#Breastfeeding Supplies
wellhealthhub · 1 year
Mastering DME Breast Pumps: An In-Depth Guide by Well Health Hub
Get the complete lowdown on DME Breast Pumps with our detailed guide. From coverage to usage tips, we’ve got you covered. Read now! Introduction Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Durable Medical Equipment (DME) breast pumps. Whether you’re a new parent or a healthcare professional, this guide aims to cover everything you need to know about DME breast pumps. From types and coverage to…
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pregnancylifex · 8 months
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We've been having some latching issues so got myself a new pump 😬 here's to trying to up my milk supply 😭
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mistyhollowcottage · 6 months
Unfortunately I think our breastfeeding journey is going to have to come to an end. Every day she’s showing more signs of a dairy intolerance :(
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cloudmom-blog · 2 months
Best way to Breastfeed a newborn baby?
Hi there mamas. Having breastfeed 6 babies, I've seen my fair share of challenges. Breastfeeding is so damn difficult but it's also incredibly fulfilling and important. I've put my tips into this here video. Watch it and LMK what you think. In your view, what is the best way to breastfeed a newborn baby? My advice and tips here
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How Often Should I Pump And Breastfeed? A Quick Guide For New Moms 
This guide is here to be your breastfeeding support system, empowering you to understand your baby’s cues and establish a feeding routine that works for both of you. Whether you decide to breastfeed or pump, this guide is here to be your breastfeeding support system, empowering you to understand your baby’s cues and establish a feeding routine that works for both of you. Understanding Your…
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upspring01 · 4 months
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Recognizing the signs and symptoms of lactation is essential for new and expecting mothers. These indicators not only signal that the body is preparing to feed the baby but also help mothers understand and connect with their breastfeeding journey.
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supermommitali · 7 months
Breastfeeding Diet Foods to Eat to Increase Your Milk Supply - Sonali Shivlani
कहा जाता है कि जो माँ खाती है वही उसके बच्चे को breast milk के ज़रिये मिलता है. इसलिए बहुत जरूरी है कि आप nutritious खाए और अपना ध्यान रखें. पर मां का दूध बढ़ाने के लिए क्या खाना चाहिए, यह सवाल हर new mom के मन में रहता है. और आपके सवाल का जवाब pregnancy, lactation aur child nutrition counsellor, Sonali Shivlani ने इस video में दिया है.
उन्होंने बताया है कि कैसे grains, सब्जियां, फल और हर food group को अपने आहार में शामिल करना ज़रूरी है. Protien एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण nutritional requirement है for lactating mothers. Iron, calcium, omega-3, zinc और water nutrition provide करते हैं for a breastfeeding mom. उन्होंने ये भी बताया है कि ब्रेस्ट मिल्क बढ़ाने के लिए क्या खाना चाहिए और इसके लिए उन्होंने कुछ घरेलू नुस्खे भी share किए हैं. तो यह video ज़रूर देखिये. Breastfeeding से संबंधित और बातें जानने के लिए पूरी series Morisons Baby Dreams के चैनल पर देखिये. 
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pumpintwinmama · 1 year
I made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies so I can have more oats in my diet to help increase my milk supply. I fudged them up a bit so they look a little funky, but they taste good!
I was also able to pump while doing this using my Momcozy M5 wearable pump. Get yours here!
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
7 Unbeatable Tips to Find the Best DME Breast Pump Provider Near Me: A Comprehensive Guide
Discover the top tips and strategies to find the best DME breast pump provider near you. This comprehensive guide will help you make an informed decision and ensure you get the right pump for your needs. DME Store Locator DME Store Locator Enter Zip Code: Find Stores Introduction Choosing the right Durable Medical Equipment (DME) breast pump provider is a crucial decision for new moms. The…
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After childbirth, many mothers wonder what to eat to produce more breast milk for breastfeeding. They also wonder which foods are beneficial for milk production and what they should eat to have an abundant milk supply, etc. Here are some foods to increase breast milk that you can note and incorporate into the daily diet
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meeda · 1 year
I started taking fenugreek for health reasons but apparently one of the side effects is that you smell like maple syrup? at least according to tiktok and amazon reviews.
it hasn’t happened to me yet but i look forward to smelling like an international house of pancakes
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womenhealthcare2 · 1 year
7 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Lactation Consultant
Many now understand that nourishment for lactating ladies will have different standards in comparison to their pregnancy diet plan. The body requires different fuels now than it did before the process of making milk. And despite the fact that nutrition for women who are lactating may initially appear to be too much, keep in mind that you are not the only one who will benefit from watching what you eat.
