#Boy baby names starts with alphabet A
lcvemiyuki · 13 days
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“couple tiktok trends” | hq
𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃
content: haikyuu boys x reader doing tiktok trends
warnings: disgustingly cute
characters: iwaizumi, kuroo, bokuto
a/n: had this idea for a while and these were the first three i just wanted to write <3 (uppercase intended…revising other works soon)
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Iwaizumi + leaving lipstick all over his face
(reference video link)
He could never say no to you. That’s why when you sent him a video of a trend going around social media, all he could do was sigh and ask, “Could I at least pick the color?”
He chose a deep wine shade, his favorite lipstick that he loved to see on you. The rich hue always brought out the warmth in your complexion, making you look even more alluring.
It took you only one take as you applied the lipstick meticulously, your eyes meeting his in the mirror. He watched, entranced, as you carefully painted your lips, the smooth motions captivating him. Then, with deliberate intent, you smeared it slightly onto your chin.
Without a word, he moved closer, the roughness of his hand a stark contrast to the softness of your skin. His fingers wrapped firmly around your chin, thumb sweeping across the smeared lipstick to erase the mistake. The touch was gentle but assertive, his eyes never leaving yours. The intimacy of the moment caused your lips to part slightly, a slight smile tugging up, as his thumb lingered just a moment longer than necessary.
Right after, the camera panned to the seemingly nonchalant Iwaizumi, but the glint in his eyes betrayed him. His focus was entirely on you. The lipstick marks scattered across his face and neck were evidence of your small pecks. He looked ridiculous, but he didn't care. He had only agreed to this because it meant he got to feel your lips on him repeatedly.
He wouldn’t hear the end of it from Oikawa once it was posted.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
Kuroo + ribbon on bicep
(reference video link)
Kuroo saw it on TikTok and wanted to recreate the video. You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Let's do it," you agreed, deciding to be the one recording.
You both went to the store to buy baby pink ribbon specifically for this. To be honest, you knew he only wanted to show off how much his muscles had grown, but you found his excitement endearing.
Now, in the comfort of the bathroom, you carefully tied a pretty bow on each side of his chiseled arms. The contrast between the delicate ribbon and his defined muscles made the sight even more striking.
“You’re so cute with that look on your face,” he smirked, tilting his head to the side. He was enjoying this a little too much.
“Shut up,” you retorted playfully, your finger lightly nudging his forehead.
Standing in front of your black-haired boyfriend, you held your phone in one hand. The bathroom mirror reflected the two of you, capturing the intimate moment. As Lana Del Rey's dreamy voice filled the room, the video started recording.
Kuroo chuckled softly, the sound reverberating in the small space. With a playful glint in his eyes, he raised both arms and flexed. The ribbons snapped off easily, falling to the floor as his muscles bulged.
“Wow, you’re so strong, Kuroo,” you teased, emphasizing the word "strong" with a sarcastic tone.
“Shut up,” he shot back, mirroring your earlier words with a grin.
Before you could react, his arms reached out, gently but firmly lowering your phone. The camera caught a glimpse of his lips pressing a tender kiss to yours just before the video cut out.
In that fleeting moment, the warmth of his kiss lingered on your skin, the sweetness of his gesture making your heart flutter.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
Bokuto + ‘alphabet kiss count’ prank
(reference video link)
You loved to prank your boyfriend here and there because his reactions were so cute.
One day, you decided to ask him if he wanted to film a video with you; the idea was to step out of frame if you hadn't kissed someone whose name started with the letter being called out.
“I’m literally gonna be out of frame 'til your initial pops up, babe,” he laughed, eyes crinkling with amusement.
He agreed anyway, and the two of you stood in the kitchen with your phone propped up on your paper towel roll holder. You started the timer on your phone, and Bokuto immediately leaped out of frame, his frosted tips barely peeking in view, ready to pop back in when your letter was called.
You, however, stayed in the frame with no intention of leaving. As the letters were called, Bokuto side-eyed you, suspicion brewing in his mind.
‘Bokuto starts with a B, and my last name doesn’t start with an A,’ he squinted at you harder, the gears turning in his head.
“A, B, C, D, E—”
“Y/N!” Bokuto jumped back into the frame, his face flabbergasted, eyes wide with disbelief.
“There’s an A, C, D, E, that I don’t know about?!” he interrupted, not even letting you finish the sequence. You burst out laughing at his incredulous expression.
He always got so pouty and whiny whenever you pranked him.
“Baby, I’m just kidding! Baby? Bokuto!” you called out as he walked away with his arms crossed, feigning offense.
The video was long forgotten as you chased after him, showering him with kisses and back hugs, trying to win back his affection. He pretended to be dramatically upset, but you could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You wrapped your arms around him from behind, pressing soft kisses to his neck and whispering sweet apologies. "I'm sorry, love. You know I can't resist teasing you."
He turned around, unable to keep up the act any longer, and pulled you into a tight hug. “You’re lucky you’re so—” he suddenly grabbed your arms and laid you on the bed before tickling you, “cute!”
You squealed with laughter, trying to squirm away from his relentless tickling. “Stop, stop!” you gasped between giggles, tears forming in your eyes from laughing so hard.
“Not until you admit you love pranking me because you love my reactions,” he teased, his fingers dancing along your sides.
“Okay, okay! I love your reactions!” you confessed, breathless and laughing.
And in the end, he always won, leaving you both wrapped in laughter and love.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
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⤷ masterlist.
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remlionheart · 1 month
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NSFW Alphabet: Osamu Dazai Edition ♡
♡༊·˚ mdni. ((dedicating this to my pretty gf @bratbby333 since she's the dazai to my chuuya and some of these situations were in inspired by our unhinged 5 hour long facetimes calls, *cough cough* "blood-chilling" *cough cough* ♡)) this was honestly so much fun to write. dazai would be SUCH a diva in a relationship but he would also be so loving and protective ugh. lemme know whatcha think, luv u ♡༊·˚
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Dazai's almost always the first one out of bed after the fact. He already has a shower running for when he comes back into the room to hand you a towel and a glass of water. You tell him that your legs are too tired to walk all the way to the bathroom so he scoops you up into his arms. The two of you laugh as he carries you into the steam-filled room. He lets you get under the water first, squirting a generous amount of shampoo into his palm as he instructs you to turn around. "Suppose your hands are too tired to wash your hair, hm?" You bite back a smile, giving him a pitiful nod in response. "My poor girl." He hums. His long fingers massaging into your scalp feel like heaven. He leaves light kisses along your shoulder, running a washcloth over your body while whispering sweet little nothings like "How'd I get so lucky?" into your skin as he cleans you off. It's hard to believe this was the same man who was making you beg on your knees for him just twenty minutes ago.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Aside from his body's infuriating aversion to death, there aren't a whole lot of things that Dazai doesn't like about his appearance. Aesthetically speaking, he finds himself fairly attractive so it's hard to narrow down one thing he likes best. If he had to though, he'd probably go with his hands. He's always gotten compliments on them, but after seeing what strong reactions they're able to coax out of you so easily, he's realized they're one of his most valuable assets. As cliche as it may be, your eyes are his favorite feature. He finds it adorable how they always tell him what he needs to know without you ever having to say a word. They tell him when you want more, when you want less, when you're about to hit your breaking point. They guide him in the right direction every single time. Plus, they're just so fucking pretty to look at.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
The only thing more blissful to Dazai than hearing or seeing your orgasm is tasting it. His head is buried between your legs, his fingers pumping in and out of you deliriously as your thighs start to lock around him. You're spasming for him again, your voice breaking as you call out his name and your hips buck up towards him. "Dazai, I can't -" You whine. "'m so... sensitive -" "C'mon baby, please." he groans, "Just one more f’me." his tongue swirls against you with fervor, his digits still greedily plummeting into you. "Lemme taste it, lemme feel it. You’re sooo close." His fingers curl at just the right angle, his tongue faithfully lapping against you as you finally fall apart for him. He moans at the sweetness that spills down his chin. "You taste like fucking ecstasy, you know that?"
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It's not necessarily a secret because in his defense, if you were to bring it up or ask him about it, he'd tell you the truth. But Dazai can't help it that you've never inquired about his exes and he's certainly not going to offer up the fact that he knows every single person you've ever been with going all the way back to the boy you kissed on the playground when you were 4 years old. Or that he just so happens to know all of their current addresses and their moms’ maiden names and where they work and their social security numbers. I mean, does it even really matter anyway?? He just got a little curious, that’s all!!
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Dazai had been with his fair share of partners before meeting you. Sex wasn't something he was ever shy about. He did a lot of experimenting, especially when he was spending the majority of his time drinking. He's always felt comfortable in his body and never saw the big deal about sharing it with someone. It wasn't until the two of you started dating that he realized just how binding sex could be. That it could transcend well beyond the simplicity of skin against skin contact. Being inside of you was the closest thing he'd ever felt to a religious experience. It felt like coming home after a long day. No matter how many hookups he'd had in the past, there was nothing that could've prepared him for how good you'd feel.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes any position that allows him to see your face. His favorite is probably fucking you from the side though, both of you facing each other with his arm hooked under your thigh, letting him go as deep as he pleases. He gets lost in the way your pupils dilate when he plunges into you. The security of your arms wrapped around his neck as you whimper and wriggle against him. There's something so intimate about watching you come undone from this view. Feeling you drench him while he kisses you over and over. "Let it out, baby. I've got you. Doin' so good - fuck, baby you're doin' so good f'me."
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
As passionate as Dazai is when it comes to being inside of you, he's still able to find a level of a humor in just about anything. He's a Gemini, after all. If he's too serious for too long, he'll simply die. You're on top of him with your hands tangled into his for balance as you grind against him. Your hips are rocking back and forth at a pace that's making his breathing uneven. You feel proud, thinking his reaction is a sign of you doing a good job until you watch his head roll to the side, a stupid smile suddenly visible as he tries to bury his face into the pillow. You quickly realize it's not a moan that he's holding back, but a laugh. Your movements come to an abrupt pause. "Dazai." He tries his best to keep it together, but the scolding tone in your voice coupled with the stern look you're shooting him is only making it worse. “Wait, listen -" he tries to explain himself, but he's powerless to his own thoughts. A burst of suppressed laughter fills the room as he covers his face with his hands, still feeling the weight of your glare on him. "R - remember -" he struggles “Last week? When you were telling me about that book you were reading and...." he nearly snorts. "And you described it as -" Your lips press into a flat line, your eyes glazing over as you realize what he’s getting at. You knew the second you messed up that phrase, you'd never hear the end of it. "Are you seriously still laughing about the fact that I said 'blood-chilling' instead of 'bone-chilling?'" "BLOOD-CHILLING!" He repeats with the most obnoxious cackle, narrowly dodging the pillow you throw at him.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Dazai spends more time grooming himself than you do. Hours in front of the mirror looking at himself from every angle to make sure what he's done is up to his standards. He's subscribed to one of those manscaping services where they mail him out a surprise bundle each month of new products to try. When you go down on him one night, he asks "...Does it smell like teakwood?" Your head pops up immediately, unsure if you even want to know what he's hinting at. "What?" "Nothing... it's nothing."
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
In love, Dazai worships you. He has every inch of your frame memorized and knows exactly what each tiny movement and whimper mean. He's studied your body like it's his lifelong passion and he's learned how to make it respond so well for him. Your hips just barely buck up while he's on top of you and he smirks, his hair lightly brushing against your forehead. "You sure can handle the whole thing? Figured you'd still be sore after last night." You shake your head back at him with the poutiest expression, your core aching for more. "I can take it." you insist, "I can -" He challenges your sureness, giving you another inch only to see your eyes roll into the back of your head. Your hand gripping onto the sheet above you. He'd never deny you of anything you wanted, but especially not when you looked this gorgeous. He grabs your hand, tangling his fingers into yours before drawing back and burying himself into you. "That's my girl." he groans, reeling in the way your walls so eagerly swallow him. Your breathing is erratic, your composure completely gone as you writhe and clench around him. He knows you're right there. You start to close your eyes, but he stops you, bringing his free hand under your chin to redirect your attention back to him. "Let me see it, angel. Show me." He slams into you again, giving you every inch of him this time. "Show much you love this." And you do. You show him three times in 20 minutes how much you love it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Dazai's the first to admit that he has a high libido and if the mood strikes, he's going to do something about it. He gets bored easily, so he has a variety of different mediums to get the job done - the 'hidden' folder on his phone that's filled with pictures and videos of you, romance mangas, fleshlights, audio porn, hentai. He's not afraid to experiment even when he's alone.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dazai is a true switch and will really fall into either being dominant or submissive depending on the situation. There are nights he gets off work and starts throwing out demands like, "On the bed. Now. Legs apart f’me." as he strips out of his jacket and pushes you down further onto the mattress. But, the are other times where he's dying not to be in control anymore. Where he's had to make too many decisions and he revels in the way you take the reins. The way you climb on top of him and whisper "good boy" as he grows hard beneath you. The only thing he loves more than making you beg is begging for you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Dazai has a bit of a thing for voyeurism and recklessness so when Kunikida hires a driver to pick the two of you up to take you to a dinner for the ADA, Dazai has no hesitation on hiking up your dress in the back of the limo. Peeking up every so often to see if the driver has even noticed the way your tits are pressed up against the window for passing cars to see as your vehicle speeds down the highway. You arch your back perfectly for him, giving him full control as he plunges into you. Your walls are so snug and gushy, he knows he won't last long. But you're enjoying this just as much as he is, playing with your clit as he grabs your hair and pulls you up to kiss him. "You like knowing that people can see me fucking you?" he whispers, biting down on your bottom lip. "Your cunt’s drippin’ alllll over me.” "Fuck - yes.” You moan, feeling your legs beginning to shake as you let out a strained. “I’d let you fuck me anywhere.” His smirk deepens, his thrusts becoming more frantic. "Don’t make promises you can’t keep, angel.”
