#British YouTubers
whereforarthur · 23 hours
So Much Restraint
Request: george (dom) smut where we have been on a group holiday and stopping ourselves from having sex cos of the other ppl (staying in the same villa/b&b) but once we get home its like practically clawing at each others clothes
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Pairing: George Clarkey x Gf!Reader
Category: Smut
Word Count: 3.2k
Those who restrain desire do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained. - William Blake
George leaned against the railing of the villa balcony, his gaze following the boundary between the sea, which was as blue as the ocean, and the sky above. After daybreak, the warm hue of the blazing sun engulfed the clouds, displacing the surging sea below that had looked so blue at the break of dawn. The warm wind blew through a coconut palm, and one could detect the smell of the sea and tropical cream. He sighed and glanced at the heavens, taking in the final moments of solitude before the party commenced.
The past week was a rollercoaster of enjoyment and annoyance. He and his girlfriend, y/n, had to restrain themselves from giving in to each other so as not to disturb their mates on vacation, just nodding and winking at each other as they walked around the living spaces with their friends—Chris, Arthur Hill, and Arthur TV. The villa was very nice, but with people constantly around them, there was no way of giving in to the passion that had been threatening to ignite ever since they set foot in the villa.
As the sun set that evening, George was weak, wanting to give in to his desires. It was a standoff, a power struggle that had been going on all week, one that was palpable yet wordless. As he got up, he saw Y/N standing at the door as she looked straight at him, suggesting that she was fighting the same battle as him. She wore a light summer dress that hugged her curves perfectly.
“It's time for dinner,” Y/N whispered, her words resonating melodiously. ”They are waiting for us downstairs.”
George nodded, yet neither of them looked away from the other. “I know,” he said quietly, the roughness in his tone giving her goosebumps. "I can only imagine what we are going to get up to once we get home."
Silence filled the space between them when he moved closer, and despite the heat in the villa, he only wanted her closer. As if in response, Y/N’s hand slowly extended, touching his chest lightly and causing his spine to tingle.
George saw her looking back at him, and for what felt like hours but could only be a few seconds, an incredible sensation engulfed his entire body and mind. He pulled her closer, the touch of his lips on hers hard and passionate. This was the kiss of love, of desire, the kiss that had been waiting to happen and which was ready to unleash after being pent up for this long.
But as soon as they started, they stopped. Hearing the boy's laughter from the pool below pulled them back into reality. They separated hesitantly, both attempting to calm themselves down. “We can’t,” Y/N whispered, her cheeks burning red.
“I know,” he said, calming her down as he took her hand. “When we get home, I will show you exactly how much I’ve missed you.” It was in his voice that she found the assurance she needed, and with that, she pulled him closer, her arms around his neck as they kissed.
They disappeared from each other for a while; the sound of their pulse echoed with the thump of the sea waves. They were able to keep it to themselves, and the anticipation of the arrangement made it seem like a couple’s promise.
At dinner, they had to wade through desire, circle it like a choreographed dance, sit across from each other at the table with friends, laugh, and chat about the delicious meal and wonderful company. But every time George cast his gaze at Y/N, he could see the same desire in her eyes.
After the meal, they made their excuses, claiming jet lag and the need for an early night. The boys raised their eyebrows in amusement but said nothing.
In their room, George and Y/N took turns in the shower, the sound of water a tantalizing backdrop to their stolen kisses and gentle touches.
Once Y/N emerged, her skin dewy and smelling faintly of coconut, George found his resolve slipping once more. They were both sitting on the edge of the bed; their legs were entangled; they felt the insatiable desire to strip each other. “We can do this,” George whispered, his fingers rubbing through her wet hair. "We can wait; we’ve made it this far."
Y/N breathed in deeply and exhaled, nodding her head slightly. “We have to,” she repeated, her voice a little weary as desperation began to creep in. "If we start now, I don't know if we would ever be able to stop."
They stretched out on the bed, their naked bodies rigid with the agitation of unsatisfied desire. The villa was silent apart from the faint sound of the sea in the distance and laughter from the party in the streets. They could feel the adrenaline pumping through their veins and could virtually hear the sound of their hearts beating.
George’s fingers lightly touched Y/N’s inner thigh, lazing dangerously close to the line of her shorts. "The boys are already complaining about the noises we make at home," he said, though he couldn’t fully hide his amusement. “What would they say if they only knew we have been holding ourselves back?”
Y/N blushed at the thought, gripping the sheets beneath her tightly. “We’ve got to be so much louder at home,” she said, though there was obvious affront in her words. "It will make them think that we have gone mad.”
They smiled at each other, and the tension reduced for a while. But the underlying current persisted; it was an active, waiting-to-detonate-at-any-moment kind of omnipresent tension. George looked down at her and then placed his hand softly over her thighs, delicately tracing lines on her skin. He immediately stopped his movements and faced her as he whispered, “It doesn’t matter what they say.” He smirks at her, “As long as you’re screaming my name.”
Y/N’s eyes sparkled with delight, and she couldn’t help but gasp at what he said. It was a familiar move, a classic sign of affection, but she went further to touch his face, specifically the line of his jaw, a touch that seemed to power through him like volts of electricity. ‘And what about when we get home?’ she whispered. For many, a dangerous question is the provocative “What do you want to do to me?”
George squeezed her thigh gently and looked at her with lustful eyes. “Everything,” he said, his voice turning into a growl. ”I wish to devour every part of you, have you quiver in my embrace, and hear you scream out my name until your throat gets sore.”
Y/N felt her heart racing just at the thought of it, her pulse rate rising through the roof as high as it could go. "Won't the boys still be home?” she asked, her fingers tracing over his hand.
George chuckled darkly. “Oh, they will hear us alright,” he responded, his eyes alternating between naughtiness and amusement. “But it’s ‘our’ house and ‘our’ rules.” The words slither through the air like a sultry whisper before he continues: “And if I remember correctly, you enjoyed 'screaming’ my name without a care in the world before.”
The atmosphere in the room became oppressively heavy, and the tension was palpable. Y/N moved her hand up his chest; she ran her nails along the surface and felt him shiver under her touch. ‘I have missed you, she murmured lustfully.
But just when George was about to surrender to this desire to strip her naked and finally feel her, a sound from the next room brought them to a halt. It was the Arthurs' unmistakable, slurred laughter as the duo clumsily barged into the room.
“Maybe we should try to get some sleep,” Y/N said quietly, waking up with concern in her eyes. ‘I don't know what I would do if they ever walked in on us.’
George let out a long-suffering sigh, his limbs trembling in protestation for not giving in. “Alright,” he agreed, even though he felt an overpowering urge to demand more. They kissed one more time and then lay gently beside each other, their limbs touching in the darkness of the bed where they slept.
The night was full of insomnious, restless whispers and secrets of lips pretending not to ache for each other. They found themselves lying side by side, and the distance that separated them seemed enormous.
Each time George moved in the bed, it made a squeaky sound, and this made them realize the importance of keeping quiet. They would go to bed and only wake up in the wee hours of the morning with the air between them pregnant with desire.
The next day, like all the previous days, the vacation by the tropical sun had arrived with no special warning, different from the fact that it was the last of the vacation, and the day felt weighty with the expectation of what was to come.
They packed their bags, the mundane task feeling almost erotic as their eyes kept darting toward each other, silently acknowledging the unspoken tension.
On their way to the airport, George’s hand lightly touched Y/N’s thigh in the back of the taxi, which sent a spark between them. She gripped his hand tightly, her knuckles white, and he knew she felt the same desperation. The flight home was torture; each minute seated in the plane was a silent plea for satisfaction.
The feeling only grew more intense once they got to their flat in London that they shared with Chris and Arthur Hill.
As soon as they both stepped inside and the door shut, George pushed Y/N against the wall and went in for it, kissing her fiercely as he had been wanting to for the past two days. She moaned, overly aroused, the suppressed passion of their vacation reacting.
”I need you,” George repeated softly in her ear, his teeth lightly touching her tender skin.
Y/N immediately grabbed his chest and shoved him backward with such force that it made him stumble. “No, not here!” she replied with a passion that radiated throughout her body.
George stared at her, his expression feral and filled with desire. “Let them hear,” he whispered, the possessiveness clear in his voice. “Make sure they understand that they belong to me.”
Y/N’s breath caught at the blatant demand in his voice. She realized he was correct; they had to give in now; they couldn't wait anymore. They fumbled down the hall, their clothes torn off in a frenzy as they moved. The door to their room banged shut, making the flat resound with the sound.
Their kisses became more passionate as they collapsed onto the bed, desperate to make contact and to take possession of each other. George’s hands traveled all over her, familiarizing themselves with every bump and hollow, every plane and line. It walked its long fingers up her dress, past her hips, his eyes locked with her the whole time.
In his mind, George was already preparing a symphony of sensation for them to get erotically lost in. He wanted to feel her completely, hear the moans of passion, as he thrusts in her. The idea of giving into their desires, giving in to their perverse passion was like a drug to his mind; he became dizzy with all the feelings that stirred his inner conscience.
Y/N’s legs tightened around his waist as he placed her on the bed; the springs of the mattress squeaked gently. He did not mind if the whole house heard them; what mattered to him the most was the present, the touch of her body. Their lips met once more; this time he reached down near her hips and touched the softness of her thighs through the delicate material of her underwear.
“You are stunning, so, so beautiful,” he murmured huskily, running his eyes over the curves of her figure. " I dreamt about this every night."
Too excited to breathe properly, Y/N stared at him, her breasts rising and falling rapidly. "I wanna know what you’ve been dreaming about." She whispered seductively into his ear.
George tried to hide the darkness in his eyes as he whispered against her ear, leaning closer to her. ”I’ve dreamt of you open and spread for me, begging me to take you,” he said as his hand traveled higher up her thigh. “I have dreamt of your sweet cries echoing in the room as I continue to fuck you until you cum all over my cock.“
Y/N’s core tightened at the sound of his voice, a thrill of desire pulsating through her. She reached out her fingers around his hard erection, the warmth of it pulsating with his carnal need. “And what do you want now?” she whispered, her lips quivering with lust.
Obsession blazed in George’s gaze, his eyes fixed fiercely on hers as if he desired nothing else in this world. “Now,” he growled, the desire saturating his voice, “it is time to turn these dreams into reality.” Placing himself at her pussy, the head of his cock lightly pressing against her moist lips. “Are you ready for me?”
Again, Y/N’s eyes rolled back, and she let out a small moan. “Oh, much more than ready,” she exclaimed, burying her fingers into his muscles as he thrust deep into her. The feel of him inside of her was something she was yearning for. She moaned as she felt the fullness in her stomach.
The room was filled with their lovemaking: the sound of skin against skin, the creak of the mattress, the ragged panting. It was sweet music that only the two of them heard—an opera that unfolded within the confines of the room they both occupied. The zeal of their love deepened with every touch, with every kiss and every murmured endearment they exchanged.
”Scream for me,” George encouraged, his words heavy with passion as he thrust into her. His large palms were covetous, grasping her, possessing her, as if he had to stake out his claim on her.
Y/N closed her eyes, surrendering to his dominance effortlessly. She threw back her head, her nipples rubbing against his bare skin, and cried out as he hit the spot within her that seemed to make her shudder with delight. It was a sound that rang through the silence of the flat, a proclamation of happiness that appeared to shiver the pillars of their existence.
At the sound of her moans George began to rotate his hips even more exaggerated. He could sense it constricting around him, her thighs clamping around his middle as she clung to him. The pressure was intense, the tension that had accumulated on their trip was finally being set free, and George felt that he was close. He stretched one hand towards her, and his fingers quickly located her clit, pressing on it firmly but lightly.
"You are so wet," he whispered with a throaty growl that revealed how much he desired me. "So fucking wet for me."
Y/N blinked slowly, and her eyes were wide with desire as she gazed up at him. “More,” she pleaded, sulky and breathy, her tone sending a bolt of pleasure straight to his cock. "Tell me what you want to do to me, George."
Panting heavily, George followed the demand to release, his voice turning into a deep and monstrous growl. “I want to fuck you until you cannot walk straight,” he whispered, his hips thrusting into her with renewed vigor as the bed frame creaked. “I want to tear you apart and hear you scream my name as if it is the most important thing in the whole wide world.”
Y/N’s eyes rolled back in her head, her body reacting to his every word. "Harder," she begged, digging her nails into his back. "I want it all, George. Every inch of you."
George felt his stroke become more strained, his words dirty to the rhythm of their bodies. "You take it all in," he told her, his voice a whisper. "Every fucking inch." She felt him stiffen against her, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps. "You'll come so hard, you'll see fucking stars."
Y/N’s moans grew louder, filling the room with the sweet sound of her pleasure. "I'm so close," she admitted, her voice shaky and hoarse. "I'm going to cum all over your cock."
George's eyes darkened with desire at her words. "Do it," he demanded, his voice a rough command. "Cum for me, baby. Show me how much you need it."
Y/N’s body reacted to his command, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave. She screamed his name, her walls clamped together, her nails driving into his back. The feeling was too much, too perfect, and he knew this was just the beginning of their reunion.
"Yeah," George sighed, letting his release run out. "That's it, baby. Take it all." He leaned over and captured her lips in a crushing kiss, drowning out her screams as their bodies moved in perfect unison. The words that left his lips were a mixture of love and lust, a promise of all the dirty things he wanted to do to her.
"I'm going to fill you up," he whispered, his teeth brushing against her earlobe. “I want to hear you beg for more. Tell me to never stop fucking you.”
Y/N gasped, the words sending shivers down her spine. “Yes,” she gasped. Her voice was barely audible over the sound of their bodies clashing. “I need you, George.”
He moaned, and his voice echoed in her chest. “You are so fuckable,” he muttered, his hips thrusting deeper into her with every thrust. “I love how you feel this way, so wet, so hot, so perfect.”
Y/N's eyes rolled back into her head as she felt the pressure increase again. With her core tightening around him, "Come on, darling," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of their bodies slapping together. “I want to feel you fill me completely.”
Those words were like a catalyst for George. His body responded to the primal urge to fill her up. To mark her as his own, he thrusted one last time. His cock throbbed as he released his seed deep inside her. The feeling was almost overwhelming. A sense of ownership that sent shock waves through his body.
Y/N felt it too. Her body trembled with pleasure as he poured into her. It was a time of pure connection. Moments that seem to last forever.
"Fuck," George said to himself, planting his head on her shoulder. "That was…"
"Perfect," Y/N told him precisely. Her body was still trembling with the shivers of pleasure. Together, they lolled there for a moment, their hearts beating as one, their breathing the only sound in the room.
The following days raced by in a haze of lust and gratification; every opportunity they got, George and Y/N would find a remote spot to give in to their insatiable lust for each other. It could be a quickie in the kitchen or a marathon in their locked-door bedroom listening to music. Whatever it was, they made the most out of it.
@gvf23 @xxkatxgracexx @kneelforloki
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w2soneshots · 3 months
Reunited -W2S
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words: 1.0k+
warnings: none.
summary: after not seeing your boyfriend for months you surprise him during a cheap vs expensive sidemen video.
notes: hello loves! Here’s the request💓. This is really fluffy and cute. I hope you enjoy!!🌺🫶🏼
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For the past few months I've been in New York working on a very important deal for my company. Meaning that I haven't seen Harry in a long time. We facetime every night but it's obviously not the same and I really miss him. Thankfully though I have a week off and was planning on going back to the uk to surprise Harry but it turns out that he's going to be shooting for the sidemen abroad. So I decided to text Josh; since he's organising the whole video.
Josh and I made a plan. Harry was going to be on the good team for the cheap vs expensive video so I could surprise him at the destination instead. I loved the idea and he thought it would be great for the video. Tobi and Ethan will also be there along with Harry, which will be nice since I haven't seen them (or the rest of the boys) in ages.
I packed my suitcase and headed to the airport. When the plane landed I got in a taxi that took me to the villa. I said hello to Josh and the crew who were already there and Josh showed me to my room so I could freshen up since the other boys would be arriving in just a short amount of time.
Once I'd gotten changed into some more appropriate clothes for the hot weather, I went downstairs. "Hey." I sat down next to Josh, in the huge living room. He smiled at me, acknowledging my presence. "So, how are we gonna do this?" I asked. "Well, I thought you could just be standing there when they arrive. Harry's quite oblivious so I think it'll be funny since it'll probably take him a second to spot you," He explained. I nodded with a chuckle. "They should be here within the next twenty minutes." He added.
I was almost shaking with excitement and nerves as I waited. When the van pulled up outside a wide smile spread across my face. Me, Josh and the crew stood at the front door. The boys jumped out of the car and my heart practically skipped a beat at the sight of my boyfriend. We've been together for a year and are completely in love so not being with him twenty four seven has been torture. I couldn't wait to hug him, feel his lips on mine and see his cute little smile.
All three of them walked up the concrete path and when his eyes met mine he stopped in his tracks. His mouth dropped open in utter shock. "y/n! What are you doing here!" Ethan and Tobi walked towards me with excitement. But I barely noticed them. Harry finally clicked back into reality, he quickly ran towards me, wrapping me in a bear hug. My eyes fluttered closed, savouring the moment. "Hey." I whispered softly. He sniffed. I could immediately tell he was getting upset but that he was trying not to embarrass himself in front of all the cameras.
As we pulled away I smiled at him, tears forming in my eyes that I'd been holding in. "How are you here? What-" he stumbled, his voice cracking. "I managed to get a week off work and when I realised you'd be filming I thought it'd be a fun surprise." I answered him. "So earlier when you didn't answer me-" "I was on a plane." I cut in. The boys let us have a moment so stepped inside and began filming the boy's reaction to the massive villa.
Since there wasn't anyone watching Harry brought me into a soft kiss. "Fuck. I missed you so much." He whispered, our lips just millimetres apart. "I missed you too Haz and I really missed those lips." I joked. He chuckled. "You look so beautiful." He complemented, looking me up and down. "So do you." I winked at him with a cheeky grin. His eyes sparkled.
They finished filming the video and we all decided to get in the pool. Me and Harry headed to our shared room to get into some swimwear. I grabbed a bikini from my suitcase then quickly slipped it on. I turned around to see Harry sat at the end of the bed staring at my body.
