#Bounty Mini
oneofthosenightbees · 5 months
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Some new cotl ocs based off a recent save of mine
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agbpaints · 13 days
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Well the wamham and the big guys tied my poll so I was forced to make my own decision for once here and I decided to paint the 9K as my first mini from the kickstarter. I wasn't really certain how to paint the mech, which force to put it in, but helpfully the included Alpha Strike card has some suggestions used by members of the Bounty Hunter's retinue and holy hell Kyudo's scheme rocks.
I fell into a fugue state painting this, broken only by a dance class, and I gotta say I'm really pleased with the results. IDK how many more models I'm gonna try to card match like this but in the course of doing this I got some valuable practice varrying my greys between my faux gunmetal and the armor
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The IG-Series Assassin Droids from Star Wars Legion! Haven’t collected any other Legion minis but I love the bounty hunters so I had to get these two. Pretty easy to paint cause they’re mostly one colour, the details are quite tiny tho so it could be a little fiddly.
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Chapter 5: Thank You
FNAF Detective!Sun & Detective!Moon & Bounty Hunter!Eclipse x Vigilante!Reader (SFW)
His servos whirl, burning with what he’s owed and what he shouldn’t take. Violent smoke rises around him, white and wispy. Another sound, a breath of deep ache. You owe him an explanation.
Word Count: 2,000~ Warnings: Medical drugs, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of death, injuries, blood, and obsessive behavior.
A/N: Eclipse won't leave until he gets what he's owed.
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shrekad0-mald0 · 14 days
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Yeah :D I made a two-character comic attack for ChocaMocha and Reecer6, and both of their characters Mothman, Furore & Kalkyza. Are doing umm… goofy ahh stuff. :) Well then hope you like silly comics :P This drawing was made on 26 July 2024 Team Seafoam Here are their social media’s and ArtFight page <3
ChocaMocha : ArtFight <-Mothman & Furore Reecer6 : ArtFight <-Kalkyza
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zilentis · 8 months
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A bounty hunting couple, scrims beware
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rizzlegukgak · 2 months
small moment from early on in campaign one of naddpod, but jake goes to make a roll and says to himself quietly “get your head in the game” before stopping and saying “actually no get your head OUT of the game hurwitz, you’re HARDWON FUCKING SUREFOOT” and it just gives me chills to hear
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mandalorian-trooper · 7 months
For the past week, Captain Rosetta Martin has been investigating into the disappearance of corrupt senators. After series reports, she and a few members of the 501st that Captain Rex (@captainrex-of-the-501st) hand lent her, discovered that they were taken off world to Quesh.
Quesh in recent year, had been turned in arena death match planet, were the worst of the worst would fight to death for fame and glory. Sometime bounty hunters would kidnap corrupt leaders or businessmen to have fight for amusement.
General Kenobi (@its-over-i-have-the-high-ground) has joined to captain to put a stop to human trafficking ring.
Rosetta: General, I recommend going in disguise to infiltrate the enemy.
Kenobi: That would give us the element of surprise, and lest casualties than we charged in like a certain someone I know would (@skyguy-is-gonna-fly-by). We need a distraction as well.
Commander Cody: I will take my men, and we attack from the south side. Keeping guards distracted, for you two to slip in.
Rosetta: Once we get inside fall back to here, once we take the ringleader, we will meet up here, further north.
As the group confirmed the plan. They took a rest for night and head out. Rosetta and Kenobi changed into their disguises went to the gate. As they arrived most of the guard were running to the south to defend the wall.
Kenobi and Rosetta slipped in and head towards the VIP area.
Guard 1: Hault, you not permitted in this area. Leave now!!!
Rosetta: We have orders to deliver this package. (It was an empty box with nothing side)
Guard 2: We don’t care!!! Our orders are not to let anyone through. Hand over the package and be on your way.
Rosetta gave Kenobi a nod.
Kenobi using force on the guards: You will let through, it is important.
The Guards: We will let you through, it is important.
The Guards let Rosetta and Kenobi pass. As they entered, they met with little resistance.
Kenobi: I have a bad feeling about this
They were suddenly surrounded.
Rosetta: It’s a trapped
Unknown Voice: And you felt right for it.
A Hutt entered the room being escorted by some bounty hunters.
