#Borsk Fey'lya
Borsk Fey'lya: Do you really thing I enjoy scheming, lying and scurrying about like some rat with great cheekbones? Leia Organa: Yes, I think you do! Borsk Fey'lya: Maybe a little.
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magnetarbeam · 6 months
Borsk Fey'lya, over the holocomm: Of course, you'll have to fax in the air strike requisition form.
Wedge Antilles, on the verge of an aneurysm: But I can't! Kell used spare parts from our fax machine to help build Phanan new replacement parts!
Ton Phanan, making weird beeping noises: Whoa, must have been something I ate.
Face Loran: Hey Ton? Why is there paper coming out of your ass?
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I found my favorite entry ever on the Riordan Wiki
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dalekofchaos · 8 months
90's Thrawn Trilogy fancast
If Timothy Zahn approached George Lucas about the Thrawn trilogy and they collaborated for a new Star Wars Trilogy
My other Star Wars fancasts
Thrawn:A Star Wars Story Fancast
Canon Fancast
my KOTOR fancast
my KOTOR II fancast
The Force Unleashed
Shadows Of The Empire
The Force Unleashed
Darth Plagueis
Boba Fett
The Thrawn Trilogy
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker/Luuke Skywalker
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Michelle Pfeiffer as Mara Jade
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Harrison Ford as Han Solo
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Carrie Fisher as Leia Organa Solo
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Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
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Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca
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Anthony Daniels as C-3PO
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Kenny Baker as R2-D2
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Dennis Lawson as Wedge Antilles
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Caroline Blakiston as Mon Mothma
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Ian McShane as Talon Karrde
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Gillian Anderson as Winter Celchu
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Max von Sydow as Garm Bel Ilblis
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John Hurt as Borsk Fey'lya
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Nick Chinlund as Aves
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Hugo Weaving as Grand Admiral Thrawn
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Sam Eliot as Captain Gilad Pellaeon
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Jeff Bridges as Joruus C'baoth
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Robert Downey Jr as Gillespee
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Clancy Brown as Niles Ferrier
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James Remar as Freja Covell
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Courtney Cox as Sena Midanyl
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Jeff Goldblum as Mazzic
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Christine Hewett as Shada D’ukal
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Seth Green as Zakarisz Ghent
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Kane Hodder as Rukh(voiced by Robert Englund)
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Ken Kirzinger as Khabarakh
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Derek Mears Ralrracheen
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musewrangler · 2 years
It was entirely possible that diplomacy had been invented as a way to torture beings in ages past and all records of its inception had been lost. Thus, modern societies just assumed it was a normal way of conducting their affairs, slowly and torturously wearing each other down until they all got a mostly dissatisfying conclusion.
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elli-incarnate · 2 years
Y'know how dogs can't have chocolate? What if Bothans can't either? And then a ridiculous montage of Luke trying to offer Borsk Fey'lya hot chocolate, and Fey'lya assuming that he's trying to really clumsily poison him
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bagheerita · 4 months
Apparently some star fleet admiral is committing treason again and putting earth under military dictatorship for its own "safety" but all I remember about the past 2 episodes is that Odo says he learned how to hack classified star fleet files from Quark
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cola-canine · 11 months
Crazy to me that Disney has owned Star Wars for over a decade and not once have we seen any Bothans in the new canon. You know, the species that was integral to getting the second Death Star plans and became very prominent characters before the franchise acquisition. With as many member berries as Star Wars does you'd think we'd've seen them by now. Strange.
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radiofreederry · 1 year
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By 9 ABY, the New Republic had liberated Coruscant, the Galactic capital, and established its government there. After leading the Rebellion and then the Republic through the heady days of the Galactic Civil War, Mon Mothma stepped down as Chancellor, leaving behind a Senate divided into four major power blocs.
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Progressive People's Party (center-left, 364 seats): The majority successor to the original Progressive Party which acted as the Rebellion's political wing in the Republic and Imperial Senates, the PPP is majority social democratic and socially progressive. As it carries the Progressive Party's reputation of being the "party of the Rebellion" and the standard-bearer of Mothmism, the PPP enjoys widespread popularity and is the largest party in the Senate, despite surging poll numbers for the opposition after a half-decade of PPP governance. Led by Leia Organa of Coruscant.
Liberal Party (center, 56 seats): Socially liberal and fiscally moderate, the Liberal Party is one of the few parties to survive from the time of the Old Republic in its current form. The Progressive Party was originally a splinter faction from the Liberals, and they affiliate with its successor the PPP in the government coalition. Led by Rees Vera of Mikkia.
Federalist Party (center-left, 39 seats): A social liberal party which advocates for increased decentralization of the New Republic and the establishment of devolved regional governments. Led by Boona Kalan of Taris.
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People's Union Party (far left, 122 seats): A socialist party which advocates for the restructuring of Galactic society on a free and equal basis, the transfer of the means of production into the hands of the working class, and the development of a socialist mode of production. In practical terms, the party is democratic socialist and draws strong support from industrial worlds and unions. Local parties such as the Communist Party of Corellia and the Gran Socialist Union are affiliates of the PUP. Led by Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia.
