#Brownstein Hyatt
Live Nation/Ticketmaster is buying Congress
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me THURSDAY (May 2) in WINNIPEG, then Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), Tartu, Estonia, and beyond!
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Anything that can't go on forever eventually stops. Monopolies are intrinsically destabilizing and inevitably implode…eventually. Guessing which of the loathesome monopolies that make us all miserable will be the first domino is a hard call, but Ticketmaster is definitely high on my list.
It's not that event tickets are the most consequential aspect of our lives. The monopolies over pharma, fuel, finance, tech, and even beer are all more important to our day-to-day. But while Ticketmaster – and its many ramified tentacles, like Live Nation – may not be the most destructive monopoly in our world, but it pisses off people with giant megaphones and armies of rabid fans.
It's been a minute since Ticketmaster was last in the news, so let's recap. Ticketmaster bought out most of its ticketing rivals, then merged with Live Nation, the country's largest concert promoter, and bought out many of the country's largest music, stage and sports venues. They used this iron grip on the entire supply chain for performances and events to pile innumerable junk fees on every ticket sold, while drastically eroding the wages of the creative workers they nominally represented. They created a secret secondary market for tickets and worked with ticket-touts to help them run bots that bought every ticket within an instant of the opening of ticket sales, then ran an auction marketplace that made them gigantic fees on every re-sold ticket – fees the performers were not entitled to share in.
The Ticketmaster/Live Nation/venue octopus is nearly impossible to escape. Independent venues can't book Live Nation acts unless they use Ticketmaster for their tickets. Acts can't get into the large venues owned by Ticketmaster unless they sign up to have Live Nation book their tour. And when Ticketmaster buys a venue, it creams off the most successful acts, starving competing venues of blockbuster shows. They also illegally colluded with their vendors to jack up the price of concerts across the board:
When Rebecca Giblin and I were writing Chokepoint Capitalism, our book about how tech and entertainment monopolies impoverish all kinds of creative workers, we were able to get insiders to go on record about every kind of monopoly, from the labels to Spotify, Kindle to the Big Five publishers and the Google-Meta ad-tech duopoly. The only exception was Ticketmaster/Live Nation: everyone involved in live performance – performers, bookers, club owners – was palpably terrified about speaking out on the record about the conglomerate:
No wonder. The company has a long and notorious history of using its market power to ruin anyone who challenges it. Remember Pearl Jam?
But anything that can't go on forever eventually stops. Not only is Ticketmaster a rapacious, vindictive monopolist – it's also an incompetent monopolist, whose IT systems are optimized for rent-extraction first, with ticket sales as a distant afterthought. This is bad no matter which artist it effects, but when Ticketmaster totally, utterly fucked up Taylor Swift's first post-lockdown tour, they incurred the wrath of the Swifties:
All of which explains why I've always given good odds that Ticketmaster would be first up against the wall come the antitrust revolution. It may not be the most destructive monopolist, but it is absurdly evil, and the people who hate it most are the most famous and beloved artists in the country.
For a while, it looked like I was right. Ticketmaster's colossal Taylor Swift fuckup prompted Senator Amy Klobuchar – a leading antitrust crusader – to hold hearings on the company's conduct, and led to the introduction of a raft of bills to rein in predatory ticketing practices. But as David Dayen writes for The American Prospect, Ticketmaster/Live Nation is spreading a fortune around on the Hill, hiring a deep bench of ex-Congressmen and ex-senior staffers (including Klobuchar's former chief of staff) and they've found a way to create the appearance of justice without having to suffer any consequences for their decades-long campaign of fraud and abuse:
Dayen opens his article with the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, which is always bracketed by a week's worth of lavish parties for Congress and hill staffers. One of the fanciest of these parties was thrown by Axios – and sponsored by Live Nation, with a performance by Jelly Roll (whose touring contract is owned by Live Nation). Attendees at the Axios/Live Nation event were bombarded with messages about the essential goodness of Live Nation (they were even printed on the cocktail napkins) and exhortations to support the Fans First Act, co-sponsored by Klobuchar and Sen John Cornyn (R-TX):
Ticketmaster/Live Nation loves the Fans First Act, because – unlike other bills – it focuses primarily on the secondary market for tickets, and its main measure is a requirement for ticketing companies to disclose their junk fees upfront. Neither of these represents a major challenge to Ticketmaster/Live Nation's control over the market, which gives it the ability to slash performers' wages while jacking up prices for fans.
Fans First represents the triumph of Ticketmaster/Live Nation's media strategy, which is to blame the entire problem on bottom-feeding ticket-touts (who are mostly scum!) instead of on the single monopoly that controls the entire industry and can't stop committing financial crimes.
Axios isn't Live Nation's only partner in selling this distraction tactic. Over the past five years, the company has flushed gigantic sums of money through Washington. Its lobbying spend rose from $240k in 2018 to $1.1m in 2022, and $2.38m in 2023:
The company has 37 paid lobbyists selling Congress on its behalf. 25 of them are former congressional staffers. Two are former Congressmen: Ed Whitfield (R-KY), a 21 year veteran of the House, and Mark Pryor (D-AR), a two-term senator:
But perhaps the most galling celebrant in this lavish hymn to Citizen United is Jonathan Becker, Amy Klobuchar's former chief of staff, who jumped ship to lobby Congress on behalf of monopolists like Live Nation, who paid him $120k last year to sell their story to the Hill:
Not everyone hates Fans First: it's been endorsed by the Nix the Tix coalition, largely on the strength of its regulation of secondary ticket sales. But the largest secondary seller in America by far is Live Nation itself, with a $4.5b market in reselling the tickets it sold in the first place. Fans First shifts focus from this sleazy self-dealing to competitors like Stubhub.
