#Bulgaria citizenship
ajmeralaw · 2 years
Obtain Citizenship by Investment in Bulgaria
Ajmera Law Group is a leading immigration consultant in Ahmedabad that helps you to obtain citizenship by investment in Bulgaria. The government of Bulgaria encourages foreign investments by offering special incentives to foreign investors. The program allows the applicant to live, study, work and residency.
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jewish-sideblog · 2 months
Russia, 1881: We’re gonna kill any Jew that doesn’t flee Russia. We’re restricting Jewish emigration to Europe, but permitting emigration to the Middle East.
Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Slovakia, Croatia, France, and others, 1933-1945: We’re gonna kill every Jew in Europe. Flee to the US or Palestine, or die trying.
The US, 1927-1952: Yeah sorry we’re restricting Jewish immigrants to like. 300 people per country. So good luck getting in. We recommend that Jews go to Palestine instead. Btw we are looking to take in Nazi scientists if you know any
Egypt, 1947-1950: We’re rounding up all our Jews and deporting them to Israel
Iraq, 1951-1952: We’re rounding up all our Jews and deporting them to Israel
Algeria, 1962-1965: We’re pressuring and intimidating Jews in the hopes that they’ll all leave the country and go to Israel
Egypt, 1956: We’re rounding up all our Jews and deporting them to Israel (again)
Egypt and Libya, 1967: We’re rounding up, torturing, and killing all our Jews. The ones that survive can flee to Israel
Poland, 1968: The Jews in our country are already loyal to Israel. They will face dire consequences if they don’t leave our country and go to Israel
Ethiopia, 1974-1985: We’re going to marginalize and eventually try to kill all our Jews, and the only way they can escape is by being airlifted out of the country by Israeli helicopters
The US, 2023: Why can’t the Israeli Jews just go back to where they came from? Don’t they all have dual citizenship or whatever?
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Bulgaria has everything for each one of you to discover. The warmness and hospitable nature of its nationals joined with a rich and varied culture is all the more motivation to pick Bulgaria as your immigration end point and with Bulgaria Start up visa there are more reasons to come.
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raizinggroup12 · 1 year
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Bulgaria residency & citizenship program
The history of the Republic of Bulgaria is rich with curious firsts and lasting influences. The local prehistoric civilizations included the worlds first gold workers, and Bulgarian, the oldest written Slavic language, remains the native language of more than 80% of the countrys population. A Slavic cultural hub during the Middle Ages, Bulgaria still produces unique folk music, ornate carpets, and cultural expositions including ancient rituals and dancing over live coals.
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expresscitizenship · 2 years
U.S. Visa Interview: How To Prepare?
U.S. Visa Interview: How To Prepare?
You’ve made it far in your visa application. You’re preparing for the U.S. visa interview at the Embassy or Consulate in your country. This is perhaps the most important part of your application process. You can either make it or break it. With good preparation, you could ace your visa interview. Remember that Consular Officers are experts in reading non-verbal language, as well as they’re…
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starwarmth · 1 year
i feel like other countries often make fun of americans for claiming heritage because it doesn’t “count” but they don’t understand the natural, day-to-day displacement. your ancestors come from somewhere and the minute you want to connect because you’re everything and nothing, so you decide you want to be everything rather than nothing, everyone has cruel things to say to you and how your family’s history doesn’t matter. that it’s your citizenship that matters, even though your history and your neighbor’s history are completely different. me and my neighbor can bond over our shared citizenship, and we do. but we can’t bond over a shared history, because his people come from india and wales and turkey and korea, and the neighbor next to him has ancestors from bulgaria and nigeria and your people are both irish and ashkenazi. maybe you don’t know them, because they assimilated, or were stolen, or left their past behind. but you are them, and you want to know them, because you came from somewhere, from someone, and you want to feel a connection.
you want a family.
a lot of the american experience is displacement, i feel, unless you’re native american, and you’re STILL displaced because this is your land, the land of your people, and it was taken from you.
and folks could say “okay then go to the place of your ancestors” but you’re not like your ancestors anymore, because they left. you’re american now, you grew up in america, with a set of values, dialect, jokes, understandings, that all are related to the specific region in which you were raised. but that doesn’t mean that you appeared out of the blue, with nothing and no one attached to you. you still have vestiges, and you want to know them.
because, being american, there’s the choice of being either everything or nothing. and everyone wants you to be nothing, because how can you be everything. it’s very easy, in some strange way, to be everything. because someone fell in love with another and had a child and to them that child was everything. and it feels wrong to say that you’re nothing, because then those people who had a past, who raised you and loved you, who made you everything—then they were nothing. and they weren’t nothing.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 5 months
Hi Theitsa! How do you feel about countries like Greece, Italy, Bulgaria etc. offering jus sanguinis rights to diaspora who can prove their ancestry?
