#Buffy AU
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hellmouth in new orleans? likely place for it to be
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ilovesand124 · 3 months
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They're watching the Puzzlevision arc
Another Buffy au drawing! I've had this one on the back burner for a few days, very happy with the end result..
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mpixx · 7 days
cattonquick buffy au pt. 5
cn: sex pollen...again
"So, umm..." Felix looks at Oliver who looks a little pale around the nose.
He clears his throat, then continues speaking into his phone, holding the vial against the light. "So the, quote, "horny potion", you brought earlier...if it had been accidentally ingested...under the assumption that it was, say, vanilla flavoring..."
"They really should IQ test people before they make them the Chosen One," Venetia sighs at the other end of the line.
Oliver looks at him like he really wants to know what Venetia is saying.
"So what would happen. Theoretically?"
"It's a horny potion, Felix. What it says on the tin."
"Well, it doesn't say anything on the tin - which is the problem."
"It will make you very horny."
"Fuck," he says, letting his head fall back, baring his throat. He just wanted to make a nice vanilla latte for Ollie and himself.
When he raises his head again, Oliver is pacing the library, clenching and unclenching his hands.
"So is it like a..." Felix cups his hand around his mouth and lowers his voice so Oliver doesn't hear. "A fuck or die situation?"
"It's not a fuck or die, it's just very likely that y'all fuck."
"Because it's a horny potion."
"Yes, Felix."
"Can you give me the phone?" Oliver is suddenly standing in front of him, wiggling his hand. "Err...sure." He passes the phone to Oliver, who starts pacing again.
"Mm-hm. Ok. Mm-hm. Ok. Ok. Ok. Thanks, Vee." Oliver pockets Felix's phone. Then, he walks over to the library door and locks it. The way he does it with such finality sends a little shiver down Felix's spine.
Oliver turns around. "We need to quarantine."
"Okay." Felix nods.
"Until it wears off. Which could be anywhere between an hour and the whole night."
He sits down at the table across from Felix.
They stare at each other.
"At least it's not a fuck or die," Felix offers.
Oliver's eyes turn wide and his mouth opens, before he shakes his head. "Uh." He blinks. "Yeah."
Silence again. Oliver starts folding and re-folding his hands on top of the table while Felix bounces his leg under it.
"We'll just wait it out," Oliver says.
Felix nods.
"Shouldn't we be in different rooms, tho?"
"Oh," Oliver says. "Right. Um...I can go into the back room? You can stay here?"
"Probably better."
"It will be really boring in separate rooms, though," Felix points out.
"We can split up once it starts working."
"Yeah," Felix says. "Once it starts working."
They've fidgeted, alternating between staring at each other and pointedly looking away for about 15 minutes, when Oliver asks: "Do you feel something?"
Felix swallows. "I don't know. Maybe? You?"
"Yeah. A little."
Oliver's hand is still on the table as Felix reaches out. Oliver lets out a little gasp as Felix's fingertips skim his knuckles. Felix's fingers twitch as well. It's like a little electrical shock, except a lot more pleasurable.
He can't help but smile. "Did you feel that?"
Oliver is smiling, too. "Yeah."
Oliver mimics the motion, the pads of his fingers brushing over Felix's knuckles now, then their fingers brush together. "Feels good," Oliver says quietly. "Yeah," Felix agrees, throat clicking as he swallows hard.
He is painfully aware that they said they were gonna go to separate rooms once it starts working. And Felix is pretty sure it has started working. Yet, neither of them are bringing up the separate rooms thing. And he'll be damned if he does - if Oliver won't.
"Any...anything else?" Oliver asks. Their fingers are still touching on the table.
"I also feel like I would like to kiss you right now," Felix says.
"Do you think it would be weird..."
"I don't think it would be weird...," Felix barely finishes before their mouths connect and his hands wrap around Oliver's wrists.
They're in this awkward position between sitting and standing so Felix stands up and lifts Oliver onto the table. Oliver lets out a little gasp, then kisses him again, clumsy and eager, his hands curling around Felix's biceps.
It feels so good. So, so good. It's not normal, that's for sure. In fact, Felix is starting to think giving in to the potion was a bad idea because he is afraid nothing will ever compare to the way Oliver's nose bumps his, or Oliver's little mouth slips off his jaw, or the way Oliver's legs squeeze hard around him as Felix picks him up with ease and presses him into a bookshelf.
"Why does this feel so good?" he whispers into Oliver's hair. It's like his skin is on fire, and he knows Oliver must feel the same because he's gasping and sighing at every touch of Felix's hands and mouth on his skin like it's the best thing he's ever felt.
They're on the desk at some point, because Felix can't undress Oliver while holding him up against the shelf, and then they're on the couch because it's softer than the desk, and then, maybe, they start it all over again, he's not sure, it's just...