Fans First can be seen as an opening salvo in the long war against Ticketmaster/Live Nation. But compared to more muscular bills – like Klobuchar's stalled-out Unlock Ticketing Markets Act, it's pretty weaksauce. The Unlocking act will "prevent exclusive contracts between ticketing services and venues" – hitting Ticketmaster/Live Nation where it hurts, right in the bank-account:
It's not all gloom. Dayen reports that Ticketmaster's active lobbying in favor of Fans First has made many in Congress more skeptical of the bill, not less. And Congress isn't the only – or even the best – way to smash Ticketmaster's criminal empire. That's something the DoJ's antitrust division could power through with a lot less exposure to the legalized bribery that dominates Congress.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Matt Biddulph (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/mbiddulph/13904063945/
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
Flying Logos (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Over_$1,000,000_dollars_in_USD_$100_bill_stacks.png
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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R. Roy Blake and Michael Jurgens
Perhaps one of the most shocking, cynical, dangerous and cowardly cover-ups in the history of American journalism is the Colorado and especially Denver’s media refusal to investigate and report on the extensive involvement of Colorado based actors in 9/11.  While none of the 9/11 hijackers are known to have traveled to Colorado, pre-9/11 communications between bin Laden and Al Qaeda operatives in the US and several Colorado based actors were key to 9/11 including one that the FBI considered at “the heart of the 9/11 story.”  Shockingly, while downplaying or ignoring altogether the Colorado connection to 9/11, the media has become a shill for the Denver organization whose members likely played a major role in the event. 
After 14 years of pressure, the Obama Administration finally declassified a heavily redacted version of the 28 missing pages of the 9/11 report. The redacted version did not mention names such as Anwar al-Awlaki, that had been mentioned as being in the 28 pages by a 60 Minutes report on the subject.  Awlaki, who was born in New Mexico, the son of New Mexico State University professor who had been born in Yemen.  Awlaki attended Colorado State University in Fort Collins, where he was President of the Muslim Student Association.  He later served as Imam (Islamic minister) at the Denver Islamic Society on Birch Street just south of Evans Avenue in Denver. 
In the months prior to 9/11 Awlaki left Denver and became the spiritual advisor to two of the 9/11 hijackers that had summered in San Diego and met with three others who were in Fall Church, Virginia and attended the notorious Saudi financed mosque there.  It was also reported that Awlaki was in constant contact with the Saudi embassy in the months immediately prior to 9/11.  An FBI agent had said that he felt that Awlaki was “at the heart of the 9/11 story.” 
When in 2002, al Awlaki attempted to flee the US to avoid answering more questions about 9/11 he was briefly detained at JFK airport in New York, accused of passport fraud before being released to a Saudi government representative.  Awlaki then fled to the UK and two years thereafter to Yemen. 
While in Yemen, Awlaki joined up with Al Qaeda’s franchise there, known as Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).  During Awlaki’s association with AQAP the went on to conduct terrorist attacks throughout the Arabian peninsula that killed Americans, Belgians, Spaniards, South Koreans and hundreds of Saudis and Yemenis.  AQAP also trained the underwear bomber and plotted attacks on Jewish community centers in the US using mail bombs loaded into printer cartridges, plotted using smuggled explosive liquids onto US bound airlines.  Awlaki was also the spiritual inspiration for the Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas that killed 12 and wounded 31.
Others had reported that among the missing names was Homaidan al Turki, a member of the Saudi royal family who had relocated to Denver, Colorado.  Al Turki is currently serving a life sentence in Federal prison for holding an underage Indonesian girl that he had purchased in Saudi Arabia as a slave in his Aurora, Colorado basement.  Al Turki also founded a company called “Al Bashir Publications and Translations” that featured the speeches and sermons of Anwar al Awlaki urging Muslims to violence against non-Muslims and especially the US and the West.  It is difficult to overestimate the effect of Awlaki’s speeches and sermons had, and even after his death, continues to have in terms of inspiring terrorism. 
Even in view of the fact that a significant amount of the 28 pages remained classified, some witting or unwitting Saudi apologists claimed that the redacted portion of the 28 pages “contained no smoking gun” and argued that the matter ought be put to rest. Senator Graham, however, said it did in fact did confirm Saudi government links to the hijackers and that the redacted portions of the 28 pages  ought to be released along with the over 80,000 pages from 9/11 investigations.
The FBI also learned that the two Saudis traveled to Washington to attend a symposium hosted by the Saudi Embassy in collaboration with the Institute for Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, which was chaired by the Saudi ambassador. Before being shut down for terrorist ties, IIASA employed the late al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki as a lecturer. Awlaki ministered to some of the hijackers and helped them obtain housing and IDs.
