#But I do see several lingering plot threads that will surely make up a significant part of the conflict coming up
thatgirl4815 · 2 years
Arcs & Ep9
Disclaimer: If all of my predictions turn out wrong, pretend you never saw this.
I’ve discussed this a bit in the past, but KP has laid out smaller arcs in the grander scheme of the KP relationship plot over the last few episodes. The strongest comparisons can be made between Ep6 and Ep8 and, as a hypothesis, Ep7 and Ep9. It’s no coincidence that Ep6 and 8 have a similar tone. By the look of things, Ep9 will be similar to Ep7 as well. This lays out a pattern for KP’s mini-arc, which I provide a rough outline for in this post. If I was to make a not-so-bold prediction, I would guess that the next few episodes will present a series of growing conflicts and resolutions in KP’s relationship. Vegas’s seed of mistrust was the first one in Ep 7 (I say the first one because Ep7 is the first episode in which KP are in what appears to be a committed relationship) and the second one arises with Tawan’s reappearance in Ep9. I think we will see a resolution in the Tawan conflict rather quickly, but it will make way for even larger issues that will be laid out in Ep10. Regardless of specifics, we can safely assume that everything will escalate to Porsche’s leaving Kinn and, in doing so, separating himself from the mafia world. 
I’d like to think that the second half of KinnPorsche’s relationship arc will be centered around the actual mafia aspect of the show. So far, we’ve seen the characters reacting to their mafia environment--especially Kinn, who we watch try and fail at suppressing his feelings precisely because of the world he was born into--but the relationship drama over the last few episodes has largely been about more personal matters. Ep7 saw Vegas weaseling his way between Kinn and Porsche to create mistrust. Ep9 will see Tawan doing something similar. The direct involvement of both Vegas and Tawan makes it all feel very personal rather than strictly external. As I think we’ve already seen, the external mafia drama will (presumably) align closely with Kinn and Porsche’s relationship drama. They’ve already planted the seeds, but we’ve yet to see it fully pan out.
Seeds & Theories
There are two main seeds that I see being planted here. Both likely involve Vegas and Tawan to a certain extent, but this extent reaches far beyond the conflict they’ve already stirred up. 
Porsche’s Parentage:
We have several clues so far that indicate that Porsche’s parentage will make up a significant portion of the mafia plot. Everybody is interested in him for reasons other than his stellar personality and attractiveness, Korn most of all. Kim will likely merge with the main characters as he uncovers more substantial information about Porsche and his parent’s involvement in the mafia but please God, don’t let Kinn and Porsche be related. Everything will start to overlap and secrets will be revealed that have been merely hinted at up to this point.
How does this create tension between Kinn and Porsche? I suspect miscommunication and misunderstandings will abound, particularly when it comes to how much Kinn knows about Porsche’s parentage. A big information bomb will be dropped on Porsche, and he will convince himself that Kinn must’ve known about it. Kinn will object, say there’s no way he’d do that to him, Porsche will say he never really knew him at all, and he’ll go running. These are all predictions at this point, but I think we’ve been set up to go this route based on the mistrust Kinn and Porsche have already had in their relationship and the seeds planted about Porsche’s family.
Rivalry between families:
This is where Vegas becomes much more involved. His sly attempts at unseating Kinn will culminate in an all-out war, as I suspect we see in the battle-dancing scene from the trailer. It seems like they are facing off against the second family here, but there’s clearly some animosity between the two of them that they need to clear up before the thick of the battle (could be wrong about the order of scenes, but that’s what I’m predicting).
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I think the show will flip the concept of mistrust on its head a bit. We’ve seen how hard it is for Kinn to trust others as a result of his relationship with Tawan, but I think it would be interesting to see Porsche’s mistrust take the forefront. We’ve already seen this a bit with the ending of Ep4 and the consequences in Ep5, but I want to see how it plays out when KP are in an established relationship. The first part of the season seemed more dedicated to highlighting Kinn’s struggles in his relationship with Porsche, but I think the second half will focus much more on how those same issues affect Porsche. Not to say that Porsche hasn’t faced challenges already in his relationship with Kinn, but I do think Porsche's struggles in this latter half will mirror Kinn’s struggles in the first half.
