#But at the same time please respect pet-free rules for the sake of folks like myself
PSA for anyone who owns a dog, cat, or hairy pet:
If you bring your pet to an Airbnb/hotel/any overnight stay-location that is SUPPOSED to be pet-free.
Fuck you. Fuck you BIG TIME.
I understand the love people have for their pets and it’s incredibly valid and I UNDERSTAND it can be hard to travel with your furry friends. Especially if you own an emotional support/service animal.
But this is your reminder that pet-friendly locations exist for a reason. People like myself who have severe pet dander allergies are at risk for getting incredibly sick after renting a supposedly “pet free location”.
I am currently staying in an Airbnb that was marketed as pet-free but it is very obvious that whoever was here before us snuck their animal in. I am wheezy, sick, covered in itchy skin, and I’ve had to use an obscene amount of allergy meds just for it to be somewhat bearable.
Just as much as food allergies, other kinds of allergies deserve to be respected.
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