riyasharmask · 2 years
9 healthy habits to follow everyday
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As per the knowledge passed on by our ancestors and mentioned in ayurveda, our body is made of 5 basic elements. These five basic elements are water, ether, earth, fire and air. These elements are recognized as pancha bhoota. Our body is predominated by core elements or doshas which are vata, pitta and kapha. Just as changes on the Earth are caused by the influences of the Sun  and the moon, in the similar way, our body and the completed physiology is also affected. It is because we are a part of this planet Earth and the Sun and the Moon are the natural healers. Presence of vata, pitta and kapha present in different proportions are also impacted by the sun and the moon.
Lets understand what 9 healthy habits we need to follow as per ayurveda in the entire day
1) Wake up in brahmamuhurta
It is the early morning or just the last phase of darkness. It is the period when the sun is going to rise and the kapha element gets reduced and the vata element gets activated. It is the time period when you can actually acquire a higher level of wisdom. Body and mind gets  into the phase and therefore it is recommended to wake in this phase or early morning.
2)   Drinking water in the empty stomach: It helps in flushing out toxins from the body through the excretory system. It cleanses the bowels from the stomach, activating your metabolism, improves appetite and skin.
3)   Cleansing your teeth and mouth: Using neem leaf extract and its bark for oral purpose can actually prevent cavities and tooth decay. You can chew the neem twigs until it gets into bristle shape and then you can brush the teeth with it.You can use the twigs to clean the tongue also.
4)   Practice exercise or yoga: Depending on the dosha type, you need to increase the intensity of yoga or exercise. With a kapha type of body, one must contribute more time to exercise. With the body of piitta, one must have medium intensity. With pitta type, one must have low intensity. One should not stop exercising until the heat is not generated.
5)   Take bathe everyday :  After half an hour of exercise, one must take bathe using the normal water. Ayurveda does not recommended the use of hot water because it is not good for heart and mind. Neither it is good for hair texture
6)   Practice meditation: : After the bathe is taken, one should practice meditation to increase the focus and concentration of mind. One can do it in ritual form or by keeping a candle in front of eyes and concentrating on it. One should practice meditation in the empty stomach. Because you finish up with your meal, the digestive system gets activated and so the blood supply gets involved. It can cause interruption if you practice meditation after the meal.
7)    Have a light meal during breakfast:  Ayurveda always recommends having breakfast after the sun rises. It is because the agni element is activated after the sun rise. Unlike western culture, ayurveda suggests having light and easily digestable food during breakfast. The reason is that for the entire night, the body has been in rest mode and metabolism gets activated after the sun rises. It becomes easier for the digestive system to absorb the food for energy conversion easily.
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8)    Have proper lunch:  It is always better to have lunch during 1 PM in the afternoon. It is when the sun is at the top of the head and the agni element is also at the highest point. And so, it is suggested to have the meal in a higher quantity. After that you can take a rest and continue with your normal work life.
9)   Get ready for recreation in the evening and dinner after sunset:
 Engaging in daily recreational activities during the evening will lower your stress level and refresh your body and mind. You must have a light dinner at 8:30pm maximum. It is because metabolic activity slows down and kapha dosha rises in the body.
These are simple habits which promise the key to healthy life followed by longevity and everlasting happiness.
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niwas123 · 3 months
In Vikrami Samvat 1455 (AD 1398), on the full moon day of Jyeshtha month, early in the morning during the Brahmamuhurta, the Supreme God Kabir (Kavirdev) himself came from his original place Satlok and appeared in the form of a child on a lotus flower inside the Lahartara pond in Kashi.
3Days Left Kabir Prakat Diwas
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astrovastukosh · 5 months
Hindu calendar of today's date - 13 April 2024 and if there are financial problems..