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An experienced professional with specialized training to assist breastfeeding mothers is known as a lactation consultant. She may or may not be certified, and her experience working with mothers and infants will likely vary. Additionally, their education will differ significantly. For example, some Lactation Experts are additionally Licensed Practical Nurses, or LPNs, and have effectively finished nurse training. Some lactation consultants, on the other hand, are IBCLCs—International Board Certified Lactation Consultants—who have completed coursework, completed clinical practice hours and passed an exam on topics such as breastfeeding, milk production, and the management of breastfeeding complications, among other topics. The IBCLC designation, in contrast to that of a nurse or physician, does not indicate a predetermined amount of experience; it simply implies that they have finished their test and have been affirmed.
Having said that, a lactation consultant is the best option if you’re a new or experienced mother looking for support from a trained professional. The following are seven advantages of employing a lactation consultant:
1. Concerns about breastfeeding, such as clogged ducts and infections in the breast, can be addressed by your lactation consultant, as can treatment options and issues with milk production.
2. She can respond to all of your breastfeeding-related inquiries. Simply think of her as your real-world breastfeeding guide.
3. She can show you appropriate positions to “latch on” or tricks that can wipe out any actual distress.
4. She can assist you in determining whether you have a breast infection and offer suggestions. For instance, if you experience any redness, pain, or flu-like symptoms, she may conclude that you have mastitis and prescribe a warm compress, rest, increased breastfeeding frequency, pain medication, and other treatments.
5. She can give general data about breastfeeding, as well as how to effectively wean a child when you’re prepared.
6. She can show you how to respond to your baby’s hunger cues by pointing out signs that the baby is “rooting,” or ready to eat.
7. If you want to increase your milk supply, your lactation consultant can advise you to breastfeed more frequently, stop using pacifiers, or use holistic remedies like Milk Thistle, Fenugreek, or other Galactogogues.
In conclusion, hiring a seasoned lactation consultant may hold the key to a successful breastfeeding experience. You can deal with any breastfeeding issues with strength, knowledge, and confidence if you hire the right person and follow her advice.
Original Source: Lactation specialist
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austinbutlerslovers · 6 months
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Feyd Fantasy 4
Madness & Mayhem
Label Mature 18+
The Baron has fallen severely ill. Feyds older brother Rabban is flown in for a reunion of the Harkonnen men. With the role of leadership looking like it will transition to Feyd Rautha if the Baron dies the entire galaxy awaits in suspense.
Feyds main obsession is for you and your well being. Though he never outwardly shows it Feyd has a deep attachment to his unborn and goes out of his way to ensure you are both healthy and safe. Even if that means sacrificing his uncle the Baron to do so.
Starts Harkonnen brothers reunite Ends Deep rooted sexual depravity
🚨 Depraved Smut 🚨
coercion•manipulation •rough sex•Feyd in heat•passionate sex•forced lactation• multiple orgasms •simultaneous orgasms •cream pies•aftercare
🫦Smut consultant @burnthheparaphilia
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⚔️ Feyd Fantasy Series ⚔️
Part 1•Part2•Part 3•Part 4•Part 5• Part 6•Part 7
⏳Extreme Dune Inaccuracies ⌛️
💝Softie approved (non-violent) there’s one swift kick
Part 5 Will be Series Finale 🙏🏻
⚔️ Multiple anonymous requests combined ⚔️
-Feyd obsessed with the pregnancy -Feyd protective/aggressive over pregnancy -Manipulating the Baroness into a sexual kink -Rough semi public sex -Love making passionate sex -Feyd is madly in love with the Baroness -Feyd Going insane over the Baroness’s milk. -Feyd Breastfeeding from the Baroness -Feyd calling the Baroness his bovine
*Feyd really needs milk ?? thank you for the requests ☺️🙏🏻
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Madness & Mayhem 
Feyd waits with twenty armed guards at the front of the fortress. An ornithopter swoops in and lands on the arrival pad creating strong gusts of wind.
Out of the craft steps Feyds towering older barbaric brother Rabban. A pale bald gargantuan figure of a man, he has deep set hunter eyes his face rests in a permanent scowl.
He is the tasked enforcer to secure the Barons empire. So animalistic and savage his given name is “the beast” due to his outbursts of uncontrollable rage.
He sees his stoic younger brother at the entrance of the fortress with his guards. Still the most handsome Harkonnen now dressed with a more regal flair than the plain black uniform he is accustomed to. Feyds confidence has increased tenfold Rabban can see the newfound look of determination blazing in his eyes.
They have been raised in competition from child hood. Feyd out performing Rabban at every single opportunity. It hurt him terribly when they were younger to always be cast aside for the more calculated and handsome Feyd Rautha. That was until he came to the realization it was Feyds destiny, it was his right. How else could someone be so perfect.
Feyd watches his older brother bounding down the gangway to greet him. Feyd feels a nagging of annoyance as he clasps his hands behind his back. He stands taller as his brother grows near.
Rabban has failed to secure the spice fields on Arrakis his entire campaign. The spice supply and profits have been decreasing at an alarming rate. The Baron was already preparing to have Feyd arrive on Arrakis and be the savior of the people after Rabbans tyrannical rule.
