#But it was ooc for her so Columbo it is
greypetrel · 1 year
Hey! For the doodle thing:
👻 for aisling
♠️ for Raina
If I might do two c:
Hey Mo! ✨
Of course you can do two, here they are, waiting for when you'll get back! :3 As usual, some notes under the cut...
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♠️ OC in their armor
Self explanatory, Armour of the Champion, Bassrath Kata and Finesse as weapons and ready to kick Meredith's ass finally. For a minute I considered skipping this and going for the Guardian of Enasalin, which was her go-to before she was told that the Arishok made it unwashable and unrepairable. But then this line of thought happened:
"Urgh this armour is SO TRASH. Too many belts and straps, why the chestpiece full of straps?? Why? Isn't it uncomfortable? Urgh the colour scheme is nice but I don't like it at all. That's it, I'm drawing the Enasalin one, this is too tra-" *remembers what character she's drawing* "... Stupid trash raccoon."
(nothing, she likes the trash.)
👻 OC in a really bad disguise
Absolutely anonymous and unrecogniseable, very incognito, much stealthy. Please don't mind the lack of shoes. (why am I looking at this and thinking she's trying to cosplay Lieutenant Columbo?). The moustaches are very plasticky and probably bought in the same store where Solas bought his Cole wig.
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You Call It Madness But I Call It Love
Chapter 12: My Heart Is Beating For You Constantly
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Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: When the reader left Payback 40 years ago after a falling out with her childhood best friend she never looked back, but when two men show up to her apartment and start asking her questions about the past, the reader begins to think those things can’t stay hidden and starts to question what’s real and what’s fantasy.  This is a re-telling of The Boys Season 3, where the reader is a supe who's known Soldier Boy since 1927. The chapters will fluctuate between past and present. This is chapter twelve of my "You Call It Madness But I Call It Love" series. (I'm so bad at summaries please forgive me!)
Word Count: 9.1K (I got really carried away)
Warnings: I'm going to label this one 18+ just in case. References to sex, Implied Sex, Heavy Making Out (not really explicit, but also not real un-detailed…), Cursing, Drinking, Soldier Boy might be, is, really, absolutely, a little OOC, Soft Soldier Boy, Angst, Fluff.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. Reader is described as "curvy" occasionally. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal Monologue is in first person and is in italics
A/N: The song they dance to is "You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love" by Russ Columbo.
Series Masterlist
You take a sip of wine, leaning over your coffee table to pull another photo from the Rosewood box perched on the edge. It's your birthday, your 65th birthday to be exact, of course one look in the mirror revealed that you barely looked over 30. To some women that might be a welcome thought, but given your current situation it wasn't.
It marked the fourth year since you told Ben that you were unhappy on Payback and as a supe, told him that you wanted a normal life, and four years after you'd let him talk you into staying. But this was the year. You were going to tell him that you were done, that you were moving on and getting out.
Unfortunately the only person you had to convince about letting go was yourself, because leaving meant giving up Ben. And you weren't sure that was something you could do.  You were having a hard time convincing your heart to let go of him or rather the old version of him, that only made it's appearance when it was the two of you. The memories that tied you to Ben were tight and difficult to unravel. You couldn't imagine your life without him, couldn’t see past this moment in your life.
But that's why you had to go. You knew you were in too deep. Fantasizing about a  relationship with someone who would never love you the same way you loved them, hoping in something that would never happen. And you needed to let him go, whether it be the new version of him or the boy you used to know, you needed to let Ben go.
The Rosewood box was filled with photos, old doodles, memories, and objects from your past. Usually it was stored under your bed, but tonight you had dragged it out into the living room to reminisce on your birthday. It was a tradition you started a few years ago as a way of remembering the past. Sometimes it was a welcome distraction from the way things were now and tonight you were letting it be a last supper of sorts, to indulge in the memories Ben and you had shared over the years before you told him that you were leaving.
You had no idea where you were going, but the thought excited you a little bit. Finally striking out on your own for the first time, doing something for yourself for once, it felt right.
Leaving Ben was the only thing that felt wrong. You wanted him to come with you, for him to choose you the way that you chose him that night, but you knew he wouldn't. He liked this life too much to let it go, he thrived in the spotlight, embraced everything about being a supe that you hated, and so you would let him go.
You look down at the strip of paper in your hand. It was a collection of photos from a photo booth, yellowed with age, but lined up one by one from the first baseball game Ben ever took you to, one of your favorite memories from your childhood. You were wearing the ridiculous pinstriped hat and Ben looked as handsome as he always did, smiling wide with his dark hair hanging in his face. It was hard to look at it now, hard to look at Ben and you when you were so young, and you didn't know where your lives were going to go.
Your eyes drift to the velvet case pressed into the corner of the wooden box. You had kept the ring that Howard got you, well, technically you had tried to give it back but he refused, begging you to reconsider.
Sometimes you thought about throwing it away. It was ugly, but it was a reminder. Not a reminder of Howard, you could barely remember what he looked like, but it was a reminder of the night Ben asked you to come with him. You could remember the earnest look in his eyes, how he cupped your face, and the promise he made to you. The future he promised had been filled with so much possibility, but you weren’t sure anymore. You think about the years you'd spent together and how leaving felt like the end of an era.
But it was necessary, breaking away from all of this would be good. Yes you would miss Ben, but you needed to move on. You knew that deep down. Because you wanted something more than all of this, and the night Ben asked you to come with him you thought he could give it to you, but after all these years you understood that he couldn’t and that he didn’t want to.
Someone knocks loudly on your door.
“One second.” You take the last sip of wine before standing and crossing the room to open the door. “Hey what are you doing here?”
Ben is standing in the hallway outside your apartment, looking handsome as always. He's wearing a tailored dark suit with a black tie, his hair is combed back from his face, dark stubble graces his rugged jaw and a wide smile pulls up at the ends of his lips that makes it very hard to focus on anything else. “Happy Birthday Sweetheart.” 
“I’ve had too many birthdays.” You laugh and wave a hand to brush it off. “What are you doing here, I thought you had an interview about the premiere tomorrow?”
Tomorrow night was the premiere of the third and final installment of Anti-Communist films that Ben was currently staring in. The first two had been utterly ridiculous and you knew that the one tomorrow would be just as pointless. Which you knew for a fact, because one day Ben asked you to meet him on set and you saw a scene he was filming, not to mention one time he tried to get you to run lines with him and you told him you'd rather drop dead than read Countess' lines, who took the co-star role when you refused. Ben’s offer of the co-starring role to you had been his way of appeasing you after you told him you were unhappy. When you refused, Countess had been more than willing to slide into it.  Who was still trying her upmost to get into Ben's pants, but he still completely ignored her, which gave you an unmeasurable amount of joy.
“I told them that I couldn’t miss my girl's birthday.” Ben smiles wider. “Plus I’d much rather spend tonight with you than those fucking vultures and I’ve never missed your birthday.”
Instead of the words "my girl" filling you with happiness as they had the first night Ben said it in the dancehall, they only make you frustrated. He had called you that several times over the years you'd been friends and each time it made you more and more angry. You were tired of it. Tired of Ben acting like Ben only when it was the two of you. Tired of Ben acting like he cared and like he wanted to be more than friends only to crush you the next day. Tired that he called you “my girl” and then did nothing that meant more than friends.  You loved him more than you’d loved anyone ever, took care of him, did everything you could for him, and each time when he didn’t acknowledge it, you felt like you weren’t enough. It made you feel like a kid again when you tried your upmost to please your mother only to have her be disappointed in you each time.
“That’s sweet.” Anger and frustration burns in the back of your throat, but you push it down with a tight lipped smile.
“And I got us reservations, so go get dressed.”
"I got reservations. Come on." Ben makes a gesture with his hand.
“Oh I’m okay, I was just going to-“ You motion back at the bottle of wine, the couch, and the box of photos.
“No. I’m not going to let you sit here on your birthday. Come on. Let’s go.” Ben takes your arm and turns you around gently pushing you towards the small hallway that leads back to your bedroom with his hand on the small of your back.
You brace yourself for the warmth that follows with the brush of his fingers against you, but each time you're unprepared for how it makes you feel when he touches you.
“But I don’t have anything to wear! And if you do have a reservation, how much time do I have?” You argue, trying to come up with an excuse to avoid dinner.
As much as you wanted to go, you didn't want to sit there and pretend to be happy. You were tired of doing that, but then you raise your head to look Ben in the eye.