In 1994, well prior to 9/11 and just following the first attack large attack on the World Trade Center, the London based “Advice and Reformation Committee” (ARC), widely considered Osama bin Laden’s publicity office, established a “secure system for communications between Saudi Arabia and London for Osama bin Laden.  Incredibly, the system reportedly made use of US Army lines!  In the US the system was centered in Denver, Colorado and initially set up by Denver resident Lujain al-Imam, wife of London based Islamic “activist” Mohammad al Massari.  The calls are routed from Saudi Arabia to Britain through Denver using “toll free lines established for US servicemen during the Gulf War.” 
In addition to al Turki and al Awlaki, other Denver residents suspected of involvement with al Qaeda prior to 9/11 include Khalid al Fawwaz who will later be indicted for his involvement in the 1998 US embassy bombings in Africa.  Another is Ziyad Khaleel, vice president of the Denver Islamic Society until 1994.  Together with al Fawwaz, Khaleel is suspected of purchasing a satellite phone for bin Laden. 
No doubt the one of the reasons that the Denver and Colorado media have ignored the Colorado 9/11 connection has to do with behind the scenes Saudi Arabian money, such as checks written to Denver super law firm Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber and Schreck.  On its website the Brownstein firm touts its “…deep experience…and political connections” which include hosting major Colorado Republican events.  What the website does not disclose is the fact that the Saudi Arabian government pays the firm to fight off the lawsuits of 9/11 victim families and to otherwise lobby on behalf of the Saudis. 
The Denver Post did a few articles on Anwar al Awlaki that were characterized as would be “puff pieces” by talkshow host Rev. Bob Enyart.  One, written before a drone strike in Yemen killed, the man whom after bin Laden was the world’s most wanted terrorist, contended that Awlaki made little impression in Denver despite the fact that the speeches he gave while in Denver inspired and continue to inspire terrorism to this day. 
The Post article made much of the fact that a Denver Islamic Society elder who wished to remain anonymous stated that he had opposed Awlaki’s recruitment of a young Muslim to fight in Chechnya where he was killed.  A careful reading of the article, however, revealed that the reason for the opposition to the young man’s recruitment wasn’t a rejection of jihadi warfare.  It was the fact that due to the age of the young man, he should not go off to jihad without his parent’s consent. 
The fact that the elder at the Denver Islamic Society did not feel safe enough to reveal his identity speaks volumes about the fact that the influence of Awlaki, al –Turki and the others continue to have on the Denver Islamic Society.  Perhaps the worst part of all of this is that the refusal of the Colorado media to report this allows for influence and infiltration that endangers us all.  The current president of the Denver Islamic Society, Mohammed Malki, has held, and probably continues to hold a sensitive position as an “information security officer,” in the Colorado state government. 
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theenergyconnection · 3 months
Sheffield hired Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP to lobby on “issues related to the FTC,” according to a recently filed disclosure report.
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the-moon-system · 2 years
Doing Well by Doing Good: Law Firm Friendly Responsibility
Corporations progressively subscribe to the principle of corporate social responsibility. CSR depends on the conviction that an exhibition of worry for the environment, common freedoms, local area improvement and the government assistance of their representatives can make a corporation more profitable. Furthermore, while possibly not more profitable, essentially a better place to work.
Law firms can gain from corporate experience to create their own social responsibility programs. Such projects can help law firms to do well by doing good. They can fortify the firm's standing and market position. They can assist the firm with relating to the way of life and CSR activities of clients and possible clients. They can assist lawyers and staff with seeing as seriously significance in their work and work on as people.
In the words of the social responsibility Karma Panel at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck: Be caring. Be liberal. Be concerned. Donate time. Donate exertion. Donate cash. Simply track down a cause and give. You'll quickly find giving is likewise getting.
A board discussion about how law firms can find out about CSR and bring a portion of its components into their own models was supported by the Rough Mountain Part of the Legitimate Marketing Affiliation. The program was held May 8 at Maggiano's Little Italy in downtown Denver.
Specialists included Sarah Hogan, VP of Shoeless PR; Bruce DeBoskey, lawyer and pioneer behind The DeBoskey Gathering, which centers around magnanimous exhorting; Joyce Witte, People group Speculation Consultant and overseer of the Encana Cares Establishment, Encana Oil and Gas (USA); and Amy Venturi, head of local area relations and karma at Brownstein. Mediator was Cori Plotkin, leader of Shoeless PR.
At law firms, the item is individuals - the lawyers and care staff who offer great legitimate types of assistance. It is a simple fit. There are numerous ways that this 'item' can contribute time, ability and fortune to socially responsible activities.
Social responsibility: Concentration and methodology
Law firm friendly responsibility is tied in with having an effect inside the local area and the calling, and inside a firm. Indeed, even the best endeavors will have no effect assuming spread excessively far. You can't boost the worth of your commitments or recount your story assuming your endeavors are excessively weakened. To choose how to most successfully contribute its assets, a law firm necessities a social responsibility center and a technique.
Social responsibility endeavors should be bona fide. Law firms and different substances ought to constantly stay away from 'green-washing' - recounting to a story that is optimistic, yet not exactly evident. Know yourself. Let your firm's novel culture and abilities figure out which endeavors to seek after and which to stay away from.
While inspecting your way of life, don't restrict yourself to accomplice input. Law firms are little networks, practically like families. Any work to characterize culture and social responsibility ought to address the interests of lawyers, however the interests of all degrees of care staff. Endeavors should be significant all through the firm. The advantages to worker enlistment, maintenance and fulfillment can be surprising.