“ BROTHER!” Rabban yells excitedly. “My eyes are so pleased to see you even under these circumstances. Look how well you are dressed how was your birthday celebration!” Rabban asks gleefully.
Feyd begins to walk with his hands clasped behind his back. Rabban matches his pace “All went well brother, uncle allowed me a real warrior for my 100th kill unsheilded ,and I received the ancient stones of ascension” Feyd revels in sharing his achievements over his brother.
“Our uncle?“ Rabban laughs out loud “let his precious Feyd Rautha engage in unsheilded combat!” Rabbans laughter continues even louder and more tormenting. Until it ends swiftly with a kick to his ribs from Feyd. The hit causes a direct injury Rabban falls to the ground in pain.
Feyd stands over his older brother enjoying watching him gasp and struggle to breathe from the harsh blow. “For the embarrassment you have caused the Harkonnen name on Arrakis you should be kissing my feet not insulting me brother.” Feyd hisses. ”Now that I am set to be Baron” Feyd pauses and steps his foot next to his brothers head. “Kiss or Die” Feyd commands as he kneels over him.
Rabban hesitates to kiss Feyds boot. He is overcome with humiliation that his younger brother is superior to him in every way possible. Rabban does however feel the shame weighing on him of weakening yet another family legacy.
He reluctantly turns his head and kisses Feyds boot in reverence. “We are even now brother ” Feyd asserts standing tall. “Come let’s go see uncle” Feyd leads the way back into the fortress as Rabban follows clutching his ribs
Clever Boy
Feyd and Rabban stand on either side of the Barons bed in the medical wing. The healers have determined he does not have a contagious disease, but his body is heavily contaminated with toxins. They do a skin test but find no reaction from contact. The poison they fail to find has already metabolized in his system.
The Baron is attached to a breathing apparatus. An intravenous mechanism pumps opium to control the pain. His fat body looks even weightier on the normal size medical bed hovering in place. His fingers are decorated with opulent silver rings, the remnants of Feyds birthday celebration. His hands rest across his chest.
“What happened to him why does he look so …purple?” Rabban asks out of curiosity. “Strange disease perhaps” Feyd says casually.
“What if he was POISONED?!!” Rabban yells as he continues to unravel the mystery “It looks like the effects of the dried root plant from Arrakis, there is no mistaking that purple color!” His eyes widen in fear as he clutches his chest.
Feyds impressed his thick brother even narrowed it down to the right plant. “Who would poison our dear sweet beloved uncle? Feyd asks with a mocked concern. “Whoever it is I WILL KILL THEM!” Rabban yells and lifts a medical table tossing it across the room. It crashes into a wall contents scattering across the floor.
The guards rush in and check for the immediate danger only to see Rabban falling to his knees wailing as he clutches his head. Feyd signals them to leave.
Rabban drags on his knees to the bedside of his uncle and grabs his purple hued hand “UNCLE OH WHY !YOU ARE OUR ONLY FATHER YOU HAVE RAISED US TO—” his wailing is cut short by Feyd pulling him up gently by his shoulders “You mustn't touch him too long remember? Diseases?” Feyd says hastily.
Rabban snarls in disgust looking at his hands and runs to the room basin scrubbing them furiously. “Good boy” Feyd says with a grin as he approaches him. His brother may be a raging maniac but he doesn’t want to risk him dead.
Feyd checks the vials of decontaminants. “This one should work much better” Feyd says handing Rabban a solvent that neutralizes toxins. “Thank you brother” Rabban says looking to him graciously.
Rabban was Feyds only childhood companion. Feyd out smarted him ruthlessly at every turn to gain favor from his uncle. Whatever bond they had was broken once the Baron pitted them against each other for his favor.
Feyd noticed how his uncle always underestimated Rabban. Without the pressure of failure Rabban’s nerves would decrease and his rage would cool. He could work effectively, but under pressure Rabban would crack every time. If he could keep Rabban calm during stressful events he would be an unstoppable force.
After Rabban scrubs his hands. He suddenly drops to his knees in front of Feyd. “Feyd I pledge my life to your service you are the future Baron of Giedi prime. I will do everything in my power to serve your reign, I will die for you brother” he says almost in tears.
Feyd slaps the back of his bald brothers head “Get up I know, come meet my Baroness pregnant with my heir” he says hiding away his contentment.
As Feyd and Rabban leave the Baron stirs with a wheeze he was only pretending to sleep. The opium dulls his pain but not enough. He listens intently whenever he hears an important visitor will be arriving . He knows his death is imminent and he spies to confirm his suspicions and loyalties.
‘The cold calculated Feyd Rautha will inherit the throne after all just as I foretold’ the Baron thinks to himself pleased. He lets out a weak startled cough coming to a realization. ‘Ah the cleverness of the boy.’ He sighs. The Baron realizes exactly who poisoned him and why. He presses a button to alert his mentant .
Tumultuous Family
You are sitting in a spacious open viewing room overlooking the large center fortress courtyard. Resting in a chair you enjoy a new book from Feyd ‘The Barons of Giedi Prime.’
