#Born Again Christian
childofchrist1983 · 1 year
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grungeyemochristian · 2 months
So it appears there may be some confusion, this page is not one for arguing with people. This page is rooted in faith and in my Bible (currently NLT) I am not here to argue. If I see you saying something wrong, like a post I have on page, I will correct you in a loving way, and with scripture. I'm not going to tell you anything extra or different. This a bible believing user, who will use scripture instead of my own words.
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untouchable234 · 3 months
i literally just Googled "gay Mormons", and i immediately felt self-satisfied by my decision to leave this cult of hypocrisy.
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cadmar · 2 months
Ever since birth, our 3D body with all its trillions and trillions of 3D molecules has suffocated our 4D essence. All your thinking is 3D. All your thoughts are 3D. All our scientific observations, measurements, laws, and theories are all 3D. Since all our actions, dreams, and goals are 3D, how then can our 4D essence, and to the 3D brain the 4D essence does not exist, be released from the 3D grip?
At first, only through shock! Imagine a football player carrying the football. A sudden unanticipated hit will have the effect of the player releasing the strong grip and perhaps creating a fumble. This is one reason that football players practice getting hit while running with the football.
If the 3D brain anticipates a shock, then the 3D brain can prevent the release of its strong hold and grip! For a full release, the shock must be unexpected and not planned. Spontaneous! Like a sudden car accident. A near death experience. A physical shock to the body, a pain, an emotional crisis. Ancient mystery cults used drugs.
This shock is effective for the first time. This causes some type of inner development that you with your 3D brain can not describe and can not touch it. You can not pinpoint it down. You just " 3D know", "3D feel" some 4D sensation you never had before. Something has changed deep inside of you. But, you have no idea what it is. Something. Just something!
That is all it takes. Then, during quiet times you try to get close to it. You try to sweep away all the noises and distractions. Meditation is not sitting, cross legged in a quiet room. Meditation is not being isolated from your daily activities. Meditation is all the time. Of course, just like learning anything, it is easier as a novice, at first to learn in a quiet, isolated place. How can one first learn to play the piano in a crowded room if the noises drown out your piano notes?
But, once you get the hang of it, then you can learn anywhere in all conditions, situations, and environments!
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echologname · 10 months
Eternal life in Jesus
If someone asked me, "Are you alive?" I would reply, "Yes, I am!" To which they'll ask, "But how do you know?" I could say it's because I breathe or think or meet the basic characteristics of life we learned about in 6th grade science class but none of those necessarily mean ALL life forms need them in order to be classified as "alive." Many forms of life meet neither of those traits yet, they're alive. So, perhaps no longer meeting what's required of a human to be alive just means we've become a different life form and are still "alive" just in a different way. Afterall, life is energy and Einstein said in his law of thermodynamics, "Energy can never be created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another."
And that's what it means to "die" and be "born again" as a Christian. Even if you've already accepted Jesus into your heart, you can still experience a "death" to yourself and who you are and a revival in your faith. For me, my "death" was 7 years ago, but around 3 years ago, I started reading the Bible again and for the first time in my life, the words were "alive." The Holy Spirit made these words I read as a kid make sense and feel something in my heart when I read them, so I continued. I was still suffering a lot but I started to trust God and in case I didn't do it around that time, I did it again recently. I begged Jesus to come into my poor broken body and fill me with His presence. Begged God to take my soul into His arms and hold me tight so I would know I'm safe, He'll never let me go and I'll have eternal life.
Whenever I was really having a hard time, somehow, God's promises always found me. And He NEVER lies, every word is trustest of true.
Before Jesus died, He was tormented by His persecutors. They said, "If you're really the son of God, then why don't you save yourself?" But it doesn't work like that. Children of God or not, we can't save ourselves, we don't have that power, but God does. If you're praying over and over, "God please make this thing better." He hears you but He's trying to teach you something, so, all He asks in return is you trust Him and be patient. I waited for 5 years for a mysterious chronic illness to get better, so, keep in mind, timing is different to God but it's always perfect and it DOES get better, NO MATTER how bad, God will use it all for good. Not a tear will be wasted. He will throw ALL pain and suffering into the fires of Hell.
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bibledamage · 2 years
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joelstars · 2 years
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Relational Grace by Shoney
This is a Christian  Music video that is filled with the inspiration of the holy spirit, Start your new year with spirit filled music, here is one specifically made for you.
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mavisgarygotadui · 13 hours
I know a lot of people don’t want to hear this but Jesus really can save your life
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jbfly46 · 3 months
Evangelicals & Protestants, the "Christians" needing to go through the process of being born again the most (it was literally created for them, but anyone can use it), have not actually been using it, even though they think they have been using it and that they are saved (they are far from saved), as it does not work like they think it does. It does not work if you ask Jesus to save you while you are surrounded by other people, in a church for example, and it does not work when, say a "preacher", asks Jesus to save you instead of you asking Jesus yourself, almost as if they continue to hold doubts about the existence of God & Christ. Jesus was very clear about this process, and it is even written in versions of the Bible that are mostly full of useless information or outright lies. You pray by yourself, alone, for Jesus to redeem you of your sins, and the physiological and chemical changes it causes in the body to heal it can literally be explained using neurology and quantum physics. Maybe they are afraid of the unknown? Maybe they are afraid it will be painful? But nothing will ever be as painful as spending eternity in Hell, because you couldn't try this one simple trick I put in place, because I genuinely felt bad seeing you all try so hard, while clearly having pure intentions, and still consistently doing the opposite of what Jesus said for you to do.
