unknownunseenunheard · 5 months
Thinking about how so many problems in Star Wars legends were born from Luke being horny
That whole mess with Callista. No I won't go into it, its its own catastrophe
Luke: There's an Imperial Spy in my Jedi Academy
Leia: So, you got rid of them, right?
Leia: So you got rid of them, right?
Luke: Look, I really wanna stick my dick in Brakiss, so I'm gonna try and convert him
Leia: Luke!
Luke: So, it turns out my ex girlfriend was actually a Sith Assassin all along sent to destabilize my position in the Rebellion. Anyways, she survived me shooting her down on instinct and is back
Han: So, where is she now?
Luke: Oh, I'm pretty sure she's mommy domming your son to the dark side but also I really like holding hands with her and gazing into her beautiful eyes 🥺
Han: Okay, fucked up mess with my kid aside, *you're married*
Luke: Pwetty Cyborg Milf
The only one was Luke taking one look at a Sith Assassin (yes, another one) engineered to kill him and going 'Yeah, I want her to peg me' (Mara rights)
Bonus points to Abeloth for capitalizing on Luke's whore weakness by possessing his ex girlfriends to use against him
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archeo-starwars · 1 year
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Brakiss [The New Essential Guide to Characters]
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textsfromthepraxeum · 2 years
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sweetmaniax · 2 years
“And there’s no good that comes from evil. Your example of someone using dark-side power to destroy the Death Star is fine until you ask why he would do that. Is it for his own good, and that of his people? If so, how will he deal with the next threat to them? If he hears of another Death Star and knows someone like the Caamasi are building it, does he destroy them?”
Kam frowned. “Bad example. Everyone knows the Caamasi were committed pacifists.”
“I know, Kam, but someone could rationalize them as evil and go after them.” I opened my hands. “Face it, someone did go after them and nearly wiped out the whole lot of them. I even heard there was a big Caamasi refugee group on Alderaan when it was destroyed. If someone could have seen the Caamasi as a threat, they could have seen anyone as a threat. A child. Anyone.”
Brakiss furrowed his brows. “I hear what you are saying and I want to believe you. Part of me says, though, that you can’t argue an absolute case that no good can come from wielding dark-side powers. There has to be a time when that could happen.”
“That’s theory, Brakiss, but we’ve got to deal with the practical realities of manipulating the Force.” I shook my head. “I don’t want to entertain the idea that I could remain uncorrupted by dealing with evil for what I see as a good purpose. That’s setting the first foot on a very steep and slippery slope. Maybe, with the help of Master Skywalker, it would be possible to get back to the top, but someone will pay a fearful price during my descent, and I don’t want to inflict that on anyone. Neither should you.”
-Corran Horn, Kam Solusar and Brakiss on the morality of using the Dark Side
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jayaorgana · 10 months
Luke buddy I think you have to give up on Brakiss.
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spectres-fulcrum · 9 months
I ripped the bandaid off and just reread the first book in the Young Jedi Knights series with the old EU Solo kids and their friends.
Oh my god I know why I loved them all so much. They're such a joy. I cannot wait to meet Zekk. I am home.
And I know why I avoided this series. Because why?
Who in their right mind would say we have a template for a well written, kind, animal loving, boy who tried his hardest to make the super serious warrior girl in his class who was a secret princess laugh and look at his loving uncle and loving parents who had had so much character development
and nuke. it. all.
And make sure Ben Solo/Kylo Ren was the name everyone knew. Made sure everyone knew they ruined his parents and ruined the character development of his father and turned his uncle into a shell. We could've gotten Luke smiling at his students getting into a food fight! Food fight!
We should've gotten Jacen, not Ben. Should've gotten Jaina and Tenal Ka, not Rey. Lowie and Zekk over Finn and Poe. The OT Trio should've been treated with respect. Old Peckham(That's a name I could NEVER forget, I loved Old Peckham) over Maz. Brakiss over Snoke. The temple in the jungle over ruins.
The template was right. Fucking. There. And they nuked it all.
Yes there was a reason I didn't dare go back to the real Solo kids, their friends, and the way they loved their father and mother and uncle. Because they trampled over it all with no respect for the story and characters. Just wanted their fame and red carpets and money.
(I swear I normally like Kylo and Rey and TFA I just. I think I care more about not being a "sequel hater" then letting myself be honest)
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rusted-muses · 2 years
Pinned Post
"What's in your queue today, Rusty?"
