#But Gonta's skin tone is not dark. It is Not.
rubberduckyrye · 5 months
I just looked in the Gonta tag and saw someone making a post about how if they see people white washing characters of color they're going to go feral--which is so fair. Valid of them really.
Except. Gonta is on that list.
You know, the "primitive wild man who is treated like a fucking idiot/toddler by the rest of the cast and even worse so by the fandom"? You know, Gonta, the character everyone treats like he's ignorant and can't have Complicated Thoughts Ever? Gonta, the character who has a wild child backstory, wears a loin cloth for underwear, ectect. You know. That Gonta?
Okay like. You see why this is fucking racist. You see why this is racist, right? Gonta is like, sun kissed tan at max. He is not "dark skinned" and to be frank if he was we'd have to add on fucking extreme forms of racism to the bigotry of not just the writing, but to the fandom as well.
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djzbasement · 5 months
If i see one more fanart of whitewashed gonta im gonna burn a tree down.
As well as the other dark skinned characters. These folks are NOT white.
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(Forgot to add Nekomaru mb.) Before you say anything, gonta isn’t white. He’s at least tan. And before I get the whole “But it’s JUST a tan!!! ;-;” it’s still their canonical skin tone. Shut yo trap
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(I can’t believe I even had to make this damn.)
Edit- My friend made this.
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That. Is not. WHITE. God dam yall 😭 (creds to my pookie who made that chart)
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izumeno · 2 months
Some body hcs. Keep in mind, those are just my version and may not be canonically accurate and this is just for funsies. Okay? Great!
Let's go.
Shuichi Sahara:
-He's very lean and has a bit of muscle but not much. He uses make-up because it calms him down
Kaito Momota:
-Dark skinned, muscular, tall and has body hair
Gonta Gokuhara:
-Massive like in Canon, is cleanly shaven, has great hygiene
Ryoma Hoshi:
-Muscular, has a bit of facial hair
Korekiyo Shinguji:
-Very lean, tall yet toned. Uses makeup as well, to honor a certain someone that we don't like.
Kokichi Oma:
-He's scrawny and his natural hair is actually black and he just partially dyed it purple to look cool
-Nothing specific, but I'd like to imagine that his hair can actually form different haircuts
Rantaro Amami:
-Lean but a bit thick on the bottom part. He sometimes applies lipstick to himself since he likes the smell of it
Now onto the girls
Kaede Akamatsu:
-Chubby, yet tall and a bit stouty
Tsumugi Shirogane:
-Chubby too, but more on the bottom part. Her blue hair has some extensions that she can take off, to make her hair look shorter.
Miu Iruma:
-Pretty Muscular, but more strong fat (Yeah it makes no sense but I love it) She has some stretch marks on her back thanks to a quick growth spurt.
Maki Harukawa:
-Muscular, yet lean. Has sharp nails
Himiko Yumeno:
-Scrawny and short, but she does wear bigger boots to appear taller.
Angie Yonaga:
-Athletic Built, has some tattoos that depict her religion and culture
Tenko Chabashira:
-Tall, muscular, has some cute butterfly hairclips
Kirumi Tojo:
Lean, athletic and uses some makeup to appear older and more mature.
And that's it! Remember that's just for fun! What do you think?
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
⚠️ Arachnids ⚠️ Hey hey could I maybe pls request Gonta with a gentle & soft spoken Drider s/o ? ( And if it's ok can their spood half be based on one of these tarantulas. ) ✭ Gooty Sapphire Tarantula, Brazilian jewel tarantula or Antilles pinktoe tarantula. ✭ Ps - Feel free to delete this request if your not comfortable with it. - 🐺
Gonta Gokuhara with a drider S/O
i'm going to google these tarantula's and hope for the best. LOL i'm not too grossed out by spiders unless i see one irl then the spider solos.
i used to have a drider oc and she was the embodiment of the war guy death. wtf are they called /wmsfdnew.dskmnf pestilence death famine and war - horsemen omg yeah the horsemen men yes. drider lady big boobah.
you got me googling so many things about spider palease
currently listening: i just can't be happy today by the damned
-Mod Souda
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❤ Your furry body is something he loves to touch. Each of your legs are muscular, with a thick coat of fur overtop, colors of red, purple, and grey. He finds it absolutely marvelous.
❤ He has to keep up with your sleeping cycle. You don't close your eyes for 8 hours like everyone else. Instead, you'll just randomly fold your legs and rest your head against the couch. Sometimes, which this quite frankly creeps him out, you'll even sleep with your eyes open.
❤ And he has to stop you from trying to eat his specimen.
❤ "These bugs are friends!!" He'll try to say. You just nod, slowly, not taking in a single word he is saying.
❤ But you still eat human food - sometimes you'll spray your webs at a steak just to be able to maintain it for later. Leftovers.
❤ That being said, you have your own room in the house dedicated to your webs. Most of the time, if you're home alone, you'll spend time eating and sleeping in there.
❤ It's quite boring without him. You can't go outside to look for him. Where does he go during the days? He always comes back with bugs - new friends - to introduce to you. Does he just look for bugs all day?
❤ You wouldn't be surprised.
❤ He certainly found you. In your little nest in the woods, a cave you used to dwell in. And him and his lantern walked right into your world.
❤ When you stand at your full height you can meet him eye to eye.
❤ He visited you every day, finding you in the same cave, and he'd pick webs off of his jacket whenever he crawled through. You never had anyone else in your same... species. He wondered if it was just you. Had you always been alone?
❤ He decided to move you into his house when one day, you used your legs to perform a dance to him. It wasn't for the purpose of mating, but it was the first time he had seen you do anything except sit and talk.
❤ He wanted to learn more about you.
❤ One time, when he walked into your cave, he found you weaving your webs, unaware of his presence. He must have watched you for awhile. The sun was starting to set. Webs all around the trees outside became invisible without the light of the sun. He realized that you must have trapped people, tricked them into walking into them. Do you devour people like him?
❤ But he still couldn't find himself being scared of you. You weren't villainous, you were soft-spoken and wise. Whenever you ran your fingers through his hair, you'd compliment him with a gentle tone. It made him feel special. Like he was in the presence of a deity.
❤ He had only spent the night in your cave once - and that was when it was too dark to walk back. You were nervous to send him off on his own, knowing he could get caught up in your webs, so you let him sleep inside with you. Your furry body covered his own, trying to keep him still even as he slept.
❤ When he woke up, he still had bits of web lodged in his hair and on his skin. You had to use your tongue to lick it off of him, all while apologizes.
