#Bobbi morse
wyrcan · 1 month
‘we need more complex female characters’ y’all couldn’t even handle the women of agents of shield
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as social media quotes series part 33/? This edition brought to you by @incomingalbatross and contributors!
The rest of the series
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 2 months
AoS writers understood that we love a woman who's feral, lethal, and bloody
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tvseries-writings · 2 months
From a great power comes great responsibilities
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Wandanat x Bioquake x Bobbi x reader
Plot: Reader goes beyond her limits with her powers to help others (exhausts her powers)
TW: death for a moment(?)
It all happens so fast that you don't realize it until the building starts collapsing over your heads. You see a chunk of concrete the size of a car fall on top of you, and before your brain can connect, your body acts on instinct, carrying you, Daisy, and Bobbi out of the building. You concentrate on teleporting all three of you, intact, inside the quinjet where Jemma, Natasha and Wanda are running the operation, or at least, were before everything went to hell.
You land on the floor of the plane with a thud, falling forward and coughing hard to expel the dust that has filled your lungs. You glance at your girls making sure they are okay and then, you cross your arms to teleport again but Natasha's hand on your left arm stops you.
"Don’t even think about it, everything is collapsing, you can't teleport in there. It is suicide and you are not going to save anyone if you are dead, do you understand me?"
You swallow, watching the building collapse, and so, with a small smile on your lips, you lean toward Natasha and kiss her. It lasts a few seconds and she is distracted enough to let go of her grip on you.
"I'm sorry but I have to do this," you whisper and then, you close your eyes and feel the earth vanish from under your feet. You focus on the 'one safe place inside the building that you know with absolute certainty will not collapse. The beauty of a secret Hydra base was the bunkers, after all. Those crazy fucking Nazis had thought that sacrificing at least a hundred of their own people was a fair price to pay to take out three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and they had blown up the load-bearing walls of the building with a simple and very trivial click. Nazis, they never change.
When you open your eyes again and realize you are not dead or under some boulder, you gloat internally and mentally thank Natasha for forcing you to learn the floor plan of that base. You remember perfectly her stern look when she had presented you with the mission and forced you to learn every single detail by heart. At that moment you had hated it but now...now you really wanted to kiss her.
You raise your hands in the air when you notice a score of soldiers pointing their guns at you, hiding behind them their "incentives," as Hydra liked to call them. Wives, husbands, children, mothers and fathers hid behind those men and women in black with a crest that did not belong to them.
"It's okay, I just want to get you out of here. I can teleport you all but in multiple groups."
You curse yourself internally, you know you'll never be able to take this much effort, the last time you tried to teleport five people together you fainted and were unconscious for six hours you can't even imagine what would happen with forty, including soldiers and families.
You take a deep breath and think quickly about how you can take everyone out of there. The floor under your feet trembles and just as the children begin to cry, the earpiece in your ear comes alive.
"Y/n, damn it, Daisy can't hold it much longer...you have to get out of there, do you hear me? The structure won't hold much longer" Bobbi yells in your ear and you nod, well aware that she cannot see you, before giving her a verbal response.
"I'm trying honey, thanks for the advice though."
You mumble sarcastically, no longer listening to what your girlfriends are shouting at you over the comms and focusing instead on getting the people in front of you to safety. The soldiers lower their weapons and pull off the bands on your arm, throwing them to the ground.
"Are there others in the base?"
"They're all dead, ma'am" the lieutenant, or who you think is the lieutenant, answers you by looking around as if to confirm what she just said. Your stomach clenches at the thought of all those people who died for a cause they didn't even believe in but you quickly shake off that feeling, you don't have time for it. You quickly count them, noting that there are twenty-five of them before thinking about how to get them all out of there safely.
"So… I can take all the children outside."
You point to the little ones; some of them are crying while others are looking at you with wide, fearful eyes but charged with the same admiration and hope with which a child looks at his favorite superhero. There are nine children but you can make it, they are worth four times one adult, right? You can even take four adults with you, then; you have to do it, you won't have the strength to make three more trips, you are sure.
You gather them around you and have each of them touch arms or legs, depending on where their little hands reach, and do the same with the four women, two old and two young, who accompany them. As they say, women and children first.
"Y/n, we have set up a camp out here, four hundred meters from the base in a southwesterly direction."
