#Bradley Rooster bradshaw x f!reader
purelyfiction · 6 months
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and they were roommates. - a bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x f!roommate au
coming soon...
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callsignthirsty · 8 months
I'll do #9 "I don't care how good it feels you'd better not cum until I tell you to." With Bradley 😏
hey girl, hey —
so I’m finally getting around to the smut prompt fills from forever ago. please enjoy my first crack at writing Rooster. I had a fun time writing him, so hopefully it translates.
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x F!reader Word Count: 1005 Warnings: sex toys, slightly under-negotiated kink (kind of), in public, overstimulation (mentioned) Minors DNI
Smut Prompt #9
The last thing any of the Daggers had expected after the uranium mission was to be granted time off. Not that you were going to look a gift horse in the mouth when it meant that your boyfriend would be home for two whole months. The time off was a gift, and you were determined that you and Bradley would make the most of the unexpected time together.
All over his assigned housing.
After three weeks, the endorphins had you in a good—if slightly loopy, dick-drunk—mood, and when the Instagram algorithm struck while Bradley was in the shower, who were you to say no?
Which is how you ended up with your newest toy for $39.99 plus shipping and handling.
Frankly, you’d thought it would be hot. Sexy. Something to spice up your already adventurous sex life. The ad made it seem like a good time, and the premise was simple enough: a remote-controlled vibrating egg tethered to an app on your boyfriend’s phone.
You’d managed to keep hush-hush about it while it shipped, entertaining visions of Bradley activating the toy while you made dinner or watched a movie. Maybe, if you were both feeling up to it, you’d wear it out while the two of you were out on a date. A trip to enjoy sunbathing on the beach. So once your package had arrived, it was fair to say that when Bradley had invited you out to the beach, waggling his eyebrows as he offered you the toy and an opportunity to take your play outside, all from his open palm, you’d said yes with a smile.
What you hadn’t expected was for his squad mates to be there. Your fate sealed when a weak mechanical vibration made itself known between your legs as Phoenix pulled you into a hug.
Dogfight football, you’re sure, is a lot more fun to watch or ignore when you aren’t being tortured. You grab an ice cube from a nearby cooler and cup it to the back of your neck, but it does nothing to cool the fire raging inside you. You whine, face tilted up toward the sun. If anything, the shock of ice against your heated skin makes everything worse. Skin tingling. Senses heightened.
“Rooster!” you squeak, grabbing more than just your boyfriend’s attention to the point that you must remind yourself that no one else knows. “Can you c’mere real quick?”
Rooster smirks, all broad shoulders and glistening tan as he passes his Nerf ball off to Coyote and makes his way toward you. “Yeah, babe?”
“Please,” you whine when he’s close enough. You’ve already crimped your beer can, toes curling in the sand as you try desperately not to writhe for all his friends and other beachgoers to see.
“Please what?”
You don’t see his hand disappear into his pocket, but you feel it. This time, you can’t help but arch your back, a gasp tumbling from your lips. “I need to cum. God, just–” He cuts you off with his lips against yours, pressing you into sun-warmed sand, and you drag him with you. You open your mouth and welcome his tongue with your own as you press your chest to his, overeager to feel his body against yours. Every touch sends a zing straight to your core. You don’t care that you’re on the beach. You don’t even care that his friends can definitely see you. You just. Need. to cum.
You’re almost there when the vibrations cut out completely.
This time your groan is from frustration. Because what the hell? Did it just die on you?!
You’re contemplating a refund when Bradley parts from you with a nip to your lower lip. “I don’t care how good it feels,” he murmurs, close enough that his mustache tickles your lip when he speaks. The toy pulses once, then goes still again. “You’d better not cum until I tell you to.”
“Bradshaw!” Bradley’s head whips around to where one of his squad mates is heckling him back to their game.
“Be right there!” He presses a wet kiss right below the crux of your jaw. “Don’t worry, this game’s almost over.”
You heave a sigh of relief. “Thank god.” The sooner you can drag Bradley back to his housing assignment, the better.
“Best two out of three.”
You pout. “Bradley.”
“Then maybe some drinks. Wouldn’t want to leave if everyone’s sticking around.”
“If you really think I’m sticking around for you t–” You’re cut off as the vibrator kicks up again, this time settling into a pattern that is just light enough that you know it’ll drive you mad.
“Bradshaw! Let’s go!”
Rooster stands up, idly brushing sand from his shorts, sunglasses snug on his stupidly handsome face. “Be good.”
What follows is the longest, most tortuous game of dogfight football probably ever. It feels like Bradley purposefully lets the other team win the second game to force a tiebreaker, all while fiddling with his phone. By the time the third game wraps and everyone makes their way to the cooler, you’re flushed and covered in beads of sweat.
Ever observant, Phoenix clocks the shake in your hand as you pass her a water bottle. Her brow furrows. “You feeling alright?”
You open your mouth to tell her you’re okay, but nothing comes out.
“Hey, Roo!” someone echos, “your girl’s looking a little flushed. She okay?”
Bradley takes a knee at your side, offering you his water like that’ll help. “You okay, baby?” And because talking hadn’t worked for you so well last time, you glare. Or try to. You’re unable to hold it. There’s no real fire behind the look—desperation and oversensitivity set in a while ago.
“Might be heatstroke,” Fanboy suggests. “Have you been drinking enough water?”
“Yeah, I just–” you cut yourself off, eyes slamming shut as the rhythmic pulsing switches up again. Blindly, you smack Bradley’s hand away from his phone. “Take me home.”
“Alright, baby,” Bradley smiles, gathering you in his strong arms. “I’ve got ya.”
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gennyanydots · 2 years
Be My Escape
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Past asshole boyfriend Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x f!reader
Future Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x f!reader
Part 2/3
Catch up on part 1 here
Part 3
The following day, your parents drove you and your things the whole way to your new school, The University of Virginia. You were thankful that, that had always been the plan so you could secretly cry the whole way in the backseat. Even though you were the one to breakup with Jake, you knew that it was harder on you. It was always going to be. You had real feelings for him, you doubt he paid you much mind at all. Clearly didn’t think well enough of you to not cheat on you and lie to you.
Your cousin met you at your summer dorm and helped you and your parents move your things in. Your parents couldn’t take any time off from work so they had to leave almost as soon as you were unpacked but they wouldn’t miss taking their baby girl to college for anything so they did what they would. They knew you’d be in good hands with Russel. Your mom was practically sick with worry to leave you, but Russ assured her that he would take good care of his “baby sister”. His friends would too. Nothing like what happened in high school would happen in college. He’d make sure of it.
As soon as your parents left, Russ made you pack an overnight bag so he could take you to his apartment. He said there was no way he could leave you alone in your dorm to wallow. He wasn’t about to let you cry alone in the dark over some asshole that he really wants to kick the shit out of.
Russ told you he warned his roommate that he was bringing his favorite cousin home to the apartment and apparently let on that you had just had a very bad breakup and might be in a less than fun mindset. That made you roll your eyes. Just what you wanted. Someone to feel bad for you.
When you arrived at the apartment, his roommate was nowhere to be found. He left Russ a note on the coffee table saying that he cleaned his bedroom, including his bedding, for you to stay in and that there was ice cream in the freezer for you and a box of popcorn on the counter for all the sad movies you might want to watch per breakup tradition.
You gave Russ a questing look before he shrugged at you.
“That’s just the way he is. He’s my best friend but he would have done that sort of thing for anyone. He hates it when people are upset,” Russ explained and you nodded.
“Please thank him for me,” you said as Russ walked you into his roommate’s room. True to their word the bedroom looked immaculate. Nothing on the floor. The dresser was tidy. The bed was made. It even smelled clean.
“Do you want to rest or anything or should I get some pizza?” Russ asked as he leaned against the door frame and pulled out his phone.
You shrugged, “Maybe order the pizza and I’ll lay down until it gets here?”
Russ nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
You let out a big breath. Well. Here you were. Stayed away from everything you knew.
A couple of your friends had texted you this morning about what Jake got up to the night before but you didn’t care. You didn’t want to waste any more mental energy on him. He made his feelings quite clear.
Plus you’re sure you can find someone much better here to date, though the bar is so low that almost anyone would be better than Jake.
You shook your head a little to get rid of your thoughts. No more Jake. He doesn’t exist anymore.
You decided to quietly snoop through Russ’s roommate’s things. Not opening drawers or anything, that would be an invasion of privacy, just looking at the things around the room.
A few pictures were on the dresser. One of two men with their arms wrapped around each other, one lighter haired man with a mustache and one darker haired man who was much shorter than the other man. Another picture of the same mustached man with a little blonde boy both of them grinning from ear to ear at the camera. A third picture was of a curly haired boy with a blonde woman, both scrunching their noses at each other.
A few text books and a notebook laid out on the desk. Nothing too interesting.
You sat down in the desk chair and rip out a blank piece of paper. You might as well thank Russ’s roommate yourself.
You write:
“Dear Russel’s Roommate,
Thank you very much for everything you did for me. You are incredibly sweet and I really appreciate it all.
- Y/N”
Past that first night you spent a fair amount of time at Russell’s apartment. His roommate always seemed to be gone. Either working or in class or at another friend’s house.
Russ explained that his roommate didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable here. He wanted to make sure this was a safe space for you. If you planned on staying over there was always clean sheets on the nicely made bed. And ever since you started with it, there was always a note to you. If you weren’t staying over it would be on the coffee table with your name on it.
You tried to tell him that he could hang out with you guys too but he never said anything about it in his notes to you. Oftentimes the notes would be a corny joke or two. Sometimes they would just say that he hoped you had a wonderful day because you deserved to.
All summer it was like that.
When the new semester hit you were much busier than you had been in the summer. You took more classes. You got involved. You made friends. The time you spent at Russ’s apartment was less and less. Russ would always make sure to see you at least once a week but as strange as it seemed you missed his roommate despite never actually meeting him.
You decided the next time you went over to leave your number for him. A big step in your kinda sorta friendship.
So that Thursday when you went over that’s exactly what you did. You left your number.
When you were back in your dorm that night, slightly feeling a little anxious about the whole ordeal despite your roommate telling you it wasn’t that big of a deal, you got a text from a number you didn’t know.
It said, “what happens when you get soap in your mouth when you’re singing in the shower?”
You responded with, “Umm I don’t know.”
“It becomes a soap opera!”
And from that day forward you received some sort of terrible joke daily.
“I don’t know what the best thing about Switzerland is but the flag is a big plus.”
“I don’t trust those trees on campus. They seem shady.”
“I know a joke about chemistry but I don’t think it’ll get a reaction.”
By October you still hadn’t met Russ’s roommate but you did talk to him a lot. Outside of his daily jokes he always tries to check in with you to see how you’re doing, how classes are going, if you need anything.
You were with Jake for two years and he never did this kind of stuff and you barely knew this guy.
When Halloween weekend arrived, your own roommate decided to drag you to a party. You both decided it would be fun to dress up as tourists complete with Hawaiian shirts, leis, and fanny packs.
When you told Russ what you were dressing up as he laughed really hard. You weren’t sure why. Yeah your costume was funny but it definitely wasn’t THAT funny.
This was your first bigger college party. It was at one of the fraternity houses that your roommate’s boyfriend was in.
Being the shy kid in high school you hadn’t gone to too many parties, not that Jake would take you to them anyway, but you were having fun at this one. Your roommate and you both drank a couple drinks and mostly just spectated together. You two watched all the drunken shenanigans together until eventually she was whisked away by her boyfriend. She made you promise though not to leave the house without her, her boyfriend already had told you both he would be walking you both back, though you’re pretty sure your roommate would just be stopping by the dorm to grab some things before heading back out with him. You appreciated the gesture nonetheless.
Even without your spectating buddy you continued watching everything that was going on while sipping on a drink.
It didn’t take too long before someone sidled up to you.
“Hey look! We match!” A voice said from beside you.
You look and lo and behold the man next to you was wearing a very similar Hawaiian shirt along with a pink tutu. He was taller than you. Light brown curly hair. Cute boyish smile. Vaguely familiar mustache that you can’t quite figure out why it’s familiar to you.
“Ave Ventura?” You asked while gesturing to the tutu.
He chuckled and nodded, “You win a gold star. Pretty sure only one other person guessed my costume right.”
“Clearly these partygoers have poor taste,” you said with a giggle.
He nodded, “Agreed. Uncultured swine. All of them.”
“Maybe not that far…”
“You sure? I watched someone chug a beer, throw up, and then went back to chugging beer,” he said pointedly.
“I don’t think today is a good day to base opinions on people. Pretty much everyone is running around like a hooligan,” you said as you gestured to the party.
He chuckled and nodded, “You’re right. However, there are at least two non-hooligans. What’s that say about us?”
You shrugged, “I’m not sure.”
“I am. We’re clearly in the right and making sound decisions with our lives.”
“You sure? I’m drinking underage,” you said as you sipped your drink.
“Yeah you and everyone else. Plus, my uncle snuck me beers as soon as I turned 16 as long as I didn’t let my mom know.”
“For shame!” You said with a laugh.
He shrugged and laughed, “She probably knew. Not much got past her. I never got away with anything.”
“I never really tried to get away with anything. I was perfectly content doing what I was supposed to.”
He smiled, “Nothing wrong with that. Rebellion isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. I’m a rule follower. Now more so than then.”
You nodded, “It’s easier that way.”
“Agreed,” he said then turned a little bit more towards you and held out his hand. “Bradley Bradshaw. I don’t think we’ve ever met.”
You look him up and down and grinned, “Not officially but I’ve been in your bed a time or two.”
He blushed and scratched the back of his head, “I’m really sorry. I really don’t do that often. I don’t remember you and I do apologize. I haven’t done that in a long, long while.”
You shook you head and laughed, “Not like that. Maybe this will help. I used to be addicted to soap but I’m clean now.”
You watched as Bradley’s face broke out into a grin, “I should have known it was you.”
You smiled back at him, “Oh? And how should you have known?”
Bradley shrugged, “You and Russ look kinda similar but also this was the first conversation all night I enjoyed and the only other person I’ve recently been loving conversations with is this one girl who keeps sleeping in my bed.”
“That sounds mildly inconvenient for you. Her sleeping in your bed.”
He shook his head, “Can’t say that I mind it one bit. After she sleeps in my bed, my pillow always smells like her. I mean that in the least creepy way possible. It just smells really good and I like it a lot.”
You blushed and laughed, “Well, that’s a new one. Can’t say anyone’s ever told me they liked when I sleep in their bed because I smell good.”
Bradley shrugged, “They’re missing out. And they’ll continue to miss out. If you sleep in someone else’s bed I’ll pout.”
“I wouldn’t want to make you sad,” you said with a giggle.
“Glad we’re in agreement. Only my bed. And your bed. But maybe I could take you out and eventually lay in that bed together. For sleeping. Not for other things. Unless you wanted to do other things. And were completely comfortable doing those things. With me. I would never push you for things you weren’t comfortable with. I’m not like that at all. And I would never treat you like however your asshole ex did. Russ didn’t tell me. Just told me that if he ever set foot on campus we had to beat him up. Should I have told you that? I don’t think so. Oh God. I’ve fucked this up. Shit. I’m sorry.”
You laughed and put a hand on his arm, “Relax. I would love to go out with you sometime. And then we’ll see what happens down the line. And if my ex sets foot on campus you can beat him up. I’m 100% okay with that.”
Bradley took a deep breath letting it out slowly, “Okay. Great. I’m very excited. Not for the beating up thing. Wait. Yes I am. I would be very excited for that. If he didn’t treat you right then it’s my duty to beat him up. Protect your honor and what not. Unless you didn’t want me to protect your honor and you wanted to do it. Then I would support you. I really need to stop talking. I just don’t think I can. This is the most nervous I’ve been around a girl in a long time. Since like puberty. And that was a while ago. Stop talking, Bradley.”
You laughed, “You’re cute. You don’t have to stop talking.”
He blushed, “I don’t? I’ll talk forever if that’s what you’d like.”
“Sounds good, Bradley,” you said with a smile and reached up and kissed his cheek.
“Do you think I could walk you home later? I’d like to make sure you’re safe and sound. Never know what’s lurking about on Halloween.”
“I would love that.”
Part 3
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mothdruid · 2 years
Concerned Neighbor
pairing: bradley “rooster” bradshaw x fem!reader
summary: Bradley and you are neighbors, sharing a duplex owned by Mav. But Bradley never realized how paper thin the walls really were until one night. He learned the difference between your moans, from true pleasure and fake pleasure. He makes it a point to show you true pleasure when with someone.
wc: 4.5k
warnings: 18+, smut, mdni, protected sex, penetrative sex (p in v), oral sex (male and female), vaginal fingering, jealousy, listening through the walls, possessive!Bradley, degradation and praise kinks
a/n: this idea was brought to you by @emerald-chaos and it's also unbeta'd, so don't mind my mistakes pls. and yes, I'm using the same Bradley gif I use for all my Bradley fics.
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When Mav first brought up renting out the other half of the duplex, Bradley was hesitant. He had been reminded that it was Mav’s decision and to 'play nice' with the other tenant. And how could Bradley not 'play nice' when you were the person he was sharing a wall with. He would never forget the first time he met you, your smile bright as you awkwardly tried to open your door while carrying a box. That's where Bradley came in, offering to help carry the box. And that was where your friendship began.
Bradley did admit it was nice having you there. You watched his cat while he went on leave, making you its mother practically. Him mowing your side of the lawn, you collecting his mail while he was gone. It created this odd relationship, which created your now bi-weekly dinner date the two of you had. Sharing your company for a little while every so often made him not feel as lonely. Reminding him he still had the proper skills to interact with more than just fellow aviators.
Everything was just going swimmingly until he heard it one night. That's when he started to curse the fact your bedroom was next to his. Only a thin wall separating the two rooms. Bradley assumed that his room lined yours, but this was a confirmation. At first he wasn’t sure if it was all just in his head. He hadn’t been physical with anyone for a long time, so maybe it was his brains way of saying he needed to get a fuck in. But then he heard it again. And again.
It was the sound of you, moaning in pleasure. Bradley wasn't quite sure when his hand had drifted down to his grey sweatpants, palming his growing erection. He hadn't realized how paper thin the walls were, your breathing was almost audible to him. Hearing every moan and gasp you had to offer.
The thought of you touching yourself, vibrator on your clit, or maybe even a dildo inside of you had Bradley biting back groans. It wasn't like he never thought of you as attractive, cause God you were to him. The image of you laid out for him, touching yourself or eagerly taking his cock had him fisting his dick. Your mouth would be hanging open, those moans he was hearing falling past your lips.
It was obvious when you crept closer to your orgasm, moans getting louder and more frequent. So he timed it perfectly, thrusting into his hand and groaning when eventually he heard you hit your climax. He followed suit shortly afterwards, hot spurts of cum covering his stomach. Bradley laid there staring at the ceiling with his hand still wrapped around his cock, wondering how he would ever face you again.
A few days passed and he didn't see you, not really leaving the house in all honesty. Even though he wasn't seeing you, he was still hearing you. Every night he would hear your moans. Bradley couldn't help but take advantage of them every night, fucking his hand and wishing it was you instead. Then one day, he was greeted by a new car in your driveway. He assumed it was a friend, until later that night.
It was almost like a schedule. He would get in bed at 8pm every night, wait about ten minutes, then hear your moans, signaling it was time for him to shuck off his sweatpants. But tonight wasn't like that. He didn't hear anything from your side of the wall until about 8:40pm. He knows because he checked his phone. And the noises he heard tonight weren't the same.
The sounds he heard tonight were a different pitch, not sounding like you. They sounded forced, fake. Bradley even got out of bed to check the driveway, still seeing that unfamiliar car in your driveway. He honestly couldn't bear the thought of it. You fucking someone was fine, but not being pleased and full of pleasure? Hell no, you deserved more than subpar sex. He hadn't even heard the usual climax ending you had every night.
Bradley didn't know how to approach the situation though. It's not like he could just bring it up to you, explaining that he could hear you through the walls. You would definitely move out after that confession he figured. So, Bradley decided not to ignore you anymore. He would come over daily and ask how you were and if you needed my help around the house. Hell, he even mowed your half of the yard. But it got him nowhere.
Bradley was yearning for your bi-weekly dinner, only a week away. He wanted something to happen that night, hoping you'd give him some form of opening. He saw that same unfamiliar car five days before your dinner, making him irritated. Bradley knew he wouldn't be able to take another night of your fake moans, so he left and went to the local bar for a few hours.
When he came home the car was gone and the lights on your side of the duplex were still on. Bradley slipped into his own side, finding his way into bed quickly. He laid there for a few moments, ruminating on the idea of you getting fucked by some random man that didn't even know how to please you properly. After a few more moments he heard it though. Heard you.
It was those soft and pleasure filled moans he loved to hear. They immediately went to his cock. His hand palmed at the front of his boxers, as he listened. Every moan was something angelic yet sinful. Bradley craved to hear them without the barrier of the wall so bad. His hand pumped his cock as he heard your moans pick up.
A heat was rising in his chest and cheeks, his mind thinking about how good you would look splayed out. Legs spread wide, one set of fingers working your clit, while your other hand pumped a dildo in and out of your greedy hole. Bradley bit back a groan, thinking about what it'd feel like to be inside of you. Bradley paced himself with your moans, waiting until the last moment to follow you over the edge. As he laid there on his bed with his spent cock resting against his abdomen, he wondered how he was going to face you at dinner.
The bi-weekly dinner came faster than what Bradley expected. Five days passed in the blink of an eye. But he had heard you every night, and that car never showed back up. He hoped that the car would never show back up again. He wanted you to be taken care of, hoping he would be the one to do it.
You were currently on his living room floor, twirling a stick with ribbons attached to it across the floor for his cat. His cat, Twix, aggressively chased the blue curled up ribbons back and forth on the floor. Twix was a stray that Bradley had found, the short haired tabby keeping him company and not completely lonely. Bradley watched the two of you play as he continued with dinner. He wasn't sure when you noticed him watching, but he couldn't help but smile when he caught your gaze.
God, you were going to be the death of him.
Bradley got out a can of cat food, distracting Twix from the toy you had. After Bradley plated Twix's canned food, he made up both of your plates and took them to the table. There was just small talk through the entire dinner, Bradley not wanting to ruin it with the main topic on his mind.
"You okay, B?" Bradley nodded with a small smile.
"Yeah, I think so." You tilted your head.
"Think so?" You shot him a questioning look. "You know you can tell me." Both of your plates were empty, signaling to Bradley he could finally bring up the subject.
"Who did you have over this week?" Bradley didn't mean for it to come out so demanding. But it did, and there was no way of taking it back.
"What do you mean?" You narrowed your eyes at him.
"There was a car in the driveway."
"Why does it matter?"
"It doesn't matter."
"I can see who I want to see."
"I know you ju-"
"Sorry, I'm not like you." Bradley's eyebrows knitted together, his hazel eyes staring at you intensely.
"I'm sorry, what?" You knew you ticked a nerve.
"Bradley, you know what I mean."
"No, not sure I do. Explain. Now." The tone in his voice sent a chill down your spine. You straighten your posture, interlacing your fingers and placing your hands on the table.
"Well you just. All because you don't bring anyone home doesn't mean I don't have to." You thought it'd be awkward, but it wasn't. Something in his stare had changed, it wasn't intimidating anymore. It was something more playful. A smirk pulled at one side of his mouth.
"Even if he can't get you off." Your eyes grew wide.
"You think I don't hear you?" You stared at him. A heat started to rise in your cheeks, as well as between your thighs. Bradley had been listening to you? The thought of him fisting his cock while listening to you fuck someone else plagued your mind. "Hear your little moans every night?" That's when it dawned on you. Your room shared a wall with Bradley's.
Bradley took notice of the way your face changed. It wasn’t shocking, more akin to something else. He watched as you took your lower lip between your teeth, gaze looking away from him for a moment. You took your hands from the table, placing them in your lap. Your thighs squeezed tightly as you felt his eyes crawl over you. You had always found Bradley attractive, but never considered the possibility of him coming on to you. The thought of him jerking off to your sounds plagued your mind, showing you just how desperate he actually was for you. Your eyes flicked up to meet his blazing hazel orbs. A surge of courage ran through your veins.
“How many times did you hear me?”
“All of them.” A heat blazed through your body like a forest fire. “You should fuck someone who actually makes you feel good.” Bradley leaned across the table, playful smirk on his lips. “Someone that has you moaning like when you finger fuck yourself.” Your insides clenched at his words, thighs squeezing together once more.
“Is that what you want?” A tension was swirling between the two of you now. The both of you knew exactly what each other wanted.
“Just a concerned neighbor is all.”
“If you’re so concerned about this problem, then fix it.” You emphasized the T at the end of the sentence. Bradley quirked an eyebrow. The two of you stared at each other for a while, only the small bell on Twix’s collar filling the silence.
“You sure you want that?” Bradley asked. “Want me to ruin you for anyone else? Make you come crawling back?” Bradley stood up, taking a few steps until he was standing next to you. You turned and looked up at him, eyes unwavering as you answered him.
“Show me what a ‘concerned neighbor’ can do.” Bradley’s hand moved to your chin, taking it between his thumb and pointer finger. A smirk adorned his face, eyes scanning your face.
“God, you’re so fucking pretty.” Bradley’s fingers started pulling on your chin, hinting at you to stand up. You made your way to your feet, a fire surging underneath your skin. His fingers drifted down your jaw, hand moving to cup the back of your neck. Bradley leaned down, lips barely touching your earlobe. “I can’t wait to hear those pretty moans. The ones you make while you touch yourself.”
Teeth and lips clashed together, neither of you sure who kissed the other first. Bradley’s fingers tightened around the nape of your neck, pulling you closer towards him. His hand grabbed at your hip, kneading the flesh underneath your t-shirt. One of your hands threaded into his honey locks, tugging lightly. They were softer than you had ever imagined.
“Fuck.” Bradley whispered, his hot lips traveling down your jawline to your neck. The hand on the back of your neck disappeared, ghosting down your side to your hips. Rough hands grappled with your waist, kneading at the flesh under your shirt. The tiny hairs of his mustache prodded at your skin, urging you to keep up with him. It was as if Bradley wanted to consume you, know everything your body had to offer.
Bradley needed to know the exact things that made you moan. One of his hands grabbed your ass, pulling you flush against him. A hardness pressed against your abdomen and pelvis, letting you know Bradley was enjoying this. Your hips rocked against his, the hand on your ass trailing to the small of your back. He kept you pressed against him like that as he backed you up towards the wall.
A hand was now pressing on your core, rubbing you over your pants. Bradley pulled back to watch you, listening to your gasps and moans while he provided you with minimal pleasure.
“Must have thought about this for a while, with the way you’re moaning.” Bradley sneered. It wasn’t a lie, ever since you had moved in he plagued your mind. He was your main source of masturbation material, the idea of him being more than just your neighbor.
“What if I have? Thought about this before.” The words were like honey to Bradley, sweet and just what he wanted. Both of his hands went to the front of your body, one moving to work at the button of your pants while the other kneaded your breast.
“Is that what you thought about when you fucked yourself? Wishing it was me deep inside of you?” His hand slipped down the front of your pants and panties, fingers slipping between your folds. A groan tore through Bradley’s throat. “Fuck, how are you this wet already? This wet and we still have our clothes on.”
“It’s been a serious problem.” He covers your neck with hot and wet kisses, fingers circling your clit. They were tight and quick circles, ones that made your abdomen tense up. You knew you would last long, especially at this pace. It’s like Bradley already had a map of your body, with each sensitive spot marked with an ‘x’.
“Should have let me fix it sooner. Not have those useless dudes try to fix it.” Bradley’s tone had your insides melting. All you could do was stare at him, lips parted while moans fell from them. Without warning he removed his hand from your pants, turning you around and pressing you against the wall. His hands hooked into your pants and panties and pushed them down to your knees. His hand returned, this time his fingers tracing your entrance.
“God, this hole is so needy for me.” Bradley pressed two fingers into you, filling you up just the way you needed. He draped his body over yours, pressing your chest to the wall. His mouth nursed at your neck, nipping at the tender spot below your earlobe.
“Only for you, Bradley.” A soft growl came from him, his fingers thrusting in and out of you, stretching you open. A wave of pleasure ran over you as his fingers brushed that special spot inside of you. “Fuck! Ri-right there.”
Bradley added another finger at your words, zeroing in on that one spot inside of you. He could feel your walls clenching, tightening around his digits. He knew you were close and so did you. The tightness in your abdomen was almost unbearable, waiting for the tension to snap. A mix of swears and his name were pouring out of your mouth.
“You sound so fucking good moaning my name.” Bradley’s cock twitched every time you moaned his name. He never realized how much of an effect it would have on him. “Only my name, nobody else's. Nobody can make you feel like this, only me.” Bradley whispered in your ear.
“Only you, Br-Bradley!” You stuttered at his name as you came. The tension in your abdomen finally snapped. Your walls tightened around his digits and he helped you ride out your high. A groan came from him, his forehead pressing tightly to your shoulder as he just felt and listened to you.
