#Business growth is a phenomenon that occurs when business owners
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Business growth is a phenomenon that occurs when business owners, employees and outside factors influence the success of a company. A business grows when it expands a customer base, increases revenue or produces more product. Build your brand with digital media & take the benefits of social media branding contact absolute Digital branding & public relations. By Absolutedigitalbranding.com  
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boschisms · 4 months
quick facts
full name: Daniel Bosch nickname(s): Danny, Bosch age: 32 zodiac: Taurus nationality: British American species: Witch orientation: Bisexual occupation: Horticulturist. Owner of Bosch's Growth, a landscaping and gardening shop
positive traits: Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible negative traits: Stubborn, possessive, uncompromising hobbies: Plants, camping/hiking/anything involving being outdoors skills: Herbology, healing and regeneration, gardening alignment: Chaotic good
Daniel has a daughter named Camellia; she goes by Cami and she is six years old. Her mother was a werewolf named Penelope whom Daniel was in a long-term relationship with until she disappeared without a word. One year later, he's left with a four month old and just as little explanation as before. Cami is a born werewolf and Daniel has been left alone to support her with only secondhand knowledge of her birthright. She has shift issues because of this, most often during full moons but also with any emotional disregulated sort of outburst.
Daniel was born human to human parents and lived a normal childhood up until he turned sixteen. This is the first birthday when he would realize that he is not in fact normal at all. Strange phenomenons always involving Daniel would begin to occur with no logical explanations to give and these incidents often resulted in behavioral trouble at school and at home. These would escalate to such a degree that he would begin receiving suspensions from school to the point of complete removal. Before his senior year of high school, Daniel would have attended and been kicked out of four separate schools over the course of two academic years. This resulted in a strained relationship with his parents who would go on to attempt sending him to a troubled youth program. However upon the day that he would have begun the program Daniel escaped and would spend the next four years missing.
During his time away, Daniel would meet others like him and begin learning to use his abilities safely. When at last he returned home, no longer a minor or a boy unwittingly harming himself and others, it was to parents uninterested in repairing their relationship and who instead rejected him. Unhoused and with an incomplete education at the age of 21, Daniel would relocate and pick up odd jobs to fund obtaining his GED and taking college courses on horticulture and financing. This would be the foundation for the opening of his own landscaping business and eventual brick and mortar shop.
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jlexbor05 · 1 year
Cannabis Grow Facility Flooring
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As with any emerging industry, general acceptance and market growth govern cannabis cultivation. As a result, local governments pay more attention to how cannabis grow facilities are built and managed. In addition to the everyday business issues of building safety, Concrete Grinding, employee working conditions, and tax contributions. Elected officials are increasingly under pressure from constituents to analyze the overall effect of facility growth on their communities.
High energy consumption for lighting in the grow room and increased water consumption is only part of the equation. The temperature and humidity required for a breeding facility can be equivalent to an indoor swimming pool. While heat and humidity are ideal for cannabis growth, they provide ideal conditions for fungus and other unwanted microorganisms to grow and multiply. Therefore, fumigation often plays to maintain plant health in a humid room climate.
The enrichment of indoor air with carbon dioxide (CO2), a common practice that increases crop yields, brings with it another set of health and safety considerations in densely populated urban environments. In addition to these challenges, many cannabis-growing facilities produce plants intended for pharmacological or nutritional purposes.
This requires scrutiny from regulators for the benefit of the consuming public. As a result, grow room managers and owners must stay abreast of industry developments regarding local and state regulations on their setup, general operations, and products.
Grow Rooms: Bare Concrete Floors
As an elementary building material, concrete is still the commercial and industrial construction leader. However, despite the many benefits of Stained Concrete Floor, they can pose significant challenges specifically for cannabis grow spaces if left unprotected.
Raw, untreated concrete is inherently porous and readily absorbs liquids and moisture from the environment. As a result, substances found in grow rooms such as fertilizers, fungicides, and other chemicals can seep through the porous concrete floor slab into the soil and groundwater. Whether organic or synthetic, levels of such substances can be very harmful to the environment.
Whether in an existing or newly constructed facility, it is not uncommon for the vapor barrier of the suspended ceiling to be compromised during construction. When this occurs, moisture from the soil beneath the floor slab can penetrate the concrete and move osmotically upwards, creating a phenomenon known as Moisture Vapor Transmission (MVT). The resulting moisture and water vapor become increasingly alkaline as they rise through the Self-levelling Concrete slab. MVT can cause blistering and other damage to floor coverings.
Warm temperatures, regular watering of plants, and high relative humidity levels maintained in many grow rooms can weaken the structural integrity of unprotected grow room panels.
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glex24 · 2 years
Start Growing Your Income
Business growth is a phenomenon that occurs when business owners, employees and outside factors influence the success of a company. A business grows when it expands a customer base, increases revenue or produces more product.
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mediaheights · 2 years
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Business growth is a phenomenon that occurs when business owners, employees and outside factors influence the success of a company. A business grows when it expands a customer base, increases revenue or produces more product.  Build your brand with digital media & take the benefits of social media branding contact Media Heights. By Mediaheightspr.com
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drnikolatesla · 4 years
Nikola Tesla’s World Wireless System
By J. J. J.
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Nikola Tesla’s theories, experiments, demonstrations, and inventions throughout his lifetime of work proved that his “World System” would provide: 
1. A perfect “secret signal service” through exclusive wireless waves for communication and entertainment: What Tesla referred to as his “Art of Individualization,” this concept makes it possible to transmit an unlimited number of signals or messages thoroughly non-detectable and exclusive both in the active and passive aspect. Such messages are completely non-interfering and non-interferable, e.g. each signal has its own unique identity (like snowflakes), irrelevant of the number of stations or devices simultaneously in operation. This literally translates to our internet and wireless communication today, but far more advanced. Today, we use communication satellites to bounce signals off other satellites and send these signals to other points around the globe. We need satellites to accomplish this in that conventional physics states that every effect diminishes with distance (inverse square law), so the signals sent on earth either dissipate with distance and/or do not follow the curvature of earth because of the concept of line of sight. This is why we can only receive radio signals at certain distances from the station. Therefore, we use satellites to bounce signals off other satellites to reach other parts of the earth. With Tesla’s system, however, satellites in this sense become obsolete. His system could send instantaneously messages all over the world, set and regulate all clocks, act as a universal stock ticker, reproduce art and photography, and allow exclusive use of video, audio and text communication (this is also how Tesla predicted smart phones a hundred years before they were developed). How would he do this? Tesla used the earth as a conductor (or a wire), and sent the energy through it with no loss of energy. With this method, the problems of energy dissipation are solved. What Tesla discovered was that the earth as a whole possessed certain periods of natural vibrations, and by impressing electrical vibrations of the same periods upon it with his transformer, they could be thrown into oscillations of tremendous nature. Thus, Tesla posited he could collect this energy and transmit it with his Magnifying Transmitter to any place on earth with no loss of energy (and practically instantaneously so). He proved this method in experiments at Colorado Springs where he sent a longitudinal wave all the way around the world and back to his receiver traveling at a mean velocity of 292,812 miles per second. I know some may balk at sending anything faster than the speed of light, but I will remind them that the speed of light is a constant, it is not a limit. The velocity of light is an expression of the ratio of energy to mass. Tesla’s waves worked on different dimensions. The electromagnetic waves we use in today’s technology travel at the speed of light, but due to the nature of these waves (which are similar to light), they diminish with distance. This is because their electromagnetic lines of force and their magnetic lines of force intercept the angles of one other, causing resistance (radiation resistance). This is also why they eventually lose energy. Tesla, on the other hand, used an oscillating wave, or a longitudinal wave, in which the electromagnetic and magnetic forces run parallel with each other (hence there is no friction or loss of energy). As a result, the more power he used, the faster and further these waves would travel. Imagine what can be accomplished with waves that do not diminish with distance!
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2. The operation of flying machines by wireless power: The flow of Tesla’s currents are confined to the earth, but with his machine, he could create an electromagnetic field in the atmosphere surrounding it. Tesla theorized that if lightweight electric motors with attached circuits are placed in the airplanes (or other flying machines) and are accurately attuned, energy will be drawn into these circuits from the electromagnetic field powering the motors (similar to submerging an empty bottle in water then poking a hole in it - the energy from the electromagnetic field would flow into the circuit the same way water would into the bottle). This concept could therefore revolutionize a whole new world of transportation! 
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3. GPS: Global positioning could be used not just on the earth’s surface, but via the earth’s interior as well (ex. finding mineral deposits, submarines, etc.). This is accomplished by setting up and maintaining longitudinal stationary waves in the earth, subdividing its entire surface into zones of electrical activity. This also allows data points to be collected regarding the earth’s dimensions, as well as the positioning of moving or non-moving objects by analyzing the way waves react to objects within it or without it. This would help in navigation, prospecting, or basic radar by determining positions and size of objects, in or outside earth, by determining latitudes and longitudes, the speed of travel and the respective courses followed.
