#Briony Thorburn
froggos-are-superior · 5 months
Not becoming the thing you sought to destroy or destroying the thing you sought to become, but a secret third thing: in an effort to destroy the thing you accidentally become it without realizing until it consumes you completely and there's nothing left of the person you once were or your original intentions and now the lines are blurred between greater and lesser evils. In this essay I will
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evenstarfalls · 6 months
How All Of Our Demise should have gone if I'm being honest
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r4c3rr · 7 months
Reid: I just ended a five year relationship. 
Briony: Oh no, are you okay? 
Reid: It's okay, it wasn't mine.
Alistair: And I jumped off the roof unscathed.
Hendry: You're bleeding from so many places.
Alistair: I'm a little bit scathed.
Gavin: Everywhere I turn, BAM, there's Alistair.
Fergus: That's because you're following him around...
Isobel: I don't like to think before I speak, I like to be just as surprised as anyone at what comes out of my mouth
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cheffe-cool · 6 months
Such a strange rant I’m about to go on, but-
I don’t think aouv is as modern as some people think it is? I’ve been reading fanfics about the series and people keep mentioning the internet or using smartphones, but the only kind of phones we see in the books are landlines.
Like when Reid’s on call with another spell maker (Isobels first chap of aoud) he twirls the wire around his finger.
Or at the end when Reid is upset Isobels been ignoring his calls she says “I’ve been at my moms (or with my mom idr)” If she had a smartphone that definitely wouldn’t be a problem.
None of the characters have phones they can carry around, and while we see a lot of news coverage on the tournament, it’s all in newspapers, magazines, TV and call ins. You’d think in a world like ours there would be some blogs- or Twitter fights about it or SOMETHING.
This literary doesn’t matter at all really- but I think the series might take place somewhere closer to the 80’s than 2000’s.
Idk just been thinking about this a lot for some reason.
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squiddosss · 1 year
AHHH WOAH THE DOODLES HAVE MADE MY WHOLE WEEK!! my crops have been watered, my family has been fed, my debts have been paid, my skin is clear etc etc.
*slides a monopoly bill over counter cause im broke*
psst...you got any more of the... stuff? any....stray doodles just.... lurking around?
(also your art is so prettyyyy, i could stare at your ocs for hours)
enjoy more of the boys <3
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itsnotmika · 7 months
"in a different story, would we still have been enemies?"
"does it matter?"
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fearsodyssey · 3 months
If you kick every gay person out of this country, then who’s going to be competing in your death tournament ILVERNATH??
(I know I’m late to this shhh)
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cortanasdaisies · 1 year
the media: alistair lowe is a scary, murderous, and powerful champion—
meanwhile, alistair in question:
*falls down the stairs*
*knocks over a display case*
*trips while running for his life*
gavin: can’t believe i’m in love with this idiot
alistair: what
hendry: what
gavin: what
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jaxx-a-phone · 3 months
Something that I’ve been noticing as I’m rereading and annotating aouv is that all of the main characters are/were doomed by the narrative. Hendry was raised to be a sacrificial lamb, Alistair’s slowly destroying himself and the reaper’s embrace, Gavin was born to die first because of his last name, Briony is too headstrong for her own good and has a hero complex, and Isobel was doomed by the media and by falling for Alistair in the first book. They were all doomed, yet all but two of them managed to push past it. And the two who did die, did so protecting the others/someone else
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gavingrievekinny · 5 months
aouv incorrect quotes (last one for now) (I think)
isobel: I don't think Alistair's ever gone to sleep before 5am, and it's really just concerning at this point.
isoble: let's not even talk about gavin. he wakes up at 4:45am, on the dot, every morning, without an alarm clock. it's terrifying.
briony: one of my talents is being stress.
isobel: don't you mean being stressed?
briony, watching innes down 6 aspirins: I don't think-
alistair: I'm what the victorians would call a "vile, ill-tempered and thoroughly wretched little creature".
alistair: I'm kind of crushing on someone, but I'm worried about telling you who it is, because you're not going to like it.
isobel: just rip the bandage off
alistair: it's gavin
isobel: put the bandage back on.
isobel: I had a dream I got arrested for tax evasion.
isobel: which is weird, because I don't even pay taxes.
finley: isobel, that IS tax evasion
carbry: *shy* are you uncomfortable?
finley: *also shy* no, I'm fine. Are you?
carbry: *slightly blushing* i'm not
finley: *also blushing* that's good.
elionor: ...