I don't mind it! I hope it's clear that when I speak of the mindset Blood =/= Culture it's done in the spirit of inclusion. If you have and if you don't have "Greek blood" you can partake and ask for citizenship.
I'm happy to get more people into Greece officially. However, I'd like to take a closer look at the Greek government on this gesture because our politicians never implement a law that doesn't serve them first and foremost.
I can't speak for other governments but ours probably does this because our working population has been driven away to other countries and as a country we don't earn enough for our taxes to support our public sector. They get more taxes this way I suppose. Oh, and they also do it for votes. But, well, if Greeks of diaspora can benefit from it that's a positive element 😄
Consider also that the Greek government doesn't grant citizenship to Afro Greeks who are born here, nor their parents after being in the country for decades. It's a rare case when they grant it. (The offices are more lenient with light skinned legal immigrants unsurprisingly 🙃) They see dark skin and all of a sudden they believe that these immigrants will drain our public resources - as if it's not the politicians themselves who degrade the public sector deliberately and as if any immigrant who can afford it doesn't choose private care.
Nothing against the diaspora who seek citizenship - may they get it. I just wanted to point out the flaws in our system that always give a dark side to every law.
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Study in Romania
Romania is an open invitation for business students, international and foreign affairs students, and the next generation of global economic market experts. Romania, once ruled by an oppressive government, is fresh out of the gate, and as a new member of the European Union, it is finally enticing foreign investors. Romania is a beautiful country with a diverse population that has a rich academic history. Romania, with its fantastic natural landscapes, fusion of European cultures, and mediaeval castles, is widely regarded as the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula novel. Universities in Romania can provide international students with a one-of-a-kind educational experience. Romanian higher education and living expenses are among the lowest in the European Union.
Life in Romania
Romania is home to over 19.6 million people and is located at the crossroads of Central, Southeastern, and Eastern Europe. It is bordered by five countries: Bulgaria, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, and Moldova. Its coastline runs along the Black Sea, and the Danube River, Europe’s second-longest river, ends in Romania’s Danube Delta. The Danubian Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia were united to form the country in 1859. Romania has had a turbulent history since then, but it has been a democracy since the 1989 Revolution. It joined the European Union in 2007 and is classified as a developing country.
Benefits of Study in Romania
High Education System
The Romanian higher education system is now a model of excellence. Every year, thousands of students from all over the world come to Romania to study and discover a unique blend of tradition and modernity. Furthermore, international students have the opportunity to study at a variety of institutions (universities, colleges, etc.).
Cost of Study
Tuition fees range from 14,000 RON (3,000 EUR) to 30,000 RON (6,300 EUR) per academic year, depending on the programme and institution. Depending on the study domain or your citizenship, some programmes may even be less expensive than others.
The Romanian government provides generous student grants, including full fee waivers. These are frequently awarded before you begin your degree, but it is common practise in Romana for universities to cover the following year’s fees for the top-performing students in each year group.
UniLife Abroad Services
Guides in choosing the right University or College.
Help to select the right study programs based on the candidate’s academic profile and career interest.
Help students with admission to the College or University as per their decisions.
Help to prepare the complete application for Student Visas.
Helps with the extensions of the Study Permit.
Help to find a job while studying or after completing the study.
Help to prepare the application package for Multiple Entry Visa.
Help students with Permanent Residency.
Contact us : 8428440444 , 8428999090
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
The Sofia City Prosecutor's Office (SCPO) proposed to the prosecutor general Ivan Geshev to submit a request to bring to criminal responsibility the deputy of GERB Daniel Alexandrov.
He is a member of parliament for the first time and is a member of the committee on children, family, youth and sports. He is 31 years old and a competitor in classical wrestling.
From the announcement of the state prosecution, it is understood that the proposal was prepared by the supervising prosecutor in the city prosecutor's office in connection with a pre-trial proceeding initiated on May 31, 2023, and it indicates that the collected evidence is sufficient to bring D.A. as a defendant for a crime under Art. 150, par. 1 of the Criminal Code.
"The supervising prosecutor considered that in the course of the investigation, evidence was gathered that on May 7, 2023, in the village of Bistrica, D.A., through the use of force, committed acts with the aim of arousing sexual desire without intercourse with a person who has reached the age of 14", reads the announcement of the prosecutor's office. For this crime, the Penal Code provides from two to eight years in prison.
