#Buggy D Clown
dhabitahpunk-art · 9 months
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Time taken: 3.95 hours
Reference: Jeff Ward
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jeremy-pakhitou · 8 months
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It's over for me, Shuggy is one of my fav one piece ships now *tears up*
The setting is when they are around 15/16. I just love the idea of Shanks being kind of clingy with Buggy 🥹
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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|| Mihawk + Shanks + Buggy || One Piece Live Action (2023)
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buggysgirlie · 9 months
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cattyfabz · 7 months
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it’s bully a clown day
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ppeuppeuppeu · 9 months
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tazzy collecting besties like pokemon and then taking them to amazing adventures 🥺🥺🥺 can we just talk about him being an absolute sweetheart?
also, this:
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i would like to think he left mackenyu out of this on purpose HAHA they were already off to a great start
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Imagine the cross guild trip being nosey af
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You: it doesn't matter if you don't tell anyone else you're in debt, Crocodile, Mihawk, and Buggy will find out.
Alvida: Keep your voice down, they're just in the next room. And no they won't, I'll just take a gig, and pay it off when I come back.
You: those three are the nosiest bitches I've ever met, I wouldn't be surprised if they found out about it in the next fortnight if they don't already know about it.
Mr. 3: I've worked with Sir Crocodile for almost a decade, he's never struck me as one for gossip.
You: you don't believe me? Watch this. *Gasps loudly* No! Shut up! ... Who got her pregnant!... Oh my GOD! How? ... OOO boy.
Mihawk: [leans back in his chair, so his head pokes into the door frame]
Buggy: [separates his ear and bounces it into the room]
Crocodile: [rolls his desk chair into view]
You: [points at them] I caught you, a bunch of nosey bitches, the lot of you.
Crocodile: [glowers at you] So no one is pregnant?
Mihawk: it appears we've been duped.
Buggy: Boo
Mr.3: [gawking]
Alvida: We're having a private conversation, didn't your mothers ever teach you eavesdropping is rude.
Crocodile: no, I didn't have any parents.
Buggy: two dads
Mihawk: no comment
You: I have some juicy gossip about the Wrangler and his girlfriend if you're interested.
Crocodile: [plops his files down] Alright, spill.
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miss-atomic-blog · 7 months
Pretty ponytail man make brain go brrr
Process video on tinktonk
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kaifarikus · 2 months
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Please, I'll be good
Masterlist here.
Word count: 1,200+
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Synopsis: after rescuing you in the heat of battle, he can no longer contain his desires for you. He was so good. He can keep being good if it means you'll keep kissing him.
Koby, Sanji, Corazon, Sabo, Buggy, Shachi, Ace, Penguin
Themes: unrequited love, semi-sub!love-interest x semi-dom!reader, gn!reader, kissing, confessions of love, he sits on your lap, he is incredibly needy, he just wants to kiss you, fully clothed, sfw, literally just kissing, you call him "sweetheart," brief mention of 'reader' having a friends-with-benefits relationship with another character.
Notes: I couldn't get this kiss out of my head, and I needed to write it down. It was written with Sabo in mind, but I could seriously see any of these wonderful men in his position. I love writing kisses 🖤. Big thank you to @sordidmusings for her suggestions with the inner monologue 😩👌
Tag list: @lostfirefly @sordidmusings @writingmysanity @since-im-already-here @carrotsunshine @gingernut1314 @feral-artistry
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He saved you. Again.
Whether it was standing beside him in combat, rescuing you from unwanted attention at a tavern, ensuring you were well fed and hydrated during the day, taking care of all the supplies you needed upon your next adventure - he was always there by your side: your associate, confidant and friend.
In this set of unique circumstances, he managed to do more for you than simply tear you from combat. He saved you. Truly, saved you.
A finishing shot was aimed at you, and your body froze in place. With your eyes wide, he snatched you from your stance and whisked you from your place in the heat of battle.
After checking you for injuries, he cupped your cheek and uttered with all sincerity: “You're safe. I've got you.”
“Thank you, Sweetheart,” was all you managed to whisper in your shock, a name you had bestowed to him, half in jest, that simply stuck. He was a sweetheart, and you had no choice but to refer to him as such.
The relationship between the two of you was strong, as close as close friends could be. You shared your deepest secrets with him, and he shared his thoughts with you. You adored him, everything about him just sang to your soul.
At one stage early on in your comradery, you could've seen yourself diving into something deeper with him. But as you both opened yourself up more in your friendship, you chose to halt it in place. “Flirty friends,” is how you'd refer to it, “Just flirty friends.”
Casually lounging on the plush sofa beside him, you notice he's a little more on edge than usual. He's sitting up straight, rigid and firm beside you as his eyes fix on a point on the wooden panel behind the unwoken transponder.