I cleared my throat. "Sorry." His eyes flickered back up to my face. I giggled, walking towards him and standing between his legs. His hands immediately landed on my hips. "Come on, everyone's waiting." I slid from his grasp then walked towards the door, he quickly followed.
I sat with my legs dangling in the pool as I spoke to Tobi, telling him all about my time in New York. "So how long have you got left out there? The parties are a lot more boring without you." Tobi asked. I smiled. "Thankfully I'm completely finished next month and I can come back to the uk, all of my coworkers are at least forty and have kids so there's no gossip, no parties, basically nothing fun. It's so boring." I replied.
"Harry's been in such an awful mood since you left. I bet he's so excited for you to come back." He added. I felt slightly guilty but Harry had been assuring me that he was okay every time we'd called.
After having some dinner everyone said good night and left for their bedrooms. Me and Harry shared a quick shower to wash the chlorine off of our bodies. Both of us were exhausted and boiling so we put some underwear on and slipped into the king sized bed. Harry wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into him. He let out a soft, content sigh.
"I was speaking with Tobi earlier and he said you'd been struggling, are you sure you're gonna be okay without me for another month?" I asked. He moved so he could see my face. "I'll be okay. It's just been weird coming home to an empty apartment every day." "I know. I feel the exact same, it's so lonely in New York." I replied softly. He kissed my forehead. "One more month." He whispered. "Mhm. Just one month." I echoed.
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the big bad birthday — h.lewis
SUMMARY, it’s your birthday and amidst the wholesome birthday posts, everyone’s entertainment comes from the chaotic and completely drunk off your tits content!
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liked by yourusername, gkbarry and 234,680 others
faithlouisak, to the girl of my dreams, my sugar plum baddie pookie boo bear, the big spoon to my little spoon, the sugar in my tea, the absolute fittest fucking person on this planet with the best tits ive ever seen (soz wroetoshaw). HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I CANNOT WAIT TO SPEND EVERY FUCKING BIRTHDAY WITH YOU UNTIL WERE BOTH CRIPPLED AND ROLLING ABOUT IN OUR WHEELCHAIRS IN ALL THE SKATE PARKS LIKE THE COOL KIDS WE ARE XOXOXOXO tagged—@yourusername
view all 23,506 comments yourusername FAITH STOP IT.
-> faithlouisak don’t have to feckin ask me twice sexy bum
-> behzingagram @wroetoshaw
-> yourusername YO YO YO FAITH UR BOYFS TRYING TO HATE CRIME US?????!!!?????
-> faithlouisak AHHH HOMOPHOBE
bambinobecky the cake is so true 😋😋😋😋😋😋
mummy_behz wishing the beautiful beautiful birthday girl all the best! 💐💐
-> yourusername thank you so much ruth 💝
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liked by max_balegde,miniminter and 311,289 others
taliamar LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WILL YOU PLEASE STAND BC IT IS THE FUCKING BIRTHDAY OF MY LOVVERR! yn i love you so much i genuinely cannot put it into words (can put it into our songs tho xx) you’re the most amazing person that i have ever met, you make me laugh all the time, you keep a smile on my face always, your energy alone is enough to make me feel all bubbly and giddy inside. with you, i feel safe and happy and loved and i feel like im a little kid again and i can conquer the world. you’re truly the very epitome of perfection, lover 😉 tagged—@yourusername
view all 30,561 comments ksi bro harry’s birthday post better be outta this world 😭
-> tobjizzle honestly, he’s got hella competition
-> taliamar stop i shouldn’t be crying it’s YOUR birthday
-> miniminter and she’s crying now. @wroetoshaw ?
-> wroetoshaw balling mate
gkbarry birthday lass looks so hot drenched in rain xxxx
-> yourusername eat me out 😘😘😘😘
-> gkbarry 🍽️🍽️🍽️🍽️
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liked by zerkaa, taliamar and 211,597 others
freyanightingale YN YN YN! from the day that i met you i was amazed by you, by your beauty, your kindness, your wit and your literal intelligence - to this day, that amazement has only increased and i know that as i stay by your side until the day we both die in our cute little hospital gowns in our hospital beds with rooms next to each other, i will die still being amazed by you and your very being. i love you so much and you deserve the universe, and even more. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU BEAUTIFUL SOUL 💕💕
p.s yes i am lying on her arse in the 8th slide it was a true life experience tagged—@yourusername
view all 16,993 comments zerkaa i feel cheated on
-> freyanightingale cry about it
-> taliamar literally no one cares
-> faithlouisak omg piss off u HOBO
-> tobjizzle flabbergasted.
-> freyanightingale you’re my favourite person ever xx
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liked by yungfully, chunkz and 501,590 others
nellarosee happy birthday to the most stunning, happy, loving, genuine, funny & gorgeous gorgeous girl that i have ever known, you are truly one of a kind my girl! tagged—@yourusername
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liked by georgeclarkeey, chloeburrows and 298,126 others
gkbarry dear sexiest bitch in the entirety of europe, wishing you the best birthday there ever was. we need more people like your fantastical self in the world, cheers for sticking around this long 😘😘😘😘😘
p.s come to mine later, wear ur red set 👅 tagged—@yourusername
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liked by yourusername, tobjizzle and 58,330 others
r0sielewis happy birthday to the best girl i’ve ever known, the first genuine friend i have ever made and who i know will always be there for the rest of my life! happy birthday to my role model, my makeup artist, my hair stylist, my therapist, my personal stylist - happy birthday to my everything. i love you so much yn, i hope you know that! all of us lewis’ do (especially mum.. & harry ig) 🤍🤍 tagged—@yourusername
LATER. . .
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tobjizzle has posted to their story!
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kislnd · 29 days
jumper - arthurtv~
synopsis: a simple gesture from arthur has the chance to turn his and y/n's relationship into something much greater. notes: literally procrastinated everything else so hard by writing this but it's fine i ❤️ mr television warnings: none word count: 1.9k
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ping. y/n's eyes flickered to the notification that had just come down. having just come home from a shift that had felt a year long, she wasn't sure if she was in the mood for social interaction but, after mentally preparing to make some kind of lame excuse to whoever it was, she clicked on it.
"getting together at mine, you should come." it read. it was from chris, one of y/n's long time friends - they had worked together for a few years before y/n decided it was time for her to make a career change. seeing it was from him lifted her mood slightly, she knew she would be in for a good time, especially assuming the other boys would be there. they were all both equally stupid and entertaining and despite how drained she felt, she thought this might be the pick me up she needed. she typed out a quick reply, despite hardly being able to keep her eyes open from tiredness and changed into different clothes, at this point she wasn't bothered what, anything would be preferable to her work clothes. luckily for her, chris didn't live far, it was easily a few minutes walk that she was grateful for. maybe the cold evening air will wake me up a little, she thought.
y/n approaches the front door and raises her arm to knock, but before her knuckle could make contact with the door, it swung open to reveal chris. "took you ten minutes exactly," he grins, referencing the text she had sent him in reply. "i am a woman of my word." she smiles and steps into the house, a flood of warmth rushing over her body. shouts could be heard from the living room, but this wasn't to y/n's surprise. "football?" she raises her eyebrow in the direction of chris, "yeah, it's an important match today." y/n didn't have the faintest idea who was playing, if it was a final or some other major tournament that would go down in football history. "i'd suggest some paracetamol for your head if you plan on staying for more than a couple of hours," he jokes, waiting for y/n to slip her shoes off before making their way into the living room.
like any time there was a match on, the boys were crunched up together on the sofa, staring intently at the tv. y/n wasn't even sure if they were aware chris had left and come back with an extra person. "hello to you all too," y/n giggles at their complete focus on the game. at this everyone turned towards her at the same time and greeted her, but of course, they were all talking over each other so it just came out like a garbled mess of noise. "that was a bit freaky," she laughs, "did you rehearse that turn?"
"there isn't a single reality where i could get them to cooperate with me like that," george grins up at y/n from the couch, "so no, definitely not." she notices arthur roll his eyes playfully at george's remark and smiles herself. "you know, y/n has really poor knowledge of football-" chris quips, sitting himself down on the couch, but is interrupted by y/n defending herself, "that was slightly unwarranted, was it not?" she quirks her eyebrow at him. "am i wrong?" he laughs, "i mean, you don't even know what is happening today, do you?"
"god forbid i don't memorise the league table or what friendlies are happening," y/n throws her arms up jokingly in defense. "maybe she should watch and learn then?" arthur sighs in exasperation and tries his best to shuffle over on the couch to make space for y/n but naturally, there was no moving the others. the room did have more seating but this particular sofa had the best view of the television hence why everyone was piled there. "be realistic arthur." george glances at him and smiles at his attempts to shove everyone, "we can't all fit on here."
"maybe if you could try to move over even slightly?" y/n moves closer to them and tries to shuffle her hips into the small gap arthur managed to create, but with no avail. she was half on the sliver of couch and half on top of arthur's leg. "oh, sorry," she gets up quickly and smiles at him before shooting chris a pleading look, "can you stop taking the piss now so i don't have to crush poor arthur?" without saying anything, arthur, arthur, george and chris moved closer to each other, making sure there was adequate space for y/n to fit into.
she sunk down into the couch, grateful that the others had obliged - it was by far the most comfortable piece of furniture in the flat. with half time of the match over, the others were fixated on the television once again. y/n felt her eyelids grow heavy and was far too tired to fight sleep once again, so she laid back and shut her eyes for a moment to recharge.
"shut the fuck up!" the familiar voice hisses at the others, "y/n is literally sleeping,"
"not anymore," she mumbles, not even bothering to open her eyes. "now look what you've done, you've woken her up," the voice, that y/n could now tell was arthur, scolded the others. "yeah, i can see that now thanks," george replies, "sorry y/n," he adds. by now y/n was awake fully and aware of the goings-on, to be honest she felt like she needed to be woken up anyway so it didn't bother her.
suddenly, a rush of cold air hit her, goosebumps forming on her arms. she couldn't tell if it was actually freezing in the room or if since she had just woken up, everything felt extra cold. "is it cold in here or is it me?" y/n asks the others, who were just on their phones or engaged in meaningless conversation. "i'm alright." chris shrugs and the others agree, "yeah it's a good temperature in here."
y/n huddles on the sofa for a couple of minutes, thinking of something she could use to warm herself up especially since the heating was already definitely on. she couldn't see any blankets in the living room but she didn't want to go searching around the house, because that would be rude. luckily, chris noticed her shivering, "hey, if you want you can grab one of my jumpers from upstairs," he tells her. before y/n even had a chance to reply, arthur interjects.
"you can have mine," he says, matter-of-factly but then grimaces slightly. "i mean to save your legs," he pauses, trying to figure out how to downplay such a forward gesture, "it would be so annoying to try and fit you back onto the sofa, because we would definitely take up your space," george and chris mock offended looks, and y/n giggles. arthur felt his face turn slightly red but the room was only illuminated by the soft glow of the television so, much to his relief the others couldn't tell.
"oh okay, sure," she smiles, looking up at arthur, who didn't reply and simply pulled the jumper over his head and let it flop down onto y/n's lap. "thanks," she grins, eagerly pulling it over her own head. "no problem." arthur smiles back, pleased he had worn a t-shirt under it this time. it was perfectly oversized and so warm from arthur's body that y/n almost felt herself falling asleep all over again.
"comfy there?" george jokes, looking up from his phone to see y/n's shape nestled in the corner of the couch with her arms folded over her chest. "very much so, no thanks to you," she says cheekily, "i could sleep again."
"you can rest on me if you want," arthur says, only glancing at her for a split second and with less urgency than last time. "thanks," y/n says, resting her head on his shoulder.
"huh?" y/n's eyes flicker open, "what time is it?" she asks the room, hoping someone will reply. "it's about to turn midnight," chris says, having a quick look at his lock screen. "oh no," she groans, "i was hoping to get back home earlier," she sighs, every task she needed to do flooding back into her memory. "i've got to get going," she says, standing up from the couch. "i'm coming with," arthur says sternly.
"what? why?" y/n couldn't hide the fact she was slightly taken aback by his determined tone.
"you really think i'd let you walk alone in the dark?" he pulls a confused expression.
"no, seriously, i'll be fine, don't bother yourself" she protests, he had already let her borrow his jumper and she didn't want to inconvenience him further. "i'm coming with you and that's final," he folds his arms, and then stands up from the sofa as well, "it's not safe." y/n sighs, he was clearly set on coming and she couldn't particularly be bothered to argue with him, "if you're sure." she shrugs.
they said their goodbyes to the others, who were already home, and set out into the night. the sky was actually clear for london, the moon and stars were perfectly visible and casting a gentle glow across it.
soon after, they arrived at y/n's front door, "thanks for walking back with me," she feels her face heating up slightly at his gesture. quickly, she turned towards the door and slid the key into the lock. he won't have noticed, it's dark anyway. she affirms in her mind. "any time," he smiles back, "oh, and, aren't you forgetting something?" he smirks. "oh god yeah," she starts to pull the jumper off over her head. "woah, woah, i was joking, it looks better on you anyway," arthur wiggles his eyebrows jokingly, but reaches out to pull the jumper back down properly over her.
"arthur, i can't just keep it," y/n's eyes widen, "aren't you cold right now? i don't want you to be ill." she was genuinely worried, sure, it was hardly a winter night but it wasn't mild either. "no no, don't worry," he gives her a warm smile, "it's quite nice out here." y/n wasn't convinced and she knew he would only continue to insist he was fine but nevertheless she felt it was right to ask again, "are you sure? like are you sure you're sure?" she giggles.
"yes," he smirks, "and i'll be back to collect it if that's a worry," y/n's mouth falls open in shock at his sudden surge of confidence, "is that right?" she raises her eyebrow at him. "if you'll have me," he laughs, "maybe even as soon as tomorrow night?"
"wow very smooth arthur," y/n laughs, she was beginning to question if any of this was really happening, was she about to accept a date with her best friend's best friend? yes, yes she was. she couldn't deny she had always thought he was really handsome, this was not an opportunity she could pass up, "you have my number." arthur smiles widely, eyes gleaming from excitement, "that's right. i will follow up with more details then," y/n giggles and nods, "see you tomorrow then arthur."
"goodnight y/n." he grins and turns to walk down the path, she waits for him to be out of sight before letting herself in. tomorrow couldn't come any faster.
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live-laugh-lenney · 10 months
housewarming makeout - arthurtv.
hello. hello. hello.
i've been in dire need of some arthurtv content and fics and i can't seem to find very much on tumblr so i thought i'd write my own in hopes that it would help me out with all my feels.
let me know what you think.
any comments are much appreciated at the moment. thank you so much!
“Where’s Arthur?”
“Where’s YN?”
The two synchronised questions came from outside the storage cupboard in George Clarke’s flat where, at that moment, Arthur had YN held in the confined space between his body and the wall. Darkness swallowed them as they relied solely on the sense of touch to guide them, adding a whole new sensation deep in the tummies, never knowing where the next touch would be. His hair was tousled and sticking in all directions from the way her hands magnetised to his scalp, her ponytail having come loose with tendrils drooping down by her cheeks and catching between their lips from her lipstick which, in the backs of their minds, would be smeared across their mouths. The overshirt, pink and stripy and something that she’d paired with a white bodysuit and a pair of ripped jeans, had fallen and exposed the bare skin of her shoulder and he’d taken full advantage of that, peppering the softest kisses down the crevice of her neck and down the stretch of her collarbone. His lips were swollen from pressing kisses to the expanse of her neck, to her collarbone to her shoulder, and her chest rising and falling rapidly from the rather intense make-out session they had previously been in just seconds ago. 
His plan to leave a mark of his love coming to a halt, their eyes widening, as they realised they were being looked for after having snuck away from the housewarming party George had thrown that evening to delve into something that was a rather common occurrence for the two of them whenever they were together. 
He shushed her, hand tight to her mouth, as he focused on listening to the muffled voices of their friends discussing their whereabouts, just centimeters from the closed door that kept them hidden from the curious eyes looking for them. One voice belonging to George Clarke and the other voice belonging to Christopher Dixon who, just a mere ten minutes ago, was in an in depth conversation with YN about a video idea he was a little skeptical over. One that she’d been happy to be a part of, if necessary, because she loved a shoot when all of them came together for something to be broadcast for a weekly video (no matter whose channel it was going on) and had fun and filmed every moment that happened - and she was all for helping her friends out.
“I only went to go and get a drink from the kitchen and she’d disappeared by the time I came back.”
“Arthur said he was going to the toilet, snuck out the room, but- but I’ve just been to check in there and no one was there.” 
“Do you-”
“Do I think they’ve finally decided to just shag? Coincidence that they both disappeared, if not.”
“George, fucking-”
She was thankful for the darkness in the cupboard as heat rose up the back of her neck and flushed over the expanse of her cheeks, taking in a deep inhale and blowing it back out, her breath hitting Arthur’s clothed shoulder on the exhale. She shuffled on her feet and the motion had her chest brushing against his, accidentally… well, that’s what she would have excused, anyway.
“YN, seriously-”
She could feel his breath over her warm skin and she really thought he’d moved away from her in the terror of getting caught, like a deer in headlights, but he hadn’t. He was still there, the scent of his cologne and beer mixing together and making him seem even more delectable to her, and she had a longing in the depths of her belly that just wanted him more and more. A slither of hope that they would just walk away, get back into the midst of the party, and agree that the two of them would be back out when they were ready to show their faces.
But she knew that was pretty much unlikely.
Especially with Chris. Especially with George.
“Do you want to get caught?”
She shakes her head erratically but she felt sudden stupidity when she realised Arthur couldn’t see her gesture, “no.”
“The tension between the two of them tonight, man. Almost felt like we should have forced them into a room to fuck..”
His hands tightened around YN’s waist at the comment and his fingertips dug into the bare skin of her hips, pulling her closer to him, a twinge of electricity shooting up her back as she nestled closer into his front. The urge becoming too much and she let her lips attach to his neck as her fingers combed through the hair at the back of his neck, twisting the strands between her digits and giving them a gentle tug every now and then, his breathing becoming more tense. Licking up the length of his neck, tasting every inch of him, and dragging her lips, soft and gentle enough that it felt like a tickle, as she left a long line of kisses beneath his jaw. 
