#Burner for Sterling
goldenhands · 18 days
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Discover the powerful energy of natural healing crystals and gemstones at Goldenhands. Our carefully selected collection brings balance, clarity, and positive vibes to your life. Perfect for spiritual growth, meditation, or as thoughtful gifts. Explore our range today and find the perfect stone for your journey!
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I love when Leverage has easily missable lines that reveal the level of 4D chess the crew is playing
Like in "The Second David Job," Geary mentions to Sterling that Eliot gave his "real phone number" when he applied as a security guard and he used it to reach out to Maggie
They think they're so damn clever
But it's a burner! This is all a set up! You've been had!
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tinycoded360 · 4 months
Sterling Household-Sick Giant
"I'm going to help Sterling." Cassia declared at the table in their tiny kitchen, hidden within the walls of the human’s home.
Milton jerked back in surprise, choking on his tea. “Wh…what do you mean?”
“He’s been sick for the past day. Throwing up and bedridden. I think it would be good for us to help somehow.” Cassia explained. “He already knows about us and has saved Emma and our kids. I think this would be good for our relations.”
“Relations?! There are no relations with a human!” Milton looked shocked and confused.
“It can’t be helped. We have relations with him now. We either make them good, or we move. What if he gets annoyed with us? Hmmm?” Cassia challenged her husband.
Milton sighed. Cassia grinned, knowing she had won.
“See? Relations can’t be helped now. We might as well take advantage of a tame bean.”
“What do we suggest we do?” Milton asked.
***** “This is insane!” Emma grumbled as she helped Cassia gather supplies- a thimble for carrying water, thread for rope, an upturned metal cap for a pot, and other gear that would be useful for their task.
“Well, we don’t want to seem ungrateful; he did help you, after all.” Cassia pointed out.
“I know, I know. But I don’t have to like it.”
“Did you get what I asked for?” Cassia asked her friend.
“Of course! It was easy, I’m a pro at fishing, I know all the best spots.” Emma said with pride. She pulled off her backpack and opened it showing three big fish. Or big fish compared to the borrowers, to a human the fish would be more like small guppies.
“Perfect! Milton’s gonna use those to lure Whiskers out of the way!”
Cassia took a deep breath and stepped out from the walls, exposed on the giant's countertop.
Milton stood at the bottom with their children. He threw a grappling hook to the counter, which Cassia helped latch. Then, they worked together to get their children to climb up. Next, Cassia lowered the fish down.
“Why can’t I stay with Papa? I can help!” Agnes protested with a pout.
“You stay with your mother; I don’t want you near his cat! It’s better if I do this alone. Now you be good for her. She’ll need all the help she can get for this,” Milton shouted up to his family and disgruntled daughter.
Cassia shot her husband a grateful smile. "It'll be alright, dear. We'll look out for each other," she said gently. “Now, you be careful!”
Milton nodded. Leaving to find the giant feline.
"Here, kitty-kitty..." Milton called in a sing-song voice, watching Whiskers' ears perk up from her dozing spot by the hearth. With a flick of her tail, she rose, her movements graceful and silent—a stark contrast to the frantic beating of Milton's heart. Milton had tied the fish together to a string. He broke out in a run, pulling the treat with him.
Leading her through the open back door, Milton danced just beyond her reach, the string pulling a fat, yummy fish, enticing the cat. Whiskers pounced, playful yet deadly. He darted left, then right, his small size an advantage in the game of cat and mouse they played. He spun around as Whiskers took hold of the fish. Whiskers started purring up a storm as she ate the treat. Giving Milton time to move around her and push the door closed, using all his might.
On top of the counter, the borrowers paused to catch their breath, the vast kitchen spreading out before them. Cassia took charge, pointing out the locations of knives, cutting boards, and ingredients.
"We'll need to work together to manage these giant tools," she said. Emma and her children voiced their agreement.
They slowly dragged the knife across the counter to a potato, then worked in unison to slice off chunks of the hearty vegetable. Their tiny arms strained from the effort.
Emma and Cassia worked together to push one of the pots still on the stovetop onto the burner. They then turned on the stove and filled the pot with water, using their buckets. This took a long time, and they only managed to fill it about ¼ of the way.
Soon, aromatic steam rose from their pot as the broth simmered. Cassia gave an approving nod, heart swelling with pride for her family and friends. By working together, they could achieve the impossible.
Emma turned off the giant stove, the dial clicking loudly in the silence of the kitchen. The rich scent of herbs permeated the air as the borrowers peered into the steaming pot.
"It's ready," Emma declared. "Let's fill up our containers and get this to Sterling."
The group worked efficiently, ladling the fragrant broth into thimble-sized buckets. The tiny containers looked almost comical next to the giant pot, but the borrowers knew every drop could aid in Sterling's recovery. Or, at the very least, Sterling would be flattered they went to all this work for him.
The borrowers entered Sterling's room. The giant bed loomed before them, its great expanse of fabric forming rolling hills and valleys from their minuscule perspective.
Cassia secured her rope and began scaling the bedspread, gripping the fibers like climbing holds. Emma followed close behind until they reached the summit.
Carefully, Cassia slid the bucket off her back and gazed at Sterling. His chest rose and fell rhythmically, face flushed with fever. She felt a pang of sympathy for the ailing man.
Cassia looked over the edge of the bed; she sighed in relief to see that her husband Milton had returned. Cassia tugged on the rope, helping Milton haul up the soaked cloth they had prepared. Though thin as gauze to Sterling, it took all their strength to shift the giant fabric.
Soon, the other borrowers joined them on the bed. Together, they took up positions around the cloth and heaved, maneuvering it towards Sterling's head. Their tiny hands strained against the weight, muscles burning with effort.
Finally, they aligned the cloth over Sterling's forehead. The man sighed, his body relaxing subtly as the cool fabric soothed him. The borrowers released their grip, allowing themselves a moment of rest before moving to administer the broth.
Cassia took a deep breath to steady her nerves as she approached Sterling's head, a thimble of broth in hand. She was struck by how vulnerable the human looked in repose, his usually lively features now slackened by fever. Gingerly, she climbed onto his pillow, boots denting the fabric. At this proximity, she was dwarfed by his enormous size, barely the length of his ear. Still, she felt no malice from the gentle man.