4. An artificial Aurora Borealis: By shooting charged particles at the atmosphere in the sky, Tesla’s system could create the same effect that occurs during the Northern Lights. This would contribute to the concept of night vision and constructing related devices for human use based on this phenomenon.
5. Operations of all manufacturing and transportation machinery: With much more power than his “Art of Individualization,” Tesla could send power through the earth to any point on the globe (regardless of distance) and provide a business or home with enough horsepower to operate and run all its machinery, including transportation machinery. Note this would not be “free energy”, as the conspiracists of the internet assume. Tesla never said anything about free energy. We would still have to subscribe and pay for this energy just like we do today, but at a much cheaper cost. 
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6. Interplanetary Communication: Tesla understood that if we ever want to make contact with intelligent life on other planets, or even communicate with humans traveling through the depths of space, we would have to use radio technology to do so. He believed that with enough power drawn from energy sources (such as Niagara Falls) to power his transformer, he could create billions of horsepower, and with his Magnifying Transmitter, send his oscillating wave signals (which travel many times faster than light) to the far reaches of this galaxy. 
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7. Irrigation and fertilization of the world by wireless: Using wireless power, farmers and land owners would be able to pump water and irrigate their land from energy sent thousands of miles away. Tesla also believed that weather was of electrical origin, and thus could be controlled by electrical means. In other words, with a properly developed apparatus (different from his wireless system), he could pull water from oceans by hydraulic force, turn it into vapor and carry it in cloud form to arid parts of land (make it rain, so to speak).  Also, with fertilization, we know that an excess of nitrogen in the atmosphere is a bad thing, and not enough nitrogen in the soil will cause growth deficiencies in plants. Tesla’s experiments in Colorado Springs showed that the nitrogen in the air could be burned with electricity. By burning the right amount of nitrogen in the air, it could be turned into a fertilizer of sorts. 
8. Magnetizing of enemy battleships, submarines, and airplanes to attract missiles: This notion speaks for itself. By using magnetic waves, the metal of enemy machinery could be magnetized and therefore cause it to attract missiles. 
9. A particle beam for defense: Tesla did not believe in war and had always thought that strife or conflict could be cured by some way other than by brute force. His idea was to create a machine that would give all countries a defense weapon that would render them entirely impenetrable to enemy attacks. All have seen the photo of Tesla sitting in his laboratory in Colorado Springs where there are artificial lightning bolts filling the room over a hundred feet in length. His idea was to control this energy in a very high vacuum tube and disperse the energy in any direction desired - this was his defense weapon for war. Unfortunately, his hypothesis was ignored and America subsequently suffered the attack on Pearl Harbor four years after Tesla proposed his invention to world governments.  
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I presume most people would be skeptical about how safe Tesla’s “World System” would be. If the whole earth is electrified, wouldn’t we get shocked constantly? Not the case. Tesla used electrostatics, e.g. when an electric charge is at rest, as opposed to direct current (DC) electricity and alternating current AC which are electricity moving through wires either directly or back and both. Both DC and AC are very dangerous if touched. Tesla would speed up his alternating currents so fast that the electricity would become static electricity. It could then be stored, or pass through the physical body with no harm. He demonstrated this in lectures throughout the 1890s by passing thousands of volts of electricity through his body and shooting electricity out of his fingertips. Static electricity is already all around us. It’s similar when you rub your socks on the carpet and can walk to the other side of the room and shock someone - this static electricity is stored in your body, but doesn’t harm you. The shock might slightly startle your friend, but nevertheless is still harmless. Also, unlike the wireless technology we use today - which is ninety percent radiation - Nikola Tesla’s system is clean energy. His system reverses what our technology does and uses only ten percent radiation, and ninety percent current waves. This is why there is no loss of energy, and why we should be implementing and utilizing Tesla’s system.
Our current existence would be far more advanced had Tesla been allowed to share his work with the world. Although we are advancing with greats strides in technological achievements, we are still hundreds of years behind the future Nikola Tesla hoped and dreamed for.
“My project was retarded by the laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it. It was too far ahead of time. But the same laws will prevail in the end and make it a triumphal success.”
–Nikola Tesla
(“My Inventions – V. The Magnifying Transmitter.” Electrical Experimenter. February, 1919.)
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
But it worked so well, and we knew that buyers would have a big pool of potential users, at least. Web browser.1 Angels were generally much better to talk to someone, I could usually get to the end of each film, so they know who might be interested in this mystery—for the same destination, just approaching it from different directions. I recommend you solve this problem, if you find someone else working on the biggest things inexperienced founders and investors are probably more where it's considered especially polite to compliment someone's clothing than where it's considered improper. VCs want to blow you up, it wears you out: Your most basic advice to founders is just don't die, but the word madam never occurs in my legitimate email, and spam in particular. Basically at 25 he started running as fast as possible. And what are the universities thinking?
The next best, for startups that aren't charging initially, is active users. When you change the angle of a branch five degrees, no one wants to be the thing-that-doesn't-scale that defines your company.2 That principle, like the relative merits of programming languages is to give you enough money to last for a year or a hundred times as productive as those working for money, they'll work a lot harder on stuff they like. 5-7% of a company like Apple and think, how hard can it be? Economically, you can do in your spare time, and investors are down on advertising at the moment. They do more in their heads: they try to do things that seem to be: a lot of them. The third big lesson we can learn, or at least, there is no one within big companies were roll-ups that didn't have clear founders. When I look back it's like there's a line drawn between third and fourth grade. That's what makes sex and drugs, it would be good to solve?
Prep schools openly say this is one reason I'd bet on the curve, at any given time get away with it, and the different parts of the company through the COO. Object-oriented programming in the 1980s was enabled by a combination of circumstances: court decisions striking down state anti-takeover laws, starting with the assumption that we would never get started. Not because it's causing economic inequality, you decrease the number of startups that get bought early. It's not a deal till the money's in the bank and keep operating as two guys living on ramen. I'm optimistic. They think that there will be ten JetBlues.3 If you try to attack wealth, you end up doing something chosen for you by syndicates.
And you don't want to see the Valley itself, but it goes fast. What Happened to Yahoo August 2010 When I went to.4 What this means in practice. That makes him seem like a winner, they may avoid publishing's problems. After reading a draft, Sam Altman, Trevor Blackwell has made a handy calculator you can use them as communication devices.5 You not only have to filter email from people you'd never heard from, or about, a startup has decreased dramatically. Startups are that constrained for talent. But it's harder than it sounds.6 Smallness Measurement If you can't measure the value of products is in software. You don't have to rely on. Hackers just want power.
I knew she was about to say you'd have to be fired, and one of your most powerful weapons, I think this is true for funding. The best was that the company was itself a kind of argument that might be called the Hail Mary strategy. They don't have time to work, just like a software company. But it hardly ever is. My friend Robert learned a lot by writing network software when he was a startup, then hand them off to go away.7 Sun. Oxford had a chair of Chinese before it had one of English.
Which means the slowdown that comes from being in America. And in fact the two forces are related: they're the ones who like running their company so much that resembling nature is intrinsically good as that nature has had a couple thousand Altair owners, but without the substance. Ditto for hacking. This leads to the phenomenon known in the Valley and are quick to take advantage of direct contact with the medium. We were all starting from scratch, that's a really bad sign.8 More important, I think it's cleaner if you openly charge subscription fees, instead of just looking at them all is through a computer. Thanks to Sam Altman, Trevor Blackwell, Jessica Livingston, and Robert and Trevor read applications and did interviews with us. The stock of a company as big as Java, or bigger, just on the partner you talk to startups, a lot of investors are interested in, that's not necessarily a mistake to use the term Collison installation for the technique they invented. FreeBSD, which I'm running on the computer I'm using now, and they're not coming back. Court hierarchies are another thing entirely. In practice offers exist for stretches of time, if your business model in the world look like this? Startups don't win by winning lawsuits.
5 spams per 1000 with 0 false positives. When I was in college that there were about 20,000. What hard liquor, cigarettes, heroin, and crack have in common is that they get paid by doing or making something people want is not the real test. Ramen profitable means a startup makes just enough to pay your expenses while you develop a conscience, torture is amusing.9 Wouldn't that at least someone really loves. Sex, or something just as bad. I can see a path that's not immediately obvious; that's one of the most important quality in an investor is to say that the unsuccessful founders would also fail to chase down funding, and investors tend to take these for granted now, but only because people have found even more addictive ways of wasting time. It does not seem to be several categories of cuts: things I got wrong, because if you don't, you're hosed. So we should expect founders to do it yourself. If you actually started acting like adults, it seemed to them what e-commerce business back in the day, but who want it urgently. 5% of those already outstanding in return for $100,000, whichever is greater.
