#But here we are :/ massive L. On the other hand he didn't seem to buy into social hierarchy and mixed with ppl of absolute nonsense reps so
6, 7, 14 -🖤☂️
Thank you, mercy or whatever u "people" say my French birb 💚❔
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
6. In your opinion, what is their biggest flaw?
Just 1????? Jkjk-
I feel a tad bad holding this against him, but really…. Even for a 19th century guy™ I think he could do better on the gender front. The first wave of feminism was picking up and this man still went n said shit like "women belong in the bedroom and kitchen" 😞😞😞 smh my head…... He did bring his wife Sophie into politics sometimes though, but sir. I'm glad you're chugging that Love My Wife juice but DRINK your Respect Women Juice too.
7. Let us know three random facts about them!
Random facts you say?
a. He liked sappy contemporary love songs!! My Little Joak™ is that he would be a Swiftie
b. I found this whilst looking for the source of the love song quote and you know what. He thought his bathroom had the best view in his house and he would make people go in there just to look out the window. PEAK neurodivergent behaviour if I may say so myself.
c. He did care quite a bit about how he looked I'd say. He was terrified of balding ((lmao)) and made sure to be sewn into his uniform the day he.... well you know,,, for fashionable, extra-tight fit. How well //i// think these efforts paid off is NOT a random fact so I will be QUIET about it 💅💀
14. Do you think your favourite historical figure would like you?
Luv I am a qpoc with rainbow hair and pronouns i think he would hatecrime me on sight <3 but I guess that's not exactly what this question is asking, so. That aside it could really go both ways bc CRINGE and FAIL as it is i think we have.... Similar 🤢 personalities 🤬. He wished to be seen as Not A Lunatic Or Total Bastard, and I like to think I'm already seeing that about him in all my research and stuff, which is to say it's a possibility we'd be chill. On the other hand we're also both easily angered Fire Sign Freaks and I don't think I need to elaborate 🤡✌️
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬
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Imagine:Imagine Requested by Anon. You move to New Orleans and meet Elijah who then introduces you to his younger brothers. You take him to your brothers wedding as your date but he also brings his brothers as plus ones.
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Human!Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 3596
Edited: Yes
Hi! I'm sorry so for the long wait, this was a really good request and I wanted to make it perfect for you. Now I can honestly say it still isn't to the best of my ability but I was stumped half way through and had to power through it. Sorry about the length I wasn't planning for it to be this long but it just ended up being so. Anyway I really hope you enjoy! Please comment requests or what you think of the imagine please. Thank you !
Recently, I moved to New Orleans. I did so because I heard great things and I am not disappointed. I moved here right in Mardi Gras season so it was okay but it's been a couple of months now and the tingles of excitement thinking about living here is incredible. At this moment in time, I was walking my dog. Barney. He's a beautiful German Shepard, he's getting older now but he'll always be my baby. We were walking down bourbon street and I was looking at my phone to check the time when I bumped into a pristine looking man. I dropped my phone and started giggling nervously.
"I'm so sorry, sir."
I bent down to pick up my phone but as I did we bumped heads, seeming as he lowered to pick it up too. We both looked at each other and started laughing. It's like I came straight out of a high school romance movie.
"It's absolutely okay. I should've moved when I saw you on your phone. I couldn't help but be-and forgive me if I'm overstepping-but be captivatingly beautiful."
I couldn't stop or even stall the luminous red blush engulfing my cheeks. The wind picked up in time to cover my face with my Y/H/C coloured hair.
"Oh, uh thank you."
"Sorry I shouldn't of said it, that was out of line."
I giggled as he walked away.
"Wait ! It wasn't, I'm just not used to compliments from people I bump into on the street."
He looked down with his hands in his trouser pockets and blessed my Y/E/C eyes with his sweet and wide grin.
"Sorry. Let me make it up to you. Would you let me buy you a coffee ?"
I giggled and Barney started licking the man's hand.
"Barney ! Stop it baby."
He laughed.
"It's quite alright. So coffee ? We can have it to go if you'd like?"
I smiled and Barney sat down next to my legs.
"Uh yeah, that would be nice."
"So you've bought me coffee and are walking around with me and I still don't know your name."
We laughed together.
"I apologise. My name's Elijah."
I looked at him in awe. His name was so beautiful and it matched his pristine look.
"I love your name, it's beautiful. My name's Y/N."
"Talk about beautiful names."
I looked away, again blushing. It made me smile so much because I always used to get picked on for my name despite loving it myself. It made me uncertain of the importance of self-love.
"Thank you, it means more than you may think."
We smiled and continued to walk in a serene silence.
"So, Elijah. When your not carelessly bumping into girls and dishing out compliments, what do you like to do ?"
He chuckled softly.
"I like to read a lot and I can cook when necessary."
This man becomes more intriguing by the second. I bet he's a great cook and the reading explains his extensive range of vocab.
"That's so cool, I cook and bake all the time. I love it so much and I don't read as much as I'd want but I like to sing."
"Oh yeah, do you sing for people ?"
"Uh sometimes, mainly special occasions like birthdays and stuff. I'm actually singing at my brother's wedding in a couple of months."
"Really, what a shame I don't get to see for myself your talent."
"I wouldn't really call it a big thing but I mean if it means that much. You seem nice so far, I was just gonna go stag but if you want to join me you can. It might be more fun if your there, I don't particularly love the women he's marrying so."
"That would be lovely. What's wrong with the woman?"
"Well, she's always stuck up around him you know. She licks his ass so much but whenever he's not around for a second she is the bitchiest most irritating girl in the world and not forgetting she's incredibly immature."
"Really, must be a irritating women then ?"
"Like you wouldn't believe."
I looked up and realised that it's already quite dark out, which means I've spent a good couple of hours talking to Elijah. I told him where my apartment was and he left but not before exchanging numbers. That very night, I had no sleep because Elijah and I were texting all night.
In the morning, after still not getting any sleep. I had a text from Elijah just as I had finished brushing my teeth.