He's smiling down at you the same way he always has, looking like the boy who climbed in your window after flunking out of boarding school to bring you paint and your resolve wavers. You hated saying no to him.
Damn it.
“By the time you stop making excuses it will be time to go. And as sexy as those pajamas are, you can’t wear them to a restaurant.” Ben teases, tugging on the bottom oversized paint-splattered shirt you were wearing
“Fine.” You grumble, cheeks flushing bright red as you snatch the shirt from his hand. “Give me ten minutes.”
"Shut up." Ben laughs from across the table at you. "Your mother loved me!"
His laughter is contagious, making your own release from your lips and ease the tension you are holding in your chest.
The Italian restaurant is small and filled with the soft lit of music from the band in the corner, the rich aromatic smell of food, and has the calming atmosphere of a intimate bar. When Ben parked out front, you were surprised. He usually liked the restaurants on page 6 where other heroes would be found eating and places where he could be photographed for the news, but this place was different, it was almost, special. And the way Ben was acting was unusual.
He'd walked around the car after he parked and took your hand in his, to lead you down the steps to the front door where a hostess had asked for his name. Ben had used his real name rather than Soldier Boy for a reservation and when you walked out of your bedroom wearing the dress you found at the back of your closet that you had for emergencies, you swore you saw his eyes darken as they trailed across your body making your breath catch in your chest. It was odd. Ben had taken you out for your birthday before, but tonight seemed to be filled with a palpable tension and electricity that you couldn’t place.
Then again, you were probably imagining it like always.
The restaurant was perfect, it made you forget about being a supe and the glamorous lifestyle that Ben indulged in and allowed you to pretend that you were normal. However, while you sat there together, you tried not to think about what you were going to have to tell him eventually, that you were leaving. He would ask for an answer why and you’d try to tell him the same thing you told him four years ago while avoiding screaming “because I love you, you fucking idiot” at the top of your lungs. 
But it was difficult to find a way to tell him, not when he had a soft smile on his face and every few minutes Ben would find some reason to touch you. So you allowed yourself to indulge in this, to have this last wonderful memory together before you have to tell him. And in doing so, you let yourself forget being a supe, forget everything else but Ben and you in this moment.
"Oh sure, you were her favorite." You snort into your wineglass. "She put a crucifix up over my window to keep you out. Every time you went to a new boarding school, she prayed in the living room with a rosary to God begging him to keep you far from me and she cried whenever you came back. Not to mention when you got me thrown out of boarding school she forbade me from seeing you-"
"But you couldn’t stay away." Ben sing-songs with a grin before taking a sip from his glass. "And your roommate was a fucking snitch."
"She was." You smile down at the table. "I also think she was a little jealous." You lean back in your chair, holding the wineglass in your right hand.
"Oh and why is that?" Ben's smirk widens.
"Don't make me say it-" Your eyes roll.
"Oh I want to hear you admit it." He leans towards you across the table, eyes shining with a mischievous glint that makes it suddenly hard to breathe.
“Not going to happen.”  You look around the room to distract yourself with the other couples.
All the tables around you were full of people sharing stories, holding hands, brushing feet under the table and for the first time you weren't jealous of their love. The couple next to you was practically breathing the same air, leaning towards each other with sappy looks in their eyes. You were happy for them, allowed yourself to be filled with compassion at their happiness. You remember what you said to Ben four years ago, about wanting to have someone to come home to, someone who loved you and then remember the night at the dancehall watching the elderly couple dance under the twinkling lights holding each other close and gazing deeply into one another's eyes.
You wanted someone to look at you like that, wanted someone to share you life with. You wanted that so badly, that in this moment you knew that you were making the right decision leaving because you would be closer to getting it, because the man across the table from you might be your best friend and have your heart, but he didn’t want to be more. And as much as it hurt to leave the only man you’d ever loved,  you knew it was the right thing.
Ben taps his index finger on your left hand where it rests on the table between you, drawing your eyes back to his. "Did I lose you Doll?"
"Hmm? No sorry. I was-" You smile at him. "Distracted. What were you asking?"
Ben's gaze shifts to the couple sitting to your right, the one you were watching a second ago, who are holding hands on top of the table. The man says something that makes his date laugh and lean towards him to grasp his other hand. The way he smiles at his date makes you smile. Ben's eyes slide back to yours and an odd look flashes through them that you can't identify.
"You know what I was asking." His index finger begins to brush over your knuckles in a smooth circular motion. Warmth trails with his touch, sending goosebumps dancing up your left arm.
Shock buzzes at the back of your mind, you didn't understand why he was doing that, Ben had barely had anything to drink tonight, in fact that was his first and only Whiskey. Not to mention when he showed up at your door he seemed more sober than usual. He didn't smell like reefer. So for him to touch you this much was unusual, especially when he wasn't drunk or high.
“Come on Sweetheart.” He smiles at you in a way that makes your heart ache.
"Fine. Pearl thought you were devilishly handsome and was upset that I danced with you when I had Howard-"
"Don't mention that pussy." Ben’s smirk drops into a frown and he stops moving his finger against the back of your hand.
"I don't understand why you were so jealous of him." You try not to think about how much you wish he would start moving his finger again.
"I was not jealous of that idiot." Ben rolls his eyes.
"Uh-huh. After all these years, you still can't admit it." You tease him taking another sip of wine. It was giving you a pleasant buzz that made you feel just a little bit warm and bold enough to make you brush your thumb against his where his hand sits only a few millimeters from yours.
If he was touching you, you thought that maybe it would be okay for you to touch him, maybe it was okay to pretend that he wanted to hold your hand as much as you wanted to hold his, like the couple next to you were.
"I will if you admit you were jealous of Missy Callahan." Ben's eyes trail down to your thumb before looking back up at you, waiting for your answer.
"I was not-"
Ben raises an eyebrow. “I can hear your heartbeat Doll.”
“Just as I can hear yours Darling.” You smile back at him.
“Y/n.” He chuckles.
You roll your eyes at his ridiculous smile. "Fine, I will admit that was a little jealous of her, but she was awful.  She was dumb as a rock and she was the most terrible gossip-"
"I knew it." Ben smirks.
You sit there in silence for a minute gazing at Ben, your eyebrow raised. "I'm waiting."
"Oh I'm not going to admit that I was jealous of Howard. I just wanted to hear you say the thing about Missy." Ben laughs, beginning to run his index finger against the back of your hand again. His eyes on yours, as if he's gauging your reaction.
"Bastard." You roll your eyes at him. "Did I tell you that I saw Howard?"
"What?" Ben looks surprised.
"Yeah, when I went to my brother's-" You clear your throat remembering when you saw Howard four years ago. You don’t know why he went to your brother’s funeral, but he was there, gray hair slicked back staring at you open mouthed. The last time you'd seen him was the day after he proposed, when you tried to give him back the ring and he refused, stating that he wanted you to keep it, to think about it. He never got over the break up, never dating anyone else, never married. It had been an awkward reunion, especially since he kept trying to corner you, but you evaded him expertly through the crowd. You weren't interested in making awkward small-talk about the past forty years.
Ben's hand finally slips into yours, intwining your fingers together because he understands what you’re about to say. "I'm sorry I didn't go with you, I should have."
It was weird that Ben wasn’t with you, but it was also weird because you tried to comfort your sister in law and her son and his family, but it felt forced. Ben was the only person who understood what it was like for everyone to age around you while you stayed the same. Standing there to celebrate the life of your brother while you, yourself couldn't die completely or even age felt awkward. You found yourself longing for Ben when you were away, wishing that he was there to hold your hand or try to deflect some of the awkward conversations, none of which were focused on your brother and were all about you being a supe. You hated how much you depended on him.
After the funeral you had stayed in Philadelphia an extra week to help your family and when Ben called to see how you were you broke down on the phone. Ben had showed up within the next hour at your hotel and sat with you while you cried. It was one of your favorite memories, because Ben held you gently against him, whispering "It's okay Sweetheart, I've got you" while you pressed your face into his shirt, letting the smell of whiskey and his cologne soak into your skin. It was so unlike him and it made you believe that Ben wanted more, but then he never acknowledged it, like always.
"Ben it's okay, you were there when it mattered. And you went to both of my parent's funerals. Surprising because my mother would have hated that you were there. Always said you were going to ruin my life." You meant for it to be a joke, but the look in Ben's eyes shifts to something more vulnerable for a millisecond before it hardens again.