-What the hell is the South?" you think, before shrugging your shoulders and closing your eyes. The feeling of the floor vanishing beneath your feet is not something you will ever get used to, if you have to be honest. You hear the children scream, whether from excitement or fear you can't tell, and then, in less than a second, you find yourself at that poorly set up base camp Jemma told you about a few seconds ago. A little dizziness forces you to lean on the ground, on the hot sand beneath you, and small drops of blood color the grains beneath your fingers. You raise your hand, reaching up your nose and finding the source of the bleeding. Children are being rounded up by an officer but you fail to recognize him as your girlfriends run toward you. Jemma has a first aid kit in her hand, but before she can set about playing cheerful surgeon with you, you scan to the side, staggering on your own feet.
"I'm fine, I've got to get back in there."
"You can't stand y/n, you can't-"
You frown, noticing only in that moment that Daisy is not there with all of you.
"Where's Dee?"
"She fainted, tried to absorb as many shocks as possible. She's collapsed y/n and that's also what's going to happen to you if you continue, you're already in a very bad way."
Jemma lifts your head, causing your gazes to cross and looking critically at your pupils and the nosebleed that doesn't seem to have any intention of stopping coming out. You back away a few steps, looking into their eyes.
"Go to Daisy, I'll take care of this," you say and then disappear again.
You repeat the same process as before, surrounding yourself with six soldiers and watching the remaining six.
"I will come back for you, I promise."
And as you disappear into thin air, another tremor shakes the ground.
The landing is more abrupt this time. Your heart beats so weakly that you feel as if oxygen is not getting to your brain. Contrary to what you expected, Natasha grabs you by the arms before your face can splat on the scorching sand. You struggle to stay awake and if so out that you don't even notice Daisy, pale, sweaty, and trembling, over the shoulders of the former Russian spy. You blink a few times to focus on the image in front of you and finally the sounds reach your ears again.
Natasha shakes you by the shoulders and you awaken from your stupor. The worried gazes of Wanda, Jemma, Daisy, Natasha and Bobbi are fixed on you as Natasha gently lays you on the ground and Jemma places a bottle of water on your lips, helping you drink it. As soon as you remember where you are, you try to sit up but Daisy stops you, simply putting a hand on your chest to keep you down.
"I'm-I'm fine, mm-missing six people-D-I have to an-go."
You stammer, the effort you've put in doesn't even make you able to utter a coherent and clea sentence. Another jolt shakes the floor beneath your feet and Daisy groans in pain, bringing her hands to her head and squeezing her eyes shut. That small advantage allows you to roll over and with an absurd effort you manage to get to your feet and disappear back under their gazes.
When you get to the bunker, the first thing you do is fall to your knees and throw up. You completely empty your stomach under the disgusted gaze of the six soldiers in front of you. You wipe your mouth with your suit, wrinkling your nose at the disgusting taste of vomit in your mouth and leaning against the wall to pull yourself up without passing out. You must hold on a little longer, just a little, and then you can collapse to the ground.
The six soldiers surround you-diligently avoiding the pool of vomit on the ground and the blood that keeps coming out of your nose-and in a moment you are out.
As soon as you hit the sand, you sprawl to the ground. Your cheek scrapes against the sand and this time Natasha is not quick enough to catch you. Jemma drops to her knees next to you, turns you so that your face is facing her but your eyes are closed. She checks your chest and when she notices that the latter does not rise or fall, she checks your pulse before a gasp of terror and fear escapes her lips.
"Bobbi, adrenaline and defibrillator. Now!"
Natasha tilts your head back, her eyes glazed over as she opens your mouth and blows air into your lungs. Jemma begins compressions.
Nat puts air into your lungs and your chest rises and falls once before falling back inert. Wanda's sobs and Jemma's barely stifled ones are the only sound before a crack makes your girls nauseous.
"It's okay, it happens during compressions," Jemma's voice trembles as she says it and then, she performs another round of compressions. Your arms burn but that pain is nothing compared to the dull ache that is burning in your chest at that moment.
Natasha forces your chest up again and then Bobbi arrives with defibrillator and adrenaline in hand. She is sweating and her heart is racing. She has never run so fast in her entire life.
"Bobbi, take my place."
Jemma continues with compressions, then, on her go, Bobbi gets in place and follows her own rhythm.
"Come on rockstar, it's not your time yet, come on."
Bobbi's breath barely hides the tremor in her voice but not the tears that line her cheeks. It takes two defibrillator shocks before your heart starts beating again.
"Oh my God" Wanda bursts into tears, leaning over your face and gently kissing your forehead, brushing a few strands of sweaty hair off your face.