In recent days, Geshev submitted a request to remove the immunity of GERB leader Boyko Borissov because of the "Barcelonagate" investigation. He also received a proposal to submit a request for the immunity of the former prime minister and co-chairman of "We Continue the Change" Kiril Petkov for filling out the citizenship declaration. The chief prosecutor also requested the immunities of two deputies from "Vazrazhdane".
Years ago, "Ataka" deputy Vladimir Kuzov was convicted of pedophilia and expelled from parliament.
Daniel Alexandrov is in the National Assembly from Region 23 Sofia. He came in after Prof. Asen Baltov announced that he was giving up his seat in parliament. Alexandrov was in second place on the electoral list in Kyustendil, but was displaced by preferences.
According to "Club Z", Aleksandrov is close to Boyko Borissov and is being considered for the GERB nomination for mayor of Dupnitsa in the local elections in the fall.
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mariacallous · 11 months
A new report by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, GI-TOC, published on Monday, warns that weak rule of law, organised crime and a large “grey” economy in Western Balkan countries – and the war in Ukraine – have allowed Russian Illicit Financial Flows, IFFs, to surge through the region and interfere in key decision making processes there.
“The Balkans’ strategic geographic position, acting as a gateway between Asia and Western Europe, coupled with an ecosystem of state capture, institutional weaknesses, organised crime and a rampant shadow economy, make the region particularly susceptible to IFFs,” Vanya Petrova, author of the report, told BIRN.
“This fact has actively been exploited by major players such as Russia, China and the UAE to influence decision-making in key markets and institutions,” she added.
The Kremlin has repeatedly taken advantage of its integration into the Western financial system to exploit governance gaps through the corrosive effect of illicit finance. This danger has taken on new and potentially greater dimensions with the onset of Russia’s war in Ukraine,” she says.
Global IFFs are estimated to be worth around 1-1.6 trillion US dollars annually, accounting for 3-5 per cent of world gross domestic product, GDP. However, according to Petrova, in the Western Balkans the figure is around 6 per cent of the region’s GDP.
After Russia invaded Ukraine in February last year, many sanctions were introduced, including a freeze by G7 countries of around 315 billion US dollars’ worth of Russian reserves held in Russia’s Central Bank.
Ways used by Russian elites to avoid sanctions include “laundering money through the purchase of real estate and business assets; utilizing professionals to open bank accounts, initiate bank transactions, transfer funds and create corporate structures that directly or indirectly support them; using complex ownership structures to avoid identification; and using third-party jurisdictions and false trade information to facilitate sensitive goods shipments to Russia”.
Russians avoid sanctions via the Western Balkans “with their combination of state and media capture, simmering ethnic divisions, slow pace of EU accession and the legacy of Russian cognitive bias”.
According to the report, since 2014, Bosnia, Bulgaria and Serbia have not followed EU sanctions against Russia, while both North Macedonia and Montenegro have provided so-called citizenship for investment to Russian citizens, despite criticism from the EU.
Albania has not yet followed through with a “fiscal amnesty” programme that would allow any Albanian or foreign citizen to deposit up to €2 million in non-declared money in the banking system, but has not scrapped the idea either.
Smuggling of people, weapons and cash have facilitated illegal activity since the start of the war in Ukraine. Smuggled cash is mainly concealed in cars or hidden among legitimate products in transport trucks or shipping containers.
According to the report, soon after the war started in 2022, Ukrainian refugees took undeclared cash with them to Europe; the wife of a former Ukrainian MP was caught at a border crossing for refugees with US$28 million and €1.3 million as she tried to enter Hungary.
In another case, a former Ukraine security service general, allegedly a Russian collaborator, was detained at the Serbia-North Macedonia border with €600 000 in cash, a large sum in US dollars, and diamonds and emeralds of unknown value.
Intensified use of covert channels for illegal money transfers into Albania exists as well.
Flows are often made indistinguishable by being mixed with gains in “cash-intensive businesses, such as restaurants, bars, beauty salons, petrol stations, private parking lots and taxi companies,” where this illegal money is laundered.
The report also explains that another form of IFF is fuel fraud. This often includes the evasion of custom tariffs by declaring lesses quantities of an oil product by selling fuel from ships on the Danube to fishers. A more recent trend, the report says, is the purchase of fuel at lower prices from Hungary and reselling it in Serbia.
The EU single market has a zero VAT policy for invoices between intermediaries, which has allowed VAT fraud to bloom. Petrova says that “in December 2022, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) uncovered what is believed to be the biggest VAT carousel fraud ever investigated in the EU, responsible for an estimated loss to EU taxpayers of €2.2 billion, including Bulgaria and Croatia, as well as third countries such as Albania and Serbia”.
