#Boiling Isles Civil War AU
drachenfalter · 2 years
Boiling Isles Civil War?
Okay, first of, this is not a prediction for anything that will happen in the Owl House finale. Tbh I fully expect the show to gloss over all of this (if we even get an epilogue).
But when the show ends, the Boiling Isles won't have an Emperor anymore. And the whole organization that upheld this empire, the Emperor's Coven, will have lost the support of its citizens and most of its members.
So it really feels like this can only end with the empire (at least temporarily) dissolving into smaller independent countries and city-states. (We do have "New Hexside" already).
"But why wouldn't they just stay together?" I mean it's pretty clear that the people of the Boiling Isles will have to make some big changes to their laws and legal systems, given that those were mostly introduced and upheld by the E.C. and the Coven System. And that will lead to different political camps forming.
We also saw the cultural differences between Bonesborough and Latissa, and know there are extreme rivalries between schools. So there will be disagreements about how to structure their new governments, how to make political decisions and what changes to the law are necessary.
Now, maybe they just agree to disagree and each do their own thing for now. That's probably the best case scenario.
But with people like Kikimora and Odalia around, people that would happily burn down the world to get what they want, some kind of civil war seems equally possible.
We might even have some remnants of the "Emperor's Coven", people that feel everything was better under Belos, that ignore or downplay all the harm he did and try to rebuild his coven system.
Again, I do not believe that this will happen in canon, simply because it's a kids show and they need to wrap up things quickly.
I'm just saying that this would be a very believable continuation of the events in the Owl House.
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 2 years
Magical Summer AU
What if the day of Unity happened before Luz's arrival at the boiling isles? (What if AU #4)
The main premise is that some people of the boiling isles escape to the Human Realm during the Day of Unity, resulting in people like Willow, Amity, Bosha, Vee, Gus, Hunter, and others living in the Human Realm without Luz's guidance and eventually be send to the Reality Check Camp to learn to be "Human" Here is what would be a rough outline for the story if anyone is interested:
---Close to the beginning of the summer in the human realm, Belos decides to start the Day of Unity ahead of schedule. This has direct consequences like the following:
-The mass brandings happen at the schools sooner, which means that a good portion of the young population ends up branded with sigils.
-the abomatrons were still in development so there was no robotic army to assist the emperor's coven yet.
-No adoption day without Luz so no palismans for anyone
---The CATTs (Raine, Darius, and eberwolf) actually succeed in going inside the emperor's mind, discovering his real plans for the Day of Unity, burning the whole place down, and revealing to the world the true purpose of the Day of Unity. Unfortunately, Belos survives and sends all of his armies to subjugate any opposition across the isles. Resulting in the equivalent of a civil war.
---Upon realizing that nowhere in the Demon Realm will be safe during the Day of Unity, Raine contacts Eda about her portal to the Human Realm, with the intention of sending as many people through it to assure their survival.
-Between them we have: Willow and one of her dads - Gus was sent alone - Bosha was also sent alone - The twins had to sneak Amity out while being chased by Odalia (They stayed behind) - some other students from Hexide, Glandus, and that other school - Vee came with one of her older siblings - One of Raine's students (I'm in between Skara or Amber)
-They planned to come back to the Demon realm at the end of the Summer (But when the time comes there is no portal)
-Hunter eventually made it into the Human realm (Although I haven't come out with a reason... Maybe Darius kinda kidnaps him and throws him through the portal like: "This is for your own good prince" or something like that)
---Luz does arrive at the Reality Check Camp. Where she will slowly discover what others are hiding from her during her stay.
---At some point rifts between the realms will start appearing, resulting in beasts going through them and causing harm throughout the town and camp. The witches are forced to fight them because they are attracted to magic, and during one of the first fights, Luz discovers them and kinds becomes part of the group mostly out of convenience at first.
I admit that I haven't thought too much about this one, is mostly a loose idea without enough planning, but I imagine that somebody may be interested in giving this AU a try. So if you want to take it and write something go ahead!
