#Bretton Woods New Hampshire
styleherstrong · 2 years
New England Fall Travel Guide | Where to Stay, What to Eat, Best Foliage Views
New England Fall Travel Guide | Where to Stay, What to Eat, Best Foliage Views
Happy Wednesday, Lovelies! One of Alex and my favorite fall traditions is taking a fall trip to see some great fall foliage, and spending some time alone! If you’ve been following along for a while now, you know that last year’s trip was to a few different stops in New England. After last year, we were hooked, and still feel like there are so many beautiful places left to visit in New England…
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daysinayear2015 · 2 months
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Day 097: April 6, 2024
Bretton Woods, NH.
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cpahlow · 2 years
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Had to share this @weheartit
 Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.
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travelella · 2 years
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Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.
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jeff-foliage · 8 months
7 Oct 2023, Fall Foliage Report
Greetings Leaf Peepers far and wide! Lisa and I just got back from a trip up north to New Hampshire and Maine. The colors while bright in many areas, they were subdued in others. We found the brown leaves a distraction but as I’ve said for the past few weeks, if you are finding brown or bare trees get back in the car and MOVE!. Also shooting from a greater distance like looking down from Table…
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enarei · 9 months
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The delegates that came to Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, from afar went into the Gold Room at the magisterial Mount Washington Hotel to put their impressions on the final communiqué. That was their role, and little else. It was no surprise, then, that the two major institutions that came out of Bretton Woods—the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank—had to be run by a European and an American, respectively. No one else would have a turn. John Maynard Keynes, who took the lead at the conference, did not want too many others. Those from the colonies and semi-colonies “clearly have nothing to contribute and will merely encumber the ground,” he wrote to the British Treasury.
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kp777 · 2 months
By Julia Conley
Common Dreams
April 16, 2024
"The institutions of world finance have lost their muscle," wrote more than 100 activists, celebrities, and political leaders. "You can be the leaders who bring them into the 21st century."
Quoting the economist John Maynard Keynes at the time of the founding of the modern global finance system in 1944, more than 100 signatories on Tuesday called on the world's largest economies to allow the world "to taste hope again" by pouring resources into solving the global debt and climate crises.
Keynes remarked after the historic Bretton Woods meeting in New Hampshire that the summit offered new hope to everyone from "our businessmen and our manufacturers and our unemployed" as world leaders established the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
But with the world now "rocked by conflict, food insecurity, biodiversity loss, and spiraling inflation," said the signers of an open letter organized by communications and campaign group Project Everyone, the global community needs "another Bretton Woods moment"—one that would correct the "imperfect" system hammered out 80 years ago and live up to the ideals that were centered at the original meeting, including "prosperity as a means of peace" and wealth as a means of serving "the common good."
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The letter states that global inequality is "compounded by the devastation wrought by climate change," which is disproportionately likely to impact the Global South even as developing countries contribute a mere fraction of the planet-heating emissions of wealthy nations.
The signatories—including International Rescue Committee CEO David Miliband, philanthropist Abigail Disney, and singer and activist Annie Lennox—called on G20 countries to take steps including tripling their investment in the World Bank and IMF, canceling developing countries' debt to the institutions, and reforming tax codes to ensure big polluters and the wealthiest people contribute to efforts to mitigate inequality.
"This is your chance," reads the letter, which was released as world leaders met in Washington, D.C. for the World Bank and IMF's Spring Meetings. "The institutions of world finance have lost their muscle. You can be the leaders who bring them into the 21st century. You can unlock the colossal public and private investment potential of renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and climate adaptation."
Under the status quo, the signatories noted, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are "way off track," with $3 trillion still needed achieve the objective of a "greener, fairer, better world by 2030," as agreed to by 193 U.N. member states.
Project Everyone and its supporters reiterated a demand made by Oxfam International Monday to cancel debts owed by countries in the Global South that are facing rising inequality, as their debt obligations to the IMF and the World Bank have left them unable to invest in education, climate adaptation, housing, and other public services.
"Removing burdensome debt allows countries to invest in their people and their future: in resilience, education, health, and nutrition," wrote the signatories. "This drives growth and creates string partners to trade with... Each of us stands to gain from stability, lower food and energy costs, and nature protection."