“Jesus, YN.”
His gentle whimpering only spurred her on, seeing just how far she could take it before enough felt like enough… challenge accepted, she thought to herself, as she kissed up to his ear and nibbled against his earlobe. 
“Do you think they know that we know they have a thing going on?”
“Honestly, they seem oblivious to what everyone else thinks. Their own world. They’re not subtle about hiding it. He practically eye-fucked her as soon as she walked through my door earlier.”
“I mean, she looked incredible tonight though.”
The conversing voices seemed to sound more and more distant as the atmosphere became more and more intense within the four walls of the cupboard. Their worries disappeared for just a moment as he grabbed her face in the palm of his hands and indulged in a kiss that really did make them forget where they were for a while. Back in his flat, both of them drunk on double whiskeys and coke, having spent the night trying to divert their eyes from one another, without a care in the world about being caught. 
They thrived on being mysterious. 
There was an underlying kink neither of them wanted to dwell on - if they had a chance of getting caught then it added to the excitement and it became a thrill of knowing their secret could be blown by the off chance of them being clumsy.
And, upon searching for a bit of leverage in the darkness to hoist her up onto, like a shelf or the top of a column of cardboard boxes that George had yet to unpack in his flat, Arthur had forgotten their drinks that they had placed on top of one of his suitcases in their haste to close the door and start something they’d been longing to do since the start of the housewarming get together. His cautious yet wandering hands knocking both his bottle of Corona and her pink gin and lemonade onto the floor, the thud causing the conversation outside to come to a halt and their bodies to freeze on the spot. 
“Arthur, for fucks sake.”
“What was that?”
“Did you hear that?”
“What have you got in there? Rats, already?”
“It’s a storage cupboard. I’ve put my unpacked cases and boxes in there because I didn’t have time to pack it all away before you guys came tonight.”
And Arthur and YN didn’t need to see the faces of their friends to know that they’d clocked on. That they’d been caught, mid make-out, mid-party. YN’s head dropped to his shoulder and his head fell against hers, a heavy sigh leaving her lips as her hands dropped from around his neck and fell down to her side, stroking his arms in the process. 
“We can’t go in there..”
“Why not? We need to-”
“He’s probably balls deep in her right now, George. Do you really want to see that? I don’t.”
She snorted into his shoulder and rolled her eyes, his head shaking from side to side, a smile on his own lips, hands still holding her waist. 
“We should probably face the music, right?” She whispered into the darkness, “might as well get it over and done with, embrace the awkwardness.”
“Just a little while longer? Just me and you. Once we step outside of here, we’re not a secret to them any longer. We can't sneak around after this,” Arthur responded, tightening his hold on her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder, hugging her close to his body, “we’re public to those divvies after that door opens. Just wanna enjoy you, to myself, for five more minutes.”
“You two are the least subtle people I’ve ever met.”
“At least make yourselves look like you’ve not just had a quickie. I don’t want to be known as the Tiktoker who lets his mates bang in his cupboard.”
“Go away, George,” Arthur called out, a laugh muffled by the door filling the awkward silence, “fuck.”
-- ynyln just posted --
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YNYLN; happy housewarming @georgeclarkeey !! always the best time when celebrating with these lot. heads pounding this morning. all the fucking love, guys. xx georgeclarkeey  thank you for being there. always the best time celebrating when you’re around, lovely. even if you did go for a make-out sesh in my storage closet. and spilled beer all over my possessions.
arthurnfhill I'm simply amazed they haven't clocked on that we know what's happening. -> ynyln we do now. -> arthurtv @ylyln It was fun whilst it lasted. -> ynyln @arthurtv damn. i loved our time together. -> arthurtv @ynyln At least we can kiss in public now. Want one? -> ynyln @arthurtv come over now then... doors open. -> arthurnfhill Please don't flirt in my replies.
chrismd10  i mean, you spent most of your time celebrating with a game of tonsil tennis whilst the rest of us where celebrating with a game of with beer pong… 👀
fan01  make-out session? in a storage closet? you go, girl!
arthurtv  Somehow, house parties always end with you spilling my drink. You owe me. → ynyln  you owe me a drink, too. → georgeclarkeey  you owe me a new suitcase. and new clothes. and my carpet needs cleaning. → ynyln  @georgeclarkeey i’m sorry. :((( → arthurtv  @georgeclarkeey I take full responsibility. My fault. → chrismd10  @arthurtv always your fault. for being so god damn irresistible, am i right? 😉
fan02  hold on for a damn minute.. spilling their drinks, ‘tonsil tennis’, george's possessions getting soaked in beer, a make-out session in a closet… i’m not sherlock or anything but… are we getting boyfriend!arthur content?
fan03  i’m telling you now, yn and arthur will be together by the end of the year. i’m getting the whole boyfriend-girlfriend vibe just through this interaction.
fan04 they've all just soft-launched arthur and yn being 'together' and i am HERE FOR IT.
fan05 we love a duo who promote secret shag sessions. gotta do what you gotta do.
if you got this far, thank you so much for reading!
please let me know what you think of this story. not the best when it comes to thinking up ideas so it would mean a whole lot to me if you left your comments and reblogged to help spread it.
it's my first fic i've written in a long, long while so i really hope it'll help get me back in the game. i really want to start being here more regularly.
ask box is always open so don't hesitate to send anything in, day or night. x
487 notes · View notes
kar1nsworldx · 1 month
Chrismd with a massive crush on arsenal or Chelsea super league player 😩
Eyes on the target
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pairing: ChrisMD x f!reader Instagram!AU SUMMARY: fans slowly realise that a certain youtuber has a crush on their favourite female football player requested: yessir! my apologies anon that it took so long to post, but I really hope that you like this! I tryed to write it as long as i could x AUTHOR'S NOTE: loved writing this and I hope anon that you got what you wanted! Please do send more requests, I'd love to write more <3
ˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 🧸ྀི
y/n l/n
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liked by arsenalwfc, ksi and 67, 552 others
y/n l/n: what a night to be a gunner 😍
tagged: @arsenalwfc
leahwilliamsonn: get it ❣️
bethmead_: iconic night? I think yes xxx
ksi: went to the game, absolute banger of a goal
y/n l/n: haha tysm, big fan of your lots videos x
use4r: lmaoo did not expect ksi to be here 💀💀
kimlittle1990: a screamer was scored tonight 💋
y/n l/n: all thanks to you 😍😍
katie_mccabe11: ❤
caitlinfoord: ❤
laiacodina5: ❤
y/nily: what a player
user101: were so happy to have you y/n, welcome to the club <3
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y/n l/n
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liked by caitlinfoord, chrismd10 and 72,832 others
y/n l/n: thank you everybody for such a wonderful night and season!! much love for you all - 24/25. see you soon ❣️
tagged: @arsenalwfc
drinkprime: 🔥🔥🔥
caitlinfoord: 🫂🫂🫂
user777: y/n do you accept my hand in marrige? 🤲💍
y/n l/n: mmmm maybe one day, but atm I think I have someone on my mind, I'm sorry 🫂
useroo: who is on your mind exactly miss y/n?? 🤨🤨
y/n l/n: mmm i don't know, I think I'll keep that a secret for now 🤭😚🤫
y/nmarryme: y/n i love you 🗣
arsenalwfc: thank you y/n!
chrismd10: miss l/n everybody 💪🔥
y/n l/n: chriss 💪😍
xeuserxe: umm.... okay 🤨
us3r: the emonji combo????????
katie_mccabe11: the woman herself, y/n l/n 💋😍
y/n l/n: katie my love 💋💋💋
katie_mccabe11: 🫂🫂🫂
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y/n l/n
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liked by chrismd10, miniminter and 56,892 others
y/n l/n: just because the season ended dosen't mean my love for football did ☺️ new youtube video coming out in 3 days everybody xxx 🌟
xeuserxe: AHHHH can't wait to see it!!! 😚
user111: mmmmmm whos that in the third picture? 🤨🤨🤨
y/n l/n: you'll find out soon enough xx
user111: 🤨🤨🤨
drinkprime: 🔥🔥🔥
y/n l/n: prime 🤝 me
ksi: hell yeah ❤
us3r: sidemen x y/n video when???!???
sidemen: 👀🤫
useroo: WAIT WHAT
chrismd10: sick video coming out soon 🔥
y/n l/n: yessir 🗣
userly: chris how would you know that its a good video 🤨🤨🤨
usermybeloved: something is going on between them I just know it
laiacodina5: you just can't stay away from the stadium can you?
y/n l/n: you know I can't lovely 😚
user505: MOTHERRRR 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
y/n l/n: CHILDDDD 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
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liked by y/n l/n, georgeclarkeey and 562,777 others
chrismd10: England's national darlings and @y/n l/n
tagged: @bukayosaka87 @y/n l/n
y/n l/n: Christopher count your days
chrismd10: yes dear, of course dear ❤
useredup: istg somethings deffinitly up theyre fighting like an old married couple
bukayosaka87: ❤
y/n l/n: my photo creds??? where????
chrismd10: sorry gorgeous, forgot to mention that ❤
y/n l/n: mhm, sure sure 🙄❤
useroo: this was not on my 2024 bingo card
miniminter: lucky bastard
theobaker_: @y/n l/n be advised that prick never gives photo credits
y/n l/n: thank you for the information theo x
chrismd10: mate shut up
arthurtv: can I come next time? I want to met y/n too :(
chrismd10: no
y/n l/n: christopher you better bring him too next time
chrismd10: yes ma'am
arthurtv: yay!
y/n l/n: 🫂
user505: y/n is becoming arthurs parent confirmed
us3r: I love them
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liked by georgeclarkeey, tobjizzle and 102,732 others
arthurtv: mama y papa - chris actually took me to meet the legend herself, y/n l/n!! 🎉
tagged: @y/n l/n @chrismd10 @mycoffee:)
y/n l/n: ARTHURRRRRRRR :))))) 🫂🫂🫂🫂
arthurtv: Y/NNNNNNNNNN :))))) 🫂🫂🫂🫂
chrismd10: why are you never this nice to me
y/n l/n: fuck off chris
chrismd10: ...
chrismd10: yea yea youre welcome mate
georgeclarkeey: boyfriend come see me soon :(
arthurtv: george were not boyfriends! but yes i'll come over tomorrow (:
reevhd: cuties
useredup: arthur became chris's and y/n's offical child, its confirmed
y/nily: arthurtv thank you for this beautiful pictures of y/n
user777: y/n once again I am asking, do you accept my hand in marrige 💍🤲
chrismd10: she does not.
xeuserxe: JELOUS CHIRS????? HELLO????
useroo: I love how Arthur tagged his coffee in the 3rd picture :((((( 🫂
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y/n l/n
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liked by jackgrealish, laiacodina5 and 102,652 others
y/n l/n: to my suprise my photographer isn't such a shitty photographer as I thought he'd be
chrismd10: 🔥🔥🔥
useredup: chris youre so real for that
y/n l/n: 😍
useroo: and may we know who this photographer is?
useroo: and do we know of him by any chance???
y/n l/n: 🤷‍♀️🤫🤭
y/n l/n: nuh uh
useredup: @useroo is having a mental breakdown, love to see it
useroo: 😐
laiacodina5: pretty girl
y/n l/n: says you! xxx
katie_mccabe11: literally marry me
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
chrismd10: im suprised hes even dealing with you considering youre quite a prick
y/n l/n: oh fuck off ya twat
chrismd10: my point has been proven ladies and gentlemen, goodnight
y/n l/n: shut the fuck up (affectionate)
userly: #fav-old-married-couple
user444: i love them
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liked by calfreezy, behzingagram and 232,752 others
chrismd10: theres a silly goose in the last picture, spoiler alert; it's not me!
behzingagram: peng
y/n l/n: 😍
useroo: hm.. 😶🤨
chrismd10: 🔥🔥🔥
calfreezy: brother ditched us
userly: ARE YALL SEEING THE 3RD PIC?????????
theburntchip: what a man
y/n l/n: I feel bad for that poor girl, because shes the one dealing with YOU, ya fucking twat
chrismd10: shut up ya prick
userly: as I said, their my #fav-old-married-couple
wroetoshaw: nice mate
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chrismd10 added to their story;
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⤷ y/n l/n liked chirsmd10's story! ♡
⤷ y/n l/n: twat
y/n l/n added to their story;
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⤷ chrismd10: I literally hate you
⤷ y/n l/n: Ily2!
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liked by vikkstagram, calfreezy and 532,477 others
lionesses: we proudly announce that the lionesses have qualified for the euros, thanks to y/n l/n's hattrick! ❤
tagged: @y/n l/n
arsenalwfc: y/n l/n everybody! ❤
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
chrismd10: LETS GOOOO Y/N!!!! @y/n l/n 🔥
y/n l/n: CHRISSSSSSSSSS 😚❣️💋
behzingagram: get inn 💪
arthurtv: Y/NNNNNNNN 🌟
y/n l/n: ARTHUR 🫂🫂🫂
calfreezy: thats how its done 💪🙏
katie_mccabe11: MISS Y/N EVERYONE
y/n l/n: love ya irish 😚 🇨🇮
leahwilliamsonn: love ya @y/n l/n ❤❤❤
y/n l/n: love you too bae 😍
laiacodina5: thats my girl!!
y/n l/n: 🫂🫂🫂
theburntchip: yes lass 💪
georgeclarkeey: yessir
ksi: 🙏
tobjizzle: ❤
philfoden: congrats! 💙
jackgrealish: well done ladies 💙💙
rico.lewis: 💙
wroetoshaw: very nice
kylewalker2: 💙
johnstones5: 💙
miniminter: 🔥
drinkprime: thats how its done 🔥
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y/n l/n
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liked by arsenalwfc, arthurtv and 60,854 others
y/n l/n: Pre-season in the states 🇺🇲
tagged: @arsenalwfc @kyracooneyx
usermybeloved: y/n in her editing era 🔥
user007: lets goooo
arthurtv: good luck y/n!
y/n l/n: thank you arthur!
arthurtv: :)
chrismd10: yea yea good luck ya prick 🔥
y/n l/n: thank you twat 😚
kyracooneyx: 💪💪💪
arsenalwfc: glad to have you back l/n! 😉🙌
theobaker_: lets gooooooo arsenal ❤
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y/n l/n
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liked by chrismd10, drinkprime and 91,576 others
y/n l/n: Third kit is a charm ❤ #coyg
tagged: @arsenal @arsenalwfc @adidasfootball
userly: stunning stunning girl xx
useredup: ahhhhhh you look so good!!!
adidasfootball: 💪😉
chrismd10: fucking peng
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
user101: OH???!?????? 🤨👀
user2.0: OHMAGAWD
drinkprime: 🔥🔥🔥
arsenal: looking good miss l/n 💪
y/nily: y/n look bad in a kit challange (impossible)
user777: y/n pls marry me? 💍🤲
chrismd10: she says no xx
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y/n l/n
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liked by chrismd10, georgeclarkeey and 78,237 others
y/n l/n: is mister pickles 🥒 an icon? sources suggest that he is (sources; me, chrismd, arthurtv, georgeclarkey)!
tagged: @chrismd10 @arthurtv @georgeclarkeey
chrismd10: hes more iconic than you thats for sure
y/n l/n: youre going to lose your privilege to see pickles if you continue to do this christopher
chrismd10: yes ma'am, sorry ma'am
arthurtv: I'd say the sources are correct!
georgeclarkeey: that dog is one sassy little dude. i love him
caitlinfoord: pickles is the best (:
user505: "all hail pickles" we say in unison 🗣🗣🗣
useredup: PICKLEEEEES 👹👹👹👹
y/n l/n: back off, pickles is scared 🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺
theburntchip: what a distinguished fellow
arsenalwfc: were missing the lil man on the pitch
chrismd10: btw i will be stealing him
y/n l/n: cunt
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y/n l/n
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liked by chrismd10, chloekelly and 137,699 others
y/n l/n: oui oui bonjour 🧸☁️
chrismd10: do you even know what that means?
y/n l/n: En fait, je comprends ce que ça veut dire, espèce d'idiot - TRANSLATION; Actually, I understand what that means, you idiot
chrismd10: hot.
xouserxo: AHHHHH PARIS 🎀🎀🎀🎀
user111: are we not going to talk about the fifth picture...?
useroo: mmm y/n whos that in the fifth picture? 🤨
y/n l/n: mmm i thinks it's..... nonya business 🤫😍😍😍😍
useroo: 😐😐😐
useredup: @useroo is so done w y/n's shit 💀😭
chloekelly: pretty ♡
user007: y/n youre so real for that xjxnc 😭
user444: paris is really the city of love, right @y/n l/n ... 🤨
y/n l/n: deffinitly!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭
kyracooneyx: happiness is a good luck on you. so is being in love
y/n l/n: off with your head, youve already said to much
kyracooneyx: well you deffinitly know him
chrismd10: 📸📸
y/n l/n: 💋💋
y/nily: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
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liked by behzingagram, wroetoshaw and 206,554 others
chrismd10: as the missus said, "oui oui bonjour 🧸"
y/n l/n: do YOU know what that means? 😐🤨
chrismd10: oui
theburntchip: smooth fella smooth
calfreezy: nice going mate
behzingagram: happy for you ya twat
tobjizzle: ❤
y/n l/n: ily
chrismd10: ily2
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y/n l/n
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liked by chrismd10, zerkaa and 707,633 others
y/n l/n: god its so hard to be in a relationship with such a lovable twat ❤
tagged: @chrismd10
y/n l/n: love ya @chrismd10
chrismd10: even more than pickles?
y/n l/n: know your fucking limits.
bambinobecky: 🥳🥳
caitlinfoord: ❣️❣️❣️
laiacodina5: whoooooooo 🌟🌟🌟
katie_mccabe11: happy for you doll xxx
y/n l/n: @useroo so it looks like nonya business was actually mr. chrismd (: sorry for all the caused breakdowns xxx
useroo: fuck me im so happy but also fuck you coudn't you have announced this before all my breakdowns miss y/n
y/n l/n: nope! 😛😝😜🤪
useroo: 😐❤
xouserxo: HELL YEAAAAH
arthurtv: mama y papa
y/n l/n: hello child <3!!!