Feyd wraps his knuckle at the large open door and you look up from your book and smile. Feyd is standing with a much larger imposing man dressed in Harkonnen military armor. You recognize him from the meeting hall portrait.
As they approach you put your book down and stand to greet them “My brother Rabban this is my wife and Baroness” Feyd says eyeing you with pride. Rabban looks slack jawed.
You are a healthy beautifully shaped woman with radiant skin and full head of hair. Your eyes and confidence immediately intimidate him. He was expecting a pale bald tamed Giedi Prime woman he can not contain his shock.
“Baroness you are stunning. I had no idea my brother could have a wife as beautiful as you are. I pray to the ancient ways the future heir will inherit your striking resemblance. You are like sunshine brightening a gray sky, your beautiful body will grow a healthy child. I am honored you will bear a Harkonnen, you… “ Feyd firmly grabs Rabbans shoulder to stop his unfiltered ramblings about your looks.
“What he is trying to say is congratulations” Feyd interjects. Rabban is already lost in thought transfixed by the thought that you are pregnant with an unborn.
He stares at your abdomen then back to your eyes “May I touch?” he asks reaching to your womb in fascination. Before you can even utter a word Feyd yanks him back full force “You do not touch what is mine brother” he snaps angrily.
Rabban bows his head respectfully and Feyd coldly gestures him to leave. Rabban exits the room quietly and shuts the door behind him. The silence is deafening after the interaction.
Feyd goes to your reading table and pours himself a water to drink. He sits and you join him. After a few moments of silence he formulates a way of giving you a piece of what you’ve been yearning for. His tumultuous family history.
“My older brother Rabban though vastly different from me is in fact related to me by blood.” He says with a contemplative smirk. “He was so unfit as a son my parents hastily sought to have another” you almost question his statement as vanity until you see he’s serious.
You decide to pry now that he has opened the conversation to his parents. Especially being tormented about his mothers death being matricide. “So you were your mother’s favorite?” you ask gently.
“My mother didn’t have a favorite, she didnt love any of us. She did as she was told. She was a Bene Gesserit” your stomach pulls in apprehension at his cruel inflection of the word.
“Rabban came out ….differently , obviously not the superior son they were expecting. After him there were several failed pregnancies. My father began having my mother pumped full of hormonal drugs. One cluster of drugged cells finally developed into a fertile embryo… and here I am” he sets his empty cup down tracing his finger around the rim to distract himself from his own painful admission.
Realizing his mother was a Bene Gesserit entails Feyd was rarely nurtured or loved. As a Bene Gesserit you do not attach to your child in love because it is considered to detract from the order. You are a vessel that serves a greater purpose and may need to lie or even harm your child to lead it to the path that aligns with the order.
Feyd slumps down in his chair and folds his hands. You see his deadened eyes lost in the complexities of a traumatic memory. You come and sit on his lap. He allows you space and you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his head. He reaches around your waist clinging to you as he still stares off into the space of the courtyard.
You press a kiss onto his forehead transferring feelings of love into his mind as you caress your fingers at his temple. He relaxes instantly closing his eyes and resting against your bosom. He feels safe as he presses his cheek along your breasts loving the comfort and warmth.
The way you nurture him so lovingly always causes maddening thoughts to form in his mind. He doesn’t understand why he must corrupt something so good but he has already set in motion a way to satisfy his newfound dark desire. “Come let’s prepare for dinner with my brother. I will need him as an ally in the coming days” he says trying to shift his mind back to rational thought. He helps you to stand from his lap and you both leave to his chamber.
Liquid Lactation
Unbeknownst to you Feyd has been invested in the health of you and his unborn to an obsessive degree from the start. He assigned a Doulah who confirmed you were implanted with his unborn.
At the verification he immediately coerced her to be a spy for him without any limit to your privacy. She is loyal to her leader and reports all details to him without reservation. He was informed the unborn is smaller than expected but healthy. However the pregnancy was draining vast amounts of iron and minerals from your blood.
He immediately had the meal consultant switch your sustenance to iron rich and enhanced with trace minerals for your consumption. You are completely unaware but he notices you are not tired as often and your energy has returned.
Feyds newest dark desire is at the forefront of his mind each time you hug him or press your warm breasts against his face. He wants to drink milk from you. He withholds his small sounds of pleasure when he clings to you and your breasts press against his face. He wants nothing more than to escape into ecstasy with your warm milk spilling down his throat.
When he divulges his sick obsession to the doulah she only wants to accommodate him. She believes the underlying cause is severe maternal neglect. Maybe the maternal affection will heal him in some way.
When she informs him your milk will not be ready until the final month Feyd conveys he does not want to interfere with his unborns supply he wants to create his own for a short time.
She readily comes up with a solution to appease her Na Baron. She is able to track down a water soluable substance that will force your lactation for up to six hours.