Joining Cassia, the other borrowers followed suit, tiny feet padding over Sterling's blanketed form. Their movements were cautious but purposeful as they positioned themselves around the giant's head.
Lila bounced excitedly.
Pippin looked nervous but determined.
Finn was clinging onto his father’s back in a piggyback ride. He was too small to carry the thimbles by himself. But he was happy to watch from the safety of his papa’s back as they fed the giant.
Agnes stood by Emma with her own thimble. She shifted with nervousness. While Sterling had been gentle with her when he had caught her, she was still scared of his massive presence.
Emma nodded at Cassia, signaling they were ready. Cassia tipped the thimble to Sterling's parted lips with great care, letting the broth trickle in. His throat bobbed reflexively. They continued taking turns, administering the medicine thimble by tiny thimbleful.
Suddenly, Sterling stirred, his eyelids fluttering open. The borrowers froze as his gaze found them, crowded on his pillow. Confusion clouded his expression. Then, awareness lit his eyes.
Cassia met his look unflinchingly. To her surprise, his lips curved into a tired smile.
"Wha….What are you doing?" he rasped, voice hoarse and confused.
Sterling's deep voice rumbled around the tiny borrowers gathered on his pillow.
Cassia steadied herself, pushing down her instinctive fear. This was the first time she had revealed herself to a human, but her family owed him a debt for protecting her children.
"We made you broth with medicine and herbs, so you're welcome," she said, her voice clear and strong. "I'm Cassia. My family and I want to help you get well."
Sterling's gaze shifted to her. Though she barely reached the height of his chin, the look in his eyes was one of respect.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Cassia," he replied. "I wish I wasn’t sick to meet you. You didn’t have to do this; I don’t want you guys to get sick.”
"You've kept my children from harm. I wanted to say Thank you." She smiled up at him. "Now rest. You need your strength back."
Sterling's eyes crinkled happily. He struggled to keep his eyes open, wanting to drink in the tiny people gathered around him. He tried not to shift too much, noticing how his movements caused the little people to stumble on his pillow to catch their balance. His eyes were alight with awe and affection. He found it cute to see them with their tiny thimbles, trying to nurse him back to health. He ponders on how this must have taken so much of their time. Sterling’s heart fills with a warm feeling at the thought.
Sterling froze when a tiny hand patted him on his cheek. He shifted his gaze and landed on the tiny woman, Cassia. She smiled at him. He could only really see her from the corner of his eye. “You need to rest; we can talk more when you’re better.” Sterling was fixated on the feel of such a tiny, delicate hand resting on his cheekbone. Each finger was so tiny. He could hardly see them, and certainly not at this angle, but he could feel the tiny twitches of the tiny hand.
Sterling’s smile softened, his features relaxing into lines of gentle amusement. "I'm glad you feel safe enough to speak to me." With that, Sterling closed his eyes and let sleep take him. 
Chapter 8
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mysticstars1201 · 8 months
Hello there! It's Mystic!
Over the month, I've fallen deep into my love for the Party Crashers aka the YouTubers who scream over Mario Party. In fact, I've made two separate yet interconnected AUs (alternate universes) for these sexy men (it makes more sense if you watch them). These AUs are referred to as the Main AU and the Mirror AU, the latter being a way darker version of the main AU. I figured I would go a bit more in-depth with these AUs. Also, this is a rundown as more info on the AUs can be found here for the Main AU and here for the Mirror AU.
The Main AU
The Setting (The Main AU)
The place where we find ourselves is a star-shaped island named Party Island, its prominent landmark being the purple Hall of Gamers. This acts as the gateway to the five sections as well and has an upper floor where the rulers have their meetings. It also has a basement and is where the founder of the island Toxstar watches the island. The areas of the island are the Kingdom of Skill (a forest area), the TCNation (a snowy area), the Vernation (a dreamy area), the Sophisticated Society (a rocky area), and the "Colin Colony" (not established as a nation but is for those who don't follow the rulers).
The Cast (The Main AU)
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Brent - Ruler of the Kingdom of Skill, a caring figure despite his moments of sternness being a king with his sword Sterling.
Nick - Ruler of the TCNation, a frosty and proud figure who's known for being smug despite karma constantly biting him in the ass.
Vernias - Ruler of the Vernation, a bright figure who does have an inner volcano he isn't afraid to let out when people tick him off.
Sophist - Ruler of the Sophisticated Society, a chaotic figure who enjoys being an evil supervillain wearing his purple birthday suit.
Croc of Skill - Brent's feisty pet crocodile with a regal bite that will go after anyone who dares mention his lack of what would be a tail.
Prince Cuddles - Nick's pet penguin although sweet around him is just as if not more egotistical than his non-Pip-speaking owner.
Vernidee - Vernias' pet whatever who is much like his pink owner, always wanting to help out their pets even if they don't want it.
Muffins - Sophist's pet cat with a knack for chaos, having a seemingly endless amount of stuff within her purple top hat.
Toxstar - The original creator of Party Island despite not being active rather sits on top of the Hall of Gamers napping or whatnot.
Colin Kelly - A dorky teenager who happened to show up on the island through unknown means and enjoys listening to music.
Sajin - Colin's neighbor and by far one of the most extroverted people living in not just the "Colin Colony" but Party Island in general.
The Mirror AU
The Setting (The Mirror AU)
Sidenote: As mentioned, this is a brief rundown of the AU as it's a lot more complicated so I highly suggest you check out the document I created for the AU.
Taking place three years from the main AU and connected to it via a magical mirror that exists in both AUs, Party Island in this AU is anything but a paradise. Here, the nations have fallen into a dystopian nightmare after the rulers had a brutal fight due to reasons only they know, after which have fallen into irreversible insanity.
The Cast (The Mirror AU)
Because this is an alternate universe, everyone in the Mirror AU goes by M!(blank) with a few cases of not being such that will be acknowledged below.
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M!Brent - The former and now insane ruler of the Kingdom of Skill, also referred to as Brent, the Ruthless Slasher.
M!Nick - The former and now insane ruler of the TCNation, also referred to as Nick, the Frosty Slow-Burner.