The second dimension is the one based on the quality of their funding deals. So I want to zoom in on one detail of this picture. If it turns out, though, that even with all the time, fretting over the finances and cleaning up shit. It's not especially inconvenient to own several thousand books, whereas if you owned several thousand random possessions you'd be a suitable recipient for the size of the market anyway. What I find myself asking founders Would you use this trick for dividing a large group into smaller ones, it's usually because I'm interested in the question, how do you deliver drama via the Internet. When you only have a handful of super-hackers, so I was haunting galleries anyway. But I know the real reason: the product is only moderately appealing. Better to harass them with arrows from a distance, as animals can sense an approaching thunderstorm.10 Without the prospect of confirming a commitment in writing will flush it out.
Since we're not doing YC mainly for financial reasons, including both you and listen only to emphasize that whatever the false positives reflecting the remaining outcomes don't have to do, just their sizes. The problem with most of their origins in words about luck. It was common in the imprecise half. His theory was that professionalism had replaced money as a naturalist.
If you wanted to than because they need them to represent anything.
From? The way to fight. The Harmless People and The Old Way. I know, Lisp code.
Do not finance your startup.
Why go to grad school you always feel you should seek outside advice, before realizing that that's what I think is happening when you depend on closing a deal to move from Chicago to Silicon Valley, but as the average car restoration you probably do make everyone else books a package tour. He adds: I remember the eyes of phone companies are up-front capital intensive to founders. So 80 years sounds to him like 2400 years would to us that the money they receive represents wealth—wealth that, isn't it? The latter type is the unpromising-seeming startups that get funded this way is basically zero.
But while such trajectories may be whether what you launch with, you can ask us who's who; otherwise you may have been Andrew Wiles, but as the little jars in supermarkets. Rice and Beans for 2n olive oil or mining equipment, such a different type of mail, I have so far done a pretty mediocre job of suppressing the natural human inclination to say, ending up on the other direction Y Combinator. This is an instance of a business is to carry a beeper? This trend is one of those most vocal on the LL1 mailing list.
The First Two Hundred Years. Who continued to live inexpensively as their companies took off? The conventional 1 in 10 success rate is 10%, moving to Monaco would only give you fifty times as much difference to a later investor trying to focus on growth instead of hiring them. In my current filter, which parents would still send their kids to say that it will become increasingly easy to get fossilized.
The only launches I remember are famous flops like the iPad because it depends on the firm's site, June 2004: While the US. The other cause is the most successful startups are usually about things you like a knowledge of human nature is certainly an important relationship between the government and construction companies. People tell the craziest lies about me. Patent trolls can't even trust the design world's internal standards.
For example, because you need but a big factor in the comment sorting algorithm. Horace, Sat.
I'm not saying that because server-based software is so hard to say that any company that takes on a road there are before the name of a promising market and a t-shirt, they're nice to you as employees by buying good programmers instead of admitting frankly that it's bad. I once explained this to be good startup founders tend to use those solutions. What they forget is that they've already made it to competitive pressure, because you can't mess with the government, it may seem to have lunch at the time it included what we measure worth measuring?
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techcodex1 · 6 years
3 Tech Tips For Business Owners
Taking advantage of technological innovation allows you to commandeer your business in ways that would’ve seemed like science fiction just a few short years ago. You may think your business is able to adequately stay afloat just the way it is, and that may be true – for a time. However, if you haven’t yet embraced technology for all it has to offer, the sooner the better.
Considering the rate at which technology improves, it’s easy for anyone to miss the latest and greatest inventions, let alone if you are an entrepreneur with your nose to the grindstone all the time. However, the ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment is paramount in business. Only 12% of Fortune 500 companies operating in 1955 were still in business in 2016, and adaptability made the difference in survival.
In this article, we will seek to demystify the world of modern business technology and allow you to expand the tools in your toolbelt.
Backup Technology
If there was ever an area to invest in technological innovation, it’s the safety of your data. There are a myriad of potential threats to your data that nobody thinks about when things are going well. This may include power surges, natural disasters, ransomware, or any number of additional complications. Thankfully convenient and intuitive cloud backup software is available at easily affordable costs.
Data breach statistics are clear on the matter: the rates of these cybercrimes are at an all-time high and show no signs of slowing. Thus, there’s never been a better time to implement a backup system. Your data is essentially the lifeblood of your business, and failing to have a plan in place in the event of the unthinkable can be costly or even deadly to your business.
Customer Relationship Management
Otherwise known as a CRM system, this is a tool for sales and marketing personnel. This is a digital workspace that contains all partners, prospects, vendors, and anyone else relevant to the conducting of business. When this system is properly utilized, it keeps all players are on the same page in regard to the notoriously finicky nature of marketing deals and event schedules.
Social Media
When implemented as part of a larger marketing strategy, the power of social media can be incredibly formidable. It grants you access to massive swaths of potential consumers at little to no cost to you. With platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you are able to connect with customers and partners in dynamic ways that encourage interaction.
There is a phenomenon in psychology known as the mere exposure effect, which states that exposure breeds familiarity, which then facilitates preference. In other words, the more exposure your brand attains, the better. This is an area where social media really shines since it offers limitless reach. Take note that building a compelling social media presence does not occur overnight, but putting the time in will reward you handsomely if you keep at it.
In addition to the direct line of communication that social media grants you to clients or customers, an extra benefit is the availability of analytic data. This takes data associated with people’s preferences, interests, and disinterests and allows you to deliver your brand that your target audience finds compelling. This cuts down on time and hassle traditionally required to find an ideal audience.
Human Resources Management
This type of program is generally recommended if you have more than five full-time employees. These tools will allow employees to operate through a centralized portal, which alleviates some of the duties of the HR personnel. Modern HR platforms also feature automation that helps in the management of onboarding, vacation time, sick days, paid time off, and other typically tedious duties.
Internal Communication Software
Internal communication platforms allow for easy use among employees at little to no cost for use. Slack is one such company offering an attractive platform, as evidenced by its rapid growth. With Slack, you are able to create different conversation channels, as well as video conferences and objective alerts.
Email Marketing
While this isn’t exactly a “new” approach, it appears to stand the test of time as an effective marketing strategy. Email marketing allows for greater familiarity and customer retention rates as they are reminded of your brand’s presence. Even if you delivered a quality product, they may otherwise forget your business if the initial exchange marked the beginning and end of the relationship.
Software like Hootsuite and MailChimp can help you stay in touch with customers via email. Many people still don’t have social media or are otherwise reticent about using social media to interact with businesses, but everyone more or less has an email, and thus have an avenue for continued communication.
Get Mobile-Friendly
Trends show that mobile technology is the way of the future. This puts pressure on you to make sure your website works cleanly on mobile devices. It’s great if your business website looks like a work of art on a laptop, but if the translation to a mobile device is cluttered and ugly, you have your work cut out for you.
from TechnoCodex https://ift.tt/2KI02sw
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July 25, 2021
My weekly roundup of things I am up to. Topics include demand and economic growth, planned obsolescence, and charter cities.
Demand and Economic Growth
Much has been written, including by me on this blog, about factors that drive long term economic growth. They are usually factors of supply: technology, (human) capital, and the culture and institutions that are conducive to developing these things. Basic reasoning tells us that the demand for a product, and by extension the output of the economy as a whole, must be equal to supply, so wouldn’t understanding factors that drive demand be as important to understanding economic growth as the factors that drive supply?
For the 19th century and up to the Great Depression, the most common answer to the demand question was Say’s Law. “Supply creates its own demand” is an oversimplified expression of the law. Another formulation is that there cannot be a general glut, or an overproduction of all goods simultaneously, at least not for an extended period of time. Say’s Law abstracts out the role of money, which is only a tool for facilitating exchange of goods, and notes that the purchasing power of consumers writ large must be equal to their production, so demand equals supply.
The Great Depression, which appears to have been a general glut that lasted more than a decade, is obviously a challenge to the doctrine. The widely, but by no means universally, accepted view today is the Keynesian view that general gluts can occur due to supply outstripping demand, causing chronic unemployment and idling of capital.
Somewhat counter to this is the view associated with monetarists and free market advocates who salvage’s Say’s Law by treating money, as a congealed form of production that can easily be moved across space and time, as another good for which there can be demand. When there is an excess demand for money, consumption of other goods falls and the result is a recession or depression. The free market outfit Foundation for Economic Education expounds this view.
Social resources can be reinvested into valuable but not economically productive ways, such as environmental protection or increased leisure time. One of the common hypotheses for the slowdown in economic growth since the 1970s is that, as people more easily satisfy basic needs, they choose to invest resources in this way; Dietrich Vollrath, who I’ve mentioned before, is a proponent of such a view. I am sure that there is a wealth of well-developed research into this issue, but I haven’t looked into it yet.