I would bet that we will be seeing arcs that mirror those seen earlier in the season; the show has already set up mirroring conflicts/resolutions in episodes 5 & 7 and 6 & 8, respectively. Soon, I think these conflicts will become much more external to the mafia conflict (which will inevitably bleed over into KP’s relationship). All the storylines will converge on each other as a final test of sorts for KP to face together as a united front. First, though, we must work through the Tawan issue in order to fully earn the “us against the world” mentality the show has been marketing/building to. In my opinion, the conflict ultimately becomes much richer when the characters experience trials after they’ve already worked through something major (*cough* Tawan). It shows that they are capable of overcoming obstacles, but at the same time, it leaves audiences on edge to see if this is the time it’s gone too far.
The show has made a point of indicating that the problems Kinn and Porsche are facing right now, while catastrophic for their relationship, are no where near as catastrophic as they could and likely will be.
This is basically word vomit, so please disregard if it makes no sense. It’s late and I needed to get something out.
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Thoughts on “Flirting with Social Anxiety”: Roman, Virgil, Bravery, and Self-Worth
I originally started by just keeping a running list of thoughts in my head as I watched the “Flirting with Social Anxiety” video for the second time through. But then it started getting long and involved, so I elected to just make a specific post for some of the reflections and analysis my thoughts started to follow down the rabbit hole.
Obligatory reminder that this is just my interpretation of the canon work. You may disagree or interpret things differently, and that’s totally valid. These are just some of my thoughts and where this video (deemed “essential viewing” for the canon story by Thomas) fits in the broader narrative with relation to character arcs (specifically Roman). 
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Without further ado, here are some thoughts on the new Sanders Asides video. Apologies for the length. Turns out, I have a lot to say. 
I first found it interesting that the beginning of the video involves a series of scenarios in which Virgil and Roman repeatedly call out Thomas’s lying. First is the movie ticket (though Thomas rightfully defends that it’s not his fault), then the store alarm, and then several other examples--most of which we do not know the actual scenario involved. Given that Virgil has been at odds with Janus repeatedly and heatedly in the past, and the way things ended in “Putting Others First” between Roman and Janus (specifically Roman expressing concern that Thomas will not know where to draw the line between selfishness and taking care of yourself), it makes sense that they would be vigilant against Thomas lying. Perhaps it’s even directly a result of Janus becoming more accepted as a part of Thomas, though we don’t know that for sure. 
I think the first big hint we get regarding Roman’s lingering and worsening self-worth issues is a brief line during the food court scene. Roman is forcing Thomas up while Virgil is pulling him back down to sit. When Virgil snaps “Roman, you’re making a mistake!”, Roman immediately shoots back, “If I am, I’ll add it to the list!” and shoves Thomas forward. And honestly, it’s not an unfounded thing for Roman to say. 
He makes a mistake in the way he treats Virgil early on, he makes a mistake trying to convince Thomas to win back his ex during the Moving On arc, he makes a mistake with the lyrics in 12 Days, he makes a perceived mistake by causing Thomas to choose a cute boy over Joan’s play in Can Lying Be Good, he makes a perceived mistake wanting the callback, and then another mistake by forcing Thomas to attend the wedding instead... The list goes on. (Is it any wonder that he says “mistakes” when Thomas asks how he used to learn things in “Learning New Things About Ourselves”?) It might also be worth noting that nearly all of these mistakes are rooted in somethin Roman wants for Thomas. 
And it is the most recent mistakes (relating to the callback) that have the most narrative weight at the moment. Even though the plot surrounding the callback has moved on, the aftershocks of its ramifications still are impacting characters--perhaps Roman especially. And this video works specifically to make that apparent. Just take a look at the reactions and camera/POV choices during the mirror monologue. 
Thomas mentions a few times in the course of that monologue the idea that he isn’t sure what he wants anymore; the first being acknowledgement that the mall is the place you go when you’re not sure what you want, and again when Thomas says specifically that he doesn’t know what he wants. Both times Thomas speaks to that, the attention is on Roman. In fact, the second time where Thomas is speaking directly about himself and how he doesn’t know what he wants? Roman is looking at Thomas, which makes sense because Thomas is really speaking about Roman when he says that. Because all the times in recent canon that Roman has wanted something for Thomas, it has backfired and it has hurt parts of himself (i.e. other “Sides”, and sometimes Roman himself). 
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Though it’s also worth noting, through the course of the mirror monologue, the moments the camera/POV focuses on Virgil. Thomas makes the comment that he doesn’t know anything, least of all himself (and the focus on Virgil in that moment brings to mind that the reveal that Virgil used to be one of the Others). He also says “I know that if I don’t act on these feelings right now, I’m going to regret it” and again, we see a focus on Virgil. Because in this video thus far, Virgil is the one that has been keeping Thomas from “acting on these feelings”. 