"Good, you did great love" Natasha whispers, taking your hand in her own as Bobbi laughs from relief.
Daisy instead stands by, frowning, and Jemma is the first to notice.
"Dee, what's wrong?"
Daisy looks at you and then, nods.
"Something's wrong, her heart, it doesn't have the usual vibes, non-"
And then, your heart stops beating again.
"Fuck, Bobbi give me the adrenaline."
Jemma Simmons never swears but there are always exceptions.
Jemma performs two more rounds of compressions before injecting adrenaline into your chest. She hooks you up to one of the monitors that Fitz had devised a few months earlier, at the request of the biochemist, for just such situations, and when he sees that the line remains flat, his heart, too, seems to stop for a few seconds.
Your body is shaken by the shock emitted by the defibrillator; it arches upward and then falls back to the sand as hard as a puppet whose strings have been suddenly dropped. The line remains flat and Jemma's tears now gush without limit.
"No no, Jem you have to try again. She can't, she can't..."
Wanda bursts into tears, looking at your lifeless body lying on the ground. Natasha punches the ground with such force that the crack that can be heard echoing cannot mean anything good. Bobbi cries as she takes the former Russian spy's hand and gives her a look. Anything not to think about what just happened.
"No, it doesn't end like that."
Daisy takes your lifeless body in her hands, shaking it by the shoulders.
"Do you understand me? You can't fucking die, you can't. You promised us, you stubborn idiot, you promised us!"
The Inhuman hits your chest hard, her fist closed, and without her really being able to control what she's doing, a powerful jolt goes through your chest and crashes against the ground, creating a small crack beneath you, and then, the flat line of the monitor disappears, replaced by regular little roller coasters.
"W-what?" Daisy whispers, sitting on the floor suddenly much more tired than before from the effort she has just made. Jemma hurries to personally check your pulse and when she feels the pulse under her fingers, a shuddering breath of joy leaves her lips.
"I...I think your tremors got her heart beating again Dee."
Jemma does not detach her fingers from your wrist, lulling herself into the sweet sensation of your heartbeat, albeit weak. Wanda covers her face, bursting into tears, and the other girls also let out a liberating cry, releasing all the tension and fear they had felt up to that moment.
Your body takes five days to heal just enough to open your eyes. You realize you are in the Quinjet's medical capsule within seconds, by now you have been there so many times over the years that you know the smallest details: the familiar beeping sound of your heartbeat, the red button to call Jemma just below the lamp behind the back of the bed, the IV that feeds drugs into your veins, and the glass from which Jemma checks that you are not doing anything the doctor has forbidden you to do. A little unfair of her since she is the doctor. You feel as if a truck has hit you and then a car has run over you to complete the job. You raise your hand to scratch your nose but the oxygen mask prevents you from doing so so you squeeze it between your fingers to remove it but just as you are about to do so, a hasty knock against the clear glass causes you to smile a small smile of exasperation. Even before you turn around, in fact, you already know that you will see your beautiful doctor on the other side. To your surprise, however, she is not alone.
"You just woke up and already you want to take off your mask, I have no words really. Who is the doctor here? You have to do what I tell you if you want to get better, between you and Dais I really don't know who is worse."
Jemma admonishes you and you blush, feeling like a child being scolded by his parents.
"Hey, what do I have to do with this now?" Daisy pouts before slinging herself into your arms. You can't help but notice that his forearm is completely bandaged. When he notices where your gaze points, the Inhuman shrugs.
"It was worth it."
She slides the mask off your face, kissing you with so much passion and love that it leaves you breathless for a few seconds before the Inhuman promptly rushes to slip the mask back over your face.
"You scared us malyshka" Natasha approaches you and her plastered hand makes you frown. The Russian blushes, and for some reason you realize you don't really need to ask her how she broke her hand. Wanda caresses your cheek, leaving a tender kiss on your forehead.
"How are you feeling detka?"
"I'm just a little tired but I'm fine; exactly what happened?"
Their faces darken and that joy you had seen quickly fades.
"You collapsed, your heart couldn't take the strain, and we had to revive you twice." Bobbi's voice trembles as she says this and you reach out your hand toward her; the blonde grabs it and intertwines your fingers, turning a small smile to you.
"You were really a rockstar but if you do that again, I think we might actually kill you."
"Oh yes, don't think we haven't thought about what punishment to give you. Besides not being able to use your powers for at least four months-"
"What? Four months? But that's an eternity-" you jerk back to your seat, removing your mask and immediately regretting it as your vision blurs and the pain in your ribs increases exponentially, so much so that you lean to the right and vomit into the only thing you can grab.