M!Vernias - The former and now insane ruler of the Vernation, also referred to as Vernias, the Cosmic Turret.
M!Sophist - The former and now insane ruler of the Sophisticated Society, also referred to as Sophist, the Crystalized Slacker.
M!Croc of Skill - The former pet of Brent as he's now trying to survive out in the world with the rest of the rulers' pets along Toxstar.
M!Prince Cuddles - The former pet of Nick as he's now trying to survive out in the world with the rest of the rulers' pets along Toxstar.
M!Vernidee - The former pet of Vernias as they're now trying to survive out in the world with the rest of the rulers' pets along Toxstar.
M!Muffins - The former pet of Sophist as she's now trying to survive out in the world with the rest of the rulers' pets along Toxstar.
M!Toxstar - Killed by the rulers while trying to stop the fight that started it all, now a wandering spirit questioning everything.
M!Colin/Connor - Although appearing emo on the outside, he's a traumatized victim inside the "shell". Living in the Main AU.
Firefly - Connor's pet who's always there for him whenever he's going through any bad moments in his life. Living in the Main AU.
M!Sajin - Killed by M!Vernias who thought he was a dummy as his undead corpse is wandering Party Island in search of Connor.
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stastrodome · 5 months
Fun Facts. 100% verified.
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In the Dutch translation of Mad Men, the firm of Sterling-Cooper makes their money selling hats.
Author Joan Didion kept several Twitter burner accounts where she would criticize Avril Lavigne's music and clothes.
Sessions of the state legislature in Nebraska start with the speaker reciting the state's official poem "Sweetheart of Nebraska / In the Sun I will bask-a".
While The Wolf of Wall Street holds the official record, the most curse words ever used in a movie is the unreleased director's cut version of 2012's Anna Karenina.
The person who gets the most thank you cards in America is country music superstar Trace Adkins.
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mjdowney · 7 months
Hello everyone!
This is my introductory post to Tumblr, so I figured I would introduce myself. My name is MJ and I am a new indie author. This link ⬇️⬇️⬇️ is to my debut novella The River, the first book my my series The Sons of Colria Valley.
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Sterling Lawson has had one thing on his mind for the last thirty years: What happened to his parents? After they disappeared in 1992, he was faced with the reality that growing up doesn't always happen gradually. And since raising his brothers, they all have gone into different fields of criminology with the common goal of discovering where their mother and father went.
But after a car is found in the valley river, Sterling and his brothers have to take the back burner of the investigation until they know for sure if this has anything to do with their parents.
Or if the body in the trunk is someone else entirely.
If you’re looking for some cozy small town romance with a side of mystery, cold cases, and serial killers, then look no further.
Happy reading!
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autisticsupervillain · 10 months
FTF: Isekai Invasion
The show where we take a character and drop them into a different franchise at a random location to see if they can conquer the world.
This Episode....
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Mary Jane Watson invades Mount Massive Asylum!
Insomniac Games's Mary Jane
MJ as of Spider-Man 2 with all her associated equipment.
MJ will be replacing Miles Upshur in the plot of the original Outlast with all the same goals. If she can escape the Asylum alive with all the evidence needed to bring Murkoff to justice, that will count as a win.
MJ cannot call in the Spider-Men or anyone else for help.
The same set up as Outlast but with MJ replacing Miles Upshur. Mary Jane Watson, reporter for the Daily Bugle, gets an anonymous email from a burner account about the atrocities being committed by Murkoff at Mount Massive and goes in to investigate. MJ speculates that the building has a jammer when she mysteriously losses all signal after getting in range, but she pushes on regardless. It is only after MJ can no longer get out the way she came in that she realizes the building has been overrun, leaving her no choice but to push in deeper.
Invader: MJ
Mary Jane Watson. One of the most iconic damsels and love interests in comic book history. Though iconic for her role as damsel in distress in the Rami movies, Insomniac's Mary Jane is more in line with her comic counterpart. She's a freelance reporter capable of kicking as much ass as her superhuman boyfriend sometimes and she'll do anything to unbury the truth.
She's surprisingly an expert in stealth and infiltration. She's snuck into the compounds of crime lords like Tombstone and Hammerhead, snuck past the international mercenaries of Silver Sable and her men, and avoided capture by Kraven the Hunter's mercenaries. Using her boyfriend's Spider Lures as a distraction, she's even managed to break into the Oscorp undetected.
While writing a book on the country of Symkaria, MJ got some self defense training from Silver Sable herself, as well as a fancy new taser that can drop a goon in one shook. She later upgraded this taser gun with Peter's gadgets, allowing it to shoot webs and shoot sonic blasts loud enough to ward off a symbiote behemoth. With these tools, she's able to take down Kraven's hunters, who are strong enough to kick down steel doors with a single kick snd survive rpg rockets exploding in their face. These are the same rockets that usually explode with an energy equivalent to 650 kilojoules.
What's more, MJ is fast enough to dodge arrows from a hunter's crossbow, which csn travel up to 350 feet per second or 106.68 meters per second.
Honestly, Mary Jane Watson is kind of a badass. She's escaped from being captured by Kraven's hunters, fought her way through a symbiote hive, outrun a Symbiote controlled Spider-Man trying to kill her, and managed to fight off the control of the Scream Symbiote, with some help from Peter.
This MJ is a far cry from the damsel in distress she's stereotyped as and she's just as vital a member of Spider-Man's team as the Spider-Men themselves.
Invaded: Mount Massive
The Murkoff Corporation could never be said to have had a sterling reputation. The company had an unofficial history of human experimentation and exploitation. Never on American soil, of course. Never anywhere that the American public would actually care about. Not until they bought out Mount Massive Asylum.
Because if there's one group that Americans care about less than foreigners, it's the mentally ill.
Murkoff wanted to exploit the theories of the retired Nazi Dr. Wernicke by diving into dream theory. The enlisted him in their Morphogenic Engine program, hoping to summon, empower, and control the nanotechnological ghost known only as the Walrider. To this end, the experimented on the mentally ill, physically and psychologically torturing them. Turning the compatible into human engines so their nightmares could fuel the god they wished to enslave while leaving the incompatible to rot and die. Even loyal members of the company, like executive Richard Trager and Father Martin Archimbaud, were used as test subjects at the earliest convenience. The variants, as they were called, begain to mutate and deform. Tumors formed over their bodies, clogging their mouths and block their eyes. Their hair begain to fall out and they emancipated into borderline skeletons.
