#But it is not that bad and i dont feel like recoloring all of it so
camelspit · 2 years
since stellarlune comes out soon can u draw maruca and marella?
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Ask and ye shall recieve
Happy 6 days till stellarlune!
(Taglist below the cut)
@completekeefitztrash @neverseen-nevermore @steal-nightmares-leave-dreams @abubble125 @arson-anarchy-death @thefoxysnake @gay-otlc @purplesoup-lad-le @aroace-dadwinstan @ravs6709 @the-abandoned-schoolbus
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eltanin0 · 2 months
I just found this blog and I noticed that a lot of your stuff seems, well, oddly 3D. I don't mean like in a bad way but it feels like rendered but untextured 3D models? I kinda want to ask what your art process is (sorry for mini-rant)
thanks for checking out my blog! and no need to apologize for anything.
hmm, my art process. honestly i have no idea what to say, i dont know how people normally answer this question so i cant base it off anything either. i'm still kinda new to this whole art thing but i'll try and answer, super sorry if i get this completely wrong and this was all a waste of time.
i guess i'll just talk about how i draw things step by step? for the high effort pieces at least.
ok, so for starters like step 0. when it's a high effort piece, i can already see the image in my mind. i see the pose, i see the general lighting, the layout of stuff, but it's a bit blurry. if i cant see this mental image, the drawing usually comes out extremely poorly.
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this is kind of an example of what i see in my head? this might be all useless info idk, but this is i guess where i start.
well step 1 is just the sketch and line. i start with just sketching the general shapes, then slowly refining it until it fits close enough to the image in my head. then in the line layer i'll fix any mistakes the sketch had and add more details to it. oh and for brush, it's just a round brush, like default. i dont know how much of a difference using a drawing tablet does, but i dont use one so... yeah.
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i should've put more effort into the sketch for this drawing, but i did not.
next i do flat colors. pretty simple, i just select the smart select the outside of the line layer, invert the selection and now i can't paint outside the lines. i dont really think about what colors i use, i just use whatever the characters normal colors are.
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next i do the shading, but first. i duplicate flat layer and recolor it to like a cream color
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like so. for high effort pieces, i was told online to shade in pretty much black and white. now actually onto shading. there's 2 kinda shading i do, 1 from the proper light source, and 1 that's kinda just a shadow because things are close together (like corners and stuff). and i'll shade them on separate layers so i can adjust them individually however i want. oh right, i'll either use a very dark color, pretty much black and the the layer blending mode set to multiply. or i'll use a light kind of gray, tinted slightly yellow or something and set the layer blend mode to difference. then i just use a soft air brush and shade in the ways i described above. shading from regular light source, and the corner stuff thing.
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normal lightsource - - - - - corner thing
then toggle both layers on and mess with the opacity of each layer until you get what you want.
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then you can toggle the normal flats layer, the one that has color and it should apply the shading decently. you can mess with the opacity again on the shadows.
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next i do lighting. i just grab a very light color, usually pretty close to white and set the layer blend mode to overlay. then i use a soft airbrush and "light" it? idk i just do like the opposite of the normal shadows, lighter the closer it is to the light source
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mess around with the opacity as usual. then i do pretty much the same thing if there's another light source. in this case there was a blue light kinda coming from underneath, so i did that.
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now from here i would go back to the flats layer, make a copy, and mess around with different layer styles and properties and settings. sometimes just messing around is useful. in this case, i felt it was too bright and colorful, so i decreased the brightness and saturation of it.
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i think it helped a little bit but who knows.
now i do some kinda highlights and details. i grabbed the colors that were in the background and used those. it was a weird pale blue. i had 2 layers for this, 1 of them was specifically for his antenna things at the top, and one was just for his "skin". anyway, the antenna layer was normal, just kinda gave it an outline with the random reflective circles you see normally in pictures, no thoughts behind them. the skin tho had the layer blend mode set to soft light, i thought it looked best this way. it was just more random things to imply it was slightly reflective.
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together the layers looked like this. i think it makes him look glossier which is what i was aiming for.
next, and it pretty much the end for pebbles, i got someone to look at it and let me know if they think anything was missing. they said it looked a little unsaturated. which it does. so i made a new layer, set the blend mode to saturation, grabbed the airbrush and made it pretty inline with the lighting layer.
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that's kinda it. the background i didnt really care about, just drew and colored it. blurred it a bunch and added a bunch of shadows. i did add some like, "overshadows" is what i call it, i just draw some big shadows down the screen as the top layer.
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but yeah thats literally everything i did to draw this. i would like to apologize if this was not at all what you wanted to know, i'm certain i've screwed this up bigtime. super sorry for wasting your time. if there's anything i can do to help, please ask. i owe you a proper answer to your question, i'm just really dumb. sorry for rambling. sorry. and sorry if the drawing i used for example didnt showcase what you wanted to know.
also, i really like your art! please keep up the great work!
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understandableparadox · 3 months
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Shamlessly posting all my ramblings from twitter on here.
I actully like this show, not enough to break the boycott but enough to pirate it. anyways lets go through the quick list as this show has a range of good points and bad points!