A shaky breath passed your lips when he removed his fingers from you. Bradley’s hands found your pants and panties that were still around your knees, pushing them down and helping you fully remove them. He pressed kisses all the way up the back of your legs, biting at the meat of your ass eventually. As your legs regained consciousness, he gestured for the two of you to go to his bedroom.
“If I’m fucking you right, I’m fucking you in my bed.” You nodded, still a little blissed out from your first orgasm. You took the hand he had held out and followed him.
You immediately climbed onto his bed, not waiting for him to direct you. He shucked his shirt off once reaching the bedroom, just in time to watch you. Bradley stood at the foot of the bed, watching you put on a show for him. The skin of your back slowly became more exposed and you dragged your shirt up your body. His eyes scanned your skin, taking it all in as territory that he finally was able to claim. He couldn't help his hand drifting towards his pants, rubbing at the strained fabric covering his cock. He saw the bubblegum pink bralette, making him wonder if your panties were matching. He didn’t pay much attention to them when he took them off you. Your hand trailed up your sides, grabbing at the band of your bralette and tossing it to his floor.
Bradley bit his lower lip, coming around the side of the bed to see you. You turned to him, letting him see you completely bare. Bradley started to kneel at the edge of the bed, his hands moving out to grab your legs. He pulled you closer to the edge, pushing your legs apart and putting your cunt on full view for him.
“Look at you.” Bradley said as he dove between your thighs. He drug his tongue up and down your slit, flicking it against your clit. He brought a hand around your thigh, using his fingers to open your folds even more. You propped yourself up on your elbows, moaning and whining as he feasted on your cunt.
It was as if he was a mad man and this was his only purpose. His mustache rubbed against your clit as he licked lower, your hips stuttering at the sensation. Your back arched when you felt his fingers prod at your entrance again, pushing inside of you while his tongue worked over your clit. Shivers ran through you as the tension in your abdomen returned. Bradley groaned against you, the vibrations making your legs shake. You brought a hand to his locks, threading your fingers through them.
“You taste so fucking good.” Bradley groaned as you tugged at his hair. The tension in your abdomen was tight, threatening to snap at any moment. His lips wrapped around your clit, sucking just enough to push you over the edge. His tongue never left your clit, flicking as your body shook with pleasure.
“Bradley! Fuck!” Your legs went to squeeze shut, the sensation becoming too much. But Bradley stopped them, grabbing the inside of your thighs and forcing them open. Your entire body was tight, your orgasm feeling like it was never going to end. “It’s too much! Bradley, please!”
Bradley pulled back after you begged him to stop, letting you finally catch your breath. You laid on the bed, chest heaving from each breath. This was the first time you had ever felt like this, this blissed out from a man. You had enough trouble getting off once during sex with most men, let alone twice. But here was your neighbor, easily pulling to orgasms out of you because he was jealous. That’s when you heard the sound of a zipper, pulling you back from your post-orgasmic thoughts.
Bradley was standing up now, jeans low and open on his hips. His hand was pushed down past his waistband, working his cock through the fabric of his boxer briefs. Steadily you sat up, legs draping down off the side of the bed. You reached out, pulling at the waistband of his jeans. You pushed them down his legs, him kicking them off to the side. Next your fingers trailed around the waistband of his boxer briefs.
“Don’t get all shy on me now.” Bradley joked as he watched your fingers slip into the waistband. You flicked him a glare as you pushed them down his legs. His cock was red and angry, standing at full attention. You had always assumed he was big, but this just confirmed your suspicions. You wrapped a hand around the base stroking lightly. Bradley watched with his mouth agape, tongue running over his lips.
You pressed your lips to the tip, licking softly before taking the tip into your mouth. Bradley let out a deep groan as he watched your lips part, taking him into your mouth. He let his head fall back, trying to focus on the feeling of your hot mouth wrapped around his cock. This was a moment he had dreamed of since hearing your moans. But he didn’t know if it was enough. He wanted to be in you, fucking you until you couldn’t take it anymore.
“I can’t.” You gave him a curious look, pulling off of him. Before you could ask him he spoke, “I need to be in you now.”
Bradley pushed you up the bed, draping his body over yours. He reached over into his bedside table, grabbing for a condom. You watched as he tore the wrapper with his teeth, tossing the wrapper to the floor. He rolled the condom down his cock, running his cock between your folds. Every time his head rubbed your clit you quaked, shocks of pleasure rolling through you.
“God, you’re gonna look so good taking me. Letting me ruin you for everyone else, making sure you only want me.” Bradley settled between your legs and lined up, pressing the head of his cock in your entrance.
A moan fell from you as he pushed in you, stretching you with only the head of his cock. Inch by inch he eased into you, rocking his hips slowly. He nuzzled into the crook of your neck, kissing at your clavicle. When he was fully seated inside of you he paused, listening to your breaths. He pulled back to look at you, a look asking for permission on his face.
“Fuck me, Bradley. Make me yours.” Bradley groaned. His hips pulled back, slamming back into you in an instant. He set a brutal pace, heavy deep thrusts as he filled you. He kissed down your neck and chest, kissing at your breasts before taking a nipple into his mouth.
“You’re so fucking dirty, fucking other men while wishing they were me.” His words were intoxicating, speaking truth that you didn’t know he knew. You clenched around him at his words, letting him know he was right. “What a fucking slut. But that’s okay, I have you now. Gonna fuck you so good.” Bradley continued to babble on, talking about how you were made for him and that he was made for you.
“Bradley, you- fuck!” Bradley adjusted, changing the position slightly. He sat back on his heels, grabbing the underneath of your knees and holding your legs out. He thrusted inside of you, immediately hitting that spot inside of you. Your back arched hard, walls clenching around him. Bradley didn’t like to be a two minute man, but the way you were squeezing around his cock was making it hard.
“You feel so fucking good! Fuck! It’s like you’re sucking me in.” Bradley pushed your legs together, leaning over you. He practically had you folded in half as he pounded into you. “Say it, please say my name.” It was almost like a plea when he asked.
“Bradley! Please!” Bradley knew you were close, he could feel how close you were. He was close too, had been close for awhile but was trying to hold out for you. It was all becoming too much for you. You were on the edge of your third orgasm, the spot inside of you being hit over and over again. Bradley let your legs fall apart, finding your clit with his fingers and rubbing it. That was it.
His name was all you said as you came, clenching his cock impossibly tight. Bradley held out for a bit longer, helping you ride out your orgasm. He leaned down and captured your lips with his, a small taste of you still noticeable. You moaned as he pounded into you a little bit more, your arms wrapping around his shoulders.
A groan ripped through him as he came, his thrusts stuttered as he unloaded into the condom. He rested his head on your chest, the both of you trying to catch your own breath. You started tracing small circles on the expanse of his back. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you for a moment. Bradley was the one to break it as he shifted, pulling out of you.
“So, problem fixed?” He asked. You rolled your eyes and rolled onto your side.
“I think so.” You responded while yawning. “But I would like to keep it fixed.” Bradley smiled as he stood up, taking the condom off and tying it. He leaned over, placing a kiss on your temple.
“Good, cause I don’t think I can give you up now. Plus, I think Twix would be mad if you stopped coming around.” He helped you stand, the both of you making your way to the bathroom. You sat on the toilet as he cleaned himself with a wet washcloth, leaving it sitting in the sink when he was finished. Twix mingled in between your feet, meowing at the both of you. You gave him a small scratch on the head before leaving the bathroom. You went back to Bradley’s bedroom, crawling into the bed and under the covers. Bradley followed shortly afterwards, cuddling you from behind.
The next thing you knew you were waking up, a heavy weight on your chest. You looked up to find a cat on you, Twix specifically. You didn’t remember falling asleep, but you and Bradley must have. Which made you look over, seeing your neighbor in bed next to you. His eyes were closed, mouth slightly open as he slept. A warmth spread in you, knowing that all your problems were fixed.
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moonlight-prose · 1 year
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a/n: we have officially reached the end of week one and we're ending it with a bang! i feel like it's mandatory i do a threesome fic with these two every kinktober. but i can't help it. they're so perfect for this dynamic. the amount of love i go for my hangman fic is overwhelming so thank you to everyone. i hope you enjoy this one just as much!
day eight - double penetration + threesome | kinktober 2023
summary: "you were the gravity keeping these pilots on the ground, the reason they came home after every mission, after every training and debacle. you were it for them. their lifeline."
word count: 2k+
pairing: bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x f!reader x jake 'hangman' seresin
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, double penetration, threesome, assplay, ass eating, anal, overstimulation, bradley and jake being sweethearts, they're in love y'all, m/m.
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So this is what death must feel like. What leaving this earthly plane was at the end of things when you took your last breath—leaving behind everything you’d ever known. There was no sure way for you to tell. No way for you to understand that what you were experiencing was like that, because you could barely make sense of where you were. Of what your name was.
His teeth dug into your shoulder, hands spread along your hips as he took you apart with ease. You were on top of him, pressed into his body until there was no space between you and him, but that’s what you wanted. What you craved. His lips met yours, silencing the loud whimpers that echoed in the room as his hands slid to your ass, spreading you obscenely.
“You want it don’t you honey?” he cooed in your ear, his fingers digging into your flesh, keeping you open for the second pair of eyes that burned into you.
The eyes that you knew so well you could practically see them yourself. Bradley knelt behind you on the bed, watching as you sunk onto Jake’s cock, fucking yourself on it in the hopes of getting either of them to move. But they held you steady. Keeping you still as they kept the pace—ever so patient and diligent in their nature. You understood that came with being a pilot, the strength to keep yourself poised and ready, but fuck if you didn’t hate it when it came to this.
“Please,” you whimpered, hips pressing down—Jake’s cock slipping in even further.
“Please huh?” He dipped his hand even further, sliding into the slick that practically leaked out and around his cock. “Look at our girl Rooster. She’s leakin’ for us.”
You pressed your face into his neck, your body responding to his words in a way that should have made you feel ashamed. Except there was that small niggling feeling that bloomed in your chest, forcing its way to the surface with ease. Pride. You liked knowing he was unable to stop staring; that while they rendered you a mess, you did the same for them.
They could keep their composure all they wanted, but when it came down to it. They would fall to their knees for you with a single look—pleading to feel you like this. Which is why you fell into it with ease; pressing yourself into Jake’s hands and allowing him to spread you even wider—giving Bradley an even better look at what awaited him. You heard the audible grunt he let out, the bed dipping as he shifted, his head falling down and forehead pressing into your back.
“So pretty for us baby,” he said, awe tinging his voice, his breath hot against your skin.
“I—” You wanted to ask them to keep going, to beg them, but Bradley’s tongue sliding along the base of Jake’s cock gathering your slick silenced you.
It sent heat streaking up your spine, your toes curling at the sensation. A choked sound stuck to your throat, muffled by Jake’s shoulder, but they heard it nonetheless. His tongue slid up higher, pressing against the hole they’d only teased before. The place that they had yet to claim as theirs. You unconsciously pressed back into it, asking for more as he worked your slick and spit along you—making a mess with his mouth.
“She likes that,” Jake grunted, feeling your walls clamp down around his aching cock. “Keep licking at her and she’ll cum.”
“That right baby?” Bradley asked, sinking his teeth into your ass. “Like my tongue back here?”
A sob echoed in the room, your eyes rolling back when he continued, pressing a finger against the tight ring. He moaned audibly into you, spitting where his finger was now knuckle deep, pressing on something eviscerating. You shook against Jake’s body, your hips pressing down and taking him until the hair at the base of his cock dragged perfectly along your clit. And that was all it took to bring you to a sharp end.
“Oh—fuck—” You cried, gushing around Jake’s cock as the pressure snapped in two, flooding your body with that sensational bliss.
Jake groaned, his hands pressing you tightly to him as he shoved his hips up—pushing you even higher. “There you go honey.”
You were completely unaware that Bradley had added another finger, stretching you gently as you came down from your high. But then it began to build again. That slow steady heat that trickled through your veins, singeing your nerves and stopping your brain altogether. It threatened to break you, to completely drag you beneath the surface of awareness. You pushed back against him, a guttural moan falling from your lips as you moved, begging him for more.
“Think she’s ready?” Jake asked, watching as Bradley sunk another finger into you, nearly turning you immobile.
He hummed in pleasure, spreading a hand up your spine and soothing you with soft strokes of his thumb. “Nearly there. Yeah baby? You almost ready to take me?”
A garbled echo of what they assumed to be yes came from you as they continued to take you apart. Your body shaking from the overstimulation of your first orgasm never truly coming to an end. You were left on the precipice of pleasure—about to be dragged over again, but then he pulled away. His fingers disappeared altogether, ripping a broken whine from your lips—your hips chasing the feeling.
You heard him chuckle, heard the way he stroked his cock—spreading your slick and his spit along the length. Which made you want him even more. Jake’s hands slid up and down your back, his lips pressing along your throat as he shifted. Slowly sitting up with you in his lap—his mouth finding yours and swallowing the soft moan you let out. At this point you weren’t able to move on your own. They had turned you into a pliable form beneath their touches and you fell into it—gave them everything they could have wanted, because they did the same to you.
“He’s gonna be gentle,” Jake said in a low tone against your ear. “Gonna take it slow with you.”
“I will,” Bradley promised against your shoulder, his hand sliding between your bodies and cupping your breast. Thumb running along your sensitive nipple. “Tell me when you’re ready baby.”
You let your head fall back against his shoulder, nodding slowly as you blinked up at him—coherency no longer a part of your skills. Bradley smiled sweetly, his thumb curling around your chin and bringing your lips to his. Licking slowly into your mouth—tasting the desire on your tongue and returning it in kind. They loved you. That much you knew. But this was something else. A flickering feeling that began to grow the longer you were there, wrapped in their arms.
“Pretty,” he mumbled, notching his cock at your backside, his thumb continuing to run a soothing circle along your chin, keeping your eyes locked on him. “So fucking tight.”
The breath caught in your throat, fingers digging into Jake’s shoulder when Bradley began to press into you. Thrusting into you with small movements and giving you time to adjust with every inch. Originally you believed this would be enough to break you, but you were wrong. It was earth-shattering. A sensation that shoved you so high you nearly screamed. But the sound was trapped in your chest, your mouth falling open silently as he panted against your cheek.
“You’re doing good,” he grunted, biting gently at your cheek.
Jake moaned, his head falling against your shoulder when your cunt tightened around him, nearly strangling his cock. “Fuck honey. Rooster ‘m not gonna last man.”
“Almost there,” he gritted, pushing forward a bit more until his hips met your ass.
And that’s when you screamed. Your voice finally back the second he sank to the hilt, filling you in a way that had your body shaking. Pleasure struck your body with such a strong wave you felt light-headed. The breath left your lungs faster than you could get it. You felt yourself gush, felt the wetness trickle down your thighs, but it barely registered in your brain that you were coming. That your body was wound so tight because of it.
“Fuck, fuck,” Jake spit, thrusting up into you and shoving you even higher. He bit down on your shoulder, hands grasping on your hips as he fought against finishing.
“You good?” Bradley asked over your shoulder.
“Yeah. Just…damn.” He turned his attention towards you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “How are you honey?”
Finally after so long, you managed to speak. “G-good,” you whispered hoarsely. “Feel good.”
“Yeah?” He thrusted up gently, watching with a grin as your mouth fell open, your hands scrambling for purchase against his chest. “You like being filled with us? That it?”
“Ah!” You nodded, nails biting into his skin as Bradley shifted, meeting Jake’s thrust with one of his own.
It was a strange sensation to feel both of them at once, nearly touching one another but still apart. Yet that’s not what drove you back to the very precipice of finishing. It was the sound of Bradley dragging Jake closer, his lips sealing over the man’s with ease—tongue licking into his mouth. Your walls fluttered at the sound, chest heaving as they sped up slightly, their bodies pressing you between them so tightly you could barely move.
“Can feel you baby,” Bradley whispered hotly against your ear. “You want to cum again? I know you do.”
“Yes—” Your eyes rolled back when his hand fell down to your clit, swiping against it gently. “Hng—FUCK!”
As if on cue, your body spasmed, walls clamping down on both of them and sending you reeling. Another gush of wetness spilled along your body, coating Jake’s stomach and the tops of his thighs as he fucked himself into you rapidly. You could feel it. The way they were both holding onto their releases by the very skin of their teeth, their nails digging into your skin with enough pressure to draw blood.
With a hoarse shout, Bradley spilled into you, his hips slamming into your ass with a speed that shoved Jake even deeper. A choked sob caught in your throat, your body arching into Jake’s as he quickly followed Bradley. Spurting into you with a cry, his body falling against yours—face pressing into your heaving chest. It was a mess of pleasure, the three of you now in shambles.
“That was…” Bradley panted, his chest pressed tightly to your back, lips trailing against your shoulder.
Jake softly whined when he pulled out of you slowly, seeing the way the sticky release spilled from you. “Never seen anything better than that.”
Bradley chuckled. “I think we broke her.”
“She’s still here.” Jake kissed your lips gently, his hand pressing against your stomach softly. “C’mon baby. Open those pretty eyes for us.”
You responded to his words, sinking into Bradley’s hold a bit more as your eyes fluttered open. They were glassy and dazed, the fucked out look on your face more prominent than it had ever been before. And that made them smile. Hell you could barely form a single word in your head, but you’d never felt better in your life. Your body sluggish as they moved you to lay down—Bradley pulling out as Jake grabbed a warm cloth.
“You want a bath baby?” he asked, his eyes roving along your body to make sure you were still intact—still okay after something so extreme.
You nodded, curling your fingers into his hair slowly. “That sounds good,” you rasped.
He grinned, hands sliding up your waist. “Whatever you want, baby. It’s yours.”
There was no doubt that he meant every word. That you came before anything. You were the gravity keeping these pilots on the ground, the reason they came home after every mission, after every training and debacle. You were it for them. Their lifeline. So when Bradley gathered you in his arms, Jake coming up behind him with a glass of water and your favorite silk robe in hand, you believed him.
Whatever you wanted.
Even if what you wanted was both of them. At once.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
NCIS // Bradley Bradshaw
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw knows when his soon to be wife shows up randomly on Friday evening at the Hard Deck it can’t be good. But just how bad could things really be, right?
Warnings: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x NCIS reader. Angst, Fluff. A little bit of action.
Word Count: 8.2k
Author Note: I’m glad you all had such a positive response to this idea. Here’s a one shot to say thank you for being absolute legends. Might even be open to doing more if this does well.
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“What’s got you all twisted?” Rooster smirked as he watched Hangman glare down the pool table. Missing his shot by a mile. The usual confidence ridden aviator had seemingly shrunk into a hermit style shell for the last half an hour or so. Rooster had walked in half way through the game. Settling into his surroundings with a beer and a side of fries on the way.
Hangman didn’t even bother with a response, simply ignoring the question all together as he lined up another shot at redemption.
“Oh he tried to make a move on the civ sitting at the bar—she really knocked him down a peg.” Javy tried to hide his content. He always enjoyed when his best friend learnt a lesson or two. Not everyone was obsessed with Jake Hangman Seresin—and quite frankly? Sometimes he needed to be humbled. And humble Hangman you did indeed.
“Which one?” Rooster asked as he turned around, his eyes immediately landing on you as you sat by yourself. Content with the beer in front of you. Clearly working a case. “You know what? Never mind—I already have a gut feeling.” Finishing the rest of the beer Hangman had so graciously ordered last round, Rooster really did try and play it cool as he took strides to get to you. Trying to bury the fact if he had to he’d move goddamn mountains to get to you. His best friend. His fiancé. None of the team knew about Bradley Bradshaw's love life. He hadn’t found the right time to introduce you to the squad. His colleagues, friends. He was trying to, honestly. But with your line of work? It was becoming increasingly hard to pin you down.
As Rooster made his way over to you by the bar. Pushing past people who got in his way absentmindedly—you spotted him. Sending him a smirk that he’d missed seeing in person. FaceTime just didn’t do your beauty justice. Looking at your fiancé so helplessly stunned for only a split second before you forced yourself to remain calm. Rooster thought back to the first time he met you.
You hated being on carriers. For an NCIS agent, being aboard was a big part of your job description. It was something that couldn't be avoided, although you really did try. It wasn't that you weren't good on ships or got nauseous from the motion of the ocean, no. It was something far less exhilarating than throwing up at any given moment in front of whoever had fallen victim to the sight of your breakfast, lunch and or dinner making a quick escape.
It was the fact you never knew where on earth you were fucking going. And that really sucked.
Bradley Bradshaw had seen you going around in circles for the last forty five minutes. He’d been watching you from a distance. First he saw you when he was going over his Super Hornet. Checking its systems, the landing gear, the tags. All the good stuff. Then he saw you in the galley, looking confused and almost overwhelmed with the amount of crew that had filled in for dinner. And the last time Rooster saw you before he decided enough was enough? Was when he saw you heading down towards the engine room… What the hell were you doing? Were you–lost?
“Ma’am you aren’t lost are you?” Bradley Bradshaw considered himself a confident man when it came to talking to women, but for a moment you made it hard to formulate another sentence when you turned around to face him. Completely knocking the wind out of him with the way you looked so helplessly stunned. “Because if you are, I'm more than happy to help.” Yep. That was the moment Bradley Bradshaw knew he wanted you in his life.
“I'm good, thanks.” Shrugging the sailor off, it wasn't that you didn't want help. You just had too much pride to admit you were in fact. Lost. Rooster watched with an all knowing smirk as you turned around, heading straight to what he knew to be a deadend towards the laundry room. Unless that was what you had been looking for the entire time? Bradley knew you would have to pivot your way back past him. Opting to stay put, leaning against the hull with his arms crossed waiting for you to make your appearance.
Which you inevitably had to do because you were fucking lost. Sending the sailor with the cute smirk a look when you met him back where he stood originally. Stopping right next to Bradley as he smirked down at you. All Knowing.
“Okay, so maybe I am lost.” He smelt of pear and freesia. The delectable fresh scent that could be bottled and sold. It reminded you of home. “I'm looking for my room, 507.” Bradley raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Had you been wondering the entirety of the carrier trying to look for the dorms and bunks and hadn’t bothered to stop and ask a single soul for help. “The captain said my stuff had already been dropped off but I'm so disorientated.”
“First time on a carrier ma’am?” Rooster asked kindly as he walked with you in the complete opposite direction to where you had originally been going. Huh, you really were lost.
“Would you believe me if I said no?” Rooster chuckled quietly to himself at your response. “No, I do this more often than not, I should be used to this whole, ant hill.” You tried to explain as you walked side by side, not really in a hurry to get where you were going. Rooster couldn't have known you were NCIS. You were just in your blue jeans, white T and oversized corduroy jacket. There was nothing about you that screamed, ‘Hey I’m a federal agent, stop drop and put your damn hands up.’ “But I do prefer frigates, the occasional patrol boat.”
“So what brought you aboard the HMAS Carlton?” Rooster wasn’t expecting the answer you gave him. From time to time the Navy would accompany researchers and scientists to remote islands, he just assumed perhaps you were the latest one. But no.
“Uh, I’m here making sure that Clarence Diver who was stung by that group of Irukandji jellyfish was just that.” There were some suspicious toxins found in his bloodstream. “I’m Special Agent Y/n Gibbs with the NCIS.” Oh my fucking Christ Rooster was sure he was going into cardiac arrest. Why did you have to be NCIS? “Nice to meet you—“ Clearing your thirst as you paused in your stride. Sticking your hand out to shake the sailors hand who’d stopped to help you.
“Uh Bradley ma’am, Bradley Bradshaw.” Rooster stuck his hand out to meet yours. “Everyone calls me Rooster—“ You weren’t sure when Rooster had dropped your hand, or when you had started walking again. But you had. Side by side.
“Let me guess, you some kinda of cadet? A semen perhaps?” This was Rooster's first posting on a carrier. He was fresh out of the academy and had been abroad for six months. You had a glint in your eye, something worth exploring even though the idea of pursuing a Naval Criminal Investigation Agent scared the ever living Christ out of him.
“I uh—I fly an F-18 Agent Gibbs, I’m a Naval Aviator.” He was so proud of himself. I mean who else was around to be proud of him? So he had to be, for his own sanity. Stopping right in front of the door that read 507. “Guess this is where I leave you—“ news flash, it wasn't. Instantly smitten by the way you softly nodded in response. Pressing your lips together with a small frown.
“Yeah I guess it is huh?” Silence lingered for a moment as you worked up the courage to ask Rooster to hang around. Making up a totally fabricated but believable excuse he’d later find out was all so you could spend a little more time with him. “But now I’ve got no idea how to get back to the galley and I seem to have a pretty good tour guide.”
“Special Agent Gibbs, what on earth are you doing here?” Rooster taunted your official title as he slung his arm around your shoulders. Slumped over the bar as your eyes scanned the bar like a Hawk. “Heard you put Hangman in his place?”
“What the hell is a Hangman?” Your hand came up to grab Roosters softly, your thumb softly working to massage his palm. Turning your head to gently leave a subtle yet lingering kiss on his knuckles. “Oh wait—“ You remembered from conversations you’d had with Bradley in the past. “He’s the guy right, the super cocky one?” Clicking your fingers and squeezing your eyes tight as you tried to place a name to a call sign. “Jack, No—Jake!” Beaming, Bradley kissed your temple.
The sight of Bradshaw and you hitting it off so well sent Jake into a fit. Until he realised you must have been the girl Rooster had been talking about after the uranium mission. The one he wasn’t going to let get away.
“Woah look at you go detective, case closed in a whole minute.” Bradley taunted as he stood beside your barstool. “But seriously, as good as it is to see you here—you can’t be here for something good, it’s Friday baby—“ It was true. Usually wherever you ended up in the United States or on any US naval vessel didn’t usually come with good tidings. The Hard Deck in Miramar was no exception to that rule.
“You know that body that washed up about a week ago a few clicks up the beach?” You mumbled into the neck of your beer bottle as you brought it to your lips. Taking a small sip. “Intelligence believes the man responsible for that is here—and of course where else is there to go in Fraightertown but the most popular hang out point?”
“And you didn't bother to let me know you were coming?” Rooster teased as his hand slipped up your side, featherlike. Leaving goosebumps to rise in the wake of his fingertips. “Could’ve used the heads up.”
“Why? Need a change of pants, Lieutenant?’ It was the way you implied you so easily got Rooster where he needed to be that had his head spinning. You weren't wrong and he surely was feeling a little more restricted. But how could he not be when you were looking so fine. “Pretty sure I've got a pair of tracksuit pants in my carry on that might fit–might be pushing it though.” Winking as you took another sip of your beer. “Think they're grey even–” Roosters hand brushed against your hip. His eyes widened quickly at the realisation. Holy shit you were packing?
“You don’t have a gun in here do you?” Patting your shoulders, Bradley let his hands travel down your back, your gun Halsted. “Shit—you can’t bring a gun in here!!” Rooster's eyes bugged out of his head even more as he sat down beside you on the empty bar stool. “You gonna pepper the place or something? what the hell!” Guns always made Rooster a little uneasy and uncomfortable. But you were still caught up on his first statement.
“You know I’m a federal agent right?” Reminding your soon to be husband of your career choice. “I can bring a gun anywhere I damn please—“ Not that you would, but the idea that you could always did something weird to Rooster. Mentally and sexually.
“You scare the shit out of me.” He should have corrected himself, it wasn’t you that scared him. It was your damn job. Everyone he’d ever met had always told him what he did for a living had to be frightening. But you? Something about the way you so effortlessly did your job without a care in the world, blasé and effective? That scared Rooster. That was terrifying.
“Then leave me to do my job.” Rooster wrapped his leg around one of the legs of your bar stool. Dragging you closer to where he sat. He needed to be closer, needed you closer. “Rooster, honey—I’m in the middle of something here.” You played it off that Rooster was being an annoyance, but really? You loved the cat and mouse dynamic you always had. Loved him with all your heart.
“You got back up in here?” Bradley’s voice softened as his eyes trailed from your eyes to your lips and back to your eyes. Drinking in the sight of you. It was out of worry that he asked, a deep rooted concern for your well-being. “I’m not leaving this stool if you don’t have back up.”
“DiNozzo is by the jukebox.” Tilting your head Dinozzo’s way Bradley followed the direction you had pointed him in. A small wave of peace lapping at his heart. “I’m fine Roo, you don’t have to worry about me—“ You were about to mention the van out the front that held more agents, but Rooster didn't let you finish before he was interrupting.
“Doesn’t stop me though.” Rooster was quick to quip, leaning in closer to kiss your forehead as you ducked to hide your smirk. Cheeks heating with the love that flooded your system. “Worry about you all the time.”
You and Rooster had been together for a total of three weeks when he first got a real glimpse into just how dangerous your job could really be. How it so easily threatened to take you away from him. He’d been called to TopGun. An elite school for the top one percent of pilots. Its purpose was to teach the lost art of aerial combat and to ensure that the handful of men and women who graduated were the best fighter pilots in the world.
As Rooster went about his day, training exercise after the other—Admirial Bates was calling him down with urgency.