It is used for bovines when the milk harvest decreases on Giedi Prime due to toxic conditions.
It will be completely safe for a pregnant human female at the correct dosage. He readily accepts the translucent liquid studying its contents in the vial with a grin of satisfaction on his face. A new emotions over takes his body that he can’t describe. He thinks it is joy.
Just The One
As you get dressed for dinner in the basin room he unclocks a secret compartment in his kink cabinet. He retrieves the hidden vial and slips it into his pocket. He plans to secretly drug you into lactation tonight and have his fill of milk.
Once you emerge fully dressed his eyes fall to seduction. You’ve worn your hair up and have on a dark crimson red gown with sleeves that rest at your shoulders. The gown is low cut and snatched to your curves. “My Baroness” he says alluringly caressing you all over the shimmering fabric.
He trails his fingers along your covered breasts leaning in and placing a heated kiss on your collar bone. The ornate necklace you wore to cover your love marks is quickly snatched from your neck by Feyd.
He sucks onto your skin forming even more bruises where he finds space. He steps back to admire you trailing his thumb along the marks that make a collar. He smiles in satisfaction taking your hand and leading you to dinner.
As you enter the dining hall it is a quiet affair just you Feyd and Rabban at the expansive dining table. The Lord in waiting and advisors are in a frenzy completing the decrees and changes necessary to instate Feyd as the new Baron while his uncle lays dying.
Feyd sits at the head with you to his left and his brother to his right. The food arrives and is placed in front of each of you. You look at down at your plate to see your third serving of seared bovine meat with root vegetables of the day. You begin eating the vegetables first.
Feyd slips the lactation liquid into your drink with inherent skill. It goes unnoticed by all. He slides the vial in his sleeve and continues reaching for your knife cutting up your meat for you.
As you innocently take a sip from your glass Feyd wickedly smirks, his eyes glinting with delight. Realizing his ‘bovine Baroness‘ will be producing milk for him tonight hardens his cock. He palms himself under the table at the mere thought.
During the dinner Feyds attentions are focused entirely on you. His brother Rabban eats and rambles about the subservient ‘rats’ on Arrakis that he hunts and kills daily to protect the spice harvesters and the ever elusive rat leader Muad'Dib.
Feyd watches you finally empty your glass and hums to himself with a naughty smirk. He slips the empty vial from his sleeve placing it hidden under the ledge of his plate. You look over at him and smile your brows raise in curiosity due to his mischievous mood for the evening.
Rabban continues rambling and changes the topic one more time to himself before finally asking:
“How many children do you plan to have with my brother Baroness? How many nieces and nephews will I see running through the Harkonnen halls “ he smiles to you as he takes a bite and chews his dinner awaiting your numbered response.
Feyd finally pays attention.
You look up surprised and completely caught off guard by the question. You have not been initiated by the Bene Gesserit to have more than one. With the specialty of this child you realize all of your focus and energy will go into instructing the child in the ways on your own.
Once an adolescent the child will be warded by the Reverend Mother who will advance the inherited skills of the genetically supreme child to surpass all of the Bene Gesserits.
Feyd knows none of these limitations.
“I would like to focus all of my attention and energy on just the one” you answer honestly.
You glance over to confirm with Feyd and instead see defeat in his eyes.
It would give him no greater joy than to have several children with you. Growing up with only one tyrannical brother he wished he had other siblings.
Finding out you only want one is even more difficult for him to accept. It awakens the barbarian in his blood. He will get you pregnant as many times as possible. He smirks to himself how could you even deny him when he’s pinning you down thrusting you full of his seed.
Once the meal is completed and the table is cleared you bid farewell to Rabban. After walking only a few paces from the dining hall Feyds desires overtake him and he can not contain his sexual urges on the long walk to his chamber.
He pulls you into an empty darkened state room. It is reserved for hosting large banquets. Six stone pillars support the large atrium in the enormous space He pushes you against the nearest pillar kissing you hard as he unbuckles his pants and steps out of them.
He bunches your dress up to your hips as his fingers reach between your legs finding your panties and pulling them to the side. He presses his chest against you and pushes his fingers into your mouth. His panting grows heavier as he collects your saliva and pushes it into you folds.
Before you can even think he thrusts himself inside of you . He sheaths himself all the way to the hilt. You cling to him and moan into his ear as he lifts your legs around him and presses his hips between yours.
He holds your body up with his and begins fucking you against the pillar. You are moaning as he continues to rail you against the beam. He stares at your neck and sucks more bruises, the pain almost unbearable from his double markings on your tender neck.
You are overwhelmed by the intensity of his thrusts wracking through your body. You almost beg for mercy until your clit begins to throb as your nipples harden against your gown. You become so wet as he continues passionately thrusting it begins to feel pleasurable. He stares into your eyes conveying his wild unyielding love for you.
You love him too. You panic at the overwhelming intrusion of the thought and try to change your mind. You close your eyes to enjoy the carnal pleasure instead. His voice regains your attention “ look at me”’ he commands.
