#Broken Company (Sillyvision)
Hello!! I'm Elaine. Nice to meet you!! How are you Inky and Bendy :D
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"just- prowler. only my close friends and family can call me Bendy... also again. inky? there's no ink demon next to me." he says, grunting at the whispers he was feeling in his mind, those voices. it all felt so familiar. elsewhere in the studios, Lanky kept silent as the lady kept walking, oddly quiet and almost. upset? the lady in violet didn't seem to notice as she keeps on walking
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sur-un-fil · 3 years
Some of BATIM's Alternate Universes (AU)
( The English version, let's go!)
Uptate: 23/03/2021
⦁ Abomination, @halfusek : (practically finished). One main comic "Abomination" HERE, other small ones here and there and two linked accounts: Magenta (a kind of ask-Joey) and the same for Henry: Marshmallow. -> The Abomination comic in a few words: "prequel" of the game, where we discover the installation of the Ink Machine, the various attempts at creations of cartoons and the descent into hell (and especially the madness) of the main character , Mister Drew himself.
⦁ The Illusion of living, @waruihoshi : (finished but possibly reworked). A main comic HERE, as well as some gifs and animatics. -> The story in a few words: a "prequel" also, but where we find a well-intentioned Joey who tries to find the happiness he has lost.
⦁ New soul, Elwensa (in progress) A magnificent comic book, which can also be found on DA, HERE -> In a few words (IFW): Henry manages to break the cycle and "bring back" Bendy. They are looking together for a way out of the Studio.
⦁ Toon Henry, @hailo-c: (finished / abandoned) A collection of small comics that begin a story, which can be found together on Pixiv HERE. The author is also at the origin - if I am not mistaken - of some animations, of which that of "Welcome Home". -> IFW: What if Henry becomes a toon and Joey has brainwashed Bendy ?
⦁ Robberhose, @yunisverse : (finished) A nice series of comics and some fics, of which the masterpost can be found HERE. -> IFW: Henry, corrupted by the ink, becomes a toon and tries to get out of the Studio. Based in part on the script, this is a really nice AU who develops some very interesting ideas.
⦁ Sammy and the Ink Machine, @nayialovecat : (in progress): A series of mini-comics centered around Sammy. Other series are in preparation, including a prequel "Before Henry". To be found mainly on DA, HERE. I am translating them :) -> IFW: we mostly follow Sammy, Bendy and Henry in a Studio stuck in chapter 2. A lot, but then a lot of humor: we have a Sammy, adoring his "lord" like a 13-year-old girl adores a boy singer -band, a Bendy who tries to avoid him and who finds that his life sucks a lot, and a more or less disillusioned Henry who tries to survive as best he can.
⦁ 2D Bendy, @shinyzango  : (finished, evolved into something else) Some comics, some UA fanarts. HERE -> IFW: Henry has managed to recover a "living" drawing of Bendy and tries with him to survive his other demonic versions.
⦁ Hell's Studio, @doodledrawsthings : (more or less finished) A series of drawings and comics HERE, three great animatics on Youtubes (but I do not believe that the designer is the owner) -> IFW: a Joey more stupid than cruel / avaricious gives life to a version of Bendy who does not appreciate the drawings and the management of the Studio. Lots of humor, and towards the end the author tackles (very well) a serious theme.
⦁ Team Sillyvision, @corruptimles : (still in progress) A few comics, a lot of drawings. HERE -> IFW: We follow two "teams" Sammy and Henry, and a little Bendy who is attached to the projectionist.
⦁ The Devil's Roost, @devilsroost : (still active) Lots of comics, a main arc to be found HERE and a lot of questions and answers from Bendy himself.  -> IFW: Bendy is a true demon, embodied in a toon body modeled in ink. So exit the cute little devil who is afraid of ghosts, and hello the demon who drinks, smokes cigars and loves big breasts. He moved to Toon-Town and opened a bar there (Yes. A bar). Lots and lots of humor. But not only!
⦁ Lampblack City, @lampblackcity : (paused) Some comics following a precise arc HERE, drawings and questions and answers in relation to AU . Quite a lot of OC. -> IFW: Henry, Boris, Alice and Bendy managed to leave the Studio and they are installed in Lampblack city. But ink corruption still exists and they find themselves having to fight it because only they know about it.