“Theres someone on the line for you calling from the Veterans affair’s medical centre—“ Rooster couldn’t place that hospital geographically until Warlock continued. “Seems as though your a registered emergency contact for a Y/n Gibbs?” Washington, that’s where the Veterans affairs hospital was.
“Uh—yeah.” Rooster couldn’t think straight. “I'm clear for landing?” He asked range control before he made any effort to turn around. With a confirmed green light Rooster headed in. He was in the administration building of the base in no time. His chest panting. A thin layer of sweat on his forehead. Panic rising to the surface as he held the phone to his ear.
“This is Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw—“
“Hi Bradley, I’m just calling to let you know we’ve had a miss Gibbs present to the emergency department with a bullet wound to her left thigh—“ Rooster swore he forgot how to breathe as his knuckles went white as the sheer hip he held around the phone. “She’s had to go in for surgery but we’re incredibly hopeful it’s a set standard procedure, just need to remove some of the shrapnel that broke apart.”
“Can you get her to call me when she’s out?” All he wanted to do was hear your voice. “Is she okay?” When did he start crying? Why were his cheeks wet? Blinking away the tears that still threatened to spill over his waterline.
“Absolutely—” The admin assistant chuckled to herself, remembering how reluctant you’d been. “She walked herself in very reluctantly.” Rooster rolled his eyes at the thought of you not taking care of yourself. Of fucking course you’d shug this off as no big deal. “An older man brought her in, signed as Anthony DiNozzo?” That checked out, he’d been your partner since you transferred to your dads division. “Shes in good spirits and good hands, should be out shortly–ill get her to give you abuzz when she's out and feeling a little less dazed.”
That's exactly what the nurse had done. Once you were feeling up to it you called Bradley from your cell. Sitting alone in your hospital room–they wanted to keep you in overnight for observation. You understood, but home just seemed like a much better place to be. Besides, you still had work to do.
“Are you alright? What the hell happened!?” Rooster bellowed into his phone as he sat on the bench in the locker room, he was just finishing up for the day.
“Hi baby, nice to hear your voice too–” You taunted with a slight groan as you tried to move your leg out from under the lightweight blanket. “Im fine, just need to work on my reflexes a little.”
“You were shot Y/n I think you need to work on more than your reflexes, perhaps your proximity to people who want to kill you?” Rooster didn't mean to snap at you, he was just worried. “Since when am I your emergency contact anyway? I thought it would have been your dad or something?”
“Well I mean if you don't wanna be I can change it?” Your tone had softened as you looked down at your leg, wondering how differently this conversation would have been going if that bullet had hit you somewhere else. Or if this conversation would be happening at all. “I just thought you might wanna be.”
“No I do–” Bradley paused for a moment as he swallowed the lump in his chest. “I just worry about you.” He knew that when he first met you you were only a rooky, that you'd get assigned mundane cases that weren't all that life threatening and serious. Like the Irukandji jellyfish guy who'd been doing drugs onboard the Carlton. But as the years went on and you gained more confidence and experience, the less and less you were assigned the meek role of crossing T’s and dotting i’s. You were a full blown field agent and until the moment Bradley Bradshaw got the call to say you'd been injured? He hadnt really put alot of thought into it. “I guess I just never really thought enough about how dangerous your job had become.”
“Says the one who's currently learning the art of aerial combat and defensive manoeuvres.” Yep, you had him there. Rooster knew his job was dangerous, he’d learnt to accept that a long time ago, as did you. Even when you had just been close friends you had to accept the fact Bradley might get deployed somewhere and not come home. But yours had kinda crept up on him. He’d never had to process that kind of worry before. Never knew how gut wrenching the feeling could be. He now knew what his mother had meant when the sick feeling just never really went away. The constant fear that lived rent free in the back of her mind about his dad, about him. “Listen Bradshaw, I'm fine– you don't gotta worry about me.”
“Doesn’t stop me though.” Rooster was quick to quip, leaning his back against his locker willing the moment he could wrap his arms around you to come sooner. He’s asked Admiral Bates for a compassionate leave of absence to go be with you. But he was told unless someone was dead or dying he could very much forget that he even asked. “I’ll worry about you all the time.”
“I can assure you, I know what I'm doing, Bradshaw.” Sitting back upright as you pulled away, finishing the rest of your beer in one final swig. “DiNozzo I can't quite speak on behalf of.” Your tone confused as your eyes followed the direction he was hastily walking, following a man across the length of the Hard Deck. Hot on his tail. His hand going to ghost his holster as he pushed past people who flocked in his way. “Oh fuck hang on–” Jumping to your feet in an instant as you watched the man DiNozzo had identified as Bodmin wrap his arm around the neck of one of the Naval Aviators sitting peacefully at one of the round tables. Rooster felt sick to his stomach as he stood, unable to comprehend what was going on. What had poor Bob done to be brought into this. Dragged to his feet as his hands came up to grasp the man's forearms. A gun to his temple quickly escalated the situation ten fold. “NCIS DROP YOUR WEAPON!!” Shouting as you drew your weapon from your hoster, holding it at eye height. “I said drop your weapon!!” Jake Seresin had been taken aback by only a few things in his life– this? Oh this took the goddamn cake. Bradshaw with an NCIS Agent? Never in a million years did he think that man had that kinda game.
“I DIDN'T KILL THAT MAN–” Bob swore he saw his life flash before his very eyes as he stood trapped between you and the man who had him by the next with the barrel of his gun pressing against his temple. Fear evident in his eyes. “I DIDN'T HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.” Well of course you did? Why else would you pull a gun out in the middle of a heavily populated bar and take a person hostage? Your inner thoughts didn’t match your next sentence, you needed to gain this guy's trust before there was brain matter splattered across the nice hardwood floor that probably had some historical value to it.
“That's great man, really–why don't we just have a bit of a chat about it, yeah?” Trying to deescalate the situation the best you could as you took a single step forward. Slowly and every so carefully. “I mean if you weren't involved you're pretty much a free man, why ruin that shooting this guy huh?” Rooster wanted to reach out and grab you. Stop you from getting any closer, fighter every fibre of his being that told him to protect you. His eyes welled with tears, mixing with fear and adrenaline as he turned his head slightly to where Hangman and Coyote stood in complete stillness—both trying just as hard as Rooster to comprehend the situation unfolding.
Shit like this didn’t happen at the fucking Hard Deck.
“I don’t fucking trust you!” You could very much tell this guy was losing his mind. Quickly. Making a rash decision to gain his trust immediately. Rooster watched from behind as you put your hands up in surrender. Your finger pushing the safety on your handgun before the clip fell to the ground.
“What about now?” Slowly but surely crouching as you placed the handgun on the ground, your eyes never for a second leaving Bob's eyes.
“Gibbs—“ DiNozzo gave you a warning look. Clearly unimpressed by your actions. Reckless and dangerous. Standing off to the right behind the man who had Bob hostage, his gun still drawn.
“I’m unarmed.” Standing just as slowly as you had crouched. Your hands came back to the height of your head. Palms facing the man. “Let’s talk, but first you gotta let him go—“
“Uh uh, not a chance sweetheart.” Damn. It was worth a shot right? The man, Daniel Bodmin had been identified as one of the men who’d been out finishing with marine Author Avery. He’d washed ashore five days after being reported missing when a storm hit off the coast of San Diago. It seemed pretty set standard until autopsy results came back that Avery had ingested five hundred grams of cocaine in small plastic bags. That mixed with the twenty four thousand dollars sim cash found stashed behind the backboard of one of the seats on the fishing boat made it suspiciously suspect Avery may have been killed. The smell of foul play in the air. “The second I don’t have leverage, you're partner here is gonna put a bullet in my spine.”
“I’m pretty tempted to just do it anyway—“ DiNozzo piped up as he eyes down the suspect. “I’m a pretty good shot.” It was your turn to send him the same warning look he’d given you. Your hands still up beside your head in surrender as you took another slow hesitant step forward. Rooster couldn’t breathe.
“Okay so I’ll make a trade, you let him go—and you take me. That way we can talk, just you and me. Outside.”
“NO!” Rooster shouted as he took a step towards you, his chest pressed against your back before you knew what was happening. “No way.”
“Lieutenant Bradshaw so help me god if you don’t step back this second I’ll have you arrested for interfering with a federal investigation.” It absolutely pained you to say but if Bradley wasn’t going to stand down you were going to make him one way or the other. “Go stand with Jake—“
“Y/n don’t do this!“ Leaning over your shoulder to whisper through gritted teeth, Bradley begged you, the love of his life—not to do this. “I can’t lose you too.”
“I will cuff you to the pool table if I have to—“ It was tough love, sure. But you needed to do your damn job before Bob or anyone else for that matter got hurt. “Go, now.” The tone you used had gone to a new level of seriousness, you weren’t messing around. If need be, you’d cuff Bradley Bradshaw to that pool table and leave him there if that meant he was out of your way. If it meant you could do your damn job.
With hesitance and his tail between his legs, Rooster backed away slowly. Eyeing off the man who had Bob by the next and a gun pressed to his temple. There would surely be an indent by the time he was let go. Hands up surrender style—Rooster made his way over to where Hangman and Coyote stood dumbfounded.
“Are your eyes glued to your head or some shit man?” Javy hissed as Rooster stood beside him. “The fuck is wrong with you!?”
“She’s the love of my life, man.” You couldn’t blame Rooster for acting in your defence. It was in his inherent nature to protect the ones he loved so deeply, tenderly and oh so fiercely. “My whole god damn world.” He’d never been so scared to lose you before this very moment. The fallout of the uranium mission had him racing across the west coast of the country all the way to Washington where you were based. Knowing he came an inch to losing his life. Far too many times to count. On the way back Rooster had confided in Hangman for a brief moment. Mentioning that there had been a girl, a girl so fierce and loving and kind that he couldn't help but to wonder how you'd mourn him. He didn't mention specific things like how long you’d know each other or how long you two had been dating. Rooster didn't mention what you did for work or even how he’d had his mothers engagement ring resized off another ring he’d stolen from your jewellery stand.
Rooster had simply told Jake Seresin that for a moment there if he hadn’t come after him and Pete? There would have been a heartbroken soul at his funeral. A woman so willing to pray for him, take his pain for him, save his soul from himself. Bradley Bradshaw had always been the one left behind, but that day he almost left you. And he wasn't ready to do that without having made it one thousand percent clear that you were the love of his life. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
“Bradley? What–what are you doing here?” You questioned as he came through your front door. The key you'd gifted him nestled nicely in between all his other keys. Standing from your stop on the lounge–Youd been curled up watching Criminal Minds. “I thought you weren't supposed to be home for a few more days?”  Taking massive strides to get to you Bradly simply engulfed you in a warm embrace. Hugging you so tightly because there were a few moments there he thought he'd never get to hug you again. Smell your hair, feel how cold you ran against his usually hot self.
“I couldn't wait to see you for one more second.” You could hear it in his voice, fuck. Something had happened, hadn't it. But more importantly you could see it in his eyes as he pulled away to meet your gaze in the dimly lit living room or your modest two bedroom two bathroom townhouse. Big enough for you and big enough for Bradley Bradshaw. With a little extra room for a guest here and there. “As soon as I was dismissed I jumped in the Bronco and headed straight for the airport.”
“That's a pretty long flight –” You were trying to get a read on the situation. What makes a man drive almost the entire West Coast of the United States so pressingly? What on earth was going on inside his head. “Do you want a coffee or something? I can make you a fresh pot?”
“Uh yeah that would be nice.” Bradley replied softly as he brought your forehead to his lips by pressing the palm of his hand to the back of your head. Letting you go as you wondered your way into the kitchen. The kettle already empty and waiting to be filled.
Rooster couldn't wait another second, he had to ask. Following you as he fished the small black velvet box that held his mothers engagement ring out of his pocket. Opening it and he stood behind you. Your hips pressing against the lip of the kitchen bench as you filled the kettle with a soft smile on your face. Bradley's hand came to lean against the countertop as he kissed your neck softly. Peppering small butterfly-like kisses up and down the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
“What do you think you're playing at?” Taunting the naval aviator who you’d missed so dearly as you turned around, leaning against the countertop as you held the kettle now full of water. It wasn't long before it had found its new home on the tiles. Water cascading across the gloss white flooring. Your hands coming up to cup your mouth. Jaw hung slack as a gasp escaped. Eyes wide with pure shock as Bradley Bradshaw trapped you against the countertop and himself. Holding the open velvet box in his hand with a soft smile and watery eyes. “Brad–”
“I almost didn't come home this time.” It was a sentence you never wanted to hear but were still thankful enough to hear him say it. It was and would always be better than the alternative. The home calls all military men and women dreaded. The one where officials inform you of a loss. “And it made me realise that I now have someone to leave behind.”
“Bradley–” You tried to speak as you cupped his cheeks. Pressing your forehead against his as you stood on the tips of your toes to meet his lips.
“Marry me Y/n, marry me.” It was a question you didn't need to ponder or consider saying anything but yes to immediately. Watching as Bradley dropped down to one knee before you. Following him down. “I love you so much and I just–Ican't stand the thought of not having you in my life for whatever time I have here.” It was the honest truth of the matter. “And I want you all to myself, as my wife, my best friend.
“Yes.” It was all you said before you crashed into him. Your arms wrapping around his neck as you both fell to the floor, rooster on his back in the mess of water as you fell atop him. Melting together as your tongues danced and hands roamed. “I love you so much more.”
“Do we have a deal?” Your voice brought Rooster back into the room. His eyes trained on you as you kept your hands up and your eyes on bob. He looked like he was keeping it together. But you knew from experience the second he was let go he could react in all kinds of ways. You'd seen it all. “I said do we have a deal?” You weren't in the mood for this, to play silly games with peoples lives. “Bodmin!”
“Yes yes we have a deal!” He shouted. Accepting your proposal for a trade off. your self for Bob. Slowly making your way over to him, you took Bob's hand in yours. He was shaking something chronic. He’d been in situations where life and death seemed not too far apart but this? He’d never be able to forget the feeling of having his life threatened by another person.
“Floyd?” You said Bob’s last name allowed, committing the name that was proudly displayed on his name badge to memory. “Got a first name?” You vaguely remembered, it was something that started with a B. Bradley had mentioned so many people it was hard to keep track sometimes.
“Bob–” huh, You finally had a face to go with the stories Bradley had told you late at night in the kitchen. One in particular coming to mind, the bird strike. “Robert.”
“Well Bob, today's your lucky day.” You were sure to take your time as the man released Bob from his grasp, pulling Bob towards you step by step. “If you call being held hostage lucky–”
“You don't have to do this, you know.” Bob whispered as you turned around, it was now you who had your back to Bodmin. With a gentle smile you let his hands drop. The barrel of the gun that had once been held to Bob’s temple now pressing against the small of your back. “You don't have to risk your life for me–”
“It's kinda my job.” That was all you really had time to say before you were being marched towards the front door of the Hard Deck. Rooster sent DiNozzo a look as if to ask what the hell was he doing just letting you play self sacrificing damsel. DiNozzo just shrugged, his gun still drawn and locked onto Bodmin's back from across the room. “How do you wanna do this Dan? You gonna shoot a lady in the back? You know thats considered murder right?” It was now that you were getting Daniel right where you needed him to be that you started playing mind games. “If you’re already going down for the murder of Avery you may as well go two for two right?” DiNozzo could hear everything you were saying through his ear piece. When he got the chance? He was gonna slap the god damn shit out of the back of your head for being so undeniably reckless. “You killed him for the money didn't you? You just didn't know where he’d stashed it. So you panicked.”
“What happened to innocent until proven guilty huh?”
“You held a gun to a naval aviator's head–you’re as good as done.”
“Shut up before I put a goddamn bullet in you–” Shoving you out the front door was probably the dumbest thing Daniel Bodmin could have done. Because as you stepped out onto the front deck of the Hard Deck bar? A few dozen of your agents had him surrounded. Within milliseconds.
Bradley's heart fell out his arse when he heard a single gunshot come from outside. Shouting from all over the place ensued as he ran to where he’d last seen you, right out the front door.
“Y/n!!” He was expecting the worst, to see you lying on the ground with a bullet between your eyes. But that's not what he saw. Far from it actually. Special Agent DiNozzo was hot on Rooster's tail. Fuck. This couldn't be happening, this was meant to be a routine god damn op.
To both men's surprise, you had your knee pressed into Daniel Bodmin's back. He was face down on the deck with his hands cuffed behind his back, his gun discarded. Looking up at Rooster with a smirk evident on your face as Daniel squired under the pressure you were forcing him down with.
“Hi fellas.” You beamed like nothing unorthodox had just taken place. “DiNozzo, what the hell took you so long man–?”
“I was trying to listen to what everyone on comms was saying but it got all jumbled.” DiNozzo explained as he holstered his gun. Leaning down to take over the apprehension of Daniel Bodmin. “All I heard was gett him outside then you started going all awol of me like some suicidal maniac.” Pulling the now detained suspect to his feet. “When we get back to Quantico you best believe Gibbs is gonna be pissed.”
“When is he ever not?” You replied with a sigh. Turning your attention to Rooster who stood off to the side. The entire squad looking out the windows, peeping eyes looking over the windowsills to catch a glimpse of the action happening outside. This had been the most exhilarating situation the Hard Deck Bar had ever seen. Penny swore she was about ready to sell the damn place. “I'm sorry I threatened to arrest you, you know I wou–” before you could finish your sentence Bradley’s hands were clasping your cheeks. Pulling you against him as he kissed you with so much love and admiration you could taste it.
“I’ve never been so fucking worried about you—“ Roosted kissed you deeper this time, he knew what he was playing at as well. The whole ‘let me kiss her so she can’t speak’ shtick. Only pulling away with enough time so he could. “You’ve told me this stuff seems so normal to you but I want you to know it’s not—it’s beyond dangerous and I can't believe how easily you put down your weapon.” Rooster was projecting his own insecurities about your job onto you. Placing your hand over your lips as he came back to kiss you. Colliding with your open palm.
“You have a medallion sitting over our fireplace because you defied direct orders and single handedly flew into enemy territory knowing damn well you didn't have the ammunition to fight back–all to save the lives of others.” Yep. You had him with that one. “What is the difference here? Spot it and I'll give you five bucks Bradshaw–” Rooster just pulled you into his chest. His arms wrapping around your shoulders, his chin resting on the top of your head. Looking out as the sun set lower and slower on the horizon.
“I guess there isn't much in it.”
Twenty minutes. That how much time had passed since Rooster saw you held at gun point, since he saw Bob held at gunpoint. It was standard protocol, you had Bob sitting at a nearby picnic table outside of the Hard Deck taking a witness statement.
“And you’re sure you’re alright? You don’t feel like you need to get checked out or anything?” You had your windbreaker one. The dark blue oversized jacket that proudly displayed NCIS on the back.
“No ma’am, thanks to you I’m in one peice.” You smiled softly at him, honestly you were just doing your job. “I didn’t know Rooster had a fiancée—“ You closed your little notepad before pocketing it in the back of your jean pocket. “Wish we’d met under different circumstances.”
“It is a little unorthodox isn’t it.” You chuckled, tapping Bob in the shoulder before making your way over to Rooster. He’d been watching you like a Hawk as you did your thing. Told people where to go and who to talk to, lead the investigation as NCIS agents went in and out of the Hard Deck. Talking to other witnesses for as many recollections as possible to aid the prosecution. “I’m thinking of staying until Tuesday if you feel like some company?” You mentioned as you approached Bradley, he stool with his arms crossed over his chest. Just admiring you from a far. He never really got the chance to watch you work. “If not I can always get a room at the motel down the road.”
“Well I usually don’t bring in strays—“ Taunting you as you bumped your hip against your finance’s playfully, your tongue sticking out against the inner part of your cheek as his smart ass comment. “But I’m sure I can make an exception.” You and Bradley had spoken a few times about the possibility of maybe buying a house in Freightertown now that he was there on more of a permanent basis. You’d keep the rental in Washington for convenience—but the idea would eventually see you come to San Diago as well. “You can’t get mad about the dishes piled as high as Everest in the sink though.”
“I’m not gonna say a word—“ Rooster swore he saw your nose grow an inch longer. He knew you’d say something about the mess, he’d let it get a little out of hand this week. He’d been starting early and finishing late—leaving little time for upkeep on the day to day basics.
“Agent Gibbs?” One of your Agents approached you followed by two men you’d never seen before in your life. “This is officer Radavic and Wilcox—NSA.”
“What’s NSA want with our case?” You questioned and the men showed you their badges and credentials. Rooster didn’t know if he should leave or stay. Choosing to stay as you crossed your arms across your chest.
“Daniel Bodmin was a foreign national with information considered a threat to the United States of America.” You couldn't believe what you were hearing. This entire case had been blown way out of the realm of what you originally thought it to be. “We figured we’d jump in, take things off your hands.” With a scoff and a small laugh you shook your head. Kicking your heel in the rough gravel underneath your shoe.
“This case is NCIS jurisdiction–regardless if Bodmin is of interest to NSA—“ Something was off, way off. If NSA was interested they would have made contact way before now. And they’d use the proper channels to do so, not just show up in Miramar unannounced. Perhaps you were too much like your father, or maybe you just didn’t believe the story from the get go.
“Well, I personally believe it would be in the best interest of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service to work with us, after all? We are on the same side.” Yeah, no. There was something incredibly off about these two. “Have you been able to find anything on–” Before the supposed NSA  Agent had the chance to finish his sentence you were sending your shine directly between his legs. Pulling his shoulders forward into you as you did so. Immediately he went down like a sack of shit, groaning as his partner went at Rooster. Not knowing he wasn't NCIS.
“Hey woah what the–!” Rooster was pretty quick on the draw, you'd give your soon to be husband that. He didn't need your help when it came to defending himself. His knuckles would surely be bruised up slightly after he was done and the other agent was on the ground. “What are you doing! You heard the guy? You're on the same team?” Roosters eyes were as wide as saucers as he turned back to you, fixing his shirt after having laid the other agent on his ass. Unconscious.
“Im pretty sure he's not NSA–” Bending over to retrieve both their weapons as a few agents rushed to the scene. Taking them into custody.
“Pretty sure!?” Bradley shouted through gritted teeth. “Because you teed off on him like you were kicking a field goal!”
“Rooster, I've got a hunch they're working with Bodmin alright, they might be foreign oppritives—just slow your roll there.” Trying to calm your fiancé down as you dusted him off. Sand everywhere.
“Oh my gosh! Y/n, sweetheart, baby girl no you don't just kick a guy in the junk on a hunch–“ Rooster groaned as he held his stomach. “Gees, sometimes I don't even know you, who does that?” You shrugged it off with a chuckle, intertwining your arm with Roosters as yiu walked back into the Hard Deck—all eyes on you as you looked up. A good set of twelve eyes all locked onto you. “Uh, I think this might be a good time to introduce you to my colleagues here.” Rooster mumbled as he kissed the top of your head. Nodding in response you waved at everyone who just stood stunned, still processing what had happened earlier.
“You must be colleagues huh?”
“So how’d you know they were bogus?” You’d all been sitting around the pool table. You’d noticed pretty quickly just how close Bob had stayed to the side of the women who’d come racing to the Hard Deck not ten minutes after you’d placed Bodmin under arrest. When Bradley had introduced you she’d pulled you in for a hug, said thank you for saving Bob's life and told you her name was Nat.
“Theyre accents–” You replied to Coyote who just shook his head in disbelief. God you were cool. How on earth did Rooster manage to find a girl like you?
“Nope, they didn't have accents.” Rooster saw how everyone was looking at you like you were the coolest person they’d ever encountered. Flying high he decided to shoot you down for his own enjoyment. Bring you back down to earth where he and the commoners lived. Standing between Bradley legs as he sat on one of the barstools with your back against his chest. You turned as his arms came down from their home on your shoulders. His hands lingering on your hips.
“Rooster, sweetheart, baby boy.” You teased, knowing exactly what he was doing. “Do you know the difference between French open syllabic organisation and English archaic speech patterning?” Giving him a taste of his own medicine. He didn’t respond—simply smirking as he took a sip of his beer. Eyes never leaving yours. Fucking smart arse.
“What that old chestnut?” Hangman mumbled as he smirked into the beer bottle he held to his lips. The whole crew minus Bob were indulging in a few too many alcoholic beverages. “Nah, what the hell even is that?” Fuck—Rooster could count his lucky stars with you that was for damn sure. “They probably have some diplomatic unity or some bullshit.”
“That's exactly why we threw em in county.” A familiar voice entered the chat. “They’ll be lucky to even get a phone call by christmas. '' DiNozzo snickered as he picked up a handful of the peanuts sitting in a bowl on the edge of the pool table. Looking at him so disappointed and puzzled as to where he’d gone this whole time– He shot you a questioning look back. “What? What's that look for?”
“Where the hell have you been—?” It was a legitimate question you wanted an answer to. DiNozzo just frowned as he took the handful of nuts into his mouth.
“Escorting our perp into county, why? what did I miss?” Looking around, no one wanted to give him an answer. “I'm pretty sure we’re good here don't you think? Besides, I’m gonna head back to the motel and get a good rest in before giving our two NSA impersonators the old razzle dazzle tomorrow–” Bradley chuckled to himself as you lent back to him. His chin resting on your shoulder.
“Just don't let Agent Bradshaw here interrogate them.” You would soon have to get used to that. Special Agent Bradshaw. It sounded funny but in the best of ways. Like a new house. Sure it felt foregin at first but soon it would become a home. Rolling your eyes as you sighed dramatically.
“Why is that?” DiNozzo questioned with squinted eyes. “What did you do–?”
“She kicked one of the guys right in the non day plumes!” Bradley scoffed over your shoulder, feeling you pull away in defeat as you stood with your arms crossed, sending him a glare– telling him to get over it already. God you loved him. So much.
“No–” Anthony played into it. Holding his hands together to cover his crotch. “She didn’t–”
“Yep–Guy didn't even have his weapon out.” You couldn't believe how big of a deal Bradley was making out of this.
“Really!?” DiNozzo was flabbergasted. “Gibbs, that's just outright assault.” You didn't know who to stare at more, Anthony or Bradley as the group watched on with laughter and smirks.
“Mmhmm, right in the cul de sac, kicked him so hard it gave me a stomach ache.” Okay this was getting out of hand.
“So what!” Throwing your hands up in defeat. “Would it have been better if I pistol whipped him across the face?”
“YES!!” Every single man you stood with said allowed in unison. You couldn't believe it. Even Natasha rollered her eyes.
“I'd rather be held at gun point–” Bob pipped up as Phoenix softly slapped him in the chest with the back of her hand. The group couldn't help but to laugh, settling in soon after into their own conversations as you said bye to DiNozzo and turned all of your attention back to Rooster.
“You done?” Questioning his childishness you glared at him yet again with a soft smirk. “Or should I get that hotel room after all?”
“Oh No–” Bradley Bradshaw had never jumped from his seat so fast in his life. Finishing his beer as he did so. “No you're coming home with me.” kissing your cheek as he whispered in your ear. “I specifically remember you mentioning handcuffs and I don't know about you but I'm keen to play cops and robbers.”
Would you like to read more of NCIS Bradley? The series Masterlist is linked here
Tags: @auroraboreallisfine @tigerfan24 @atarmychick007
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callsignmayhem · 1 month
Realizing that he has very slim chance of making it back, he says over the comms:
“Tell them I love them”
As soon as those words leave his lips, his jet disappears from the radar.
At his funeral, you are standing next to your kids, watching people come and go from his casket.
You hear someone clear their throat behind you, making you turn around.
It's Rooster.
Benjamin guides his siblings further away, giving you and him some privacy.
You give him a small smile.
He gives you a flash drive, you take it, looking up at Bradley.
“It's recording from the mission”
You nod, looking at the small drive in your hands.
“I know it doesn't bring him back but thought you still might want it”
“Thank you”
Bradley nods, squeezing your arm and walking away.
Later when you are home and the kids are in their rooms already for the night, you quietly go up the stairs to your bedroom.
Your bedroom.
Not his and yours like it should be.
The thought alone breaks your heart all over again as if it hasn't been broken enough already.
Somehow you get the willpower to step over the threshold of the room. Shutting the door behind you, you flip on the small light on top of the drawer left of you.
Taking in the room, tears start running down your cheeks again.
Alarm clock beeping in the morning, arm reaching over you to make the sound to stop. A kiss placed on your temple.
“Sorry, honey”
You crack open one eye, looking at your husband getting up from the bed, going around the room, looking for his clothes. You hear the shower starting to run before sleep overtakes you. A while later, you feel light kisses placed all over your face.
“Sweetheart, you gotta get up”
“Five more minutes” you say and turn around in bed.
Jake's having none of that, pulling the covers down, attacking you with kisses.
You scream and laugh, trying to get away from his kiss attack.
“Are you gonna get up now?”
“Fine, fine, I'll get up”
Jake smirks as you lift yourself up from the bed, wandering down to the en-suite bathroom.
By the time you are done getting ready for the day, Jake has disappeared from the room. Stepping into the hallway, you hear laughter and delighted screams coming down from the kitchen.