chrismd10: hello.. child.
arthurtv: 😄😁
theburbtchip: about damn time
tobjizzle: soo happy for you guys ❤
y/n l/n: thank you tobi!!! ❣️
user777: oh.. so thats why you wont take my hand in marrige :( BUT YAY SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS
user101: *screams in single*
usermybeloved: BEST COUPLE IN 2024 CONFIRMED
y/nily: ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
chrismd10: love you too darling ❤
y/n l/n: YAYAYAYAY
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liked by miniminter, arthurnfhill and 1,572,684 others
chrismd10: love you to ya prick
tagged: @y/n l/n
ksi: congrats bro
chrismd10: thanks ksi
tobjizzle: ❤
theburntchip: as I written before, about damn time
callux: 🎉🎉
wroetoshaw: im suprised ya fucking bagged her mate, bloody hell well done
chrismd10: thanks harry
zerkaa: 💚
arthurtv: my parents are finally together :)
arthurnfhill: im impressed
miniminter: 👏👏👏
behzingagram: how the fuck did you bag her
chrismd10: actually quite easily for your information you fat prick
vikkstagram: 🌟🌟🌟
calfreezy: sap
chrismd10: shut the fuck up ya long dick
calfreezy: midget
georgeclarkeey: sigh, ive lost another boyfriend 😞
y/n l/n: it's okay pookie we'll share ❤
chrismd10: ...i did not consent to this.
us3r: my childhood youtuber getting together with my favourite female footballer was not on my 2024 bingo card
useroo: about fucking time.
s1demenl0ver: 🥳🥳🥳
useredup: congrats guys 👏
user111: ❤
user777: @chrismd10 will you ask y/n if she'll take my hand in marrige 💍🤲
chrismd10: she says no, AGAIN.
user444: YASSSSSS
user101: nahh but honestly chris takes really good pictures
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y/n l/n added to their story;
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⤷ chrismd10 liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ chrismd10: I literally posted a cute little photodump of you and you're posting this??? Ya fucking prick
⤷ y/n l/n: l love you too ya twat! Also let me post our child ❤
⤷ chrismd10: yeah yeah whatever. i love you too ya prick ❤
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liked by georgeclarkeey, arthurtv and 876, 543 others
chrismd10: it's possible that she likes her caps more than me..
tagged: @y/n l/n
chrismd10: just so you all know I am not a sap, I did not know she'd post arthur on her story the moment id post her okay?? fuck off ya twats
behzingagram: sap
chrismd10: shut the fuck up
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y/n l/n added to their story;
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allywthsr · 1 year
BABYFEVER | (h.lewis)
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summary: Y/N sees a TikTok from side+ and gets severe babyfever
wordcount: 1k words
pairing: harrylewis x singer!reader
warnings: none
notes: Y/N is watching this TikTok, literally freaked when I saw it🥲 enjoy and comment your thoughts!
You lay on the couch in the living room, having finished the studio session for today, while scrolling on TikTok and coming across a new side+ TikTok where AI generated the sidemen and what their baby would look like. Harry was the first to start and your ovaries screamed. You‘ve never seen a baby as cute as that and the way Harry was holding it? Get out of here. You needed that, right now.
You‘ve been together for ages as well, and both of your parents annoyed you with a: ”When’s the first baby coming“ weekly. Both of you never felt ready or mature enough to raise a small human being that relied on you, you could barely take care of yourself. Often forgetting to do chores like washing your clothes or bringing out the trash. Don’t get me started on how often you didn’t want to cook, so you just ordered something in, getting takeout way too much. How were you supposed to take care of another breathing thing. You literally gave little Herb to his parents, because you didn’t have enough time to care for him the way he deserved to be cared for.
You loved the trips you took spontaneously or the festivals you could visit without thinking twice. That would change, you weren’t sure if you were ready for this, it was a big responsibility.
But seeing him holding that baby made you forget all the worries, and wanting a baby right now, you needed to see him caring for a child and cuddling with a small human.
He was already the best caring boyfriend you could imagine, massaging your shoulders after a long day, bringing you snacks throughout the day when you worked on new songs in your little home setup, cuddling with you when you craved human contact, and giving you space when you didn’t. He watered the plants when you forget or made the bed when you had to hurry and overslept again. Sending you sweet (or horny) messages when a sidemen shoot took longer than expected and you couldn’t watch your favorite movie as you planned.
And now imagine this man with a kid. It would be chaos but good chaos. Trying to make you breakfast with his little mini-me for you, would end up with flour all over the kitchen floor and the toast black instead of a nice crispy brown. While they go because they had an important ’meeting‘ with the stuffed animals, you had to clean up but you wouldn’t really mind.
Spoiling your child with clothes and toys he found while shooting a sidemen video in central London. Just like he said he would be the fun uncle that gives the sidemen kids candy under the table, he would be the fun dad that could never say ’no‘ to anything and give them candy over the table, because he was the dad and could do anything he wanted.
Comforting them in the middle of the night when a nightmare occurred or the diaper needed a change. Getting the morning cuddles in before both of you had to get up. Your baby laying on his chest and enjoying the skin-to-skin time with their daddy, a hand constantly on their back to comfort them.
He would use every chance to talk about his baby, whether in a sidemen video or on the podcast when the topic was a completely different one.
The way he would sit down at the small table for a tea party dressed as a fairy or play football in the morning on the still wet grass while you prepared breakfast.
He would freak out of excitement on special occasions, like Easter or Christmas, probably more excited than your child.
He would buy way too many gifts and colorful eggs and hide them around the house and garden for your kid to search for when they are older and acting all surprised when they found something. He would definitely hold the egg basket when your baby would say: ”dada hold“, your heart clenching at the thought.
He send you way too many videos on Instagram of dads putting shoe prints with boots and flour on the floor, acting like Santa left them, always telling you how he wanted to do that with your future kids. Drinking the milk, eating the cookies they left out, and putting the carrot for Rudolph back in the fridge. He wouldn’t help with wrapping but definitely chose the gifts, many of them.
So when Harry came through the front door and shouted out a loud: ”Y/N, I‘m home“ and stood up and walked in his direction.
”I want a baby.“
Harry was on his way to greet you with a hug and a kiss but froze in his movements and his eyes widen.
”You, you you you you want a what?“, his stuttering got the best of him.
You chuckled and went to hug him but him being too shocked to hug you back.
”A baby, Harry“, you put your hands on both sides of his head. ”I saw the side+ TikTok where you looked at the AI babies, and that was the cutest thing ever, imagine a small you running around the house.“
It was like a light went on over his head, now understanding where this sudden baby fever came from.
”Let’s get to work then“, he said and scooped you up before carrying you to the bedroom.
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clarkeylesbian · 12 days
The Frog-Off
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[Sypnosis : you and arthur attempt at the clay tiktok trend]
The camera turns on, and Arthur is grinning at it with his usual mix of smugness and charm. “Right, so!” he starts, his excitement barely contained. “Today, I’ve got a very special guest—my girlfriend, Y/N!” He gestures to the side of the frame.
The camera swivels to reveal you waving shyly. You’re already covered in a layer of clay because, true to Arthur’s style, you didn’t prepare at all before starting the intro.
“We’re diving into the clay modelling challenge that’s been blowing up on TikTok,” Arthur explains, picking up two lumps of green clay. “We’ll recreate a model we find online, and then you all get to vote on who did it better. But let me tell you, it’s going to be me.”
You fold your arms and raise an eyebrow. “You’ve never even touched clay before, Arthur.”
“It’s all about confidence, babe.”
Arthur pulls out his phone and shows it to the camera. The model you’ve chosen is a cute frog sitting on a lilypad. Simple enough, right?
“Alright,” Arthur says, squinting at the clay like he’s about to solve a complex maths problem. “Frog on a lilypad. This should be a piece of cake.”
You are already deep into your clay, focusing intently. “You say that now, but I’m already feeling like I’m failing this frog.”
The camera zooms in on your work, which resembles more of a squashed loaf of bread than a frog. Meanwhile, Arthur is still staring at his clay as if it’s the love of his life.
“You know,” Arthur muses, poking at the clay, “frogs are naturally lumpy. So, this is just me capturing their true texture.”
The camera pulls back to reveal Arthur’s creation: a round blob with legs sticking out at odd angles.
“I don’t know what that is,” you laugh, “but it’s definitely not a frog. It looks like a rejected Pokémon, bless.”
“It’s abstract,” Arthur defends. “You’ve got to feel the frog, not just mould it. This is art.”
“You seem more in love with your attempt at a frog than me,” you joke as Arthur kisses you on the head.
“I could never.”
You try not to laugh as you add eyes to your frog, which only makes it look high. Arthur plops two giant clay lumps onto his frog’s face, but they immediately fall off.
“Well, that’s just offensive,” he grumbles, trying to squish them back on.
There’s a brief pause before you point at the mess with a grin. “R.I.P. to your frog.”
Arthur shrugs. “We still have the lilypad. This is where I can shine. I can make circles.”
He grabs another lump of clay, slams it down on the table, and flattens it with his palm. “Behold, the lilypad.”
The camera pans to reveal something that looks more like a deflated pizza dough than a lilypad. You’re carefully shaping yours into a leaf-like form, too focused to notice Arthur’s attempt.
Arthur dramatically announces, “Oh, babe, get ready to be amazed.”
He proudly sets his “lilypad” on the table and places his pancake-like frog on top. It stays put, though it doesn’t exactly look stable.
You glance over and start laughing, trying to keep your own frog intact. “Is that… supposed to look like that?”
Arthur looks at his creation proudly.
As he adjusts his frog, one of its legs suddenly breaks off. Arthur throws his hands up in mock defeat. “Well, it seems like my frog’s had a bit of an accident.”
[] []
With your frogs and lilypads (if you can even call them that) side by side, you both step back to judge the results.
“Alright,” Arthur says, rubbing his hands together like a game show host. “It’s time to compare. Let’s see who's frog reigns supreme.”
You both lean in to examine the creations. Arthur’s frog looks like it’s had a rough day: half-melted, one eye missing and legs that are on the verge of breaking again.
Your frog isn’t perfect, but at least it’s recognizably a frog. It’s lumpy with one leg too big, and the lilypad looks like it was made from Play-Doh, but there’s a certain charm in its beady eyes.
“Okay, I’ll admit it,” Arthur says, trying to hold back laughter. “Your frog is.. fine. It’s decent. But mine has character. It’s got a story. It’s been through some things.”
You cross your arms, raising an eyebrow. “Your frog looks like it’s seen the apocalypse.”
Arthur places a dramatic hand on his heart. “Exactly. It’s got emotional depth. My frog feels things.”
You both crack up as Arthur picks up his frog, and the legs fall off once more.
“Well,” Arthur shrugs, holding up the dismembered frog, “I think we all know who the real winner is here.” He turns to the camera. “But you guys, comment below! Who do you think made the better frog?”
You shake your head, still grinning. “Clearly me”
The camera zooms in dramatically on Arthur’s clay disaster as he whispers, “Art.”
“If you enjoyed this chaos,” Arthur says, trying to sound professional despite the mess, “don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell. And if you want more couple challenge videos—”
You jump in, “Please don’t make us do more clay.”
Arthur chuckles. “Yeah, we’re officially banned from clay. But seriously, let us know what you want to see next.”
“Vote for mi-” you attempt to say before the video cuts off.
[note: I've never made a fic before, so sorry it's not the best!]
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speedybeta · 2 months
I was really hoping Chunkz, AJ, Niko, Rug, Sam, Colby, Jidion, matpat, Lazar, Jschlatt, KSI, quackity, or sketch to win in Mr beast's new video 😔😔
I wish I was Michelle in this photo 💔💔😕
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chunkzdeluluwife · 1 month
𝘿𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙔𝙤𝙪 ~ 𝘼𝙅 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙡
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Your best friend AJ gets into a fight to defend you.
Warnings: fighting, kissing, swearing‼️ ( it’s a little long but I swear it’s worth it )
You were in the living room with your friend Brandon, who had come over to hang out. However, things took a turn when he started making you feel uneasy, "accidentally" brushing your hand and placing his hand on your lap.
As AJ was coming downstairs, he noticed the discomfort on your face.
Using the nickname he gave you, he said, "Hey, stink, what's going on?" as he sat beside you, draping an arm over your shoulder. Brandon, visibly annoyed by AJ's presence, frowned.
"Just... hanging," you said, giving a clear sign that you were uncomfortable.
AJ caught on and noticed that you were uneasy; he could tell Brandon was making you feel uncomfortable. He pulled you closer to him by your waist as he gave Brandon the "cut it out" look.
But Brandon didn't get the hint. He put his hand on your knee, softly rubbing it.
"Hey guys," you said, lightly pushing Brandon's hand away from your knee.
"Why don't we play a board game?"
"Yeah, great idea," AJ said, still mad from seeing Brandon's hand touching you. Brandon gave you a dirty look before he spoke, "Yeah, sure, what game do you want to play?"
You stood up to look at the board games. "Ummm, we have The Game of Life, Uno, or Candy Land."
Brandon scoffed at the options. "Those are so lame." AJ rolled his eyes at his friend before looking at the board games. "Candy Land sounds good. Let's play that one.”
Brandon didn't say anything, though he didn't seem pleased by the choice of game.
"Well, sorry you think they're lame, Brandon. They're some of my favorites," you said, chuckling as you set up the game.
AJ chuckled as he helped set up the game with you. He knew how much you loved these games, and the fact that Brandon called them lame annoyed him. Brandon muttered quietly "Whatever." He just crossed his arms and waited for the game to start.
"Okay, are we ready to start?"
"Yeah, I'm ready," AJ said, looking at Brandon to see if he was ready too.
Brandon grumbled quietly, "Yeah, let's just get this over with."
The three of you started playing the game, and AJ seemed to be enjoying it, but Brandon was still grumbling and complaining about the game. AJ could tell that you were getting annoyed by Brandon's attitude, but he didn't want to start anything. Instead, he tried to focus on the game and keep things lighthearted.
"I have a better idea than this game-7 minutes in heaven, me and Yn first," Brandon said, smirking.
AJ immediately felt himself get angrier as soon as Brandon suggested the idea. He clenched his fists but tried to keep it together.
"No way, man," AJ said through gritted teeth. "That's not happening."
"Brandon, I think you should go home," you said quietly.
Brandon's smirk faded as he heard your suggestion. He looked at you with an annoyed expression and spoke, "Why should I go home? I thought we were hanging out."
AJ stood up and walked over to Brandon; he couldn't take his attitude anymore.
"Dude, you've been disrespecting her and acting like a creep the entire time you've been here AJ said, his voice hardening. "You need to leave."
"No way," Brandon said. “Yn why are you letting him control what we do?"
AJ clenched his fists even tighter, ready to lash out at him.
"This has nothing to do with controlling anyone," AJ snapped back. "It's about respecting boundaries and making sure she feels comfortable. And you clearly don't care about that."
"I'm both of your friends. I don't see the problem," Brandon said. He stood up and took a step closer to you. "And why aren't you saying anything?"
The mood grew tense as Brandon got closer to you. AJ stepped between the two of you, ready to defend you if necessary.
"Back off, man," AJ warned. "She doesn't need to say anything. You're the one causing problems."
"Move out of the way, short boy," Brandon said to AJ.
AJ's anger flared even more as Brandon tried to push him aside.
"Don't call me that," AJ snapped, his voice low and dangerous. "And I'm not moving. You're the one who needs to leave before I make you."
"Do you want to fight or something? I thought we were friends."
AJ gritted his teeth, his patience wearing thin.
"We're supposed to be friends," he said through clenched teeth. "But friends don't act like you do. They respect each other and respect boundaries."
AJ pointed a finger at Brandon, his eyes filled with anger. "If you don't leave now, I swear I'll make you."
"Then let's fight, you fucking bitch."
The anger in AJ's eyes intensified as he heard Brandon's words. He took a step closer, his fists clenched at his sides.
"You really want to do this?" AJ said, his voice low and dangerous. "I'll take you on."
"Guys, let's stop," you said worriedly.
AJ's heart softened at your pleading voice. His anger was replaced with worry for you. He knew you hated confrontations. He took a deep breath, his clenched fists slowly unclenching.
"Alright, calm down," he said, looking at Brandon. "We don't have to fight."
"Ugh, you pussy," Brandon said as he swung his fist at AJ's face.
Despite trying to de-escalate the situation, the unexpected blow caught AJ off guard. He stumbled backward as pain shot through his face. He touched his face gingerly, anger and pain replacing his previous demeanor.
"You son of a bitch," he spat, charging forward and tackling Brandon to the ground.
"Oh fuck," you said, running to get your phone to call for help.
AJ and Brandon continued to fight, fists flying and grunts of pain filling the air. It was a chaotic scene as the two boys rolled on the ground, each trying to gain the upper hand. As you ran to get your phone, you heard the sound of crashing and muffled swearing.
You first called the cops, telling them about the situation with your two friends fighting, and then you called Niko, AJ's best friend, who knew how to handle any situation.
As you called the cops and Niko, the fighting continued. The sound of punches and grunts echoed through the room, mixed with the occasional thud as one boy tackled the other.
Within minutes, the sounds of sirens could be heard in the distance, growing louder as the police got closer to your house.
You couldn't bear to look at the guys fighting on your floor, where there was probably blood and scattered items.
The sight of your once peaceful home now turned into a chaotic mess was overwhelming. Items were scattered everywhere, and the sight of blood and your two friends fighting made your heart ache. The sound of approaching sirens grew louder, signaling the arrival of the police, who were coming to break up the fight.
The fighting continued and got louder as the two boys struggled, each trying to pin the other down. When the police arrived, they burst through the front door and immediately took in the chaotic scene. They quickly separated AJ and Brandon, shouting at them to calm down and stop fighting.
