#The Friendly Ink Demon (Bendy Prowler Stein)
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“MOM, DAD, LOOK! WE’RE FAMOUS!!!!!!!!” --- ohhhh my god- oh my god. this- i was not expecting this. loRD- im- im shocked, but. none the less. happy, happy that this blog has made it this far, proud that even to this day some people still like the content and stuff i have, even if it’s now either heavily outdated, or doesn’t fit within the lore persay, or in this case i lowkey cringe at now due to my writing style JKGDFKHKFHKDFHK but still, 1k and 94 followers... hollly shit... i wanted to do something special, like- make an message or something but. Christ im just. too excited i just went and did this, im glad that this blog has managed to stay up to date, glad that people still find stuff on here funny or good or decent, and im glad overall that i still have friends here that remain, i am sorry everyone for not being as active as i’d like to be, i wANT to be more active, really. i do. it’s just been... yeah, a bit hard at the moment. but lord... i’ve been here... probably since the start of the game itself in essence... and just over-time. the blog has grown into SO much more. im proud of what was gained, and what was had, the people i met along the way, people that i still keep in touch with, they helped me so much with ideas, lore, advice, and mentally helped me overall become a better and more mature person than how i was in 2017 and onwards. im proud to have made it this far, 6 whole years ever since this whole blog began, and it’s anniversary is coming in two months, 5 and a half years or so since this blog and AU started, and in just two months, it’s gonna be 6 years old... a lot has changed, a lot HAS been changing, me making the story and AU feel more grounded in some manner to the actual games but still having some elements of the original AU’s script intact. originally this blog was just meant as a simple modern retelling of bendy and the ink machine. told through asks, and ofc, after the events of ink machine AND i guess dark revival at this point, and you’ve all, watched me, and these characters i’ve used, to grown and mature and evolved over time. becoming more than what they were. becoming basically special. i hold them all dearly ro my heart, i loved using these guys, and i love the interactions they have, including Prowler’s. he’s made so many friends on here. so many relationships, and yet. only a few remained. the only ones he found again, were my boys @ask-modern-demon @ask-soul-bendy @ask-the-demon-of-joey-studios and @onexeyedxtwin​ ‘s own bendys but even then. i still remember the memories and interactions that they all had overall. but.. thank you all. thank every single one of you, this blog has grown so much, and i hope that over-time. it will continue to grow as i improve the AU a lot more, to make it truly a lot more better than it really is, with that being said. in order for me to truly make some of these stories in the blog matter i have but one simple announcement. throughout this time frame. i have only truly ever completed was FOUR arcs, the first was the halloween crossover arc, the second was the recovery arc, back when i had prowler with the purple eye. and the third arc that was the more recent ones, was the Faded arc, despite how shortlived it was. and of course. most recently in last late last year or so. maybe in late 2021 or something. Prowler’s Revenge Arc, the rest of the arcs after? either never went anywhere, or were eventually scrapped and discontinued. that being said, i am going to be remaking an very old arc on here. to have it fit in MORE with the new lore and a hint of things to come in the memory loss arc and the finale of the lanky saga overall. i am going to be merging both the halloween crossover, AND the recovery arc, into one story that i’ll be making over-time, ofc it’ll probably be published after i finally finish the new and improved main story AND the one people have probably been asking for in secret. my take on Dark revival in this AU. it is coming, and the reboot to the OG story will be a thousand times more better than how it was originally. but yeah, i am going to be rebooting and merging two of those old completed arcs, into an story of sorts cause i do NOT want to scroll all the way down to the halloween posts and remake them all, because one it would take forever, and two. i simply genuinely don’t know how else to make it better so. the old halloween arc will simply just be an standard halloween thing with prowler being over-reactive, the REAL story to that arc, will be posted sometime whenever i have a grasp of what to do, obviously im not keeping in the crossover, that just ain’t right. hence why im merging in both the recovery and halloween arc into one story. i dunno when each ‘chapter’ will be posted but i guess expect it as things yet to come before we finally put an end to the lanky saga, and have things go back to a bit more normal and happy go lucky around blog, i love the comedy, i love the interactions, and the asks that makes my characters just question their own reality JGDFKHFKHKFH, and i miss that, i felt like i made this blog WAY too serious real fast. but yeah. that’s all, thank you all. for being here with me, from start to present, it’s been nearly 6 years since this blog began, and we have finally done it, finally made it to 1k, and im just... happy, so... again. thank you all. i mean it.
