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loelysian · 2 years
(n.) the shining surface of the ocean
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pairing: namor × reader
word count: 4.1k
summary: what happens when nakia takes a straggling passenger from talokan on her mission to retrieve shuri and riri to bring them back to wakanda—that passenger being the queen of talokan.
note: since this one shot was written by me, a jewish arab person, it is hinted that y/n is also from those cultures but if you are not, that is fine. it is never explicitly stated and i don't plan on doing so in future chapters. feel free to apply your own experiences to the scenarios i've written about. please keep in mind that i am not fluent in yucatec so i've used a translator for any scenes in talokan. if you find i've upset you or there is an error in regard to lore (i tried my best to recreate certain scenes from the movie but i've only seen it once). please comment and let me know so i can fix it and apologize. i do not mean to offend anybody. i would also like to mention that this was posted yesterday but because i accidentally deleted my main blog, this is a repost—not stolen. i hope you enjoy.
warnings: some discussions of colonization—i brought my own struggles with displacement into y/n's relation to namor's history. there are some depictions of violence as well.
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Namor had prisoners, that much you knew. He hadn’t been keen on telling you why, insisting he had it under control and that absolutely no harm would come to you or the people of Talokan. He’d given you his word as the King and as your husband. Namor the loveless child. That was what he’d dotted himself as but then he’d met you. You’d been given the opportunity of a lifetime to study sea life in San Diego, California and your apartment, which had been paid for by the school, overlooked the ocean. Even as a child, you’d always been drawn to the ocean. Despite living hours away, whenever your parents took you to the beach, it was like the waves had been calling you, a primitive urge to get closer, to let the water engulf you. Your parents had always joked about it, calling you a mermaid or siren and were convinced that one day you’d have fins instead of feet. They weren’t exactly far off.
The very first time you saw him, he had been undercover trying to collect information about a new oil-infused tank that was set to drop in the middle of the ocean, potentially displacing thousands of already endangered species’, the array of coral reefs that resided in the area and polluting the waters. You’d been at the meeting to argue against its installation and provide evidence you and your team had collected that supported your claim. He’d been there, standing in the corner of the room with his hands behind his back eyeing you curiously. You’d assumed he was some sort of marine biologist, the long, white lab coat he’d worn over his shoulders as good a sign as any but once you got a closer look, he was anything but. You could tell it was hard for him to mask the disgust he’d had for everyone that stood on the opposing side and found yourself silently sharing the same sentiment. It seemed as though they were only thinking of money and not the catastrophic side effects.
“All you care about is how much you’ll have in your pockets if this deal goes through,” you argued, slamming your hands on the table in front of you. You’d tried to maintain composure throughout the debate but the businessmen weren’t letting up and you couldn’t allow them to go through with this. Not when there was something you could do about it. Not when you were this close.
One of the men stood up and met your eyes, wearing a smirk that only seemed to anger you more.
“Finally, y/n speaks some sense!” he clasps his hands together as the men sitting behind him laugh into their hands. Your eyebrows furrow.
“I don’t care what it takes to put an end to this endangerment. Arrest me for all I care.” you barely registered the fact that your hands were shaking, the first sign of you losing your composure.
“That can be arranged.” the man in the middle said, both of his goons laughing impossibly harder.
Finally, the mysterious man who stood in the corner stepped toward the table with a neutral expression. You could tell he was hiding something right away. You’d always been good at reading people. You felt the urge to step back and let him handle this, but this was also something you were incredibly passionate about. This was why you were here. Straightening your shoulders, you stood up and eyed the men in front of you dangerously.
“If you go through with this, there is absolutely nothing stopping the stream of bad luck that will likely find its way to the three of you if this tank is to be installed. I may be forgiving, but the ocean is not.”
You had never seen businessmen keen on making money pack their things faster. It was almost as if they were in a trance. All you could do was watch on in awe as they quickly left, ushering their apologies to the mysterious man from the corner which was what you’d taken to calling him in your head.
Once the men were gone, you quietly let your peers know you wanted to speak to the man alone and they each nodded in understanding, slinging their backpacks over their shoulders as they exited the room as well. The man eyed you curiously, and suddenly, the fire you’d ignited during the argument had been extinguished leaving nothing but a shy college student who loved nothing more than the ocean.
“Thank you for taking care of that mysterious corner man.” you said. To your surprise, the man laughed. The sound was loud and sweet and your stomach felt funny, an unfamiliar sensation you’d only felt once before when you’d been at the beach and finally caught your first wave on the surfboard you’d crafted yourself.
“Namor.” was all he said, the smile never leaving his face.
“Huh?” it had taken you by surprise.
“Namor. My name. It is Namor.” he said once more. Somehow, the two of you had gotten closer to one another.
“Mine is y/n.” your eyes met his dark brown and he seemed to be captivated. Unable to look away from you.
“Your name .. it is lovely,” you barely registered the fact that your hands were still shaking at your sides from the debate, but he did. In fact, he silently searched your eyes for permission as he took one of them into his own big and strong and pressed your knuckles to his lips. You eyed him confusedly. Was this allowed?
He seemed to pick up on this.
“I wanted to thank you.” was all he said, hoping you’d get it.
“Whatever for?” was what came out instead. You weren’t sure what he was getting at.
“For defending the ocean. There are not many who do what you do anymore. They couldn’t be bothered.” Namor seemed hurt by this but there was a hint of fondness in his voice, probably hinted toward you.
“I’m just doing what any good person would.” and that was the truth. You couldn’t understand why the profession you’d wanted to be a part of was so small in size—why so many people lacked any sense of care or self awareness about the problems out in the ocean. At least Namor seemed to understand. It felt good knowing someone was on your side.
“You’d be surprised.” and wasn’t it funny that he hadn’t let go of your hand yet? It barely seemed to register to you as you were far too engulfed in the way he’d been staring at you. Like you meant something. Like your voice was heard.
After you’d both parted ways, you’d been left with nothing but his first name and the yearning sensation that you wanted more. It couldn’t have ended there yet you had been certain you’d never see Namor again. It caught you by surprise when you’d seen him at the beach during an afternoon stroll. He’d been standing by the shore, letting the surge of cold yet clear saltwater rush past his feet. He had his hands behind his back as he watched the sun set below the horizon. For a moment, all you could do was watch. Could it really be him? The same man who’d so bravely defended you and your cause? You were keen on finding out.
As you walked closer and closer, he finally spoke without turning around.
“Y/n. Our paths cross once again.” you silently wondered how he’d known you were there. To your knowledge, he hadn’t turned around.
“Namor,” you joined him at his side and instead of meeting his eyes, you kept your focus on the ocean, watching the mixture of oranges and pinks that reflected off the sea from the setting sun.
You weren’t sure what to say. Surely mentioning the fact that you’d been thinking about him since you’d last parted was weird. He spoke first, though.
“What is it you do for a living? Your passions and hobbies?” so he wanted to know more about you. You felt the same.
“I’ve always had a fascination with sea life which is why I’m here studying to become a marine biologist. I guess you could say I surf in my free time, but since school is so demanding, I spend most days learning more and bettering my arguments so I can stop crooks like the men you met from ruining our oceans and provide better ways for energy infrastructure instead of relying on oil.” you’d been rambling and suddenly felt embarrassed, searching Namor’s eyes for any hint of annoyance or confusion but all that was there was the same look of fondness he’d had back when you’d very first met.
Clearing your throat, you finally spoke after the moment of silence.
“Sorry for oversharing.” you spoke quietly. If he hadn’t been so close, you were certain the waves rushing in would drown out your voice.
“Do not apologize, y/n. It is something I also find fascinating—you could say I study it too.” he was wearing a smile.
“You’re not a marine biologist?” you asked confusedly. For whatever reason, you’d assumed he was some sort of scientist. Why else would he be at the meeting?
“Not quite. You see, I study the ocean from a different angle. Not from the surface.” you furrowed your brows in concentration, trying to piece together what he meant. Maybe he voyaged in submarines, studying deep sea life?
“So you’re a scuba diver.” at his sudden laughter, you placed your hands on your hips. “Are you mocking me?” you inquired, feigning offense, though it wasn’t masked very well as a smile had broken out on your face as well.
“No, no, not at all.” Namor regained his composure, looking at you with a seriousness you hadn’t seen from him yet. “Have you ever heard of the K’uk’ulkan?” he asked. You nodded. Of course you had.
“Yes. He’s regarded as a serpent-like deity in Mesoamerican mythology. They say he had feathered feet.” you wondered why he was bringing this up, but it interested you.
He was quiet for a while until the last of the sun's orange disappeared beneath the horizon. You two were the only ones on the beach for miles.
“Namor, are you alright?” you wondered aloud, turning toward him.
“There is something you must know. Something you must promise not to share—to anyone. Am I able to trust you?” without another word, you nodded. You weren’t sure why, but you trusted him too—more than you’d trusted anyone before.
Silently, he reached for your hand and led you toward the dry sand, offering you a spot beside him on a broken log that the tide must have brought in. Hesitantly, you sat down.
“I cannot deny the feelings I harbor for you—the things I think of, the things I wish to say and want to do to and with you, but I always promised myself if this were to happen, I’d tell them of the greatest secret I’ve ever kept.” conflicting thoughts rushed through your head. For one, you were grateful he shared the same lust for you as you did for him but on the other hand, you had absolutely no idea what he wished to tell you.
“Namor I-” but your sentence fell short as he revealed the feathered feet he had and just how pointed his ears were, which had been concealed by hats both times you’d seen him. Suddenly, everything made sense. Everything he’d been alluding to was true.
“The K’uk’ulkan? That’s you?” your voice was barely above a whisper yet you couldn’t conceal the awe you felt. The curiosity. As a scientist, you had many questions, but you wanted to remain as respectful as possible.
“I’m sure you have many questions,” was the first thing he said, laughing as you nodded.
“How were you able to conceal your identity for so long? From what I’ve read about the K’uk’ulkan, the first historical texts date all the way back to the 16th century. Have you been alive that long?” you asked, hoping you weren’t prodding too much.
“It is a long, long story. I hope you have time.” he teased, knowing you would.
Namor explained that while he wasn’t actually the great deity the Mayans described, he was a mutant. You were unfamiliar with the term, but because of the Avengers and the fact that so much in the Universe was left unanswered, you believed him. He spoke of a liquid he and his people were instructed to drink because of the colonization-inflicted diseases that were wiping the entirety of Mesoamerica out left and right. At first, his mother hadn’t wanted to drink the vibranium-infused liquid as she had been pregnant with Namor at the time, but was eventually told he too would be sick and that the liquid would cure him. In many ways, you understood his pain. Colonization had also affected your relationship with your culture and at times, you were also incredibly angry at how your people were still suffering years and years later.
Because of the liquid, Namor was born with feathered feet and his people worshiped him. He described his people with such fondness in his eyes. They called him K’uk’ulkan and he was the ruler of an underwater civilization called Talokan. Because of the liquid his people drank, they were able to breathe underwater which is how they were able to survive. Everything sounded so beautiful to you.
“Your home sounds lovely. If there was a way, I’d love to see it one day.” you said with a smile.
“There is a way.”
That had been a year ago. Since the talk you’d shared with him on the beach, you two had only grown closer. After meetings on the very same sands every now and then, he’d asked if you’d wanted to see Talokan. You’d said yes, happy that he’d trusted you as much as he did. You had to admit it was absolutely amazing. You’d never seen anything quite like it before and his people grew very fond of you as well. They enjoyed your company whenever Namor allowed you to visit and you were beginning to wish you’d never have to leave, though you were conflicted. Everything you’d wanted to become was on the surface, and Namor had only spoken to you once before about what would have to happen in order for you to stay with him and his people in Talokan permanently.
While you were putting your suit on, you’d decided to talk to him about everything you’d been thinking about.
Namor was watching you with the same fondness in his eyes he’d had the very first day he’d met you. It was something you’d gotten used to.
“Sometimes I wish I could stay here with you forever,” you’d whispered though the cave was empty. It was just you and him.
He rose a brow.
“In yakunaj (my love),” he whispered back. “There are ways that can be arranged, but I cannot ask that of you. That is a decision you’ll have to make yourself.” he stated solemnly. You knew what he wanted—what he desired—and you knew how dangerous that was. If he asked you to stay with him, you knew you’d say yes. Namor knew that too. That was why the decision was ultimately left to you.
“I think I love you.” is what you began with. You’d, of course, told him this numerous times before, but right now, it felt like it mattered the most that he knew this decision was coming from your heart.
“I love you too, y/n.” Namor looked like he wanted to reach out and hold your hands so you let him. They were grounding, helping you focus on what you’d wanted to say.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” and that was the truth—you did. “There is more you can teach me about the ocean than any land-dwelling professor. I want to wake up and see your face in the morning. I want you to teach me more about your culture—anything you think I might need to know. I’m all ears. I can’t fathom leaving you.” you whispered. The two of you were impossibly close. When he exhaled, you could feel it on your face. Searching his eyes, you anxiously awaited his response.
“I can teach you things no college professor of yours even has the knowledge to grasp, throw big, grand celebrations for you. You will be their Reina.” at your confused head tilt, he clarified.
“Their queen, y/n. You will be the Queen of Talokan. My queen.”
The ceremony had been one of the most extravagant things you’d ever been a part of. Before any of that though, you’d been given the mysterious liquid to drink which was going to give you similar abilities that the Talokan’s had. You still couldn’t believe you’d be able to breathe underwater—that you’d be living underwater. Namor had promised he’d be by your side as you drank from the flower and assured you that everything would be okay.
After you drank it, it was like a sedative. You were passed out in moments and once you awoke, you found yourself gasping for air. It seemed as though your lungs could no longer intake oxygen. As promised, Namor rushed you to the body of water that led to Talokan in the cave so you could get your bearings. He seemed to be memorized by you and your bravery. Once you caught your breath and gazed around the cave, the world felt different. You felt different, which was to be expected. Without a word, you wrapped your arms around Namor who held you close and you shut your eyes. The weight of what you’d just done finally settled in and while you were excited for the new opportunities and the fact that you’d been welcomed into his home, you were going to miss the surface-world.
“Is everything okay, in yakunaj?” he asked, his voice full of worry and concern.