The variants pre-existing conditions worsened. At best, they became catatonic and unresponsive to the outside world. At worst, they became violent and murderous.
And then they found a subject fully compatible with the Walrider. Able to sustain it, control it, and survive as its host. Billy Hope. As soon as he was in control, all hell broke loose. The Variants broke out and happily took their revenge on their tormentors. Scientists and security alike were butched like pigs, heavily armed soldiers were impaled on pikes. And the Walrider was set free.
Notable Variants include the likes of Eddie Glusken, a misogynistic serial killer who was only made worse by the Morphogenic Engine. Granted superhuman strength by the treatments, he was now strong enough to lift a full grown man off the ground with one arm. "Doctor" Richard Trager was now strong enough to cut off limbs, decapitate his victims, and cut open the gates to the elevator with his giant scissors. And every varienty in the build was now strong enough to bash down doors and kill reporter Miles Upshur, who survived a massive explosion that blew him out a window. An explosion thst generated an energy equivalent to 11,840 kilojoules.
But the most dangerous Variant in the entire building was Chris Walker. Once a simple war veteran suffering from severe PTSD, Chis became a killing machine with an enhanced sense of smell, hearing, and sight that could let him track down his victims even in the dark. Obsessed with containing the threat of the Walrider, Chris's judo skills and military training make him a veritable beast, capable of easily ripping Miles's head clean off with one hand and bashing down reinforced steel doors.
But even he is still just a man next to the Walrider. A futuristic marvel of nanotechnology that feeds off the dreams of its host to survive, the Walrider can fly, go through walls, go through your pores and rip you apart from the inside, and is nigh-invisible to the naked eye, only complely visible on night vision cameras or during the day.
The only issue, however, is that the Walrider is completely submissive to the will of its perfect host, reliant on them to survive. And if its host is not perfect, as Miles Upshur turned out to be, they will be reduced to a walking corpse overtime by the possession.
Mount Massive Asylum represents one of the biggest atrocities committed in the name of corporate greed. A warcrime that even drew the digust of the Nazi forced to work on it. No one cares about "a building full of forgotten lunatics". Let it burn, I say.
Throwdown Breakdown:
The stats on this one are rather interesting. Miles Upshur is 11x more durable than the goons MJ can one-shot, meaning every single thug in the building is going to be strong enough to rip MJ apart if they get their hands on her, seeing how Miles is almost completely helpless against them.
But, none of the Variants have ever demonstrated superhuman speed, meaning they're absolutely never catching MJ, who can move fast enough to dodge subsonic projectiles. Sure, Chris Walker is fast, but MJ is faster than a speeding car. If he doesn't get the drop on her or corner her, he's not getting his hands on her.
Then there's MJ's other gadgets. Her sonic blasts will likely have no effect, as they're specifically designed to fight Symbiotes and ordinary humans are unaffected. At most, I could see them potentially stunning Chris Walker due to his advanced hearing. MJ's noise devices could be a good distraction, but her taser could likely be tanked due to how much stronger the Variants are. On the flipside, I don't see any of the varients breaking free of her webbing. This is the exact same webbing Peter regular uses to lift cars and restrain his supervillains. That's a bit out of the league of most Variants. Meaning she could probably skip Trager's whole segment by webbing him to the wall, which is admittedly funny.
This is compounded by MJ's far superior stealth. Walker might be a military veteran, but MJ's snuck past some of the best international mercenaries on the planet. It's no contest on that front, even with Chris's enhanced senses.
It's with the Walrider that this becomes tricky.
The Walrider isn't invisible or intangible in the same way, say, a ghost is. It's basically a cloud of microscopic nanites. It's difficult to spot and touch because it's a very thin cloud. For most people in most circumstances, it's difficult to spot until it's basically right in front of you, at which point it's too late to escape. This means that I'm pretty confident in it getting through MJ's webs, even if some of its components get stuck.
The issue is how damn fast MJ is. The second it appears in her face, she's gone halfway down the hall. It doesn't help that it prefers to throw its victims around before killing them, which would only give MJ the opportunity to escape.
I think the Walrider could easily end MJ's run if it got the drop on her. Which it very well could. It got the drop on Miles several times and he actually has the means to see it coming in less than optimal conditions, something MJ wouldn't without a night vision camera.
But, this is where MJ's superior stealth comes into play. With a sneaking ability far superior to Miles and a speed that the Walrider can't keep up with, MJ could avoid getting ambushed by the Walrider by never getting found by it in the first place.
There are plenty of scenarios where MJ gets ripped apart or, worse, possessed by the Walrider. But there are more where MJ uses her superior stealth and speed to avoid it long enough to complete her mission. And once she kills Billy Hope, whose sitting helpless in a tube at this point, the Walrider wouldn't be able to make her a new host to survive due to her just being too fast for it to catch.
Overall, I think Ms. Watson has all the skills she needs to get the scope she's after.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Mary Jane Watson!
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bl33dingm3mry · 2 years
Heist of The Heart || Chapter 2
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Deckard Shaw x OC
Word Count: 1468
Summary: Secrets never stay hidden for long but as old foes threaten to ruin all she holds dear, Sterling Jones seeks help from the most unlikely candidate. Ex-British Special Forces member Deckard Shaw.
CHAPTER WARNING: Swearing (English and Spanish), Panic Attacks, Mentions of Abuse and Death, Guns
A/N: So I wanted to spend this chapter delving into a softer side of the characters before we start getting into the usual heist, ass whooping, and nonsensical car badassery.
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the list!
“You wouldn’t be leaving without paying for that shitty sandwich would you?”
The raspy voice made her chuckle, a sense of relief hitting her knowing her message had been found. Turning around, Sterling smiled at the woman standing in the open doorway to the sandwich shop, the late afternoon light glinting off the PSM in her hands. Sterling took in the woman's appearance, hair pulled up into a ponytail, olive cargo pants, a black tank top, and a leather biker jacket.