Elijah: Good morning Y/N! I hope your energised. How would you like to get lunch today ?- E.M
Reply: As energised as I can be, Elijah. I would love to get lunch today. I also need to get my dress for the wedding, help me pick ? Good morning by the way.
Elijah: Of course you do, trust you to not be prepared. I would be honoured to help you, I don't want to go to a complete stranger's wedding with my date looking like a tart.
Reply: Thank you Elijah. Self-confidence risen dramatically... what time do you want to meet ?
Elijah: I'll pick you up at 12:30.
Reply: Okay, see you then.
As soon as I sent my reply, I ran and jumped into the shower. I lathered my vanilla body wash all over my body and soaked my hair in cherry almond shampoo and conditioner. I hopped out and decided to leave my face free from makeup and put on a mask whilst getting ready. I quickly applied my charcoal face mask and started rooting through my wardrobe for some clothes. I looked at the clock and realised I only have 50 minutes to get ready. I decided to wear a sheet black crop top with coloured flowers on and flared sleeves along with a short denim skirt, brown ankle boots, some black tights and and brown bag to match my shoes.
I was just spraying some of my vanilla perfume when there was a knock at the door. My eyes shot to the clock and I watched as the clock turned 12:30. I opened the door to see him stood there with a warm smile on his face. I smiled back at him with just as much warmth.
"Hey Elijah. You weren't kidding when you said 12:30 were you ?"
He chuckled and straightened his posture more even if it was impossible to be standing any straighter than he already was. I get it now, he's a perfectionist.
"When I say a time, I mean it."
I giggled and shut the door, locking it behind me. I replied to his comment with a smirk on my face and walked off.
"I can see that, Mr Perfectionist."
He chuckled and followed me out. We we're taking a comfortably quiet stroll down bourbon street, not rushing to get to the mall.
"So Elijah, what is it ?"
He turned to me with slight confusion.
"What ever do you mean, Y/N?"
I could tell he was genuinely confused so I made the choice to elaborate. I turned my head to look at him with my arms crossed but still walking.
"You. The way you talk, your timing ? I mean your not just on time you were there in the second of it turning 12:30. How about that both times I've seen you, you've been wearing $10 000 suits. I mean we are going to lunch. Probably to get some pizza or sushi, not for a meal that costs like $300 take like one zero off that at least."
He looked shocked at me understandably so. I just called him out on practically everything that makes him Elijah. It's not that I have a problem with any of it. A man who has impeccable timing, amazing-expensive-but amazing dress sense and knows how to talk properly not "Sup baby, you busy tonight ?" The number of times that lines been used in me is incredible.
He looked at me with a prominent look of worry. Maybe I said the wrong thing, was I too blunt maybe ? Or he might think I don't like any of it. So I quickly decided to save myself.
"Before you think or even ask yourself if I don't like any of that, I do. I'm just not used to speaking to a man. Someone with great fashion sense, doesn't talk like in idiot and can actually pronounce and word things properly-in other words speaking actual english, someone who has manners, the looks, impeccable timing and knows how to charm a women. Your a women's dream I just didn't know you were so....dreamy."
A wide grin broke out on his face, with made me blush profusely. I saw the mall in front of us.
"Dreamy ? You have a way with words Miss Y/L/N. I apologise if I may have distracted you for being so dreamy."
I giggled and smacked his arm playfully.
"Hey it's not funny. Take the compliment or leave it, alright ? It just slipped out."
"Slipped out of your mouth or your dreams."
We started laughing together feeling more comfortable than when I had my curious outburst minutes ago.
We walked in the mall and I was lost for which shop to buy my dress in. I nudged Elijah's arm.
"You know any good shops to buy dresses ?"
I asked jokingly but to my surprise he dragged me into a shop I didn't see the name of. He stopped at the entrance and turned to me.
"We are going to do something because you have massively boosted my ego today unintentionally, I think. Your going to let me do something for you. To make sure you don't look like a tart is why I came with you, correct ?"
I nodded.
"Your are going to pick five dresses you like in this store and I am going to pick my favourite one and you have to wear it to the wedding, deal ?"
Not how I expected the day to go, being bossed around by a man who was a stranger not more than 2 days ago.
"How do you not have women lining up to be with you? As long as your this bossy in the bedroom, I will say deal to you as many times as you like."
I winked at him and walked further into the shop. Elijah stood there with a wide grin at the once innocent flirty comments turning rapidly less innocent and followed her.
Five. Five dresses is not hard to pick. Come on Y/n. Just one more. I stopped and looked around until I spotted the last one. I handed them to Elijah with a whispered comment as I walked out.
"One of those dresses are harder to get off then the rest I might need some assistance, make the right decision Mr Precision."
I waited outside for him to pick the dress. Minutes later he walked out of the shop with a wide grin on his face and a white paper bag that most likely has my dress in it.
"So ?"
He looked at me and winked.
"I made the right decision, don't you worry."
We walked over to Rousseau's and I persuaded him to sit down and eat. When the food arrived he looked at me weirdly.
"I can't eat this, Y/N."
I giggled at him a rolled my eyes.
"What worried about getting grease on your $10 000 suit. Don't even tell me you don't like it, what's not to love about a big greasy burger and fries with a beer. Or do you only drink wine and eat lobster with caviar ?"
He chuckled at me and took his jacket off and placed it on the back of his chair. He unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up so they were now three quarters in length. The next thing I know is he's picking it up and taking a big bite of the burger whilst staring at me in the eyes to prove a point.
A little while later after it's like 6 pm we decide to leave the bar and go back to my apartment. I unlock the door and hang my jacket up whilst throwing my keys on the worktop in the kitchen. I kick my shoes off by the door and walk into the kitchen to look for some wine. Elijah follows me in a little later, having just taken his jacket off and hung it up.
"You look confused."
I'm rooting around in my pantry looking down my wine rack not finding the alcohol I wanted. Then the idea that it might be in the fridge popped into my head. I walked out of my pantry closing the door and opening my fridge finding the label staring at me in the face. I smiled and grabbed it before turning around and showing it to Elijah.
"I was trying to find this. A bottle of wine I was saving for when I had good company."
