#Brown Wood Bead with Silk Cords Necklace
ledyjewels · 2 years
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ourtumbler30things · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SILPADA 925 Rose Quartz 35” Necklace N1428.
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wearethewinx · 3 years
cultural fashion thoughts
roman-inspired. flowing, drapey fabrics that are either tied or pinned into shape
fabrics are usually either undyed or pale pastel, but aggressively accented with bright colors and strong textures with trim, cording, and jewelry
women’s clothing is accessorized primarily with flowers and decorative cording, and wealthy women especially can have an entire garden on a single dress. voluminous gibson girl updos are en vogue, usually with more flowers piled on top, always with 1-4 loose locks to frame the face or neck
men’s accessories of choice are feathers, greenery, and pins/brooches, and their clothes tend to be draped more asymmetrically than women’s. hair is short and neat on both head and face, to better show off elaborate earrings, and occasionally facial jewelry
a longer beard decorated with flowers or tightly tied hair decorated with feathers are typical indicators of gender nonconformity
at the time of the fall the most popular jewelry trends were statement rings in the shape of filigree flowers for women, and metal chokers in the shape of ferns for men
long years of political discord mean massively varying regional fashions, but in Musa’s area rich colors and intricate prints (for the poor) and embroidery/brocade (for the rich) are the style
the focus is on the fabric, with stiff materials and broad, flat cuts to show off the details. scenery and nature motifs are more traditional, and abstract patterns or gestural images are more popular with young people. accessories are usually practical or faux-practical, such as bags, pouches, books, spectacles, and parasols, and long hair is popular for both men and women
broad-legged pants and high collars are trendy for women, with panels of fabric often laced together with cording to allow them to move without bending and give a peek of skin. long, straight, silky hair is everything, held back from the face but minimally decorated, usually with a single comb. lights and lanterns are a popular motif
men’s trousers are usually softer fabric and narrower cut, with the focus on a tunic or jacket instead. sleeves are sometimes sewn with pre-determined crease lines to preserve their structure, and the breast is usually left slightly open. men’s hair is also kept long and silky, but tied back more securely with ribbons or pins
Solarian fashion has exploded since Stella became a public figure, so there’s a stark before and after difference
more traditional clothing is typically minimal, either baring a lot of skin or wearing only the thinnest silks (or both) with glass and polished wood for accents. a wide, elaborate collar or necklace is The accessory, and veils and delicate headscarves are common, particularly when decorated with beads and metallic thread. a suite of earrings is also a must
post-Stella fashion incorporates heavier fabrics and ornamentation, voluminous skirts, and more artificial colors and textures, as well as asymmetry. there’s also greater variety in general, and her signature bangs became the definitive style for young women
male and female styles are very fluid, the distinctions usually being subtle or seasonal, but bracelets, armbands, and rings are more popular for men, where women lean more toward jeweled belts, waist drapes, and anklets
there’s very little overlap between Royal Fashion and Normal Fashion
royal clothing has been basically unchanged for several decades, with strong but conservative earth and sea tones, metallic accents in silver, never gold, and highly structured garments such as stays. massive sleeves, layered fabrics, and floor-length skirts are the order for women, and wide cuffs, collars, and very high boots for men
men wear rings on the left, women on the right, ears are pierced once regardless of gender and no more, hair is kept long for both sexes but girls wear theirs loose until the age of majority and then adopt one of a few elaborate, restrained styles. boys hair is put in locs early and kept that way through adulthood
non-royals have more relaxed gender roles and much more relaxed fashion. wrapped skirts, playful fringe, sunset colors, and starfish or turtle shells are popular across the board. men do usually wear locs, but not always, and they can be accessorized, and women style their hair with incredible detail. women’s tops are usually sleeveless and men usually wear open vests
all natural all the time. no artificial materials ever. softened tree fibers, leather, and hemp are the standard, though very little children usually wear woven grass or nothing at all. intricately carved wood and polished amber are popular, and feather earrings, and going topless is normalized
women usually wear loose, jewel-toned skirts, and wraps, vests, and triangle tops, if they wear tops at all. armbands are classic and shawls are trendy, and dyed fingertips are becoming a style (linpheans naturally have green or darker brown tinged hands) especially in purple