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I am Rusted Ursa, but I also go by Rusty.
I'mma try to keep this blog PG.
I'm ND and I don't give a fuck.
I brag post about my OCs.
I would love to hear about yours!
I'll tolerate interactions with children who are kind and respectful to others; I've had coworkers in their 20s who remind me of the girls I went to middle school with, so it's not like age confers maturity.
Here's my AO3. It's mostly Star Wars. (I wrote the world's longest Luke/Brakiss fic. And the world's second Luke/Brakiss fic ever.)
If I stop queueing bears, send a search party.
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rai-knightshade-art · 2 years
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Anakin Skywalker: Are you an angel?
Padmé Naberrie: What?
Anakin: An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the moons of Iego, I think. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe.
Padmé: You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?
Anakin: I listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through here. I'm a pilot, you know, and someday I'm going to fly away from this place.
-Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
(artist thoughts under the cut, image ID in alt text)
So I was rereading one of the final scenes from Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege a while back, specifically one of the last chapters of the book, which goes like this:
The Praxeum students have defeated the Second Imperium's Dark Jedi, Brakiss is gone with the destruction of the Shadow Academy, and everyone's returning to the Temple to regroup, get medical attention, etc etc. Zekk, formerly Brakiss's Darkest Knight, has been having a bit of a crisis as he's watched all his Dark Jedi fall, felt the death of Brakiss (explicitly a sort of father figure to him), and saw his guardian Peckhum's ship apparently crash into the jungles of Yavin IV. He's questioning his actions, his decisions, his entire being, spiralling as he realizes just how little control he has over his own life, until he finally makes the decision that there's at least one thing he can control. He ends up in front of the Jedi Temple, confronting Jaina, Luke and the other trainees, brandishing his lightsaber and refusing anyone entry. He and Jaina have a verbal battle of wills as she encourages him to embrace the light instead of the dark, appealing to their friendship, "I know there's still good in you, it's not too late to turn back to the light!" Eventually they cross blades, even, until Jaina turns hers off and throws it away in a classic Skywalker maneuver, refusing to fight Zekk; he continues to argue and inch his blade toward Jaina even as he appears conflicted, until they're interrupted when Peckhum's ship, clearly damaged but still flying and containing a very-much-still-alive Peckhum (Zekk's other father figure), which finally snaps him out of it.
Then the Temple blows up from the inside, and we finally get the reveal of what Zekk was actually doing as everyone runs for cover from the falling debris: stalling for time so that there would be no one in the Temple when it blew (a pre-planned act by the Second Imperium), therefore saving everyone. Zekk himself gets hit in the head with some debris after pushing Jaina back and out of the way, and falls to the ground unconscious as Jaina can only look on.
This is where the original chapter ended, and the next chapter time skips to after the chaos of the explosion, when everyone's getting medical attention and the lower levels of the Temple have been decreed safe to enter. I found this to be a bit of a let down though, I had remembered there being more tension, more emotion from these scenes, especially between Jaina and Zekk. And so, enter this comic, a sort of filler scene: after the debris has stopped crashing down around them but before most of the others have gotten their wits back about them, Jaina runs to where Zekk lies unconscious, heedless of any further danger, only concerned about her beloved friend's safety. And because i love it best when star wars rhymes with itself, they unknowingly recreate a moment from decades past, between another lost boy, and another brown-haired girl determined to change the world.
This comic was originally a little sketch along the side of Jaina and Zekk's character page, which you can see here. But even as i drew it there i knew i wanted to see it in full color with the lighting effects i had imagined in my head. And so, here we are!
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thisiseditsandstuff · 2 years
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→ Jedi Praxeum — class of 11 ABY
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short-wooloo · 2 years
"At this academy we do not learn only one side of the Force, this is not a school of darkness. I call this a Shadow Academy, for what does life create by its very nature, if not shadows? And it is only through using the full range of your emotions and desires—the light and the dark—that you will become truly strong in the Force and fulfill your destiny. The light side by itself offers only limited power. But when the light is blended with the dark, and you work within the shadows, then you achieve your full potential. Use the strength of the dark side." "That's not right, the dark side doesn't make you any stronger. It's faster, easier, more seductive. It's also more tenacious. Just as the light side brings freedom, the dark side brings only bondage. Once you enslave yourself to the dark side of the Force, you may never escape."