I’m not saying anything you all don’t already know. But this is sort of a “present the evidence before you state your case” kind of situation. Heh.
The vigilance and call-outs against lying that I mentioned earlier lends a certain credence to the confrontation that Roman and Virgil have with Thomas after he exits the bathroom. The fact that it is Virgil that initiates that confrontation I think is especially interesting. Furthermore, Virgil goes so far as to use the term “deceit” when he says “will deceit continue to be the answer to all of your problems?”. That term carries a very specific weight in this series. I don’t mean to suggest (necessarily) that Virgil is speaking directly about Janus. Time will tell when the script releases, but I don’t think Virgil means “Deceit”. But I also don’t think that it’s an accident that he uses that word (or that the team wrote the script having him use that word). Given that Virgil was absent in the last video, where Janus became a more accepted part of Thomas, this confrontation about Thomas’s pattern of behavior in this episode is a useful reminder for the character of Thomas and us as an audience that all Sides of Thomas need to be kept in check once in a while. 
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But relatedly, Thomas’s conclusion that “he’s better off without me” is an interesting echo of his on-going canonical crisis about whether or not he’s a good person. In this confrontation scene, Roman and Virgil establish that starting a relationship with lies means that the relationship itself won’t be a good one. The blow that seems to cause (or rather, bring to the surface) on Thomas’s self-esteem is an interesting turn--precisely because Roman is no small part of that self-esteem and the issues it’s having. I think it’s a useful and telling glance into some of Roman’s psyche that, while he may be reluctant to admit it, is directly influencing Thomas. 
And that issue of self-worth that is first suggested by the aforementioned “he’s better off without me” gets echoed directly by Roman only a moment later. When he says “one more chance at happiness squandered”, the use of more suggests that he’s not just talking about talking to a cute boy at the mall. He’s talking about all the other chances at happiness that have been squandered--most recently, the callback. The fact that Roman follows it by saying “it’s probably for the best” is an indirect reflection of just a moment ago with Thomas’s “he’s better off without me”. They are, effectively, saying the same thing there. And it strengthens the notion that the comment from Thomas is really rooted in Roman’s self-worth issues.
Which is precisely why Virgil bein the one to shove Thomas forward to talk to the boy is such a big deal. Because Virgil--anxious, panicky (in this video) Virgil--essentially decides no. No, it’s not for the best. That chance of happiness matters, and is worth the perceived risk. What Roman wants matters. And Virgil backs that idea up with decisive, meaningful action more than just words. (I will never not be emotional about it). 
And also... it pays off. And that’s so important for Roman. Because when was the last time that what Roman wanted paid off? I listed his perceived mistakes earlier. None of those, as far as I think Roman would understand, have paid off for him. It’s been a long time since what Roman wanted paid off and was seen as good by others, y’know?
I think that’s why Roman describes Virgil’s shove as “bravery”. I think it’s more than just Roman saying “I know that was scary for you and thank you for doing it anyway” (though there’s an element to that). I think Roman was afraid. I think calling what Virgil did an act of “bravery” might also be Roman saying “you were braver than I, and I am grateful for that”. Because Roman could have been the one to shove Thomas forward. He didn’t. Virgil did. And for Roman, that’s maybe a sign that someone else still thinks that what he wants can be good and right and worth it. 
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(Side tangent that it’s also an interesting reflection back to that first episode when Roman claimed “rejection” as something he fears, and again in Fitting In when he acknowledges that Virgil has “been a little too familiar with rejection nad has had his fill”. Just another layer added to the continuing thematic thread about bravery and fear and rejection). 
Right now, its impossible to know for sure exactly why this video was deemed as “essential viewing” for the broader narrative of Sanders Sides. Maybe Nico will be mentioned in videos going forward, or maybe not. But this video definitely seems to have significance for Roman’s character arc and his continuing development, particularly as it relates to his worsening self-esteem issues. I am beyond excited to see where exactly this leads us, and the broader narrative implications of this key moment for Roman (and Virgil too). 
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lilfellasblog · 5 years
‘Cause If We’re Talking Bodies (You’ve Got a Perfect One) P.1 - Patton’s 2019 Birthday Fic!
Summary: Patton loves his boyfriends so much!! He just wish he had more to offer.