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Dazai's pretty easy to wind up in general, but he definitely has a thing for asphyxiation. Perhaps it stems from the lingering effects of suicidal ideation, but the feeling of something cutting off his airways makes him feral. When you're on top of him and you reach for his throat, he nearly fucking melts. If he could choose any way to die, he'd request for it to be at the mercy of your loving fingertips digging into the side of his neck.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There aren't many things that Dazai wouldn't do. Not just sexually, but in general. His curiosity almost always gets the better of him no matter the situation. The only time he's ever told you no was when you were being too hard on yourself. He walked in on you picking at your body in the mirror. Pulling your skin in different directions to see what you'd look like if your arms were thinner or what you'd look like if your nose leaned more to this way instead of that way. His heart sank. All of the post-work fantasies he had built up over the day disappeared the minute he saw how frustrated you were. "Hey," he whispered, coming up behind you and gently wrapping his arms around your waist as his chin rested on your shoulder. "Please stop being mean to my girlfriend. She doesn't deserve that." You tried to brush it off as a joke, leaning up to kiss him while he held you, but he pulled back. "I'm serious." he ran light fingers over your stomach, his eyes locked with yours in the reflection of the mirror. "We're not doing anything until I hear you say at least five things you like about yourself." He could see past almost any crime or murder, but he drew the line at you degrading yourself.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Dazai's all about both, but if he's being completely honest with himself, he loves the feeling of your mouth around his cock. How cute you look when you struggle to take the whole thing. The way your eyes widen when he thrusts into your throat. How thorough you are, turning the act of going down on him into a work of fucking art. Even though you’re the one submitting to him when you get on your knees, he still feels like he's at your grace. You feel so good, he'd do anything to keep your lips wrapped around him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Just like anything else, pacing could go one way or the other. The thing about Dazai, is he wants to do whatever you want to do. Even when he's in more of a dom role, your pleasure is still his main focus. There's no such thing as wrong time or wrong place as far as he’s concerned. If you wanted him to fuck you slow and sensually in the club bathroom, he would. He'd dim the lights, lock the door, lay his jacket down for you to sit on as he propped you up onto the sink and kissed you passionately. If you wanted fast, rough, filthy sex by candlelight on a bed of roses, he would. He'd wrap his hand around your pretty little throat, mocking the way you're struggling to breathe as he bullied himself into you while you’re surrounded by romantic ambiance. Whatever you want, he does too.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If there was a tornado approaching your house at a reasonable speed, Dazai would still find time to have a quickie with you. Especially if he thought it was the last thing he might ever do. He wants to feel you as much as he possibly can. The construct of time really means nothing to him. You have to log onto a work meeting in five minutes? "I can fit under the desk, baby :((( they won't even see me. Just spread your legs and keep a straight face, okay?" Your parents are on their way over? "They drive so slow anyway, angel and the door's locked. Promise we won't get caught." You're waiting for food to be delivered? "Bet I could make you cum twice before the doorbell even rings." Getting to spend five minutes in you is always better than spending five minutes out of you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Dazai isn't just willing to take a risk, he's usually the one pushing for it. Any time your phone rings, his hands are suddenly roaming along your body, his fingers dipping into the softness of your underwear as he starts to kiss your neck. He knows you're on the phone with your boss, that makes it even better. He wants to see how long you can keep your composure while he torments you. Your eyes are like daggers when you look back at him, but your cunt betrays you entirely, grinding against him needily while he smirks. He picks up the pace, reeling in the subtle way your thighs shake. You're trying so hard to sound so professional and coherent, but your thoughts are everywhere. You're having to hit the 'mute' button every few seconds just to let out a whimper. Dazai nips at the nape of your neck, slamming into you with an extra finger this time causing you to nearly drop your phone. "Ahh ~!" But there's no time to hit mute with how he's suddenly plunging into you. Your boss asks if you're okay and you have no choice but to hang up. "Dazai -" you try to keep your voice firm, but you can barely see straight the deeper he sinks into you. "What - the... fuck -" Each word is a moan, your hand grabbing desperately onto the collar of his shirt. "Dazai," "Somethin' wrong, baby?" "Dazai, you can't -" But he already is. He already is so bad. "Dazai, please." You're not even sure what you're pleading for anymore - if it's for him to stop or continue. Your walls are squeezing him so tight, your heart slamming into your chest as more uncontrollable whines fill the room. "Dazaaiii ~" you whimper again, soaking his hand as his thumb brushes across your clit. "Ohmygod, fuck. You can't keep doing that." "No promises." He smirks, carefully pulling out of you before bringing his fingers to his mouth. "It's not my fault you taste so good."
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It all depends on the mood, Dazai's pretty versatile. Could he fuck you for hours? Yes. Has he? Many times. It's no secret that he loves watching you struggle to walk the next day after having your legs pinned against his shoulder. But he knows he can't do that every time. He generally tries to follow your lead and give your body what it wants - whether that's 20 minutes of gentle, deep, intimacy or an hour of a mating press followed by overstimulation. As long as you're getting off, so is he.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
His nightstand is filled with an assortment of silicone stimulants for the two of you. Cockrings and vibrators and bondage kits. Out of all of the subscription services he has, getting a bundle of mystery toys delivered to his house each month is by far his favorite. He always waits 'til you come over to open it. Pouring you both a glass of wine as you divvy them out and argue about decide on who gets to use what on who.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Osamu Dazai lives to tease you. As far as he's concerned, the only reason the sun rises each morning is so that he can find new and exciting ways to make you grovel for him. He'll tie your hands together above your head, slowly unzipping his pants in front of you. Forcing you to watch as he strokes himself above you, groaning out lewd little nothings like, "Oh fuck, 'feels soo good." while he smirks at your pouty little face and the way you begin to squirm underneath him impatiently. “See how hard I am? God, just imagine what it'd feel like inside you." His hand pumping uppp and doownnnn tortuously out of reach. "Tell me baby, would you want me to go hard and fast or reeaall slow and deep?" He fucking moans while you writhe helplessly against the mattress, your neglected cunt throbbing. "Dazai, please." "Poor thing." He mocks, still jerking himself to the sight of you looking up at him with pleading eyes. "You can do better than that though, can’t you angel? C'mon, make me believe you.”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
There's no denying that Dazai's loud. You make him feel so fucking good and he wants you to know. He'll have a fistful of your hair, groaning out your name while your tongue swirls around his tip. "Fuuuck.” He whimpers. "Oh - my… god." Tiny hearts cloud his vision as he watches your throat fill with his length, the heavenly sounds of you gagging on him echoing across the room. Your eyes gloss over, spit pooling down your chin when you look back up at him, your tongue still pressed firmly against his base. "S'fucking gorgeous when you suck my cock." His praise only make you go faster, drawing out the prettiest whines from him. "Nnngh ~ don't stop, baby.” His grip tightens in your hair. "Don't. Fucking. Stop." His hips buck up with each syllable, his rhythm unrelenting as lecherous tears begin to spill down your cheeks. You keep going though, drowning in the noises he's making for you. "Right there, right there. 'm gonna - oh fuck. 'm -" You feel him twitch inside your mouth before a flood of warmth suddenly coats your throat. "Swallow f'me, angel." his voice is so heady and delirious, it comes out as more of a beg than a command, "Fuck... Yeah. Just like that, mmm, god, just like that." You take it all in, not letting one drop go to waste. "You're sucha good girl, you know that? Sucha good fucking girl."
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Dazai gives the illusion that he's not jealous. That it doesn't bother him in the slightest when you go out with your friends or when you stay at the gym longer than you said you would. He does trust you - completely, actually. He knows you'd never do anything to jeopardize your relationship with him. It’s the outside world he doesn't trust. When you're driving home from work, he's watching you through the location sharing on your phone. He stares at the screen intently until he hears you pull into the driveway. When you’re at the bar, he knows the importance of girls’ time and he’d never spoil that. He simply wants to make sure no one is bothering you. He shows up, stealthily lingering in the background, watching his pretty girl laugh with her friends and dance with a drink in her hand the way she should. He loves seeing you have fun, he doesn’t want to take that away from you. He just follows behind your Uber to make sure the driver gets you to where you're going safely. He's seen too many tragedies between working for the PM and ADA, he can't take the risk of letting anything happen to you. So, he doesn't. There's absolutely nothing off limits to you. The entire world is yours. You just... might see a man in a suspicious looking jacket that bears an eerie resemblance to your boyfriend trailing behind you from time to time while you're out. It's only because he loves you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Standing at a solid 5'11, Dazai's decently tall and slender - surprisingly muscular underneath all of those bandages. His waistline is so pretty and his hands? God, those long beautiful digits have brought you to your breaking point more than a few times. Besides excelling in dexterity, he's also packing. A perfect blend of length and girth that curves ever-so-slightly as if it was made for the sole purpose of hitting your g-spot.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Dazai would bend you over in in front of the Pope if you'd let him. He's unapologetically ready to go at any time. He can't help that you're just so gorgeous and that his eyes are always glued to the way your hips sway when you walk in front of him. He yearns for you constantly, even when you're not around. If he could have a 10-hour loop of you moaning his name that's what he'd use as white noise to fall asleep to each night. He can't help that his dick twitches at the thought of you. It's not his fault you're so pretty :((((
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Rest has never come easy for Dazai. He's tried every natural (and narcotic) sleep aide he could get his hands on. Put down multiple bottles of Pinot Grigio and still found himself up for days on end. Up until he met you, he didn't think it was possible for him to sleep for more than two hours at a time, but the first time you invited him over to your apartment changed everything. The two of you had been talking for hours - laughing and debating and sharing secrets over a bottle of cherry whiskey. He could've stayed up long past sunrise with you but when he noticed how tired your eyes were getting, he offered to take you to bed instead. Both of you stripped down into lazy pajamas. You, in an oversized t-shirt with nothing underneath. Dazai, in his boxers. You looked so peaceful when your head hit the pillow, he was sure that you'd be out soon, but to his surprise, your body had other plans. Your lips were soft against his, your hands gently roamed along his body as you pulled him on top of you. You smiled at the way his hair tickled your forehead. The sun was just barely creeping through your curtains, grazing your face as he slid into you, highlighting the pleasure that had taken over your features. It was all so hazy and comfortable. Your room filled with heady mid-morning noises while his body thrusted generously into yours. There was something so intimate about it that it nearly brought you to tears. You felt full in every sense of the word. When you were both good and spent, the two of you laid in the middle of your bed with your head nestled into his chest. He played with your hair, watching you fall asleep in his arms. He'd never felt more human than he did in that moment. His eyes closed, his mind turning off for what felt like the first time in years as he drifted off with you.
ㅤ ೀ ㅤ۫ ㅤ۪ㅤ۫ ㅤ ♡ ㅤ
‎♡‧₊˚ here's chuuya's version if you're new here ‎♡‧₊˚
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emmyrosee · 11 months
Osamu leaves his phone number on napkins as a way to flirt with you.
You find them everywhere. Anywhere. It’s almost always the same thing- a chicken scratched version of your name, a crudely drawn winky face, and his phone number. If it wasn’t his phone number, it was another silly flirt, cheesy as can be and making your cheeks heat up each and every time you catch it.
who needs the galaxy when the only stars i want are in your eyes?
if i could rearrange the alphabet, id put U and I together
your hand looks heavy… want me to hold it for you?
call me ;}
And you’d be completely smitten with these originally, rolling your eyes and telling him how inappropriate it was leaving little napkins scattered around the back of Onigiri Miya for you.
But you don’t have to. Because you’ve been engaged for seven months by now.
“You don’t have to waste the napkins like this,” you snip playfully, tossing a wad onto the desk he’s occupied at. “You could very easily just text me your silly ass flirts.”
He chuckles and shakes his head, standing up and strutting confidently towards you. “You wound me baby,” he says, pulling you in for an embrace. “Is it a crime to leave little love letters for my little love?” You fake a gag and he rolls his eyes before pulling you in for a hug, “besides, how will everyone know you’re mine if I don’t?”
“I wear a fat rock on my finger every day, we come in together, and I know you’ve given me marks that I’ve been unable to cover- trust me, I think they get it.”
He lets his eyes glaze up and down before settling on your lips again, “well what if I just want you to know I love you? Huh?”
“I come back here, and you tell me,” you offer with another kiss, which he takes happily. “You always tell me.” Your arms snake around his thick neck, fingers playing with the short hairs of his undercut just to hear him shiver. He settles his hands on your waist and gives you a small, playful pout.
“You really don’t like my napkin-flirts?”
“I don’t like you wasting napkins,” you snort. “Gotta leave some for the customers and staff, angel boy.”
He sighs dramatically, “fine. No more flirt napkins.”
“Good,” you say, smiling. In truth, it does seem weird that you’ll start walking into work without crude little napkins flirting with you, but it’s for the best. And it is weird for a few days, even to the point some of your staff asks about the lack of affectionate little notes.
But the strange feeling doesn’t last.
Instead, it upgrades to bright pink sticky notes, littered around the shop in a familiar fashion to the napkins, only now, stuck in place for you to find throughout the restaurant.
And every now and again, all over the house. All over.
But who would’ve known, he was right.
Because you’d be lying if you say you do hate the unprofessional little reminders.
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imasoftieforbarb · 8 months
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He definitely calls you Babe, baby or maybe hun?
Or an inside joke pet name
Definitely the vibe of trying to one up each other with very over the top pet names
John Dory: my hunny bunny
Y/n: m’y knight in shining in armour
John Dory: the light of my life, wind in my sails- my goddess of love
Y/n: ok, you win that was awful
John Dory: told you!
Waiter: *has been listening to them go back and forth for ten minutes* are you ready to pay yet?
John Dory: *smugly smiling at Y/n* yes I am
Definitely short versions of your name, or if your name is already short then just your initial!
Though I think once he gets comfortable in the relationship maybe he’ll start calling you teasing names
Clay: Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet?
Y/n: What? Like J F K W S Q X-
Clay:No, like, U R A Q T.
Calls you Darling, Love, and all the good sweet names!
He pretends to hate it when you call him your heart throb or something cliche or referring to his band days- but secretly loves it
Y/n: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Bruce: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
He’s so sweet to you! Calls you: Mine, my sunshine, my girl!
He just gets a dreamy look on his face when you say his name- but he melts into a puddle if you give him a pet name!
*at a faire*
Y/n: *spots à stall they want to go to* let’s go pretty boy
Floyd: me?
Y/n: *turns and grabs Floyd’s hand* pretty boy with me I said
Floyd: *dreamliy* pretty?
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Pairing: Brothers Best Friend! Steve x Innocent! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: you despise steve and his constant teasing with you- the younger sister of his best friend bucky barnes. little do you know that teasing is flirting, and it comes in handy when you’re trapped at a costume party with no way home. 
Warnings: SMUT, fingering, daddy kink, petnames, slight breeding kink, praise kink, swearing, size kink (steve is like 6′5), dry humping, slight degradation kink, lots of teasing, alcohol and drugs mentioned 
“i'm not a little kid now, watch me get big now- spell my name on the fridge now with all your alphabet toys.... you won the spelling bee now, but are you smarter than me now? you're the prince of the playground little alphabet boy” - alphabet boy, melanie martinez 
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You were sick of him. 
Sick, sick, sick. 
He plagued your brain, consuming you whole like some flesh-eating maggot. The thought of him was enough to send shivers down your back, make your stomach curl in on itself like rotten milk. 
Steve scared you. 
He scared you in a way you didn’t even know was possible, in a way that was rooted deep in your core. The embarrassment you got whenever he was around sent you spiraling. 
You were the shy, timid and innocent little sister to Bucky, though you weren't so little, he and his friends always thought of you that way. 
I’m not a little kid! You’d often whine to him as he teased you, times never changing. Steve was Bucky's best friend, a brother to him if you will. Always lurking around, always popping up in places you'd least expect him. 