Jemma strokes your back while Wanda holds your hair as you empty the meager contents of your stomach. As soon as you finish, you are so weak that dizziness takes over and your head falls back forward. If it weren't for Wanda, your face would be splattered against the floor. Jemma casts a glance at the heart monitor, and the value it reads makes your heart beat so fast you're afraid your chest might explode. She puts on your oxygen mask and then checks your vitals again.
Your pupils roll back, and as you fall helpless into Wanda's arms, the Sokovian panics a little.
"Hey, hey, detka wake up."
Wanda taps your cheeks but the only thing that changes is the further lowering of your heart rate.
"Jem, what's going on?" Daisy strokes your face, putting her hand on your chest to check your heart vibrations.
Jemma rummages through the drawers of the medical capsule and then, at the fifth drawer she ravages for something, she finally finds what she is looking for. In her hands she clutches a small glass case, inside which she glimpses a metal disk less than three centimeters in diameter and less than two centimeters thick.
As soon as she sees this, Bobbi cuts off your suit exposing your bare chest except for the three electrodes and the black bra you are wearing.
Jemma places the diskette on top of your left breast, just above your sternum, and presses the button above it. The disc blends in with your skin, being invisible to the human eye, and your body jerks, before your heartbeat returns to normal. The small jolt causes you to open your eyes and grimace in pain.
"What the hell-" you mutter, reaching out to massage your chest but Jemma stops you before you can.
"Hey, your heart rate was extremely low and I had to put a pacemaker on you. It's not invasive, Fitz designed one that blends in perfectly and doesn't give any problems whatsoever but you'll have to avoid EMPs but you can't take it off love, okay? I think the effort you put in was such that it damaged your heart, and without a peacemaker you could have another heart attack so until we find another solution and until we have done more tests, you can't use your powers."
You nod, squeezing your eyes shut as fatigue takes over.
"Rest now, we're here malyshka."
Natasha leaves a kiss in your hair while Daisy leaves one on your cheek. Jemma dims the lights to allow you to rest and Wanda lies next to you in the crib while Bobbi closes the glass curtains facing outward to give you all some privacy as you fall into dreamland surrounded by your girls.
You don't know it yet but one of those children you saved is going to become one of the best agents S.H.I.E.L.D. has ever had so maybe a slightly battered heart is worth it.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Leave like, comment and if you like support me on ko-fi. Have a great day!
Taglist: @wandanatsbaby @bioquake-archives @bioquakeweek @daisyjohnsonx @wandanatsgirlfriend @chaekhan @station19 @resilientpendragon @so-no-kissing-then @thearchpitbullmx @ashadash0904 @kingshitonly @alwaysgoodnight @callistic @xjule @yuleni18 @simpforwandanat @alexxislexi @mrsdanversromanoff @coollemonsaresour @hushed-woodsman @razorscooteer @eponine-xx @maniacallinc @michelle170 @classyig @elenaguarnieri @scarletwidow @tati3001 @cristin-rjd @your-my-mission @mr-nicely @hi-i-1 @anniethurs @ktstwice @scarlet-raccoon @maria-403 @goldfishthegr8 @wandanatfan @looiegirl-blog @bioquake-blog @daisyjohnsonx
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backgroundagent3 · 12 days
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I had a vision and I had to complete it.
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scattered-winter · 4 months
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watching a show
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alannacouture · 10 months
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If the SHIELD agents didn’t live together, where the hell would they go?!
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marginwalkers · 4 months
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fictionaltrvlr · 1 year
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✨ Agent Barbie ✨
Daisy Johnson posters 😌
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comfortblr · 11 months
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adrianne palicki as bobbi morse agent’s of s.h.i.e.l.d. | the writing on the wall
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lands-of-fantasy · 8 months
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Remember when Agents of SHIELD had the team in a reality where everybody was Hydra so they remade the main poster for every season up to then to reflect that? Iconic.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as social media quotes series part 36/?
The rest of the series
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leopxld-fitz · 16 days
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aos text posts part one
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tvseries-writings · 2 months
A hit on the ground
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Wandanat x Bioquake x Bobbi x reader
Plot: Daisy, Bobbi and Reader get kidnapped…what could happen worse than that? OFC, Jemma, Natasha and Wanda have to save them.
TW: concussion (?), death of the villain :)
The darkness around you prevents you from seeing anything. A grimace distorts your face as the stabbing pain in your head makes you nauseous as you try not to close your eyes.
