give-grian-rights · 2 years
Actually if you have a minute could you explain/link NPC Grian? I know barely anything about him and don’t know where to look other than maybe helsmits?
Nope! Not a helsmit!! older than the term i'm prety sure, actually.
NPC Grian/NPGrian was a running gag in old build tutorials, minigames, and Buildswap. He was summoned like a fucking demon, as shown in i BELIEVE, One Hour Buildswap. I don't remember his introduction, but he was in a small handful of videos.
he was obsessed with rustic houses, and was featured in a downloadable world that Grian had a for a while. he was just. NPC Grian. and he walked you through how to build a rustic house.
He was a Buildswap judge one time, and im not sure HOW they did his model but he . um. he fucked up a bit
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Grian canonically made him as a failed science experiment. so my PRESUMPTION is he made some sorta fucking. soulless clone of himself and then summoned a demon to possess it. because the weird part is, he's ? not a? robot ?
there ALSO Robot Grian .
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and as far I'm aware, Robot Grian only made one appearance, he was a POV character on his channel that he played as, but used a text-to-speech bot to commentate over it because he was sick.
they are completely separate characters and it was NPGrian's idea to make/finish Robot Grian because he was just kinda. a metal husk in the basement. NPGrian canonically lived in the closet locked in by Grian.
NPGrian is a bit cruel and probably dangerous, but mostly incompetent and possessive. all he can think about is rustic houses and thats pretty much his only purpose in life.
Robot Grian was programmed to be physically incapable of bad-talking Grian and resents him for it. whenever he tries to do so he is forced to say nice things instead.
basically Grian is the absentee father to not one, not two, not three, not four, BUT SIX. SIX CHILDREN. Jrumbot, Grumbot, Grumbot Prime, Emperor Grumbot , NPC Grian and. AND. Robot Grian
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barley-hopkins · 2 years
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Forgot to post this,
Don’t worry about him, he’s just participating in his favorite activity.
No don’t worry about the turtles, it’s how he measures time 
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zabo-writes · 1 year
Mumbo is a God (He thinks everyone else is also a god, but that they’ve just been really good at pretending to be human)
Mumbo was beginning to suspect he was on the receiving end of a remarkably complex prank.
This put him in a predicament. Should he go along with it? He knew it was more fun if he did. If Mumbo Jumbo knew one thing, it was how to commit to a joke.
However, this had been going on for years now. Mumbo was starting to get one of those feelings in his gut that was the kind of gut feeling people describe when they say they have a “gut feeling” about something.
And being that Mumbo did not have a gut, or any human body parts for that matter, one could see why this was distressing to him.
Mumbo Jumbo was a god. Specifically, the god of redstone. All of the other hermits were gods as well. The crux of the issue here was that all of the other hermits had been pretending to be humans for about 10 years now. And by pretending, Mumbo meant seriously, seriously roleplaying. He’d tested it! There’d been multiple instances where he had tried to convince another hermit to break character and do something godly. And they never cracked!
Truly, Mumbo was impressed. He himself was not quite as unshakeable. There’d been a few moments where his facade had cracked: the time he accidentally made a perfectly circular pumpkin (big problem in a world made of squares), the time where he put too power into the redstone AI for grumbot and gave it an existential crisis, the incident where he may have slightly consumed Grian’s soul…
All that was to say, Mumbo wasn’t the best at pretending to be a human, but he was giving it his best effort. And it seemed like the other hermits, in some sort of years-long prank, were keeping up the joke until Mumbo got it right.
Well if that was the case, he’d finally caught on! Haha! Take that, other hermits! Mumbo finally figured out the prank where everyone else pretended for a very long time that they weren’t actually—
They were gods, right?
Scar with his magnificent terraining skills, Cleo with her armor stands…
And surely Grian was some sort of trickster god. Right?
All of his friends were so talented, he had simply assumed it was related to some sort of godly domain.
Come to think of it, did he have any confirmation that they ever were gods in the first place?