1. Designs. I fucking love monsters, monsters are my Bread, my Butter, My reason for getting up in the morning, yet consistently i found myself disappointed in each of the characters and what they were supposed to be, for instance alastor and vox
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these two are supposed to media manifest, alastor is the Radio demon, yet his apperance is more around overtly edgy homestuck troll with horns i couldnt draw yet and vox is giving pyrocynical avatar. their designs are muddied because the concepts are muddied. alastor is not only the radio demon, he is the "voodoo man", the circus, the entertainer, the deal maker, the shadow weaver, the puppet on strings, and a myriad of other resume stuffers that are not needed. there is more then enough. every layer fights each other for attention, the only thing left on him that even remotly represents the radio is his staff that modulates his voice to have a radio static filter and without it he becomes a normal deer esque demon. i do not thing its good design if i can remove one aspect of a charecter and ruin it. this goes for vox as well, though i give them more of a pass because fuck me, he really do be haveing a Television as a head. but once again if i removed that aspect, what else tells me he is the television demon? his tie has a singal symbol on it, he has kinda robotic hands? but not really because he has the exact same hands as alastor leading me to belive he is wearing fingerless gloves or gloves with color blocked fingers which is a werid additon.this is ontop of the annoynce i feel at knowing that one is a recolor of the other minus the heads.
2. the pace.
the story itself moves either way to fucking quickly, i do belive that it was good to end the story itself on a redemption but we dont get enough of pentious being an actul sinner and evil guy to feel as though he deserves the redemption. show us the worst traits of our guests so that we can see the progress they are makeing through out the season so that when they do finally do something heroic and selfless and make it to heaven, we the viewing audiance can also enjoy that unilateral feeling of satisfaction of seeing our fav be vindicated as a Good Guy. im not trying to woobify pentious, exact oppisate, i want pentious to have agency to be evil and i want him to have agency to be good. we get this Somewhat with angel dust as they start makeing concious decisions to better themselves, to extract themselves from things, as well as make awful fucking choices and do Bad Things because again, these are Sinners And Demons who are reaching for redemption and salvation, I do not think we should have seen heaven at all, the embassy? yes, maybe a court of angels in hell to consider charlies plan? sure, but we should have never seen heaven until a sinner could see it.
i think i just had those two but im Bad At Being Concise... anyways viv is better at writing gay people then she is at lesbians which fascinates me to no end.
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rei-does-stuff · 9 months
Ep 4!!!!
-I always get giddy when the mlp jingle appears
-Jog your memory, that’s what zipp tried to do man!! It aint gonna work!!
-Dust bunnicorns aww
-Aww he listens to her!!
-Aw Alphabittle ik you’re trying but she’s an adult buddy a grown mare!!
-Damn misty way to trauma dump /j
-I love this old woman she is SO fun
-I love the poetry ponies <3
-This is such a mature topic and theyre handling it SO well man!!
Ep 5!!!
-ooo I might not like this one! Dont like smell-stuff things in eps
-Least pipp is happy
-I like how they show the colts getting in on the beauty too!!
-Poseys fuckin smile she KNOWS she’s a bitch and is reveling in it, this is why you shouldn’t feel bad when she gets hit a boulder in tyt yall
-I keep worrying they’re gonna drop the locket
-HALLOWEEN EP!! Or nightmare night ep haha
-I will admit they are being a little dumb not noticing the pumpkins disappearing but i will let it slide
-“Opaline’s coming to town” OHHHHHH I LOVE HERRR
-Au where Opaline is redeemed and she just puts on fright shows <3
-Rocky and Jazz have the best dynamic
-Also yea the town’s ppl being dumb is annoying BUT ILL LET IT SLIDE
-Small SunIzzy moment <3
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moonsidesong · 7 months
Have you played PuyoPuyo 7? If so, what do you think about it?
good timing anon, i actually replayed it pretty recently with a friend of mine (wanted to play the recent re-translation, very much recommend it, its much better than Nexus's halfhearted mess) so my opinions on it are fresh!!
the short answer is. Its so jank. and probably objectively not a very good game, and there are definitely things i would change about it if i could. But i still really like it for what it is. It's got a unique identity in the series and I love that about it!
im gonna talk a lot now so under the readmore this goes ^_^
i love that transformation mode is just if fever rules were an insane mess. why does it go up to 99 seconds. why does mega mode send SO much damage. god bless it<3 they should bring it back. wanna see what hellfire comet festivals shibakazu would cook up in it.
and like the story is.... not. well paced. but ive learned to laugh about it at least. and like suuuuuure ecolo shows up at the end and then hypes up how unstoppably powerful they are and how ringo could NEVER BEAT THEM and then gets defeated in 10 seconds because the final boss is a joke. its fine<3 at least its actually fun to play and doesnt take a million years to trudge through so the bad pacing doesnt feel nearly as awful. (puyo chronicle i am giving you a little glare)
ive grown to love the jank art style but i will say, i wish they redrew everyone. ringo standing next to characters clearly just with sprites edited from 15th anniversary or fever 2 make her stick out quite a bit. it makes me wonder if the game's art was really rushed or something? it just feels a bit off.