❤ It was an overall fun experience for him. He's not new to spider webs, but yours are so unique. They're the stickiest he's ever encountered. They're powerful, not snapping or detaching easily.
❤ You like living inside of a house. Sure, the temperature is very different, hard to adapt to, but you have all the space to walk around without having to worry about being seen.
❤ Plus, with all the windows, you can watch food people walking outside, living their every day lives. It's so fascinating.
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So what if for a motive instead of kokichi being a giant he’s shrunk and stuck with shuichi :0! ( like continuing off of the other motive writing you did -)
hiii I'm glad for this req I was hoping someone would catch my drift and ask for a sequel since I had an idea for it in mind 💃 altho I took a wittle little bit of liberty with your req I hope you don't mind
(again terribly sorry for the delay friend I hardly had any time for this hope you'll enjoy either way)
Word count: 1800
Summary: The game master has a new dirty trick up their sleeve to get rid of a certain little liar; but Kokichi isn't going down so easily, even with the threat of now death waiting for him at every corner.
It seemed the mastermind wasn’t too pleased when the motive hadn’t gotten him murdering and executed, so their next plan was to get him directly murdered.
Kokichi stands in Monokuma’s shadow, expression blank in face of the bear’s cruel cackles. It's a wonder how the mastermind can see him as a threat when he hasn't been able to stop any of the past murders, but he's still flattered that he's managed to mess with their plans enough that they'd stoop to such a low motive.
When the monochromatic bear leaves, Kokichi is left silently staring at the rest of his classmates from his spot on the cafeteria table, standing at the miserable height of a toy. Any other day, jokes and taunts and lies would be flowing out of his mouth, but his mind doesn’t come up with anything when he’s surrounded by classmates who he knows are already thinking of killing him and hiding his body to avoid a class trial; the same classmates whom he could hold in the palm of his hand only yesterday.
Silent and unmoving as he is, they must think him a scared little child; Kokichi Ouma, supreme leader of evil, reduced to some cute joke, some fanservice for an audience to coo at before he inevitably dies. The thought of the mastermind looking down on him and laughing to themselves at the moment is near sickening.
Kiibo is first to speak up, “So… What should we do about this?”
“I say,” Maki’s reply is instantaneous, like she’d been waiting to say those next words for too long, “We end this killing game right here and now.”
And when she takes a swift step forward, red eyes piercing through his tiny form with a murderous intent he’s seen too many times already, Kokichi can’t do anything but resign himself to the fact that he won’t live to stop the killing game.
Then something darts in front of him and blocks his view, and he thinks he somehow must’ve dreamed the words, “Maki, don’t hurt him.”
It takes his paranoid brain longer than he’d like to admit to realize that the hand in front of him isn’t coming to grab him and squeeze his guts out, rather, it’s shielding him. A gesture he wouldn’t expect coming from anyone in this room, except-
“You can't fall for the mastermind's trick so easily.” Shuichi stands towering in front of him in a protective stance, like some knight in shining armor; and to think this is the same boy who was cowering in his presence only days ago.
"Yeah! Harumaki, you promised, remember?" Kaito, the actual knight in shining armor of the academy, doesn't come to protect him; instead, he steps up to Maki and places a hand on her shoulder. Of course, when killer girl is trying to kill poor lil' Kokichi, it's still her who needs help and support and not the doll-sized villainous boy about to be murdered. "This has gotta be a trap or somethin'."
"Right," Shuichi joins in. He briefly glances over his shoulder at Kokichi, and the now tiny boy meets his gaze with the same blank expression. "Think about it, doesn't this new motive seem more like a way to…" his gaze lingers on Kokichi's small form for a second longer, before he tears it away, "… to get rid of a specific classmate?"
"Yeah," Kaito chimes in, "I'm starting to think the mastermind wants Kokichi dead for whatever reason," The grave expression on his face matches the morbidity of his statement. He slams his fists together in determination, "We can't let that happen."
"I do agree," Kiibo pipes up, "That if Kokichi was the enemy hiding among us, it wouldn't make sense to put himself in such… disadvantageous situation," he's hesitant and careful with his choice of word, like he could somehow be tiny-phobic.
"You're all overthinking this too much," Maki's cold gaze falls back on him, and if looks could kill, a body discovery announcement would have played out, "The killing game stops when the mastermind is dead. Simple as that."
The pressure of her stare threatens to crush him. Kokichi's legs nearly give out under his weight, and his first reaction is to stumble a few steps back and plaster a grin on his face.
“Pish posh, poor Harumaki… wants to kill me so badly, she's ready to do it in front of everyone,” His voice nearly wavers, he takes another step back for good measure. No use in trying to reason with an assassin or try to gain anyone’s sympathy; it’s always easier to stick to the role he’s written himself into.
Kokichi speaking for the first time seems to trigger the whole cafeteria to erupt in a cacophony again. Maki tries to push past Kaito and Shuichi to get her grubby hands on the little leader, and the two boys defend him (at least he thinks they do); someone yawns and someone else gasps and exclamations and accusations are thrown around.
"There has to be more to this motive!"
"You're protecting him over a maybe?"
"This is terrible, we shouldn't fight!"
"Nyeh… we still haven't had breakfast…"
They argue and bicker, like they always do when a new motive is presented and they don’t know what to make of it. Kokichi finds it easy enough to block out the obnoxious voices. He lets cold logic take over his mind and shadow his fear as he assesses the situation.
Even if he refuses, they'll probably force him to be baby-sat by someone. Staying with Maki or Miu is out of the question. Kiibo would be a good choice if Kokichi wanted the eyes of the mastermind and the audience on his back at all time, and Himiko would be a good choice if he wanted all the protection of a bodyguard who doesn't tolerate him and sleeps most of the time.
Gonta does tolerate him and has already worked with him in the past; he wouldn't be a bad choice, but for now Kokichi has a feeling he'll end up sleeping in a bug case with cockroaches if he goes with the giant entomologist, so he'll pass. Kaito superman-wannabe-Momota wouldn't be so bad either, but he'll probably take advantage of the situation and try to get the tiny boy to open up about his super evil dark past or whatever; so again, he'll pass for now.
And then there's Shuichi… Staying with his beloved detective, they could stay up late at night and braid each other's hair and share their secrets, they could make plans together and explore the school and beat the mastermind like some iconic duo, they could even pick that night's game of chess back up since Kokichi still remembered the setting of the board. Staying with Shuichi, truely a dream come true, and a dream right in his reach. But he wasn't in dreamland, he was stuck in a killing game hell where he couldn't let his facade slip and show vulnerability so easily to the protagonist of their game. His eyes fall to the floor with the shame of entertaining such a dream before remembering the sobering reality. Staying with Shuichi is out the question.