You open your eyes, as you do he presses his chest to yours and thrusts his cock its deepest inside of you throbbing your core. You cry out from the sensation of him fully sheathed inside of you. His eyes gaze unto yours full of his undying love for you.
It sends a chill all over your body. You become so aroused you wrap your arms around his neck and cling onto him, your face is pressed to his shoulder. He re-grips higher under your thighs and plows his cock into you against the pillar. Your moans in unison fill and echo throughout the giant space.
As you orgasm he cums with you. Your walls milk his cock as he spills his seed. His grunts against your neck soften as his thrusts grow weaker. He stays stilled inside of you panting and looking back into your eyes uncertain if he should describe to you what he’s feeling.
He removes his cock as he settle you to the ground. As you both redress he speaks up “I will want more than one child with you.” He asserts.
It makes you go mute you know the order may never approve of this and you turn away from him not knowing what to say.
“Why do you mock me with your silence woman?“ he says with concern. “Because we have not even had the first” you admit “Then I want seven” he says pulling you closer, holding the back of your neck.
He places his hand over your heart “You will be a good mother” he says tenderly looking into your eyes “How do you know if someone will be a good mother” you ask naively.
You look and see the anguish you’ve caused to form on his face remembering his childhood. You quickly shush him pulling him closer wrapping your arms around him. You caress his back as he works through his pain.
After a moment of silence you try and cheer him up “Maybe you can tell I will be a good mother because of the way your uncle hates me so” you say sweetly. Feyd grins menacingly “he will will learn to accept you …or he will die.”
Bovine Baroness
As you study your body in the mirror, you notice your breasts have doubled in size. You turn to the side cupping them to be sure. Your pregnancy hasn’t even begun to show.
With confusion on your face you cover in Feyds black robe tying the waist as you return to him in his chamber. He is sitting up in bed waiting for you. As you settle next to him he peeks over at your enlarged breasts and maddeningly craves for them.
He pats his lap and you come to him. He easily pulls you to straddle him. He sees the concerned look on your face “What worries you?” he asks. He can already guess as he strokes your cheek with the back of his hand.
You just bring his hands to cup your prominent chest. His entire body caves in as he smiles lustfully without giving away his intentions. The lactation liquid is taking effect and he’s going to milk you dry.
He slowly parts open your robe exposing your full breasts. His cock hardens beneath you from the sight. He tries to contain his heavy breathing.
He slowly cups your swollen breasts in his hands “There is milk inside” He says breathlessly feeling how they’ve grown heavier. “But it’s too soon“ you confess. “Well go see your Doulah in the morning” he says absentmindedly.
You see his breathing increasing even more, his eyes transfixed on your chest. He purposely kneads your soft full breasts in his hands. He pulls you closer and presses his face into each one softly caressing his cheek against them. The scorching heat of your skin warms his face. His length hardens solid
“Disrobe for me” he commands. He is near salivating wanting to drink from you.
You rise into a kneel and pull your robe from your shoulders. He grips the sheet on his lap bringing it down and releasing his firm standing cock. It slaps against his abs before settling straight.
He grabs your waist and pulls you close until your entrance is hovering directly above his cock. With your breasts in his face he squeezes them together in his hands “such a good mommy look at all this milk” he says softly peering up at you.
You feel so aroused by him and yet confused why your body is creating milk at this time. Your core aches for him. You watch as he opens his wanting mouth and sucks your nipple inside.
Your walls clench involuntarily as shocks of pleasure run down your spine. Your breasts are so full they tingle as your nipple hardens in his mouth. It sends chills all over your body as his warm mouth sucks you so gently. You feel his teeth graze onto the tender flesh making you softly moan.
He releases one and goes to the other sucking it in his mouth and tenderly biting down on the bud. “Feyd it feels so good“ is all you can say. “I haven’t even started yet” he says peeking up at you through his lashes with a smirk played on his lips.
He places your hands where his neck meets his broad shoulders. He begins squeezing and kneading your breasts a second time. He sucks them hard until your nipples are so taught they feel like they will burst.
All of his sucks and licks send shocks directly to your core. Your folds are soaked for him. He places his hands on your hips and pulls you down slowly penetrating you onto his large cock. He’s harder than ever as he pierces through your walls. Once you settle on the base you gasp and hold tighter to the back of his neck.
He leans in and presses his lips to your throat placing small kisses across the front. He grips your thighs and guides you with his hands making you move filled with his cock. He stretches you open rocking you back and forth on his lap as you sweetly moan.
He places his hands under your thighs lifting you slightly before settling you back down on his length in a rhythm. Your walls throb each time you settle on the base of his cock. Your core pulls tighter as you give into him lost in pleasure.
He parts his legs wider and slowly pushes his cock up inside of you as you settle down on him. You moan out his name as your mind goes fuzzy. You tilt your head back in satisfaction as you form a new rhythm working into each other until you both start panting.
