#Boku no hero academia
sweetnans · 3 days
Stuck in the moment || Bakugo, K.
Pairing: fuckboy Bakugo/hopelessly romantic fem. reader
Trope: Enemies/friends to lovers.
summary: You made a mistake, a huge mistake. You fucked the most cocky, annoying, bastard, fuckboy you knew. Bakugo Katsuki. And that fact was against all your beliefs. Now, after the rumor (truth) spread like a pandemic virus in college you'll have to live with the stormy consequences of your acts and whatever trash was brought with it.
a/c: Hey, it's me again. Here we are in a new series I plan to continue. I really hope you enjoy it. I put my favorite man in action (bakugo) being a selfish bastard that you would love eventually and I couldn't help to put another "trope" I'm a sucker for (guardian/father figure Aizawa) I'm so sorry if that bothers you. Once again, I'm sorry if I misspelled something, English is not my first language. (Not proofread yet)
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Blame it on the ovulation process. You couldn't believe that you ended up making out (drunkly) and fucking the one and only Bakugo Katsuki.
Bakugo was a total pain in the ass back in UA high school, and after the big battle, when the doctor told him to cooperate after his heart injury and surgery, he changed for better. Well... better is a word to describe it.
He had the looks, he had the attitude, and now, in College UA, he found a way to get the chicks at his feet. Who knew he would be good at flirting and getting the female attention, putting aside his obnoxious and loud behavior?
In the other part, you knew better, but damn, now you felt bad, betrayed by your own hormones, doing the walk of shame to your room.
Bakugo Katsuki was a fucking legend in college, the major fuckboy, hoping from chick to chick and jeez that broke all your standards about boys, how did you even end up in his room?
Oh, that was a good question that you could answer. Fucking cosmopolitans made by Denki and Jirou, they wrecked all your senses and because the planets were aligned you ended ip tearing up all his clothes along with him grabbing every part of your body while eating your mouth. He was a good kisser though.
You slid your keys on the lock of your room door. Jirou was there in her bed, laying with Denki who was sound asleep.
"Girl," she sat in seconds at the sight of you, patting Denki's arm to wake him up.
"Don't," you told her, completely defeated. "I just wanna cry"
You couldn't stop the tears streaming down your face.
For you, giving Bakugo your body and an intimate moment wasn't something to be happy for. He wasn't in your to-do list compared to other girls that you knew were dying for a peak of him.
You believed in love, in the vulnerability that it brought alongside the happiness and the sappiness. You wanted to be loved and not be used. For you, Bakugo wasn't a trophy, he was a mistake.
"Just let it go." Jirou hugged you tightly. "Did he do something to you?"
"No, no," you cried in her shoulder, feeling her arms around your body and Denki cli ging in your back. "He was a complete gentleman,"
You hated yourself for reacting like that. The man gave you all of his stamina pounding himself into you, and he was almost romantic about it. You were a fool, not like you were catching feeling upon the act, not at all. You just didn't want to be one more of his long ass list.
You had a single rule. Don't sleep with people you don't have feelings for. You knew that for some people, it was easy not to get attached but for you, even if you didn't feel anything like sentimental after the act you ended up craving the affection and the tenderness that came up with a relationship.
You've slept with boyfriends in the past and you did good with friends with benefits because at least there was a friendship to cling on, in this case, you only knew Bakugo by name and because Denki, your bestfriend's and roommate's boyfriend hangout occasionally with his group.
"I'll avoid him," you told your friends. "And everything's going to be fine"
You dried your tears and excused yourself, gathering your belongings to go and take a shower. You could still feel his scent in your skin.
Walking to the common woman bathroom, you tried to block the memories in your mind, and it worked until you opened the door.
"Hey," the pink girl greeted while putting on make-up in front of the mirror. "Oh my god, I know you, you are the girl from the party last night, right?"
Mina Ashido, one of Bakugo closest friend.
"Yeah," you tried to smile, but you failed. God wasn't on your side today.
"Are you okay?" She asked worried.
What could have given you away? Oh, your swollen and red eyes for sure.
