pkmnomegaverse · 8 months
Cut Fankids Rounds 6
Just axed some kids a month ago, but fankidtober always brings out that urge in me. I’ve slowly been going through the families in this verse and examining them. First to determine if I still like the ship or not (which the answer to this isn’t the important one, it just helps determine what I’ll do given the answer to the second question). Next I look at any kids that ship has and determine if I like the kid (the important question). Do I like the design/do I think I’ll ever be able to figure out a design. And then do I like the character/is there anything there.  If I don’t really like the kid, I try to think if they can be salvaged and either try to salvage them then or push them aside if it’s mostly just a design issue. Those sometimes take a long time to brew.  If I like them but not their parent ship, I’ll see if it’s possible to move them to a new family (like with Aurora), or if their character is too tied in to their parent ship (this is how Ren/Ran was), I’ll just shrug and keep the ship for the narrative.  But what I’m mostly doing is looking at the fankids as OCs and trying to decide if I like them enough to keep them (which you think is what I always would have done and yet…). It doesn’t matter if logically they should exist in the narrative, if I don’t like them as OCs they gotta go.
So this round is mostly Kanto, since I cut too many there so need a new post to fit more cause of the tag limit. So just these are being cut for now
- Trace Hemlock (Alpha; 40) & Chase [Roth] Hemlock (Omega; 40) (AdventurerShipping)    
Everly Hemlock - Omega!Girl; 19 (Twin)     
I’ve never really been able to figure out anything with her character. She exists mostly to be the opposite of Chloe. Which a character needs more than that to exist. I almost cut her brother but he at least has a base design and a cousin I can play him off of. And kinda lonely single child who’s shy is something at least.  Him being sisterless might be the push I need to do something with him.  Like sure, it loses why they’re named as they are, but so it goes. But I think this is a situation where I need to revamp the fankid for this ship completely or just swap ships.
- Archer Richter (Alpha; 53) & Silver Civello (Omega; 40) (BodyguardShipping)
Enzian Civello - Alpha!Boy
This is really more I just don’t like him as an OC, not that there’s anything wrong with his concept. I’ve also been thinking a lot more about the outcome of Ethan/Silver’s story and wanting to maybe change things? But even if nothing changes on that end, that doesn’t change the fact Envian exists as little more than a footnote for the epilogue. He’s not like Sieg who I’ve thought about in What-If AUs. So best to just cut. Maybe stuff still goes down with Silver and Archer post Silver/Ethan breakup, just no baby. Maybe I change that completely. It’s still in the air, but since I have no desire to do anything with Enzian, he’s gone. Can be revived as Silver’s kid with whoever in ChampionVerse
- Petrel Arrollo (Alpha; 53) & Wendy [Russo] Arrollo (Beta; 49) (MakeupShipping)
Desna Arrolo  - Alpha!Girl; 16
I think her name is really cool. But that’s it. Her parent ship is fun so they’re still together, just have no kid now. Probably the biggest issue is for the Neo Rocket kids, it’s the boys I have more of a concept of. Atlas and Roland both have something, it’s mostly their design I’m kinda stumped on.  But Desna doesn’t really have any substance past being the only girl. She might get revived at some point but feels best to cut her for now. 
- Tyson Larch (Alpha; 54) & Mondo [Mopane] Larch (Omega; 46) (BearHugShipping)
Mistral Larch - Omega!Girl; 12  (Mondo’s biological child with Pierce Sego; RocketThrustShipping; fling)
 It’s again the no substance. I have A Lot of baby sister characters who don’t really do anything but be cute, but the difference there is I like their designs a lot or their older sib is so important, they get to live by virtue of that (looking at you Mel).  So stuff with her parent ship is still happening (Pierce hooking up with Tyson and Mondo on the regular) just no baby cause I don’t really like Mistral as a character. 
- Reggie Eahlstan (Omega) & Lear [REDACTED] Eahlstan (LostKingdomShipping)
Pan Eahlstan - Nonbinary (Reggie’s child with Kincaid)
Rusk Eahlstan - Omega!Boy (Reggie’s son with Zero Axis; MesmericShipping)
This entire thing is getting cut! Mostly I just want to take whatever is going on with Reggie back to the drawing bored. Totally possible his kids will get revived but I felt I rushed him a bit since I had more of a vision for Paul and rushed his brother as a result. But want to just take them off lists for now. Rusk is tentatively being moved to being a Newton/Zero kid but even that’s pretty tentative. I kinda like his design tho so want to keep him alive for now at least. 