Kokichi goes back to listening to the conversarion, but he finds the room silent and eight pairs of eyes on him.
“Kokichi,” Shuichi speaks again. The boy is tempted to look away, but he forces his eyes to meet the giant detective's faded gold ones, “you can stay with me if you want?"
A taunting smirk pushes its way to his face. “Man, Saihara wants to get a hold of me so he can do all kindsa weird stuff to me? Ew ew ew, so gross, I'm so terrified! How could you do this to a frightened little boy?”
“Kokichi,” he considers the exasperation in the detective’s tone a victory to him, although an unpleasant one, “You don’t need to be so obnoxious, if there’s someone you want to stay with, you can say it.” Sheesh, wasn't Shuichi dying to talk to him the other night?
His best option isn’t ideal, but he can't get too picky in his current situation. “Welll, I think I’d like to stay with big sis Shirogane!” he hears the girl in question sputter a noise of surprise, and all eyes turn to her.
“What are you planning?” Maki speaks again after a long silence, voice betraying her skepticism.
“Oh, are you jealous I didn’t pick you, big sis Harumaki?” Do you want to die?
“Do you want to die?” Bingo. Too predictable.
“Uhm,” Tsumugi’s meek voice cuts him off before he can retort, “Why me? I-I mean, I don’t mind, I just don’t understand?”
Kokichi turns to her, and she nearly flinches at his attention. At least there’s one person in the room who’s still intimidated by him. “I just wanted to stay with my absolute favourite girl in this academy," as he says that, he walks around Shuichi's still outstretched hand to better face the absolute favourite girl in question, shooting on his way a quick glance up the detective, "aaand there's also this one cosplay I really wanna try now that I'm cutie-sized. That is, if Shirogane is fine with it?"
Tsumugi looks down to her feet and starts to vibrate with excitement hard enough that he can feel it under his feet. "O-Oh, I am fine with it. I wonder if we're both thinking of the same anime… but the only male character there has a dark skin tone, and there's one girl that really looks like you… You don't mind wearing a dress, do you?" She's already walking up to him with an outstretched hand, as if driven by the by the force of her love of cosplay.
Kokichi blinks his fear away and steps into the unsteady surface, immediately understanding the fear and discomfort in Shuichi's face that last night. Questions and accusations are still coming at him left and right, but he pointedly ignores it all and waves back to his remaining classmates with his cockiest smile as he leaves in the giant girl's hand, mind already buzzing with plans to survive the new motive.
hope you don't mind the bit of saiou angst twist thing in the end 😔😔 I was too tempted to resist. Well hope u enjoyed dear !!
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imaginedanganronpa · 6 years
In the Shinguuji+Gonta/fem!SO bondage relationship break in thing you mentioned that they had done a kidnapping roleplay scenario right? Would it be ok to request that scenario or would that be too far over the line?
This Request is referencing THIS post! 
I don’t mind, I hope you enjoy! You guys also really love this pairing, I’ve noticed. I did my best to emphasize that it was a roleplay, I hope I got that message across. NSFW under the cut!
Korekiyo Shinguuji x Fem!S/O x Gonta Gokuhara In a Bondage Relationship: Kidnapping Roleplay!
It was Korekiyo’s idea – one ofhis darker fantasies that he kept hidden deep down, only revealing it to thosehe genuinely trusted. Despite Korekiyo being a very sexual being, he wouldnever sincerely harm his partners or kidnap them.
When he proposed the idea to roleplay this scenario, both you and Gonta werequite skeptical. Gonta didn’t fully understand, but knew it wasn’t a goodthing. You were a bit more lenient and willing to try but only if your boyfriend wasas well.
Eventually, with a lot of convincing, Korekiyo swayed you each onto his side.He promised to take very good care of you, and that he did.
In his scenario, he had kidnapped you first and Gonta, being the over-protectiveboyfriend that he was and blinded by rage, attempted to come to your rescue whichcaused him to fall victim to the same fate.
Korekiyo did act out the ‘kidnapping’ parts just to set the tone, and got alittle bit too into it. He got a bit too aggressive with tying you up andtossing you over his shoulder. He didn’t go as far as he would’ve liked,though, only restraining you and not covering your mouth like he may havewanted. 
You have both a verbal safe-word and a signal but doing so would cause you tobe unable to do either and he needed to know when he was going too far. 
He hoisted you above his shoulder and then slammed you onto the mattress once you were in the bedroom, immediately hovering over you and letting his hands and mouth roam your body.
Gonta felt a little bit uneasy when watching him take you at first, up until itwas his turn at least. 
Korekiyo had a one-on-one session with you for a bit, until his desires beganfestering and he needed more. He started by rearranging your ties and holdingyour hands above your head whilst keeping your legs separated, and then proceeded to usehis tongue to tease you. He left kisses and small, lustful nibbles along yourbody, even whispering in your ear that, “There is no escape,” before embracingyou in a passionate kiss. If you allowed it, he would also leave a trail of hickeys down your neck.
Trying your best to go along with the roleplay, you meekly fight against him.Although, when it came to Korekiyo pleasuring you, it became much moredifficult to stay in character. 
He progressed into actually taking you, keeping the same position, though. Youcould hear Gonta whining from the other room as he listened to you, so Korekiyo cutit off before either of you could finish and turned his attention to Gonta.
Roleplaying with Gonta proved to be much more difficult, and it was a challengefor him to stay in character and not break the roleplay. Korekiyo also foundthat ‘kidnapping’ the much larger man was not as easy as he initially assumed,but the pay-off was priceless.
Finally tying him up at your side was hot, and he continued his reign as atwisted kidnapper. He brought out a gentle pocket-knife and only grazed theskin, not pushing down at all so it didn’t cut either of you. He used it moreas a prop, insisting that he had kidnapped you two and wanted to make you hisown little ‘slaves.’
Sometimes, you wondered where these fantasies came from.
“I think I’ll keep you two around for a while… we should play,” his voicewas dark and dominant, and a haze of lust was painted over his eyes.
He got you both to beg for mercy, which only re-enforced the scenario and turned him on even more. Still, Korekiyo was careful to not hurt either of you.
With that said, he was more dominant and rougher than normal, really letting himself go with this scenario. The dark things that spewed from his lips could get under your skin had this been a real scenario. 