"Did I?" He asks quietly. Ben looks down at where he was holding your hand, his thumb beginning to move over the smooth skin on the back.
The question catches you off guard. It was the very question that you had been considering the past few days before you finally decided to leave all of this and your best friend. But the truth was you didn't believe that Ben ruined your life, you blamed yourself, blamed yourself for loving your best friend, blamed yourself for loving someone who didn’t love you the same way.
And it wasn’t that you hated your life, it was different than what you would have planned for yourself, but you liked parts of it. Not to mention you would have hated it more if you had said no to Ben and married Howard. If anything, Ben had saved you and you were thankful for that.
Of course the way he's looking at you and holding your hand is making it difficult for you to consider leaving. It seemed like every time you tried, Ben would do something like this- take you out to dinner or act like he wanted you and only you, and then you would reconsider. Four years ago it had been him holding you after your brother’s funeral and now it was this.
"Ben." You sigh, squeezing his hand and putting as much love into your gaze as you can. "No. You didn't. If anything you freed me. I didn't want to be with Howard and I was too afraid to say it until you asked me to come with you.”
“He could have given you a life though. You said that’s what you wanted.” For a second you think you see Ben’s eyes flick to the couple on your right with his words.
Your mind stutters to a halt in surprise. He remembered what we talked about four years ago? After he almost killed Noir?
“Um-" You clear your throat to recover. "And if you remember that conversation, you should also remember I said I didn’t want that life with Howard.”
“Yes, but you said you wanted to marry someone.” The ends of his lip twitches, but he doesn’t smile. “Still waiting on that wedding invite.” His thumb is stroking long smooth patterns on the back of your hand, making your throat tight and making it impossible to think.
“I’m sure you’ll get it any day now. Legend is happy that I finally said yes.”
“I should have known. Y’all looked pretty cozy at that party two weeks ago.” Ben laughs. “So if you’re engaged to him, does that mean you don’t want your birthday present?”
“I’ve said it once and I’ve said it again, I’m too old for birthdays.”
“Then why did you come out with me?”
“Oh I’m just going to write this off as old friends having dinner. That or a kidnapping. You practically dragged me to the car.”
“Be thankful I let you change.” Ben replies.
“I don’t know, I think I would have really made a statement with my paint splattered shirt and sweatpants."
You’d chosen the dress you were wearing at random. It was a dark green, the same color as Ben’s supe suit, off your right shoulder cinched around your waist and fell elegantly to your ankles. It was one of your favorites, something you believed accentuated your body effortlessly.
"They were something. Though I think that you-" Ben pauses, dropping his eyes to where he's still holding your hand, before looking back up at you. "Um-"
"What?" You smile.
He clears his throat, a soft smile on his face. "I think you look beautiful now too."
Your next words dry up in your mouth, there's not a shred of joking or teasing in Ben's eyes. Ben had said it before, but with a mischievous glint in his eyes, but now there is only sincerity. And it makes your heart jolt out of rhythm.
He said too. That means that he thought I looked beautiful before when I was-
"Thank you." You flush red and squeeze his hand. "I don't think you look too bad yourself, you know, for a old man." You add that last part because you don’t know what to say when he's looking at you like that.
Ben's smile slips into a frown. "You should be nicer to me, I got you a birthday present."
“See, you keep saying that, but I haven’t seen it.”
“I thought you didn’t want it.” The mischievous glint is back in his eye.
“I could be persuaded.” You smirk.
Ben releases your hand and reaches into his coat pocket to pull out a long navy blue velvet box wrapped in a thick silver bow before sliding it across the white tablecloth.
“You get me another paintbrush?” You smirk running a fingertip over the velvet top to examine it while acutely missing the feeling of his hand grasped in yours.
“Something like that.”
“Did you steal it?” You pick up the box and wave it for emphasis, remembering all the times Ben stole little things from the stores that lined Downtown Philadelphia and the box he had hidden under his bed filled with random trinkets.
You never understood why he did that. Ben's family was almost as wealthy as yours and although his father didn't approve of anything Ben was doing, he never cut him off.
“Maybe.” He shrugs and leans on the table towards you, his eyes filled with excitement.
“With how much money they pay you for those ridiculous films you shouldn’t be stealing anything.”
“I’m sure if you sold your artwork instead of shoving it in the closet you’d be just as wealthy as me.”
“Yes, but my grand plan is to have you pay for everything so I can continue to use you and I can’t do that if I’m rich."
“You can use me anytime sweetheart.” Ben winks.
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes at him, but can't stop the blush that stains your cheeks at his insinuation.
Everything about tonight felt just like old times, the way he joked with you and the way you couldn't stop smiling, but at the same time, something else nagged at the back of your mind. The handholding was new, as were the compliments and deeper conversation, especially because Ben wasn't drunk or high, and yet he was being gentler than usual, almost soft. And that was something Ben never was, at least not in public.
You tried not to be frustrated with the turn of events and just enjoy the moment, but deep down you wanted to know.
Was Ben doing this because he cared? Or was he doing this because he sensed I was unhappy and that I was leaving and he thought this was the only way to keep me around?
“Come on, open it.”
“Fine.” You smile down at the box and slowly slide off the bow. “Please tell me you have photos of you trying to tie this bow. Preferably while you were wearing your supe suit.”
“I already destroyed the evidence.”
 “Figures.” You sigh. “Would have been a nice birthday present.”
“I think this is better, but given the pace you’re going at I’ll still be sitting here waiting for you to open it at your next birthday.” Ben takes a drink from his glass.
“Which I won’t be celebrating.”
"Oh you're going to. I’ll make sure.” 
You roll your eyes at him, before finally opening the velvet box and your next joke is forgotten as you struggle to catch your breath. You were expecting something art related. Ben always got you brushes, paints, colored pencils, and any other art supply-like gift, because he knew that you liked those things but not tonight. Because for your 65th birthday Ben decided to get you something that took your breath away.
Nestled in black velvet is a pearl necklace, elegant, beautiful, catching in the fluttering warm light of the restaurant as the band in the corner continues to play a jazzy tune that makes you remember the records your father would listen to while he smoked before bedtime.
“Ben-“ You begin to say, but you can’t finish your sentence, you're too surprised to say anything else.
Not once in all the years you’d been friends had Ben bought you jewelry. Shopping for his birthday was harder, his last one you had gotten him a pair of silver cufflinks that he was currently wearing, but each time you bought him something like that it didn't feel like you were revealing too much about how you felt and it never felt like a gift you would give someone who was more than your friend. But now, staring down at the necklace that Ben bought you feels, intimate almost romantic.
“I remembered how upset you were when you lost the one your dad got you.” Ben says slowly, his eyes on you. “I know it’s not the same one, but the lady in the store said it was the most like the ones they made when we were younger and I thought-“ He rubs the back of his neck. “Um- I thought you’d like it.”
You smile, still unable to speak, fighting the happy tears that build behind your eyes. You had lost the necklace your father got you a few months ago and you tore your entire apartment apart to find it. Ben had walked right into the middle of the chaos and found you a sobbing mess.
Your father had bought it for you on your 23rd birthday. It was your first birthday as a supe and your first one away from home. Your father had it delivered to you with a vase of fresh cut lavender, because you couldn’t go home and he couldn’t get away.  It was one of the last things you had from him, besides the antique watch perched on your wrist.
“I can’t believe you remembered that.” You swallow the ball of emotion lodged in your throat.
“I do listen to you.”
You look up and raise an eyebrow.
“Sometimes.” His soft smile makes you feel light headed and makes you wish all over again that you had the courage to tell Ben the three little words that you'd always wanted to.
“I don’t know what to say-“
“Too much? Because I can take it back and buy you a paintbrush-“ Ben starts to reach for the box, but you catch his hand against the table tangling your fingertips together.
“No. It's perfect. Thank you Ben.”
He looks relieved by your answer. “You’re welcome.”
The soft sounds of conversation swell around you mixing with the tinkling of utensils against plates and the music that pours from the band in the corner where a singer dressed in a long red sequined gown sings a familiar song. But you can't stop admiring the necklace nestled in the fabric, your hand still clasped in Ben's on top of the table.
Ben finally breaks the silence. “Do you want me to help you put it on?”
You blink for a minute to comprehend what he was asking, raising your eyes to his genuine smile. "Please.”