"Y/n, hey, hey, don't close your eyes, love."
You see the shadow of a familiar face over yours and loving hands on your cheeks; Daisy's voice rings in your ears as the inhuman checks your head for signs of injury.
"I think you have a concussion. They disabled my powers with this collar," you can't see her well because of the darkness, but you imagine her touching something around her neck, "and they sedated Bobbi with an ICER before they knocked you out, right after you ran to her. Bobbi hasn't woken up yet."
A dim light illuminates the room you are in; it is a small, drab, gray cell, the concrete floor cold to your touch. Your attention is focused on the face of the soulmate above you. Daisy has a deep cut on her cheek, and your hand instinctively reaches up to trace the edges with your thumb.
" It's a bad cut, Dee."
You push forward, trying to sit up, but Daisy stops you; your current weakness does not allow you to break free of her grip.
"Be still, I'm no doctor, but I don't think you should get up with a concussion, not until I'm sure you're okay."
Daisy is about to speak again, but the sound of a snort and the shuffling of clothes makes you both turn to your blonde soulmate. Bobbi blinks a few times, sits up, and then quickly drags herself to your side as soon as she notices Daisy holding your head in her hands with a worried look on her face.
"What happened? Where are we? Are you okay?"
Bobbi speaks so fast that you can barely understand her. You take her hand and draw circles on her palm, addressing her with a small smile.
"We're fine, Splendor...Hydra set a trap for us; they shot you with an ICER and blocked Dee's powers. How are you feeling?"
Bobbi shrugs and looks at you, her hands instantly replacing Daisy's as she carefully checks your head wound.
"Damn...are you dizzy? Vertigo? Nausea? Headache? Loss of memory?"
You shake your head, lying through your teeth, before sitting up with the help of the two girls. Bobbi doesn't take her eyes off you; Daisy, however, has her gaze fixed on the cell door as she furiously scratches her neck, just above the collar.
"Dee, stop scratching or you'll hurt yourself."
You elbow her in the arm and the inhuman stops, a small pout on her lips. The movement you make causes you more pain than you already feel. Your head throbs and the nausea you've been feeling increases exponentially; suddenly you're so weak that you lurch forward dangerously, and if it weren't for Bobbi, your face would hit the ground.
"Hey! Rockstar, are you okay? Y/n!"
Bobbi pulls your hair away from your face, and when she sees your half-closed eyes, she slaps your cheeks lightly, trying to keep you awake.
"No love, you need to stay awake."
Daisy whispers, checking your heart rate and exchanging a worried look with the blonde girl. You flinch and run a hand over your cut, trying in vain to ease the pain you're feeling. Bobbi and Daisy are talking to you, but you can't really understand what they're saying.
"We need to get her to Jemma, I think she's getting worse."
Bobbi says, putting a hand to your forehead to check your temperature as she glances at the cell door.
"I need to get this damn collar off."
Inhuman tries to force it off your neck before Bobbi stops her.
"It's no use Daisy, stop before you get hurt...Y/n, hey, you need to keep your eyes open. I know it's hard, but you have to do it for us."
Bobbi pulls you up by your armpits, pulling you into an upright position, and you let out a small moan as your head dangles forward before Bobbi rests it on her chest, helping to keep it upright before you pull away from her to put the little food back in your stomach, inches from your girls.
"It hurts," you whine, unaware that she is saying it out loud on purpose, and Bobbi grabs you before you can fall into the puddle of vomit in front of you, backing away a few steps and continuing to hold you.
"I know, honey, it will pass soon. I promise you. Just try to hold on a little longer, okay?" Bobbi gently caresses your face and gives you a small, worried smile.
Daisy moves nervously back and forth in the small cell, perhaps making a furrow for strength and continuity of movement.
"We need to find a way out of here, did you see anything while we were unconscious?"
Bobbi turns to the inhuman and curls her lips in frustration when he shakes his head.
"I was hooded, but I think we're dealing with him, Bobs."
Daisy's voice trembles slightly, though the girl does everything she can to keep you both from hearing it as she continues her frantic pace. You quickly realize who he is talking about, and just as the realization hits you, the cell door swings open, and though the dizziness and confusion caused by the concussion does not help, you immediately recognize the face that crosses the threshold, an irritated grin plastered on his face.
Grant Ward wrinkles his nose at the stench of vomit that hits him as soon as he opens the door, but that only adds to the stupid grin he wears.
