#Brand Strategy Consulting Firms
Business Consultants in Dubai, Brand Strategy Consulting Firms, Business Consulting Companies in Dubai, Digital PR Dubai, Brand Management Consulting Firms
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Vitral Innovations provides brand strategy consulting firms. Without a strong brand, it is almost impossible to grow as an organisation and stand out from the competitors. Brand Strategy Consulting Firms are vital for every company looking to improve its reach, engagement, and revenue.
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bizionictechnologies · 2 months
Don't let your SEO efforts stay grounded!
At Bizionic, we specialize in crafting tailored keyword strategies that will propel your business to new heights. 🚀 With comprehensive research and competitive analysis, we'll ensure your brand rises above the competition. Contact us today for a consultation!
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beamazingonline · 11 months
Unlock your brand's full potential with our expert brand strategy consulting firm. Elevate your business with tailored brand solutions and drive success in the market. Contact us now for transformative brand consulting services.
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techgrowthadvisors · 1 year
Website : https://www.techgrowthadvisors.com/
Address : Old Jockey Cottage, Church Ln, Rainow, Macclesfield SK10 5XE
Phone : +44 0161 552 3979
TechGrowth Advisors is a leading technology marketing consultancy in the UK, specialising in strategic marketing consulting and revenue growth acceleration for tech-focused companies. Our 3-point strategic planning blueprint helps IT & telecoms companies drive breakthrough strategy and goal attainment. Our growth strategy services help to define your new growth trajectory and include marketing strategy development, brand development & management, product management, customer relationship management (CRM), customer experience journey mapping, Our operational services help you to lock in that growth and make it a consistent part of your processes and include lead generation & digital marketing, sales enablement, partner marketing systems & management and helping you to obtain vendor funding. We also provide analytics & insight services to help you to drive superior insights in your customers, competitors and markets. Contact us today to learn how we can help accelerate your IT company's growth.
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Techgrowthnow
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/93636405/
You Tube : https://www.youtube.com/@TechGrowthAdvisors
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smebusinessguid · 1 year
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fswmediaus · 1 year
How marketing agencies transform the outdoor industry?
Understanding the demands of the consumer Digital Marketing has impacted how people target their consumers. It offers a wide range of advantages. You need to use digital marketing methods to promote your firm because pamphlets are no longer an effective form of advertising. Utilizing the internet will aid your marketing initiatives, brand promotion, and client understanding. Outdoor industry marketing agency also promote their services and gears which are used in outdoor activities.
Marketing agencies help outdoor businesses to showcase their service by covering videos through drones. There is wide usage of video marketing and graphics marketing which consist of unique effects which take viewer’s attention and make a unique presence.
FSW Media offers top class service for the outdoor industry and provides the marketing services including video marketing, website marketing and social media. If you are looking for a marketing agency for promoting your services or goods then contact us today.
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tumblingyeti · 2 months
Sloan According to Sloanies
For our final project, our group (Sloanies for Sloanies), has decided to examine and assist MIT Sloan in their branding strategy. In this blogpost, I reflect on some of the dilemmas faced by Burberry and the power of consumer stories in digital marketing as it applies to Sloan’s branding challenges and opportunities.
Pricing Dilemma: Elite but not elitist?
The Burberry case mentions three customer segments of the luxury fashion goods industry: absolute, aspirational, and accessible. The absolute segment is characterized by their “push back against masstige” in which they desire to own unique, iconic brands with history and heritage that emphasize their elitism. For this customer segment, the product’s price is an important element as it must be high enough to price out the mass-market; thus, helping set them apart from the masses.
Though I personally associate MIT Sloan with more inclusivity than elitism and exclusivism, it is true that per its pricing, Sloan does stand out as one of the most expensive among the MBA schools in the US. In 2023, MIT Sloan had the third highest tuition fees for a two-year US MBA program trailing only Wharton and Columbia Business School (see table below). As a pricing strategy, this would signal and maintain a certain level of exclusivity.