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Succeeding by Doing Great: Law Firm Social Responsibility
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Companies increasingly sign up for the principle of corporate social duty. CSR is based on the idea that a demo of worry for the atmosphere, human rights, area growth and also the welfare of their staff members can make a corporation more lucrative. As well as otherwise more lucrative, at least a better place to work.
Law office can learn from company experience to develop their very own social responsibility programs. Such programs can aid law firms to do well by doing great. They can strengthen the firm's credibility and also market setting. They can help the company relate to the society and CSR activities of customers as well as prospective customers. They can help lawyers as well as personnel find even more significance in their work and enhance as humans.
In the words of the social obligation Karma Committee at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck: Be kind. Be generous. Be worried. Donate time. Contribute effort. Contribute money. Simply find a reason as well as give. You'll rapidly discover offering is also obtaining.
A panel discussion regarding exactly how law firms can learn about CSR and also introduce some of its elements right into their own models was funded by the Rocky Mountain Phase of the Legal Marketing Organization. The program was held May 8 at Maggiano's Little Italy in midtown Denver.
Panelists included Sarah Hogan, vice president of Barefoot public relations; Bruce DeBoskey, attorney and founder of The DeBoskey Team, which focuses on kind advising; Joyce Witte, Neighborhood Investment Consultant and supervisor of the Encana Cares Foundation, Encana Oil & Gas (United States); and also Amy Venturi, director of community relations & fate at Brownstein. Mediator was Cori Plotkin, head of state of Barefoot PR.
At law firms, the product is individuals - the lawyers and sustain team that offer high quality legal services. It is a very easy fit. There are numerous ways that this 'product' can add time, talent and also prize to socially liable activities. Southern Highlands Law Firm
Social obligation: Emphasis and strategy
Law office social duty is all about making a distinction within the community as well as the profession, and also within a company. Even the best initiatives will certainly make no impact if spread as well slim. You can not make best use of the worth of your payments or tell your tale if your efforts are too diluted. To decide just how to the majority of efficiently spend its resources, a law firm needs a social responsibility focus and also a technique.
Social responsibility initiatives have to be authentic. Law office and also other entities must constantly prevent 'green-washing' - telling a story that is aspirational, but not really real. Know on your own. Let your firm's special culture and also skills figure out which efforts to go after as well as which to avoid.
When analyzing your society, do not limit on your own to partner input. Law practice are little areas, virtually like households. Any type of effort to specify culture and social responsibility must represent not only the passions of attorneys, but the interests of all levels of assistance team. Initiatives have to be meaningful throughout the firm. The benefits to employee employment, retention and contentment can be exceptional.
DeBoskey detailed 3 sorts of neighborhood involvement and mentioned his belief that a great social responsibility strategy includes elements of all three.
In a standard version, a company 'gives back' randomly to the community when asked - as a good citizen, as opposed to for any strategic functions. In a social duty model, these initiatives straighten with the abilities of the business - like the lawful skills of legal representatives. Every non-profit demands lawful guidance.
At it's most sophisticated, a social duty program involves using your core product - lawful services - as a device for social adjustment. Volunteer with companies like the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System at the College of Denver, or the Rocky Hill Kid's Law Facility.
A strong focus makes it much easier to make decisions Encana, for instance, concentrates its philanthropic giving technique on problems bordering its product-- natural gas. Brownstein will certainly give away money just if the request originates from a client, or if among their lawyers belongs to the organization as well as on the board.
Law practice seeking additional suggestions can locate important sources within the Corporate Community Investment Network. CCIN is an organization for professionals whose primary responsibility is to handle area financial investment programs in a for-profit business setup.
Many corporations as well as a few law office have really produced different structures to mange some of their providing. A foundation comes with even more constraints and various tax methods. As entities with a life of their very own, nonetheless, foundations are more likely than one-off efforts to continue a helpful presence.
Social responsibility: Great policies make good decisions.
Method as well as focus supply the structure for an effective social duty policy. Most law office are inundated with demands from great reasons asking for their support. A policy aids you recognize when to claim "yes" to as well as when to say "no.".
In the law office design, where all companions are proprietors with a sense of entitlement to resources, it can be extremely difficult to say no. An acutely focused plan makes it a lot easier to do so and also maintain the company's initiatives on course.
Encana, as an example, makes use of a five-step tool to figure out the degree of fit in between a request as well as the company's calculated goals in the field of natural gas - with level five being the biggest commitment and also level one the most affordable.
Level five efforts incorporate core product or service as well as commonly include gas cars as well as power effectiveness efforts making use of natural gas. These efforts contribute to ideal practices and leading trends in the industry, while enhancing the company's online reputation as a leader.
Level 4 efforts focus on strategic partnerships as well as frequently entail sustainable and lasting options like labor force development initiatives, signature programs (which can be repeated in other markets) as well as multi-year grants.
Level three efforts include critical grants to aid with jobs, programs or initiatives made to local non-profits lined up with natural gas.
Degree 2 efforts consist of receptive offering, which is a single gift for a wide neighborhood effort that has neighborhood support. Involvement of company agents is called for.
Level one efforts consist of the "t-shirt and banner" group, which includes one-day products like suppers, receptions, golf events, events as well as races. These offer the least influence as well as awareness for the cash, and also therefore the least assistance.