It took you a moment, but after you collected yourself, you nodded, smiled and let him lead the way as you swam down, down, down.
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Sometimes curiosity got the best of you. Like you’d said, one of the guards had informed you Namor was holding two prisoners in the caves and since you’d always been an explorer, you asked one of your guards, Muyal, to take you to them. Namor rarely held people in the caves as no land-dwellers knew anything about Talokan so when she begrudgingly said yes, you smiled and let her lead the way.
Since you’d become Reina, the Talokan people had treated you very differently to the visiting land-dweller you had been before you’d drank the vibranium-infused liquid. As a means to honor the K’uk’ulkan and your husband, you were gifted pointed, jeweled ear pieces you wore along with his mother’s bracelet he’d given you on the night of your wedding. You hadn’t taken it off since and every time he noticed you wearing it, Namor couldn’t help but smile. To honor your own culture, most days you wore golden hand pieces that reminded you of a home you were never able to know but hoped that you could visit one day, even if you were only able to travel its oceans. Namor respected the fact that you honored both yourself and his people and during language lessons, sometimes he asked you to teach him about your native tongue as well. You were happy to do so.
It took a while to swim upward toward the caves, but once you arrived, Muyal handed you a water-mask you needed to wear in order to breathe on land.
The first thing you registered was the fact that there were two women sitting there, one of which was wearing royal clothing that Namor had designed specifically for princesses or princes—in this case you recognized her as princess Shuri of Wakanda. The other woman—someone you did not recognize—was sitting on the ground and she noticed you first. Her face morphed into something akin to fear—worry—which confused you. You were not there to harm them. You just wanted answers.
“Shuri,” the woman sitting on the ground whispered, unable to look away from you as she tapped on the other. Princess Shuri looked at you yet you couldn’t quite register what she was thinking. Her facial expression was unreadable.
“Hello,” you stated, waving hesitantly at the two. The one on the floor waved back albeit nervously. “I’m not here to hurt you,” you said. “I just want answers.” Shuri and the woman sitting on the floor looked at each other with unreadable expressions before turning toward you.
“Did Namor not tell you?” Shuri asked confusedly. You shook your head. No, he had not.
“No, he didn’t. That’s why I came here. Things like this don’t happen often.” is what you replied with, hoping that would ease the tense atmosphere. The woman on the floor seemed happy with your answer and smiled.
“I’m Riri Williams. I’m sort of the reason we’re in this mess,” she nudged Shuri’s shoulder and the two of them laughed, though you weren’t privy to what caused everything. Riri eventually continued. “I’m a scientist,” that caused a smile to break out on your face.
“Me too,” you shared with her, urging her to continue her story.
“I made a vibranium detector that my professor sold to the government without my permission and now Namor wants to kill me,” it was word vomit but your blood ran cold. Namor wanted to kill her?
In a way, you supposed you understood. If the world were to gain access to vibranium detectors, Talokan would be discovered, compromising Namor and his people. But on the other hand, you could tell none of this was her fault.
“Maybe if I talk to him,” you mumbled under your breath but Shuri must have heard you.
“I have already tried. I could not convince him,” you felt immensely bad for both Shuri and Riri and an overwhelming urge to help them.
“How can I-” in the corner of the room where one of your guards stood, there was a sudden commotion that had the three of you turning toward the sound. Shuri stood protectively in front of Riri while you allowed Muyal to position herself into an attacking position in front of you.
“Nakia?” Shuri whisper-shouted. Muyal took the moment of distraction as her chance to strike. A shout left your lips but because of the adrenaline, she didn’t stand down like you’d demanded. Nakia threw her arms over her face defensively and once she regained her composure to fight back, she fired a warning shot that hit the wall of the cave. Because of the loud noise, none of you had noticed the fact that one of the guards had Shuri in a chokehold. Before you could do anything though, Nakia positioned her gun and got ready to fire.
“P'at a biin le princesa (let go of the princess)!” Nakia demanded, fluently speaking Yucatec.
The guard shook her head. You glanced over at Riri who had her hands over her mouth.
“Ma'atech (never)!” the guard shouted.
Nakia sighed in frustration, knowing how much time she was losing.
“Shuri, move your arm to the right.” as soon as she complied, Nakia shot the guard's arm, emitting a scream from your lips as you rushed toward her, hoping there was something you could do to help her feel better. The blast from Nakia had singed her arm pretty good.
You watched as Shuri collapsed beside you, shouting something about war and everything was just so, so overwhelming.
“I can fix this!” Shuri shouted, her voice full of anguish as Nakia demanded she follow her.
“Shuri, we don’t have time!” she shouted back, grabbing her by the arm. Nakia glanced at you.
“You,” she pointed at you. Your eyes widened. “You’re coming with us.” everyone was shouting in confusion—including you.
“What!? Why!?” you demanded. You hadn’t done anything wrong as far as you knew.
“There cannot be any witnesses.” Nakia muttered as she led the four of you to the ship-like tube she’d taken to Talokan. Hesitantly, you boarded, watching as Talokan got smaller and smaller and smaller.
Solemnly, you wondered where Namor was.
chapter 2
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xsaylorh · 2 years
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About Saylor Herrera : The ocean is everything I want to be: beautiful, mysterious, wild and free.
General Details
Physical Appearance
Full Bio
FULL NAME:  Saylor Indigo Herrera NICKNAME(S): Say, Sailor Girl  NAME MEANING:  AGE:  23 DATE OF BIRTH:  Oct 10, 1999 at 8:32 a.m. PLACE OF BIRTH: San Diego, CA CURRENT LOCATION: Opulence, Colorado ETHNICITY: Latinx   GENDER: Genderfluid PRONOUNS: She/They SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Panromantic RELIGION: Wiccan   OCCUPATION:  Maulform Dark Apothecary EDUCATION LEVEL:  High School Graduate, Currently enrolled at OSU COLLEGE: Junior at Oppulence Supernatural University on a full scholarship MAJOR: Bachelor of Science in Marine Sciences with a Concentration in Marine Biology EXTRACURRICULAR: Skateboarding, Drumming, Running, Environmental Conservation, Hiking, Basketball, Swimming LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: In Descray in an apartment with her sister Sofia FINANCIAL STATUS: Broke ass bitch. Without her scholarship at Saylor would without a doubt be a dropout. Most of the money she makes at work goes to support her recent party habits and wild-child pursuits. SPEAKING VOICE AND ACCENT: Saylor’s way of speaking is very casual. A lot of the time G’s are dropped at the end of things. For example running often becomes runnin’. Talks fast when excited and often intermixes Spanish and English in various sentences when speaking to someone else who knows the language or when experiencing an extreme emotion.  There is a slight Spanish accent as she learned to speak both Spanish and English at the same time, though it is not always audible. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English and Spanish
FACECLAIM:  Lizeth Selene HAIR COLOR AND STYLE: Very long black hair that is often worn loose. It has a soft natural wave towards the middle though the rest is straight. Occasionally it will be pinned up or braided when it needs to be out of the way. But usually, its lucky if it gets a brush run through it once a day.   COMPLEXION:  Light beige with a warm, bronzy undertone EYE COLOR: A deep brown, almost black closer to the pupil HEIGHT: 5’8” WEIGHT: 110lbs BODY AND BUILD: Lean musculature that is not really visible until a strenuous task is being completed. Some might call Saylor’s frame “wiry”. Everything about her is slight from her slim shoulders to petite almost nonexistent breasts. Slightly curved hips still give a hint of femininity along with delicate facial features and full lips. TATTOOS:  Too many to list PIERCINGS: Ear: two in lobes, one in cartilage; Nose: septum piercing; Belly-button, Nipples CLOTHING STYLE:  Comfortable. A casual mix between men and women’s styles depending on how they feel on any given days. Comfort is almost as important as style when choosing any outfit. If it’s uncomfortable to any degree, they ain’t wearing it. Tends to trend toward the alternative fashion wise. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Sultry eyes, long loose hair, and wiry frame. SIGNATURE SCENT:  Hibiscus and Ocean Breeze
SIREN SELF: When in her siren form, Saylor’s tail resembles that of a long black fighting fish. It is elegant, yet brutal. Her tail muscles are extremely strong.
MENTAL DISORDER(S): PTSD. With the abuse she was suffered as a child combined with “the incident” that resulted in her mother’s death. This also comes with Thalassophobia: fear of the ocean or other large, deep bodies of water. When getting too closet to anyone other than her sister, Saylor has a hard time recognizing those emotions as a positive. She will frequently turn people away if they become too familiar too quickly. PHYSICAL DISORDER(S): None
HEARING: Keen when underwater, but murkier when on land. She can still identify sounds and hear others calling for her, but if they’re too far away she is likely to be oblivious to the noise.
EYESIGHT: 20/20 with spectacular night vision. Green and red color blind. ALLERGIES:  Allergic to peanuts and avocados. SLEEPING HABITS: Saylor can be lazy and enjoys a good lie in. Often goes to bed a lot later than necessary, resulting in her constantly over sleeping for things that are happening in the morning. Sometimes the sleep is not restful as nightmares of past events often crop up in her dreams. Often wakes soaked in sweat. EATING HABITS: A pig. Saylor loves to eat. Seafood is the go-to whether it be sushi, canned tuna, or even a fish filet from McDonald’s. Enjoys the occasional red meat and steers clear of 90% of vegetables and refuses to eat fake meat. Constantly snacking in between meals with junk like salt and vinegar potato chips. SOCIABILITY Saylor is a people person and enjoys interacting with others. Boisterous, it is easy for them to rub people the wrong way on occasion or come off as “too-much”. While they love engaging with others, they have been struggling with forming strong bonds ever since the incident. BODY TEMPERATURE:  Toasty. With so much extra blood circulating through their veins on account of their siren half, they are almost never cold. ADDICTIONS:  None DRUG USE:  Recreational. Saylor isn’t afraid to use drugs when out partying or in search of a good time. Frequently uses downers to get a full-nights sleep without nightmares interrupting. ALCOHOL USE: Recreational.
POSITIVE TRAITS:  Adventurous, Clever, Observant, Warm NEGATIVE TRAITS: Impatient, Rowdy, Tentative, Unpolished LIKES:   not wearing shoes, exploring nature, the afternoon sun, body modification, taste of raw fish DISLIKES:  too cold temperatures, quiet talkers, monogamous relationships, feeling confined/trapped, open bodies of water FEARS:  To never be able to swim in the ocean again, having her skin stolen, losing another loved one, the ocean HABITS: Sarcastic and a bit quirky, Saylor marches to the beat of a different drum. Constantly forgets to wear shoes as she hates how confining they are, she has trouble sticking to a schedule and making her day flow productively when she does not come up with a strict schedule for herself. Her hands run through her hair all the time to push it back away from her face or just to play with the softness. GOALS AND AMBITIONS: Help conserve the ocean and other bodies of water, graduate college, return to the sea. ASTROLOGY: Libra Sun, Scorpio Rising PERSONALITY TYPE:  ESFP-T MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good HOGWARTS HOUSE:  Slytherin ELEMENT:  Water PRIMARY VICE:  Doubt PRIMARY VIRTUE: Spirited 
MOTHER: Deceased.
FATHER:   Julio Herrera – 48 – Human – Whereabouts unknown – Saylor is currently searching for him
Julio     left the family when Saylor was just three years old. Left Saylor and her     mother due to her mother’s extreme outburst. Saylor is currently seeking     him out to discover why he left her with such a horrible woman.
SIBLING(S): Sofia Valdez; There is a possibility of siblings as her father left when Saylor was three, but she is not currently aware of any CHILDREN: None PET(S):  Black Cat – Mushu
“Your soul is so bohemian, free, and gypsy wild. Come swim with me in the calming sea, let’s be mermaids for a while.”
tw: murder, death, mental health, drug use, child abuse, childhood trauma.
Saylor is what teachers liked to call: “the problem child.” A bastard, born to an adulterer, the little girl’s life was far from stable. But her teachers did not see that. They did not know that the reason she so often fell asleep in class was that her manic mother would wake her up screaming, only to later soothe her with a drive to the local Dairy Queen. She was always thin, meals not as regular as they could have been. Her mother struggled to hold down a job. Hungry, Saylor began to steal food while at school, anything to fill the rumble within her belly. But the theft made her nervous, and jumpy, she knew it was wrong, but she was just so hungry. Those jitters led teachers to educate her mother about ADHD and other disorders. The woman latched onto the idea, and the doctors, believing the parent over the child’s calm demeanor at appointments, began to prescribe her medication. It made Saylor feel as though she was about to crawl out of her skin. After a few weeks, she became smart enough to hide the medicine under her tongue until she could get away from her mother. Now nearly a teen, she would sell the pills at school, pocketing the extra money in order to feed herself. This led her to hanging out with “the wrong crowd” the kids who smoked weed in the bathrooms and got high on pills under the bleachers once classes were over. If they’d even bothered to show up that day. Despite being bounced around schools as her mom moved them from state to state, Saylor managed to find trouble wherever she went. After being expelled from her second one in as many months, her mother finally lost it.
Covered in bruises as the police took the woman away, the young teen was told to pack a bag. After three days in an emergency foster home, the social worker came to say that they had a place for her. When Saylor saw the size of the home she was in awe, she assumed the person who lived there must be her father, they’d tracked him down after all these years and he was welcoming her home with open arms. The truth was far from that happy fantasy. There was no familiarity to the man that stood staring at her as though she were an alien life form, but the moment she locked eyes with the other girl, she knew they were related. Their eyes matched perfectly, they had the same sultry angle, the little glint that meant trouble. It was that girl who took her in, her sister, Sofia. Saylor supposed she could have been upset at the thought of living with this strange girl, of the crappy apartment she was able to afford to scrape by at jobs that were less than ideal. But, for the first time in her life, the young girl actually felt content.
Sofia worked hard to make sure that she was cared for. There was a hot meal every night, and help with homework. Though Saylor still got up to many of her old antics, she was too old now to change so easily, and her sister didn’t really seem to mind, so long as she attended school. Having a stable home, Saylor had time to realize that she was actually smart. To her surprise she enjoyed studying and, with Sofia’s encouragement, she decided to enroll in an extracurricular activity, basketball. Her lithe frame allowed her to maneuver easily, and she quickly became a small celebrity in the local high school. Sofia was someone she was glad to have as she navigated teenage romance and boy drama, and she was the first person Saylor confided in about being bisexual. Their bond was as tight as two sisters could be. When she graduated, she decided that she wanted to see the world, properly, this time. It hurt to leave her sister behind, and Sofia wasn’t necessarily happy with her choice to take a gap year… or two when scholarships had been offered, she still supported her unconditionally. Their life was simple yet happy. Until a dark cloud from the past returned.