another thing, i dont think this game is a Bad introduction to ecolo at all (i Love their design in this game and i think it perfectly introduces how intensely powerful and unhinged they can be), BUT!!! their chain animations are really... disappointing. idk. i Like that they shapeshift into other characters i think thats fun (i actually think its kind of a shame its a trait of theirs rarely brought up anymore) but the fact its mostly just the others' animations recolored black with some extra particle effects is really lame. minor differences like a more ecolo-like facial expression (get silly!! get mischievous!!!) couldve gone a long way to giving them more personality in their chains.
also relating to the past two notes, its really no secret that transformation mode is... Missing. Quite a bit of assets it really should have. considering a decent handful of characters only go through very minor changes (darkle is literally just a clothing color swap) and honestly Ecolo (since all of their chains are borrowed) still only changing to feli for mini and klug for mega is SUCKS i think and it makes me the most upset out of the cast.. ecolo's already transforming when they're not in fever!!!!! lets do something else!!!!!
this is just a reaaally quick mockup scribble of an idea i had that id been discussing with my friend, but i think it'd be really fun if instead of doing a simple character shapeshift, they got real small and silly looking for their mini form and HUGE AND OVERBEARING AND INTIMIDATING for mega. the core would stay the same size, for scale! pp7 is the game that leans the hardest into ecolo being someone who can switch from silly little thang to terrifying cosmic being of sheer force on a dime, and i think itd be fun if their transformations reflected that.
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like idk ecolo is the Debut final boss and (imo) one of the coolest characters in the series so i think it sucks that they got the short end of the stick in the battle animations area in this game.
like ive been saying I've grown to love many of Puyo 7's problems but this is one thing i would definitely change if i could.
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beat Forspoken, and while I probably will write an in-depth review down the line cuz i have many thoughts, I'm just going to pointform my basic thoughts while it's still fresh.
Great designs all around, the Tantas look so breathtaking with their extravagant designs and yet it doesn't take away from their world, it fits just right in. Absolutely love it.
Good world building most questions i had were answered either through the main story or extra archive stuff. Nothing felt too weird yknow
Gameplay gameplay gameplay. The magic system is literally amazing. I dont think I've had this much fun fighting in an rpg in a long time. Theres so much fun variety so you can focus on whats comfortable for you while also looking sick as fuck. Have i mentioned how good the battle system is cuz i avoid playing mage in every game because its such a slog but here its so fast paced and hits hard. Perfect for me.
The music is soooo good, I love the main theme and find myself humming it literally all the time.
Great graphics but maybe a lil too many particle effects but otherwise really pretty.
The story is technically a pro. Like its good, not bad, not great, just good. Basically something you'd find in the YA Fantasy section, thats the kinda quality it was. Which isn't a insult I did enjoy the story and characters. It just needed polish, fix up the dialogue and trim some of the story fat and i wouldn't have any complaints tbh. Probably would do better as a book series tho ngl, not sure what game format would have saved it.
Shoutout to the accessibility options. I'm glad more games are including these. I'll never understand complaints about them though, like just dont use them if you dont want/need to thats it.
ALMOST FORGOT THE COOLEST THING. THE NAILS. I'm sorry but the idea of using nail art to inscribe magic runes to give you buffs is the coolest fucking idea ever, why has this concept not been used till now. We always see rune tatoos or written on gear and stuff im fantasy media but this is such a neat ideaaaa and im forever thankful for it. Her capes are cool too I guess, with there was more variety rather than recolors tho. Kinda wish we could also get different outfits for her tho. Those jeans probably chafe.
THE OPEN WORLD IS SO BIG FOR NO GODDAMN REASON. I honestly wish this wasn't an open world game tbh, its so unnecessary. Halfway through the game, i got so frustrated and ignored everything that wasn't story points cuz getting everywhere takes so damn long, especially early on when you dont have fancy parkour or stamina. Easily its biggest fault for me.
I understand they thought it'd do way better than what happened but planning out a story as a trilogy in the gaming industry is not a smart move. I've yet to play the dlc so idk if we get closure but the loose ends werent a great way for the game to end.
Oh, the dialogue. Its easily one of the gamest weakest points. Like the type of dialogue i was writing in my original stories when i was 13 (not that ive gotten any better tbh). Basically, it's not what you expect from such a vaunted company. Frey is great when shes excited or angry, which is most of the time, but occasionally, they'll hit me with the cheesiest line I've heard in years, and idk how to handle it. Like the stuff she says in the final chapter is honestly so robotic, there is no natural flow present. Which is a pity cuz the actress was killing it tbh, like she definitely carried the lines with her emotion. Unfortunately, it couldn't save them. Like if it was something they dropped on ps3 or wii, it honestly would have done fine. What i mean to say is the dialogue is very outdated in this age of gaming. im actually surprised how out of touch it feels. Especially since otherwise its a solid game all around. Regarding Cuff and Frey banter you do have the option to make it less frequent or just turn it off but i never really found them annoying regardless.
Maybe its just me but the control scheme feels so weird, the games makes you feel like you should be gliding most of the time but holding O while spaming all those trigger buttons feels so awkward to me. But then again I also didnt care enough to change the control scheme so.