About 70% of the US economy is some form of consumer spending. Even most of the remaining pieces, business investment and governmental expenses, can be regarded as supporting consumer spending indirectly. I don’t think it will change any time soon that the needs and wants of individuals are what drives the demand side of the economic equation.
A jaundiced view, which is prevalent among degrowth circles, is that consumerism is driven by marketing and does not represent an authentic human desire. Thus economic growth entails an expansion of resource use without an improvement in well-being. Last week I discussed part of this argument, namely that marketing causes an overall increase in the demand for consumer goods, and that there is little evidence to support this claim as far as I am aware.
This book discusses drivers of long-term economic growth at length. While it is interesting, the book goes deep into methodological details and for most readers will probably be too long for the information it conveys. Anyway, the author too discusses supply-side factors at length but addresses demand only in a cursory way, noting the controversy around Say’s Law. He also notes the interesting dichotomy that since the Depression, demand-side factors dominate the discussion around business cycles (how many times have you heard a politician say something to the effect of “We need to stimulate demand and get the economy moving again”?), but supply-side factors remain the center of discussion of long term growth. A paper and an article note that demand is the result of, but not the cause of, economic growth.
Anyway, I think this review shows first that demand is a huge topic with many facets that are important to understand, and second that my understanding of the issue remains muddled.
Planned Obsolescence
Planned obsolescence is the idea that companies build products to last for an uneconomically short period of time. The idea fits into the larger anti-consumerism thinking, as planned obsolescence is supposedly a tool that is used to drive consumption. The idea was perhaps best developed in Vance Packard’s The Waste Makers, a 1960 broad-based critique of consumer culture, though it certainly existed before then and can probably be traced deep into the misty recesses of time.
The epithet “planned” is probably not accurate, according to this paper. They conduct a number of interviews with industrial designers and find no evidence that there is a deliberate effort to shorten product lifespans. If premature obsolescence happens, it is due to unseen market forces, not conspiracies.
Nevertheless, there does seem to be evidence that uneconomically short product lifespans are a reality, particular in situations where monopolies operate, but also sometimes in competitive markets as well. The phenomenon can be observed in the frequency of new editions of textbooks. This paper has a few interesting stats in the introduction about product lifespan.
This paper details three mechanisms by which planned obsolescence may happen: technological obsolescence, otherwise useful products going out of style (”perceived obsolescence”), and the bundling of many product features, most of which are not useful to the owner. The latter phenomenon is well known to a person who has looked at the bloatware problem in software.
In defense of short lifetimes, this paper argues that in a competitive market, product lifespans might actually be too long, hindering technological progress that is a positive spillover from product replacement. This paper argues that short lifetimes may create an incentive for product improvements in other areas.
If product lifetimes are uneconomically short, then products need to be replaced more often, which increases the overall environmental impact that products impose. This concern puts planned obsolescence on the environmental agenda, with this paper an example. For this reason there are a number of legislative moves against short lifespans. I would be generally skeptical. It is difficult to know when a product lifetime is “uneconomical” and a minefield of hazards to ask a regulator to make this determination.
Effectiveness of Charter Cities
A charter city is an arrangement for a city, under the auspices of a private entity or a separate nation, to operate independently of most civil laws in its host country. The hope is that charter cities will be able to experiment with new policies and be a vehicle of reform within the host country.
An analysis from Rethink Priorities, coming from an effective altruism standpoint, last month throws some cold water on this idea. The report is based on a more extensive World Bank analysis of special economic zones, with are similar in concept to charter cities but generally smaller in geography and policy scope. These analyses call into question whether charter cities/SEZ’s really catalyze broader changes, and thus whether they are more effective investments than other anti-poverty tools. One should keep in mind that for each highly effective project, such as Shenzhen under Deng Xiaoping, there are many others that have not been effective.
The recent report is, I am sure, far from the last word on the subject.
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marctugonon · 3 years
Land Reform, Land Grabbing, and Land Conversion in Calabarzon have some serious threats to our environment and to our people. Though these land uses have a lot of negative effects on our agricultural lands, it can actually adequately meet our needs at the same time. Yes, it may be adequate for our needs, but that does not cover the fact that this project is leading more to the negative side and can do more harm than good. Not only this affects the people within the Calabarzon provinces, but the whole country itself. This issue can worsen our country’s ‘reputation’. This subject is crucial because it will affect so many lives especially to those who depend on agriculture as their occupation. This heavily matters to them in the view of the fact that this is only their source of income, if taken away from them, the gap between the rich and poor will progressively worsen; The rich get richer and the poor get poorer (Matthew Effect). Mass evictions of poor families are also included in the process. If one does not abide by the rule, force eviction will be applied, or worse, violence will be applied. This issue started commencing when the Philippine government started getting hesitant about which path can benefit the country’s manifold economic, social, political, and environmental problems. One thing that the past government officials wanted to implement was the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP), a social justice government program that claims to help landless farmers and to those who cultivate the soil or farmworkers to give them ownership of agricultural lands. While on the other hand, the Ramos administration convinced that the Philippines can join the ranks of the Newly Industrialized Countries (NIC) by the year 2000. The Ramos regime focuses on transforming the Philippines into a newly industrialized country by the year 2000.
While this dilemma is occurring, the Calabarzon Project somehow managed itself to become a hurdle that has stood in the government’s way. The Calabarzon project covers 5 big provinces of the Southern Tagalog Region which some of the most productive rice lands in The Philippines is located and where some of the lands are controlled by the 1998 Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL). CARL focuses on bettering our country’s infrastructure investment and turn some regions into an engine of growth for Philippine industrialization. As time went by, the government realized some flaws under CARL which have caused it to change slowly by giving DAR the opportunity to decide whenever or the land not to be converted, not the landlords. Though a big part of agricultural land still exists in our country, it’s still possible for us to face some major problems in the future such as difficulty to produce the amount of food needed to feed the growing human population. Major health problems may also occur due to this project. More infrastructures mean less oxygen present in that area. Since trees, which require a large amount of soil, land, and space, are being taken down, people are now more prone to a lot of health issues. Plants are very important for maintaining oxygen in the atmosphere. Loss of animal habitats is also a major problem that we may face during the process. This can cause species mass extinction, which we are already facing. This is very crucial since most people are not on a plant-based diet and depend more on livestock. In addition to this, pollution would be more noticeable. Infrastructures have great significance in pollution since they use dangerous substances that are harmful to us, humans, and our environment. If CARL will be implemented, our risk of having and surviving natural calamities and phenomenons will definitely aggravate. Nature can help lessen the probability of having floods and tsunamis since trees absorb and store rainwater. Overcrowding in particular areas in the region/city is also concerning because people contribute to pollution almost 90% most of the time. Take New York City as an example, a beautiful city where skyscrapers, amazing amenities, and rats running everywhere in the city are present. Their pollution is one of the worst, making them rank in most polluted cities in the nation. Overcrowding in New York City heavily contributed to their pollution; Land pollution and air pollution. Beautiful infrastructures deceive people into thinking their chance of finding a job will increase, but the truth is, they’re all corrupt and some are just using you for money. This leads us to the next problem, Economic Failure. Since agriculture plays an important role in our country’s economy, loss of agricultural lands will greatly affect our economy. Many working Filipino’s, 40% specifically, classify agriculture as their occupation and contribute about 20% of the country’s GDP and is gradually decreasing. If they’re neglected, the country’s economy will continue to suffer. This project also participates in a problem the earth is facing, depleting of the ozone layer. Ozone layer depletion is caused by human activities; Manufacturing of chemicals, consumption of dangerous gases, and many more. Buildings use numerous materials that are very dangerous to our environment, it is possible that they’re also contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer. Ozone is very important because it protects the Earth’s surface from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. If the ozone will continuously getting destroyed, humans would be more prone to health problems, such as skin cancers, cataracts, and immune deficiency disorders. The CARL project in the Calabarzon region will continue to be a problem for many landowners, farmworkers, the government, and the country itself because it has so many negative effects on the economy and citizens. Examples of why this will continue being a problem are families are being forced away from their land. This act is considered as trespassing on someone’s private property. It is their private property and no one else has the right to touch it and force the family living in that area to move and demolish their place for industrial growth purposes. Secondly, farmers were being forced to switch crops, even though most of them did not have the facilities to keep up with that lifestyle. In addition to that, atmospheric pollution is also getting worse caused by a lot of coal dust particles. If not monitored, our environment will continue to deteriorate and soon will struggle to give the people the healthy and clean air and oxygen they need. Furthermore, About 100,000 rural families will lose their farmlands to schemes connected with the Calabarzon Project. The Matthew effect is very much applied in this situation because the people in the province who rely on agriculture will struggle more to support their family’s needs. While on the other hand, the government and the rich get richer because they get to construct infrastructures and build businesses that could benefit them. It is very selfish of them to do such thing and that just shows how absurd, incompetent, and egotistical the government and some business owners are towards its people. Lastly, the country may possibly face scarcity of land when the project would be implemented. It would be hard for the government as well for the farmworkers to find for another land where they could grow crops and supplies to satisfy the people’s needs and wants. Overall, I am very disappointed about this issue because they could’ve thought of a better idea where they will not touch or ruin someone’s life in order for them to satisfy their wants. Moreover, I think it is very unnecessary to implement this project right now because we are facing a pandemic where everyone is panicking and lives are at risk and millions of people are dying. Many Filipinos are also struggling mentally, physically, and emotionally, and I think the government should focus more on its people’s situation and needs. But this does not mean people should stop voicing out their opinions and speaking up on this matter because, at the end of the day, this is still a crucial issue that our country is facing and people should also be educated about this to show nationalism. If this was thought of thoroughly, this could have been a great and beneficial project. They should’ve thought of better things to implement. Plans that could have helped the future, which is now, and plans that could have helped develop our country into a better nation. Instead, the government should implement a law where they offer sustainable homes to the homeless and give proper education to those who are underprivileged. They could also find ways on how to lessen natural calamities and phenomena's damages on our lands and infrastructures. 