“How typical of you Letty. Throwing all caution to the wind and charging in gun first. You should be more careful you know.”
“Careful is when you get hurt.”
All tension melted away as both women broke into laughter, Letty holstering her sidearm and disappearing out the door to presumably let Tej and Dom know it was safe, as well as whoever else they decided to bring with them. Shaking her head with a soft chuckle, Sterling turned around not quite looking where she was going, having thought she was alone. Instead, she bumped into a massive wall of muscle. Out of instinct, she rammed her fist forward, a firm, calloused hand stopping it with ease. His deep voice rumbled out with an amused rasp.
“That’s no way to greet your big brother.”
“Dominic Torreto, maldito cabron!!”
“I missed you too.”
“Where the hell did you even come from? The back door was locked.”
“Doors aren’t the only way in and out of here. How else do you think I stored parts away from the house?”
Rolling her eyes, Sterling hugged the man, unsure of wanting to let him in on her op. Sure he was a great driver and one hell of a muscle when things got physical, but he was also an overprotective alpha male. Who just happened to be her adoptive brother. Which complicated that matter further. If she let him in on her situation, he'd give her some sort of lecture on being better than this and reaching out sooner or knowing when to walk away. However, if she didn’t tell him and he found out later on… Well, it would be easy to say things would be worse. A lot worse.
“Im glad you got my message but you didn’t have to come you know? I was only expecting Tej.”
“When an unknown car shows up in your dooryard with a note and a phone but no driver you check into it. When a friend calls saying your baby sister was going to meet them but used a burner phone and a secret message you get a worried older brother and a death wish.”
Sterling let out a heavy sigh, stepping back to move around the hulking male, not meeting his gaze, knowing the disappointment she would find in his brown eyes. He grabbed her upper arm, a stern expression resting with his clenched jaw as she finally looked up at him, her eyes almost pleading for him to drop the subject. Just as he opened his mouth to say something the front door opened, and Letty and Tej walked inside. His hand disappeared from her arm, allowing her to return to her seat at the bar top.
“So what’s this all about Sterling?”
“Yeah, why’d you drag us all across L.A.? And don’t say for the tuna.”
Sterling snickered as she pulled out her personal phone from the inside of her boot, pulling up an image of a shady-looking group outside a garage that was engulfed in flames. The focus was primarily centered on the man in the front of the group, his back to the building, gun raised towards the camera. He had black hair that was pushed back on the top, the sides were shaved down. His slacks looked freshly pressed, and his buttoned shirt was unwrinkled. He had his jacket resting over his shoulders and seemed to be missing a tie. The man gave off a very arrogant mobster feel.
“Osian Ramirez. A contract killer and the head of a crime ring called Steel Vipers. They run a black market operation dealing in the buying and selling of top-secret items from every government under the sun. Russia, China, the U.S. You name it, they’ve bought it. There's been a lot of chatter lately about something called the Jackal. A bioengineered disease rumored to cause fatigue, vomiting, insomnia, delirium, and bleeding into your organs and skin. Sound familiar to anyone?”
“No way. You’re saying someone made the black plague and sold it off to this man?”
“No, this man made it himself and is looking to sell it off to the highest bidder at his next gala. As well as offering an antidote to those who wish to side with him in the ‘new world order’.”
“When is the next gala? Roughly how long do we have to plan for this?”
“I have roughly two weeks. Twelve days specifically.”
Dom had been extremely quiet as she had explained the situation, her eyes trained on him like he would come unglued at any minute. Truth is she wasn’t afraid of what he would say to her, it was what he would do when he found out the details she had been hiding from the group. The reason she knew so much about the Viper's head honcho himself, why she was so persistent in taking the op, why she didn’t want them involved in the first place and had asked for just Tej.
“Who put you up to this?”
Dominic's booming voice made her jump, flinching backward as his fist connected with the wooden bar top. All eyes were on her as a stunned silence fell and tension settled heavily in the air. Sterling avoided all of their gazes as she tucked her phone back into her boot, slipped off the stool, and briskly walked towards the door, feeling like the walls were closing in around her. Dom shouted after her, his heavy footsteps following behind, echoing into her ears like thunder. Her throat burned as she broke into a run through the parking lot, hiding behind a broke down van towards the back.
Sterling pressed her back to the van as if to ground herself, sliding down till she was scrunched up on the cracked tar, her knees digging into her ribs as she buried her head down. Her hands tightly scrunched over her ears as if they would block out the sound of blood rushing in her ears or dull the ringing that kept getting louder. For what felt like an eternity she choked out sobs, the rage in Dom’s eyes replaying in her head no matter how much she wished it would stop.
“Ster- Dom She’s over here!”
Some part of her mind registered that Letty had spoken, but it was like she was locked inside her head, her body wouldn’t move and her voice wouldn’t work. All she could manage were unintelligible whimpers as her body trembled. Growing up with her mother's constantly changing abusive exes led to constant panic attacks and running over to the Toretto yard to hide away from it. Mia would usually be the one to find her back then, grabbing their father, Dominic trailing behind. After her mother passed they all but went away. However, with how pent-up and stressed she had been lately, combined with Dom's anger, it was all she could do to get out of the building before she broke down.
Dom’s calloused hands wrapped around Sterling, pulling her trembling form into his grasp and lifting her off the ground. Sitting her on the hood of the van, he wrapped his arms around her, his head resting on hers as she buried into his chest. His hand drew circles between her shoulder blades, attempting to calm her down.
“Remember that night you and Letty were supposed to race when we were teenagers? You backed out at the last second cause something felt wrong, and I took your place. Letty and I almost died that night. But the look on your face made me realize that I would do anything to make you feel safe.”
Dominic spoke softly, the rasp of his voice rumbled in his chest as he gently coaxed Sterling's hands away from her ears, letting her grab at the hem of his tank top. He returned to rubbing her back, his eyes studying her tear-streaked face.
“As your brother, I will do my best to protect you, but I can’t do that if you don’t let me in.”
“...Mr. Nobody.”
Taking a shaky breath, Sterling looked up at her brother's face, his normally stoic features were soft, his eyes studying her in concern and confusion after she had whispered her handler's name.