He was the character that was always slouched on the couch when you got home, acting as if it were his house, and you were the guest. You might as well be, with the way he teased you. 
Always making your cheeks heat whenever he mocked you, called you names, picked on you for your cutesy, little pink outfits. It made your toes curl in their socks, your hands balling into little fists as if you were fighting the urge to swing at him. 
He’s being mean to me again Bucky! You’d often call from your bedroom as Steve towered over you, leaning against your bedroom door frame- eyeing you up like you were the star dish on the menu. 
Let him! He’d call back, making Steve’s smirk grow even wider. 
It was torture, being around him. Any comments you shot back to him ended up backfiring almost immediately. 
You were smaller, dumber, younger- didn’t you know better? 
No, you wanted to snap back. No, I don’t know any better. Because I’m stubborn and he’s being a tease. 
Steve would build you up like building blocks, just to bring you back down again. Yet you refused to be away from him for too long. Yes the thoughts made you feel sick, tummy starting to ache as you thought of his cool, stern gaze, that cocky smile and biceps as large as your head.
 It made your thighs clamp, palms turn clammy when you thought of the happy trail that lingered down his abs whenever he’d stretch and yawn while him and Bucky were watching the game, knowing you were watching from behind your little hiding spot. 
Damn him. Damn him and his mocking, pretentious ways. Damn him for always winning you back over, with little sweets and treats and the odd compliment, or attention he knew you so desperately craved.
 It was obvious, how drawn to him you were, like a lost puppy. Though you tried to fight it, you were always rewarded with a snarky comment. 
You’re so dumb. So dumb, such a baby. 
You could never win, when it came to Steve. He was the golden child in everyone’s eyes, always doing the right thing, always working so hard and succeeding! You were just trying your best, getting the soft, sad smile along with it. 
They didn’t see how Steve treated you. They didn’t notice the sly looks he gave you, knowing he had beat you at every hand he dealt. 
He was the prince of the playground. You were just a pawn for him, something to direct his mocking, sarcastic ways towards. Though you refused to cry in front of him, knowing that would irk his comments even more.
 I’m just teasing you rabbit. Don’t be so sensitive. Was his form of an apology. And you ate it up every single time, licking the plate and utensils before seconds.
 It was cat and mouse between the two of you, always pulling each other's leg. Or hair, in his case. The sexual attraction you felt towards him was undeniable, nonetheless. You were drawn to him and his charming ways, the facade he put on for others. 
How could no one see him? The real him? 
The Steve who always trailed his hand up your leg to pinch your thigh tightly when you were forced to sit next to him, the Steve who always looked at you as if you were his next meal. 
He was an angel to the world, but his halo was anything but bright. You thought of him now, in your own set of angel wings- costume party in full swing. It was late, the hour growing long and you wanted nothing more than to stumble home. 
Even if that meant taking yourself. 
The alcohol was buzzing in your system, the bottle drowning you way past your limit. You were such a sucker for peer pressure, wanting nothing more than to please others. 
So you drank, and drank, and drank until you were a babbling mess, the world seeming to bend over backwards, flipping each and every way as you adjusted your little wings and took another sip of some fruity cooler. 
It was so saccharine you swore your teeth started to tingle as it swished around your mouth. 
You needed to leave. 
It was too stuffy and hot, bodies all packed together as the wallpaper glistened from the low lights, and the smoke started to cover everything like a shield. Nobody listened to you, your friends long gone as you attempted to beg for an exit, an escape route for you to stumble down. 
Everyone had morphed into another being- you weren't sure who was who anymore, with all the masks and makeup. It was not your scene. Not at all. 
Somehow, after a few loud, floor-shaking songs later you had managed to stumble over to a hallway, slowly guiding yourself past the couples who were dry-humping eachother against the picture frames, kissing with so much teeth and tongues it was like they were having a battle on who would gasp for air first.
The red solo cup had slipped from your nibble fingers, clattering against the hardwood and splashing red up against the walls. 
It looked like blood. 
The cool air hit you like a train on a track as you stepped out into the dark abyss, large forest looming in front of you as the porch light flickered. The shadows of the trees looked like clawed fingers against the grass, the gust of wind causing goosebumps to spread up your arms. 
You needed to get home. 
There was a trail that connected this property to yours, though it was long and windy. The smart thing to do was to call Bucky, explain to him the situation. 
I’m drunk. Like really drunk. And I’m scared and I need someone to hold just for a few minutes while they take me home. It was a mistake and I’m so sorry, I really am. 
But he wouldn't hold you. He probably wouldn’t even pick you up, saying it was your fault for getting in this situation, so you should find a way out of it.
 No, no that was intrusive thoughts talking. You couldn't tell the difference anymore. Everything in your brain was swimming, the world stretching and warping like a fushigi ball. 
Bucky would pick you up. Of course he would. But you knew the consequences that would come with it. Which is exactly why you put another foot forward, pushing yourself off of the old, weathered siding. 
You would be treated like a child, mocked at for being so careless. Well, he could shove that mocking up his ass. You were tired of him and his friends always being so mean, always bullying you because you were seen as careless. 
You didn’t need any company, but it didn’t mean you were opposed to it. A shadow, one even more intimidating than the towering trees appeared, lingering behind you. It was stretched, shoulders wide as you peered down at it. 
“You shouldn't be out here all alone.” the voice murmured, low and deep as you turned. Your eyes met with a strangers, mask covering his face- deep looming pulled eyes staring at you. 
You had seen that movie with Steve and Bucky, though you had never been a fan of scary movies. “It’s not safe for little girls like you, you know.” he drawled on.
 It should've scared you, his sudden interest in you. He had appeared out of nowhere, quite literally from nowhere, keening to the likes of you. But it made you feel special, knowing this mystery man was talking to you.
 “I’m not alone, you’re out here.” you giggled, stumbling forward towards his 6’5 frame. You felt a weird desire to be in this mans arms- though there was no doubt about it that it was the booze that rushed to your head. 
“You should be scared angel. Not stumbling towards a stranger, all doe eyed like that.” 
“But you seem nice!” you chirped out, forgetting your original mission to make way back to your home. You liked this man. You liked Ghostface. 
“ Mhm you’re lucky I am. I take pity on little girls like you.” His arm extended, tight black henley sleeves rolled up to his bulging biceps. Mystery mans hand was warm to the touch, the brush of skin against your own sent heat licking down your spine. It was then you noted the tattoo that was all too familiar, the twist and curves of black ink that bent around his wrist like a snake. 
“Steve?” The hand that shrugged off the mask confirmed your suspicions, long blonde hair curling at the nape of his neck, blue eyes sparked with mischief. 
“You really shouldn't be so vulnerable, ya know. What if I actually was a stranger? It’s dangerous.”
 The scolding began. You were too dazed out to fight back, tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth. 
“I’m sorry, I really am. Just- just don’t tell B-bucky!” you hiccupped, praying he would help you. This was the first time you had needed Steve. Had wanted him to stay, and actually care. 
He clucked his tongue. “I won’t. But we need to get you home, yea? Silly girl. Silly, silly girl.”
 “I’m sorry.” was all you could mutter, stumbling as he squeezed your hand as a sign of reassurance, fighting off the chill of the night air.
 “Don’t be stupid. You weren't thinking of going in the woods alone, were you? There really must not be a brain in there after all.” he mocked, taunting you as he guided you onwards, towards the creaking trees, their limbs dangling down like claws that would scratch your skin lean off, leave you bare and vulnerable. 
You took a deep breath, the fresh air heightening your senses as a twig snapped from under his weight, a soft tune leaving his lips as he whistled. You shuddered, leaning into him more, his larger hand in yours squeezing your digits a little tighter.
 “You scared angel?”
 “N-no. Never scared.” you lied, staring straight ahead, though you couldn't see much besides his flashlight beam aimed at the little path in front of you. 
“Not even when I spooked you that one time when you were with that pink bunny stuffie in your bedroom? What were you doing with it anyways?” 
Humping it to the thought of you, you wanted to confess but kept your lips shut. 
“Having a tea party.” you grumbled, to which he laughed. It brought you a sense of comfort in the moment- that laugh. It wasn't mean, or directed. It was just easy, carefree, and light as it bounced off an invisible sound barrier.
 He wasn't laughing at you. He was laughing with you.
 “Cute. You’re so cute bunny. You know that?” 
“No.” you giggled, cheeks heating as hot as the sun, whether it was from the booze or his affections, you didn’t know. It seemed like time was stretched and warped, the path ending as soon as it started when you were with Steve. 
You felt weirdly protected with him near, the warmth of his body drawing you closer, the scent of his cologne making your head spin as he murmured to you. It was hard to comprehend what he was saying, your mind in a different place as you stumbled into your backyard. 
The lights were off, the structure appearing empty and hollow as you stared up at it. “Looks like Bucko wouldn't of came anyways sweetheart.” he sighed, noting his car wasn't in the driveway, the doors appearing locked.
 “Does that mean I’m alone?” you asked, anxiety creeping into your voice. You didn’t think you could be alone tonight. You were too anxious and on edge to deal with the warped shadows, bending and following you like a contortionist. 
And if you puked, who said you’d be able to get off the bathroom tiles? 
“I’m staying with you angel. You’re too stupid to think for yourself right now.” 
You fought your urge to stick your tongue out at him, but you knew he was right. He teased you for having next to no thoughts in your brain all the time, but this time it was actually true.
 “Let’s go.” he tugged at your arm, causing u to stumble after him as he made his way towards the back door. His legs were so much longer than yours, stride extensive and full of authority. Steve knew exactly where to go, digging the key out of the hiding spot and unlocking the door. 
You didn’t even know how he knew where it was. You surely didn’t remember.
 The light flickered on, humming softly as it illuminated the little breakfast nook. “Steve why do you hate me?” you blurted out, hiccuping as you bent down to unbuckle your shoes, kicking them off by the door.
 His face contorted into a look of confusion as he peered down at you. “I don’t hate you bunny. Far from it.” 
You just nodded, taking his word for it. He was stumped by your level of compliance, as you normally would fight or bicker with him whenever he made a claim. But you were quiet, humming a little song as you trudged towards the stairs, hands out in front of you to guide you instead of turning on the rest of the lights.
 “Stev-” you gasped as suddenly your body was lifted from the ground, swung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Your head spun as you stared at the world from a much taller height, body squirming as he moved.
 A hand smacked your thigh that poked from under your little dress, making you yelp. “Stop squirmin girl. You're not walking up these stairs.” he grumbled, making the trudge up the rickety wooden stairs, hand rubbing your thigh as you felt your panties start to dampen. 
His hand was so warm, so nice as it stroked your skin, even when it stung. 
“I’m fully- fully able to walk up.” you slurred and he chuckled.
 “Mhm I don’t think you should think for yourself right now baby bunny.” he teased, and you giggled. Your bedroom door opened with a creak, and he walked you past the pink walls, past the frilly whites and endless stuffies as he plopped you down on your bed. 
You laid back with a sigh, tracing the soft sheets with your fingers, sinking into them as you closed your eyes. Steve felt himself getting harder and harder the longer he gazed at you, so soft and delicate- like a little doll. 
You were so in your element, basking in the comfort of the silk and cotton, just savoring how fuzzy you felt in the moment. 
“Can you help me with my costume Stevie?” you whispered, eyes fluttering open to smile at him. He thought he was dreaming. He needed to be pinched. 
But you needed his help, craved for his touch again as you lay there- almost helpless. You swung your leg up, toes curling against his abdomen in your socks, stretching your arms over your head.
 “You’re such a tease, you know that?” he murmured, tugging at each sock, peeing them away from your skin to reveal your bubblegum pink nail polish. 
“Mhmm so tired though Stevie. I can’t do anything.” 
“Oh I know.” he smirked, hands slowly inching their way up towards your thighs, fingers walking their way across your skin. 
“Just need your help, you gotta take care of me.” you giggled, back arching as he tugged at your dress, pulling off the rest of your costume. Your breasts were bared, shining in the pale moonlight as the air whooshed past his teeth. 
No bra.
 “Fuck. Fuck fuck.” he murmured as you giggled softly, batting your eyelashes at him as if you were a schoolgirl. “What’s the matter Stevie?” you asked, reaching for him, nails softly scraping against his biceps. 
“You’re so fucking adorable angel. Jesus Christ.” 
“Yeah?” you smiled, grabbing his hand, guiding it down towards your lacey underwear that was now soaked, letting his fingers circle your button through the fabric. 
You moaned, back arching against the sheets as he smiled, that wicked grin that drove you wild. You couldn't help yourself. You were on cloud nine, head in the heavens from the way he looked at you, the way he touched you. 
Hands slipped up to grope your breasts, massaging them, squeezing each nipple as your mouth parted into an O shape, moaning his name. His hands slipped under your undergarments, fingers coaxing you open as your legs fell limp- purely under his control. Submissive and willing for him. 
It drove him wild, the sweet, innocent little sister of his best friend- the person he had craved for years was now under him looking like a doll.
 “Gotta open you up first princess. Don’t wanna hurt your sweet, little hole hm?” he whispered, thumb circling your clit, so sensitive under his flesh, aching for him. 
You were just so needy, practically begging him- words slurring as you humped his hand, mindlessly reaching for one of your stuffies to cling to as your body rode him. 
“Mhmm so… daddy..” you gasped out, emitting a low growl from his lips. You moaned into the fur of the animal, to which he quickly ripped away. 
“Don’t hide your sweet little noises for daddy baby, don’t you know better? We’re all alone here, just the two of us. But even if we weren't, wouldn't you want everyone to know how good daddy's fingers feel stuffed in your cunnie?” 
You nodded viciously, gasping for breath as heat licked down your spine, burning bright in your core as he rocked into you deeper. It was taken away in an instant, a startled gasp leaving your lips in disappointment before you saw his hands fumbling with his belt, muttering under his breath. 
“Fuck I’m sorry angel but I can't take this anymore.I need- I need to be inside you I’m-” 
You whimpered as he tugged down his bottoms as quickly as the two of you had entered this tangled affair, barely having a second to process what was happening before he was in you, and he was in you deep. 
Plunging straight to the hilt, hands clawing at his biceps as you moaned, cried his name so sweetly he almost combusted right then and there.
 “I’m so sorry angel I just- been waiting too long, FUCK you’re so goddamn tight n wet..” he murmured, head drooping low as he breathed you in, watched the way your juices coated his cock as he slipped out just slightly, only to plunge in even harder. 
You clung to him so nicely, as if you were just made for him and only him, delicate and dainty. It was so easy to make you drool, so easy to watch you melt deeper into the mattress as he used you as his own personal fleshlight, muscles tensing and flexing as they adjusted you to the exact positions he wanted you in. 
“You’re so good to me Stevie. So, so good, filling me…” you sighed, eyes hazy and glazed over as you peered up at him, admiring the man you hated with a passion, but the one you also craved like a drug. 