boys often wear skirts, but adult men wear loose pants in shades of brown and green, always with a patterned print, sometimes with decorative draping or wrapping. they incorporate brighter colors in accessories, especially red necklaces, and carmine eyeshadow is starting to become popular as well
linpheans do wear styles inspired by other planets, but they almost never import clothing (out of objection to Artificial Materials) and since they’re making all their own shit anyway it’s just easier to make garments they already know how to make
Almost no gender segregated fashion at all, although minimalist ankle-length skirts are having a moment with men, and geometric-print harem pants are picking up steam with other genders
whites, greys, and other neutrals accented with metals and neons are the current mood, especially magenta and cyan, and LED accessories are everything. hair is usually short or part-shaved, and an asymmetrical shave trimmed in an abstract pattern is especially fashionable. maximalism and minimalism play off eachother, with zippers, belts, decorative seams, and a variety of fabrics all in one jacket over a plain white shirt being THE look
silhouettes are either athleisure wear or focused on the clothes rather than the body. for some zenethes baggy clothing is representative of privacy, a la billie eilish, and layers are common regardless because it’s chilly year round
zenith haut couture is starting to take a turn toward skimpier, less practical clothing, playing with transparency and 3D structures, but those styles haven’t trickled down into the genpop yet
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Trinkets, Worthless, 9: These trinket are garbage plain and simple. They would be termed vendor trash or junk loot in video games. They aren’t touched by stray magic or mystery as with regular trinkets, aren’t made from valuable materials and aren’t particularly useful even if they aren’t damaged.
A slim wooden case containing a set of broken lockpicks.
A brass spyglass whose lenses are broken.
A bottle of bone fragments suspended in rum.
A human eye floating in pickling fluid, within a nearly opaque jar. It makes you feel like you’re being watched.
A stuffed dead rat lovingly dressed in doll clothes.
A leather pouch of jagged ceramic shards
A grizzly wicker mask dyed red with blood.
A blackened, shriveled husk of unknown origin, that throbs with a strange electric current.
An onion with a bite taken out of it, that was somehow fossilized.
A worn bronze trophy with a thick patina encrusting the handles and bowl which obscures any engravings and marker indicating what the trophy was for.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A slim wooden case containing a set of broken lockpicks.
A brass spyglass whose lenses are broken.
A bottle of bone fragments suspended in rum.
A human eye floating in pickling fluid, within a nearly opaque jar. It makes you feel like you’re being watched.
A stuffed dead rat lovingly dressed in doll clothes.
A leather pouch of jagged ceramic shards
A grizzly wicker mask dyed red with blood.
A blackened, shriveled husk of unknown origin, that throbs with a strange electric current.
An onion with a bite taken out of it, that was somehow fossilized.
A worn bronze trophy with a thick patina encrusting the handles and bowl which obscures any engravings and marker indicating what the trophy was for.
A fossilized snail, entombed in limestone.
A square from an old quilt with a long forgotten coat of arms stitched onto it.
A single button for a tunic, made from a pearly seashell.
A rudimentary map. It doesn’t seem to resemble anywhere you’ve ever heard of.
A chalky powder in a leather pouch. It’s edible, but doesn’t taste like anything.
A thick purple ribbon covered in white polka dots.
A parchment tube filled with dead ants.
A bar of soap made from the fat of a troll. It has no smell whatsoever.
An empty vial made of bleached bone with a cork stopper.
A key ring with eleven keys. All of the keys are melted together, making them entirely useless.
A pair of stockings that makes the bearer's feet feel itchy.
A broken wooden toy, shaped like a horse. Two of it’s legs are missing.
A battered leather shoe, filled with dozens of dead spiders.
A monocle with a cracked lens.
A serrated beak of an unknown (But no doubt vicious) creature.
A slab of greasy animal fat, wrapped in layers of cheap, thin paper. It smells of the woods.
A large suitcase containing a set of five pins from a bowling set, but no ball.
A cuttlefish bone covered in beak marks
A moldy jewelry box full of cheap rings and tangled necklaces.
A small paper packet containing three dozen flimsy toothpicks.
A heart-shaped bone the size of a human palm.
A glass bottle, half filled with cheap scotch.
A rusty black rake.
A small parchment packet containing a dozen sewing needles.
A waterproof pouch containing a pound of dried black beans.
A heavily nicked flask made of milky glass heavily flecked with fuzzy, dark-green spots. Its stopper is carved from the pit of some unknown fruit.