As you grind slowly onto each other you let out sounds of pleasure in tandem. He watches your face in ecstasy as you make love to him. You moan in the air louder when he thrusts into you slightly harder. The smacks of his skin to yours growing louder with his increased stamina.
Your tits begin to leak due to your arousal and you look down stunned. He stops his thrusts as warm droplets pitter off your nipples onto his abs and into his lap. You are making a mess all over him you try to get up but Feyd holds your hips down firmly.
A shiver runs down your spine seeing the psychotic look in his eyes. This is what his depraved mind has been waiting for, his pupils slowly expand to black.
He goes insane and lunges his mouth onto your breast latching to your nipple. He cups your breast and whimpers as he sucks and his mouth begins filling with your warm milk.
He think he is dreaming as soft whines emit from his throat. He takes swallow after swallow wetly sucking milk out of you. Feyd releases your nipple from his mouth with a wet pop and tilts his head back gasping.
A deep guttural moan emits from his throat as his cock twitches inside of you. He tilts his head up hungry for more and grabs your other nipple pulling it into his mouth. He makes pathetic whimpering moans as he suckles from you. He begins to powerfully fuck you thrusting his cock up inside if you as he nurses. He wants to suck you dry as he refills you with his cum.
His sucking becomes sloppier as he thrusts into you with wild abandon. He isn’t focused on anything his cock and mouth are being too satisfied at the same time.
Your clit swells and throbs as you become so wet you are soaking his lap. You let out moans he sucks and fucks into you. He switches and latches on your other nipple again.
His teeth are tugging on you as he nurses. He’s becoming violent sucking your nipple harder and wanting more. You cradle the back of his head to calm him and he lets out a sickly little moan. You slowly rock back and forth on his cock with his thrusts “Feyd I’m going to cum” you cry out.
He swallows his last mouthful completely draining your breasts of milk. His body trembles and tenses as he lets out a range of deep moans. You cradle his head to your chest as his cock ejaculates inside of you. You orgasm sliding up and down on him milking his cock hard. He clings to you with his eyes shut tight as you ride through your orgasms together.
You slow to a still in his lap both of you panting heavily. His body twitch’s and you caress your hand on the parts of him that spasm involuntarily. He had a mental overload of emotions. You look into his dazed out eyes down to the milk that still covers his chin and his chest. You want to clean him.
You carefully slide him out of you and climb off of his lap. He lays down wearily he can hardly keep his eyes open he reaches his hand for you and trails his thumb down your jaw “my bovine baroness” he says with a milk drunk smile. You smile back at him and stroke his temple.
You leave his side to collect a cloth. When you return he is laying peacefully asleep. You clean him of all or your milk dabbing his mouth and his chin softly. His face is so soft and angelic lips curved in a smile eyes shifting in a dream.
You pat the cloth down his abs and cock. Once he is clean you climb into bed behind him and place your arm over his ribs pulling him against you cuddling your face to his back. You quickly fall into a deep sleep.
Long Live the Baron
Feyd awakens from a nightmare he sits up in bed in the dark breathing heavily in a light sheen of sweat. It wasn’t the usual sex dream of you. In this nightmare you were screaming being taken away from him by force.
He quickly reaches and checks you are by his side. Feeling your soft warm skin under his hand he lays and presses a kiss to your neck. He loves you with a newfound ferocity after drinking from you. He pulls you closer to him and rests with his head at the back of yours inhaling your scent trailing his fingers through your hair. His heart rate returns to normal with you in his arms and he rests his eyes.
There is a sudden sharp knock at the door making Feyd sit up. He doesn’t answer he waits for his Page to intercept. Once his Page collects the message he speaks through the door knowing Feyd is a light sleeper and will already be awake. “m’Lord It is your uncle you must come to his chamber at once” his page relays.
Feyd gets dressed in his traditional Harkonnen attire. A plain black uniform with chest pockets and a high collar. He knows the outcome of this urgent request. He kneels next to you sleeping, and plants a kiss on your temple. He places his hand on your womb to his unborn. This is the moment he has waited his entire life for he leaves his chambers heart racing with adrenaline.
He is brought to the Barons main chamber and enters a somber scene. All twelve of the Barons advisors and his Mentat with their heads low surrounding the bed of the clearly deceased Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. He is dressed in traditional black attire clutching the Harkonnen crest at his chest. Feyds brother Rabban is trying to remain stoic but every so often his sniffling can be heard.
Feyds newly appointed Lord in waiting makes the announcement “Siridar Vladimir Harkonnen is dead, long live the Baron Feyd Rautha Harkonnen“
“LONG LIVE BARON FEYD RAUTHA HARKONNEN!” They all chant bowing in reverence to Feyd.
His breathing increases as his eyes dance wildly. He glances around the room at all the advisors and his brother bowing to him. Seeing his uncles dead lifeless corpse in the back ground he feels the elation rising in his chest. This is real, his honor fulfilled he is now the reigning Baron of Geidi Prime. He has a maniacal look in his eyes as the corner of his mouth twitches into a smile.