He grabbed the bottle out of my hands and inspected it, lastly he smirked.
"No wonder you saved it Y/N, this is an expensive wine. One they don't even sell in the United States. What did you do? Go on holiday and smuggle a bottle of rare and incredibly expensive wine back here ?"
"I guess you could say that but I didn't buy it...I won it. In a game of poker on my 26th birthday, I lived in Italy with my family and it was a bottle that was made the year I was born and my mother saved up for it and bought it. My dad annoyed her buy using it as a prize for our game of poker, he said it was pure luck just because it was made on my birthday. $6 863. That's the total cost."
"So your Italian ?"
I giggled and grabbed two glasses.
"Si signore."
He chuckled and followed me into the living room. I threw myself on the couch and sat upright so I could pour the wine.
"So you've juiced everything interesting out of me. What about you ?"
"The only interesting thing about me is my family I suppose. I have two older siblings and four younger siblings."
"Tell me about them."
"Okay. There's my eldest sister Freya she's 34; 5 years older than me. She's quite sweet but she was more of a long distance sibling for a while.Finn who's 33, we're not especially close. Niklaus or Klaus as he prefers, he's 25 and a menace all of the time consistently getting on my nerves. He's 4 years younger than me. Then Kol who is worse than Klaus, he's the most menacing of us all and an irritatingly common flirt even at 24.My youngest sister Rebekah, 17 and she's always had a flair for the dramatics, always looking for love. Then Henrik, who was 11 when he died. None of us really knew a lot about him except Klaus, he was the closest to him."
I widened my eyes and polished off my third glass of wine already. I put my hand on his, I leant forward a touch to pour more wine.
"I apologise for your loss. But, also for your seemingly irritant siblings."
"It's quite alright."
I grabbed his glass and placed the glasses down on the table and I felt my arm being dragged back and when looking forward, I noticed the close proximity of Elijah and I. Mere centimetres away we sat staring into each other's eyes with curiosity. I couldn't help but feel intimidated by the lingering stare he had on me and also slightly exhilarated. Swiftly our noses touched ever so slightly. It made it impossible to pull away like I probably should have. He leant forward some more making the pressure on our noses more noticeable and so suddenly his small soft lips reached for mine in a gentle peck. Our eyes fluttered closed, overwhelmed from the feeling a small kiss could make us feel. It was a foreign feeling, feeling this way from a kiss.
He gradually moved away a little and looked at me in the eyes. I didn't know what to say. His hands slowly raised and stroked the sides of my face before leaning in and giving me a quick peck. Just after he allowed me to cuddle into his side to watch a movie, I'd put on in the background when we sat down.
A couple of months later, we are still going strong. Elijah and I actually have the wedding to go to today, we flew out with his brothers unfortunately so we couldn't have much personal time. I am excited about seeing my dress though, I haven't seen it since when I picked the 5 dresses out at that store, I can't even remember what they all looked like.
I opened the bag and I pulled out a beautiful baby blue halter neck dress that will hug my body tightly, no wonder he liked it and of course it was the one with the zip. I actually will need help later now.
I decided to start getting ready and then spotting the lingerie he threw in there as well.
These last few months have been a dream. I have not been this happy for years. Elijah's perfect, yes we have a few differences that haven't been great to deal with but we've made it through and he makes me feel i'm living in my dream.
I walked out of the bathroom that I was getting ready in to see Elijah drinking a glass of wine on the bed.
"Babe it's 11 am, why are you drinking wine ?"
He jumped up and spat it out on the floor, unfortunately it was red wine. My eyes widened as I saw it immediately stain the floor.
"Lijah ! This is a hotel room, we aren't at home."
He shook his bed and fell on the floor on his knees, eyes still widened.
"Elijah. What's wrong with you, baby ?"
He shook his head and helped me scrub the floor. We are most definitely going to be late for this wedding. As I was squirting soap on the floor I hear a knock. I get up, leaving Elijah on the floor. I open the door to greet the brothers. They walked in and followed me to the bedroom where Elijah was still on the floor.
"Elijah mate, why are you on the floor ?"
He just continued to stare off. They looked at me and I shrugged.
"I don't know what happened. I walked out the bathroom, he spark his wine on the floor. Now we have to explain why we've stained their carpet."
We are greeting other guests and trying to find my brother. When I spot him he walks over. He hugs me and spins me around.
"God I missed you Y/N !"
"I missed you too Y/B/N, like you wouldn't believe. I would like to introduce you to some people I bought. This is Elijah, my boyfriend and has been for a couple of months now and-"
I introduced Elijah who was back to normal after I gave him a kiss apparently it was because I looked so beautiful. I cut myself off when going to introduce the brothers because when I looked over at them. They were the only two causing trouble, Kol was consistently flirting with married women and Klaus threatening people.
"and that's it. They are NOT with us."
Elijah and I looked at each other and he nodded. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the brothers, grabbing them by the wrists and dragging them over.
"Y/B/N these are Elijah's brothers. Kol and Klaus."
"Nice to meet you all, it's a shame I can't talk more to Elijah. I guess it's hard to talk to him when your sister doesn't tell you about him."
I looked down to the floor and back up innocently.
"I love you."
"I love you too. Right, we need to start getting ready."
"Okay go."
I was sitting nervously on a couch at Elijah's House when he walks in with two good looking gentlemen.
"Y/N my darling, I would like for you to meet my brothers Kol and Niklaus."
"Call me Klaus. All my friends do."
He grabs my hand and kisses it. I blushed hard before most fortunately it disappeared, very quickly.
Kol walks closer and kisses me on the cheek and as he pulls away winks. Unfortunately, the blushed arose. Once again.
"Nice to meet you darling."
They are all insanely charming and flirtatious, it's nerve racking. No wonder, why they have so many female admirers.
I remember how different the greetings were for me and my brother. They were more chilled with my brother although still mischievous, yet with me it was flirtatious and misbehaving.