Their mother. She was waiting in their apartment when Saylor had come home from her latest trip. Immediately wary, she recognized the mania coiling beneath the surface. With no idea how to explain to Sofia that something wasn’t right as their mother led them to the beach, she was helpless. Helpless as she watched their mother turn into something other than human. As her hands wrapped around Sofia’s neck and held her under. Violent screams were ripped from her mouth as she attempted to dislodge her mother’s grip, but she was too strong. She could feel her vision blurring as the profound sense of loss tore through her like a wild cat. Then she too was held under. When her head finally broke the surface, gasping as water left her lungs, she saw her sister. Sofia had the same body that their mom had before she lost it. Saylor found her oddly beautiful and was unafraid despite the fact that her mom had looked the same moments before. Her brow scrunched as she tried to locate her mom, and found her floating face up in the water, human once more.
Quickly she tugged at Sofia’s hand and took charge. They needed to leave, now. So they fled. After a few hours in the car, they arrived at a town called Opulence. It was there that the two women made their new home. For months Saylor was fairly comatose, she did not mourn her mother, but the trauma of the incident had left scars invisible to the eye.
After about a year Saylor finally began to settle. Now twenty-one, she enrolled at Opulence Supernatural College with a major in marine biology. Ever since discovering what her sister was, her immortality, Saylor had become fascinated with the ocean. The creatures and myths it held, untold depths just waiting to be explored. It was a pull she felt deep within her gut. But with it was a feeling of dread. What would happen when she passed on? Sofia would be alone. Devastated by the thought and driven by the call of the sea, she chose to see it forever with Sofia by her side. Her drowning was six months ago, and Saylor has never been happier only… her sister still doesn’t know. Perhaps she’ll finally find the courage to tell her? After, she shares the good news that she made it onto the college basketball team, of course.
“what power did she attain when settling in opulence?”
Because of the love Saylor felt for her older sister, she developed a link to her. A tether that bonded the pair, they can feel the emotions of one another and can communicate voluntarily through their minds.
 Bullet points highlighting information about your character (fun facts, abilities) helpful for players to know at a glance:
This siren is always up for an adventure! She’s a free spirit and loves to explore new things and places and has only just begun to scratch the surface of  the weird in Oppulence. There is very little she is afraid of. With how  rowdy she was as a teenager, Saylor is not afraid to take risks or explore  things that others might consider dangerous.
 Let’s party hearty. Her affinity for various recreational drugs and a damn good party have not waned over time. If anything, after the loss of her best friend, her desire to go out and have a good time has increased tenfold. Sometimes she can take it too far and has ended up in the back of a cop car on more than one occasion.
With her ties to the ocean Saylor is very nature centric. Natural eco-systems  and biomes are important to her and one of the reasons for pursuing a  degree in marine biology is a desire to preserve them. Though she finds the ocean the most beautiful place on planet earth, she still has a deep appreciation for nature on land as well. Oftentimes she will walk through the woods bare-foot to feel the soil between her toes to make herself that much closer to mother-nature. Even when not traveling the forest she is wont to forget her shoes as she finds them too restricting. She is not religious in the traditional sense but believes that nature is the ruler  of all, and as such practices wicca.
Saylor is pansexual and ethically non-monogamous. She does not believe in restricting her access or ability to love. In her eyes there is more than enough love within her heart to love more than one person at a time in more than one way. To limit that would be to restrict herself in a way she is simply not capable of. (Though she herself does not know it, if she were to truly fall in love in a way that finally let someone past her barriers, there would likely be no one else.}
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marudraw · 6 years
New OC!!
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Made new r6 oc!
Name: Iris Song
Age: 29
Height: 5'9
CN: Siren
She's a defender. Plants down her U.S.D (Ultra Sonic Device) in areas where if close enough, will have attackers deaf until out of range or destroyed.
Bio: Iris grew up near L.A but was mostly in San Diego, near the beach. Her childhood was mellow, had her family until the divorce when she was 16. She had lived with her dad. Too which she was closer to than her actual mother. Highschool she had a few friends. Boys trying to get to her and such. But education was way too important. After she graduated she had enlisted into the army, marines. After 4 years she still wanted work. So she went into the special forces and from there... Her career started off with a big fucking hole in the wall!
12 notes · View notes
arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: A Boat Fire Killed 34 People, and We May Never Know Why
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The distress call came in at 3:14 A.M. on Monday, September 2, Labor Day weekend.
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, a man gasped into marine Channel 16the VHF frequency designated for emergencies. His voice was labored and halting.
Conception. Platts Harbor. North Side Santa Cruz.
At Coast Guard Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach, one of the night watch standers returned the call, asking the vessel in distress its position and the number of people on board.
Thirty-ninePOB, the man responded. I cant breathe.
Thenthe radio went silent.
Five timesthe radio operator tried to hail the vessel. Finally, the watch stander issued a pan-panan alert to first responders and other mariners that, somewhere in thenight, an urgent problem was unfolding.
The Mayday call came fromJerry Boylan, captain of the Conception, a 75-foot liveaboard dive boat owned by Truth Aquaticsand chartered by Worldwide Diving Adventures. Twenty minutes later,Boylan made radio contact again. The boat was anchored just off Santa Cruz Island, some 20 miles from Californias southern coast and 90 milesas the crow fliesfrom the Coast Guard station in Los Angeles. Distance made theradio connection patchy, so Boylanscall was relayed by an intermediary. As a result, only the followingrecord of the Coast Guards replies remains.
What is the emergency?Over.
What is the emergency? Over.
Your vessel is on fire? Is that correct?
Roger. There are 36 people on board the vessel thats on fire, and they cant get off?
Roger. Can you get back on board the boat and unlock the doors so they can get off?
Roger. And theres no escape hatch for any of the people on board?
A few key details were inaccurate in these radio calls. There were actually 34 people still on board this triple-decker boat:a crew member, a dive leader, and 32 paying customers. They were all in the sleeping quarters, where narrow bunks were stacked three high. The doors into the boat, which opened to the galley and dining area, were not locked. There was an escape hatch, but it led into the main cabin, which was now engulfed in flame. Sleeping on the top deck, Boylan and four crew members were forced to jump off the ship. They used an emergency raft to get to a nearby fishing boat to make the second Mayday call.
But as it would soon become clear, the correction of these few factual errors wouldnt have any impact on the eventual outcome.
In the minutes after that second Maydaycall, the Coast Guard sector dispatched a helicopter from Point Mugu, about 40 miles to the east, and another one from San Diego, along with the cutter Narwhal, which had been conducting routine operations at the Port of Los Angeles. Five other city and county rescue vessels from the regionbegan motoring out to the island as well.
At Coast Guard Station Channel Islands Harbor, in Oxnard, boatswains mate Logan Steinberger was in charge of the station watch. By the time hed pieced together what was happening, he and his crew had just enough time to grab a portable pump and leap into their response boat. The stations second craft would wait for a few county medics to arrive before heading out. They were the closest response team in the area.
We knew from listening to the radio chatter that it was really bad, recalled Steinberger. We kind of knew going in that it may be hopeless, but you dont treat it as hopeless until youre really sure it is.
Two or so miles east of Santa Cruz Island, he could make out the unmistakable glow of fire. It was the only light on the horizon.
When the response boat arrived, the Conception was completely ablaze. Steinberger and his crew swept the area, looking for survivors. Seeing none, they set up their pump. It has a limited capacity, so they had to get close to the burning boat. Steinberger steered the vessel from inside the cabin. Outside, his engineer was shouting directions to keep him oriented away from smoke and the worst of the flames. The coxswain could feel the heat as he leaned out to hear the engineers instructions.
One of the next boats on the scene carried a Ventura County fire captain, who let Steinberger and his crew know that their efforts with the pump were futileit just didnt have the capability of a real fireboat. So the crew of the response boat went back to circling for survivors.
Paul Amaral was at home when he got word of the distress call that night via a TowBoatUS radio-dispatch center. Captain of a TowBoatUS craft, he sped to his Ventura office, grabbed a grappling hook, and raced to the scene. The sea and sky were as dark as Amaral had ever seen them. He, too, was listening to the radio on his way to the Conception, hoping someone had made a terrible mistake when reporting the situation. And then, there it was on the horizon: the worsening fire.
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(Illustration: Petra Zeiler)
Other fireboats arrived, one after another. They sprayed the Conception continuously for hours. The flames began to abate in places. But big hot spots remained. One burned through the boats anchor line. Amaral watched as the boat drifted into the jagged rocks encircling Platts Harbor. He knew his small vesselwas the only one that could get in close, so he pushed up against the hull of the Conception, right next to the sleeping quarters. He didnt hear a sound. Amaral knew no one could be alive.
The fire had decimatedpatches of the Conceptions hull. Amaral threw the grappling hook onto the bow and let out 50 feet of line. He pulled the burning boat off the rocks and tried to hold it in deeper water while two fireboats continued to pump water.
As the sun began to break, the bowline of the Conception wallowed lower and lower on the waterline. The Coast Guard began setting up gear to pump waterout of the boat, hoping tokeep the Conception stable enough to tow ashore. But before itcould get theequipment ready, the stern disappeared below the water. Moments later, all but the bow had vanished. As it sank, the boat turtled. Debris quickly gathered on the surface abovecharcoal, a pool of diesel fuel, charred remnants of the boat itself. No one really wanted to think about what else could be there.
First responders from over 14 state and federal agencies had aided in the rescue and recovery efforts. They retrieved 20 of the 34 victims by the end of the day. It took nearly two weeks before the rest of the casualties were recovered and identified.
As the international diving community mourned, crew members and victims families began looking for answers. Federal agencies, including the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the USCG, started to investigate. All indications suggest those answers may never comethat we may never know what caused one of the worstmaritime tragedies in modern U.S. history, or how to prevent it from happening again.
The Conception was one of three boats belonging toTruth Aquatics, a dive and charter company founded in 1974. Owned and operated by Glen Fritzler and his family, the Santa Barbarabased organization was widely considered one of the best in the business.
These were family boats, where the crew and passengers ate meals shoulder to shoulder, often still in their wetsuits. Clients chartered the Fritzlers boats for field trips and family reunions. Customers felt safe on the dives. They felt secure living and sleeping on board.
The Conceptionwas built for Truth Aquatics in 1981. Records obtained by Outsideshow that the boat passed its annual USCG inspections from 2016 through 2019, with just a handful of violations. These included, in 2017, an expired fire extinguisher, some minor electrical issues, and a failure to document both fire and abandon-ship drills,and, in 2018, expired items in a first aid kit.
Other than these citations, the vessel met USCG standards. It maintained mandatory fire-suppression systems, including fire extinguishers and above-deck hoses. Fritzler had installed smoke detectors on board. In addition to the narrow stairway leading from the fore end of the galley tobelow deck, the sleeping berths also had an emergency escape hatcha square of plywood above one of the uppermost aft bunks that also led into the galley.
Truth Aquatics did have a few major safety incidents over the years. In 1992, its boat Vision ran aground in the Channel Islands while carrying divers. In nearly 40 years of service, three customers (out of an estimated 450,000) drowned while diving. For most of itspatrons, however, their experience was overwhelmingly positiveone reason Fritzler was awarded the California Scuba Service Award, a lifetime-achievement commendation, in June 2019.
Every dayhundreds of similarly compliant dive boats around the world depart for multi-day trips, only to return all passengers safely and happily to the dock. But its also true that catastrophic accidents arent entirely uncommon. In a simple Google search, I found reports of at least 11 fires on liveaboard dive boats since 2000. Most of those incidents did not receive widespread coverage, like the Sea Queen II, which caught fire in the Red Sea in 2004, killing an American teacher and two students. Or the Mandarin Siren, whichincinerated in 2012 off the Indonesian coast while its customers were diving directly below (they were all rescued).
On October 26, 2019, less than two months after the Conception fire, the Red Sea Aggressor I, owned by Aggressor Adventures, based in Augusta, Georgia,departed Egypts Marsa Alam for a multi-day diving trip in the Red Sea. On November 1, just after midnight, passengers below deck awoke to the smell of smoke in their forward cabins. Smoke and heat prevented them from exiting the main staircase. They tried to use the emergency hatch but could move it only a few inchesas best as they could later surmise, a crew member had placed a thin mattress beside the hatch and fallen asleep against it. As they tried desperately to wake him, Michael Houben and his dive partner were waking up in their cabin, located in the aft of the vessel. Houben says he spent 20 or 30 seconds trying to find his glasses before abandoning the search and exiting the cabin, followed by his roommate. They made it to the emergency hatch, which had been opened once the crew member awoke. Houben estimates that, had he spent another few seconds trying to find those glasses, he probably wouldnt have survived.
One passenger didnt: Patricia Kessler, 54, a former naval officer and an experienced diver serving with the Justice Department at the American embassy in Tanzania.Her cabin was next to Houbens, who speculates that she must have taken just a few seconds longer than he did before she exited.
I corresponded by email with Wayne Brown, CEO of Aggressor Adventures, in November. He said that his company hasnot yet received expert confirmation regarding the origin of the fire and is cooperating with local authorities in their investigation. He also said thatwhile Egyptian codes do not require a standing watch, his company has implemented mandatory night watches on all of its vessels in the wake of the Aggressor fire. Its also begun testing smoke detectors with artificial smoke to ensure their reliability, and guests are now invited, as part of their orientation, to test the devices and practice using the emergency exits.
We hold our boats and crews to the highest standards of safety and service, wrote Brown. Well continue to do everything in our power to ensure guests enjoy their adventure with us, safely.
But Houben, who has been perhaps the most outspoken of the Aggressor survivors in terms of the mistakes that he alleges were made on board, says that doesnt go nearly far enough to ensure these types of disasters dont occur again. Houben says hes doubly disturbed because he heard there were similarities between what happened aboard the Aggressor and the Conception.