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childofchrist1983 · 1 year
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grungeyemochristian · 2 months
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Don't forget these verses
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foreverfreshfaces · 4 months
🕊️ Self-Care Sunday: Finding Peace in God's Embrace 🕊️
Hello my friends,
As we begin another week, let's take a moment to refresh our spirits and find solace in the unwavering love of The LORD Jesus Christ. 💖 There's nothing more reassuring than knowing that when we rely completely on God, we are in the safest place in the world.
🌿 Scriptural Encouragement:
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1 NKJV
This verse reminds us that no matter the challenges we face, we can always find strength and protection in God. Trusting Him with our worries and fears places us in the most secure and comforting arms.
🙏 Daily Reminder:
Remember to take your cares and lay them at His feet. When we do this, we not only find peace but also strength to face our daily battles with grace and confidence.
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✨ Encouragement for the Week:
Let your heart be anchored in His promises. Start each day with a prayer, thanking God for His endless love and asking for His guidance. This simple practice can transform your mindset and keep you grounded in faith.
Let's continue to support each other on this journey of spiritual growth and self-care. Share your favorite Bible verses or testimonies in the comments below to encourage our community! 🌸
Stay blessed and beautiful,
Melanie 🌿
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untouchable234 · 2 years
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Well, what do you know? The #Mormon Church’s official Twitter account and website are coded red in the Reaper Eyes add-on, meaning they’re anti-trans. 
Pourquoi je ne suis pas surpris? -.-
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ameyct · 5 months
This will become a new kind of tumblr as of this post, as I’m leaving all of the old sentiment behind, in the past, where it belongs, because…
“I am a new creation”
(Cor 5:17) IN CHRIST as of December 2022.
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echologname · 7 months
So, there's a commonly held idea that being Christian is "easy" that, "All you have to do is believe Jesus is our Lord and savior and died for our sins." Yes, that's the first and most important step on this journey but you can't just stop there, you have to keep walking down the path you've now committed yourself to because God wants your full devotion to Him because He loves you and wants to be your close friend. Like, you can't just meet someone once, say that you're friends and never see or talk to them again, that's not friendship.
Christianity was easy and simple in Sunday School but just like leveling up in a video game, the Christian life is going to become increasingly more challenging the more you grow in faith. You'll find yourself spiritually attacked, weighed down with doubt, mental health issues, and seemingly too much to bear. Being Christian can be painful but God promises He'll get us through it. And I would surely be a goner if Jesus abandoned me to go through life alone. Even when I wasn't faithful, He was.
Lately I've been wanting to be more spiritually disciplined like denying food if I don't NEED it but just WANT it for enjoyment and pleasure. I don't mean intentionally starving myself or fasting, just only taking what I need, nothing more or less. Not spending so much money on getting myself video games, books and treats. Denying yourself is to intentionally choose DIScomfort, choosing the opposite of what your sinful self wants. If someone gets mad at me for no reason, I would want to get mad back at them but Jesus says to return kindness and gentleness instead. Perfect Christians are the craziest love punks! Just love upon love for EVERYONE no matter what. Of course this is REALLY difficult to achieve. If we were perfect like Jesus, then we wouldn't be Christians because we wouldn't need God's grace for our screw ups and mistakes.
You can be the worst of sinners but God promises His Grace is sufficient, He's always bigger than you and your mistakes He just wants you to at least TRY to obey Him. He doesn't expect perfection but if you mess up STILL trying to be devoted to Him, that's forgivable if you weren't, it's like you don't really want to be His anymore. I've been there, we all get caught up in the world, He'll happily accept you if you turn back to Him.
In a way, being Christian is to CHOOSE to suffer because it means to die to your sinful self and trust God to refine you like silver in the hottest part of fire, so that you'll be more like Him who is good, loving and compassionate and change can be really painful but He always makes it worth it.
Believe me, I wanna go back to happy go lucky Sunday School when I was innocent and naive and didn't have rated M stuff in my head but I just have to keep trusting that God's still in control and has a good plan to benefit us not to harm us. But it helps to look at these situations with the mindset of a child, it simplifies them and makes me feel braver in the face of giants that I feel will surely crush me if God wasn't with me.
If you need encouragement as a struggling Christian, if you're at the level you've sped run countless times and can never seem to reach the flag if you're a burger on the grill waiting 'till you're perfectly dark brown with some crisp, then Aaron Kim on YouTube has been really helpful for me. I can't tell you to "Just have faith", "Just relax in God's peace and joy," because sometimes God takes these things away for a good reason. So, I think it'll be easier if I were just overwhelmed with love you devotion for my Lord because it's easier to suffer for loved ones than for ourselves but Christians don't always feel like that even if we do love God on the inside and our thoughts and feelings can be confusing and untrusted.
I guess, it's just comforting to know, all of this sin, unfaithfulness and doubt I've experienced is surprisingly a normal part of the Christian experience even though it seems like the opposite and ungodly.
We truly are on the front lines of a spiritual war of love and those who reject it.
May God bless you dear beloved Child of the One true King. He truly does love you incomprehensibly and will NEVER abandon you nor forsake you.
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