pkmnomegaverse · 8 months
Cut Fankids Rounds 6
Just axed some kids a month ago, but fankidtober always brings out that urge in me. I’ve slowly been going through the families in this verse and examining them. First to determine if I still like the ship or not (which the answer to this isn’t the important one, it just helps determine what I’ll do given the answer to the second question). Next I look at any kids that ship has and determine if I like the kid (the important question). Do I like the design/do I think I’ll ever be able to figure out a design. And then do I like the character/is there anything there.  If I don’t really like the kid, I try to think if they can be salvaged and either try to salvage them then or push them aside if it’s mostly just a design issue. Those sometimes take a long time to brew.  If I like them but not their parent ship, I’ll see if it’s possible to move them to a new family (like with Aurora), or if their character is too tied in to their parent ship (this is how Ren/Ran was), I’ll just shrug and keep the ship for the narrative.  But what I’m mostly doing is looking at the fankids as OCs and trying to decide if I like them enough to keep them (which you think is what I always would have done and yet…). It doesn’t matter if logically they should exist in the narrative, if I don’t like them as OCs they gotta go.
So this round is mostly Kanto, since I cut too many there so need a new post to fit more cause of the tag limit. So just these are being cut for now
- Trace Hemlock (Alpha; 40) & Chase [Roth] Hemlock (Omega; 40) (AdventurerShipping)    
Everly Hemlock - Omega!Girl; 19 (Twin)     
I’ve never really been able to figure out anything with her character. She exists mostly to be the opposite of Chloe. Which a character needs more than that to exist. I almost cut her brother but he at least has a base design and a cousin I can play him off of. And kinda lonely single child who’s shy is something at least.  Him being sisterless might be the push I need to do something with him.  Like sure, it loses why they’re named as they are, but so it goes. But I think this is a situation where I need to revamp the fankid for this ship completely or just swap ships.
- Archer Richter (Alpha; 53) & Silver Civello (Omega; 40) (BodyguardShipping)
Enzian Civello - Alpha!Boy
This is really more I just don’t like him as an OC, not that there’s anything wrong with his concept. I’ve also been thinking a lot more about the outcome of Ethan/Silver’s story and wanting to maybe change things? But even if nothing changes on that end, that doesn’t change the fact Envian exists as little more than a footnote for the epilogue. He’s not like Sieg who I’ve thought about in What-If AUs. So best to just cut. Maybe stuff still goes down with Silver and Archer post Silver/Ethan breakup, just no baby. Maybe I change that completely. It’s still in the air, but since I have no desire to do anything with Enzian, he’s gone. Can be revived as Silver’s kid with whoever in ChampionVerse
- Petrel Arrollo (Alpha; 53) & Wendy [Russo] Arrollo (Beta; 49) (MakeupShipping)
Desna Arrolo  - Alpha!Girl; 16
I think her name is really cool. But that’s it. Her parent ship is fun so they’re still together, just have no kid now. Probably the biggest issue is for the Neo Rocket kids, it’s the boys I have more of a concept of. Atlas and Roland both have something, it’s mostly their design I’m kinda stumped on.  But Desna doesn’t really have any substance past being the only girl. She might get revived at some point but feels best to cut her for now. 
- Tyson Larch (Alpha; 54) & Mondo [Mopane] Larch (Omega; 46) (BearHugShipping)
Mistral Larch - Omega!Girl; 12  (Mondo’s biological child with Pierce Sego; RocketThrustShipping; fling)
 It’s again the no substance. I have A Lot of baby sister characters who don’t really do anything but be cute, but the difference there is I like their designs a lot or their older sib is so important, they get to live by virtue of that (looking at you Mel).  So stuff with her parent ship is still happening (Pierce hooking up with Tyson and Mondo on the regular) just no baby cause I don’t really like Mistral as a character. 
- Reggie Eahlstan (Omega) & Lear [REDACTED] Eahlstan (LostKingdomShipping)
Pan Eahlstan - Nonbinary (Reggie’s child with Kincaid)
Rusk Eahlstan - Omega!Boy (Reggie’s son with Zero Axis; MesmericShipping)
This entire thing is getting cut! Mostly I just want to take whatever is going on with Reggie back to the drawing bored. Totally possible his kids will get revived but I felt I rushed him a bit since I had more of a vision for Paul and rushed his brother as a result. But want to just take them off lists for now. Rusk is tentatively being moved to being a Newton/Zero kid but even that’s pretty tentative. I kinda like his design tho so want to keep him alive for now at least. 