The wealthiest countries in the world, said Project Everyone, must look to the leaders who met at Bretton Woods and "fulfill their promise: to transform these instruments for peace and prosperity and truly set them to work in our common interest."
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ireton · 2 years
51 years ago today, President Nixon ended the Gold Standard.
President Richard Nixon’s actions in 1971 to end dollar convertibility to gold and implement wage/price controls were intended to address the international dilemma of a looming gold run and the domestic problem of inflation. The new economic policy marked the beginning of the end of the Bretton Woods international monetary system and temporarily halted inflation.
The international monetary system after World War II was dubbed the Bretton Woods system after the meeting of forty-four countries in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in 1944. The countries agreed to keep their currencies fixed (but adjustable in exceptional situations) to the dollar, and the dollar was fixed to gold. Since 1958, when the Bretton Woods system became operational, countries settled their international balances in dollars, and U.S. dollars were convertible to gold at a fixed exchange rate of $35 an ounce. The United States had the responsibility of keeping the dollar price of gold fixed and had to adjust the supply of dollars to maintain confidence in future gold convertibility.
Initially, the Bretton Woods system operated as planned. Japan and Europe were still rebuilding their postwar economies and demand for U.S. goods and services—and dollars—was high. Since the United States held about three-quarters of the world’s official gold reserves, the system seemed secure.
In the 1960s, European and Japanese exports became more competitive with U.S. exports. The U.S. share of world output decreased and so did the need for dollars, making converting those dollars to gold more desirable. The deteriorating U.S. balance of payments, combined with military spending and foreign aid, resulted in a large supply of dollars around the world. Meanwhile, the gold supply had increased only marginally. Eventually, there were more foreign-held dollars than the United States had gold. The country was vulnerable to a run on gold and there was a loss of confidence in the U.S. government’s ability to meet its obligations, thereby threatening both the dollar’s position as reserve currency and the overall Bretton Woods system.
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stumbleimg · 2 years
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Just Outside Bretton Woods, New Hampshire (7720x5147) [OC]
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dumplingsriceandkorea · 5 months
Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire
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Discover the timeless elegance of Omni Mount Washington Resort, nestled in the picturesque town of Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. An enchanting escape surrounded by nature's beauty.
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cfviet99 · 6 months
Bretton Woods system? Why collapse?
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The Bretton Woods system was an important international financial structure established after World War II to reshape the world economic map and maintain financial stability. Signed at the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944.
For more information about the Bretton Woods system, you can refer to the next section below.
History of the birth of the Bretton Woods system
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The Bretton Woods system was born in the aftermath of World War II, one of the largest wars in history, which left the world economy in chaos and recession. To face these challenges and rebuild the global economy, the Bretton Woods Conference was held at a mountain resort in New Hampshire, United States, from July 1 to 22, 1944.
The conference gathered representatives from 44 countries, with the main goal of creating a new financial and economic framework that could help maintain stability and restore the world economy after the war. Previous financial and monetary systems had failed, and a new basis was needed to support international trade and ensure financial stability.
At the Conference, it was decided to make the USD the main currency in the system, and other countries could exchange gold with the US at a fixed exchange rate. This created an "Asian gold exchange standard" system, in which the price of gold was determined and countries held gold to maintain the value of their currencies.
The organization and theoretical basis of the Bretton Woods System served the world for decades, but eventually faced challenges and changes in the 1970s and beyond.
Rules of the Bretton Woods system
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The Bretton Woods system was built upon a number of important rules intended to create a stable international monetary and financial base after World War II.
Here are some key rules of this system: Fixed exchange rates: One of the main features of the Bretton Woods System was the establishment of fixed exchange rates between national currencies. The USD was chosen as the main currency, and other countries could exchange gold with the US at a fixed exchange rate.
Gold as the basis: The Bretton Woods system implemented the "Asian gold exchange standard", in which the price of gold was determined and countries held gold to maintain the value of their currencies. This creates stability and trust in international trade.
World Bank: Established with the goal of providing capital for economic development projects in member countries, especially those recovering after war.
International Monetary Fund (IMF): The main function of the IMF is to provide capital and financial support to countries facing difficulties in foreign exchange payments and to enhance international financial stability.