Korekiyo praised both of you as well, saying that you would be fun to finally break. “No one can hear you, I want to keep you here for a long, long time…” his voice trailed off.
He tried to equally distribute the pleasure and amount of attention he gave between the two of you. Since you were able to stay in character more than Gonta, though, he tended to favor you in this roleplay. 
He wasn’t afraid to use whips and other items to inflict pain onto you if you consented, and Korekiyo really emphasized his role in the scenario. He would often let you and Gonta at one another as well, but with this roleplay he let all of his selfish desires free and refused to share you two, really letting himself go and unwind.
He would crash his hips into you whilst teasing Gonta with his hands or lips, and then switch to focusing on the larger man. Over and over, he told you that he would keep you two here, never to be found.
“You both look so beautiful when you’re afraid.” Korekiyo would giggle whenever either of you fought back against his restraints.
It was an intense session, you’d never seen him be so rough before. By the time he was done with you two, you were both covered in marks, bites, and red lines where the ropes were holding you back. This particular session also lasted longer than normal, and he really drew out the fantasy he’d wanted to explore for so long.
There was a lot of cuddling afterwards; Korekiyo slowly reverts back to his normal self and tends to both of you. There was plenty of after-care to keep you two content, and concern quickly filled his eyes. “Did I go too far?”
When it was all over, Korekiyo made you both dinner and let you sleep over at his place for the night, soft kisses trailing up and down your skin as he helped you each get dressed once more and then cuddled up, sandwiched between the two of you. 
Needless to say, all three of you slept very well that night.
- Mod Rantaro
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Drv3 boys finding their chubby fem s/o crying after being bullied?
Mod Ishimaru reporting for duty once more! Hope you enjoy! I have experience with this one and so I’ll say what I always say to myself and hope it makes someone else feel better. -Slight warning: themes of bullying.
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Gonta Gokuhara:
You’re sat behind one of the lockers in the hallway sobbing your heart out when he finds you.
His tall form instantly envelops you completely when he realises you’re crying.
“S/O! What is matter? Can Gonta help?” He cries hurriedly.
“Gonta! It’s the necklace you made me, they-they broke it! I’m sorry! I’ll fix it please don’t be mad with me!” You wail, holding the pieces of your most prized possession in your shaking palms. You felt Gonta’s arms flex in anger. He lifts you up and cuddles you to his chest.
“It is alright, S/O. Gonta knows this not your fault.” He sounds a lot calmer than he looks as you peer up at him through thick, wet lashes.
The next day, the people who had broke the necklace apologised with Gonta standing behind them looking furious. He would never hurt them but his presence is enough to make them quake.
After they have apologised profusely, Gonta tips a small box of necklaces onto your desk.
“Gonta make these for you, S/O not need to be upset, Gonta make as many as you like so you will smile. S/O perfect to Gonta no matter what.”
He tells you later that he found the bullies later that day, laughing about your weight and appearance. He said he wanted to throw them over a fence with how angry he was. 
No-one disrespects his S/O.
Kaito Momota:
You’re at home hugging yourself when he gets back instantly he’s by your side when he hears so much as a sniffle.
“S/O? What’s wrong? Who do I need to beat up?!” He’s been looking after you for a while, since before you were in a relationship.
He knows you get bullied and tries to sort it out every time, it doesn’t always work but a lot of people have given up on messing with you thanks to him.
“I don’t know who they are, but a bunch of people messaged me earlier today and said some very... cruel things...” You whimper out, clutching undershirt. He’s missing a slipper, it came off while he was running to you.
“You shouldn’t worry about them, they don’t matter. They clearly have  no idea how amazing you are. Coming from the Luminary of the Stars, it has to mean something! If not the Luminary of the Stars,-” His usually rambunctious tone softens considerably “-then trust your boyfriend. You’re beautiful because you have something that a lot of others don’t. Plenty of heart and a beautiful heart. So don’t worry about it, next time you look up at the stars, know you burn as brightly as they do, no matter what you look like.”
He’s never said that before. You embrace him tightly.
“I guess you could say you light up my night sky.” You don’t know whether that was disgustingly cheesy, or delightfully sweet. Either way, you appreciate the sentiment!
“Whatever is the matter? What happened? Why are you sad?” A long stream of worried questions fire from Kiibo’s mouth when he notices the tears slipping down your flushed face.
“Kiibo, can I have a hug?” You don’t look him in the eye, but he embraces you anyway; slowly though, so as not to startle you.
You like hugging Kiibo, there’s almost always the pleasant surprise. What you thought would be cool metal is what can only be described as warm synthetic skin. But he’s never too warm or too cold, he’s always the perfect temperature. 
“Is there anything else I can do?” His face is red, he’s still slightly new to relationships so he’s not quite used to cuddling yet, he’s only just got past the nervous-handshake-hand-holding stage.
“Just this is fine.” You shake your head from your place, nuzzled into his chest plate.
It’s quiet for a few minutes as Kiibo settles, then he makes a sound like he’s clearing his throat.
“You know that I’m not the best with relationships as of yet and I’m not clear on what counts as beautiful, but that does not matter. I wouldn’t change you for the world. But that is what you will do, everything around you effects how you look, I will only change as my AI ages. That is fantastic and I would adore to see how you change because you aren’t the same person you were a few moments ago. Whatever they said is no longer relevant because that was to a different version of you. I don’t mind if I have to say that to you for the rest of our lives, to the many versions of you there will undoubtedly be, because you are important. No matter what anyone else says.”
You fall asleep against his chest as he hesitantly, slowly, runs his fingers through your hair, thankful he’s there with you and grateful for those words.
Korekiyo Shunguji:
“You are being bullied? That is simply disgusting. You embody beautiful humanity, your weight is not your worth. You are fantastic and you don’t need their... baggage.”
“Kiyo, I didn’t even tell you?” Tears in the corner of your eyes, you look over to the doorway surprised. You hadn’t heard him enter.
“It’s all over your face, my love.”
You don’t know how but you decide to let it go, too entranced in the way his hair sways slightly as he walks over to your trembling form.
“As an anthropologist I know there are parts of humanity that are less than favourable. However, in order for you to be as fantastic as you are, these people must exist to lift you to higher heights. They are only doing this to fill something they don’t understand is missing and they misinterpret themselves. You know how to handle yourself so you need not sink to their level, so you are beautiful. You are not your weight and your weight is not you, it is a part of you that I wouldn’t change as it completes you.”
Shook up by his words your tears dissipate and you find during his speech he has laid you down and brought you to his chest. Allowing you to calm down comfortably.