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mack3030 · 2 years
Simplistic-sims post is actually not bad though?
Dont get me wrong, I dont support everything they've said or done in perpetuity. But their content for the sims is...theirs? They can make the choice to release it or keep it for themselves or only give it to their friends even. Their content, what they create, cannot be held hostage. Because no one is entitled to their work. They could close up shop tomorrow and no one could demand they come back because no one can force them to make content for people. And that isnt a hostage situation.
So them communicating to their community "Hey I can't continue to make this much content (or at all) because I have to be spending at least part of the time I currently use creating to support myself." Isn't wrong or bad. Its just...communication. Its saying if enough people keep donating I can keep going on like I have been. If not then I will be releasing less. That's just the facts of the situation. People need to make money to live. And that sucks. But if the money isnt there anymore then creators may have to move onto something else to support themselves.
At that point it is up to the community if they want content to keep coming out. If they decide to donate to help support a creator. There isnt anything coercive about that. People donate to creators all the time in other contexts/communities to help content keep rolling out. It is the same here.
I really appreciate what you've done up to now for the community, exposing issues within it. Jesus, I'm not even a simblr and I've seen the good you and Sunny have done. But we need to be better than telling people to jump off a bridge. Especially when Simplistic's response was actually one of the better ones I have seen? When others are just willing to keep paywalling and ignoring TOS? It doesnt help the cause to be a bully.
And just to be clear again, I'm not a simblr. I dont know all the nuances of Simplistic's behavior over the years. So I'm not supporting everything theyve done and said. But their original post did not deserve the vitriol you gave it.
I am Sunny. Just FYI. That's why my twitter handle is "Sunny not Mack". ;) I will admit my choice of gif reaction, probably not the best looking back however...you also have to understand that I'm a little suspicious and skeptical especially considering this is someone who was a former paywaller who made money off of taking the copyrighted designs/textures of companies like rifle paper company, and restoration hardware and applied them to maxis match meshes. Because before she even released THAT statement she had another which she deleted because it obviously didn't go over well:
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In which she had a gofundme. My concern here would be this: If she treats this similar to a gofundme situation where if she has to receive a certain amount of "donations" to be able to continue making CC....what happens if she barely misses her amount she needs? Is she gonna take her ball and go home? How are people who donated money hoping she'd release content gonna feel? Are they gonna feel taken advantage of? You'd think not, but again, there's that little dangling transational aspect of it that can make some people mad. I just am suspicious because I don't know why someone who so blatently paywalled recolors of maxis' own stuff with copyrighted textures would change their tune and decide to be honest with people. That's all. I appreciate you trying to make sure I'm the best I can be though. Again, probably not the right gif reaction there, but also I'm kinda peeved because when my income (my job) was threatened by paywallers not once, not twice, but FOUR times...people like her were often strangely silent. Doesn't give me the right to take that out on her though. Thanks for being respectful about it. :)
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(Tl;dr at the bottom lol sorry I got carried away)
@ eltafez submission: I am saying this completely in good faith and without any sarcasm at all, while I do agree that having your work harshly criticized like that hurts terribly (and I don't wish it on anyone, not even pokefarm artists ofc) I feel like your post is so... naive?
The facts are 1. Nobody wanted the sprites to change ("the sprites were old" "the plain black with a single neon color melans looked bad" then with didn't you guys only re do the lines + adjust the hues? Did you really have to change the whole palette? Who even came up with that? Blink twice if you're being held hostage)
2. A lot of people dislike the new palettes
3. Genuine feedback is disregarded 98% of the time, that 2% being cases where the "mistakes" (percieved or not) are a lot more glaring (hisuian typlosion's fire comes to mind)
4. I've never seen this point addressed when it's brought up onsite (might be my own oversight, in which case please feel free to correct me) but you are literally changing sprites that people have spent irl money over? You can say "well it's a website game, these things are not permanent, you knew when you joined that the site might close & you'd lose everything" but it's not the same thing at all? This is arguably worse, bc if the site ever closed down then well, that's it, but the site is still up and running, so there's really no excuse why people who, again, spent irl money, should have buyer's regret? How many paying users have quit over this? How long until even more quit?
5. Can you stop using palettes that resemble bodily fluids? Some people will still find things to insult you with, but honestly, if the comparison to bodily fluids rightfully bothers you, then please use other colors?
All in all, I'm not even expecting you guys to completely go back on the recolors, I do realize the time and effort went into this, but it's so weird to me the kind of stubbornness that's being displayed in insisting these new sprites (only talking about the palettes here, not the linework) are better than the old ones. Also the fact that sprites that have been redone... are still being re re re re done for no reason‼ ok give it a rest maybe...
"But the users are being stubborn too" of course they are, most of them are paying for premium currency lol? Why wouldn't they be...
Tl;dr nobody deserves to be insulted but the sprite recolors being so generally disliked by a good portion of the userbase should really tell you that you ARE doing something wrong, and it's baffling that you guys still don't get it after years
@ blog admin sorry again for how long this is, I've been pondering this shit for years but I know if I post it on site my account will be nuked❤❤
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girltify · 10 months
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read TNC? obey the rules? uh like it's hard!