Financial Stability Regime: The goal of the Bretton Woods System was to maintain global financial stability to avoid recession and currency fluctuations.
International Cooperation: The Bretton Woods System proposed close cooperation between countries to ensure global financial and economic stability. Member states are called upon to cooperate to resolve financial and trade issues.
Organizations formed from the Bretton Woods system
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World Bank
The World Bank is an international organization established to support economic development and poverty reduction in countries around the world. Although the name sounds like a bank, World Bank is not a traditional bank. Instead, it operates as an international financial institution providing capital, expertise and other resources to support development projects.
Main Objective: The main objective of the World Bank is to help developing countries build infrastructure, improve education and health, promote agricultural and industrial development, and create favorable conditions for sustainable development.
Ways of Support: World Bank provides support through funding, policy and technical advice. Projects often include the construction of railways, ports, power plants, improving education and healthcare, and other areas related to development.
Size and Power: The World Bank is a large organization with 189 member countries. Each member state has a regulated number of shares based on the economic size of that economy. The decision-making power of capital-contributing countries is greater.
IMF - International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization established to keep the international monetary and financial system stable. The IMF was born in 1944 through the Bretton Woods Agreement and began official operations in 1947.
Main Objective: The main objective of the IMF is to maintain international financial stability by providing policy advice and financial assistance to countries facing difficulties in foreign exchange payments.
Policy Advice: The IMF provides policy advice to member countries to help them maintain economic stability. This includes assessing and recommending general fiscal, monetary and economic policy.
Organization and Decision Making: The IMF has 190 member countries and decision-making power is distributed based on each country's capital contribution. The biggest decisions lie in the hands of the Governing Council, where each member country is represented by a senior representative.
The effects of the Bretton Woods system on the world economy
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The Bretton Woods system had great effects on the world economy in the period after World War II. Here are some of the main effects of this system:
Financial stability: One of the main goals of the Bretton Woods System was to maintain international financial stability. By keeping exchange rates stable and incorporating gold exchange regulations, this system helped prevent excessive volatility in currency markets and created an environment based on trust.
Economic recovery and development: The Bretton Woods system played an important role in the global economic recovery and development process after World War II. Organizations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were established to provide capital and financial support for infrastructure and development projects in developing countries.
Enhanced international trade: By maintaining stable exchange rates, the Bretton Woods System created a favorable environment for international trade. Fixed exchange rates help reduce risks associated with currency fluctuations, creating more favorable conditions for trade between countries.
Why did the Bretton Woods system collapse?
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The Bretton Woods system collapsed in the 1970s, and some of the main reasons for its collapse are mentioned below:
Due to Financial Pressures: During the 1960s, the United States faced severe financial challenges, including the war in Vietnam and domestic economic policies. The long war had increased defense costs, and domestic spending policy had suffered. This creates great financial pressure for the US, posing a challenge to the USD's ability to maintain the gold exchange rate.
Limited Ability to Exchange Gold: In the Bretton Woods system, countries could exchange gold with the United States to hedge the value of the dollar. However, as war and costs increased, the United States was no longer able to maintain enough gold to meet the demand for gold from other countries.
Global Financial Instability: Global financial instability has increased, with other countries beginning to have uncertain assessments of the ability of the United States to maintain the gold value of the dollar. Countries with strong economies, such as Germany and Japan, demanded gold exchange and did not trust the value of the dollar.
Stop Gold Payments: On August 15, 1971, US President Richard Nixon announced the "Gold Stoppage" and declared that the US would stop paying gold to countries except when necessary. This ended the ability to exchange gold for dollars and marked the official end of the Bretton Woods system.
The collapse of the Bretton Woods system opened a new stage in the history of international finance, laying the foundation for the modern system with diversification of financial channels and more flexible foreign exchange rates. Perhaps as a foreign exchange market investor you should also know some information about this financial system. Open a Demo account to join the top reputable forex brokers that we introduce to safely invest in foreign exchange.
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Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire Discover the timeless elegance of Omni Mount Washington Resort, nestled in the picturesque town of Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. An enchanting escape surrounded by nature's beauty.