Ben stands from his chair and comes around behind you as you gently twist your hair out of the way, so he has access to your neck. His rough fingertips brush against the smooth skin of your neck sending a shiver down your spine that you hope Ben misses because how would you explain that? When he secures it at the back of your neck you look down at the pearls, holding them between your thumb and forefinger.
"They're beautiful." You whisper, before looking back up at him.
"Yes, beautiful." He responds, but Ben isn't looking at your necklace, his eyes are locked on your face.
What is going on?
"Ben-" You begin to say, attempting for the first time to ask him why he does this, acts different around you, gives you hope and then takes it all away, but he interrupts you.
"Come on." His hand falls on yours and he pulls you up out of your chair, weaving through the other tables to stand in front of the band in the corner. His right hand finds the small of your back, while his left gently holds your right in the air.
"What are you doing?" You ask.
"Isn't it obvious?" Ben smiles. "We're dancing."
"No one else is dancing." You look around the room at the couples sitting quietly together enjoying their meals, who have begun to watch Ben and you sway to the music.
He leans forward to whisper into the curve of your ear. "Then let's show them how it's done Sweetheart."
You can't help but laugh at him, enjoying the way that he feels pressed against you, how it makes you feel alive in the best way, how you feel safe in his arms. Being here, swaying to the last few notes of the song with him made you reconsider leaving again. Ben was the only person who knew you completely, inside and out, the only person who seemed to understand you. Choosing to leave him would be like choosing to leave home, because after everything you'd been through, Ben was home.
As soon as the song ends, the one that follows is familiar, a tune that sparks a memory at the back of your mind. You raise your eyes to Ben's. His are crinkled with his smile, a mischievous glint behind them.
"Ben, did you tell them to play-"
"Yeah. I told them to play our song." He whispers, holding you tighter against him.
The memory of the night you first danced warms against your skin. You remembered it well. It was the night that you almost told him you loved him, the same thing you were considering right now. You couldn't believe that he remembered the song you danced to. You smile at the memory of that night, when Ben punched Howard in the face and it gave you a sickening amount of joy.
“What are you smiling at?” Ben asks you.
“I still can’t believe you hit him.” You shake your head with a laugh.
"He hurt you. And I didn't like that he made me stop dancing with my girl."
You sigh before you can stop yourself the phrase immediately making the laughter dissipate and making the warm feeling at his touch fade. Tonight Ben was again making you think that he wanted to be more, and worst of all it was making it harder to leave. Because what if this was him trying to tell you the only way he knew how? What if this was him finally admitting that he loved you and you just left?
"What?” He frowns down at you.
“I don’t know why you keep calling me that.”
"Your 'girl'." You bite the inside of your cheek to keep the frustration from making you say more.
 “You don't think you are?"
“What do you think it means? To me it means being in a relationship with someone. We have been friends for over fifty years and you have never once said that you wanted to be more-"
"I did try to propose.” Ben jokes, not understanding that you’re upset.
"Really? That was your proposal?" You scoff rolling your eyes. "A joke while you were sitting on my shitty couch drunk off your ass while trying to apologize for almost killing Noir and telling me that you hate when I get in your way?  Forgive me for imagining some big gesture and for not swooning."
“I wasn’t that drunk.”
“Oh please-“
“I’m fucking serious.” He shrugs.
“What?” You look him in the eye to look for the teasing glint, but it's not there, Ben looks serious.
“I wasn’t that drunk.”
“Don’t tease me.”
“I’m not.” Ben’s eyes lock with yours. “I also didn’t apologize for almost killing him. And I do hate when you get in my way." 
"Yes, I figured that given how angry you looked." You roll your eyes, glancing to look at the couples around you again, but this time the happiness you felt for them is gone. The jealousy is back coupled with the frustration of Ben acting like Ben and then pulling a complete 180 the next day and making you question everything. Because you wanted to exist in the moments that he was still Ben and you didn’t want to leave him, but you did want to leave Soldier Boy. The problem was right now all you saw was Ben and you hated that you couldn’t enjoy it because you knew it would end. Someone would piss him off or he’d get drunk or high or go down the rabbit hole with some other woman and Ben would be gone.
You didn’t understand how he could go from hot to cold so quickly.
“But I didn’t lie when I said I’d never hurt you.” Ben's voice rumbles up through where his chest is pressed against yours.
You want to say that you believe him, but after the past forty years you weren’t sure anymore. And that thought hurt more than anything else. You didn’t know your best friend anymore, and it scared you.
Your eyes are leveled on Ben’s chest, by now he’s stopped swaying you to the music. You know what will happen when you look up into his eyes, he'll make a joke or say something like the last forty years never happened and you'll crumble like always. You can feel his breath against your face, the warmth of his body transferring through his chest and soaking into yours.
“Y/n, please look at me.” He releases your hand and cups your cheek to tilt you head upwards to him. The one still planted on your back slides down to your waist, tightening around you as you lock eyes with him. “You know that I’d never hurt you. Right?”
Ben's eyes lock on yours, the love and care reflected in the irises makes your body burn. He's never looked at you like that, looked at you like you were the only woman in the world and deep down it makes you want to pull him close and whisper the three little words you've wanted to say for fifty seven years.
You focus on Ben's words to shake it off, it was the same thing he’d said four years ago, but this time the air between you is charged with electricity.
And you can’t take it anymore.
“Why?” You whisper.
It catches him off guard. “What?”
“Why are you different with me? When the cameras stop rolling, when the team goes home, when it’s just the two of us, you’re different." You stop to catch your breath.  "Ben, I’ve known you for fifty seven years. And in the last forty you’ve changed. But not around me, not when it’s just the two of us. You show up at my apartment in the middle of the night, we talk, we laugh about the past, you sleep in my bed, you call me 'your girl'-”
“You’ve known me longer than anyone else-” His hand is still cupping your cheek now, thumb gently brushing against the smooth skin making your throat tight.
“But even before all this, when we were still in Philadelphia. You were always around me, showing up, taking me out to do things in the city. Ben, we both know how you are. I watched you chase after whatever caught your eye and even now-“ You shake your head frustrated. “But you never act that way with me.”
Ben is quiet for a minute, his eyes searching yours, soft green in the fluttering lights above your heads. “Because you’re different y/n. You’ve always been different.”
“But that doesn’t tell me why Ben. We’ve been doing this for so long and I want-“ You sigh frustrated with yourself because you can’t say it, can’t say that you want him. “I mean I’m not sure if I can-“ You were going to say that you weren’t sure you could do this anymore, that you wished he would let you go, wished that you could walk away, and wished that he would stop giving you hope that the two of you could be something more because you couldn’t do it.
But the words are stopped when his lips meet yours.
You inhale sharply in surprise, before your entire body melts against his, deepening the kiss as you drag your hands up into his dark hair, while your mind goes blissfully blank. Ben’s mouth is firm but tender against yours, moving in a slow dance that makes warm tingles trail down your spine. The hand that was on your cheek, joins the other on your waist. His hand tightens on your hip as your song continues to play while the other presses against the small of your back to secure you against him. The solidness of his chest is familiar, molding against your curves in the best way as if he was made for you and you were made for him. You feel his thumb begin to circle slowly against the fabric on your hipbone and suddenly you remember the night he helped you loosen your corset and all you wanted was him. You never thought it would feel like this.
When you finally pull away for air, Ben doesn’t let you go far, he leans his forehead against yours, the look in his eyes is surprisingly vulnerable, as if he thinks you’re going to push him away.
“I-“ He begins, his green eyes are wide almost afraid.
You raise your hands to gently cup his strong jaw, searching his eyes with a smile to confirm you aren't going anywhere, before pulling him back to you for another kiss that makes your toes curl in the tight shoes you forced them into an hour ago. Ben sighs into your mouth, a soft sound that surprises you. You had seen him kiss other people before. Ben was anything but gentle, but now you believed that he reserved that gentleness just for you and it made you feel like you were going to melt into a puddle.
When you pull back again, Ben’s forehead is still against yours, his eyes bright and unmoving from your face. For a moment neither of you speaks, too afraid to break the silence.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours Sweetheart?” Ben asks, the deep rumble of his voice working up through where your chest is pressed against his. His expression is gentle, and he brings up one of the hands that was on your waist to trace the pillow of your lips with his thumb.
And before you lose your nerve your smile curves into a smirk.  “Took you long enough Benjamin.”