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Date – 13 April 2024 Day - Saturday Vikram Samvat - 2081 Ayan - Uttarayan season - spring Month – Chaitra Side - Shukla Date - Panchami till 12:04 pm followed by Shashthi Nakshatra - Mrigashira till 12:49 pm April 14 and then Ardra Yoga Shobhan till 12:34 pm April 14 and then Atigand Rahu Kaal – 09:31 am to 11:05 am Sunrise - 06:23 Sunset - 06:55 Disha Shool – East direction Brahmamuhurta – 04:51 am to 05:37 am Abhijeet Muhurta - 12:14 pm to 01:04 pm Nishita Muhurta- 00:14 pm April 14 to 01:01 am April 14 Fast and festival details – Aries Sankranti, Skanda Shashthi, Vaishakhi Special: Eating wood apple on Panchami brings stigma. By putting Neem leaves, fruits or teeth in the mouth on Shashthi, one attains lower births. (Brahmavaivarta Purana, Brahma Khand: 27.29-34) chaitra navratri According to religious scriptures, Skandamata is worshiped on the fifth day of Navratri. Skandmata is the one who provides happiness and peace to the devotees. The fifth form of Maa Durga is known as Skandamata as she is the mother of Lord Skanda, the commander of Devasura battle. On Panchami Tithi i.e. the fifth day of Navratri, offer bananas to Goddess Durga and donate bananas to the poor. This will bring happiness and peace in your family. If you have financial problems.. It is written in Skanda Purana that on the Panchami of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month (13 April 2024, Saturday), by reciting 12 mantras of Goddess Lakshmi, sitting quietly and worshiping her mentally and paying obeisance to her, he will attain Goddess Lakshmi, Lakshmi will become permanent in the house. Are. Financial problems gradually go away from his house. The twelve mantras are as follows – ॐ ऐश्‍वर्यै नम: ॐ कमलायै नम: ॐ लक्ष्मयै नम: ॐ चलायै नम: ॐ भुत्यै नम: ॐ हरिप्रियायै नम: ॐ पद्मायै नम: ॐ पद्माल्यायै नम: ॐ संपत्यै नम: ॐ ऊच्चयै नम: ॐ श्रीयै नम: ॐ पद्मधारिन्यै नम: सिद्धिबुद्धिप्रदे देवि भुक्तिमुक्ति प्रदायिनि । मंत्रपूर्ते सदा देवि महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तुते द्वादश एतानि नामानि लक्ष्मी संपूज्यय पठेत । स्थिरा लक्ष्मीर्भवेतस्य पुत्रदाराबिभिस: । Those who read these twelve names during these days. Lakshmi becomes stable in his house
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yadu-lifecoach · 10 months
The Holy Hour or Brahma Muhurta: the best time to practice Yoga | #holyhour #yoga #brahmamuhurta
What's Brahma Muhurta: or Ambrosial hours? What are the benefits of practicing Yogic rituals in this period? How practicing Yogic practices in this tenure, assists in spiritual awakening process? How can you get the divine guidance in this period? For more info please watch the video! Please Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe!
#holyhours #brahmi #muhurta #brahman #creator #spiritualawakening #kundaliniawakening #yogic #vedas #shastras #mind #psychicabilities #energy #cosmic #kundalini
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perfectveda · 2 years
Boosting Immunity Through Ayurveda-Perfectveda
Boosting Immunity Through Ayurveda
Immunity is the body's ability to overcome and resist disease. Staying healthy in today's world of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens that are constantly emerging and highly harmful to the human body is becoming increasingly difficult. In this situation, maintaining our immunity is critical. The Ayurvedic view of immunity is based on the concept of inherited reserve and acquired reserve.
Our immunity depends on various factors
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Health of Ojas Our Digestive power or Agni Balance of tridoshas within our body Balance of our manasik doshas. Keeping our channels (strotas open) To bring one’s health to the optimum levels, one must achieve a complete balance of tridoshas i.e. vata, pitta and kapha and keep channels and tissues healthy.