Attempting to put him at ease, you sit up a little and rest your head on his shoulder and bring your hand up to encase his within yours.
“Thank you again, Sweetheart,” your words whisper as you trace gentle circles into the back of his hand with your thumb, “You're always so good to me.”
His body seemed to tense up more, the softest hitch in his breath alerting you of his discomfort.
“Are you okay?” You ask, leaning away from his shoulder to glance into his face. His eyes remain fixed on the point, his teeth clenched behind his closed lips.
In one final attempt to put him more at ease, you lean up and gently touch your lips to his right cheek. A soft gasp along with the turn of his cheek inwards had you pull away from him to check in one more.
“Sweetheart, what's wrong-?” You attempt to ask, he immediately speaks over the top of your concerned tone with an unsure and elevated tone. He avoided your gaze with his eyes, but kept his face turned towards you.
"-Look, I know you've got someone. M-Maybe even a couple of someone's. I know I'm not what you want-...” He utters quickly, his words tumbling over his lips faster than he can hold them back, “...-I just want you to know that you're what I want. You're the only one I want. If you could be that for me, for just a little while, I'll be so good to you. Please.”
You're left stunned. You’d often play into your friendship a little with some light banter and flirting, simply to see how far he'll play along. Flustering him, watching him hide his smile by downturning his face, was one of your favorite things to behold. Whether you were working, or relaxing in your home for the night with a few of the others - he was often flustered with your words and body language.
He quickly turned his head more and angled his chin down, seeking out your lips with his own. He hovered just before making contact, dancing with the borders of friendship and giving in to his craving for something more.
“I suppose you do need something beyond a simple kiss on the cheek this time,” you smiled at him, cradling his cheek beneath your right hand and drawing him closer, “You've been so unbelievably good to me, afterall.”
Smiling broadly, you lean forward to press your lips gently against his in a chaste kiss. He deeply and sharply inhaled through his nose, a subtle whimper rising from within his mouth. This small peck ended as soon as it began, his body chasing yours upon your retreat. He wordlessly called with his body to you, beckoning you into another kiss.
You give him just a touch more than the kiss prior: a real kiss that is deep, long and loving. A kiss that leaves him begging for more and more. Any time he thinks you may end it, any time that you start to slow down or lighten the pressure, he’s grasping to have you impossibly closer and begging you not to break your lips from his.
In his mind, he is crying for you, screaming for this moment to never cease. “Just give me a little more, anything. I'm sorry I'm not what you want but could you please keep doing it? Please, please? As a reward?”
“I was good!” He continued his inner monologue, hungrily claiming your lips against his own, “I can keep being good for you.”
You could feel his desperation from each kiss he placed upon your lips, hungrily seeking more and more each time he broke one kiss to lead into another.
“I’ll be so good,” he whispered into your skin, his breath tickling against your lips as your eyes widened in response, “Please. I'll be good. So, so good.”
“Sweetheart- mmmfph!” you whispered his name as he consumed your words with his mouth hurridly, his eyes flinching as he drew his body closer.
“Y-Yes?” He stuttered, his knees crawling up onto the cushioned base of the sofa as he prowled towards you. You responded by inching away from him and bringing your hands down to cup behind his thighs.
Urging him towards you with your hands, you press your back against the frame of the back-rest of the sofa, and usher him to straddle your lap. His hands flew up to your cheeks, his long fingertips finding the hair behind your ears and lacing them within it.
He hastily pressed his lips into yours, turning his head and moaning against your mouth. Prying open your lips with his, he hurriedly sought your tongue out with his own: savoring every moment you were granting him your undivided romantic attention.
Raking your hands over his thighs, you drew them up to his hips: fingers dancing along the hemline of his shirt. He winced away, a huffed laugh in reaction to your gentle touch, a laugh that caught within his mouth as you tickled his skin.
He reached his hands down over your own, breaking your contact away from his stomach and placed them on the back rest beside your head. He interlaced his fingers with your own, deepening the kiss as you took every moment of affection he was pressing into you.
“Sweetheart,” you whispered once more, attempting to break away your lips from his to no avail.
“Please,” he whimpered against your lips, “Please, let me keep kissing you,” he sobbed, kissing the corner of your lips and uttering, “I just want to kiss you.”
Your eyes widened, darting down to his lips and back to his beautiful eyes. Your lips parted as you began articulating your thoughts, halting only as he drew his fingers to your lips and pressed against them softly.
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thoraeth · 1 month
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Flamboyant pirate WIP
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aceshusky · 3 months
healing the body and mind with some more memes
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zsuo · 9 months
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Jeff Ward as Binky or Boogie or Buggy? I One Piece (2023)
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goblimm · 7 months
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Buggy my beloved
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cattyfabz · 3 months
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cross guild sleepover…
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