"Y/n, I see you hit your head pretty hard...I'd say I'm sorry, but after all, you're the one who took away the love of my life, so no, I'm not sorry at all. It's good to see you again, ladies."
They look away. Kara's death weighs on your hands, but after what she and the piece of shit in front of you had done to Bobbi... you really had no choice. So you grit your teeth and force yourself to put on your best slap face. Out of the corner of your eye you see Bobbi shaking her head and Daisy telling you to stop bullshitting with your lip.
"Oh Ward, please, she's much happier now that she's away from you, and if you hadn't been such a coward to leave her, you'd probably be where she is now."
You regret your words as soon as the two gorillas behind Ward hold Daisy and Bobbi down and the former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent's fist slams into your right cheek with such force that, added to the weakness from the concussion, it knocks you to the ground, and this time, as your head slams violently against the floor, your eyes remain closed after the impact and your girls' hearts stop as they realize you've lost consciousness.
"You fucking bastard!" Daisy screams and Bobbi, blinded by the sight of you on the floor, struggles against the energetic man holding her down and you manage to break free, using the moment to steal the remote control Ward is clutching in his right hand and press the small button above it. A click echoes through the cell before Daisy's collar falls to the floor with a resounding thud.
"Now you're fucked, you bastard." Daisy breaks the bones of the gorilla holding her before turning to face the traitor.
Ward backs away, raising his hands and smiling at the two very angry officers. Daisy raises her right hand and points it at him.
"Any last words?" Daisy smiles, and even though her stomach is churning with concern for you, she tries not to let it show.
Bobbi sees Ward grab the gun with a lightning snap, and before either of them can even try to stop him, he grabs your body by the costume suit as he puts the gun to your temple. Despite the abrupt movement, you remain unconscious and your head falls forward.
"One step and I'll put a bullet in her head and damn it, I'm just waiting for one more reason to do it..."
Bobbi wants to scream and slap that arrogant grin off her face, but your life is in danger and she can't afford to make a misstep and she's damn scared.
"I strongly suggest you put the gun down," Bobbi says, stopping herself from jumping for his neck. You look at Daisy out of the corner of your eye and see that even the Inhuman is holding back from breaking every bone in his body.
When you return to consciousness, your instincts tell you not to open your eyes and to let your body remain soft in the grip of someone you do not recognize, at least not yet until he opens his mouth. Memories come flooding back to you and it takes very little time to realize that the cold object pressed against your temple is a gun.
"You know, I have the advantage here and..." Ward begins to speak and before you lose consciousness again, you throw yourself to the ground, catching him off guard and dragging the Hydra spy with you; your sudden movement causes him to lose his grip on the gun, which slips out of his hand, and as soon as that happens, Daisy uses her powers to throw him against the wall, knocking him unconscious. Bobbi leans over you and takes your face in her hands. No matter how hard you try to stay awake, your eyes close without you being able to stop them.
"No, no, Rockstar, you have to stay awake. Y/n please."
Bobbi screams your name as your eyes roll back and your nose begins to bleed. Drops of blood slide down your chin, starting at your nose, and Bobbi is forced to move you to the side to keep you from suffocating in your own blood, continuing to call your name to wake you up.
"Bobbi, what... what... Bobbi, Bobbi, someone is coming, we have to get out of here!"
Daisy restrains herself from screaming, keeping her arms pointed at the half-closed door of the cell, ready to break the bones of anyone who enters through it, never looking away from you. And then, when the door opens to reveal the familiar face of your other three soul mates, Daisy wants to cry with relief.
"Did I step on your moment?" Natasha flashes her best sarcastic smile, but it quickly fades when she sees the state you are in.
Jemma falls to your side, as do the other girls, just after Wanda casts a restraining spell on the door. The first aid kit slips from Jemma's shoulders and falls to the floor with a resounding thud before the sound of a zipper being unzipped rattles their eardrums.
"Bobbi, I need to know what happened."
Jemma says, her doctor's voice not leaving her for a moment as she rummages through her pockets before pulling out a small flashlight, and while Bobbi explains to her what happened, the biochemist checks your parameters with Daisy. She takes your face in her hands and opens your eyelids with her index finger and thumb, checking the dilation of your pupils.
"The right pupil is very dilated, we need to get you to the lab. I need a CT scan and..."
Jemma struggles to control her voice, trying not to shake it as she slips a collar around your neck to keep your head still before her eyes fall on the blood crusted under your nose. Her eyes widen as she notices it, and the fear and worry she has been trying to hold in until now rises to the surface.