“In general, this and trade misinvoicing remains the most prominent channel through which IFFs flow in and out of the Western Balkans,” Petrova writes. Trade misinvoicing includes fake legal transactions when no real business is taking place.
The report urges Europe to further decouple its economy from Russia, a network screening and sanctioning of Russian strategic investments in the Balkans, and to “prioritize the integration of the Balkans into the rollout of the newly designed Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) and coordinating their actions with US FinCEN and the financial intelligence institutions in each EU member state”.
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The primary change is the introduction of New diverse range of investment options. The investment requirement remains the same at the reasonable level of €500,000 (For fast-track process – Doubled Investment €1 million). The thresholds for investment in one of the options (directly held equities) are increased. Fast Track route and Standard Route will remain available for the applicants. Processing timelines for Bulgaria Golden Visa are expected to be faster than before.
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raizinggroup12 · 1 year
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Bulgaria’s residency & citizenship program
The history of the Republic of Bulgaria is rich with curious firsts and lasting influences. The local prehistoric civilizations included the world’s first gold workers, and Bulgarian, the oldest written Slavic language, remains the native language of more than 80% of the country’s population. A Slavic cultural hub during the Middle Ages, Bulgaria still produces unique folk music, ornate carpets, and cultural expositions including ancient rituals and dancing over live coals.
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ofberrychampagne · 1 year
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[CISFEMALE, SHE/HER/HERS]. Hey, is that NINA DOBREV? No, that is just IZABELA SOKOLOVA-SANDERS around Turtle Bay. I heard they are 29 years old, and their birthday is JANUARY 17th, 1994. They rest their heads in the COUNTRYSIDE but they can mainly be found working as HORSE TRAINER/ARTIST. Some say they are DRIVEN, CREATIVE, PERSEVERANT and can be HEADSTRONG, IMPULSIVE, ARGUMENTATIVE. If they had a theme song it would be, MISS INDEPENDENT by KELLY CLARKSON. I hear they are LOCAL, either way Turtle Bay is home and welcomes you! [admin sunshine, 28, est/edt, 28]
This here is Iza! Sweet Bulgarian bb who couldn’t hurt a fly.
Full name: Izabela Antonova Sanders (nee Sokolova)
Nicknames: Iza, Izzy, Bela
Date of birth: January 17th, 1994 (Capricorn sun, Pisces moon, Aquarius rising)
Hometown: Elena, Bulgaria (Velika Tarnovo province)
Occupation: Horse trainer/artist 
Sexuality: Bisexual (heteroromantic)
Relationship status: Married to Christopher Sanders
TW: injury, mentions of rehab
In the horse community in Bulgaria, there was a name synonymous with influence and it was Sokolov. Anton and Nevena were two powerhouses who seemingly came together for the greater good. Anton came from a long line of English riding champions and Nevena came from a long line of successful breeders. Together, they were unstoppable. Much to their parents’ delight, the two married.
Two years later, they welcomed a baby boy they named Yordan and Izabela followed suit three years later. Growing up, she was involved in the horse world like her parents before her and their parents before them. By the time she reached primary school, she was already jumping, and it was clear a star was on the rise. Her natural curve was nurtured and she was trained by the best money could buy. In the summer of 2012, she competed in London for the summer Olympics on the Bulgarian Equestrian Team. She earned nearly perfect scores in dressage, two gold medals and a silver medal jumping, as well as a silver medal for eventing. It appeared as though Izabela was unstoppable after medaling in almost every event she qualified for, until a heavy rain the night before had made the ground deceptively soft. The cross-country event nearly claimed her life after landing wrong from a jump and sliding down landing in the riverbank jump on the course. Izabela’s leg was pinned beneath her horse as they both came down hard. After severely breaking her leg, breaking a few ribs, and nearly drowning, her career had ended.
Izabela fell into a deep depression after the incident that had made international news. After all, she had lost her life’s dream. Upon learning of the existence of a rehab center in the United States, Izabela moved to Turtle Bay for physical therapy. After slowly regaining the use of her leg, she was hit with the devastating news of never being able to compete again. Riding any longer than a few minutes left her in debilitating pain and shaking in fear. It was during rehab that she discovered a love of art. Painting, drawing, sculpting, all of those things eased some of the anger inside her and helped her translate the helplessness she felt. During rehab, she honed her English beyond the bare minimum of asking for directions and discussing the weather. By the time she decided to leave the center and despite the hurtful comments and struggles, she was fairly proficient in English.