⦁ Happily Ever After, @a-rae-of-sunshine: (still in progress) To my knowledge, especially comics. HERE -> IFW: Henry "recovers" an intact Bendy at the end of the 5th chapter and leaves the Studio with Alice (Allisson) and Tom. We also accompany them outside.
⦁ Henry and the Ink Machine  + the buddy AU, @thelostmoongazer : (finished ... I think). A few comics forming a story. HERE -> INF: Bendy, perfectly formed, runs away from Joey before things go wrong. Much later, he receives a rather threatening letter, half ordering him to return to the Studio. Where he finds an "inky" Henry.
⦁ MOB Boss Bendy, Beneccio Drew @thelostmoongazer : (finished / abandoned?) A few comics but mostly drawings and questions and answers. HERE -> IFW: A perfect adult Bendy, turned mafioso, evolves in a city full of toons (?).
⦁ Bendy get a life, NEGADUCK9, deviantart : (still in progress) Full, but then full of mini-strips, to find HERE. -> IFW: Well ... I haven't read them. Sorry ^^ '. But we mostly follow Bendy, Alice and Boris as if they had a "real" life. 
⦁ Ink Stain, @metallicartist : (paused) A (very good) comic book, which can be read in great quality on Tapas HERE. -> IFW: What if a good blow to the head was all it took to make the Studio characters to themselves? The arc follows the story of the game.
⦁ Hell's Kitchen, @spudinacup : (overwhelmed artist) Some comics. HERE. -> EQM: Ink Bendy is opening (I have no idea why!) A bacon soup canteen.
⦁ Escape, @inkdemonapologist (more or less finished) A few comics starting a (pretty) story. HERE. -> IFW: All the ex-employees of the Studio managed to leave the Studio and took refuge in a house, together.
⦁ Host, @random-friendly-1ntrovert: (in progress) For the moment, three pretty comics - which I translate :) - HERE. -> IFW: An entity searches for hosts and uses Bendy's naivety and distress to find them.
⦁ Broken cycle, @bccomicask : (in progress) Some  pretty comics, all by hand. HERE. -> IFW: Ink Bendy crosses the ink and arrives in a swapped version of the Lost Ghetto. Kind of "Sandman".
⦁ Ask Bendy, @askthedevilswing:(stopped): Some magnificent comics and especially questions and answers.HERE. -> IFW: A (practically) perfect bendy worries about being stolen the show.
⦁ Inkborne, Abel the Angel, @the-vampire-inside-me:(deactivated account, difficult to find) -> IFW: Inkborne is an adaptation of the scenario of the game with another and Abel is an OC. From what I understand, it was also designed by Drew but now evolves in a city of Toons ... And not doing all angelic things.
⦁ Bendy Before The Ink Machine, @bendybeforetheinkmachine-rus: (in progress) Comics, to be read in the Japanese way. HERE. -> IFW: I haven't read it, unfortunately ... I understand that Bendy is human and takes over from Joey at the head of his company ...
⦁ Bendy's mafia, Dylan the demon: @eliana55226838 and for Dylan (I understand he had changed owners, but impossible to find her name. So sorry, if anyone knows ...) HERE. -> IFW: I haven't - so far - been able to find the beginning of the story ^^. But I think it's centered around a Bendy turned criminal, around whom a few other characters in the game revolve.
⦁ "Collage-man", @bravagio (Provisional name, just beginning) For now, a few drawings but an interesting idea and a sumptuous line. HERE. -> EQM: What if Henry was corrupted by ink and was behind the funny portrait Boris made in his refuge?
⦁ Welcome to Bendyland, @welcometobendyland: (starts this month) For now, mostly Q&A and a very promising UA draft. JUST THERE. -> EQM: We find a Henry transformed into Bendy without him remembering how as well as Allison and Tom. To be continued ;)
P.S: Keep in mind that these AUs are all in English, mostly two to three years old and quite often based on the early chapters of BATIM.
If I forgot any, if there are others you like, if I made a mistake or if my English stings your eyes, do not hesitate to tell me (kindly, it is not intentional !)
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searchingthedepths · 6 years
Bendy’s Journal #1
The studio may be a place of nightmares, but that’s not the only place were dreams are being tested. In the seclusion of his home, a certain devil darlin’ writes in his journal to try and make sense of the world he’s living in, about a month before this story began. 