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Source: AdmitExpert (link: https://admitexpert.com/blog/mba-cost-usa/)
This exclusionary pricing is in contrast to the mission statement and values of the parent institution, MIT which states its mission is to “make a better world through education, research, and innovation” and its culture as “elite but not elitist.” Additionally, Sloan describes it culture as welcoming people with a “wide range of backgrounds, experience, and interests” (see screenshots below). Perhaps in the context of education, one can argue that price indicates more about the quality and benefits of education than the exclusivity. For example, maybe Sloan is more expensive because it provides better opportunities for skills-building and career-building. As a student, there are opportunities such as the action lab which provide hands-on learning opportunities domestically and abroad, entrepreneurial programs and grants, and courses from exceptional faculty which define the quality of the educational experience. All of these have costs associated with them. However, it’s also true that price does largely determine who and who cannot afford to attend a school and therefore, can have a discriminatory effect.
Given this, I would imagine for Sloan, their pricing strategy should carefully consider a balance between quality (value) and affordability (inclusiveness/diversity). If it becomes too expensive, it may sacrifice on the diversity and range of candidates it can attract, while it becomes too cheap, it may require sacrifices on the quality of experience provided to its students.
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Source: MIT website
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Source: MIT Sloan website
Power of Consumer Stories: Sloanies defining Sloan?
I imagine that most of us spoke to at least one Sloan student/alum to help us make the decision on whether or not to attend the Sloan MBA program. From a small sample size of my core groups and extended Sloan friend network, I would presume that >90% had talked to a Sloanie in this decision making process. Speaking from personal experience, it was in fact a panel with a current Sloanie and a former HBS alum that solidified my decision to go to Sloan.
I remember in my conversation during AdMIT weekend, I had a 1-on-1 chat with a student who was in the middle of her 1st year in the MBA program. She described an experience where multiple Sloanies were in the interview process for a certain consulting firm. She then continued to describe how the students were sharing insights amongst themselves to help each other in the process, even though they were likely competing for the same position. Students who did their interviews first left notes on what kinds of questions were asked and gave tips to the students who were interviewing after them. She said “This was unexpected and really made me appreciate our culture of Sloanies helping Sloanies. It’s truly a place where we collaborate with each other, rather than compete.”
At the same time, my mentor, who had attended HBS encouraged me also to go to Sloan over HBS. According to him, he thought MIT had a “humble” culture where I would fit in better.
At the time, I didn’t realize that “Sloanies helping Sloanies” was somewhat of a slogan for an aspect of the culture. I was surprised to see it mentioned on the Sloan website and think this is proof of a great marketing strategy from the school.
Albeit being a small sample size, I thought it was curious and compelling that out of all the business schools, Sloan was the only one with a perfect 5.0 review on GMAT Club.
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Source: GMAT Club (link: https://gmatclub.com/reviews/business_schools/)
I was curious what the student reviews said decided to create a word cloud of the 5 most recent reviews which gave the following result. Seeing the words – students, culture, and people – being mentioned the most points towards culture being a potential differentiation point of Sloan, as voiced by its consumers/students.
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Given how much prospective students rely on the experiences of other students to inform the decision and the positive students reviews already being posted online, Sloan’s branding could benefit from leveraging more of its student stories and by focusing on specific differentiation points that resonate with its consumers such as the “Sloanies helping Sloanies” culture.
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visual-sculptors · 2 months
Selecting the Right Tools for Effective Presentations
Selecting appropriate tools for presentations is a critical aspect of delivering an impactful message to an audience. A presenter should carefully assess the purpose and objectives of their presentation to determine the most effective tools for conveying information. This could range from traditional slide decks to interactive multimedia presentations, depending on the nature of the content being presented. It is also crucial to take into account the audience's technological proficiency when choosing the tools to ensure seamless communication and engagement.
Moreover, rehearsing and becoming familiar with the selected tools is imperative for a polished and professional delivery that resonates with the audience, making a lasting impression.
By meticulously selecting the right tools, presenters can elevate their presentations and create a memorable experience for their audience. The choice of tools plays a significant role in how information is communicated and perceived by the viewers.
It is essential to strike a balance between technological sophistication and user-friendliness to ensure that the tools enhance rather than distract from the message being conveyed.
A well-prepared presenter who has mastered their tools can captivate their audience, foster engagement, and effectively convey their message with clarity and impact.
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Visual Sculptors Designs – Aligned to Client Branding Guidelines.