“Shut up.” He rolls his eyes at you.
“Make me.” You mutter against his thumb.
And then he’s kissing you again, moving his lips in tandem with yours while your heart flutters and dances. And you never want it to end, because he's kissing you like he never wants to let you go and you're kissing him like you don't want him to.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Ben mutters against your lips with a smile, his deep eyes catching yours. "Don't be jealous of Missy Callahan. She's nothing compared to you, never has been, never will be."
Your heart warms, cheeks blushing with his words, because even after all these years, Ben still knew exactly what to say. You hold his face reverently, admiring the familiar dips and curves, thumbs brushing over his cheekbones. "Don't be jealous of Howard. He meant nothing to me. No one means as much to me as you do Ben."  You whisper back before you kiss him and allow yourself to fall again, hoping that this time he’ll catch you.
“Did you want something to drink?” You ask Ben, gesturing with your free hand towards the kitchen.
Standing in your apartment feels different post kiss. It feels like this all represents something bigger now. The apartment, him coming upstairs even though he has spent most of the nights here since you bought it and of course the way he’s looking at you, how he’s been unable to stop looking at you since he kissed you.
“Are you going to get it for me?” Ben is still holding your hand, had held it the entire car ride, only releasing it when he got out to open the door for you and then took it again as you walked up to your apartment. His thumb is moving across the back in a soothing motion that makes you want to curl up in the warmth that trails behind like a cat in the sun.
“I’m sure you remember where it is”
“Mhmm.” Ben is eyeing you again, the green in his eyes darkening in a way that makes your throat tight.
You’re not sure who moves first, all you know is that someone closes the distance between you, and you lose yourself in him. Your curves melt against the hard muscles of Ben’s chest and arms as he pulls you into him, his hands  gripping your waist so tight that you know there might be bruises but you don’t care.
Your hands trail up his muscular chest to tangle in his hair, pulling at the darkened strands and forcing his mouth harder against yours.
He tastes like whiskey and smoke, night and day, and all those bittersweet moments you’ve shared over the years you’ve known him. There is no semblance of Soldier Boy left behind, it’s just Ben and you and it's everything you wanted for so long. The kiss is charged with so much emotion and tension you feel something inside you snap and warmth floods your body in its wake. Ben moans into your mouth, his hands coming down to sweep low over your curves and ignites a fire in the pit of your stomach that you’ve never felt before.
There had been others try to do exactly this. Other heroes you politely declined because you didn’t feel anything for them. You remember the kisses with Howard, passionless, boring, but being here with Ben was like nothing you’d ever imagined. The subtle scratch of his scruff against your cheeks makes you lose all feeling in your legs, his strong embrace makes goosebumps burn against your skin, and the sounds he’s making against your lips makes your heart seize in your chest.
He backs you up and you both fall on the couch in a tangle of limbs, his body caging you beneath him while his fingertips boldly trail against your body, finding places that make you moan into his mouth.
You can feel his smirk against your lips and you’ve never felt more sexy in your life. Ben’s moans against every piece of skin he can get his lips against make you blush crimson and echo his cries with soft sounds that make him grip you tighter. His hands are everywhere, coaxing along your curves, discovering places that you didn’t know could be sensitive and that make you gasp and arch against him as he continues to kiss you.
Everything about this feels right, feels perfect, as if you were both made for this exact moment. The subtle drag of his hands against you, the firm assertive way he holds you beneath him, how your body responds to his touch, and the way your heart continues to swell in your chest, frantically beating as if it wishes to break free. You forget about all the other women he's ever been with, all the others he's probably held close, nothing else exists at this moment, nothing else exists except him and you here on this couch. His lips ghost to your neck as he sucks a mark into the column of your throat and you realize he's saying your name over and over the way that no one ever has.
There’s a loud ripping noise and you understand that Ben ripped off the bottom half of your dress, the tattered remains just barely brushing against your thighs. But you can’t be angry with him for that, not when everything he’s doing feels perfect.
Ben’s hands slowly begin to push up the bottom of your now ruined dress and you come back down from your high, feeling the gentle press of his fingers against your thigh as they begin to move upwards.
“Ben-" You breathe.
You hate how breathy your voice sounds, but the new sensations running through your body are almost too overwhelming for you to gain control of. If you weren't both as indestructible as you were you would be afraid of the possibility of killing Ben.
He moans into your neck, working his hand up further to a place that makes your grip his shoulders tight and you leave bruises of your own, because you’re the only person strong enough to bruise him, to leave marks against his almost invulnerable skin. And it makes a shudder go down his spine.
"Ben wait-"
He stops, looking down at you with wide eyes, pupils dilated in a way that almost sends you back into a frenzy with him. "What's wrong?" He is also out of breath, chest rising and falling fast. You can hear his heart beat thundering in his chest, beating in tandem with yours.
“Before we do this I just want to tell you that I’ve never-" You bite your lip nervously. "I've never done this before.”
“This?” He looks confused, withdrawing his hand from under your ruined dress.
“Well- you know." You gesture between the two of you. "This.”
"You've never had sex with anyone before?"
"No." You flush bright red wondering if that's a deal breaker for him. If he wanted someone more experienced. "I’m sorry."
He sits there for a minute, staring down at you. "Why are you apologizing?” Ben’s hand brushes your hair away from your face in a gentle gesture, so different than the heavy caresses of his hands against your curves he did earlier.
“I don’t know.” You whisper embarrassed. “I just- everyone else has and I’m pretty sure you have with millions of people.”
“Well not millions.”
“But still.” You suddenly think that this was a giant mistake, that you should just go to your room in shame. You drop your eyes to his chest embarrassed.
His hands are stroking along your waist, toying with the frayed edges of your dress. “Y/n.” He whispers.
“What?” You mumble.
Ben raises his hand to cup your cheek, turning your gaze back on him. The way he’s looking at you causes a hot jolt of energy to race down your spine and makes you wish that you were more confident or knew what you were doing.
 He’d been with hundreds of women all kinds of women and what had I been doing all these years? Nothing and no one. I’m not really sure if I understood the mechanics OF sex- but oh how I wished. My head was just getting in the way of everything else as usual.
“I will admit that I have slept with a lot of women.” Ben sighs. “But it’s okay. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to-“
“I want to.”
 “Are you sure? I don’t know if I’m the best person for this-“ And for a moment you think he looks almost worried.
Why would he think that?
“I’m sure. I want it to be you. I’ve always wanted it to be you.” You breathe, running your hands through his hair, your cheeks flushing bright red with your confession, afraid that you’re saying too much, giving too much away as to how much he means to you.
“Really?” Ben smiles in a way that makes your breath catch.
You nod.
“I can’t promise it won’t hurt.” The darkness in his eyes shifts to something else and for a moment it’s difficult for you to form a sentence. He leans his forehead against yours, searching your eyes.  “I don’t want to hurt you.” Ben whispers it like a secret.
“You’re not going to hurt me. I trust you Ben.” You whisper, knotting you hands in his hair.
“You do?”
You nod your head. “And I’m pretty sure that I’m just as capable of hurting you-“
“Maybe.” The look in his eyes is back, blazing through his green irises in a way that makes your throat swell closed. He bends over to whisper against the curve of your ear. “Then again, I kinda like that Sweetheart.” His lips brush just behind your right ear, making a shiver go down your spine. Ben smiles at your reaction before he dips down to kiss you, but it’s different, the kiss is soft, trusting, and not the previous manic haze of desire it was previously. “ I know you think it’s a big deal, but I like that I’m your first. Because it means that no other man has touched you, made you feel any of the things that I’m going to do to you, and that I’ll never have to share you with anyone else.” His grip on your waist tightens possessively. “That you’ll be completely and utterly mine and no one else can do a damn thing.”
You inhale and try not to faint from the darkened look in his eyes. “Well when you put it that way-“
“Come on.” Ben stands from the couch.
Before you can get up to follow he picks you up like you weigh nothing causing you to automatically wrap your thighs around his waist as he kisses you feverishly again, wiping your mind of anything and everything but him.
“What are you doing?” You breathe, entangling your hands at the nape of his neck to secure yourself.
“I’m not going to let your first time be on some shitty couch.” He mutters against your lips while adjusting his grip under your legs
And with that he takes you down the hall and kicks your bedroom door closed behind you.