Worldwide Diving Adventures chartered the Conception for a Labor Day weekend tripone that company head Kristy Finstad regularly led that time of year, often aboard a Truth Aquatics vessel. Fritzlers crew handled logistics, meals, and the boat.
Finstad, 41, and her husband, Dan Chua, 42, took the reins of the company from her father, Bill, in 2004. For Finstad, it was a return home. Shed grown up in the water, surfing in Baja, Mexico, and diving with her dad by the time she was eight. After graduating from college, she worked in community-based coastal restoration in Southern California.
The diving industry wasand in a lot of ways remainsa male-dominated realm. Finstad fought hard against that, says Chua. There were times abroadon trips where women leaders didntget the respect they deserved because of their gender, he says. She would battle through itby being smartand kindand thinking out of the boxand knowing her shit. In timeshe became a role model and certified dozens of new female divers.
In the years before the accident, Finstad and Chua took their business international, with trips to places like Borneo, South Africa, Indonesia, and French Polynesia. Those excursions werent cheap, but clients were guaranteed some of the best adventure diving out there.
The Channel Island excursions, by contrast, were structured to be affordableunlimited tank refills and multiple daily dives, family-style meals in the galley, and spartan sleeping quarters down below. It wasnt fancy, but it was fun.
Finstads 32 customers boarded the Conception the night of Friday, August 30. Some, like Sunil Singh Sandhu, 45, an electrical engineeroriginally from Singapore and living in Silicon Valley, were brand-new to diving. Others, like Kendra Chan, 26, and her dad, Scott, 59, both from the Bay Area, were veterans to these Channel Island excursions.
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(Illustration: Petra Zeiler)
The boat departed Santa Barbara at 4 A.M. that Saturday.Chua was out of cell range in Costa Rica for much of the weekend. But he says that if the trip followed thetypical schedule, most of the passengers would have slept through a good bit of the slog out to the islands. When they woke up, thered be a continental breakfast and a safety briefing, then a morning dive and second hot breakfast. Guests could take multiple afternoon dives and, if they hadnt been drinking at happy hour, there was usually the opportunity for a night dive. Each daytheyd repeat that pattern.
The waters off the Channel Islands are coarse, filled with rocky reefs and dense kelp beds. Water temperatures are in the sixties. But divers get the chance to swim with sea lions and harbor seals,spearfish for halibut, and harvest lobster.
Its wonderful diving, but its not easy, says Chua.
Sunday night, September 1, Captain Boylan anchored the boat off Santa Cruz Island. After the night dive, everyonestayed up late, celebrating the birthdays of three passengers:Vaidehi Campbell, a water-conservation specialist just two days shy of her 42nd birthday; Michael Quitasol, who was celebrating his 63rd with his wife,Fernisa Sisan, and three adult daughtersEvan Michel, Nicole, and Angela Rose; and Tia Salika-Adamic, whose parents had booked the family trip to commemorate her 17th birthday. Traveling with Salika-Adamicwas Berenice Felipe, 16, one of her best friends.The daughter of Mexican-American immigrants, Felipe had lost her father when she was seven years old. Her mother, Yadira, raised her and her sister alone. Salika-Adamicand Felipe were regular volunteers at theanimal shelter in Santa Cruz, California. And when Felipe expressed an interest in diving, thefamily took her on trips to places as far-flung as Bonaire, in the Caribbean, where they worked on reef-restoration projects.
What happened after the cake and ice cream is murky. (Boylan and the four surviving crew members have refused interviews due to ongoing investigations). What can be pieced together based on reports given to the NTSB is that 34 people, including Finstad and 26-year-old deckhand Allie Kurtz, descended the narrow ladderway in the galley near the bow of the boat to the bunks down below.
The captain and remaining crew members, including Kurtzs boyfriend, Rob McClelland, and Ryan Sims, a newly hired boat steward, eventually settled into their wheelhouse quarters (the two othercrew membershavent been named). A former attorney for the Fritzler family said in September that one of the crew members checked the galley as late as 2:30 A.M. This detail, however, could not be confirmed with the familys new attorney, who directed inquiries about the fire to court documents.
The preliminary NTSB reportsaid that Captain Boylan and four crew members were sleeping in the wheelhouse, on the top deck of thevessel, when the blaze broke out. Just after 3 A.M., an unidentified crew member woke to a loud noise. He says he opened the door, looked down, and saw a fire billowing out of the aft end of the dining area on the main level. He then woke the others. Boylan ran to make the first Mayday call. The others tried to descend to the main deckbut could not because the ladder was on fire. With no other choice, they jumped 20 feet or so down to the main deck. Sims broke his leg in three places and injured his back and neck. With Sims unable to move, McClelland and the other two crew members say they tried to open both the double doors at the dining area of the salon and the fore windows but couldnt access either. As thesmoke began to overtakethem, the entire crewjumped overboard. Next, Boylan and two otherssay they swam to the aft of the boat, reboarded via a ladder, and checked the engine room for firebut saw none.
They then launched the Conceptions tenderand collected the other two crew members, including Sims, who were in the water.There was only one other boat in the vicinity: the Grape Escape, a 60-foot fishing boat owned by Bob and Shirley Hansen, a couple who had anchored nearby for the night. Using the raft to reach the other boat, they woke the Hansens and deposited Sims, who the Hansens say was groaning in obvious pain, and Boylan, who then made the second Mayday call. McClelland also spent time aboard, where he tearfully told the Hansens that Kurtz, the crew member sleeping downstairs, was still trapped below on the Conception.
By thenover 20 minutes had passed since the crew member first noticed the dining room was engulfed in fire. Later, in a press conference, Santa Barbara sheriff Bill Brown would say there was no indication thatanyone on the lower level made it up through the flames.
It was lit from one end to the other. There wasnt a part of that boat that wasnt on fire, says Bob Hansen. The flames were 30 feet high.
A fire of that magnitude and in the sleeping quarters on the lower deck below the hull would mean an instant, deadly crisis for anyone down below, says Dr. Douglas Arenberg, a pulmonologist and critical-care professor of medicine at the University of Michigan Health System.
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Kristy Finstad during a sailing trip across the Pacific Ocean in 2017 (Photo: Dan Chua)
With a fire on a modern craft, theres a lot of plastic and materials that are going to release lethal chemicals, says Arenberg. Burning plastics release cyanide, he explains. The polyvinyl chloride used on the flooring and seat covers would have created poisonous plumes of hydrogen chloride. Even just the particulates in that smoke could have obstructed airways before anyone could escape.
Accessing the emergency hatch on the Conception would have required 34 people to hop from their respective beds and orient down a dark, smoke-filled walkway to the aftmost set of bunks. Then, one by one, they would have had to climb a ladder to the top bunk, lieon their back, push open the hatch above their head, and then contort themselves up into itif they woke up in time.
The fire would have rapidly depleted the quarters of oxygen, replacing it with lethal levels of carbon monoxide and toxic smoke. Indeed, medical examinations of the victims, a sheriffs-office spokesperson told me later, indicated they died of carbon-monoxide poisoning.
Its a nightmare scenario, says Arenberg.
Three days after the fire, representatives from the NTSB held a press conference in Santa Barbara, not far from a memorial to the victims of the Conception fire.
The vessel had not yet been raised from the ocean floor, but NTSB member Jennifer Homendy reiterated a comment one of the crew members had made to the Hansens the night of the fire that had since been widely reported by newspapers.
There was a lot of photography, videography, cameras, cell phonesthat were charging on the vessel itself, Homendy told reporters.
Later that week, the USCG issued a marine-safety bulletinurging boaters to reduce potential fire hazards and consider limiting the unsupervised charging of lithium-ion batteries.
These statements and bulletins have done much to encourage the theory that the Conception fire was caused by an overheated lithium-ion battery in one of the passengers devices and plugged into one of the ad hoc charging stations in the dining area or one of the outlets in the sleeping quarters.
There is precedent for this in the aviation world. A recent Federal Aviation Administrationreport lists 252 recorded incidents involving lithium-ion battery fires on board commercial airlines since 2006. The batteries store an enormous amount of energy in a very confined space, explains Feng Lin, a professor of chemistry at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. And if multiple people were charging their devices simultaneously and in close proximity, Lin says you could have a temperature escalation that would reduce safety features.
Its a complicated chemical reaction made even more complicated by everything else contained in the seawater, Lin says.
Chua says he gets that. But with no evidence to substantiate the battery theory other than speculation, he thinks making that supposition public was a callous and irresponsible move while the boat was still on the ocean floor and one victim had yet to be recovered.
It was a random guess, with no evidence at the time, and was a slight to all the people who died and their families, he says.It seemed like victim blaming to me.
Fires such as these are notoriously difficult to investigate, because evidence that could be used to determine a specific cause is incinerated. Even if it werent, days sloshing around on the seafloor would render much of it difficult to analyze. Without any such specific evidence at hand, one certified fire investigator told me, the boat firemay ultimately be classified as of undetermined cause.
Nevertheless, in a press conference a day after the fire, Homendy stated, I am 100 percentconfident that our investigators will determine the cause of this fire, why it occurred, how it occurred, and what is needed to prevent it from happening again.
I spoke with her by phone two months later, and she stood by that statement.
This is what we do. We investigate a lot of tragedies. And after accidents, sometimes theres a lot of evidence and sometimes theres little evidence, she said. Theres no doubt in my mind that, at the end of the day, well have a probable cause and recommendations to vote on when we consider the final report.
One reason for her confidence may be the fact that the NTSB considers not only the actual mechanism that ignited the firebut also human behavior and environmental factors. For instance, when fire destroyed the Florida-based Island Lady in January 2018, the NTSB determined probable cause to be an ineffective preventative-maintenance program, along with insufficient guidance for the crew on how to operate the vessel in an overheated-engine situation. As for those lithium-ion batteries, she said the crews statements about the charging stations are factoring into their investigations, but so, too, are other matters like electrical wiring and galley equipment.
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Mourners leaving flowers and memorabilia at the Sea Landing dock, home of the commercial dive boat Conception, in Santa Barbara on September 3, 2019 (Photo: Rod Rolle/Sipa via AP Images)
Were not ruling anything out, Homendy told me.
The NTSB will not speculate on the cause of the fire, as the investigation is still ongoing, but one finding in the agencys final report could be the lack of a standing night watcha violation of UCSG rulessince the NTSBs preliminary report found that all crew members were asleep when the blaze broke out. If the final report confirms that the ship did not have a standing night watch, the captain or vessel owner could serve up to tenyears in prison, according to U.S. code.
Regardless of the cause, the NTSB could also make recommendations concerning the size and egress ofemergency hatches, the types of onboard fire alarms, and the use of personal electronics. But Homendy reiterated that these recommendations could really include anything, and the goal of the recommendations is to ensure an event like this doesnt happen again.
In the meantime, its up to both the criminal and civil courts to decide what happens next for the owners, crew, and surviving family members of the Conception.
Three days after the fire, the Fritzlers evoked a maritime statute from the 19th centurythat limits financial liability to the value of the vessel (which is currently zero) and mandates that all claims be filed within six months of the accident, making it difficult for some surviving family members to seek compensation. In January, four of the victims families, including Kurtzs, filed claimschallenging the Friztlerseffort to invoke the obscure law.Among the safety violations the filing allegesis that Truth Aquatics failed to provide a safe way to store and charge lithium-ion batteries, as required by the USCG.
Meanwhile, Sims has suedTruth Aquatics for pain and suffering, alleging that the Conception was not properly maintained and outfitted with safety equipment. Sims also alleges that he and other crew members were not adequately trained for emergencies such as the one that led to his injuries. A similar lawsuithas been filed by the widow of Justin Dignam, 58, who died in the fire. Her suit alleges that the vessel didnt have adequate smoke detectors or firefighting equipment, it lacked enough emergency exits, and a required night watch was not on duty when the flames broke, according to thelawsuit filed in federal court. (Truth Aquatics and its attorneys did not respond to multiple requests for comment regardingthe allegations made in the twolawsuits andclaims filed by victims families.)
On Capitol Hill, congresspeople are pointing fingers at the Coast Guard. The agency is responsible for creating and enforcing safety standards, inspecting vessels, and launching rescue and recovery operations. In November, after the Los Angeles Times revealedthat the Coast Guard rejected recommendations to improve fire safety, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructures subcommittee on Coast Guard and maritime transportation called Rear Admiral Richard Timme, the assistant commandant for prevention policy, to testify. Members chided him for what they saw as a track record of inaction when it came to requiring changes suggested by the NTSB, particularly those following maritime tragedies.
In December, California senator Dianne Feinstein, along with representatives Julia Brownley and Salud Carbajal, introduced the Small Passenger Vessel Safety Act, which endeavors to shore up safety measures by requiring multiple egresses (which exit into different parts of the vessel), strengtheningrequirements for integrated fire-alarm systems, and restrictingthe use of lithium-ion batteries on board.
The Conception boat fire was a tragedy that could have been prevented had stronger safety measures been in place,said Feinstein.We must ensure that small passenger vessels have the right safety measures in place to prevent disasters at sea.
Chua says hes all for common-sense regulations. But hedoesnt want to see elected officials insisting on knee-jerk changes just to make people feel better. Any new regulation, he says, has to make sense and promote safety.
In the meantime, hes trying to put his life back together. Kristy Finstad wasnt just the love of his life, she was also the heart and soul of their business. Worldwide Diving Adventures has been on hiatus since the fire. Chua says hell run the trips already scheduled for 2020, but handling both logistics and grief has been hard. After these trips are done, he doesnt know whatll be next.
It was always a team effort on trips between Kristy and myself, and its really hard to not have your partner next to you, he says. Sometimes I look to my sideand just see an enormous empty space where she would have been, and my heart just aches.
Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/xJdvi24g2Ao/a-boat-fire-killed-34-people-and-we-may-never-know-why
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usfwspacific · 7 years
Midway’s Fighting Falcons
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Photo: The Brewster F2A-3 Buffalo Photo credit: San Diego Air and Space Museum
The screeching sound of the air raid siren breaks the silence throughout the island. Sailors and Marines moved to their assigned positions on Midway Atoll. This tiny atoll in the Pacific was about to play a pivotal role in World War II.