"Yeah, I'm just hungover." You tried to laugh her worry away, and when Jirou asked about the encounter, you told her that you wanted to believe that it worked. But you never fooled anyone.
"Me too" she said giggling.
Thank god she didn't push it.
"I'm going to shower, so see you later...?" You said, and it sounded like a plan, but you just wanted to be nice with her.
"Oh, before you go, do you have any tampons? My period just came early this month. I think it's a reaction after drinking a huge amount last night"
Hormones, you knew about that.
Shit, period? Did he wear any condoms? I mean, you had your anti-babies method and all, but what about STD?
"Hello? Calling from earth, " Mina waved his hand in front of your face and you regained consciousness.
"Shit, yeah, sorry, here." You led her your last tampon from your bag.
"Thank you so much," Mina said, grabbing all her things into her purse. "I will see you around"
That encounter only made things worse. Albeit you wanted to avoid the bastard you needed to find him to have the most embarrassing talk of all.
You knew Bakugo's sexual life like the palm of your hand. The rumors on campus spread like the Black Death in medieval Europe. You prayed that your name wouldn't appear on those rumors.
It was easy finding him among his friends, the red-headed enormous cinnamon roll, the tall one with the tape quirk, and, of course, Mina.
You approached slowly and tensed. The first one on seeing you was Mina, who was happy to see you again after you gave her your last tampon. She waved his hand in your direction, and you smiled at her, trying to dissipate your nerves.
The time has come.
"Hey, uhm, I need to talk to you." You twisted your hands nervously after patting his shoulder to gain his attention. He turned around, and when caught that it was you in front of him, he just glared at you from above, the sun at his back making you squint your eyes a little. "In private," you said to complete your previous sentence.
He wasn't even giving you the time of the day before he was almost laughing at your face.
"Sorry, princess, I don't do rebounds." he solidly huffed at you with a side smile and all.
Mina was the first one to scold him while his friends just whined at his behavior.
That damn motherfucker son of a bitch bastard.
Your face passed from being the normal shade of your foundation and skin to a different shade of red. How could he be such a cunt about it?
But you had your mouth, too.
"Oh no, don't worry, I haven't seen a dick as small as yours, and you think I want to repeat that shit show? Oh, please. I just wanted to check if you have any STD I have to be aware of"
You lied about his dick at least. The only truth was that you didn't want to repeat the act.
The boys that were hanging out with him turned around to hide the giggling mess they were, while Bakugo only grunted in response, clenching his fist beside his stiff body.
"Why? Is there a problem down there? Is it itching or falling off?" He squinted his eyes at you, trying vehemently to put you down with his words. You denied moving your head like you didn't care at all about his attitude. "I don't have any STD. You should have seen it yourself when you were sucking me off"
Well, that was something a few people around heard. Scratch the "Don't be part of the rumor" from the list.
"Yeah, I should've had, but I forgot to bring my magnifying glass with me, that's completely on me, not your fault that you weren't blessed with something as big as your fucking ego"
The hushed screams of his friends were the beat you needed to turn around and leave him hanging. He had a piercing mouth, and you were almost trembling from the exchange of words, and yet, you didn't have the answer that you expected. Was he clean or not? Bakugo was a trustworthy man? Jeez, what a fucker.
Again, for the second time of the day you made your own walk of shame to your room.
"And, what did he say?" Jirou was waiting for you while she gathered all her belongings (and Denki's) to her side of the room.
"He said he doesn't have STD but I don't know if I should trust him...the scene was pretty intense." You sat in your bed, and she looked at you incredulously.
"Intense, how?" She quirked a brow, and you just shrugged before telling her everything.
"You did what!?" Denki stomped through the door. He was obviously listening behind the door like an old woman.
You hid your face in between your hands, internally screaming exhausted because of your poor decisions. Why did you leave the party with him of all people?
"He just nipped under my skin, and I had to defend myself, that's all," you tried to excuse yourself.
"You know that encounter is going to be the gossip of the week, right?" Jirou tapped your head gaining your attention. "You can't run of it"
"Jeez, I know"
All the situation was escalating from bad to worse real quick.