Getting a job in America with her injuries and somewhat limited language capabilities was difficult, along with applying for a visa in order to stay in the country. Eventually, she began helping her family with their breeding farm and training horses from the ground up. Her art soon took precedence, but she continued to work part-time in order to keep her citizenship current. It took a long while, but eventually, Izabela earned her green card that kept her in the country for three years.
With her family being her family and their desires for her to focus on her equestrian career with the Olympics in mind, relationships were few and far between. Izabela never allowed herself to become attached to anyone, not when they were a potential distraction and a danger towards everything she had worked towards her entire life. Things burned hot and fast and never lasted. Boredom took over as soon as attraction began. And so went her relationship with a cowboy named Wesley. He was smart, sexy, dangerous, and exciting, yet Izabela found herself uninterested in him. Most conversations consisted of his accomplishments and complaining about his rodeo rival. It wasn’t until she went to a bar with her best friend and had an argument that she met said rival. Izabela hadn’t intended to fall in love with Christopher Sanders, yet it was a force completely beyond her control. They were married within months of meeting, much to the surprise of those closest to them, following an accident Chris suffered in the rodeo.
Though Izabela has been in the United States for years, she still struggles. She is hyperaware of how she is perceived, due to harmful stereotypes of Eastern European women that have resulted in verbal abuse hurled her way. Even with a progressive thought process in current generations, there would always be people in the community who feel the Sokolovs didn’t belong in Turtle Bay. It has cost her jobs and opportunities, though she hasn’t told her husband such. Despite her setbacks, both past and current, she continues to thrive.
Izabela still mixes up English and Bulgarian, doesn’t quite get terms correctly despite speaking mostly English. 
Still occasionally deals with leg pain
Recently discovered she’s pregnant with her first child, fathered by her husband, Christopher.
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maraharme · 2 years
What's one place you've travelled that you never want to go back to?
I haven't been to many places. Only in Bulgaria, Ukraine (Crimea) and Lithuania. And I liked it everywhere. There is no place for me where I would not like to return, on the contrary, I would go there again. I really want to visit Crimea again, but I will do it only when it becomes part of Ukraine again! I want to see Vilnius (Lithuania) again. Of course, I'm not so drawn to Bulgaria, but I was a child then and I don't remember much, so I also don't mind flying there again.
If you only knew how much I want to see the whole world, to visit all historical places. But the Belarusian salary is barely enough to live on now. And now everyone is angry at Belarusians and does not give a visa for at least a couple of days to see relatives. It's very sad, actually. We didn't do anything wrong to anyone, we tried our best, we did everything in our power - and in the end we are still to blame for all the world's troubles.
You ask : so why are you sitting and silent, do something!!!
I will answer you: we are not sitting, we are not silent, and therefore a new order has now been created to deprive Belarusian citizenship of all those who are not silent and do not agree.
Do you think that the dictatorship that has ruled in our country for 30 years is so easy to overthrow? It will sound rude, but then you are too naive for this world.
I didn't mean to offend you in any way, I'm sorry. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I wish you a good day and a peaceful sky over your head.🕊️🕊️🕊️❤️❤️❤️
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brookston · 11 days
Holidays 6.2
Acacia Day (French Republic)
American Indian Citizenship Day
Autograph Day
Children’s Day (North Korea)
Civil Aviation Day (Azerbaijan)
Coastal Cleanup Day (Russia)
Contango Day
Coronation Day (UK)
Decoration Day (Canada)
Donati’s Comet Day
Elfreth's Alley Day (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Emancipation Day (Tonga)
Father’s Day (Lithuania)
Festa della Repubblica (Italy)
Festival of Light and Dark Spots
Festival of Utter Confusion
Happy Neil Diamond Day
Hristo Botev Day (Bulgaria)
I Love My Dentist Day
Important People Day
International Sex Workers Day (a.k.a. International Whore's Day)
International Volkswagen Bus Day
Isabel Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Lesbian Pride Day
Local Industry Workers Day (Ukraine)
Lou Gehrig Day
Mother Earth's Day
National Bubba Day
National First Ladies Day
National Greyhound Day
National Janice Day
National Leave the Office Early Day [6.2 or Closest Weekday]