We cannot develop immunity overnight. We must constantly work on immunity-building measures such as eating a proper diet, maintaining a happy mental state, following a daily regimen, following a seasonal regimen, not suppressing natural urges, timely dosha purification, and so on. To achieve good health, some daily routines, such as Dinacharya, have been detailed in Ayurveda and can be followed so that our bodies are well connected with the circadian rhythm or body clock. Waking up at brahmamuhurta has been critical because there is an abundance of satva in both the mind and the atmosphere at this time. Dantadhavana, after cleansing the system, teeth cleaning with karanja or khadira twigs. Astringent, pungent, or bitter-tasting twigs can be used. Anjana is used to drain secretions from the eyes. Nasya is the instillation of herbal decoctions or oils into the nostrils. Gandusha Gargling with warm water, herbal decoction, or oil is recommended. Abhyanga, or oil massage, should be done on a daily basis because it slows down the ageing process, relieves tiredness, balances excess vata, nourishes body tissues, and improves skin tone and complexion. Various regimens should also be followed so that seasonal dosha imbalances do not occur and the body does not become susceptible to diseases. As a result, seasonal adaptations are critical.
Detoxification or purification Therapies such as vamana in vasant ritu, basti in varsha ritu, and virechana in sharad ritu, when practised correctly, bring about dosha balance and alleviate seasonal aggravation of doshas. Another entity known as Agni, or fire, is also important in maintaining optimal immunity. Immunity boosters generally aim to keep the digestive fire running smoothly. Toxic material is produced when digestion and metabolism are incomplete. These improperly digested toxic materials, or ama, cause channel defects, which can lead to diseases. To maintain good health and nourish our tissues in the body, our gut fire, or jataragni, dhatwagni, or tissue level fire, and bhutagni, or elemental fire, must all function optimally.
When an individual's Agni is sama, or balanced, that person is healthy and will live a long, happy, and healthy life. However, if a person's Agni is vitiated, the entire metabolism in his or her body is disrupted, resulting in illness and disease. Excessive anger, travel, fear, grief, suppression of hunger, excessive consumption of bitter and dry food, and excessive thinking deplete Ojas. Excessively dry, raw, and undercooked foods; canned, frozen, fried, or stale foods; alcohol, refined sugar, refined flour, and heavily processed foods are all foods to avoid. Ojas are the end result of proper nutrition and digestion. So, the first step is to make sure you're eating high-quality, fresh, wholesome, and seasonally appropriate food. In the long run, succumbing to fads and mono-diets may result in poor health. Dates, bananas, almonds, ghee, saffron, cow's milk, honey, whole grains, and green gramme are all high in Ojas building properties. Consumption of an impure diet, incompatible diet, unjustified dose of diet, taking food in indigestion, mixing wholesome and unwholesome together, taking food before the previous meal has been digested, and taking at an inconvenient time is strictly prohibited. Rasayana or restorative herbs can be used to boost Ojas. These contribute to the formation of healthy rasadi dhatus. Rasayana is the term given to special herbs, fruits, or any other form of medication that are known to promote positive health and longevity. Rasayana could be based on our diet, herbs that we intake and achar rasayana our conduct.
Some kitchen spices that can be used to increase immunity:
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Haldi can be had with warm milk. Jeera can be used in seasoning. Draksha can be soaked in water and can be had in the morning every day. Black pepper a pinch of its powder can be had with honey. Cinnamon can be had with Tulsi in the form of tea. Therefore, nutritionally balanced food according to one’s prakruti, healthy lifestyle, happy mental state, good digestive fire, healthy metabolism, daily and seasonal regimen along with good quality Ojas is what one requires to keep immunity at its best.
For More Visit Us at www.perfectveda.com
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whatitmusttake · 2 years
Guide to Meditation by Swami Vishnudevananda:
1. Regularity on time, place and practice. 2. Meditate on Brahmamuhurta (Dawn and dusk) 3. Have a separate place for meditation. 4. Face north or east. 5. Before beginning, command the mind to be quiet. 6. Regulate the breath. 7. Coordinate mantra with breath. 8. Allow the mind to wander at first, but eventually concentrate. 9. Do not force the mind to be still. 10. Select a focal point. 11. Focus on an uplifting object or symbol. 12. Begin the practice of meditation with 20 min periods and increase gradually to 1 hour.