Heading towards the sounds, you stop at the kitchen door, taking in the sight before you. Benjamin is making himself cereal, Cade is eating pieces of toast, Eden is being held upside down by Jake.
You smile, walking into the kitchen.
You ruffle Cade's hair as you go past him, knowing how much it irritates him. Benjamin kisses your cheek as you walk by him.
You grab two mugs from the drying rack, pouring coffee into them. Taking a sip from your mug, you go over to Jake and Eden, giving the other mug to him, which he gratefully takes, you tickle Eden's belly. She giggles, continuing to munch on her toast.
Soon you are all in the hallway, more or less good to go.
Jake says bye to the kids first, then to you with a kiss to your lips.
All five of you manage to get out of the front door, Jake in his car, you and the kids in yours.
Jake backs out of the driveway first, waving at you before driving off. You follow, turning your car in a different direction to get the kids to school on time.
After you've dropped them off, you go run some errands.
After the drive home, you place down the groceries on the counter.
You've put the last food in the fridge when your phone buzzes in your back pocket. Fishing it out, you press the green button.
You go over the bed, grabbing your laptop from the side table. Sitting on the bed, you plug in the flash drive and press play.
Listening to the recording, listening to his voice, makes your heart ache, ultimately cracking it in half when you hear his last words before his comms crackle and go dead. You hear the others begging for him to answer, to make any sound at all.
They get nothing.
You hear the command to land followed with multiple voices protesting, but the voice again commands them to land.
The recording goes on for a while after the command but no one is saying anything.
You stop the recording.
Unplugging the drive, you place it and the laptop down on the side table.
His last words echo over and over again in your mind.
“Tell them I love them”
“Tell them I love them”
“Tell them I love them”
You cried yourself to sleep that night and countless nights after that, dreams filled with memories of him. Thinking about how you never even had a chance to say goodbye.
None of you did get that chance.
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Part 1 (kisses on fingertips)
The letter
The first bit written in italics is what happened during the funeral (read kisses on fingertips) and the second part in italics is what happened before the call, all the way til the call comes to answering it.
This is like a prequel/sequel/continuation to "Kisses on fingertips" because there are things happening before, during and after it, I think.
Benjamin is 17 years old, Cade 14 years old and Eden is 6 years old when they lost their dad.
If anything is unclear, just ask and I'll try my best to explain.
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lovelybucky1 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 17- Size Kink
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warnings: college!au, frat boy bradley, frat party, alcohol consumption, dirty talk, no actual smut, size kink, 18+ minors dni
kinktober masterlist
main masterlist
Frat parties aren’t your usual scene, but your friends practically dragged you here, and subsequently left you on a couch alone to talk to some brunette girl who was sizing her up.
You’re slumped in the corner, nursing the drink in your hand. You don’t usually drink, and you can feel the one and a half drinks you’ve had getting to you.
It takes you a moment to realize that someone sat down next to you, and when you look up, they are already smiling at you. Bradley Bradshaw.
“Hey there,” he says, voice smooth and deep and it makes you feel warm all over.
To say you had a crush on him would be an understatement. You were head-over-heels, embarrassingly, hopelessly in love with him, and you have been since freshman year.
He was in your science lab first semester, and then you had your english and history classes with him second semester. He never sat next to you, never even talked to you unless he was forced to by group work, but that didn’t do anything to help your crush.
“What’re you doin’ over here by yourself?” he asks.
“My friend… she left a little bit ago. And I don’t really know anyone else here.”
Bradley frowns a little. “You know me.”
“Yeah but…” you gesture over to the crowd of his friends. Jake Seresin, Javy Machado, Mickey Garcia. The only one you have had anything to do with was Bob, but he’s an outsider of their group.
Bradley nods in understanding. “‘m sorry she left you. Do you want me to walk you home?”
Your eyes light up a bit. You definitely don’t want to be at this party any longer, and you’ve dreamed about walking hand in hand with Bradley on the way home a million times.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you say, trying not to sound too eager.
Bradley stands up from the couch and holds out his hand to help you up. Apparently he is quiet the gentleman, because he catches you when you stumble.
“How much have you had to drink?“ he asks.
“N-not that much,” you reply shyly, feeling like the girl next door for being such a lightweight.
Rooster puts his arm around your waist to steady you as he leads to towards the door. His large, warm hand is splayed over your stomach and you can’t help the butterflies that bloom in your stomach.
He informs his friends where he is going, and then he’s opening the door for you. It’s chilly outside, and you dressed for a frat party, not an October night. You shiver, and he must feel the goosebumps on your arms because he moves away for a moment to take off his jacket.
“Oh, you don’t need to-”
“Just take it, it’s cold out.”
You don’t argue further, not that you really want to anyway. He holds out his jacket and lets you slip into it. It’s so big and warm, and you feel even fuzzier now, and you know it’s not from the alcohol.
The jacket’s sleeves hang down to cover your hands, and it smells like him. You never want to take it off.
“Thank you,” you say shyly, looking down at your feet.
“No problem, sweetheart.”
If Bradley’s hand wasn’t holding onto your waist, you would have collapsed onto the ground. You feel giddy and embarrassed and all of your dreams are coming true.
You walk in silence for a little bit. You stare down at the sidewalk in front of you, studying the cracks in the concrete to keep your mind off Bradley. Unbeknownst to you, Bradley is watching you the whole way.
“You look good in my jacket,” he says, breaking the silence.
“I do?” you ask.
“You look very good.”
There’s something in his voice that urges you to look up, and when you do, your knees threaten to buckle. His brown eyes are even darker, pupils wide as he looks down at you. You want to say something, you know you need to break the tension, but your brain short-circuits.
“You’re beautiful. Always thought that, but I never got a chance to tell you.”
You want to believe him, but everything is too perfect. This can’t be happening to you, especially not with Bradley Bradshaw.
“I think you’re drunk, Bradley,” you say quietly.
“Not drunk. Only had one beer tonight and that was hours ago. I’m not lying, honey. I think you’re gorgeous.”
Suddenly your eyes start to burn, and you feel like tears could fall at any moment.
“You’re so sweet and small… Look so goddamn good in my clothes.”
He stops you, and when you turn to ask him what he’s doing, he captures your lips in a kiss. You whine into it, not expecting it but certainly not minding. He kisses hard, claiming your lips and ruining you for anyone else.
Bradley’s hands find your hips and he holds them tightly as he kisses you. His hands don’t wander, but his fingers press into you like he wants to.
“Baby,” he says against your lips.
“Hmm?” you mumble.
“You taste so sweet.”
It’s your drink he’s tasting. You like them disgustingly sweet to cover up the taste of the alcohol, and now Bradley is getting drunk off of it too.
He breaks the kiss and you look up. Over his shoulder, you see your building. You look between your window and his eyes, trying to work up the courage to say it.
“Do you want to come inside?” you blurt out.
Bradley grins that heart stopping, pants soaking grin and nods, pulling you towards the building.
The journey up the stairs and through the door was clumsy and rushed, neither of you being able to wait to get the other alone. Once inside, Bradley shuts the door and instantly has you pressed against it.
He looks down at you, his hands on your hips and his knee between your thighs. He makes you feel so small, and you love it so much.
“You have no idea how bad I wanna fuck you, sweetheart,” Bradley confesses.
“I-I want it too.”
Thank god you have a single, because you don’t know what you’d do with yourself if a roommate interrupted this.
Bradley backs away and pulls his shirt off, revealing his sizable pecs and abs, the ones you’ve been drooling over for years. His jeans are low on his hips, and you follow the trail of hair under his navel.
You hear him chuckle, and you feel embarrassed that you ogled him like that. You close your eyes and lean your head back against the door, but you hear him tut in disapproval.
“Look at me, sweetheart. I want you to see me.”
He watches you intently as he undoes his pants, and in what has to be record time, he has his cock out and his pants kicked off.
Even though you’re the only one fully clothed, you feel more naked from the way Bradley is looking at you. His cock is huge, big in every way with a wet, flushed tip.
“That’s not gonna fit,” you say, and immediately regret it. Bradley seems to preen at that, a little ego stroking never hurts.
“Trust me, baby, it’ll fit. I have all night to warm you up and open you for me,” he smirks as he sneaks his fingers up your skirt and ghosts them over your panties. “This little cunt’s gonna take all of me, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, yes, I’ll take all of you.”
“Yeah, knew you’d be such a sweet little thing for me. God, you’re so small, I could just toss you around and use you however I want.”
He wouldn’t, of course, and you knew that, but the idea was the hottest thing in the world. You want nothing more than Bradley pushing you against the wall and using his size advantage to put you however he wants you.
“Please,” you gasp.
Bradley grabs your thigh and hooks your leg around his waist, pressing your clothed pussy to his hard cock.
“You don’t have to beg, honey. I’m gonna give you everything you need.”
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demxters · 1 year
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frat!bradley bradshaw x f!reader
dagger squad college!au
summary: bradley meets the girl he believes to be his good luck charm at a party. the only problem is, he doesn't have a clue who she is or how to find her again.
wc: 2.1k
warning(s): 18+, fem!reader, no y/n (reader goes by nickname clover), a wild jake and ace appears, explicit swearing, alcohol, college parties, slight nudity, tattoos
the lucky one masterlist || find on ao3
You hated your ex with a passion. You knew what he was doing the second you saw his arm around Allison freaking Simpson. Not only was she the dean’s daughter, but she was also one of the top students of their class. 
In other words, she was everything you were not. Your ex was trying to prove a point and you hated that it was working.
Deep breathes, you remind yourself, thinking back to the meditation classes you took over the summer. 
Your eye twitches at the sound of Allison’s obviously over exaggerated giggles. Tyler Jacobs was not that funny. 
“He’s not worth your time,” a soft voice from beside you interrupts your glaring.
It was a girl you recognized from your classes over the years. Quiet, yet incredibly smart and snarky when need be. You’ve never actually talked to her much, but she was thoughtful and much more tolerable than a majority of your peers. 
“You used to date Tyler Jacobs, right?” Apparently, she was also very observant. 
You cringe at that. “Unfortunately.”
She hums, before returning her gaze to her notes. “I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you could do much better.” 
Now that makes you laugh. “Thanks,” you send her a genuine smile. 
You knew she was right. You could do so much better. Tyler was all you’ve known. Dating since high school, prom king and queen, the whole cliche. You just needed to expand your horizons. 
After another grueling hour and a half of listening to your professor talk about god knows what, you’re more than relieved to finally be released from class. 
The girl beside you packs up with haste, almost like she has somewhere to be. 
“Hey, Ace, tell that boyfriend of yours that he can suck my dick!” Tyler yells after her. 
“Go screw yourself, Jacobs,” she replies with a flash of her finger. 
You wrap your arm around her, noticing the tension in her shoulders as you deliberately announce, “I’ve seen it and trust me, your boyfriend would not be impressed.” 
The people around you snicker, making Tyler’s face turn red, and you smirk in satisfaction. 
The girl, who you remember was called Ace, is laughing as you guide her out of the lecture hall. 
“His face was priceless!” Ace says between laughs. 
You shrug with a smile. “I only said what’s true!” 
Ace shakes her head. “Amazing.”
A call of her name distracts her, and you both turn to see a tall, blond man jogging toward the both of you. 
You won’t lie. He was incredibly good looking. But the way his gaze was set on Ace told you all you needed to know. “The boyfriend, I’m assuming?” 
He wraps Ace up in his arms and she playfully rolls her eyes at his display of affection. 
“The one and only,” he grins. “Jake Seresin, pleasure to meet you. It’s so nice seeing you branch out, Ace. She is so anti-social, I swear,” he murmurs from the side of his mouth. 
She scoffs, smacking her boyfriend on the arm. “Shut up!” 
You laugh along with the duo, your heart aching at how in love they were. Even if they didn’t know it yet, you could tell they would be together for a long time. You had a knack for noticing those kinds of things–relationships that were meant to last and matchmaking. You take pride in the fact that you were the one to set up your old high school math teacher with your favorite art teacher. Now, they were happily married and had two kids with one more on the way. 
The one person you were unable to help in the love department, however, was yourself. How absolutely ironic. 
You used to think Tyler Jacobs was the one. You imagined the two of you growing old together, having kids, and telling them the stories of how the two of you fell in love. Being with him since your freshman year of high school and knowing him since kindergarten made you truly believe that he was the love of your life. 
Up until a month ago, when everything came crashing down and everything you thought you knew turned out to be a lie.
“Hey, you should come to the Delta Chi party this weekend,” Jake offers, noticing the sudden lull in conversation. 
Ace nods with a smile. “Yeah, something to take your mind off that ex of yours.” 
You eye Jake, unable to contain your growing grin. “A frat party?” 
Jake winks. “Only the best frat on campus.” 
Ace was right, you needed to take your mind off Tyler. You wanted to prove that you didn’t need him–that you never did. Besides, when did you ever say no to a party? “Alright, I’ll be there.” 
»»————- ♣︎ ————-««
You’ve been to so many parties, the sweaty bodies and loud music no longer deter you. 
Pushing your way through the crowd, you say hi to some familiar faces as you make your way to the drinks. 
One of the Delta Chi guys gives you a cup full of cheap beer, which you gladly accept. You continue to wander around the house, only being there once before. With Tyler. 
Just even thinking of him makes you nauseous. Downing the rest of your cup, you go back to the keg, desperate for another drink. 
Two becomes three. 
Three becomes four. 
Until, eventually, you’ve lost count and the only thing you can feel is the warmth of the alcohol and the beating of the bass in your chest. 
You hardly remember Tyler and Allison nor the aching heartbreak you’ve been going through for over a month now. 
It was just you and the dance floor. And maybe a few frat guys and sorority girls you didn’t know the names of but danced with anyways. 
Your cup was empty again and you groaned at the realization. You stumble your way back to the drink station, no longer able to control your heavy footsteps and swinging limbs. 
Your vision is so hazy that you don’t see the body you haphazardly bump into. 
“Holy shit!” the person says as you catch yourself on the table. 
He turns around with wide, doe-like eyes. Even through the horribly lit area and hue from the alcohol, you could tell that the guy in front of you was hot. His slightly curly hair was plastered to his forehead through the sheen of sweat that glistened on his skin. You could tell he was muscular, even under the ridiculous Hawaiian shirt he was wearing. And his eyes… you couldn’t pinpoint the exact color they were due to the poor lighting, but they were what you would describe as kind. 
He gapes at you like a fish out of water. You catch yourself giggling at his flustered state. 
“Are you some kind of good luck charm or something?” He blurts out. 
“What?” you slur. You boldly grab his forearm in order to steady yourself from swaying too much. You bite your tongue to hold back a sigh as the smell of cinnamon and faint cologne floods your senses. 
“I said, are you some kind of good luck charm or something? Because I just won that shit!” He gestures sloppily to the table where a game of beer pong was set up. 
“No way!” You bounce on your toes, feeling giddy from the excitement oozing off the guy in front of you. 
He nods vigorously. “I was about to make that shot, but then you bumped into me and I still got it in. That was awesome. You are a good luck charm! You’re like a… like a…”
Your eyes light up as he continues to think. “Like a four leafed clover?” 
He snaps his fingers. “Yeah!” 
A mischievous grin tugs at your lips while your fingers tug your shirt upwards. Rolling the loose tee you have on so it’s resting just right above your bra, you turn. “You mean like this?” 
His gaze zeroes in on the image inked below your right breast, on the edge of your rib cage. There lies a delicately etched four leaf clover. 
The tug in your chest is palpable. The pull this guy has on you is strange, yet welcomed. It was unlike anything you’ve felt before, even with Tyler. You wanted to beckon him closer. You wanted him to take his fingers on his large hand and delicately trace the outline of where you are most vulnerable. 
Your grip on your shirt loosens as it rolls back down your chest to your abdomen, suddenly feeling self conscious of how forward you were. Great, you just met the guy and now you’re gonna scare him away.  
He opens his mouth to speak, gaze glancing back up to meet yours, clearly rendered speechless by the unexpected action before him. 
“Yo, Rooster! Come on, someone’s trying to beat your time on the keg!” 
He’s interrupted by another guy who shakes his shoulders and pulls him away without another word. 
He gives you one last look over his shoulder, one apologetic and full of longing before you lose him in the crowd. 
Rooster. What a strange nickname. 
You just hope your sober self remembers it tomorrow. 
»»————- ♣︎ ————-««
Bradley can’t tell if the pounding is in his head or coming from his bedroom door. His head feels like a bowling ball and he can barely open his eyes without feeling like he was getting stabbed through his skull. 
He rolls over, throwing his pillow over his head. He prays that whoever is on the other side of the door gets the hint and leaves him alone. 
Much to his dismay, the person ends up inviting themself in anyway. 
“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty! Welcome back to the land of the living,” Jake’s irritating Texas drawl rings through his ears. 
Bradley groans, tossing his pillow lamely at him. “Go. Away.” 
“No can do, Bradshaw. Up! Up! Up!” He shouts, clapping his hands in front of Bradley’s face like a drill sergeant. 
Bradley wishes it were Jake in his place right now. In another time, it was Jake that was in his place. Bradley would be the one ushering him and his latest fling out of bed. When he started dating Ace, Jake changed. She straightened him up—made him lose the fuck boy act and be more respectful. Now it was time for Jake to have his fun. He hates how much Jake is enjoying Bradley being on the other end of the stick. 
“Go away before I rip your dick off,” Bradley threatens with narrowed eyes. 
Jake doesn’t take Bradley’s comment the way he wanted him to. His cackle and the rush of sunlight that enters the room makes Bradley whine pathetically. Even with his eyes squeezed shut, the light from outside was burning through his eyelids. 
“Reuben cooked breakfast. Hurry up if you want to eat anything other than bread crusts,” Jake announces before, not so softly, shutting his bedroom door. 
Bradley throws his pillow back over his head to block out all the light and sighs. Every time they host a party, he swears that he won’t drink too much. And every time without fail, he ends up blackout drunk and in bed with a sorority girl. Which is why he’s surprised that, for once, he can actually remember the night before. There wasn’t much significance to last night. Just like any other Friday, Delta Chi was throwing another rager. All his friends were there as well as the usual sororities. However, last night at the beer pong table was embedded into his mind. 
He could still smell the perfume of the girl he recalls being his good luck charm. He could see her bright smile and the tattoo she willingly flashed at him. A dopey smile tugs at his lips as he reminisces about last night. 
His euphoric haze is cut short when he realizes he never even got your name. Bradley didn’t know who you were or who you were with. He finds himself getting more of a headache trying to remember if he has ever seen you at any of the Greek life events on campus. He doubts you were in a sorority. He’s sure he would’ve remembered seeing a face like yours. 
The best thing he could do is ask if anyone knew a girl with a clover tattoo, but even that would probably get him nowhere. 
The pounding in his chest didn’t settle as he continued to relive the interaction from the night before. If only he hadn’t been pulled away by Omaha, he probably would’ve mustered up enough courage to get your name and number. He maybe would have even asked you out on a date. But he was whisked away in an instant. After the fiasco at the keg, Bradley wandered around the house trying to find you, with absolutely no luck. He didn’t understand what it was, but he was convinced that he needed to see you again. He had to. 
Even in his hung over state of mind, Bradley was on a mission. First, he was going to sober up and shower. Then was going to find his four leafed clover. 
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this one is dedicated to @blue-aconite for this fic and clover wouldn’t exist without you, ily <;3
a/n: i hope you’re all as excited for bradley and clover as i am. im super stoked to introduce them into the ‘loving you universe’ and for you all to see where their story leads them. as always, the inbox is open and comments and reblogs are encouraged and appreciated.
tgm taglist: @joaquinwhorres @harrycherrylove @smoothdogsgirl @t-nd-rfoot @dempy @ollyoxenfrees @potato-girl99981 @averyhotchner @2guysonascooter @loveforaugust @blue-aconite @fandom-life-12 @stiles-banshees @iamdannyday @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @breezemood @eli2447 @angelbabyange @finelytaylored @pono-pura-vida @hecate-steps-on-me @blueoorchid @aviatorobsessed @blackwidownat2814 @hallecarey1 @averagereader35 @laneylovesglen @atarmychick007 @kajjaka @urfavelocagirl @clancycumber230 @memeorydotcom @kmc1989 @percysaidnever @thestarspangledcaptain
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foli-vora · 2 years
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masterlist | foli jolly xmas list
under the tree
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x f!reader
summary: santa came early for bradley and he’s positive you’re trying to kill him. too bad mav also decided to arrive earlier than planned. awkward chaos ensues.
warnings: swearing, embarrassment (poor bradley), getting walked in on, lingerie, SMUT 18+ ONLY, fingering, praise, not really penetration but the tip getting just there y'know
word count: 2165
a/n: sorry for the lateness, but i got there! this was a lot of fun, enjoy loves x
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His lips are soft and insistent under yours, parting at the swipe of your tongue and filling your mouth with the rumble of his groan. Ever pliable under your touch, softening to follow your lead despite his eagerness clawing for more. You chase the taste of him, licking into his mouth and feeling a tremble trickle through his body, your hands smoothing over the firm expanse of his chest. 
���I got you something,” you murmur into his mouth, inhaling sharply when his mouth moves to your throat. “Well, I mean, it’s for me… but I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s very pretty.”
He practically folds at your sweet coo, his heart heavy against his ribs as heat settles low in his gut. 
“Yeah?” His voice comes out muffled against your skin, his tongue smoothing over your pulse point. “Show me, honey. I bet you look so pretty… show me. Please.”
You shift up onto your knees, leaving him resting on the floor and propped up by his elbow. He studies the way your fingers pop each button of your sleep shirt open, his tongue swiping along his lower lip with each flicker of bare skin he catches. Eventually you reach the end of your shirt and delicately pry it away from your chest, displaying your new purchase in all of its beautiful, lacy glory.
“What do you think, baby?” You ask innocently, your head tilting as you watch the flutter of emotion run over his face.
His eyes bug out of his head, his mouth quickly dropping in a daze of pleasant surprise. He jerks up into a sitting position, his big hands coming to cup your tits, his rough thumbs brushing over the delicate lace covering your nipples and feeling them pebble beneath his touch. 
“Holy shit,” he breathes, “you’re so fucking beautiful, honey. Look at you—”
He dives forward, the slick feel of his hot tongue swirling a path along your skin until his hot breath melts through the lace and surrounds your nipple. He envelopes it with the heat of his mouth and you hum softly, raking a hand through his ruffled waves as he slowly coaxes you backwards until your back hits the rug.
“There’s some fun things under the tree, too.”
His head comes away from your chest and you watch the way his brow perks, his hands becoming tighter where they grab at you. “Like what?”
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see,” you tease lightly, a smirk tugging at your lips. “Something for me, something for you, something for us…”
“God, you’re gonna be the fuckin’ death of me,” he groans, melting over you in a heap of pressure, the feel of his body covering yours familiar and comforting.
His lips immediately mould over yours, his tongue swiping forward and sliding along yours as you tug impatiently at his T-shirt, briefly breaking away from the lure of his lips to tear it up and over his head before reclaiming his mouth. You breathe each other in, losing yourselves to the feel of the other as the heat around you grows, creeping over your skin and settling low in your core.
“It’s a matching set, by the way,” you whisper, shifting your hips teasingly beneath his.
You feel the thick outline of his cock press into the soft flesh of your thigh and fight to hold back a moan, desperate to feel him better, to weigh him in your hand and guide him into your waiting cunt. You feel the way you’ve practically soaked the thin fabric of your underwear, aware of just how fucking badly you’ve needed to get your hands on him all damn day.
He does it on purpose, holding himself just that bit harder against your ass whenever you’re standing at the sink or bending over to reach into the washing machine but whirling out of your reach when you go to grab him. 
“God damn, why didn’t you tell me earlier?” He huffs, grinning as he sits back on his heels and tears at your jeans, his smile widening at your breathless chuckle.
The denim eventually gives way to his impatience, and they’re tossed over his shoulder without the slightest care, landing in a heap just short of the couch. His hot, calloused palms land on your bent knees, encouraging you to spread your legs and let him gaze at the matching underwear smoothing over your skin.
He gives a sharp exhale when your legs loosen under his hands, his chest heaving just that little bit quicker when his eyes land on your covered pussy and the noticeable wet patch soaking through the material.
“You’re the prettiest damn thing I’ve ever seen,” he drawls, his low timbre churning the heat swimming in your core.
He’s the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen, comfortably reclined on his heels and wonderfully half naked, giving you the pleasure of ogling him in all his broad chested glory. Your Bradley is a beast, all thick arms wrapped with muscle and a torso practically made of solid steel.
It’s his eyes that get you the most, warm and dripping honey, forever filled with a touching tenderness and adoration he gives to only you. It never fails to make your heart thunder in your chest, drumming loudly in your ears.
He’s all yours, and he loves to make it well known.
“God, look at you — so fucking wet already, honey. I’ve barely touched you,” he taunts as he leans over you, swiping a thumb across the wet patch of your underwear and applying pressure when he feels your clit through the fabric.
“You feelin’ needy, sweet girl?”
“You know I am. You do it on purpose,” you accuse weakly, eyes fluttering at the contact.
“Me?” He questions, a wicked shine settling in his eyes. “Got no idea what you’re talking about.”
His pace is slow, thumb circling and circling until your hips start to arch into his touch. His finger curls around the leg band of your underwear and pulls it over your pussy, baring your slick folds to his touch. His thumb returns to the same path it drew before, swiping along your slit and feeling his digit move smoothly through your arousal.
“This all for me, honey?”
“Such a good girl, such a pretty girl,” he murmurs, “my pretty girl, aren’t you, honey?”
A thick finger breaches your entrance, sinking deep into your cunt and curling against your walls teasingly before slowly withdrawing. It returns alongside another, stretching and filling your pussy with the width of two big fingers. He sets a leisurely pace, keeping it purposefully slow enough to get you writhing on the floor, your hips impatiently rising with every press of his hand in hopes to get something more.
Deeper, faster, anything—
“Oh god, Bradley, baby, please—”
“I know… I know. I got you, gonna fuck you so good,” he grits out, fingers deftly undoing his button and fly and desperately tugging the thick length of his cock out.
He swipes the tip of his cock along your folds, coating himself in your arousal before pushing forward, filling your cunt inch by delicious inch before—
“Knock knock! Surprise kids, I know I’m early—”
You both freeze.
Is that…?
God, no. No, no, no—
It’s instant.
It’s horrific.
He immediately clocks onto your position, freezing in the threshold of the lounge as his eyes find you bare beneath the tree and in an undeniably compromising position. He quickly averts his gaze, turning away with an uncharacteristically startled, “Holy shit—”
Bradley scrambles to get off of you, launching himself for the throw on the couch and covering your bare frame with his own mortified, “Holy shit—”, his hands quick to shove his cock back into his shorts and cover any of your skin not yet hidden.
You lay on the floor, highly aware of the scratch of the rug beneath your back while fire rages along under your skin, spreading across your chest and filling your cheeks with molten lava. You burn from the humiliation, fingers clutching the blanket like it’s a fucking life line.
“Jesus, I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t see anything!” Mav yells, already walking back out the door and slamming it shut behind himself. The windows rattle from the force of it.
The silence is deafening.
Bradley sits ramrod straight next to you on the couch, staring through the far wall and not blinking, not even when you murmur his name to catch his attention. Your hand comes to rest over his hand and he jolts slightly at your touch, his head slowly turning until his eyes somewhat meet yours.
“We have to go out there sooner or later.”
His lips purse and he gives a small shake of his head, resuming his position of staring at nothing. “Nope. No we don’t. We’re fine here.”
You purse your lips, “Bradley, we can’t just leave him sitting outside.”
“How do we know he hasn’t left? He’s probably long gone.”
It’s wishful thinking on his end. In fact, you fully believe he’s wishing that he’d never have to see his godfather ever again. God, this is humiliating. 
“Baby, we would’ve heard his bike—”
“We didn’t the first time.”
His face crumbles into a wince.
How did you not hear Mav’s bike? You always hear it. That’s his thing. That’s his warning, his greeting. It’s not exactly quiet, the rumble of the vehicle always echoing down the street. Had you been that distracted? Jesus.
You fight away the remaining licks of mortification sitting low in your stomach and straighten your shoulders, determined to get the air cleared before Christmas and the small party you were holding. It wasn’t that big of a deal, and besides, Mav’s cool. He’d be fine, albeit a little embarrassed, but you’re certain the issue couldn’t possibly be as bad as Bradley is thinking. 
“Come on now, we can be adults about this. For god sake Bradley, we are adults. It’s fine. I’m sure he’s well aware we have sex.”
“Well he definitely is now!”
“Okay, no more of this. Come on—on your feet, Lieutenant. We’ve got this.”
He follows your lead, shuffling quietly behind you as you make your way to the front door. You peak outside and brace yourself as you notice Mav sitting on his bike, picking at loose threads on his jeans. You take a steadying breath and open the door, forcing a small smile when Mav’s eyes immediately shoot to you.