To ensure that presentations are in line with a management consulting company's branding and messaging, we adopt various important strategies: After signing an agreement with a firm, we have calls to understand past projects and brand guidelines. We then create a detailed style sheet for approval, usually finalizing after 1-2 iterations. For the initial 10-15 deliveries, the agency prioritizes delivering high quality work with multiple quality checks. This includes ensuring brand consistency in aspects like color scheme, choosing appropriate chart types, and formatting elements. Graphic design process helps familiarize the agency team with the client's brand.
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A brand strategy consulting firms in Mumbai called Vitral Innovations offers guidance services, consulting, strategy development, and due diligence to help create customer-centric value-added brands. By building a strong strategic brand foundation, branding techniques were centred on attaining growth. Call us now!
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mariacallous · 6 months
“Florida is where woke goes to die,” Gov. Ron DeSantis declared at a victory speech in November 2022, just after winning his second term as governor of Florida. He’d just had a decisive win in an election that wasn’t otherwise particularly good for Republicans across the country, and he’d done it by promoting himself as an anti-woke warrior.
It wasn’t his official presidential campaign announcement, but it was still a pitch to voters nationwide: I’m the candidate who can defeat the creeping specter of wokeness infecting schools, workplaces, and our culture as a whole.
But one year after that victory speech that unofficially anointed him as a formidable opponent to Donald Trump, he’s polling in a far distant second place to the former president, and he’s been unable to take his anti-woke message nationwide. What happened?
Is DeSantis a bad messenger, is his anti-wokeness message just not resonating with GOP voters — or is the grip Trump has on the Republican electorate just too strong?
“It’s a little bit of all the above,” Alex Conant, a GOP consultant for Firehouse Strategies, a public affairs firm, told HuffPost.
Originally, “woke” was a term in African American Vernacular English meaning to stay alert to racial discrimination. But soon after the racial justice protests swept the country in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, conservative pundits co-opted the term to derogatorily refer to anything related to progressivism, equality or diversity.
Companies that put out statements in support of diversity initiatives or changed their racist logos, educators who wanted to teach accurate U.S. history, and celebrities who spoke out against discrimination were swiftly deemed “woke” ― and something conservatives everywhere should fear.
In contrast, in Florida and across the country, being anti-woke meant introducing bills that target LGBTQ+ students, diversity initiatives in the workplace, and what books children had access to at school. Any candidate promising to bring those ideas to the national stage, the thinking went, would be a strong Republican contender for the White House.
And perhaps no public figure has invested as much in the concept, or hitched their wagon to it as publicly as DeSantis.
“The woke mind virus is basically a form of cultural Marxism. At the end of the day, it’s an attack on the truth,” DeSantis said during a Fox News interview shortly after announcing he was running for president. “And because it’s a war on truth, I think we have no choice but to wage a war on woke.”
The following week he went to Iowa and promised to take on wokeness as president. “We will fight the woke in education, we will fight the woke in corporations, we will fight the woke in the halls of Congress,” he said.
But complaining about wokeness and stoking the culture wars has turned out to be a losing bet in elections across the country.
In the November 2022 election, candidates that focused on culture wars failed to win key races across the country, with losses in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia. Then last month, school board candidates who ran on combating wokeness in schools were unsuccessful.
It’s looking increasingly clear that Republicans overestimated how much GOP voters were invested in fighting wokeness. With just weeks to go before the first ballots are cast, a November poll out of Iowa shows that DeSantis is tied for second place with former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, at just 16%.
Trump seemed to pick up on the weakness of anti-wokeness branding before DeSantis. “I don’t like the term ‘woke’ because I hear, ‘Woke, woke, woke.’ It’s just a term they use, half the people can’t even define it, they don’t know what it is,” he said at an Iowa event in June.
Conant says Trump is correct. “A lot of voters don’t know what woke is,” he said. “Republicans struggle to define it.”
“Fundamentally, a lot of Republicans are troubled by activist politicians on the right and the left, and they don’t want to see the government penalizing companies,” Conant said.
As part of showing how strong he was on fighting wokeness, DeSantis famously went after Disney after the company criticized Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, which restricts what educators can say about sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom. In turn, DeSantis revoked the Disney district’s special tax status and appointed a new board to oversee the district. The megacorporation sued the state, alleging the government was infringing on its First Amendment right.
“I think they crossed the line,” DeSantis said about Disney’s criticism of the law in March. “We’re going to make sure we’re fighting back when people are threatening our parents and threatening our kids.”