At Brownstein, demands made to the company are judged by two variables. The company thinks about only demands made by customers and also demands made by companies where among its attorneys takes part at the board degree.
Social obligation: Involvement.
Effective social responsibility programs involve not just checkbook participation, yet individual and expert involvement.
At Brownstein, the brand has actually constantly had to do with being out in the area. 6 years earlier, Venturi was asked to define this important element of the company's culture into a social duty program that would better energize legal representatives.
She started by investing 15 mins with each of the attorneys, to uncover their passions - which were utilized to determine an excellent charitable suit. After all, legal representatives and staff will stay engaged and also do their ideal just when a company is something that they care deeply about. If there is no engagement, the placement will backfire.
Finally, Venturi provides the legal representative's services to the non-profit in some capacity - however it must go to the board degree. Or else, she won't make the match.
Job Fate is a Brownstein program committed to offer chances, and also keeps a board in each of the company's 12 workplaces. It sponsors casual lunch & find out presentations by neighborhood non-profits to urge rate of interest.
The message about energetic interaction by legal representatives as well as team need to come from the top. Brownstein makes it very clear that the path to collaboration for a new attorney is based not only on legal abilities, yet likewise on interaction and involvement with the community.
It is very important to include a neighborhood involvement element to lawyer reviews, even if it is only one objective a year. That allows the lawyers understand that you are major. The Colorado Supreme Court asks every attorney in to contribute 50 hours of done for free job each year. Incorporating these programs causes win/win results for the company.
Not every company can match the efforts of a huge firm like Encana or a big law office like Brownstein. Nevertheless, there are excellent matches for companies of every size. Once again, it is all a matter of emphasis.
Actually, it is much easier to obtain five members of a little company to focus on a strategic effort than 500 attorneys in a massive company. If a law office has $10,000 to give away, that money goes a whole lot papa and also has a lot even more impact to one company than do $100 donations spread out across 100 organizations.
Smaller law office can also multiply its effect by partnering with others in a market, like suppliers or customers, to support a particular charitable. Lawyers NSW
Social duty: Roi.
Firms determine the outcomes of their social duty programs, as well as utilize these results to choose on efforts moving forward. Law office must do the very same.
At the end of the year, Encana utilizes its five-level model (outline above) to analyze our charitable giving. How much was provided at each level? After that the business sends a kind to every charitable, asking the recipient to assess results (stats for what was achieved), procedure (did efforts fulfill the desired audience) and also impact (what difference did it make).
Encana asks receivers to reply within 60 days, as well as uses this details to compute roi. Those that do not report back are not eligible for more payments. The non-profits may gripe at first, but they appear to alter their minds once they have actually been via the procedure - discovering that it has valuable calculated worth.
It is entirely appropriate to ask a charitable to document the outcomes they have actually achieved based on your payment. It lets them recognize that you are genuinely invested in the company. They will see you a lot more as partners as well as engage you in a different way.
Most corporations have actually created as well as benefited from well-thought-through as well as strategic social responsibility programs. Law firms are beginning to do the very same. A program with tight focus and also stringent standards warranties optimal influence as well as awareness for a law practice's dedication of time, talent and also prize.
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digitaltariq · 4 years
Brownstein Hyatt tops revenue rankings
Brownstein Hyatt tops revenue rankings
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With Daniel Lippman
Here are your Lobbying Disclosure Act revenue rankings for the second quarter of 2020.
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck: $12.9 million (versus $11.2 million in Q1 2020 and $10.1 million in Q2 2019)
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld: $12.4 million (versus $12.6 million in Q1 2020 and $10.2 million in Q2 2019)
BGR Group:$8 million (versus $7.8 million in Q1 2020…
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rjzimmerman · 3 years
I pick on republicans relentlessly and sometimes viciously. They have earned it and they deserve it. But some Dems are in the same rotten stinking space as republicans when it comes to the fossil fuel industry, and each of them needs to be called out, perhaps more strongly than do the republicans. Excerpt from this story from Grist:
Exxon Mobil Corp. lobbyist Keith McCoy listed six Democrats the oil giant saw as key allies to push its legislative agenda in the Senate in a secretly recorded sting video Greenpeace UK published late last month.
New analysis of campaign disclosures found the six Democratic senators ― Mark Kelly (Arizona), Maggie Hassan (New Hampshire), Joe Manchin (West Virginia), Chris Coons (Delaware), Kyrsten Sinema (Arizona) and Jon Tester (Montana) ― received a combined total of nearly $333,000 from lobbyists, political action committees and lobbying firms affiliated with Exxon over the past decade.
The analysis of campaign disclosures, which the advocacy group Oil Change U.S. conducted and HuffPost reviewed, found Tester received the most in donations from Exxon Mobil ― $99,783 from seven lobbyists, the company’s PAC and four lobbying firms working for the firm.
The report includes some donations lobbyists at K Street behemoths such as Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld and Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck gave before taking on Exxon Mobil as a client. Spokespeople for Coons and Sinema said including those contributions in the total was “misleading” and “inaccurate.”
But Collin Rees, the senior campaigner at Oil Change U.S. who conducted the analysis, said the donations paint a fuller picture of Exxon Mobil’s influence taking stock of the relationships the company’s money helped cultivate as well as those that may have prompted the oil giant to hire certain lobbyists in the first place.