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stay safe out there people. this is toon, your friendly tired artist and writer, and friend, here’s to hoping the rest of 2023 won’t be me becoming an cryptid again LOL... but yeah. thank you one and all, i mean it. even to my friends. you all helped me grow as a person, and so... with that... one last time before i finish this post... thank you. every single one of you... that is all! hope you all are excited, i know i am.
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Hello!! I'm Rosalie who is the ink demon next to Prowler hope I spelt his name right
"uh yeah you got my name right pally but....."
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"there's no ink demon or anyone even next to me..."
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How many dicks are in this box? *They say while presenting a box.*
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The Anon would suddenly get knocked away ten times over to kingdom come as The demon blinks, glancing behind him, only to just see no one there, raising an eyebrow, but. he groans a bit more, these damn questions, why does he get a sense of familiatary out of them? huffing and grunting lightly as he shakes his head, huffing a tiny bit, crossing his arms "jeeze... first the entire town looks like something out of a horror movie, and now these weirdos are asking me questions like this... can this day get any worst?"
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Why was she even here? How did she get here? Oh right. She forgot. The attempted knock out gas. That huge lost one. Backtracking. Evading another ink demon with bendy. And discovering an shocking truth about her friend. And finding an whole prison, and having quite the chat with someone else that was like her in a way. All to just end up getting caught and knocked out roughly by the same ink demon that Allison warned her about when she was reaching what she assumed was the way out, she didn’t know how long she was awake for after getting off the train, having followed Wilson, blocking out the noises that the lost ones made as the so called keepers tortured them. After a while they had reached what she assumed was Wilson’s refuge, Audrey gulps slightly as she sees that thing again, that freaking second ink demon, trembling a bit as it stared at her while Wilson was talking, the only sounds it made this time were it’s heavy breathing, which almost seemed like it was on loop, like a distorted growl almost. The way it looked, the way it sounded, the aura it was emitting, it was all wrong. It felt so so wrong, like it shouldn’t even be allowed to exist, and yet it is. Now she understood how bendy felt when it had cornered them. Bendy. This thing, while it was a bendy, it wasn’t the one she knew. This thing. Was a husk. An corrupted shell, mixed in with tainted ink and blood, she trembled further as it’s unmoving grin widened slightly, the young animator needed to find a way to distract herself, to calm herself down, glancing over towards Wilson’s direction. “Sooo… uhm…. What’s the story with this guy?” She asked, with Wilson blinking as he stopped talking about his plans, glancing over to her, humming “why my dear… it is my masterpiece…. When I found the ink demon, and tore him in two, I meant it. The ink demon that roams around the studios is the main threat. But this one. This one was seemly on the verge of dying…. So.” He hums lightly, grinning a bit “so… I simply made some upgrades…. It took a bit… and a lot of effort… but eventually. I got there.” He said, grinning “I have finally made a weapon capable of dealing damage to the ink demon. Soon enough, with it by my side, you and I audrey. Can finally bring law and order to this place, and to fix all of our problems, for good.” ….greattttt, she did not like this, gulping a bit as it stares slightly more, before eventually it clicked and moved on away as she breathes out a sigh of relief as it lumbered further, breathing normally as she blinks, staring at Wilson as he motions her to follow him, she looks on back, watching as the ‘friendly’ ink demon was just staring at them, Even when they eventually got out of it’s sight, it simply gurgled slightly, turning around and continuing on walking, doing what it always does, patrolling, and making sure the studios is kept in order, grunting lightly as while making it’s way into the library, it twitches, glancing upwards seeing two Keepers suddenly falling down from above. Making an alarmed hiss, the once friendly ink demon tilts it’s head, grunting and hissing before it sees what had done it, the ink demon itself. The lord of ink jumping from where it was briefly brutalizing the keepers, clicking slightly as it twitches, slamming it’s clawed hands into their backs, ripping out both of their spines, their inky bodies melting and being absorbed into it. The ink demon stares at the smaller demon when it finally noticed the other, the two staring at one another, their unmoving grins twitching Slightly, the lord of ink growled lightly “foolish child…. You cannot remain separated from me forever…. Sooner or later…. You and I will be whole again…. And so much more…. This world… this domain…. Is MINE…. My KINGDOM.” It said, as the once friendly ink demon twitched slightly, both staring blankly at one another. before seconds later, both suddenly roared loudly at one another in pure rage, and without a second to lose, the two demons lunged at one another….