No, no, no… surely…
Mumbo paused his task of mindlessly mining out a very large area under his base. He blinked. The netherite pickaxe clattered as it hit the floor.
Oh, he was an absolute spoon.
Grian grumbled as he shuffled through every chest and shulker he owned for what felt like the billionth time. He could’ve sworn he left the materials to make a beacon somewhere around here. Did it “lag” into someone’s inventory again? He pulled out his communicator to put a message in the chat.
“Grian! Incoming!”
Grian looked up just in time to see Mumbo collide with his face, sending them both sprawling across the floor.
“Ah! Hello Mumbo, fancy seeing you here! Do you happen to know where my beacon is?” Grian laughed as he dusted himself off.
“This is not the time! Grian! Grian I’m having a crisis.” Mumbo lamented,
“Yes, so am I! My beacon is gone!”
Mumbo continued, undeterred, “Grian, I have a very important question for you, and I need you to be completely honest with me.”
“What does your true form look like?”
“My what?”
“Alright, alright. So you know how I’m a god?”
Grian stated incredulously at the mustachioed man before him. “WHAT?”
Mumbo groaned and put his head in his hands. “No, I really need you to be honest. I’m a god, you’re a god, bdubs is a god… we all are, right?”
Grian was not sure how to respond to this. He was, to his knowledge, as human as they come. “I think this is a sitting down conversation.”
After a long, long chat inside of Grian’s bedroom, Grian felt he was finally understanding the situation. He was taking it pretty well! As well as one can take your best friend explaining to you in the same breath that he is a deity, and oh— by the way, he thought this whole time that you were as well.
“Okay, okay. Let me get this straight. You’ve been pretending to be human this whole time because you thought you had to?”
“I thought it was a game!” Mumbo exclaimed, burying his face in the pillows on Grian’s bed. “I thought it was a game, like an ‘I’m not going to kill anything for a season’ type of game!”
“Right, but in this case the game was ‘pretending to be human for multiple years without mentioning the fact that you’re a god’?”
“…. Yes.”
Grian cackled “Well, Mumbo, I can assure you, if that ever was a game, you’ve certainly won! I would never have suspected you.”
Mumbo nodded sagely. “Yes, it’s the mustache. A classic human disguise.”
“You don’t really have a mustache?!”
Mumbo cocked his head. “Grian, you’ve seen my real form! Or, a depiction of it, I suppose. The redstone god? From the buildswap we did?”
“That was ages ago! And wait, did you just make a self portrait for that prompt, then?!”
“Yes! That’s why I thought you knew!”
“Somehow that feels like cheating. I should go get Pearl and have her re-evaluate the results of that build swap with this new information”
A look of concern crossed Mumbo’s face. “Oh, I didn’t even think that. I’m going to have to explain this to everyone, aren’t I?”
Grian shrugged, “I’m sure it’s fine. Say, could I see your ‘god’ form, O great and powerful Mumbo Jumbo? Now you have me curious.”
“Well I could, but I might destroy your ceiling.” Mumbo looked up at the rafters sheepishly.
“Back outside we go then”
Safely on the grass behind Grian’s base, Mumbo transformed into his full form for the first time in what felt like ages.
The form was that of a large humanoid figure, as tall as Grian’s house, made of red terracotta and loose redstone dust that fell and scattered like sand with every movement Mumbo made. His eyes were two glowing redstone lamps that flickered with emotion, reminiscent of a certain robot they had built before.
It occurred to Mumbo at that moment that if his friends were truly human, this form might be quite scary to them. He knelt down to look at Grian, bracing himself to handle whatever fear was in his friend's eyes.
Instead, Grian was grinning like a madman.
“Oh, we are SO pranking Scar with this.”