Reform Party (left, 44 seats): A democratic socialist party which argues for a fundamental restructuring of the New Republic into a "Federation of Free Alliances." A successor to the original Reform Party in the Old Republic. Led by Cal Omas of New Alderaan.
Libertarian Party (far left, 2 seats): A loose affiliation of anarchists. Collective leadership.
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Progressive Conservative Party (center right, 201 seats): A liberal conservative party which is hawkish on military matters and foreign affairs. Generally socially conservative with more liberal factions while remaining economically liberal. The minority splinter of the original Progressive Party. Led by Borsk Fey'lya of Bothawui.
Constitutionalist Party (center, 89 seats): A centrist party, and a revival of the Old Republic party of the same name. Advocates of a return to the structure of the Old Republic as it existed in the High Republic and Republic Classic eras, before what they see as its distortion under Palpatine. The text of the Ruusan Reformations serves as their guiding charter. Led by Waltyr Valorum of Hosnian Prime.
Free Hyperlanes Party (center right, 24 seats): A classical liberal party, economically hypercapitalist and disdainful of government intervention in the market, and supportive of corporations. Socially libertarian. Led by Udo Mopot of Giju.
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Galactic Unity Party (far right, 151 seats): A far right, traditionalist party which advocates for ultraconservative social policies and an immediate cessation of hostilities against the Imperial remnants, arguing that the war was won when the Core was liberated. Often accused of Imperial sympathies and of being a continuation of the Galactic Integralist Party, the state party under the Empire; several GIP Senators have reentered politics under the GUP banner. Led by Leida Mothma of Chandrila, the daughter of former Chancellor Mon Mothma, who does not share her mother's politics.
Core Alliance (right, 10 seats): A coalition of wealthy and influential Core worlds, whose priority is securing and expanding the privileges traditionally afforded them. Led by Jonas Piven of Alsakan.
Anti-Jedi Party (far right, 3 seats): One of the few parties to exist in its current form since the time of the Old Republic. Far right and conspiratorial, it gained some popularity after the Clone Wars due to a conspiracy theory spread by its leader about Emperor Sheev Palpatine being a secret Jedi who had worked with the Jedi Council to seize power, only to then betray his fellow Jedi in order to consolidate power around himself. Currently opposes the nascent New Jedi Order and has taken credit for Luke Skywalker having declined to base it on Coruscant. led by Alyx J'onzz of Tekaris.
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starwarsbracket · 10 months
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Admiral Ackbar: Yep, that’s Councilor Borsk Fey'lya. Have fun.
Wedge Antilles: Any tips or strategies?
Admiral Ackbar: Throw something at him.
Wedge Antilles: ...How will that help?
Admiral Ackbar: I’ll find it hilarious
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magnetarbeam · 8 months
You know, for all the very good reasons to shit on Denning, I do think some credit is due for how much his writing manages to make me laugh, even though it's usually when he's trying to be completely serious.
Here's a top five list:
5: Fey'lya pulling up file holos to convince the Senate that he's having an Important Discussion With The Generals.
4: A Hapan household servant insulting Jaina and Zekk's flying, based on alleged simulator experience with N-1s and vulture droids.
3: Aurra Sing, of all people, getting her ass kicked by Jacen's five-year-old daughter.
2: Wynn and Gavin and Bwua'tu being in the room when Luke learns Abeloth's origin story. No amount of pay would be enough for this.
1: Lando and Booster using a celebrity sabacc tournament as collectively willing hostages.
(Honorable mention: Daala telling Jag "a Sith is just a Jedi who's gone off his meds.")
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corelliaxdreaming · 7 months
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Jaina Solo moodboard for @arospecfanworksweek
“the spark that had passed through her on the Tafanda Bay, when Jag Fel had ignored Borsk Fey'lya's entire cabinet to introduce himself to her. That had made her stomach flutter… […] If she insisted on waiting for a jolt like that again, she would be Mara's age before she ever…” ~NJO: Star by Star (Troy Denning)
“[Kyp,] you have a relationship with me. It's not boyfriend-girlfriend. It's no longer Master-apprentice. I think we both know neither of these is right. It's partners, whatever that means. Whatever we figure out for it to mean. If we're partners, it's until one or the other of us is dead. And whether that pains Jag or not, he's keeping it to himself, because he's smart enough to know that he can't control my relationships for me.” ~Jaina, NJO: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand (Aaron Allston)
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Chopper swearing in court and then lunging at Senator "Even-Worse-Than-Borsk-Fey'lya" is great, Teva should've let the arse-whupping happen.
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jaded-of-mara · 1 year
my take on xiono is that clearly modern star wars is full of cowards who dont want to figure out the creature makeup for borsk fey'lya
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plokool · 1 year
I keep seeing people say episode 7 wasn't great (which I disagree with thoroughly), but even if it wasn't, I can't help but love it for the opening. The actual functioning and dysfunction of the New Republic is something I've desperately wanted as a Legends fan since the sequels started and Hera's hearing (with perfect use of C-3PO and offscreen Leia!) was exactly what I've been looking for. We even have Senator Xiono filling the role previously taken by Borsk Fey'lya. No complaints from me
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