1. i have the rights to not accept ur order when i know u r not read my tnc, not fill the form clearly, and if u hv bad manners.
2. there's no gap between us such as a seller and a buyer, or as a king and a servant. we both human, so imma treat u as well as u treat me! <3
4. SLOT NO LONGER CAN BE BOOKED. so, first send form & payment, first served. get out of me, ghost!
5. be patient. your order(s) will be sent to u in 1-5 days.
6. i didn't accept any rush orders.
7. all photos are ONLY & STRICTLY FROM U. also since i don't really know which halal and haram photos, so im not gonna responsible if u r on purpose using photos from paid site.
8. please upload ur HD photos on google drive / postimage, and don’t forget to rename which one u want to use as ava.
9. payment first (QRIS) & serious buyer only.
10. feel free to do consultation before placing ur order.
11. i accept minor revisions max. 2x, only before i send u the final result.
12. if u want to recolor my design, THEN U MUST HV A COLOR PALETTE.
13. forbidden word: TERSERAH
14. please don’t ever think to copy my personality, my style, and try to remake my designs in any forms whether for personal or commercial use without my consent. dont u say i didnt warned u, thx.
💋 xoxo, Eilene.
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friendlystarfruit · 2 years
thoughts on the Ai art debate?
hmmmm I honestly think ai art is really funny but I understand it can get really cool.
I understand why artists might feel threatened, artists felt threatened by photography when if was invented but ai art often uses art from others without their permission ( this is a potential lawsuit )
arguably isn't ai just referencing somebody's art to create something new ? That includes all types of art photography , painting, charcoal , digital just maybe not sculpture (well maybe not yet ) I would have thought so but digital assets used in creating a program need to be bought or made right?
I am a little new to the debate but I have kinda have a few questions I wanna answer before I can have a position on the debate
What is acceptable forms of referencing? What makes an image somebody's property and what is acceptable to take from it?
I can think of a case Ai art is incredablly useful and welcomed by artists , motion image capture has ai translate movement of something without the artist having to draw by hand (red dead 2 used motion image of horses) now does it matter that ai did the base art , no would it matter if somebody used the ai art ? Not if they bought it or set up the motion capture themselves.
Photography, motion capture , virtual brushes and digitally made models are all fine if they are bought , gifted or made by whoever uses them.
Now ai art that you filter an artists whole portfolio and the ai can now draw in their style? hmmmmmmmm that is where things get grey.
I don't think pose and style theft is a thing although if somebody is heavy referencing something they don't own they need to bring their own life to it, this is where being an artist good at realistically imitating a photograph or real life but unable to change an image more than recoloring kinda blows and although they have great talent they have to gather or get permission for every reference they use . I remember seeing this dude get in trouble for heavy referencing this mana drawing , he showed a video of him drawing it *look I drew it myself* but that wasn't the issue , the issue wasnt *what skills do you have* it was *what images do you own?*
If you rob a bank with great skill you dont get a pat on the back because somebody else stole with less skill so that is where we get to ai I don't think there is an issue with people who cant draw using ai to make beautiful art as long as the are upfront about the ais role if asked *how did they make it or where did they get it*
That is the Kantian take om image ownership there is also the consequential take.
How will ai art effect real people? There was a case of an artist that died and somebody programed their lifes work into it to make more art like it, and well it was kinda assholey cus they even asked the family to give art for their project.
If a person drew art in the dead persons style but made a new image and used the dead artists work would that have the same effect emotionally on the family? Is this just the way it effects somebody ( which how something effects other people is still a legitimate concern )
Is this a case where skill does matters? well no if you have amazing skill developing ai but copy paste images you dont own into the ai they become digital assets right? Whereas if you have assets in your brain nobody can nag at you for that, no more than if your mirror reflects a tv you dont own.
There is another thing that is important to mention does Ai art reference properly ? if it copy pastes one photo and recolors it a little that could be an issue.
So my current take on the debate of Ai art is, I don't think Ai real replace the need for real people making art but it could effect some commission artists , bad ai design could be a new way to steal art
I feel like there is a simple solution though just like with motion capture set up your own studio actors and props , for ai art employ artists to draw for the ai art to create something , copy pasting art from dead people is kinda shitty even if the ai creates something new remember a stolen image is used in its programing and that is a copyright issue
This whole topic would make an interesting paper on the philosophy of image ownership......I bet there are few written already worth reading if this interests you anon (=
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rrover · 2 years
hm i am wondering. what if they brought seasonal ult gifts back but like. recolored versions so they still have the appeal of being similar to the originals but are obviously different enough so that ppl who like their old ult gifts for how limited/coveted they are can still enjoy being special or w/e. and while the recolored vers might not have the same appeal for some people they could still be appealing to people who prefer the alternate color palettes or just liked the ult gift for their shape. an example would be the deer mask but with a more blue/purple or pink coloration instead of the original red and tan look, yeah? not sure how it would work with ult gift hairs though lmao maybe they would have to add little things to them to make them slightly different
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zimmothy · 3 years
First Picrew Release!!