You descend the steps and clear your throat, watching as Mav pushes off his bike and slowly wanders closer, tucking the armband of his trusty aviators down the front of his T-shirt.
“I didn’t know whether or not to stay, or if you were…” Mav clears his throat, shifting his shoulders under his worn leather jacket, “...finishing.”
“Jesus Christ,” Bradley groans quietly, no doubt having a small existential crisis.
“I don’t think we would’ve been able to after that,” you joke, relieved when Mav snorts in amusement.
Bradley, however, looks like he’s about to be sick. He keeps his gaze purposefully away from Mav, apparently developing an interest in studying the cracks in the pavement. 
“Um, for what it’s worth,” you say, smiling in embarrassment, “we’re sorry you had to see that. We’ll uh… we’ll start locking the front door.”
“Yeah, you should do that,” Mav agrees before making a face, “believe me, that’s gonna be the last time I’m ever gonna try and surprise you two. Jesus.”
Bradley groans, sinking to the bottom step and burying his face in his hands, “Oh my god.”
He’s delighted. The bastard. Of course he would relish in you and your husband's embarrassment. You’d never live this down, Bradley would never live this down. It wasn’t like you couldn’t say anything. He had noticed the second he had entered your home that Bradley seemed to be avoiding his godfather at any and all costs and had naturally interrogated you.
“You tellin’ me Mav saw you with your tits out?” Jakes drawls, a highly amused grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
You take a sip of the whiskey in your hand and smack your lips, sighing deeply. “He saw a lot more than that.”
He whistles lowly, raising his beer in a sort of toast. “Damn. Merry Christmas, gramps! Do we get a Christmas treat? You gonna put on a show for us, Bradshaw? I’ll try not to laugh, I swear—”
“Watch yourself,” Bradley grumbles from where he half hides behind you.
You turn to him, raising an eyebrow. “Are you ever gonna talk to him again?”
Bradley’s eyes move to where Mav sits on the porch laughing with Nix and Bob, his throat bobbing with a swallow as he raises his beer to his lips.
“Nope. In fact we’re moving. Overseas. Far, far away.”
Jake makes a noise of amusement, slapping Bradley’s chest fondly. “That’ll sure stop him seeing you with your dick out.”
“Shut up.”
bonus: a look at jake having the absolute time of his life bringing this story up at every available moment ever
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rooster tags: @kindablackenedsuperhero, @rosiahills22, @a-reader-and-a-writer, @labellapeaky, @nanjalee, @hawsx3, @nonsensical-nonce, @cowboylikecassidy, @spacegirly1, @tolietpaper, @themusicalweirdo, @miles-rooster, @lilfoxyqueensworld, @sirpascal, @xoxabs88xox, @you-got-me-starry-eyed, @randomchick546, @dindjarinswhore, @flamesocks, @Curiouser-an-curiouser, @mwltwo, @lccs-world,
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purelyfiction · 5 months
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pencils and p.e. - bradley bradshaw!pe teacher x f!english teacher au
coming soon...
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AI-Less Whumptober 2023: 11. Fainting, 19. Left Behind, 23. Forced to Watch, 28. Oxygen Deprivation Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, f!reader (Raven) Summary: When there is a malfunction during training, Rooster is forced to watch as his world comes crashing down. Word Count: 1153 TW: Character Death, Oxygen Deprivation, Passing Out, Panic
Notes: Thank you to @topguncortez for looking this over for me! 💕 Part of @ailesswhumptober's event
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Bradley groaned as he sunk down deeper into the rec room couch. He absolutely hated these training days. Most of the time he was stuck in this tiny room for hours just waiting for his turn to get into his plane and then he would maybe get an hour up in the sky—if he was lucky. And there was very little to pass the time in here besides one uneven foosball table, a handful of magazines from the mid-2000’s, and a radio connected to the planes currently in the air. 
It wasn’t so bad depending on who he was waiting with. But since they had downsized the Dagger squad, he was currently alone with Hangman as his only company. While the two of them had cleared the air and moved past most of their past grievances, it was still awkward hanging out one-on-one like this so they usually just kept to themselves. If only Bradley had been able to switch places with Coyote today. Then he and Hangman could have kept each other occupied while Bradley could have spent this waiting time with you.
It had been bittersweet when Phoenix was promoted out of the Dagger Squad. She more than deserved it but everyone knew the squad just wouldn’t be the same without her. However, Bradley had been overjoyed when he learned you were selected as her replacement to fly with Bob. 
He had first met you a few years ago when you were both stationed at the same base. It was instantly clear there was a connection between you and things had gotten pretty serious pretty quickly. However, when you found out you were being transferred a few months later, the two of you mutually agreed long distance wasn’t for you and you parted on great terms. But ever since you joined the Dagger Squad, it was as if no time had passed and you both had picked things up where you had left off. 
Neither one of you wanted to put much pressure on the relationship by talking about the future, but Bradley already knew that now that he had you back in his life, he never wanted to let you go again. He just hoped you felt the same way. 
Ten minutes later, Bradley had just begun to doze off, lulled to sleep by the constant chatter over the radio, when suddenly Bob’s tone shifted, his words sharp with an edge of concern and nervousness. “Hey, Raven, what’s going on? Are you okay?”
“Somethin’s wrong…”
Bradley bolted upright on the couch at the labored sound of your voice. Jumping to his feet, he tore across the room and snatched the radio receiver before anyone else could. It was highly frowned upon for those waiting in the rec room to use the radio, but Bradley didn’t give it a second thought as he called out to you, “Rae? Raven, what’s happening?”
“Roo...Oxygen’s not working…Ca-can’t breathe… 
No. That can’t be right. The oxygen systems are always inspected before every flight to ensure something like this doesn’t happen. You had been given the all-clear this morning along with everyone else. Yet as he continued to listen to the radio, it was abundantly clear that you were struggling for every breath.
“Lt. Floyd.” Oh shit. Cyclone was monitoring training today. “Is your oxygen compromised?”
“N-no, sir. It’s just Raven’s.”
This was both good and bad news. On one hand, at least Bob wasn’t also being affected and he would be able to stay alert and focused on the situation. But on the other hand, if something happened to you, there was little he could do to help. He didn’t have any steering or altitude controls in the back seat and all emergency overrides were out of his reach. 
Grabbing the radio, Bradley carried it over to the window so he could try and see what was happening. Luckily, there were a few clouds covering the worst of the sun’s glare and he could just make out the planes far off in the distance. Two were circling at a normal altitude, but the third seemed to be steadily climbing.
Cyclone must have noticed this too because his voice crackled out of the radio, “Lt., drop altitude to below 10,000 feet immediately and return to base…..Raven? Do you copy?”
“Why is she still going higher?” Hangman murmured as he approached the window to stand next to Bradley.  
It seemed counterintuitive but Bradley thought he understood what was happening. Right now you wouldn’t be thinking logically about how to fix the problem, you’d just be straining to get air into your lungs. He could almost see you with your arched back, wide eyes, heaving chest….and fist clenched tightly around the stick as you unwittingly climbed higher and higher.
But then your plane seemed to level out for just a moment—before it began to plummet towards the ground.
Hangman inhaled sharply, “Oh my God…”
“Raven! Raven, wake up!” Bob’s voice was frantic as he cried out, “We’re going in! She’s unconscious and there’s no one on the stick!”
“No, no, no, no!” Bradley screamed, his fist slamming into the window over and over. This can’t be happening. This can’t be…
“Altitude dropping rapidly! Raven, please! Wake up! What do I do?”
“Lt. Floyd…eject.”
“What?” Bob sounded horrified at Cyclone’s command. “No. I can’t. I have to do something! I have to help her! Just tell me what to do!”
“There’s nothing you can do but save yourself. Now eject. That’s an order.”
Hangman snatched the radio receiver out of Bradly’s hands and yelled, “Bob, you have to punch out right now! Your chute won’t save you if you go much lower.”
“I can’t…I can’t leave her.”
Hangman turned to Bradley, his face a mix of pain and sorrow as he held out the receiver. They both knew what needed to be done.
Squeezing his eyes tight to keep his tears from falling, Bradley grabbed the receiver and whispered, “Do it, Bob. She’d want you to.”
There was a momentary pause. Then, “I’m sorry.”
A loud bang blasted through the radio as the canopy was torn open and Bob’s seat jettisoned from the plane. Bradley looked out the window, his eyes scanning the sky until he just barely made out the tiny plume of color that had appeared as Bob’s cute deployed. It would be a rough landing, but he had ejected just high enough that he should be alright.
The same couldn’t be said about you. 
Bradley sank to the floor as your plane spiraled closer and closer to the ground, bile rising in his throat at the knowledge there was absolutely nothing anyone could do to save you now. All he could do was watch it happen.
Then, just before your plane slammed into the ground in a fiery explosion, he heard one final word whispered through the radio.
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Taglist:@loverhymeswith,  @green-socks, @mayhem24-7forever, @tavners, @the-untamed-soul, @inglourious-imagines, @topguncortez @footprintsinthesxnd, @airhogger, @notroosterbradshaw, @straightforwardly, @bonnieelizabethparker, @srry-itshockeyszn, @flyinlove, @fandomhopped, @sweetheartlizzie07, @yjwnoot, @wanderdreamer, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @fangirlinc, @sparrows-corner, @ryebecca, @mads-weasley, @trencher4lyfe, @merlehs, @sunshineflowerchild789, @imjess-themess, @callsign-phoenix, @maggie8002sq, @je-suis-prest-rachel, @tellrock35, @shanimallina87, @mak-32, @ohtobeleah, @blue-aconite, @deppresseddyslexic, @horneybeach1, @wkndwlff, @writercole
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gennyanydots · 2 years
Sorry about your small…
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Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x f!reader
Part of the Spitfire Universe
Not necessary to have read them all but makes more sense to have read “Preschool Family Day”
“I’m sorry about your small penis, asshole!” You yelled to the vehicle in the turning lane as you finally passed them, completely forgetting your window was open.
You were late. Again. Like normal.
You told your best friend you would meet her at 5 and it’s 5:15 already and you’re still ten ish minutes away.
And the stupid vehicle in front of you was slower than molasses in the winter and clearly did not have the urgency you did.
You try to take some deep breaths to calm down. You’ll get there. It’s not like your best friend isn’t very much aware of your proclivities but you feel bad. So every time you try so hard to make up the time driving. You don’t drive recklessly per se, you’re still cautious and follow the laws vaguely, you just drive a little quicker sometimes.
By the time you get to the restaurant that you were meeting your friend at you completely forget about the car in front of you but maybe you shouldn’t have…
Your work week had turned out to be pretty good. Nothing out of the ordinary made for a nice week. No surprises. No messes. Nobody’s been sick. Plus, the whole week you had been looking forward to Friday, not that you’d admit it.
Eli Seresin told you on Monday that his favorite Uncle Rooster was picking him up early on Friday. You loved it when Uncle Rooster picked him up. Who wouldn’t?
What’s not to like about an attractive, caring man picking up his adopted nephew from preschool early to hangout together and have ‘guy time’? A man that would flirt with you every time he came by while simultaneously being the nicest man you’d ever talked to. He’s definitely had you swooning over him since he first came to the school for special adult day a couple months ago. Pretty consistently Uncle Rooster picks up Eli at least once every two weeks, either at normal pick up time or early for their special Rooster and Eli time. Sometimes you wonder if he’s doing it to be nice or if he’s doing it to see you. You haven’t felt bold enough to ask yet.
Usually if Rooster is picking Eli up early he does so a little before nap time is finished which meant today you had to race out and grab something for lunch and race back so you didn’t miss him. That would ruin your whole week. You didn’t mind spending most of your lunch break in the dark room with your assistant instead of spending time away from the kids, it’s not like you needed it. You loved your class most of the time.
The line at the fast food place you stopped at took a bit longer than you had hoped for and had you speeding back to work with your fingers crossed praying you hadn’t missed Bradley. That would ruin your whole day. And if you’re being honest with yourself probably your whole weekend too.
When you passed the visitor parking area you thought you noticed a car you vaguely recognized but you couldn’t remember why. It wasn’t a normal looking car. You figure it probably was one of your coworkers’ significant other’s car or something who parked there for some reason.
You open the door to the building just in time to see Bradley walking towards you with two armfuls of a sleeping Eli and you smile, “That’s a very sleepy baby you got there.”
Bradley chuckles, “He wasn’t feeling waking up so I figured might as well take him home with me and we can both nap on the couch.”
“That sounds like a great afternoon,” you say holding the door open for Bradley to walk through.
He nods his thanks to you, “Hey, do you think you can open my car door for me? I could do it but I don’t want to jostle him too much. He’s grumpy like his mama when he gets woken up too early.”
You laugh and nod, “I’m grumpy when I get woken up too.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Bradley says as he walks towards the vehicle you thought you recognized earlier. Huh. Weird. You must have just seen it here before.
He nods towards the right side and you quickly open the door for him and he slides Eli out of his arms and into his car seat, strapping him in carefully and efficiently, before gently closing the door.
“Thanks so much,” Bradley says to you and you nod.
“It was no problem at all,” you say and smile.
Bradley heads to the driver side and opens the door then leans in and starts the car but doesn’t slide into the car yet, instead turning towards you.
You look at the sleeping Eli and wave at him even though you know he’s asleep then walk to stand at the back of Bradley’s car, “Well, I hope you two have a fun time napping.”
Bradley chuckles, “Oh, I’m sure we will. He’ll probably nap for a little and then beg me to go to the beach or something.”
“Sounds like a perfect afternoon.”
Bradley nods, “Yep, then I’ll send him back to his parents and go hang out with some buddies of mine. You should come out with us if you’re not busy.”
“And why should I come out with you, Uncle Rooster?” You ask teasingly.
He grins and takes a few steps towards you and bends close to your ear, “Cause the other day you said something and I’ve been thinking about how I need to prove you wrong ever since.”
You look up at him confused. You can’t remember saying anything odd to him lately, “What did I say?”
Bradley chuckles, “You said I had a small penis and I very much so would love to show you just how wrong you are.”
You gulp and try to think back, “I… I don’t think I said that to you.”
He nods, “You yelled it out your window at me when you passed me. Said ‘Sorry about your small penis, asshole’.”
Shit. Of course the one time you yell something like that it’s at someone you know. That’s why you remember his car. Your face heats up, “I am so, so, so sorry. I didn’t realize that was you.”
He brings a hand up and gently brushes your cheek with the back of his first two fingers, “No worries. In fact I thought it was pretty funny. But I do want you to know that isn’t the case if you’re interested. Can’t have a pretty girl thinking less of me. Not that I’m sure I couldn’t still show you a great time if it was true. It’s not the plane, sweetheart, it’s the pilot.”
You bite your lip and nod, “So, if I was interested where would I go later?”
Rooster smiles and gets out his phone and hands it to you, “Put your number in, honey. I’ll text you the details.”
You do and hand it back then take a couple steps backwards towards the school, “I look forward to being proven wrong.”
Bradley winks at you, “I think you’ll have a good time.” 
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mothdruid · 2 years
Home for the Holidays
pairing: bradley "rooster" bradshaw x reader
summary: Bradley might have lied about having a girlfriend. His best friend, you, decide to help him out and go home for the holidays with him. As the trip unfolds, so does your and Bradley's feelings for one another.
wc: 19.2k
warning: 18+, mdni, fluff, mild angst, smut, slow burn, pet names (babe), fake dating, kissing, unprotected sex, penetrative sex (p in v), oral sex (afab receiving), vaginal fingering, drinking (reader gets drunk), crying, bob being a good friend
a/n: hello! it's finally here!!!! thank you all for being patient with me while i finished this up
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"You did what?" It was shocking, hearing Bradley word vomit every bad decision he made in the past two days. Seeming as how they all included you without your knowledge.
"It was an accident." Bradley said, lips in a slight downturn as he wrapped a hand around the back of his neck. 
"That is not an accident, Bradley. It's a fucking lie." You looked at him in disbelief. This was much much worse than just an accident. You turned and started walking away from him, but alas, he followed you. 
"It's not like you're doing anything for the holidays." Bradley pleaded. 
"You don't know that." You arrived at your office, sitting in your desk chair quickly.  
"Actually, I do ‘cause you told me last week you were planning on staying at home, getting wine drunk while watching Face Off." You glared at him, hating the fact he had such an impeccable memory. Bradley leaned against your desk, staring down at you while adjusting his reading glasses. 
"I'm not your girlfriend though. How will your family feel when they find that out?" Bradley rolled his eyes. He made a wave of his hand in the air.
"They won't find out. Come on, we both took intro to acting in college, it won't be hard to fake it." 
"Bradley, what did you tell them? Like explain it all word for word." 
"Already did tha-"
"No, you word vomited." He huffed this time. 
"Fine. Mav asked me if I was bringing anyone home. I told him I wasn't sure if I was coming home. Amelia then teased me about being alone and maybe my pride got the best of me." It was your turn to let out a huff. 
"That's an understatement." 
"So, then I said that I would be coming home, and bringing my girlfriend." Bradley looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
"Which is apparently me." You crossed your arms over your chest, leaning back into your chair. 
"Yes." A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips. 
"You owe me a big favor if I do this." Bradley smiled at your reply.
“I’ll do all your extra paperwork for a month.” The offer was tempting, but you knew it wouldn’t fully make up for this. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t know Bradley’s family, or at least what he had left of it. His biological parents had passed away when he was young, leaving his god-parents to take care of him. You had met Pete and Penny during your college graduation. They were extremely kind people, inviting you out for a celebration dinner afterwards. But that was partially why you were nervous, they knew you on a surface level. 
You had never met Amelia, only hearing about her through Bradley and seeing pictures. Bradley adored the girl, talking about her like a sister. Which wasn’t too far off. It was his god-daughter. Reminding you that Bradley’s ‘family’ wasn’t his biological family, not that it made a difference. They treated him as if he was their own, which was all that mattered. 
“Bradley, I’ll have to think about it.” 
After a few days to mull it over you decided to go. Even making a pros and cons list to help you decide. Bradley was ecstatic, sending you back a thumbs up and smiley blushing emoji. He then sent you a longer text explaining the plans for the trip. 
The office would close on the 22nd of December, allowing you guys to fly out on the 23rd. Then you wouldn’t be returning home until December 31st. You two would be flying out to Michigan, the state where Penny and Pete had raised Bradley. Which also happened to be where the two of you attended university together. It was truly a beautiful state, one that you missed a little bit. The winters were something you never fully got used to, but who ever gets used to a winter like that. 
The plane ride to Michigan wasn’t bad, only a two hour flight. Bradley picked up a rental car after landing so the two of you would be able to drive wherever. Pete and Penny lived around where ‘up north’ started. It was a smaller town close to the city you two went to university at. So, it was pertinent that the two of you had a car to go places whenever you wanted. The two of you loaded your luggage into the back of the car, silently praising that Bradley was smart enough to get an SUV for the trip. You made sure you grab your blanket out of your bag before settling into the passenger seat. 
“Two hours?” You asked while you placed your blanket over your legs. 
“It’s the same drive from when we were in college.” Bradley stated as he sat in the driver seat, placing the key in the ignition. You adjusted your heating settings, switching your side to max heat while Bradley adjusted his to a low heat. 
“Bradley, it’s been years since I’ve been here.” He relaxed back into the seat, shifting the gear in the center console before leaving the lot. You watched as he smiled and used one hand on the wheel, the other still resting on the gear. 
“This will be a fun refresher trip then.” Bradley said as he looked at you before focusing back on the road. 
“There is a reason why I left Michigan, you too.” White man-made hills of snow were everywhere, reminding you of your university years. The years when you and Bradley became friends. You had thought that moving to Michigan for college wouldn’t be bad, it only being four years. But you were wrong. The winters there were cold and wet, making you a hermit for almost half the year.
“The snow isn’t that bad.” You pulled your black and grey heathered beanie off your head and tossed it on your side of the dashboard. There was an odd flutter when you looked at him, his smile seeming brighter than normal.
“You say that because you grew up here.” You pointed at him, a mocking grimace on your face. Bradley chuckled at your look, swatting your finger away. 
“What? Afraid we might get stuck in the freezing cold?” You pulled the blanket up over your arms and chest, rolling your eyes at his question. “Can you pull up the GPS, maybe connect your phone to the car for music too?” 
“Am I gonna have to take requests?” You raised an eyebrow at him. Bradley’s lips quirked to one side as you started to fiddle with the touch screen in the rental. 
“Honestly, as long as you get the directions pulled up I’ll let you listen to whatever.” Bradley said as he finally made it onto the freeway. A part of you wondered why he even needed the GPS working when it was a straight shot. That was one you enjoyed about Michigan, I-75. The freeway that could take you all the way from Canada to Florida. It was practically the straight shot to anywhere in Michigan, except the western side of the state and most of the upper peninsula. But you indulged him, pulling the GPS up. 
“So, are there any specific plans for the holidays?” You put your music on shuffle, keeping it at a low volume. Bradley shrugged. 
“All I’m really aware of is Christmas Eve and Christmas day. They know we are heading out on New Year’s eve. But we might have a gathering during the week.” You laid your seat back a little bit, getting more comfortable as Bradley stayed focused on the road. 
“I’ll assume that Christmas Eve and Christmas are gonna be with the family. But what are we doing during the week? Besides lounging of course.” There were a few thumps as Bradley hit some classic Michigan potholes. 
“Of course. We are having a little get together.” Bradley muttered. You could tell he was hiding something. 
“Bradley, don’t lie to me anymore.” You squinted at him. Bradley brought a hand to the back of his neck, scratching awkwardly and the crunch of the material of his winter coat drowned out the music. 
“I uh.. I might have agreed to a little college reunion with the gang.” College reunion? With ‘the gang’? That wasn’t what you signed up for. You had signed up for hot cocoa and presents with his family, being awkwardly teased about a relationship that didn’t exist. Faking a relationship in front of their friends wasn’t in the deal. You shot up out of your seat, turning to face him better.
“You what? Bradley! I’m not doing this,” you gestured between the two of you, “in front of them.” Bradley’s face scrunched up as he looked at you. You swatted at his arm, earning a fake yelp from him as he pulled away from you. 
“Hey! I’m driving!” 
“Crash the car now then! They can’t think we are together!” Bradley rolled his eyes. 
“I’m not crashing the car, it’s a rental. Plus, it’s not like Hangman doesn’t already think that.” You let out a huff while the car went over another pothole.
“Jake can’t know about this little deal we have. He’d get off on it too much.” 
“Well, none of them have to know about it. We can keep it a secret.” Another pothole. You turned the music up then curled back up into your seat. You knew that was too hopeful, everyone of your friends would know immediately. Especially Bob and Natasha. Bradley focused back on the road after he made sure you were done arguing. 
He knew why you wouldn’t want the group to think you two were dating, many of them having bet money on your relationship status every year of university. But Jake had always been the most relentless. Bradley decided to push that thought to the back of his mind, focusing on the road while occasionally looking over at your now sleeping form. 
Bradley looked over as you started to rustle, sleep still covering your features. For a split second he smiled, taking in how adorable you looked. Bradley blushed at his own thoughts, focusing back on the road. You rubbed at your eyes, looking around the car and stretching out your arms. Bradley leaned a bit away from you as one of your hands moved into his space while you stretched. 
“Morning sleepyhead.” Bradley said as you sat up and moved your seat back upright. Bradley chuckled when you shot a glare at him. You looked out the window, noticing larger mounds of snow littering the area. There had to be at least a foot of snow in the surrounding area. You grabbed your beanie from the dashboard, putting it back on. You weren’t even outside but you could already feel the lower temperature. 
“How far away are we?” You asked, switching the song.
“GPS says twenty minutes, but I think I can make it in fifteen.” Bradley joked with a wink. You shot him a playful look before checking your phone. There was a text from Bob, making you smile. 
He was still one of you best friends from college, the both of you texting occasionally. You had met him at college, just like the rest of your friend group. Him and Mickey had been the only ones that weren’t so annoying about your relationship with Bradley. It was a short text, but one that had your nose scrunching up.
Bobert: You going home with Brad?
You: yeah, but it isn’t anything like that
You: also don’t call him that, it’s weird
Bobert: says the person who calls him B
The twenty minutes flew by quickly, taking in all of the surroundings outside. Bradley was right when he said it was a small town. You were pretty sure there were only three stop lights in the entire town. The town seemed dead, as most towns did during the winter in Michigan. Most people bundled up inside, drinking hot cocoa, and watching Christmas movies with their families. Or at least that was what you did while you were here. Bundled up in your dorm or apartment, depending on the year, while sipping hot cocoa with an iconic Christmas movie on. Bradley and Jake always teased you about being scrooge, but you couldn’t help that the ‘merry season’ just didn’t bring much merriment for you. 
Bradley turned down streets that you definitely weren’t going to remember, before turning into a driveway of a home. It was an obvious two story home. The outside of the house was covered in mismatching stones, a nice cement porch attached to the front. Dead bushes lined the edge of the driveway next to the house, wrapping around near the porch. There were lights covering and the edges of the roof, currently off due to it being daytime. You could make out small wire frames of a few deer lawn ornaments.
“This your childhood home?” You asked as you undid your seatbelt to get out. Bradley’s mustache twitched, a small curve to his lips. It looked almost like a nostalgic but melancholic look. His hazel eyes were full of emotions when he looked at you. It had been years since Bradley came home for the holidays, mainly spending his holidays alone now. 
“Sure is.” Bradley undid his own seatbelt, opening the driver door and getting out of the car. You quickly followed suit, the both of you heading to get the back of the car to get your luggage. 
A shiver ran through your body as you followed Bradley’s lead, making your way to the side door of the house. All you could think about was getting inside, the warmth of the home calling to you. A part of you was hoping that Penny might already have hot cocoa prepared for you two, even though the chances were low. Bradley knocked on the door, making sure to not hit the wreath hanging on it. Bradley stood on the small set of cement steps towards the door, creating an extremely large height difference. Bradley wiggled his eyebrows playfully as you two waited for someone to answer. 
“Are you sure they are home?” You rocked back and forth lightly, trying to generate some extra warmth. Bradley tilted his head and gave you a weird look. 
“Penny and Mav are retired. Plus, Amelia is on break from school. One of them has to be home.” Bradley stated as he leaned over to try and look in the windows near the door. “Or at least I’m pretty sure someone should be here.” Bradley smiled awkwardly at you before the door swung open. 
“What are you doing here?” A young blonde haired girl said with a glare. 
“Are you home alone?” Bradley questioned. You watched the two of them, taking in their casual conversation. You knew this was Amelia, recognizing some of her features. “You gonna let us in or nah?” Bradley’s question caught your attention. 
“Yeah, please. It’s really cold out here.” You finally spoke up, earning a smile from Amelia. 
“You’re lucky you brought your girlfriend Roo, or else I’d make you sleep in the garage.” Amelia smiled brightly after her words, opening the door and stepping out of the way. There was an odd feeling in your chest, when she called you Bradlye’s girlfriend. You offered an awkward smile to her, not sure if you would ever get used to being called Bradley’s girlfriend. The two of you grabbed your suitcases and made your way inside. It was a relief to feel the heat of the home engulf your body. 
“I’ll remember that when it’s Christmas morning.” Bradley quipped as he took his beanie off, you mimicking his action. Amelia stuck her tongue out, leaving the small foyer-like room. There were pictures of Bradley and Amelia adorning the walls in the foyer with the occasional Christmas decoration of the wall. The ages of them ranged from toddler to Bradley’s university graduation. One picture stood out to you though. It was toddler Bradley with two people you had never met. A gentle and kind looking woman next to a man with a pair of aviator sunglasses on and a goofy smile. The man was holding Bradley on his hip, an outdoor grill obvious in the background. Bradley must have realized you were staring at the picture, him standing a bit closer to you. 
“That’s mom and dad.” You turned to see Bradley merely inches away from your face. A heat you had noticed earlier started to boil under your cheeks. “I’ll tell you more about them later. Let’s get our stuff upstairs.” 
Bradley led the way through the comforting home, more Christmas decorations littering the home the deeper you got. It gave you an immediate sense of security, knowing that nothing wrong could happen here. The walls inside the home were adorned with more family pictures. You saw some of just Mav and Bradley’s dad, even ones of teenage Bradley and his mom. You knew that Bradley had lost his parents from a car accident, just had never seen what they looked like. The two of you made your way up the wrapping staircase. 
“So, we are sharing a room.” Bradley said as you made your way down the hallway. 
“We are what now?” Bradley opened the door to what you assumed was his old bedroom. It was more of a spare room now though, no old traces of Bradley lingering in it. There was only one bed. Of course there was only one bed. 
“That’s fine, but only one bed?” You questioned. Bradley scooted his suitcase to the side of the room, offering you a smile. 
“I’ll sleep on the floor, I promise.” 
“Good, cause I’m not sharing.” You playfully elbowed his arm, smirking when he made an over exaggerated yelp.  
After getting your suitcases sorted and unpacked you made your way downstairs. You found Amelia sitting in the living room, some type of docu-series on the tv. You sat on the couch opposite of her, checking your phone. Not only did you have a text from Bob, but one from Mickey now too. 
