#But Steve has resigned himself to this being his life until Eddie gets bored of the bit
morganbritton132 · 1 year
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…… this is Eddie rn……..
Eddie is a menace to society in general, but also specifically to his PR team. Once he knows that he can stir up a lot of drama by being vague about Steve’s job, he’s going to do it.
Of course, he is.
He once took a call mid-live interview because Steve was calling him like, “Oh, my husband is calling. He must be at recess. Hold on.”
He then proceeded to say on a hot mic, “What’s up, big boy?”
Eddie once said on a live-streamed game of D&D that Steve couldn’t join them because he was “doing homework.” Steve was working on a lesson plan in the literal same room as him.
Eddie was a featured guest at a convention and Steve was supposed to go with him but woke up that morning feeling off so he decided to stay behind at the hotel. Eddie obviously wasn’t going to tell people Steve’s private information so he said instead that Steve couldn’t come because, “He’s got a bad case of summer school.”
Without fail, someone inevitably takes the statement in the stupidest possible direction and Eddie gets a strongly-worded email from his PR Manager telling him to knock it off but also to clean up his mess. So, Eddie gets to shove a camera in Steve’s face to prove that while his husband is aging gracefully and beautifully, he is definitely not eighteen.
“Right, baby?” Eddie asks.
Steve pushes the camera out of his face so he can go back to cooking, “Right.”
“That was a pretty good explanation, right?” Eddie continues. Steve hums back in response so he asks, “What grade am I, Mr. Harrington?”
Steve, who is tired of his work friends making fun of him over this, doesn’t even look up from his cutting board to tell Eddie, “You’re a grade-A dick.”
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bleedingoptimism · 1 year
𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 
“No, no, no, nonononono,” Eddie chants repeatedly looking around his room.
He tore the place upside down, he looked everywhere.
Where the hell is it?!
Shit shit shit shit shit shit.
If someone finds it, his life is ruined. There is no way he can pass this as a joke, everyone will know.
They’ll know just how pathetic and lame he is. Doing a character sheet of his crush. What the hell was he thinking? Well, he wasn’t really, he was high and bored when he did it. And no one was ever supposed to see it. So really whose fault is it?
Sighing as he runs his hands through his messy hair, that is just an extra type of messy today with how much he has pulled at it. He resigns himself that the paper is not in his room and decides to retrace his steps.
He goes to the Wheeler’s place, knocks on the door loudly and Nancy opens the door,
“Hey Eddie, everything okay?”
He slaps his hair down nervously, God he probably looks insane right now, “Yeah, yeah Nance. I just misplaced something,” he says, kissing her cheek as he lets himself in, “Can I go look for it? It’s a hellfire thing.”
“Yeah, of course. You want any help?” Nancy answers sweetly, opening the basement door for him.
“No, thanks!” he screams, going down the stairs two at a time.
There’s no use. It’s not there. Eddie grabs his hair and pulls, stressed. He’s going to have to ask Wheeler Jr, shit.
Fuck! If Wheeler has it, he’s probably going to end up being extorted to do his bidding for the rest of his life. 
Once more he tries to slap his hair back in place before going back upstairs, trying not to look so freaked out, “Nance, is the bad Wheeler home?”
Nancy chuckles at the nickname, “He’s at Will’s. I’m going there now. Need a ride?”
“I’m in the van, but I’ll meet you there,” he tells her, dropping another peck on her cheek and then bolting out the door.
Jon answers the door at the Byers when he gets there a record five minutes later. They half hug in greeting, and then Eddie just runs upstairs not bothering to explain himself.
And Jon doesn’t even bother asking.
“Hey,” he says when he bursts through the door to Will’s room. Will jumps a little from his position on the bed, nearly dropping his paintbrush. Mike just looks up from where he’s lying on his stomach with a comic book in hand.
Eddie half smiles apologetically at Will for startling him and then says, “So here’s the situation,” and crosses his arms, trying to look imposing. He used to scare the shit out of Mike only a few months ago. He can do it again.
“I lost a very important page from my notebook. It’s a big deal, notes about the final boss and shit. If I don’t get it back, or if you read it, the campaign is ruined and therefore canceled, get it?” he says, completely making things up on the spot.
The boys look horrified and immediately get moving, looking through their things to check they didn't accidentally take it. Mike asks him if he checked the basement while Will calls on the walkie for a D&D emergency. It’s cute how much they care, and for a second Eddie forgets how much shit he’s in, until he hears Dustin’s voice through the walkie.