Hello! I’ve been making a picrew for a long while now Though I have posted some about it, I’ve pretty much redone it twice and spent long periods of time not working on it so it took me a while to actually get to this point That being said, its still a huge WIP but I thought I’d post what I got so far. Most of the things I want have already been drawn, they either just need to have color variations made or be added in (accessories category for example) Anyways, heres the link! Some instructions are under the cut, as well as the planned new features If you want to see something in it you can message me. Putting a few new things into a picrew isnt that bad, and I’ve already lost my sanity just making this wip. I am looking forward to making thousands of recolor files.
Feel free to reblog with what you’ve made, or use as a profile pic if you want (with credit)
Brief instruction
The eyes and antennae are separated into left and right categories. You have to change each individual part and the color of that part to get what you want. (I tried to mess with options to see if there was another way to do this but rip I didnt find anything)
Some antennae are only visible in the right antennae category pictured here (the first antennae category)
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All of this type of antennae are at the bottom of the category and are highlighted in blue. If you have trouble seeing them, theyre the bottom four.
They dont have a left part variant because either they’re connected to eachother, or its hidden by the body and doesnt need to be drawn
If you’ve picked a right antennae you like and are trying to find its pair, but the icons are too blurry to see which antennae you’re getting. Try to find the left variant by counting the row and position that the right one is in.
I tried to make their pairs in the same position on the left and right items so tell me if there’s a mistake
Upcoming Features! (in no particular order)
Clothing colors
Antennae color fades (and color in the robot antennae)
More gloves, sleeves, and maybe pants
Accessories added in (going to wait till I have most of my ideas drawn)
Eye expressions (and a few extra cool eye colors)
Eyelashes (including different colors)
Extra skin options (things like freckles or splotches)
Actual backgrounds
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idv-hc-center · 3 years
ahahaa yandere requiem wu chang *heart eyes*
idk what it is but i wrote it while watching midsomar with my friend so here it is
ngl felt like writing some cringy wattpad ff
anyway kids dont trust random strangers
warnings: yandere behavior, stalking, drugging, kidnapping
Your commonness let you blend into every situation. It was a blessing since you lived in an area with a high amount of organized crime, and somehow you managed to avoid any problems. Although you were scared anytime, you left your flat. To think in such a short amount of time, some dangerous mafia would have all the authorities in a chokehold. It was terrifying
I mean, it really wasn't your problem. You just wanted a normal life, and to lead a normal life, you need money. You worked at one of the many cafes in the city. And over time, you started to notice something strange. Well, it wasn't really strange to have regulars, but the pair who visited you almost every day certainly was.
They looked like identical copies of each other with some recolors. But that wasn't the weirdest part. During your shifts, you could notice them glancing over at you, spectating what you were doing. Few times your eyes met what made you blush like crazy, to what both males chuckled. They knew what they were doing.
You brushed it off, thinking as maybe they are just two rich kids who like to toy with 'normal' people for pure entertainment. But you could swear someone started to follow you every time you went home. Maybe you were going insane, but in the corner of your eye, you clearly saw the familiar umbrella.
Days went on, and you began to ignore your new 'regulars'. You got used to their bizarre behavior. But when you thought everything calmed down, something weird happened again. While entering your workplace, you got suddenly informed you had 'quit'. Well, of course, you didn't. You would remember that. Or maybe you have seriously gone crazy? Or maybe your now old boss just made up this strange scenario to get rid of you.
Anyway, you were devastated. You needed money to survive. Stressed out, you didn't look where you were going, when you bumped into someone. You started to apologize when you noticed. It was the same guy who became your 'regular'. Well, at least one of them.
"Bad day?" he looked over at you, clearly noticing your bad mood.
You were honestly surprised he even said anything to you. It was probably the first time you heard him speak. And the first time he ever spoke to you.
"Yeah." you burped out, not knowing what to say. Not only you got 'fired' now this weird guy wants to have a conversation with you! Absurd.
"If you don't mind, maybe you want to grab a drink? To make you feel better? I will pay, of course." you looked at him with visible confusion. Yeah, maybe you were going insane. You couldn't believe your own ears but, damn he was handsome. And you always had a bad habit of trusting strangers.
"As you probably noticed, we had an eye on you for a while." You looked over at the other man who suddenly showed up few minutes after you arrived here with the first one. Now you could clearly notice they weren't copies of each other. They were two jigsaw pieces matching perfectly.
"I'm going to be honest with you, we have fallen in love with you."
You were sure you heard him wrong, or they were just pulling a cruel prank on you. But their expressions said otherwise. They were serious. You began to explain how you don't really know them and how you feel flattered by their confession, but you couldn't accept it. But the men just looked at each other and laughed.
"Adorable, aren't they?" The one with the blue clothes looked you straight into the eyes
"Darling, I don't think you understand, you really don't have a choice here."
You began to panic trying, to get out of this situation as fast as you were able to. They were creeping you out, but when you tried to stand up, you almost immediately collapsed.
"Ah, it's about the time."
Your vision began to blur as you looked over a drink you were sipping on for the past 15 minutes. They drugged you. And now you were powerless. You wanted to scream for help, but you didn't have the strength to. You slowly began to pass out. The last thing you saw was their silhouettes looming over your unconscious body.