The two boys were roughly pushed apart by the police. Both AJ and Brandon were breathing heavily, their faces bloodied and bruised. The room was a mess, and the officers glanced around, absorbing the disarray.
One of the officers approached you, noticing your worried expression. “Are you the one who called us?” he asked.
“Yes, I did. I’m Yn,” you replied.
The officer gave you a reassuring smile. “We appreciate the call. Can you tell us what happened here?”
“Brandon was acting weird the whole time we were hanging out,” you explained. “He asked me to do something sexual, and when I refused, AJ defended me. But then Brandon got physical and punched AJ.”
The officer listened intently as you recounted the events, his expression growing more serious. “Alright, I see,” he said, taking notes in a small notebook. “So, Brandon was making unwanted advances and became aggressive when his advances were rejected?”
“Yes, that’s what happened.”
The officer nodded, jotting down a few more notes before looking back up at you. “And who is AJ? The one who was defending you?”
“He’s my best friend.”
The officer nodded again, continuing to write in his notebook. “Alright, we’ll need to speak with him as well. Can you point him out to us?”
You pointed him out among the two boys, who stood beaten and bruised.
The officer followed your direction and spotted AJ, who was looking battered from the fight. He approached him, a serious look on his face. “Are you AJ?” he asked, confirming his identity.
AJ nodded, his voice hoarse. “Yes, that’s me.”
The officer wrote down a few more details. “I need to ask you a few questions,” he said. “Can you tell me what led up to the fight?”
AJ took a deep breath, wincing as he did so. “We were hanging out at Yn’s place,” he explained. “And Brandon was making her uncomfortable. He was being weird and crossing boundaries.”
The officer nodded, listening closely. “And what happened next?”
“I tried to defend her,” AJ said. “I told him to back off and respect her boundaries. But Brandon didn’t listen and threw the first punch.”
The officer made a few more notes. “I understand,” he said. “And then the fight escalated?”
“Yeah, it did,” AJ confirmed. “We started fighting, and things got out of control.”
The officer nodded, continuing to take down AJ’s statement. “Alright, I think I have enough information for now,” he said. “We’ll need to take a statement from Brandon as well.”
Just then, Niko arrived at Yn’s house, looking shocked.
Niko walked into the chaotic scene, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of the bloodied and beaten boys and the scattered items on the floor. “What the hell happened here?” he asked, looking around in disbelief.
You led Niko out of the house and explained the situation.
Niko listened intently as you told him about what had unfolded. Anger flashed in his eyes when he heard about Brandon’s inappropriate behavior and the ensuing fight. “That jerk,” he muttered, clenching his fists. “I can’t believe Brandon would do that to you. How are you holding up?”
“I’m fine, really, just worried about AJ,” you said, glancing back at the door.
Niko placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “AJ is tough,” he said confidently. “He can handle himself. He was just defending you.”
“Besides,” Niko added with a smirk, “Brandon got it worse, didn’t he?”
“I was too scared to look,” you said, laughing.
Niko chuckled along with you, but his expression softened. “Hey, you don’t have to be scared,” he said. “AJ can take care of himself. He’s been in worse fights before.”
“Jeez, don’t remind me of his fights,” you said, walking back into the house to check on AJ.
Niko chuckled again as he followed you. He knew AJ had a history of getting into scraps, but he also knew his best friend was good at defending himself. As you both walked back into the living room, Niko spotted AJ sitting on the couch, looking roughed up but overall alright.
AJ looked up as you and Niko walked in. He managed a weak smile, his face still bruised and battered. “Hey,” he greeted you, his voice hoarse.
“You okay?” you asked, sitting down on the couch beside him and grabbing his hand.
AJ squeezed your hand back, his grip weak but reassuring. “I’ll be fine,” he promised. “Nothing a few ice packs can’t fix.”
Niko stood off to the side, watching the interaction between you and AJ with a smirk on his face.
“I was worried, you know.”
AJ’s expression softened as he looked at you. “I know,” he said quietly. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I didn’t want things to get out of control like that.”
“Niko, what are you doing here?” AJ asked.
Niko chuckled, crossing his arms. “I heard what went down and had to come check on my best friend,” he said, grinning. “Looks like things got pretty intense in here.”
“Yeah, it’s going to be pretty intense for me to clean up,” you said, laughing.
AJ chuckled weakly, wincing slightly as he did so. “Sorry about the mess,” he said apologetically. “We kind of made a wreck in here.”
Niko chimed in, still smirking. “Yeah, looks like a hurricane went through here.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at Niko’s remark, picturing the chaotic scene before you. AJ rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, very funny,” he said dryly, but a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
“If you’re okay to leave with the police, we can go get you some medicine at the doctor.”
AJ nodded, wincing as he moved to get up from the couch. “Yeah, I’m good to go,” he said, standing up with a grimace. “I could use some medicine for the throbbing pain.”
“Yeah, alright,” you said, and then heard a “Hey Yn!” yell from Brandon, who was standing in the kitchen with the police, now in cuffs.
You turned your head toward the kitchen where Brandon was being held by the police. He called out your name, and you felt a pang of anxiety in your chest. AJ’s grip on your hand tightened, his protective instincts kicking in. Niko stepped closer to you as well, ready to defend you if needed.
The police officer gave Brandon a warning look, but he seemingly ignored it and kept talking.
Brandon shot a glare at AJ, who stood by your side, before addressing you again. “I need to talk to you,” he said, his voice full of entitlement.
“I think we’re good, Brandon.”
Brandon’s expression hardened as you spoke, clearly unhappy with your response. He strained against the cuffs, trying to make his way toward you. “No, I’m not done talking,” he insisted, his voice rising. “I need to talk to you, alone.”
“Maybe another day,” you said, walking away.
Brandon looked at you with a mix of anger and desperation, frustrated that you wouldn’t give him the attention he felt he deserved. “You can’t just walk away! I’m not done talking to you!” he called after you. The police officer intervened, restraining Brandon and trying to calm him down.
You jumped in the car and drove AJ to the clinic with Niko tagging along.
The ride to the clinic was mostly silent, save for the sound of AJ’s occasional winces of pain. Niko sat in the backseat, stealing sidelong glances at you and AJ every now and then, noticing the concern etched on your face.
As you arrived at the clinic, you helped AJ out of the car and guided him into the waiting room. The receptionist took one look at the state of his face and immediately ushered you to a private room. Niko stayed nearby, watching quietly as the doctor examined AJ and administered some medicine for his pain.
The doctor looked over AJ’s injuries, checking his face and other areas where he took the brunt of the hits. “You got yourself into quite the fight, didn’t you?” the doctor remarked as he applied some ointment to a particularly nasty cut on AJ’s forehead.
“Not one your girlfriend would approve of,” the doctor said, looking at you.
You felt the heat creeping up your cheeks at the doctor’s comment and couldn’t help but glance over at Niko and AJ, who were both silently watching you.
AJ chuckled weakly, wincing as the doctor dabbed more ointment on his face. Niko, on the other hand, smirked, clearly enjoying the flustered expression on your face.
The doctor, oblivious to your actual relationship status with AJ, continued to chat with you, making assumptive comments regarding your supposed relationship. “So, how long have you two been together?” he asked, as he wrapped a bandage around AJ’s bruised knuckles.
“We’ve been friends for 9 years.”
The doctor looked surprised, his eyebrows raising in mild surprise. “Oh, I see,” he said, seemingly confused. “You’re just friends?”
He finished wrapping the bandage on AJ’s knuckles and looked at you with a somewhat perplexed expression. “I just assumed, given how he’s defending you and how concerned you look,” he added, gesturing toward AJ, who was quietly sitting on the examination table.
You looked at AJ, but he was looking down.
AJ kept his gaze fixated on the floor, seemingly lost in thought. He didn’t seem to want to engage in the conversation about your relationship, preferring to let you answer the doctor’s questions.
Niko, who had been quietly observing the exchange, chuckled silently. He knew the truth about your relationship with AJ and found the doctor’s assumptions amusing.
“Well, here is his ointment, and make sure to change his bandages. This is the pain medicine he will be taking for the next week. You’re free to go,” said the doctor.
The doctor handed you a small paper bag containing the ointment and prescription medication for AJ. Niko stepped forward as you helped AJ off the examination table, ready to drive you all back home.
“Thanks, Doc,” AJ said hoarsely, his voice still raw from the earlier fight.
The doctor nodded, his eyebrows furrowing together as he spoke. “Take it easy the next few days. I’d advise avoiding any more fights.”
“Easier said than done,” AJ replied with a lopsided grin, wincing slightly as he did so. Niko chuckled beside you, shaking his head amusedly.
As they walked back to the car, you said, “AJ, are you okay going back to your house alone, or do you want to stay with me or Niko?”
AJ considered your question for a moment, his expression thoughtful as he weighed his options. He looked over at Niko, who had an eyebrow raised, waiting curiously for his answer. Then he looked back at you, his gaze lingering on your face. “Can I stay over at your place?” he asked finally, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability.
“Wow, you don’t want to stay with your best friend?” Niko said.
AJ chuckled weakly, rolling his eyes at Niko. “I’m tired and bruised, and I know she’ll take better care of me than you will,” he said jokingly, gesturing toward you.
“Okay then, let’s go back home so Niko can pick up his car,” you said, getting in the driver’s seat.
Niko mock-pouted, feigning offense. “I’ll have you know I can be very nurturing,” he protested lightheartedly. AJ snickered as he slid into the passenger seat beside you.
As you all reached home, Niko said his goodbyes and drove back home. Then you and AJ walked into the big mess of his second home.
As you and AJ entered his place, you were struck by the disarray that had resulted from the earlier fight. The remnants of the struggle were still visible, with scattered items on the floor and signs of furniture being knocked over. AJ winced visibly as he looked around at the mess. “Sorry about this,” he apologized quietly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“It’s fine,” Yn said. “You can sleep in my bed tonight, and I’ll treat you in there.”
AJ looked at you, his expression softening at your offer.
“You sure?” he asked, his voice a bit raspy. “I don’t want to kick you out of your bed.”
“You’re more important right now; it’ll be fine,” Yn said, guiding AJ to her bed.
AJ followed you obediently, wincing slightly with every step as his body still ached from the earlier fight. He plopped onto your bed, a tired sigh escaping his lips.
He leaned back against the pillows, wincing as he shifted to a more comfortable position. His expression was a mixture of fatigue, pain, and a hint of vulnerability. It was clear that the events of the night had taken a toll on him.
“Are you too tired to eat anything, or do you want some soup?”
AJ thought for a moment, considering his stomach. Despite his weary state, he was feeling a bit hungry. “Some soup would be great,” he said quietly, his voice hoarse. “But only if it’s not too much trouble.”
“You’re good, AJ,” Yn said, giving him a light kiss on the cheek as she walked out of the room to make him some soup.
As you left the room, heading to the kitchen, AJ’s hand instinctively reached up to touch his cheek where your lips had just grazed him. A slight smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He settled back against the pillows, his heart rate slightly higher than before.
Ever since high school, AJ had harbored feelings for you. But the fear of ruining the strong bond that you had built as best friends over the years held him back from expressing his true emotions. He valued your friendship immensely and didn’t want to risk losing it by confessing his love.
Around 15 minutes later, Yn came back with the soup. “Here, eat up,” she said, sitting on the bed with the bowl in her hand and a spoon in the other, pointing it to his mouth.
AJ shifted a little, sitting up straighter against the pillows as you approached with the soup. He opened his mouth obediently as you fed him the first spoonful. The soup’s warmth soothed his sore throat, and he swallowed gratefully. “Thanks,” he mumbled quietly, his eyes meeting yours.
“Mhm,” Yn continued to feed him until the bowl was empty, then placed it on the bedside table.
With the bowl now empty, you placed it on the bedside table, your attention returning to AJ, who was now settling back against the pillows. He looked a bit more relaxed and at ease now, his earlier tension fading away. However, you still noticed a hint of discomfort on his face.
“You have some pajamas that you left here the last time you spent the night. Do you want to wear them?”
AJ nodded slightly, his voice still raspy as he replied, “Yeah, that’d be good,” he said quietly. “These clothes I’m currently wearing aren’t the most comfortable for sleeping in.”
You stood up from the bed and headed to your closet, searching for the pajamas that AJ had left behind on his previous stay. After a moment, you found them folded neatly: a comfortable pair of soft flannel pants and a loose-fitting shirt.
You brought the pajamas back to the bed, handing them over to AJ. “Here you go,” you said. “These should be more comfortable.”
“Do you need help putting them on?”
AJ considered your offer for a moment, his pride slightly reluctant to accept help. However, the pain and exhaustion from the day’s events were weighing heavily on him, making it difficult for him to move freely without wincing. He let out a small sigh and nodded. “Yeah, I think I do,” he admitted sheepishly.
You sat on the edge of the bed next to AJ, helping him carefully remove his current clothes. He winced slightly as you aided him, the movement causing pain to flare up in his bruised body.
Once he was undressed, you helped him put on the soft pajama pants first, followed by the loose-fitting shirt. The material felt cool and comfortable against his skin, and he let out a small sigh of relief as he settled back against the pillows.
“Thanks,” he muttered, his voice a bit hoarse. He adjusted his position slightly, trying to find a comfortable spot that would alleviate some of the pain in his bruised body.
“Okay, I’ll be back. I’m just going to change and get ready for bed.”
AJ nodded, watching as you headed out of the room to change into your own pajamas. Despite his weary state, his heart was still pounding from the feeling of your close proximity earlier when you helped him change.
He tried to steady his breathing as he waited for you to return, his thoughts swirling with a mixture of fatigue, pain, and the lingering emotions he felt for you.
Yn came back with her pink nightgown on and her face freshly washed. “Do you need anything before I go sleep on the couch?”
AJ looked at you as you entered the room, his eyes taking in your appearance in your nightdress. A pang of disappointment shot through him as you mentioned sleeping on the couch. He shook his head slightly, a hint of pleading in his eyes. “Stay,” he said quietly, his voice rough. “Can’t you sleep in here?”
“With you?”
AJ nodded slightly, his expression earnest. “Yeah, with me.” Despite his pain and fatigue, there was a hint of desperation in his eyes, a desire to have you close by his side.
“Umm, okay,” she said, turning off the lights and crawling beside him.
As you turned off the lights and climbed into bed beside AJ, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. The comfort of your presence next to him was both soothing and stirring, causing his heart rate to pick up again.
He shifted a little, his body still aching, and looked over at you in the dim light.
With you so close to him, AJ felt a wave of emotions wash over him. The warmth of your body next to him, the scent of your hair, and the memory of your touch earlier all combined to make his heart beat faster. His eyes searched your face in the dim light, and he swallowed hard before finally speaking. “I need to tell you something,” he whispered, his voice barely above a hoarse whisper.
“Tell me,” Yn said, turning to him.
AJ took a deep breath, his heart drumming loudly in his chest. “I… I have feelings for you,” he confessed quietly. “More than just friends. For a long time.” He clenched his fists, his eyes never leaving your face, trying to gauge your reaction to his confession.
The silence in the room was deafening as he waited anxiously for your response. The pain in his bruised body seemed to fade into the background as he focused all his attention on your reaction to his confession.
“AJ, really?”
AJ’s breath caught in his chest as you spoke, his heart clenching nervously. He nodded slowly, keeping his gaze locked with yours. “Yes, really,” he replied hoarsely. “I’ve been feeling this way for a while now, but I was always too scared to tell you.”
“Well, I’m glad you did,” she said, leaning in to kiss him.
AJ’s eyes widened slightly as you leaned in to kiss him. His heart skipped a beat as your lips met his, a mixture of surprise and relief flooding through him. He returned the kiss hungrily, his hands moving to gently cup your face. Despite his bruised and battered body, the pain was momentarily forgotten as the world around them seemed to melt away.
Yn pulled away. “I’ve liked you ever since we became friends.”
AJ’s eyes searched your face, a mixture of bewilderment and joy etched on his features. “You have?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. “All this time… you felt the same way too?”
“Mhm,” she laughed.
AJ let out a disbelieving chuckle, a warm smile spreading across his face. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing; you had liked him all this time. His hand reached up to brush a strand of hair away from your face, his touch gentle yet filled with affection. “Why didn’t you say something?” he asked, his eyes softening as he looked at you.
“Well, of course, I was too scared to say anything.”
AJ nodded, his expression understanding and compassionate. “I know the feeling,” he admitted, his smile filled with a mixture of amusement and affection. “I was scared too.” He let out a small sigh, his body shifting a little closer to yours. “We’re idiots, you know that?” he said with a weary chuckle.
“I guess so. We know each other so well but couldn’t spot when we liked each other,” Yn said, laughing.
AJ chuckled in agreement, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “And look at us now. Finally confessing to each other in the middle of the night with bruised bodies,” he said, shaking his head softly.
“I can’t believe you guys fought today. All that mess in my house.”
AJ winced slightly as he remembered the fight, guilt creeping into his expression. “I’m sorry about that,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean for it to get so out of hand. I just…” His voice trailed off, his jaw clenching as he thought about the reason for the fight.
“It’s fine. I should be saying thank you, honestly. You protected me.”
AJ smiled weakly, his eyes softening as he looked at you. “Of course I’d protect you,” he said quietly. “I care about you a lot.” He reached out and took your hand in his, his fingers lacing gently with yours.
“Well, don’t do it all the time. I don’t like to see you in pain,” she laughed, holding on to AJ’s hand and bringing it up to her lips to kiss his bruised knuckles.
AJ chuckled softly, wincing only slightly as you gently kissed his bruised knuckles. “No promises, princess,” he teased, his thumb lightly stroking the back of your hand. He paused for a moment, his expression turning more serious. “I’ll always protect you, even if it means getting battered and bruised. I can’t help it.”
“Alright, stink, let’s go to bed.”
AJ chuckled at your nickname for him, a small smile still on his lips. “Yeah, let’s go to bed,” he agreed, shifting slightly to get comfortable. His body was still aching, but the pain didn’t seem as overwhelming now that you were close. “Goodnight, princess,” he murmured as he closed his eyes, still holding onto your hand.
“Goodnight, AJ.”