From the Desk of Bendy
   What a week it’s been. I’ll tell ya, never been busier here in Toon Town. Feels like I was stuck in a million meetings, wish I had a gag reel or something ta play for ya, but alas, there’s no need for that when I’m just writin’ ‘bout it.
   Anywho, it’s gettin’ to be closer to that time. In about a month and a half, it’ll be SillyVision’s big anniversary, the day they released my first cartoon. I should be excited, I mean every toon loves their own version of this day, it’s better than any birthday party, wedding, and all the holidays put together. A day to celebrate your origins and take pride in all you’ve accomplished, now that’s somethin’ special, for everyone else at least.
   For me though? Not so much. Things aren’t so good up on the home turf, and I have a feeling they’re about to get a hell of a lot worse. That’s comin’ from a demon for goodness sake! It’s just, what was it, maybe fifteen years ago? Yeah, that sounds right, it’s been that long since Drew got his nose in business that it didn’t belong in. I love Joey, honest to goodness, he’s not a bad man. But rippin’ my friends from here and into his world? Now that’s crossin’ more than a few lines. First Faye, then Sprocket, Porkbelly, Harmonellie, and a lot more, all just forced through the realms like nobody’s business. And Boris…gosh, I’ll tell ya, I miss Boris most of all. They’re all good, those toons are my family, but Boris is practically my brother. Sure, sometimes we didn’t get along on-screen, but no pup was more loyal than that ol’ wolf. I fear for how he’s doin’ up there in that horror flick.
   My gosh, it’s gotten so faded and broken. My windows are dwindlin’, if those old posters and plushies take any more of a beating, I won’t be able to keep an eye on them anymore. I’d try and use the cutouts, they’re practically everywhere, but I can’t risk my vision getting mixed up with that monster’s. Just imagine, if he found me, he’d surely draw me outta here, and lemme tell ya, I can’t let that happen. It’s just Alice and I left of our original crew, and I can’t leave her alone. Heck, even she ain’t all there, part of her got taken in this mess too.
   I went out to meet a friend for coffee at Grinder’s today, fella I hadn’t seen in a while. Fiero’s a good guy, really glad we met each other before the rest of the SillyVision crew got taken. He’s been one of the few toons that’s tried to keep me company for more than just business or demonic deals. And lemme tell ya, that candle is the warmest fella you’ll ever meet, gives the nicest hugs too. Still, such a weird design choice to give him two sets of arms and no hands. Wish I could talk to his creator and get that guy some hands and legs, he’d be a lot happier if he didn’t have to worry about burning people at a handshake.
   But hey, it’s not like that’ll ever happen, we toons aren’t meant to interact with the folks that made us. And don’t think it’s just because of a dimensional difference, I mean most of us just don’t get humans. We live a different life that’s a heck of a lot more optimistic, even when they put us through hell and back, we still survive. We live, and we laugh it all off and go through it all over again. Though I won’t lie, what I wouldn’t give to have a chat with Henry, talk ‘shop about the good ol’ days. After working with him for so long, I’d really love to know him from more than watching through the pages. But there’s no way that’s happening, he’s been away from the pen and paper for years. Sure, I’ll get a doodle now and again, but I can’t see his face through the paper anymore, it’s just been too long, and he needs to de-rust.
   At any rate, I’d better get to my next appointment. I had that ol’ tailor make my next suit special this time, wanted to have a piece of my friends here with me in my coattails. I know, it’s silly, but whaddaya want from me? I’m a cartoon. One day guys, one day I’ll find a way to bring you home, then we can celebrate our birthday together. But until then, hold on for me. I swear, you’ll be set free if I have anything to say about it. For now though, I’ll save a dance for you.
                                                                                                                                With Love,
Bendy, the Dancing Demon
From the Author:
What, you thought Bella was the only focus of this story? Not by a long shot. Welcome to the secondary plot! Yeah, Bendy’s gonna be exploring his feelings through some journal writing, which also gives us some exposition as to what the heck’s going on, pieces of the puzzle that our dear printmaker can’t quite fill in yet. I’m excited, this gave me some great practice with tone and diction, and Bendy, the way I’ve envisioned him, is a joy to explore as a character. As stated at the beginning, this entry takes place before Henry and Bella end up at the studio. As I stated when Bella entered the studio, it’s the start of the new year, meaning it’s January, and the date Bendy is referring to is February 10th, which in our real world just passed two days ago. I wanted to have this up for his birthday, but I was hesitant to post this given it’s out of left field. Keep in mind that the passage of time is going to be important for later. So yeah, this is me having too much fun with foreshadowing, hope you enjoyed it!