Kokichi Ouma:
Oh this boy is angry.
He was expecting the usual, “Welcome home.” Kiss and cuddle on the couch. But when he finds you in tears he is not a happy camper.
“What’s wrong? Are they talking to you again?” There’s a dark expression on his face.
“Kokichi!” You throw yourself into his arms and he clutches your shirt.
“Oh yeah, they are. I could kill them you know. Get rid of them.”
“Wha- No! You-”
“That’s a lie!” He grins and you take a second to catch up before you giggle a little.
“But seriously, I can stop them from ever talking to you again.”
“No Kokichi, it’s fine.”
“It’s really not.” He sits you down, standing over you. “They’re real assholes, I’ve seen them!”
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t do anything drastic!” 
“We wouldn’t hurt them, it’s against our code!”
“We? Our? You are not going to send DICE after them Ouma, there’s no need.”
“It’s too late, it’s already set in motion, I have a hit on them.”
“Ouma!” You cry but you have to giggle, only Ouma would go out of his way to make someones life a lot harder with petty pranks for you. 
Rantaro Amami:
He has already taken care of whatever issues you had with those people. Only a few required physical means but those weren’t a problem. He felt they deserved more than they got but didn’t want to implicate you.
He gets home and sees you in tears, honestly? He panics a little, thinking you knew that he’s sorted it out without you. He knows you can be fiercely independent.
“Rantaro!” You look a bit surprised to see him, quickly wiping away the tears in your eyes.
“What’s up?” He know’s exactly but he wants to know if you’ll actually talk about it.
“Noth-nothing! Nothing...” You’re rubbing your arm and avoiding his eyes.
“Don’t start scratching your arm-” You blanch and bring your hand to your lap, “-and I know something’s up.” There is silence for a few minutes ebfore he speaks up again.
“OK, I took care of them.”
“I went after them and told them to apologise-” He purposely doesn’t tell you about the fight, that’s something you can find out by yourself. “- they said they would. I’m sorry but I saw them picking on you. I have to say they said some awful things that aren’t true. The bit where you don’t deserve me? Wrong. I’m not just some playboy who’s dating you for a joke, I’m in this for as long as you want, I’m not interested in cheating or leaving you. I’m not just going to just let them say such cruel, wrong things to you. Your weight and appearance don’t matter even half as much as the kind, altruistic, amazing person I know you are.”
“Seriously, don’t worry about them, I’m here for you.” He hugs you and you just stay there for a  while before deciding to have a date night.
Saihara Shuichi:
Little detective boy is going to figure out what’s wrong.
There is no hope of hiding that you’re upset with him on the case!
“S/O, are you being bullied?”
“What? What would make you think that?” He doesn’t look impressed or convinced.
“S/O,  please don’t lie to me, Kokichi does that enough.” He grimaces thinking about all the lies Kokichi had said just earlier that day.
 “... Yes, I’m being bullied Saihara. But don’t worry! I’ll handle it.”
“S/O you don’t have to handle this all on your own, you have friends that will support you. You’re more important than you realise, it’s a shame the people bullying you do n’t have enough sense to actually notice.” He is cooking something now, probably your favourite food to cheer you up, he always knows what to do.
“What were they even trying to make you feel bad about?”
“My weight.” You’re startled by the festering fury on his face as he pauses his movement.
“Your weight? That is incredibly stupid, it’s easier to change your weight than it is to change a liar or an addict.Why is it even important what weight you are? To anyone? You’re perfect the way you are and there’s a horde of people who would agree. Even people you haven’t even met would fight for someone like you.”
“Thank you, Shuichi.” A smile graces your face and he becomes a little bashful and looks at the food he’s preparing.
“It’s only the truth.” He says gently.
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nntheblog · 3 years
Korekiyo Shinguji : Everything You NEed To Know
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Korekiyo Shinguji, better called Kiyo is a student at the Ultimate Academy for gifted Juveniles and is a participant in the Killing School Semester featured in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. His name is the Ultimate Anthropologist. Appearance Korekiyo Shinguji Korekiyo Shinguji is a slim, tall student who has pale skin tone and long ocean green hair. His hair is believed to be a representation of an old-fashioned aesthetic and "puts his female peers on the spot". His eyes are narrowed as well as his lips surrounded with a sage green face mask that covers his neck and mouth, with a zipper in the place where his mouth would be creating a sinister and look that is mysterious.  The mask is worn wherever is he goes, regardless of where he goes. has various masks for eating or showering as well as other activities that are commonplace. If the mask is removed it's revealed that he wears lipstick in the look of his tulpa, which was inspired by his sister who passed away. His appearance changes to more feminine, as his chest grows slightly larger and his eyebrows get thinner and he develops eyes with more lashes. Eyeshadows also start suddenly appearing as if his sister's appearance takes over. He's wearing a dark-green military uniform that is paired with black knee-high shoes, with a zip running along the front, and two straps that hang over the zipper. The uniform is comprised of an under-shirt of white and the button-up is dark green with a red armband that is slung around the left side of his former high school Sunset Hills High School and a green military-style cap that has his school's emblem on top, and a distinctive chain with a revolver's chamber and bullet-like charms hanging off the chain.  When he speaks about one of the Free Time events, he claims that his sister fashioned his outfit for him during the time they were sick. He is seen wearing what appears be a sterling locket on his neck. His hands are completely covered with bandsages, though it's more likely that he's not hurt and is linked to sorcery.  The prologue shows he is wearing the uniform of his first high school. He wears a black unbuttoned blazer, with golden cuffs, and a grey knitted vest that has an v-neck. He doesn't have the hat that he wears the anthropologist's uniform, as well as his hands remain unprotected. He is wearing grey slacks and brown shoes from school. He is still wearing the mask on his face, but it's there is no zipper.  Check Out : Kokichi Ouma : Everything You Need To Know Personality Korekiyo Shinguji Korekiyo Shinguji is a solitary and somewhat spooky person However, he's also extremely cool-headed and smart. He has met a myriad of human beings throughout his research in cultural anthropology and he is able to remain calm even in the most stressful conditions and is convinced of approaching situations with a calm and rational approach instead of an emotional approach.  He is more calm than others in stressful circumstances, since for him, it's an opportunity to observe. However, his spirit breaks when he is on an encounter with the Death Road of Despair, and he gets a bit panicky when Gonta is at the Insect Meet and Greet. His morals are described as "a little odd," and he at one point claims that there is no issue with killing, and asks why other people do, and explains that killing is considered to be illegal only due to human laws and these laws don't apply to The Killing Game.  He knows that his behavior and appearance make him appear as a possible murderer however, he does not seem to be concerned about what other people consider his character. He believes that the public are not to be concerned about the possibility of him being a murderer, since he only wants to be observed. He is extremely enthusiastic about his work and can get exuberant when discussing the subject. This is demonstrated when he gets scared after Kokichi uses the katana in his laboratory without authorization in fear that it could be damaged and is threatening to rip out his nerves. He thinks about various subjects in a profound and complex ways and sometimes gives lengthy uninvited anthropology talks.   