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wildhawkadventures · 2 years
Thousand of Devotees Took Holy Dip at Triveni Ghat
Thousand of Devotees Took Holy Dip at Triveni Ghat
November 09, 2022 – On the last bath of the year of Kartik Purnima, there was a crowd of devotees at various Ganga Ghats, including Triveni Ghat. Thousands of devotees worship Lakshmi Narayan after bath, do charity, and pray for their families happiness, prosperity, and health. The bathing sequence started from Brahmamuhurta on the Ganges Ghats and continued throughout the day. Mythological…
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What is Brahma Muhurta & Brahmamuhurtha Time and Benefits
Brahma muhurta is the perfect time to perform spiritual practices and rituals Waking up during Brahmmuhurta can increase your immunity and boost your energy levels website: https://www.pillaicenter.com/blog/brahma-muhurta/
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पूरब से सूर्य उगा फैला उजियारा जागी हर दिशा दिशा जागा जग सारा !!! #4amclub #brahmamuhurta #earlyriser #5amclub @its_swatipiyush https://www.instagram.com/p/CTmBj3sjgFH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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oneworldnews-blog · 3 years
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yogiguruanand · 4 years
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Brahma muhurt (time of Brahma) is a period (muhurta) one and a half hours before sunrise—or more precisely, 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise. Literally meaning "The Creator's Hour", it is traditionally the penultimate phase or muhurta of the night and is considered an auspicious time for all practices of yoga and most appropriate for meditation, worship or any other religious practice. Spiritual activities performed early in the morning have a greater effect than in any other part of the day. Each muhurta lasts 48 minutes, and therefore the Brahma muhurta begins 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise, and ends 48 minutes before sunrise. The time of sunrise varies each day, according to geographic location and time of year, thus the time of the Brahma muhurta also varies. For example, if sunrise is at 6am, the brahma muhurta begins at 4:24am. If sunrise is at 7am, brahma muhurta begins at 5:24am, and so on. Ref. Wikipedia #brahmamuhurat #brahmamuhurta #adwaityogaschool #yogianand https://www.instagram.com/p/CFnnGj8FOMp/?igshid=byocur5f5efo
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astrovastukosh · 6 months
Today's date - 12 April 2024, Hindu calendar and measures to eliminate debt and increase wealth.
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Date – 12 April 2024 Day - Friday Vikram Samvat - 2081 Ayan - Uttarayan season - spring Month – Chaitra Side - Shukla Date - Chaturthi till 01:11 pm followed by Panchami Nakshatra - Rohini till 12.51 April 13 and then Mrigashira Yoga Saubhagya Night till 02:13 April 13 then Shobhan Rahu Kaal – 11:05 am to 12:39 pm Sunrise - 06:23 Sunset - 06:55 Disha Shool – West direction Brahmamuhurta – 04:52 am to 05:37 am Abhijeet Muhurta - 12.14 pm to 01.04 pm Nishita Muhurta- 00.16 April 13 to 01.02 April 13 Fast festival details- Vinayak Chaturthi, Lakshmi Panchami Special: Eating radish on Chaturthi leads to loss of wealth. Eating wood apple on Panchami brings stigma.(Brahmavaivarta Purana, Brahma Khand: 27.29-34) chaitra navratri The main goddess of Chaturthi Tithi of Navratri is Maa Kushmanda. Goddess Kushmanda is the destroyer of diseases instantly. The devotee who worships him gets good health along with wealth and prosperity. Kushmanda, the fourth form of Maa Durga, produced the egg i.e. the universe from her womb. For this reason this form of Durga was named Kushmanda. By worshiping Mother Kushmanda, the Anahata Chakra of our body gets awakened. By worshiping them, all our diseases and sorrows go away. Also, the devotees get all material and spiritual happiness along with life, fame, strength and health. Offer Malpua to Goddess Durga on the fourth day of Navratri i.e. Chaturthi Tithi. This ends the problems. Pay special attention to these things for debt