Pimpernel Flower Day
retail, Consumer Services and Public Utility Company Employees Day (Tajikistan)
Sir Randol Fawkes Day (Bahamas)
602 Day
Social Forestry Day (Bhutan)
Telangana Day (India)
Textile Industry Workers’ Day (Turkmenistan)
3-Ring Circus Day
Water Resource Management Employees Day (Ukraine)
World Day to Fight Myasthenia Gravis
World Eating Disorder Action Day
World Mind Map Day
World Peatlands Day
Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Fish & Chips Day (Australia)
National Rocky Road Ice Cream Day
National Rotisserie Chicken Day
Vanilla Coke Day
Velveeta Day
Independence & Related Days
Aenderia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Republic Day (Italy)
Telangana State Formation Day (India)
1st Sunday in June
Armed Forces Day (Canada) [1st Sunday]
Children's Awareness Memorial Day [1st Sunday]
Day of the Rice God (Japan) [1st Sunday]
Father’s Day (Haiti, Switzerland) [1st Sunday]
Fisherman’s Day (Iceland) [1st Sunday]
German World Heritage Day [1st Sunday]
International Mother's Peace Day [1st Sunday]
National Animal Rights Day [1st Sunday]
National Cancer Survivors Day [1st Sunday]
National Child’s Day [1st Sunday]
National Frozen Yogurt Day [1st Sunday]
National Godparent’s Day [1st Sunday]
Philippine Independence Day Parade (New York City) [1st Sunday]
Sjómannadagurinn (Seamen’s Day; Iceland) [1st Sunday]
World Breakfast Day (Turkey) [1st Sunday]
World Meditation Day [1st Sunday of Every Month]
World Naturist Day [1st Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 2 (1st Full Week)
America The Beautiful Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Bedbug Awareness Week (thru 6.8)
Black Single Parents Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Community Health Improvement Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
End Mountain Top Removal Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Healthcare Executives Appreciation Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Boating Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Business Etiquette Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Commuter Challenge (thru 6.8) [During Canadian Environment Week]
National Fishing Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Flag Football Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Garden Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Headache Awareness Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Pet Appreciation Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Teacher Thank You Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Festivals Beginning June 2, 2024
Asheville Springfest (Asheville, South Carolina)
Baby Jumping Festival [a.k.a. El Colacho] (Castrillo de Murcia, Spain)
Calgary Lilac Festival [a.k.a. 4th Street Lilac Festival] (Calgary, Canada)
Cape May Restaurant Week (Cape May, New Jersey) [thru 6.9]
Casa Pacifica Angels Wine, Food & Brew Festival (Camarillo, California)
Culinary Coast Restaurant Week (Various locations, Delaware) [thru 6.7]
Heritage Fire (Savannah, Georgia)
Paso Pinot & Paella Festival (Templeton, California)
Tustin Street Fair and Chili Cook-Off (Tustin, California)
Feast Days
Ahudemmeh (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Alexander (Christian; Martyr)
Binkham Tamino McDoyal III (Muppetism)
Blandina (Christian; Martyr)
Buddha Day (Indonesia; Buddhism)
Elmo (Christian; Saint)
Émile Munier (Artology)
Erasmus (Christian; Saint)
Eugene I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Felix of Nicosia (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Light and Dark Spots (Shamanism)
Finneces (Celtic Book of Days)
Frank Runacres (Artology)
St. Gregory the Great (Positivist; Saint)
Isaac van Ostade (Artology)
Juno Regina’s Day: Queenship Rite (Pagan)
Laugh Like a Bad Guy Day (Pastafarian)
Marcellinus and Peter (Christian; Martyrs)
Marquis de Sade Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Melissae (Ancient Crete; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mindfulness Day (Zen Buddhism)
Nicholas the Pilgrim (Christian; Saint)
Paul-Albert Besnard (Artology)
Pothinus, Bishop of Lyon, and Attalus, Blandina, and other martyrs of Lyon (Christian; Saint)
Shapatu of Ishtar (Everyday Wicca)
Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ (Roman Catholic)
Stephen of Sweden (Christian; Martyr)
Thomas Hardy (Writerism)
Vesak Day (Buddha Day; Singapore)
Yell “Fudge” at North American Cobras Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
The Betty Boop Mystery (Animated Film; 1989)
Churchill (Film; 2017)
Cooked, by Michael Pollan (Food Book; 2013)
Corvette Summer (Film; 1978)
Darkness on the Edge of Town, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1978)
Dead Poets Society (Film; 1989)
Deliverance, by James Dickey (Novel; 1970)
De-Lovely (Film; 2004)
Excellent Women, by Barbara Pym (Novel; 1952)
Hells Heels (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home, by Tim O'Brien (Memoir; 1972)