He has come up with a idea of "humanity's infinite beautifulness," believing that all human beings are beautiful even their "ugly aspects" and that beauty is born out of hardship, however, as evident in the way he communicates Kokichi and Miu the two, he tends to find loud and vulgar people to be annoying and often asks them to keep still. He is extremely fascinated by topics that he does do not always agree on as the author states that he does not believe in gods, however is interested in them in the context of studying human nature and culture. He does, however, believe in spirits, ghosts, as well as the afterlife. He is fascinated by communication with the dead, as well as death generally. Korekiyo Shinguji generally speaks in a the most polite and calm manner, but sometimes he appears to be a bit off and causes others to feel uncomfortable because of his peculiar and sometimes bizarre thoughts, such as when playing his participation in the Killing Game, he observes other students with great curiosity in the kind of appearance they'll show as humans in these situations, seemingly not worrying about their security.  There has been a report that Korekiyo has a deep interest in anthropology that it often appears that he's not so concerned about the wellbeing of the people who are around him. He has the ability to say things that are disturbing quite openly, such as commenting that Gonta might use his incredible power to smash the skull of a child. Also, he is a master of peculiar ideosyncracies. He is extremely obsessed by wearing a mask and removing his mask only when who his sister considers to be reliable. In his Free Time Events, he says he wears an individual mask for various activities for example, bathing, eating sleeping and even exercising.  But they're identical, and even though they have an opening in your mouths, it doesn't seem like food is passing through it while he eats or drinks. He has a distinctive and slightly creepy laugh. known by the name of "kehehehe" according to his English localization. in the traditional Japanese, "kukuku" is the distinctive sound that he uses to laugh. Contrary to most of the students in the show He has a lot of experience in sexual relationships. He has stated that he is highly popular with local women in a town that engaged in bonding. He's sadomasochistic, he loves the suffering of others as it is what he believes are the most raw emotions beautiful, as well as enjoying his own pain because he believes that it will make him feel closer to his deceased sister and to the beauty of humanity in general.  In the Love Suite event, it's stated that he's willing to be in physical relationships with people "out out of curiosity" even if it's not mutually agreed upon, however the event states that he will never be a lover. Although he appears open to having only physical relations with others, in the bonus portion of Love Across the Universe he does not want to watch porn as the man has "already offered all of himself for someone". In fact, he's shown to be extremely romantic, who believes that love is love's "power that is love" which can make even the most difficult thing possible. He's very fond of love stories and romance and stories that focus on forbidden love. Shinguji Korekiyo has a crush on his sibling and says that he is deeply affectionate with her, saying that she's the only person loves. His appearance and clothes are closely linked to her and he has been known to rise at least two hours prior to the announcement in the morning, and spend all day getting dressed in a relaxed manner and causing the others to view him as a very edgy person and even called a liar by Kaito. He may speak on behalf of her, as an example by telling someone his sister is very happy with them, or even that she does not trust them as of yet. Students in other classes either do not comprehend what he's discussing or don't observe the conversation.  It is later discovered that his sister who was older than him has passed away and that he's the serial killer with the objective is to kill over hundreds of women whom he regards as "pure" and believes that they'll become "admirable acquaintances" to his sibling in the next life. Korekiyo also claims that his sister and he were in a relationship of incest and that the fact that his usual target is women could be due to this. After suffering from traumatizing death and torture previously, the man began developing female split personalities or tulpa, that is based on his sister. It is a way to cope against the extreme stress. Although normally calm when stressed, it can trigger him to suffer from panic attacks, which can leave him hyperventilating and in a state of not being able to speak effectively. The sister persona is reassuring towards him, but she also gives him instructions that Korekiyo is able to comply with without question. The persona is also said to dislike people in a an uninvolved and condescending way and refers to pupils in the class as "ignorant youngsters" and "such an awful lot". When he's revealed to be the perpetrator during the third trial Korekiyo does not seem to not feel any guilt in his conduct, but but he really considers other students as his close friends, possibly because of his own convictions regarding death and skewed morality. In the course of the trial at first, he is frightened being identified as the perpetrator however, he slowly settled down when his "sister" demanded that he admit defeat, because dying would mean it would mean he could be brought back to his sister.  In his final words he says that death is not acceptable to humans, and that living beings must reasons to accept death whenever it occurs however forced, which is why different cultures have funeral ceremonies and stories of resurrecting the dead. He claims to have come in the belief that how you deal with death can affect the way you live your life. This suggests that his actions could be a means of coping with the grief he feels over the death of his sister and that he's conscious of this on a personal degree. He says he will watch the rest of his "friends" as ghosts and he sneers that he'll be watching the way they react to the passing of their family members. After his execution his spirit is shown responding with complete horror and disbelief when his sister is with Monokuma cleansing him with purifying salt. This indicates that he believed his actions were in line with the wishes of his sister. May Also Like : Celestia Ludenberg : Everything You Need To Know Creation and Development About Korekiyo Shinguji According to the series ' creator, Kazutaka Kodaka, Korekiyo's character's setting is a blend of a variety of images such as underground culture, anthropology archaic and visual kei. The design appears to be influenced by the character of Japanese performer hide's music video for the track Dice. It's likely that this was intentional because Kodaka is a huge lover of the music of hide and confirms that the Korekiyo's look is in part influenced by visual Kei bands. His name is also a powerful reference to anthropology and history and his sprite poses were created with a myriad of things in mind and, most importantly, images from visual kei bands. The mask was Rui Komatsuzaki's concept and Kodaka is the person who chose to adapt it to the story. This Chapter 3 of the game was designed to be like the plot of a Japanese horror film, which is why Kodaka developed the Ultimate Anthropologist to fill the part of a character that is familiar with nursery rhymes. To create a character that was unique, Kodaka planned to give Korekiyo gobis (Japanese end particles) written in katakana but was wary because it seemed exaggerated.  