AJ drifted off to sleep, his hand still holding onto yours. His breathing stabilized, and his face softened as tiredness took over. The room was silent except for the soft sounds of his steady breathing.
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whereforarthur · 10 days
Poker Night Never Felt So Right
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Pairing: ArthurTv x Reader x George Clarke x Chrismd
Summary: A game of strip poker with your friends, goes a little further than anyone expected...
Category: Mature (SMUT)
Word Count: 5k
Let’s play strip poker
And they removed all their doubts
And their insecurities,
And finally made out,
They lay all naked with not a single secret left,
They were happy and kissed their fate for they meet. -Tiara
"Alright, lads and lady," Chris announced, glancing at the group and y/n, slapping a fresh deck of cards onto the worn-out kitchen table, "Poker night is in full swing."
The aroma of George's burnt lasagna filled the flat, a constant reminder of his culinary disasters that had become a tradition in their weekly gatherings. Arthur's eyes lit up as he pulled out his favorite chair, the one with the slightly wonky leg that made everyone else wobble but somehow suited him perfectly.
Y/n, the sole female in this sea of testosterone, rolled her eyes at their juvenile antics but couldn't help the smirk that tugged at the corner of her lips. She'd known these three since starting YouTube, and their friendship had endured through the chaos of their YouTube fame.
Chris shuffled the cards with a dexterity that suggested he'd had a bit too much practice, while George attempted to mimic his skill, earning a chuckle from Arthur. Y/n took a sip of her beer, the cool liquid cutting through the tension of the room.
"I've got an idea," George said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Since it's just us tonight, how about we spice things up a bit?"
Chris paused mid-shuffle, raising an eyebrow. "Spice it up how?"
George leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "Strip poker. You know, like they do in the movies."
The room went quiet for a beat before Arthur let out a hearty laugh, slapping his hand on the table. "You're joking, right?"
Y/n took another sip of her beer, eyeing George over the rim. "As if I'd agree to that."
Chris grinned, playing along. "Aw, come on, it'll be fun! Plus, you've got nothing to worry about, you're a pro at poker."
Y/n set her beer down, her expression unreadable. "Fine, but only if we all agree to keep it friendly. No funny business, got it?"
Chris and Arthur exchanged a look, the unspoken challenge hanging in the air. "Friendly, got it," Arthur said with a nod.
The game began, the shuffling of the cards and the clinking of beer bottles punctuating the occasional bursts of laughter. Y/n focused on her hand, trying to ignore the electric current of excitement that buzzed through her. The guys were her closest friends, but the thought of playing strip poker with them sent a thrill down her spine that she couldn't quite shake.
Arthur's luck, however, didn't seem to be in his favor tonight. His hand trembled slightly as he placed his bet, and when the cards were revealed, his face fell. "Bugger," he muttered, glancing at the table as he realized he'd lost the first round.
With a dramatic sigh, he stood up, his chair scraping against the floor. "Alright, alright," he said, playing it cool as he pulled his shirt over his head. The room was a mix of cheers and good-natured laughter as he tossed it aside, revealing his bare chest. He sat back down, his cheeks flushing slightly as he tried to cover his modesty with his arms. "Remember, this is all in good fun," he said, his voice a bit shakier than he'd intended.
Y/n couldn't help but blush as she took in Arthur's abs. They were surprisingly defined, a testament to his gym routine, and boxing history. She quickly averted her gaze to her cards, hoping the flush on her cheeks would be attributed to the heat of the kitchen rather than her newfound appreciation for Arthur's physique.
The game continued, the tension ramping up with each new hand. Despite her initial confidence, y/n felt her heart racing as she tried to read the guys' faces for tells. Chris remained stoic, his poker face unwavering, while George's was as transparent as always, his eyes widening with every good card. Arthur, on the other hand, had become a closed book since his shirt came off, his focus solely on the game.
Y/n's luck took a nosedive, and she found herself holding a pathetic hand of cards. She bit her lip, contemplating her next move. The pot grew larger, and the stakes grew higher. She could feel the heat from the oven and the anticipation from her friends. With a deep breath, she called George's bet, hoping for a miracle. The cards flipped over, and George's smug grin told her everything she needed to know. She'd lost this round.
The room grew silent as she slowly stood up, her heart racing. She unzipped her hoodie, letting it fall to the floor. Underneath, she wore a simple black tank top that clung to her curves. She caught Arthur's eyes lingering on her for a moment too long, and she couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. She took a seat, trying to regain her composure.
"Looks like the tides are turning," Chris said with a smirk, his eyes never leaving her.
The boys' laughter filled the room as they joked about her losing streak. Y/n felt her cheeks heat up, but she shrugged it off, playing along with their banter. "Just a bad hand, that's all," she said, trying to sound nonchalant.
The next few rounds were a blur of cards and clinking bottle caps. Y/n managed to win a few hands, but her losses outweighed her victories. Her stack of clothes grew smaller, and she found herself down to her bra and jeans. She gulped, trying to ignore the way Arthur's gaze lingered on her when he thought she wasn't looking.
Chris's hand won again, and George's smug look was wiped clean as he had to remove his trousers, revealing his colorful boxers with cartoon characters on them. The room erupted in laughter, and George shot a playful glare at y/n. "You're enjoying this too much," he teased, but his cheeks were flushed, and she could see the excitement in his eyes.
The other boys were staring too, but not just at George. They couldn't help but sneak glances at y/n, their gazes lingering on her in a way that made her acutely aware of her dwindling clothing. She felt their eyes on her, and the air grew thicker, charged with a tension that was no longer just about the game. It was about the thrill of the reveal, the anticipation of what would come next.
Chris dealt the next hand, his eyes flicking up to meet y/n's. She couldn't read his expression, but she knew he was enjoying the game more than he let on. They all were. The stakes had changed, and the atmosphere in the room had shifted from friendly competition to something else entirely.
Y/n studied her cards, her heart racing. A full house stared back at her, and she couldn't help the smug smile that spread across her face. This was it, her chance to get back in the game. She raised the bet, watching as the boys' expressions grew serious. They had to know she had something good.
The bets went around the table, and the moment of truth arrived. Y/n laid her cards down with a flourish, her heart pounding in her chest. The room was silent as the boys revealed their hands. George had a pair of twos, and Arthur had a straight. But it was Chris who had the nerve to call her bluff. He laid down his cards with a wink, revealing a royal flush. The air whooshed out of her lungs, and she felt the blood drain from her face.
"Looks like it's your turn, love," Chris said, his voice thick with victory.
Y/n felt a bead of sweat trickle down her spine as she reached behind her back, fumbling with the clasp of her bra. She took a deep breath and let it fall away, feeling the cool air of the flat kiss her skin. She kept her eyes on the table, focusing on the cards as the fabric hit the floor. The room was so quiet she could almost hear her own heartbeat echoing off the walls.
The silence was palpable, thick and heavy, as if the very air in the room had turned to jelly. The boys didn't dare to look up, their eyes glued to their own cards or the beer bottles in their hands. They were her friends, her colleagues, but in this moment, they were also men, and she was very aware of it. The game had taken a turn she hadn't anticipated, and she felt vulnerable in a way she hadn't felt in a very long time.
Finally, she looked up, her gaze meeting Chris's. He held her stare for a beat too long, and she saw something in his eyes that made her pulse quicken. It wasn't just the thrill of the game anymore; it was something deeper, something she hadn't expected to find in a casual poker night.
"Good game," Arthur murmured, his voice a low rumble that seemed to resonate through the room. His eyes flicked over her exposed skin before darting back to his cards, and she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach.
Y/n cleared her throat, trying to ignore the sudden self-consciousness that had crept over her. "Alright, let's keep playing," she said, her voice a little too high.
George, ever the opportunist, leaned back in his chair, his eyes gleaming. "Someone's getting a bit flustered, aren't they?"
The room grew tense as George's comment hung in the air, unspoken feelings now laid bare. Y/n felt a blush creep up her neck, her hands clinching into fists at her sides. "It's just a game, George," she said through gritted teeth, trying to keep her cool.
"Fine, fine," he chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Let's keep it friendly, yeah?"
The game resumed, but the dynamics had shifted. The banter was less playful, the glances more intense. Y/n could feel the energy in the room pulsing with every card drawn, every piece of clothing removed. Her hands were trembling slightly as she dealt the next hand, her eyes avoiding the hungry stares of the boys. She focused on the game, trying to ignore the heat of their gazes on her bare skin.
George's luck had run out, and he was just left in his boxers. His cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as he realized loosing this hand, meant losing them. He met y/n's eyes, and she could see the nervous excitement in his gaze. She felt a strange sense of power, a thrill that was as intoxicating as it was alarming. She called his bet, her heart racing.
And of course that’s what happened George lost the hand, and lost his boxers. They were ridiculous, covered in cartoon characters that clashed with the seriousness of the moment. But as he stood up, the room's focus shifted from the ridiculousness of the situation to the very real and very attractive man in front of them. Y/n couldn't help but feel a flicker of attraction she'd never noticed before, not like this.
Chris cleared his throat, his eyes lingering on George's newly exposed skin before flicking back to his own cards. The air in the flat was charged, and the smell of George's aftershave filled the room, a scent that was at once familiar and entirely new in this context. Arthur's poker face remained unchanged, but his knuckles were white as he gripped his beer bottle, his eyes darting from George to y/n.
The next few rounds were a battle of wills, each player trying to maintain their composure as the clothes piled up on the floor. Y/n's jeans were the next to go, and she felt a shiver run down her spine as she stepped out of them, leaving her in just her panties. The guys' eyes darted up to meet hers, and she could see the struggle in their expressions as they tried to keep the game friendly.
But the game had taken on a life of its own, and the line between friendship and desire was blurring. The stakes were no longer just about winning; they were about power, attraction, and the thrill of the unknown. The tension grew with every card dealt, every article of clothing removed. It was no longer just a game of poker; it had become a dance of seduction, a silent negotiation of boundaries.
Chris's eyes never left y/n's, his gaze dark and intense. The air between them crackled with an energy that was impossible to ignore. As the rounds went on, the smiles and laughter grew forced, the room thick with the scent of pheromones and anticipation. Y/n felt a strange thrill at the thought of pushing the boundaries, of seeing how far they'd all go.
The next hand was dealt, and the tension grew palpable. Y/n studied her cards, feeling the heat of the guys' gazes on her bare legs. She knew that she had a good hand, but the game had become less about winning and more about the thrill of the risk. She raised the bet, watching as the other two exchanged glances. The silence stretched out, the only sound the crackling of the cards and the occasional clink of bottle caps.
Chris called her bluff, laying down his hand with a smug smile. George fully nude now. Both Chris and Arthur in their underwear, the fabric clinging to their growing arousal. Y/n felt a strange mix of nervousness and excitement, her heart racing as she took in the sight of her friends in such a vulnerable state. The room felt like it was closing in on her, the heat from the oven now a stark contrast to the coolness of her bare skin.
The next round began, and the stakes were higher than ever. Y/n's hand trembled as she placed her bet, watching as Chris and Arthur followed suit. She had nothing to lose now but her pride and the last shred of their friendship's innocence. The cards were flipped over, and she felt a jolt of victory as she revealed a full house. Arthur's face fell, and she knew she had him beat.
"Alright, Arthur," she said, her voice steady despite the racing of her heart. "Looks like it's your turn."
Arthur swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. He reached down to remove his underwear, and Y/n couldn't help but watch, her eyes widening slightly as he revealed himself. He was more than she'd ever allowed herself to imagine, and she felt a rush of warmth flood her cheeks. The room was a cacophony of shuffling papers and shallow breaths, the only sound louder than her pounding heart.
Chris took a sip of his beer, his eyes never leaving hers. He leaned back in his chair, his own arousal evident, and she realized with a start that he was enjoying this game more than he'd ever let on. "Looks like we're all in this together now," he said, his voice low and gruff.
The game had become about more than just poker; it was a silent dare, a push and pull of power and desire that none of them could ignore.
Chris collected the cards, shuffling them with a deliberate slowness that had y/n's stomach flipping. "Alright, lads," he said, his voice a low rumble, "whoever wins the next hand gets to ask y/n to do something for them."
Her heart skipped a beat, and she took a sip of her beer, trying to play it cool. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice betraying the slight tremble in her chest.
Chris leaned in, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Whatever we want, within reason. Just a little extra... entertainment."
Y/n felt a thrill of anticipation mixed with nerves. "As long as it's not too embarrassing," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
Chris grinned, his eyes flicking over her body. "Oh, I think we're past the point of embarrassment."
The room was thick with tension as the final hand was dealt. Y/n picked up her cards, trying to focus on the game, but her mind was racing with the possibilities of what could happen next. She had a decent hand, but she knew that Chris was playing to win.
The bets were placed, and the air was electric as the cards were revealed. Y/n felt a surge of victory as she saw she had a full house again, beating Arthur's two pairs.
Y/n felt a mix of excitement and nerves, her eyes flicking to Chris, who was watching her with an intense gaze. She knew he'd won the round, but the real prize was in the daring request he was about to make.
Chris leaned in closer, his eyes dark with desire. "Alright, love," he said, his voice a low rumble, "it's time for your forfeit."
Y/n's heart raced as she took in the sight of Arthur and George, both fully exposed and equally as nervous. She had no idea what Chris had in mind, but she knew it would be something she'd never forget. She took a deep breath, bracing herself for his words.
Chris leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving hers. "I want you to kiss me," he said, his voice low and commanding.
The room froze, the only sound the erratic beating of her heart. She felt the color drain from her cheeks as she met his gaze, his eyes dark and hungry. For a moment, she couldn't breathe, the weight of his words sinking in. Then, with a slow nod, she leaned in, her heart racing.
The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if both of them were testing the waters. But as their lips met, something ignited between them, a spark that grew into a flame. Her hands found their way to his shoulders, gripping him tightly as the kiss deepened. Arthur and George watched, their own tension palpable, their eyes flickering between y/n and Chris, their friendship and their desires colliding in a way none of them had anticipated.
Chris's hands slid up her arms, pulling her closer, his tongue tracing the seam of her lips. Y/n's body responded, arching into him as the kiss grew more urgent. The room was a blur of heat and need, the air thick with the scent of arousal and the faint scent of George's burnt lasagna.
When they finally broke apart, they were both panting, their eyes locked. The room was silent, the only sound the crackling of the oven and the thudding of their hearts. Arthur and George watched, their expressions a mix of shock and arousal. Y/n's cheeks were flushed, and she couldn't believe what had just happened.
"Fuck me," George murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "That was..."
"Hot," Arthur finished for him, his eyes glued to the sight of Chris and y/n tangled in a passionate kiss. The atmosphere in the room had shifted so dramatically, it was as if someone had flipped a switch, turning the innocent game of poker into an intense, erotic battleground.
Chris's hand slid down y/n's back, cupping her ass as he deepened the kiss. She gasped into his mouth, the heat of his touch sending a bolt of pleasure through her. The air was thick with the scent of their desire, and she could feel the warmth of Arthur and George's gazes on her exposed skin. The game had evolved into something she'd never expected, but the thrill of it was undeniable.
Breaking away from Chris, she turned to face Arthur, her eyes flicking to his evident arousal. "Looks like you're up," she said, her voice husky with desire. Arthur's cheeks reddened, but he met her gaze, his eyes smoldering.
"What's the forfeit?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/n leaned in, her breasts brushing against his bare chest. "You get to kiss me too," she murmured, her breath hot against his ear.
Arthur's eyes widened, and for a moment, she thought he might refuse. But then, with a nod, he leaned in, capturing her mouth in a kiss that was just as fiery as Chris's. His hands found her waist, pulling her closer as their tongues danced together. The room spun around her, the lines between friendship and desire blurring into a haze of passion.
George, not to be left out, approached her from behind, his naked body pressing against her back. She could feel his erection against her, and she shivered with anticipation. "I guess it's only fair," he murmured, his hands sliding around her waist.
The kiss with Arthur grew more urgent, his hands exploring her body as George's lips found the sensitive skin of her neck. She moaned, the sensations overwhelming her. The three of them were entangled in a dance of lust, their friendship forever changed by this night.
As Arthur pulled away, George took his place, his lips brushing against hers. His kiss was gentle at first, but soon grew in intensity, his hands caressing her breasts. She felt a hand slide down her stomach, and she gasped as it reached the apex of her thighs. It was Chris, his fingers teasing her through her damp panties.
The room was a whirlwind of sensations, and y/n was lost in the moment. She couldn't tell where one kiss ended and another began, only knew that she was the center of their attention, the object of their desire. It was thrilling and terrifying all at once.
"Take them off," George murmured, his voice thick with lust.
Y/n's hands trembled as she slid her panties down her legs, stepping out of them. The cold floor sent a shiver through her body, and she felt more exposed than she ever had in her life. But the way the boys were looking at her, with a mix of awe and hunger, made her feel anything but vulnerable.
Chris's hand found her again, his fingers delving into her slick folds. She moaned into George's mouth, the pleasure building within her. Arthur watched, his eyes dark with need. The air was charged with a current of desire that had them all in its grip.
The poker game was forgotten, the kitchen a mess of cards and discarded clothing. The only thing that mattered was the heat between them, the unspoken promises in their eyes. The night had taken a wild turn, and as the three of them moved closer, y/n knew there was no going back. This was a new chapter in their friendship, one filled with passion and the thrill of the unknown.
And she was ready to play her hand.
Chris's fingers worked their magic, sending waves of pleasure through her body. She moaned into George's mouth, her hips bucking against Chris's hand. The sensation was too much, and she felt her orgasm building. Arthur's hand joined the fray, his calloused fingers teasing her nipples, sending jolts of electricity straight to her core.
They were all in this together now, their friendship forever changed by this night of strip poker turned passionate frenzy. Y/n had never felt so desired, so wanted. The kisses grew deeper, more intense, as the three of them explored each other's bodies with an urgency that could no longer be contained.
George's hands roamed her body, his touch setting her skin on fire, while Arthur's kisses grew more demanding. She felt a hand slide down her back, reaching around to cup her ass, and she knew it was Arthur. The thrill of having both of them touch her at once was almost too much to bear.