―Brakiss and Jaina Solo
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unknownunseenunheard · 7 months
I'm rereading yjk as a cleanse from the bs that was the end of Legends
Anyways -
Luke, looking at Brakiss: okay yeah he's totally an Imperial spy but have you considered that I wanna stick my dick in that
Leia: you let an Inquisitor infiltrate your Jedi Academy because you were horny and he's now kidnapped my children!
Luke: In my defense, Brakiss was long gone before I brought your kids here -
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atamascolily · 3 years
Just going to say that bringing your secret portable school to a battlefield seems like a really dumb idea, especially considering what happened the last time a high-tech Imperial space station confronted Luke Skywalker on Yavin IV. But Brakiss really is just that extra, so he’s got a big speech prepared:
 “With this important strike on the Jedi academy, the Second Imperium becomes more than just an undisciplined band of pirates raiding equipment. We mean to retake the galaxy, my lord. This battle must be a battle of philosophies, of willpower. This is the Imperial way against the Rebel way-and so it should be my trainees against Skywalker’s, Jedi versus Jedi. A shadow play, if you will, of darkness against light. We still intend to harass them with TIE fighter strikes from the air, but the main conflict will be direct and personal-as it must be! We can crush their very hearts, not merely breach their defenses.”
Yeah, okay, someone has a grudge, lol. Although considering what happened the other time the Empire tried to wipe out the Jedi Academy from orbit (RIP Dorsk 81), maybe it would be better just to... spend some spies to infiltrate or something? Oh, wait.
(Young!Brakiss: I volunteer as tribute!)
[Kevin J. Anderson really only has one mode, doesn’t he? This entire book is a rehash of Darksaber, which he also wrote.]
Luke even lampshades this in-universe:
TIE fighters had made direct attacks on the Great Temple-and yet ground forces and Dark Jedi had been sent to fight on a nearly even footing against Luke’s students.
With a different strategy, the Shadow Academy’s victory would have been far easier-it almost seemed as if Brakiss wanted to do it the hard way.
Luke knew that must be the answer.
And then Brakiss calls Luke to explain his true plan, which is the funniest thing ever:
“-essage for Luke Skywalker. Repeat: this is a message for Luke Skywalker. If anyone can hear me, respond immediately.”
Luke stared at the small device before replying, “Who is this?” But before he heard the answer, his Jedi senses told him the man’s identity.
“You can call me Master Brakiss,” the voice said. “Tell your teacher that I’m transmitting on all channels. He will want to speak to me.”
“This is Luke Skywalker,” he said. “If you have a message, Brakiss, you can give it directly to me.” Luke’s heart knocked painfully against his rib cage, though from surprise rather than fear.
The homoeroticism of this scene really speaks for itself.
A cultured laugh came over the comlink.“Well, my old teacher… the man I once called Master. This is a pleasure.”“
What do you want, Brakiss?” Luke asked.
“A meeting,” the smooth voice replied.“Just the two of us. On neutral ground. As equals. We didn’t have a chance to finish our… conversation when you came to my Shadow Academy to rescue your Jedi brats.”
So... a date, then?
Luke paused to consider. A meeting with Brakiss? Maybe this was the answer to the problem he had been trying to solve. After all, who was more central to this battle than the leader of the Shadow Academy himself?
If Luke could reason with Brakiss, turn him away from the dark side, this battle could be won before too many lives were lost.
Luke cannot resist the possibility of redemption! He’s got only one mode and he’s determined to use it!
“Where, Brakiss? What neutral territory do you propose?”
“I think both your academy and mine are out of the question right now.”
“Away from the fighting, then. Across the river in the Temple of the Blue Leaf Cluster.
But you must come alone.”
Yup, definitely a date.
Also, didn’t Corran bomb this temple--Exar Kun’s old hangout--at the end of I, Jedi? Does Brakiss know this, or is that an after-the-fact retcon?
“Will you?” Luke asked.
Brakiss gave a rich chuckle. “Of course. I have no need for reinforcements-and I know you are true to your word.”
Luke paused to reassure himself that the Force was indeed guiding his actions. Both he and Brakiss were strong enough in the Force to sense any betrayal by the other.“Very well, Brakiss. I’ll meet you there.
“Alone. We can settle this once and for all.”