He was so careful with you, guiding your tipsy body home, but so rough and eager with you now, as if he was feral.
 “Stevie?” you asked softly, face distorting slightly the longer he looked at you, confusion now smeared across your face like a kids finger painting. “Stevie?” 
You were muffled- trapped underwater. Murky. 
His eyes flew open with a start, meeting yours as he blinked the fuzz away. His hand was so close to your body, just mere inches away from the place he had been touching you in his dream. 
“Mhm?” he asked, noting he had somehow ended shirtless in your bed, the girly bedsheets wrapped around his low midriff, and you fought not to stare down at his happy trail. 
“You were dreaming I think. Mumbling something.” you slurred, head smacking down back onto the pillow as he stared at you, your eyes now closed once more. 
He didn’t fully remember what had happened. He had teased you, felt you up, and helped you home. But now he was in your bed, despite the fact the two of you bickered constantly, and nothing had happened. 
Your little skimpy pj’s were still on. His boxers were on. Though he wished more than anything they were off, that everything was off and he could feel you the way he had ten seconds earlier. 
He watched the steady rise and fall of your chest as you fell back into a drunken slumber, hand slipping over to cup your warm cheek before he could stop himself. 
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bobbin-buckley · 20 days
Car Rides
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Top!Mabel x Bottom!Fem!Reader
Summary: Just a small Drabble of Mabel railing you in her car, in front of her exes house
Warnings: Top!Mabel, Bottom!Reader, smut, strap-on, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, smacking, public sex, orgasm denial, edging, caught, right into the do
(Small Drabble, currently working on broken glass pt2 and gonna start Mabel alphabet headcanons)
“Fuck fuck..Mabel..oh shit..please baby..”
Mabel wasn’t having a good day. Today her car broke down, her mom yelled at her, her ex keeps calling her back and now you’ve been a grump towards her.
So now here she is, slamming you onto her strap-on as you scream her name. Also fucking in the backseats of her broken down car. The car happened to break down in front of her exes, Charlie’s, house.
She had enough of his calls. Calling her and wanting her back, you were surprised she didn’t just block him after their break up. But that didn’t matter to you now because you were to busy being high off sex.
“Yes, just like that baby. Take my fucking cock like a good girl you are.”
Mabel praised. She had a tight grip on your hips as she pounded up into you with her eight inch purple strap, she had no mercy on you at the moment.
“Oh god baby!”
You screamed. It’s been your sixth orgasm since her car broke down. She may as well go all night with you.
She wouldn’t care if Charlie heard your cries or the sound of a car rocking side to side outside. She’d wanted him to know she’s over him, and that you’re hers. That she has someone new.
“That’s it baby, scream my name. Let my ex know you are my new toy.”
She slapped you ass then grabbed it harshly, making you gasp with a groan.
“You’re such a slut Y/n. My slut. My slut to fuck.” Mabel husked into your ear, your slick dripping down the base of the already soaked silicone cock. “Making such a big mess.”
You whimpered, gripping her shoulders tight. Your seventh orgasm was about to rip through you before Mabel pulled out as you whined.
“Baby..why’d you- pull out?” You let out another pathetic whine, making Mabel laugh. “Hold on love, I want to try something.” What more could she try? She was already risking being caught.
“Darling, I’m going to take you outside of this car. And you better be a good girl, alright?” Mabel gripped your chin. “Y-yes my love…I understand.” Boy was this going to be a risk.
She smiled when you nodded, and didn’t hesitate to open the car door and pull you out with her. She walked you over to the front of the car, bending you over the hood.
Luckily you were mostly dressed, just your underwear moved to the side for her strap to slide in. Your shirt pulled up a bit so she could squeeze your breasts through the fabric of your bra. Mabel on the other hand, she was fully clothed.
“Alright baby, gonna take you rough against my car.” You didn’t get the chance to respond as she shoved the silicone cock back into you, making a loud moan release your already rasped throat. “That’s it babygirl, take my fucking cock,” She panted.
You looked at onto the road, it was empty. But you were still worried anyone could be driving passed and see you two having a good time. Probably call the police. Or if a cop themselves drives by. But you knew from hell that your girlfriend loved taking risks.
Fucking her lover against the hood of her own car, liking the fact anyone could see. Her imagination became wilder, same with her thrusts. Her hand skimmed up your back to your neck, gripping it tight and pushing your head harder into the car.
“Close baby? I need you to hold it for me.” Mabel demanded, it made you whine but she slapped your butt harder. “You’ll listen to me. You get to cum when I tell ya to.”
Mabel looked up over at Charlie’s house. She knew he was awake, that he definitely could hear your cries and the slaps. She wanted him to know. Know you were hers, and that she was yours. Permanent.
“M-Mabel..” you sobbed, you keep being denied this orgasm. An orgasm you knew was gonna shoot you into the night sky.
“Hold it for me baby. You’re doing so good.” She said softer, rubbing your incredibly red ass. “Such a pretty little thing,” then have your ass another hard smack.
Mabel kept watching the window. The window that Charlie’s bedroom was in. She remembered the night she called him as she stood in front of his house, in front of her car. She asked him over the phone if he had a girlfriend.
That night makes her rage now. Angry she dated some stupid fisher guy that all he cared about was fishing. Not her. Fishing.
Her anger got ahead of her so bad that she started to pound into you hard. Making you cry out, though did you actually enjoy it. Even if some pain was caused.
“Fucking take it. You know what’s good for you.” She rasped, and at that moment. The light in Charlie’s bedroom flickered on. Mabel smirked, grabbing your neck more and pulling you back against her.
“That’s it. Scream for me. Scream my fucking name baby, cum for me.” Mabel demanded. And at those words your body shook even more, moaning and groaning.
“Mabel! Fuck yes!” You came on the damped silicone cock.
“Who the hell?!” You heard a man’s voice. It was Charlie alright.
Mabel chuckled, rubbing your ass as you both saw Charlie storm out of his house. “What the hell are you doing Mabel?!” He yelled, he wasn’t sure if he was mad or shocked..both maybe.
“Just gettin a little bit of revenge. And giving you a message. Your message is to stop calling me, stop wanting me back. I have someone new, and she’s mine. I’m hers.” You were too weak to even respond, but her words made you smile.
“Jesus Christ. Just- get off my property..”
“We aren’t on your property.” Mabel cut him off.
He shut up for a moment. “Fine, but just take this…mess and get away from me.” Charlie then stormed off back into his home, making Mabel chuckle.
“Now we’ve gotten rid of him. Let’s get you cleaned up baby and taken home.” She pulled out, making you whine.
“Shush, I’ve got more surprises at home.” She smirked, helping your weak body into the car.
She indeed had more surprises awaiting at home.
Just a short Drabble since I haven’t written one about Mabel yet. But I plan on making alphabet headcanons shortly
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yourpenpaldee · 13 days
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I don't usually put myself out there as it makes me nervous. But I've been a lurker for way too long, and it's about time I step out of my comfort zone. So, hello! I'm Dee (she/her), twenty-two, and have found my voice with storytelling.
Writing has always been a passion of mine, and continues to be the tool I turn to when I need an outlet to freely express myself. I have, unfortunately, hit a rough patch with consistency, and I'm here to bring all of that motivation and inspiration back. Especially since there are one too many WIPs sitting on the backburner, and they're all calling my name.
As someone who loves to dip their toes into every genre of fiction, I will read anything that peaks my interest. However, when it comes to creating, my works usually fall under romance and mystery. With practice, I intend on branching out into other genres I don't write often. There's a lot to explore in the world of writing, and I don't want to limit myself to only two categories.
Creating this blog provides me the space I need to accomplish the many goals I often dream of achieving. I acknowledge that it all starts with the ability to hold myself accountable. To show up for myself. To become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Putting myself and my projects out into the world is only the first of many steps, and it feels quite liberating.
I aim to use the voice I've found to not only contribute to the progression of POC representation, but to touch on several topics that remain heavily stigmatized in today's media. There’s a joy that runs through my veins every time I see someone like me on my screen or in a book. I feel seen, heard, and proud. I feel important. But as a creator, there’s that itch that can only be scratched when I create. When I make something that lets the next person know that they’re not invisible. That they're valued, loved, and appreciated. That's what I hope for when someone reads a project of mine. For them to feel the same rush of joy flowing through them as it does me.
Wow, I’m a yapper. I'd like to close this intro off with some fun facts, so here are some of my top five favorites with sidenotes because I still want to yap a bit more about the things I adore.
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And that concludes this introduction on me and this blog. I would love to connect and befriend other authors, so please don't hesitate to reach out as my DMs will always be open! I'd love to support and read your works, so don't be hesitant to share them with me if you'd like.
I hope you all will enjoy reading my works as much as I enjoy the process of bringing my ideas to life.
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divider creds to strangergraphics ♡
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yanderepuck · 7 months
@faust-bite and I were talking about this for a few hours.
But the mansion + the castle is doing secret Santa. Everyone pulls a name. BUT. rather than a gift they have to do a PowerPoint presentation on the person, just going off of what you can find in history books. You cannot talk to the person for information.
Minor rules:
The writers can't do each other
The Frenchies can't do each other
The castle trio have to do someone in the mansion
The brothers can't do each other
Sebastian will obviously not be part of this, but he is enjoying every single moment.
Theo got stuck doing Will. Which he was really upset about, but now he's invested.
Vincent is doing Charles...the lil angel baby is up there talking about ALLLL the shit Charles has done. Faust is covering Charles ears every now and then so he doesn't have to hear.
Leonardo: I hated researching you
Mozart: ...what the hell did you find
Leonardo: WHY would you write to your sister about SCAT
Mozart: ....
Leonardo: AND YOU MEOWED AT PEOPLE. Goddamn catboy
You also have to take a shot every time there is immense trauma.
Theo and Mozart bonding over how much they loved their wives
Arthur and Dazai bonding over being awful to their wives
Theo: you may be into scat.. but at least you were nice to your wife
Mozart: forget everything you've ever known about me.
Vlad is doing Dazai, aka Sebastian is saying half the word because this man can't say a damn thing in Japanese.
Vlad: here's a list of Dazai's drug abuse
Dazai: is it in alphabetical or chronological?
Also take a shot every time Leonardo attempts to say Mozarts full name. Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart
Dazai got Jean and he starts out with "So Jean is a woman."
Mozart is doing Napoleon and the title screen just says "Panty Sniffer". The weirder your title the more points you get
Mozart: so he wrote a self insert love novel
Dazai: it was the worst thing I read
Oh. The writers pregamed for this. They've been drinking all day just for this.
Theo starts his presentation on Shakespeare and Will sits up like "Shit. I wish I was sober for this one"
Theo: there's not much on his childhood...but he did get married as a minor
Arthur: you WHAT
Theo: he got a woman pregnant and then rushed to get married...she was 8 years older than him or something
Will: what can I say. I'm hot.
Jean got Isaac. That poor boy. He's not able to say anything of these science words.
Faust: ..and in conclusion Vincent killed himself
Napoleon got Vlad and the funny thing is...he isn't in history..so he's searching for Vlad the Impaler
Napoleon: He once ate a meal and watched a kid and the parents slowly slide down wooden stakes and made the rest of the town watch it
Vlad: oh come on! Comte you know I didn't do that
Comte: *still mad at him about something from earlier* I don't know that actually
Leonardo: I said he did it
Comte is now getting everyone therapy for Christmas. That's what everyone truly needs
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konigbabe · 2 years
NSFW alphabet with (Capt.) John Price
Pairing: John Price x fem!reader
Word count: 2.5k
Tags/Warnings: smut; nsfw; filthy language; p-in-v sex; dirty talk; dom!price; top!price; praise kink; pregnancy kink; breeding kink
A/N: This is essentially my own interpretation of what Capt. Price's NSFW alphabet would look like. | source |
masterlist • faq • taglist • AO3 • ko-fi
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
John is a big fan of aftercare. He would always make sure there is a glass of water in your hand after he's done fucking the soul from your body, give you a cuddle and start the bath for you.
He'd sit you against his chest, head resting on his shoulder as his fingertips trace your soft flesh tenderly while he washes away the smell of arousal and sweat off of your exhausted and used body, allowing you to relax and enjoy the well-earned comfort of his embrace.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your hips; that man is obsessed. He loves leaving his marks on them, hands squeezing so tightly that he can see his own handprints afterwards while you're bouncing on his cock. They're a perfect size and shape for him to clutch - just right in his hands as he ruts into you like a man starved, the intense pleasure he gives you enveloping your body in a cloud of ecstasy.
His arms and hands are your turn-on. The veins prominent as he holds you down, kissing and worshipping your body. Years of physical strain have left scars on them, the same ones you'd always lovingly kiss when he's cradling your head in his calloused hands while you kneel before him, watching as he takes a painfully slow inhale of his beloved cigar, puffing out a cloud of smoke, while you yearn to please him in any way that you can.
“Just like that, doll. You’re so good to me.”
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
In the early stages of your relationship, he'd always make sure to pull out just in time for your eager mouth to envelop the head of his cock, tongue swiping on the underside of him as his eyes never leave yours and just as he feels his high nearing, he'd pull out and finish on your face. He likes to admire his work; and once he's done with that, he'll use his fingers to collect his own cum and let you suck it off his fingers.
Nowadays he goes absolutely wild at the idea of fucking some babies into you. He'd make sure you take everything he has to give you, pumping you full of his cum all while whispering sweet yet filthy words in your ear.
"I'm gonna pump you so full you'll be leaking for the rest of the week, love."
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He acts like he doesn't really care and it's not a big deal but he secretly loves the fact that you're younger than him. He isn't really into the whole daddy thing; yet your age gap makes him feel alive again...something he hasn't felt in a long time. Knowing that he's there to take care of you, to show you what no boy your age could've ever shown you, fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
No doubt this man has experience. Not really with one-night stands, he's more old-school; more into getting to know his partner's body, what makes you moan the loudest, what makes you squirm and scream with pleasure. His passion lies in the pursuit of discovering what makes you tick, exploring your body, and finding new ways to make you see the stars, his name slipping off your tongue sweet like honey. Music to his ears.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Anything where he's able to see your face; let it be missionary with your legs over his shoulders as he pounds into you relentlessly, the sound of skin slapping skin filling up the room as his face hovers over yours, watching the way your eyes are squeezing shut tightly - similarly to how tightly you're squeezing his cock - mouth opened in a silent scream...
...or cowgirl; his back pressed against the couch cushions as you bounce on his cock, his eyes lingering at the place you two are connected, how your juices are leaking around his cock and straight on his thighs, the mix of both of you staining his hairs while your nails create a moon crescent-shaped imprints on his war-scarred shoulders.
"Bloody hell, you're such a good girl, doll, takin' me like that."