I can live with it now though. The flirtatiousness, I get enough from Elijah so I'm used to it. Kol and Klaus now are more comedic in my eyes with their fake sentiments of love for me, annoying Elijah and even bursting into our room after I've taken a shower to see if they scare me enough to drop my towel. Although, that's more Kol.
All I can say is, I'm way more comfortable with them now and I couldn't be happier to know that Elijah and I are going to last, a gut feeling tells me so.
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mycatshuman · 4 years
A Risky Mystery
This is heavily based on an ask on @the-officially-kat 's blog about how prinxiety got together in their Scooby-Doo au. You can find that ask here
Art by @the-officially-kat
Colored by me
Masterlist | More
Warnings: There is a moment when the others think Thomas and Virgil have gotten seriously hurt, so look out for that. Let me know if I missed any.
Thank you to @icequeenoriginal for reading through this for me!
A lone van drove along the twisted road into the town of Letchworth. The people of the town watched the van through their curtains as it passed by while on it's way to the town's only hotel, Brooks Inn. The town was on fear induced lockdown during the night. But the people in the van couldn't possibly know that. 
The people in the van were actually kind of professional sleuths. They had handled countless different mysteries before. Each one ranging from predictable to bizarre with various different monsters as the cause of each one. Of course, the townspeople couldn't possibly know that. So they watched with fear-filled eyes as the van pulled into the Inn's parking lot. 
Out of the van came a small odd little group consisting of two glasses-wearing figures, a princely looking fellow, a fellow with dark eyeshadows under his eyes, and a dog. Together, they walked inside the Inn and the townspeople lost sight of them. 
An older woman sat at the front desk to the Brooks Inn. The inn was empty, not a guest laid in her rooms. It was to be expected, the recent events have scared away any previous guest and most others left after one night. The old woman, whose name was Agatha, sighed. She wasn't sure why she didn't just close the inn. After all, it was late and recent circumstances provided a bit of a risk in staying open at night. Just as she decided to close the inn, a small group walked in. She quickly put on a small, reserved smile and greeted them. "Hello, welcome to Brooks Inn." 
The one in darker blues and glasses stepped forward. "Yes, hello. We would like two rooms for the night please." 
The woman nodded. "That will be $75," she said as she moved to grab two keys for each room. She placed the keys on the counter and took the money the man in front of her had placed down. "Can I have a name for the records?" 
One of the others spoke up, "Virgil Rogers." 
The woman frowned a little before filling out the information on the computer. "Alright," she said. Let me take you to your rooms. She led the group up the stairs and then to their rooms. "Here we are." She handed the keys over. "Rooms 2B and 3B." 
"Thank you!" One of the group called. He had glasses and lighter colored clothes. 
The one from earlier, Virgil, spoke up as he glanced around suspiciously. "This town seems awfully empty."
The woman bit her lip. "Oh, that." The group became alert and they all turned their attention to her. "Um, recently, we've been having some trouble in town." 
"What kind of trouble?" The last human of the group asked. His look seemed to consist of colors one would associate with a prince. 
"Well.." The woman hesitated. She didn't want to sound crazy but she decided to just tell the group, it wouldn't be right to keep it from them, they were at risk too, even if they didn't know it. "A phantom has been terrorizing the town recently. They scared off my last paying guest." 
The bubbly one's eyes lit up as Virgil groaned. "Well gang, it looks like we've got a mystery to solve!" The woman's eyes widened in surprise. The first one of the group, the one wearing the ascot, spoke up. "We are sleuths. We've solved a few mysteries before. This one will be a breeze. And I assure you, there is most definitely a logical explanation for this." 
The woman nodded slowly, not quite believing them. "Well, enjoy your stay," she responded before turning and leaving to go shut down the Inn. 
The group watched her go before turning to each other. "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well!" The bubbly one exclaimed and took one of the rooms with the other glasses-wearing figure following him after giving his own good night. 
The other two and the dog turned to their own room and closed the door. 
The next morning, the gang gathered in the inns dining room to discuss their next move to begin their investigation. "Alright, let's start by looking around for any clues and if we find anyone willing to be interviewed, we'll interview them," Logan explained. 
"Sounds like a plan," Patton agreed. 
 "We're not going to split up, right?" Virgil asked as he scratched behind Thomas's ear. 
"Not, yet," Logan answered and pulled a journal out of his bag. "I've written down a few questions and things we should look out for while we're investigating." 
Roman rolled his eyes. "Come on, Logan we've been through this a million times. We know what to look out for and what kind of questions to ask. Let's just get going already." 
"Be nice," Patton chided. 
The group got up and left the Inn and began walking around town. They found it a little weird that the town now seemed so lively. When they had arrived last night, it was still fairly early, far too early for everyone in town to be all locked up in their homes. After walking for a fair amount of time, the gang noticed a few people walking around as if they were on eggshells. Virgil bit his lip before jerking his head at one of them. "Maybe we should ask one of them." 
"Alright." Logan walked over to ask if they could interview them while the rest of the gang waited. Soon Logan waved them over. The gang approached as the person before they inspected them carefully. "You said you saw the Phantom," Logan started. "Would you mind telling us about that?" 
The person bit their lip and glanced around. "Well," they started. "I was just taking my evening walk. When I started to hear this loud wailing." The person before them shivered. "It was really unsettling, so I turned to go home only to run into the Phantom. It looked like they had stepped straight out of a scary movie. They had pale bluish-grey, ghastly skin and it terrified me." The person sighed. "Ever since then, the Phantom has walked around every night. And two nights ago, they nearly pushed someone off the roof of the library." 
The gang shared a glance, they had never dealt with a mystery like this. Sure there were some terrifying monsters they had to deal with but none of them ever put people’s lives at risk. "Did the Phantom say anything to you?" Patton asked.
They nodded. "Yeah, they told me to leave and never return before I regretted it." 
Roman's nose wrinkled. "That's interesting. Is there anything else you can tell us about the Phantom?" 
The person shook their head. "Nope, I'm sorry." 
"That's okay, thank you for your help," Patton said and the gang walked away. 
"Do you guys think whatever this phantom wants is something that involves getting all of the people in town to leave?" Roman asked. 