Soon the engines of the Brewster F2A-3 Buffalos on Midway’s Easter Island will fire up. The Marines of VMF-221, the Fighting Falcon’s, are readying for the fight of their lives. Approaching the atoll is a massive Japanese Imperial fleet coming to complete its knockout blow and ensure its dominance over the Pacific. However, the U.S. military on and surrounding the shores of Midway Atoll were ready for the fight.
The Japanese Naval Code known as JN25B was partially decoded by the dedicated decryption team at Station HYPO. With the Japanese invasion plan decoded, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz prepared to go on the offensive. He amassed the U.S. Naval Fleet near Midway. But, to ensure the success of the U.S. Fleet’s attack on the approaching armada, U.S. Forces on Midway were kept in the dark about their fellow Sailor and Marines laying near her shores at Point Luck.       
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Photo: VMF-221 Pilots from 14 July, 1942 2LT William Brooks, 2LT John Musselman, Jr., CPT William Humberd, CPT Kirk Armistead, CPT Hebert Merrill, CPT Marion Carl, 2LT Clayton Canfield, 2LT Darrell Irwin, 2LT Hyde Phillips, 2LT Roy Corry, Jr., 2LT Charles Kunz   Photo is courtesy of the National Archives
The morning of June 4th, mainly flying the recently discontinued manufactured Brewster Buffalos, the pilots of Fighting Falcons scrambled their aircraft and took flight to meet the approaching Japanese bombers and fighters. The early iterations of the Buffalo were once a nimble flying machine, however; the result of modifications and lack luster manufacturing, the F2A-3 variant that the Marines of VMF-221 received on Midway were slower and less maneuverable.
Commanding the twenty-five aircraft squadron was Major Floyd B. Parks. Once in the air and aided with intelligence provided from radar operators of the possible position of approaching aircraft, Major Park’s section leaders and aviators began to search the skies. With all eyes surveying their surroundings for Japanese aircraft, Captain John Carey, Section Leader of the Fifth Division of the Fighting Falcons radioed “Tally Ho! Hawks at Angels Twelve”.  
The Marines engaged the Japanese formation of bombers.  As the Fighting Falcon’s screamed in from above, they exacted a heavy toll on the incoming Nakajima B5N Japanese bombers. But the odds wouldn’t stay in the Marines favor for long. Soon the young Marine pilots would no longer be the aggressor, but rather the prey.
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Jason Leonard photographs the remains of the radial engine from the Brewster Buffalo fighter plane. Image courtesy of Brett Seymour, Exploring the Sunken Heritage of Midway Atoll expedition
The Japanese Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero was light maneuverable carrier aircraft. But the deadliest component of the aircraft wasn’t the airframe or weapons, but rather the pilot. In the early days of World War II, the Japanese carrier pilots were some of the best trained and disciplined aviators of the war. Given the lack of quality of allied aircraft and skilled pilots prior to 1942, the conquest of the Pacific emboldened the confidence and skill of Japanese pilots. The same pilots that were about to bear down on VMF-221.
The Zeros emerged into the fight with fervor and ferocity. The Fighting Falcons were outnumbered and outmatched. A member of the Fighting Falcons, Lieutenant Charles Hughs, who was forced to return to Midway before the skirmish began due to mechanical problems watched the dogfight from the ground. Lieutenant Hughs “watched fellow Marines fight… they (looked like they) were tied to a sting while the Zeros made passes”, he would later describe.
With the heroic efforts of VMF-221, remaining Midway Marine fighter and torpedo squadrons and combined Midway land forces, the last Japanese aircraft left the airspace above Midway. Soon following, the call would go out to all Marine aircraft to return to Midway. Only ten pilots of VMF-221 would hear the call.
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Photo: Memorial to all the brave aviators from the Battle of Midway.  Photo credit: Aaron Ochoa/USFWS
The Marines of VMF-221 were asked to fight a nearly impossible mission. Never aware of the squadron of fellow Marine squadrons aboard the aircraft carriers the USS Hornet, Enterprise and Yorktown. The Marines of the Fighting Falcons never backed down, abandoned each other or gave up on the mission.
A memorial now stands on Midway Atoll’s Eastern Island. A simple plaque rest on the memorial expressing an immeasurable gratitude. The memorial is dedicated to the brave aviators and defenders of Midway. The plaque is a reminder that the fate of Midway and perhaps a Nation rested in the hands of a few brave Sailors and Marines located on a tiny outpost in the middle of the pacific. The last few lines on the plaque reads, “Midway remained free and in the hands of the U.S. Navy and Marines. To these men America is forever grateful”. 
Learn more about he Battle of Midway at:
Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and Battle of Midway National Memorial
Ocean Exploration and Research
Read more about Midway’s military legacy: 
Remembering the Heroes of Midway
Stemming the Tide of Time and saving Murals at Midway
War and Peace at Midway Atoll NWR and Battle of Midway NM
WW II Era Fighter Plane Discovered at Midway Atoll NWR
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Women’s Soccer Leagues
Posted on January 28, 2017 by womensathletics
I woke up this morning whining over the fact that the NWSL season was soooooo far away, and how terrible it was that my beloved Portland Thorns lost to…let me cool down for a second…The Western NY Flash.While I continued my internal rant on how Portland should have beat the Flash, and crunched on my avocado toast, it suddenly hit me.
I first realized that in order to have good avocado toast, my piece of bread required further toasting to give it the perfect crunchiness to softness ratio that my breakfast was clearly lacking at the moment. Additionally, it occurred to me that footy fans all over the world don’t spend precious Sunday morning grumbling about their least favorite NWSL team (by the way the Western NY Flash ceases to exist anymore, it was relocated to North Carolina to form the NC Courage). Instead, these fans have their own leagues (pro or semi-pro) and favorite players to discuss.
As a blog that promotes discussion of all aspects of women’s sports, it only makes sense to introduce the several different leagues of soccer across the world.
Each league has their own distinct styles of play and level of global recognition. All of them help their respective athletes bring their skills to the next level and entrance football fans all over the globe. Check them out!
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United States: NWSL (Pro)– Portland Thorns, Seattle Regin FC, Washington Spirit, North Carolina Courage, Chicago Red Stars, Sky Blue FC, Houston Dash, FC Kansas City, Boston Breakers, Orlando Pride
How to watch: The NWSL streams game on Lifetime (select Game of the Week only). The go90 app streams all other games, and the NWSL site displays highlights.
Website: http://nwslsoccer.com/
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Germany: Allianz Frauen-Bundesliga (Pro)– MSV Duisburg, SGS Essen, 1. FFC Frankfurt, SC Freiberg, TSG 1899 Hoffenheim, FF USV Jena, Bayer 04 Leverkusen, Borussia Mönchengladbach, FC Bayern Munich, 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam, SC Sand, VfL Wolfsburg
How to watch: Allianz Frauen-Bundesliga offers podcasts, highlight/team videos, live stream (only for certain games), and a real-time game tracker from their website.
*Games can also be found on Sport1 Germany and DFB-TV. Use this link for tv listings: http://www.livesoccertv.com/competitions/united-states/nwsl/ Website: http://www.dfb.de/allianz-frauen-bundesliga/start/
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Japan: Nadeshiko League (J League) (Pro) consists of 3 divisions. Nadeshiko League 1-Vegalta Sendai Women’s, Urawa Red Diamonds Women’s, Nitere Beressa, Albirex Nigata Women’s, AC Nangano Parseiro Women’s, Iga Football Club Kunoichi, Konomiya Speranza Osaka Takatuski, INAC Kobe Leonessa, Okayama Yu Town Belle
Nadeshiko League 2– Chorea AS Elfen Saitama, Speeda Setagaya FC, Nippon Univ. FIELDS Yokohama, Nippatsu Yokohama FC Seagulls, Nojimasutera Kanagawa Sagamihara, Cerezo Osaka Sakai Women’s, AS Harima Albion, FC Kibi International University Charme, Anju Violé Hiroshima, Ehime FC Ladies
Challenge League– Nordia Hokkaido, Tokiwaki Gakuen High School, Orca Kamogawa FC, Yamato Sylfied, JAPAN Soccer College Women’s, Niigata Medical and Welfare College Women’s Soccer Club, JFA Academy Fukushima, Shizuoka Industrial University Iwata Bonita, NGU Nagoya FC Ladies, Bunnies Kyoto SC, Kukuoka J Unclass (Anclas)
How to watch: Channels where it is featured range from Sponavi Live, Fox Sports and Entertainment, Sendai City FM Radio 3, BS Fuji, Ehime CATV, Nippon TV, FM Terrai, and Santélevision, Sportdigital, and SkortKlub 1 Serbia. Check this website for tv listings:
http://www.livesoccertv.com/competitions/united-states/nwsl/ *A majority of games are live streamed through http://www.livesport.tv/ Website: http://www.nadeshikoleague.jp/
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Sweden: Damallsvenskan (Pro)– Djurgårdens IF FF, Eskilstuna United DFF, FC Rosengård, Hammarby IF FF, IF Limhamn Bunkeflo, KIF Örebro DFF, Kopparbergs/Göteborg FC, Kristianstads DFF, Kvarnsvedens IK, Linköpings FC, Piteå IF, Vittsjö GIK
How to watch: http://www.damallsvenskan.tv/ has live streams and highlight videos for the Swedish Football Association.
Website: http://svenskfotboll.se/damallsvenskan/
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Australia: Westfield W-League (Pro)– Canberra United Women, Perth Glory Women, Sydney FC Women, Melbourne City FC, Newcastle Jets Women, Adelaide United Women, Brisbane Roar FC Women, Western Sydney Women, Melbourne Victory Women
How to Watch: Live streams are available through ESPN3, WatchESPN, ABC1 or Fox Sports 4 Australia.
*Check http://www.livesoccertv.com/competitions/australia/w-league/ for tv listings.
Website: http://www.w-league.com.au/ladder
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England: The FA Women’s Soccer League (Semi-Pro) has 2 divisions. *Each FA WSL 1 Team has a Developmental Team FA WSL 1– Arsenal Ladies FC, Birmingham City Ladies, Bristol City Women, Chelsea Ladies FC, Liverpool Ladies FC, Manchester City Women, Notts County Lady FC, Reading FC Women, Sunderland AFC Ladies, Yeovil Town Ladies FC FA WSL 2– Aston Villa Ladies FC, Brighton & Hove Albion, Doncaster Rovers Belles, Durham Women FC, Everton Ladies FC, London Bees, Millwall Lionesses, Oxford United Women, Sheffield FC Ladies, Watford Ladies FC How to watch: Their website offers player interview/talks, match highlights/reviews. Unfortunately, games are not currently live-streamed. Website: http://www.fawsl.com/index.html#jtlrCTJU9CTdplu9.97
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France: D1 Feminine (Semi-Pro)– Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), Olympique Lyonnais, Montpellier, Juvisy, Soyaux, Guingamp, Olympique Marseille, Saint Étienne, Rodez, Bordeaux, ASPTT Albi (Relegation), Metz (Relegation) How to watch: Their youtube channel, D1 Féminine Officiel, offers highlight/team videos. As for live-streaming, the author could not find any evidence of such. It might be available on French/European tv channels. Website: https://www.fff.fr/?home
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United States: Women’s Premier Soccer League (Semi-Pro) *Some teams are affiliated with NWSL teams, ie. Reserve* NORTHWEST- Sounders Women, ISC Gunner FC, CU Diamonds, OSA Football Club, NSGSC, Eugene Timbers FC Azul, Portland Spartans, Westside Timbers NORCAL- California Storm, Fresno Freeze FC, San Ramon, San Francisco Nighthawks, Hotspur Ladies, West Coast Wildkatz, North Bay FC Wave, Primero de Mayo PACSOUTH- San Diego Sea Lions, Pateadores, FC Tuscon Women, L.A. Salsa, FC Pacific, Phoenix Del Sol COASTAL- Beach Futbol Club, SoCal FC, L.A. Villa F.C., Legends FC, L.A. Premier FC, Fram Ajax SOUTHWEST- FC Dallas, Texas Spurs FC, Oklahoma City FC, FC Austin Elite, Houston South Select, Pines 1779, FC Tulsa Spirit, Texas Titans HEARTLAND- Chicago Red Stars Reserves, Des Moines Menace, KC Courage, Minnesota TwinStars, Quad City Eagles, VALLEY- Dayton Dutch Lions, Fire and Ice Soccer Club, FC Pride, Cincinnati Sirens, Columbus Eagles GREAT LAKES- Michigan Chill SC, Motor City FC, AF Cleaveland, FC Indiana, Michigan Lions, Pittsburgh Steel City FC NEW ENGLAND- Boston Breakers Reserves, Boston Breakers College, Seacoast United Mariners, Boston Breakers U20, Seacoast United Phantoms, FC Stars, Rhode Island Reds, Boston Aztec MID-ATLANTIC- New York Athletic Club, Yankee Lady FC, Syracuse Lady Knights, Long Island Fury, FC Westchester TRI-STATE- Penn Fusion SA WPSL, Philly Fever, NJ Wildcats, Lancaster Torch FC, Old Dominion Cesena USA, FC Bucks, Hershey Soccer Club, FC Ulindi COLONIAL- Washington Spirit Reserves, Washington Spirit Academy, Richmond Strikers, Virginia Beach City FC, Fredericksburg FC, ASA Charge FC CAROLINAS- Carolina Elite Cobras, Lake Norman Eclipse, Oak City FC, Carolina Rapids, Greensboro Lady Dynamo SOUTHEAST- Atlanta Silverbacks, Memphis Lobos, Gulf Coast Texans, FC Nashville Wolves, Knoxville Lady Force, Chattanooga FC, Alabama F.C. SUNSHINE- Orlando Kicks, Florida Krush, Tampa Bay Hellenic, FC Surge, Florida Sol FC, Palm City FC, Team Boca Blast, Pinellas County United SC, Treasure Coast Dynamites
How to watch: Watching games is currently limited to traveling to the venue of the match.
Website: http://www.wpsl.info/
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claraamyclara · 7 years
all of them
omg ok thank
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? I would go to my grandpa’s lake house in northern Minnesota. either that or San Diego. I miss my home(s)
sails: describe your perfect partner. someone who makes me laugh on my bad days
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear? not a lot, usually not any most days. 