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Not really goofy, definitely on the more serious side when it comes to sex. That doesn't mean John isn't a teaser, taking his sweet time tantalizing you, dragging out his touches, caressing you everywhere but where you desired his touch the most.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I can see Price taking care of himself once in a while. He already has to keep his beard groomed and soft for you, don't want to give you a beard burn again since the last time you weren't able to walk for days because of the discomfort. So he keeps himself trimmed; not too long nor too short, just the right length for you to be comfortable as you're taking him whole, feeling the head of his cock pushing to enter your throat and fill your mouth.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Depending on the mood, he's a switch; still predominantly dominant but allowing you to take control from time to time, even though he is aware that he has ultimate power over you.
He doesn't mind taking it slow, showing you a more affectionate side of him, savoring his sweet time with you and bringing you to the brink of pleasure with nothing more than the delicate skill of his tongue.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He used to masturbate quite frequently after missions, using it as an outlet to release the pent-up adrenaline from being on the battlefield. However, nowadays he prefers to take out his frustration on you, as he knows you will always be there to gladly take whatever he has to give you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I've already written about those before; this man is a sucker for breeding you...but he's way filthier than just that.
At times, he would just sit you down on his cock while being busy with paperwork, still on a base and knowing damn well anyone (especially his very own team) could walk into his office anytime and see you there, warming their captain's cock, head buried in his chest to muffle your pleasure-filled chokes, your body quivering at the sensation of him inside your tight walls, all while John casually goes on about his day, one hand resting underneath your shirt, on the lower of your back, drawing circles on your flushed skin while he reads the files on his desk.
“Look at you, getting all worked up by nothing. What’s wrong, doll? Am I making you nervous?”
“Aw, so needy already. You want me to move, innit? Are you not pleased with me right now?”
L = Location (Favourite places to do the deed)
Price always thought of himself as a gentleman, only taking his partner in the privacy of his bedroom, where you two could spend hours tangled together in the dance of your bodies between the sheets.
However, ever since the first time he made you warm his cock in his base, he found out just how much he likes you bend over his table, one leg beside you, asscheeks spread for him as he nudges his cockhead over your walls, sending shivers of pleasure through your body and watching as your arousal drips on the floor...all while the door remains unlocked.
“Gotta keep quiet, doll, don’t wanna Ghost or Soap seeing you all cock drunk with your captain’s cock, ain’t that right? Or is it something you want? Want me to call ‘em in? See you getting fucked all nice and heavy, doll?”
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The thought of you. Just knowing how eagerly you respond to him, the way your body quivers when he touches you, the way your heart races when you hear his voice. He can't get enough of you, always craving that feeling of intoxication he gets from your presence but Lord helps you when you dress up just for his eyes, the barely-there lingerie hugging your body in the right places...you know you won't be leaving the bedroom for the rest of the night; not be able to walk tomorrow.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Anything involving violence, blood and degradation. He doesn't mind a little breath play; knowing that the right squeeze of your throat will only add to the overwhelming pleasure your body is filled with, or some spaning, leaving his handprint on your flesh and watching you with an amused grin as you try to sit down the next day, squirming uncomfortably, trying to find just the right position for you sit in so his handprint wouldn't hurt. But that's it, he will never dare to bring a knife or any other sharp object into the bedroom or anything like that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He's undoubtedly a pussy-pleaser. His tongue skilled, fingers always knowing what to do to make you scream. Price absolutely loves watching you with his head between your legs, hands holding your legs over his shoulders while his gaze lingers on your face, on your erect nipples and the way your breasts spread as you arch your back, hand pushing his face into your dripping pussy.
On the other side, he would never say no to you giving him a head. As much as he adores seeing you being so docile underneath his touch, he loves seeing you taking him just as much, watching that one string of saliva connecting your kiss-bruised lips with the head of his painfully swollen cock.
“That’s it, doll, takin’ me so well.”
“That tongue of yours is driving me bloody crazy…just like that.”
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on the amount of time you have available and how you are feeling emotionally. If you are in the comfort of your own home, he enjoys a slow and leisurely approach, savoring every moment of pleasure he brings you before he even takes his cock out. When the time is short and/or any of you are in the mood, John does like to be rough, pounding into you vigorously, bathing in the bliss of your pleasure. Overall, he still prefers it slow and sensual.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Not a fan. They don't really give him the time he wants to savor you. If nothing else, he's always up for some good old-fashioned fucking, and if he knows that's all you can do, he's more than happy to take you somewhere quiet and fuck you good and proper.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He's pretty much open to whatever idea you might want to try. He's not particularly enthusiastic about taking action independently, but if it will make you happy, he is ready to do whatever you ask him to do.
“So that’s what you want, huh, doll? Really want me to call ‘em and watch? Or do you want ‘em to join too? Can do both.”
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Years of experience on the battlefield had allowed this man to build up his stamina magnificently, even though his best years may have already passed. He may not be the same 20-year-old he once was, and one round may be all he can manage, but that doesn't mean he isn't determined to go the distance or willing to continue with just his sheer will to make it up for you.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
No. He's a practical and old-fashion man + plus he doesn't really believe in the need for toys in the bedroom and you never asked him to bring any either as this man is fully capable of taking care of you with his own skill set.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
No doubt, he is an incorrigible tease. He takes pleasure in it and seems to be addicted to it. Whenever he is around you, he makes sure to touch you, to make his presence known to your body.
His eyes tend to linger on you. The feeling of his gaze making you shiver as you remember the promise he’s made to you last night; all while seated deep within your walls, the head of his cock nudging your cervix as his hands squeeze your hips, skin reddening underneath his touch.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Price is not very vocal in expressing himself. He would rather bury his head in your shoulder and let out a few soft growls and groans but he is certainly a talker; it's mostly just little praises followed by pure filth as he lets the pleasure of the moment envelop him.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He absolutely loves having sex when you're pregnant; it's one of his favourite things about you being pregnant apart from the impending child. Obviously your growing stomach rules out various positions including missionary, which he’s initially disappointed by, but soon realizes how incredibly satisfying it can be when you're both lying on your sides, him thrusting into you from behind with his hand stretched over your bump. It's truly a unique experience, something that you wouldn't be able to enjoy if you weren't pregnant, and it quickly becomes one of your favourite things too.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I don’t believe John is extremely ripped but not does he have a dad bod. Definitely muscular, especially his arms. I’d say he has soft abs, the kind that becomes prominent when he flexed them. As of his cock; solid 7 inches, curved to the right a little bit; circumcised.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It isn’t what it used to be; but that doesn’t mean he’s not capable of keeping up with you.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He takes his sweet time falling asleep; much more prefers to watch you sleep in his arms, on his chest. He adores watching your flushed cheeks return to their normal color, the orgasm bliss leaving your body as you drift into sleep; sometimes he likes to run his fingers through your hair, thinks about the time when he used to dream of a girl like you. Nowadays he’s afraid to fall asleep, afraid that you are just a fewer dream and once he opens his eyes the next morning, you’ll be gone.
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spookberry · 6 months
My oldest brother and his wife are having a baby boy, and they've picked out a name already and it starts with a B. Obvi my brain automatically connected this to the fact that their first kid starts with an A so I was like haha alphabet and said "oh thats cute, A kid B kid." and then everyone got really pressed??? And was like "no we're going to treat them equally" ?????
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mangekyuou · 1 year
Hi there~
I just finished reading your rules and you're a UNI STUDENT? Lmao me too, I'm majoring in English literature 🙃 yeah i know it's an old-man choice 😭 but at least I enjoy it~
So can i request a NSFW alphabet for my boy Benn?
I don't see a lot of content for him and he's sooo sooooo handsomeee and attractive.
I hope you have a nice day~
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⟡    ֺ   𓂂  nsfw alphabet  ,  benn beckman.
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✸     cw(s)! . . .  nsfw. gn!reader. me being a beckman stan. not proofread. minors DNI.
✸     notes! . . .  hi !! that's so cool you're majoring in english literature !! i was always interested in literature, but i could just never sit down and read or try to analyze anything. it was never my strong suit lol. so kudos to you !! thank you for requesting !! <33
!! i would also like to say that i don't really do nsfw alphabets, but i have made an exception for this one and the other one in my drafts bcuz i didn't state it earlier. PLUS i'm a beckman and shanks stan lmaooo
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A — AFTERCARE. [ what they’re like after sex. ]
aftercare is truly his favorite part. he takes his time carefully getting you all cleaned up and comfortable. benn is definitely a cuddlebug :>. he loves cuddling with you after sex. there's nothing better than laying down next to you, wrapping his strong arms around you, pulling you into his chest, kissing your head, and falling into the world of dreams.
B — BODY PART. [ their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s. ]
he hasn't thought much about himself. he doesn't even really have an answer at first. but he thinks his arms are nice. all the more strength to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
benn loves ALL of you. don't ask him to pick a favorite part of you. he refuses to give you one answer, no matter how much you beg him. unless you start to pout, his ultimate weakness. he loves your thighs. he's a thigh and ass guy. nine times out of ten, you know he's in the mood just by how long he's touching your thighs
C — CUM. [ anything to do with cum. ]
he loves filling you to the brim with his cum, watching it slowly leak out of you only to use his thick fingers or his dick to stuff it back inside. all with a "be a good baby and hold it for me, yeah?"
D — DIRTY SECRET. [ self-explanatory. ]
nothing runs through his mind like you in a maid outfit since you wore one as punishment for losing a card game. the red-haired pirates are so damn cruel. the image has never left his head, and along with it came his dirty thoughts
the thought of you bending over to better reach a spot to dust, the short skirt of your tight uniform riding up to show off your ass. the thought of your purposely spilling something on him to get him out of his clothes. the thought of you on your knees in front of him, eagerly awaiting his next command, asking him how you may be of assistance. fuck he needs you in a maid outfit so bad
E — EXPERIENCE. [ how experience are they? do they know what they’re doing? ]
benn has been around the block many of times. he has plenty of experience. i wouldn't call him a hoe...but he's had quite a few lovers in the past. mostly one night stands. he knows what he's doing and how to pleasure you
F — FAVORITE POSITION. [ self-explanatory. ]
he's a pretty classic man. he loves the cowgirl(boy) position. there's nothing that makes him cum harder than you riding him to your heart's content. oh and please do wear a cowboy hat, treat him like cattle, call him a few names, he's putty in your hands. when he comes, put your hat over his pretty face
G — GOOFY. [ are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? ]
benn is very talkative in the bedroom. he's always talking, whether it's praising you or his favorite teasing you. hell, there are even some moments where he's so unserious. telling you about some stupid shit that happened on the red force that day, while kissing down your chest. or when he's settled deep inside of you, not moving, and will stop to have a full-on conversation. like what are you doing ??
H — HAIR. [ how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? ]
it's wild and grey. his pubes are a little wavy. he doesn't particularly care much about shaving. now if you ask him to trim up a little, he will definitely do so and will make it a habit
I — INTIMACY. [ how are they in the moment, the romantic aspect? ]
benn is a very romantic man. there is not a single time when he doesn't make you seem like the luckiest person in the world. he puts his ALL into loving and cherishing you. he takes his time with you. worshipping your body from head to toe, not missing an inch. bringing you to your high again and again, singing praises to you, how well you're doing, how much he loves you
J — JACK OFF. [ masturbation headcanon. ]
benn doesn't jack off as much as he did when he was younger. the times when he is in the mood, you are usually not too far and more than happy to help. however for the few times, you aren't around, he's sitting slouched in a chair in your shared room, his hair all over his face, he was anything but his usual calm and collected self. shallow breaths and low whispers of your name leave his lips, as he desperately tries to reach his high, imagining his hand as yours
K — KINK. [ one or more of their kinks. ]
he definitely has a praise kink. even before the two of you got together, you likely picked up on his praise kink. he loves the effect it has on you. role play, he's a freaky old man. as i said earlier, he loves the thought of you in a maid outfit, this definitely extends to other things. sexy secretary, sexy nurse, you name it. HE'S WAY INTO HIS ROLE. especially if you're taking a dominant role ?? WHEW
L — LOCATION. [ favorite places to do it. ]
he's not all that into public sex. does not want anyone else to see you, other than that one time. he prefers to keep your sexy times in the bedroom. nothing beats your bed
M — MOTIVATION. [ what turns them on, gets them going? ]
it doesn't take much to get him going. you could just wrap your arms around his waist from behind, and kiss up his shoulder, and he's all yours for the evening. or when you smack his ass and run down the hall. he swears he hates it, but who is he kidding? when he does catch up to you, you're in for it
N — NO. [ something they wouldn’t do, turn offs. ]
anything that could possibly hurt you. nope. never. nada. zilch. he can't do it. he couldn't do humiliation either. anything that is not making you feel amazing and beautiful, he's not doing
O — ORAL. [ preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc. ]
definitely a giver and is the fucking best at it. he prides himself on his ability to make you cum multiple times with his mouth alone. he could spend hours between your legs if you'd let him. hooking his strong arms around your legs, you're not going anywhere until he's had his fill. but you'll be a good baby and take it, won't you?
running your hands through his grey locks only encourages him further. your moans and breaths are a melody he'd never get tired of hearing
he does love seeing your pretty mouth wrapped around his cock. he loves when you take your time, licking up a stride up his shaft, the tip of your tongue circling the blushing red head of his tip, before slowly taking him into your mouth. eye contact the entire time !! he loves that shit
P — PACE. [ are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc. ]
benn is definitely more on the slow and sensual side. he wants you to feel him, every inch of him enter you as he fills you to the brim every time he thrusts into you. and he wants to feel all of you, as he closes his eyes and stuffs his face into your shoulder, alternating between leaving open-mouth kisses and love bites
Q — QUICKIE. [ their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc. ]
he's not a quickie guy. maybe when he was younger but quickies don't satisfy him anymore. it doesn't give him the chance to fuck you properly
R — RISK. [ are they game to experiment, do they take the risks, etc. ]
he'll experiment for you. he'll willing to try some things at least once if you'd like to try them. however, it's not likely to suggest something. he knows what he likes and what he doesn't, he's not sure that's really going to change at this point
S — STAMINA. [ how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last? ]
benn can go for a few rounds, which are not usually his plan. he usually plans for one long round. but the cuddle session after the first round a lot of the time turns into another around. he's not complaining though. give him a little smoke break and he's back at it
T — TOY. [ do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves? ]
he doesn't have a problem with toys, he just doesn't really use them. he prefers using his own equipment if you catch my drift. but he definitely doesn't mind using them on you if you asked
U — UNFAIR. [ how much they like to tease? ]
now he doesn't see it as teasing. but it's definitely teasing. his teasing is very playful. the way he just walks up to you at the poker table and whispers what he's going to do to you tonight if you win...and he expects you to sit there and be calm. you better win.
or when you sit in his lap and his large calloused hands caress your thighs, inching closer and closer to your core. he notices the way you take in a sharp breath, only to stop touching you altogether. he knows exactly what he's doing and what effect he has on you
V — VOLUME. [ how loud they are, what sounds they make. ]
benn is not quiet by any means. he's very talkative in the bedroom. always teasing you or giving you praise. he is an occasional groaner. groaning your name and swears into your ear
W — WILD CARD. [ random headcanon. ]
shanks has definitely watched you and benn fuck before. it was one time and it'll never happen again. now the captain of the red haired pirates did nothing wrong, at first. the next day, roo had asked shanks where he disappeared off to and he made a joke saying "watching the taming of a stubborn bull", earning a laugh from you. he is no longer allowed to watch
X — X-RAY. [ what’s going on under those clothes. ]
listen to me and listen to me well. definitely a shower, not a grower. 7-8 inches, slightly curved to the right and upwards. uncut. above average girth. a few veins, but there's one very prominent long vein that stretches from the underside of his dick all the way around to the top. slightly darker than the rest of his body BUT there are lighter patches of skin on and around his tip
Y — YEARNING. [ how high is their sex drive? ]
don't really see his drive being that high. definitely lower than average. but hey, he's not gonna say no to some sweet lovemaking.
