#Brand PR
hrishichaurasiya · 1 year
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Mumbai Branding, Marketing Communications, Digital.  Stationery, Merchandise & Gifting, Packaging design, Brand events, Brand PR, Brand creation, Photography & Videography, Outdoor, Print, TV & Radio advertising, Point of sales, Sales Collaterals, Event Management, Digital Marketing, Branding Agency in Thane, Creative Agency In Thane, Digital Agency In Thane, Advertising Agency In Thane, Ad Agency in Thane, Advertising Agencies in Mumbai, Ad Agency in Mumbai.
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lazygamer262 · 2 years
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indiaalphawhiskey · 1 year
I wish Harry's management would lean more into the quirky angel-wings-wearing, 1D-shirt-selfie-taking, tipsily-men-cuddling side of Harry instead of the model-type-kissing version of whatever Harry Styles™ is supposed to be.
I’ve been thinking really hard about how to answer this thoughtfully and fairly, because I wholeheartedly agree with you. Stunts are useless to me, completely ineffective (even, clearly, to the GP) and diminish everything worth knowing about Harry.
What’s interesting though, is that in my deep frustration and disappointment about yet another unnecessary stunt, I bought My Body by EmRata on audiobook (I’m halfway through). And in the book, she says something really poignant:
“I wasn’t just famous; I was famously sexy.”
That quote has been haunting me all day because it explains Harry’s PR image so well. That one additional word is the key to understanding the ceaseless stunting circus HSHQ keeps putting us through.
See, Harry is a multitude of different, interesting, enigmatic, visionary things to us, his fans and even to the casual observer. But none of those things - not his talent, or his music, or his kindness - is what actually made him famous, or what set him apart from the 1D boys from the beginning. What made him famous, what made him different, what made him wanted, was his sex appeal - his brand and commodification as a sex symbol - which has been cultivated since he was sixteen (gross, I know. Very aware.)
And we can sit here and argue until we’re blue in the face about whether that’s something he does or doesn’t want, whether was pure marketing or something unique to him, or even how many other, more impressive, better, beautiful attributes he has and has developed since, that can and should be capitalized on.
But none of that is actually the point. The point is that this was always what his selling point was in the wider (albeit shallower) ocean that is entertainment. It’s his brand, like it or not, the way it was Marilyn Monroe’s brand, the way it’s EmRata’s brand, and you don’t keep the status of sex symbol by dating under-the-radar, interesting, talented people. You keep it by feeding it constantly, by reminding everyone of it whether they (or you) respond well or not, by remaining controversial and being linked to equally controversial PR personas. (E.g. Tom and Zendaya are cute as fuck and totally respectable. Their relationship is hardly ever in the headlines for more than 24 hrs, though, and neither are branded as a sex symbol per se.)
I’m not saying any of it is right, and a certainly don’t like it and very much wish it would stop. But sometimes, we have to look outward, and understand that things don’t live and die by the hand of fandom, as much as we wish they would; things don’t even live and die by the hand of good press.
I’m not saying don’t be frustrated or mad; I’m not saying accept it or don’t wish it would change. I’ve just found that finding a way to sit with it and understand that we (fandom) are not the audience and praise and respect aren’t necessarily the objective helps me gauge where my red lines are and what my sanity and longevity as a fan are really up against, especially when highlighting everything I don’t like seems like such a personal attack.
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Blorbo's Eepiest Soldier
Thank you everyone for your kind words, I'm doing better and am back to it <3
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azulock · 21 days
Random thoughts to prove that I'm alive while I'm forced by circumstance to work so much that I don't have time to write again:
Ya know, every now and again those "Character's socials"/SMAU type of posts cross my dash, and most of them portray the use of those socials in a way that I can only describe as early 2000s to early 2010s. That is, a time where those things were new enough that even celebrities could use them casually, where we still have screenshot of famous football players posting wild shit. Nowadays they don't do that anymore, cause it's a work thing, a brand thing. Cause nowadays those big football players are all brands in their own right.