A/N: Well it finally happened. Unfortunately this is also when all hell breaks loose…
Thank you so much for reading! If you'd like to be added to my taglist for this series let me know :)
Taglist: @roseblue373 @anundyingfidelity @cheynovak @cassiecasluciluce @muhahaha303 @deans-spinster-witch @kayleighmeister @demodemo909 @fruitfacess @bobbobbobinogs @bughill126, @simplyfixated @sleepjam, @tiredstrangerr @freefallthoughts,@onlyangel-444 @lov3vivian @mxltifxnd0m @mayafatimakhan
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bklynmusicnerd · 10 months
The rest of this week was so uneventful that I think I can just sum up the rest of my takes here:
- As an Ava fan, the best part about Ava being in legal mess is a visit from Dante and a reminder of the fun "cat and mouse" sexual tension they have. Ava starts doing her best Barbara Stanwyck impression, Dante stays firm in his Columbo ways (while begrudgingly having a soft spot for Ava), it's a fun time.
- As for Ava's mess, I am both increasingly convinced that they're setting up Nik to be the one who killed Austin, but also instantly frustrated by that idea because Nik would never do his own dirty work, so that would be him returning ooc before he's even popped back up. I expect Nik to mess with Ava for revenge purposes, I just think it should be in a way that makes sense for him.
- I'm actually Team "Chase should put a ring on it" because why the hell not? But I do think Brook Lynn deserves more romance than a potential proposal born from pressure from her family.
- I don't understand how Maxie is broke. Nothing about the explanation made sense with everything they've been telling us about Deception. So I'm just gonna have to chalk up Maxie somehow being a broke ceo to soap karma for all her dirty deeds in the 2000s.
- I also don't understand where Felicia's realization about Cody lying about not being Mac's son is coming from but whatever gets that stupid story moving.
- I don't care about the surrogacy story and I never take any Portia advice moments seriously so all I was focused on during the Portia and TJ convo is whether there's potential sloppy affair chem, and I am pleased to report there is. They need to make this happen so Portia's spiral (that should have gone down post-wedding tbh) can finally commence.
- The problem with Michael is that he's too damn old to still be this petulant. Everything he does, including this Nina blackmail story, comes across like a child throwing a temper tantrum, which makes him unconvincing as a husband and father.
- Nina letting a man child control her is not interesting, and the motivation of her being afraid to lose Sonny or Willow isn't working either because neither is worth this perpetual state of self-flagellation. Just let Nina's (minor) mess come out and get to whatever lame fallout there is.
- I was trying to figure out why the Davis girls bum me out so much these days and it finally hit me during the Sam and Kristina convo, they're just not fun anymore. All the fire and spunk that made the Davis girls fun to watch as a family unit has been replaced with dull convos about smoothies, boarding schools and surrogacy.
- This version of Drew lost any serious hope for audience investment when he gave up prioritizing re-bonding with his daughter. This random boarding school story just compounds that. The idea that Sam would or even should be torn over advocating for Scout because Drew's feelings might be hurt is garbage.
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madame-coquette · 4 years
@diicktective​ || The response to the ‘ what brought you to my blog ‘ meme because this was too long for your ask box !
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I think, you followed my first Rennie blog before I moved her ??? And when I initially saw that you also wrote the Merrye’s I also followed you back. I mean: the promise of reading about a headstrong, caustic, world - weary, & sometimes unconventionally efficient detective is usually enough to entice me to attempt getting to know more about a character. ( I used to love watching ‘ Murder, She wrote ‘, ‘ Matlock ’, ‘ Columbo ‘, ‘ Perry Mason ‘ & ‘ Diagnosis Murder ‘ with my mom when I was little, so it’s a trope I’m comfortable, happy & familiar with, but I digress form the main point of this post. ) With these hazy happy little memories in mind, I eagerly awaited - ( as was the custom in 2013-2014 ), to see how your boy interacted so that I could get a bearing on how to interact with you. His lore / canon was so rich, colorful and gripping. A real psychological thriller at times, really ... much to his unspoken ( and maybe unregistered at this point ? ) frustration. I appreciated seeing a muse who was very dearly loved and tended to. You love Swift in a way that makes other people want to love him too.  There is a passion & intensity that shines through in each headcanon, meta, reply & stray thought pertaining to the universe in which our favorite dysfunctional detective navigates --- it’s all even more intoxicating than the booze I’m sure Swift has in his desk drawer. 
Your boy is unique in a way that is indescribable: is it his self-awareness ?? Is it the way he flips the script on what we’d usually expect from the P.I. trope ?? Maybe it’s the matter of fact way he can dole out retribution, verbally or physically ??? The manner in which he flaunts his personality with a flourish & a expertly - timed panache ??? I don’t know, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to pinpoint exactly why Swift & his antics can snatch my attention up front and center, but I honestly don’t think I’d like to miss any of it either. 
All that, and I haven’t yet even gotten to talking about the brilliant mind behind the muse ! I think as the audience we all hold our breath & slip a little closer to the edge of our seats when we get a gracious glimpse into the life and times of one U.X. Swift. ( Redacted that full name because, I ain’t no snitch. ) 
While I love when our muses interact: I also treasure our friendship & OOC interactions --- you are a very positive influence within the RPC & are just generally a receptive and warm person to speak with ( even if it’s through a computer screen. ) I love you very much and am very grateful our paths crossed ! 
Ya Gurl™, Heather™
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You Call It Madness But I Call It Love
Chapter 8: Jealousy Doesn't Look Good On Anybody Except...
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Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: When the reader left Payback 40 years ago after a falling out with her childhood best friend she never looked back, but when two men show up to her apartment and start asking her questions about the past, the reader begins to think those things can’t stay hidden and starts to question what’s real and what’s fantasy.  This is a re-telling of The Boys Season 3, where the reader is a supe who's known Soldier Boy since 1927. The chapters will fluctuate between past and present. This is chapter eight of my "You Call It Madness But I Call It Love" series. (I'm so bad at summaries please forgive me!)
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: References to sex, Cursing (a few times), Drinking, Soldier Boy might be, is, really, absolutely, a little OOC,
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. Reader is described as "curvy" occasionally. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
The song they dance to is "You Call It Madness But I Call It Love" by Russ Columbo and this should take you to the song. It's the song I named the series for, because I believe it encompasses how both the reader feels, but also how Soldier Boy will feel in a few chapters. I also believe that the song House of Memories by Panic at the Disco, fits the more modern parts of the series.
Internal Monologue is in first person and is in italics
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Philadelphia 1938
The lights twinkled along the ceiling of the dance hall as the gentle swell of jazz floated through the air. Couples swayed on the dance floor clinging to one another as the soft tones of the music soothed the dull throb of the whispers of rising tension overseas. It was a Saturday night, and you and a few of your friends from the Dawson School for Girls had slipped away to spend the evening twirling in the arms of whomever caught your fancy.
Well, at least that's what your friends wanted to do. There was only one particular man who'd caught your fancy, but he was nowhere to be seen.
The Dawson School for Girls was the answer to your mother's prayers, a boarding school in Boston, far away from Ben's "corruptive influence" as she put it. Ben was currently at boarding school number ten in Upstate New York. The last time you’d seen him was when you were on break and Ben had just left boarding school number nine for fighting with other students, but he wouldn't say what for. You’d sent him a few letters to tell him how bored you were including a few sketches and watercolor paintings, with minimal response, but it was like him not to write back.
You hadn't mentioned that Howard Stine had been coming on the weekends to take you out. Your mother was pleased with him, he checked all the boxes: wealthy, not Ben, educated, not Ben, from a nice family, not Ben, and of course most importantly, not Ben.
She was practically making wedding invitations and choosing the names of your children after only three months. However, it was nice to see her happy for a change, kept her from sniping at your figure now that someone was interested. Well, not sniping that much.
Howard was… nice, but he was one of the most boring people you'd ever met and he never understood why you always carried a sketchbook with you. When he'd taken you to Franklin Park one weekend, you stopped along the pond to sketch some of the ducks that were waddling on the bank, but Howard told you he didn’t have time to wait for you to draw them. Instead of telling him that he could just leave, you shut the sketchpad and continued to walk with him and quickly learned that it was better to leave your sketchpad at the dorm whenever he was in town. You also found yourself talking less and less, allowing him to fill the silence with his talk of the stock market crash and how the United States economy recovered due to the efforts of President FDR.
You hated that. You didn't recognize yourself when you were with him. You didn't feel like you.