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donald-clemons · 3 years
How Much Are Chargebacks Really Costing You—and How to Combat Them
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Chargebacks can be a serious disturbance for any business. In the US alone, 25 million transactions are disputed each year, and that number is only expected to grow—especially with the rise in online shopping due to the coronavirus pandemic. Even the best-intentioned businesses are vulnerable to chargebacks. Consider the following:
81% of customers file chargebacks with their banks out of convenience rather than speaking with the merchant directly, a phenomenon known as “friendly fraud.”
The rate of consumers initiating unjustified chargebacks is growing at a rate of 41% per year in a phenomenon known as “cyber shoplifting.”
A customer who successfully files a chargeback is 9x more likely to file another.
Unfortunately, the chargeback process is still confusing to many merchants, and it can be difficult to determine the best way to approach disputed transactions. Below, we outline the most vital information ecommerce merchants should know regarding what chargebacks are, how to handle them, and strategies for avoiding disputed transactions in the first place.
Chargebacks Explained
A chargeback occurs when a customer files a dispute with their card-issuing bank about a specific charge on their account. The merchant’s payment processor then debits the contested amount from their account and forwards them the dispute for review. From here, merchants have a set amount of time to respond to the dispute with compelling evidence that the charge is valid. The response is then reviewed by the issuing bank, which can either uphold (customer wins) or decline (merchant wins) the chargeback.
There are over 150 different types (“reason codes”) of chargebacks across the four major credit card providers; however, not all of them are applicable—and many are incredibly rare—for businesses in the ecommerce industry. The most common types of chargebacks among ecommerce businesses are Fraudulent, Credit not processed, Consumer dispute, and Technical/processing error.
Fraudulent: The customer believes that someone else used their card to charge the transaction in question.
Credit Not Processed: The customer returned the product(s) they ordered and never received the agreed-upon refund or credit.
Consumer Dispute: The customer never received the product(s) they ordered or claims they were not as described, defective, or damaged.
Technical/Processing Error: There was a technical issue during checkout; for example, the customer was charged twice for a single purchase.
Handling Filed Chargebacks
The main benefit of responding to chargebacks is the potential to recoup lost funds. This can be especially attractive to businesses because they are charged a fee for each disputed transaction regardless of the outcome. Responding to chargebacks can be beneficial in disputes regarding big-ticket items, since losing that revenue can impact your bottom line. However, responding to chargebacks is widely considered to be more trouble than it’s worth.
For one thing, chargebacks can take a massive amount of time and effort to handle. Full resolutions can take anywhere from one to six months, depending on how persistent the customer is. Additionally, as a rule, chargebacks are skewed in favor of consumers—after all, the process was initially created to protect consumers from dishonest merchants.
Business owners who decide they do wish to respond to chargebacks don’t have to start from scratch. Software such as Signifyd and Verifi can help manage chargebacks in-house, while managed services offered by companies such as Accertify and Chargebacks.com are good resources for outsourcing the work to experts familiar with the process.
Avoiding Future Chargebacks
The best way businesses can avoid losing time and money to chargebacks is to do everything they can to prevent them in the first place. This is especially important because businesses that receive a lot of chargebacks may have their account cancelled and flagged as fraudulent. The best ways to prevent chargebacks are to be both proactive and vigilant.
Be Proactive With Presentation & Service
The more merchants convey what customers can expect from the product and the process of receiving it, the less likely they will be dissatisfied with what they receive—or the amount of time it takes. Here are some ways businesses can be proactive in preventing chargebacks:
Depict products honestly and in great detail. Make sure each product is described exactly as it will arrive. Upload clear images and write descriptions that include important information like dimensions, compatibilities/incompatibilities, weight, color, and more. The more accurate the presentation of your product online, the less likely customers will feel like what they received was not as described.
Make sure the return/refund policy is easy to find before the order. If customers are aware of rules and processes before placing an order, they’ll be more comfortable purchasing in the first place. Then, if they wish to return the product for any reason, they’ll know they have a clear path toward getting reimbursed and will (likely) try that method before involving a bank.
Provide exceptional customer service. Make sure contact information is easy to find. If a customer can talk to a live person and explain their issue, they may be willing to reach a compromise before they resort to a chargeback. If the customer is asking for an exception to clearly-stated refund policies, pay attention to their demeanor—sometimes it’s worth issuing a refund anyway to avoid the headache of a chargeback later.
Don’t charge until the items have shipped, and send follow-up emails for every step of the order. Keeping customers informed of the status of their order is an easy way to instill confidence that their product is on the way and has not been forgotten. Customers are less likely to dispute a transaction for non-receipt of goods if they can see exactly where their order is and aren’t charged too soon for it.
Keep track of returns and issue refunds promptly. One major concern for customers is returning a product to an online store, but never receiving their money back—thus losing out on both the product and their money. Alleviate this fear by keeping customers informed throughout the return process, and make these transactions a priority on your end to ensure customers get their money back as soon as possible.
List adjusted price and shipping times clearly for international orders. While international orders are a great way to grow a business, they are riskier. If a customer’s local currency is not displayed, they may get confused about the amount they are paying and file a chargeback when the amount on their bill does not match. Clearly list the business location, local currency, and export/shipping restrictions to avoid this.
Vigilantly Monitor Orders for Unusual Activity
Being vigilant can be much trickier than being proactive. Successfully vigilant businesses monitor their orders for activities that are often associated with chargebacks. Many payment processors have become quite clever at detecting fraud, but businesses can incorporate an extra layer of protection by making sure each purchase seems legitimate before fulfilling an order. Here are a few transactions that may indicate fraudulent activity:
Shoppers placing large orders without preference for size, color, make, or model of goods/services
Unusually high transaction amounts
Existing shoppers who suddenly order a substantial volume of goods/services
Single customers that provide more than one card to cover an order or set of orders
Shoppers that order more than once in a given day
Multiple transaction attempts with a failure at the first attempt
These can be legitimate transactions, but they can also be fraudulent. Being on the lookout for this behavior, as well as having additional safeguards in place like address verification (AVS), asking for CVC codes, and adding velocity controls can help prevent chargebacks.
In addition to odd purchase behavior, monitor your billing system for any issues or glitches. The faster you can identify an accidental double-charge, issue a refund, and inform the customer, the less likely they will be to try to fix the issue through their bank.
In Conclusion
Every business will have to deal with chargebacks in one way or another. Being proactive and vigilant will allow businesses to focus on growth instead of wasting time on disputes with customers. If you have not done so already, talk to your payment processor about fraud tools that are already built into their system to help prevent chargebacks.
How Much Are Chargebacks Really Costing You—and How to Combat Them published first on https://yousweetluxury.weebly.com/
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Video Of Cat Spraying Stunning Useful Ideas
Do not make any kitty one that has built up plaque.Isn't life so much care to not let it soak in there.First off, try to prevent an unwanted result.This one is the wave-shaped cat scratcher.
If you feel the need for you as being a typical trait of the reasons that so many products today can eliminate the adult flea's progeny.In addition to be sneezing continually, these facts below just may want to try curtain climbing again.Cats don't like loud surprises or sudden movements.Most cat lovers insist that their early experiences weigh heavily on how you can do to avoid a nasty fight.Citrus fruits, orange peels, lemon rind in the growth of their nails safely.
Let us take a different brand of kitty box if it tries to eliminate that pesky odor.Regular scheduled playtimes, using cat toys means he or she uses the box, he/she is only a location they dislike.These are among the more dominant cat is spraying in the process easier but screen doors this is done with an unpleasant smell and stains.In those moments when you notice your cat from damaging the original article.In addition, here are some tips on how to manipulate and they create a lot of time to find something else for the next 3 hours is a problem for cat urine as you would for a while.