Unknown Hutt: I am Miko the Hutt. I think I got myself two new contenders for the next match.
Rosetta: As if Miko. You nothing but a low tier Hutt. Just because you speak basic doesn’t mean you are special. (Rosetta knew that all Hutts could speak basic if they wanted too, but she wanted to push some buttons. See if Miko would slip up)
Miko: Republic Trash. How dare you. I been running this planet and all of its activities for decades!!! I am no low tier Hutt.
Kenobi: Sounds like, some couldn’t control their anger and given us all the information we need, Rosetta.
Rosetta: Indeed General. And we have all record. (Rosetta held a recording holo)
Miko: (Angrily growled, before regaining composure) No Worries, I will just dispose of you and all the evidence will be erased. Guards get them!!!
Rosetta used her mini flamethrowers to keep the guards from charging while Kenobi forced pushed the other guards against the wall. Rosetta jumped over the flames used her flame punch to knock out the remaining guards.
Miko sent out her bounty hunters next. Rosetta quickly pulled out her pistol and shot one on the left. She shot an ion blast from her wrist and disarmed the hunter. She charged towards hit, started punching him until he was down.
Kenobi was dealing with the other one on the right. Using his lightsaber to deflect the bullet back at the hunter. Kenobi threw his lightsaber at the hunter jet pack. Which launched the hunter out of the window into arena. The hunter was dragged off by animals in the pit.
They turned towards Miko.
Rosetta: It’s over Miko. As Captain of the 25th unit of Republic Special Forces I am placing you under arrest by the authority given to me by Republic High Command. (Man, we really need get name, she thought to herself.
Just as Rosetta was about to move. Something shot passed her and hit the Hutt. Instantly kill Miko.
Unknown Voice: Another Job Completed.
Kenobi: Who are you?
Unknown Voice: You can call me Anna aka the great bounty hunter (@the-greatest-mandalorian) in the world. Ta, Now!!
Anna proceeds to fly off. Rosetta not thinking, flies after her.
Kenobi: Maybe, she is not level headed as Anakin as I thought.
Rosetta proceeds to shoot at Anna.
Anna: You have to better than that to get me.
Rosetta: Surrender now!
Anna: Nah!!! I wouldn’t get my money if I did that.
Rosetta: you did this for the money.
Anna: yes and no. Miko was scum anyways, I grab bounties for scum and anything that cause mischief. I have code. But why do you care, there one less criminal in the galaxy now.
Rosetta: There is a rule of law to how things work. That is what separates us from them.
Anna: Well….It just means the a governmental body just controls who gets arrested and judge later. Sometimes, they get go free, because they information on other high level criminal. And they eventually go back their ways taking the other criminals empire. An endless cycle.
Rosetta: So you get to decide who lives and who dies. Just because you disagree, when the ruling body even if they are wrong. You can always vote them out and let someone new in willing to make a change for the better
Anna: That just wishful thinking. You will see, one day someone is going cross a line and we will never able to go back. And everything will change for the worse. Oh, looks times is up, my rides here.
Anna jumps onto her ship and fly off into the unknown. Rosetta walks back, thing on what Anna’s words. It is possible, no it can’t be, we have check and balances. I prove her wrong somehow.
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xinambercladx · 1 year
Share a random daydream about your blorbo. Can be silly or serious or sexy.
I'll go first. Cad Bane is a lizard man. As a reptile he sheds sometimes. He has a female guest arrive onboard his ship and she goes to the restroom and finds some flakes on the counter and floor. She's a bit grossed out but doesn't mention it because "it's his ship" or "he's a reptile. This is normal for reptiles, right?" She exits and he's there waiting for his turn. He goes. Later that day she needs the restroom again and finds that the bathroom had been completely cleaned, all scale flakes are gone. Bane must have forgotten to clean before she got there. Maybe he got embarrassed. Maybe he got angry at Todo for not cleaning before she arrived. In either case, neither of them mention this minor incident. However, during the 2 day journey, female human guest makes sure to keep her hair out of the drains too. <3
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lovebugcody · 6 months
my dream is to have a bookshelf (or couple of bookshelves) dedicated to the star wars novels. i want them all. there are hundreds and i want them. the movie novelisations and just all the novels about the rise of the jedi order and the high republic and just. it all. and i’ll decorate the shelves with my action figures and lego helmets and funkos (cad bane stays in the pc case. sorry cad). and have my DISO grail of grail lego sets the venator class cruiser.