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[ToH Expanded AU] Realms Boiling Isles Pt.2
Chont’s Brineland, Enchanted Cubic Realm
Once cursed by a rogue Archivist covered by a cubic over making everything inside it made of cubes, people figured out all living things that get inside turn cuboid, and those getting outside are un-cubed. Old folklore said there were homes of monsters(For example, Slime, Pigkins, or ‘The Booming Green’) and pacifist farming humanoids called “Hugaters”(or ‘Villagers’). Despite the land riched in precious geological resources, neither Hugaters nor any mobs used it practically, except emeralds as currencies.
The first groups of witches settled there to make the trading city and mining colonies on the Brineland. They exported cubed blocks of metal and diamonds, exotic potion materials, and ‘buckets of non-boiling waters’. They also traded with villagers by selling them metals, crafted items, and emeralds (some are jade or colored glasses) for food and services. These witches are later called ‘the miners’ or ‘the crafters’.
However, a young witch born in the Brineland colony declared their potential beyond the need for the villagers as an alliance, but second-class citizens. The witch is later known as ‘General Sterper’, along with his vice general, first lady, and leader of the council; ‘General’s Hand, Alexia’, as they couped the colony and declared independence. The civil war raged between the colonials and the ‘Supremacists’, while there was another side, the Chontites. The Chontites were a group of witches who integrated their cultures with Hugaters, master magic of potions, and Golem crafting, and were strongly against mass urbanization.
The Chontites were led by a figure known as ‘Heros, the son of Chont’. Chont was the sage who gave birth to a compromising ideology valuing cooperation between colonists, non-hostile mobs, and villagers The Chontites, united with some villagers and Pigkins. Heroes was blinded while being captive by the Supremacists but saved later after a siege. Heros was later called ‘Heros the blind’, and eventually ‘Herobrine’, especially a rumor about his return as a demigod vanguard of the mob hoards against General Sterper’s lands. Rumors claimed he still saw surroundings as monochrome, so the regime used colors as symbolism as decryption upon Herobrine and his legions.
Zol-Rymann, Domain of Djinn
The realm of sand and volcanoes scattered oases of non-boiling non-acidic freshwater, which also holds other treasures; Djinn. These spiritual manifestations are believed to be shattered souls of Archivists Titans had slain, becoming individuals, yet, bonded on local mortal souls. Unlike Witches’ magic, bonding oneself with a Djinn requires no Magical Bile but making a deal with a Djinn looking for a mortal host. Usually, the safest and most common way is paying priests of different ‘schools’ to find an individual Djinn they feel fitting and let the Djinn choose if it wants to bond with a mortal choosing, as when the seal had been made, both will live and die together without reverse. Some other ways are dominating a masterless djinn and claiming it as one’s own(maybe already have one bonded or not), stealing or making deals with the nearly-deads(or their djinns), or making a bond on their own(the most dangerous one).
Seven Duchies of Ealryne , Domain of Savage Magic
Duchies of Ealryne are ruled by the dukes and duchesses who barely care for their people beyond pawns and pieces to drive their power, ruling from the council of eight where the main throne had been left empty for centuries. Under the dukes are knight-based clans, warlords, and merchants that exploit peasants by different means, as the knights recruited youths and taxed produce for the “wars” that barely win against other realms, or to crush the rebellions. The warlords taxed them and shamelessly cooperated with bandits, black market runners, kidnappers, and several types of scum who benefit, and merchants mostly monopolized the locals market and suppressed the underlings to get any better life, or make sure weak ones die to keep subjects of the duchies strong and efficient.
Under oppression and loose anarchy, the oppressed peasants are not marginalized by the coven system, but by poor educational access and forced into land-bonded laborers. Some of them are trained by trial and error, focusing on self-defense, revenge, or even causing harm to weaker ones to survive and thrive. Several ‘circles’ have been formed by ones inventing successful paths of magic. Unlike wild magic, it is free to adapt, but under rules of efficiency and victories over others. There are also homes of various outside questionable magics; necromancy, eldritch magic aided by evil entities, parasitic magic blood alchemy, and several others to be named.