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harrylee94writes · 7 years
Henry and the Ink Machine Part 1
I’ve been mulling over @thelostmoongazer‘s Reverse Bendy AU and I thought I’d give it a go! This is only the first bit, but I wanted to see what you guys thoughts of it.
Inspired by @thelostmoongazer‘s sketches here and here, and @the-vampire-inside-me’s, here.
Quick Summary: Bendy, having been living in the human world for the past 30 years, received a note from his creator, and is lured back to his once home. But what will he find there? And will he ever leave again?
First Part (here)  Next part
Bendy, my devil darling,
It’s been so long since you left home; almost 30 years, hasn’t it? Your family is still waiting for you. We don’t want something bad to happen because you ignored them, do we?
We all miss you terribly.
Your creator,
Joey Drew.
Bendy stared at the letter, the horror he had first felt at it’s presence a dull ache in his chest now as he stood before SillyVision’s front doors.
When he’d first received the note he could barely keep himself from quaking in fear, fingers crumpling the paper as ink dribbled down his face, staining his coat and scarf. Joey Drew. It was a name he could have gone his entire life never hearing again, and yet there it was, written in black and white. He thought he’d been so careful, wearing disguises wherever he went, living on the street, never leaving a trail.
And yet it clearly hadn’t been enough. He’d been discovered, found, and he knew he had to go back.
When he’d first escaped Joey’s grasp Bendy had hoped that Boris and Alice would follow behind him, but he had grown to accept that Boris would never leave, the wolf only ever seeing the best in people, and Alice wouldn’t leave him to face Joey alone. It had broken his heart to do it, but Bendy had had to leave. He knew that if he stayed then he would lose his mind.
And yet here he was, standing in front of the doors he’d promised himself he would never enter again. All because of the note in his hands.
The building was much more dilapidated than he remembered it ever being before, with boarded up windows, the sign broken and missing several letters, and overgrown plants sticking out from gaps in the brickwork. The once immaculate lawn and clean pavement were now infested with weeds and cracks, and it looked like a part of the roof had caved in.
Bendy had heard that the company had gone under, but he hadn’t realised it had been this bad.
Taking a deep breath, the dancing demon stepped up to the door and pushed it open, wincing a little at the creak of old wood and rusty hinges.
“A-alright Joey,” he muttered into the dark interior, trying to keep himself from shaking too much, “I’m here. What do you w-want from me?”
Stepping in, he closed the door behind him and looked around the corridor. There were posters on the walls displaying his image; The Dancing Demon, and Sheep Songs with Boris the Wolf. There was something dripping from the ceiling, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what it was, and the floor looked like it had been repaired a time or two.
What the hell had they been doing here?
Stepping further into the building, Bendy found it wasn’t quite as dark as he had first thought; light came from above a desk in the centre of a sparse yet dilapidated room – one he could remember only too well – as a projector flashed blank slides against a wall where a cardboard cut-out of him leaned against the wall. Paper littered the floor, cracks and holes in the wall were boarded up ineffectively, and the whole place felt more like a ghost house than an animation studio.
“H-hello?” Bendy called, slowly walking around the various corridors and looking at the papers stuck to the walls. “Is anyone here?”
Silence and turning gears were his reply, and he found himself following a route he had once known so well.
At the end of a corridor sat a drawing desk, a chair, and a stool, the stairs behind it boarded up – probably to prevent people from running into the collapsed roof – and on that desk sat dozens and dozens of animation slides, images of Boris and Alice… and of Bendy. On the walls surrounding the desk, there were numerous doodles, some drawn by sure and experienced hands, and others by shaky new ones.
This was Henry’s desk. The animator had spent hours upon hours sat at this desk, scratching away at the panels and slides for the next episode, and Bendy would sit on the stool in the corner and doodle, just to keep the man company sometimes.
Black tears pooled in the corners of Bendy’s eyes as he thought of those times, of the man who had treated him so well, and couldn’t help but feel guilty. He’d barely thought of the humans in the studio over the years, most of them having ignored him, but Henry had always been so nice, treating them as people, rather than things.
What had happened to him? Had he escaped, or had he been trapped here like the others? And where was everyone?