And every time he was here all you could do was compare him to Ben. Ben would never tell you to stop drawing, yes he would tease you about it, but he always sat next to you while you were sketching, watching you work. You never understood that. Ben was so impatient with everyone else, but he was willing to sit with you for any inordinate amount of time if you were drawing while making you laugh the whole time.
I miss him so much.
"Can I get you a drink?" Howard puts his hand on the small of your back, leaning in to whisper in your ear. You try not to flinch at his touch. He had already been in town, walking you home from a dinner that was dominated by awkward silence and the clicking of utensils on plates when you'd run into your friends just as he was walking you back to the dorm. They had rounded the corner giggling and begging you to come with them. Despite your insistences for him to stay in and relax for the night at his hotel, he refused.
It meant that now you were stuck with him while all your friends got to twirl around with men that made them warm and giddy. Howard made you feel like you'd swallowed a lemon.
"I'm fine, but thank you." You force a smile.
Howard shrugs, before he walks away towards the crowded bar on the other side of the room and blessedly far away from you.
Your thoughts drifted to Ben. You missed your friend more than words could comprehend. Not just because you were far from your family in another city, but because it felt like you were missing apart of yourself when he wasn't there. You briefly wonder if he felt the same way when he wasn't with you.
Probably not.
You turn away from Howard's retreating figure, to watch the couples on the dance floor. You sway to the music, holding your arms around yourself and feeling your dark green dress swish around your ankles, one that you'd picked out yourself, not a monstrosity of pink tulle, but something that you believed accentuated the natural curves of your body that your mother used other dresses to hide. Your mouth turns down into a frown remembering how Howard had reacted to seeing you in it, when he tried to give you his jacket to cover up, but you refused.
You had wanted him to be stunned by how you looked in it, or at least, wanted someone to be. The same someone that was miles away and probably tickling the skirt of someone who caught his fancy.
"One of the most attractive men I've ever seen in my life is at the bar." Your friend Pearl stated looking behind you with wide eyes.
I've got you beat. You think to yourself to a sigh, wishing, again, that you were here with Ben instead of Howard.
"Very funny." You roll your eyes, thinking that she’s making fun of where Howard is sitting probably flagging down the bartender with both hands to catch his attention.
"I'm not talking about Howard. This guy is seriously a looker. And he's staring at you." Pearl says again.
"Sure." You continue to watch an elderly couple sway back and forth to the smooth jazz that ebbs from the band on stage.
Must be nice to be with someone for that long.
You watch how effortlessly the couple moves as one, how the man stares down at the woman with more love than you can comprehend. It makes your heart sink in your chest.
The way things were panning out, you were going to end up with Howard and you couldn't imagine looking at anyone like that other than Ben.
"You're about to see, because he's coming this way." Pearl takes a step back from you as if anticipating the stranger interrupting your conversation.
"He's not-" You begin to say, but you feel someone place their hand on the small of your back, turning you towards them.
"Fancy meeting you here." Ben smiles down at you, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.
"Ben!" Your heart soars when you recognize your friend and you can't help but hug him so tight he laughs, the movement of his chuckle makes you feel alive for the first time in weeks. The sharp smell of whiskey and the familiar spicy scent of his cologne greets you.
"Guess you missed me." The rumble of his voice vibrates where your cheek rests against his chest.
"I did." You pull away from him reluctantly. "What are you doing here?" You can't help but smile at him, probably wider than what was attractive.
"Thought I'd stop by and visit on my way back to Philadelphia. Saw you walk into this place. " Ben shrugs. "What are you doing out so late?"
"Looking for trouble." You smirk.
"You found him sweetheart." Ben leans down towards you making your throat get unusually tight.
"Hi." Pearl says interrupting the conversation.
 Ben turns his smug smile on her. "Hi."
"I'm Pearl." She looks from you to Ben as if trying to decide that it's okay for her to introduce yourself.
"Benjamin." You watch him slip into the cool and smooth Ben, the one that charmed whomever caught his eye.
You can't help but feel a prick of jealousy against your skin. It was familiar, but every time it happened, it didn't make any of this easier. You knew that you shouldn't be jealous, you didn't have a claim on him, you were friends, just friends, only friends, best friends…
And now you were with Howard.
You let out a soft sigh watching the way that Pearl looks up at Ben and the way he leans towards her with the confident smirk you love so much on his face.
"Would you like to dance Benjamin?" She asks.
"I would." Ben's smirk turns into a smile.
Pearl steps forward to reach for his hand, expecting him to take it, but he doesnt.
"Come on sweetheart." Ben reaches out and takes your hand, twirling you ahead of him onto the dance floor.
"Ben-" You giggle, head spinning with the movement, but when he twirls you back into his chest, you feel your breath catch. This wasn't the first time you'd been pressed up against him and it wasn't the first time you recognized how perfectly you fit together. Your soft curves molding against the hardness of his muscles as you sway back and forth to the music. When you were pressed up against him, you didn't feel like you were too big, you felt perfect, because of the way you fit against him.
"You know I am here with someone-" You say, before you get too wrapped up in how good it feels to be with him.
"Yes. Howard Stine. Though I do believe you said he stepped on your toes." Ben smiles at you, eyes twinkling in the light.
"That was four years ago, and he's… sweet?"
"Hmph." Ben rolls his eyes. "You can't even say it with a straight face sweetheart."
"I have never said anything bad about your companions."
"Besides her." You frown.
He laughs at your reaction, the hand clutched in your right seems to warm with his smile. "You've never said anything about them period."
Because I hate thinking about how many of them there have been. Because I hate that you don't see me as someone who could be with you.
"I try not to dwell on your numerous escapades."
"You sound a little jealous doll." He smirks at you.
"What was that you were saying about Howard again?" You tease, holding on to his shoulders as you sway back and forth to the music.
"Can't be jealous of someone I've seen get chased by a duck." Ben's eyes trace your body for a moment. Your cheeks blush under his gaze. "You look nice. Not one of your mom's I'm guessing?"
"What makes you say that?"
"You don't look like a cupcake." He spins you away one more time before bringing you back into his chest.
"No. I think she'd probably have an aneurysm if she saw me wearing this. Howard also thought it was a bit much-"
Ben's hand tightens on your waist. "What?"
You shrug, leveling your eyes on his chest to distract yourself from his hand placement. "He tried to get me to wear his coat."
"He what?"
You shake your head to dissipate the self-doubt and body-shaming conversation that was about to unfold in your head.
"It's nothing." You raise your gaze back to his, but you're surprised to see the anger that burns behind his green eyes.
"It's not nothing. He had no right to-"
"Ben." You soothe, rubbing your thumb over his shoulder to comfort him.
The song shifts to something softer, forlorn, a song that reminded you of the heartache you felt with Ben, but also a melody that eases your soul somehow.
"I don't understand why you're with him." Ben sighs, but you can still feel the tension in his shoulders beneath your hand.
"My mother is happy-"
"But you're not." The look in his eyes is unfamiliar, almost earnest, as if he's trying to get you to understand something that he can't say.
"Ben." You breathe.
"Fine. I don't want you to think about him when we're dancing to our song anyway." The look in his eyes shifts back to the playful green they'd been before.
"Our song?" The words make your heart skip a beat and you can't help but smile at him.
You couldn't remember the last time you'd smiled this much. Probably the last time I saw him.
"Yes." Ben dips you back, before bringing you up against him, the playful look in his eyes becoming softer as you come back.
You know that your own gaze is filled with love and you remember watching the elderly couple. The way they looked at one another warming your heart as you gaze up at Ben. The three little words tiptoe against your tongue, the three little words that you'd been trying to say forever, but you can't. You don't want to lose him, don't want to live in a world without him, because you know that it won't be worth living.
So instead you lean forward and lay your head against his chest, in the space between his neck and shoulder as the song continues. You think that you feel Ben's arms tighten around you, pulling you further into his embrace, but you chock that up to wishful thinking.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" You hear someone yell, and all of a sudden someone's hand is on your wrist jerking you away from Ben.
Howard is standing there his chest pushed against Ben’s, trying to look intimidating, but Howard's inability to reach Ben's shoulders made it difficult for him.
You rub your fingers over your wrist, where Howard’s bright red handprint stands out against your skin.
Ben’s eyes shift to notice your ministrations, darkening with the force of his anger at the thought that Howard hurt you.
“I think I was dancing with my girl.” Ben’s eyes narrow, skating back to Howard.