Yajrbura, Domain of Ashurahi
The Jungle of Yajrbura are home of witches and demons who coexist with another race known as ‘Ashurahi’. Ashurahi is a large and muscular distant relative race to witches with extra limbs of arms, having fang-like teeth, and being hunchbacks (which humans describe them to resembling gorillas or primitive humans with larger bodies and more dense). Ashurahi usually dwells on mountains or hearts of the jungles while witches and demons live on grasslands and hills, while interacting with others by trade and military cooperation. Despite Ashurahi and witches sharing genetic similarities, their mixed offspring almost always die young, if not miscarried. 
Ashurahi Civilization doesn’t build their own building but enslaves witches and demons from slave trading and warfare to do those jobs. However, they may offer mercenary service, non-aggression pacts, peaceful subjugation, or serve the realms of witches/demons with enough food, resistance power, labors, and/or exotic resources. 
According to the records of ancient Boiling Isles’ scholars, Yajrbura worshipped the bird-man who carried the sun on his back and his sister whose womb is a moon. Some lesser gods are totems of witches or legendary figures of Ashurahi.
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Luz the Seeker (Owl House/Huntik: Secrets & Seekers Crossover Idea)
I want to ask, has anyone thought of a Crossover fic between the Owl House and Huntik: Secrets & Seekers? If not, I will discuss my own!! Everybody clap your hands!!!
To help with people who don't know it, I shall now info-dump some of the lore!! And by some I mean a lot. In the World of Huntik, spirits of incredible power, known as Titans, are native to a separate Dimension, also known as Huntik. For generations, the Titans have been summoned to Earth to aid humanity, with the most famous being the Legendary Titans of Casterwill, an ancient sorcerer who saved the world from the Nullifiers, another species native to Huntik, but are instead pure evil, consumed with nothing less than the desire to see all of reality destroyed and subsumed into them. After their defeat, Titans have been scattered throughout human history, lending their immense power and potential to those people who can bond with the Talismans that act as their method of summoning and anchor in our world; these individuals are known as Seekers. Titans are principally divided into Eight core categories: Draco-Titans, Gaia-Titans, Hecto-Titans, Krono-Titans, Litho-Titans, Meso-Titans, Swara-Titans, and Yama-Titans. Each corresponds to a region of the world in terms of design, though some can seem off theme to some extent, and each has some form of connection to historical myth, legend, and even historical facts. Draco-Titans are a type of Titans featured prominently in European legends, particularly those of Medieval England. The fighting style and noble, chivalrous nature that most of them possess, inspired people to act the same and developed into the code of chivalry followed by knights. Draco-Titans' amulets are usually steel-blue with a grayish-pink gem in the center. Gaia-Titans are a type of Titan which tend to be protective and helpful. Gaia-Titans are strongly tied to nature, particularly wood or plants. Because of these ties, most of them are green or greenish-brown. Some may be covered in bark or leaves, with some even looking like walking trees, such as Dark Dryad. Gaia means Earth in Greek, so these Titans are essentially Earth-Titans or Nature-Titans. Gaia-Titan amulets tend to be a pale silver white with a light green gem. A notable exception is the Amulet of Will for Overlos. Many Gaia Titans are found mainly in Ireland. Hecto-Titans are Titans based upon Egyptian legends. Many Hecto-Titans appear like mummies with a monstrous appearance, earning them a place as the monsters residing in Egyptian tombs. Their terrible nature and taking enjoyment from chaos and destruction means that bonding Seekers need to possess a similar attitude. Their amulets tend to be yellow with blue and green highlights and a pale silver gem in the center. Krono-Titans are Titans that are based off of Greek or Roman mythology. These Titans tend to be warriors, a fitting position considering the war-like nature of the Greeks during ancient history. The word 'Krono-Titan' may be based on Kronos of mythology, the imprisoned Greek Titan and father of Zeus. Krono-Titan Amulets tend to be orange and yellow with an aqua gem. Litho-Titans are a very durable type of Titan because most of them are composed of rocks or ice. Litho-Titans usually carve themselves a place in history, even among humans who know nothing about Seekers or magic. Metagolem became the famous Golem of Prague. Gar-Ghoul inspired the gargoyle statues on the rooftops across