Virgil shrugged. "I mean, it seems like it, but why?" 
"Let's head back to the Inn for lunch and then I'll do some research on the town and see what I can dig up." 
"Sounds like a plan," Virgil said as he ruffled Thomas's head. The gang head back to the Inn. Patton ordered a pizza while Logan went to get his tablet. Roman, Virgil, and Thomas wandered into the dining room to wait for their friends. Soon they were joined by Logan who immediately began working on pulling up the town records, recent articles, the most recent town map, and an older town map. By the time Patton came in with the pizza, Logan had about three different theories about why the town was being haunted and a few different suspects. 
"So, what have you discovered, Logan?" Patton asked as the group ate. 
"Well," Logan began. "I have found that recently, a wealthy business owner had offered to buy the whole town. But they refused. So he offered to buy single bits of land at a time." 
"I thought it might be something like that," Roman piped up. 
Logan nodded. "Yeah, I think our most likely suspect is Carl Livingking. He's the business owner. Although why he would want to buy up the town, I haven't a clue." 
Virgil bit his lip, "I have to agree, that seems like the most likely situation. But why would he go to the lengths of risking people's lives to get the town? I mean, it seems like he's trying to scare people off, and you can do that without putting people's lives at risk so why is he doing it?" 
Logan shrugged. "That's what I can't seem to find anything on. The land isn't even that good. But something tells me that we're missing out on an important clue."
"Hey, L," Virgil started. "Can I borrow your tablet for a minute?" 
Virgil quickly opened a new tab and did a quick google search. Soon he found something that looked promising. "Maybe you can't find anything, because this town is fairly new." He spun the tablet around to face the rest of the table. Thomas hopped up on a chair to get a closer look. "It says here that apparently, the land that this town sits on is part of a larger area that is said to be the hiding grounds of the legendary Sanderson Gang." 
"Oh, I've read about them!" Logan exclaimed. "They were train robbers. They stole over two million dollars worth of coins and precious stones. But they were never caught. No one knows where the loot went. Rumors spread that it was somewhere in this area but most people thought the gang had fled the country with their treasures and settled down on a remote island somewhere in the Pacific. Eventually, the rumors died down and some people settled down here and started a town. Since then, the Sanderson Gang faded into legend and most people forgot they were real people." 
"So Mr. Livingking must be trying to find the treasure," Patton exclaimed. 
"And what better way than to buy up all the land, evict the town and start a massive expedition."
"He could keep people out and avoid anyone trying to steal the loot." 
Logan nodded. "Yes. It seems so, he isn't doing a good job of covering his tracks. He was actually able to buy a nearby abandoned factory." 
The gang went silent as they looked between each other. "Should we set up a trap?" 
Roman asked. 
Logan bit his lip. "It would be wise. During my research, I found that the Phantom has put two people in the hospital with near-death experiences. Even if it's not him, the Phantom is clearing trying to scare people out of the town so they should still turn up if we are out at night." 
"Yeah, I'd rather have a trap for the most likely culprit already then not have one and risk someone else getting hurt," Patton agreed. 
"Alright, so what's the plan?" Virgil asked as Thomas hopped up on the chair beside him. 
Logan quickly opened the drawing app on his tablet and began to sketch out a plan. 
"Okay, Patton, Roman and I will set up a trap in the town square-"
"Oh don't tell me," Virgil started. "Thomas and I are gonna be the bait." 
"Well, you two are the faster runners out of all of us," Logan explained. "It's only logical." Virgil and Thomas pouted. Logan rolled his eyes. 
"Would you do it for a Thomas Treat?" Patton asked Thomas. The dog's ears perked up a bit but he stayed still. 
Roman poked Virgil with his foot. "Do it or you're straight." 
Virgil sputtered. "Don't threaten me!" 
Roman snorted. "Then do it." 
Logan rolled his eyes at the two childhood friends. As Patton finally convinced Thomas. And it only took ten Thomas Treats. "Okay, I need you two to go on a walk around town. Virgil, I need you to talk out loud about buying the whole town with Thomas. It'll be like you surveying what you're going to buy while taking your dog for a walk." Virgil cringed, not likely the idea of acting like one of those rich people. "I want you to eventually end up at the abandoned factory and if you happen across the Phantom, lure him back to the square. Okay?" 
Virgil groaned. "Yeah, I guess." 
"Great," Logan said and the gang continued to flush out their plan. In the end, they came up with an elaborate trap, one of the few things Logan allowed himself to be elaborate in, that included the entire town square. They were to block off all other entrances into the square except for the one leading to the factory. Virgil and Thomas would lead the Phantom into the square where they jump on a trampoline in front of the town hall and jump up onto the balcony and when the Phantom tried to jump on it, Logan would click a button to release the mechanism which would cause the trampoline to be pulled along a track and drive him right into a giant ball out in front of an apartment building where Patton and Roman would drop a large net over from the top of the building. The plan was flawless.
Virgil and Thomas walked through the old factory apprehensively. "I don't know about you, Thomas, but this place is really too scary." Thomas nodded his head in agreement as they walked. "Like, I think there's no one here, so let's go." Just as Virgil and Thomas turned to go, a loud wailing sounded throughout the factory, bouncing off old machinery and creating a terrifying echo. 
"Get out!!!!!" Virgil and Thomas froze. The wailing got louder until the Phantom stood right in front of them. "GET OUT!!!" It screeched. 
"Don't worry, we are!" Virgil shouted and he turned tail and ran with Thomas running along beside him. The Phantom chased after them with a terrible that grated at their ears. They raced through town but ended up getting turned around. Eventually they scaled up a fire escape and ended up on the roof of Town Hall. They skidded to a stop as they got to the edge. They gulped as they looked down at the trampoline below them, a jump from this height would still be risky. But soon the Phantom was behind them. And before anyone could blink, Thomas and Virgil jumped. 
Roman groaned as he waited. "Where are they?" He asked Patton. The other shrugged. Just then, as he glanced around the square, he noticed Thomas and Virgil on the opposite roof with the Phantom close behind. Roman's eyes widened in fear. Before he could say anything, the two jumped off. "Virgil!!" Roman screamed. 