So, yeah, Brakiss arranged this entire thing so that Luke would go out with him. I’M HOWLING.
Anyway, so the Temple is still standing in this book, and apparently Brakiss has good memories of this place, because otherwise he wouldn’t have chosen it for his Special Date Revenge Night.
This was the site Brakiss had chosen for their meeting, their confrontation… their duel, if it came to that.
DATE. The word you are looking for is DATE. 
Branches parted in a thicket beside the carved pillars of stone. A man stepped out, moving as if he were made of flowing quicksilver,a confident liquid shadow. His perfectly formed, sculpture-handsome face smiled. “So, Luke Skywalker, once my Jedi Master-you have come to surrender to me, I hope? To bow to my superior abilities?”
Luke did not return the smile. “I came to speak with you, as you requested. “
“I’m afraid speaking won’t be enough,” Brakiss said.
Gosh, the innuendo just writes itself.
“You see my Shadow Academy overhead? The battle fleet of the Second Imperium has just arrived. You have no hope of victory, despite your meager reinforcements. Join us now and stop all this bloodshed. I know the power you could wield, Skywalker, if you ever let yourself touch the powers you have neglected to learn.”
Luke shook his head. “Save it, Brakiss.Your words and your dark-side temptations have no effect on me,” he said. “You were once my student. You saw the light side, saw its capabilities for good-and yet you ran from it like a coward. But it’s not too late.Come with me now. Together we can explore what remains of the brightness in your heart.”
“There is no brightness in my heart,” Brakiss said. “I did not come here to banter with you. If you won’t be sensible and surrender, then I must defeat you and take the rest of your Jedi academy by force.” 
Foreplay, am I right.
He withdrew a lightsaber from the silvery sleeve of his robe. Long spikes like claws surrounded the energy blade that extended as he pushed the power button. Brakiss heaved a quick sigh. “It seems like such a waste of effort.”
[insert obligatory phallic laser sword joke here]
“You taught that becoming a Jedi is a voyage of self-discovery,” Brakiss said. “I have continued that self-discovery since I left here. I abandoned your teachings, but I found more, much more. My self-discovery has been vastly greater than your own, Luke Skywalker, because you have locked many important doors to yourself.” He raised his eyebrows and his eyes glinted a challenge. “I have looked behind those doors.”
*Thanos voice* “You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.”
Luke is So Tired:
“This has gone on long enough, Brakiss. You may either surrender or I’ll defeat you directly, because I have work to do. I need to get back to defending my Jedi academy.”
And then Luke destroys his lightsaber, like a boss.
The Master of the Shadow Academy held up his hands and staggered back. “Don’t kill me, Skywalker! Please don’t kill me!” The terror on Brakiss’s face seemed all out of proportion to the threat. Surely the shadow Jedi knew that Luke Skywalker was not the type to strike down an unarmed enemy in cold blood. Brakiss clutched at his silvery robe, fumbling with the fastenings.
This sounds like the beginning of a sex scene.
Luke strode toward him, lightsaber extended. “You are my captive now, Brakiss. It’s time for us to end this battle. Order your Dark Jedi to surrender.”
And then they banged, the end. Oh, wait--
Brakiss let his robes fall away, revealing a jumpsuit and repulsorpack. “No. I have other business to attend to,” he said, and ignited the repulsorjets.
As Luke stared in astonishment, Brakiss rocketed skyward, flying high out of reach.
“They fly now?”
“They fly now!”
The pain of loss flooded Luke’s mind, as fresh as on the day Brakiss first fled the Jedi academy. “Brakiss, I’ve failed to save you again,” he groaned.
... the fic practically writes itself, doesn’t it?
Anyway, Brakiss flees back to the Shadow Academy only to discover it was all a ruse, and ends up dying when one of the masterminds destroys the Academy as they flee, so RIP Brakiss. Feels like such an anticlimax (heh) after all that build-up, though, especially since we never get to see Luke’s reaction to Brakiss’s death or anything in this book.
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yjk-imagines · 5 years
Jacen, Jaina, and Lowie @ Brakiss: Sir, your vibes are positively rancid.
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jayaorgana · 10 months
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Why are all the Emperor’s Hands/Inquisitors that are named, the right age and usable for my fanfic girls? I did not expect Luke to end up having a girl gang but here we go I guess
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girlbossk · 4 years
aren’t abyssins... sentient?
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