Afterwards, they're laying on one of the couches together, Oliver in his arm, wearing Felix's hoodie because he got cold. It should feel awkward, with them being colleagues and all, but it doesn't. It just feels right.
They're both looking down at their tangled hands, fingertips brushing over knuckles. Felix wonders if that's gonna be their thing - when his phone rings.
He finds it in Oliver's chinos which are on the floor next to the desk.
"Vee?" He walks back to the couch, sits back in his previous spot so Oliver can lean against his chest again.
"Yeah, Felix? I just wanted to say, all clear. I have the potion right here - I didn't leave it at the library."
"What's up?" Oliver asks in his arm, turning his chin up to look at Felix, his blue eyes soft and a little cross-eyed without his glasses.
Felix puts the phone down without saying goodbye.
"So, umm...funny story..."
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juniperhillpatient · 19 days
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ideal ship dynamic. if I ever do write Azula/Katara again it’s this energy or bust (x)
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sunny-rants · 1 month
Yellowjackets Buffy the Vampire Slayer AU. did you hear me I said Yellowjackets Buffy the Vampire Slayer AU!!!
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devilslxd · 1 year
"And You're What? Shocked And Disappointed? I'm Evil."
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Theo Raeken As William Pratt aka Spike from BTVS
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f1-disaster-bi · 4 months
Because I can't help myself have some vampire Slayer Lando and Watcher Sebastian:
"I'm....I'm going to die?"
Sebastian felt his heart plummet as he turned around to look at Lando. The teenager was staring at him with wide eyes and there was nothing but hurt and betrayal on his face.
"Lando....", Sebastian started but he had to stop because what could he say to make this better? How could any of them possibly make any of this better as Lando looked smaller than Sebastian had ever seen him.
Lando, while being slightly short and lithe, was never small. He filled rooms with his laughter and his wit. He had the sharpest tongue, and Sebastian had often been on the receiving end of his sarcasm. Lando was full of life and fight despite not wanting to be the Slayer, but he wore his destiny like armour and now, now he just looked broken.
Sebastian wanted to bundle him into his arms even though it wasn't his place. He was the Watcher. He wasn't meant to have grown attached to his charge. He was just meant to have wielded him like the weapon the council thought Lando was, and helpe him defeat evil to save humanity.
Yet how could he let him die when Sebastian viewed the teenager as a sort of son after spending a year protecting him and helping him as best as he could?
"It's the prophecy," Sebastian admitted softly because he didn't know what else to say, "The Slayer will face The Master and die at his hands. The Hellmouth will open, and the apocalypse will come"
Lando stared at him for a moment before he started to laugh hysterically. His eyes were wet with tears that never fell as he backed away when Sebastian stepped forward.
"I quit"
"Lando, you can't -"
"I am EIGHTTEEN, Sebastian", Lando threw his arms out as the tears finally fell, "I...I should be worried about college applications and crushes. I should be playing video games with my friends, and...and doing normal fucking things. I should be allowed to live"
"Lando, we can-", Sebastian started, trying to soothe him as tears formed in his own eyes and his heart began to break.
"I don't want to die, Sebastian", Lando whispered as he shook his head, "I'm eighteen, and I don't want to die so find someone else. Anyone else. I don't care about being the Slayer, I don't. I want to live"
Sebastian finally managed to approach him as Lando finally broke. He had seen Lando fight vampires, demons, possessed friends, enemies that they had no right surviving, but this had broken him as he managed to pull Lando into a hug.
He was so small as he struggled against him for a moment before all the fight seemed to leave him and he just cried.
"I deserve to live"
Sebastian cast his eyes up to the ceiling to blink away his own tears as he thought of losing Lando, of having to explain to Jenson that his son was never coming home and would never get to grow up.
This moment wasn't about him. It wasn't about the grief and loss he already felt as he let Lando cry it out because they both knew that at the end of the day, Lando wouldn't fight this propechy because that meant leaving his friends to die.
"You deserve to live", Sebastian agreed, "I am so sorry Lando"
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augustjustice · 1 year
Ahh, thank you so much for the ask, friend! 💛🖤
“Just…sit tight,” Steve called, as he glanced over his shoulder at the middle schoolers spread out throughout the back of the RV. He tried to project an air of calm as his brother and all his friends looked back at him with matching expressions of trust and reassurance, like they knew Steve would take care of them. All he could do now is hope they were right to put that kind of faith in him. “We’ll be back in a second.” 
As they prepared to disembark and shuffle off to the convenience store, Robin caught Steve by the wrist, forcing him to stop in place and turn back to her. 
“Do you really think this is such a good idea, leaving Dustin and the others in here with…him?” Robin whispered, trying–and failing–to subtly tilt her head in the direction of the vampire currently slouching at the table just behind the passenger seat.