It all happened in a blur. The Phantom jumped off too and bounced right back into the air after landing on the trampoline. They flew in an arch and landed into the ball pit. Roman and Patton dropped the blanket in shock and raced off the building quickly as they could. Meanwhile, Logan raced over to the ball pit with the police. The Phantom was indeed trapped. "Just hold on," Logan told them before meeting up with Roman and Patton. "What exactly happened?" 
Tears streamed down Roman's face as he answered. "They jumped off the roof!" 
"What?!?!!?" Logan exclaimed. "Where are they????" Roman went to answer only for a shout to draw their attention. 
The gang turned to find Thomas and Virgil stumbling out of the doors of town hall. The world around Roman stopped. The noises and flashing lights of the police cars fading into the background. Images flashed through Roman's mind. They have been best friends since birth. This was the boy who dyed his hair neon green on a date, the boy who ran to his house to show him his new dog, the boy who continuously jumped into terrifying situations willingly for his friends despite his fear. And suddenly the realization that he was so irreversibly and incredibly in love with. 
Roman marched as fast as he could to Virgil without running. His hands cupped Virgil's face as soon as he reached him. He slowly leaned in and kissed the other softly. Virgil returned the kiss without hesitation. It was so much better than either could have imagined. 
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Thomas howled approvingly as Patton and Logan clapped. Eventually the two pulled away. "How did you-" 
"I found some rope and tied it around my waist and a hook on the roof before I jumped and we swung down into the open window." 
"I was so worried." 
"I'm okay. I'm okay."
"I think we should just hurry up and wrap this mystery up and get out of here," Patton said. 
"Agreed," Roman and Virgil said in sync. The gang moved over to where the police handcuffed the Phantom. Roman clung to Virgil, which made it a little difficult for them to move, but they managed. 
Logan walked over and grabbed the mask. "This is none other than Carl Livingking!" He exclaimed. 
"What?" The sheriff asked. 
"Carl had learned about the legend of the Sanderson Gang's loot and decided to look for it. So he offered to buy up the town. But when he was refused he decided to try and scare everyone out so he could begin looking for the treasure."
Carl huffed. "Yeah, and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your dog." 
Roman sighed as he laid in the back with Virgil, clinging to him like a kola. "I'm sorry again, Thomas." Thomas turned his head back to face them from his spot in the front seat as if to say it was okay. Roman smiled and nudged his face into Virgil's chest. Virgil pulled him closer and they slowly fell asleep. Content being in each other's arms. 
Taglist: @spxced-oxt @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff @maryann-draws @odette-ssbu
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Suspicious Nerdivity
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Reader x Spencer Reid
Warnings: Violence, Language, Murder
Requested By: @lostmermaidponyo
Prompt: "Imagine meeting Reid at comicon and getting along great, only to be a suspect on his next case."
Note: I am so sorry this took so long to get up!!! Everything's been so crazy lately I kind of had to back burner it, but thankfully, I have finished it up. I hope you like it! :)
"You wouldn't dare!" You scream at your friend, pawing for her phone as you weave in and out of the massive cluster of people; occasionally pausing to gawk in admiration at them.
You see; this sort of gawking is socially acceptable at the event you're at. Currently, you are surrounded by masses of cosplayers at the annual Washington DC Comic Con.
There are Hermiones, Deadpools and Spider-Men, there are Doctor Whos, Sherlocks and Dean Winchesters. It's like a dream come true...the only problem is you had to call in sick to attend as you didn't have enough vacation hours to last the entire week.
Cue your friend holding the knowledge you gifted her with as ammunition to get whatever she wanted from the various booths peppering the room.
"Fine, I concede!" You yell ahead to her, catching up long enough to snatch her phone and bolting off.
"Cheater!" She screams behind you as she gives chase.
You only grin in delight as you high five a Deadpool and plow on through the massive crowd.
You also just so happen to try to plow through a man you hadn't noticed in your path. To say the action worked is a severe overstatement; instead, you bounce off the scrawny man and land smack dab on his sonic screwdriver with a sickening crack.
"Oh my god; I'm so freaking sorry!" You exclaim hurriedly as you kneel forward to pick up the pieces of his screwdriver, banging your head against his as he has the same idea as you.
Holding your aching head, you shake off the pain and start to stand up, wordlessly taking the hand he has offered out to you.
"Are you ok?" He questions softly, worry cast across his features as he eyes you.
"Um, yeah; I should probably be asking you that though seeing as how I just rammed into you," You sigh embarrassedly, peering down at your feet awkwardly as a small smirk flutters across his lips.
"Well 1 in 29 people are 50% clumsier than the national average so I wouldn't hold it against yourself," He chuckles, fixing the felt hat topping a mess of curling, chestnut locks.
"Oh yeah, that makes me feel a lot better!" You reply jokingly, slapping his arm lightly.
"I'm Spencer Reid; what's your name?" He questions curiously, waiting expectingly for your answer.
"I'm (y/n) (y/l/n), nice to meet you Spencer," You smile before your friend comes barging up, rambling about you taking her phone until she notices Spencer.
"Ooh, he's fluoride, iodine, and neon!" She whispers to you before snatching away her phone.
"Go get him tiger!" She growls in your ear before skipping off to check out the booths.
"Listen; I'm really sorry about your sonic screwdriver; can I get you a new one?" You question bashfully, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
"No, it's fine; I'll just pick a new one up from one of the booths here," Spencer reassures you, his lips tugging back into a small smile.
"Well; then I'll have to buy you dinner to make up for it," You blurt out, a sense of confidence overwhelming you as the man looks taken aback by your blunt offer.
"Are you sure you want to do that?" He questions curiously, his eyebrow cocking slightly.
"Definitely; here's my number so we can set up a date and time," You grin happily, grabbing a pen and paper from one of the booths beside you, ignoring the glare the older woman running it is sending you.
Passing him your number, he smiles and yanks out his phone; entering your digits into the phone before scribbling his own number on the back of the paper for you.