"Okay, fine, let's chill for a sec," Denki interrupted. "I'll find out about Kacchan medical records and I'll let you know, don't worry about it"
That's a good friend.
"Yeah, Denki can take care of that while you..."
"While I what?" You took your face off your hands.
"You know the rumor is going to spread before monday, right? You have to talk to Aizawa before he knows all of it in the worst way"
Shit. You had completely forgotten about the man who was kind enough to take you under his wing and be your guardian.
This was about to get good.
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Let me know if you like it
taglist: @kiridagremiln @aefillor @screechingfangirlaf @chuugarettes @gold24fish @dreamcastgirl99 @andyetshewrote @budibbly @candiiee @linkfromskywardsword @galaneiaeris @fantasynerd05 @big-denki-energy @3thr3al @marsbars09 @whatswrong7 @scaranthropy
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nibeul · 1 day
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yeah, everybody leaves
[id: It's a drawing of Aizawa and Yamada standing against a darkening sky. They are both wearing their hero costumes—a black jumpsuit with a brown belt and grey capture weapon and studded leather jacket with a large pop-up collar and leather pants—and appear somber. Aizawa, depicted with tan skin, is clutching his goggles tightly in one hand while the other hand is in his pocket. Yamada, drawn with paler skin and dirty blond hair, has both his hands in his pockets. Shadows cast over their upper bodies while light illuminates underneath the curve. /end id]
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[id: It's the original Horikoshi illustration of Aizawa, Yamada, and Kurogiri. Yamada and Aizawa are both wearing their hero uniforms. Kuroigiri is very faintly sketched behind them. /end id]
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novaneondream · 2 days
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As a member of the petite committee, tiny characters that can defy the laws of gravity are so special to me 🥹🫶⭐️
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nottspocket · 20 hours
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Quick wing practice with the boys
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gamblersdoll · 2 days
can you do something where katsuki is obsessed with readers tits
“baby, its been a good three hours, lighten up.”
another choso if you will, pushing at his head and then wincing when he gives a light nip to your nipple. “ow– you shit!”
katsuki’s way of saying “i love your tits.” is sucking on them like hes being breastfed, yet hes a dick with it. he stays there for hours and wont move. and if you bother him he bites.
“baby, i have to pee.”
“get a fuckin’ catheter then.” he grunts, no purposely laying on your bladder. he gets comfortable, sucking at the now numb nipple.
“boy if you dont move i will piss on you.”
“piss on me then, i dont care.”
you groan, tugging his hair and your nipple comes out with a pop. he looks at you, a disapproving look.
“can i fuckin help ya?”
“whats up with you and my tits? been like this every day.” you ask, concerned yet in awe because hes always been more active, not passive.
he takes both breasts into each hand. “love these, y’know?” he says, trying to lean back down and go to a free nipple, but you still held his hair. he yanks his head down, attaching himself to a dark nipple and sucking soft again.
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cremanata · 6 hours
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♡ short hair nejire ♡
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fever-dreamer97 · 3 days
Izuku: How can you say to Todoroki-kun that we don’t trust him with our baby?
Bakugo: Because I don’t. Why did you even let him go check on her?
Izuku, turning up volume: Because, you’ll hear on the baby monitor that he’s doing great.
Todoroki, through monitor: Okay, little one. I’ll take great care of you, Uncle Shouto loves you so much.
BKDK Baby: Papa.
Izuku and Bakugo:
Izuku:…Was that her first word?
BKDK Baby: Papa.
Todoroki: No, no, little one. Papa is the mean grinch downstairs that we’re gonna go see, so I can rub this in his face.
Bakugo, shaking with anger:
Todoroki, through monitor: You hear that, asshat? She called me PAPA.
Izuku, running after Bakugo: KACCHAN NO!
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pastel-pixel · 2 days
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happy pride month :3
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miioozie · 23 hours
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shut up and calm down, man.
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tinyproprodigy · 2 days
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𖤐 ִֶָ 𓂃 🧷
"C r u s h , c r u s h , c r u s h ."