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf? werewolf, I would only have to deal with it once a month
mermaid: most embarrassing moment? I have so many
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had? can’t remember any of my dreams sorry
waves: favourite season and why? summer, I like the warmth and the ice cream
breakers: would you ever consider getting married? yes, if I found the right person
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation.  go to the Lake, go to some rad concerts, and spend as much time as I can outside
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?  I wouldn’t get an exotic animal as a pet, even if it was possible 
sunlight: least favourite song? I can’t name just one
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery? if I got into a really bad accident or something of the sort
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature? my hair color
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not? Yes, but not on me
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple? hermione and ron
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why? i have no idea
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor? both
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched? blair witch trials
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage? mage 
tempest: your favourite Pokemon? don’t know any pokemon
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance? my nose
aquamarine: describe your dream date. a nice hike in the woods or by the beach
brine: gold or silver? silver
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality? light blue 
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy? hiking
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years. hopefully in grad school or a good job
coastline: what is your favourite flower? daisies 
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order? chai tea latte(iced) or a strawberry refresher with lemonade instead of water
voyage: what are your favourite names? Eleanor and Theodore 
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them. nope
cerulean: do you believe in true love? yep
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why? Spanish, because so many people speak it 
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours. a nice green summer dress and flip flops or high waist shorts and a cool tshirts
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this? introverted, and sure it’s whatever
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours. I don’t really have any? idk what’s strange
thanks man
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carriehasablog · 8 years
Ocean Tag Game
I was tagged by @rogue-one-drinks-coffee
Pearl: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? I would travel to Italy and Greece! I’ve always been in love with everything Italian and the architecture in Greece is just so amazing. Also the cultures... I love it. So much.
Sails: Describe your perfect partner. Daveed Diggs.
Lighthouse: How much makeup do you wear? .......way too much
Shells: Would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf? Definitely Vampire. Then I’d have an excuse to wear all my sexy vampiric makeup that I own.
Mermaid: Most embarrassing moment? I don’t have a specific one really because there are so many of those moments in my life, but I’d have to say that any moment where I didn’t automatically follow social cues or what was normally acceptable in a situation. I say that because I very frequently do things like that and almost automatically I cringe and realize what I should have done instead but it’s too late because people have already made up their minds about me.
Turquoise: Weirdest dream you’ve ever had? One time I had a dream that me, Misty, and Karl Urban went to San Diego Comicon together. I met Benedict Cumberbatch and he recognized me as Tom Hiddleston’s girlfriend, then I somehow magically transformed into Julienne Moore and was stabbed through the back by an alien.
It was a weird time ok
Waves: Favorite season and why. Winter for sure. i LOVE the snow and I love being able to wear sweaters and dark burgundy colors.
Breakers: Would you ever consider getting married? I’d love to get married one day. I have most of the wedding planned out, but it’s not something that I think will ever happen.
Seafoam: Describe your ideal summer vacation.  Honestly plop me on a front porch with a glass of iced tea or lemonade and a good book and I’m happy
Rain: If it were possible, what exotic animals would you keep as a pet? A leopard! 
Sunlight: Least favorite song? I can’t think of one? Though i’m sure they exist 
Marine: Would you ever consider plastic surgery?  .....I consider it regularly tbh but it’s v expensive 
Sea Glass: What do you consider to be your best physical feature? Going with Ty and Cori and saying my eyes.
Storm: Do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not? I love them! I think they express your individuality in a way that nothing else quite can.
Boardwalk: Who is your favorite fictional couple? Mr. Bates and Anna <3 <3
Coral: If you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why? Spaghetti because I’m kinda wibbly wobbly and go better alongside Parmesan cheese.
Nymph: Old-fashioned or modern decor? Old-fashioned!
Seawater: Scariest movie you’ve ever watched? I actually haven’t seen a movie that I thought was extra scary.
Siren: In a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue, or mage? Mage!
Tempest: Your favorite pokemon? Ninetails!
Tropic: What is your least favorite thing about your appearance? Everything.
Aquamarine: Describe your dream date. Milkshakes and a picnic.
Brine: Gold or silver? Silver
Tidal: What is a color that best describes your personality? Mint green. Because I’m hipster trash.
Azure: What is something that you do that makes you happy? Curling up in bed in comfy PJ’s with soft blankets and some knitting. I feel so at peace when i can just sit and knit and be warm and cozy.
Fog: Describe where you think you’ll be in five years.  No where good. Probably with my parents, unhappy and underemployed.  I’d like to be living on my own with a stable job but that’s probably not going to happen. My life doesn’t work that way.
Coastline: What is your favorite flower? Cherry Blossoms.
Shallows: What is your typical Starbucks order?  Venti Green Tea Frapp with Whipped Cream
Voyage: What are your favorite names? Mae, David, Serena
Shipwreck: Do you have an OC? If so, describe them.  *tugs at collar* i have too many to describe.
Cerulean: Do you believe in true love? Yes.
Shoreline: If you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why? Italian so I could get along when I travel to Italy 
Tsunami: Describe a dream outfit of yours. A black lace crop top with dark skinny jeans. 
Riptide: Are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this? Introverted and not entirely but I’ve come to accept it. I’m much better than I used to be, though!
Hurricane: Describe a strange habit of yours. I scratch a lot. My arms, my scalp, my legs. I just do a lot of scratching.
Tagging: @notyourblogkeeper @asmallworldafterall and @alekandthedrakes
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Boat Broker San Diego
Coast to Coast Marine Services is a leading Boat Broker San Diego agency that provides an advanced feature and premium quality of boats in the marine industry. To buy or sell a boat, contact, or book an appointment now.
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paoloxl · 6 years
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(via No all'Italia petrolizzata: Arriva Calipso V, nuovo pozzo ENI al largo di Falconara)
Le attivita in progetto non comportano impatti significativi per l'ambiente" Tutto questo e' firmato dal legale rappresentante dell'ENI, Mr. Diego Portoghese Ovviamente da San Donato Milanese e' sempre tuttapposto! Siamo a circa 35 km dalla costa fra Falconara ed Ancona, ad una profondita' d’acqua di circa 75 metri. E' qui che l'ENI (al 51%) vuole trivellare assieme alla Edison Gas (al 49%), trivellando il pozzo Calipso V. Ai tempi della scuola Calipso era una ninfa che trattenne Ulisse sulla sua isola, Ogigia, in Grecia per sette anni. I due si amarono, lei gli offri' l'immortalita' ma lui la rifiuto' perche' voleva tornare ad Itaca. Adesso Calipso e' un petrol-mostro, perche' questi signori del petrolio non sanno neanche rispettare la sacralita' della letteratura greca e devono inquinare pure la mitologia antica. Ad ogni modo, questi galantuomini dell'ENI gia' operano, e dal 2002, la piattaforma Calipso, collegata alla centrale di Falconara, citta' martoriata dal petrolio. Quello che vogliono fare con Calipso V e' di trivellare un nuovo pozzo per l'estrazione del gas, il quinto della serie, e aggiungerlo a tutti quelli che gia' fanno riferimento alla piattaforma Calipso. Di questi due sono gia' produttivi, Calipso 003 DirA e Calipso 004 DirB. Quello che vogliono fare e' di perforare, fare test sulla natura del gas estratto, e metterlo in produzione. Il giacimento e' a circa 1.8 chilometri dalla piattaforma, per cui non e' ben chiaro come ci arriveranno. Il loro documento di valutazione ambientale non lo spiega chiaramente. Trivelleranno in orizzontale per 1.8 chilometri? Non si sa, ma parrebbe l'unica possibilita'. Ovviamente non possono non sparare sulla loro presunta benevolenza: dicono che il modello di business di ENI e' "volto alla creazione di valore" per tutti, perseguita per varie strade, fra cui "la prevenzione dei rischi di business", "la tutela dell’ambiente e delle comunità dove l’azienda opera", "la salvaguardia della salute e sicurezza delle persone che lavorano in Eni e con Eni e il rispetto dei diritti umani, dell’etica e della trasparenza" Ormai sono tanti anni che leggo sviolinate del genere, e basta andare a Gela o a Viggiano per capire che sono solo balle e che di tutela dell'ambiente o di rispetto per i residenti c'e' solo l'inchiostro con cui cotante sciocchezze vengono scritte. Perche'? Perche' il vero rispetto di ambiente e di persone significherebbe chiudere Gela, Viggiano, Porto Torres, Falconara e tutte le raffinerie d'Italia, ma questo ovviamente significherebbe fine del petrol-business, e dunque e' piu' facile mandare alla stampa e alla propaganda parole al vento che non significano niente. E con queste belle parole ci propinano altri pozzi, come se a Falconara non ne avessero gia' abbastanza di sirene che annunciano pericoli dalla raffineria, scoppi, puzze e disperazione, dal mare e dalla terraferma. Partiamo con la litania del tuttapposto, del tanto-non-c'e'-niente-di-interessante e del fa-tutto-schifo-cosi'-possiamo-trivellare. Secondo l'ENI nell’area interessata non ci sono beni paesaggistici, culturali o archeologici vincolati, ad eccetto dell' area archeologica sommersa “Peschiera romana della Scalaccia” a sud di Ancona. Tuttapposto. Ancora, nella Regione Marche non ci sono aree marine protette, anche se presto dovrebbe essere instaurata l'area marina Costa del Monte Conero a 33 chilometri e anche se ci sono vari SIC, ZPS, ZSC ed IBA lungo le coste marchigiane piu' o meno vicine a Calipso. ZSC IT5310006 Colle San Bartolo; ZSC IT5320005 Costa tra Ancona e Portonovo; ZSC IT5320006 Portonovo e falesia calcarea a mare; ZSC IT5340001 Litorale di Porto d’Ascoli; SIC IT5340022 Costa del Piceno – San Nicola a mare; ZPS IT5310024 Colle San Bartolo e litorale pesarese; ZSC e ZPS IT5310022 Fiume Metauro da Piano di Zucca alla foce; ZPS IT5320015 Monte Conero; ZSC IT5320005 Costa tra Ancona e Portonovo; ZSC IT5320006 Portonovo e falesia calcarea a mare; ZSC IT5320007 Monte Conero; ZPS IT5320015 Monte Conero; Ma non solo Calipso non portera' effetti negativi, sara' un toccasana, come lo sono gia' tutte le piattaforme petrolifere in zona. Infatti l'ENI ci ricorda che nel mare Adriatico esiste una area di "Barbare" a 20 chilometri a nord di Calipso dove le piattaforme servono per... difendere i litorali contro la pesca a strascico illegate! Questa mi mancava proprio! Le piattaforme che ci salvano dalla pesca illegale! Aggiungon ancora che ...  le piattaforme, "con le loro strutture intricate, ricche di anfratti, rifugi", rappresentano "un elemento di diversificazione nell’habitat originario monotono" e costituiscono dei "meccanismi bio-ecologici" in grado di aumentare la produzione alieutica di un ecosistema. Oddio, la vita marina senza trivellatori e' monotona, per cui arrivano i petrolieri a renderla piu' intricata, e piu' interessante! A darci piu' pesci! Ma che si sono bevuti questi qui?   Fanno ridere e piangere assieme. Interessante che molte delle frasi scritte sono state scopiazzate di qua e di la da internet. Per esempio la frase "costituiscono dei meccanismi bio-ecologici in grado di aumentare la produzione alieutica di un ecosistema" e' stata presa pari pari da un sito che si chiama Il Pesce, del 2003. La fantasia non e' petrolio, eh? Ad ogni modo, nonostante queste piattaforme romperanno la monotonia e porteranno alla maggior "produzione alieutica" (perche' non scrivono come trivellano?), e' interessante notare che navigazione, ancoraggio, pesca sara' tutto vietato in un raggio di 500 metri dalla piattaforma. Chissa'. Dei fluidi di perforazione, dei detriti, dell'inquinamento non se ne parla. Quei pesci aumenteranno, ma nessuno si potra' avvicinare loro. Ci sono invece, verso costa degli allevamenti di cozze, di allevamento ittico ed acquacoltura ma, secondo l'ENI e' tutto lontano dalle loro trivelle e dunque anche qui, tuttapposto. Ma poi, quanto gas arrivera' da Calipso V? La bellezza di 280 milioni di metri cubi in totale, su un arco di sette anni. In Italia ne consumiamo circa 700 miliardi di metricubi l'anno, per cui qui siamo a Un altro tuttapposto viene dall'affermazione dell'ENI che Calipso V potrebbe aiutarci a "sostenere l’attuale situazione di criticità del mercato italiano del gas, caratterizzato da riduzione della produzione nazionale dovuta alla diminuzione delle riserve nazionali e crescente dipendenza di forniture dall’estero". Ma che dicono? In Italia il consumo del gas e' in declino! Dulcis in fundo, fanno "simulazione modellistica" e trovano... indoviniamo? Tuttapposto!! Tutto e' sotto i limiti di legge, e al massimo ci sara' un po di inquinamento a causa di tre motogeneratori durante le operazioni di trivellazione che dureranno circa 65 giorni. Non ci saranno danni alle tartarughe, alla pesca, all'ambiente, a nessuno. Tutto e' perfetto. E anche cio' che perfetto non dovrebbe esserlo e' "secondario". Ci sara' una "verifica periodica del corretto funzionamento dell’impianto di trattamento delle acque di scarico", "l’ispezione periodica dei serbatoi contenenti liquidi pericolosi" e "manutenzione relativa ai motori e alle tubazioni" che contribuiranno a ridurre il rischio di rilasci anche accidentali. Ma se l'ENI e' la regina dei disastri, per dirne una, in Norvegia, dove ogni tanto le capita di essere sgridata dall'ente per la sicurezza petrolifera per irregolarita' nelle sue operazioni? E poi, di grazia, quali sono questi "liquidi pericolosi"? Cosa c'e' dentro? E le acque di scarto? Dove le metteranno? Quante ne saranno prodotte? E  poi, niente paura. Ci sara' una nave di appoggio permanente dotata di attrezzature e materiali antinquinamento. Ma non era tuttapposto? Perche' allora la nave antinquinamento?  Per di piu' con sistemi meccanici per separare olio ed acqua che lavoreranno almeno a 35 metri cubi/ora, e con sistemi di materiale per lo "spandimento in mare." Ma siamo gia' a pagina 49 di 50, per cui questi sono solo piccoli dettagli. Come detto, e' tutto perfetto, e perche' perdere tempo con queste cosucce, come sapere di che monnezza si tratta e quanta ne finira' in circolazione? E cosi arriviamo all'ultima pagine dove di tuttapposto in tuttapposto siamo arrivati alla piena "coerenza tra il progetto" e "l’attuale situazione energetica italiana". Ovviamente le "attività previste non determinano impatti rilevanti" su niente e nessuno, e si prevede "assenza di impatti significativi", trascurabili, lievi e completamente reversibili. E anche se l'impatto e' basso, il disturbo non e' significativo e tutto sara' condotto nel massimo rispetto e tutela dell’ambiente. Come detto, e' perfetto! Purtroppo che dopo 50 anni di racconti su tutta questa perfezione, i residenti di Falconara non ci credono piu'. Non c'e' niente di perfetto in queste trivelle, ci sono invece scarichi di materiale tossico in aria, in acqua, pericoli di scoppio, danni alla vita marina, e se vogliamo essere piu' grandi dell'orticello marchigiano, cambiamenti climatici, dipendenza cieca dalle fonti fossili, e peggior qualita' della vita per tutti. Come sempre, meglio il sole, meglio il vento. Meglio Omero e la mitologia greca.