Z — ZZZ. [ how quickly they fall asleep afterwards? ]
aftercare is literally his favorite part, so you bet it's going to be a while before he actually falls asleep. he has to get you all cleaned up and comfortable. finally, he pulls you in for cuddles. he waits until you're asleep before falling asleep himself
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© MANGEKYUOU  —  do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Pedri NSFW Alphabet
A/N: Hello everyone! So I have been very consistent in writing for only Gavi, but there has been an overwhelming request to do a Pedri NSFW alphabet, so here we are!! I hope you all enjoy.
SMUT BEYOND THE FOLD!!! Please don't read if you're not comfortable. MDNI!!!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Pedri would be the type to have to keep touching you in some way after the two of you were finished. He would roll over and lay next to you, making sure your arms were touching. Always the thinker, he had a wet rag already placed on the nightstand. He would grab it, gently wiping down your stomach and thighs. Gentle kisses would be peppered on the skin, as he cleaned you up and cooled you down. He overheated easily, so he wouldn't cuddle you, but there was always a lingering hand or entangled legs to keep you close to him. He was not a man of many words, but he would look you in the eyes and place a kiss on your cheek, reminding you how much he loved you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Pedri wasn't very proud of any body part of his, but you talked a lot about his lips, so he started to take more notice of his lips. He loved the way that you stared at his lips whenever he spoke. Your pupils would dilate whenever his tongue ran over them, wetting them, making them glisten. He loved the way you shivered when his lips touched your neck and kissed their way down. You were addicted to biting on his bottom lip, sucking it into your mouth whenever possible. He loved the way you whined and moaned out his name whenever he sucked your nipple or clit between them. You would brush your fingers over them as you rode him, loving the feeling of the plush flesh under your fingers.
On you, he could not keep himself away from your boobs. Sure, he was obsessed with other parts of you - your eyes, your smile - but your boobs? He actively craved them. He would dream about the feel of them when he was away for a match. When he slept next to you, he would always sleep in a position that would allow him to keep one hand on your boob. Whenever you were having sex, he needed to be in a position to touch them, watch them bounce, or suck them into his mouth. He loved when you would ride him, your tits bouncing in his face, wrapping his hands around your waist and pulling you in closer, burying his face in them. On days when he was super stressed, he just wanted to be babied. He would kiss you gently, begging to tug your shirt down and suck on them, releasing all of his frustration. Boy just loves them boobs.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Surprisingly, Pedri was really into messy cum situations. It started the first time he came on your stomach, when you had both been too desperate to look for a condom. He was not about to be a young father, and so he pulled out and finished on your stomach, but he had been so pent up that he came much more and much harder than expected. You looked up at him, hair in a halo around you, sweaty skin glistening. Eyes were hooded and fucked out, your chest heaving, drops of cum rolling down the swell on your breasts. The sight was almost enough to get him hard again.
Since then, he had been trying to cum on different parts of you, seeing which one he preferred the most. He had invited you to the camp once, painting your face white in the shower after his practice. On your vacation, he fucked you on the balcony of your hotel, cumming onto your ass and lower back. He still couldn't pick a favorite location, and so he cycled through them regularly. Eventually, he gained the courage to cum inside you. His fear of being a father seemed to disappear once he watched him cum drip out of your hole, clenching around nothing.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Our little Pedri is a brat tamer through and through - king of the soft doms. He was never one to yell or be forceful with you. Rather, he would beckon his fingers, telling you to be quiet or sit, and you would respond immediately. However, you loved to watch Pedri get angry, the blood rushing his cheeks and flushing his face. So you started to act up more often. Wearing shorter and shorter skirts when Pedri was around. Talking back whenever he asked for something. Pedri loved the challenge. One day, you had been teasing him over text, sending pictures of you in your underwear as he was preparing for the match. He had told you to stop, to behave, to wait until he got home. You responded with: "Make me."
He came home from the match without changing or showering. He walked in with his golden kit on, the one that made you weak in the knees. He stood in front of you, lifting the hem and wiping his face, exposing his toned stomach and happy trail. He walked towards the shower and beckoned you to follow. He walked into the bathroom waiting for you to follow, closing the door and locking it behind you. His thumb ran across your bottom lip, pushing you down to sit on you knees on the cold tile. He turned on the shower, and began stripping slowly.
"You've been a brat all week, mi amor. What were you expecting from me? To yell? To throw you over my knee and spank you so that you can learn to behave? No no no. You're going to sit and look on what you could have been a part of. Let's see who's patience runs out first: Mine or yours."
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
This man is getting bitches. Not in a derogatory way, but come on now guys. He's a 20 year old Spanish man. Like I said previously, sex is part of the culture. On top of that, he wasn't part of a strict football academy. He was out seeing girls. And now people want him even more (you guys all saw the news articles and video clips). However, Pedri doesn't seem like the type to always be sleeping with other girls. He seems like the type to be very picky. They needed to be gorgeous and interesting before he would even consider it. That mentality almost drove you away from him completely, but he couldn't stay away from you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Pedri's absolute favorite position is the "lazy man" (Google it). Everything about it was a positive for him. He was able to hold you in his lap, keeping you close to him. He had you on top of him, hands firmly gripping your ass as your breasts bounced in his face. He can bring his face to rest into the dip of your neck, muttering against your sink how good you were doing, how amazing you felt around him. When you both finished, he could wrap his arms tightly around you, laying back and just feeling your weight against him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Most of Pedri's life is serious - he needs to be level headed and serious on the field to make sure that he can play at a high level. So when work is over and he comes home to you, that's when his playful side really shows. He's all suggestive jokes and wiggling eyebrows, tickling you and kissing all over your face. Sex wasn't serious to him - it was something for him to enjoy, and that's how he treated it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
As he's gotten older, Pedri feels like the shaved completely smooth look isn't for him anymore. He is more comfortable growing out the hair on his face and his chest, and so down there you're going to find some hair. He wasn't the type to every shave - he hated the process and the itch that came with it. So whenever he felt it was getting out of control, he have it a trim, but there was always a little bit of stubble.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Pedri had gone through his era of casual sex. The older and more famous he got, the more he craved intimacy and romance. So maybe at age 20 he was still just having sex with people to fulfill a carnal desire, but when he found a girl he really liked, he would go out of his way to make the moment more romantic. I'm not saying rose petals and candles every time you two want to get busy, but a lot of the time he would put on music and make sure the lights where off. He would whisper to you how beautiful you are and how much he liked the way you made him feel. He wanted to feel special, and so he always leaned more towards romance than casual sex.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
20 is not technically a teenager anymore, but the hormones are still there. My man is jacking off nightly or every other night if he's too tired. At one point, it was like a chore. Get up, brush teeth, get in the shower, jack off, go to training. He did it to make sure he could focus during the day. Once he got a girlfriend, jacking off was an absolutely last resort if he couldn't get access to you. Even then, he would prefer for you to be involved in some way. When he had a hotel room to himself, he would call or FaceTime you, wanting to see you and hear your voice to help him finish. Other times, he would look at pictures or naughty texts you two had exchanged, imagining what you would feel like around him. He was usually done within 3 minutes.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Despite his quieter nature, Pedri was somewhat of an exhibitionist. He loved having you in potentially compromising situations, the thrill of potentially being caught always turning him on. He discovered this for the first time when you went down on him while his mic was on and he played FIFA with the boys. He bit back a moan, deciding to keep his mic on as you throated his cock. When he finished, he finally put the mic on mute, cumming loudly and violently. Since then, the has played with your skirt hem at dinners with the team, sat you on his lap while riding to events, and done many other risky things. He doesn't ever want to actually get caught, but the idea that he could is really appealing.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Lol imagine Pedri trying to fuck in the back of the mini cooper. Sorry the image popped into my head and I giggled. Honestly, he loved to have you in the bath. Not the shower - that was an injury waiting to happen. But the bath? The feeling of the hot water relax his muscles and you on top of him? Could not be beat by anything. He loved how the water slowed your movements, making the way you rode him slower and more sensual. He loved putting his hands on you, getting to enjoy your soapy tits as you two lazily made love. He was game for pretty much anywhere else in the house (except the kitchen - it reminded him of his mom too much). Outside the house, his favorite place was the locker room in Camp Nou. When everyone cleared, he could take you on one of the benches, you moans echoing through the large space.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Touching Pedri the wrong way could turn him on, so this is a pretty broad category. But one thing you knew would work every single time was challenging him. Telling him no, saying he couldn't do something - it lie a fire in him to prove you wrong. On one occasion, you had told him that it was impossible for him to make you cum in under two minutes (because you were both running late and needed to leave the house). He threw you over his shoulder and walked you into the bedroom, proving you wrong in 98 seconds exactly (he timed it). He also loved it when you played hard to get, telling him that you could get off without him.
"Show me"
He would sit back, arms crossed and dick straining against pants as he made you fulfill your promise. He would watch you struggle, frustrated and begging him to help you. He would make you go until there were tears in your eyes. There was literally nothing that got him harder.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything with impact or pain. A playful smack to the ass was difficult for him, and anything further was an absolute no. He didn't want to hurt you, or associate your pain with sex. No choking no matter how much you begged. He just could not get behind the idea, and so you had to find other ways for him to be dominant with you that didn't involve pain in any way.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Pedri to me is someone who doesn't want to put a ton of effort in, so when it comes to oral, he always prefers to sit back and receive. He loved being able to lace his fingers through your hair, watching you suck him off like it was your greatest pleasure. He loved the way you reacted when he told you how pretty you looked or how good you were doing. You were always fighting with him about swallowing when he was receiving. He would much rather finish on your face, painting it with his cum, but you wanted to swallow and avoid the mess altogether. That's why he made sure to ask for head before you got ready for bed, so he could finish on your face before you washed it and did your skincare.
When Pedri gave head, it was only at times when he knew he wouldn't be rushed. He was not one to eat you rough or fast. He liked to take his time - savor his meal. When he ate you out, he would spend a long time just lapping at you like a cat with cream, getting you so worked up that you were begging him to give you more. He would always tell you to be patient, continuing with kisses and soft licks. Eventually the intensity would increase, and he would suck your clit into his mouth, making you cry out. He would then let you lace your fingers through his hair, pulling yourself against his face, desperate for all of him to touch you and bring you over the edge.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
As I said, Pedri seems like a slow and lazy lover. Don't give off the vie that he would ever be fast and rough, unless you managed to majorly piss him off. Usually he was slow, taking his time to drag his cock long your walls and pull out slowly, letting you feel every inch and every vein. He loved being able to kiss you and take his time. When he was frustrated or upset, his pace was insane. He was still delicate with you, but he would be moving quickly, trying to get you to finish as fast as humanly possible, ego needing a boost.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Pedri wasn't a huge fan of quickies. He took a lot of pride in making you cum, and so when time was short, he couldn't do that in the way he wanted. If you two were short on time, he would much rather get some head and finger you quickly, leaving everyone satisfied and happy. When he was feeling adventurous, he would propose quickies in random places, and even then he enjoyed the thrill more than the quick sex. He would never, however, turn down the chance to fuck you, and so he took the opportunity whenever it presented itself.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Pedri was game for pretty much anything. You wanted to fuck under a blanket while Gavi was in the room? Go get the blanket and turn up the TV. You wanted to have sex in the storage closet? Let's go, lock the door. You wanted to try tying him to the bedframe? As you wish. But once again, he was not into giving or receiving pain of any kind. He wasn't open to anything with the possibility of pain. This included toys he thought were too large, or places where he felt like one of you could get hurt.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Pedri seems like the type to go for one loooooong rounc rather than multiple in a row. When he fucks, he takes his time, drawing out the foreplay, making sure you're absolutely drenched before he even thinks about entering you. He would thrust in so slowly that you were almost in pain from how frustrating the whole ordeal was. His football endurance came in handy for your hour-long sessions. He always held out for as long as he could, because once he came, that was it for the evening. So if he felt like he was going to bust too fast, he would pull out, finishing you off with his tongue or hands before resuming his animalistic thrusts into you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
My man owns two or three vibrators for both you and himself. He was man enough to admit that holding a bullet vibe to the underside of his cock got him to finish in literally seconds. He discovered this after you used yours on him one time and he had been dreaming about the sensation since then. As for you, he loved to use a vibe on you, teasing you with it, placing on the highest setting and telling you that you weren't allowed to cum until he said so. He was not a huge fan of you using them alone, but he loved them as an occasional accompaniment when you were together.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Pedri believes he is a fair man and only teases you when you deserve it. The problem with this line of thinking is that he believes you almost always deserve it. He would always do things to get you hot and bothered, leaving you high and dry for several hours. He would caress your thighs, kissing up them, breath ghosting over your pussy, and then leave for practice. He would send you suggestive photos and then invite the boys over for dinner, leaving you wanton and desperate. Whenever he was free you were begging for him, and he absolutely loved it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not loud at all. In fact, the first time you slept together, he was so quiet that it made you insecure. You were certain he would never see you again because all you heard was breathing. Pedri is just not a loud moaner unless you make him. Sometimes his voice escaped him during particularly intense activities, profanities leaving his mouth at an alarming rate. But otherwise, he breathed heavier and let out soft gasps, but he is not very loud at all.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
"It's really hard to make me cum."