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dragoni · 5 years
Trump and GOP: We’re losing in the polls.  McConnell: I can help with that.
Mitch was cheap — all it took was $5,000 in public donations. — private?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russians were attempting to sabotage the 2020 presidential elections "as we sit here."
The plans would likely burden the two largest electronic voting machine vendors in the United States, Election Systems & Software and Dominion Voting Systems, with new regulations and financial burdens. Together, the companies make up about 80 percent of all voting machines used in the country and both have far-reaching lobbying arms in Washington D.C. Many of those lobbyists have contributed to the McConnell campaign, reported Sludge last month, an investigative outlet that focuses on money in politics.
Sludge found that Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck lobbyist David Cohen, who has worked on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems this year, donated $2,000 to McConnell during this time. Brian Wild, who works with Cohen and has also lobbied Dominion, gave McConnell $1,000.
Around the same time, on February 19 and March 4 Emily Kirlin and Jen Olson, who have lobbied on behalf of Election Systems & Software over the last year donated $1,000 to McConnell each.
“ Joe Scarborough slammed McConnell for blocking the votes Friday morning.”
"He is aiding and abetting [Russian President] Vladimir Putin's ongoing attempts to subvert American democracy, according to the Republican FBI, CIA, DNI, intel committee," he said. "All Republicans are all saying Russia is subverting American democracy and Moscow Mitch won't even let the Senate take a vote on it. That is un-American."
Republicans #ShowMeTheMoney SWAMP  💰💰💰
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mystlnewsonline · 6 years
Colorado News: DENVER, Jason R. Dunn Sworn In As United States Attorney
Colorado News: DENVER, Jason R. Dunn Sworn In As United States Attorney
DENVER, Co. – Jason R. Dunn was sworn in as the United States Attorney for the District of Colorado this morning. Chief United States District Court Judge Marcia S. Krieger administered the oath of office at the U.S. District Courthouse in Denver during a private ceremony witnessed by close family and senior staff. A formal investiture ceremony is being planned for a later date.
“It is an honor…
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ultra-maha-us · 3 years
Performing Effectively by Performing Great: Law Firm Cultural Duty
Corporations increasingly donate to the principle of corporate cultural responsibility. CSR is on the basis of the opinion that a exhibition of matter for the environmental surroundings, human rights, neighborhood growth and the welfare of their staff will make a corporation more profitable. And if not more profitable, at the least a better place to work.
Legislation firms may learn from corporate knowledge to create their very own cultural responsibility programs. Such applications might help law firms to complete effectively by doing good. They are able to reinforce the firm's status and industry position. They are able to support the firm recognize with the lifestyle and CSR activities of clients and potential clients. They are able to support lawyers and staff discover more meaning inside their work and improve as human beings.
In the words of the cultural responsibility Karma Committee at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck: Be kind. Be generous. Be concerned. Give time. Give effort. Give money. Only locate a cause and give. You'll rapidly discover providing can be receiving.
A panel debate about how exactly law firms may understand CSR and present a number of its things within their own designs was paid by the Rocky Mountain Part of the Legitimate Advertising Association. This system was held May possibly 8 at Maggiano's Small Italy in downtown Denver.
Panelists involved Sarah Hogan, vice president of Barefoot PR; Bruce DeBoskey, lawyer and founder of The DeBoskey Group, which centers on philanthropic advising; Joyce Witte, Neighborhood Investment Advisor and manager law firms in oxford of the Encana Cares Basis, Encana Fat & Fuel (USA); and Amy Venturi, manager of neighborhood relations & karma at Brownstein. Moderator was Cori Plotkin, president of Barefoot PR.
At law firms, the item is individuals - the lawyers and support staff who offer top quality legitimate services. It is a straightforward fit. There are lots of methods that 'product' may contribute time, talent and treasure to socially responsible activities.
Cultural responsibility: Emphasis and strategy
Legislation firm cultural responsibility is focused on creating a difference within the community and the occupation, and in just a firm. Also the very best attempts could make no influence if distribute also thin. You can't improve the worthiness of one's contributions or inform your history if your attempts are also diluted. To choose how to many effortlessly invest its resources, a law firm needs a social responsibility emphasis and a strategy.
Cultural responsibility attempts must certanly be authentic. Legislation firms and different entities must always prevent 'green-washing' - telling a tale that is aspirational, but certainly not true. Know yourself. Allow your firm's special lifestyle and skills decide which attempts to pursue and which to avoid.
When reviewing your lifestyle, don't limit you to ultimately spouse input. Legislation firms are little communities, almost like families. Any energy to define lifestyle and cultural responsibility must represent not just the interests of lawyers, nevertheless the interests of most degrees of support staff. Efforts must certanly be meaningful through the entire firm. The huge benefits to employee hiring, maintenance and pleasure could be remarkable.
DeBoskey defined three types of neighborhood involvement and explained his opinion that a excellent cultural responsibility strategy contains components of all three.
In a normal design, an business 'offers back' arbitrarily to the community when asked - as a great person, as opposed to for just about any strategic purposes. In a social responsibility design, these attempts arrange with the features of the company - like the legitimate skills of lawyers. Every non-profit needs legitimate advice.