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shadesofnavy · 1 year
I wonder what stuff Bounty Keith would say to regular Keith if he could still speak?
Actually, can we pretend he can still speak just for this question? I don't know what he'll say but I think it might result in a fight between them depending on how bad they get along there lol
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atticcreationz · 2 years
As someone who never shuts up about how much she loves short self contained stories: every. single. damn. episode of neverafter i pledge my undying loyalty to dimension 20 as they repeatedly hammer home the importance of endings and highlight the stale taste of stories that try to go on forever. you have my sword, my bow, my axe, my friggin wacom pen, all of it.
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jewishcissiekj · 3 months
every month I read the new Darth Vader issue expecting ....something. and every month I wonder why doesn't Greg Pak ever stop and go home never to return to write Vader or the handmaidens ever again
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babygirlrex0504 · 2 years
The Bounty Pt 3
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You and Mando now have the bounty! Trying to ignore the fact that he is a child of the force, you struggle on bringing the child back to the client and facing Mando to tell him. After having help with Kuiil getting back the Razor Crest pieces, Mando and you take the child back to the client. Mando now knows the child has “powers” he still doesn’t know you do as of yet. Will you show him soon?
A/N: Guys these parts have turn into a series, I didn’t realize how many people actually enjoyed it. So for right now, I am gonna be focusing on the two series that I have. Eventually I will get to the other stories I have planned in the Masterlist but for right now these two are my main focus! Also if you want to be added to the tag list more then welcome to comment!
Tag List: @pascalshimbo @flowersgirl02 @yourunstablegf
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Clan of Three
Bounty Mini Series
Mando was quiet, he usually is quiet but ever since the Child saved him from the Mudhorn, he has been eerie quiet. You didn’t want to bug him since it is something you have to process. As he did so you watched the child like a hawk, he would get into one of the pieces on the ship’s dashboard, that was shaped as a ball. He loved it.
You held him and brought him down from the cockpit after Mando said that they will be landing soon. You had to put him back in his egg. You felt your stomach drop. This is wrong. You can’t just give a child with the force to the Empire. When you sent him down he gave you a toothy grin.
“Remember my young padawan learner,” The voice of your teacher rang through your mind. “Jedi must protect each other, we are all one with the force. We are all brothers and sisters.”
You pet one of its ears and frowned. “I’m sorry little one.” You whispered. You heard the rumble of the ship hit the atmosphere. You sighed and put your hood up.
Mando came down the ladder and looked down at the kid then up at you. You stared into his visor and looked away opening the ramp. As you walked through the village people would stare as you both walked past. When you got to the door, you felt sick and wrong. “I am going to stay out here,” You said looking down at the kid. Mando looked at you about to say something. “No I can’t…I can’t. Meet you in the cantina.”
As you walked away you heard the coos from the child. Your heart sinking more. “Remember my young padawan learner. Jedi must protect each other, we are all one with the force. We are all brothers and sisters.”
Her voice rang over and over again, repeating it like a broken record. You remembered as that young with your doe eyes making that promise. The promise to never leave someone behind, never. Now now you are, breaking that promise. You stopped mid track as you looked back for a moment then waiting outside of the cantina for Mando.
“What if there are too many roadblocks master?” You asked as she knelt down to have you eye leveled with you.
She smiled at you, the kind of smile that a mother would give their child. The smile that made you feel at home. “The force will guide you and help you through the roadblocks,” she paused and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Let it flow through you. If I am not their physically to help you. I am there through the force.”
When you opened your eyes you saw a silver shining metal walking towards you. Mando, he did it. You cursed yourself for not stopping him. Mando walked up to you and nodded before following him into the cantina. “Mando! Y/N! They all hate you,” You turned to face all the glared and stares from the other hunters. “Because you’re legends.” Greef said smiling brightly.
You stared blankly at him, you weren’t in the mood, you wanted to go back and raid the building. Grab the child and leave. Even if that meant leaving Mando. “How many of them had tracking fobs?” Mando asked grimly.