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spearxwind · 3 years
It sucks that you have to deal with tracers. Your character designs are great, but I still don't understand why people can't just take the 0 effort to respect the artist's wishes and don't trace / copy their stuff. I've been called "overprotective" by asking not to use my artwork as bases or "heavily reference" (aka, take my oc design and end up with something that could just be a rough recolor with huge T&A) and it's frustrating as all hell. I'm sorry you have to deal with that :T
to be honest! this is like, one of the first times ive just been traced from. usually ppl just steal my fucking characters straight up
also dont let anyone call you overprotective those are ur creations, you're just as free to let ppl use them as you are free to rule over them with an iron fist and blast anyone who you see fit bc they are YOURS
honestly i feel bad too bc i DO want to inspire people since my artistic career is half built on being inspired by people and things i want to do, and i have been getting more and more people lately asking me if its okay to reference from me or study my art and... i genuinely feel bad but i keep being more and more defensive every time bc of ppl like this tracer who cant respect others' work
most ppl are fine and respectful ofc but its those very few. that make things feel like hell. like this guy, or the person who purposefully copied/ripped me off and then antagonized me on purpose, or this guy who copied one of my sonas immediately after i posted the design, OR this other person who actually legitimately sent me their carbon copy of my fursona and her ref to ask if it was "okay". these are only a few but man, its so tiring
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thesimpanions · 4 years
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⭐️ N E W  V I D E O ⭐️ The Sims 4 | PASTRY CHEF 🧁 | CAS & Lookbook + CC Links
Hey there! Today we're creating Kaila, a beautiful pastry chef who was raised by a hard working single mom and inherited her passion for baking from her grandma. ♥
CC Links
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GENERAL Eye Preset: https://www.patreon.com/posts/23185886 Nose Preset: https://lamatisse.tumblr.com/post/618198638906277888/amondi-a-female-nose-preset-it-was-my-first-time Lip Preset: https://evoxyr.tumblr.com/post/614738532746051584/redwine-lippresets Ear Preset: https://luumiasims.com/post/174006296684/introducing-custom-sliders-and-presets-for-the Teeth: https://simtone.tumblr.com/post/186783892385/pearl-teeth-ive-been-wanting-and-searching-for Eyes: https://baieyu.tumblr.com/post/179216040640/still-feel-eyes-previews-heavily-insp-by Skinblend: https://nesurii.tumblr.com/post/190606984166/lunaria-a-default-non-default-skin-this-was Skin: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pilnar-skin-by-32219584 Tattoos: https://thenuclearsims.tumblr.com/post/187907839730/rosie-tattoos-a-simple-set-of-cute-line-tattoos Moles: https://cruisinfdr.tumblr.com/post/180623186108/holy-mole-y-hi-finally-worked-up-the-courage-to Dimples: http://sims4nexus.com/?p=3906 Nosemask: https://pyxiidis.tumblr.com/post/129428280796/summer-skeletons-v2-a-skin-by-pyxis-hi Hair: https://choomoo.tumblr.com/post/621986638102446080/allegra-hair-you-really-dont-want-to-know-what-i Hair: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/187988359726/well-hi-hey-look-i-literally-made-bangs-and-i-love
MAKE UP Lashes: http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-version2/ Eyebrows: https://stretchskeleton.tumblr.com/post/186988284013/12-maxis-match-y-eyebrows-18-ea-like-swatches Eyeliner: https://crypticsim.com/post/190594545470/the-lotus-collection-inspired-by-the-lotus-flower Eyeliner: https://caelhinn.tumblr.com/post/190809835077/heart-shaped-wing-an-eyeliner-by-caelhinn Eyeshadow: https://crypticsim.com/post/613974349191561216/the-blossom-collection-this-collection-is-a-collab Eyeshadow: https://ridgeport.tumblr.com/post/611551383528882176/the-ridgeport-set-fun-fact-but-ive-spent-many-a Blush: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/174144122581/hi-guys-im-happy-to-be-here-with-genetics-again Lipgloss: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/611190364141944832/sunlitcrys-a-gift-bundle-just-for-you-my-1000 Nails: https://simlaughlove.tumblr.com/post/163327412088/sll-rainbownails
EVERYDAY Top: https://fairybarn.tumblr.com/post/611409635875913728/%F0%9D%93%89%F0%9D%92%BE%F0%9D%93%83%F0%9D%93%8E-%F0%9D%93%82%F0%9D%92%B6%F0%9D%93%89%F0%9D%92%B8%F0%9D%92%BD%F0%9D%93%8E-%F0%9D%93%89%F0%9D%91%92%F0%9D%91%92-a-trillyke-top-recolor-to-go Bottom: https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/188720267570/the-dreamers-cc-pack-base-game-compatible-male Shoes: https://mlysmakescc.weebly.com/pufferhead.html Socks: http://sims4nexus.com/?p=5535 Earrings: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-female-earrings/title/urban-earrings-christopher067/id/1469819/
FORMAL Dress: https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/617009480946810880/solar-waltz-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps Shoes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bratz-collection-38340283 Earrings: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/189578003850/raiichuu-advent-calendar-day-9-polar-hoops Bracelet: https://veranka-s4cc.tumblr.com/post/142800259050/claire-necklace-bracelets-i-did-some-simple