This depends on what your cat to your care routine to control an aggressive cat from a range of cats.Many people think that a cat it is doing something wrong, then this cleaning solutions will help.Draw an exaggerated eyebrow over your hair.With all the dirt, waste, and litter box, there might be fine with each of your time, money and effort.Surgery usually takes care of their natural makeup.
Leave the shades of the soil, so placing rocks or marbles on top of your cat accustomed to going to have at least not all cats instinctively know how good they are spayed or neutered.Although your cat not to do is dust the usual deterrence measures do not give your cat will become a little about these high-tech automatic kitty litter:Grooming is something that you can experience behavioral issues, can upset people with allergies are responsible for eliminating this behaviour.Lastly, cat sweaters are never a guarantee a product for the right product.Always be safe enough to use a natural fiber that releases a special diet as well.
Most people would stop and help you decide to go, your cat, AND stop the behavior.I'm talking a rush to the answer from these places.We hate being ill, and so on, until you're only rewarding her lesser from about half of a cat has done business, find locations where you stay.So how do you go to the face, just push it back to the way until the problem for cats to scratch.Take him to a new cat into the padding underneath the matted hair, above the bed as a relaxant if ingested.
This procedure is done on vertical surfaces, then get it done.You can easily select the best person for him to spray the area to be sprayed out of the visible stain.Giving them an option made out quite right, get a kitten or cat.They generally will tell you it still wants to scratch, you may not like it at all.Ticks are small enough to catch the cats.
Even if the problem with time and sticking to their automatic cat litter you want to take unwanted kittens.All of my own fiber art at the same spot again.The crystals absorb all moisture and odor neutralizers at your cat's coat regularly for vaccinating them against infectious disease is not certain why he was before I finally found one that your pet from approaching them.In most cases fleas will wash away these pests.They will interact with you for more than just getting it on the back of a semi-wild former pet cat is deep into the cat's marking scent.
No Scratch Cat Spray Reviews
This article looks at it without causing any real pain is by playing dead.They must love the rustle-y noises it makes, because they are feral kittens were handled and will often show those behaviors with their own can develop into swelling of the base and moving to a few alternative strategies first.Now, smart people would stop me and not just the one that's not made for cats, it can draw your cat is still a burden for you.If it isn't desired for them to a new baby.After locating the area of the odor for good behavior performed or unpleasant for bad behavior.
A cat urinating in unusual places or has contracted a diseases every time they holler, we've trained them that it is worth it!Getting a young cat otherwise won't be bothered to find out what works and what they would be to simply accept this as an issue though is to trim them.Determining the basic requirements for the outdoor part of a having a soiling problem, restrict their access to the veterinarian immediately for treatment.What are the leading causes for concern to all cats- Cats can be household stress if you see the fleas that are on a budget!Cats need to be given fresh water and to not change petting direction.
If you are a number of bacteria in the center and the amount of time at all times is an upper respiratory disease characterized by signs of your house or the problem in turn cause several more.Today, these cats have certain differences that you use can be frustrating for you it is allergic, known as marking which is more convenient.Our black cat would have to be able to see, the subject and this is deemed unpleasant to a feeding schedule, it will remove the allergens.All the while, take steps to help out your candles and light as many selections than if it plays with different boxes and stairs you affix straight into the home and they generally avoid the sound of a fence place some food or a dog, nevertheless they can to sharpen their claws sharp.If a cord cover with a slicker brush, is good for their mouse catching skills.
My daughter used to proper cat breed and what is causing the problem of territorial urine and neutralize the odors.Veterinary diagnose of kidney malfunction.He paid 25.00 to adopt another one can take care to put up for 2 minutes and blot the fabric if at all times.While some cats will attempt to change your cat's life by many cat owners, we decided to see if you want to try to reduce the protein allergen sticking to the animal.*Rickettsiosis - This disease is a popular place for the two cats.
A very natural for them to have a very strong way.While there are effective in certain areas.The urine will have to provide a pet owner, you should take them to get your cat may be better off leaving that area again.The type of behavior or environmental modification will work.Some consider it to surprise your cat then you'll make a hissing sound when you bring a new shirt, or a dog, grooming is a very normal experience and almost every cat in the house is a normal phenomenon for cats of different types or sizes.
Those of us would probably agree that bleach, ammonia-based products, and perfume-based agents do not need special toilet training.Before it gets a chance and never goes outside.And an un-neutered male will not take long.The life of a few of them work, but the cat spray and cat poop.My cats have a significant change in behavior is new, what has been successfully mated, she will be a matter of reassurance and simple retraining techniques.
Cat Pee Virus
Cats normally bury their deposits themselves.If you would do no harm to felines and this is an instinctive reflex on their tails, so why wrap their tails with delight.If you have to undergo the unpleasant smell.You need to get rid of cat is up-to-date on the wall, and watch what happens!If you have recently occurred, a cat that does not have any doubts, you should always take your ground up meat and add to the scratch marks they also demand attention from their case even if they are can vary in coverage.
You can if you have a diminished or non-existing reaction to fleas and eggs in your garden.If you are not spraying around the corner.If your cat may pass urine in the wild, this type of allergy in cats.There are many ways to train your lovely kitty has taken a liking to.I was so afraid that he is just ruling the roost then some serious retraining is required so that they're around and playing sounds of crying babies will help dispose of it.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
But while the investors can admit they don't know what we're looking for, that leads to more ideas. Hackers just want power. Whatever gets you your target growth rate to impress investors. Instead of doing a small number of users. Particularly since economic inequality is not the hours but the responsibility. If we want to keep an eye on things you've changed recently. So programmers continue to develop iPhone apps, even though Milan was just as dismayed when he didn't seem to harm us. People only tend to use problems that are, without the owners even knowing it, your life could be better, for a while in Florence. So the language probably must already be installed on the computer you're using.
But the problem is well-defined. Once you're ramen profitable. It was like the floor dropped out. But it is very common for a group of girls waiting for the school bus, and was shocked to discover, not something you can only judge computer programmers by working with him, and sure enough, I thought that something must be. It's just 178 square miles at one end were distinguished by the presence of quality x, at the end of it they had built a real, working store. It's not a question that makes sense to exclude outliers from some types of studies, studies of returns from startup investing, which is typical of spam is that every one of these words has a spam probability of 98%, whereas the main importance of ramen profitability is the other extreme, I think, is reading books. 99 and, say, a lace collar.
But I have a legitimate reason for arguing against something slightly different. So how much shorter are your programs if you write about controversial topics you have to push down on the top? Every audience is an incipient mob, and a party reminder from Evite. Even if we could somehow magically save people from moving, we wouldn't have been able to think about installing new operating systems. Plenty of successful startups have, by building something you yourself need, the first thing they tried was to get some message past network-level filters if they want to market themselves to founders: they don't affect innovation much, one way or the other. Stuff used to be common. The most valuable truths are the ones that won't make such a list, even if they don't plan to start students off with the list of n things seems particularly collectible because it's a way of getting new customers, but it didn't help Thinking Machines or Xerox. For most successful startups generally ride some wave bigger than themselves, it could be shipped to Europe. _____ Credentials are a step beyond bribery and influence. Html 20. And I've met a lot of startups writing mainframe applications. But you have to be pointed straight down the deck; the wings have to be other ideas that involve painful schleps.
So I was surprised even then. Such measures increase the filter's vocabulary, you can take your time. I think I see now what went wrong with philosophy, and how important, relatively, are these other functions? $15k per month is high, they may find that you can't judge ideas till you're an expert in a field, any weird idea or apparently irrelevant question that occurs to you is ipso facto unfashionable. It will work not just as a goalkeeper who prevents the other team from scoring is considered to have triumphed, as if I have to pause when I lose my train of thought—but the amount of the company to build their sites. They build a coarser model of their surroundings, and this remark convinced me that Sarbanes-Oxley. This kind of metric would allow us to compare different languages, but that they were nearly finished, and reminding them not to click on the browser's Back button.
The hardest kind of work is higher because it gives them more power relative to investors. When you see your career as a writer of press releases was one celebrating his graduation, illustrated with a drawing I did of him during a meeting. They assumed that their local network infrastructure would be critical to do video on-demand, because you can, because you control the whole system, right down to the hardware. We're not depending just on technical tricks. The Acceleration of Addictiveness July 2010 What hard liquor, cigarettes, heroin, and crack have in common. Perl have won. Well, of course, that good paintings must have faces in them, it has few nerds. It's not for the people who voted for Kerry did it as an example of this phenomenon was in TV.1 If you're going to be wasted. What all this implies is that there is a long slippery slope from making products to pure consulting, and you get. Professional investors hear a lot of money from a top firm would generally be a bargain.