OML I accidentally missed Patton’s Name Reveal Day by two months!!! Patton, I’m so sorry, I love you and you deserve better! Here’s a little fic for you!! This first chapter turned into plot by accident, and the second half is just smut. Slightly kinky, sweet smut. That’s it. Enjoy the plot while it lasts! :3
A/N: If you liked this, please reblog. It is the only way to help this fic reach a wider audience. Tumblr ate most of my fics that I know I posted here, which makes me very sad for a lot of reasons, one of the biggest being that the love and comments and tags that folks showed this fic is gone into the ether.
TW: Body insecurity, kissing, mentions of sex, negative self-talk, crying, and LAMP sex almost happens in this chapter. Let me know if I missed any!
Word Count: 2424
Part 2 here!
AO3 here!
Fic Masterlist here!
Patton stared at his reflection in the mirror. He was the Side that encompasses Thomas’ eating habits, and they could honestly use some work. Last night, he’d devoured half a pizza and several Krispy Kreme donuts for dinner, and looked at the raw cookie dough in the fridge as a late-night snack.
It’s all your fault he feels bad about his eating and his body. Just look at you!
Patton’s eyes burned as he took in his appearance. Stretch marks decorated the sides of his stomach and thighs, and his stomach was definitely rounded. His arms were chubby, and his thighs chafed if he didn’t make sure his pants were securely belted up. He’d even slept wrong, and now his shoulder hurts!
He’d had to comfort Thomas while editing the latest Awkward Adventures video about going into a sensory deprivation tank. When the time came to edit Thomas’ reaction to the experience, they’d both broken down into tears. Patton stuffed his feelings down quickly so he could rise up and comfort Thomas. Thomas ended up deciding to not show his body at all.
Patton hugged his middle as he allowed himself his pre-breakfast cry. Soon, too soon, his alarm went off. Time to get breakfast ready!
Patton cleaned up his face in his bathroom and threw on his day clothes. They were so tight, he hated how tight they were, they left red marks on his body where the hems and elastic dug in. He used to wear his clothes looser, but then he’d gotten into a relationship with the other three core Sides over a year ago. They deserved someone with a better body. Despite his lingering sadness, he smiled at the memory. It had been Logan to confess one morning that he was in love with them and that repressing those feelings was causing him significant enough distress to impair his functioning. Patton and Roman had quickly confessed after that, followed by a soft, shy admission from Virgil.
His phone brought him back out of his thoughts. Oh rats, I’m late!! Stupid, airhead Patton! Can’t do anything right!! Patton sniffled back tears as he bolted from his room and downstairs. Thankfully, no one was up yet. He quickly started a pot of coffee and grabbed pancake mix.
Blueberries or chocolate chip? Blueberries or chocolate chip? Come ON Patton, make up your mind!
Patton grabbed the chocolate chips and folded them in with the pancake batter. He quickly grabbed some breakfast sausages and eggs, started heating up the breakfast sausages, and started scrambling the eggs. Once he had the eggs going at a low enough temperature with butter and milk, he started scooping pancakes onto a flat griddle. Careful to watch the pancakes, he whipped the eggs so they were aerated and fluffy, then just as they were almost done, he seasoned them with paprika, a pinch of salt, some pepper, and a bit of garlic. He switched between the eggs and pancakes, and soon he had a large pile of both ready.
Patton quickly set the table as he heard the other three Sides come down the stairs. Come on, this is the LEAST you can do for forcing them to be in a relationship with you, you disgusting-
“Hey Pat, smells great,” Virgil mumbled as he walked in.
“Well thanks kiddo! I do my best!” Patton chirped. Virgil grunted in acknowledgment and sleepily filled his mug with coffee. Patton tried to not let his heart break. He’s just tired, I know Virgil loves my cooking!
Maybe he would if you weren’t trying to get him as fat as you.
I”m not!
Oh? Is that why you put butter in the eggs? And chocolate chips in the pancakes? This entire meal is unhealthy, and you couldn’t even manage to swap out candy for fruit? No wonder they barely tolerate you.
Patton bit the inside of his cheek so he wouldn’t show any negative emotion. Logan and Roman entered the kitchen moments later.
“-tations,” Logan finished dryly.
Patton forced a giggle. “Greetings and salutations to you too!”