However, the method of speaking worked well together with Kodaka's Japanese voice actor Kenichi Suzumura's voice. Kodaka also planned a lot of scary character moments for Korekiyo however the staff constantly told him that he was scary enough with just the major story elements so some of the horror was diminished. Kodaka believed that perhaps the reason he was a fan of story with a dark underground character way too much, and believed Korekiyo would be popular among those who love Suehiro Maruo's manga, even though at the time that the publication of the official artwork was released, Kodaka had not yet seen any comments about the manga. The character's moments revolved in the realm of forbidden love which was akin the Showa period's underground cinemas or stage shows. He wrote some meaningful phrases in the first part of the script to hint at. In the last remarks, Korekiyo is stated to be the most beautiful male in the group and has an extraordinary beauty that's difficult to discern through his spooky smile. "If Korekiyo was more approachable".  May Also Like : Dangonranpa anime order : What order to Watch Dangonranpa Animes ? Name His name, Shi Qingkorekiyo may be translated to mean "just und pure". It is possible that this meaning is intended to be ironic to his real self. His title Zhen Gong Si shinguji is comprised of three characters: Zhen which means "true", Gong - meaning "palace" and Si which means "temple". Incredibly, the term Gong miya, apart from it's literal significance, can also be used to mean (usually bigger and/or more significant) Shinto shrines, while the term Si tera is reserved only for Buddhist temples. When you consider that Shintoism is a part of Buddhism as well, Buddhism are both practiced in Japan and how Japanese folk tradition is heavily influenced by the two religions, Korekiyo's name may suggest his field of specialization. May Also Like : SAKONJI UROKODAKI : Everything You Need To Know Alternate Fates The song Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version) Korekiyo was with Kaede as well as Makoto Naegi at the vicinity of the school store as well as the cafeteria. Korekiyo declared himself to be an Ultimate Anthropologist and explained a small amount about his area of specialization. Talent Korekiyo Shinguji Ultimate Anthropologist " A fear that was once a part of the past transformed over the course of time to a creature we recognize. The world is always changing. Anthropology tracks these shifts. Therefore, I have to be aware of the present as I study traditional customs of the past." --- Korekiyo Shinguji Korekiyo's fame to be"the Ultimate Anthropologist is a fabrication that was created by Team Danganronpa. Because of this, it is not clear if Korekiyo travelled the globe as an anthropologist before. Shinguji Korekiyo is an ananthropologist. To be exact, a cultural ananthropologist who studies folklore, customs, legends poetry, and other forms of. His area of expertise is ethical and cultural customs that are not yet evident, such as shichigosan or setsubun. He attempts to examine and understand these types of customs that are traditional from a rational point of view and says that cultural anthropology is an art that seeks to understand the nature of humanity. Korekiyo Shinguji is very knowledgeable of customs and folklore from all over the world, having said he's completed a large field trips, traveling across the country to learn about different traditions, culture and customs from various areas. As he demonstrates in the video of his Free Time Events, he is well-versed in the folklore of Indonesia (Hainuwele) in addition to Greece (Medusa) and Greece (Medusa), along with a variety of folklore from his native country of Japan. Folklore, myths and myths in the field of anthropology and that's the reason he extensively examines them as an anthropologist. He studies nursery rhymes songs, traditions, and the events that are expressed through song and song. According to him that fieldwork is crucial for the field of anthropology. Listening to stories told by firsthand experience and recording tools, or even lifestyles are just some of the reasons it is essential to conduct fieldwork. Because the world's culture is constantly evolving as an anthropologist Korekiyo stated that one must be aware of the present as he studies traditions from the past. He's shown to be an excellent educator and storyteller. Korekiyo has managed to stir Shuichi's interest to study various things about anthropology, after the two of them had lengthy conversations with the ultimate Anthropologist. As part of the course of his Fifth Free Time Events with Shuichi and Korekiyo, the two promise to conduct a fieldwork in the future, and Korekiyo is delighted to join his debut as the Ultimate Detective as his first apprentice. May Also Like : Mikan Tsumiki : Everything You Need To Know Relationships About Korekiyo Shinguji Family of Korekiyo Shinguji : Older sister According to Korekiyo Shinguji the sister of Korekiyo sickly, was more knowledgeable than any other person and was a huge influence on him. When she was a child, and was admitted to an infirmary, Korekiyo claimed to have stayed there reading to her. This sparked his curiosity in anthropology as an field, and he acknowledges her as the reason he is who he has become at today. Because she was isolated and didn't make any friends because of her situation and condition, it is believed that Korekiyo spent lots times with her. Korekiyo's latest uniform was created by his sister who felt that the old one was too small for his. Due to her health issues, this was labor-intensive, therefore he is proud of the item, believing it to be unique. The mask he wears could also be related to her ill health. He fell in love with his sister. And, according to him, their relationship was incestuous. He said he didn't really consider what others believe, and believes that it is genuine love. Following the death of his sister He came up with the concept of "sending admirable people" towards her during her final days. He began to hunt down and kill girls who met his criteria as her "friends" and the ultimate goal of 100 victims. While working in the field during his fieldwork, he was beaten and tortured by locals close to death, which caused him to dream of seeing his sister. The incident caused the development of an alternate personality or Tulpa that was based on her to cope with stress. When he was in a state of stress when he was feeling down, he would speak to himself using the persona of his sister in an effort to calm himself.  The sister's persona appeared reassuring toward him by calling Korekiyo "dear Korekiyo", but she also seemed to be quite passive and Korekiyo was able to follow her commands without question. This suggests that she might have been manipulative and perhaps abusive to Korekiyo as Korekiyo was the only person who was with her and could count on while she was alive. It's also interesting that she was able to decide what type of clothes that he should wear, because her goal was not for him wear clothes that weren't appropriate for his personality. Although he says they were extremely close, his sister's spirit was turned against him after the execution, and she worked with Monokuma in order to expel his spirit using salt. According to Kodaka it's unclear if she was truly possessed or was controlled by Monokuma. If she is real, the ritual was her method to express her anger towards her brother, who had killed others in her name and claimed that she was feeling. No matter if her story was authentic or not, summoning the one closest to Korekiyo was the goal of Monokuma's nagging.  Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles: Shuichi Saihara Shinguji Korekiyo thinks of Shuichi as a decent person, however, he doesn't see Shuichi as a potential friend for her sister because Shuichi is a male. In Read the full article
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my-lovely-dr · 4 years
October 12th, Monday, 2020
Everything's been going so well. As usual, I'm walking with Sonia to school. I thought I was a bother, but it turns out she lives really close to me. Only a two blocks away !!
"So, mind I ask what you thought of Gundham and Kazuichi?"