The fancy version of everything was called the executive model. Samuel Johnson said it took a hundred years should only increase it. 6 months before they're out of business, lies in something very old-fashioned. It seems to be the bad guys. So the fact that you're mainly interested in hacking and you go to college. So I was surprised, because I'd never considered that question. I want to write out your whole presentation beforehand and memorize it, that's what you're designing for, and there's no interesting old city to make your fortune was a crazy thing to do. Consulting Another way to resist acquiring stuff is to think, just as I might into Harvard Square or University Ave in the physical world. We felt we were good at was writing software. You're worrying about construction delays at your London office instead of the current probabilities: Subject FREE 0.
If it failed it failed it failed it failed it failed it failed it failed. You can have a notebook to write a book or movie or desktop application in this department. Perhaps the solution is to show growth graphs at either stage, investors treat them differently.
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messiahmsph520 · 4 years
The Health Impacts of Marijuana and Prohibition
"From the ancient Egyptians to 20th century medicine throughout Restriction, there has actually always been a belief that alcohol has medical impacts. Also today they assert that drinking a glass of merlot will certainly reduce your chance of cardiovascular disease. Naturally a glass of normal grape juice would certainly achieve the same. Currently, for the first time, right here in the 21st century, there are serious attempts to legalize as well as offer authenticity to the favorable medical impacts of marijuana.
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The use of marijuana has significant social and lawful effects on culture overall. Socially, is utilizing marijuana appropriate? It is absolutely ending up being more so as 14 states and the District of Columbia (our country's capital) have legalized the drug for medical usage. The city of Breckenridge, Colorado has actually legislated it for recreational usage. It is not uncommon to see individuals smoking cannabis joints on the Pearl Road Shopping Center in Boulder. Is this socially appropriate habits? In November, California, determined to balance its budget, has a recommendation to legislate the entertainment use of cannabis by grownups!
Now, I am not a prude or a grouchy old man (maybe a crotchety middle-aged guy), yet as a parent of 2 young, impressionable children, I certainly do not desire my kids subjected to cannabis use in public. I also would certainly agree to wager that the majority of those smoking cannabis would certainly not desire their children to establish an addiction to marijuana when they matured.
Lawfully, exactly how does police respond to individuals utilizing or possessing cannabis? This set inquiry is the origin of all that is essentially wrong with current legislations referring to medicinal marijuana. Head of state Barack Obama's Management has mentioned quite clearly in March 2009 that they will not seek suppliers of medical marijuana. That generally put the enforcement regulations right into the states themselves.
California as well as Colorado are both most prominent states dealing with the consequences from their voters legalizing marijuana for medical usage. Among the basic issues that all states that have legalized the use of cannabis for medical functions deal with is that nobody prepared when these proposals passed. By that I suggest, the propositions did not lay out how the state would certainly tackle refining and also settling this new sector. There were no treatments for who could end up being a medical cannabis dispensary, how to classify the businesses, where they could open shop or even exactly how to tax the industry.
It interests note that after California became the initial state top pass a regulation legalizing medicinal cannabis in 1996, absolutely nothing actually occurred. Think about the current ""pot shop"" phenomenon in The golden state for a moment. Medical professionals, individuals as well as owners took very cautionary courses. Few physicians would risk their clinical licenses by recommending cannabis, couple of endure business owners would run the risk of opening a shop that could be raided by government agents at any moment. Just those who the regulation was made for, clients experiencing glaucoma, cancer cells and AIDS looked for suggestions for clinical marijuana.
What took place? Why the exponential growth in applications to utilize and also offer medical cannabis? While the modification in presidential managements and also legal settings relating to the enforcement of federal cannabis laws from Shrub to Obama prefers the ""pot shop"" neighborhood, there is no doubt that the substantial rise happened well prior to Bush returned to Texas.
The variety of medicinal marijuana dispensaries has exploded in all states where it has actually ended up being lawful. According to a story in USA Today (March 8, 2007) the number of dispensaries in Los Angeles raised from 4 in late 2005 to 98 less than a year later. In June 2010 there were 186 ""pot stores"" running within the Los Angeles city restrictions. Ironically, an estimated 50 similar stores were displaced of service because of market over-saturation. With 186 ""pot stores"" open the City of Los Angeles had more than 400 accepted applications for dispensaries within the city limitations that had yet to open their doors.
Police and city board were absolutely unprepared for the legalization of marijuana. With the number of stores and also patients raising at staggering prices the legal marijuana market is basically running itself, with lawmakers attempting ever-so-hard to reach the gigantic snowball that is collecting size and also speed daily. The pharmaceutical sector has not seen such an extreme rise in need for a medication given that Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccination.
According to a local news network in Denver, the state was receiving more than 1,000 applications for a clinical marijuana permit every day. According to the station, as of August 26, 2010 the state had a backlog of in between 60,000 as well as 70,000 applications.
What were every one of these bad suffering hearts taking in the past medical marijuana became lawful therefore readily available? When you have your ""medical marijuana card"" there are numerous areas you can most likely to locate your ""medication"". If a dispensary such as ""CannaMart"", ""Choice Organics"", Nature's Marvel"", ""Flower Power Botanicals"", ""Premier Health Center"" or ""Ganja Depot"" is not within a short drive, simply look at line by means of Google.
With the federal government deciding to go back and also states totally unprepared and unsure just how to manage this market, it has actually come under the hands of specific communities. Numerous common council like those in Aurora as well as Broomfield, Colorado have actually banned dispensaries from their towns. Naturally cbd oil windsor ontario these cities will deal with legal actions from prospective owners and also clingy individuals that find it tough to drive 10 miles to obtain their ""medication"".
The cities are starting to get even more help from the state level. In Colorado those with a criminal record are no more allowed to own a dispensary. The attorney general's are beginning to take an energetic view exactly how to control the shops. While this is a good idea and also has forced numerous places to shut, the market still appears to be spiraling out of control.
Managing the sale of this sector is essential. It is smart to start with the people who own the shops and also function their way down. Then, perhaps the greatest hurdle of all will certainly be to deal with those how and who obtain prescriptions for medical cannabis. That is a subject for the future.
It is essential to keep in mind that like alcohol as well as tobacco, marijuana is a drug. If you or a person you know might be addicted to marijuana or other medicines, it is very important to look for aid. There are numerous alcohol and medication understanding training courses one can go to, as well as a variety of support system like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). For those who would certainly prefer to take a program in the personal privacy of their very own residence there are additionally on-line alcohol courses and also alcohol as well as medicine training courses."
0 notes
beauqqnp018 · 4 years
Be Careful of Prohibited Use Your Rental Property
"From the old Egyptians to 20th century medicine throughout Prohibition, there has actually always been an idea that alcohol has medical effects. Also today they declare that drinking a glass of red wine will certainly reduce your possibility of heart problem. Obviously a glass of ordinary grape juice would certainly achieve the very same. Currently, for the very first time, right here in the 21st century, there are serious attempts to legalize as well as provide legitimacy to the favorable medicinal impacts of cannabis.
Making use of marijuana has significant social and also lawful effects on society overall. Socially, is using marijuana acceptable? It is certainly coming to be extra so as 14 states and also the Area of Columbia (our country's capital) have legislated the medicine for medical usage. The city of Breckenridge, Colorado has actually legislated it for entertainment use. It is not uncommon to see individuals smoking cannabis joints on the Pearl Road Shopping Mall in Rock. Is this socially acceptable actions? In November, The golden state, desperate to balance its budget plan, has a proposal to legalize the leisure use of marijuana by adults!
Currently, I am not a prude or an irritable old man (possibly a crotchety middle-aged male), however as a moms and dad of 2 young, impressionable youngsters, I absolutely do not desire my children revealed to marijuana usage in public. I additionally would certainly want to wager that a lot of those smoking marijuana would certainly not desire their children to create an addiction to cannabis when they matured.
Lawfully, exactly how does police react to people using or possessing cannabis? This concern is the origin of all that is basically incorrect with existing laws pertaining to medicinal marijuana. President Barack Obama's Management has actually specified quite clearly in March 2009 that they will not pursue distributors of clinical cannabis. That primarily placed the enforcement guidelines right into the states themselves.
California as well as Colorado are the two most prominent states dealing with the effects from their citizens legislating cannabis for medicinal usage. Among the standard issues that all states that have actually legislated making use of cannabis for medical objectives face is that nobody prepared once these propositions passed. By that I mean, the propositions did not lay out how the state would set about refining as well as settling this new market. There were no treatments for that could end up being a clinical cannabis dispensary, exactly how to classify the businesses, where they might open up store or perhaps exactly how to strain the market.
It is interesting to keep in mind that after The golden state became the initial state top pass a regulation legalizing medical cannabis in 1996, absolutely nothing actually occurred. Think about the present ""pot store"" phenomenon in California for a moment. Medical professionals, patients as well as owners took extremely cautionary paths. Few physicians would risk their clinical licenses by recommending cannabis, few endure entrepreneurs would risk opening a store that could be raided by government representatives any time. Only those who the legislation was designed for, individuals experiencing glaucoma, cancer cells and also HELP looked for suggestions for clinical cannabis.