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logosbot-tm · 6 months
My view of Grian, for several years: Sarcastic, organised, calm, murderous when pushed to his limit (or when annoyed)and the only w a braincell in his group of friends. Enjoys building and is very organised about it
My view of Grian, now/after getting into Hermitcraft: Chaos, but weirdly organised, gremlin, can and will disturb his friends just bc (* cough * Mumbo * cough *) clingy (but pretends like he isn't), has a stare that creeps you out, likes to build but will find random reasons to procrastinate, uuuuuh, TNT, sometimes has a braincell but it depends on the occasion, ✨️secret tunnels/hideouts✨️, kills for fun, maniacal laughter
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notnewtothescene · 1 year
Me with Grian and Joeyish
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( I was planning to draw more of the hermits and some stuff from the life series but I cant get these two out of my head)
Please I just need them back ,,
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lucicada · 2 years
Grian and Netty’s friendship is so underrated, I was rewatching some old videos and their dynamic in both Evo and in general collabs like with natural disasters is absolutely incredible
I miss them a lot actually
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citrusinicake · 2 years
i was just looking at a few skins and
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domrao wtf happened to you????
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mcytblrconfessions · 11 months
I miss Domrao, I hope one day Grian does more buildswap with hermits so we can see more of that classic domrao chaos being inflicted XP
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cloudwhisper23 · 6 months
We're moving right along, fam! Happy Grumbo Month! Thanks again to @grow-bettah for the prompts! (Had a bit of difficulty with this one, but I hope y'all enjoy it anyway!)
Day 8: Matching
Scar needed to borrow a suit. To look professional, he told Mumbo. He needed to look good, and since he and Mumbo were the same height, Mumbo was the best option to ask for help.
Mumbo was the best option to ask for help, honestly. He was very accustomed to wearing his suit, so it was only natural that Scar turned to him. Except, Scar wanted to borrow a suit. And Mumbo only had one.
He told Scar the issue, and Scar said it was no problem. Mumbo could borrow his clothes for a day.
So now, Mumbo was sitting on the floor holding his knees as Scar showed him different options. He was uncomfortable with all of them so far.
“Not to rag on your fashion sense, mate, but-“
“Do not finish that sentence, Mumbo.”
“Right.” Mumbo slouched, letting his legs finally stretch in front of him. “Do you have anything less over-the-top?”
“I do. I just figured that since your whole thing is…” Scar gestured at Mumbo. “Well, you’re always in the suit! I thought you’d want something fashionable.”
“Fashionable and over-the-top are not always the same thing, mate. But I think the word you meant was formal. And it’s not that I can’t be casual. I just like the suit better.”
“Okay. I know that, which is why I was trying to match to that.”
Mumbo shook his head. “It’s not quite the same thing.”
“So you want to try something more casual?”
“I may as well give it a shot,” Mumbo replied. “But don’t forget, Scar. I will need the suit back. I have a very important meeting tomorrow.”
“Yes, you need to be all professional for when you meet Grian. I know, I know.” Scar pulled out a green sweater. “How’s this?”
“Better.” Mumbo felt his shoulders sag with relief. “That will work, Scar.”
Later that day, Scar waited for Mumbo to return before giving him some bad news. “So, the meeting went poorly.”
“Okay.” Mumbo shifted slightly in the sweater. “Why are you wearing different clothes?”
Scar winced. “Well, when some people consider something to be terrible, they throw things. Things that make a mess and stain.”
“Oh, Scar!” Mumbo exclaimed. “What have you done?”
“I didn’t mean to, Mumbo! I’m sorry!”
“Now what am I supposed to wear tomorrow?” Mumbo buried his face in his hands. “I was meant to be making a good impression.”
“Well, I’ve done some research on this Grian guy, and I think a sweater would do just fine. That’s what he typically wears anyway.”
“I can’t just come in and steal the man’s style, Scar.”
“Well, it’s not stealing if it’s temporary. Besides, he’d probably see you as a fan, not a usurper. You already have the whole look with the mustache and the suit and everything. And he probably knows that too. It would be flattering!”
Mumbo sighed. “Fine then. What kind of sweater would you have me wear?”
Scar brightened. “I have just the one.”