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idlespright · 1 year
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Alpine flowers In Bavaria.
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sugarloafvalleygirl · 11 months
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Swiss mountain flowers for my grandmother 💖
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Can you tell us more about Elio, Selene, and their children and relationship with their partners?
This ask has been sitting here a while and their families have gone through some pretty big changes since then, but I think I'm now in a comfortable place with the Alola protags to answer this!
Selene & Elio spent most of their childhoods living a very unstable and transitory lifestyle with their single father, Orion. He lost most of his memories when the twins were toddlers, but due to a distrust of authority he never sought help for this, simply doing his best to raise his children on his own and provide for them. When Elio & Selene were around 7 or 8, they moved to Vermillion, Kanto where Orion befriended a woman named Clarissa, who often babysat the twins while Orion worked his various odd-jobs, and even eventually offered them a place to live with her. Only a few years after getting settled, however, Orion up and left with very minimal warning to his roommate and children, leaving Clarissa to take custody of Selene & Elio as they had no other relatives. With this backdrop, when one of Clarissa's cousins announced they were selling their house in Alola, she took the opportunity to move there for the sake of a fresh start for the children. When they set out on their island trials, Selene & Elio are still coming to terms with the disappearance of their father as well as moving regions, a plotline I thought would work well in tandem with Gladion & Lillie's stories! (Also they find out that Actually they and their father are Fallers and that's the true cause of his amnesia, they were just too little to have noticed any lost memories. How things resolve on that end is still WiP!)
Selene and Elio trade off the Champion seat every year or so for a while, but by the next-gen era the title has gone to Acerola! She and Selene are married, and Selene now works full time as a photographer, both artistically and for documenting the variety of pokemon and other creatures that inhabit Alola (her specialty is spirit photography!) Elio is married to current Aether President Gladion, and is an Pokémon Ranger who works closely with the organization, helping to protect habitats and bringing in injured wild pokémon for care. More details on their families under the cut!
Selene has always had a fascination with the macabre and ghost stories, lending her otherwise cheerful and somewhat airheaded demeanor a sinister tinge (aka she will happily discuss the ghost standing right next to you with her usual smile). When she first got her Rotom Dex and discovered it had a camera, she became obsessed with documenting her Trial through photographs, and Acerola's trial ignited a love of photographing ghosts and ghost-types. She loves the idea of being able to capture the intangible on film, both for artistic merit and scientific research. After the events of the game, Selene remains in Alola and is the one who works with Interpol to catch UBs, which is how she and Acerola grew closer and eventually form a romantic relationship! After their first child, Lirio, is born is when Selene decides to retire as a trainer to pursue her photography full time and when Acerola became the Champion (where she remains). The two go on to have a second child, Eugenia, a few years later. Lirio is a very serious boy who can sometimes be a bit of a stick in the mud, though he's also a fiercely competitive trainer. Eugenia on the other hand is a very cheerful and somewhat ditzy girl who is known for losing track of time and wandering off (Lirio worries about her as much as he complains about her).
Elio did his best to keep his spirits up throughout his childhood, but in many ways felt that he had to do so in order for Selene to not grow despondent when times were tough as well. This carried over when they moved to Alola, Elio keeping a happy expression even when venting his frustrations or being a bit mean (or manipulative). This exacerbated his rivalry with Gladion, who resented him for being "fake". Over the course of the game, however, the two realize they have more in common than it initially appeared, forming a close bond of friendship and rivalry. After the end of the game, the two of them decide to travel together to other regions and challenge more leagues, eventually forming a romantic relationship along the way. This is also when Elio learns about Pokémon Rangers! When they return to Alola, Elio and Selene compete for the Champion seat together for a while, trading it off every so often, but once they both decide Acerola is the better fit, he revisits the idea of being a Ranger, something he prefers to working directly for Aether as he doesn't like dealing with people, so it's something he can do on his own terms! He and Gladion have two children - Primrose, who is a timid coordinator, and Enzian, an energetic and adventurous boy fond of playing pranks.
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biologyfiction · 2 years
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alsterimages · 5 months
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More pretty blue flowers
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novemberhope · 2 years
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asinparadies · 2 years
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Wenn du zu viele Heidelbeeren gegessen hast:
kot d'azur
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theyoungwaldschrat · 2 years
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Great Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea)
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the-fourth-knower · 2 years
Details about the deer please
Well for fun doe facts..