“He assigned the op…”
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myriad-ofmuses · 2 years
“ i’m here. you got that? i don’t care if you never say anything to me ever again. i don’t care. i’m not going away, and i’m not going to stop being here for you, no matter how long you glare at me or ignore me or pretend that you’re okay. because i know you’re not. i know. “ Aylanur to Sterling
With every grating word that left her, understandably fueled by worry, the club owner felt the tide of ire rise up within his chest, glowering down at the pan of flash stir-fry that sizzled with every stirring flip of the contents, hot steam eddying up into the air between them, adding to the weight that could already be figuratively cut with a knife.
Of course she’d waited until everyone had gone home for the night to corner him, knowing his routine almost as well as he did himself - though part of him was thankful she hadn’t gotten anyone else involved.. this was not a conversation he wanted to have at the moment.
Or.. probably ever..
With a heavy sigh, he let the pan drop back down over the burner with a clang, checking that the meat and veggies had seared to his preference with the spatula, before turning off the burner, finally giving her his full attention, the ice-blue of narrowed sockets displaying the animosity that twisted within his soul.
“And what do you want me to say, precisely, Aylanur? Admit that I’m a broken fucking mess? You already know that. You’ve already seen that. I don’t know what more talking about it is going to accomplish.. there’s nothing to be done about it.”
The last part of his statement was more akin to a biting growl, holding her gaze for a few moments more, before whirling away to grab a pair of plates from the counter, using the spatula to halve the stir-fry in the pan and scooping his portion onto his, leaving the other plate beside the oven, and the remaining meal that was cooling atop it.
“Pardon if I don’t wish to waste what little leisure time I’m permitted, to whinge over a circumstance that has no solution.. or cure.”
He remarked coolly as he brushed past her attempted body blockade out of the kitchen, moving to set his meal down at one of the tables, and stepping to the bar to fetch himself some brandy, pouring himself a few shots to take with him and replacing the bottle on the shelf, never once looking back at her.
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grillpartshub-blog · 1 month
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Replace Stainless Steel Grill Burner for BBQ Gas Grills (Set of 3) Fit Compatible Models: Jenn-Air 720-0709, 720-0720, 730-0709, Duro 720-0584A, Grand Isle 860-0193, Perfect Flame 720-0335, 720-0522, 730-0335, Outdoor Gourmet GR2057601-OG-00 Gas Models. BUY NOW!!
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goldenhands · 1 month
Elegant Tealight Candle Holder for a Warm Ambiance!
Add a touch of elegance to your space with our handcrafted tea light candle holder. Perfect for creating a cozy atmosphere, this stunning piece from Goldenhands beautifully complements any décor. Ideal for relaxation or special occasions, it’s a must-have for those who appreciate timeless style and craftsmanship. Get now.
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isaaccalloway · 2 months
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[cis man and he/him] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [ISAAC CALLOWAY]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [CHASE STOKES]. You must be the [TWENTY-SIX] year old [ATTENDANT AT SURF’S UP SURF SHOP]. Word is you’re [VENTURESOME] but can also be a bit [DETACHED] and your favorite song is [DIAL TONES BY AS IT IS]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [FISHER’S COVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
FULL NAME: Isaac Theodore Calloway
NICKNAME(S): Izzy (Not Preferred)
AGE: Twenty-Six
FACE CLAIM: Chase Stokes
HEIGHT: 6′1″
DATE OF BIRTH: September 14th
OCCUPATION: Surf Shop Employee / Surfer
CHARACTER HISTORY [tw: pregnancy]
Isaac was born in North Carolina and moved to Aurora Bay at the age of 5 when his father got a call that their grandfather was sick and refused to leave his home in Fisher’s Cove. They packed up Isaac, his brother, and the family dog into the car and have been there ever since.
Being the baby of the family came with its advantages, especially when his brother was tasked with taking over the family business. His grandfather said the business would be left to his older brother and Isaac would get the house, the only condition was needing a college degree.
Isaac’s first love was surfing, shortly followed by the love of women. He was pretty popular in school, but had no serious relationship until he met Sterling. No one had ever made him feel the way she did and he thought he was completely in love. The two started dating in high school and everything was a fairy tale until he was given a choice. Sterling had just found out she was pregnant with his child and Isaac was offered an out of state scholarship to study business. Little did he know his father made an enormous donation to ensure he’d have a “successful future” completely dismissing the fact that his son was in love for the first time in his life. Noah was convinced that Isaac would get over it, he was a teenager after all. Masking his disapproval, Noah told Isaac that doing this would help provide a life that would take care of both Sterling and their unborn child.
Isaac chose to not tell Sterling about this choice, waiting until the last second to take off for college. It wasn’t his best move, it still haunts him to this day, but he couldn’t bring himself to say goodbye to her.
While at college, California brought out his love for surfing once more though now he’d be gaining a business degree in case things “didn’t work out with his brother” his father’s words. Isaac quickly devoted more of his time to surfing, joining competitors that would lead him to travel all over. Getting scouted put his degree on the back burner, preventing him from returning home as soon as he’d like.
Now he’s been settling back in, slowly doing renovations to the home that was left for him but he’s been terrified of what he’s going to do once he inevitably sees Sterling. He’s never met his child and the thought of not getting the opportunity crushed Isaac’s normal sense of boldness. He’s trying his best now to be someone Sterling can believe in again and picked up a job that will still allow him to connect with his passions.
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jualthermaloil-blog · 3 months
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Gas Burner Bentone adalah jenis burner yang dirancang khusus untuk pembakaran BBM Natural Gas (LPG, CNG, PGN), yang dihasilkan dari penguraian bahan organik seperti sisa makanan, limbah, atau limbah pertanian. Pembakar ini dikenal dengan efisiensi tinggi, emisi rendah, dan kinerja yang andal. Bentone memimpin dalam pengembangan baru dalam teknik pembakaran dan kami terus berupaya mengurangi emisi CO 2 . Kami fokus pada kualitas, kinerja tinggi, dan konsumsi bahan bakar rendah dan semua pembakar kami memiliki tanda CE dan diproduksi sesuai dengan norma Eropa EN 676 dan EN 746-2.