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anotherhumanpet · 2 years
Envy’s hesitant to tell the teen what he knows. But he’s getting nothing from Pride, and Sloth, from what he can tell, has already fled. There are no orders except for the original one from Yin: protect the lil brat.
“Bad. Lots of bad. No fucking clue what’s going on at the fight, but I’m guessing it has a little bit to do with the fact that I can’t feel Yin anymore. I, I don’t —” Envy’s completely tense. “I don’t know what the hell I’m sensing, but it can’t be good. It’d be best to stay here. At least until whatever it is passes.” ~ Kaiju-crimson-storyandask
"Then go with Jaden!" He barked, pointing at the front door his uncle had just fled through. It seemed unlikely he'd be listened to at the moment, especially since he was the charge to Envy's bodyguardship and not in any sort of position to command or demand anything, but he had to try. If something was happening and Jaden was out, getting involved, then he had to his damnedest to help in a way everyone could approve of. Otherwise the other option was to just walk right out the door and piss everybody off. "I'll be fine here. Just-- Go keep an eye on Jaden."
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kuzunoharaidouxiv · 11 years
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犯罪ではない by hizumi
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pkmnomegaverse · 3 years
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Fankidtober Day 7: Enzian
The son of Archer and Silver.  He’s so baby, he’s not even born yet when the main kids are traveling, as Silver is in his 40s(?) when he has him. His rebound baby after his messy divorce with Ethan.  As such, Enzian exists as more of a concept than a legit fankid, but I imagine he’s the spoiled baby of the Rocket fam. Might or might not be the eventual heir, since I see Silver officially adopting Atlas (Archer’s son with Proton, and thus Silver’s stepson) as his heir if that’s something the boy ends up wanting.
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pkmnomegaverse · 5 years
Archer/Silver would make a good couple. I’d like to see their fankiddo.
A proper heir to Team Rocket.  The son of the leader and his right-hand man.  They’re definitely a pairing I wouldn’t normally consider, but they fit the narrative.  Archer really does end up becoming one of the people Silver grows especially close to over the years, despite their rocky start.  It’s the combined efforts of the two of them that manage to reform Team Rocket into a new organization, since while Silver may be the one deciding overall policies and the more positive direction he wants to lead the group to, Archer is the one who knows how to make things happen.  The one who comes up with a plan on how to achieve their goals.
Either way, Archer would end up being one of the main people who would try to offer Silver support after he and Ethan split.  For as much as Silver tries to hide how torn up he is over the situation, the two of them have spent enough time together by this point that Archer would be able to see right through him.  While his own situation with Proton isn’t quite the same as what Silver is facing with Ethan, he would be able to sympathize with being betrayed by a partner.  He wouldn’t try to take advantage of Silver’s grief, since while his morals are gray at best, he has enough sense and regard for Silver that he wouldn’t do that to him.  Both because it would potentially jeopardize the team by causing strife between them, but also because he honestly does respect Silver as both his leader and his friend.
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pkmnomegaverse · 5 years
Does Silver will ever found new lover, After what happed to him and Ethan ?
I’m still thinking about this. Leaf has been brought up to me as a possible option, since she does end up working for him after Team Cross gets taken down.  Her and Silver grow close, but in general, I prefer when these two are portrayed as having a more sibling like relationship over romantic (not that they end up with a sibling-like relationship in this verse, but still). So she’s an option.
While I’d be unlikely to endgame this, since you brought up the idea of a lover, I have considered Archer as well.  After years of working together, in a moment of weakness, it’s entirely possible that they’d end up sleeping together. Especially after going out for drinks after work while Silver is still pretty torn up over Ethan.  Silver is the limiting factor in this relationship, since Archer would see no issue with the two of them becoming lovers. Silver would both not want to further complicate his life by getting involved with his right hand man, but also just doesn’t like Archer in that way.  He views him as a trusted comrade and maybe even sort of a friend, but not as a potential romantic partner.   But part-time lovers while he’s feeling especially down would be a possibility.
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