ACTIVE Top: https://phsims.tumblr.com/post/184728849115/and-now-i-made-a-basic-and-cute-bathing-suit#notes Bottom: https://fluffusnow.tumblr.com/post/190839269172/1000-followers-gift-tori-jeans-7-swatches-please Shoes: https://mmsims.tumblr.com/post/611005735890993152/s4cc-mmsims-cb-thunder-sneakers-download
SLEEP Top: https://www.patreon.com/posts/savvy-x-grim-36916128 Bottom: https://kumikya.tumblr.com/post/187064726211/lilac-bikini-this-is-my-second-bikini-set-the-top Glasses: https://www.patreon.com/posts/remove-makeup-29396235
PARTY Top: https://kimoanasims.tumblr.com/post/179496231902/simblreen-treat-3-reggie-top-srry-for-being-so Bottom: https://pinealexple.tumblr.com/post/188177629038/melody-skirt-bgc-10-swatches-i-have-been Shoes: https://tunayegit.tumblr.com/post/187577862556/better-than-mosc-boots-hoi-guyss-welcome-to-my Earrings: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-female-earrings/title/urban-earrings-christopher067/id/1469819/ Socks: https://wonderver.tumblr.com/post/161688459117/ceiuu-fishnet-socks-please-forgive-the-bad
SWIM Swimsuit: https://gvbesims.tumblr.com/post/185126083949/inakhs-80s-swimsuit-recolors-i-absolutely Sunglasses: https://tukete.tumblr.com/post/176193075233/valerio-round-glasses-ea-mesh-edit-bgc-for-all
HOT WEATHER Outfit: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-female-teenadultelder-everyday/title/pixelette-poppy-outfit/id/1489515/ Shoes: https://gloomfish.tumblr.com/post/187789866948/birkenstocks-for-all-your-sksksksks-and-i-oop Scrunchie: https://gridoff.tumblr.com/post/180593229259/s-c-r-u-n-c-h-i-e-mapella-s-adorable-scrunchie Earrings: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-female-earrings/title/urban-earrings-christopher067/id/1469819/ Necklace: https://www.christopher067.com/hillside-necklace
COLD WEATHER Top: https://savvysweet.tumblr.com/post/187251375353/clothes-dump-hey-yall-i-decided-to-make-some Bottom: https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/614383291375796224/road-to-nowhere-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps Shoes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mmsims-dr-molly-25334773 Necklace: https://sondescent.tumblr.com/post/615226747076608000/e-girl-stuff-oh-my-god-ive-been-working-on Beanie: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/173955662143/buckgrunt-simlish-beanie-gtw-required-download
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🔥Final Fantasy? :O
unpopular opinions yay!!!!!
ffx is overrated and not even that good 
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and im putting the rest under read more bc i go off and i really dont want to dela with my hot takes
like the first part is GOOD. like really good not gameplay-wise - we all talk about the corridors in ffxiii but ffx is the same, theyre all pretty straight lines for the most part; and i cant believe the most tricky fights actually have tutorials on how to beat them!! and i also have my fair share of salt for the spherography but thats NOT that bad tbh - but the plot is GREAT and the characters are VERY GOOD (except for tidus, i still think its a bad MC and that the story would’ve been way better if yuna was the main character lmao) and i love the theme of death and religion and how corrupted the latter is
it’s. good.                  and then it fucks up
i really dont like ffx after mount gagazet  at all
i mean, there are very nice scenes, namely before yunalesca’s fight, but the gameplay becomes stale, the sudden difficulty jump isnt exactly fair in my opinion (we all talk about how bullshit yunalesca is, but seymour’s fight on mt.gagazet is also fuck), and i feel like a LOT of characters kinda. lose their personality. tidus especially, that i already dont consider a good main character to begin with, becomes all about yuna and nothing else
not to mention that literally every few seconds theres a twist, and it REALLY feels like it’s for the sake of throwing plot twists. you turn around and BOOM, actually yuna AND one of her guardians have to die; BOOM tidus doesnt even exist; BOOM auron is dead and so is the churchguy. it really feels like they did it just for a tearjerker ending (which, dont get me wrong. it DID made me cry a lot, yuna is one of my favorite main characters in the entire series and it hurts for her to be so sad and dont get her happy ending despite everything)
dont get me STARTED about the sidemissions for the final weapons!!!! ike its not rare for them to have bullshit ways to be found (shoutout to excalibur II mostly) but here its just. stupid. they made running with a chocobo stupid. i could write an essay about how fucking dumb the seven final weapons and their emblems and shit are
... i like catching monsters and blitzball a lot tho. i find the extra bosses interesting (yknow. when theyre not Fucking Recolors) and der richter is still REALLY cool and REALLY hard and i dig the final boss(es) are good and even if the fight for yu yevon isnt great its symbolic and the song is literally the best one in the entire game. dont take this as a big attack on yourself if you like it, theyre UNPOPULAR OPINIONS for a reason im alone here in my “ffx isnt good” island anmasdg
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