuel, water and waste tanks.
As we had been sailing well heeled, any of these could have been under water, however the most inportant are the permanently submerged ones.
I went round them all and switched them off, opened up the engine compartment to see if there were any leaks there and drained the bilge with the electric bilge pump.
Up came all the floor boards to inspect the keel bolts. At this stage I had not identified the source but it was clearly quite a substantial leak as the ingress had been significant.
Well heeled.
Having done all this there did not seem to be any more coming in. However the combination of this issue and the unidentified hum from the transmission meant that carrying on to a remote anchorage was not a terrific plan and I thought we needed to return to civilisation.
I radioed Livianda and told them that we were returning to Datca because of these problems. This was a return trip of about 16 NM but the wind would be behind us and with a bit of luck we could sail the whole way before dark, without the need to motor.
So that is what we did. It was a good sail with a following wind of 15-20kts. As we reached the point of Ince Burundari, the wind failed and we had to motor rounf for just a few minutes before the breeze returned, but this time from the N directly ahead of us. We only had about 4 miles to go so we carried on sailing up wind, but as we closed our destination the wind strength increased and we ended up forereaching into 25-30 knot winds for a couple of miles to get to Datca. We managed to sail into the harbour before turning on the motor.
As useful as....
There was no berth obviously available so we anchored in the bay. 
The only clue I had was that the toilet paper repository under the sink in the aft heads was wet when I pulled it out to look at the seacocks there. It could just have got wet from the water in the bilge slopping in there but I was suspicious this could be our source of trouble.
Sinking by the sink
So with the seacock draining the sink closed, I filled the sink with fresh water. Lo and behold it poured out the underside of the sink. We had been sailng well heeled to port and seawater would have entered up the piping and leaked out. I felt much better that the source of the potential calamity had been found, and we settled down to have a beer and a relaxed evening.
However I was still concerned about the lubrication of my sterngland, so to speak, and spent a restless night going through the various strategies available.
I sent a message to the Beneteau 423 forum. This is a brilliant group who are highly responsive, highly knowledgable and always kee to help. Witihn a few hours I had several replies offering a range of views.
The problem I faced was that the rubber hose on the stern gland lube system was ancient, hard and possibl;y fragile. If I put a mole grip on it to block the water flow, it might crack.
Sterngland lubrication setup
I could turn off the inflow at the seacock, but the outflow is through a brass tube, fibreleglassed into the stern tube apparatus. This is notoriously fragile and I know of several people who have snapped them off trying to work on them. So I did not really want to go there.
The reples I got varied from “dont touch that lot while afloat, you could sink”, to”don’t worry about it when I snapped mine off I just dived over the side and blocked the inflow round the prop shaft with plasticine and an anode”!
Someone else on the forum said they had also had this humming noise intermittently but had never found the cause, and had not noticed a hot prop shaft.
So I tossed and turned a bit wrestling with this dilemma.
In the morning we tied up in the harbour.
I put my big girl pants on and set to work. I got the area cleared for action and recruited my assistant. I had new hose if I needed it but the plan was to remove the hose from the inflw side and put a bung in it to stop the backflow.
Fortunately the 20 year old hose came off the junction more easily than I had expected. There was good brisk back flow from the hose, and on opening the tap, good brisk inflow. So the original hypothesis of a blocked inflow was wrong. What a relief, we did not urgently need a diver.
There is an instruction in the handbook that after the boat is relauched after a period ashore the sterngland should be lubricated with a small amount of magic grease and burped. Because we had not dried out this winter I had not done this, but perhaps?
The magic grease trick involves putting a small amount inside a plastic straw, flattening the end of the straw, slipping it inside the rubber stern gland and milking the grease inside.
Magic grease delivery apparatus
The burping procedure involves putting your hands around the gland and squeezing hard (think least favourite boss or manager) until it deforms and a ”burp” of water spills out.
I then re-sealed the drainage of the sink with Butyl goo – great stuff. So with a bit of luck we were a going concern again.
Livianda had retraced their track back to Datca and re-joined us. The next morning we set off E again. It was quite a brisk breeze but we motored for a bit to test out the transmission. Cool as a cucumber, Well a black rubber one. Amazing what a little bit of lube can do. The possibilities for puerile humour are immense but I will resist in the cause of decency.
Dottin about.
Over the next few days we dotted about favourite haunts, Dirsek, Orhaniye, and ended up at Bencik, one of thr nicest anchorages. The water is still cold but we finally mustered up the moral courage to get in the water with the scrapers to havea go at the hull.
Sea life
It then became clear why we had been going so slowly. There was a thick layer of sea life from stem to stern. Tubeworm, barnacles and fronds of weed everywhere. After half and hour we had perhaps cleared about quarter of it but without a wet suit it was not possible to do much more.
We also found that there was no anode whatsoever on the prop shaft.
Absent anode on prop shaft.
The anode is made of zinc and corrodes sacrificially to protect the sterngear. Without one there is a risk the prop might de-zincify, which is a form of corrosiion that results in it turning mostly into copper and becoming fragile. I had one on board but theere is no way one can be fitted without an aqualung.
So we still need a diver!
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boaterstop1 · 9 months
Navigating the Depths: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Depth Finder for Your Boat
A depth finder is an essential tool for any boater, providing crucial information about water depth and bottom contours to ensure safe navigation. With various types and features available, selecting the right depth finder can be daunting. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about depth finders for boats, helping you make an informed decision.
Understanding Depth Finders : Depth finders, also known as sounders or fishfinders, use sonar technology to determine water depth and locate underwater objects. They emit sound waves that bounce off the seabed and return to the device, providing data on depth, structure, and even fish presence. Understanding how these devices work is crucial in selecting the right one for your boating needs.
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Types of Depth Finders : There are various types of depth finders available, including basic depth sounders, fishfinders, and advanced combination units. Basic depth sounders provide depth readings only, while fishfinders offer additional features like fish detection. Combination units integrate GPS, chart plotting, and other advanced functions. Consider your boating activities and desired features when choosing the type of depth finder that suits you best.
Key Features to Consider: When selecting a depth finder, consider key features such as frequency, power, display type, transducer type, and additional functions. Higher frequencies provide better detail in shallow water, while lower frequencies penetrate deeper water. Power affects the device's ability to provide accurate readings at higher speeds or in rough conditions. Display type and size should be chosen for readability in various lighting conditions. Transducer type depends on your boat's hull and mounting preferences.
Additional functions like GPS, chart plotting, and networking capabilities can enhance your boating experience.
Installation and Maintenance : Proper installation is crucial for the optimal performance of your depth finder. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines and ensure the transducer is mounted correctly for accurate readings. Regular maintenance, including cleaning the transducer and checking connections, helps prolong the device's lifespan and reliability.
Choosing the Right Depth Finder: When choosing a Depth Finder for Boat, assess your boating needs, budget, and desired features. Consider factors like the type of water you navigate, the depth range you require, and the level of detail you need from the device. Research different brands and models, read user reviews, and consult with experts if needed to make an informed decision.
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