Bobert: (; sure it ain’t 
Mickey: how am i finding out from bob you’re with rooster for the holidays????
You rolled your eyes, deciding that neither of them deserved a response. You looked up from your phone, meeting Amelia’s gaze. You offered a small wave to her, not sure how to start a conversation with her. 
“So, have you two always been together?” Amelia crossed her arms and sunk further into the couch. Your eyebrows knitted together. 
“No? Why wou-” 
“You two went to CMU together, right?” You nodded. “And were you dating then?” 
“No, why are you-” 
“Hey!” Bradley interrupted you, coming into the living room and sitting next to you. He wrapped an arm behind you, pressing his body closely to yours. You could feel a small flutter in your stomach, something you had vaguely felt before. Especially with Bradley. 
Being this close with Bradley wasn’t unfamiliar, it was something you enjoyed from time to time. It was just nice to have someone there occasionally, that someone being Bradley. But this was different. You two were technically boyfriend and girlfriend right now. A couple. It made you feel something weird, something you couldn’t pinpoint exactly. All you knew was that it made your body act differently. A warmth was blossoming behind your cheeks, heart fluttering from his looks and smiles, hands developing a clamminess. 
“What are the two of you talking about?” Bradley asked with a big smile, his arm pulling you a little more snug into him. 
“You.” Amelia said with a playful glare. It was Bradley’s turn to poke his tongue out at her. The two of them started to talk while you watched them. If you hadn’t known Bradley for years, you would have thought this was his sibling. Amelia was that of sorts, even if she was about thirteen years younger than him. Bradley was an only child, but the conversation you were witnessing made you question that fact. 
“Well what about me?” Bradley asked. 
“That you should shave your mustache.” Amelia quipped. You couldn’t hide your giggle, only to be met with an offended look from Bradley. 
“There’s no way. You love my mustache don’t you, babe?” The heat flooded your cheeks once more. 
“I-I mean, I forgot what you look like without it. You’ve had it for years.” 
“You can be honest. It looks bad.” Amelia harped from her side of the living room. Bradley went to say something, stopping when he heard the door open. Amelia shot Bradley a playful look, getting up and running over to the kitchen. Suddenly you could feel Bradley’s breath on your cheek and neck, making your heartbeat pick up. 
“Sorry about all of this.” Bradley gestured to where the two of your bodies were pressed together. You turned to look at him, your eyes locking with his hazel ones. There were only a few mere inches between the two of you. “Gotta sell the part, ya know?” 
“No, no, I totally get it.” You patted at the top of his thigh, rubbing your hand lightly on his jean clad thigh. Your eyes flicked to his lips then to his eyes again. It was like something clicked in your brain, you immediately looked away from him making a small cough-like noise. “Sorry, scratch in my throat.”
Without warning Mav walked in, causing Bradley to stand up and separate from you. It was the most miniscule thing, but you were relieved. You gave Mav a smile, waving at Penny as she came around. Even though you felt welcome, all you could think about was the flight back home. 
“No, Bob!” You whispered on the phone. “He was like inches away, like if either of us were bumped, there would have been lip to lip contact.” You heard a small snicker. “What are you laughing about?” 
“About you coming to your senses.” You rolled your eyes, sitting down on the bed you’d be sleeping in later. 
“There aren't any ‘senses’ for me to come to.” What the fuck was Bob talking about anyway? 
“Sure there aren’t. But if you don’t see it, I’m not gonna tell you.” Bob’s shit eating grin could be heard through the phone. 
“Good, ‘cause there is nothing to be seen.” You were about to continue the conversation before Bradley walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He wore an old marron Central Michigan University t-shirt, gray sweatpants, towel still in hand, hair wet. Something inside of you lurched seeing Bradley like this, seeing him so casual and domestic. It wasn’t like how you used to see him in college, there was something different now. 
“I gotta let you go, Bob. I’ll text you.”  There was a small silence between you and Bradley before he spoke. 
“How’s Bob?” Bradley asked, gathering the extra blankets he found earlier. He laid a comforter down on the floor next to the bed. You pulled your legs up onto the bed, trying to keep them out of his way while he assembled his makeshift bed. You grabbed one of the pillows from the head of the bed and plopped it down on his comforter. 
“Bob is, Bob is fine.” Bradley got down on his knees, rolling out the blankets and fluffing the pillow you tossed down. Another silence. 
“Hey, I… I’m sorry about earlier and dinner. If I’m being a bit too much,” he looked up at you, “just let me know. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” A sincere look was on his features.
“I just need this holiday to go well, okay?” A small amount of emotion had slipped into Bradley’s sincere look. 
“Bradley, what is this really about?” Bradley looked away from you. 
“I know you don’t want to be here, but please. I need to show Mav that I’m doing well.” You watched Bradley with a smile as he started talking with his hands. It was kind of cute, something he did when he got nervous. “He keeps harping on me and I just-” You took his hands in yours, stopping the movements. Bradley finally looked back up at you, making you smile. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me this when you asked me?” You thought about dinner, how Mav kept asking questions. When did you two officially get together? When are you gonna move in together? Did you always like each other? Any thoughts about marriage? 
“I didn’t want you to feel pressured about the entire thing. Like if you didn’t want to come, you didn’t have to. Mav is just a little overbearing, and has been since my parents passed. He just-” 
“Bradley,” he stopped his rambling, “I’m your friend, okay? Friends help friends. And that unfortunately means maybe pretending to be your friend's girlfriend to make it seem like he is doing good in life with his god-father.” Bradley’s lips cracked into a smile at your words. 
“Thanks. I knew there was a reason why I call you my best friend.” A small flutter in your chest was noticeable as you smiled back at him. 
“You’re gonna owe me so much take-out and coffee after this.” 
It was Christmas Eve and all five of you were in the living room. It was apparently tradition for Bradley and his family to watch Space-Balls on Christmas Eve, followed by some assortment of Christmas movies afterwards. Pete and Penny were on one couch, Penny curled up under Pete’s arm. Amelia was curled up on a recliner, bundled up with a fleece blanket. Then there was you and Bradley. Bradley sat at one end of the couch, you laid out at the other end with your legs stretching out. Your feet were currently set on Bradley’s lap, one of his hands rested on your shin while the other was curled around the heel of one foot. 
Everyone was focused on the movie, laughing at the jokes they had laughed at before. But you weren’t focused on the movie. Yes, it was one of your favorites. How could it not be, seeing Bill Pullman pull out such a stellar comedy performance. But alas, you were focused on your best friend. 
After your conversation last night, it was easier. All of it. The small touches of Bradley’s fingertips or hands, the invasion of your ‘bubble’ became more bearable too. Even the small things your body was doing. Everytime Bradley laughed it warmed you, making you forget about the ten degree weather outside. The way your heart fluttered when he looked at you, it was oddly exciting. Has that always happened when he looked at you? 
You felt a squeeze on your heel, pulling you out of your thoughts. Bradley was giving you a questioning look, silently asking if you were okay with another squeeze of your heel. After giving him a soft smile and nod he turned back to the movie. Bradley had always been a type of comfort to you, but this was a different kind of comfort he was providing now. The movie played on, earning a few giggles and chuckles from you and the others. It wasn’t until the end of the movie any of you noticed the new snowflakes flurrying beyond the window pane. 
“Fresh snow!” Amelia shouted, whipping around in the recliner to look out the window behind her. You sat up a little bit, pulling the blanket on your lap up around you while inching closer to Bradley.
“Wonder how long it’s been snowing.” Bradley whispered as you leaned into him. The blanket you had was warm, but you wanted more warmth. You silently thanked whatever higher power for making Bradley a walking furnace. 
“Not sure.” Bradley wrapped an arm around you, pulling you tighter into him. You looked across the living room, catching a look from Mav. There was this look of adoration in his eyes as he watched you and Bradley. A small pang of guilt struck you, feeling bad about fooling him. But if this was what Bradley wanted, you would help. You weren’t going to be around when it blew up anyways, when Bradley had to explain why you had ‘broken up’ or that it was all fake. 
“Let’s go outside! Make a snowman or something!” Amelia turned back around and sat up. 
“I don’t know about that one.” Penny said, sitting up on the couch. “It’s pretty cold outside.” 
“We will wear our coats, hats and gloves. Promise.” Amelia held out her pinky to her mother, signaling a pinky promise. Mav chuckled at her before speaking. 
“And who is we?” Amelia shrugged at Mav’s question. 
“Me and Bradley.” It was Bradley’s turn to sit up straight, making you sit up straight. 
“Hey, I didn’t agree to that.” Bradley said, his arms still around you. 
“Please?” Amelia asked, putting on her best puppy dog eyes. Bradley rolled his eyes.
“Fine but only if she comes out too.” Bradley smirked as he gestured to you. You sat back from him, giving him an astonished look. 
“If I-”
“Pretty please. I wanna go do snow angels, but I don’t wanna go alone.” Amelia interrupted you, now giving you puppy dog eyes. You didn’t want to ruin her mood. 
“Only if I get to pick the next Christmas movie.” Everyone agreed to let you pick the next Christmas movie. You, Bradley, and Amelia hunted down your winter gear. Bradley made sure to tie your boots tight for you, knowing that you didn’t want to risk getting snow in them. Amelia grabbed your arm, tugging you down for her to whisper something. 
“Let’s pelt him with snowballs.” 
The three of you went outside, hats pulled down and far as possible. Amelia ran through the snow coating the driveway, missing the cars as she made her way to the front yard. You and Bradley walked to the yard, seeing Amelia with her arms out and wide, twirling as she caught snowflakes with her tongue. It made you smile, seeing her enjoy the very essence of what winter was. Bradley watched you, taking in your expression. He felt something blossom inside of him, not being able to place what it was exactly. 
“Ready for snow angels?” You joked, elbowing him lightly. Bradley smiled at you, before nodding and leading the way. Penny and Pete watched your snow angel joy turn into a snowball fight, you and Amelia teaming up against Bradley. 
“They’re cute.” Penny said as she watched Bradley fall down as Amelia tackled him into the snow. All Mav could do was nod, smiling as he watched the three of you. He had never seen Bradley so happy, let alone so happy with another person. 
“The, the, the, the Grinch!” Bradley mocked, repeating the line of your favorite Christmas movie as you two made it up the stairs. After coming back inside from a thorough snowball fight, you forced everyone to sit through the live-action Grinch. 
It was late now, the two of you making your way up to your shared room. Bradley shot you a pair of finger guns before gathering his clothes, heading into the bathroom. It was his way of giving you privacy while changing. The both of you hoped that Amelia never saw it, not wanting her to catch on to your charade. You slipped into your sleepwear, your own Central Michigan University t-shirt and sweatpants. You checked your phone after you set your dirty clothes in the clothes basket. There were a few messages from your dagger squad group chat and a few from Bob. 
Dagger Squad, Nat: Midland Street? Right? 
Dagger Squad, Jakey: i mean, fricks is an option
Dagger Squad, Javs: only saying fricks cause you live there
Dagger Squad, Jakey: sue me
Dagger Squad, BradBrad: Either spot, can’t be out late. Have to drive afterwards
You squinted at the time of Bradley’s message, seeing it was only from a few minutes ago. You typed out a small reply to the group chat, explaining you also had a drive before looking at Bob’s texts. 
Bobert: How’s the trip? 
Bobert: You’re not mad about our convo, right? 
Bobert: Sorry if I was out of line. 
Bobert: Y’all coming to the get together? 
You thought Bradley had told everyone you two would be there. 
You: yeah, just have to drive afterwards. and no, i’m not mad, just had to watch a lot of christmas movies and beat bradley’s ass in a snowball fight 
A beat barely passed when a notification dropped down, a text to the group chat from Jake. 
Dagger Squad, Jakey: just one of you lovebirds dd, i got a spare room if you need it (;
You rolled your eyes, just in time for Bradley to walk in the room. He had his phone in hand, staring at the screen as he closed the door. He turned to look at you, holding his phone out for you to see the screen. The group chat was pulled up on his screen. 
“Are you seeing this?” You held up your phone, showing him the group chat on your screen. 
“Grade-A asshole.” You joked about Jake. You climbed into bed, curling up under the plush comforter. You scooted to the edge, looking at Bradley as he settled onto his makeshift bed. 
“Sometimes I wonder why we are friends with him.” Bradley stated, plugging his charger into the phone and setting it on the nightstand. He picked up your charger cord, handing it to you for you to plug your phone in.
“It’s crazy how any of us are friends.” You said while plugging  your phone in. 
“How so?” Bradley asked, looking up at you from the floor. Your heart swelled as you looked at him, his honey locks disheveled against the pillow. There was a tiredness that was settling on his features, one that was most likely settling onto yours too. 
“I mean, aside from us, we all have different majors. It’s kind of surprising we all managed to stay friends after pre-req years.” Bradley shrugged. He tried hard not to smile as he stared up at you, your cute peeking form over the edge of the bed. The two of you just stared at each other for a moment before you spoke up again. 
“Should we set an alarm for the morning? Don’t wanna miss any presents.” Bradley shook his head no. 
“I promise you, they won’t open anything before we get down there.” You rolled back onto the bed completely, rolling onto your side. 
“Goodnight, Bradley.”
“Goodnight, babe.” 
The two of you were awoken by Penny knocking on your door. After confirmation the two of you were awake she told the two of you to be downstairs in ten minutes. Bradley groaned as he rolled onto his side. You checked your phone, seeing a text from Mickey, Bob, and the dagger squad group chat. You looked at the time, 9:25am, then decided to ignore the texts. Those were a future you problem. Without warning Bradley stood up, not facing you and leaving the room. 
It was odd, he at least told you good morning yesterday before heading to the bathroom. You changed into an old university sweater, waiting for Bradley to return. After a few minutes you decided to head down alone, knowing Bradley would be close to follow. 
The smell of cinnamon rolls flooded your senses, making you smile. You saw Penny and Amelia in the kitchen, talking about something while preparing the cinnamon rolls. You made your way to the first floor bathroom, deciding to use it before interacting for the day. After using the bathroom you made your way to the living room. Pete smiled at you once he saw you. 
“Merry Christmas!” Mav greeted you before frowning. “Where’s Bradley?” You shrugged. 
“Went to the bathroom in a hurry and I haven’t seen him since.” Mav nodded, a weird half frown half smirk on his lips. You went to question the look before Bradley walked into the living room. His cheeks had a rosy tint to them, making you question why he left for the bathroom even more. 
“Morning.” You greeted as he sat next to you. Bradley smiled and just nodded to you, turning his attention to Mav quickly. 
“We just put the cinnamon rolls in, so let’s do some presents.” Penny informed as she sat next to Mav. Amelia sat at her classic recliner, staring at the gifts under the Christmas tree. 
“It’s present time.” And with those words gifts were passed around. Bradley had explained on the plane ride that Mav and Penny had his presents shipped to his apartment. It made sense, flying made it hard to bring anything back with you during the holidays. But that didn’t stop them from getting the two of you new beanies and scarves, things that wouldn’t be hard to take on a plane. 
“We know it’s small but we couldn’t leave you out.” Penny said as you set the items on the arm of the couch. 
“Thank you, it means a lot.” Penny smiled then excused herself to check on the cinnamon rolls in the oven. Bradley watched Amelia with a soft smile as she shoved a present towards Mav.
Seeing Bradley like this made your heart ache, knowing that he wasn’t able to experience this every year. It was lonely living away from everything you knew. You had left your home state for college, Bradley left his for work. You had happened to both get employed by the same company after university, forcing you two to stay close. But there was a kind of comfort in having each other. Bradley’s constant open availability for a movie night and you always paying for his take out was a match made in heaven. Without a further thought you nudged him lightly. 
“You okay?” Bradley nodded, that kind tilt of his lips still on his face. 
“Of course, what makes you ask?” Bradley leaned back into the couch, placing his arm around you. There was an unspoken comfortability in the small action, for you and Bradley. You leaned into him, eyes never leaving Amelia and Pete. 
“You never said good morning.” That rosy tint crept back into Bradley’s cheeks. His eyes flicked to yours briefly before leaning in, his hot breath against the shell of your ear. 
“Sorry, I won’t let it happen again.” It was now your turn for a heat to rise in your cheeks, warming you to your very core. Was Bradley flirting with you? Your brain short-circuited, replying without thinking it through. 
“You better not.” You whispered back, leaning closer into him to see Mav open a coffee mug saying “I’m a Pielat, Pielit, Pilat, I can fly” which earned a hearty chuckle from him. 
Bradley kept his arm around you for the rest of the day, except when you enjoyed Penny’s homemade cinnamon rolls that you made sure to get the recipe for. Maybe you would make them for you and Bradley sometime, to remind him of home when he needed it the most. A warmth spread through you at that thought, the idea of being able to provide him a sense of home. You shook your head, trying to push your thoughts away. Why were you even thinking that? Providing Bradley a sense of home? The two of you were friends, not an actual couple you reminded yourself of. 
Bradley was beyond elated with how the trip was going. It was only three days into the trip, but your sentiment about it all had changed. Bradley was surprised when you let him, continually, wrap his arm around you. He liked keeping you close to him, snuggled into his side as you all watched more Christmas movies. There was a warmth spreading through his chest, creeping into all of his crevices. It was making him whole, fixing all the cracks that were inside of him previously. He knew that you had something to do with it. 
Maybe it was the way you teased him along with his family. Or how you fit in with them so well, holding any conversation like you’d known them personally for years. The way you made snow angels charmed him too, even though you had turned into a little devil that pelted him with snowballs. Even when you were peeking over the edge of the bed, staring down at him with your wide eyes while complaining about Jake. Or maybe it was the dream he had, where dream him was fucking dream you in his childhood bedroom. Or how he couldn’t get the images of dream you moaning underneath of him. 
The feeling wasn’t completely unfamiliar, he had felt it in the past. He had always tried to ignore it, not wanting to mess anything up with you. But you were his best friend, and had been since college. What was a friendship if you didn’t sometimes love them a little too much? Right? 
It was late now though, and you were still curled up under his arm. You looked peaceful, sleep having taken over during the final christmas movie after dinner. Bradley didn’t want to wake you, wishing the two of you could stay like this forever. He didn’t get many chances to see you this peaceful. He eventually pushed those feelings to the side, deciding it was best to get you up to the bed. He didn’t want to chance you waking up in the middle of the night on the couch disoriented. 
“Hey,” Bradley nudged your shoulder, “gotta get up. Get you up to bed, can’t have you sleeping on the couch or me all night.” You rustled a little, eyes fluttering open to meet his hazel orbs. 
“Why not?” You asked with a yawn. 
“Because I’m not a bed. Plus, you gotta brush your teeth.” You gave him a face that read ‘ah’, sitting up and stretching your arms. You looked around to see just the two of you in the living room. 
“Did everyone go to bed?” 
“Yeah, everyone turned in for the night.” Bradley sat up a little bit, looking at you with this soft look. You stared at him with a sleepy look, making his heart flutter. You looked so damn cute to him. “I can carry you, if you’d like?” 
A heat flooded your cheeks from his offer. You shook your head as Bradley stood up, holding his hand out for you to take. You looked at it skeptically through your sleepy haze, eventually taking it. His large hand enveloped yours, leading you up to your room. Bradley gathered his things and scurried to the bathroom, leaving you alone in the bedroom. A part of you was starting to question why he left every time. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you naked before, even though the times he had seen you it was an accident. 
You slowly pulled your beat up CMU sweater off, tossing it on the floor to track down your t-shirt. You put a pair of sweatpants on, t-shirt still missing. You looked around, searching for the maroon t-shirt. The door to the room opened while you were searching, revealing a shirtless Bradley with your maroon shirt in his hands. He stared at your shirtless figure, only a black bralette covering your tits. 
“I- uh.. I accidentally grabbed your shirt.” Bradley offered the maroon material out to you. 
It was as if you were frozen, staring at his body. You remembered how toned Bradley was in college, but he had changed with age just like you had. He was still slim, but it wasn’t all muscle like he used to be. The heat returned to your cheeks, radiating into the back of your neck and chest. It was a christmas miracle you tore your gaze away, only to catch Bradley’s gaze crawling all over your exposed skin. Bradley had a rosy tint to his cheeks again, something that was a common theme today. He tore his gaze away, turning his head and holding the shirt out a little more. 
“And you thought I was the tired one.” It was a poor attempt to break the new tension between the two of you. Bradley cracked an awkward smile. “I’m gonna go brush my teeth.” You said, scooting past Bradley with your t-shirt in hand. After you brushed your teeth you stared at yourself in the mirror, wondering what the hell was going on with you. 
"Rooster, can you come help me?" The basement door was wide open in the kitchen, Maverick at the bottom of the stairs leading into the basement. You raised your eyebrows at Bradley, who was sitting across from you at the table. 
A chill had consumed the house all morning. Everyone was bundled up in sweaters, sweatpants, cozy socks, and Bradley in a beanie. Mav had made sure to keep an eye on the thermostat, slowly watching the temp drop. Penny had left for work already, leaving Maverick responsible for figuring out the dropping heating problem. Bradley made his way to the door, asking for good luck before heading down to the basement. As Bradley's footsteps trailed to silence, your phone vibrated. 
Mickey: y'all fuck yet????
You rolled your eyes, not noticing Amelia watching you from the kitchen. 
You: we aren't gonna fuck like that
You: you’re as bad as jake
Mickey: like that??? 
You: we aren't fucking at all
Mickey: that's not what a little bird told me 
You: if you mean bob, that's not what I told him 
Mickey: it was an actual bird. or at least a mythical one (;
"A mythical bird?" You quietly asked. The text glared at you, racking the crevices of your brain. 
"Like a Phoenix?" Amelia's playful tone cut through your thoughts. 
Phoenix. Of course it was Phoenix. 
Natasha Trace was Bradley's second best friend, right after you. She went to the same high school as Bradley, and the same university as the rest of you. In college she earned the nickname Phoenix from Jake, after a wild night of partying and her being completely unphased the day after. If you had been telling Bob about what happened, there was a chance that Bradley was telling Natasha. Maybe Bradley thought all these interactions were just as weird. 
"You two are dating, right?" Amelia's voice interrupted your train of thought again. She scuttled in from the kitchen to the dining room, a blanket wrapped around her and her sweatshirt hood pulled up. She stared at you from the edge of the table. 
"What makes you ask that?" 
"First, you didn't say yes. Second, Bradley had never mentioned you prior. Just makes me wonder things." Her words weren't hurtful, she just wanted to know. Contemplation wavered in you for a moment, deciding whether to tell Amelia the truth or not. 
“Don’t tell your mom and Mav. And don’t tell Bradley that I told you this either.” Amelia’s smirk grew wide at your words. 
“I knew it!” An excited whisper left her, accompanied by a finger pointing at you. You rolled your shoulders and tilted your head at her. 
“Bradley needed someone to bring home since Mav kept asking if he was seeing anyone. And now here I am, in the freezing cold with you.” Amelia snickered at your last comment. She was a sweet girl, you could feel the secret was safe with her. 
“Bradley had never mentioned you, so I thought it was a little weird.” She admitted while pulling out a chair to sit. A nod and smile was all you were able to give her. “It’s not that you guys aren’t believable, because you are. The looks you two give each other? Those are on par with mom and Mav.” You squinted while tilting your head, eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Amelia laughed. “Why are you giving me that look?” 
“What?” Amelia’s eyes widened at your question. An at home theater had formed in your brain, replaying all of the moments of the trip in your brain. 
“Are you serious?” You just stared at her in disbelief. “You’re just as oblivious as Bradley.” The both of you turned to look at the door to the basement, hearing footsteps climbing the stairs. Pete was the first one to emerge, Bradley right on his tail. Bradley smiled awkwardly, looking between you and Amelia. He clearly knew something was up between the two of you. 
“Well, the furnace is out. Gonna have to call the H-VAC company.” Pete looked defeated, fishing his phone out of his pocket. He walked over to the sink, leaning against it as he googled the local company. Bradley made his way over to your chair, placing a hand on your back and rubbing lightly. All you could do was stare at Amelia, watching as her lips curved into a grin. 
“You two good?” Bradley questioned, his hand stilling on your back. Amelia looked up at Bradley with that grin on her lips.
“Just fine, Roo. Why wouldn’t we be?” The gal on this kid was impressing you more and more. You watched Amelia as she put her hands up under her chin, batting her lashes at Bradley. It pulled a giggle out of you, watching her try to soothe Bradley’s suspicion. Bradley scrunched his eyebrows together at Amelia, confused as to why she was acting like this. 
“O-kay. Babe, can you help me pull out some electric heaters from the garage?” You squinted at him, chatter of Mav on the phone filling the background now. 
“Um, why didn’t we get those earlier?” 
“Exactly.” It was nice to hear Amelia agree with you. 
“I asked the same thing,” Bradley leaned down between the two of you, “but you know how he is.” All three of you looked towards the kitchen, seeing Mav pinching the bridge of his nose. None of you could hear his hushed tone. Bradley turned back and stood up, shrugging his shoulders. “Said something about how high the electric bill will be.” 
“Of course he did.” Amelia scoffed, shaking her head in amusement. 
“Yeah, I’ll help with getting the heaters.” In all honesty, you just wanted away from Amelia. You wanted time to process her words, without her being present. 
The two of you bundled up, throwing on your coats and boots before heading out to the garage. Bradley swiped the key to the garage door, letting you out the house first. It felt relieving knowing it was still colder outside, reminding you it wasn’t that cold in the house. Your hands were tightly in your coat pockets, trying to scavenge any type of heat they could find. Bradley headed to the tall wooden gate that separated the backyard from the driveway. His hands rubbed together vigorously, bringing the up to blow warm air against the cold appendages. 
“Forgot gloves?” Bradley smirked at your words.
“Yeah.” It was a soft ‘yeah’, one that made your heart flutter. Bradley was staring at you with this soft look on his face. He looked at your pockets, seeing small movements behind the polyester material. “Forget yours too?” 
All you could do was nod, praying Bradley would open the gate soon.  Which he did, flipping the latch and letting you pass through before him. It was left open as he unlocked the garage door, ushering you into the smaller building. It was colder in the garage than the house, but a few degrees warmer than outside. He left the door slightly cracked as he looked for the heaters. 
Your body had started to waddle in place, trying to produce some amount of heat. You took your hands out of your coat pockets, placing them between your thighs for warmth. It was only once you curled in on yourself a little Bradley noticed you. He made his way over to you, straightening your posture up to talk to you. You were face to face with him, his face a few inches away. 
“Last time you forget gloves, right?” 
“Right.” Bradley reached at your forearms, pulling your hands out from between your thighs. He brought your hands up to his mouth, cupping them with his own. Hot breath coated the cold skin of your hands, setting your insides on fire. Your brain was starting to short circuit, feeling the hairs of Bradley’s mustache poking at your hands. Hazel eyes locked with yours, almost reading your thoughts as they popped into your brain. His lips were almost on your skin, a heat was rising from your chest into your neck and face. But no matter what warning signs your body sent out, you weren’t pulling away. 
Only a few more warm breaths of air coated your hands, Bradley pulling away. His eyes never left yours, hazel orbs peering into your deepest thoughts. His hands left yours though, grabbing his beanie off his head. The fabric was full of his residual warmth, warming your scalp and ears when he placed it on your head. 
“There, all better.” Bradley smiled at you, turning to go back and look for the heaters. 
A few moments passed before Bradley found them, hidden on a shelving unit. Your heart was still pounding from the previous interaction. But a sense of relief had washed over you once they were found. There were only three of them, but the amount didn’t matter to you. You were just glad you actually found them. You grabbed one while Bradley grabbed the other two, you closing the doors and gate while trailing behind him. 
Pete looked defeated when the two of you entered the house. Amelia was still sitting at the table, scrolling through her phone. You and Bradley both gave questioning looks to them, Amelia looked up from her phone to meet your looks. She shrugged and looked back at her phone. Maverick pinched the bridge of his nose once more, a common look for today. 
“What’s up? What’d they say?” Bradley asked as he scooted past Mav, bringing one heater out towards the living room. Mav huffed before responding. 
“Won’t be here til tomorrow.” Your look was laced with surprise and annoyance. Mav must have caught it, throwing his hands up in the air. “You’re telling me. So, we will probably have to rotate the heaters. Keep them on the first floor, then move them to the bedrooms at night.” Bradley returned from the living room, grabbing another space heater to place in the crest of the dining area and living room. After placing the last one in the kitchen, the four of you settle into the living room, bundling up with blankets as you all watch whatever Amelia put on. 
Penny was equally unimpressed with the answer the H-VAC company gave, but at least they knew it would only last a night. A space heater was moved to everyone’s respective rooms, warming them barely. A sweatshirt and sweatpants were your sleep attire for the night, Bradley wearing the same. It was painful watching him crawl on into his makeshift bed. The layers barely helped, the heater not being powerful enough to heat the entire room. That was when you heard a soft chittering. You rolled over to the edge of the bed, looking down to see Bradley curled up in a blanket and shivering. Sharing the bed was the only option to keep the both of you warm.