“I— yeah. I found it.”
“Did you read it?” Will asks over the walkie, looking worriedly at him.
“No! No, I didn't!” Dustin says right away.
‘Okay, good.’
“Where is it?” Eddie asks loud enough for Dustin to hear over the radio.
Dustin takes a long time to respond.
“...I gave it to Steve.” 
Mike scoffs, “What, why?”
But Eddie can’t hear any of his excuses, something about not reading it and that Steve can give it to Eddie and about trust and-
“The campaign is canceled,” he yells suddenly and the boys look at him in shock while Dustin starts screaming over the walkie but he pays it no mind. He shakes his head, “I quit Hellfire. I’m done, I’m out. Find another DM,” and then he turns around and just walks out of there.
He runs into Nancy on his way out.
“Everything okay?” She asks worried.
He looks at her and is going to answer but then he hears the kids running down the stairs to catch up with him, can still hear Dustin screaming over the walkie, so he shakes his head and smiles at Nancy.
“It’s silly, don’t worry about it,” he assures her, and then gets in his van and bails out of there before the kids can talk him out of it.
𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱
part 1: ❤️
part 2: 🧡  
part 3: 💛  
part 4: 💚    
part 5: 💙   
part 6: 💜
part 7: 💗 
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
25. Angst that ends in fluff #Bhits5k
25. Adopting a Pet
Steve had always wanted a pet. Every birthday, every Christmas he'd ask his parents for one. He didn't care what kind, big or small. There was always an excuse.
"A dog would rip up the cushions and dig up the yard, Steven."
"A cat would shed everywhere and rip the curtains, Steven."
"A fish isn't very manly, Steven."
"A snake is too dangerous, Steven."
"You'll get bored of a hamster, Steven."
Steve still desperately wanted a companion, something to keep him company while his parents were away, something to care for, something to love.
He once found a tiny kitten out by the playground. He took it home and hid it in his room, sneaking her scraps until his parents left town again. The kitten would sleep on his chest at night keeping him warm and soothing him with its purrs. Steve would've kept that kitten hidden in his room forever, but a week later he found a missing poster for it. The little boy to who he returned it almost cried when Steve showed up at the house with the bundle of fluff. Steve resigned himself to a petless life after that, on his next birthday he just asked for a baseball.
Eddie had always wanted a pet but never dared asked for one. Growing up he knew his dad was dangerous, he didn't want a little animal getting in the way of that anger. Eddie's father would throw cans at the strays around the trailer park and come home and hurt Eddie if he had a bad day, which was always.
Eddie would still sneak the strays some of what little dinner he had. Out his bedroom window, he'd feed a couple dogs and an old cat the rest of his microwave dinner. He cried when the old cat stopped coming by.
When he moved in with Wayne he still didn't ask for a pet, he understood a pet was another mouth to feed and he didn't want to be a further burden on his uncle despite the man claiming otherwise. He still fed the new trailer park strays, and he put out water for them in the summer, making sure it didn't freeze over in the winter.
Now he was older, he and Steve were freshly moved into their new apartment downtown. The apartment was small and poorly lit but it was the first place Steve could truly call his home. Eddie came home one day from work when he heard it. He poked his head into their bedroom, Steve standing in front of the closet a guilty look on his face.
"Steve, what's in the closet?"
"Well, certainly not me anymore."
"Hardy har, I'm serious what're ya hiding in there?"
Steve sighs before turning and grabbing something from inside. When he turns back around Eddie sees the tiny ball of fur in his boyfriend's hands.
"She was crying by the trashcan and she was just so small and I couldn't just leave her there, but I know I should've just taken her to the shelter, she's another mouth to feed and her fur will get everywhere and-"
Eddie cuts off Steve's rambling by wrapping his arms around his shoulders, "Hey, hey sweetheart, it's ok, I'm not mad, why would I be mad about my boyfriend rescuing this little cutie?"
Steve looks like he might cry again, "Because my parents would've been." Eddie holds him closer, being mindful of the little kitten. "Well, you know I know Dick has always been a dick, how about we head to the vet's to get the little one all checked out and then head to the pet store to spoil her with the paycheck I just got."
Steve smiles and that night when he falls asleep once again with a little ball of fluff on his chest and Eddie cuddled beside him his chest feels a little lighter.
Prompt List
I'm just realising my dumbass has two 25's and you probs meant the Break Up/Make Up one lol. Send the prompt again if you want that sorry, I'll fix the list now.
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