--- of things yet to come.
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"wait..! who are you?" the other asked, with the Angel blinking slightly as she turns on around, staring at the other, Allison hummed lightly "they call me alice.... i don't like it very much... what about you?" She asks, with Audrey huffing lightly "im audrey..." she said, with Allison humming a bit "well then Audrey... i hope you fare well here.... i have to go... actually." Audrey blinks, raising an eyebrow "there is one more threat. one who was once a friend of ours, we haven't seen him in a long time, not since we all got lost in the studios trying to evade the entity... though... that friend... he's... different now.." she said, with Audrey blinking slightly "d...different how...?" she asked, with the other humming "they call him the friendly ink demon... but he is FAR from friendly now... he's far more powerful than the ink demon itself... and is almost like... an second ruler..." she sighs a bit, grabbing her sword "pray that you never meet him, audrey." she regretted following that large shadow, gulping slightly as the small Bendy that was with her tried to look brave, his oddly red eyes glowing slightly as he was trembling with fear, being behind her and all, as what stood in front of them, was a massive ink demon like creature, with one exposed eye, an forced eerie grin that looked like it's whole mouth could open, odd tears and such on it's dirtied bloodied and stained clothing, an mix of what seemed to be golden ink, blackish colored ink, and even colored ink to some degree was on him, having an singular eye on his neck, staring right at the smaller bendy, while the expsoed eye on the side of it's face. Was staring right at audrey, the unhinged look to it was enough to make her tremble with fear, it's long tail shifting slightly, an faint red like streak was seen on the tail, most likely starting from the neck and ending near the tail tip. with it's spines oozing out ink and steam almost, an heavy breathing like nosie emitted from it's mouth, the horns twitching as it's clawed hand twitches. Audrey grips on her gent pipe, as the small bendy clinged onto her pants leg, the 'friendly' ink demon's grin widened ever so slightly. god. damn it. she should of freaking listened to Allison. --- so.....been a while, hasn’t it?
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someday i’ll make an proper cover for this AU, but never the less, it’s a big improvement from my older versions of the cover of This AU but yeah, here’s a brand new version of the cover of my AU, including some dark revival characters into the mix, still need to design some of them.
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Hello!! I'm Elaine. Nice to meet you!! How are you Inky and Bendy :D
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"just- prowler. only my close friends and family can call me Bendy... also again. inky? there's no ink demon next to me." he says, grunting at the whispers he was feeling in his mind, those voices. it all felt so familiar. elsewhere in the studios, Lanky kept silent as the lady kept walking, oddly quiet and almost. upset? the lady in violet didn't seem to notice as she keeps on walking
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Wow; that's super cool!