I don't say this to shit on anyone doing these just to pose an interesting thought exercise: what would that type of social use look like for the characters? Cause, I can see Shidou's PR person still allowing him to post some wild shit - nothing too over the top or dangerous of course, but still being wild would clearly be part of his brand. Same thing goes for Bachira, weird and wild would also be his brand. I can imagine Oliver being allowed thrist traps cause being sexy would be part of his brand, and Chigiri would probably get to post fashion, haircare and shit like that ya know. And then you'd have people with the most basic brand style socials like Isagi, Rin and Sae who are all too professional.
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dreamings-free · 10 months
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Louis, Hypebeast and 28 Clothing shared a collab post to instagram 28/8/23
read the full feature here on hypebeast.com
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kylewalker-peters · 1 year
the thing about earning more money than many will see in their lifetime is that it's actually supposed to make it easier to say no to things that go against your moral/rights focused pr image but i guess i also haven't been offered even more money than many will see in their lifetime
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nico-di-genova · 8 months
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He’s so used to holding things like they’re a trophy, that it’s his default pose 😭😭😭
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tricoufamily · 1 year
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my brain is melting and my eyes are glazed over i cannot finish this edit take the scraps
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carmine2023pr · 11 months
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hrishichaurasiya · 1 year
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Eyecatchers-Branding, Creative & Digital Agency | Marketing Communications Eyecatchers | Advertising That Sells| One stop shop for branding, promotional, digital & communications needs| Mumbai Branding, Marketing Communications, Digital.
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In today’s world of digital marketing, content is king! Your content should precisely answer the query of the readers and should be to the point. Quality content can help you grow your viewership and eventually your brand presence online.
Things to keep in mind about content marketing.
More content is not better
Always remember quality is better than quantity. Focus on writing quality content, it trumps a ton of crap content.
Creating quality content takes time and efforts it’s not the work of a few minutes.
New content is not the best content
Writing content that gives information about latest happenings in your industry is good but its shelf life is very limited. Today’s news is old news tomorrow. It can be shared maybe once or twice.
So you should focus on creating evergreen content which can be shared for years and still won’t get old, it allows you to build an asset bank of content that can be constantly shared.
Content Marketing is an asset
Before digital marketing, traditional marketing was putting an advertisement in newspaper that was lying in the bin the next day. The television ad ran for a week and was never seen again.
Now the blog post is published and can be found on the internet until someone turns off the power and the internet. The television ads are replaced by YouTube ads and can be found on the search engine.
Content defines you
Writing your content and publishing it online can be a lonely experience.
You sit in front of your computer writing your content and hit publish. Someone who has no idea who you are what you and who stays on the other side of the world reads your content and they will judge and define you by your content.
Create multimedia content
Everyone has their own way of content consumption, some like to read, some like to watch and some might prefer listening to a podcast. So according to this we must vary our content and not stick to only one method.
Content needs to be customer focused
Always remember the aim of your content should be to educate people and not about bragging your products and brand. The more informative your content the more readers you’ll get.
Always put yourself in the place of your customers and try to find out about their questions, fears and try to answer them.
Content marketing demands persistence so keep making quality content and don’t forget to promote it, promoting your content is also very important. I hope this will improve your blogging tactics.
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lazygamer262 · 2 years
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
That one fic where they say Mothiva wouldn't survive a week in the tunnels of Hallownest is wrong. It's actually a 50/50 chance that either she dies within the first week or she adapts all too well to Hallownest and becomes some sort of horrific invasive species that's too damn stubborn to get infected and too damn sturdy to die.
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khattikeri · 4 months
nijisanji making another tweet clarifying they only shared those Sealed Legal Documents with a few livers who happened to be named in them... when doki's legal documents were about "bullying within the company"... and then having the people involved livestream a corpo statement reading plus their own sad thoughts about it... you mean to tell me that For Sure elira vox enna millie and ike(?) are implicated in that document? for bullying selen? ok nijisanji
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valyrfia · 11 months
the way Ferrari feeding us with Carlando left and right…even namedropping them🤭yet they never did the same with one of the most popular bromances on grid
it's the lestappen NDA they made everyone in the paddock sign
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