You hadn't said it as a challenge. You had been with several guys in the past, but they all made you feel weird or complained about how long you took, meaning that another person had never made you cum before in your life. Pedri was eager to change that. He told you he would go for as long as you needed, but you would cum on his mouth and fingers. You had been extremely hesitant at first. You were skeptical about what he said, having heard it all before, and you didn't want to scare him away. He started to go down on you, and your whole body tensed. You began to think how long you should wait before you faked an orgasm to spare his feelings. He looked up at you and told you to relax. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his tongue on you. You got into the rhythm, moving your hips alongside his ministrations. You were so engrossed in how good it felt, the feeling of Pedri moaning against you, that you lost all track of time. You felt the knot in your stomach tighten, your orgasm hitting you in an earth shattering wave. When you finally recoverd, you looked at the clock. 35 minutes. Pedri had gone down on you for 35 minutes without complaint or air. He had you wrapped around his finger after that.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Like the rest of him, Pedri's dick is long and slender. A solid 6". Like others have put so eloquently, if there was a beast in there, we would see it in those shorts. I think it's also quite veiny, providing an interesting sensation when he's inside you. He's not reaching any kidneys, but he's got some good equipment.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high. He is pretty good at controlling himself, but when it's jus the two of you, he can turn it on at the drop of a hat. Morning noon and night my man would want to relieve some tension with you. Whenever he won a match, his face would light up at the prospect of victory sex with you. He wants you bad. And frequently. High sex drive.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Pedri hates being rushed in the morning, so he will take a little extra time before going up to clean himself and get situated so he's not stressed later on. He would get up and wipe himself down, making sure all his alarms are set, and then get under the sheets with you, falling asleep rather quickly after he made sure everything was in order. He would place a kiss on your forehead and drift off.
We all know that Pedri's blush is rather unique. His whole face gets red, including under his eyes, so it's very obvious when he has physically exerted himself. So sometimes he would come to practice already red in the face, eliciting whoops and taunts from his teammates. Other times, he would walk out of the bathroom with a red face, and everyone would know what just happened in the ten minutes he was gone with you. He now made sure to carry cooling gel whenever you two went out together, to avoid his red face giving away your dirty secrets.
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Yeah everyone knows what he's been doing.
A/N: Hey y'all !!! Hope y'all enjoyed. My first Pedri piece!!! Please leave any comments or feel free to talk to me in my asks - I love hearing from y'all! Working on the next part of the series as usual (so if there is something you want to see happen in JP, please let me know and I'll work it in if it fits).
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wannab-urs · 2 months
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Pedro Pascal Character Fic Recs | Vol 37
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Howdy folks!
Welcome to my bi-weekly fic rec list! This is everything I read in the last two weeks. It's... a lot. I did March Fic Madness and also just was generally in a reading mood so there's like 40 fics here. They're in alphabetical order by boy.
All info provided by the author unless it was blank, in which case I filled it in.
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Constellations in his eyes
Dave York one shot by @janaispunk
Your fiancé stands you up on your birthday. Dave doesn’t.
infidelity, shitty boyfriend, angst, fluff, kissing, able-bodied reader, reader has hair, no use of y/n
What Love Means
Dave York one shot by @ravensmadreads
Dave has a panic attack and you help him through it
So David is probably ooc (but this version of him is my comfort character sorry), description of a panic attack, mentions of canon violence, and like the barest hint at smut.
The Mess of Us
Dave York one shot by @ravensmadreads
I gave david york my heart and then proceeded to bash it with a sledgehammer - forgive me :p this is the same universe as What Love Means
vague smut, lots of angst (i mean i tried), almost entirely canon compliant, vague-ish attempt at smut, mild cursing, insane use of italics.
The One
Dieter one shot by @schnarfer
If one thing had been different, would everything be different today?
Bit of emotional torment, drink and drugs references, Dieter POV, happy ending? Always Fleabag coded.
Purple Haze
Dieter one shot by @schnarfer
that boy put a spell on you
1960’s London Dieter Bravo AU, heavy on the British slang, explicit alcohol and drug references, reader is a model but no physical descriptions, outfit descriptions, swearing, sort of enemies to lovers if you squint, smut; protected PIV, light bondage, reader is in control and Dieter is a subby puddle, pet names (angel, doll, darling), light dirty talk, playful slaps. Just a note we’re always very Fleabag coded here.
House Arrest
Dieter one shot by @rulexofxnines
Dieter stays over at your place out of desperation. Things get out of hand so you take control of the situation.
forced proximity, only one bed, a goat
The Howler Monkey
Dieter one shot by @covetyou
You got him here, he was safely tucked away upstairs and everything was going, mostly, according to plan. So, who the fuck is screaming?
no smut but some nudity, implied drug use/addiction, little bit silly, mildly angsty, performance anxiety, screaming, Dieter Bravo's soft cock. basically mild hurt/comfort/fluff with my usual bit of silliness.
Dieter one shot by @chronically-ghosted
Interview with a vampire, gatsby style
flirting, a bit of blood, maybe dubcon due to The Thrall but i think it's safe to say we all want It from vampire!dieter, unbeta-ed because i needed to write something or someone was going to die
Brick House
Dieter one shot by @nerdieforpedro
Dieter buys a house for you and the baby
mention of past drug use, fertility issues, mention of sperm donation and clinics, false pretenses, Dieter might be a bit obsessed or a lot
Stay sexy and don't get murdered
Dieter one shot by @chronically-ghosted
Trapped behind a secret wall to hide from a murderer, the close proximity forces you and Dieter to confront feelings you rather bury underneath your case to prove your favorite neighbor didn’t commit suicide.
brief moments of tv-appropiate terror, arguing, mentions of suicide, mentions of death/murder, but more importantly: smut (like half of this is smut), oral (f!receiving), dieter’s bare ass nearly catching on fire, too many feelings for something that started as a crack fic idea
Fare Well
Dieter one shot by @nerdieforpedro
Dieter has been working so hard. He still has an issue that might be because of his mind. What can he do about it? Do anything else.
unhealthy coping, sexual dysfunction, sex work, teasing, pet names, sexual activity (actual and implied I think? I should know. 🙃)
A poor plan to confess
Dieter one shot by @nerdieforpedro
Dieter is doing his best to stay sober. You have a large part in his plans. They aren’t well thought out.
Dieter being a bit rude, porn use, mention of masturbation, teasing, improper toy use?, very bad communication, some mentions of sexual activities and acts, Nerdie is unsure of what she wrote
Conversation Pit
Dieter one shot @thosewickedlovelies
You’re viewing a mansion with Dieter, and it has a conversation pit. Does he have the discipline to keep his hands to himself?
friends with benefits, SMUT: Dieter’s favorite dom appears 👀 could it be someone we know?; mmf threesome, piv sex, semipublic sex but don’t worry, edging (m receiving), references to sex work
Din one shot by @the-scandalorian
Mando makes regular visits to the healing baths.
touch-starved Din; reader is blindfolded; smut
Immortal By Design
Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
Din Djarin picks up a mysterious job at the Bounty Hunter’s Guild from a high paying client that specifically requested him. Once he tracks down the bounty, he discovers two things— you tracking the bounty for different reasons entirely and a lot more than he bargained for.
reader is able-bodied, canon divergent (long live the Razor Crest), no Grogu in this universe, possession, cursed object, dark!Din, monsterfucking (I think), Din has heightened capabilities, dub con/noncon, restraints, reader gets captured, oral sex (M and F receiving), rough oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, mir’sheb = smart ass, character death, no use of y/n
Enchanted to Meet You
Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
You’re a senator for the New Republic and tonight you’re forced to attend the New Republic Gala. Senator Xiono won’t leave you alone but that in turn leads you to meet Mando, a security guard at the event. And that leaves you wonderstruck.
Reader is able-bodied, canon divergent, reader has consumed alcohol, creepy guy at the gala, fingering, semi public sex, vaginal sex, pull out method, pet names (cyar’ika, mesh’la), no use of y/n
I don't mind bleeding
Din one shot by @quicksilvermad
You and the Mandalorian have a mutually beneficial relationship—he pays your rent and you feed him when he needs fresh blood.
vampire!Din, blood, PIV sex, biting, sex work, second person POV, AFAB Reader, one instance of "good girl", aftercare
Din one shot by @frannyzooey
It’s your thighs he’s bound this time — not your hands for a change.
smut, bondage, AU
Hello to the Green
Ezra one shot by @the-blind-assassin-12
Down a ship, a crew, and a working air filter, and suffering from a rapidly worsening infection, Ezra makes one last ditch effort to get home. And he hopes it’s enough.
language, angst, injury and illness, death
Paint With Me
Frankie one shot by @bitchesuntitled
You have a crush on the dad of your daughter’s best friend.
Sexual innuendos and cursing
Right on Cue
Frankie one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
The quiet bartender lends you a hand after you've closed up for the night.
reader is able-bodied but otherwise undescribed. Oral sex f receiving, protected PIV, that's pretty much it. this is just PWP
Door Number Three
Javi G drabble by @morallyinept
Javi shows you what he keeps behind that mirrored door
Character talk alludes to sexy things.
Javi P one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
You want more. Javi wants to give it to you. You just have to give him something first.
mutual masturbation, vaginal fingering, aftercare. reader is able-bodied but otherwise undescribed.
Dress Up Joel
Joel series @covetyou
when a mysterious stranger breaks into your house, and keeps breaking into your house, he gives you the fright, and the ride, of your life. Welcome to your seasonal encounters with one Mr. Joel Miller.
sex toys, dress up, festive/seasonal shenanigans, no use of Y/N, see individual fics for additional warnings
He Knows
Joel/Tommy one shot by @psychedelic-ink
Joel knows you have a little thing for his younger brother so decides to indulge you for your birthday.
gonna state this very clearly: joel gets cucked by tommy and watches, everyone is consenting and it's discussed beforehand, piv, dirty talk, possessive!joel, daddy kink, size kink, established relationship between joel and reader, jealousy, some brotherly rivalry, facial, mild degradation kink, creampie
Does Your Mother Know
Joel one shot by @beskarandblasters
Joel finds a pretty young thing on the beach to spend some time with on his vacation.
reader is able-bodied, reader wears a bikini & a dress, no outbreak AU, ambiguous beach location, both reader and Joel consume alcohol, age gap (20 years), oral sex (F and M receiving), semi public sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, reader is on birth control, pet names (sweetheart, baby), no use of y/n
Tear You Apart
Joel one shot by @mermaidgirl30
Joel comes for you late at night. He always does. Always stalks, chases, and prowls after you like a starving wolf. And when he catches you, he devours you, feeds on you like the animal he is. Will you run and hide or will you give into the temptation that calls you in the forest?
Dark themes, Little red riding hood references, dark! Joel, Joel is a menace, oral, fingering, choking, unprotected P in V, cream pie, filthy smut, degrading actions, not really violent but lots of dark themes, manipulation, rough sex, dirty talk, Joel calls reader little lamb, possessive Joel, feral! Joel, post outbreak! Joel, controlling Joel, dom! Joel, submissive reader, Joel x fem! reader, Joel is in his late 40’s and reader is in her late 20’s
inhale, exhale
Joel one shot by @sp00kymulderr
This world is not made for intimacy and both of you know it.
Fingering, mentions of sex, smoking (both reader and Joel), canon typical violence mentions, needy!Joel, fear of intimacy. Barely edited as usual.
One Day at a Time
Joel series by @sixhours
Joel becomes a dad. Again
soft!Joel, no really super soft!Joel, Joel is bad at feelings and relationships, Joel is a sap, mostly follows canon, SMUT, gratuitous smut, dubious consent (drunk sex), unplanned pregnancy, fluff, references to past miscarriages, angst, hurt/comfort, romance, age gap (~21 years), childbirth, fluffy baby stuff
Joel one shot by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
You encounter a frightening beast in the forest after getting separated from your group. Instead of killing you, he spares your life - the first of many surprises from this mysterious creature.
it's Joel Miller as a humanoid monster beast creature with a massive cock idk what you want me to say, creative liberties with anatomy and bodily fluids, they're soulmates because I wrote this so of course they are, monster!Joel can talk a little but it wouldn't kill him to watch a few episodes of Reading Rainbow or do some alphabet flash cards tbh, one curious use of an aquifer as a metaphor
Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To
Joel one shot by @freelancearsonist
Joel finds a familiar face while out on a smuggling run.
Rated PG for pure angst, one single kiss, and references to Joel's self-inflicted gun wound/self harm
Ahórcame, Papí
Joel/Frankie/Ezra one shot by @marisferasiop
After he gives a recovering addict a job (and subsequently falls head over heels for him), Joel and Frankie have a sweet, fulfilling relationship as Daddy and little exploring their kinks. Then, they meet Ezra at a leather club, another damaged vet with his own issues and kinks. They take him home, and he never really leaves.
Daddy Kink, Daddy/littles, pup kink, Breathplay (hands on throats), Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Delay, Orgasm Control "Training", Light BDSM, Aftercare, Soft Dom Joel, vers Ezra, Bottom Frankie Morales, Oral Sex, Cockwarming, AnalSex, Anal Play, Anal Plug, Breeding Kink, Heat/rut kink, PTSD mention (vets), gags, fingering, choking, cum eating, prostate milking, fucking machine mention, the elusive "sissygasm"
On the Verge of a Usual Mistake
Lucien/Dieter two shot by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
You've been avoiding your exes Dieter Bravo and Lucien Flores all night at this event, but you're forced to come to terms with how things ended in both relationships when they seek to right their wrongs.
this is truly just porn with minimal plot (I'm so proud of myself lol), Dieter and Lucien are messy exes, threesome activities, Twister but with genitalia, Daddy and Papi kinks
In shades of gray and candlelight
Marcus P one shot by @freelancearsonist
Nothing good starts in a getaway car, but you sure do have fun delaying the inevitable.
artist!reader my beloved (reader is able-bodied, basic female anatomy and feminine pronouns used, reader is described as having hair that is long enough to be put up but otherwise she’s a blank slate), unprotected p in v sex, cum swallowing, creampie, semi-public sex acts, oral (r + m receiving), handjobs, fingering, very light switchy dom/sub dynamics, a couple spanks, pet names (sweetheart, pretty girl, baby, honey), heavy praise kink, light size kink, consent king!marcus, just like the song it does not end happily
Marcus P series by @secretelephanttattoo
You're a photographer and you get a job working for the FBI, taking corporate headshots. On your first day, you run into a handsome Special Agent. The series follows their relationship.
Fluff. Smut. PIV. Romance. Flirting. So much kissing. Non-stop nuzzling. Tiny bit of angst. Marcus in his plaid shirts. Marcus on a motorbike. Skiing. A cameo. Sex talker Marcus.
The Infinity Cube
Marcus P/Various series by @littlemisspascal
When you play with a strange cube, you’re transported out of your current reality with your boyfriend Marcus into brand new ones starring alternate versions of your boyfriend who look and act entirely different every time. With each encounter, you start to wonder if you’ll ever make it back to your real universe?
language, fluff, angst
12:32 PM
Marcus M one shot by @dancingtotuyo
Marcus likes to think he's moved on with life.
Grief, loss of a spouse (Wife), fluff
Given a name
Oberyn/Ellaria one shot by @missredherring
"This would be your greatest indulgence?" He asks, the edges of his beautiful mouth curling into a pleased grin. / How like a man to inflate his importance. It’s a pity that he isn’t wrong. / This will be my greatest selfishness.