"Well.. honestly, I thought they were kinda cute.. I mean, Gundham's so into animals and I can tell he's kind.. and Kazuichi's eyes just twinkle and light up with excitement when you ask or let him talk about his tools and mechanic work. I found cute qualities and traits they have. I think I'll be really good friends with them both."
"I'm so pleased to hear such wonderful things! I just knew the three of you would get along well! I can't wait for you to meet the other Ultimates in the school! I think you'll get along with everyone! Ehm, maybe not everyone, but most people!" Sonia exclaims, as we're half way to the school.
During class, it's revealed that the cafeteria needs a slight helping hand today, as someone accidentally burnt some food for the reserve course students. So of course I had to raise my hand and volunteer to help.
"Yukiteru, get your work after school from Kaede, go down to the cafeteria and look for Teruteru Hanamura." my teacher gives me the go ahead to leave and head to the cafetera. It looks so empty without a lunch in session, and as I walk in, I knock on the door to the kitchen.
"Uhm, hello..? I'm looking for Teruteru Hanamura.. are they here?" I call out, as a boy shorter than me opens the door. His skin tone is similar to mine, and I can tell easily by his suave, southern-ish accent that he wants to be a ladies man. But.. he's cute. I like his hair.
"Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Cook, but please- call me the Ultimate Chef for that city ring to it- at your service." he introduces himself, and I smile in response.
"Hello, Teruteru. My name is Yukiteru Kaneko, the Ultimate Prince. I volunteered to help you re-cook the food for the reserve course students."
"My my, then come on in and help. And don't feel shy about askin' for help, darling. I can lead you every step of the way!" he offered a sly smile as we began to cook. I wasn't as good as Teruteru, but I was good and knew what I was doing.
"Wow, they don't call you the Ultimate Chef for nothing, huh Teruteru?" I ask, when we're almost finished up.
"No, they certainly do not!" he smiles, proudly.
When class ends, and I need to head to my second period, I wave him a goodbye and I know I'll definitely be helping him out more.
At lunch, I ask Kaede if it's alright if I sit at Miu's table today. I wanted to befriend everyone. And it seemed at Miu's table, too, the feelings were mutual.
"So are you a virgin?" Miu asked, casually, to which I nodded honestly in response. She pouted in disappointment, before going to tease Gonta, while I talked to Kokichi. I understood him easily, it was pretty obvious when he tried to lie to me. We were quickly becoming friends. When Kokichi began to harass Keebo, I decided to talk to Ryoma and Kirumi.
When the school day ended, Shuichi and I were asked to stay a bit behind, as the other students forgot to clean a few things. We were left alone, and not very talkative. I felt just as shy as he was probably feeling right now.
However, when we walked into each other from behind while sweeping.
"S-Sorry, Shuichi!" I apologized, but secretly wanted to giggle at the suprised noise he made.
"N-No, it's fine.. I should have watched where I was going.."
"No, we both just got really into cleaning.. gosh.. we still have so much stuff to do in here.." I huffed, and began to wipe down the windows.
"Uhm, can I ask you a question, Kaneko..?"
"You can call me Yukiteru, ya know, but yeah. What's up?"
"O-Oh, well, uhm.. I wanted to ask about.. your gloves. Why do you wear them? It's just.. not something I'd expect a prince to wear.."
"Oh, I uhm- I have really tiny hands, and a few scars on them, they just make me feel better about my hands." I chuckled, softly.
"I-I'm sorry for asking, I was just curious.. I've never really seen you take them off, is all.."
"No, I don't mind at all. I'm not really ashamed to answer questions like that.." I turned around to offer him a reassuring smile, which he returned.
"Since it's getting dark, do you want me to walk you home..?" Shuichi asked, lightly scratching the back of his neck.
"If it's not a problem.. usually I walk with Sonia, but I told her about our little cleaning dilemma." I laughed as Shuichi and I walked out of the room and out of the school. A few questions and conversations ended up with Shuichi telling me a story.
"And Kokichi did it?" I asked, stopping in my tracks to giggle at the answer.
"Well, it didn't even take a detective to guess that Kokichi was the culprit of the prank on Miu. Despite how they treat each other, they're actually best friends." Shuichi explained, before we kept walking.
"Wow. Well, got anymore stories?" I asked, with a small smile.
"Hm.. not that I can think of.. oh! Are you going on the class trip on Friday to the pumpkin patch?"
"I am! You?"
"Wouldn't miss it. I'm actually really excited!"
"Well, that makes two of us, Shuichi." I smile softly, before I thank him for walking me home, and I go to bed, it was another fun day.
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oumakokichi · 7 years
I was reading one of your Angie meta and you brought up a good point: How do I aviod/subvert her rascisim rooted tropes while writing her
This is a good question to ask! For the most part, just try to stick to the usual ways you’d avoid slipping into racist tropes. Don’t do anything caricaturized, don’t use any weird or out-of-place adjectives to describe her.
For instance, Angie has really dark skin compared to the rest of the cast, but that’s not something that needs to be brought up again and again. If you’re not referring to any other characters by their skin tones, you don’t need to do it with Angie. Especially don’t use food as a descriptor (i.e. “her cinnamon skin,” “her chocolate skin,” etc.), it’s pretty objectifying and it’s not something that ever gets done with lighter-skinned characters.
If you absolutely have to describe her skin tone no matter what in your story, it’s okay to just say “dark-skinned,” or “brown skinned.” Brown is a great adjective and completely eliminates the need for all those really bad food descriptors.
Another piece of advice I’d give is don’t try exaggerating her speech habits. Angie’s not a native Japanese speaker in-game, but that doesn’t mean she’s bad at it. Her Japanese is pretty okay for the most part, so there’s no need to over-simplify it or to give her a “weird, quirky accent.” I’m already afraid NISA is going to do just that (with her and Gonta both–the NISA profiles already mentioned that Gonta “has difficulty conversing” with people even though there aren’t any problems with his speech in the original game).
These are just some general guidelines, anyway. Angie isn’t officially confirmed to be from any particular island or region, but she’s very heavily coded, and a lot of the tropes and “wacky,” “quirky,” or “exotic” things about her are just a rehash of a lot of the usual racism that gets brought up in Japanese media against dark-skinned people, including other dark-skinned Asians like Pacific Islanders.
Thank you for asking this, by the way! It’s always good to try and keep these things in mind while writing, because it’s easy to slip into bad habits or to mess up even when you don’t mean to. Casual racism is an unfortunate thing that happens, but it’s good that you’re trying to avoid it!
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