But by August, DeSantis appeared to be defeated. It turns out that even though DeSantis had filled the board with members who were loyal to him, the old board had passed a policy that made the new members effectively powerless.
“We’ve basically moved on,” DeSantis said on CNBC. “They’re suing the state of Florida, they’re going to lose that lawsuit. So what I would say is, drop the lawsuit.”
Despite railing against woke companies and politicians, according to Ron Bonjean, a former Republican spokesman and the co-founder of PR firm ROKK Solutions, traditional conservatives don’t like when the government interferes with businesses.
“Seventy percent of polled Republicans are against elected officials going after companies and punishing them,” Bonjean said about his polling. “They want the government to stay out of the marketplace.”
And further polling shows that GOP voters are just not interested in the anti-woke culture wars — at least not enough to rally behind the most anti-woke candidate.
A July 2023 New York Times/Siena College poll found that only 24% of respondents wanted a candidate that would focus on defeating woke ideology.
“It’s immigration, national security, the economy, those are the issues that GOP voters care about the most,” Conant said. “But DeSantis spent most of the campaign talking about what he did in Tallahassee.”
And while campaigning against wokeness was a staple in DeSantis’ stump speeches early in his campaign, he slowly began pivoting. In a televised town hall with CNN this month, he didn’t utter the word once.
Not every political campaign expert believes that it’s simply a messaging problem.
“If you look at the kinds of things DeSantis is arguing against — progressive agendas pushed by school administration, the politics of corporations, DEI ― it’s something that he has articulated well and has a wide audience,” Daron Shaw, a political science professor and public opinion researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, told HuffPost.
But Shaw said DeSantis is just not an effective messenger. “Most conservatives would agree that woke politics have gone too far. But DeSantis isn’t the right messenger. He’s not a happy warrior.”
Trump’s supporters, for better or for worse, find him relatable and believe the former president is standing beside them. Meanwhile, DeSantis comes off as out of touch, like when he was unable to connect with a teenager describing his mental health struggles.
Others believe the media has a role to play. Initially, DeSantis sought only friendly media outlets, eschewing traditional television or print outlets that he likely believed would paint him in a bad light.
“He made a strategic mistake by not engaging in mainstream media,” Conant said. “He allowed his opponents to define him aloof, out of touch, and weird.”
For example, several clips of DeSantis struggling to smile have gone viral. He’s been accused of wearing high-heeled shoes to appear taller and made fun of for eating pudding with his fingers, and his candidacy has been dogged by allegations that he doesn’t know how to relate to voters.
“The Trump influencers and messengers behind the Make America Great Again movement post about DeSantis in high-heeled boots or getting his make-up done,” said David Capen, a North Carolina-based strategist. “They’re using these memes and little clips to make him look weak and insecure.”
And when you’re running against Trump, who is famous for delivering low-blow insults and is polling around 50 points ahead of DeSantis, the last thing you want is to look weak.
Even if DeSantis were polling better or if his message was resonating with voters nationwide and not just in Florida, he’d still have to contend with Trump — who has been the party’s standard bearer since his nomination in 2016.
“Everyone’s fundamental problem is Donald Trump,” Conant said. “He’s effectively the incumbent. You need to convince voters that he needs to be fired.”
And despite the numerous indictments and legal battles the former president is facing, it doesn’t appear to be holding him back. One Iowa strategist believes that DeSantis’ fledging campaign can’t be blamed on anti-wokeness being unpopular or DeSantis’ being too awkward for the national stage.
“It is all about Donald Trump’s popularity,” Jimmy Centers, an Iowa-based strategist, told HuffPost. “Trump is the 500-pound gorilla in the [Iowa] caucus. I think there was a fundamental miscalculation that the Republican electorate was ready for something new.”
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beamazingonline · 11 months
In today's competitive marketplace, it is more important than ever for businesses to have a strong brand. A strong brand can help a business attract new customers, retain existing customers, and command a premium price for its products or services.
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Mobile Application Development Consulting - Pixxelu Digital Technology
In today's digital age, having a mobile application for your business is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity. With millions of users accessing the internet through their smartphones, businesses must adapt to meet their customers where they are. However, developing a successful mobile application requires expertise, strategy, and careful planning. This is where mobile application development consulting services, such as those offered by Pixxelu Digital Technology, come into play.