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Gas menjadi semakin populer sebagai bahan bakar alternatif pengganti minyak di pasar ekspor kita. Ketika Bentone pertama kali meluncurkan kompor gas kami beberapa tahun yang lalu, produk ini diterima dengan baik oleh pelanggan kami di pasar global. Semua pembakar minyak dan gas kami dirancang sesuai dengan filosofi Bentone sendiri. Prinsipnya sederhana, kami menggunakan sebanyak mungkin komponen untuk semua model yang pada akhirnya memberi kami kesederhanaan dan distributor serta pelanggan kami dapat menyimpan lebih sedikit suku cadang di stok mereka.
- Benton STG Pembakar Bentone Sterling tersedia dalam berbagai model dan dirancang untuk oven dan aplikasi industri. Rangkaian burner Sterling kami terbuat dari aluminium dan dirancang khusus untuk lingkungan yang sulit dalam proses industri. Kapasitas: 12-144 kW
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- Bentone BFG 1 Mudah dirawat dan kompatibel dengan kebutuhan modern. Pembakar gas Bentone dirancang dan disetujui sesuai dengan standar Eropa EN 676. Pembakar BFG 1 kami menghemat energi dan kompatibel dengan persyaratan lingkungan dan juga sangat andal. Kapasitas: 15-100kW
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- Bentone BG 300 Keluarga pembakar perantara Bentone adalah pembakar yang dirancang dengan baik dan kuat yang ditujukan untuk proses industri atau pemanasan bangunan komersial semi besar. Selama bertahun-tahun burner ini telah menjadi tulang punggung Bentone dan kami terus memodernisasi burner kami untuk memenuhi tuntutan peraturan modern dan menurunkan tingkat NOx. Kapasitas: 45-200 kW
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- Bentone BG 400 Burner Bentone di segmen menengah merupakan burner yang dirancang dengan baik dan kuat yang ditujukan untuk proses industri atau untuk memanaskan bangunan komersial berukuran sedang. Selama beberapa tahun, pembakar ini telah menjadi bagian dari rangkaian produk kami dan kami terus-menerus memodifikasi dan memperbarui pembakar untuk memenuhi persyaratan baru mengenai arahan modern dan persyaratan NOx yang lebih rendah. Kapasitas: 56-350 kW
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- Bentone BG 450 Burner Bentone di segmen menengah merupakan burner yang dirancang dengan baik dan kuat yang ditujukan untuk proses industri atau untuk memanaskan bangunan komersial berukuran sedang. Selama beberapa tahun, pembakar ini telah menjadi bagian dari rangkaian produk kami dan kami terus-menerus memodifikasi dan memperbarui pembakar untuk memenuhi persyaratan baru mengenai arahan modern dan persyaratan NOx yang lebih rendah. Kapasitas: 90-550 kW
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- Bentone BG 550 Keluarga Bentones dari pembakar kelas atas adalah pembakar yang dirancang dengan baik dan kuat yang ditujukan untuk proses industri atau pemanasan bangunan komersial semi besar. Selama bertahun-tahun burner ini telah menjadi tulang punggung Bentone dan kami terus memodernisasi burner kami untuk memenuhi tuntutan peraturan modern dan menurunkan tingkat NOx. Kapasitas: 140-650 kW
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- Benton BG 650 Keluarga Bentones dari pembakar kelas atas adalah pembakar yang dirancang dengan baik dan kuat yang ditujukan untuk proses industri atau pemanasan bangunan komersial semi besar. Selama bertahun-tahun burner ini telah menjadi tulang punggung Bentone dan kami terus memodernisasi burner kami untuk memenuhi tuntutan peraturan modern dan menurunkan tingkat NOx. Kapasitas 200-1125 kW
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- Benton BG 700 Anda akan menemukan pembakar kami yang lebih besar beroperasi pada boiler selama bertahun-tahun di seluruh dunia dan pembakar kami dirancang dan diproduksi untuk lingkungan yang sulit. Menurunkan emisi adalah bagian dari strategi Bentones dan salah satu tujuan kami menuju masa depan yang ramah lingkungan. Konsumsi bahan bakar yang rendah dikombinasikan dengan tingkat efisiensi yang tinggi akan mengurangi emisi karbon dan berkontribusi terhadap masa depan yang lebih baik. Kapasitas: 252-1650 kW
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- Benton BG 800 Anda akan menemukan burner kami yang lebih besar beroperasi pada boiler selama bertahun-tahun di seluruh dunia dan housing berlapis aluminium untuk burner kami dirancang dan diproduksi untuk lingkungan yang sulit. Menurunkan emisi adalah bagian dari strategi Bentones dan salah satu tujuan kami menuju masa depan yang ramah lingkungan. Konsumsi bahan bakar yang rendah dikombinasikan dengan tingkat efisiensi yang tinggi akan menurunkan emisi karbon dan meningkatkan kinerja. Kapasitas: 349-2400 kW
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- Benton BG 950 Anda akan menemukan burner kami yang lebih besar beroperasi pada boiler selama bertahun-tahun di seluruh dunia dan housing berlapis aluminium untuk burner kami dirancang dan diproduksi untuk lingkungan yang sulit. Menurunkan emisi adalah bagian dari strategi Bentones dan salah satu tujuan kami menuju masa depan yang ramah lingkungan. Konsumsi bahan bakar yang rendah dikombinasikan dengan tingkat efisiensi yang tinggi akan menurunkan emisi karbon dan meningkatkan kinerja. Kapasitas: 500-3200 kW
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Keuntungan Gas Burner Bentone - Hemat energi - Konsumsi bahan bakar rendah - Kompatibel dengan persyaratan lingkungan - Dirancang untuk perawatan yang mudah - Disetujui menurut EN 676 - Tersedia untuk Gas Alam, LPG dan Biogas - Tersedia dengan LMV37 - Tersedia menurut Lampiran J/K Info lebih lanjut terkaitan dengan artikel berikut bisa hubungi marketing kami untuk di konsultasikan : PT Indira Mitra Boiler Jln. LoveBird blok D19/21 RT12 RW005 Permata Sepatan,Pisangan jaya ,Sepatan, Kab. Tangerang, Banten-15520 ZAENAL ARIFIN Sales Engineer Phone : (021) 59375021 Mobile : 081385776935 Whatshap : 081385776935 Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected] Read the full article
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Enhancing HVAC Systems: A Guide to Belimo Actuators, Armstrong Furnace, and Sterling Unit Heater Parts
In the realm of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, the efficiency and functionality rely heavily on the quality of components used. Among these, Belimo actuators, Armstrong furnace parts, and Sterling unit heater parts stand out as industry leaders, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the significance of these components and how they contribute to the seamless operation of HVAC systems.