Europe. Fenris and Ymir are famous among Norse mythology, being responsible for the birth and death of the world. Litho-Titans act almost as if they want to be known for their power. Lithosphere is the ground part of Earth. Litho-Titan Amulets tend to be stone grey, with occasional light blue highlights for ice-based Titans, and have a purple gem in the center with yellow outline around the gem. Meso-Titans are powerful Titans that are difficult to control. They tend to be aggressive and may cause collateral damage if not watched carefully. Some Meso-Titans control powerful natural forces, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Others use combat attacks based on stomping, jumping, and spinning. Meso-Titans often resemble creatures of Native American and Central American stories, such as fierce warriors and totem like monsters. Mesosphere is the middle part of the Earth's atmosphere. Only a Seeker with a very strong will can bond with, let alone control, a Meso-Titan. Meso-Titan Amulets are typically grey with black or yellow highlights and a blue gem. Swara-Titans are a type of Titan, most often used by villains, and are based upon African legends and insects. Like Araknos, a large number of Swara-Titans tend to lean toward arthropods such as arachnids and insects. Swara-Titan Amulets tend to be brown with a darker brown or gold trim and a red gem. Yama-Titans are clever and often overly independent. They often think that their way of doing something is better than their bonded Seeker; because of this, successfully controlling a Yama-Titan can require concentrating exactly on what one wants them to do. Human-like Yama-Titans often have features common to Asian myths, such as clothing or weaponry. Yama-Titans were appropriately common in ancient Asia. People told stories about them, and these stories eventually became myths. Yama-Titan amulets tend to be black with silver highlights with a pale green gem. A notable exception is the ring of Tao since the amulets of Legendary Titans are gold with a gem that matches the Titan. The Legendary Titans are an incredibly rare, powerful type of Titan which were originally controlled by Lord Casterwill and his family and whose Rings and Amulets were later hidden with greater safeguards than the Amulets of any other Titans. The Legendary Titans find their places in the legends of many ancient civilizations and were sometimes considered gods. If a Seeker attempts to use a Legendary Titan without the Amulet of Will or without passing the proper Casterwill test, they may be put under a powerful curse. Three Legendary Titans, Tao, Behemoth, and Araknos, are involved in a ritual to summon Overlos from the Amulet of Will. Because they could technically be considered a sibling species to Titans, I'll include some info on Nullifiers, especially as they can be summoned like Titans. Their isn't a whole lot to say about them, but Nullifiers are often ludicrously powerful, with a bevy of mind-bending abilities as a whole, they largely draw inspiration from the Cthulhu Mythos when it comes to appearance. Nullifiers do not have the standard Classes. In addition to their type, Titans can also be identified by their Class, that is to say, if they are Blasters, Enchanters, Explorers, Scouts, Sentinels, Sharpshooters, Sorcerers, or Warriors. Blasters are those whose specialty lies in high-power blasts as their combat method of choice, and are surprisingly rare. Enchanters are, like Sorcerers, those with principally mystical powers, but are usually geared more towards indirect combat or support, or are associated with more "good" legends as a whole. Explorer Titans are those that excel in espionage, information retrieval, and stealth, distinguishing themselves from Scouts by being larger, more humanoid, and often having more direct combat options. Scouts are often small, with a higher emphasis on information retrieval, spying, and so on, than combat. Sentinels are those which are typically used to guard or watch over something or someone, with a bigger emphasis on durability and defense than the other martial Classes, and are as rare as true Blasters. Sharpshooters are high flying ranged-attackers, with a big emphasis on movement and speed, and while pretty rare in terms of variety, are not as rare as those of Sentinels or Blasters. Sorcerer Class Titans are associated with magical abilities, but often of a darker bent than Enchanters, they are often more likely to be direct attackers as well. Warriors, the absolute MOST common Class, are straight up melee fighters, with the occasional esoteric power thrown in, often wielding swords and shields, or more odd weaponry on occasion. All Seekers, by virtue of the connection they have gained to the Titans, can wield magic. The forms of magical spells Seekers can wield