Logan sent him a rare smile, one that made Patton question all over again why they were with him. Logan was the embodiment of the sexy professor and had a firm runner’s body, Virgil was edgy with an undercurrent of sweet that made his lithe body move in the filthiest of ways, and Roman… dear god, Roman was built like a hero prince. A single glance from any of them could make him swoon, and what did Patton have to offer? And unattractive, misshapen, chubby body. The least he could do was cook for them, and don’t get him wrong, he loved cooking! But he could never seem to do it right. It was never healthy enough, elegant enough, complex enough. Patton spent hours every day crying, trying to brace himself as best he could for the inevitable break up, where he’d be the singleton and the other three would finally be in a happy relationship. He didn’t want his heartbreak to affect Thomas too much.
“Ah, pancakes! In a chocolate chip mood, my perfect Patton?”
The unexpected comment caused Patton to burst into tears. He sees what you’re doing, he sees how gross you are, how you’re-
A hand started gently rubbing his back. “Shhhhh, Patton dear, tell us what’s wrong,” Logan soothed.
Patton sniffled in a weak attempt to stop his crying. I can’t tell them! “I j-just love you all s-so m-m-much a-and I have a l-lot of f-f-feelings!”
There! I didn’t lie!
Lie of omission.
Patton cried harder at failing his job as Morality. Some Side you are. Thomas would be better off without you. They’d all be better off without you. Roman came over and threaded his fingers into Patton’s hair, scratching at his scalp.
“Oh darling, goodness gracious,” Logan chuckled, “I love you too.”
Sounds of agreement came from around the kitchen, but the lies only made Patton more upset. Look at how much they have to lie just to not set you off!
“I-I’m sorry guys,” Patton whimpered, “I’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m sorry I get so,” Patton’s bottom lip quivered as he sniffled, “emotional,” he finished in a broken voice.
“My sweet angel, that is one of the reasons we love you!” Roman declared.
Patton looked up in disbelief. “R-really?”
“Yeah, of course,” Virgil said as he came over and put a hand on Patton’s shoulder. Patton winced at Virgil having to feel his fat.
The hand on his back stopped moving. “Sweetheart, do you think we dislike your displays of emotions?”
“Y-yes? I know they can be a lot…” And I don’t even have a good body to offer you.
To his surprise, Virgil dove in and practically tackle-hugged Patton. Patton flinched when he felt Virgil’s arms go around his belly.
“Patton, we love you. Goddammit, I fucking hate myself,” Virgil shook his head, “Sorry. I just, what did I do to make you think that?”
Patton awkwardly draped an arm over Virgil’s back. “Nothing! You didn’t do anything kiddo!”
“Was it Logan or I?” Roman asked as he moved his hand from Patton’s hair to underneath his chin.
“No! You guys are fine, you didn’t do anything wrong!”
Logan kissed the top of Patton’s head. “Know that we love you, including your emotions. Let us eat. Food can help improve mood, particularly after a full night’s sleep.”
“You’re so smart Lo!”
“Thank you.”
Roman and Logan returned to their seats while Virgil pulled up and gave Patton a kiss. “I love you too Pat.”
“Love ya kiddo,” Patton said quietly as he stared into Virgil’s eyes. Virgil smiled, gave Patton one last kiss, and sat back down. Breakfast passed normally, the Sides chatting about Thomas’ upcoming week, and Patton trying to control his thoughts enough so he could pay attention. Once breakfast wrapped up, everybody helped clean and put dishes away.
Patton expected everyone to go back to their rooms after that, but Roman came up next to Patton, put his hand on Patton’s lower back, and kissed the top of his head. He started moving his hand in little up and down motions, so his pinky finger was just above Patton’s belt.
“I would like to show you how much I love you. Would you be amenable to that sunshine?” Roman rumbled.
Patton shivered at Roman’s tone and the idea of having to be naked around him. They’d had sex plenty of times, but only when Patton had a better self-image day. Come on Patton, you stressed them all out right at the beginning of the day! Get them in a better mood!
“That sounds great!” Patton lied.
Roman chuckled darkly. “Wonderful. From Logan and Virgil’s faces, it would seem they would like to join us. Is that something you’d like as well?“
Oh jeepers, they’re all going to see me! “It’ll be a party!”
Roman chuckled again and pulled Patton against him, kissing him deeply. “Shall we go to my room? I believe my bed is the only one large enough to accommodate all of us.”
Roman kissed Patton again. Patton reciprocated as best he could, and then he was being gently led up the stairs.
I can do this, I can do this, I can do this…
The door opened to Roman’s room, and Logan dragged him in, meeting him in a filthy kiss.
I can’t do this.
Patton whimpered and pulled back, hiding his face in Logan’s chest. Logan froze, then wrapped his arms gently around Patton’s back.