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"no no no no no... not again... not again i did not lose control again...! oh no this is bad... very very bad... ugh... my head... hurts... so damn much!" he melted more, panting slightly "gotta- gotta find my way back to the lodge, gotta find my way back, gotta figure this mess out... why why can't i remember...? why is all of this so familiar...?! and that voice! that voice!" He clutched his head, melting and panting slightly as his tail curled around himself
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Okay then, don't pat the boy, noted.
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too late strange voice, the demon already whacked the anon into nothing but broken bones, so yes. do not pet the boy anon. this will be noted for future anons. though, the demon did stop as the voice he was hearing got louder, more demanding, hissing as he clutched his head a bit, more red sparks and bubbles forming out of him as the strange aura was corrupting his form more and more letting out an ear piercing roar as the entire street and such shook and rumbled. the sky nearly almost reverting to a purplish color before revetying back to orange, and then that constant red glow, like the sun itself had died out. Prowler was panting, groaning and hissing as the aura begins to curl and shift as his tail went limp, freezing for a moment as a protective barrier was beginning to form out, before vanishing as he heard the voice more clearly, confusing him even more. why did it seem so familiar? why? and why did it hurt so much?
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*leans against my $0 crate* Ahaha, guess I'm gonna get my head chomped off next whatever do I do
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you are safe, he is more confused on the crate than you. also little red bubbles began popping out of him, before he stops himself, hearing the voice faintly being called in his head, clicking slightly but thinking not much of it, though. why did he feel his emotions rise when he heard that voice? like it meant something to him. probably nothing. or he was purposely trying to not remember it to not feel any more pain. who knows. right?
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fuck you
*eats everything*
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oop, nah you got eaten instead, how sad.... though what was that voice just now?
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Pickle nuggets. Your thoughts? *Lean with eye brow raise.*
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The Demon growled violently, the red stuff around him began changing more and more, causing him to look more and more monstrous as time goes on, panting and hissing as he shakes his head, no. no stop, why why was this familiar?, why couldn't he stop? why was he enjoying it? he didn't know. the markings on him glowed violently as he felt a surge of power he thought had left it. or has it always been there. he didn't know, his head hurts. badly. why did these questions annoy him so much?! why?! WHY WHY WHY?! he growled as he pulls his arm out of the grey person's body, letting it fall to the floor, stomping the glasses shortly after, making a low growl and such.
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I'm going to pat you so hard that your horns turn upside down. Fricking aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
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The Anon was screaming as they were turned to nothing but ashes, Prowler panted slightly, seemly in his inked form but.. something was off, his face was completely covered in the ink instead of just having one side of the face reveal, his yellow streak was now an red streak, along with his bowtie, the tip of his horns were now red and spreading, three smaller red eyes forming, his spines growing and such as he panted, growling and hissing. no. no. stop. not a failure. not a failure. he wasn't a failure. no. no. no failure. nothing. he was perfect. perfect. perfect. he wasn't a failure. no matter what joey said. wait no.. he didn't say anymore... What... what was happening,...? why did these memories... hurt? why were they so familiar....?
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p a n t s.
..... m a y I e a t t h e m ?
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"whY THE FUC- NO- YA- YA CRAZY IN THE DAMN HEAD BUSTA! I AIN'T GIVING YOU MY DAMN PANTS YOU WEIRDO!" he seemed to grow more humanoid instead of cartoony, body wise anyway, one of his eyes faintly glowing yellow as his arms got a bit longer, his gloves becoming more round shaped and such, his eyes wide slightly
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The little demon blinks, raising an eyebrow at the question afterwards, crossing his arms a bit. "what's your point, of course i have pants." the demon said, tilting his head as the other, his tail shifting slightly as he huffs
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I feel like I'm about get punt- *Gets punted away through the ceiling.*
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Prowler stares at the anon that was now thrown through a random house in the ceiling that was a ways back, before once again looking behind him, only to see no one there, odd. that voice seemed so familiar to him too, why was that? "ugh.... this feels very familiar to me.... jesus christ."
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