Isabeau (Lady Godiva), by Pietro Mascagni (Opera; 1911)
The Light Fantastic, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1986) [Discworld #2]
Obscured by Clouds, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1972)
Oil!, by Upton Sinclair (Novel; 1926)
The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster (Novel; 1961)
The Prize Guest (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
Room and Bird (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Animated Film; 2023)
Storms of Life, by Randy Travis (Album; 1986)
The Unexpected Pest (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
The Wire (TV Series; 2002)
Whitney, by Whitney Houston (Album; 1987)
Wonder Woman (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Armin, Erasmus, Marcel, Petrus (Austria)
Erazmo, Eugen, Marcelin, Petar (Croatia)
Jarmil, Jarmila (Czech Republic)
Marcellinus (Denmark)
Veevi, Viiva, Viive, Viivi, Viivia, Viivika, Vivian (Estonia)
Venla (Finland)
Blandine (France)
Armin, Blandine, Erasmus (Germany)
Marinos, Nikiforos (Greece)
Anita, Kármen (Hungary)
Emilia, Erasmo, Marcellino (Italy)
Emma, Emmija (Latvia)
Auksė, Ąžuolas, Erazmas, Eugenijus (Lithuania)
Runa, Runar, Rune (Norway)
Efrem, Erazm, Eugeniusz, Marcelin, Maria, Marianna, Mikołaj, Nicefor, Piotr, Racisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Oxana, Xénia (Slovakia)
Eugenio, Marcelino, Pedro (Spain)
Roger, Rutger (Sweden)
Elma, Elmer, Elmo, Elmore, Erasmo (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 154 of 2024; 212 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 26 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 25 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 4 Blue; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 20 May 2024
Moon:18%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Gregory the Great]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 76 of 92)
Week: 1st Full Week of June
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 13 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 11 days
Holidays 6.2
Acacia Day (French Republic)
American Indian Citizenship Day
Autograph Day
Children’s Day (North Korea)
Civil Aviation Day (Azerbaijan)
Coastal Cleanup Day (Russia)
Contango Day
Coronation Day (UK)
Decoration Day (Canada)
Donati’s Comet Day
Elfreth's Alley Day (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Emancipation Day (Tonga)
Father’s Day (Lithuania)
Festa della Repubblica (Italy)
Festival of Light and Dark Spots
Festival of Utter Confusion
Happy Neil Diamond Day
Hristo Botev Day (Bulgaria)
I Love My Dentist Day
Important People Day
International Sex Workers Day (a.k.a. International Whore's Day)
International Volkswagen Bus Day
Isabel Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Lesbian Pride Day
Local Industry Workers Day (Ukraine)
Lou Gehrig Day
Mother Earth's Day
National Bubba Day
National First Ladies Day
National Greyhound Day
National Janice Day
National Leave the Office Early Day [6.2 or Closest Weekday]
Pimpernel Flower Day
retail, Consumer Services and Public Utility Company Employees Day (Tajikistan)
Sir Randol Fawkes Day (Bahamas)
602 Day
Social Forestry Day (Bhutan)
Telangana Day (India)
Textile Industry Workers’ Day (Turkmenistan)
3-Ring Circus Day
Water Resource Management Employees Day (Ukraine)
World Day to Fight Myasthenia Gravis
World Eating Disorder Action Day
World Mind Map Day
World Peatlands Day
Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Fish & Chips Day (Australia)
National Rocky Road Ice Cream Day
National Rotisserie Chicken Day
Vanilla Coke Day
Velveeta Day
Independence & Related Days
Aenderia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Republic Day (Italy)
Telangana State Formation Day (India)
1st Sunday in June
Armed Forces Day (Canada) [1st Sunday]
Children's Awareness Memorial Day [1st Sunday]
Day of the Rice God (Japan) [1st Sunday]
Father’s Day (Haiti, Switzerland) [1st Sunday]
Fisherman’s Day (Iceland) [1st Sunday]
German World Heritage Day [1st Sunday]
International Mother's Peace Day [1st Sunday]
National Animal Rights Day [1st Sunday]
National Cancer Survivors Day [1st Sunday]
National Child’s Day [1st Sunday]
National Frozen Yogurt Day [1st Sunday]
National Godparent’s Day [1st Sunday]
Philippine Independence Day Parade (New York City) [1st Sunday]
Sjómannadagurinn (Seamen’s Day; Iceland) [1st Sunday]
World Breakfast Day (Turkey) [1st Sunday]
World Meditation Day [1st Sunday of Every Month]
World Naturist Day [1st Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 2 (1st Full Week)
America The Beautiful Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Bedbug Awareness Week (thru 6.8)
Black Single Parents Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Community Health Improvement Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
