tundrafloe · 4 months
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From an interview today with Consequence website:
Noel: “I think I’m quite feminine for a man. I’m always interested in clothes and makeup and I’ve always been quite gender-fluid, in a way. So whatever show I do, there’ll always be a big clothes budget and I’ll always be interested in the costumes and I’ll always keep those costumes after the show.”
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I’ll never be Vince Noir in a sequined jumpsuit and floor-length fur coat dancing with a yeti 😔
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z0mbievomit · 4 months
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experimenting with no lineart!!
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ar0ace-m3ss · 3 months
In "Call of the yeti" Chris corner(IAMX) is on the cover of cheekbone
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I've never seen anyone else point this out
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mellowspresso · 3 days
It’s a shame I wasn’t on boosh tumblr in my peak tumblr days in the early 2010’s. I had only seen a few episodes late at night on adult swim (and on the wild west of youtube probably?), and I did like some Big Fat Quiz, but didn’t know much about Noel. Too young to appreciate it all for what it was, and was into other shit by the time I was on tumblr in 2012. Then I got into it in later 2010’s, but was giving tumblr a break, so never found fandom for it.
I finally get back on tumblr, and now being in this fandom is like being a ship in the night, suddenly seeing another ship’s lights in the distance every once in a while. I can go back and see all these posts from 10 years ago and I feel a sort of longing for the past. (At least there is some fandom still around to cling to, and I appreciate seeing stuff from every single one of them.)
I was also in gender turmoil in early 2010’s, and I feel like it would have really helped to see and learn about Noel back then when I was super confused. But alas, that didn’t happen until later, and I’m still figuring that stuff out now 10 years on. At least he’s still an active figure we get to enjoy.
What I’m saying is that I have really shit timing
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imagining S1 Vince being all protective and encouraging with Howard
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psychidelias · 3 months
Something really funny to me is just Howard Moon as a character, because why is he literally me. I do that stupid head bop when i listen to music sitting down, I have an unhealthy attachment to jazz (psychedelic and acid nonetheless), I fall in love with anyone who shows the least amount of attraction to me, we actually look oddly similar facial wise, those weird exaggerated arm movements when talking, and a scarily similar fashion sense (should I feel ashamed of owning Hawaiian shorts, because I don't)
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mamaz00m · 26 days
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It's been ten literal years.
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It's about time I finish what I started.
I've been gone so long that I don't even know what Boosh fandom is like anymore. I don't know how active it is, I don't know who all is still hanging around. Really I can only hope that by posting this to AO3, anyone who is subscribed to me will see this update and be happy that the story is finally complete.
This story's incomplete status has haunted me for years. I met my best friend through Boosh fandom in the LiveJournal days (RIP--I have fully lost my login for that site) and since I moved in with her in June of 2019, she has stayed on top of my ass about finally completing this fic.
As you'll all know, I wrote and posted two chapters in 2019 (as well as two one-shots for this universe) with the harassment of my bestie and cheerleading from @cle-o-pat-ra, whom I own an apology to for falling off the face of the planet once the pandemic hit.
I had a real All Eyes On Me moment in 2020. Without getting too much into it, after years of dealing with mental health issues which led to me becoming a shut-in, I moved across country to be with my best friend. I started going out, I started making friends. I started finally living. And then Covid happened and I went off the rails a bit. Quite a bit.
It took some work, but I am doing a lot better now.
So what prompted this return?
Ironically, it was watching GBBO with Bestie over dinner each night. We subscribed to Netflix just to watch it this year. It was seeing Noel--smiley, cheeky, and only just now finally beginning to show any signs of aging--that made my heart clinch.
I found myself wondering what Gabe would be up to at Noel's current age. How Eli is doing.
I realized I missed these characters desperately.
I can only hope you did, too.
Because I have tentative plans for the future...
I'm going to tag the folks I can remember enjoying this fic back when I was more active in the fandom. And I'll be around, in case me showing up like this stirs up any big feelings.
Thank you all for showing so much patience towards me. For loving these characters and playing in this space with me for ten long years. I've missed this world and I've missed you.
@culumacilinte @arbeaone @azurfemme @littleredchucks @radiumkind @oblong-goblin @the-stoned-ranger @pussywhang @concupiscence66
And of course, giant, massive thanks to @derangedficrecs / @derangedbutterfly for being this fic's beta for over half the chapters before my life got so hectic and...well, I owe you an apology too. I'm sorry.
Raise Hell. Chapter 21: THE WORLD
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trilobel · 1 year
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Mighty Boosh / Slavic folklore 2!
Did you know that the czech folk creature Vodník (Water Goblin) is actually similar to Old Gregg?
He can be a comical character in a green suit and red boots, or he can be a fucking scary monster who drags innocent women underwater and forces them into marriage (and murders their babies aaand others). And he collects souls in cute little silly chubby mugs and stores them in his underwater home. Likes to smoke his pipe in the willow tree by moonlight, is often associated with water fairies (or mermaids) and can be actually quite nice
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bu1ldingg0d · 1 year
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the boyfriends ever ❤️❤️❤️
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tundrafloe · 2 months
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In March, Noel spoke to Paste Magazine about casting Greg Davies in "The Completely Made-up Adventures of Dick Turpin"!
Noel: “There was a part in Dick Turpin of the rival gang leader who’s a much better highwayman than me. I knew that Greg would be perfect for it. We were sort of writing it for him. But then we had to quickly check if he wanted to do it. And he was so busy at that point, because everyone wanted him. He was like, “I’ll do it if I can. I’ll do it if I can.” We just took a gamble and said, “Look, it’s got to be Greg. We’ll write it for him.” Because I’ve spent so much time with him, it was very easy for me to write in his tone of voice. Then, he comes in and improvises anyway. But you can get the gist of how he would be. Greg is just one of those performers that he’s such a big presence, as well as being a huge man. He’s a giant. But on set, he’s so funny. He’s so giggly and he makes himself laugh. And then everyone in the room laughs. That’s quite contagious. He’s always sort of not taking it seriously and there’s something really brilliant about that. He was a joy to work with.”
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Is this like a British thing or
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z0mbievomit · 4 months
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mini vince noir paper doll!! definitely planning on making him more accessories
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ar0ace-m3ss · 6 months
My only 2024 prediction is that the mighty boosh album will come out in May. (I'm delusional)
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