Angst. Mentions of canon character deaths. Allusions to Greek mythology cos I'm a nerd. Reader chooses a name for herself.
Innocence need not tremble
Pero one shot by @brandyllyn
"I told you I don’t know how to fuck a maiden."
smut. PiV. starts rough. but gets better.
Cherry Wine
Whiskey one shot by @julesonrecord
Your marriage to your high school sweetheart has been hell for a long time, but when Jack discovers your awful secret, it all comes pouring out like a wine stain on the carpet. What do you find in the dregs?
MDNI; DDDNE; hurt people hurting people, domestic violence (verbal, physical, off stage neglect), there's a mention of human urine omg I'm truly horrified that survived the editing process, off stage drug use as a coping mechanism, alcoholism, infidelity, grief due to miscarriage/child loss, oblique suicidal ideations ("you should have killed me"); explicit smut; dirty talk; piv; fingering; possessive!Jack; emotional resolution?
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footballerimaginess · 10 months
Fluff Alphabet | Trent Alexander Arnold
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Here is my fluff alphabet, give it some love and feedback please. This takes me a long time to make, so will really appreciate the love on this fic. Let me know what players you want more fluff alphabets on. Word Count: 1,334 ANNIVERSARY - "Happy Anniversary" you smiled as you read the text and sighed also, knowing that you weren't with him today as he was in Europe. You were so upset but when a bunch of flowers arrived at your door, they instantly made your day even better.
BABIES - Whenever you saw a baby, you were so broody. You and Trent had always spoken about babies and how you would love children in the future. You knew he would be the most perfect father whenever you decided to have babies. When the time was ready of course. COFFEE - "We haven't had a coffee date in ages, come on" you smiled as you suggested to Trent as your eagle eye saw a starbucks in the distance and you knew you needed an iced coffee. "You are the worst, anytime we drive past one you need one" you smirked. "Alright, guess you aren't getting one" you laughed as Trent's brow furrowed. "Well we are here now, so I suppose" he teased. DATE NIGHT - Date nights were rare when you dated a footballer, but Trent always had the best ideas for what you did on date night. It was always so special because he put so much effort into your dates it meant so much to you. EXPLORE - One of your favourite things to do was exploring new places, it had been one thing you loved to do. There was so much on this list that you'd both wanted to explore and made sure it was your mission to do so. FLOWERS - One of Trent's ways of showing love was buying you flowers, not really having a reason behind why he got them. But they were always so beautiful whenever he bought them back or got them delivered whenever he wasn't here due to football. He always knew how to brighten up your day even when he wasn't here. GAMES - You loved going to games, whether it was England or Liverpool, you love going to away games on your own and being in the middle of the crowd. It just felt so special supporting your man. HOLIDAY - Holidays were one and the only time seeing Trent in the summer, he always made sure that you would do a lot to try and make up for how much time you missed when the season was happening. You were so excited to spend time with him and having ICKS - The one thing you hated about Trent and was one of your few icks in the relationship. "If you slurp that drink one more time, that straw may be leading somewhere fucking else" you gritted your teeth as he coughed, your comments taking him by surprise. "Woah okay okay" he holds his hands up before gently pushing the glass away from him. JUMPER - "Have you stolen one of my jumpers again? I can't find it anywhere" you turned around as you spoke to him as you had the jumper on. "Oh so you do have it, good job I love you because this is taking the piss now. I love that jumper" he asked you sternly with a straight face. "Well you're not having it back now" you shrugged. KITTEN - You had told Trent that you had wanted a pet, desperately. So when Trent came home with a huge box, you were confused as he placed it in front of you. "Open it" you smiled as you opened the box to reveal the cutest black and white kitten. "Oh my gosh, she is so cute" you whispered as you placed your cat on your chest. LIVERPOOL - You were the biggest football fan before you started dating Trent, so when you would go to games you were just so excited anyway to watch him at Anfield and travelling around the UK and Europe watching the team play. MEETING - You and Trent met at a bar as you walked straight into him, say it was love at first sight. In your mind obviously, not Trent's. But you were too shy to say anything when you bumped into him. But you gradually worked your way over to talk to him more and more. NAME - "So when are you going to be y/n alexander arnold?" the boys asked as you blushed. "I dunno, one day i hope" you shrugged as you watched Trent's facial expression. "Guess you'll just have to wait, gotta keep you on your toes" you laughed as the boys all smirked. "So much love from you there Trent" he laughed. OCEAN - "Come swim with me" you shouted to Trent who was laying on the beach whilst you were standing in the ocean which was looking so beautiful. "You go, it looks so pretty" Trent smiled, shouting away as the beach was so quiet as it was still pretty early.
PAMPER NIGHT - You and Trent were having a pamper night, phones were off (not even allowed to do a sneaky photo for social media because Trent would kill you within seconds that was uploaded). Face masks were always your favourite especially when you had a full collection of them on hand. QUESTION - When Trent popped the question, you thought he was joking when you were on a beach on holiday one summer. You were so shocked when he opened the ring box, taking you completely by surprise. Saying yes of course as you jumped straight onto him as you looked at the ring and grabbed him as tightly as you could. RAIN - Of course the British weather being as awful as it is as always, you stupidly decide to go out for a walk which meant the heavens opened as it usually would. You were absolutely soaked as you ran as fast as you could in the rain. SUNSHINE - You were laying in the sunshine as it hit down onto your chest as hot as he could be. "I could get used to this heat, it feels so glorious. It is a shame that we don't get this weather in England. But it seems lovely" he mumbled as he barely raised a look up as he was enjoying the sunshine.
TRENT - Life with Trent was amazing, working your job was something special you loved working on your photography and getting to do it within football was amazing also. You knew you were so happy with Trent and couldn't wait to experience more life with him. UNDER THE STARS - You and Trent were laying under the stars in your garden, watching the night sky. "I love this, with you" you smiled as you rolled over to talk to him closely. "Me too" Trent whispered gently as he stroked your hair. VICE CAPTAIN - You were so proud of him when he told you that he was becoming vice captain. This was huge for him, especially as he has been at the club for so long. When Trent posted it on his instagram, you were so proud of him and all the fans were too which especially warmed your heart. WEDDING - The wedding wasn't for a while. but you were planning it all and had been for months. It had been a crazy few months, Trent was convinced that you were slowly turning into bridezilla. "We've had so many deliveries, how many things have you got. We are only having one day" you laughed as he was right. But you wanted it to be special. X - The kisses he left you whenever he texted you were always adorable, he was just so cute. YELLOW - "That dress is so beautiful on you, yellow is your colour. Ready" he smiled as he laced your hand in his hand as you headed to the car. You were going to the award ceremony Zzzz - You and Trent were having a lazy day on the sofa after Trent had been having a busy week of training and a midweek European game. All he wanted to do was have a chilled day, laying on the sofa snoozing in and out of sleep.
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jjkgyu · 2 years
a wonwoo as a dad would be so cute!
hope u enjoy! xx and thank u all for 900🥹 (sorry i’m so ia bc of uni😖)
wonwoo as a first time dad! ♡
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wonwoo would freeze, eyes widening and heart stopping the moment you tell him that you’re pregnant. he had always wanted to be a dad, but he’d be in shock that it was about to become a reality
however, wonwoo would get used to the idea of fatherhood pretty quickly. the more he attends your ultrasound appointments and you discuss baby names and how to design the nursery, he gets so excited for his baby to arrive and to experience fatherhood
he would realise that he really doesn’t know much at all about parenting, so he sits at his computer and does as much research as he can even into the early hours of the morning so he can be prepared for his baby’s arrival
when you go into labour he’d remain super level-headed and calm for you. he’d tell you how well you’re doing through the pain, and when he meets his son for the first time you and wonwoo know everything is going to be okay.
wonwoo is so reliable when your son is a newborn. you can pretty much count on him to know anything about parenting, and he seems to know what your baby needs with every little cry or facial expression, which puts you at ease
wonwoo loves his son more than anything. he’s immediately protective over him and wants to research every food he eats or toy he plays with to make sure it’s safe for him. he takes so much pride in doing any parenting duty like bathing him and feeding him too
he manages to get up during the night when he hears his son stir. you’re thankful that he wants you to get as much sleep as possible, but most nights you get up after him and your heart melts at the sight of your husband, hair ruffled, glasses on, and tiny baby in his strong arms
some nights you hear wonwoo on the baby monitor, and you can’t help but smile at how much you love your boys. your son babbles at wonwoo while he replies “mhmm” and “i see~” as he rocks him in his arms. when he finally falls asleep and wonwoo comes back to bed, you have to hold yourself back from begging for another one
wonwoo has his son in his arms most of the time. whenever he’s dozing off watching tv, his son will be falling asleep on his chest and you can’t help but smile at how alike the two of them are. your son even prefers to sit in wonwoo’s lap instead of his high chair, which of course wonwoo doesn’t mind at all
wonwoo never knew he would be the type to worry so much, but when your son starts crawling wonwoo is on high alert at all times, his eyes following him around the room and being alert for any possible danger
wonwoo wants to teach his son as much as possible from such a young age. he’ll read to him all the time and try to teach him the alphabet while his little baby giggles and babbles back at him
one night you’re laying in bed with your son between you as wonwoo reads his bedtime story. his little baby watches him with big wide adoring eyes and among his babbling, you both look at each other in shock when he says his first word. the book would immediately be forgotten as the two of you become the proudest parents alive and coo over your smart little baby
when your son takes his first steps, wonwoo has to fight back the tears. he never wants his little baby to grow up, but he can’t believe he accomplished such a milestone and he’ll send a video of his son to his member’s gc because he’s just so proud
as your son grows up, you both quickly realise that he’s literally a mini wonwoo. the two of them do pretty much everything together - gaming, fishing, reading etc. he teaches his son old video games he used to play as a kid and he recommends books he loved when he was young
your son even needs glasses at a young age, which wonwoo jokingly apologises to him for. your son even chooses a pair to match his daddy’s and you can’t help but chuckle at the fact that they look just like twins now
your son idolises wonwoo, and wants to be just like him. wonwoo adores this and can’t help but give in to the matching pjs and outfits. your son goes everywhere his daddy goes and he’ll cling onto wonwoo and sulk every morning when he tries to leave for work
wonwoo’s son is pretty shy for his first day of school. but wonwoo is the best dad ever and he walks his little boy to the front door, kneeling down in front of him and reassuring him that he was going to be okay. “you can do anything, you know that, right?” he tells him with a soft smile before placing a kiss on his forehead and sending him inside.
wonwoo wants his son to try hard at school because he knows how smart he is. he’ll stay up late helping him understand his homework and he’s super hands on with projects for the science fair (which his son wins of course)
wonwoo gets involved with everything his son does. he attends every soccer match and award presentation and he’s the proudest dad ever, taking videos and photos with a wide smile on his face
wonwoo is great with disciplining his son, even though he doesn’t need to do it often. his son doesn’t want to disappoint him so he rarely throws tantrums.
wonwoo always makes time for you even during the hectic world of parenthood. thankfully his members offer to take your son for sleepovers so the two of you can go on date nights, and he always tells you how lucky he is to have you (even though you know it’s the other way round)
as a dad, wonwoo gives the best advice. since he’s so close with his son, his son trusts him with anything so wonwoo drops whatever he’s doing to be there for him.
overall, wonwoo would adapt so well to fatherhood and would be his son’s best friend and biggest supporter <3
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soupandsimple · 11 months
this video is very much not at all like what I wrote but it was used as the inspo for James and daughter 😌
* James’s reaction to his 3 year old daughter telling him she has a boyfriend (SPOILER ALERT; it’s just a boy who’s her friend)
* see request here
Your daughter started daycare at the beginning of this week. Coincidentally also this week, James had been coming home late from work meaning he missed seeing and talking to her before she got into bed (besides the quick goodnight kiss he did always manage to make it in time for with a little slip into her bedroom just as you’d finish tucking her in). But since today was Friday, you let her stay up a little later to see and be with him for awhile.
It’s a little before eight when he gets home and the smile on his face when he sees his little girl is still up and about is a special one. After greeting you both, you let him get changed then serve him his dinner plate and set out a bowl of raspberries for your daughter to snack on to keep James company at the table.
“M’daddy guess what,” your daughter speaks as you help her climb up on the cushiony booster seat in her chair.
“What doll?” James replies promptly, hungrily gathering some food on his fork.
“I have a boyfend.”
The forkful of food is just centimeters away from James’s open mouth but all his movements freeze in that second.
Arching your brows, you smile to yourself as you go to the kitchen area to put away some dishes that had been sitting in the drying rack.
“Excuse me? Can you repeat that?” James urges, voice full of hope that he had heard wrong.
“I have a boyfend!” your daughter repeats happily, popping a berry into her little mouth.
“Oh n-n-n-no,” James says, setting down his fork with a forced chuckle of disbelief, “you are three years old, you cannot have a boyfriend at three years old.”
“Uh-huh I do, hims names Matthew!”
“Yes! He’s pwetty!” she claims with a big ol’ smile.
“Hey, hey, hey missy, this isn’t girl talk hour. I don’t care how pretty this Matthew kid is, you are not supposed to have a boyfriend!”
“Him hold my hand” she adds, blissfully ignoring everything James had just said. “And him gives me grapes and him sits by me on the listening carpet.”
“Oh no baby, no” he mumbles as he hits his hands against his face, shaking his head. “C’mon, that’s bare minimum!” he says, sliding his hands back off his face. “And he didn’t even give it time, it’s been what? One week? Don’t tell me he became your boyfriend on the first day of class?!”
Very much not interested in the conversation anymore, your daughter nonchalantly nods as she munches down on another berry and intriguingly observes how the juice from it spills to her hands.
“Wha- are you hearing this?” James astonishingly asks you, whipping his head over in your direction.
“Yes I’m listening. Are you?” you tease as you continue putting away dishes.
Now, the reason you weren’t reacting to your daughter’s claims was because earlier that week at one of the pickups, your daughter had joyfully ran up to you at the door upon arrival and announced to you that she had a boyfriend! After telling you all about the hand holding, fruit sharing and carpet sitting with Matthew, the daycare teacher monitoring the pickups cleared it all up for you.
For starters, the hand holding was only allowed when they walked from building A to building C for gym class and since your daughter and Matthew were next to each other alphabetically on the class sheet, they were paired together for that. Same went for the listening carpet where they were sat in an alphabetical order seating chart. As for the fruit sharing, it was something this Mathew kid did with any and all of his classmates apparently.
So did your daughter have a boy friend ? Yes.
A boyfriend ? No.
The fact that James automatically heard the term boy-friend and paired it with the amorous meaning was no one’s fault but his own. You’d explain it all to him later of course but for now, it was fun seeing him helpless while your daughter remained oblivious and frankly unbothered as to why her dad was freaking out over her having a boy as a friend. <3
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