“Bradley?” One of his eyes opened, peering up at you. 
“Do you wanna share the bed?” Bradley knitted his eyebrows, both eyes open now. 
“I- no, I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable.” Bradley lightly shook his head. 
“Bradley, you won’t make me uncomfortable.”
“No, I’m not getting in the bed.”
“Why?” A smirk grew on Bradley’s face. 
“You have cooties, obviously.” You rolled your eyes. 
“I’m serious, you’re gonna freeze.”
“And I’m also serious.” Bradley pulled his blanket up over his neck, a shudder running through him. 
"Bradley, I can hear your teeth. Get in the bed." Your whisper was harsh as you tried to convince Bradley to remove himself from the floor. Even though you didn't really want to share the bed, you definitely weren't going to let him freeze to death on the floor of his childhood bedroom.
“Fine.” Was all you heard before Bradley stood up. 
Hot. It was the first word your brain registered when you woke up. Maybe it was the layers or the space heater that had run all night. There was a weight on your midsection, shifting to see what it was. It was hard to make out the familiar arm in your sleep induced haze.. That’s when you remembered inviting Bradley into the bed. His shuddering and shivering form on the floor forcing you to show him mercy. 
The arm tightened, pulling you closer into Bradley’s body. His sweatshirt clad chest was inviting against your sweatshirt clad back. It was telling you to relax and just accept this new fate. The fate of being wrapped up in your best friend's arms, heart racing, hot breath against your neck. It was a truly tragic fate. 
Time passed as you laid there, staring at the empty wall on the other side of the room. It’s blank canvas, oddly taunting you, not letting you forget about your current situation. The idea of checking your phone hadn’t even crossed your mind. You’d rather stay here in this comfortable, yet anxiety inducing scenario. It was obvious that Bradley hadn’t woken up yet or else why would he be spooning you, right? 
All the cuddling on the couch was for his family, showing to them that you two were a couple. Amelia being the only one to catch on that you weren’t. Well, at least you hoped she was the only one for both of your sakes. You heard a soft murmur behind you, breaking your train of thought. 
Bradley shifted closer to you, nuzzling his face into your back while pulling your midsection back. That was when you felt it. A heat crept into your cheeks, something sparking inside of you. A small rock of Bradley hips almost had a moan slipping from your lips. Your hand trailed up to your lips, covering your mouth to hide any sounds you might produce. 
Soft sounds emanated from Bradley, your thighs squeezing together as you listened. A loop of excuses kept playing in your brain, telling you that what was happening was wrong but you couldn’t stop your thighs from tightening. It took everything inside of you not to rock back into him, for your and his sanity. But it wasn’t much longer before Bradley was stirring awake. A soft ‘hmm’ was all you heard, his arm loosening around you, then there was a light scramble. 
“Oh my god.” That’s when you decided to put the intro to acting class to work. You played dumb, acting like you were asleep. After letting out a sleep noise, one you knew Bradley wouldn’t decipher, you rolled onto your back to look at him. You squint your eyes, putting on your best sleepy face. 
“What?” Bradley sat up and scooted away from you, a small pang of hurt in your chest. A sheen of sweat coated his face, a rosy tint to his cheeks. His eyes met yours for a moment, only to be broken by him. Bradley threw the blankets off of him, scooting down to the end of the bed. This was not the reaction you were expecting. 
“Bradley?” He stopped, hand resting on the door handle. 
“I’ll be back.” Panic flooded through you as he left. Thoughts of your friendship being now ruined were playing on repeat. You knew Bradley was going to come back into the bedroom and tell you to leave, that he would book a flight home for you. There was no doubt about it. You just let your best friend rut against your ass, and didn’t stop it. Of course, your friendship would be ruined. 
But it didn’t seem that way. Bradley had come back to the room, asking if he woke you and promptly apologizing. Then the day went on as normal, or what had become the normal for the both of you. 
The two of you were laying out on the couch, Amelia hidden in her room, Mav sitting in the living room with you. Pete and Bradley were watching River Monsters on the TV, the size of the fish casually catching your attention every now and then. Your phone was mainly holding your attention as you rested your head on Bradley’s thigh. Every now and then he would peer down at you, raising his eyebrows with a light expression on his face. You couldn’t make out what it really meant, but you knew it wasn’t anything bad. 
You looked back at your phone as the British man on the TV screen talked about the fish he was set after. That’s when a text notification flashed across the top of your screen. One from the group chat. 
Dagger Squad, Jakey: tongiht fuckers
Dagger Squad, Javs: are you drunk already? 
Dagger Squad, Reuben: Where? 
Dagger Squad, Nat: Jake, you better not be 
Dagger Squad, Jakey: one typo and everyone thinks you’re drunk
Dagger Squad, Jakey: i’m at work assholes
Dagger Squad, Jakey: except you Reuben, you’re not an asshole 
Dagger Squad, Reuben: Thanks. 
A chuckle left you, the sling of texts getting the better of you. Bradley noticed your laugh, giving you a questioning look. An amused huff left Bradley after you offered your phone to him. 
“How could we not? He was notorious for showing up to 8am’s still drunk or hungover.” That caught Mav’s attention, him perking up like a puppy. 
“Seresin?” Bradley nodded to Mav, you turning to look at Mav. It didn’t really surprise you that Mav knew of Jake. It surprised you that he knew what his tendencies were. “Wild kid.” Bradley let out a hearty laugh. 
“That’s what you call it? Come on Mav, I’ve heard you call him much worse.” Mav smiled, a small nod barely noticeable. Bradley had told Mav all about Jake in college, the goods and bads. 
“That’s what I’ll leave it at. Don’t want to say anything that gets me in trouble.” 
“Like how he has an ego that could rival the size of Jupiter?” Mav caught your smirk, your words pulling a chuckle from him. 
“Something like that.” It was true. Jake had a huge ego, it was apparent from the first moment you met him. He had just this aura about him that screamed ‘asshole with confidence’, even if the first part wasn’t fully true. Yes, he was an ass a lot of the time, but he did care deeply for all of you. 
“Are you two going out tonight? With Jake?” Bradley’s lips bunched to one side of his mouth. 
“Guess so.” 
For a Tuesday night the bar was packed. Even though Natasha had argued for Midland Street bar hopping, everyone decided Frick’s was probably the better choice. They weren’t the spry young college kids they used to be. The idea of walking from bar to bar while stumbling wasn’t appealing to you, especially in the fifteen degree weather. Plus, the thirty minute drive to Frick’s was better than the forty-five to Midland Street. 
Jake lightened up the minute he saw you and Bradley walk in. Jake stopped you for a moment, making you turn to show off your outfit. It wasn’t anything crazy, jeans and a cropped knit sweater. Natasha greeted Bradley immediately. Your face scrunched a little when Natasha pulled Bradley down, whispering something to him. The lighting wasn’t the best, but there was no mistaking the blush that crept up his neck. 
“You two fuck yet?” Jake’s comment pulled you from your stare. You slapped his chest with the back of your hand, giving him a scowl. 
“Jake, this is why nobody tells you anything.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, walking towards the table. 
“People tell me things.” You rolled your eyes, grabbing the wrist of his hand that was dangling off your shoulder. 
“Javy doesn’t count.” Jake feigned a hurt look at your teasing.
“But Javy is people.” You squeezed his wrist, chuckling at his joke. Javy appeared from the bathroom, reminding you of his rule to empty his bladder before drinking. Bradley and Natasha sat down across the table from you. This had to be the first time for the entire trip that Bradley wasn’t sitting next to you. There was a small ache in your chest, watching him scoot closer to the table across from you. Jake sitting next to you was fine, but it just wasn’t Bradley.
“Is Robert coming?” Jake asked. 
“Yeah, Bob is coming.” You replied, seeing Natasha give a confirming nod. 
“Mickey?” Another nod from Nat. “Good, getting those two to reply is like pulling teeth. Reuben even replies faster than them, and he never replies.” You rolled your eyes at Jake’s comment. Group chats weren’t Bob, Mickey, or Reuben’s thing. Hell, Bradley barely responded in the group chat either. 
“What do I never do?” All of you turned to see Reuben, a long wool peacoat and scarf adorning him. That was one thing Reuben was always good at, dressing exceptionally well. You almost jumped out of your chair, hurrying around the table to hug him. It had been years since you saw Reuben. He wasn’t the best at keeping up with people, living in his own realm of existence. You were a little jealous of it, but it did supply you for satisfying reunions. 
“Aye, and Payback is here!” Jake announced, getting out of his own chair to get a hug from Reuben. Reuben rolled his eyes at Jake’s nickname, one that he earned at university for always getting payback on Jake. Jake and Mickey were always trying to pull pranks on Reuben, trying to rile him up. To which Reuben reciprocated, pranking them in ten fold. 
Reuben took his seat at the end of the table, knowing the free seat on your left was meant for Bob. There was a matching open seat across from it, free for Mickey. 
“Yes, Mickey is coming. Class was running a bit late for him.” Sometimes you forgot that Mickey was a teacher. Not just a teacher, a professor. A professor of fine art to be precise. He taught at one of the local community colleges and recreation centers, teaching a few different types of art classes. 
“You got an excuse for Bob?” Jake asked, earning an eye roll from Javy. 
“Dude, this is the first time we’ve all seen each other in years. Why you being like this?” Javy questioned. You and everyone agreed, joining in on scorning Jake for his questioning manner. 
“Excuse me for wanting to know when my friend gets here.” His hands moved up in a defensive manner. That was when the waitress came by, taking drink orders and checking everyone’s ID. Bradley was oddly quiet, making you wonder what was going on in his brain. What had Natasha whispered to him? He wasn’t nervous the entire thirty minute car ride, so why now? 
About ten minutes passed before Bob and Mickey showed up, the both of them getting there at the same time. Bob quickly took his place next to you, Mickey sitting across from him. They both gave you these looks, ones that nobody else picked up on. They knew. They knew what had happened that morning. 
A new group chat had been formed that morning. One of just the three of you. It started initially as a ‘I need to tell Mickey and Bob that Bradley was just dry humping me in his sleep and I didn’t do anything about it’ that turned into a ‘I think I might be in love with Bradley’. Bob and Mickey weren’t surprised by either thoughts. But now you were sitting at a table with them, the temptation of teasing you right in front of them. There was a small tension, one Reuben immediately picked up on.
“So.. how’s everyone been?” Reuben asked, wanting to keep the topic off the obvious. If Mickey knew anything, Reuben knew it too. Their connection started when they were roommates, only strengthening over time. 
“Good! Kids are good too!” Javy didn’t have kids, he had students. He treated them as if they were his own, doting on all of them with an equal amount of care. 
“Still don’t know how you put up with them.” Natasha said, sipping on her gin and tonic. Bradley smiled, agreeing with a nod. 
“Well, I don’t get how you can stare at numbers all day.” Javy teased, sticking his tongue out at her. 
“It’s not that hard.” Jake chimed in. Now it was your turn to join in the conversation. 
“Says the engineer.” Jake rolled his eyes. 
“What can I say,” Jake shrugged, “I’m special.” Jake grabbed his beer bottle for a long swig. 
“If that’s what you want to call it.” Bradley said, earning giggles from everyone around the table. 
That was how the night went. All of you catching up, discussing life and things you all had planned. The topic of what you and Bradley were editing came up, Reuben curious about what new books might hit the market soon. Bob had mentioned that he was doing something computer related, not wanting to explain and potentially confuse everyone. Apparently the private accounting business Natasha started earlier that year was booming; something you never thought could describe accounting. 
Bradley’s gaze would occasionally fall on you throughout the night. While at the table they would flick from your eyes to your lips, every now and then settling on the exposed skin of your neck. His looks only became more frequent after a round of shots. That hazel gaze raking over your body once you all moved to the pool table. It only got worse when you would lean over to take your shot.
That morning had been a confirmation for Bradley, confirming his own feelings for you. It wasn’t a sudden thing, feelings he had been thinking about for a few weeks now. He was hoping this trip would just confirm you being his best friend. But that was not what happened. Every time he looked at you his heart swelled, constantly fighting the urge to press his lips to yours. Not to mention he was waking up almost every morning with a hard on because of dream you. So watching you bend over against the pool table, wiggle your hips slightly before taking your shot was painful. What was even more painful when a guy approached you at the bar. 
You didn’t really remember when you finished off your last drink, or what drink you were even on. You finished the game of pool you were playing before getting a new one. Bradley had told you during the car ride there that he would only have one beer. Which he had already had, not that you were keeping count. You did count that he was on glass three of water though. 
The bar wasn’t too crowded, just a handful of older men hanging out while having some type of whiskey you assumed. The bartender took your drink order, cracking the redbull for it and reaching for the cherry vodka. That was when someone creeped up beside you, waving at the bartender for the next order. An uncomfortable feeling settled over you, feeling a pair of eyes on you. A pair of unfamiliar eyes. 
“Hey.” You looked at the guy next to you, awkwardly smiling and acknowledging him with a nod. You didn’t say anything though, hoping he would leave you be. “You look good.” That made your eyebrows knit together. 
“Sorry, do I know you?” 
“No, but I’d like to get to know you.” You could smell the alcohol on his breath, a grimace coursing through your body. 
“No.” It was a simple word, one you figured would get the point across. 
“Come on sweets, can’t yo-” 
“She said no.” That familiar gruff voice was behind you. You weren’t sure when Bradley had appeared behind you, but you were more than happy about it.
“And who are you, buddy?” That question sparked something in Bradley, his nostrils flaring. Warmth wrapped around your waist, Bradley’s arm tugging you close to him.
“Boyfriend, now get the fuck out of here. She’s taken.” A shiver ran down your spine, a heat pooling between your thighs. Fuck, why did that make you so hot? It had to be the alcohol, not the fact Bradley was calling you his. Your hand rested against his chest, leaning into him to further his words into the stranger's brain. After the stranger left, you grabbed your drink from the bar. The warmth of Bradley’s arm never left you, even when you two walked towards the group. 
It felt like you were vibrating when everyone saw you again. Everyone had giant smirks on their faces, Bob, Reuben, and Mickey whispering between each other. Jake’s smirk was shit-eating, full of a smugness you had shockingly never seen from him before. Javy nudged Nat with his elbow, both of their smirks were full of affection. 
“Some asshole at the bar wouldn’t leave her alone.” Bradley stated when you two returned, the warmth of his arm disappeared. For the rest of the time Bradley fetched all of your drinks, from cider to shots. He was currently at the bar for a round of shots for you, Bob, Mickey, and Reuben. 
“You two make quite the pair,” Reuben took a swig of his beer, “always have if I’m being honest.” 
“And after this morning?” A heat filled you at Mickey’s words, a mix of the alcohol and embarrassment. 
“Can we not talk about that?” Bob let out a chuckle.
“What? Worried he will find you were awake the whole time?” 
“Oh, don’t act like a fucking saint Bob. We all know the shit you got up to in college.” Reuben and Mickey laughed, Bob’s eyebrows knitted together. 
“No idea what you’re talking about.” An eye roll was all you gave him. 
“So when do you two fly back?” Mickey asked. None of you noticed Bradley reappear, two shots in each hand. A part of you had forgotten that bartending is what he did to help pay his way through college. 
“December thirty-first.” Bradley answered, setting the shots all down on the table. You passed him the water you had been guarding for him. The four of you with shots toasted, Bradley toasting his water cup to you all. The liquor burned as it traveled down your throat. You weren’t completely drunk, but there was definitely a thick haze wrapped around your mind. 
“Just in time for New Years.” Reuben said, leaning back and wrapping his arm behind Mickey’s chair. A small staring contest had started between you and Bob, his blue eyes intense with knowing. 
“Guess so.” A part of you knew Reuben’s words meant more than the obvious, but the last shot was already starting to catch up to you. The haze only got worse as the night went on. Natasha was fucking with Bradley at the dart board, teasing him after every shot. Jake, Javy, Mickey, and Reuben were all playing pool; teams of two which weren’t uncommon for them. Bob sat with you at the table, taking immediate notice to your zoning stare. 
“Hey, hey.” Bob waved his hand, breaking your trance and grabbing your attention. The haze in your brain was more intense than you initially thought. A small smile was what you offered him. Bob let out a sigh. 
“How you feelin’?”  He adjusted his glasses. The chatter from the rest of the bar was mind numbing, starting to overwhelm your brain. A nausea started to settle in your stomach, bubbling into your throat. Your hands ran over your face, everything becoming too much all at once. The sounds. Your friends. The trip. Bradley.
After your hands loosened from your face your eyes caught him. His mustache twitching upwards as he held Natasha’s final dart high and out of reach. It was the same look you had watched him give Amelia during your snowball fight. Something feisty but full of warmth and care. Similar to what a big brother would give his sister. It made you think about all the looks that Bradley had given you over the trip. 
They were nothing like the looks Amelia and Natasha got. Every time you had caught him looking at you there was a softness to his gaze. A type of adoration laced into it. It made you think if his look for you had always been like that. Not the goofy caring older brother look, but the one you only gave to lovers. The look that told you he would be there through thick and thin, never leaving your side when you needed him the most. 
Everything was starting to make your head spin. Bob had concern written all over his face now. Your delayed response was really starting to stress him out. 
“Water. Fresh air. I need it all.” Bob nodded, watching you start to struggle with getting your coat on. After that he wrapped an arm around your midsection, keeping you steady against his body. The two of you made it to the bar, getting a glass of water before heading outside. Bob held the glass of water until you two were outside, sitting on the smokers bench outside. 
It didn’t surprise you that nobody was out here, it was fucking freezing. But the cold was refreshing, keeping the liquid fire coursing through your body at bay. Bob handed you the glass of water, watching as you took small sips. He ran a hand through his hair, adjusting his glasses briefly. A silence settled between the two of you, both of you watching each visible exhale. 
“Why.” Bob looked at you, not sure whether you were actually asking a question or not. 
“Why what?” The water in your glass was comforting, slightly warmer than the air surrounding you two. 
“You know.” You turned your head a little, looking towards Bob. He did the same, giving you a melancholic look. “Feelings suck.” Bob let out a small huff, one that sounded amused. 
“It's not a bad thing, liking him.” His friendly smile returned. 
“I’m afraid it might be the ‘L’ word though.” You confessed. 
“Lesbians?” You gave him a playful swat, almost spilling your water in the process. You were impressed that he would quote Scott Pilgrim at a time like this. “I know,” he clarified, “and I think you do. Maybe you have for a while.” 
It was probably true. You had only thought of him as a friend for so long, it was hard to find the exact point you realized you cared for him more than that. All those late nights at the office and editing manuscripts together were starting to feel different. You wanted to say your feelings didn’t start til you were here, but that would be a lie. The double proof reads he offered you on manuscripts, the cups of coffee when you didn’t ask, even the way he lied about you being his girlfriend. It was all muddy and confusing, but it made you warm inside. 
“Bob,” it was barely a whisper, “I don’t know what to do.” Tears pricked at your waterline, a frown forming on your lips. Bob wrapped an arm around you, letting you rest your head against his  shoulder. He felt bad for you. It wasn’t because of the circumstances, it was because he knew that you truly didn’t know what to do. 
“I think you should get some sleep, then figure out what to do.” You nodded, the material of his carhartt coat rough on your cheek. “Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out.” 
Bob placed a kiss on the top of your head. He sat with you until you finished your glass of water. It was perfect timing really. Bob decided to go find Bradley, only for Bradley to walk outside in a slight panic. Relief flooded over him when he saw you with Bob, worried the asshole from earlier might have come back to find you. 
Getting into the car was a bit of a challenge. Alcohol always made it harder to use your legs, balance becoming difficult. Bradley helped you though, Bob awkwardly standing to the side. Bob didn’t want to leave until he knew you were good. Bradley finished buckling up your seatbelt, closing the door before talking to Bob.
“Thanks man, I got really worried when I couldn’t find her.” Bob nodded, patting Bradley on the shoulder. 
“Bradley,” Bob paused for a moment, “take good care of her. Nat’s told me, and I just, don’t hurt her.” Bradley nodded softly, not fully sure how to respond to Bob. 
“Well, I don’t even kn-”
“She does. Trust me, she does.” Bob said. He patted Bradley’s shoulder one more time before heading back towards the bar. 
Bradley slipped inside the car, looking over at your already sleeping form. A soft smile formed on his lips as he admired you. You looked so peaceful while drunk and asleep. He let out a sigh, chuckling quietly to himself. You made his heart ache in ways he never thought it could. Everything about you he adored, it had only taken some time for him to realize it. He twisted the ignition, figuring it was time to finally head home. 
Bradley kept a watchful eye over you the entire ride home, checking periodically to see if you were waking up or not. But you never did, not until the final stop in the driveway. Even then it took a few minutes for you to stir. Bradley didn't mind that though, being able to admire you for a few more minutes.
"Are we home?" A sleepy haze was still casted over you, eyes not fully open and words raspy.You turned inward, on your side a little bit as you stared at him. It looked as though you were fighting to stay awake. 
"Yeah." Bradley wished you would have slept a little longer, anything to prevent him from not being next to you. He turned towards you, watching as you leaned deeper into the seat of the car.
"I'm tired." Your voice was barely above a whisper.
"I know," Bradley smiled, "you slept the whole way here." You ran a hand over your face, yawning afterwards and closing your eyes. "How do you feel?" You shrugged. 
"Just sleepy." You had never wanted to sleep in the passenger seat more than in that moment. 
"Hey, hey, babe. Let's get inside, then you can sleep in a big warm bed, okay?" Bradley started to panic, thinking you had already fallen back asleep. The sleepy flutter of your eye lashes informed him otherwise. You nodded, unbuckling your seat belt and sitting up a little bit. Bradley watched you closely, unbuckling his own seat belt. “You good? Gonna throw up or anything?” 
“No.” Another borderline whisper. Even though there was a thick mixture of sleep and alcohol coating your brain, it hung onto that one word. Babe. Bradley exiting the car and coming around to your side didn’t even register on your radar. Suddenly your door was opening, Bradley with a big warm smile staring at you. Why was he being like this? There was no one around to watch this fake arrangement currently, so why? 
“Come on, babe. We gotta get you inside.” There it was again. Bradley wrapped an arm under your armpits, you placing one around his shoulders. It was awkward, him being taller than you, but you two made it work. 
The two of you made your way slowly up the small driveway, to the steps leading to the door. Bradley quickly unlocked it, still holding onto you so you wouldn’t fall. It was like your legs were jello, barely supporting your weight without his help. You caught yourself onto the small bench in the foyer-like room, slumping back against the wall. Your eyes were trained on Bradley as he closed and locked the door. 
“Haven’t been this drunk in awhile, huh?” He asked, taking his coat off and hanging it up. Slow-motion had taken over your brain, slowing your movements. You had never realized how hard it was to unzip a coat until that moment. Bradley watched you struggle for a moment, finding your struggle with the zipper a little adorable. He hadn’t seen you this drunk since college. 
“Here, let me help you, babe.” That time something clicked in your brain. You let him take over on unzipping your coat, only for a jumbled question to exit you. 
“Why.. Why do you keep sayin’ it?” Bradley’s face scrunched together. He was now kneeling in front of you, taking your boots off because he knew that’d be a task you couldn’t handle. At least in your current state. 
“Keep saying what?” Bradley helped you up, holding you close to him until you were stable. 
“There’s no one around.” He shook his head, still confused. He led you into the kitchen, headed towards the stairs. You tripped a little up the stairs, Bradley shifted your weight more onto him for the trip up the stairs. 
“I’m still not sure what you’re talking about.” Bradley said, the two of you stumbling towards the bedroom. The wood floor under your feet felt slick, balance evading you due to the feeling. Just before getting to the bedroom, the slick sensation had you tumbling towards the wall. Bradley caught you from falling completely, pressing you into the wall with his body. The weight of his body on yours had your mind spinning. It was the first time you had fully opened your eyes since getting home. The mixture coating your brain was immediately gone, clarity appearing out of thin air. 
Bradley’s eyes flicked down to your slightly parted lips. He wanted to kiss you so badly. It was like his mouth was salivating with need. His hazel eyes flicked back up to yours, taking in your wide eyes. Guilt immediately flooded over him, reminding himself of your current state and how this might come off.
“I- I’m just trying to hold you up.” Bradley stammered, pulling his body away from yours. 
“I know.” 
“I just don’t want you to think I’m trying to take advantage of you or anything.” Bradley suddenly felt nervousness bubble in his chest. 
“Bradley,” you let out a long breath, “you keep calling me babe. Why? Nobody is around for the charade, so why?” You gestured to the empty hallway, emphasizing the nobody being there part of your sentence. 
Bradley’s face scrunched together. He hadn’t noticed himself calling you babe, but looking back he definitely did. In the car, getting you out of the car, taking your boots off. He called you babe each time. He knew why, but he was now nervous to tell you. 
“Habit.” He whispered. That whisper caught your attention. You narrowed your eyes at him, one of your hands creeping up to touch the black t-shirt under his flannel. The words were on the tip of your tongue, threatening to spill out. I love you. But instead your hand balled into a fist, pulling on the fabric of the shirt. You pushed off the wall, letting go of his shirt. 
“Of course it was.” You said. Bradley raised an eyebrow, not sure what your response really meant. He remained silent though as you started walking towards the bedroom, one hand out against the wall for support. He stayed in the hallway for a moment, cursing himself for not just telling you the truth. He wanted you to be sober for that though, wanted to know you’d remember it. He knew you weren’t black out, but he didn’t want you to write it off as your imagination. 
When he walked into the bedroom you were practically nude. Your sweater was off, jeans on the floor, currently struggling to get your bra off. Bradley quickly placed his hands on your hips, steadying you when you almost fell over. A gasp passed your lips, his searing hot hands on your skin. Bradley tried not to focus on the sensation of your panties barely touching the edge of his hands. His hands ghosted over your skin, finding their way to the clip of your bra. Your hands moved to the front of your chest, holding your breasts. 
“Let me help you,” Bradley let out a shaky breath, “before you hurt yourself.” You nodded, feeling the strap of your bra loosen. Bradley quickly found your sleep shirt, standing behind you once more. You let your bra fall, covering your chest with your hands still. Bradley got the shirt over your head, moving the collar of it down around your neck. You grabbed at the hem of the shirt, pulling it down around your body and putting your arms through the short sleeves. 
Then Bradley found your sweat pants. He kneeled down in front of you, his face level with your panties now. It took everything in Bradley not to press a kiss to your hip. Instead he guided each pant leg around your ankles, you putting a steady hand on his shoulder. Bradley was sure that his skin was going to have a mark, the warmth of your touch branding him for good. Marking him as yours and only yours. Your hand stayed on his shoulder as he stood up, trailing to the nap of his neck. He held back a gasp when he felt your finger lightly play with his hair. 
This was the most intimate thing Bradley had ever experienced. Yeah, he had fucked people in the past, but this? Dressing his best friend that he also had feelings for? He wasn’t sure if he would ever experience anything like it ever again. It was so sweet and tender. Just like the look you were giving him. 
“Sleep with me.” You whispered. 
Bradley was a goner. 
He nodded, helping you into bed before changing into his own clothes. You watched him change, eyes wandering all over his body. He crawled in the bed behind you, arm moving around your midsection. He pulled you tight against him, his chest flush with your back. You hummed lightly, basking in the warmth you had grown to love over the past few days. 
Some remnants of alcohol were starting to affect you once again. Thoughts swirled in your brain, finally working up the courage. It wasn’t like you hadn’t told him it before, like when he brought you a surprise cup of coffee or paid for the late night take out. It would be different this time though. 
“I love you.” Bradley almost didn’t hear the borderline whisper, but he did. 
There was a pause, one that started to fill you with doubt and anxiety. A part of you wished to take it back. Wanting to have not fucked up your entire friendship. A hot breath appeared on your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. Bradley was leaning up towards your ear, wanting to make sure you heard every last word. 
“I love you, too.” 
Neither of you spoke about that night for the rest of the trip. There was a silent agreement established that night, Bradley sharing the bed with you. His makeshift bed was finally dismantled, and so did your denial of liking Bradley. After the drunken confession of your love, it was like a weight had been lifted off your chest. Bradley felt a similar sensation about saying it back. 
Penny and Pete both said you were more than welcome to come back. Amelia had mentioned she noticed something had changed between the two of you, but didn’t elaborate. So, you didn’t tell her what had changed. But you were sad to leave them, knowing that they were the ones inadvertently protecting you from conversation that needed to be had. 
But it never came. The entire car ride to the airport was almost a carbon copy of the previous drive. You got the GPS ready for Bradley then slept in the passenger seat. Bradley stole a few glances, trying to take as many mental pictures as possible. He was certain that whatever happened that night was a trip only occurrence. One he would never get the chance for ever again. 
The airport was almost empty, most people out celebrating for the New Years. Bradley told you that was the exact reason he booked the flight for New Years Eve. A forlorn feeling hung between the both of you. It felt like this was the end of the road. Neither of you had the courage to ask what was to happen now. You wanted to ask, ask if the two of you would be going back to occasional outings and late nights at the office. As much as you wanted to know, a part of you didn’t want to. If you knew, it would be final. 