are rather varied, and rather than being marked by specific schools, are instead based on how they are used. It's not something I'd go to much into right now. The nature of the connection that the Titans and their Seekers have is known as the Bond; Titans fresh from Huntik are essentially blank slates when it comes to bonding, and while certain personality types might bond easier, the first bond they gain will always color them when it comes to bonding later. Titans lack true personality when they are first summoned and bonded in our world, communicating mentally with their Seeker through Intuition, feelings, etcetera as opposed to words, and finding the language based thoughts of humans, and Witches, unnatural, not that it will prevent them from obeying. The mentality, thought process, and beliefs of their initial bonded will permanently influence who that Titan can later bond with, as they will invariably bond easiest with those that have a similar personality and attitude to their initial bonded, though the bond can sever if the Seeker's personality changes too much from the mindset that allowed them to bond in the first place. Seekers who've established a particularly strong bond with their Titans are capable of Powerbond, initiating an incredibly powerful transformation that greatly augments the powers and fighting abilities of their Titans and themselves. Anyway, now that the info dump is out of the way, my basis for this crossover is for Luz to be a young Seeker with a reputation for causing havoc. She basically enters the Boiling Isles the same way, but that is when the divergences start. In this AU, I would like to think that the Titan that composes the Isles is a Titan in the Huntik sense, that transported to the Demon Realm and died. As it perished, its essence merged with that of the Demon Realm, and gave rise to the Witches, who are analogous to a hybrid between Titan and Human, though not quite all the way. Titans summoned on the Isles often display heightened intellect and learning ability, and are capable of staying summoned functionally indefinitely so long as they are there, though sufficient injury can dispel them and send them back. Due to her background as a Seeker, however young and inexperienced she may be, Luz is even more used to insanity and danger than her canon self is, and is extremely curious as to the nature of the Isles and its magic (Eda: Can't you cast your own spells already, kid? Luz: Yeah, but not THIS KIND!!!). My biggest issue is finding a way to expand the idea beyond just having Luz use Seeker powers and Titans in the Owl House, with the appropriate butterflies and shenanigans as a result of course, so I've composed a couple of possibilities. My first idea is that Belos is unknowingly connected to the Nullifiers, partially to explain his incredible strength and extremely bizarre abilities compared to the already strange nature of the Isles, and that all his efforts have been unknowingly orchestrated by the Nullifiers to grant them a foothold in the Isles to destroy it and the rest of the Demon Realm, and then move on to Earth. My second idea is a new faction of Seekers, not so much evil as morally grey and with a mixed roster of good and bad, has stationed themselves on the Isles, and are conducting experiments on Titans there; the nature of the experiments is to find new ways of modifying Titans to possess new and interesting abilities for their goals, as well as the creation of genuinely artificial Titans entirely, dubbed Neo-Titans, which, if I got that far, would differ from the rest of their kind in having themes closer to Science Fiction and Alien-life than the mythological basis of their peers, being sleek and technological and possessing powerful abilities beyond the standard. Anyway, this is mostly me ranting, sorry, but if anyone is interested in this or wants to talk or has questions about it, let me, okay? Thank you.
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starsfic · 3 years
2-22 Lumity
2. Royal AU and 22. Space AU
Amity Blight is one of Earth's top space diplomats, talking with different alien species in order to protect her planet peacefully. Then she is sent on a tough case by the Galatic Council.
The system is called Titan, nicknamed the Boiling Isles by neighbors. For fifty years, it has been ruled under the iron grip of Emperor Belos, who claims that he can speak to the spirit of the galaxy. Currently, the system is in the grips of a full-on civil war. All other attempts to stop the war or talk to Titan have failed.
Amity's mission is to negotiate with the rebels, found to be more reasonable than the emperor, in order to unite Titan.
Then she meets the rebel leader- Princess Luz Noceda, daughter of Belos himself.
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