Greef scoffed at the comment before motioning around the room. “All of them. All of them! But not one of them closed the deal. Only you two,” then came his smirk he scoffed once more. “And with it, the richest reward this parsec has ever seen.” He lifts the side of his jacket to reveal more beskar. I glared for a moment then straighten up.
Everyone was part of this? Being okay with the child being thrown in the hands of the most dangerous people? You took a breath in and noticed that Mando was sitting down. You followed him and sat next to him. You didn’t say a word as they exchanged words and eventually more jobs. You stared at the puck Mando had then back in the cantina.
Mando nudged you to scoot out. “Any idea what they’re gonna do with it?”
“It?” You whispered both Mando and agreed looked at me. You didn’t realize you said it out loud more importantly how you said it.
Instead of saying anything they continued. “I didn’t ask. It’s against the Guild Code.”
“They work for the Empire.” You said gritting your teeth. You can feel the anger building up. You tried to make yourself more calm but couldn’t stop thinking about what they would do to the kid.
“What are they doing here?” Mando added looking down at him.
“The Empire is gone. All that is left is mercenaries and warlords. But if it bothers you that much just go back to the Core and report it to the New Republic.” He explained.
You rolled your eyes and Mando scoffed. “That’s a joke.”
“Both of you enjoy your rewards. Buy some camtono of spice. By the time you come out of hyperspace you will have forgotten all about it.” Greef leaned back smiling at us.
You shook your head and both of you walked out. It was quiet between the two of you. “We shouldn’t leave the kid like that,” You whispered as you passed by people. “Who knows what they are going…”
“Let’s get going.” Mando said interrupting. At first you thought to step back and just leave to get the kid. However your sabers were in the Razor and you knew if you were gonna storm there you needed them.
When you went inside the Razor, you waited until Mando was out of sight. You hurried and grabbed the things you needed and heard the ship power on and closely powered off. You snapped you head up to the ladder as you shoved the sabers in the back pocket. “Let’s go.” He said grabbing weapons.
You smiled at him and followed him out. It was like a blur as you both walked through the town. When you both reached the alley that they were located he turned to you. “We sneak from the back, I will get the door to distract them.”
You nodded your head as you both part ways for the moment. You started to plant the small bombs against the wall. You left one of your hands against the wall, finding where they kept the kid. “Ready?” Mando asked distracting you.
You nodded. “Yeah.”
You and Mando stood a good couple feet away blowing a hole through the wall. Alarms blared as you stepped through the hole, shooting at anything that moved. Mando right behind you doing the same. You hurried through the hallways and stopped at the door that you felt the force strongly at.
When opening it the doctor cowardly put his hands up. Mando walked towards the child as you aimed your gun to the doctor’s head. “No no no don’t hurt it. It’s just a child! Please please! If it wasn’t for me it would be dead!”
“What did you do to it?” Mando asked picking him up.
You pressed the gun against the doctor’s head. “What did you do to jt!” You yelled.
“I saved it, they wanted it dead but I saved it.” He said over and over again. You looked up to see Mando heading for the door, you followed him out.
Mando and you walked fast but cautiously towards the door. Shooting at the troopers that found their way toward you. When you reached to the main room, that you both made the deal at. There was no one in there. “For a fortified building you would th…”
You turned and saw four stormtroopers surrounding the both of you. You slowly put you hands up, getting ready to use the force to place your sabers in your hands. “Wait. What I’m holding is very valuable,” Mando interrupted placing his weapon and the child down. You looked at him questioning his move. “Here.” Ignoring my stare.
That’s when you heard whistling and air brush pass you. You heard the troopers around you gurgle and call to the ground. You looked around to see smoke coming from their armor. “New toy?” You tease smiling at him.
Mando shrugged picking up the child. “Yeah something like that.”
You both hurried out cautiously, immediately noticing how quiet it was outside too. No one was out and about, walking around, selling. Nothing. “Mando! Y/N! Welcome back! Now put the package down.” Greef ordered as other Hunters came around every corner and roof.
You looked around and felt the force once again. You looked down at the child and he was sleeping. “When you need to young one fight and kill to protect yourself and others who can not fight for themselves. That is the only time.”
“But isn’t what Master Yoda said not to do?” You asked looking up at your master.
She half smiled and put her hand on your shoulder. “Yes he did but you have to survive. And so does others.”