“I mean, it’s not exactly like he can go out there, Rob,” Steve hissed back, nodding to the bright rays of sunlight streaming just outside the windows. “Besides, it’s been alright so far, right? So…I’m sure it's gonna be fine.” 
Steve was well aware how unsure he actually sounded, and Robin’s expression told him she was about to tell him, in detail, all the many ways this could and would go wrong–
But she didn’t get the chance, because suddenly there was a brief, impossible whoosh of wind, and then…Eddie was standing right beside them.
“Hi,” the vampire said, giving the pair a mocking wave.  
“Holy shit!” Robin shouted, just as Steve screamed, “Goddamnit!”
He would have been embarrassed–it was basically in his job description not to let vampires get the jump on him like this–except that he was too damn annoyed to even feel shame at the moment.
Stupid fucking vampire speed. 
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sageswirll · 1 year
les mis vampire au where vampires are actually just evil and cosette is a vampire slayer (i just started watching buffy)
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ilovesand124 · 1 month
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Playing around with comic things ft my Buffy au Saiko x tari
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mpixx · 8 days
cattonquick buffy au 😌
Felix clears his throat.
The guy currently rummaging around on the floor behind the library counter freezes. "Hello?" The guy gingerly stands up.
"Yes?" he says, pushing his bangs to the side. His brown hair is cut short on the sides, and the side-swept bangs seem to be a failed attempt at looking fashionable. He is wearing a too-large checkered shirt that's buttoned all the way up his neck. He blinks at Felix through his round glasses.
"You work here?" Felix asks. They guy looks maybe a few years older than him - not old enough to be a proper librarian. Even though fashion-wise, he is definitely looking the part.
"Yes?" he says, slightly miffed. "I work here." He points to a little brass plaque on his shirt that says "Librarian".
Felix opens his backpack to get out his student ID. "I'm Felix Catton, I'm..."
A soft gasp.
"...the slayer."
Felix's eyes snap up towards the guy who is now staring at him with big blue eyes and an unattractively open mouth.
"How do you...?" Felix starts.
"The slayer...," the guy repeats breathlessly. "I..." He nervously pushes his hair back and scurries to a shelf. He reaches for a large tome on one of the higher shelves, getting on his tip toes. His fingers brush the book's spine, and he drops back on his feet.
"I...just give me a second..." He pulls up a small stool and climbs on it. "I studied..." Felix watches him heave down the massive book and tuck it against his chest. The whole operation looks slightly precarious. But the guy manages to get off the stool with the book in his arms.
It's heavy, leather bound and releases a little dust cloud as he heaves it onto the table. The guy exhales, clearly exerted. Or excited.
"I know everything about you."
Felix's eyes widen. What the...
"What," he says, taking a step back. "You're like some sort of....fan?"
This is going to be annoying, cause he will have to come to the library regularly to study if he doesn't want to get kicked out of Sunnydale as well. Not looking forward to having this nerd watch him every time he comes here or something.
The guy bristles. "I'm not..." He blushes, looking to the big book on the table, then back to Felix. "I'm not a fan."
"I'm your..." He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his index finger. "You're my..." His ears are pink when he looks at Felix.
"I'm your watcher."
Felix blinks.
"I...I watch you. I'm supposed to watch you. Y-you're my..."
Jesus Christ, Felix thinks.
The guy looks at him, jaw set. Resolved. "I'm your watcher."
Felix's brows knit together.
"What the fuck is a watcher?"
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juniperhillpatient · 23 days
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….two vampires walk into a bar something something the joke writes itself (x)
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mayday396 · 1 year
Does anyone remember Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Man I think I accidentally made a Fanfic Idea but I'm too afraid to write it.
Okay so Mental Asylum, Buffy is indeed a Slayer she has been in there for 6 years, but one day she woke up and found the Asylum Empty and as she explored her surroundings she heard screaming then felt blood leaking through the Ceiling, she saw a Vampire feeding on a Patient.
The Story follows Buffy, a 13 years old Girl suffering from Hallucinations as she tries to figure out what's Real and what's not as she fights the very real Demons of the Asylum, both External and Internal.
She is joined by Rupert Giles, 46 years old, a Watcher sent to infiltrate the Asylum as a Psychologist to find Buffy and bring her out of its walls, figuratively and literally.
Willow Rosenberg, a 12 year old Girl, sweet, kind-hearted and Intelligent, known for her Knack for Technology and her constant Referencing of Pop Culture, she is not actually a Patient but the Daughter of a Therapist in the Asylum who is her Father, 'Ira Rosenberg', she is trapped in the Asylum with no way out, she is joined by Giles, Buffy and Xander.