At it's many advanced, a social responsibility plan involves utilizing your key solution - legitimate companies - as an instrument for cultural change. Volunteer with businesses like the Institute for the Advancement of the National Legitimate Program at the University of Denver, or the Rocky Mountain Children's Legislation Center.
A strong emphasis makes it much easier to produce decisions. Encana, like, stresses its charitable providing strategy on issues bordering its solution -- normal gas. Brownstein will contribute income only when the request comes from a consumer, or if one of their attorneys is just a person in the organization and on the board.
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What is the most dangerous foreign power to the US?
If you ask me which nation is the greatest threat to America, I will not say Russia, China or Iran.  We know that those nations do not wish us well.  Instead I will point to Saudi Arabian financed and directed 9/11.  The only proof necessary to demonstrate that the Kingdom has compromised American leadership is that instead of imposing the cost of 9/11 on the Saudis, their involvement in 9/11 was covered up.  Saudi election interference makes Russian election interference look laughable.  Saudi Arabia finances and/or controls an estimated 80% of US mosques.  It funds CAIR, the organization that claims to be an Islamic "civil rights organization," but is in fact, a front for terrorists.  The Saudis are attempting to brainwash America's college students by funding and controlling the many "Islamic studies" programs now at most of our largest universities.  Saudi propaganda efforts are not limited to college age students.  They also fund Islamic organizations that seek to insert, often very deceptive Islamic material into all K-12 classes, aided by their army of paid lobbyists, that include some the most powerful and strategically connected law and public relations firms in the U.S.,such as the Brownstein law firm in Denver and Washington, D.C.
The Saudis also conduct covert operations inside the US, many of which are efforts to smuggle Saudi citizens (most often Saudi students) charged with crimes (most often sexual in nature) out of the country, just as they smuggled Anwar al Awlaki, of whom an FBI agent declared was "at the heart of the 9/11 story," out of the US in 2002.  The link to the book is above.  Saudi oil is sold at Shell stations.  Let's boycott Shell as well as Citibank and Chase Bank both of which the Saudis have invested heavily and essentially control.
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abhayhatia · 3 years
As Purdue Pharma Sought Controversial Chapter Settlement, It Spent Over $1.2 Million on Lobbying
As Purdue Pharma Sought Controversial Chapter Settlement, It Spent Over $1.2 Million on Lobbying
As Purdue Pharma seeks approval for a controversial chapter settlement, it has retained the providers of extremely compensated lobbying corporations Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck and Capitol Hill Consulting Group. On the Purdue Pharma chapter trial that started Thursday, Choose Robert Drain is broadly anticipated to approve a proposed settlement of the Purdue Pharma chapter that will…
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americanmysticom · 3 years
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IN REVIEW; A Closer Look at Dominion Voting Systems
Dominion Voting Systems dominates voting machines. It holds a third of the voting-machine market. Its software was used in all swing states this year, including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Nevada.
During a Fox interview over the weekend, former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell pointed out that Senator Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, is a shareholder of Dominion Voting Systems. The software company also has ties to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Her former chief of staff is one of the lobbyists on the company’s first-ever lobbying firm—Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck.
In Michigan, the software was partially to blame for the 6,000 votes being awarded to the wrong candidate in Michigan’s Antrim County. A skewed result initially saw Biden winning the traditionally red county, but when corrected, the results showed that President Donald Trump had won.
The Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy initially attributed the problem to a combination of a software glitch and human error. But just today, county officials backpedaled on the statement, saying the Dominion software had no part in the mistake, now blaming the problem solely on human error.
Michigan wasn’t the only state where problems were connected to Dominion. In two Georgia counties, the night before the election, two voting machines crashed. Voters in Morgan and Spalding counties couldn’t cast ballots for hours after the crash, delaying vote counts that eventually went in favor of Trump.
Elections supervisor for Spalding County said the company “uploaded something on November 2nd or the night before election day, which is not something that’s normally ever done, and it caused a glitch.”
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rjzimmerman · 4 years
Excerpt from this story from Bloomberg Environment:
A proposed private 211-mile mining road that would cross a national park and preserve, opening access to untapped precious metals, came one step closer to approval Friday.
The road’s chief proponent, Trilogy Metals Inc., has hired Interior Secretary David Bernhardt’s former lobbying firm to push the project through approval.
The Ambler Road is expected to bring new jobs to a remote region. But it also could spread disease among Native Alaskans, fragment caribou migration corridors, and damage Arctic tundra, according to a Bureau of Land Management analysis.
The road would open a vast wilderness around Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve. The state-funded road, which would be the only road in the entire region, would open up industrial access to the 70-mile-long Ambler Mineral Belt, a mountain range targeted for copper, zinc, gold, and molybdenum mining.
The BLM published its final review for the road on Friday. The BLM will make a final decision after the final environmental impact statement has been out for 30 days.
Trilogy, based in Vancouver, owns the majority of the Ambler Mineral Belt and is proposing at least two mines for the area, which haven’t been developed yet because of lack of infrastructure.
The road and the first mine, expected to produce copper, lead, zinc, gold, and silver, is slated to begin construction in 2022, Trilogy Vice President Patrick Donnelly said Friday. “It’s not the mine that’s controversial, it’s the road,” Donnelly said. “It has no impacts whatsoever on caribou. If you do things right, there shouldn’t be any problems.”