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kc22invesmentsblog · 7 months
The Bretton Woods Agreement: Shaping the Global Financial Landscape
Written by Delvin In the wake of the devastation caused by World War II, the world sought to rebuild and establish a stable international monetary system. The Bretton Woods Agreement, signed in 1944, stands as a pivotal moment in history when representatives from 44 nations gathered in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to lay the groundwork for a new financial order. This agreement not only led to…
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The Secret World War II Bretton Woods Conference
Check out the latest LOST IN HISTORY blog post
Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire Not all the major battles in World War II were in Europe or the Pacific.  Some involved intense negotiations between the Allied nations – negotiations on what the post-war world would look like economically. The most significant was the secret Bretton Woods Conference of 1944.  It was a gathering of delegates from 44 nations from around the…
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lucas-marcomini · 9 months
Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire
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Discover the timeless elegance of Omni Mount Washington Resort, nestled in the picturesque town of Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. An enchanting escape surrounded by nature's beauty.
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jimpoker22 · 11 months
The Forex Market and Fraud: A Historical Overview and Emerging Trends
The Forex Market and Fraud: A Historical Overview and Emerging Trends
The forex market, also known as foreign exchange trading, has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. Over the years, it has evolved into the world's largest financial market. However, with its growth and popularity, the market has also become susceptible to fraudulent activities. In this article, we will delve into the origins of the forex market, its current structure, and the emerging trends in fraud within this market.
The Origins of the Forex Market
The forex market traces its roots to the establishment of the postwar forex system in 1944. The Bretton Woods conference, held in New Hampshire, led to the creation of the International Monetary Fund and the adoption of a fixed exchange rate system. Currencies were pegged to gold or the U.S. dollar, known as the gold standard. However, this system collapsed in 1971 due to uncontrollable currency fluctuations, leading to the emergence of a floating exchange rate system.
The Structure of the Forex Market
Unlike traditional financial markets, the forex market operates electronically and lacks a centralized exchange. It functions as an over-the-counter market, where banks and other participants engage in spot foreign currency transactions continuously throughout the day. Banks manage currency deposits based on their customers' needs, while investment managers must consider currency positions in addition to traditional instruments such as bonds and equities.
Current Trends and Growth of the Forex Market
According to the Bank for International Settlements, the daily turnover in global forex markets reached approximately $3.98 trillion in 2010, representing significant growth from previous years. This increase can be attributed to the rising number of retail transactions in forex trading. While the United States remains a relatively small contributor to this growth, other regions such as China and surrounding areas drive the market's expansion.
Fraud in the Forex Market
The forex market's popularity has attracted fraudsters who exploit individuals' greed and desire for quick profits. These fraudsters employ various tactics to deceive investors and promote unrealistic returns. Victims of investment scams come from diverse backgrounds, including successful professionals and hardworking individuals. It is crucial to recognize the signs of potential investment scams, such as promises of substantial profits and pressure to invest quickly.
Methods Employed by Fraudsters
Fraudsters use different strategies to target potential victims. They may contact individuals directly through phone calls or mailing lists, or indirectly through advertisements and the internet. Some fraudsters rely on referrals from initial investors to build trust and attract new victims. Additionally, scammers may create an illusion of professionalism and reputation by renting luxurious offices or participating in public associations.
Emerging Trends and Regulatory Oversight
To adapt to increased regulatory oversight, forex brokers in the United States are exploring different business models. While continuing to offer retail off-exchange forex, brokers are also considering offering regulated investment vehicles such as swaps, forwards, commodities, equities, and forex options. As the market evolves, industry consolidation is expected, with equity brokers looking to acquire forex brokers to expand their customer base.
Protecting Yourself from Investment Fraud
To protect yourself from investment scams, it is essential to conduct thorough research and due diligence. Avoid falling for exaggerated promises of high returns and be cautious of anyone who guarantees easy and quick profits. Greed is often exploited by fraudsters, so it is crucial to assess potential investments with a realistic perspective. By staying informed and skeptical, investors can mitigate the risk of falling victim to fraudulent activities in the forex market.
The forex market's growth and decentralized nature have made it vulnerable to fraudulent activities. Understanding the history, structure, and emerging trends in the forex market can help investors navigate this complex environment and protect themselves from potential scams. By remaining vigilant and exercising caution, individuals can participate in forex trading safely and take advantage of the opportunities this.
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