"No, no, we need to get her out of here right now - we shouldn't even be moving her, she could be bleeding internally. The nosebleed..."
Before Jemma can finish her sentence, Wanda walks over to you and places both hands on your temples as thin strands of red magic encircle your forehead and after a few seconds you open your eyes. You flinch as the light in the room stings your head, not that it doesn't hurt disgustingly on its own. Nausea hits you as soon as you open your eyes, as does the dizziness that makes you feel as if you are on a boat in the middle of the waves, even though you are lying down. You are so confused and in so much pain that you cannot even speak or understand where you are.
"W-Ward-H-Hydra, not--"
Disjointed and confused words leave your lips; you are not thinking clearly, you cannot even make out the faces of your girls, and in fact, you are not even really aware that they are there with you.
"Y/n, hey, it's gonna be okay, Ward's out, you're gonna be okay, okay? Stay awake okay?"
Jemma uses the flashlight again, pointing it at your pupils. You raise your hand, obviously lacking a flashlight given your current lack of communication, to ward off this annoying source of light that only increases the pain you feel.
"Love, stay still, we need to check you - Wanda, Nat, Daisy contact May and tell her to release the medical capsule." Jemma holds your head so you can't move it for any reason.
"Jem, we can't bring the capsule here. We are in a Hydra base and..."
"Natalia, we really have no choice. We shouldn't even move it in this condition."
Natasha bites her lower lip as Jemma's determined whisper forces her to nod and activate communications. The widow takes a few steps away and informs May that one of her charges is badly injured and needs immediate attention.
Wanda brushes a strand of hair away from your face and your heart misses a beat as red stains her fingers. Fatigue hits you and you can no longer keep your eyelids open.
"No stubborn idiot, you have to hold on a few more minutes please. Open your fucking eyes y/n" Daisy uses her powers to vibrate your hand; it causes you slight discomfort, but enough to make you open your eyes. You look at her confusedly with glazed eyes, and Daisy's stomach drops when she notices that even though you're looking at her, you don't even seem to notice that she's there.
"Jemma, Jemma what's wrong? Y/n, love, look at me. Can you hear me?"
You don't move, you don't do anything, even your eyes don't move, and your girls' hearts sink. Jemma checks your pulse, while Bobbi prepares the stretcher Fitz designed for situations like yours. It is so small that, thanks to the nanomaterials it is made of, it can easily be carried in a first-aid kit, yet it is as strong as an ordinary steel stretcher.
Jemma notices the spasms in your hand and the small contractions in your right leg, and for a second, panic takes over before you become a doctor again and not one of your soul mates.
"She's having a seizure; we need to get her to the Quinjet as soon as the seizure stops. Daisy, time the crisis; Bobbi, inject her with diazepam..."
"It's okay y/n, we're here with you, we won't leave you. You can get through this, love."
Wanda holds your head still and the other girls do as Jemma tells them. Natasha glances at the biochemist and when your seizure ends they quickly move you to the gurney and the little moan of pain from your lips makes them breathe a sigh of relief because it means you are at least conscious.
"What do we do with him?" Daisy says, pointing at Ward with a nod of her head, but never taking her eyes off you.
Natasha takes a deep breath, then draws her gun and points it at the scum that has been your nightmare for the past few years. Bobbi, Daisy, Wanda and Jemma nod and then they think back and look at what it has done to you, Daisy's betrayal, Jemma being thrown into the sea, the trauma it has caused Bobbi... A gunshot echoes in the cell and after a few seconds the girls think of the only thing they care about right now and as they prepare to get you out of there the nightmare that has haunted you for years finally lies on the floor with a hole in its forehead.
Wanda and Natasha stand in front of you; Daisy and Bobbi take the stretcher while Jemma keeps checking your vitals.
"May is waiting for us, the pod just hit the ground, the corridor is clear," Natasha raises her gun, her finger brushing the trigger as she leaves the cell you were locked in. After five minutes and one less magazine, you enter the small capsule as a shower of bullets is stopped by Wanda and Daisy's powers, then the doors close and the capsule begins to rise. Jemma and Bobbi set you up on the cot in the middle of the medical pod, while the other girls step aside and push against the walls so they can work out of the way. Bobbi lifts the bed rails as soon as Jemma finishes connecting the various monitors on the walls to your vital signs. Your suit has been cut open and your chest is exposed, your bra the only covering besides the three electrodes the two doctors have been busy attaching to you.
"I hate heights."