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hymnrevival · 6 years
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VISION OF RUSSIAN INVASION: Received by Henry Gruver, December 14, 1986 Carmarthen Castle, North Wales
My feet followed the course of countless others whose footsteps had eroded the winding stairway of the 12th century Carmarthen Castle leading to its Eagle Tower. In the height of its power it was reputed to be the strongest land-based, marine defense fortress of its times. It is still one of the most well preserved castles in the British Isles, housing a war museum and the place of coronation for the Prince of Wales. Prince Charles’ ceremony was the most recent in modern times. I made my way up to the Eagle Tower, which is octagonal in form with eroded figures of eagles on each of its eight points. Reaching the top, I was able to overlook the Irish Sea, which separates Ireland from England and Scotland. Just beyond England, in the direction I was looking, is the North Sea, which touches the northern coast of Europe and all the Scandinavian countries.
Without forethought, or warning, I found myself in the Spirit, high above the earth, looking down upon it. I saw a huge flotilla of all kinds of naval ships in the North Sea, accompanied by thousands of jet fighters and bombers. They were all coming from an inlet somewhere up above Norway.
[At the time of the vision, my geographical understanding was limited to what I was actually seeing. I didn’t have the personal know/edge of the names of some of the seas, the ports, and the countries that my eyes were seeing in vision. The port was later identified and confirmed to be Murmansk, Russia.] This massive air and sea fleet was heading west through the North Sea, out into the Atlantic Ocean, between Europe and the United States. Before long, there was a military wall, in the air and sea, which extended from the northern Arctic waters above Norway, to the Atlantic Ocean as far south as the Horn of Africa.
As I watched this alarming sight, from my vantage point in the heavens, my attention was drawn homeward to the United States, and I wondered if she realized what was about to come upon her. Looking down towards the eastern seaboard of the U.S., I saw vast numbers of submarines, so closely positioned under our coastal waters that the sand of our beaches touched some of their subs’ noses. I couldn’t believe they were actually this far into our territorial waters, and still undetected. Shocked and dismayed, I looked all the way across the country to the Pacific Northwest, where my family was living in Portland, Oregon.
I stood in the heavens, astounded, as I saw submarines positioned in the same manner along our western coast, from Seattle to San Diego. Instantly, my attention was drawn to radio towers that seemed to be coming up out of the earth, all across the continental U.S. I saw the towers’ transmissions coming forth as dotted lines into the heavens. [It reminded me of the 1950’s news-reels’ portrayal of radio towers sending out their signals across the airwaves.] As quickly as the signal left the towers, the dotted lines turned into sprinklings of dust, falling to the earth. “Oh, Lord,” I cried out, “the warning is not getting through! They won’t even know what hit them!”
At that point, my attention was drawn to a missile coming forth from a submarine just off the coast of New York City. I watched in disbelief, as it exploded, turning the city into dust and ash. I looked across the country again and saw an explosion in the area of Seattle/Bellevue, Washington. Then, another was fired over each of the cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. The final missile that I witnessed exploded over Florida. As the vision faded, I found myself standing back on the Eagle Tower, looking down to my left at the village below the castle. It appeared to be "business as usual.” There were no alarms, or sirens being sounded. The people were not showing any evidence of an imminent or actual attack. Again, I cried out in my spirit. “Oh, God! If this is not happening, then what will be the sign of its happening; and of it time?”
In response, I heard an audible voice say to me, "When Russia opens her doors and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy itself with transporting, housing, feeding and caring for the masses, and will let down their defenses. They will cry, ‘Peace and safety!’—And then sudden destruction will come upon them. That is when it will happen.”
Excerpt from “Cross+Wise: Visions of a Walker” By Henry Gruver Purchase the entire book here: <a href="http://henrygruver.org/resources/" rel="nofollow">henrygruver.org/resources/</a>
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: A Boat Fire Killed 34 People, and We May Never Know Why
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The distress call came in at 3:14 A.M. on Monday, September 2, Labor Day weekend.
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, a man gasped into marine Channel 16the VHF frequency designated for emergencies. His voice was labored and halting.
Conception. Platts Harbor. North Side Santa Cruz.
At Coast Guard Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach, one of the night watch standers returned the call, asking the vessel in distress its position and the number of people on board.
Thirty-ninePOB, the man responded. I cant breathe.
Thenthe radio went silent.
Five timesthe radio operator tried to hail the vessel. Finally, the watch stander issued a pan-panan alert to first responders and other mariners that, somewhere in thenight, an urgent problem was unfolding.
The Mayday call came fromJerry Boylan, captain of the Conception, a 75-foot liveaboard dive boat owned by Truth Aquaticsand chartered by Worldwide Diving Adventures. Twenty minutes later,Boylan made radio contact again. The boat was anchored just off Santa Cruz Island, some 20 miles from Californias southern coast and 90 milesas the crow fliesfrom the Coast Guard station in Los Angeles. Distance made theradio connection patchy, so Boylanscall was relayed by an intermediary. As a result, only the followingrecord of the Coast Guards replies remains.
What is the emergency?Over.
What is the emergency? Over.
Your vessel is on fire? Is that correct?
Roger. There are 36 people on board the vessel thats on fire, and they cant get off?
Roger. Can you get back on board the boat and unlock the doors so they can get off?
Roger. And theres no escape hatch for any of the people on board?
A few key details were inaccurate in these radio calls. There were actually 34 people still on board this triple-decker boat:a crew member, a dive leader, and 32 paying customers. They were all in the sleeping quarters, where narrow bunks were stacked three high. The doors into the boat, which opened to the galley and dining area, were not locked. There was an escape hatch, but it led into the main cabin, which was now engulfed in flame. Sleeping on the top deck, Boylan and four crew members were forced to jump off the ship. They used an emergency raft to get to a nearby fishing boat to make the second Mayday call.
But as it would soon become clear, the correction of these few factual errors wouldnt have any impact on the eventual outcome.
In the minutes after that second Maydaycall, the Coast Guard sector dispatched a helicopter from Point Mugu, about 40 miles to the east, and another one from San Diego, along with the cutter Narwhal, which had been conducting routine operations at the Port of Los Angeles. Five other city and county rescue vessels from the regionbegan motoring out to the island as well.
At Coast Guard Station Channel Islands Harbor, in Oxnard, boatswains mate Logan Steinberger was in charge of the station watch. By the time hed pieced together what was happening, he and his crew had just enough time to grab a portable pump and leap into their response boat. The stations second craft would wait for a few county medics to arrive before heading out. They were the closest response team in the area.
We knew from listening to the radio chatter that it was really bad, recalled Steinberger. We kind of knew going in that it may be hopeless, but you dont treat it as hopeless until youre really sure it is.
Two or so miles east of Santa Cruz Island, he could make out the unmistakable glow of fire. It was the only light on the horizon.
When the response boat arrived, the Conception was completely ablaze. Steinberger and his crew swept the area, looking for survivors. Seeing none, they set up their pump. It has a limited capacity, so they had to get close to the burning boat. Steinberger steered the vessel from inside the cabin. Outside, his engineer was shouting directions to keep him oriented away from smoke and the worst of the flames. The coxswain could feel the heat as he leaned out to hear the engineers instructions.
One of the next boats on the scene carried a Ventura County fire captain, who let Steinberger and his crew know that their efforts with the pump were futileit just didnt have the capability of a real fireboat. So the crew of the response boat went back to circling for survivors.
Paul Amaral was at home when he got word of the distress call that night via a TowBoatUS radio-dispatch center. Captain of a TowBoatUS craft, he sped to his Ventura office, grabbed a grappling hook, and raced to the scene. The sea and sky were as dark as Amaral had ever seen them. He, too, was listening to the radio on his way to the Conception, hoping someone had made a terrible mistake when reporting the situation. And then, there it was on the horizon: the worsening fire.
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(Illustration: Petra Zeiler)
Other fireboats arrived, one after another. They sprayed the Conception continuously for hours. The flames began to abate in places. But big hot spots remained. One burned through the boats anchor line. Amaral watched as the boat drifted into the jagged rocks encircling Platts Harbor. He knew his small vesselwas the only one that could get in close, so he pushed up against the hull of the Conception, right next to the sleeping quarters. He didnt hear a sound. Amaral knew no one could be alive.
The fire had decimatedpatches of the Conceptions hull. Amaral threw the grappling hook onto the bow and let out 50 feet of line. He pulled the burning boat off the rocks and tried to hold it in deeper water while two fireboats continued to pump water.
As the sun began to break, the bowline of the Conception wallowed lower and lower on the waterline. The Coast Guard began setting up gear to pump waterout of the boat, hoping tokeep the Conception stable enough to tow ashore. But before itcould get theequipment ready, the stern disappeared below the water. Moments later, all but the bow had vanished. As it sank, the boat turtled. Debris quickly gathered on the surface abovecharcoal, a pool of diesel fuel, charred remnants of the boat itself. No one really wanted to think about what else could be there.
First responders from over 14 state and federal agencies had aided in the rescue and recovery efforts. They retrieved 20 of the 34 victims by the end of the day. It took nearly two weeks before the rest of the casualties were recovered and identified.
As the international diving community mourned, crew members and victims families began looking for answers. Federal agencies, including the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the USCG, started to investigate. All indications suggest those answers may never comethat we may never know what caused one of the worstmaritime tragedies in modern U.S. history, or how to prevent it from happening again.
The Conception was one of three boats belonging toTruth Aquatics, a dive and charter company founded in 1974. Owned and operated by Glen Fritzler and his family, the Santa Barbarabased organization was widely considered one of the best in the business.
These were family boats, where the crew and passengers ate meals shoulder to shoulder, often still in their wetsuits. Clients chartered the Fritzlers boats for field trips and family reunions. Customers felt safe on the dives. They felt secure living and sleeping on board.
The Conceptionwas built for Truth Aquatics in 1981. Records obtained by Outsideshow that the boat passed its annual USCG inspections from 2016 through 2019, with just a handful of violations. These included, in 2017, an expired fire extinguisher, some minor electrical issues, and a failure to document both fire and abandon-ship drills,and, in 2018, expired items in a first aid kit.
Other than these citations, the vessel met USCG standards. It maintained mandatory fire-suppression systems, including fire extinguishers and above-deck hoses. Fritzler had installed smoke detectors on board. In addition to the narrow stairway leading from the fore end of the galley tobelow deck, the sleeping berths also had an emergency escape hatcha square of plywood above one of the uppermost aft bunks that also led into the galley.
Truth Aquatics did have a few major safety incidents over the years. In 1992, its boat Vision ran aground in the Channel Islands while carrying divers. In nearly 40 years of service, three customers (out of an estimated 450,000) drowned while diving. For most of itspatrons, however, their experience was overwhelmingly positiveone reason Fritzler was awarded the California Scuba Service Award, a lifetime-achievement commendation, in June 2019.
Every dayhundreds of similarly compliant dive boats around the world depart for multi-day trips, only to return all passengers safely and happily to the dock. But its also true that catastrophic accidents arent entirely uncommon. In a simple Google search, I found reports of at least 11 fires on liveaboard dive boats since 2000. Most of those incidents did not receive widespread coverage, like the Sea Queen II, which caught fire in the Red Sea in 2004, killing an American teacher and two students. Or the Mandarin Siren, whichincinerated in 2012 off the Indonesian coast while its customers were diving directly below (they were all rescued).
On October 26, 2019, less than two months after the Conception fire, the Red Sea Aggressor I, owned by Aggressor Adventures, based in Augusta, Georgia,departed Egypts Marsa Alam for a multi-day diving trip in the Red Sea. On November 1, just after midnight, passengers below deck awoke to the smell of smoke in their forward cabins. Smoke and heat prevented them from exiting the main staircase. They tried to use the emergency hatch but could move it only a few inchesas best as they could later surmise, a crew member had placed a thin mattress beside the hatch and fallen asleep against it. As they tried desperately to wake him, Michael Houben and his dive partner were waking up in their cabin, located in the aft of the vessel. Houben says he spent 20 or 30 seconds trying to find his glasses before abandoning the search and exiting the cabin, followed by his roommate. They made it to the emergency hatch, which had been opened once the crew member awoke. Houben estimates that, had he spent another few seconds trying to find those glasses, he probably wouldnt have survived.
One passenger didnt: Patricia Kessler, 54, a former naval officer and an experienced diver serving with the Justice Department at the American embassy in Tanzania.Her cabin was next to Houbens, who speculates that she must have taken just a few seconds longer than he did before she exited.
I corresponded by email with Wayne Brown, CEO of Aggressor Adventures, in November. He said that his company hasnot yet received expert confirmation regarding the origin of the fire and is cooperating with local authorities in their investigation. He also said thatwhile Egyptian codes do not require a standing watch, his company has implemented mandatory night watches on all of its vessels in the wake of the Aggressor fire. Its also begun testing smoke detectors with artificial smoke to ensure their reliability, and guests are now invited, as part of their orientation, to test the devices and practice using the emergency exits.