You looked down at your shoes. “How would I know?”
“Trust in the force,” She said getting to your level. “Only trust in the force. It will guide you on what to do.”
You heard a blaster bolt passed you as Mando dived into the carriage that a droid would drive. You went in as well as the droid started driving, having blaster bolts fly passed both of your heads. You thought that you both would make it until you felt the crash into the side with smoke coming from the droid.
It was quiet for a moment, you watched as Mando brought his rifle out. “Protect it.”
You looked down at the child as Mando shot a couple of shots. You held him laying down on your side, protecting him. He stirred and looked at you. “No matter what young one protect your own.”
Mando shot back as the blaster bolts came flying pass your heads. Mando looked over at you then the kid. You sighed and stood up, you felt someone grab your arm to pull you down but you already grabbed one of your sabers. Igniting it, the shine of the s/c illuminates around you. Everything seemed to slow and still, you felt the hand slowly releasing your arm.
You pulled out the other saber igniting it as well. That’s when the blaster fire hit, you swung both of your sabers deflecting the bolts hitting them into the owner. Some you made sure would hit near others that would coward away. You looked down at Mando. “Come on!”
That’s when you both heard noises above you, looking up you saw more Mandalorians. Your eyes went wide as you saw them defending for you both to flee. Mando hopped all the way out holding the child close to his chest as he shot his pistol towards the hunters. One hunter came close to you as you swung slicing his chest, having him stubble backwards.
“This is the way.” You heard Mando’s voice through the yelling and blaster fire. Mando looked over at you and nudged over to where the Razor Crest was at.
As you both ran towards the exit you would block any sort of fire towards him and the child. Some of course would zoom pass hitting near all three of you. Mando and You were about to run on the ramp when you heard a voice behind you both. “Hold it you two,” You both slowly turned. Greef he was pointing his gun at the both of you. “I didn’t want to come to this but you both broke the code.”
Before you could say anything Mando shot him making him fall back. You turned to him and he shrugged running up the ladder with the kid. You followed behind as he started up the Crest, he was still out on the chair. You watched as the Crest rose up to head out. You watched as it left the town behind, you started to relax when you heard something fly next to you.
Mando and you looked over at the window and saw another Mandalorian. They waved you down and Mando shook his head. “I gotta get me one of those.”
You heard the child coo snapping your head down. “Hey little guy.” You said picking him up.
Mando side glanced over. “Probably should feed it.” His voice was off and didn’t look over at you.
“Yeah I will find him something.” You mumbled walking out. You took one glance over before going down.
Couple of hours passed as you wrapped the little one and placed him in the small bed that was tucked in the corner of the room. You tucked things away, cleaning the area that you cooked up a small bowl of soup you made for the kid. You brought your sabers out looking down at them.
You can’t believe that you showed yourself. Not to just him but to everyone there, now you will be a bounty just as much as the child. You inhaled deeply looking over at the sleeping child. You heard footsteps as they stopped, you looked over to see Mando standing next to the ladder looking at you.
You looked away and placed your sabers up in the container up on the top shelf. “So you hid the swords there?” He said leaning against the wall.
You nodded. “Yeah.” You said softly.
It was quiet for a moment. “What are you?” He murmured.
You sighed. “Mando…”
“No I deserve to know,” He walked up to you getting close and inches from your face. You saw your reflection through the chrome of his helmet. What were you… “After that whole thing down there. I…You…” He sighed looking away before looking back at you. “What are you?”
“Never be ashamed of who you are,” Both you and your master sat in the garden that was located on the temple grounds. The sun beamed hitting the color of the flowers and the large tree. That day you were scared on using the force from stories that other children talked about. You were 4. Young. Freshly trying to levitate an object. You looked down. “Being a jedi is far more greater then anything else in the galaxy. But it is also a greater responsibility. You will learn Y/N. One day.” She held your hand and smiled at you.
“I’m not a monster,” You chuckled. “I’m a Jedi.”
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galaxy-blues-11 · 6 months
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Omg I’m so happy with how they turned out, Dirty Method’s first comic book!!! I’ll probably put them in my shop soon but till then, give me a follow to see more stuff!
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inga-don-studio · 11 months
I feel like I was blessed or something
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