End Mountain Top Removal Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Healthcare Executives Appreciation Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Boating Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Business Etiquette Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Commuter Challenge (thru 6.8) [During Canadian Environment Week]
National Fishing Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Flag Football Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Garden Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Headache Awareness Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Pet Appreciation Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Teacher Thank You Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Festivals Beginning June 2, 2024
Asheville Springfest (Asheville, South Carolina)
Baby Jumping Festival [a.k.a. El Colacho] (Castrillo de Murcia, Spain)
Calgary Lilac Festival [a.k.a. 4th Street Lilac Festival] (Calgary, Canada)
Cape May Restaurant Week (Cape May, New Jersey) [thru 6.9]
Casa Pacifica Angels Wine, Food & Brew Festival (Camarillo, California)
Culinary Coast Restaurant Week (Various locations, Delaware) [thru 6.7]
Heritage Fire (Savannah, Georgia)
Paso Pinot & Paella Festival (Templeton, California)
Tustin Street Fair and Chili Cook-Off (Tustin, California)
Feast Days
Ahudemmeh (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Alexander (Christian; Martyr)
Binkham Tamino McDoyal III (Muppetism)
Blandina (Christian; Martyr)
Buddha Day (Indonesia; Buddhism)
Elmo (Christian; Saint)
Émile Munier (Artology)
Erasmus (Christian; Saint)
Eugene I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Felix of Nicosia (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Light and Dark Spots (Shamanism)
Finneces (Celtic Book of Days)
Frank Runacres (Artology)
St. Gregory the Great (Positivist; Saint)
Isaac van Ostade (Artology)
Juno Regina’s Day: Queenship Rite (Pagan)
Laugh Like a Bad Guy Day (Pastafarian)
Marcellinus and Peter (Christian; Martyrs)
Marquis de Sade Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Melissae (Ancient Crete; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mindfulness Day (Zen Buddhism)
Nicholas the Pilgrim (Christian; Saint)
Paul-Albert Besnard (Artology)
Pothinus, Bishop of Lyon, and Attalus, Blandina, and other martyrs of Lyon (Christian; Saint)
Shapatu of Ishtar (Everyday Wicca)
Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ (Roman Catholic)
Stephen of Sweden (Christian; Martyr)
Thomas Hardy (Writerism)
Vesak Day (Buddha Day; Singapore)
Yell “Fudge” at North American Cobras Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
The Betty Boop Mystery (Animated Film; 1989)
Churchill (Film; 2017)
Cooked, by Michael Pollan (Food Book; 2013)
Corvette Summer (Film; 1978)
Darkness on the Edge of Town, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1978)
Dead Poets Society (Film; 1989)
Deliverance, by James Dickey (Novel; 1970)
De-Lovely (Film; 2004)
Excellent Women, by Barbara Pym (Novel; 1952)
Hells Heels (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home, by Tim O'Brien (Memoir; 1972)
Isabeau (Lady Godiva), by Pietro Mascagni (Opera; 1911)
The Light Fantastic, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1986) [Discworld #2]
Obscured by Clouds, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1972)
Oil!, by Upton Sinclair (Novel; 1926)
The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster (Novel; 1961)
The Prize Guest (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
Room and Bird (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Animated Film; 2023)
Storms of Life, by Randy Travis (Album; 1986)
The Unexpected Pest (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
The Wire (TV Series; 2002)
Whitney, by Whitney Houston (Album; 1987)
Wonder Woman (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Armin, Erasmus, Marcel, Petrus (Austria)
Erazmo, Eugen, Marcelin, Petar (Croatia)
Jarmil, Jarmila (Czech Republic)
Marcellinus (Denmark)
Veevi, Viiva, Viive, Viivi, Viivia, Viivika, Vivian (Estonia)
Venla (Finland)
Blandine (France)
Armin, Blandine, Erasmus (Germany)
Marinos, Nikiforos (Greece)
Anita, Kármen (Hungary)
Emilia, Erasmo, Marcellino (Italy)
Emma, Emmija (Latvia)
Auksė, Ąžuolas, Erazmas, Eugenijus (Lithuania)
Runa, Runar, Rune (Norway)
Efrem, Erazm, Eugeniusz, Marcelin, Maria, Marianna, Mikołaj, Nicefor, Piotr, Racisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Oxana, Xénia (Slovakia)
Eugenio, Marcelino, Pedro (Spain)
Roger, Rutger (Sweden)
Elma, Elmer, Elmo, Elmore, Erasmo (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 154 of 2024; 212 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 26 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 25 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 4 Blue; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 20 May 2024
Moon:18%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Gregory the Great]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 76 of 92)
Week: 1st Full Week of June
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 13 of 31)
0 notes