We hold our boats and crews to the highest standards of safety and service, wrote Brown. Well continue to do everything in our power to ensure guests enjoy their adventure with us, safely.
But Houben, who has been perhaps the most outspoken of the Aggressor survivors in terms of the mistakes that he alleges were made on board, says that doesnt go nearly far enough to ensure these types of disasters dont occur again. Houben says hes doubly disturbed because he heard there were similarities between what happened aboard the Aggressor and the Conception.
Worldwide Diving Adventures chartered the Conception for a Labor Day weekend tripone that company head Kristy Finstad regularly led that time of year, often aboard a Truth Aquatics vessel. Fritzlers crew handled logistics, meals, and the boat.
Finstad, 41, and her husband, Dan Chua, 42, took the reins of the company from her father, Bill, in 2004. For Finstad, it was a return home. Shed grown up in the water, surfing in Baja, Mexico, and diving with her dad by the time she was eight. After graduating from college, she worked in community-based coastal restoration in Southern California.
The diving industry wasand in a lot of ways remainsa male-dominated realm. Finstad fought hard against that, says Chua. There were times abroadon trips where women leaders didntget the respect they deserved because of their gender, he says. She would battle through itby being smartand kindand thinking out of the boxand knowing her shit. In timeshe became a role model and certified dozens of new female divers.
In the years before the accident, Finstad and Chua took their business international, with trips to places like Borneo, South Africa, Indonesia, and French Polynesia. Those excursions werent cheap, but clients were guaranteed some of the best adventure diving out there.
The Channel Island excursions, by contrast, were structured to be affordableunlimited tank refills and multiple daily dives, family-style meals in the galley, and spartan sleeping quarters down below. It wasnt fancy, but it was fun.
Finstads 32 customers boarded the Conception the night of Friday, August 30. Some, like Sunil Singh Sandhu, 45, an electrical engineeroriginally from Singapore and living in Silicon Valley, were brand-new to diving. Others, like Kendra Chan, 26, and her dad, Scott, 59, both from the Bay Area, were veterans to these Channel Island excursions.
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(Illustration: Petra Zeiler)
The boat departed Santa Barbara at 4 A.M. that Saturday.Chua was out of cell range in Costa Rica for much of the weekend. But he says that if the trip followed thetypical schedule, most of the passengers would have slept through a good bit of the slog out to the islands. When they woke up, thered be a continental breakfast and a safety briefing, then a morning dive and second hot breakfast. Guests could take multiple afternoon dives and, if they hadnt been drinking at happy hour, there was usually the opportunity for a night dive. Each daytheyd repeat that pattern.
The waters off the Channel Islands are coarse, filled with rocky reefs and dense kelp beds. Water temperatures are in the sixties. But divers get the chance to swim with sea lions and harbor seals,spearfish for halibut, and harvest lobster.
Its wonderful diving, but its not easy, says Chua.
Sunday night, September 1, Captain Boylan anchored the boat off Santa Cruz Island. After the night dive, everyonestayed up late, celebrating the birthdays of three passengers:Vaidehi Campbell, a water-conservation specialist just two days shy of her 42nd birthday; Michael Quitasol, who was celebrating his 63rd with his wife,Fernisa Sisan, and three adult daughtersEvan Michel, Nicole, and Angela Rose; and Tia Salika-Adamic, whose parents had booked the family trip to commemorate her 17th birthday. Traveling with Salika-Adamicwas Berenice Felipe, 16, one of her best friends.The daughter of Mexican-American immigrants, Felipe had lost her father when she was seven years old. Her mother, Yadira, raised her and her sister alone. Salika-Adamicand Felipe were regular volunteers at theanimal shelter in Santa Cruz, California. And when Felipe expressed an interest in diving, thefamily took her on trips to places as far-flung as Bonaire, in the Caribbean, where they worked on reef-restoration projects.
What happened after the cake and ice cream is murky. (Boylan and the four surviving crew members have refused interviews due to ongoing investigations). What can be pieced together based on reports given to the NTSB is that 34 people, including Finstad and 26-year-old deckhand Allie Kurtz, descended the narrow ladderway in the galley near the bow of the boat to the bunks down below.
The captain and remaining crew members, including Kurtzs boyfriend, Rob McClelland, and Ryan Sims, a newly hired boat steward, eventually settled into their wheelhouse quarters (the two othercrew membershavent been named). A former attorney for the Fritzler family said in September that one of the crew members checked the galley as late as 2:30 A.M. This detail, however, could not be confirmed with the familys new attorney, who directed inquiries about the fire to court documents.
The preliminary NTSB reportsaid that Captain Boylan and four crew members were sleeping in the wheelhouse, on the top deck of thevessel, when the blaze broke out. Just after 3 A.M., an unidentified crew member woke to a loud noise. He says he opened the door, looked down, and saw a fire billowing out of the aft end of the dining area on the main level. He then woke the others. Boylan ran to make the first Mayday call. The others tried to descend to the main deckbut could not because the ladder was on fire. With no other choice, they jumped 20 feet or so down to the main deck. Sims broke his leg in three places and injured his back and neck. With Sims unable to move, McClelland and the other two crew members say they tried to open both the double doors at the dining area of the salon and the fore windows but couldnt access either. As thesmoke began to overtakethem, the entire crewjumped overboard. Next, Boylan and two otherssay they swam to the aft of the boat, reboarded via a ladder, and checked the engine room for firebut saw none.
They then launched the Conceptions tenderand collected the other two crew members, including Sims, who were in the water.There was only one other boat in the vicinity: the Grape Escape, a 60-foot fishing boat owned by Bob and Shirley Hansen, a couple who had anchored nearby for the night. Using the raft to reach the other boat, they woke the Hansens and deposited Sims, who the Hansens say was groaning in obvious pain, and Boylan, who then made the second Mayday call. McClelland also spent time aboard, where he tearfully told the Hansens that Kurtz, the crew member sleeping downstairs, was still trapped below on the Conception.
By thenover 20 minutes had passed since the crew member first noticed the dining room was engulfed in fire. Later, in a press conference, Santa Barbara sheriff Bill Brown would say there was no indication thatanyone on the lower level made it up through the flames.
It was lit from one end to the other. There wasnt a part of that boat that wasnt on fire, says Bob Hansen. The flames were 30 feet high.
A fire of that magnitude and in the sleeping quarters on the lower deck below the hull would mean an instant, deadly crisis for anyone down below, says Dr. Douglas Arenberg, a pulmonologist and critical-care professor of medicine at the University of Michigan Health System.
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Kristy Finstad during a sailing trip across the Pacific Ocean in 2017 (Photo: Dan Chua)
With a fire on a modern craft, theres a lot of plastic and materials that are going to release lethal chemicals, says Arenberg. Burning plastics release cyanide, he explains. The polyvinyl chloride used on the flooring and seat covers would have created poisonous plumes of hydrogen chloride. Even just the particulates in that smoke could have obstructed airways before anyone could escape.
Accessing the emergency hatch on the Conception would have required 34 people to hop from their respective beds and orient down a dark, smoke-filled walkway to the aftmost set of bunks. Then, one by one, they would have had to climb a ladder to the top bunk, lieon their back, push open the hatch above their head, and then contort themselves up into itif they woke up in time.
The fire would have rapidly depleted the quarters of oxygen, replacing it with lethal levels of carbon monoxide and toxic smoke. Indeed, medical examinations of the victims, a sheriffs-office spokesperson told me later, indicated they died of carbon-monoxide poisoning.
Its a nightmare scenario, says Arenberg.
Three days after the fire, representatives from the NTSB held a press conference in Santa Barbara, not far from a memorial to the victims of the Conception fire.
The vessel had not yet been raised from the ocean floor, but NTSB member Jennifer Homendy reiterated a comment one of the crew members had made to the Hansens the night of the fire that had since been widely reported by newspapers.
There was a lot of photography, videography, cameras, cell phonesthat were charging on the vessel itself, Homendy told reporters.
Later that week, the USCG issued a marine-safety bulletinurging boaters to reduce potential fire hazards and consider limiting the unsupervised charging of lithium-ion batteries.
These statements and bulletins have done much to encourage the theory that the Conception fire was caused by an overheated lithium-ion battery in one of the passengers devices and plugged into one of the ad hoc charging stations in the dining area or one of the outlets in the sleeping quarters.
There is precedent for this in the aviation world. A recent Federal Aviation Administrationreport lists 252 recorded incidents involving lithium-ion battery fires on board commercial airlines since 2006. The batteries store an enormous amount of energy in a very confined space, explains Feng Lin, a professor of chemistry at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. And if multiple people were charging their devices simultaneously and in close proximity, Lin says you could have a temperature escalation that would reduce safety features.
Its a complicated chemical reaction made even more complicated by everything else contained in the seawater, Lin says.
Chua says he gets that. But with no evidence to substantiate the battery theory other than speculation, he thinks making that supposition public was a callous and irresponsible move while the boat was still on the ocean floor and one victim had yet to be recovered.
It was a random guess, with no evidence at the time, and was a slight to all the people who died and their families, he says.It seemed like victim blaming to me.
Fires such as these are notoriously difficult to investigate, because evidence that could be used to determine a specific cause is incinerated. Even if it werent, days sloshing around on the seafloor would render much of it difficult to analyze. Without any such specific evidence at hand, one certified fire investigator told me, the boat firemay ultimately be classified as of undetermined cause.
Nevertheless, in a press conference a day after the fire, Homendy stated, I am 100 percentconfident that our investigators will determine the cause of this fire, why it occurred, how it occurred, and what is needed to prevent it from happening again.
I spoke with her by phone two months later, and she stood by that statement.
This is what we do. We investigate a lot of tragedies. And after accidents, sometimes theres a lot of evidence and sometimes theres little evidence, she said. Theres no doubt in my mind that, at the end of the day, well have a probable cause and recommendations to vote on when we consider the final report.
One reason for her confidence may be the fact that the NTSB considers not only the actual mechanism that ignited the firebut also human behavior and environmental factors. For instance, when fire destroyed the Florida-based Island Lady in January 2018, the NTSB determined probable cause to be an ineffective preventative-maintenance program, along with insufficient guidance for the crew on how to operate the vessel in an overheated-engine situation. As for those lithium-ion batteries, she said the crews statements about the charging stations are factoring into their investigations, but so, too, are other matters like electrical wiring and galley equipment.
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Mourners leaving flowers and memorabilia at the Sea Landing dock, home of the commercial dive boat Conception, in Santa Barbara on September 3, 2019 (Photo: Rod Rolle/Sipa via AP Images)
Were not ruling anything out, Homendy told me.
The NTSB will not speculate on the cause of the fire, as the investigation is still ongoing, but one finding in the agencys final report could be the lack of a standing night watcha violation of UCSG rulessince the NTSBs preliminary report found that all crew members were asleep when the blaze broke out. If the final report confirms that the ship did not have a standing night watch, the captain or vessel owner could serve up to tenyears in prison, according to U.S. code.
Regardless of the cause, the NTSB could also make recommendations concerning the size and egress ofemergency hatches, the types of onboard fire alarms, and the use of personal electronics. But Homendy reiterated that these recommendations could really include anything, and the goal of the recommendations is to ensure an event like this doesnt happen again.
In the meantime, its up to both the criminal and civil courts to decide what happens next for the owners, crew, and surviving family members of the Conception.
Three days after the fire, the Fritzlers evoked a maritime statute from the 19th centurythat limits financial liability to the value of the vessel (which is currently zero) and mandates that all claims be filed within six months of the accident, making it difficult for some surviving family members to seek compensation. In January, four of the victims families, including Kurtzs, filed claimschallenging the Friztlerseffort to invoke the obscure law.Among the safety violations the filing allegesis that Truth Aquatics failed to provide a safe way to store and charge lithium-ion batteries, as required by the USCG.
Meanwhile, Sims has suedTruth Aquatics for pain and suffering, alleging that the Conception was not properly maintained and outfitted with safety equipment. Sims also alleges that he and other crew members were not adequately trained for emergencies such as the one that led to his injuries. A similar lawsuithas been filed by the widow of Justin Dignam, 58, who died in the fire. Her suit alleges that the vessel didnt have adequate smoke detectors or firefighting equipment, it lacked enough emergency exits, and a required night watch was not on duty when the flames broke, according to thelawsuit filed in federal court. (Truth Aquatics and its attorneys did not respond to multiple requests for comment regardingthe allegations made in the twolawsuits andclaims filed by victims families.)
On Capitol Hill, congresspeople are pointing fingers at the Coast Guard. The agency is responsible for creating and enforcing safety standards, inspecting vessels, and launching rescue and recovery operations. In November, after the Los Angeles Times revealedthat the Coast Guard rejected recommendations to improve fire safety, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructures subcommittee on Coast Guard and maritime transportation called Rear Admiral Richard Timme, the assistant commandant for prevention policy, to testify. Members chided him for what they saw as a track record of inaction when it came to requiring changes suggested by the NTSB, particularly those following maritime tragedies.
In December, California senator Dianne Feinstein, along with representatives Julia Brownley and Salud Carbajal, introduced the Small Passenger Vessel Safety Act, which endeavors to shore up safety measures by requiring multiple egresses (which exit into different parts of the vessel), strengtheningrequirements for integrated fire-alarm systems, and restrictingthe use of lithium-ion batteries on board.
The Conception boat fire was a tragedy that could have been prevented had stronger safety measures been in place,said Feinstein.We must ensure that small passenger vessels have the right safety measures in place to prevent disasters at sea.
Chua says hes all for common-sense regulations. But hedoesnt want to see elected officials insisting on knee-jerk changes just to make people feel better. Any new regulation, he says, has to make sense and promote safety.
In the meantime, hes trying to put his life back together. Kristy Finstad wasnt just the love of his life, she was also the heart and soul of their business. Worldwide Diving Adventures has been on hiatus since the fire. Chua says hell run the trips already scheduled for 2020, but handling both logistics and grief has been hard. After these trips are done, he doesnt know whatll be next.
It was always a team effort on trips between Kristy and myself, and its really hard to not have your partner next to you, he says. Sometimes I look to my sideand just see an enormous empty space where she would have been, and my heart just aches.
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/a-boat-fire-killed-34-people-and-we-may-never-know-why
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