Xander Harris, a 14 year old boy, seems like a normal boy but in truth he is a victim suffering in Silence, his Abusive Father works as a Security Guard of the Mental Asylum.Xander has Violent Tendencies that he got from his Dad but other than that he's still the Sarcastic, Laid back and Easygoing boy with a flippant attitude.His Dad left him in the Asylum on purpose.
Xander and Willow are still Best Friends, as their Fathers are technically employees, Willow's Dad accidentally left her in the Asylum.
So the Scoobie gang would have to survive the Asylum and its Demons, while trying to find a way out and hopefully destroy the source of what's happening here.Time Period is Early 2000s for the big Zennial Energy.
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devilslxd · 1 year
“I’m the thing that monsters have nightmares about.”
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Liam Dunbar as Buffy Summers aka The Slayer. 
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f1-disaster-bi · 4 months
Continuation of my previous Slayer Lando:
Daniel collapsed to his knees beside Lando’s body because that's what it was now. It was a body. A body face down in water and not moving. A body that had belonged to the man that Daniel convinced himself every day that he didn't love.
George fell to his knees beside him. His hands shaking, stakes scattering to the ground as he dropped them to reach for Lando. His body was limp when George rolled him over, and Lando’s eyes were open and un-seeing.
"No, no, no, no. Lando come on", George begged as he shook the smaller body. His hands patted pale cheeks, and Daniel wanted to let go of the demon inside of him to tear apart the entire world for letting it end like this, "You can't be dead. Lando, come on. You can't be gone. Just....just take a breath, please"
This was why Daniel had tried to stay away from the Slayer. He knew that one day Lando would enter a fight he couldn't come back from. He knew that one day maybe Lando would kill him for being the very thing he was destined to hunt.
Lando was always destined to die, and Daniel to live in a world where Lando would be come a memory as the years dragged on.
He could only watch as George desperately started CPR. Tears streaming down his face as he kept going, kept trying to bring Lando back to them despite the fact that the apocalypse was starting as the world shook a little around them.
"No, no you shut up", George all but growled despite being human, "You shut up. You...you let him think you didn't care when we all know you do, and you could have been here. You could have stopped this"
Daniel swallowed softly because he knew George was angry. He had every right to be. If Daniel had been here maybe he would have been able to give his life for Lando’s.
He was going to say something when he heard it. A faint little humming almost like a birds wings flapping. A faint heart beat that had him scrambling to tilt Lando’s head back, and ignore George's protests before he sealed his mouth over Lando's, breathing air into his lungs as George paused before he started again.
"I can hear it", Daniel choked, grinning manically as George laughed, "Don't stop"
"Wasn't going to", George responded, and within moments, Lando was struggling under their hands and coughing up water that had clogged his lungs as he blinked.
His hands reached out for them both as he tried to sit up as he shook. His body probably ached, and hurt judging by the bruises on his skin and the destruction around him but his grip was still strong as he coughed and took in ragged breaths as they laughed in disbelief.
After a moment, Lando pulled back from them, looking battered and bruised but determined as he gave them a ghost of smirk.
"Did I miss anything?"
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augustjustice · 1 year
Happy writing! Steve the Vampire Slayer AU
Thank you so much for the ask, buddy! 🖤💛 Here's a little continuation from the snippet I just posted.
“Couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, and, you should know…the kiddos will be totally safe with me,” Eddie insisted, seemingly unphased by their simultaneous outburst as he slashed an ‘x’ over his chest with one finger, “cross my heart and hope to…well. Okay, I guess I already did that part, but. You get the picture.”
Following an extremely dubious look from Robin, Steve stepped in-between them, staring her straight in the eye.
“Seriously, Robin, he’s been our best bet so far,” he insisted, feeling something inside him twist with confusion knowing that it was the truth, “I–look. I trust him, okay? I mean, I wouldn’t have brought him with us if I didn’t.” 
Behind him, Steve practically felt the shift in the air when Eddie went perfectly still at his words. 
But, more importantly, some of the nervous, angry energy seemed to finally drain out of Robin, her stiff posture giving way as her shoulders slumped slightly. 
“Okay, okay. I just…hope you’re right about this one, Stevie.” 
“Yeah. Me, too.” Steve swiveled on his heel then, not pinning Eddie up against the seat like he likely would have in the past, but still looming into his space. “And if you so much as touch a hair on one of their heads, I swear–”
Eddie held up his hands in surrender.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it, Slayer. Woe be unto me, my death will be slow and painful and torturous, you’ll think up new and exciting things to do with that stake of yours, Mr. Stabby. Trust me, I am intimately familiar with your many heroic speeches and threats.” Then, something happened that Steve still hadn’t quite seen coming, in spite of everything–the vampire, for once, dropped his goading air, expression serious as he held Steve’s gaze. “The rugrats are gonna be just fine, alright? I promise.”
All Steve could do was nod in return.
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