Suddenly, his phone lights up and he sighs; staring down at the bright screen warning of an incoming call.
"I have to take this," He sulks, tapping the accept icon and pressing the phone close to his ear.
"Reid here," He greets into the phone, murmuring every so often in response the person on the end of the line before hanging up.
"I have to run; but I'll call you?" He offers sheepishly, running his hand through his tousled locks awkwardly.
"Alright; I'll be waiting," You respond with a smirk.
"Great!" He exclaims, starting to take off.
"Don't be a stranger Spencer!" You yell after him, grinning as the lanky man darts between the crowd.
You sip your cup of water carefully, gazing around the bland grey room you're in as you try to determine why you are here.
Soon, the door to the interrogation room flies open and Spencer enters, accompanied by a serious looking man with dark brown hair and a thin lip.
"(Y/n) (Y/l/n); that's your name I'm told?" The serious man questions gruffly as you eye him wearily.
Ignoring him, you turn to Spencer and exclaim; "When I said don't be a stranger; I didn't mean this!"
"(Y/n), I'm sorry but we do have reasons to believe t-" He starts softly before you cut him off.
"Reasons to believe what?" You huff, "To believe that I would kill those men?"
Spencer nods sadly and you roll your eyes in disbelief.
"Reid; please wait outside," The man beside Spencer orders.
"But Hotch-" He tries to plead in vain, but in the end, he leaves the room.
"You were spotted on multiple cameras in or around the vicinity of where three bodies were discovered near a local Comic Con you were attending; can anyone account for your whereabouts around the times that these men were killed?" The man, Agent Hotch it seems, questions; laying out a spread of gory crime scene photos depicting the victims.
Your mind flutters back to Comic Con, and when you had heard of the heinous crimes...
"Hey, what's going on?" You question curiously as a throng of people gather on the front lawn of the Comic Con venue, staring across the street at an influx of police cars forming a blockade in front of your hotel.
"I heard some teens discovered a couple of bodies in the hotel trash; said they were torn up pretty badly," A man dressed as Castiel whistles from beside you.
As you watch, you hear footsteps nearing you and you turn slightly to notice your friend join the crowd of onlookers.
"Why'd you change; I loved your Lucifer costume!" You whine to your friend, noticing she had changed from her Lucifer costume into a ratty pair of jeans two sizes too big and a stained flannel that smelled slightly of cigarettes.
"I dropped some food on it," She murmurs, a bit preoccupied as she watches entranced as the coroners pull up to the hotel.
"Look, the FBI is here!" A woman dressed as Sam Winchester on your left exclaims, her hand flying instinctively to her own fake credentials.
For some odd reason, your friend's face seems to flush an odd pale at the mention and look of anger bubbles across her face.
"Not the exact time; but my friend can confirm that I was in the crowd watching you guys pull in," You reply, your voice barely above a fearful whisper at the thinly veiled accusation of murder.
"We were called in for two other murders before the other three; you also happened to be captured on camera at a gas station not too far from the first two," Agent Hotch growls lowly, making you gulp in fear.
"Wait, was Agent Reid undercover to catch me for something I didn't even do?" You question out loud increduolously, eyes widening.
"No, Agent Reid was not undercover; he recognized your face on security cam footage later after he left the Comic Con," Agent Hotch replies cooly, peeling back his papers as he searches through the manilla file.
Suddenly, the interrogation room door flies open; startling you as Spencer Reid himself rushes in.
"Hotch; it isn't her!" He exclaims excitedly, his eyes wide.
"Wow, what took you so long?" You quip jokingly, rolling your eyes.
"Reid, what are you talking about?" Agent Hotch practically hisses, his eyes flickering between you and Spencer.
"Garcia reviewed the tapes from the gas station and since we weren't looking for it; we didn't see that (y/n)'s friend also pulled into that same gas station a few hours after time of death," He almost sputters, as your heart starts to beat wildly at what is being implied.
"How long was your friend in the crowd with you (y/n)?" Agent Hotch questions gruffy, eyeing you carefully.
"She went back to the hotel around breakfast time and then I saw her a couple hours later when she joined the crowd after you guys pulled in," You reply, piecing together the timeline in your head.
"Does this man look familiar to you (y/n)?" Agent Hotch asks, sliding a glossy photo towards you, which isn't an easy feat to examine it with your hands cuffed to the table.
Craning your neck, you notice the man who's on it is very familiar to you, in fact.
"He's the one who was flirting with (y/f/n) this morning; he gave her his number; why do you ask?" You question curiously as Agent Hotch stands and motions for the guard in the corner.
"Release her; we're dropping all the charges," Agent Hotch instructs the man, who nods his head silently and twists the key in your handcuffs to release your swollen, red wrists.
You storm past Spencer wordlessly, in a tizzy of anger; waiting at the front desk for your belongings to be returned to you.
"(Y/n), I'm sorry; we had to bring you in, you were at or near both crime scenes and you fit the profile," Spencer sighs apologetically.
"If you're going to arrest me, at least wait till after the first date Spencer; now we have to reschedule it!" You exclaim with a huff, signing a few forms the receptionist shoves at you.
"Wait, you still want to go out; on a date; after we arrested you?" Spencer questions oddly, his head tipping to the side quizzically.
"Well yeah; I do like you even with your unconventional methods of getting to know each other," You chuckle, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you grab your bag.
"What about tomorrow; I'll pick you up at 7?" He offers gingerly.
"It's a date; you know where to find me after that whole background check you guys ran," You chuckle, saluting the man as you rush from the station and past your friend being wrestled in, handcuffed.
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kingdeku-queentoga · 5 years
The mafia house. New au
so here is a new AU I been thinking about for awhile, it is not the au I been talking about though so this one is kinda a surprised au, and the time is around the Mafia was a big deal, I might make more stories around this au, idk but until then, I hope y'all enjoy it.also this is a re-post because the first one had to many mistakes.