Next Chapter->
Feyd Fantasy Part 5 Endless Empire (Series Finale💜) Plot =Baron Feyd | Feyd Supremacy | Harkonnen Heir
Special thanks warranted for following the series this far so happy to entertain you 😭🎉 anon requests for part 5 fic are closed TBA soon☺️
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Breakfast in Bed
𓂅 𓄹 Summary: Miguel wakes you up to breakfast in bed.
𓂅 𓄹 Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
18+. Lactation + breastfeeding kink. Fangs. Hungry Miguel. Also an unexpected lesson in Biology from yours truly. Loosely based on this ask.
By the time your eyes fluttered open to the faint light that poured through the blinds, you realised you were in a bit of a predicament.
1. You had woken up with a throaty moan.
2. Your clit was suddenly pulsing lightly.
3. A very much naked Miguel O’Hara was on top of you, latching greedily around one nipple.
“Good morning to you, too,” you giggled with a yawn, stretching out your arms and legs under him.
A pair of half-hooded crimson eyes met yours. You could get lost in those, especially that look on his handsome face. It was such an ego booster to have Miguel O’hara being so needy for you in the bedroom.
“Is this your definition of breakfast in bed?” you asked as you reached out to brush a strand of hair from his forehead.
Miguel was also extremely greedy.
He didn’t let go of your nipple until you arched into him with a sigh.
Two strong and broad arms lifted him from your breast, so he could hover above you with a devious grin, lips dripping with milk as the faint tips of his fangs peeked through.
“You do know I can sense your heart rate,” he said in a low voice, lowering his face to have droplets of milk drip onto your lips. “Go on… taste yourself,” he whispered.
Your heart skipped a beat. Or several. You couldn’t be sure. Reflexively, you allowed your tongue to swipe along your lower lip to collect the droplets of your own sweet milk.
Miguel smirked as he settled between your legs, and you gasped as his cock settled between your already wet folds.
“Don’t be greedy and drink all of it,” you teased.
He pressed a trail of wet kisses along your cheek until he reached your ear. “The more milk I drink, the more you’ll produce,” he said. “So you do need me to be greedy.”
Ah, of course. A masterclass in Biology from Miguel O’Hara himself. What more could one ask for? But what truly made your insides melt in adoration was the fact that he was absolutely correct.
“A lesson in Biology this early in the morning?”
He let out a strained grunt, moving his body down along yours again, pressing hungry kisses across one breast, deliberately avoiding the nipple.
You gasped lowly as his cock began to slide at an excruciatingly slow pace.
“Milk production is directly tied to stimuli,” he went on in between kisses. “We have - need to increase that rush of oxytocin and prolactin.”
Although his words were true, you couldn’t help but to giggle. “Oh, so this is just you being purely altruistic, hm?”
He hummed against your warm skin, the underside of his cock dragging deliciously against your swollen clit.
“You’re just making sure our daughter has enough supply.”
“Of course,” he said as his tongue lapped at your nipple to taste the beads that poured from it. “Father of the year.”
This man would be the death of you. In just under five minutes he had managed to get you closer and closer to the edge with just how smug he could be.
“Indeed…” you moaned approvingly.
One hand came to squeeze your other breast and he quickly moved to the side to latch on to it with blinding hunger. Your hands flew to his hair and you kept swaying your hips against his cock, feeling strings of precum pool against your clit.
Your fingers clenched around locks of his hair for support.
“Always so selfless,” you said, knowing that praise was still the easiest and quickest way to both his heart and cock alike. “What would be of us without you?”
He picked up on your teasing tone and two fangs began to poke gently at your senstive skin.
He was good. Too good.
But life had a way of being ironic, and the baby monitor suddenly lit up, alerting both of you that your baby daughter had woken up.
Miguel grunted against you, reluctantly tearing himself from your swollen nipple, milk pouring from the corners of his mouth and down his chin and neck. You glanced down to where his cock had settled between your folds, knowing fully well he was beyond annoyed that this session was cut short.
Even through the haze of pleasure, you managed to laugh, caressing a flushed cheek. “Go on, Miguel. Go be father of the year.”
You using his own words against him had him mumble a string of profanities in Spanish.
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starofbaby · 2 years
12 best Indian Foods To Increase Breast Milk Supply | Star Of Baby Not producing enough milk for your baby? Many mothers face this situation. There are many reasons that reduce milk supply such as stress and improper diet. At this time, stress is a common thing and stress is said to be the main reason to reduce breast milk production. Mothers need to take a proper diet and be relaxed while nursing. History says many women use home remedies to increase breast milk flow. In India, we are blessed with ingredients that prove to be wonderful for our health. Some of them help to increase breast milk supply. You just need a good research. Visit NOW: https://www.starofbaby.in/blogs/news/10-best-indian-foods-to-increase-breast-milk
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upspring01 · 4 months
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