Shaking himself and wiping his face with a well-worn sleeve, Bendy noticed a spanner in the corner, which was odd as he couldn’t remember Henry having anything to do with mechanics. Picking it up, Bendy decided to take it away, only to notice that he recognised it. It was the same spanner that Joey had used to ‘appease’ him. But what was it doing here?
Whatever the reason, he wasn’t going to let it spoil Henry’s space any longer, and he moved away, letting his eyes linger even as his body pulled him back into the main room.
His body still remembered this place, even after so much time had passed. It was still a part of him – part of his ink – and he doubted he would ever be able to shake it. He was created here after all.
As he headed down another corridor, he froze. “What…?”
Across the wall before him three words had been written in thick, deep black; DREAMS COME TRUE. Why would someone write that? And why was there ink dripping from the ceiling? Was that what had been by the front door?
What had happened after he’d left?
Continuing on his way, Bendy soon found himself facing… It. The Thing that had brought him into this place. The Ink Machine.
For the first time he could remember, it was silent, and the only sounds Bendy could hear was his own footsteps and music from a locked office.
“Hello?” Bendy called, banging his fist on the door. “Is anybody in there? Hello!”
The door shook a little, but the music continued to play, and the light under the door glowed undisturbed. Maybe there wasn’t anyone here after all.
Continuing on, Bendy avoided That Room and continued on, still clutching the spanner as a makeshift weapon as he trudged his way through the halls, glaring at the book Joey had raved about writing as he passed it, only to jump when a wooden board fell from the ceiling, only to land with a loud ‘dunk’ on the floor.
He could barely breathe for several moments, pressed against the wall as his eyes searched for any other dangers as he quivered, heart racing. As time passed, he became more and more aware that it seemed to have fallen on it’s own accord, and he took a steadying breath to calm himself down.
“It was nothing,” he told himself, forcing himself to walk further forward. “It was just a plank. It wasn’t… it… wasn’t…” He choked, eyes wide as he stared at the familiar figure strapped to a table. “B-B-Boris?”
Hope you guys enjoyed! I'll be working on the next part during the next day.
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Shut up Lanky, no one was talking to you. *Sprays the bastard with rubbing alcohol in the face.*
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The Dreamscape Demon stops, hissing lightly as he glanced over fully, his grip almost loosening on the greyface "ý̴̫ỏ̵͓u̸̯̔ ̶̖͠h̴̜̽à̴̜v̴̢̌ė̷̗?̵̧̿" he asks as the lady in violet hums lightly, smiling a bit, she looked different than from the photo Cuphead and mugman had showed past viewers, older, her clothing more were down with stains of ink, her hair now a inky stained black, and yet, her face was still concealed by the shadows, a red glint being the only thing seen from her... it was almost unnerving. "yes. i have. now. do you wish to keep playing with that lowlife?" she said, gesturing to the greyface that he had in his grip. "or. do you want to fulfill your part of the bargin. after all, you are nearly almost whole." she says, crossing her arms slightly as the other grumbles and sighs, hissing as it easily tore the grey-face in half, letting the body drop to the floor, the red stuff vanishing on his body as he turns around, his plastered melted grin twitching slightly "w̵̱͂h̷͇̄e̶̞̐ṛ̴̉ę̵̈ ̷̳̓ḯ̴͚s̸̰̅ ̷̹̑ȋ̶̲ṯ̶͘ ̸̭̆ṱ̶̈́h̸̦̆ě̴͔n̴̬̈́.̴̱̉"
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*Twerks into view.* Hey how fast are you and your friends?
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"H̶͔̒O̶̹͑W̵͖͝ ̴̟̚F̷̢̓A̷̠̓S̴͓̓T̸̖͛ ̴̱̌Ẹ̶̈X̴̺̃A̴̋͜C̵̯̃T̸̖͆L̶̨͑Ý̸̧ ̸͙̊Ḁ̸͒R̴̭̊E̸̯͋ ̵͖̾Y̸̫̽ ̵͖͌Ỏ̶̗ ̸̩̀Ủ̸͎ ̷̖̇R̷̤̀Ẽ̶͎A̵͉͋L̶̹̋L̵̪̽Y̴̝̾?̵͚̽" the dreamscape demon said, the 'markings' on parts of it's body having an oddly similar color to the same markings on prowler's body.
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