Grian wasn’t sure how to feel about the fact that Mumbo Jumbo was running late. Honestly, he thought the time and location he’d sent had been clear enough. Apparently not.
The judges didn’t seem to mind that Grian’s competition was running late, but then again, Grian was used to this sort of thing. Maybe they’d try and start right when Mumbo Jumbo got here. It certainly seemed like something they would do.
His fingers twitched toward the Creative inventory. Grian was too on edge, and they needed to get started. Buildswap wasn’t the only thing Grian needed to work on today. Where is he?
Just when Grian was preparing to call it, Mumbo appeared next to him, blabbing apologies. Grian cut him off immediately. “Where have you been?”
“Fashion emergency?” Mumbo scratched his neck.
“You were panicking about what to wear? Mumbo Jumbo, this is a build battle. Who cares what you’re wearing? The judges certainly don’t.” Grian shook his head, finally looking at the other man. “And-“
He fell silent, even as the judges grinned at each other. Grian blinked, expecting the red sweater to change into something else. Literally anything other than what it was.
“I had to borrow some clothes-” Mumbo started.
“We match,” Grian cut him off again.
There was another painful pause. “It doesn’t matter. Let’s just get started.”
Mumbo nodded weakly, and the rest of the competition passed without incident. The conversation between them was somewhat stilted, but at the very least, the judges were able to help Grian warm up. This certainly was the man’s element, Mumbo noticed.
When Grian gave him a contact card to plan another session, Mumbo was just grateful that he was getting another chance. He hadn’t completely messed things up with Grian, at least. The man was willing to work with him again! That was something, right?
For the next Buildswap, Mumbo was ready. He’d gotten his suit cleaned, and the familiar material made him feel much more comfortable. He wasn’t even late this time!
Grian was noticeably absent though.
The two judges from last time didn’t seem too bothered by it, having their own discussion off to the side.
A tug at his sleeve made Mumbo jolt. “Something wrong?” Grian asked innocently.
“You weren’t here a moment ago.” Mumbo relaxed.
“Nah, I’ve been here the whole time. Invisibility just wore off.” Grian smiled cheekily. “Like my outfit?”
Mumbo glanced down at him. “What on earth…?”
Grian had an ill-fitting suit that mirrored Mumbo’s own suit, black with a red tie. “I guess we match again.” His smile widened. “What a strange coincidence.”
“That was an accident!”
“How do you know this wasn’t an accident?”
“The suit doesn’t even fit you,” Mumbo pointed out.
“Neither did the sweater. It seemed a bit tight on you,” Grian shot back, still smiling.
Mumbo’s eyebrows furrowed, but a faint smile tugged at his lips. He was grateful that was the moment when the judges decided to nudge them into starting.
He wasn’t sure what to think of the implications that Grian might’ve been checking him out.
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a joke my friend and i made while watching buildswap today
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give-grian-rights · 2 years
Mika I’m on my knees begging any taurian headcanons….. in exchange I will say that “bitter water” by the oh hellos is a taurian song
did you see my last one that talked about them having tomagatchis and stuff . . ALSO i must tell you that i cannot help but to associate taurian with space and time . time because grian's timetravel stuff and space because taurtis had a fun lil machinima of him in a rocketship once and like . they're vibes ok??
a lot of these are gonna be for yhs because we got Minimal moments of them in evo :(
they probably have a collection of a bunch of weird stuff . taurtis collects vintage and weird fish stuff (plushies, ceramics, paintings, etc) because he had that . weird familial attachment to Pufferfish Pete and his family . Grian collects miscellaneous rocks and Shiny stuff . probably got into some wiccan stuff because of Ellen
Grian tries to keep Taurtis awake during the day so he can sleep at night. If that doesn't work, then he'll stay up at night until Taurtis falls asleep.
When they ARE asleep, their position ends up some unholy knot of limbs . they both want to be the little spoon . instead neither of them do . on top of eachother, half way off the bed, holding onto the other's leg, torso, neck, etc in their arms .