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Understanding Mobile Application Development Consulting
Mobile application development consulting involves partnering with experts who have a deep understanding of the mobile app ecosystem. These professionals guide businesses through every stage of the app development process, from conceptualization to deployment and beyond. With their industry knowledge and technical expertise, consulting firms like Pixxelu Digital Technology help businesses navigate the complexities of mobile app development and ensure that their apps are not only functional but also user-friendly and engaging.
Why Choose Pixxelu Digital Technology for Mobile Application Development Consulting?
Pixxelu Digital Technology stands out as a leader in the field of mobile application development consulting for several reasons:
1. Expertise: With years of experience in the industry, Pixxelu Digital Technology has a team of seasoned professionals who excel in mobile app development. They stay updated on the latest trends and technologies to deliver cutting-edge solutions to their clients.
2. Customized Solutions: Pixxelu Digital Technology understands that every business is unique, with its own set of goals and challenges. That's why they offer personalized consulting services tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether it's developing a brand-new app or optimizing an existing one, they provide customized solutions that drive results.
3. End-to-End Support: From initial brainstorming sessions to post-launch support and maintenance, Pixxelu Digital Technology provides comprehensive assistance at every stage of the app development lifecycle. Their team is dedicated to ensuring the success of their clients' mobile applications, offering guidance and support every step of the way.
4. Focus on User Experience: One of the key factors that set Pixxelu Digital Technology apart is their emphasis on user experience (UX). They understand that a seamless and intuitive user interface is essential for the success of any mobile application. Therefore, they prioritize UX design and usability testing to create apps that not only look great but also provide a smooth and enjoyable experience for users.
The Benefits of Mobile Application Development Consulting
Partnering with a reputable consulting firm like Pixxelu Digital Technology can yield numerous benefits for businesses:
Strategic Guidance: Consulting experts help businesses define their app development goals, identify target audiences, and create a roadmap for success.
Cost Efficiency: By leveraging the expertise of consulting professionals, businesses can avoid common pitfalls and costly mistakes during the app development process.
Faster Time to Market: With streamlined processes and expert guidance, consulting firms help businesses bring their mobile apps to market more quickly, gaining a competitive edge in the industry.
Ongoing Support: Consulting firms provide continuous support and maintenance services, ensuring that mobile apps remain functional, secure, and up-to-date long after launch.
In today's digital landscape, mobile applications are essential tools for businesses looking to stay competitive and engage with their customers effectively. However, developing a successful mobile app requires expertise, strategy, and careful planning. That's where mobile application development consulting services, such as those offered by Pixxelu Digital Technology, come into play. By partnering with experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of the mobile app ecosystem, businesses can ensure the success of their mobile applications and achieve their goals.
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smebusinessguid · 2 years
Brand consultants are marketing professionals who specialise in the creation and implementation of brand strategies. Brand consultants provide analysis, solutions and general marketing expertise for companies to sell their products. Brand consultants may also be called upon to manage day-to-day operations related to branding efforts. Brand consultants work with companies to help them develop more effective branding strategies, identify opportunities for brand growth, and overcome challenges.
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pureconsultantde · 4 months
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Website: https://www.pureconsultant.de/de/beratung/project-management-office-beratung/
Address: Hohenstaufenring 57a, 50674 Köln, Germany
Pure Consultant bietet professionelle PMO-Beratungsdienstleistungen an. Unser erfahrenes Team von PMO-Beratern steht Ihnen zur Seite, um maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu entwickeln und eine effektive PMO-Transformation in Ihrem Unternehmen zu ermöglichen. Wir bringen umfassende Expertise im Bereich PMO Consulting ein, um individuelle Strategien zu entwerfen und die Effizienz Ihres Projektmanagements zu steigern. Unsere Fokussierung liegt darauf, Ihre Organisation durch effektive Schulungen und praxisnahe Anleitung auf dem Weg zu einem effizienten PMO zu begleiten.
Provenexpert: https://www.provenexpert.com/pcg-pure-consultant-gmbh/
Xing: https://www.xing.com/pages/pcgpureconsultantgmbh
Trustpilot: https://de.trustpilot.com/review/pureconsultant.de 
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/organization-guest/company/pcgpureconsultantgmbh
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