Your heart skips a beat when he says that, but you shake away the thought, knowing that Ben is only saying that to make Howard angry.
“Your girl?!” Howard sputters, his face growing red. “She’s not your girl!”
“Howie, buddy-“ Ben’s confident smirk slips over his features but you still see the anger beneath the surface. “Calm down, you’ll give yourself a heart attack.”
“Just because you think you have some claim on her because you’ve been stringing her along with the harem that usually follows you, does not make her your girl!” Howard fumes. “She’s with me.” Howard grabs your wrist again and drags you towards him.
“Hey wait a minute-“ You begin to say.
Ben grabs the front of Howard's tailored suit, rumpling the pristine fabric. “Don’t you dare touch her like that.”
“I will touch her however I damn well please! She's mine-"
The grip on your wrist is so tight that you know it’ll leave bruises. “Howard wait-“ You try again to diffuse the tension, bringing your free hand to rest on his forearm to make him let go.
“Shut up.” He snaps, eyes flashing back to you.
Ben’s temper flares and the sharp crack of his fist against Howard’s face echoes through the room. Howard stumbles away, letting go of your wrist as he reels backward to the welcoming hardwood floor that catches him when he falls.
“Don’t you ever speak to her that way you arrogant son of a bitch!” Ben shouts taking a step forward. His shoulders are tense, fists clenched at his sides and his jaw is tight, as his anger burns through the air.
By now the band has stopped playing music and all the couples around you are watching with wide eyes.
I have to do something before he kills him.
You put yourself between them, your hands firmly planted on Ben’s muscular chest so your back is to where Howard stands fuming. “Ben. Don’t.”
But he’s not looking at you, his gaze is locked with Howard’s, eyes blazing, muscles tensing beneath the palms of your hands. You try to ignore how good his chest feels beneath your touch.
Damn it.
“Ben.” You say his name again.
His eyes snap back to yours. The soft green has hardened to an emerald with the force of his rage, so different than how he looked when the two of you were dancing. But he doesn’t say anything.
“Please.” You whisper. "Stop."
Ben looks from you to Howard, before he finally exhales. “Fine.” He mutters, and he turns and vanishes into the crowd of people without another word.
A minute passes and the music begins all over again, the band on the stage starting with a lively tune that makes the couples around you to move back on to the dance floor, but the tension of what just happened remains in the air.
Because what did just happen? Did Ben do that because he was protective of me? Or did he do that because he was jealous?
Your eyes trace where he vanished, longing for him to come back, but when he doesn't appear, you're left to deal with the aftermath. 
After numerous apologies to Howard, he finally relented and took you back to your dorm, leaving your group of friends at the dance hall. You knew there would definitely be a conversation about what just happened between you all when they got back, but even you were confused. Ben was always protective of you, but what happened seemed over the top. You think about how Ben called you “my girl," the way he said it sending a thrill down your spine. He’d never done that before and you wondered if it was because he wanted to get a rise out of Howard or because he believed it.
Not like he’s tried to do anything about it. You think to yourself stroking one finger against your bruised wrist. The discoloration was more prominent now, black and blue marks beginning to sprout like flowers in spring. Howard’s eye didn’t look much better when he dropped you off. You were surprised that he’d been forgiving enough to continue to see you, not that you wanted to see him, but you didn't think you could handle a letter from your mother.
Then again maybe she would pull you out of this ridiculous school.
A small tap at your window causes you to raise your head to look out the glass. Ben is sitting there, but he doesn’t smile like he usually does. Your dorm room was on the first floor, which meant that Ben didn't need to shimmy up a tree to get into it like he did when you were home. Then again this was the first time he'd showed up here and you wondered how he knew where your room was. You also weren't thrilled at his appearance because you didn't know when Pearl would come back and you weren't sure what your roommate would do if she came back and found Ben in your room. She was a stickler for the rules and despite your friendship, rooming with her was one of your least favorite things about the Dawson School For Girls.
“If they find you here I’m going to be in so much trouble.” You say helping him through the small window, putting your hand on the back of his head so that he doesn't bang it against the glass. "You might like getting kicked out of boarding schools, but I don't."
“They won’t find out.” Ben rolls his eyes. He glances at Pearl’s empty bed on the other side of the room. “Roommate not back yet?”
“No she was still dancing when I left.”
Ben frowns. “Where’s the asshole?”
“He left. And I don't exactly invite him up to where I sleep."
“Good.” Ben flexes his fist.
“How did you know which room was mine?” You ask. Ben had never come to see you before at boarding school and the fact that he was here probably meant that boarding school number ten was out.
“I might have guessed wrong.” He smirks.
“Uh-huh.” You sigh, but all you can think about is how he acted earlier. Your feet shift back and forth “Why did you hit him?”
Ben’s eyes darken. “He shouldn’t have touched you like that or said that to you.”
You stand there for a minute observing his reaction.
“He kinda deserved it." You say slowly.
You knew it was true. When Ben showed up Howard shouldn’t have lost it like he did, he definitely shouldn’t have grabbed you like that or called you his-
You stutter on that thought. But maybe he is right. I am Howard’s. We’ve been going steady… The thought of being his makes something curl up in your chest and die. There was only one man that you wanted to belong to.
"Yeah.” Ben sighs.
"Why did you call me your 'girl'?" You ask.
"Um." Ben shrugs. "Felt right in the moment."
"I mean you are. You're my friend-"
"But that doesn't mean friend Ben." You say it gently trying to catch his eye, but Ben won't meet your gaze.
"Fine. I just wanted to mess with him a little bit." Ben frowns. "But I didn't like that he called you his, or the fact that he hurt you."
“But Ben I am his.” You whisper even though you don’t want to. “We’re going steady-“
“That doesn’t make you his!” Ben snaps, eyes flashing. “Just because he feels the need to say it doesn’t mean it’s true.”
“But Ben-“
“And I never want to hear you say it.” He continues loudly.
What is wrong with him? I've never seen him this angry about anything.
“Because that means he has some claim on you. You’re not his, you’re my friend.”
"You're being ridiculous. You're saying that he can't have some claim on me but you're possessively calling me your friend!" You shout back frustrated.
Why is he acting like this? Does he really hate Howard that much?
"I am not! I'm just saying that you're my friend and you're not his!"
“I can’t be both?” Your words hang in the air between the two of you and you mentally beg Ben to answer. He was acting like he wanted you to be his, like he believed that he had some claim on you and you couldn't remember another time that he'd acted this way. Sure he teased Howard, but this was more than that.
It was almost possessive and it kinda scared you how much you liked it.
Ben doesn’t answer your question. His shoulders are tense, hands clenched into fists at his sides, while something lurks behind his eyes that you can’t identify.
“Ben?” You say it like a question, ignoring the urge to press your hands against his chest like you did earlier at the dance to calm him down.
His gaze drops to your arm, where Howard grabbed you, tracing the bruises and clenching his jaw together. Ben’s right hand comes to delicately pick up your bruised wrist, running his thumb over the discolored flesh with a frown. “Does it hurt?” He rumbles changing the subject.
“No. Does that hurt?” You breathe noticing his bruised knuckles and gently probe your fingers along them.
You hated the though that he was hurt and for you, no less.
Why did he have to intervene? Why did he hit Howard?
“It was worth it.”
You both stand there for a minute, with Ben holding on to your wrist, touch surprisingly gentle.
“I just don’t like that he hurt you okay?” He mutters raising his eyes to yours. You weren't prepared for the soft look in his eyes. You expected him to still be angry over Howard, but he almost looked, worried.
“I'm okay Ben." You whisper back.
You want him to answer your question. You think again about telling him those three little words you wanted to say when you were swaying on the dance floor together but you can’t.
He nods once before he looks around the room, eyes falling on your sketchpad where it lays closed on your bed. "Got any new ones?"
You knew it was Ben's way of asking if he could stay, trying to tell you that he didn’t want to go back to Philadelphia that night, and you didn't want him to either.
"A few. If you're not too tired-"
"I’m never too tired for you."
You feel your heart beat rapidly in your chest. “Okay.”
The whole time you sit together on your bed, Ben doesn't drop your wrist, in fact he continues to brush his thumb against it while you look through your sketchbook. And in a few hours when Pearl finds you and Ben curled up in bed together, you’re not embarrassed, because deep down you’re starting to believe that Ben cared for you more than he was willing to admit.
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