Taurtis is only Slightly taller than Grian . but they are the same shoe size. they bought a pair of blue shoes and a pair of red shoes and swapped one with the other <3
a bunch of tacky friendship bracelets and necklaces they probably got at a dollar store or an arcade
they were warrior cat kids . look at them and prove me wrong
they played in the same game savefile and drive each other CRAZY before turning it into a game of who can log off in the most baffling, confusing manner. weird shit in their inventory, AWFUL log-off locations, bad armor, etc.
Grian washes Taurtis' hair . they never have been able to find a comfortable arrangement for it and it always leads to someone's neck hurting .
post yhs/ts Taurtis and Grian got taken by the Watchers to be trained, and basically learn how to live in Survival, build, etc. and its in that time that Buildswap happened, and THEN Evo .
post yhs/ts their world ummm blew up :blush: because sam and grian started the apocalypses and it was . idk if you watched tokyo soul but it got REAL FUCKED but the principal of it is that everyone died except for Sam, Grian and Taurtis. also pillsbury doughboy but dont worry about that. so the way i figure it is that that like . FUCKED SHIT UP because of how unnatural it was and so everyone there did permadie .
except Ellen, Domrao and J, because the Watchers looked at Grian and Taurtis after they saved them and was like "look at them!! look at these perfectly good baby gods!! they're traumatized! lets give them emotional support friends" and was able to bring them back under the excuse of them having potential to be good Watchers . which to be fair is probably true about Ellen . but honestly i think the only requirement to be a watcher is teenage/childhood trauma, looking at all my/the fandom's headcanons of who else are watchers .
there are other servers like YHS, that have movies and cities and cars, but Grian avoids them like the plague. Taurtis still probably finds them endearing, as he wasn't able to embrace the cultural of the independence of SMPs and Survival, like Grian was able to eventually.
Grian and Taurtis still have this weird connection and can kinda Know when the other one wants them. Grian can make the Taurtis Shrine, and Taurtis can make a Grian Shrine, and they're eachother's person.
Being Watchers, mean they can bypass a Server's Whitelist . do not tell Xisuma (he knows)
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hermitszine · 1 day
One or two questions :)
For visual art, do pieces have to be listed separately, or can I link - say - a document with a collection of works?
2. What is the definition of stand-alone series? Is this basically just ‘the extra stuffs’/series that didn’t receive a chapter they’d fit under (like Evo, buildswap, etc)?
Thank you for your time!,
A collection of works is fine!
Sort of — it’s for all of the videos that are in a series that don’t repeat; so Hermitcraft isn’t included, as it has multiple seasons, but Build Swap and other things that don’t fit into another category do.
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Mumbo and Grian still have each other’s clothes from this episode of Build Swap.
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Oh absolutely
(I need to go rewatch buildswap sometime)
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zabo-writes · 1 year
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Mumbo’s buildswap self portrait (slightly cursed but it’s ok we’re proud of him) from his buildswap with grian
As mentioned in god mumbo au!
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lucicada · 1 year
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Listen this- This is all i've ever wanted. Perfection. I’ve wanted more Grian & Lizzie + Grian & Shelby for so long?? They give me nostalgia vibes because Grian introduced me to both of them
(well, one through Tokyo Soul and the other through Buildswap)
AND I get Miss Jojo Solos?? I have been spoiled today fellas
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bluiex · 2 years
Just remember I was gonna ask this and forgot, but like-
Does anyone else have this problem with just- stacking so many references into headcanons: like.. Grian is my muse here because of course he I have issues.
I had a headcanon regarding Grian’s BuildSwap series were he had a red and blue sheep he always kept because they were always there during BuildSwap rounds to determine punishments..
Like.. why must I push so many niche references into him THERE IS NO MORE SPACE. Does this even make any sense? Am I speaking english??
- 🌀 Anon
YES, DUDE- they're my ocs now. They have my problems now- but also add the weirdest things from other series or something to apply references.. God it's amazing though
Love seeing writing or art or whatever with references to other things
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