Chris's touch grew more insistent, and she felt herself climbing towards the edge. She broke away from George's kiss, panting, her eyes meeting Arthur's. "Fuck me," she breathed, the words barely a whisper.
They didn't need any further encouragement. Arthur and George shared a look, and she could see the understanding in their eyes. They knew what she wanted, what they all needed. This was no longer a game; it was a declaration of desire that could no longer be ignored.
With a growl, Arthur picked her up, setting her on the edge of the kitchen table. She spread her legs, her heart racing as she watched him stroke his length. She felt a thrill of desire that made her knees wobble. George stepped aside, his own arousal evident, making room for Arthur to claim her.
Chris stepped back, watching with a hunger that made her insides quiver. "Take her," he said, his voice low and urgent. "Make her scream."
Arthur positioned himself between her thighs, his cock hard and ready. He leaned in, kissing her again, and she felt the tip of him at her entrance. With a gentle push, he slid inside, filling her completely. She gasped, her nails digging into the table as he began to move.
The sensation was exquisite, and she felt the room spin as the pleasure built. George's hands were on her breasts again, his mouth finding her neck, his teeth grazing her skin. The three of them moved together, a symphony of passion that she never wanted to end.
Chris stepped closer, his hand wrapping around his own erection as he watched the scene unfold. "So beautiful," he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "So fucking beautiful."
Their eyes met, and she knew he was next. The thought of all three of them together was too much, and she felt her orgasm crest, her body tightening around Arthur. He groaned, his thrusts growing more urgent, and she knew he was close too.
With a final, deep kiss, Arthur pulled out, his hand guiding George to take his place. She moaned as George filled her, his grip on her hips tight. Arthur stepped back, watching with dark eyes as George began to move, his own hand stroking his shaft.
The room was a blur of sensation, the only sounds their panting breaths and the slap of skin against skin. Y/n felt like she was floating, lost in a sea of pleasure that she never wanted to escape from. This was a night that would change everything, a night that would be etched into their memories forever.
And as George's rhythm grew more frantic, as she felt him getting closer, she knew that she was ready for whatever came next. The world outside their flat had ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the heat between them, the passion that had been unleashed by a simple game of poker.
The climax hit her like a tidal wave, crashing over her body and leaving her trembling. She cried out, her nails digging into George's shoulders as she came, her body shaking with the force of it. And as George followed suit, filling her with his release, she couldn't help but feel a sense of power and belonging she'd never experienced before.
Chris stepped closer, his eyes never leaving hers as he stroked himself. "Your turn," she managed to gasp, her voice hoarse with need. He grinned, a wicked glint in his eye, and she felt a thrill of excitement as George pulled out, making way for Chris to take his place.
Their kiss was explosive, a culmination of all the tension that had been building through the night. She felt Chris's cock nudge against her, and she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer. He entered her with a groan, his movements more deliberate, more intense than the others. The sensation was almost too much, and she arched her back, her breasts pressing against his chest.
Their bodies moved in sync, the table rocking beneath them with every thrust. Arthur and George watched, their own desires reflected in their eyes as they stroked themselves, their gazes never leaving the erotic sight of their friend taking charge. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated passion, a moment that would forever change the dynamics of their friendship.
Chris's hands were everywhere, exploring every inch of her exposed skin, sending shivers down her spine. She could feel his need, his desire, and it only served to fuel her own. The room was a cacophony of gasps and moans, the air thick with the scent of sex.
And then, with a final, deep kiss, Chris reached his peak, his body tensing as he came inside her. They held each other for a moment, their breathing ragged, their hearts pounding in unison. It was a silent acknowledgment of the shift in their relationship, a moment of pure, unbridled connection.
As they pulled apart, the room was bathed in the soft glow of the kitchen lights, their bodies slick with sweat and desire. The poker night had turned into something none of them could have anticipated, a night that would be remembered for far more than just the game.
They stood there, panting, their eyes locked. The silence was deafening, filled only with the sound of their heavy breaths and the distant hum of London outside. They'd crossed a line, stepped into a new chapter of their friendship.
Y/n looked around the room, her eyes taking in the sight of her friends, naked and aroused, their friendship forever altered by this night of passion. But as she saw the hunger in their eyes, she knew it was a change she didn't regret. In fact, she was eager to see where this newfound intimacy would lead them.
The game had ended, but the night was far from over. They had each other, and as they moved closer, the whispers of desire grew louder, the kisses deeper. They were no longer just friends playing a game; they were lovers, ready to explore the depths of their desires
@gvf23 @xxkatxgracexx @amz824
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w2soneshots · 2 months
a george clarkey x reader fic where they just constantly flirt and joke around but its in a video so everyone sees it and they start shipping them🥹
if not, thats totally okay!🫶🏽
Obvious -George clarkey
warnings: none.
summary: the internet impatiently wait for you and George to announce your extremely obvious relationship.
notes: hello lovely! I decided to make this into a social media au since I haven’t done one in so long and I’ve been waiting to use all the good George pics🤭. I hope you enjoy!!🌟💕
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Liked by _gkbarry, arthurtv and 213,358 others
y/username: @georgeclarkeey had me working tirelessly to film content for you all today so he bought me lunch😏✨
georgeclarkeey: ft my incredible camera skills
-> y/username: yeah tbf that first photo slaps
max_balegdae: slayed
y/nfanpage21: yassss f1!!🏎️
user64332985: they'd be so good together
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y/username & georgeclarkeey
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Liked by chrismd10, taliamar and 694,655 others
y/username: umm... sorry for the wait?
_gkbarry: woooo so happy for u two❤️
arthurnfhill: hard launch!!!!!
y/nfanpage21: cutie patooties🥹💞
user45130946: omfg I didn't think this day would ever come
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infictionalwonderland · 7 months
#mrsw2sslays — h.lewis
SUMMARY, the nation absolutely adores you. . oh yeah, and your boyfriend too.
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liked by faithlouisak, ksi and 2,346,890 others
yourusername, living on that w2s paycheck xoxo
view all 37,560 comments faithlouisak omg you look so hot
faithlouisak actually spit on me, devour me, choke me out, do anything you want to me.
-> behzingagram faith we talked about this
-> faithlouisak @behzingagram go away no one asked… @yourusername thoughts?
-> yourusername how could i ever say no to my fav milf?
taliamar ����️🛏️👈👈
user11 HER AND HARRY. THE PICTURES OF HER AND HARRY. IM NOT OKAY. —this comment was liked by tobijzzle and 5,696 others
indiyahhp my idol.
nellarosee the way i know that captions a lie, my independent queen 😘😘😘
-> yourusername ruining my reputation as a gold digger 😞😞
sidemenbae MY ACTUAL FAV!!
vikkstarsstargirl #mrsw2sslays
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liked by ynsbellybutton, marymint and 13,670 others
view all 3,458 comments lenabrown no stop you didn’t understand the absolute love i have for this goddess of a woman
-> ownedbyyn i luv her THE MOST.
aaliyahjizzler HER ICONIC BURNBOOK omg when she and faith exposed some of the pages in her burnbook on their stories!! THE ONE ABOUT HARRY AND HOW HIS FARTS WAKE HER UP, I WAS WEEING
dejispocketpus queen of tassive mits 🥰🥰🥰🥰
-> ownedbyyn they are fabulous
joshisfather top middle being when her & haz went snorkelling and he got a video of her trying to KIDNAP THE FCKN STARFISHIES LAMAOA
gkbarry the apple of my eye
gkbarry the sparkle in my water
gkbarry the throb in my ffswqpp
gkbarry sorry pls ignore her, apologises - george.
-> yourusername IM HERE IM HERE
yourusername omg thank you so much, this is so incredibly sweet of you! IM SO HAPPY THAT IM THE LIGHT IN YOUR LIFE??????? this has put a smile so big on my face that harry just asked me if i was cheesing cuz i was messaging another lad
yourusername has followed ownedbyyn
-> ownedbyyn ofpqpkw
-> yourusername no, pls don’t cry beautiful!! i love you too & im making harry follow you hold on xx
wroetoshaw has followed ownedbyyn
ynsrightcup no. fucking. fair.
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729 notes · View notes
kislnd · 19 days
platform roulette - arthur hill~
synopsis: y/n needs to pick the boys up after filming platform roulette, but it is made all the more difficult by a drunk & clingy arthur.
notes: while i write requests here's a lil something for the arthur hill girlies 🫶
warnings: mentions of alcohol, pda
word count: 1.3k (kinda short this time)
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dragging herself out of such a warm and cosy bed at close to midnight was not exactly y/n's idea of fun, nor her favourite way to spend a friday evening, but it had to be done if she wanted to make sure her boyfriend and friends, arthurtv and george, arrived home safely in their drunk states.
at this time in the morning not much thought was being put into an outfit, the only thing on y/n's mind was collecting the boys and ensuring they were dropped off safely home before clambering into her shared bed with arthur. she settled on one of his hoodies, knowing she would be grateful for its warmth as she stood on the platform later, and some random bottoms she found slung close to her wardrobe. she mentally cursed the boys for choosing to come back on one of the final trains of the night, although she did doubt they even knew the current time.
the harsh screeching of the train pulling up to the platform snapped y/n out of her thoughts as the doors open and floods of weary people dragged themselves off the train and stumbled towards the exit. she empathised with them, but felt grateful that her travel to the train station had only been quite short in comparison to their train ride.
naturally, she heard the boys before she saw them - "y/nnn!" arthur shouted across the platform, completely oblivious to the people around him. she giggled softly, they were definitely drunk, it was always quite amusing to see how outspoken and chatty they became after a few drinks. "you didn't leave us for dead!" george grinned cheekily as they approached her. "it was quite tempting actually, my bed was really comfortable so you're lucky i made it," y/n laughed but stopped abruptly as arthur enveloped her in a tight hug, resting his entire body weight on her. it was a miracle her bones hadn't been crushed with the sheer force of the hug. nevertheless, arthur's hugs were one of her most favourite things in the world, even the ones that smelled faintly of beer like this one. his embrace was so warm and comforting - safe would be the perfect way to describe it, like all of her worries melted away in his arms.
"i missed you," arthur mumbled into her shoulder, his grip on her never loosening. "i missed you too," y/n smiled, rubbing her hand along his back soothingly. she let him cling to her for a few seconds, soaking up his warmth before breaking the silence, "let me just say hello to the boys," she spoke softly, hoping arthur would be willing to let go of her. "do you have to?" came the slightly slurred reply from arthur who was looking at her with big, adoring eyes. "yes-" a small smile formed on her face, "i do." her boyfriend groaned - it was almost theatrical, like something of utmost inconvenience had just happened. despite protesting, arthur eventually obliged and unwrapped himself from her, struggling to stand upright himself without swaying slightly.
"honestly he is one of the most dramatic drunk people in the world," arthurtv let out a small laugh, his cheeks were slightly rosy from the alcohol and he was dressed in only a t-shirt, evidently drunk enough to not feel the crisp breeze circulating the station. "and he doesn't shut up about you," george added, "i am never getting drunk with him again,' he joked, laughing to himself. "hey! if you had a pretty girlfriend you wouldn't shut up either!" arthur defended himself as y/n gave george and arthurtv a quick hug, exchanging thank yous (for picking them up, for not leaving arthur for dead, for taking him off their hands).
"right, come on then," y/n began walking out of the station in the direction of the car park, "if we don't go now i will turn into an ice block and we won't make it home." this spurred the boys on to pick up their pace as much as they could without falling on their faces. arthur made an extra effort to reach y/n and draped his arm around her shoulders upon reaching her. "hello again," she smiled, fishing in her pocket to retrieve the car keys. "you're so pretty," arthur paused, "have i already said that?" he asked in a quieter voice, his soft expression replaced by one of confusion. it was impossible not to love it when he was drunk, he became so clingy and extra loving, it was irresistible. "why thank you," y/n giggled, opening the car door for arthur, who was still firmly attached to her shoulders, "mind your head on the way in," - drunk arthur typically also meant clumsy arthur.
after everyone had piled into the car, they began the short journey home, it wasn't too long before everyone had been safely dropped off (especially since the cold air had sobered them up a little) and y/n was helping arthur out of the car and all the way to their shared apartment.
she could see he was no longer at the chatty, bubbly stage of being drunk - his eyelids were heavy and his movements sluggish. "come on," y/n spoke quietly as not to make too much noise or exacerbate the headache she presumed arthur was developing. he nodded and gave her a small smile, allowing her to lead him towards their room. "you get changed and i'll grab you some paracetamol." he obliged, of course, and plopped himself down on the bed so he could remove his shoes.
y/n returned to the bedroom, armed with a glass of water and a box of paracetamol, to a one-shoed arthur perched on the edge of the bed with his head was hung miserably and his eyes shut in defeat. "arthur was right, you are so dramatic," she laughs quietly to herself, she knew arthur was not as good as the other boys at holding his alcohol and with all the running around and general silly antics that they got up to during a platform roulette she could understand why he would be a little worse for wear. "here," y/n popped two pills out of the packet and held it out with the glass for arthur to take.
"thank you," he mumbled, taking them and gulping down the water. after some convincing from y/n, he mustered up what little energy he had remaining and changed into a pair of pyjama bottoms. once done, he reassumed his original position on the edge of the bed and waited for y/n to finish her night routine and tidy the room up a little. "is that my hoodie?" arthur grins, surprisingly seeming slightly better already. "maybe it is," y/n grins back, "that's beside the point, shouldn't you be getting into bed?" she raises her eyebrow at him more playfully than sternly. "it looks better on you than on me, you should keep it," he continues hopefully, not willing to move.
y/n laughs softly, "save your flattery for the morning, it's time to sleep," she quickly replaced her clothes with pyjamas and slid into the bed under the duvet, prompting arthur to do the same. "so now you want to get in huh?" y/n smiles, flicking off the lamp that had been casting a gentle orange glow across the room and shuffling down in the bed to get into a comfortable position. "well yeah, it's different when you're here." arthur hums, immediately pulling y/n closer under the cover so that their bodies touched, the warmth radiating off each of them meshing into one. "thank you for taking care of me," arthur whispers, stroking her hair. "that's what i'm here for," y/n smiles into the darkness, arthur's embrace lulling her to sleep.
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kennysimp101 · 6 months
i’m begging for an Aj imagine where he dates a (female) f1 driver for red bull and in the beginning his friends don’t believe that they are dating cause of how pretty she is 🙏🙏🙏
btw love your work 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
"No chance": Aj x reader ☁
A/N: Hello Anon!! Im not a big Aj girly but I love f1 so ofc I loved this idea. I tried my best but it's like I forgot how to write 😭
Also, thanks Love <33, appreciate all of yall, and sorry for the very late update
You and Aj have been dating for 5 months. It's been amazing. You are a racer and this year you got signed with the leading team in F1, Redbull. You were overjoyed and had your first race in a week. You invited Aj and told him to get his friends along as well. 
A week later
The first GP was in Baku, and you had just reached. You went to your hotel and were planning to have lunch with Aj and his friends. You had never met them but you had watched a few of their videos when Aj showed you their channel, and you thought they were hilarious. Aj texts you to come downstairs. You go to the reception and you see Aj standing. “AJ!!” You shout and run over to hug him. You hadn't met in a week since you were so busy with practice. “Y/N, I missed you soo muchh” He says hugging you back. “Are we ready to go?” You ask about the lunch. “I just need to go to my room and wait for the guys to get ready too” He replies “Okayy, im just gonna go get ready as well” You both go into the elevator, Aj gets off on the 3rd floor, where u see his friends, wave slightly before the elevator goes to your floor.
Aj goes to his friends. “Your telling me you pulled her??” Kenny asks. “NO CHANCE MAN BROS LYING” Chunkz shouts louder than expected. “Yeah??” Aj replies confused to all the commotion. “Aj, you know your my friend right? Like we live together and im so close to you, but i call bullshit” niko says. “Aint no way shes your girlfriend, shes too pretty” sharky added on. “I cant believe this man. HOW DO YOU LOT NOT BELIEVE ME?” Aj gets upset. “Nice one bro, its gonna be a great video for you” Chunkz laughs and the rest join in. “I dont even care, just go get ready in 10 minutes for lunch” Aj says as he shakes his head and goes to his room.
10 mins later
All the guys meet up downstairs and are waiting for y/n. “Sooooo your “girlfriend” isn't here yet huh aj?” Niko says, air-quoting girlfriend. “She's coming omg guys believe me she's my girlfriend,” Aj says getting sick of his friends. “Right right we totally believe you bro,” Sharky says sarcastically. Then y/n comes out of the elevator “AJ!! Here!” you shout at him. “Y/N!!” He says back as you walk towards him and his friends. “Guys this is y/n my girlfriend, and y/n this is Niko, Chunkz, Sharky, and Kenny,” He said pointing at each one. “Hey guys, im glad I can finally meet you all!” you say while smiling. All the guys stand with their jaws dropped. “SEE I TOLD YOU!” Aj shouted at them. “What?” you say confused. One of them, you remember as Chunkz says “We saw you in the elevator before, and since youre soo pretty, we just assumed Aj was making this whole thing up as a prank, and we didn't believe him at all… Clearly we were wrong”. You laugh while Aj stands there pouting. “But why?” Kenny asks. “Cause y/n is beautiful, kind and ambitious af?” Aj says like it's the most obvious thing. “No I get that, i was wondering why she would choose you, she's literally a goddess-looking F1 driver, and you're a rat,” He says and all the boys laugh. “Awww, he may be a triangle, but he's a cute triangle” You reply which gets then laughing even more. Aj smacks your arm as you giggle. “She's funny too?? Damn Aj you got nothing over her” Niko says as all of you walk out to go to lunch.