“Dearest? What’s wrong?”
Patton opened his mouth to speak, but no words came to him. He just pressed into Logan’s chest further.
“Do you want to stop?”
Patton hated himself for it, but he nodded his head with another whimper. He started sniffling and his breath began to hitch. Logan pressed a chaste kiss to the top of Patton’s head and rubbed the back of Patton’s neck.
“Shhhhh, it’s okay darling.”
Roman came over to put a hand on his back. Patton smelled cinnamon and roses. “It’s alright love. It’s okay, I promise.”
He sensed Virgil approach but stop, unsure. Patton took a deep, shaky breath. “I want to, I do, I love you guys, and god you’re all so attractive, it’s just…”
Roman shifted next to him. “My sweet, you don’t have to say yes just because I asked. Have you…” he trailed off.
Patton couldn’t let his prince think that! “No! I promise, I’m sorry. You’re all so hot, and I’m…” Patton’s voice broke. “Not.”
Virgil spoke up from behind him. “If you talk bad about yourself I’m going to physically fight you!”
Patton giggled through his tears.
“Darling, I can assure you we find you quite attractive,” Logan purred.
Patton looked up at Logan. “Really? You do?”
Logan’s eyes darkened as his gaze bored into Patton’s eyes. “Very much so,” he nearly growled.
Patton blushed hotly at the tone while Roman chuckled and leaned over to whisper in Patton’s ear. “I can assure you, I share the same sentiments as Logan.”
“Holy shit Pat, me too. You really don’t know you’re hot as fuck?”
Patton turned around to level a disapproving stare at Virgil, who just smirked that damnable smirk of his. Patton was worried his glasses were about to melt off his face from the heat.
“Let’s go downstairs. I believe a conversation may be long overdue.”
Patton bit the inside of his cheek again, terrified as to what Logan was talking about. He followed them downstairs and couldn’t stop himself from leaning against Logan on the couch. Logan wrapped an arm around Patton and kissed his temple. Patton giggled lightly. It was the small gestures Logan did that reminded Patton what a big softie he really was.
Once everyone was settled, Logan began speaking. “Patton, love, are you insecure about your body?”
Patton tensed and looked down. “Maybe a little…”
He heard Roman about to jump into a dramatic monologue, but Logan gently raised his hand to stop him. Roman settled back with a small huff.
“How long have you been feeling this way love?”
Patton pressed into Logan’s side. “Well, I guess I’ve always known I wasn’t as… attractive as you guys, but I started feeling bad about it when we started dating. I’ve got the worst body out of all of you, and now you have to be with me when you all are so dreamy? It’s not fair to you guys!”
Noises of protest came from the other side of the couch before Logan raised his hand again. “My dear, do you think we’d sleep with you if we didn’t want to?”
Patton brought his legs up. “I don’t know… you could always pretend…”
“I find your body very appealing.”
“As do I.”
“Pat, you’re fucking hot.”
“Virgil. Language.”
“Still English.”
Patton decided to let it slide at the amused puff of air he felt from Logan.
“Darling, I know that our reassurances are hardly enough to change your mind, but I they give you some peace. I believe that Roman can conjure Dr. Picani in the Imagination. Would you like to go see him to talk further about your body image? You do not have to if it would make you uncomfortable.”
Patton sighed. “That might not be a terrible idea. I’m sorry for bringing you guys down.”
Virgil interjected. “Pat. I Will. Physically fight you.”
Patton giggled at the running joke.
“Why don’t we have Thomas watch some Parks and Rec? I think a mental health break may be in order.”
Patton smiled up at Logan. “That sounds like fun!”
Logan smiled back down. “Wonderful. I’ll go grab some snacks. Roman, if you would?”
Patton was confused until Roman pulled Patton into his lap. They both laughed as they fell slightly to the side.
“I love you, my sweet angel.”
Patton felt something in his chest unclench and thaw. “I love you to.” He bit his lip and looked down. “You really find me attractive? You’re so…”
Roman smirked. “Dashing? Noble? Handsome? Breath-taking?”
Virgil grinned. “Pretentious?”
Roman let out a series of high-pitched scoffs as Patton giggled. I gotta admit, being held by a dashing prince is pretty nice!
Logan came back with the snacks. Virgil scooted over and put Patton’s legs over his own. Logan sat on the other side of Roman and pressed against Patton’s back.
Later, they’d show Patton just how much they appreciated his body.
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