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Belimo Actuators Control Valves:
Belimo actuators are renowned for their precision and reliability in controlling valves within HVAC systems. These actuators play a crucial role in regulating the flow of air and water, maintaining optimal temperature levels and ensuring energy efficiency. With advanced technology and innovative designs, Belimo actuators offer seamless integration with control systems, providing precise control and monitoring capabilities.
Armstrong Furnace Parts:
Armstrong furnace parts are synonymous with durability and performance. From ignition systems to blower motors, Armstrong offers a comprehensive range of components designed to optimize furnace operation. With a focus on energy efficiency and longevity, Armstrong furnace parts are engineered to withstand the rigors of continuous operation, providing reliable heating solutions for residential and commercial settings alike.
Sterling Unit Heater Parts:
Sterling unit heater parts are trusted for their robust construction and efficiency in heating large spaces. Whether it's replacement burners, fans, or heat exchangers, Sterling unit heater parts are designed to deliver consistent warmth even in the harshest conditions. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Sterling ensures that its parts meet the highest standards, providing reliable heating solutions for warehouses, workshops, and industrial facilities.
the integration of high-quality components such as Belimo actuators, Armstrong furnace parts, and Sterling unit heater parts is paramount in ensuring the efficiency and reliability of HVAC systems. By investing in these components, HVAC professionals and building managers can optimize performance, reduce energy consumption, and enhance occupant comfort. As technology continues to evolve, these industry-leading components remain at the forefront of innovation, driving advancements in HVAC systems worldwide.
Incorporating Belimo actuators, Armstrong furnace parts, and Sterling unit heater parts into HVAC projects not only enhances functionality but also contributes to sustainability efforts by promoting energy-efficient solutions. With a commitment to quality and performance, these components continue to shape the future of HVAC systems, paving the way for smarter, more efficient buildings.
Read more: Your Go-To Guide for Reznor Unit Heater, NTI Boiler, and York Furnace Parts Online
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sasaleleselfships · 8 months
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I know it has been *literal* days since I posted Diva but I’m having a difficult time connecting to her and envisioning her for the purposes she was meant to serve; As a result Diva is temporarily on the back burner and may eventually just be sold as an adopt, but I can’t be sure this soon into finishing and posting her. I can say however I had SO much fun creating this absolute *doll* ;) of a character-… everyone meet Sterling Pembroke!!
Sterling is part of a mini-au where she and three of my others characters were ‘friends’ with Alastor when they were alive; More accurately Sterling had become a dangerous obsession and her friend Madeline tried to keep Alastor from their group, only to be stabbed ten times in her back while calling for help. Nigel had a sneaking suspicion that Alastor had had a hand in the affair given his lack of surprise when the news came of her untimely departure; A standoff in Ms. Aline Pembroke’s kitchen lead to Alastor attempting to kill Nigel and Aline only for Sterling to have pocketed a handgun and shot in him the stomach on instinct. Sterling still regrets the series of events to this day as she felt she and the talk show host were, how to say ‘close’.
In her design I wanted to accentuate the fact that she was one of the only women of her group to be able to not only afford but to attend college, and is overall very well put together. Sterling is a social drinker referred to as a ‘doll’ for how ‘delicate’ and ‘dedicated’ she is, thus making up her sinner-form when she finally arrives in hell. Unseen here, she also has strings attached to her wrists to highlight the fact she had never really felt in control of her life. Lastly her blind eyes resemble the fact that it’s likely she *knew* Alastor was the infamous bayou killer, and chose to turn her head both to save herself and to protect their odd friendship.
As always, enjoy!!
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crimechannels · 10 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade JUST IN; INEC presents Certificate of Return to Kogi governor-elect, Usman Ododo, deputy The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on Friday presented certificates of return to the Kogi Governor-Elect, Usman Ododo and his Deputy, Joel Salifu. Ododo and Salifu of the All Progressive Congress (APC) had won the Nov 11 Off-Cycle Governorship Election in Kogi with 446,237 votes, to beat their closest rivals, Murtala Ajaka and Sam Ranti-Abenemi of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) that garnered 259,052 votes. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the certificates of return were presented to the duo at at the INEC headquarters in Lokoja, the state capital on Friday, amid jubilation by party members and supporters. Mr Sani Adam (SAN), the National Electoral Commissioner for Kwara, Niger and Kogi, who presented the certificates to them, congratulated them for emerging victorious in the governorship election. Presenting the Certificate, the Kogi State Resident Electoral Commissioner, INEC, Gabriel Longpet, said the presentation was part of the Commission’s mandate. Sani said that Ododo and Salifu wete being presented the certificate, for the simple reason that they met the constitutional requirements. Speaking shortly after receiving his certificate, Ododo promised the people of Kogi that he would make good his campaign promises to build on the sterling achievements of Gov. Yahaya Bello. The governor-elect, thanked the people of the state for the overwhelming support given to him during the election. Ododo described the overwhelming support he enjoyed as a sheer consolidation on the strength and unity of the Kogi. “My victory at last Saturday’s election is a victory for all. We will run an all inclusive administration, where everyone, irrespective of tribe, religion and political affiliation, will be carried along. “My administration will be committed to sustaining the youth and women empowerment programs of the present administration. “My resolve to provide employment for our teeming youths and ensure that education occupies the front burner of our administration remains unchanged, ” he said. The governor-elect, however, promising to justify the confidence reposed in him, Ododo. Bello, who witnessed the presentation of the certificates of return, urged the people of the state to join hands with Ododo in building a greater Kogi State. ”The election has come and gone and a winner has emerged. I call on the people of the State to work towards the unity and togetherness our administration has achieved,” he said. (NAN) ======
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