Kinda short so sorry about that, finals approaching BUT IM TRYING TO START POSTING AGAIN SOOO YAYY. Also I went off the story so many times lmaoo (Thats y the ending is shit sorry). Im gonna try and finish up all the requests I have soon, then I was probably gonna put some f1 fics (Open to requests too)
Anyways love yall <33
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kar1nsworldx · 19 days
ArthurTV and singer!reader who releases from the start or promise by laufey 🩷🩷
(...) from the start ᝰ.ᐟ
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pairing: ArthurTV x f!reader
SUMMARY: y/n releases songs about a special someone and soon enough it's revealed about who it is
requested: yesss!!!! anon a big big thank you for requesting a fic, feel free to request more asapp if you'd like because I'd love to write more for people!!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: anon I really hope you enjoy reading this! I tried to write this asap, and I really hope you like how the whole fic turns out <3 . I also actually wrote for the first time in my social media fic, so I really hope that you liked my writing and how the story progressed!!! Whilst writing I tried to make it as long as possible considering how late I posted this so I really do hope you enjoy!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REQUEST MORE STUFF!!!!! ♡♡♡
ˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 🧸ྀི
y/n l/n
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liked by faithlousiak, taliamar and 32,784 others
y/n l/n: bla bla bla !!
gkberry_: stunning stunning girl! xx
y/n l/n: stop you're gonna make me cry 😭
bambinobecky: gorgeous woman 💓
y/n l/n: sobbing, thank you becky 🫂🫂
faithlousiak: loved seeing you yesterday girly 🩷
y/n l/n: sameee I missed you sm! 🥹
userly: ahhh I love your outfits! where do you buy your clothes from?
y/n l/n: thank you sm!! I usually go to thirft shops, but sometimes I got to H&M for some shirts. if you want quality, long lasting clothes go to zara! I only have one clothing item from zara which is jeans and even tho they're a few years old they're still top quality. would buy more zara stuff but I'm broke 😭🫂🩷
userly: ahhh tysm!! love you!! xx
y/n l/n: 💓
user007: omg I haven't seen you in a hot second
y/n l/n: LOL sorry? 😭😭
user888: TULIPS!!!!! 🌷🌷🌷
y/n l/n: TULIPS <3 🌷🌷🌷
Tap to load more...
ding! new Whatsapp notification from Behz
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⤷ Miss Olive says that if you don't come to the next Sidemen Sunday shoot you will never ever see her again
Well please tell Miss Olive that there is no need for threats
and that I will be there!!!!
⤷ I'll tell the little Miss
⤷ are you free this Tuesday? we were planning to shoot a Hide & Seek video at the London Zoo around 3pm
yeah of course I am
you lot want me to come at 3pm or earlier?
⤷ maybe around 2:30 or 2:45? just so that we can mic you up asap
yeah of course, not a problem
you need me to bring anything??
⤷ nah, no need but thanks tho
yeah ofc
see ya behz x, say hi to Olive and Faith for me! 🩷
⤷ will do L/n 👍
y/n l/n
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liked by miniminter, sidemen and 54, 732 others
y/n l/n: lisened to a really great song on the way to a sidemen shoot. I wonder from who could it be tho... do you guys have a clue? 🤷‍♀️
y/n l/n: mmm you'll find out in a couple of days if I did or didn't xxx mwah! gtg to film a video now, love ya talia! 💓
freyanightingale: darling this will be 5/5 songs that you've made without telling anyone, ffs 😭
y/n l/n: thats why it's fun! 🩷
freyanightingale: why am I not suprised by your responce
useroo: OH???? OH?????????????????????
useredup: NEW SONG???? OH MA GAWD HELL YEAH PARTNER 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
sidemen: oh? 👀
arthurnfhill: ooo new song, i'm intrested
user111: OMG I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!
y/n l/n: me too bestie, me too 🫂
ksi: insane news
y/n l/n: 🩷🤫🥹
xouserxo: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?????
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ding! new Whatsapp notification from Tobi 😎
Tobi 😎;
⤷ hey, just wanted to lyk that were all metting up in front of the Zoo
⤷ but tbf no ones here yet, just me, josh and ethan
ty for the info Tobi! :)
I'm there within the next 10 minutes or less!
Tobi 😎;
⤷ glad to hear, see you soon :)
see yaaa!!!!
As she slowly started to approach the Zoo, Y/n put away her headphones into her tote bag, making sure to turn them off before putting them away. She quickly checked that she looked good and that her outfit was okay before walking through the black gates that were the entrence of the Zoo.
"Y/n, hey!" a voice called out as she was immidetly spotted entering through the gates. It was Tobi who greeted her first, a wide smile on his face as he waved at her. She waved back, greeting him as well Josh, Ethan and the crew members too. "How are you guys?" the brunette asked as she approached them with a shy smile.
"Pretty good, you?" Josh replied as he finished adjusting his mic. "Good, thank you," she answered. "Oi, you! Did you really make another song without telling anyone, again? Faith has been blowing up my phone for the last hour you crazy woman," Ethan spoke up as he looked at her. Y/n only let out a small laugh at his question and statement, a sly grin on her face. "Y/n, again?" Tobi asked with a slightly suprised and curious look. "Mm, I don't know boys. I'm sure you'll be able to find out in a few days." was the only responce the brunette offored, trying not to laugh quietly. She wasn't a famous singer by any means, like Talia or JJ but she did like to write music from time to time. So far she released 4 songs, but without telling anyone she knew that she's releasing a song it would always suprise them.
"Oh for fucks sake," Ethan groaned before contnuing; "I swear Faith will murder you one day I swear," at that Y/n let out a slightly suprised laugh. The four of them continued to talk and with time, more people came; Harry, Vik, Simon and JJ obviously, but also Chris, Arthur, and Danny Aarons. As they all finally got together, Josh informed the group that they would all have to wear a animal onsie.
"Oh for fucks sake man," Chris groaned as he put on a tiger costume. "To be fair they are quite comfortable," Arthur said whilst wearing a green frog costume.
Y/n only smiled at their antics and banter as she waited for the boys to finish putting on their costumes. She was given a fox onsie, which was slightly bigger on her but as Arthur said, it was comfortable. "I woudn't say they're that bad Chris," she said as she looked at the blond man.
"Yeah yeah," was the reply she got from the Jersey youtuber as he was slightly stuck whilst putting on the tiger costume. Y/n let out a chuckle as she watched him.
Soon enough they all were ready and Harry started off the video as he was the seeker. As he said that they could go and start hidding Y/n sprinted off, immidietly leaving the group to go and search for a hidding spot. "I have no idea where to hide, this place is massive," she spoke to her camera as she ran, showing off the animals. She always loved animals, so it was nice to see so many of them.
As she ran past the monkey enclosure, she spotted a little souvenir stand that was completly closed, windows locked, shut and everything. But to her suprise, the door was unlocked so she quickly steped in and closed the door behind her. "Fuck me it's dark," she said as she turned on the flash on her phone, lighting the place off. It was the size of a kiosk, so not that big. But there was a huge box under the counter, and that could just be her hidding spot. She put her camera aside to see if she would fit in it, and after she confirmed to herself that she would she picked up her camera again and got inside it, closing the box after she made herself comfortable.
"Not the comfiest place, but it could do the trick. It's kinda far away, so let's hope Harry dosen't come here anytime soon," she talked to the camera, holding it up to show her surroundings. "I think I'll camp out here for a few minutes and then I'll go outside again," she added "All the animals are adorable and I really want to see the red pandas."
Some time has passed and Y/n decided that she'd go and find another hiding spot. It was getting quite hot and stuffy in the cardboard box as well she was getting bored. After leaving the little souvenir kiosk she just strolled through the Zoo, filming animals and talking to the camera. "Guys I found Simon and Cal," she spoke as she recorded two extremely tall giraffes.
Just as she said that she heard screaming and from the distance she saw Danny get chased by Harry. "Oh fuck no," she yelled before sprinting away as she realised that Danny was sprinting in ger direction with Harry on his heels. "Fuck ne fuck me fuck me!" she yelled as she ran "I should've stayed in my hiding spot!"
Thankfully she was able to get away safely, but her costume? Not so much. She hid herself in a bush but because of doing that her costume got torn apart a little bit. "Man, I liked this onsie,"
She camped out in the big bush for a while, catching her breath and talking to the camera a bit. But after some time she heard yelling again. "Oh God I think Arthur is getting chased," she informed the camera, recording what she could of her surroundings from outside the bush. Just as she saw Arthur getting chased she immidetly stoped talking and stood still, praying that her cover woudn't get blown.
To her suprise, Arthur actually hid himself too in the same bush that she was in and Harry sprinted off down the path just a minute later, not even noticing them. Just as she was going to greet Arthur quietly he let out a loud surpised yelp. "What are you-" "Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up, you are not blowing this cover Televison," she cut him off, putting a hand over his mouth so that he woudn't make a sound. After a minute or so she put her hand down before greeting him with a smile.
"Hi," she said. "What are you doing here?" Arthur asked with a confused look on his face. "Hidding, obviously.," she replied. "Right," he said before falling quiet. The two didn't talk much, only recorded a bit and commented about something here and there, but other than that not my words were spoken between the two. After some time passed Arthur decided to go find another hidding spot, bidding Y/n goodbye. "Good luck," she told him as he left. "Thanks," and that was that.
"Well that was lovely..," she said to no one in a slightly moody tone. Nobody knew (hopefully) but the brunette had the biggest crush on the Jersey youtuber, despite knowing they had 100% chance of being together. Hell they weren't even that close, only really interacting whilst recording videos.
But that didn't matter that much at the moment as Y/n had a challange to win. After alot of more time has passed, she decided to leave the bush and go back to her original hidding spot. She made a dash for the kiosk, making sure to not be caught. After seccuring her original hidding spot she talked to the camera, about anything and everything really until someone entered the kiosk. She immidetly went silent, hopping she woudn't be found. Just then, she heard a yelp and something colliding into the box she was hidding in, making her fall. "Oh fuck me!" she yelled as she has been found, Harry standing over her.
"Oh my God I didn't even know you were in there, that was a complete accident mate!" Harry yelled, laughing as he recorded the brunette. "Oh for fucks sake Bog," she groaned as she got up. "Oi don't be so sad, you actually won!"
"I did?" Y/n asked excitedly, a grin slowly forming on your face. "Yes mate, did you not hear us calling for you?" Harry asked as the two walked out of the little kiosk with a confused look on your face. "I only heard screaming but no actual words being said." she responded. The two of them made their way quickly to the front of the Zoo where everyone else was. "Ey, theres the winner of todays video!" Tobi yelled out with a smile as he recorded Harry and Y/n approach them. "What happened to your costume?" Chris asked as he saw the brunettes ripped up costume. "Hidding in a bush is a smart move but it ruins your clothes." was all Y/n had to offer as they slowly started to finish filming. Soon enough everything was done and everyone was allowed to leave.
"You need a ride?" Vik asked her as it was a known fact that the girl didn't drive. "Nah, it's fine, thanks tho." she replied with a smile before going to bid everyone goodbye and leave.
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ faithlousiak liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak: Y/N WHEN I CATCH YOU Y/N
⤷ taliamar liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale: ffs 😭💓
y/n l/n
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liked by vikkstagram, georgeclarkeey and 104,764 others
y/n l/n: FROM THE START IS YOURS PEOPLE!!! Please stay tuned as this is not the only song coming your way this month <3 Stream From the start, ASAP!! Much love to all xx
behzingagram: @y/n l/n you are paying for the therapy bills, tnx
y/n l/n: love u both lots but we both know im broke af xxy
y/n l/n: 💓💓💓
us3r: 🎶💓
arthurnfhill: collab when???
y/n l/n: whenever you'd like arthur 🙏
y/n l/n: LOVE U!!
xouserxo: literally in love with this song omfg
chrismd10: taylor swift (walmart version)
y/n l/n: hii chrissy :((
chrismd10: okay okay so maybe it is a good song or something...
y/n l/n: :D
bambinobecky: stunning stunning woman alert!!!
y/n l/n: marry me already?
gkbarry_: O.M.G
savinggracepod: WE NEED YOU ON THE POD NOW!!!!!!!
y/n l/n: I'm sure we can figure something out soon! xxx 😉
sidemen: bop
xeuserxe: y/n ilysm but who is this about!!!??!
vikkstagram: 🤩
y/n l/n: another one coming soon! xxx
useredup: WHAT
italianbach: holy shit
arthurtv: congrats!
ksi: insane
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liked by y/n l/n, behzingagram and 27,672 others
faithlousiak: go stream the crazy lady's beautiful sad gutwrenching love song pls, she needs help
tagged: @y/n l/n
y/n l/n: I do not need help! I have a perfectly valid reason for writing the song Faith!!!! >:((((
faithlousiak: oh shut up you sad sack of potatoes and go write more songs abt unrequired love
y/n l/n: I will actually!!!
behzingagram: oh ffs
user777: still in shock
user888: we all are babes
usermybeloved: this is such a cute post :((( <3
freyanightingale: shes the reason for my gray hairs
y/n l/n: or maybe ur just old??? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
user007: why do I have a theory about who could this song be about
useruuuu: love the song smm
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y/n l/n
liked by arthurhill, spotifyuk and 110,774 others
y/n l/n: Promise out now.
arthurnfhill: COLLAB ASAP CALL ME
y/n l/n: 📞📞📞
behzingagram: okay so maybe we should pay for your therapy instead...
taliamar: sobbing sobbing and more sobbing
spotifyuk: 🤩🎶
arthurtv: ...
⤷*this comment has been deleted...*
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liked by y/n l/n, gkbarry_ and 46,754 others
savinggracepod: ladies 'n gents and all in between i'm sure you can guess our next podcast guest but please do tune in this week for the new episode to confirm your suspisions xx
y/n l/n: hehe 😶‍🌫️🤭
gkbarry_: you cheeky cheeky woman
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
xouserxo: literally cannot wait omg!!
user111: so so excited for this one x
usermybeloved: MISS @y/n l/n GET UR ASS IN HERE
user1: this ep is going to be so good I can already tell
savinggracepod: babe ur spitting straight facts x
user1: OMG HI!
faithlousiak: can't wait for this lovely shitshow <3
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y/n l/n
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liked by savinggracepod, arthurtv and 47,654 others
y/n l/n: big big thank you for having me @savinggracepod !! Pls go check out this weeks episode asap 🎀
tagged: @savinggracepod @gkbarry_
savinggracepod: we loved having youuu!! xxx
faithlousiak: girly u ain't slick
faithlousiak: check gc
userly: cant wait to lisen to this!!!
gkbarry_: 💋💋💋
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
arthurtv: loved the ep
y/n l/n: haha tysm arthur!! (:
useredup: NEW EPPPPP
user007: ...
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arthurtv added to their story!
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⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷ y/n l/n: hope you like it! (:
⤷ arthurtv: really do, pretty relatable as well
⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's comment! ♡
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"Hi Arthur," Y/n greeted the man as she approached him. Tomorrow came way to quickly for her liking, and she was so nervous too as she had no idea why he set this up. "Hey Y/n," Arthur greeted her politely with a smile as he looked up from his phone. "Want to head inside?" "I'd love to,"
The two of them entered the café with Arthur immidietly going to the counter. "I can take our orders while you find a place for us to sit down. What would you like?" he asked her. "An Iced coffee would be fine, thank you," Y/n told him before going to find a table to sit at. She quickly spooted a table in the back of the café where a little amount of people were sitting at. She put down her bag onto one chair and waited for Arthur.
"Your drink," Arthur said as he put down both of their drinks on the table. "Thank you," the brunette replied, taking a few sips of her coffee before looking at Arthur. "So, whats up?" she started. "This is, uh.. quite unusual for us to meet up outside of shootings. Is there something wrong?"
"Yeah, it kinda is. But theres nothing wrong actually, I just wanted to ask you something..," Arthur trailed off as he put his own drink down. "Well ask away than," Y/n said with a smile, still quite nervous.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
"What?" Y/n looked at him dumbfounded, not beliving what she was hearing. Arthur asked her to go on a date with her? "Wait wait if this is about the songs and because somebody told you about my emotions you don't need to ask me out on a date Arthur, I understand that you don't feel the same. You don't have to take me out on some pity date, it's fine," she rambled, not letting him get a word in.
"Pity?" Arthur asked. "God, Y/n it's not pity I swear. I geniuenly liked you for way to long but I never thought you'd feel the same. Then the guys started to message me that I should ask you out after you released the songs and everything. The only real reason why I haven't tried to get closer to you was because I didn't want to get rejected or something and I kinda always thought you just didn't like me romantically."
"Oh..," Y/n breathed out, before a smile formed on her face. "Well in that case, I'd love to go on a date with you Arthur," she said, her cheeks turning pink as she looked at him.
"Most certantly,"
arthurtv added to their story!
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⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷chrismd10 liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷chrismd10: I'm seeing it's going well mate ☕️
⤷italianbach liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷georgeclarkeey liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷georgeclarkeey: about damn time
⤷user007: If that isn't Y/n I will start tweaking Televison
⤷useredup: if that date isn't with Y/n istfg I will kms
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ arthurtv liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak: OMFG CALL ME ASAP!!!!!!!
⤷ taliamar liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ taliamar: hell yeah!!! so so happy for you!! 💓
⤷ freyanightingale liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale: told you it would work out xx
⤷ user007 liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ xeuserxe liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
y/n l/n
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liked by arthurtv, wroetoshaw and 97,654 others
y/n l/n: guys I fucked up doing math but instead of failing a test I got the guy in the end 😄😆😉😜🤪😝
tagged: @arthurtv
chrismd10: oh god you will be insufferable
y/n l/n: ofc I will be 😜🤪😝
faithlousiak: YESS MAMASSSS
user6: yayy!!!
user111: so happy for you!
freyanightingale: 💓💓💓
taliamar: CONGRATS!! 💓💓
georgeclarkeey: i will be sick you two are disgustingly cute
y/n l/n: choke on my dick clarke 🥰
georgeclarkeey: no ty
tobjizzle: ❤
xouserxo: cuties ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
italianbach: lost my pookie to another pookie 😔
y/n l/n: its okay we can share him pookie xx
italianbach: thanks pookie!
arthurtv: when did I agree to this????
y/n l/n: YOU WERE
arthurtv: that emonji combo is vile
y/n l/n: you love it 😝
arthurtv: that I do 🙂
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liked by y/n l/n, arthurnfhill and 101,776 others
arthurtv: can't belive I have 2 songs written about me
tagged: @y/n l/n
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ arthurtv liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ arthurtv: :)
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