A coiled up, Randomly Colored child's jump rope
A pitted stone war dart, not weighted properly for throwing and may be ceremonial in purpose.
A nice sturdy shovel.
A weathered wooden entry token. According the faded carving it will admit one spectator into a bullfighting competition, however the exact location of the event is worn beyond legibility.
A plaster plaque with the imprint of a child's hand.
A moonstone fragment etched by acid.
A troll's claw smeared with crimson blood.
A broken jade cube on a leather cord.
A copper fragment engraved with endless spirals.
A set of four slightly misshapen glass coasters. They were probably the result of a newly apprenticed glassblower.
A troll's claw engraved with incoherent labyrinths.
A jagged shard of gray glass containing a drop of iridescent ichor.
A rolling pin made of cherrywood.
A brown wooden featureless coin, strung on a thin metal chain
A hideously out of order colour wheel about four inches in diameter.
A tin flask that unpleasantly ferments and fouls any liquid put into it but water.
A small glass orb filled with water containing a single air bubble that will not pop.
A two inch cube of pink salt.
An entirely unconvincing wig made from dried corn silk.
A white stag carving that has been half burned.
A crude hair doll made of sinew and troll fur.
A unburnt candle in the shape of a kobold that’s missing one foot.
A copper bracelet that has turned green and has been damaged by acid.
A seashell with a runic inscription that has faded over time.
A dried out deep sea starfish
A leather wineskin filled with spoiled wine.
An inflated bull's bladder wrapped in tough, striped horse hide.
An inflated pig's bladder wrapped in tough cow leather.
A gnarled chunk of thorny wood, decorated with dingy feathers and slightly chewed rodent skulls.
A steel shovel, just beginning to rust, with a simple wooden handle and a leather grip.
A head sized, leather ball stuffed with straw, decorated with an odd pattern of  black pentagons and white triangles.
A smoked glass figurine of a feline that's chipped on one side.
A small, mostly filled jar of mustache wax.
A grease and soot smeared apron.
An improvised knife made out of a metal spoon with a sharpened tang hidden in its wooden handle.
A jagged iron spike, smeared with blood.
A hemp rope tied into a monkey fist knot the size of an apple.
An obsidian shard warped by magic.
A dried ostrich foot.
A child's riding stick horse consisting of a five foot wooden pole with a cloth horse's head at the top.
A children's doll carved from a corn husk with a caricature of a smiling human face.
A Randomly Coloured ceramic pot filled with lard.
A mason jar filled with small, thin cloths in a solution of water, lemon, and a mild soap. There is a label on it that says “Grandma's Solution to Cleaning”.
A tiny, decorative pewter pickle
A tiny scepter made of lead that is too small to be wielded by an adult.
A length of cheap tin prayer beads.
A crudely made child’s doll made of woven grasses.
An heavy chain made of pitted and rusted iron links, fashioned into a bracelet.
A pair of sharp steel sheep shears.
A simple wooden birdhouse painted a Random Colour. It looks like it was put together by a small child.
A wooden scroll tube containing incomprehensible notes on alchemy and alchemical processes.
A threadbare Randomly Coloured linen handkerchief.
A scrap of parchment with an unintelligible note scribbled on it.
A scrap of parchment with a list of mundane items or tasks written on it.
A single Randomly Coloured twenty-sided die.
An old, yellowed, and illegible note.
A bamboo sword hilt that is lacking a blade.
A scrap of canvas like cloth depicting a crude drawing of a cottage surrounded by rolling meadows.
An empty bottle that once held expensive wine.
A burlap coup containing a gelatinous packet of fluids. When squeezed, it secretes a harmless, odorless, clear fluid.
An old pocketwatch that hasn’t functioned for a long time. It’s missing quite a few gears and its glass face is scratched and cracked.
An unbroken wax seal from a letter. The crest in the wax is intricate, and looks important.
A stuffed fairy dragon, evidently done by a horrible taxidermist. Its face is partway caved in.
Transition Lenses, Damaged: A pair magical spectacles made of dark glass lenses, set in a wire frame that fits most humanoids. When worn in a bright setting the light is amplified excessively all but blinding the bearer, but when worn in dim light or darkness it becomes too dark to see anything. Knowledgeable PC's know that the glass lenses are supposed to adjust to different light setting and that these lenses are doing the opposite of what they should be.
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