relief and wealth growth Never touch the broom with your feet. After cooking, remove the pan, pan or other utensils from the stove and keep them down. Never open the door of your house by kicking it. Never eat food sitting on the threshold. Make the first roti for the cow in the morning and evening and feed it as per convenience. Salute the elders of the house. Their blessings bring prosperity to the house. Never keep dirty utensils in the kitchen and keep them clean at night. If the toilet is built at the wrong place in the house, then keeping salt in the toilet removes the effects of negative energy. Do not keep salt exposed anywhere except the toilet. This destroys wealth. To remove negative energy from the house, mop it with salt water once a week. Keep all the clocks in the house working, if they stop, get them repaired immediately, the money will be good. Broken chairs, stopped watches, empty cardboard boxes, bottles, idols or junk should not be kept on the roof of the house. Do not allow cobwebs or moss to grow in the house. Due to marks of pencil, chalk etc. on the walls and floor of the house, debt increases. If there are marks, erase them. For protection from obstacles, grind turmeric and rice and make Om at the entrance of the house with its solution or with only turmeric. Wake up every morning before sunrise, take bath and wear clean clothes. Do not speak false words. Light a lamp and cow-sandalwood incense sticks in the puja room. If possible, offer fresh flowers and chant your Guru Mantra at least 1000 times (10 rosaries) with Tulsi or Rudraksh rosary. Those who have not taken mantra initiation should chant whatever name of God they like.
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instagyan · 4 years
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Best time to wake up !!! #brahmamuhurta #brahmamuhurtam #instagyan #instanuggets #instafacts #earlymorning #earlyrisers #cortisol #besttimetowakeup #earlymorning #earlymorningbenefits (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQXrFbgKGl/?igshid=17mo595av2qpa
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happyhealthystreet · 4 years
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We should wake up at DAWN. Waking up before sunrise is having tremandous benefits. लवकर निजे लवकर उठे त्यास आयु आरोग्य लाभे Getting up at Dawn is very important. www.happyhealthystreet.com Get a happy and healthy life on happyhealthystreet. Read regularly...for more health details. #www.happyhealthystreet.com #ब्राह्म-मुहुर्त #brahmamuhurta #happyhealthystreet #happylife #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #happyhealthylife #ayurveda #ayurvedalifestyle #ayurvedalifestyle #ayurvedicmedicine #weightlossjourney #weightloss #easyweightloss #longlife #biohackingage #immunityBoosting #ushapan #ayurveda #ayurvedalifestyle #dincharya #ritucharya #ushapanbenefits #happyhealthystreet #healthblog #healthylifehappylife @prilaga #healthiswealth #healthy #healthyfood #healthyskin #healthandfitness #healthysnack #healthandwellness #instahealth #healthylifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/B_w_w1hH4iO/?igshid=m161kudem2m5
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amypriyayoga · 6 years
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#brahmamuhurta: "The Creator's Hour", i.e. the time just before sunrise, when it is most auspicious to practice yoga, meditation, or any sort of spiritual discipline, due to the stiller state of the mind. it’s never easy to do, and it’s especially grueling in the dead of winter. luckily, my best friend tagging along provides extra motivation. . . . #ashtangayoga #brooklynyoga #mysoreashtanga #mysorebrooklyn #practiceandalliscoming #yogaeverydamnday #carpediem #goodashtangi #goodyoganyc #krounchasana #nadisodhana #intermediateseries #yogadog #humpdaymotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-8_XyA2TR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f8bk7fhwop2r
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mandalabeat20-blog · 4 years
🌈Brahma Muhurta 💟 MANIFEST Anything You Want💫Thru Deeply connections⚛️fi...
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