Last year, Trilogy hired Bernhardt’s former lobbying firm, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP, to lobby for Ambler Road, according to federal lobbying disclosure reports for the third and fourth quarters of 2019.The firm spent about $100,000 late in 2019 lobbying for the road, the documents show.
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bohemianscribe · 4 years
It comes as no surprise that the Biden Adminstration is letting Saudi Arabia off the hook for killing Khashoggi.  After all the Saudis have never been held to account for their undeniable role in 9/11.  A whole generation now has no memory of 9/11. Meanwhile the Saudis are plotting what to do to us what 9/11 did not, with Islamist propaganda, “Islamic studies departments,” fundamentalist (militant) Wahabbist mosques.
 Perhaps the most despicable of the American traitors who curry favour with the Saudis are the lawyers and lobbying firms that the Saudis have retained to fight the lawsuits of the 9/11 families, both in the Congress and in Court.  These include the PODESTA GROUP, BRG Group, BROWNSTEIN Hyatt Farber Schreck, KING & Spalding, SQUIRE Patton Boggs, HOLHT Group, FLYWHEEL Government Solutions, and the MSL Group.  While most Americans will never have to deal with any of these firms, it still serves us well to know the identities of those organizations and individuals especially when, as in the case of the Brownstein group, the firm is a major political player who has hosted major Colorado political (primarily Republican) events….
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ultra-maha-us · 3 years
Performing Properly by Doing Good: Law Company Social Obligation
Corporations increasingly sign up for the theory of corporate cultural responsibility. CSR is on the basis of the belief that a exhibition of concern for the surroundings, human rights, neighborhood progress and the welfare of their employees will make a organization more profitable. And or even more profitable, at the least a much better spot to work.
Law firms may learn from corporate knowledge to generate their particular cultural responsibility programs. Such applications might help law firms to complete well by performing good. They could enhance the firm's status and industry position. They could support the firm identify with the tradition and CSR activities of customers and possible clients. They could support lawyers and team find more meaning in their work and increase as human beings.
In what of the cultural responsibility Karma Committee at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck: Be kind. Be generous. Be concerned. Donate time. Donate effort. Donate money. Just look for a cause and give. You'll easily find providing can also be receiving.
A cell conversation about how exactly law firms may find out about CSR and present some of its components into their possess types was backed by the Difficult Hill Page of the Appropriate Marketing Association. The program was presented May 8 at Maggiano's Little Italy in downtown Denver.
Panelists included Debbie Hogan, vice president of Barefoot PR; Bruce DeBoskey, lawyer and founder of The DeBoskey Party, which is targeted on philanthropic advising; Joyce Witte, Neighborhood Expense Advisor and manager of the Encana Cares Base, Encana Gas & Gas (USA); and Amy Venturi, manager of neighborhood relations & karma at Brownstein. Moderator was Cori Plotkin, president of Barefoot PR.
At law firms, the product is the folks - the lawyers and help team who provide top quality legal services. It is an easy fit. There are many ways that this 'product' may lead time, skill and prize to socially responsible activities.
Cultural responsibility: Target and strategy
Law firm cultural responsibility is about building a difference within the community and the career, and inside a firm. Even the best attempts can make number impact if spread too thin. You cannot improve the worthiness of your contributions or inform your history if your attempts are too diluted. To determine how to most effortlessly spend its sources, a law firm wants a social responsibility focus and a strategy.
Cultural responsibility attempts must be authentic. Law firms and different entities must always prevent 'green-washing' - telling a story that is aspirational, but not really true. Know yourself. Allow your firm's distinctive tradition and abilities decide which attempts to pursue and which to avoid.
When examining your tradition, don't restrict yourself to partner input. Law firms are little towns, very law firms in oxford nearly like families. Any energy to establish tradition and cultural responsibility must represent not just the interests of lawyers, nevertheless the interests of all levels of help staff. Efforts must be significant through the entire firm. The advantages to worker hiring, maintenance and satisfaction could be remarkable.
DeBoskey specified three kinds of neighborhood involvement and said his belief that a great cultural responsibility program involves components of all three.
In a normal product, an company 'gives back' arbitrarily to the community when asked - as an excellent resident, as opposed to for almost any proper purposes. In a social responsibility product, these attempts align with the features of the company - just like the legal abilities of lawyers. Every non-profit wants legal advice.
At it's most advanced, a social responsibility plan requires making use of your key product - legal companies - as an instrument for cultural change. Offer with businesses just like the Institute for the Improvement of the American Appropriate Program at the University of Denver, or the Difficult Hill Children's Law Center.
A solid focus helps it be much easier to produce decisions. Encana, for example, stresses its charitable providing strategy on dilemmas surrounding its product -- normal gas. Brownstein will donate money as long as the demand arises from a customer, or if certainly one of their attorneys is really a person in the corporation and on the board.
Law firms looking for extra guidance will find valuable sources within the Corporate Neighborhood Expense Network. CCIN is definitely an association for professionals whose main responsibility is to control neighborhood expense applications in a for-profit organization setting.
Several corporations and a few law firms have actually produced separate foundations to mange some of these giving. A foundation comes with an increase of constraints and different duty methods. As entities with a life of their particular, nevertheless, foundations are more likely than one-off attempts to carry on a useful existence.
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