Wanda sighs, closes her eyes, and slides to the floor with her back against the wall.
Natasha kneels at her side, wrapping her arms around her sides and planting a kiss on her temple.
"We know Malyshka."
It takes a week for your brain to begin healing, and another three days for your body to open your eyes for the first time.
You blink four times before your eyes adjust to the dim light in the room and take a full twenty seconds to realize where you are. You've never liked the medical capsule, especially considering the number of times you've woken up in it. Your limbs feel as heavy as boulders, and from the dryness of your throat, you deduce that you have been unconscious for more than a few hours.
You look around, and although you didn't notice them at first, your soul mates are sitting around your bed. Wanda and Jemma are lying in each other's arms on a makeshift cot by your side, while Bobbi, Natasha, and Daisy are sitting in three chairs close together, their heads resting inhumanly on both the wall and your bed.
You lift your hand, struggling much harder than expected, and place it on Daisy's head, stroking her hair. A slight headache makes your temples throbbing, but you don't mind, and as you continue to run your fingers over your friend's silky hair, memories come flooding back, and Ward's cultured imprint is forced upon your mind, making you wince and wonder if the girls made it out unscathed. You look at them, and except for a small bandage on Daisy's cheek where she cut herself, you notice nothing out of place.
Your hand movement is interrupted by a small part of the Inhuman's head. Daisy's eyes narrow as she lifts her head from the comfortable pillow the blankets had made for her, and after focusing on the smile on your lips, sleep seems to vanish in a flash as she jumps on your neck and hugs you with all the strength she possesses.
"We were so afraid you wouldn't wake up - don't ever do that to us again."
Daisy whispers, filling your face with kisses. Awakened by the noise of the Inhuman, even the other girls take a few seconds to realize that you are finally awake, and soon you are attacked by a sandwich hug.
"Don't ever do this to us again, Malyshka."
"You had us so scared detka,"
"Hey Rockstar, it's about time you woke up. It's been ten days since we've seen those beautiful eyes."
Bobbi leans over and plants a kiss on your forehead. You open your mouth to speak, and when the words you thought you had come out garbled and stuttered, you frown. Jemma gives you a reassuring smile, but then tightens her lips. You all know she only does that when she has bad news to tell.
"We've induced a medically induced coma for seven days to allow your brain to heal from the concussion, so you'll have to go into rehab for a few months...I know it's frustrating, y/n, but it's necessary for you to heal properly, and you really have no choice in the matter."
Jemma speaks slowly, punctuating each word with a look that doesn't allow for an answer, and from the looks on your girls' faces you realize that this time you won't be able to avoid the doctor's orders.
You smile and roll your eyes as you nod slowly, afraid that the pain in your head will get worse. You reach out to them, motioning for them to hug you again, and they do.
You try to say "I love you", but the words don't come out of your mouth, but Wanda smiles at you, leaves a sweet kiss on your lips and whispers against them, "We love you too, detka. Rest now, it will be very long weeks".
You close your eyes with a smile still on your lips, and although the road ahead is long, you have a feeling that you will be able to rest easy; strangely, your soulmate instinct tells you that Ward will no longer be a problem. How strange...
Thanks for reading! Two updates in one week, let's talk about it. Anyway, leave a like, comment and if you feel like it, support me on ko-fi. I remind you that applications are always open and have a nice day!
Taglist: @wandanatsbaby @bioquake-archives @bioquakeweek @daisyjohnsonx @wandanatsgirlfriend @chaekhan @station19 @resilientpendragon @so-no-kissing-then @thearchpitbullmx @ashadash0904 @kingshitonly @alwaysgoodnight @callistic @xjule @yuleni18 @simpforwandanat @alexxislexi @mrsdanversromanoff @coollemonsaresour @hushed-woodsman @razorscooteer @eponine-xx @maniacallinc @michelle170 @classyig @elenaguarnieri @scarletwidow @tati3001 @cristin-rjd @your-my-mission @mr-nicely @hi-i-1 @anniethurs @ktstwice @scarlet-raccoon @maria-403 @goldfishthegr8 @wandanatfan @looiegirl-blog @bioquake-blog @daisyjohnsonx
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backgroundagent3 · 10 months
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There's so much betrayal on this show I had trouble choosing characters. 😅
(Source) / (Insp)
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kukos-satellite · 1 month
Sometimes I just want to give my comfort character is a big ol’ hug or smooch on their forehead but I’m too awkward to actually do that to them 🧍‍♂️
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