Bakugou Katsuki x reader - (NB)
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• Bakugo's crush on you started innocently enough - he begrudgingly admired your work ethic and quirk control during training sessions. But then he noticed the way your (e/c) eyes squinted slightly when you concentrated, and the adorable crinkle of your nose when you were deep in thought, and suddenly his heart was exploding like one of his nicely aimed AP shots.
• Whenever you're in the vicinity, Bakugo can't help but sneak glances your way, only to whip his head around with a fierce scowl when someone (usually Kaminari) catches him staring. "I wasn't looking at that loser, you idiot!" he'll growl, tiny explosions sparking at his fingertips.
• Mina and Sero live for teasing Bakugo about his crush, much to his chagrin. They'll make over-exaggerated googly eyes at him whenever you walk by, or loudly proclaim things like, "There goes the love of Bakugo's life!" This inevitably results in Bakugo chasing them around, threatening bodily harm if they don't shut their "damn traps."
• There's a running bet among the class on when (or if) Bakugo will finally admit his feelings. Kaminari has money on "Never, he's too proud." Mina is convinced he'll blurt it out in a fit of rage someday. Kirishima just wants his bro to be happy.
• In the rare moments when Bakugo musters the courage to talk to you, he instantly reverts to a flustered, stuttering mess. His ears burn bright red as he tries (and fails) to act casual, inevitably resorting to angry yelling to cover up his embarrassment. "Quit staring at me like that, (L/N)! Don't you have better things to do than bother me?"
• Despite his gruff exterior, Bakugo is incredibly protective of you. If anyone so much as looks at you the wrong way, they'll find themselves on the receiving end of his explosive fury. He insists it's just because you're a fellow hero-in-training and he refuses to let his talents be outshone, but the class knows the truth.
• There's a notebook buried deep in Bakugo's room where he's meticulously analyzed all your quirk's capabilities, strong points, and areas for improvement. In the margins, doodles of your face and little explosions shaped like hearts decorate the pages. If anyone ever found it, he'd simply combust from mortification.
• During particularly intense battles or training exercises, Bakugo finds himself pushing harder than ever before, determined to impress you with his skills. Afterwards, he'll try to play it cool, like your presence had no effect on him whatsoever. But the glow of pride on his face when you compliment his power is unmistakable.
• You, precious reader, remain delightfully oblivious to Bakugo's inner turmoil. You see him as a passionate classmate and respected rival, making his crush on you all the more endearing (and frustrating) for the explosive boy. The rest of Class 1-A watches on in amusement, waiting for the inevitable explosion when Bakugo's feelings finally reach critical mass.
• No matter how much he growls and glares, at the end of the day Bakugo is an awkward teenage boy stumbling through his first real crush. And while his methods are unorthodox (and often involve yelling), his feelings for you are as bright and dazzling as one of his explosive blasts, lighting up the sky for all to see.
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poofbark · 1 day
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how can you look at me like that
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decarbry · 2 days
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“Even if you’re wretched and miserable, go and walk with those friends who held out their hands to you.”
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toshiimura · 1 day
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[ Alternative ending ]
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noodles-and-tea · 16 hours
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Do you think he ever just…
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gamblersdoll · 2 days
could you do katsuki and like a size kink if his girl was short? if you haven’t already :)
i almost didn’t post because i typed something up at the app fucking crashes.
his height and weight change over the years, him now standing at a height of six four and two fifty. he loves your height, the way you barely meet his chest, and how things slightly change.
he becomes a personal stepladder, whether its getting on all fours and letting you step up on him, or letting you climb him is a ego boost. or him just grabbing it, but then he teases you about it.
his weight plays a role in the bed, only doggystyle or a full fucking nelson. he can show off his muscle build in his arms while he has you in a headlock from behind and plowing into you. or when its nelson time he always folds you up like a ball and brings you up and down on his cock, chanting “down on this dick.” repeatedly from the pure lust in his eyes.
he also likes the cuddles, becoming your and his personal heater, his quirk working so much better, and his pride swelling from the fact hes became a nuke as a boyfriend for you.
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blackberreh-art · 2 days
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🍰AfO x Maid Cafe~☕ (This man is seconds away from snapping)
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