She should not be allowed to cook on her own. She won't ruin any kitchens as long as she doesn't cook with her sister. But she will experiment. A lot.
Part of her head is somewhat scarred, hidden mostly by her fur tufts. But her ear scars are pretty visible.
Her fur tufts react to her emotions, perking up when happy or drooping down when sad. And so on.
Her dad is Germaneseque, maybe. Her mother is very French. This leads to her having a distinctive accent to her voice.
Gardening is a big passion for her. A lot of her free time she can be found tending to plants, especially flowers.
She's pretty knowledgeable in what plants can do what, in part thanks to her gardening habits. And also in part to her ability to 'commune' with plants. the latter of which is why she likes gardening to being with
She is very close to @aquillis-main's Trevor Wheatfield. The two were childhood friends, and remain close friends to this day. Once they re-establish a friendship.
she learned archer from her father, while her mother taught her how to use a pistol - specifically a laser type one.
She is mainly fond of vegetarian foods. But she will eat others, much like irl deer.
Angelica is not fond of crowds. She's terrible for city based environements, even if she gets adjusted.
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floridageekscene · 2 years
Bowie Week Begins At The Enzian!
Bowie Week Begins At The Enzian!
  Bowie week is starting so get ready for some great David Bowie film classics including Labyrinth, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, The Hunger, and The Man Who Fell to Earth, which all lead up to the September 23rd showing of the Bowie documentary Moonage Daydream at the Enzian Theater in Maitland Florda.     Visit the Enzian website for more information about this event.
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Accompanied by friends, relatives and students who came to stay, they took excursions in rowing boats to uncomfortable islands or walked ecstatically across flower-filled meadows exclaiming "Alpenrosen!" or "Enzian!" Since a number of doctors, lawyers, theologians and string quartets also had houses along the lake, some extremely high-powered conversations often grew up between one clump of flowers and the next. Midges bit people, splinters from the bathing huts lodged in their feet, bilberries stained their teeth - and each evening they gathered to watch the sun set behind the snow-capped mountains and shriek "Wunderbar!"
He was due back in Cambridge, but he came and proved an excellent bilberry picker, an enthusiastic oarsman and a man able to shriek "Wunderbar!" with the best of them.
Most of the students too were glad to be lazy, but Ruth, accustomed to the ascent of high places from which to say "Wunderbar!" scrambled to the top of the hill which commanded a view of the coast for miles[...]
The Morning Gift (1993), Eva Ibbotson
The phrase 'shriek Wunderbar!' does not live rent-free in my head because it's been there so long it got squatter's rights years ago and has legal ownership now.
It has a unique connotation of "affectionate about the absurdity of being way too intense" and it's untranslatable.
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konrul · 6 months
Stranded in Monaco di Baviera
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I started preparing for this trip by watching the first season of Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl. Little did I know that my short vacation will double in length.
There was a time when München was known as the Haupstadt der Bewegung, but in the last few days there was no bewegung of trams, buses and most of the flights were canceled. So I got stuck.
The first thing that hit me in the city was the smell. Later I would feel the same smell (or another, a mixture of pork, sausages and Glühwein) even from the 91 m high tower of the St. Peter church.
However the first thing to warm my soul was this Osram advert:
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On the way to the Glypthotek I was happy to see this:
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Of course one goes to the Glypthotek to see the Medusa Rondanini.
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"the mere knowledge that such a work could be created and still exists in the world makes me twice the person I was"
And in München one goes to eat and drink.
Obazda goes very good with beer (look up a recipe and make it as soon as you can).
Pork knuckles were a disappointment (I think the ones I am used to are smoked beforehand).
The beef soup? My mother makes better soup from chicken!
If you care about sacrificed animals and you think that every possible part of it should be used, also if you like to eat organs, you might try Milzwurst that is a thick sausage made with spleen. You might try it, but it's just meh...
What to drink? Drink helles, Feuerzangenbowle, Enzian and Bärwurz Schnaps and generally spirits that are so obscure that even the young waitress doesn't know about their existence (Bockbierbrand).
Now about something else. On the third day the snow was so big that the airport got in full chaos mode.
On that day I have seen a young woman skiing on the sidewalk. Next level for sure.
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In six days I have seen almost everything I wanted and some things I didn't even care about so much and I made a daytrip to Norimberga.
Not much photos on my phone. I will make later a then and now post.
The End
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Nyissz! at Asamkirche
the music for this trip was:
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Pretty blue flowers
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