Instead, you two only made small talk about the check in process. Casual jokes and borderline uncomfortable silences were exchanged before boarding. It was even worse on the plane. Bradley put his headphones in, flicking on a podcast to listen to while you curled up near the window. The rest of the flight was quick, the entire thing being only about two hours. The city that never slept had never felt more comforting when you got back. The drive from Queens to The Bronx was going to be long, the traffic of New Years in full swing. 
Music filled the space of the car, the two of you barely talking. The lights of the city teased you through the window. It was like they were poking and prodding your brain. Snowflakes hit the window and windshield, melting on impact from the warmth of the car. A dread filled the both of you as Bradley got closer to your apartment. It felt as though these bottled up emotions would stay as just that. Bottled up and left on a shelf in the back of your hearts. 
Even when Bradley pulled up to the curb, dropping you off, it was silent. Bradley stared straight forward, focused on the car parked in front of him. The sounds of your bags being pulled out of the car were clawing at his brain. They were the sound of his time running out. He could tell you at work on Tuesday, but maybe your feelings would be different by then. The closing on the backseat door pulled him out of his thoughts. You knocked on the window, gesturing for him to put it down. 
“Thank you.” You smiled warmly. “It was fun, meeting your family and seeing everyone. I’m glad I was able to help.” Your brain was screaming to say the three words, hoping he wouldn’t have forgotten the first time you said them. 
“Yeah, it was fun. Thanks for coming with and being my fake girlfriend.” Bradley wanted to kick himself as soon as he said it. He watched as your smile faded, giving him an affirming nod. 
“I’m gonna head up now. I’ll see you at work?” 
“Yeah, see you at work.” Bradley rolled the window up, watching you walk away. Your figure was altered by the droplets of melted snowflakes, making you seem more distant. Bradley felt a prickle at his waterline, knowing tears would be coming sooner or later. You opened the door for the stairway that led to your apartment, vanishing out of Bradley’s view. Bradley leaned back against the headrest, closing his eyes tightly. 
Tears threatened to pour down your cheeks the entire walk up the stairs. For once you hated that you lived on the third floor. Hated that it gave you so much time to think about the day. All of the never ending silence. It was clear that there was something broken between the two of you. The relationship strained or shattered. You quickly slotted the key into the door, knowing that once you were in your apartment you would be okay. It would mean you were safe. Safe to let out all of your emotions. 
But no tears fell once you crossed the threshold of your apartment. It was almost a numbing sensation instead. You slipped your coat off with ease, hanging it up by the door. The urge to put your suitcase and carry-on away disappeared. It wasn’t until you sat on the couch everything hit you. No sob wracked through you, only silent tears fell. The warm streaks heated your face, your lips turning into a small frown. 
A knock at your door had you wiping away the tears. You had no idea why someone would be knocking on your door this late. After getting to the door you checked the peephole, seeing a rather worked up looking Bradley. Confusion coursed through your body, not sure why he would be back. He let you go, what did he want now? You unlocked the door, opening it to see Bradley’s eyes widen. 
“Bradley, wha-” His hands cupped both sides of your face, smashing his lips against yours. You melted into the kiss, the hairs of his mustache lightly poking your upper lip. It was like something exploded inside of you, spurring you on to kiss him back. 
The two of you made it into your apartment, Bradley kicking the door closed with his foot. You tried trailing for his lips when he pulled back from yours. Even though your lungs were burning for air, you wanted to feel more of him. His forehead pressed lightly against your own, hazel eyes boring into your own. 
“I love you.” Hearing those three words from Bradley cracked the bottle, letting your emotions flow freely. 
“I love you too.” A tear fell from the corner of your eye. Bradley swiped it away, pressing his lips to yours once again. A river of passion flowed freely between the two of you. Your arms trailed up to wrap around his neck and shoulders; one of his hands ghosting down to your waist, the other cupping your jaw still. 
Teeth and tongue clashed while the two of you moved to the hallway of your apartment. The wall pressed into your back as Bradley pressed his hips into yours. A whine broke from you when you felt his semi-hard cock pressing into your hip. Wet kisses trailed down to your jaw and neck, the scratch of his mustache intoxicating. Bradley moaned against your skin when he felt you tug on the hair at the base of his head. 
“I’ve been wanting this all trip. Kissing you like this, having you pressed against me like this.” Bradley whispered into your ear, nipping at your earlobe. He pulled back to look at you, still cupping your jaw. His thumb softly rubbed your cheek, “I love you so much.”
“Why didn’t you kiss me that night?” The question passed your lips before you could stop it. Bradley nuzzled into the side of your neck, pressing soft searing kisses to your skin. 
“You were drunk.” Bradley slotted a leg between your thighs, rocking lightly to earn a moan from you. 
“Why not any other night?” Your words were breathy. 
“I didn’t know if you wanted it.” The hand on your jaw trailed down, cupping your breast over your knit sweater. Your hips bucked against his thigh, kisses trailing down your neck.
Both of his hands ghosted down to the bottom of your sweater, pulling it up over your body. Bradley marveled at the image before him. The person he had cared for for years looked so innocent before him. The soft pink bralette you wore enticed him, teasing him with what he could now have. It wasn’t until your arms pulled up to cover yourself slightly did his concern take over. 
A part of you felt nervous, finally having Bradley like this. Letting him see you so bare and vulnerable for him. It wasn’t his first time seeing you like this, a few college run ins and the instance during the trip. But this was different. You were offering your body up to him, trusting him to please you and care for every inch of you. It was subconscious when you shied away. 
“You do want this, right?” Bradley’s forefinger touched your chin, tilting your face. His hazel eyes were intoxicating and comforting. They let you know you were safe. You nodded. 
“I do, I want you.” Bradley pressed a soft kiss to your lips, mustache prickling your upper lip lightly. 
Strands of hair threaded through your fingers, you tugging softly to urge Bradley on.
Bradley picked up on it, hands ghosting down your sides to your hips. His tongue was soft on your lips, asking for permission to enter your mouth. His hips rocked into yours, you feeling his cock growing harder. Moans and whimpers fell from the both of you, rocking together while exploring each other's mouths. It felt like you were in high school again, the excitement of minimal contact vibrating through your body. 
Your fingers moved downward, trailing at the bottom of Bradley’s own sweater. He caught onto the hint, moving his torso back from yours to pull his sweater and t-shirt off. Rough yet soft fingers ghosted over the band of your bralette. The material felt almost as soft as your skin to Bradley, his cock twitching at the thought. His fingers trailed the material up to the strap that rested on your left shoulder. He eased it down, kissing at your shoulder and collarbone. 
“You’re so beautiful, so fucking beautiful.” The whisper on your skin sent goosebumps blossoming all over you. “I’ve been waiting so long for this.” Bradley’s fingers dipped below the band of your bralette, tugging up over your chest to expose your breasts. Your nipples were pert and eager for Bradley’s touch. 
One of your hands went to his hair, tugging as he took one of your breasts into his mouth. Your back arched off the wall, pushing your breast flush with his mouth. Gasps fell from your lips as his other hand came to your other breast, fingers pinching and playing with your other nipple. Bradley groaned against your tit, the vibrations traveling to your cunt. Your insides tightened, pleading you for more. 
“Bradley, please. I need more.” Bradley let your breast go from his mouth, pressing his hips tighter to yours. He rolled them, his cock rubbing at the apex of your thighs. 
“Tell me, Tell me you want me.” A red flush had grown up Bradley’s chest, adorning his neck and cheeks now. Your free hand trailed down his chest, the need to just touch him too great. 
“I want you to feel you,” the hand trailed up to his shoulder, “I want you to make love to me.” 
Bradley couldn’t hold back the groan that escaped him. He smashed his lips into yours, hands cupping your breasts before traveling lower. He made quick work of the button on your jeans, messily shifting your pants down your thighs. A small giggle bubbled out of you as you chased his lips, not wanting the kiss to end. 
He kneeled in front of you, easing your jeans off your legs. Small soft kisses littered the front of your thighs with the accompaniment of pricks from his mustache. Fingertips ghosted up the sides of your legs, gently guiding your panties down. The kisses traveled up your thighs to your hips, both of your hands diving into his hair. Two fingers ran through your folds, briefly touching that sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Fuck, Bradley.” Bradley pressed his mouth to your folds, flicking his tongue between them. Your body lurched over him slightly, whining as his tongue ravished your clit. 
One of Bradley’s hands moved up to separate your folds, his tongue diving deeper between them. Small prickles of his mustache could be felt on your sensitive flesh, your fingers tightening in his hair at the feeling. The flicks of his tongue drove you crazy, a tense sensation in your abdomen forming. Your head fell back, moans pouring from your lips as Bradley continued his assault. 
“Your tongue feels so good.” It was barely above a whisper, laced with a moan as your hips started to push towards his face. 
Small ripples of pleasure coursed through you, adding to the imminent wave of pleasure that was about to crash over you. Bradley groaned against you, shaking his face back and forth on you. Bradley flattened his tongue, wiggling it back and forth across your clit. The motion was overwhelming, a shudder running through your body from it. You tried to pull him off of you, knowing if he kept it up you would be a goner. Bradley let you tug at his hair harshly, never budging from you. 
The wave of pleasure you had been anticipating crashed over you. Intense pleasure flooded your system, making it hard to think. All you could do was roll your hips against Bradley's tongue. Your hands kept him pulled tightly on you, mustache digging into your folds. Bradley didn't mind, the image of you unraveling on his face had his cock twitching in his jeans. The sounds falling from you were angelic to him. An endless mantra of his name with moans mixed in. 
"Brad-Bradley! Sto-stop!" Bradley finally pulled back, letting you get some much needed relief. There was a thin sheen to his mustache, the hallway light showing it at the right angles. 
"That was so hot." Bradley stood up, kissing you gingerly. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in for an intense kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue, a small wetness prickling your upper lip. 
One of your hands trailed down his chest, earning a groan from him. Only the fabric of his jeans and boxers separated the two of you. His jean clad hips rolled into your bare ones. You cupped him through his jeans, reminding you of his size. With one hand you unbuttoned his jeans, pushing your hand into his boxers. Bradley pulled back, resting his forehead against yours while letting out a loud groan. 
"Fuck, babe, your hand feels so good." Feeling him praise you lightly sent a shudder through you, your insides clenching. 
His cock was warm and velvety in your hand, pulsing and twitching with each stroke. Bradley's head drifted to your shoulder, lips haphazardly kissing at the skin. Your touch was intoxicating, his brain going fuzzy as your strokes continued. A tightness in his abdomen had started to form. One of his hands grabbed your wrist, pulling it from the inside of his boxers. 
"As much as I'd love for you to continue, I need to be in you now." Bradley whispered against your skin. His words had you arching, nodding your head in agreement. 
The thought of his hard cock opening you up, stretching you until you couldn't take it had you moaning. Your tits were pressed tightly against his chest as your lips collided once more. You pulled back from the kiss, taking his hand and leading him down the hallway to your bedroom. He rid himself of his jeans and boxers as soon as he got to your room. Bradley had you on the bed quickly, hands groping and massaging your sides. His lips ghosted over your skin as he slotted himself between your legs. 
His cock rested against your folds, twitching every now and then. The two of you kissed, consuming everything the other had to offer. Bradley rolled his hips into yours. His cock pushed through your folds and rubbed against your clit. Your legs fell further apart, preparing yourself for the pleasure that was about to come. Bradley pulled back from you. Your eyes locked with his as he grabbed the base of his cock. 
The head of his cock prodded at your entrance. Bradley watched your lashes flutter while he pushed into you. A gasp falling from your lips as he continued. Your gaze never broke his those. He watched your face as you took all of him, filling you to the hilt. 
Once Bradley bottomed out, he started pressing kisses all over you. His hips were still as he littered you with kisses. Forehead, cheeks, neck, jaw, shoulders. All touched by the tender grace of his lips. Gentle roaming of his hands around your body kept you grounded in this reality. The two of you sat there for a few moments, him peppering your skin as your walls adjusted to his size. A kiss was pressed to your cheek before he pulled back to look down at you. 
“Hey.” The word was barely above a whisper, one hand moving up to caress your cheek. 
“Hey.” You whispered back, leaning up to kiss him. Bradley shifted his hips, pulling back a little before pushing back in. 
It was a soft rocking pace he created. His hips slowly rolled, his hands moving to hike your legs up around his waist. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, hand threading through his hair as he nuzzled into you. Moans and whimpers poured from the both of you, an occasional whisper of each other’s name. His pace picked up, hips moving slightly faster and harder.
“You feel so good,” Bradley groaned, “I don’t know how long I’ll last.” 
Every twitch of his cock you could feel. Your walls squeezed around him, earning a moan from the both of you. He slowed his thrusts for a moment, not wanting to come too soon. Bradley wanted this moment to last forever, even though he knew it wouldn’t. He stopped his thrusts completely, staying seated inside of you completely though. Bradley moved up to sit on his heels, looking down at you. 
His gaze raked over you, moaning when he saw his cock pressed into you. One of his hands settled between your breasts, trailing down to your hips. His thrusts picked back up, the new angle hitting that sensitive spot inside of you. Your walls were clenched tightly around him, the both of you letting your heads drop back. 
“If you do that one more time.” Bradley smirked as he looked down at you. You intentionally squeezed your walls around him, listening to the deep groan that emanated from his throat. 
“Or what?” You playfully joked. Bradley’s hands coasted down your legs, grabbing your hips tightly. 
“Or this.” Bradley almost pulled all the way out, his tip still inside of you. He rammed his hips forward, hitting that spot inside of you. Your back arched hard, an almost painful moan ripping from you. Bradley leaned back down over you, caging you in between his arms. 
“I love you.” Bradley whispered, kissing your neck and nibbling on your earlobe. 
“I love you, too.” Bradley kept up a softer pace, edging the both of you closer to your climaxes. 
It was one of the most intense orgasms you had ever experienced. All your muscles tensing as pleasure rocked through your body once more. Emotions flowed from you, Bradley’s name filling the space around the two of you. You carded your fingers through Bradley’s hair, letting him know you had him. Bradley’s hips were stuttering, whines falling from the both of you as he came inside of you. 
Hot breath beated against your neck as you two laid there. Bradley was still inside of you, laying on top of you as he regained his breath. You kept carding your fingers through his hair, almost a mindless action now. A shudder ran through you once Bradley shifted, propping himself up on his arm. His eyes were soft when he looked down at you. 
“Hmm?” You questioned. 
“Just looking at you.” Bradley said, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek. “Happy New Years.” 
“Happy New Years.”
A whimper left you as he pulled out of you. A slick feeling replaced the new empty one, his cum dripping out of you. Bradley quickly hopped off the bed, heading to your bathroom to find a washcloth. 
“I’m sorry, I should have pulled out.” Bradley apologized, handing the warm wet washcloth to you. You shrugged, taking it to clean yourself. 
“As long as you buy the plan B.” Bradley smiled, nodding as he sat on the bed near you. He chewed at his bottom lip, nervous about the impending conversation. He had already put everything out on the floor. It was hard to take back ‘i love you’ while your entire dick was in someone. But it wasn’t like you hadn’t shared the same sentiment. You picked up on his nervousness though, reaching a hand out to touch his thigh. 
You tossed the washcloth across the room, silently cheering when it made it into the basket. Bradley took notice, elbowing you softly. “Nice shot.” 
“Thanks.” You stared at him for a little bit, taking in all of his features before speaking. “So, this?” You gestured between the two of you then scooted up the bed. Bradley laid back on the bed, you propping yourself up on your elbow next to him. Even though he was nervous, all he could think about was that you looked like an angel. 
“I love you,” Bradley started, “but more than a friend.” 
“Obviously, you goof.” You tried to keep a straight face, only to smile at him. “I love you, too. The trip really helped me see it.” Bradley nodded. 
“I knew before the trip. Well, for me, I did. Why else would you think I’d buy you so much coffee?” You lightly smacked his chest, his hand catching your hand. 
“I don’t know, maybe ‘cause you’re a good person.” You sat up, “I gotta pee.” 
“I am a nice person!” Bradley shouted as you took off for the bathroom. He got up, finding his boxers and slipping them on. 
He had been to your apartment many times, but only in your bedroom a few times. It was very you he noticed, now having the time to take it all in. There was a cork board on one wall. It was littered with pictures, ones from college and a few from the past few years. There was one specific one that stood out to him though. It was of the two of you, on that neither of you had taken. He had an arm wrapped around your shoulders as the two of you looked at one another. Must have been from an office party. It made him wonder if the two of you always looked like a couple to everyone. 
“What?” Bradley looked at you, taking in your new clothed form. It was only a baggy t-shirt and underwear, but god did he find it beautiful. 
“Just looking at these pictures. Wondering if we always looked this good together?” You bumped your shoulder into his arm playfully, looking at the same picture. 
“What are you implying?” You knew the answer, surely you did. Bradley turned to you, cupping your face with one of his hands. 
“I’m implying that I’d like to be in a relationship with you.” A flutter appeared in your chest when he pressed his forehead to yours. 
“I think I’d like that, too.”
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moonlight-prose · 11 months
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a/n: this one is simply a short filthy blurb for this man. i wrote it faster than i intended to, but the inspo was alive the other night. it was a nice change of pace to write something like this compared to the angst i usually give him. which don't worry there will be more angst coming. also...yes the gif was necessary. his tongue is the main character in this one.
day fifteen - cunnilingus + cum eating | kinktober 2023
summary: "you’d call him insatiable, addicted without any way to appease the craving he had. and you’d be entirely right. he was addicted."
word count: 1k+
pairing: bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, cunnilingus, oral (f receiving), cum eating, assplay, ass eating, sex in a public place kinda, bradley being unhinged.
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You’d call him insatiable, addicted without any way to appease the craving he had. And you’d be entirely right. He was addicted. Unable to stop himself from needing a taste of you, a small amount to hold himself over until the next time. But those small promises of ‘let me do this baby I need it’ soon became so much more. Which is usually how you ended up in this position.
The noise of the bar was muffled through the bathroom door, but you couldn’t have focused on it even if you tried. Halfway through the night after two hours of playing pool and chatting with the boys, he had dragged you back here. The hunger was clear in his slightly glazed eyes. Although you wanted to bet no part of him was drunk on the alcohol he’d been consuming.
If there’s one thing about Bradley it was that his tolerance outmatched everyone at the bar. Able to drink each of them under the table two times over. A feat he’d tested several times.
Your hands were pressed to the door, head hanging forward, teeth digging into your bottom lip so hard you could taste copper. Except it was the only thing keeping you quiet as he knelt behind you. Tugging up your dress and sliding your lace panties down your legs. They pooled around your ankles, the color three shades darker than usual. A light pink now turned a mauvy purple. He grunted at the sight, hands cupping your ass as you arched your back towards him and that’s how you knew…he had you.
“So fucking gorgeous,” he mumbled, eyes stuck on the way your pussy was shiny with slick, your arousal clear. “How long have you been like this baby?”
You sucked in a breath. “Hours.”
“Poor baby.” He spread your ass, a moan getting caught in your throat at the obscene way he stared. “Shoulda told me. I’d have taken care of you.”
His cheek pressing to the back of your thigh, breath hot against your skin and it did nothing but make you squirm. “I can fucking smell you.”
“Bradley,” you whined, your hips pushing back slightly. You heard him chuckle and it made your cheeks burn, body practically shaking with need. “Don’t tease me. I can’t take—”
Your gasp was sharp, body slumping against the door when his mouth sealed over your pussy. Tongue sliding through your folds—his moan vibrating through you. When it came to eating you out Bradley was messy. He loved how he could turn you incoherent. How his touch brought you to life. He sucked at your clit, the sound echoed in the small confines of the bathroom, making you feel debauched. As if he wanted the whole bar to hear how he ate your pussy.
How much he enjoyed it.
“Tastes like fuckin’ heaven,” he mumbled, spreading you even further and pressing his tongue at your entrance.
“Oh god,” you moaned, cheek pressing to the door when he pushed forward, thrusting the wet muscle into you as his thumb found your clit. Sliding along it with quick movements.
His moan was loud—depraved—as he licked at you like you were the tastiest thing in this fucking bar. Although to Bradley you were. To him you were the sweetest slice of life that he could have. The lucky charm that he’d always searched for. You were everything he’d ever wanted and then some. Which is why the craving he consistently had, the addiction he had to your taste—your sounds—never eased.
Pulling away, he glanced at the way your eyes had fluttered closed, mouth parted and chest heaving. Eventually someone would come looking for you. If not that then the bathroom would be occupied by others. Yet he wanted to take his time. To strip you of everything except his touch—desperate to watch as you fell apart over and over again. Unfortunately that wasn’t something he could do here. So he dove back in, ripping a high pitched moan from your throat.
Two fingers curled into your wet heat, nudging perfectly against that spot that made your legs shake in your heels. The feeling of pleasure burned through you, shoving you towards an earth-shattering peak. One Bradley loved to drag you over.
“‘M gonna do this again when we get home,” he said, biting into the flesh of your ass. “I’ll eat you on the kitchen table like a proper fuckin’ meal.”
“Ah fuck I’m g-gonna—”
His tongue slid through your folds, a moan being pressed to your pussy that you felt in your toes. “Want to feel you baby.”
You were right on the edge. The sensations that coursed through you nearly sent you to your knees, but Bradley was holding you up. Keeping you stable as he had his way with you. The feeling of his spit hitting your asshole, trickling down to your pussy shoved a shocked moan up your throat. His tongue sliding along the tight puckered hole, sending you even higher.
“Don’t stop. Please, fuck.”
He moaned, fingers speeding up and tongue pressing forward. His other hand sliding up, thumb pressing into your ass, sent you flying over the edge. You slapped a hand over your mouth in an attempt to muffle your shout as you came. Gushing over his fingers and trembling against the door. He groaned, continuing to lick at you until you reached behind you and shoved at his head. Unable to take much more.
“I got you baby.”
You gasped, pressing your hands on the door to give you some leverage to stay upright. Only for him to lick through your pussy again, dragging a high pitched whine from your lips.
“B-Bradley I can’t—”
“I know honey.” Yet he didn’t stop, drinking you down with sloppy wet sounds that made your heart race. “Let me just taste you. Need it so fucking bad.”
Your eyes rolled back when he sucked your clit into his mouth, your cum now smeared across his chin. Shiny proof of what he’d been doing. You didn’t stop him this time. Fully ready to collapse on the floor as he licked at you, moans echoing in the room as he devoured you. He was starved and who were you to deny him his favorite meal? The taste of you.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Terms Of Endearment // Bradley Bradshaw
Series Masterlist
Summary: They always say when you aren’t looking for love it tends to find you. So when you and your daughter turn up in Fighter Town, Bradley Bradshaw is instantly infatuated. With reluctance to trust and harbouring a bad past, you don’t make it easy for the fighter pilot to love you.
Warnings: Will be allocated to appropriate chapters. Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Jake Seresin x Platonic!F!Reader.
~ Terms of Endearment Main Masterlist Link ~
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1. Matchmaker // Jake Seresin decides to take your love life into his own hands when an opportune moment falls into his lap.
2. Sunny Side // Rooster picks up your daughter from daycare.
3. Pillow Cases // After looking after your daughter for the afternoon, Rooster questions you about the pile of unwrapped Christmas presents in the closet. Your response? Something he’ll never forget.
4. Branded Father Figures // Bradley stays the night only to join in on a tradition Jake Seresin had been keeping a secret. Learning a few things about your past.
5. Christmas Crisis // Jake spends Christmas with his family and is told an ugly fact. Bradley spends Christmas Eve and morning with you and Dot—enjoying the calm before the storm.
6. The Calm Before The Storm // After Christmas lunch at Penny and Pete’s house, you and Bradley venture home. But don’t make it without a hitch.
7. The Clash // When Jaidyn Dolan moved to town Bradley Bradshaw gears up for the fight of his life. Having your back without question.
8. In Shades Of Terror // Things between you and Bradley and you and Jake reach a boiling point when Jake returns home, he finds himself spilling the beans about how him and Bradley knew about Jaidyn being in town.
9. To Build a Home // You’re finally approved for your own home through staff accommodation. But when you find out who your neighbour is you’re at a loss for words.
10. Biggest Stans // We see just how long Jake Seresin as been your biggest stand for and Bradley asked an all important question. If you’d consider moving in with him.
11. Trifecta // Jaidyn’s on a revenge driven path that’s only just the beginning.
12. Chase That Feeling // An unhinged Jaidyn causes chaos as Jake meets a woman who’s willing to put her front foot forward and Bob plays the hero card.
13. Dammed if you do, Dammed if you don’t // Jaidyn takes the games he playing to a whole knee level while Jake and Bradley do all that they can to get the higher ups involved.
14. Unlikely Savours // Jake and Bradley butt heads over what they need to do when Jake gets a call. Everyone’s racing against the clock, to find you and get to Dot.
15. Bringing in the reinforcements // Bob makes a call to someone he knows will be able to help and Amilia stalls Jaidyn to give Jake enough time to reach Dot.
16. It’s been a long, long day // Jake and Bradley reunite after having gone their separate ways. You need surgery and it’s not a good prognosis.
17. Not So Malice Intentions // When you wake up from surgery to find out Jake wants to keep Dot from seeing you for a first days, all hell breaks loose.
18. Cowboys & Apologists // When you wake up from being heavily sedated to a stranger but familiar man sitting in the corner of your room—you don’t take well to the carbon copy of Bob Floyd
19. It’s Personal // A week passes you by and you’re still in the hospital. You miss your daughters third birthday, Bradley goes in to bat for you against the Secretary of Defense and Jake has a run in with an intruder.
20. Yellow Polkadots // In the aftermath of Jakes unexpected intruder, decisions are made that bring you and your baby girl back together. Bradley struggles with a hard interior design decision & Jaidyn gets comfortable in his finale plot to end your happily ever after.
21. Heaven // (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) Discharged from hospital after suffering severe injuries from a near fatal run in with your ex has you high strung and on edge. For good reason too, you should always trust your instincts because no one around you is safe from the chaos that transpires in our final two part finale.
~~ Complete ~~
Concepts & Blurbs
-> Marked // Jake sees the infamous cattle prod mark your ex left behind.
-> Bobby Bear // Robert Floyd left this world too soon. But does Odette see his ghost when she’s a little girl?
-> Lessons in Love & War // On one of your first shifts back at work after the events of ToE. Odette is plagued with an illness that sends her to the emergency room with a very panicked Bradley Bradshaw.
-> Bath-time // Bath time isn’t always an easy feat when your little girl is afraid of baths. But they do make for some core memories.
-> Tunder Storm Sleep Overs // With a heavily pregnant wife and a toddler afraid of a raging thunderstorm outside. Bradley kicks into his favourite mode. Dad mode.
-> Easter Time // You don’t have an Easter Bunny—you have an Easter Rooster.
-> The sex positive couple // You and Bradley are busy getting it on when your daughter wakes up from hearing noises in the night. Afraid you’re hurt she calls for you.
-> Baby R // Riley Carole Bradshaw makes her big entrance to the world when Jakes in Texas and Bradley isn’t sure if he’s ready to be a dad twice over.
-> The Eternal Mark // When at the Abbott Ranch for thanksgiving, the sound and sight of a cattle prod has you feeling like you’d been thrown back in time into the arms of the man who swore blind he was going to kill you.
-> From Tooster to Rooster // The first time Odette calls Bradley Rooster and not Tooster.
-> Dots Promise Ring // Odette forever keeps the promise ring Rooster gave to her as a child. But one day she throws it away.
-> The not so real dad dad // Young, dumb and oh so impressionable Odette Bradshaw freaks out after the police show up at a house party she snuck out to. Calling her uncle to come get her didn’t go according to plan.
-> Sticks & Stones // The one where Rooster finds out about the time you absolutely let loose on your daughter during her teenage hellion years while he was on an eight week deployment. And the one you find out you weren’t the only one who kept parenting secrets.
-> Dots Pot // Bradley knows his oldest daughter smokes weed on the roof. I’m an attempt to stay hip with the youth he joins in—only to be left a paralytic on the couch. Outsmarted and out numbed.
-> Fruit of my loins // Odette Bradshaw is full of existential dilemmas about who she is and where she fits in. In an attempt to figure herself out, she goes to see the man who never wanted her in the first place.
-> Brother & Sister love // The dynamic between the Bradshaw siblings.
-> Uncle Jakes second wedding. // Jake has a no kids wedding and Odette isn’t too happy about the situation. Giving him one hell of an attitude about it.
-> Jake & Amilia // A glimpse into the fuck around that is Jake Seresins first marriage to a woman called Ellie who would never be Amilia.
-> Dot & Chase - The Dagger babies // Odette Bradshaw isn’t the easiest girl to get along with, and doesn’t Chase Fitch know that. -> Dot & Chase 2.0
-> What does Odette do for a living? What Nicky & What Riley Do for a living. The Bradshaw’s siblings go leaps and bounds in their respective careers. From soccer players to aviators to lawyers.
-> The Commanders Daughter // Odettes TopGun instructors.
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