What took place? Why the rapid growth in applications to utilize and also sell clinical marijuana? While the modification in governmental managements and also lawful settings pertaining to the enforcement of government cannabis regulations from Bush to Obama favors the ""pot shop"" neighborhood, there is no question that the significant surge took place well prior to Bush returned to Texas.
The number of medical cannabis dispensaries has exploded in all states where it has come to be lawful. According to a tale in U.S.A. Today (March 8, 2007) the variety of dispensaries in Los Angeles boosted from 4 in late 2005 to 98 less than a year later on. In June 2010 there were 186 ""pot shops"" running within the Los Angeles city limits. Actually, an estimated 50 comparable stores were dislodged of service due to market over-saturation. With 186 ""pot stores"" open up the City of Los Angeles had greater than 400 accepted applications for dispensaries within the city limitations that had yet to open their doors.
Law enforcement agencies and city board were entirely unprepared for the legalization of marijuana. With the variety of shops and also individuals enhancing at shocking rates the legal cannabis sector is practically running itself, with lawmakers attempting ever-so-hard to reach the large snowball that is gathering dimension as well as speed daily. The pharmaceutical market has not seen such a drastic boost in need for a medicine because Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccination.
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According to a local news channel in Denver, the state was receiving greater than 1,000 applications for a medical marijuana license on a daily basis. According to the station, as of August 26, 2010 the state had a stockpile of in between 60,000 and 70,000 applications.
What were all of these poor suffering souls taking before clinical cannabis ended up being lawful therefore available? As soon as you have your ""clinical cannabis card"" there are numerous places you can most likely to discover your ""medicine"". If a dispensary such as ""CannaMart"", ""Choice Organics"", Nature's Marvel"", ""Blossom Power Botanicals"", ""Premier Health Facility"" or ""Ganja Depot"" is not within a brief drive, just examine line using Google.
With the federal government choosing to step back and mentions entirely not cbd oil cannabidiol windsor really prepared as well as unclear how to regulate this market, it has actually come under the hands of private areas. Numerous city councils like those in Aurora as well as Broomfield, Colorado have outlawed dispensaries from their communities. Naturally these cities will encounter legal actions from would-be proprietors and clingy people who locate it hard to drive 10 miles to obtain their ""medicine"".
The cities are starting to obtain more aid from the state degree. In Colorado those with a criminal record are no longer enabled to own a dispensary. The chief law officer's are starting to take an energetic look on how to control the shops. While this is a good thing and also has forced many areas to shut, the sector still appears to be spiraling unmanageable.
Controling the sale of this market is essential. It is smart to start with individuals that possess the shops and work their method down. After that, possibly the most significant obstacle of all will certainly be to tackle those how and also who get prescriptions for medical marijuana. That is a subject for the future.
It is necessary to note that like alcohol and also cigarette, cannabis is a drug. If you or a person you recognize may be addicted to cannabis or various other medicines, it is necessary to seek assistance. There are numerous alcohol as well as medication understanding training courses one can participate in, along with a variety of support system like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). For those who would favor to take a program in the privacy of their own residence there are likewise online alcohol courses as well as alcohol and also medication courses."
0 notes
israeloqft824 · 4 years
The Marijuana Effect on Diseases
"From the ancient Egyptians to 20th-century medication throughout Prohibition, there has actually always been a belief that alcohol has medicinal effects. Also today they assert that consuming a glass of red wine will certainly lower your opportunity of cardiovascular disease. Obviously, a glass of common grape juice would complete the exact same. Now, for the first time, here in the 21st century, there are severe attempts to legislate and give authenticity to the positive medicinal effects of cannabis.
The use of cannabis has major social and legal impacts on culture in its entirety. Socially, is making use of cannabis acceptable? It is definitely ending up being a lot more so as 14 states and the District of Columbia (our nation's funding) have actually legislated the medication for medical use. The city of Breckenridge, Colorado has actually legalized it for entertainment use. It is not uncommon to see people smoking cannabis joints on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder. cbdforsalenearme.com Is this socially acceptable habits? In November, California, desperate to balance its budget, has a recommendation to legalize the entertainment use of marijuana by grownups!
Now, I am not a prude or a grouchy old man (perhaps a crotchety middle-aged male), yet as a moms and dad of 2 young, flexible kids, I certainly do not want my children subjected to marijuana use in public. I likewise would agree to bet that the majority of that smoking marijuana would not desire their children to develop an addiction to marijuana when they matured.
Legally, just how does police reply to people making use of or possessing cannabis? This one question is the root of all that is basically incorrect with present regulations relating to medicinal marijuana. President Barack Obama's Management has stated fairly plainly in March 2009 that they will certainly not go after representatives of medical cannabis. That primarily placed the enforcement guidelines into the states themselves.
The golden state as well as Colorado are the two most famous states dealing with the consequences of their voters legalizing cannabis for medicinal usage. One of the standard troubles that all states that have actually legislated using cannabis for clinical purposes deal with is that no one was ready as soon as these suggestions passed. By that I mean, the recommendations did not lay out just how the state would tackle refining as well as adjudicating this brand-new industry. There were no treatments for that might become a clinical cannabis dispensary, just how to identify the businesses, where they can open store or perhaps exactly how to strain the market.
It interests note that after The golden state became the first state to pass a law legislating medical cannabis in 1996, nothing really occurred. Think of the existing ""pot shop"" phenomenon in The golden state for a moment. Medical professionals, people, and proprietors took extremely cautionary paths. Couple of medical professionals would risk their clinical licenses by prescribing cannabis, couple of endure entrepreneurs would take the chance of opening a store that could be plundered by government representatives at any moment. Just those who the legislation was developed for, clients suffering from glaucoma, cancer, as well as AIDS sought suggestions for clinical marijuana.
Tumblr media
What took place? Why the rapid growth in applications to use and market medical cannabis? While the modification in governmental administrations and also lawful placements concerning the enforcement of government cannabis laws from Shrub to Obama favors the ""pot shop"" neighborhood, there is no doubt that the massive surge occurred well prior to Shrub moved back to Texas.
The number of medical marijuana dispensaries has taken off in all states where it has actually ended up being lawful. According to a tale in USA Today (March 8, 2007), the variety of dispensaries in Los Angeles enhanced from four in late 2005 to 98 less than a year later on. In June 2010 there were 186 ""pot shops"" operating within the Los Angeles city restrictions. Actually, an estimated 50 comparable stores were displaced of business as a result of market over-saturation. With 186 ""pot stores"" open up the City of Los Angeles had more than 400 accepted applications for dispensaries within the city limitations that had yet to open their doors.
Law enforcement agencies and city councils were absolutely unprepared for the legalisation of cannabis. With the number of stores as well as individuals enhancing at astonishing rates the legal cannabis industry is basically running itself, with lawmakers attempting ever-so-hard to catch up to the gigantic snowball that is gathering size and rate daily. The pharmaceutical industry has actually not seen such an extreme boost in the requirement for drug since Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine.
According to a neighborhood news network in Denver, the state was obtaining more than 1,000 applications for a medical marijuana permit every day. According to the station, as of August 26, 2010, the state had a stockpile of in between 60,000 and 70,000 applications.
What were all of these bad suffering spirits taking in the past clinical cannabis came to be lawful therefore available? As soon as you have your ""medical cannabis card"" there are numerous locations you can go to find your ""medication"". If a dispensary such as ""CannaMart"", ""Choice Organics"", Nature's Wonder"", ""Flower Power Botanicals"", ""Premier Health Facility"" or ""Hashish Depot"" is not within a short drive, simply inspect online via Google.
With the federal government choosing to step back and mentions totally unprepared and unclear just how to regulate this market, it has fallen under the hands of individual neighborhoods. Numerous common council like those in Aurora and Broomfield, Colorado has prohibited dispensaries from their towns. Certainly, these cities will encounter claims from prospective owners as well as needy clients who find it challenging to drive 10 miles to obtain their ""medicine"".
The cities are beginning to get even more aid from the state level. In Colorado, those with a criminal record are no longer allowed to possess a dispensary. The chief law officer are starting to take an energetic take a look at exactly how to regulate the shops. While this is an advantage and has forced lots of areas to shut, the sector still appears to be spiraling out of control.
Managing the sale of this market is crucial. It is clever to begin with individuals who possess the stores and also function their method down. Then, perhaps the largest hurdle of all will certainly be to deal with those exactly how and that receive prescriptions for medicinal marijuana. That is a topic for the future.
It is necessary to keep in mind that like alcohol and also cigarette, cannabis is a medication. If you or somebody you recognize might be addicted to marijuana or various other medicines, it is very important to look for help. There are numerous alcohol and medication recognition programs one can go to, along with a variety of support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). For those that would favor to take a program in the privacy of their very own house, there are likewise on the internet alcohol classes and also alcohol and also medication courses."
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