elionor: I AM
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chwe-y · 8 months
briony the tragic hero who believed in fairytails and so desperately wanted to save the world, to write her own story, to BE the hero at any cost realising too late that what she really wanted was a life, a story she could be proud of, that the only opinions that mattered where the opinions of the people she loved and cared about and then knowing that she would die, terrified and alone, she sacrificed herself anyway, like she'd planned to all along only now she realised the gravity of her choices, i really need to sit and organize my thoughts about briony thorburn coz i have a lot of them
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circewasright · 2 months
all right I'm gonna come out and say it. I don't mind posts that use pics of actors/models for book characters, that's fine, but what is bugging the h e l l out of me rn is the ulta feminisation of Briony Thorburn. like I've seen the button nose, petite face shape depictions of her and you CANNOT convince me she would actually look Like That. Briony is tall, she's got shoulders like an Amazonian woman, and she definitely has very distinct facial features. like a strong nose or a wider jaw for example. I just can't imagine Briony, the heroine, the fucking Rugby player, as a selena gomez lookin character
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vanivanvanilla · 5 months
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doodled some guys from all of us villains/all of our demise ^_^ might alter them a bit later but here's my current designs (alistair's curse design under cut)
in order: alistair, gavin, isobel, briony, finley, reid
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r4c3rr · 8 months
incorrect quotes part 2
Finley: Wow, you’ve pissed off a lot of people.
Briony: Well, that’s what happens when you live out loud.
Alistair: Could you be anymore annoying?
Marianne: Yes.
Alistair: So..hypothetically… how does one make a date more.. interesting? i want to take Gavin out for one. Hypothetically, of course.
Isobel: Um, sometimes acting sorta mysterious can be intriguing??
Alistair: Got it, thanks.
Gavin: So, where are we going?
Alistair: None of your damn business.
Reid: Are you sure this is safe?
Isobel: I never said that.
Finley: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much am I going to hate this little plan of yours?
Briony: About an 85.
FInley: Oh, good.
Alistair: Marianne, I sense hostility.
Marianne: Good, because I hate you.
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amalias-whatsoever · 8 months
existential question, I'm reading all of us villains, why haven't I seen a single fan art yet?
like this book is amazing
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squiddosss · 11 months
salutations fellow human being! if you are taking requests, may i suggest the aouv crew (there needs to be a better nickname for them) as children? idk just an idea
p.s. this is also a reminder that al had a bowl cut when he was 6-7 years old :) do what you will with that info :)))
I AM ALIVE! [insert 20 exclamation points here] ok but seriously sorry for dipping off the face of the planet :(
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here’s the line up! i kinda forgot everyone’s exact ages. i’m going to go ahead and say the characters are in 3rd-5th grade right now. also isn’t elionor one of the oldest champions?? uhhh idk
additional headcanons:
we all know Reid is a huge nerd. he probably leaned into the nerdy-ness a lot as a kid. this kid wore starwars shirts every day. also glasses, (i believe this is canon)
Isobel was actually rather quiet as a kid. she preferred books over people, and liked talking to adults more than kids her age. she was still exceptionally clever and motivated, but she didn’t really learn how to be sharp-tongued and ambitious until she befriended Briony. she owes her people skills that got her through the months before the tournament and all the reporters to her best friend. 
Briony basically coerced Isobel into joining a thing called spell scouts. think like boy scouts or girl scouts or any other youth program but for a magickal world. things like nature and survival skills were taught, but also the basics of spellcrafting and ethics of spell using. (just imagine them in their little uniforms)
Finley was pretty athletic and played a few sports, but didn’t fancy working with a whole team. he attempted junior league soccer (wait… football??? i am american help) but found that he preferred scoring points for his team rather than with his team. he did summer swim at first and running, but wouldn’t discover fencing until he was older (i believe he is the team captain in high school) oh, he also totally did summer theater camps. 
Alistair TOTALLY had a bowl cut. unfortunately, he has curly hair. Marianne Lowe thought his curly hair (which he inherited from his father, whoever that could be) was unbecoming for an eventual Lowe champion, so Alistair’s mother would have to magickally get it to stay straight every day. this is part of why Al lacks freckles— whenever Al went outside, humidity would turn it back into a curly mess. so, under Marianne’s instructions, he just never went outside. he later stopped straightening his hair (and outgrew the bowl cut thank god) but the habit of staying indoors stayed with him. 
Elionor experimented with dying the ends of her hair when she was younger. the blues and pinks never really showed through because her hair was brown, but she liked it, so that’s all that really mattered. she also wrote fanfiction and posted it to online forums despite technically not being old enough to use them.
after losing their father and having their mother leave them, it was hard for Briony and Innes to feel noticed within the large Thorburn family. they went about trying to feel accepted in different ways. Briony, obviously, was loud and learned to announce her presence to feel heard. Innes preferred a more subtle approach, learning a particular relative’s interests and schedules to find a way to slowly do little things to win them over. stuff like doing their chores or completing their hair. 
Carby was like… basically a baby at this point. so… [insert toddler personality trait here]
Diya definitely did extracurriculars at school. she won the spell fair (like the science fair but… y’know… spells) three years in a row and was a member of the book club that included a tournament with other schools at the end of the school year (which she won, duh) she was pretty competitive with it, too. 
Gavin… thinking about his childhood makes me so not ok. he realized pretty early on he was basically a sacrifice to a tournament his family would never win. Gavin knew about the tournament, and realized he would be the champion, and had always seen how distant his parents were, but didn’t realize what that really meant until a bit later. 
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