A black limo had slowly came to a stop in front of a massive 2 story mansion, 6 guards had covered the stairs as the limo driver door opened. A brunette had stepped out wearing a 2 piece suit before the rest of the door's had opened and one by one, 8 girls plus a baby all ranging from 1 to 17 had stepped out making the guards confused before a white hair boy was the last to step out.
2 of the taller girls and one of the little girls had wore red dresses with a fur coat handing off their shoulders, one of them was holding the baby while the rest of the girl and the single boy had wore black suits.
"Who are you? This isn't a daycare so go back wherever you came for" one of the guard's called out to them.
The group had ignored them as they had started to walked up to the stair, 2 guard's had stood in from of them making them stop "...get out of our way" the white hair boy told them but saw they wasn't moving "Lori" he called out as one of taller girl's had walked up to the guard's and shoved a note to his chest, making him grab it and read it.
The guards looked at his partner and nodded as the 2 had let them though, the group had went up the stairs and went inside as they had looked around as the inside was massive as there was hint of gold in the wall, a massive staircase was in the middle of the room as it had a red carpet "ah Mr. Loud so good to meet you" the boss said as he was already walking down the steps, looking at everyone but stopped at the boy "you must be Lincoln Loud" he said making him nod his head.
"Yeah, you must be Mr. Sharp" Lincoln said making him nod
"the one and only" sharp laughed "now let's talk business, my guards can take care of your sister's" he finished as a few guards had walked up to his sister's.
"Lori and Leni, with me" Lincoln said as the two tall girl's nod while the guards had took the rest of the sister's to a different rooms while Sharp took Lincoln and his sisters to his office.
The group had walked into Mr. Sharp office while Sharp had sat behind his desk and Lincoln had sat in front of him, with his sister's standing behind him "so how is my favorite partner" Sharp asked "me and your family has been business partners for quite awhile now" he said making Lincoln nod
"Yeah, my dad told me about you. Our family has been partners for the last 6 year's" Lincoln said making sharp nod his head "but we not here to talk about family, we are here to talk money" he finished making sharp smile all the wider
"Ah a man of business, that why I love you loud's but yes, let's talk money" Sharp said "I want to buy more police's so that way they will turn a blind eye when we do more shipping or when there is a hit on someone" he said making Lincoln nod his head
"Smart but how much are we talking" Lincoln asked as he already knew all about Sharp and his plan.
"I will simply need 5 hundred thousand, to buy out of police's, plus to get new drugs and guns in" Sharp said as he knew he could rob the boy high and dry.
Lincoln nodded in understanding "tell me, do you have our money for last meeting" he asked as Sharp had pulled out an yellow envelope that was stuffed, he had slide it over the table where Lincoln had grabbed it and handed it to leni, she had opened it and looked though it before looking at Lincoln and nodded her head.
"Alright Mr. Sharp it seem everything is all sorted out, I will have one of my friends bring you the money, try not to kill them, OK" Lincoln said making Sharp smile happily and hald out his hand for Lincoln which he had took, they had both shook each other hand's.
"Here to new money" Sharp smiled
"And new ties" Lincoln smiled as they had looked each other in the eye.
The sound of yelling and gun fire had filled the building making the 4 jumped as everyone had ducked down while Sharp had pulled out his gun and went by the door, Lincoln had pulled out his gun as well "is it the police!?" Lincoln yelled
"No it can't be, they have no reason to come after us!" Sharp yelled as after a few moments everything had went quiet.
"Let's go, you lead to way" Lincoln told Sharp as Sharp had slowly opened the door and quietly walked out, with Lincoln and his sister's following behind, he had cross the corner and took a deep breath as he slowly walked down the second set of stairs that lead to the master staircase, his eye's widened as he saw the whole room was a bloodbath as body pieces was everywhere, he gulped as stood at the top of the staircase.
"L-lincoln we have to get out of here" Sharp told Lincoln as he took a step before he was shot in the back of the knee, making him yelled and lose his balance, resulting in his falling down the stairs and slamming on the floor.
Sharp looked back up at the stairs and slowly Lincoln slowly coming down the, pointing his gun at him "you son of a bitch, you sold me out didn't you!" Sharp yelled making Lincoln chuckle and shake his head.
"No, far from it actually... Look around" Lincoln told him as Sharp had looked around and saw 8 girls and a bady was surrounding him, each had a some sort of gun or sword that was dripping with blood from it.
"W-what!?" Sharp said as he looked around before another gun shot had went off making Sharp yelled and hold his already shot leg, looking at Lincoln "w-what going on!" He yelled
"Let me put it for you simply, we know how you trying to rob us blind, we also know how you tried to kill our parents, and to put it simply you are nothing but a waste of time for us" Lincoln said as he shot Sharp ear, making him yelled in pain hold his bleeding ear "if you want to live to see another day than you are going to go back to your office and get me the rest of our money because I know that half of that shit in the envelope is mostly just counterfeits" he said making Sharp growl at him.
"F-fine I will get your damn money" Sharp growled as he tried to stand up only to yell and drop to a knee "I will get you little shits back after this" he said though clenched teeth as everyone had watch him limp up the stairs, everyone watched until they wasn't able to see him before they had left, walking out to the limo.
"Did everyone do as plan" Lincoln asked making everyone nod their head's making Lincoln pulled out a cigarette and light it "good job now let's go" he said as everyone had gotten into the car as Lincoln took a puff before slowly blowing out smoke and flicked the cigarette into the air and gotten into the car and drove off.
The cigarette had dropped to the ground and immediately started a chain reaction, since the girls had pour gasoline all over the inside of the building after they was done killing the guards, and it was all connection to a small pool of gasoline that was out outside, waiting to be set off.
The group had drove away as some had watched the building slowly becoming engulfed in flames, there was even explosions, making the house blow up, all while one of a girl had started to laugh madly as she watched "I guess Mr. Sharp had went out in a blaze of glory!" She said while laughing, the other had shook their heads but had a small smile on their face.
"It time we take what is ours, no matter the cost" Lincoln said making everyone nod in agreement as they drove though the city.
So that the end of it, I might make some more stories about this but always I just glad I made a new au, hopefully I can get some art and stuff.
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